Developed countries of foreign Asia. General economic and geographical characteristics of Asian countries. Population and natural resources

The video lesson is devoted to the topic “Political map of Overseas Asia.” This topic is the first in the section of lessons dedicated to Foreign Asia. You will get to know the diverse and interesting countries of Asia that play a significant role in modern economy due to its financial, geopolitical influences and peculiarities of its economic and geographical location. The teacher will talk in detail about the composition, borders, and uniqueness of the countries of Foreign Asia.

Topic: Foreign Asia

Lesson:Political map of Overseas Asia

Foreign Asia is the largest region in the world in terms of population (more than 4 billion people) and the second (after Africa) in area, and it has maintained this primacy, essentially, throughout the entire existence of human civilization. The area of ​​foreign Asia is 27 million square meters. km, it includes more than 40 sovereign states. Many of them are among the oldest in the world. Foreign Asia is one of the centers of the origin of humanity, the birthplace of agriculture, artificial irrigation, cities, many cultural values ​​and scientific achievements. The region mainly consists of developing countries.

The region includes countries of different sizes: two of them are considered giant countries (China, India), some are very large (Mongolia, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Indonesia), the rest are mainly classified as fairly large countries. The boundaries between them follow well-defined natural boundaries.

Features of the EGP of Asian countries:

1. Neighborhood position.

2. Coastal location.

3. The deep position of some countries.

The first two features have a beneficial effect on their economy, while the third complicates external economic relations.

Rice. 1. Map of foreign Asia ()

Largest countries in Asia by population (2012)
(according to CIA)

A country


(thousand people)





Developed countries of Asia: Japan, Israel, Republic of Korea, Singapore.

All other countries in the region are developing.

Least developed countries in Asia: Afghanistan, Yemen, Bangladesh, Nepal, Laos, etc.

The largest GDP volumes are in China, Japan, and India; on a per capita basis, Qatar, Singapore, the United Arab Emirates, and Kuwait have the largest GDP volumes.

By the nature of the administrative-territorial structure, most Asian countries have a unitary structure. The following countries have a federal administrative-territorial structure: India, Malaysia, Pakistan, UAE, Nepal, Iraq.

Regions of Asia:

1. South-Western.

3. South-Eastern.

4. Eastern.

5. Central.

Rice. 3. Map of regions of foreign Asia ()


Topic 7, P. 1

1. What regions (subregions) are distinguished in foreign Asia?



1. Geography. A basic level of. 10-11 grades: Textbook for educational institutions / A.P. Kuznetsov, E.V. Kim. - 3rd ed., stereotype. - M.: Bustard, 2012. - 367 p.

2. Economic and social geography of the world: Textbook. for 10th grade educational institutions / V.P. Maksakovsky. - 13th ed. - M.: Education, JSC "Moscow Textbooks", 2005. - 400 p.

3. Atlas with a set of outline maps for grade 10. Economic and social geography of the world. - Omsk: FSUE "Omsk Cartographic Factory", 2012. - 76 p.


1. Economic and social geography of Russia: Textbook for universities / Ed. prof. A.T. Khrushchev. - M.: Bustard, 2001. - 672 p.: ill., map.: color. on

Encyclopedias, dictionaries, reference books and statistical collections

1. Geography: a reference book for high school students and applicants to universities. - 2nd ed., rev. and revision - M.: AST-PRESS SCHOOL, 2008. - 656 p.

Literature for preparing for the State Exam and the Unified State Exam

1. Thematic control in geography. Economic and social geography of the world. 10th grade / E.M. Ambartsumova. - M.: Intellect-Center, 2009. - 80 p.

2. The most complete edition of standard versions of real Unified State Examination tasks: 2010. Geography / Comp. Yu.A. Solovyova. - M.: Astrel, 2010. - 221 p.

3. The optimal bank of tasks for preparing students. Unified State Exam 2012. Geography: Tutorial/ Comp. EM. Ambartsumova, S.E. Dyukova. - M.: Intellect-Center, 2012. - 256 p.

4. The most complete edition of standard versions of real Unified State Examination tasks: 2010: Geography / Comp. Yu.A. Solovyova. - M.: AST: Astrel, 2010. - 223 p.

5. Geography. Diagnostic work in the format of the Unified State Exam 2011. - M.: MTsNMO, 2011. - 72 p.

6. Unified State Exam 2010. Geography. Collection of tasks / Yu.A. Solovyova. - M.: Eksmo, 2009. - 272 p.

7. Geography tests: 10th grade: to the textbook by V.P. Maksakovsky “Economic and social geography of the world. 10th grade” / E.V. Baranchikov. - 2nd ed., stereotype. - M.: Publishing house "Exam", 2009. - 94 p.

8. Textbook on geography. Tests and practical assignments in geography / I.A. Rodionova. - M.: Moscow Lyceum, 1996. - 48 p.

9. The most complete edition of standard versions of real Unified State Examination tasks: 2009. Geography / Comp. Yu.A. Solovyova. - M.: AST: Astrel, 2009. - 250 p.

