Dream interpretation sunflower oil in bottles. Interpretation of sleep Oil. Chief editor of the portal: Ekaterina Danilova

His appearance in a dream predicts profit, improvement in financial situation and good health. Everything that happens to this food product in a dream shows how you will manage your money, as well as whether the profit will be easy or elusive, worth fighting for.

Usually butter in a dream means joy, fulfillment of desire, repayment of debt and other favorable circumstances in your life. This is how the dream book interprets its appearance most often.

See, buy and sell

Seeing it at the market or in a store is a sign of a tempting offer. Usually, high-quality butter gives a feeling of fullness and satisfaction from eating.

A good product that smells like thick cream and milk means material well-being in a dream, receiving money, profit and happiness in life.

If you dreamed of butter in a store or market, expect an opportunity to get rich or get some money. Usually the appearance of such a product predicts favorable circumstances for you, a profitable job, or the fact that you will be able to find an unexpected source of enrichment and joy.

If there is a person who owes the dreamer money, then the appearance of butter in a dream means that he will return it with interest or someone will thank you for some service and financial assistance.

Seeing oil in a dream that is unaffordable for you is a sign of disappointment. The dream book writes that such a dream means a missed chance or that luxury or something profitable will not be available.

Usually, a price in a dream shows how much effort and work, as well as sacrifices, you will need to get something. And the higher and more inaccessible it is for you personally, the more strength and patience you will need to achieve it.

Too high a price for a product in the absence of money means that in life you will not be able to show the necessary qualities in order to take advantage of some chance in your life.

Why do you dream about the butter you sell? Modern dream book writes that you can warm your hands on something or sell some product profitably, including a completely unnecessary thing.

Sometimes books indicate what you can give valuable advice to some person, to help him in difficult times life situation or tell me the way to wealth and happiness. In some situations, this dream predicts joy, pleasant events and a happy turn of fate.

Prepare this product yourself

For villagers who know how to make butter with their own hands, this dream predicts troubles that will later bring great benefits. Some books on dream interpretation write that a bright streak will soon come in your life, and you will be able to earn good money with your work.

A dream in which the butter turned out to be very tasty and tender, moderately fatty, symbolizes money and prosperity in the family.

If everything is not good there at present in material terms, then some books write that an unemployed person will be able to find a job, and a person who is trying to achieve something will get what he wanted.

If you churn the butter yourself and see a nice finished product after a while, then your efforts will be crowned with success. Sometimes the dream book writes that butter, fatty, thick and aromatic, made with love, predicts the imminent arrival of guests and a pleasant treat for them.

Some books indicate that after such a turn of events you will be very happy. Sometimes whipping butter and cooking it deliciously predicts good news for you.

If the product turned out to be of the wrong consistency, bitter and tasteless, then why is this a dream? Modern books say that your efforts will not be successful or that everything will turn out completely differently than you originally planned.

Some sources write that you will either be prevented from completing what you started, or something will happen that will cancel out all your achievements and plans. It is possible that you will not notice some small but very important detail that will play a significant role in your activities and life. It is this that will influence the final result of the work and bring the corresponding results.

Eating as a guest or treating others

If in someone’s house you were treated to butter or pancakes with it, then soon you will learn important news that will affect whether you can get rich or not. Some interpreters write that this dream predicts unexpected profits for you, useful advice or an incident that will make you very happy and lift your spirits.

If you have long been jealous of some successful people and want to find out where their money comes from, then soon you will have such an opportunity.

Stealing a couple of packs of butter without anyone noticing means that you will use cunning to obtain information that is important to you. If someone hands you a couple of packs of butter, it is possible that this person will bring you great benefit.

If a girl or her mother sees a lot of butter in a dream and eats it, puts it in the freezer or cooks with it, then soon you will have a chance to make good money or find a profitable match for your future bride.

Some books indicate that the bride will be happy with the groom and will not lack for anything. Your husband will be very well off, even if at first not everything goes smoothly and the way you want.

If the oil turns out to be spoiled and tastes bitter, then your plans will not lead to anything good. Most likely, you will be dissatisfied with your life, and someone will greatly spoil the pleasure of making profit or money for you.

If you dreamed that someone gave you butter that was completely unsuitable for consumption, do not trust this person.

