Metal painter categories. Legislative framework of the Russian Federation. Economics of enterprise and industry

§ 167a. Painter (1st category)

Characteristics of work. Painting parts in set up drums, automatic machines using the dipping method and brush without puttying or priming. Washing parts with alkalis, water and solvents. Degreasing surfaces. Drying oil coating and priming. Grinding paint and varnish materials on hand paint grinders. Filtration of paints and varnishes. Drying painted products. Washing and cleaning of used tools, brushes, stencils, containers, parts of paint sprayers, airless sprayers, hoses. Receiving and tossing on workplace paint and varnish materials. Hanging parts and products on special devices and removing them after painting. Preparation of paints, varnishes, mastics, putties, primers, putties according to a given recipe under the guidance of a more highly qualified painter.

Must know: techniques for painting parts in drums, automatic machines and by dipping; general information about corrosion, scale, protection wooden surfaces from woodworms and methods of protection against them; name and types of paints, varnishes, enamels, primers, putties, compositions of putty materials; rules for servicing drying chambers and cabinets and drying modes for products; methods of grinding paints by hand; purpose and conditions of use of painting tools: compositions and methods of washing and cleaning used tools, brushes of various types, containers and paint sprayers.

Examples of work

1. Fittings, insulators - coated with asphalt varnish.

2. Tanks - coloring.

3. Pitchfork - coloring.

4. Machine parts of simple configuration - painting.

5. Fences, gratings, gates, fences - painting.

6. Wrenches, sockets and special ones, pliers, wire cutters and other tools - painting.

7. Rings and rotor blades - painting.

8. Coamings, casings, decking, a set of hull parts, shaft glasses, pipes, simple foundations - degreasing.

9. Decks - wiping with diesel oil.

10. Transformer plates - painting with varnish in a drum.

11. Frames, bearing shields and safety welded structures, iron and steel castings for electric machines - cleaning and priming of surfaces.

12. Different containers - coloring.

13. Old thermal insulation in ship premises - removal.

14. Anchor chains - painted with coal tar varnish using the dipping method.

§ 167b. Painter (2nd category)

(introduced by Decree of the USSR State Committee for Labor of December 18, 1990 N 451)

Characteristics of work. Painting surfaces that do not require high-quality finishing after applying putties and primer layers. Preparation of products for varnishing with varnish putty and for cutting for designs of various types of wood, stone and marble. Leveling surfaces with putty and filling defects. Applying numbers, letters and designs using stencils in one tone. Spray painting of parts and products. Cleaning, smoothing, greasing, etching of painted surfaces from corrosion, scale, fouling, old paintwork, dust and other deposits using brushes, scrapers, spatulas and others hand tools, rags, vacuum cleaner, air stream from the compressor. Preparation and grinding of paints, varnishes, mastics, putties, primers and putties using paint grinding machines according to a given recipe.

Must know: installation of paint grinding machines; purpose and conditions of use of mechanisms, devices and tools used in painting work; methods for performing paint and varnish coatings on parts and products made from various materials; grinding methods; grinding materials used for various types paints and varnishes and their physical properties; recipes for making paints, varnishes, mastics, putties, putties; methods of mixing paints according to a given recipe to obtain the required color and determine the quality of the paints and varnishes used; rules for storing solvents, paints, varnishes and enamels; paint drying mode; features of cleaning surfaces made of reinforced concrete and fiberglass; rules for preparing surfaces for painting; requirements for the quality of the surface being cleaned.

Examples of work

1. Walls, floors and other surfaces - cleaning, smoothing, etching.

2. Electrical fittings and parts, reinforced insulators, arresters - priming and painting.

3. Cylinders - coloring.

4. Waveguides and waveguide sections made of brass and copper - continuous puttying, grinding, painting.

5. Radiator bushings and reduction gears - mastic coating.

6. Parts of medium and complex configurations and components of machines, ships and equipment - painting.

7. Brackets, sectors, steering gear housings, transformers - painting.

8. Lifebuoys - puttying and painting.

9. Covers, boards, plates - spray painting.

10. Roofs, frames, bogies, brake parts, flooring boards, battery and fire boxes, locomotive and wagon deflectors - painting.

11. Steel structures - cleaning from corrosion.

12. Vessel hull inside and outside - cleaning surfaces.

13. Metal beds - painting.

14. Columns, trusses, crane beams, forms for reinforced concrete products - painting.

15. Hatches, holds, foundations - filling with cement mortar.

16. Mining machines, equipment and machine tools - painting after repair, stenciling.

17. Panels, cases, casings - spray painted several times.

18. Tractors, rollers, asphalt mixers - painting of bodies.

19. Pipes of various diameters - painting.

20. Ventilation pipes - insulation with mastic materials.

21. Cabinets, limbs - painting.

22. Tongues and ridges of freight car skins - priming.

23. Electric motors, electric machines, turbogenerators - priming, puttying and painting.

24. Metal mailboxes - cleaning, priming and painting.

25. Boxes and instrument cases - stenciling.

§ 167c. Painter (3rd category)

(introduced by Decree of the USSR State Committee for Labor of December 18, 1990 N 451)

Characteristics of work. Painting surfaces that require high-quality finishing, after applying putties and primer layers with paints and varnishes in several tones, sanding, priming, drying and polishing them with hand tools. Cutting surfaces into simple patterns of various types of wood, marble and stone. Application of drawings and inscriptions using stencils in two or three tones; numbers and letters without stencils. Painting of parts and surfaces using electrostatic installations and electrostatic paint sprayers. Surface finishing by spraying. Surface treatment with corrosion inhibitors. Regulating the supply of air and paint to spray guns. Coating of products with bitumen-based varnishes and nitro-varnishes. Cleaning closed volumes (cylinders, compartments). Painting and cleaning (scrubbing) of ships at the docks. Interoperative protection with phosphating primers sheet material and profile rolled products for ship structures, except for tanks of drinking, distilled and feed water, medical and industrial fat. Application of paint and varnish coatings at the location of the variable waterline of ships, the finishing of which does not have high requirements. Making simple stencils. Making mixtures from oil paints and varnishes, nitro paints, nitro varnishes and synthetic enamels. Selection of colors according to given samples. Adjustment of mechanisms and devices used in painting work.

Must know: principle of operation and methods for adjusting mechanisms and devices used in painting work; arrangement of electrostatic field installations and electrostatic paint sprayers, rules for their regulation according to the readings of instrumentation; rules for the protection of sheet material and rolled profiles for ship structures; methods of painting and varnishing products made from various materials and the process of preparing products for finishing; the process of cutting surfaces into a simple pattern of various types of wood, marble and stone; properties of decorative and insulating varnishes and enamels and recipes for their preparation; methods of composing paints of various colors and tones; chemical composition paints and rules for choosing colors; technical specifications for finishing and drying products.

Examples of work

1. Ceilings - cleaning, smoothing, etching.

2. Walls, floors and other surfaces - simple painting.

3. Passenger cars, except for the ZIL and Chaika types, and buses - applying a primer layer, puttying, sanding, primary and re-painting of the body.