10. Unified State Exam 2009. Geography. Universal materials for preparing students / FIPI - M.: Intellect-Center, 2009. - 240 p.

11. Geography. Answers on questions. Oral examination, theory and practice / V.P. Bondarev. - M.: Publishing house "Exam", 2003. - 160 p.

12. Unified State Exam 2010. Geography: thematic training tasks / O.V. Chicherina, Yu.A. Solovyova. - M.: Eksmo, 2009. - 144 p.

13. Unified State Exam 2012. Geography: Model exam options: 31 options / Ed. V.V. Barabanova. - M.: National Education, 2011. - 288 p.

14. Unified State Exam 2011. Geography: Model exam options: 31 options / Ed. V.V. Barabanova. - M.: National Education, 2010. - 280 p.

Materials on the Internet

1. Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements ( ).

2. Federal portal Russian Education ().

Foreign Asia is the largest part of the world, which is located on the largest continent - Eurasia. The shores of this part of the world are washed by two oceans at once - the Indian and the Pacific. The coastline in the eastern part of the mainland is very indented, and along the coast are the Philippine, Ryukyu and Japanese islands. These islands separate the ocean from its outlying seas - the East China, Yellow and Japan. Southeast of Foreign Asia is the world's largest collection of archipelagos - the Moluccas, Lesser and Greater Sunda Islands.

In the southern part of the continent, the Arabian, Hindustan and Indochinese peninsulas jut into the ocean. They are separated by the Arabian Sea. The islands located in the Indian Ocean - Sri Lanka, Lakandiva, Andaman, Maldives and Nicobar - also belong to this continent.

The geographical position of the countries on this continent is different:

  • Mainland countries - Jordan, Mongolia, Laos, Afghanistan, Bhutan, Nepal;
  • Coastal countries - Pakistan, Iran, India, Israel;
  • Peninsular countries - Republic of Korea, Oman, Qatar
  • Countries that occupy the main position are Bahrain, Cyprus;
  • Archipelagos - Indonesia, Japan, Philippines.

Almost all Asian countries have a coastal location, that is, they are located near the seas.

They also differ significantly in the area they occupy:

  • Large - there are a large number of them;
  • Very large countries - Indonesia, Iran, Mongolia, Saudi Arabia;
  • Giant countries - China, India.

Subregions and political map

Population itself big continent is approximately 5 billion people living in 46 countries. Most countries can be classified as developing. The political map of the continent was formed under the influence of colonial land grabs by Europe and wars of conquest. Even after the Second was completed World War, the colonial possessions of the Netherlands, France and Great Britain remained on the mainland. And several Asian countries that were formally independent - China, Afghanistan and Iran - were divided into spheres of influence between large and influential states of that time. The political map of the continent looks completely different now.

More than 20 countries on the mainland have political independence, and at the beginning of the 21st century there were 38 sovereign states. All of them are members of an organization such as the UN.

Countries with a constitutional monarchy:

  • Monarchy - Qatar, Oman;
  • Empire of Japan
  • Sultanate - Malaysia;
  • Kingdoms - Thailand, Bhutan, Cambodia, Jordan;
  • Emirates - Bahrain.

It should be noted that until quite recently there were much more monarchies in this region. For example, Iran, Afghanistan and Iraq were also governed using a monarchical form of government. Nepal also had a monarchy that existed there for 240 years, however, it was abolished in 2008. As for Saudi Arabia and Brunei, they have a theocratic monarchy. That is, their church head and the king are one and the same person.

The continent is divided into the following large parts of regions:

  • Central Asia;
  • South-Eastern;
  • Southwestern;
  • South;
  • Eastern.

These subregions of the mainland are cultural and historical, differing in natural, religious, ethnolinguistic and historical factors. Analysis of the map makes it possible to conclude that the East Asia subregion has unconditional primacy, both in terms of the size of its territories and the number of its population. Of course, thanks to China. South Asia takes second place, thanks to India. And South-West Asia is in first place in terms of the number of countries located there, which have small territories and population.

Economic centers of Asia

There are five centers of the world economy on the continent. Among them, a special place belongs to such individual countries as Japan, India, China and two more groups of states - new oil-exporting and industrial states.

The socio-economic development of the PRC has experienced many ups and downs. However, the economic reform, which began there in the 70s and was based on planned and market development of the economy, caused a sharp rise in the economy. China, in terms of GDP size, managed to reach third place in the world already in the 90s, behind only Japan and the USA. A little later, in 2006, China overtook Japan in terms of GDP and took 2nd place in the world economic ranking. By the beginning of 2020, China expects a 4-fold increase in GDP.

Japan's economic sphere, which was completely destroyed during the war, not only recovered, but was radically rebuilt. Japan has emerged as a world power after America and is the only Asian member of the G7. However, Japan’s “economic miracle” faded over time, and this became the reason for the slowdown in the country’s development. Negative influence The Japanese economy was affected by the financial crisis that hit Southeast Asia in the 90s.