Most likely, he will not give you the best best advice and will pursue his own benefit and the desire to get something.

Or the offer that he will soon make to you will turn out to be completely unsuitable for fulfillment.

Heat and cook various dishes with it

If you decide to heat it and cook it in the oven, it means that you will try to take advantage of some kind of profit or money. But feeling the heat from the stove hitting your face is an unfavorable sign.

Often such a dream predicts your temperature, illness and deterioration in health, bad thoughts and experiences. Some books predict that you will soon have a cold or intestinal illness.

Especially if you began to smear yourself with oil, like fat or cream, drink it or mix it with herbal tincture.

If you were treated to ghee at a party or ate it along with other foods, beware of illness or severe poisoning. But spreading it on pancakes, dumplings or pancakes is a good sign.

This dream predicts that you will feel better, will soon receive money and material wealth, unless the product turns out to be bitter, spoiled and unpleasant to the taste.

Spoiling someone’s oil and adding something bad to it is a sign of sabotage or the fact that you will interfere with someone’s implementation of ambitious plans. If your trick is recognized, beware. Your intrigues may come out and lead to serious proceedings.

Description of the page: “Why do you dream about sunflower oil” from professionals for people.

Fri, 23 Sep 2016

Oil plays a very important role in our lives, and this applies to both butter and vegetable oils.

However, not everyone knows what to expect when they see it in a dream.

Of course, a lot will depend on the details of the dream, so you should remember the entire plot of the dream down to the smallest detail.

So, let's figure out why oil is dreamed of and what to expect from such a dream.

Creamy or sunflower?

In general, the appearance of oil in a dream should be interpreted as positive sign, promising excellent prospects and success for the person who had such a dream.

In ancient times, this product was available only to wealthy citizens and high-ranking officials, but that time is long gone, and today this product is available in abundance in any family. Thus, the symbolism came from the old days and has been preserved to this day.

    The butter that you saw in your dream is also a symbol of happiness in personal life. This positive sign promises good period relationships that will be full of favorable news and events;

    sunflower oil- a symbol of peace and tranquility. An excellent sign that foretells the departure of all troubles and anxieties, your life will stabilize again, confidence in the future will appear, happiness and harmony will return to the family.

What does it portend?

1. As mentioned above, butter is a favorable sign that promises you prosperity. However, you don’t need to think that everything will come very simply, you will have to work hard for this, but, in any case, all your efforts will be well rewarded, and you will be able to provide yourself with a comfortable life. So, you will be able to apply for a new, more important and highly paid position; you will be promised a promotion, profitable cooperation, serious winnings or some other profitable niche. So don't sit still, everything is in your hands!

2. If in a dream you dreamed of seeing or eating oily, fatty porridge, this is also a good harbinger, promising you a profitable deal. Therefore, be vigilant in your affairs, do not miss the opportunity to significantly improve your material well-being. Take the initiative, take advantage of every chance - and your courage will be rewarded!

3. If you dream about butter that you are churning with my own hands- this is a sign that you will have to work very hard and fruitfully, but all your efforts will be rewarded. Remember that you will definitely succeed, but you can’t sit idly by for this.

4. If you see yourself purchasing sunflower or butter, this is a warning sign that you should be very vigilant in business, try to avoid offers that seem vague and unpromising to you. This period is very dangerous, so do business only with trusted partners, as there is a high risk of being deceived and incurring serious losses.

5. If in a dream you smear oil on your body and hands, this is a bad sign, promising an imminent illness. For young girls, such a dream means that they should beware of rash adventures and dangerous entertainment, since in the end they can end up very disappointed in people.

6. If you oil your own head in a dream, this sign promises you fame and recognition. You can rest assured that your efforts will not go unnoticed; you will be honored and respected among colleagues, superiors, and even in your family circle. Therefore, do not listen to anyone, but stubbornly follow your goal and do not doubt at all that you are doing everything right.

7. If you dreamed about spilling sunflower oil, this is a favorable sign that promises you good profits. Moreover, money can come from the most unexpected places, so your well-being will soon improve a lot!

8. If you dreamed of oil that another person gave you or treated you to, this is a sign that you will be able to make a profit, but only if you work hard on yourself, maintain good relationships with other people and set goals for yourself real goals.