4. Trucks - final painting.

5. Barges - painting.

6. Cast and welded parts for electric machines and apparatus - grinding after puttying and painting.

7. Containers - varnishing of the inner surface.

8. Film and photo camera cassettes - coloring.

9. Welded frames of large-block stations and control panels - painting.

10. Housings, tables and disks of adjustment and testing stands - grinding and enamel painting.

11. Vessel hull inside and outside - painting.

12. Cranes, bridges, power line supports - painting.

13. Freight car bodies, tank and steam locomotive boilers, universal containers - painting.

14. Machines, machines, devices, devices and other equipment - painting.

15. Decks - applying mastics.

16. Metal and wooden panels for radio devices - painting and finishing.

17. Frames, doors, transoms - painting and varnishing.

18. Counting, sewing and writing machines - painting and polishing.

19. Posts, shields - cutting to a simple design of various types of wood.

20. Walls, shelves, furniture outside and inside, ceilings and roofs of locomotives and all-metal cars, cars with machine cooling and isothermal cars with a metal body - grinding, applying a revealing layer with a brush, spray or roller.

21. Reinforced concrete vessels - painting.

22. Trolleybuses and subway cars - sanding over solid putty, applying the second and third layers of enamel with a brush and spray paint.

23. Pipes and metal fittings of locomotives and cars - painting.

24. Ventilation pipes - painting.

25. Cases for electrical equipment - varnishing and polishing.

26. Anchor chains - coloring.

27. Electric motors, electric machines, turbogenerators - final painting.

§ 167g. Painter (4th category)

(introduced by Decree of the USSR State Committee for Labor of December 18, 1990 N 451)

Characteristics of work. Painting surfaces with dry powders, various paints and varnishes in several tones, grinding, varnishing, polishing, puttying, priming and oiling them with power tools. Trimming and fluting of painted surfaces. Pulling panels with shading. Drawings on surfaces using stencils in four or more tones. Cutting surfaces into complex patterns of various types of wood, marble and stone. Independent compilation of complex colors. Restoration of painted surfaces, lincrust, linoleum and other materials. Paint and varnish coatings for glass and ceramic enamel. Production of complex stencils and combs for cutting painted surfaces. Painting after priming surfaces using cold airless spray. Painting of parts, products, devices in tropical design. Interoperational protection with phosphating primers of sheet material and rolled profiles for ship tanks of drinking, distilled and feed water, medical and industrial fat. Mechanized cleaning of ship hulls from corrosion, scale, fouling and old paintwork using shot blasting machines with delivery of work using samples and standards and under water high pressure. Determining the quality of the paints and varnishes used. Adjustment of mechanisms used in painting work.

Must know: device and methods for adjusting mechanisms and devices used in painting work; methods of performing painting work with a high-quality finish; the process of cutting surfaces into complex patterns of various types of wood, marble and stone; features of mechanized cleaning of surfaces and ship hulls from fouling and old paintwork; technical conditions and requirements for painting and varnishing; methods for restoring painted surfaces, lincrust, linoleum and other materials.

Examples of work

1. Ceilings - improved finishing, painting.

2. Walls, floors and other surfaces - high-quality finishing, painting.

3. Passenger cars, except for the ZIL and Chaika types, and buses - final painting, finishing and polishing.

4. Boats - painting.

5. Linen surfaces of aircraft cabins - multi-layer coating with varnishes and paints.

6. Walls, shelves, furniture outside and inside, ceilings and roofs of locomotives, all-metal cars, cooled cars and insulated cars with a metal body and ship cabins - painting and varnishing with a brush, spray or roller.

7. Ships, fuselages, aircraft wings and carriage walls - applying distinctive inscriptions and markings.

8. Trolleybuses and subway cars - final painting and finishing.

9. Electrical appliances, large-sized electrical machines - painting and polishing.

§ 167d. Painter (5th category)

(introduced by Decree of the USSR State Committee for Labor of December 18, 1990 N 451)

Characteristics of work. Painting surfaces with various paints with varnishing, polishing, ornamental, artistic multi-color and decorative finishing. Surface preparation for valuable species tree. Painting after priming using cold airless spray. Priming, anti-corrosion coating, coating with anti-fouling and anti-fouling paints, anodic and cathodic protection of ships exposed to sea water, mineral acids and alkalis. Restoration of artistic inscriptions.

Must know: methods of performing painting work with artistic and ornamental finishing and the method of cold airless spraying; the process of cutting surfaces for valuable wood species; recipe, physical and chemical properties all kinds of coloring materials and compositions for artistic painting and finishing; types of complex paintings and fonts; properties and types of various pigments, solvents, oils, varnishes, silicates, resins and other materials used in painting; methods for testing varnishes and paints for durability and viscosity; technical specifications for the final finishing of products, parts and surfaces; drying modes for paint and varnish coatings; requirements for the preparation of surfaces for anti-corrosion, anodic and cathodic protection, protective priming and painting schemes for the underwater part of ships exposed to sea water, mineral acids and alkalis; methods of restoration of artistic inscriptions.

Examples of work

1. Walls, ceilings and other surfaces - high-quality painting, multi-color and decorative finishing.

2. Passenger cars such as ZIL, "Chaika" - final painting, finishing with varnishes and enamel paints.

3. Coats of arms, ornaments, complex inscriptions - artistic execution based on sketches and drawings.

4. Superstructures of passenger ships - painting.

5. Panels, boards, diagrams - artistic surface finishing.

§ 167e. Painter (6th category)

(introduced by Decree of the USSR State Committee for Labor of December 18, 1990 N 451)

Characteristics of work. Relief, textured and experimental painting and airbrush finishing of products and surfaces when introducing new coloring matter and synthetic materials. Restoration artistic paintings and drawings. Decorative varnishing, surface polishing interior spaces. Painting after priming surfaces using hot airless spraying in installations. Application of antifouling thermoplastic paints using machines. Protection of antifouling paints with preservative paints according to a special scheme. Painting from drawings and sketches by hand and using powder. Ornamental and volumetric painting.

Must know: methods of implementation and requirements for the quality of experimental, relief and textured painting and airbrush finishing of products and surfaces; device and methods for setting up installations for hot airless spraying of paints and varnishes and devices for applying thermoplastic paints; antifouling paint protection schemes; methods of restoration of artistic paintings and drawings.

Examples of work

1. Walls, ceilings and other surfaces - relief and textured painting, painting based on drawings and sketches.

2. Ship structures - application of thick-layer coatings.

3. Surfaces interior walls passenger ships, airplanes, carriages - painting based on drawings and sketches by hand.

4. Salons, lobbies, “Lux” cabins of passenger ships, airplanes, carriages and pleasure yachts - artistic decoration, protective coating.

5. Exhibits of exhibition machines, apparatus and instruments - multi-layer and multi-color painting, varnishing, grinding and polishing.

Valid Editorial from 17.04.2009

Name of document"UNIFIED TARIFF - QUALIFICATION DIRECTORY OF JOBS AND PROFESSIONS OF WORKERS. ISSUE 1. SECTION: PROFESSIONS OF WORKERS COMMON TO ALL BRANCHES OF THE NATIONAL ECONOMY" (approved by Resolution of the State Committee of Labor of the USSR, Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated January 31, 1985 N 31/3-30) ed. from 04/17/2009)
Document typeresolution, list
Receiving authorityVTsSPS, State Labor Committee of the USSR
Document number31/3-30
Acceptance date01.01.1970
Revision date17.04.2009
Date of registration with the Ministry of Justice01.01.1970
  • The document was not published in this form
  • (as amended on January 31, 1985 - M., "Machine Building", 1986)

"UNIFIED TARIFF - QUALIFICATION DIRECTORY OF JOBS AND PROFESSIONS OF WORKERS. ISSUE 1. SECTION: PROFESSIONS OF WORKERS COMMON TO ALL BRANCHES OF THE NATIONAL ECONOMY" (approved by Resolution of the State Committee of Labor of the USSR, Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated January 31, 1985 N 31/3-30) ed. from 04/17/2009)

§ 167a. Painter

(as amended by Resolution of the USSR State Labor Committee dated December 18, 1990 N 451)

1st category

Characteristics of the work. Painting parts in set up drums, automatic machines using the dipping method and brush without puttying or priming. Washing parts with alkalis, water and solvents. Degreasing surfaces. Drying oil coating and priming. Grinding paint and varnish materials using hand paint grinders. Filtration of paints and varnishes. Drying painted products. Washing and cleaning of used tools, brushes, stencils, containers, parts of paint sprayers, airless sprayers, hoses. Receiving and delivering paint and varnish materials to the workplace. Hanging parts and products on special devices and removing them after painting. Preparation of paints, varnishes, mastics, putties, primers and putties according to a given recipe under the guidance of a more highly qualified painter.