Another country in this region, India, plays a very important role in the global economic market. The economic reforms that were carried out here in the 90s accelerated the development of India as much as possible. This state, after the G7 countries and China, was able to take 9th place in the world market in terms of volume industrial production. However, if you look at the country’s per capita indicators, there is simply an incredible lag behind most countries in the world.

There is another economically powerful “backbone” that formed relatively recently - these are the new industrial states. This group includes two “echelons”:

  • The first consists of countries such as Hong Kong, the Republic of Korea, Singapore and Taiwan. These countries are called the “Asian Tigers”;
  • The second includes: Indonesia, Thailand and Malaysia. All three countries are members of an association called ASEAN.

Back in the 80s, these countries began to transform their economies along the lines of Japan. Now the petrochemical, oil refining and automotive industries are successfully developing in them. The electronics, electrical engineering and shipbuilding industries are well developed. The production of consumer goods - shoes, fabrics, clothing - is constantly increasing. The reason that these countries achieved their “economic miracle” was foreign investment and the activity of local businessmen. According to the high level economic development on the mainland, we can distinguish such states as: China, Türkiye, Israel, Iran, and Pakistan. There are also countries here that are much less developed, these are Cambodia, Yemen, Laos, Afghanistan, Myanmar, etc.

1. Fill in the gaps in the sentences using the textbook: Foreign Asia occupies a huge territory on the Eurasian continent, about 30 million km2.

There are about 40 states on the political map of the region. Overseas Asia is hosted

in 5 climatic regions. Foreign Asia has the world's largest mineral reserves.

Foreign Asia is a densely populated region. 60% of the world's population lives here. Ethnic composition of the population

About 1/3 of the population speaks languages ​​of the Sino-Tibetan family, 60% of the population lives in rural areas. The economically most developed countries of foreign Asia are China and Japan

The newly industrialized countries include Singapore, Thailand, the Republic of Korea, Malaysia, and Indonesia.

The economically least developed countries of foreign Asia are Afghanistan, Laos, Cambodia.

In foreign Asia, the following regions are distinguished:

Southwest Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia, Central Asia, East Asia.

3. Using the map of the “Peoples” atlas, determine the peoples of which language families inhabit large regions of foreign Asia.

Analyzing the map “Language families and peoples of the world”, it can be determined that the population of Asia belongs to several large language families: The southwestern part belongs to the Afroasiatic family, represented by the Arabs and the Indo-European family, which is represented by the Kurds, Persians, Afghans and the most numerous people, the Hindustanis. . The population of Central Asia and part of Eastern Asia belongs to the Altai family - these are Uighurs, Mongols, Koreans and Japanese. In the east of the region live representatives of the Sino-Tibetan family - Tibetans and Chinese. Southeast Asia is inhabited by the Viet (Austroasiatic family), Lao (Paratai family), and Javanese (Austronesian family). In India, in addition to Hindustani, Tamils ​​belonging to the Dravidian family live in the south of the country. Based on this characteristic, we can conclude that the ethnic composition of the population of Foreign Asia is very complex because the population belongs to many language families. For example, the population of Europe mainly belongs to the Indo-European family.

6. Based on the completed table for task 5, indicate the features of the territorial structure of the Chinese economy.

Eastern zone in economically most developed. Most industrial centers and hubs, many agricultural areas, transport routes, and all seaports are located here. IN Central zone the extraction of raw materials, the production of fuel, electricity, chemical products, semi-finished products, and food predominate. In the Western zone, preference is given to livestock farming and processing of mineral raw materials. One of the country's problems is the erasing of differences in the levels of socio-economic development between Eastern and Mainland China.

10. Look at Figure 29 in the textbook. Find out where resources are coming from in Japan.

Resources come to Japan by sea from all over the world. Coal from the USA and Australia, bauxite from Guyana and Australia, oil from the Middle East, iron from Australia, copper from Canada

In Japan, river and pipeline transport is not developed because there are no large rivers or oil fields.

13. Indicate the features of the EGP of the Southeast Asia region.

The region includes 11 countries: Brunei, Vietnam, Indonesia, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, East Timor, Thailand, and the Philippines. The region is located on the territory of the Indochina Peninsula and numerous islands of the Malay Archipelago. The region connects Eurasia with Australia and is the border between the Pacific and Indian oceans. Important air and sea routes pass through the countries of Southeast Asia.

14. Using the textbook text, name character traits economies of Southeast Asian countries.

Intensive stratification, the transition of some countries to the category of new industrial ones, while in others agriculture and the mining industry still predominate.

15. What are the features Agriculture Southeast Asian countries?

Agriculture is the main economic sector of Southeast Asian countries. It employs up to 80% of the total population. During its dominance, foreign capital turned the countries of Southeast Asia into agricultural producers. raw materials. Plantation crops (rubber, tobacco, tea, sugar cane, coffee, coconut palm etc.), forcibly introduced by the colonialists, replaced (mainly in Malaya, Indonesia and the Philippines) the traditional crops of rice and other grains, as well as vegetables, which form the basis of the food diet of the population. The reduction in grain harvests led to chronic food shortages. In 1960/61, even the pre-war level of food production per capita was not reached. In the imports of all countries of Southeast Asia, food accounts for 10-15%, and in some lean years - 25% or more.