9. Seeing butter on the table (on a dish, bread or any other form) is a sign of some kind of celebration and fun. So, good company, delicious food and a pleasant stay await you.

Oil according to Miller's dream book

American psychologist Gustav Miller interprets dreams with oil as follows:

    Eating fresh butter in a dream is a good sign, promising good health, prosperity and the implementation of all plans. There is a high probability that very soon you can become the owner of large real estate;

    eating butter while feeling bitterness in your mouth is a good sign, indicating that you will be able to fulfill all your dreams and plans, but they will not come easy to you, you will have to work hard;

    if you sell oil in a dream - to a small income;

    if a woman lubricates her body with oil in a dream, it means that soon real life she will be completely absorbed by frivolous entertainment;

    if you are churning butter, this is a sign that you are setting yourself complex tasks, and you can achieve them only through great diligence and work;

    Seeing butter in a dream for a villager means excellent harvest this year;

    if a woman saw butter in a dream, this is a sign that she will have an economical and enterprising husband;

    if you see a large amount of sunflower oil in a dream, this is a sign of your excessive enthusiasm for some activity that interests you;

    for a man, trading in sunflower oil means problems on the personal front, although initially everything seemed quite simple;

    if a woman lubricates her body with sunflower oil, this is a sign that excellent prospects will soon open up for her.

Why do you dream of sunflower oil according to Vanga’s dream book?

    to see how you diligently rub oil into your body is a sign that you will be able to get rid of the problems that weigh on you; if you are sick, it means that you will soon recover;

    if a girl lubricates herself and everything around her (objects, furniture, etc.) with oil, this is a good sign that promises her unprecedented prospects;

    if a man sells oil in a dream, he will face a collapse in his personal life;

    if you whip butter in a dream, in reality your tasks are difficult to complete;

    if a girl churns butter, it is a sign that she will soon marry a purposeful and practical young man.

Why do you dream about butter according to Freud’s dream book?

    watching another person spread butter on bread is a sign of a pleasant acquaintance with a person with whom you will quickly find a common language;

    if you try to spread cold butter on bread in a dream, and this process is not easy for you, it means that in real life you will not soon be able to restore harmony;

    if you dropped oil on the floor in a dream, this is a sign that, trying to open your partner’s eyes to what is happening, you will accidentally offend him;

    buying oil on the market is a sign of guilt towards your “counterpart”, which you will try with all your might to make amends for. However, just your care and attention will be enough.

Why do you dream about sunflower oil according to Tsvetkov’s dream book?

    Seeing fresh oil in a dream is a good sign, promising happiness and prosperity;

    to see rancid oil in a dream - you will be able to achieve your goals in business and love only through hard work and patience.

Why do you dream about butter according to Adaskin’s dream book?

    whipping or eating butter in a dream is a sign of prosperity and good health. Even if the oil is rancid, your well-being will only improve;

    if you lubricate your body with oil, this is a sign of frivolous hobbies;

    if you spilled melted butter, this is a loss, but if the drops get on your clothes, expect quick profit;

Islamic dream book: oil in a dream

    if you saw sunflower oil in a dream, this is a sign that your wealth will be acquired honestly;

    seeing butter in a dream is a sign of prosperity and profitable deals; for a peasant, such a dream means a rich harvest this year;

    if you drink oil in a dream, you will be careful, there are many ill-wishers around you, there is a possibility of causing damage or the evil eye;

    drinking oil residue in a dream - you will get profit only through humiliation;

    if you are sick and rub your body with oil, expect get well soon.

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There are many sayings associated with butter - you can roll cheese in it and land with your feet in it - you can’t remember them all. Why do you dream about animal or vegetable fat? The dream book's predictions are based on the smallest details in a dream.

If you managed to see oil in a dream, first of all remember what it was like - liquid, solid, did it have a certain smell? What did you do with it: did you eat it, just looked at it, or maybe spilled it on the floor? Such details will help decipher the dream and give an accurate prediction of the future.

Oil - interpretation of dreams from the perspective of different dream books

According to Miller's dream book, oil in a dream is an ambiguous symbol. If the butter is fresh and tasty, then in reality you will have good health, and all your plans will instantly become easy to implement. Rancid taste is a sign of wealth, which you will get only with maximum effort, both physical and moral.