Must know: techniques for painting parts in drums, automatic machines and by dipping; general information about corrosion, scale, protection of wooden surfaces from woodworms and methods of protection against them; name and types of paints, varnishes, enamels, primers, putties, compositions of putty materials; rules for servicing drying chambers and cabinets and drying modes for products; methods of grinding paints by hand; purpose and conditions of use of painting tools: compositions and methods of washing and cleaning used tools, brushes of various types, containers and paint sprayers.

Examples of work

1. Fittings, insulators - coated with asphalt varnish.

2. Tanks - coloring.

3. Pitchfork - coloring.

4. Machine parts of simple configuration - painting.

5. Fences, gratings, gates, fences - painting.

6. Wrenches, sockets and special ones, pliers, wire cutters and other tools - painting.

7. Rings and rotor blades - painting.

8. Coamings, casings, decking, a set of hull parts, shaft glasses, pipes, simple foundations - degreasing.

9. Decks - wiping with diesel oil.

10. Transformer plates - painting with varnish in a drum.

11. Frames, bearing shields and safety welded structures, iron and steel castings for electric machines - cleaning and priming of surfaces.

12. Different containers - coloring.

13. Old thermal insulation in ship premises - removal.

14. Anchor chains - painted with coal tar varnish using the dipping method.

§ 167a. Painter 1st category

Characteristics of work

  • Painting parts in set up drums, automatic machines using the dipping method and brush without puttying or priming.
  • Washing parts with alkalis, water and solvents.
  • Degreasing surfaces.
  • Drying oil coating and priming.
  • Grinding paint and varnish materials using hand paint grinders.
  • Filtration of paints and varnishes.
  • Drying painted products.
  • Washing and cleaning of used tools, brushes, stencils, containers, parts of paint sprayers, airless sprayers, hoses.
  • Receiving and delivering paint and varnish materials to the workplace.
  • Hanging parts and products on special devices and removing them after painting.
  • Preparation of paints, varnishes, mastics, putties, primers, putties according to a given recipe under the guidance of a more highly qualified painter.

Must know:

  • techniques for painting parts in drums, automatic machines and by dipping;
  • general information about corrosion, scale, protection of wooden surfaces from woodworms and methods of protection against them;
  • name and types of paints, varnishes, enamels, primers, putties, compositions of putty materials;
  • rules for servicing drying chambers and cabinets and drying modes for products;
  • methods of grinding paints by hand;
  • purpose and conditions of use of painting tools:
  • compositions and methods for washing and cleaning used tools, brushes of various types, containers and paint sprayers.

Examples of work:

  • 1. Fittings, insulators - coated with asphalt varnish.
  • 2. Tanks - coloring.
  • 3. Pitchfork - coloring.
  • 4. Machine parts of simple configuration - painting.
  • 5. Fences, gratings, gates, fences - painting.
  • 6. Wrenches, sockets and special ones, pliers, wire cutters and other tools - painting.
  • 7. Rings and rotor blades - painting.
  • 8. Coamings, casings, decking, a set of hull parts, shaft glasses, pipes, simple foundations - degreasing.
  • 9. Decks - wiping with diesel oil.
  • 10. Transformer plates - painting with varnish in a drum.
  • 11. Frames, bearing shields and safety welded structures, iron and steel castings for electric machines - cleaning and priming of surfaces.
  • 12. Different containers - coloring.
  • 13. Old thermal insulation in ship premises - removal.
  • 14. Anchor chains - painted with coal tar varnish using the dipping method.

§ 167b. Painter 2nd category

(Tariff and qualification characteristics are additionally included by Decree of the USSR State Labor Committee of December 18, 1990 N 451)

Characteristics of work

  • Painting surfaces that do not require high-quality finishing after applying putties and primer layers.
  • Preparation of products for varnishing with varnish putty and for cutting to match the design of various types of wood, stone and marble.
  • Leveling surfaces with putty and filling defects.
  • Applying numbers, letters and designs using stencils in one tone.
  • Spray painting of parts and products.
  • Cleaning, smoothing, greasing, etching of painted surfaces from corrosion, scale, fouling, old paintwork, dust and other deposits using brushes, scrapers, spatulas and other hand tools, rags, a vacuum cleaner, an air jet from a compressor.
  • Preparation and grinding of paints, varnishes, mastics, putties, primers and putties using paint grinding machines according to a given recipe.

Must know:

  • installation of paint grinding machines;
  • purpose and conditions of use of mechanisms, devices and tools used in painting work;
  • methods for performing paint and varnish coatings on parts and products made from various materials;
  • grinding methods;
  • grinding materials used for various types of paints and varnishes, and their physical properties;
  • recipes for making paints, varnishes, mastics, putties, putties;
  • methods of mixing paints according to a given recipe to obtain the required color and determine the quality of the paints and varnishes used;
  • rules for storing solvents, paints, varnishes and enamels;
  • paint drying mode;
  • features of cleaning surfaces made of reinforced concrete and fiberglass;
  • rules for preparing surfaces for painting;
  • requirements for the quality of the surface being cleaned.

Examples of work:

  • 1. Walls, floors and other surfaces - cleaning, smoothing, etching.
  • 2. Electrical fittings and parts, reinforced insulators, arresters - priming and painting.
  • 3. Cylinders - coloring.
  • 4. Waveguides and waveguide sections made of brass and copper - continuous puttying, grinding, painting.
  • 5. Radiator and gear bushings - mastic coating
  • 6. Parts of medium and complex configurations and components of machines, ships and equipment - painting.
  • 7. Brackets, sectors, steering gear housings, transformers - painting.
  • 8. Lifebuoys - puttying and painting.
  • 9. Covers, boards, plates - spray painting.
  • 10. Roofs, frames, bogies, brake parts, flooring boards, battery and fire boxes, locomotive and wagon deflectors - painting.
  • 11. Steel structures - cleaning from corrosion.
  • 12. Vessel hull inside and outside - cleaning surfaces.
  • 13. Metal beds - painting.
  • 14. Columns, trusses, crane beams, forms for reinforced concrete products - painting.
  • 15. Hatches, holds, foundations - filling with cement mortar.
  • 16. Mining machines, equipment and machine tools - painting after repair, stenciling.
  • 17. Panels, cases, casings - spray painted several times.
  • 18. Tractors, rollers, asphalt mixers - painting of bodies.
  • 19. Pipes of various diameters - painting.
  • 20. Ventilation pipes - insulation with mastic materials.
  • 21. Cabinets, limbs - painting.
  • 22. Tongues and ridges of freight car skins - priming.
  • 23. Electric motors, electric machines, turbogenerators - priming, puttying and painting.
  • 24. Metal mailboxes - cleaning, priming and painting.
  • 25. Boxes and instrument cases - stenciling.