16. Indicate the main stages in the formation of the political map of South Asia.

At the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century. India became an object of investment for British capital, and the development of Indian capitalism intensified. In con. 19th century The national liberation movement was led by the Indian National Congress Party. The creation of mass socio-political organizations and civil disobedience campaigns carried out by the Indian National Congress under the leadership of its leader M. Gandhi weakened the position of the colonial authorities. After World War II, the British government was forced to grant India dominion rights, dividing the country (1947) into 2 parts - the Indian Union (with a predominant Hindu population) and Pakistan (with a predominant Muslim population). The government of the Indian National Congress, which came to power in the Indian Union, declared the independence of India on August 15, 1947.

In the 19th century The territory of Pakistan was captured by the British colonialists and included in British India. In 1947, the state of Pakistan was formed, which included the northeastern (East Bengal) and northwestern (Sindh, Punjab, Baluchistan, North-West Border Province, etc.) regions of Hindustan with a Muslim majority population. In 1965 and 1971, Pakistan was in a state of armed conflict with India. In 1971 on the territory of the East. The state of Bangladesh was formed from Pakistan.

Until 1968, the Maldives was a sultanate. In 1887, a British protectorate was established over the islands. In 1965 they received state independence. A republic was proclaimed in 1968.

Since the 19th century until 1947 Bhutan was a British protectorate. In 1949, the King of Bhutan concluded an agreement with India on special relations between the two countries.

In 1919, the government of Amanullah Khan declared the independence of Afghanistan. The British war against Afghanistan (May - June 1919) ended in victory for Afghanistan.

17. Assess the economic and geographical position of India.

India is located in South Asia on the Hindustan Peninsula. It also includes the Laccadive Islands in the Arabian Sea and the Andamas and Nicobars in the Bay of Bengal. India borders Pakistan, Afghanistan, China, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Myanmar. The maximum length of India is from north to south - 3200 km, from west to east - 2700 km. India's mineral resources are significant and varied. The main deposits are located in the northeast of the country. Here are the largest iron ore, coal basins, and manganese ore deposits; it creates favorable conditions for the development of heavy industries. However, the country faces the problem of overpopulation, which significantly worsens social well-being.

19. What are the features of economic development in South Asian countries?

The countries of South Asia are mainly engaged in such industries and industries as food and textiles; in addition, some countries have developed individual extractive industries. To a large extent, the economies of South Asian countries depend on active trade with partners from other Asian regions and Europe. A separate item in the economy of all countries of South Asia is the column “tourism”. All countries in this region have a well-developed tourism infrastructure as the industry attracts significant investment in South Asian countries

20. At the beginning of the 21st century. In the structure of India's GDP, industry accounted for 30%, agriculture - 31%, and services - 39%. In the structure of industrial production specific gravity textile and Food Industry was 17 and 11% respectively, oil and coal - 16%, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy - 14%, mechanical engineering - 12%. Construct a pie chart based on this data. Please comment on it.

In India, all sectors of the economy have approximately the same employment

Legend 1 - oil, 2 - gas, 3 - coal, 4 - iron ore, 5 - manganese, 6 - titanium, 7 - chromium, 8 - aluminum, 9 - cobalt, 10 - copper, 11 - nickel, 12 - tin ,13 - lead, 14 - zinc, 15 - beryllium, 16 - tungsten, 17 - rare metals, 18 - mercury, 19 - antimony, 20 - uranium, 21 zircon, 22 - boron, 23 - bromine, 24 - graphite, 25 - magnesite, 26 - sulfur, 27 - mica, 28 - salt, 29 - phosphorites, 30 - diamonds, 31 - precious stones, 32 - area of ​​Archean and Proterozoic folding, 33 - area of ​​Late Cambrian and Early Paleozoic folding, 34 - platform cover, 35 - region of Paleozoic folding, 36 - region of Mesozoic folding, 37 - region of Cenozoic folding, 38 - marginal troughs

23. In which region of Asia (country) are they greatest number cities of millionaires?

The largest number of millionaire cities are in China, India and Japan.

25. Provide evidence that China is a dynamically developing country in the world.

China has one of the highest GDP growth rates. China's labor resources are truly limitless; many of the world's leading corporations have their main production facilities in China, which ensures an unprecedented level of employment.

26. Japan's modern transport system is one of the most highly developed in the world. Prove this thesis.

A distinctive feature of Japan's transport system, compared to other countries, is its high degree of dependence on railways. Rail transport carries more than 52% of total passenger and freight traffic (at the end of 1992). In addition, today railway transport is at the beginning of a qualitatively new stage of development. Expansion and modernization are carried out consistently road network, the volume of use of magnetic levitation trains is increasing, the computerization of rolling stock is growing rapidly, and it has been possible to reduce transportation times (especially passenger ones) due to the expansion of a network of high-speed highways. Special plans for the development of urban transport also provide for a reduction in the cost of maintaining urban railway transport through the creation of additional highways and the transfer of part of the passenger flow to bus lines and the metro. In addition to Tokyo, subways also exist in 8 other cities in Japan, including Osaka and Nagoya.