The dream book gives an interesting interpretation of why men dream of boiling oil. The dreamer's soul burns with jealousy for the woman he loves, although there are no objective reasons for this. Listen to your inner voice, perhaps your significant other is having an affair on the side.

Expect to be persecuted by ill-wishers if you manage to spill oil in a dream. If drops of golden liquid get on your clothes, then in reality all business transactions will be successful, you will come to security and independence.

The Jewish Dream Book gives a slightly different interpretation of why one dreams of spilling oil in a dream. Property losses await you, and during this period it is not recommended to borrow or lend - the borrowed money will go into emptiness, and the money given will never return.

If in life you often show carelessness, then do not doubt why you dream of spilled sunflower oil. Due to inattention to the events happening around you and overconfidence, you will endanger yourself and loved ones, and suffer significant losses.

The French dream book interprets what a bad sign means when you dream of buying oil. Grief and the seal will overtake you in reality. Most likely this will be associated with the destruction of a relationship with a loved one, and you will be to blame for the breakup.

According to the theory of psychoanalysis, buying oil in a dream is a sign of a subconscious feeling of guilt. You are trying with all your might to make amends to good person, trying to appease, to bestow. But until you forgive yourself, the subconscious will continue to send such pictures in your dreams.

Efforts will lead to the desired goal if you had to whip butter in a dream. You constantly have to strive for something, and the main thing is not to give up on your work - in the end you will find peace and harmony in your soul, and fulfill your cherished desire.

For an unhealthy dreamer who happened to pour oil in a dream, the Small Velesov dream book promises a speedy relief from the illness. And if you poured oil into any mechanism, then expect improvements in business and profit.

Oil or fat in food

Spreading bread with butter in a dream is most often a good sign, but by looking at the details of the dream, you can determine what the state of affairs will be in the future based on the state of the butter, the type of bread, and also depending on who buttered the sandwich.

Why do you dream of bread and butter according to Freud’s dream book? If you have seen someone making a sandwich, then in real life you will meet a very pleasant person of the opposite sex, who will disperse melancholy and boredom.

You will achieve harmony and complete mutual understanding in a short period of time, but only if the sandwich with butter spreads easily. If the oil was frozen, then for a serious relationship you will have to overcome some obstacles.

Eating bread and butter in a dream and feeling a good, fresh taste as if in reality is a favorable prediction from the dream book. You will be provided with all possible benefits, life will give you wealth and love, and complete understanding with your family.

If you happened to eat bread and butter in a dream in the company of a good person, then in the present he will play an important role in the well-being you have acquired. Stay close to this person, she will bring you unprecedented success.

A bun with butter in a dream is interpreted by the dream book in almost the same way as bread. But if the bun was sweet and vanilla, then success awaits you, among other things, also on the love front. Fate will present you with a soul mate that you could never even dream of before.

The dream book warns of serious deception if in a dream you ate pancakes with butter and sugar. Don’t buy into sweet promises and generous gifts from strangers: these are manipulations that can lead to bitter disappointment and disastrous consequences.

Why do you dream of potatoes with butter? Eating such a dish in a dream is a combination of two favorable symbols that promise wealth. But financial independence awaits you only if all the products in the dream were fresh.

If you saw cheese and butter in a dream, then remember what the saying involving these two products means. The dream book predicts a carefree and rich life, but do not forget about those who helped you achieve wealth.

Various fats and oils in a dream

In contrast to creamy, which portends an improvement in well-being, to see in a dream vegetable oil most often a symbol of deception and uncertainty. But not all dream books are so categorical, and if you know exactly what the butter was made from, then the interpretations can vary from the worst to the most rosy.

Why do you dream olive oil? If you just looked at it, then the dream book predicts losses associated with health conditions. But if you drank this product, then the path to your desired goal will become easy to achieve with the support of true good friends.

If in a dream you experience pleasure while taking a bath with aromatic essential oil, then the dream book predicts that in reality you will bathe in the love of your soulmate. But if you lubricate your body with essential liquid, then you will become a participant in unpleasant events that will result from your own frivolity.

If you dreamed about sunflower oil, then in reality you will be misinformed: do not take rumors for granted, they can lead to wrong decisions. Frying pies or flatbreads on it is a symbol of extinguishing negative emotions, which can lead to a nervous breakdown.