§ 167c. Painter 3rd category

(Tariff and qualification characteristics are additionally included by Decree of the USSR State Labor Committee of December 18, 1990 N 451)

Characteristics of work

  • Painting surfaces that require high-quality finishing, after applying putties and primer layers with paints and varnishes in several tones, sanding, priming, sanding and polishing them with hand tools.
  • Cutting surfaces into simple patterns of various types of wood, marble and stone.
  • Application of drawings and inscriptions using stencils in two or three tones; numbers and letters without stencils.
  • Painting of parts and surfaces using electrostatic installations and electrostatic paint sprayers.
  • Surface finishing by spraying.
  • Surface treatment with corrosion inhibitors.
  • Regulating the supply of air and paint to spray guns.
  • Coating of products with bitumen-based varnishes and nitro-varnishes.
  • Cleaning closed volumes (cylinders, compartments).
  • Painting and cleaning (scrubbing) of ships at the docks.
  • Interoperable protection with phosphating primers of sheet material and rolled profiles for ship structures, except for tanks of drinking, distilled and feed water, medical and industrial fat.
  • Application of paint and varnish coatings at the location of the variable waterline of ships, the finishing of which does not have high requirements.
  • Making simple stencils.
  • Preparation of mixtures of oil paints and varnishes, nitro paints, nitro varnishes and synthetic enamels.
  • Selection of colors according to given samples.
  • Adjustment of mechanisms and devices used in painting work.

Must know:

  • principle of operation and methods for adjusting mechanisms and devices used in painting work;
  • arrangement of electrostatic field installations and electrostatic paint sprayers, rules for their regulation according to the readings of instrumentation;
  • rules for the protection of sheet material and rolled profiles for ship structures;
  • methods of painting and varnishing products made from various materials and the process of preparing products for finishing;
  • the process of cutting surfaces into a simple pattern of various types of wood, marble and stone;
  • properties of decorative and insulating varnishes and enamels and recipes for their preparation;
  • methods of composing paints of various colors and tones;
  • chemical composition of paints and rules for selecting colors;
  • technical specifications for finishing and drying of products.

Examples of work:

  • 1. Ceilings - cleaning, smoothing, etching.
  • 2. Walls, floors and other surfaces - simple painting.
  • 3. Passenger cars, except for the ZIL and Chaika types, and buses - applying a primer layer, puttying, sanding, primary and re-painting of the body.
  • 4. Trucks - final painting.
  • 5. Barges - painting.
  • 6. Cast and welded parts for electric machines and apparatus - grinding after puttying and painting.
  • 7. Containers - varnishing of the inner surface.
  • 8. Film and photo camera cassettes - coloring.
  • 9. Welded frames of large-block stations and control panels - painting.
  • 10. Housings, tables and disks of adjustment and testing stands - grinding and enamel painting.
  • 11. Vessel hull inside and outside - painting.
  • 12. Cranes, bridges, power line supports - painting.
  • 13. Freight car bodies, tank and steam locomotive boilers, universal containers - painting.
  • 14. Machines, machines, devices, devices and other equipment - painting.
  • 15. Decks - applying mastics.
  • 16. Metal and wooden panels for radio devices - painting and finishing.
  • 17. Frames, doors, transoms - painting and varnishing.
  • 18. Counting, sewing and writing machines - painting and polishing.
  • 19. Posts, shields - cutting to a simple design of various types of wood.
  • 20. Walls, shelves, furniture outside and inside, ceilings and roofs of locomotives and all-metal cars, cars with machine cooling and isothermal cars with a metal body - grinding, applying a revealing layer with a brush, spray or roller.
  • 21. Reinforced concrete vessels - painting.
  • 22. Trolleybuses and subway cars - sanding over solid putty, applying the second and third layers of enamel with a brush and spray paint.
  • 23. Pipes and metal fittings of locomotives and cars - painting.
  • 24. Ventilation pipes - painting.
  • 25. Cases for electrical equipment - varnishing and polishing.
  • 26. Anchor chains - coloring.
  • 27. Electric motors, electric machines, turbogenerators - final painting.

§ 167g. Painter 4th category

(Tariff and qualification characteristics are additionally included by Decree of the USSR State Labor Committee of December 18, 1990 N 451)

Characteristics of work

  • Painting surfaces with dry powders, various paints and varnishes in several tones, sanding, varnishing, polishing, puttying, priming and oiling them with power tools.
  • Trimming and fluting of painted surfaces.
  • Pulling panels with shading.
  • Drawings on surfaces using stencils in four or more tones.
  • Cutting surfaces into complex patterns of various types of wood, marble and stone.
  • Independent compilation of complex colors.
  • Restoration of painted surfaces, lincrust, linoleum and other materials.
  • Paint and varnish coatings for glass and ceramic enamel.
  • Production of complex stencils and combs for cutting painted surfaces.
  • Painting after priming surfaces using cold airless spray.
  • Painting of parts, products, devices in tropical design.
  • Interoperable protection with phosphating primers of sheet material and rolled profiles for ship tanks of drinking, distilled and feed water, medical and industrial fat.
  • Mechanized cleaning of ship hulls from corrosion, scale, fouling and old paintwork using shot blasting machines with delivery of work using samples and standards and high-pressure water.
  • Determining the quality of the paints and varnishes used.
  • Adjustment of mechanisms used in painting work.

Must know:

  • device and methods for adjusting mechanisms and devices used in painting work;
  • methods of performing painting work with a high-quality finish;
  • the process of cutting surfaces into complex patterns of various types of wood, marble and stone;
  • features of mechanized cleaning of surfaces and ship hulls from fouling and old paintwork;
  • technical conditions and requirements for painting and varnishing;
  • methods for restoring painted surfaces, lincrust, linoleum and other materials.

Examples of work:

  • 1. Ceilings - improved finishing, painting.
  • 2. Walls, floors and other surfaces - high-quality finishing, painting.
  • 3. Passenger cars, except for the ZIL and Chaika types, and buses - final painting, finishing and polishing.
  • 4. Boats - painting.
  • 5. Linen surfaces of aircraft cabins - multi-layer coating with varnishes and paints.
  • 6. Walls, shelves, furniture outside and inside, ceilings and roofs of locomotives, all-metal cars, cooled cars and insulated cars with a metal body and ship cabins - painting and varnishing with a brush, spray or roller.
  • 7. Ships, fuselages, aircraft wings and carriage walls - applying distinctive inscriptions and markings.
  • 8. Trolleybuses and metro cars - final painting and finishing.
  • 9. Electrical appliances, large-sized electrical machines - painting and polishing.

§ 167d. Painter 5th category

(Tariff and qualification characteristics are additionally included by Decree of the USSR State Labor Committee of December 18, 1990 N 451)

Characteristics of work

  • Painting surfaces with various paints with varnishing, polishing, ornamental, artistic multi-color and decorative finishing.
  • Cutting surfaces for valuable wood species.
  • Painting after priming using cold airless spray.
  • Priming, anti-corrosion coating, coating with anti-fouling and anti-fouling paints, anodic and cathodic protection of ships exposed to sea water, mineral acids and alkalis.
  • Restoration of artistic inscriptions.