27. Suggest a tourist route around India. What will be interesting about your route? Give reasons for your reasons.

When traveling to India, you should definitely visit the Taj Mahal, the Golden Temple of Harmandir Sahib, the Chand Baori Well - architectural monuments, the island of Goa, a wonderful place for all tourists, and the city of Mumbai, the center of a mixture of many Indian cultures.

28. Match: Country

3) Indonesia;

4) Mongolia.

A) 2.03 million km2; B) 9.6 million km2;

B) 3.3 million km2; D) 1.6 million km2.

Answer 1B, 2C, 3A, 4D.

29. Name the states indicated in Figure 8 by numbers:

Answer 1. Vietnam, 2. Laos, 3. Thailand, 4-5 Malaysia.

30. China is the leader in production:

1) cars;

2) televisions;

4) excavators.

31. New industrial countries do not include:

1) Singapore; 4) Republic of Korea;

2) Philippines; 5) Indonesia;

3) Thailand; 6) Laos.

32. Japan’s industry of specialization is not:

1) robotics;

2) electronics;

3) tractor manufacturing;

4) automotive industry;

5) shipbuilding.

33. Match:

1) the center of the automotive industry of Japan; A) Kobe;

2) the largest port in Japan; B) Nagoya;

3) indigenous people of Japan; B) Tokaido;

4) megalopolis of Japan D) Ainu.

Answer 1B, 2A, 3D, 4B.

34. What country are we talking about if in the structure of its GDP the share of industry is 35%, the service sector - 63%, and agriculture - 2%?

35. Match:

1) global rubber exporters;

2) high technology;

3) oil production;

4) growing rice.

A) Brunei; B) Philippines; B)Malaysia, Indonesia; D) Singapore.

Answer: 1B, 2D, 3A, 4B.

36. Which urban agglomerations are not South Asian?

2) Karachi;

3) Kitakashu;


Src="" alt=">GEOGRAPHICAL POSITION OF FOREIGN ASIA Territory of foreign Asia"> ГЕОГРАФИЧЕСКОЕ ПОЛОЖЕНИЕ ЗАРУБЕЖНОЙ АЗИИ Территория зарубежной Азии протягивается с се-вера на юг почти на 7 тыс. км, а с запада на восток более чем на 10 тыс. км. Большинство стран Азии относятся к крупным, Ки-тай и Индия - к гигантам, но есть и микрогосударст-ва - Сингапур, Бахрейн, Катар. В ЭГП региона можно выделить три особенности: 1. Соседское положение стран (объединяет регион) 2. Приморское положение большинства стран (обес-печивает выход к морям 3-х океанов) 3. Глубинное положение некоторых стран (зат-рудняет связи с другими странами) Задание. Обоснуйте эти особенности, приведите конкретные примеры.!}

Src="" alt="> general characteristics Foreign Asia. 48 states SUB REGION "> General characteristics of Foreign Asia. 48 states SUB REGIONS East and Central Asia Southeast Asia South Asia 5 states 11 states Area 32 million km2 Population 3 ,7 billion people 1. China 2. Mongolia 3. DPRK 4. South Korea 5. Japan South-West Asia Central Asia 7 states 20 states 5 states 1. Myanmar 2. Laos 3. Vietnam 4. Thailand 5. Cambodia 6. Malaysia 7. Brunei 8. Singapore 9. Indonesia 10. East Timor 11. Philippines 1. Pakistan 2. India 3. Nepal 4. Bhutan 5. Bangladesh 6. Sri Lanka 7. Maldives 1. Georgia* 12. Iraq 2 Armenia* 13. Kuwait 3. Azerbaijan* 14. Bahrain 4. Syria 15. Qatar 5. Turkey 16. UAE 6. Cyprus 17. Oman 7. Lebanon 18. Afghanistan 8. Jordan 19. Iran 9. Palestine 20. Yemen 10. Israel 11. Saudi Arabia 1. Kazakhstan* 2. Uzbekistan* 3. Turkmenistan* 4. Tajikistan* 5. Kyrgyzstan* (* - states within the CIS)

Src="" alt=">REGIONAL And And"> Р Е Г И О Н Ы А З И И Доля регионов Азии в площади и населении 32 млн. км2 = 20% суши 3,7 млрд. чел. = 60%!}

Src="" alt=">HETEROGENEITY OF ASIA COUNTRIES Asian countries"> НЕОДНОРОДНОСТЬ СТРАН АЗИИ Страны Азии очень разные. Они различаются размерами территории и природными богатствами, уровнем развития, политическим устройством и т.д. Это огромный Китай и Индия, и крошечная Мальдивская рес-публика. Это Кувейт в недрах которого таятся миллиарды тонн нефти и где на одного жите- ля ежегодный национальный доход составляет более 25000 $, и беднейшие страны с доходами менее 200 $ (Афганистан, Бутан). Это полуфеодальные монархии (Непал), буржуазные и социалистические республики и т. д. Особенно резко различия проявились после II мировой войны. Беспримерный рывок в развитии производительных сил осуществила Япония, обогнав десятки государств. Заметных успехов добились Малайзия, Сингапур, Южная Корея.!}