Why do you dream about chocolate butter? If you have been planning to implement a profitable project for a long time, but do not find the energy and time for it, then now is the best moment to bring your ideas to life. The dream book predicts that you will gain financial independence and live in luxury.

Seeing ghee in a dream is a sign of a dream book about learning the unknown. In reality, you will gradually acquire valuable knowledge that will change your view of the world and help in solving many issues.

An aromatic oil whose smell you like is always a good dream book prediction. You will receive honor and high privileges. Moreover, achieving success will fully comply with moral standards - you will not step over anyone’s interests, all actions committed on the path to honor will be correct.

Why do you dream church oil? The dream book has an ambiguous interpretation of such a dream; you need to remember the situation. If you were in church and the priest anointed you with oil, then in reality you will receive the blessing of a guardian angel for a good deed, and this will be reflected in your fate. In the future life path all obstacles will be easily overcome, neither despair nor sorrow will touch you.

According to another interpretation of the dream book, myrrh oil can symbolize despair, fear for sins committed. If you set it on fire or lubricated yourself, then the feeling of guilt will not let you go until you go to church and with all your heart do not ask for forgiveness from those you harmed.

Oil in a dream is often a positive sign. It promises well-being and hints that you need to literally “grease up.” the full interpretation depends on additional details of the plot. Dream books offer the most accurate interpretation.

Why do you dream about oil according to Miller’s dream book?

Eat butter - if it is not spoiled, all your dreams will come true, you will have good health, you will get rich.

If you have eaten oil that is not fresh, you will also become rich if you are not lazy and work tirelessly. Implementing it will result in small income. Ladies lubricate themselves with oil - you will not be able to reason intelligently due to your easy behavior.

Oil - Vanga's dream book

Oil always dreams of a prosperous life.

Why do you dream about oil according to Freud's dream book?

Spread on a bun - meet the person of your dreams. If it doesn’t spread well on the confectionery product, it won’t be a quick meeting with your soulmate. If you accidentally dropped it on the floor, you will hurt the pride of the person you love.

If you purchase this product, you have done something wrong and are looking for a compromise with your partner, but you just need to show cordiality and sensitivity.

What does it mean to dream about oil according to the English dream book

Oil always dreams of happiness in everything. For lovers - for marriage. If in reality there is a trial involving the dreamer, the outcome of the case will end in your favor.

Your friend is on a long business trip and will return from there in good health. Oil - all misfortunes will bypass you.

Why do you dream about oil according to the Assyrian dream book?

They gave you a pack of butter - a necessary, friendly, warm date awaits you.

Oil in a dream - interpretation according to the French dream book

Take the oil in retail outlets- portends a big disaster. Spilled sunflower - your well-being will change in better side. If you purchased it, the business you started will be completed with a profit, but everything must be done honestly and delicately.

Why do you dream about oil according to the Esoteric dream book?

Oil - good luck awaits you.

Oil - dream book Autumn

It is seen as a change for the better.

Why do you dream about oil according to the Summer dream book?

The symbol indicates that it is important to follow a diet.

What does it mean if you dreamed about oil according to the Women’s dream book

Consume - your health will improve, your dreams will come true. There is bitter oil - wealth will come, but with a lot of energy. Sold - to little wealth. A lady applies it to her body - she will be characterized by indecent behavior.

Oil in a dream according to Velesov’s dream book

Oil - reverence.

  • Churning butter means big profits.
  • Creamy - your wish will come true.
  • Eating it means you will be revered and will bring prosperity.
  • The dreamer smears it on a baked product - moving up the career ladder.
  • If you drink it, you will get sick.
  • Pour it into some container and you will get better.
  • Spilled - to loss.
  • Doused yourself with oil - get a good profit.

Why do you dream about oil according to the Russian dream book?

The image says that everything is fine in your life. Grease a bun with it - to prosperity.

Knocking it down is a difficult job that will bring prosperity to the family budget. If you see oil on your hands, you will receive an unexpected gift.

Oil - interpretation according to Aesop's dream book

Seeing oil in a dream means prosperity in life. Large quantity product - all started and long-standing affairs will end happily.

Spread on the cooking - to any profit (bonus, increase wages, a gift in the form of banknotes).