Must know:

  • methods of performing painting work with artistic and ornamental finishing and the method of cold airless spraying;
  • the process of cutting surfaces for valuable wood species;
  • recipe, physical and chemical properties of all kinds of coloring materials and compositions for artistic painting and finishing;
  • types of complex paintings and fonts;
  • properties and types of various pigments, solvents, oils, varnishes, silicates, resins and other materials used in painting;
  • methods for testing varnishes and paints for durability and viscosity;
  • technical specifications for the final finishing of products, parts and surfaces;
  • drying modes for paint and varnish coatings;
  • requirements for the preparation of surfaces for anti-corrosion, anodic and cathodic protection, protective priming and painting schemes for the underwater part of ships exposed to sea water, mineral acids and alkalis;
  • methods of restoration of artistic inscriptions.

Examples of work:

  • 1. Walls, ceilings and other surfaces - high-quality painting, multi-color and decorative finishing.
  • 2. Passenger cars such as ZIL, "Chaika" - final painting, finishing with varnishes and enamel paints.
  • 3. Coats of arms, ornaments, complex inscriptions - artistic execution based on sketches and drawings.
  • 4. Superstructures of passenger ships - painting.
  • 5. Panels, boards, diagrams - artistic surface finishing.

§ 167e. Painter 6th category

(Tariff and qualification characteristics are additionally included by Decree of the USSR State Labor Committee of December 18, 1990 N 451)

Characteristics of work

  • Relief, textured and experimental painting and airbrush finishing of products and surfaces with the introduction of new dyes and synthetic materials.
  • Restoration of artistic paintings and drawings.
  • Decorative varnishing, polishing of interior surfaces.
  • Painting after priming surfaces using hot airless spraying in installations.
  • Application of antifouling thermoplastic paints using machines.
  • Protection of antifouling paints with preservative paints according to a special scheme.
  • Painting from drawings and sketches by hand and using powder.
  • Ornamental and volumetric painting.

Must know:

  • methods of implementation and requirements for the quality of experimental, relief and textured painting and airbrush finishing of products and surfaces;
  • device and methods for setting up installations for hot airless spraying of paints and varnishes and devices for applying thermoplastic paints;
  • antifouling paint protection schemes;
  • methods of restoration of artistic paintings and drawings.

Examples of work:

  • 1. Walls, ceilings and other surfaces - relief and textured painting, painting based on drawings and sketches.
  • 2. Ship structures - application of thick-layer coatings.
  • 3. The surfaces of the internal walls of passenger ships, airplanes, carriages - painted according to drawings and sketches by hand.
  • 4. Salons, lobbies, “Lux” cabins of passenger ships, airplanes, carriages and pleasure yachts - artistic decoration, protective coating.
  • 5. Exhibits of exhibition machines, apparatus and instruments - multi-layer and multi-color painting, varnishing, grinding and polishing.

§ 41. Painter 1st category

Characteristics of work. Painting parts in set up drums, automatic machines, by dipping and brushing without putty or primer. Cleaning painted surfaces from scale, corrosion, paintwork, dust and other deposits manually using brushes and scrapers. Washing parts with alkalis, water and solvents. Preparing surfaces for painting. Degreasing surfaces, coating with drying oil and priming. Grinding paint and varnish materials using hand paint grinders. Filtration of paints and varnishes. Cooking and preparing glue. Drying painted products. Washing and cleaning of used tools, brushes, stencils, containers, parts of paint sprayers, airless sprayers, hoses. Receiving and delivering paint and varnish materials to the workplace. Hanging parts and products on special devices and removing them after painting. Preparation of paints, varnishes, mastics, putties, primers and putties under the guidance of a more highly qualified painter.

Must know: techniques for painting parts in drums, automatic machines and by dipping; rules for preparing surfaces for painting; requirements for the surface to be cleaned; about corrosion, scale, protection of wooden surfaces from woodworms and methods of protection against them; name and types of paints, varnishes, enamels, primers, putties, compositions of putty materials; rules for servicing drying chambers and cabinets and drying modes for products; methods of grinding paints by hand; purpose and conditions of use of painting tools; compositions and methods for washing and cleaning used tools, brushes of various types, containers and paint sprayers.

Examples of work

1. Fittings, insulators - coated with asphalt varnish.

2. Tanks - coloring.

3. Tags made of solid materials - degreasing, applying a primer layer.

4. Workbenches, racks, cabinets for tools - applying a primer layer.

5. Pitchfork - coloring.

6. Machine parts of simple configuration - painting.

7. Simple configuration parts (plugs, brackets, boards, strips, etc.), frames, casings - cleaning, degreasing, applying a primer layer.

8. Ship parts (shelves, brackets, etc.) and mechanisms - cleaning from contamination, washing before priming, degreasing.

9. Cast parts, brackets, housings, bases - degreasing, applying a primer layer.

10. Fences, gratings, gates, fences - painting.

11. Electrical insulating frames (coils) - cleaning, degreasing, applying a primer layer.

12. Wrenches, sockets and special ones, pliers, wire cutters and other tools - painting.

13. Rings and rotor blades - painting.

14. Coamings, casings, decking, a set of hull parts, shaft glasses, pipes, foundations - degreasing.

15. Metal and wooden structures - cleaning, degreasing, applying a primer layer.

16. Steel structures - cleaning from corrosion and oil stains.

17. Mechanism housings, partitions, bulkheads, brackets, brackets, etc. - cleaning from corrosion, scale and old paintwork.

18. Vessel hull, superstructures, bulkheads, partitions, hull plates, outside sides - degreasing.

19. Vessel hull - cleaning of fuel oil during docking.

20. Covers and terminal boxes of electric motors - priming.

21. Packaging materials - impregnation with drying oil.

22. Decks - wiping with diesel oil.

23. Transformer plates - painting with varnish in a drum.

24. Frames, bearing shields and safety welded structures, iron and steel castings for electric machines - surface cleaning and priming.

25. Different containers - coloring.

26. Old thermal insulation in ship premises - removal.

27. Plywood, slats, decking and other products - coating with drying oil.

28. Anchor chains - painted with coal tar varnish using the dipping method.

29. Shields, bearing caps, fan guides and electric motor casings - priming and painting.

30. Protective screens - cleaning, degreasing, applying a primer layer.

31. Instrument boxes (metallic and non-metallic) packaging - cleaning, degreasing, applying a primer layer.

§ 42. Painter 2nd category

Characteristics of work. Painting surfaces that do not require high-quality finishing, after applying putties, primer layers and sanding them using various sanding materials. Preparation of products for varnishing with varnish putty and for cutting to match the design of various types of wood, stone and marble. Leveling surfaces with putty and filling defects. Applying numbers, letters and designs using stencils in one tone. Spray painting of parts and products. Dry and wet sanding of wooden surfaces after puttying. Cleaning painted surfaces from corrosion, scale, fouling and old paintwork using hand-held power tools and portable shot blasting guns. Preparation and grinding of paints, varnishes, mastics, putties, primers and putties using paint grinding machines according to a given recipe.

Must know: installation of paint grinding machines; purpose and conditions of use of mechanisms, devices and tools used in painting work; methods for performing paint and varnish coatings on parts and products made from various materials; grinding methods; grinding materials used for various types of paints and varnishes, and their physical properties; recipes for the preparation of paints, varnishes, mastics, putties and putties; methods of mixing paints according to a given recipe to obtain the required color and determine the quality of the paints and varnishes used; rules for storing solvents, paints, varnishes and enamels; paint drying mode; Features of cleaning surfaces made of reinforced concrete and fiberglass.