Src="" alt=">Heterogeneity of Asian countries EPC* NIS* Oil producing countries Developing super countries Least developed * EDC -"> Неоднородность стран Азии ЭРС* НИС* Нефтедобывающие страны Развивающиеся суперстраны Наименее развитые * ЭРС - экономически развитые страны * НИС - новые индустриальные страны * РС - развивающиеся страны Прочие РС* Израиль Япония Ю. Корея Сингапур Китай Индия Неоднородность стран и колониальное прошлое вызывает обострение территориальных, политических и межнациональных проблем в регионе. Территориальные споры: Индия -Пакистан Иран - Ирак Индия - Китай Япония - Россия Греция - Турция Корея разделена демар-кационной линией на КНДР и Республику Ко-рею. Отношения между Из-раилем и Палестинской автономией еще далеки до полного урегулирова-ния. В 1948 году в Северной Корее к власти пришла коммунистическая пар-тия. Пять лет борьбы привели к тому, что в 1953 году Корейский по-луостров был разделен на две страны.!}

Src="" alt=">POPULATION OF ASIA Reproduction of the population of Asia is characterized by high natural increase (see map"> НАСЕЛЕНИЕ АЗИИ Воспроизводство населения Азии характеризуется высоким естественным приростом (см. карту атласа «Естественный прирост населения»), в большинстве стран он составляет более 20 чел/год на 1000 жителей. В странах Восточной и Центральной Азии демографическая политика уже привела к значительному снижению рождаемости и естественного прирос-та населения. Естественный прирост населения - более 30 - 25 - 30 - 20 - 25 - 15 - 20 - 10 - 15 - 5 - 10 Китай Пекин Иран Казахстан Дели Япония Вывод: Для воспроизводства населе-ния зарубежной Азии харак-терны: быстрые темпы; средняя продолжительность жизни - 64 года ПВС* * - поло-возрастная структура Следующий слайд!}

Src="" alt=">SEX AND AGE STRUCTURE OF THE POPULATION OF ASIA High proportion"> ПОЛОВОЗРАСТНАЯ СТРУКТУРА НАСЕЛЕНИЯ АЗИИ Высокая доля ЭАН* вызвало в регионе трудовую миграцию. Центром притяжения трудовых мигрантов стали страны Юго-Западной Азии. Например в ОАЭ, Кувейте 80 - 90% всех занятых составляют мигранты. Основные сферы деятельности мигрантов: - нефтяная промышленность; - транспорт; - сфера услуг; - строительство. * - экономически активное население Ю. и Ю-В. А. ТРУДОВАЯ МИГРАЦИЯ Ю-З. А. ЗАП. ЕВРОПА СЕВ. АМЕРИКА!}

Src="" alt=">POPULATION PLACEMENT The population distribution is large"> РАЗМЕЩЕНИЕ НАСЕЛЕНИЯ Размещение населения отличается большой не-равномерностью, плотность населения варьирует от страны к стране: в Бангладеш она составляет 950 чел/км2, в то время как в Монголии 1,5 чел/км2. Монголия Бангладеш max min Приморские равнины, долины и дельты рек Пустыни, полупусты- ни, высоко- горья, троп. леса Проанализируйте карту. Какой субрегион Азии имеет наибольшую плотность населе-ния, а какой наименьшую? ЧИСЛЕННОСТЬ 1. Китай - 1,3 млрд. чел. 2. Индия - 1 млрд. чел. 3. Индонезия - 200 млн. 4. Бангладеш - 150 млн. 5. Пакистан - 140 млн. 6. Япония - 125 млн.!}

Src="" alt=">POPULATION PLACEMENT The main impact on the population distribution is is driven by the process of urbanization,"> РАЗМЕЩЕНИЕ НАСЕЛЕНИЯ Главное воздействие на размещение населения оказы-вает процесс урбанизации, доля городского населения растет быстрыми темпами в регионе происходит «го-родской бум», Китай и Индия занимают соответствен-но 1 и 2 места в мире по численности горожан, однако, как показывает диаграмма большая доля населения проживает в сельской местности. Село Город Для сельского расселения ха-рактерна деревенская форма. У монголов, афганцев и других на-родов, где сохраняется кочевой образ жизни, главным типом жи-лища служит юрта или шатер. Филиппинская деревня УРОВНИ УРБАНИЗАЦИИ Япония - 80% Китай - 35% Индия - 30% 1 и 2 место по числу горожан АГЛОМЕРАЦИИ Токио - 18,5 млн. чел. Шанхай - 13,4 млн. чел. Калькутта - 12 млн. чел. Бомбей - 11 млн. чел. Токио Высокие темпы роста числен-ности городского населения при-водят к возникновению трущоб-ных районов, т.е. выражен про-цесс ложной урбанизации.!}