Why do you dream about oil according to E. Tsvetkov’s dream book?

Any oil means happiness.

Oil - Ukrainian dream book

Drink any liquid oil - no luck love relationships.

Ate it - wealth.

Spread on bread - they are talking about you.

Why do you dream about oil according to the Spring dream book?

Oil in any form is a sign of wealth.

Oil in a dream according to Gypsy’s dream book

Eat it - your loved ones will envy you.

Whisk - happiness in family life.

If it's spilled, it's a loss.

Doused on clothes - increase in condition.

Collecting spilled oil means big profits.

Why do you dream about oil according to the dream book of Simon Canaanite?

Oil - you are flattered or deceived by your work colleagues.

I dreamed about oil according to the dream book of Catherine the Great

Cow butter is good luck in everything.

It is not fresh - success will be achieved through hard work.

Implementing it is a small, but profitable profit.

Why else do you dream about oil?

  • Why do you dream about butter?

Creamy - a baby will be born in your family. It also means well-being in everything.

  • Why do you dream about sunflower oil?

Sunflower oil, in different situations seen in a dream - portends good luck in everything.

  • Why do you dream about vegetable oil?

Fresh, tasty vegetable oil symbolizes that your plans are destined to come true.

If it is bitter, you will have to work hard to make your dream come true. This image also warns that you may be deceived.

Miller's Dream Book

There is sunflower oil in a dream - fresh, golden, attractive - this means that all your plans and intentions will come true, your health will not fail, you will gain knowledge and some property, and you will become a rich person. If sunflower oil has spoiled from storage, you will gain wealth and prosperity, but at the cost of hard physical labor. Selling sunflower oil means small profits. For a woman, lubricating her body with sunflower oil is a dream that prophesies frivolous entertainment to which she will resort, forgetting about sanity.

Vanga's Dream Book

sunflower oil in a dream what is it for

For a girl to apply sunflower oil to something in a dream is a sign that things will open up before her. great prospects in the near future. Selling sunflower oil is a failure in a love relationship for a man, even if he was hoping for an easy victory.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

what does it mean if sunflower oil is in a dream

Seeing sunflower oil in your dreams is a clear sign of acquiring prosperity, happiness and mental satisfaction in the near future.

Muslim dream book (Islamic)

interpretation of sleep sunflower oil

Seeing vegetable oil in dreams means acquiring wealth and benefits in an honest way. For a sick person, rubbing the body with vegetable oil is a quick cure. If you drink vegetable oil in a dream, it means you should be wary of people who want to harm you. The drank oil residue is a monetary fortune acquired through humiliation.

Freud's Dream Book

sunflower oil in a dream

When you dream that you are pouring sunflower oil on the floor, then soon you, without meaning to, will offend your partner - you will think that you are right in this situation, you will try to impose your own opinion regarding it.

The dream book considers butter in a dream as an ambiguous symbol. What this popular product is dreamed of may turn out to be a harbinger of both quick enrichment and complete bankruptcy. The details of the dream will tell you from which side the danger lurks and where to expect support.

Culinary component

Butter is often included in sandwiches, so many interpretations consider it as a component. Freud's dream book explains why you dream of butter spread on a slice of bread especially for you. If you are lucky enough to eat a sandwich prepared by someone, be prepared for an interesting and pleasant acquaintance.

If you are your own cook, but the butter is so frozen that it is impossible to eat it or spread it on bread, what you see in a dream indicates some difficulties in friendships and love relationships.

A smoothly prepared delicious sandwich predicts success in literally everything: profit without much hassle, ease of communication, a positive, confident attitude.

The idea of ​​having a sandwich in a group in a dream indicates that in reality the dreamed characters will play an important role in the dreamer’s life.

If the sandwich turns out to be not only with sandwich butter, but also with cheese in addition, the dream book promises a carefree period of entertainment and relaxation, during which you will not have to deny yourself anything.

When you dreamed of a sweet bun instead of bread, what you saw in the dream foreshadows a fateful meeting with a representative of the opposite sex. If in a dream you happened to eat sweetened pancakes generously flavored with fat, in reality beware of flattering, insincere people. The coming period is rich in meetings with clever swindlers who are ready to rob anyone completely.