2. Electrical fittings and parts, reinforced insulators, arresters - priming and painting.

3. Ballast - surface preparation and painting.

4. Cylinders - coloring.

5. Blocks of pumps, injectors - priming of external surfaces.

6. Block sections, cylinders, inside sides, foundations, tanks, compartments, closed volumes - degreasing.

7. Sides, bulkheads, bottoms, decks, sections - priming.

8. Rotor shaft - priming and painting the outer and inner surfaces.

9. Vibrators, vibration converters, emitters - cleaning, degreasing, priming.

10. Waveguides and waveguide sections made of brass and copper - complete puttying, grinding and painting.

11. Lateral and thrust steel bushings - priming and painting of external and internal surfaces.

12. Bushings, radiator and reduction gears - coated with mastic.

13. Parts and components of machines, ships and equipment - priming and painting.

14. Clamps, locks, fasteners, assembled steel plugs - priming and painting of external surfaces.

15. Safety valves, oil valves, blade seat covers, filter covers, frames, brackets - painting of internal surfaces.

16. Equalization manifolds, steel casings - priming of external surfaces.

17. Housings of air conditioners, filters, external bearings, blade housings, steel ejectors - priming, painting.

18. Metal and non-metallic instrument housings - cleaning, degreasing, priming, puttying, painting.

19. Brackets, sectors, steering gear housings, transformers - painting.

20. Lifebuoys - puttying and painting.

21. Steel thrust bearing caps - priming and painting of external surfaces.

22. Covers, boards, plates - spray painted.

23. Oil seal covers, oil seals, brackets - cleaning, degreasing, priming.

24. Roofs, frames, bogies, brake parts, flooring boards, battery and fire boxes, locomotive and wagon deflectors - painting.

25. Hulls of metal vessels for auxiliary purposes - painting.

26. Wooden, reinforced concrete and fiberglass ship hulls that do not require high-quality finishing - cleaning of surfaces.

27. Metal beds - painting.

28. Columns, trusses, crane beams, forms for reinforced concrete products - painting.

29. Winches - priming and painting of external surfaces.

30. Magnetic core sheets - coated with electrical insulating varnishes and adhesives.

31. Frontal parts of stators and rotors, asynchronous machines and windings of the magnetic system of synchronous electric machines - painting.

32. Hatches, holds, foundations - filling with cement mortar.

33. Oil coolers - priming and painting the outer surface.

34. Steel and cast iron flywheels, clamps, shanks - priming and painting of surfaces.

35. Mining machines, equipment and machine tools - painting after repair, stenciling.

36. Floorings, brackets, casings, superstructures, bulkheads, brackets, light partitions - cleaning from rust.

37. Supports, rim assemblies and stops - priming and painting of external surfaces.

38. Equipment (scaffolding, columns, beds) - rust removal, priming.

39. Panels, cases, casings - spray painted several times.

40. Plexiglas slats - painting according to 3 - 4 finishing classes.

41. Converters, hydraulic boosters - degreasing, priming and painting manually and mechanically.

42. Brackets, housings, strips, frames, casings, cast parts of simple configuration - insulation of threaded and mounting holes, grinding after priming, mechanical painting in class 3 finishing.

43. Glasses, bushings, oil seals, housings, casings, frames, brackets - local puttying, grinding, painting.

44. Tractors, rollers, asphalt mixers - painting of bodies.

45. Pipes - covering with fabric, puttying.

46. ​​Pipes different diameters- coloring.

47. Ventilation pipes - insulation with mastic materials.

48. Steel rods - priming and painting of external surfaces.

49. Filters - degreasing, priming, puttying, painting manually and mechanically.

50. Water and oil filters - priming the outer surfaces of AG-100 with aluminum powder.

51. Mounting tires - painting.

52. Tires, busbars - puttying.

53. Scales from organic glass- insulation and painting.

54. Scales, dials - coloring.

55. Boats - puttying and painting.

56. Tongues and ridges of freight car skins - priming.

57. Pins assembled with a chain, washers, spindles assembled, dowels with a chain assembled - priming of external and internal surfaces and painting.

58. Expansit, foam plastic and other materials - puttying, grinding and priming.

59. Electric motors, turbogenerators - priming, puttying, painting.

60. Metal mailboxes - cleaning, priming and painting.

61. Boxes and instrument cases - stenciling.

§ 43. Painter 3rd category

Characteristics of work. Painting surfaces that require high-quality finishing, after applying putties and primer layers with paints and varnishes in several tones, sanding and polishing them. Cutting surfaces into simple patterns of various types of wood, marble and stone. Application of drawings and inscriptions using stencils in two or three tones; numbers and letters without stencils. Painting of parts and surfaces using electrostatic installations and electrostatic paint sprayers. Surface finishing by spraying. Surface treatment with corrosion inhibitors. Regulating the supply of air and paint to spray guns. Coating of products with bitumen-based varnishes and nitro-varnishes. Manual cleaning of closed volumes (cylinders, compartments). Painting and cleaning (scrubbing) of ships at the docks. Interoperable protection with phosphating primers of sheet material and rolled profiles for ship structures, except for tanks of drinking, distilled and feed water, medical and industrial fat. Application of paint and varnish coatings at the location of the variable waterline of ships, the finishing of which does not have high requirements. Making simple stencils. Cooking adhesives according to a given recipe. Preparation of mixtures of oil paints and varnishes, nitro paints, nitro varnishes and synthetic enamels. Selection of colors according to given samples. Changing and gluing linoleum, relin and other materials. Adjustment of mechanisms and devices used in painting work.

Must know: principle of operation and methods for adjusting mechanisms and devices used in painting work; arrangement of electrostatic field installations and electrostatic paint sprayers, rules for their regulation according to the readings of instrumentation; rules for the protection of sheet material and rolled profiles for ship structures; methods of painting and varnishing products made from various materials and the process of preparing products for finishing; the process of cutting surfaces into a simple pattern of various types of wood, marble and stone; properties of decorative and insulating varnishes and enamels and recipes for their preparation; methods of composing paints of various colors and tones; chemical composition of paints and rules for selecting colors; methods and methods of gluing, changing linoleum, linkrust and other materials; technical specifications for finishing and drying of products.

Examples of work

1. Passenger cars, except for the ZIL and Chaika brands, and buses - applying a primer layer, puttying, sanding, primary and re-painting of the body.

2. Trucks - final painting.

3. Ship fittings and equipment - painting according to class 2 finishing.

4. Barges - painting.

5. Control units - priming and puttying of external surfaces.

6. Block sections, complex foundations, internal sides - mechanized rust removal.

7. Doors, frames - putty.

8. Wing propellers - priming and painting.

9. Cast and welded parts for electric machines and apparatus - grinding after puttying and painting.

10. Containers - varnishing of the inner surface.

11. ZS-T contactors - painting of the outer surface.

12. Film and photo camera cassettes - coloring.

13. Welded frames of large-block stations and control panels - painting.

14. Upper and lower propeller housings - priming and painting of external and internal surfaces.

15. Steel gearbox housings and covers - priming and painting of internal surfaces.

16. Housings, tables and disks of adjustment and testing stands - grinding and painting with enamel.

17. Vessel hull inside and outside, superstructures - painting.

18. Turbine casings - priming, puttying and painting of external and internal surfaces.

19. Housings of electrical distribution devices - puttying, priming, painting.

20. Cranes, bridges, power line supports - painting.

21. Freight car bodies, tank and steam locomotive boilers, universal containers - painting.

22. Steel oil pipelines - painting of internal surfaces.

23. Machines, machines, devices, devices and other equipment - painting.

24. Ship mechanisms, devices - puttying, painting by hand and mechanized.

25. Flexible steel supports - priming and puttying of external surfaces.

26. Decks - applying mastics.

27. Metal and wooden panels for radio devices - painting and finishing.

28. Switches "S" PS-1 steel - priming of the outer surface and painting.

29. Facing and shaped tiles - cladding of vertical surfaces.

30. Surfaces of ships, carriages - gluing linoleum, linkrust, relin.

31. Surfaces of ship premises, panels, layouts - sanding with putty and primer, painting with enamels and varnishes.

32. Surfaces of structures and products - painting with installations of the URTs-1 type.

33. Surfaces of structures - applying Adem mastic manually.

34. Ship surfaces: metal, wood, insulation in enclosed spaces, ship hull from the outside using rubber and fiberglass, complex foundations, shafts, rudders - manual and mechanical painting.