Src="" alt=">ETHNIC COMPOSITION OF THE POPULATION OF ASIA The ethnic composition of foreign Asia is different great mosaic! 1000 peoples"> ЭТНИЧЕСКИЙ СОСТАВ НАСЕЛЕНИЯ АЗИИ Этнический состав зарубежной Азии отличается большой мозаичностью! 1000 народов 600 языков БОЛЬШИНСТВО СТРАН МНОГОНАЦИОНАЛЬНЫ (ИНДИЯ И ИНДОНЕЗИЯ - БОЛЕЕ 150 НАРОДОВ, ФИЛИППИНЫ - 100, КИТАЙ - БОЛЕЕ 50, ВЬЕТНАМ, МЬЯНМА, ТАИЛАНД - БОЛЕЕ 30 НАРОДОВ. АЗИЯ - РОДИНА ВСЕХ РЕЛИГИЙ МИРА Буддизм Индуизм Ислам Сложность этнического и религиозного состава ряда стран приводит к возникновению межэтничес- ких и религиозных конфликтов, многие из которых протекают под лозунгами сепа-ратизма - политики, ставящей главной целью создание собственного национального !} public education. (For example, the Kurds are a people numbering about 20 million people. Historically, they found themselves part of Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria. For a long time, the leaders of the Kurdish national movement have been seeking the creation of an independent state of Kurdistan, including by armed means.


Src="" alt=">NATURAL RESOURCES OF FOREIGN ASIA The Asian region has large natural resources and is distinguished by their diversity."> ПРИРОДНЫЕ РЕСУРСЫ ЗАРУБЕЖНОЙ АЗИИ Азиатский регион, обладает большими природными богатствами и отличается их разнообразием. В пределах Китайской и Индийской платформ сосредоточены бассейна каменного угля, желе-зной и марганцевой руд. В пределах Альпийско-Гимолайского и Тихо-океанского складчатых поясов преобладают ру-ды цветных и редких металлов. Главное богатство региона, определяющее его роль в меж-дународном географическом разделении труда - это нефть. В области Персидского залива расположена одна из крупнейших в мире нефтегазоносных провин-ций (Иран, Ирак, Саудовская Аравия, Кувейт, Бахрейн, ОАЭ, Катар. Крупные запасы нефти и газа имеются в Индонезии, Мьян-ме. Перспективные месторожде-ния обнаружены в шельфовой зо-не морей, омывающих полуостров Индостан и Малайский архипелаг. Мирового значения запасы железной и мар-ганцевой руд залегают в недрах Индии, хро-митов - Турции и Филиппин. От Мьянмы до Индонезии протянулся крупнейший в мире олово-вольфрамовый пояс.!}

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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PLAN - LESSON OUTLINE GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF FOREIGN ASIA GEOGRAPHICAL POSITION TERRITORIAL COMPOSITION SUBREGIONS OF ASIA HETEROGENEITY OF COUNTRIES POPULATION DEMOGRAPHIC SITUATION LOCATION ETHNIC COMPOSITION Lesson questions: 1. What are the features of the GP of foreign Asia? 2. How many states are there in modern foreign Asia? 3. What subregions is Asia divided into? 4. How is the heterogeneity of the countries of foreign Asia manifested? 5. What is the demographic situation in overseas Asia? 6. How is the population distributed across the territory of foreign Asia? 7. What are the levels and rates of urbanization in Asia? 8. What are the features of the ethnic composition of the population? NATURAL RESOURCES

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GEOGRAPHICAL POSITION OF FOREIGN ASIA The territory of foreign Asia stretches from north to south for almost 7 thousand km, and from west to east for more than 10 thousand km. Most Asian countries are large, China and India are giants, but there are also microstates - Singapore, Bahrain, Qatar. Three features can be distinguished in the EGP of the region: 1. The neighboring position of the countries (unites the region) 2. The coastal position of most countries (provides access to the seas of 3 oceans) 3. The inland position of some countries (complicates connections with other countries) Exercise. Justify these features and provide specific examples.

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General characteristics of Foreign Asia. 48 states SUBREGIONS Eastern and Central Asia Southeast Asia South Asia 5 states 11 states Area 32 million km2 Population 3.7 billion people 1. China 2. Mongolia 3. DPRK 4. South. Korea 5. Japan South-West Asia Central Asia 7 states 20 states 5 states 1. Myanmar 2. Laos 3. Vietnam 4. Thailand 5. Cambodia 6. Malaysia 7. Brunei 8. Singapore 9. Indonesia 10. East Timor 11. Philippines 1. Pakistan 2. India 3. Nepal 4. Bhutan 5. Bangladesh 6. Sri Lanka 7. Maldives 1. Georgia* 12. Iraq 2. Armenia* 13. Kuwait 3. Azerbaijan* 14. Bahrain 4. Syria 15. Qatar 5. Turkey 16. UAE 6. Cyprus 17. Oman 7. Lebanon 18. Afghanistan 8. Jordan 19. Iran 9. Palestine 20. Yemen 10. Israel 11. Saudi Arabia 1. Kazakhstan* 2. Uzbekistan* 3. Turkmenistan* 4. Tajikistan* 5. Kyrgyzstan* (* - states within the CIS)