If you dreamed of potatoes covered in butter sauce and were lucky enough to eat them, you can rely on luck in business. The dream book believes that everything that this dish represents in dreams is associated with an increase in well-being.

On the counter

Seeing a wide assortment of varieties on display, but buying only one, is necessary for those dreamers who in reality expect troubles in family life or in love relationships.

Interpreting why one dreams of buying butter, the dream book mentions feelings of guilt. In reality, the sleeper feels guilty before someone and tries in every possible way to “butter up” his mistake.

The French dream book believes that buying butter happens to those who continue to yearn for their former lovers.

Expiration date

When you see butter in a dream, pay attention to whether the expiration date has expired. A rancid or moldy product portends intense labor.

If you dreamed that the butter became moldy, the interpretation promises that the considerable efforts to be made will not be wasted. The meaning of the dream, first of all, concerns the financial situation of the sleeper.

Dream interpretation butter

In dreams you often see popular foods. As a rule, if they are fresh and look good, then this is a very good sign.

Almost all production milk from dreams brings profit and prosperity to the dreamer. This is most relevant if you had to see oil in a dream.

Sometimes it can be difficult to interpret what butter means in dreams. On the one side - dairy product almost always symbolizes profit, and on the other hand, this tasty and healthy food can mean quite intense and difficult work, because you need to put in a lot of effort to obtain oil.

In ancient times, it was not available to everyone. Poor peasants could not collect enough milk to sufficiently provide themselves with such a product - they had to pay a lot for taxes, and it was more profitable to sell it than to eat it. Therefore, when explaining why oil is dreamed of, ancient interpretations focused precisely on this aspect and prophesied a well-fed and rich life for the dreamer.

if you dreamed about butter

When the availability of food became wider, the tradition of interpretations of what oil means in dreams remained, but only a fresh and beautiful product promised profit and prosperity. Moldy or rancid meant disappointment.

Opinion from trusted sources

Almost every popular dream book says that seeing oil in a dream is a good sign. I immediately remember the proverb “it’s like rolling cheese in butter” - a dream promises prosperity, well-being and a fairly well-fed future. But some sources say that this is the distant future, and the near future is work, difficult, stressful everyday life that will exhaust the dreamer very much. And the well-deserved sandwich is still too far away.

Prosperity - an ancient Slavic dream book

This is what the small Veles dream book says: oil seen in a dream foretells wealth and prosperity for the entire family of the dreamer. With honest and hard work, he will be able to achieve the heights that he dreamed of while still very young. And since he never disdained the hardest work, fate will be favorable to him and give him the desired wealth. This is the main interpretation if you had to see oil in a dream. All the rest are just details that analyze the dream more deeply.

Spread butter on bread

  • Seeing is wealth and prosperity.
  • If a woman dreams about it, then such a dream promises the fulfillment of all aspirations and hopes.
  • Eating it means a well-fed life, you will not need anything.
  • Buying is the start of a new business that will be very profitable.
  • Eating a sandwich means investing your savings profitably.
  • Making a sandwich for a guest and passing it at the table is an important transaction.
  • Spilling melted food means losses due to negligence at work.

Prospects - Miller's dream book

This is what this dream book says: oil symbolizes prospects. This is the part of life when you need to take a step to achieve what you want. If you spread the sandwich, then your fate is in your hands. Giving a sandwich to a child is a pleasant surprise, because that project that you have long forgotten about and considered unprofitable will bring good income.

  • Seeing butter in a dream or eating it means profit and successful transactions.
  • Buying or selling is a strong commercial spirit, an opportunity to quickly make a good profit from trading.
  • Eating a sandwich or buttering a sandwich for a guest - even the wildest plans will come true.
  • Bitter or spoiled - a lot of work, difficulties, exhausting responsibilities. But all this is not in vain - when this stage of life ends, you will be well rewarded financially.
  • Spill - someone will speak unflatteringly about your person.
  • Whip the cream into butter yourself - good health and prosperity.

Dating - Freud's dream book

To get acquainted

If you had to see oil in a dream, then the dream book of a German psychiatrist gives an interpretation that is not quite traditional for him, slightly setting aside the theory of aggressiveness and sexuality. He says that such dreams appear on the eve of meeting a very interesting person. At the same time, if you dream of a sandwich that, as always, falls with its face down, then the dream means resentment.