35. “VARNISH” coating - gluing and removing stencils.

36. Frames, doors, transoms - painting and varnishing.

37. Welded steel rotors - priming and painting of internal surfaces.

38. Glasses, bushings, oil seals, small-sized brackets, housings, casings, frames - complete puttying, grinding, painting in 2nd and 3rd class finishes.

39. Counting, sewing and writing machines - painting and polishing.

40. Posts, shields - cutting to a simple design of various types of wood.

41. Walls, shelves, furniture outside and inside, ceilings and roofs of locomotives and all-metal cars, cars with machine cooling and isothermal cars with a metal body - grinding, applying a revealing layer with a brush, spray or roller.

42. Reinforced concrete vessels - painting.

43. Trolleybuses and subway cars - gluing panels and ceilings, interior with cotton fabric, gluing panels with linkcrust, sanding over solid putty, applying second and third layers of enamel with a brush and spray paint.

44. Pipes and metal fittings of locomotives and cars - painting.

45. Ventilation pipes - painting.

46. ​​Cargo holds - painting glass fabric with EP type enamels.

47. Steel rods - priming and painting of external surfaces.

48. UPK with devices - priming and painting of the outer surface.

49. Cases for electrical equipment - varnishing and polishing.

50. Anchor chains - coloring.

51. Tanks, compartments, closed volumes - cleaning from rust and loose scale by hand, priming and painting.

52. Metal scales - knurled with a roller, engraved in several colors.

53. Electric motors, turbogenerators - final painting.

54. Drawers and cabinets, metal panels of stations and control panels - sanding, painting and finishing.

§ 44. Painter 4th category

Characteristics of work. High-quality painting of surfaces with dry powders, various paints and varnishes in several tones and finishing of surfaces with grinding, varnishing and polishing. Trimming and flanging of painted surfaces. Pulling panels with shading. Drawings on surfaces using stencils in four or more tones. Cutting surfaces into complex patterns of various types of wood, marble and stone. Independent compilation of complex colors. Restoration of painted surfaces, lincrust, linoleum and other materials. Paint and varnish coatings for glass and ceramic enamel. Production of complex stencils and combs for cutting painted surfaces. Gluing carpet linoleum, pavinol and other materials. Painting after priming surfaces using cold airless spray. Painting of parts, products, devices in tropical design. Interoperable protection with phosphating primers of sheet material and rolled profiles for ship tanks of drinking, distilled and feed water, medical and industrial fat. Mechanized cleaning of ship hulls from corrosion, scale, fouling and old paintwork using shot blasting machines with delivery of work using samples and standards and high-pressure water. Determining the quality of the paints and varnishes used. Adjustment of mechanisms used in painting work.

Must know: device and methods for adjusting mechanisms and devices used in painting work; methods of performing painting work with a high-quality finish; the process of cutting surfaces into complex patterns of various types of wood, marble and stone; features of mechanized cleaning of surfaces and bodies from fouling and old paintwork; technical conditions and requirements for painting and varnishing; methods for restoring painted surfaces, lincrust, linoleum and other materials.

Examples of work

1. Passenger cars, except for the ZIL and Chaika brands, and buses - final painting, finishing and polishing.

2. Waterlines and recess marks - painting with synthetic and oil paints.

3. Parts for export and exhibition exhibits - painting according to 1st finishing class.

4. Special ship products (3s-95, UPV) - painting according to 1st finishing class.

5. Boats - painting.

6. Housings, base brackets, cast parts of complex configuration - painted in class 2 finish.

7. Bearing housings for export - painting in 1st - 2nd finishing class.

8. Housings of devices and units, covers, panels, front frames, brackets, antennas - painting according to 1 - 2 finishing class, external decorative painting.

9. Ship hull, ship structures and surfaces of ship premises (compartments, tanks, tanks) - priming and painting by cold air and airless spraying of paints and varnishes.

10. Fairings - painting.

11. Decks in residential and service areas of ships - linoleum, relin, egelite flooring.

12. Surfaces of structures - application of Adem mastic using a Plast apparatus.

13. Surfaces of metal closed, cramped and hard-to-reach places (shafts, compartments, tanks) - priming and painting with epoxy paints.

14. Linen surfaces of aircraft cabins - multi-layer coating with varnishes and paints.

15. “VARNISH” coating - measurement of special parameters.

16. Residential and service premises - leveling deck surfaces with mastics for gluing linoleum.

17. Stators and rotors - coating of internal and external diameters, windings with electrical insulating enamels and varnishes.

18. Walls, shelves, furniture outside and inside, ceilings and roofs of locomotives, all-metal cars, cooled cars, insulated cars with a metal body and ship cabins - painting and varnishing with a brush, spray or roller.

19. Ships, fuselages, aircraft wings and walls of tourist and service cars - applying distinctive inscriptions and markings.

20. Trolleybuses and subway cars - final painting and finishing.

21. Drinking tanks - painting.

22. Electrical appliances, large-sized electric machines - painting and polishing.

§ 45. Painter 5th category

Characteristics of work. High-quality painting of surfaces with various paints with varnishing, polishing, ornamental and artistic multi-color finishing. Cutting surfaces for valuable wood species. High-quality painting after priming using cold airless spray. Priming, anti-corrosion coating, coating with anti-fouling and anti-fouling paints, anodic and cathodic protection of ships exposed to sea water, mineral acids and alkalis. Restoration of artistic inscriptions.

Must know: methods of performing painting work with artistic and ornamental finishing and the method of cold airless spraying; the process of cutting surfaces for valuable wood species; recipe, physical and chemical properties of coloring materials and compositions for artistic painting and finishing; types of complex paintings and fonts; properties and types of pigments, solvents, oils, varnishes, silicates, resins and other materials used in painting; methods for testing varnishes and paints for durability and viscosity; technical specifications for the final finishing of products, parts and surfaces; drying modes for paint and varnish coatings; requirements for the preparation of surfaces for anti-corrosion, anodic and cathodic protection; protective schemes for priming and painting the underwater part of ships exposed to sea water, mineral acids and alkalis; methods of restoration of artistic inscriptions.

Examples of work

1. Passenger cars of the ZIL and Chaika brands - final painting, finishing with varnishes and enamel paints.

2. Coats of arms, ornaments, complex inscriptions - artistic execution based on sketches and drawings.

3. Instrument housings for export - painting according to 1st finishing class.

4. Device housings operated in sea ​​water, in tropical conditions - coloring.

5. Ship hull, ship structures and surfaces of ship premises (compartments, tanks, tanks) - priming and painting by hot air and airless spraying of paints and varnishes.