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REGIONS OF ASIAN Share of Asian regions in area and population 32 million km2 = 20% of land 3.7 billion people. = 60%

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HETEROGENEITY OF ASIAN COUNTRIES Asian countries are very different. They differ in the size of the territory and natural resources, level of development, political system, etc. These are huge China and India, and the tiny Republic of Maldives. This is Kuwait, in whose depths billions of tons of oil are hidden and where the annual national income per capita is more than $25,000, and the poorest countries with incomes of less than $200 (Afghanistan, Bhutan). These are semi-feudal monarchies (Nepal), bourgeois and socialist republics, etc. The differences became especially sharp after World War II. Japan made an unprecedented leap in the development of productive forces, surpassing dozens of countries. Malaysia, Singapore, and South Korea have achieved notable success.

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Heterogeneity of Asian countries EDC* NIC* Oil-producing countries Developing super countries Least developed * EDC - economically developed countries * NIC - newly industrialized countries * IC - developing countries Other IC* Israel Japan South Korea Singapore NAME IT! China India REMEMBER! The heterogeneity of countries and the colonial past aggravate territorial, political and interethnic problems in the region. Territorial disputes: India - Pakistan Iran - Iraq India - China Japan - Russia Greece - Turkey Korea is divided by a demarcation line into the DPRK and the Republic of Korea. Relations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority are still far from being fully resolved. In 1948, the Communist Party came to power in North Korea. Five years of struggle led to the fact that in 1953 the Korean Peninsula was divided into two countries.

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POPULATION OF ASIA Reproduction of the population of Asia is characterized by high natural growth (see the map of the atlas “Natural population growth”), in most countries it is more than 20 people/year per 1000 inhabitants. In the countries of East and Central Asia, demographic policies have already led to a significant reduction in the birth rate and natural population growth. Natural population growth - more than 30 - 25 - 30 - 20 - 25 - 15 - 20 - 10 - 15 - 5 - 10 China Beijing Iran Kazakhstan Delhi Japan Conclusion: The reproduction of the population of foreign Asia is characterized by: fast rates; average life expectancy - 64 years PVS* * - sex-age structure

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SEX AND AGE STRUCTURE OF THE POPULATION OF ASIA The high proportion of EAN* caused labor migration in the region. The countries of South-West Asia have become the center of attraction for labor migrants. For example, in the UAE and Kuwait, 80 - 90% of all employees are migrants. The main areas of activity of migrants: - oil industry; - transport; - services sector; - construction. * - economically active population of the South and South-East. A. LABOR MIGRATION SW. A. ZAP. EUROPE NORTH. AMERICA

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DISTRIBUTION OF POPULATION The distribution of the population is highly uneven; population density varies from country to country: in Bangladesh it is 950 people/km2, while in Mongolia it is 1.5 people/km2. Mongolia Bangladesh max min Coastal plains, valleys and river deltas Deserts, semi-deserts, highlands, trails. forests Analyze the map. Which subregion of Asia has the highest population density and which has the lowest? NUMBER 1. China - 1.3 billion people. 2. India - 1 billion people. 3. Indonesia - 200 million 4. Bangladesh - 150 million 5. Pakistan - 140 million 6. Japan - 125 million

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PLACEMENT OF POPULATION The main impact on the distribution of the population is the process of urbanization, the share of the urban population is growing rapidly in the region, there is an “urban boom”, China and India occupy 1st and 2nd places in the world, respectively, in terms of the number of urban residents, however, as shown Diagram A large proportion of the population lives in rural areas. Village City Rural settlement is characterized by a village form. Among the Mongols, Afghans and other peoples who maintain a nomadic lifestyle, the main type of dwelling is a yurt or tent. Philippine village URBANIZATION LEVELS Japan - 80% China - 35% India - 30% 1st and 2nd place in the number of citizens AGGLOMERATION Tokyo - 18.5 million people. Shanghai - 13.4 million people. Kolkata - 12 million people. Bombay - 11 million people. Tokyo High rates of urban population growth lead to the emergence of slum areas, i.e. the process of false urbanization is expressed.

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ETHNIC COMPOSITION OF THE POPULATION OF ASIA The ethnic composition of foreign Asia is highly mosaic! 1000 peoples 600 languages ​​MOST COUNTRIES ARE MULTINATIONAL (INDIA AND INDONESIA - MORE THAN 150 PEOPLES, PHILIPPINES - 100, CHINA - MORE THAN 50, VIETNAM, MYANMAR, THAILAND - MORE THAN 30 PEOPLES. ASIA IS THE HOMELAND OF ALL RELIGIONS WORLD Buddhism Hinduism Islam The complexity of the ethnic and religious composition of the series countries leads to the emergence of interethnic and religious conflicts, many of which occur under the slogans of separatism - a policy with the main goal of creating their own national state formation (For example, the Kurds are a people numbering about 20 million people. Historically, they found themselves in composed of Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria, for a long time the leaders of the Kurdish national movement have been seeking the creation of an independent state of Kurdistan, including through armed means.