  • Seeing butter on a beautifully served table is a new acquaintance that will bring a lot of impressions and new emotions. The more beautiful the table is set, the more pleasant the appearance of the new acquaintance will be.
  • Eating it or spreading a sandwich means communication. In the case when it was too hard, the layer turned out to be clumsy, and the sandwich in the dream was unattractive - the difficulties of the first communication. You will have to make an effort to overcome them.
  • There is ordinary food on the plate, but after a few spoons the dreamer realizes that he has to eat practically nothing but butter - your communication with a new acquaintance has very solid prospects.
  • A cut piece or finished sandwich fell on the floor - an insult. You, without meaning to, offended your friend. In order to clarify the situation, you need to talk to him.

Own feelings

As a rule, the interpretation of food is quite simple. Pleasant and tasty is a good sign; eating or seeing spoiled food is a sign of illness or illness. But oil is a slightly different product; it requires a more detailed analysis.

If a person himself has a bad attitude towards this product, practically does not consume it in its raw form, and then he dreams about it - this is a very good sign. In a short time you will be able to earn quite a large amount.

In addition, there will also be an opportunity to invest this money profitably. It is important to take advantage of all this and then you will very quickly understand that everything you have been striving for is already practically in your fist.

A beautiful product with an appetizing smell of fresh cream can mean frivolous behavior for a woman. Eating it or making a sandwich means following your desires. In this case, it is better to use common sense, otherwise it will be difficult to restore your reputation.

Ambiguous opinion different sources regarding the damaged product. Some dream books are sure that this is a disappointment, while others say that it doesn’t matter in what form you dreamed about it, the dream will still mean prosperity.

Your rating:

“Annushka has already spilled the sunflower oil” - if you read Bulgakov, then you remember what her awkwardness turned out to be for the unfortunate Berlioz. By the way, even old dream books emphasize the special significance of this product - the way it is presented in a dream provides grounds for predicting fate. So, why do you dream of amber squeezed from sunflower seeds?

Miller's Dream Book on Sources of Wealth

Miller in his dream book pays tribute to sunflower oil and interprets the image as a harbinger of prosperity. The price at which the fortune will be earned depends on the characteristics of the dream. If you dreamed of something transparent and golden, then your dreams of a good education and strong prosperity will easily come true. Cloudy and rancid things will also bring what you want, but it will take a lot of effort to achieve this.

Selling it in a dream means receiving a small income, and seeing large reserves predicts the resounding success of an enterprise with serious hopes.

Ambition and status

It is difficult to say since ancient times sunflower oil has been associated with a person’s social status, but even to this day it reflects a high position in a dream and portends social recognition and profitable contacts.

Why dream of receiving a gift from someone: dream books believe that the dreamer’s charisma attracts others. Buy - gain respect through work and properly built relationships. To drink is to go towards recognition, relying on the support of colleagues. Why dream of seeing a warehouse of bottled oil: you should take care of your reputation.

If you dreamed that someone was oiling your skin, then in reality you will have an important role in significant events. Women have different priorities: for them, oil treatments in a dream predict love success and a lot of fans.

Be careful

Since we are talking about such a precious product, any incident with it means an important warning. Why do you dream that sunflower oil was spilled or that the dreamer’s clumsiness was somehow manifested? Dream Interpretations report:

  • Seeing something spilled means persecution.
  • Carrying it in a bottle and breaking it means disagreements with your comrades.
  • If you dreamed that it was spilled by you, it means material loss or loss of legal capacity.
  • Slipping where it is spilled means failure of the plan; it would be better to postpone new projects.

Striving for productive communication

Dream books interpret pouring sunflower oil into a bottle as a reflection of a tedious and unproductive discussion of problems, the so-called “pouring from empty to empty.” If you dreamed of oil neatly poured into bottles, then this is a hint of the need to structure connections and abandon burdensome relationships.

Unexpected signs

A sudden turn of events in a dream usually foreshadows something new in life. The interpretation of the dream depends on the details. For example, frying in oil is a sign of future prosperity. If it turns out to be rancid, the dreamer is in danger of illness. I dreamed of boiling sunflower oil - control yourself, do not give in to attacks of jealousy. Why do you dream that it caught fire? Dream books urge you not to be scared: many bright, joyful events await you ahead.