6. Vessel hull and other metal structures in the underwater part - measurements of specific lateral resistance paint coating with preliminary marking of measurement points.

7. Superstructure of passenger ships - painting.

8. Panels, boards, diagrams - artistic surface finishing.

9. Ship salons, passenger aircraft, tourist and service passenger cars - finishing of metal, wood, plastic.

§ 46. Painter 6th category

Characteristics of work. Experimental painting and finishing of products and surfaces when introducing new dyes and synthetic materials. Restoration of artistic paintings and drawings. Decorative varnishing, polishing of interior surfaces. Painting after priming surfaces using hot airless spraying in installations. Application of antifouling thermoplastic paints using machines. Protection of antifouling paints with preservative paints according to a special scheme. Painting from drawings and sketches by hand.

Must know: methods of implementation and requirements for experimental painting and finishing of products and surfaces; device and methods for setting up installations for hot airless spraying of paints and varnishes and devices for applying thermoplastic paints; antifouling paint protection schemes; methods of restoration of artistic paintings and drawings.

Examples of work

1. Ship structures - application of thick-layer coatings.

2. The surfaces of the internal walls of passenger ships, airplanes, tourist and service cars - painting based on drawings and sketches by hand.

3. Salons, lobbies, “Lux” cabins of passenger ships, airplanes, carriages and pleasure yachts - artistic decoration, protective coating.

4. Exhibits of machines, apparatus and instruments - multi-layer and multi-color painting, varnishing, grinding and polishing.

§ 43. Painter 3rd category

Characteristics of the work. Painting surfaces that require high-quality finishing, after applying putties and primer layers with paints and varnishes in several tones, sanding and polishing them. Cutting surfaces into simple patterns of various types of wood, marble and stone. Application of drawings and inscriptions using stencils in two or three tones; numbers and letters without stencils. Painting of parts and surfaces using electrostatic installations and electrostatic paint sprayers. Surface finishing by spraying. Surface treatment with corrosion inhibitors. Regulating the supply of air and paint to spray guns. Coating of products with bitumen-based varnishes and nitro-varnishes. Manual cleaning of closed volumes (cylinders, compartments). Painting and cleaning (scrubbing) of ships at the docks. Interoperable protection with phosphating primers of sheet material and rolled profiles for ship structures, except for tanks of drinking, distilled and feed water, medical and industrial fat. Application of paint and varnish coatings at the location of the variable waterline of ships, the finishing of which does not have high requirements. Making simple stencils. Cooking adhesives according to a given recipe. Preparation of mixtures of oil paints and varnishes, nitro paints, nitro varnishes and synthetic enamels. Selection of colors according to given samples. Changing and gluing linoleum, relin and other materials. Adjustment of mechanisms and devices used in painting work.
Must know: principle of operation and methods for adjusting mechanisms and devices used in painting work; arrangement of electrostatic field installations and electrostatic paint sprayers, rules for their regulation according to the readings of instrumentation; rules for the protection of sheet material and rolled profiles for ship structures; methods of painting and varnishing products made from various materials and the process of preparing products for finishing; the process of cutting surfaces into a simple pattern of various types of wood, marble and stone; properties of decorative and insulating varnishes and enamels and recipes for their preparation; methods of composing paints of various colors and tones; chemical composition of paints and rules for selecting colors; methods and methods of gluing, changing linoleum, linkrust and other materials; technical specifications for finishing and drying of products.
Examples of work
1. Passenger cars, except for the ZIL and Chaika brands, and buses - applying a primer layer, puttying, sanding, primary and re-painting of the body.
2. Trucks - final painting.
3. Ship fittings and equipment - painting according to class 2 finishing.
4. Barges - painting.
5. Control units - priming and puttying of external surfaces.
6. Block sections, complex foundations, internal sides - mechanized rust removal.
7. Doors, frames - putty.
8. Wing propellers - priming and painting.
9. Cast and welded parts for electric machines and apparatus - grinding after puttying and painting.
10. Containers - varnishing of the inner surface.
11. ZS-T contactors - painting of the outer surface.
12. Film and photo camera cassettes - coloring.
13. Welded frames of large-block stations and control panels - painting.
14. Upper and lower propeller housings - priming and painting of external and internal surfaces.
15. Steel gearbox housings and covers - priming and painting of internal surfaces.
16. Housings, tables and disks of adjustment and testing stands - grinding and painting with enamel.
17. Vessel hull inside and outside, superstructures - painting.
18. Turbine casings - priming, puttying and painting of external and internal surfaces.
19. Housings of electrical distribution devices - puttying, priming, painting.
20. Cranes, bridges, power line supports - painting.
21. Freight car bodies, tank and steam locomotive boilers, universal containers - painting.
22. Steel oil pipelines - painting of internal surfaces.
23. Machines, machines, devices, devices and other equipment - painting.
24. Ship mechanisms, devices - puttying, painting by hand and mechanized.
25. Flexible steel supports - priming and puttying of external surfaces.
26. Decks - applying mastics.
27. Metal and wooden panels for radio devices - painting and finishing.
28. Switches "S" PS-1 steel - priming of the outer surface and painting.
29. Facing and shaped tiles - cladding of vertical surfaces.
30. Surfaces of ships, carriages - gluing linoleum, linkrust, relin.
31. Surfaces of ship premises, panels, layouts - sanding with putty and primer, painting with enamels and varnishes.
32. Surfaces of structures and products - painting with installations of the URTs-1 type.
33. Surfaces of structures - applying Adem mastic manually.
34. Ship surfaces: metal, wood, insulation in enclosed spaces, ship hull from the outside using rubber and fiberglass, complex foundations, shafts, rudders - manual and mechanical painting.
35. “VARNISH” coating - gluing and removing stencils.
36. Frames, doors, transoms - painting and varnishing.
37. Welded steel rotors - priming and painting of internal surfaces.
38. Glasses, bushings, oil seals, small-sized brackets, housings, casings, frames - complete puttying, grinding, painting in 2nd and 3rd class finishes.
39. Counting, sewing and writing machines - painting and polishing.
40. Posts, shields - cutting to a simple design of various types of wood.
41. Walls, shelves, furniture outside and inside, ceilings and roofs of locomotives and all-metal cars, cars with machine cooling and isothermal cars with a metal body - grinding, applying a revealing layer with a brush, spray or roller.
42. Reinforced concrete vessels - painting.
43. Trolleybuses and subway cars - gluing panels and ceilings, interior with cotton fabric, gluing panels with linkcrust, sanding over solid putty, applying second and third layers of enamel with a brush and spray paint.
44. Pipes and metal fittings of locomotives and cars - painting.
45. Ventilation pipes - painting.
46. ​​Cargo holds - painting glass fabric with EP type enamels.
47. Steel rods - priming and painting of external surfaces.
48. UPK with devices - priming and painting of the outer surface.
49. Cases for electrical equipment - varnishing and polishing.
50. Anchor chains - coloring.
51. Tanks, compartments, closed volumes - cleaning from rust and loose scale by hand, priming and painting.
52. Metal scales - knurled with a roller, engraved in several colors.
53. Electric motors, turbogenerators - final painting.
54. Drawers and cabinets, metal panels of stations and control panels - sanding, painting and finishing.

From July 1, 2016, employers are required to apply professional standards, if the requirements for the qualifications that an employee needs to perform a certain job function are established by the Labor Code, federal laws or other regulations ( Federal law dated May 2, 2015 No. 122-FZ).
To search for approved professional standards of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, use