Features of a sailing wind generator: history, modern design and DIY creation. How to make a windmill with your own hands. Is a homemade wind generator even possible? Choosing according to the wind

Ecology of consumption. Science and technology: We can say that the sail windmill is one of the simplest, but at the same time one of the most inefficient windmills in existence. The KIEV of a sailing wind turbine cannot be higher than 20%, even theoretically.

Humanity has been using sails since time immemorial, for many thousands of years. In general, as long as he can remember. When they had no idea about aerodynamics. But the windmills were already spinning and the boats were already sailing. True, in those days they usually used flat sails. In the Middle Ages, more advanced sails were invented, which immediately led to a sharp leap in the development of navigation, and as a consequence - the most significant geographical discoveries. But so far the sail continues to serve and will serve people as long as the wind blows.

What a sailing windmill looks like should be clear to you from the photographs. Without going into the jungle of aerodynamics, we can say that the sail windmill is one of the simplest, but at the same time one of the most inefficient windmills in existence. The KIEV of a sailing wind turbine cannot be higher than 20%, even theoretically. This means that you will receive only 1/5 of the power of the wind flow hitting the blades of the sail windmill. For example, if the wind blows at a speed of 5 m/s, and your windmill is 5 meters in diameter, then the power of the wind flow will be approx. 1500 Watt. You can really only remove 300 watts from a windmill (at best). And this is from a five-meter structure!

Fortunately, only low KIEV (coefficientuse of wind energy) the disadvantages of a sailing windmill are limited. Then there are only advantages.

The sail windmill is the slowest windmill. Its speed rarely approaches 2, but is usually in the range from 1 to 1.5. And all because of its monstrous aerodynamics.

On the other hand, the sail windmill is one of the most sensitive windmills. It works from the very bottom of the wind speed range, starting literally from calm, from 1-2 meters per second. And this is an important factor in the conditions central Russia, where the wind rarely exceeds 3-5 meters per second. Here, where faster windmills mostly flail, a sailing windmill will at least produce something. Although, as you probably know, Russia is not famous for windmills, this is not seaside Holland and the winds do not spoil us. But there were many water mills.

Another advantage of a sailing windmill is the amazing simplicity of its design. The windmill shaft, on bearings, of course, on the shaft is a hub. Attached to the hub are “masts,” usually from 8 to 24. And from the masts come oblique sails made of durable thin material, usually synthetic. The other part of the sail is attached with sheets, which serve both as sail angle regulators and as storm protection. Those. the most primitive sailing equipment, simpler than on the simplest yacht.

It is precisely this simplicity of design that does not allow the sailing windmill to be consigned to the archives of the technical achievements of mankind. For a portable, transportable, camping, emergency option, a sailing windmill is a fairly decent design. When assembled, it is a package no larger than a tent. The sails are furled, the masts are folded. Even a 2-meter sail windmill in a wind of 5 meters/sec will give a faithful 25-40 watts of energy, which is more than enough to charge batteries and communications and navigation equipment, and even for a simple lighting system on powerful LEDs enough.

The inherently low power of a sailing windmill suggests the use of a stepper motor of similar power (30-40 Watt) as a generator. It also does not require high speeds; 200-300 per minute is quite enough. Which fits perfectly with the speed of the windmill. After all, with a speed of 1.5, it will produce these 200 revolutions already in a wind of 4-5 meters per second. Using a ready-made stepper motor You will thereby save yourself from the rather serious hassle of making an electric generator. Since the presence of a gearbox or multiplier is initially assumed, it is easy to coordinate the speed of the sailing windmill and the generator.

If you make an option with rigid (plastic sails), then it will be possible to slightly increase speed, although at the expense of some reduction in mobility. When disassembled, the windmill will take up more space.

Therefore, if your ambitions for harnessing the wind to your cart are limited to a power of a couple of tens of watts for charging small and medium-sized batteries (up to 100 Ah), organizing simple lighting using an inverter up to 220 volts and energy-saving lamps, then a sailing windmill - a very, very worthy option. Although this will not be the most efficient in terms of using wind energy, it will be a very budget-friendly option that will quickly pay for itself. A 2-3 meter windmill will provide you with up to 1 kW of energy per day.

As a camping one, a sailing windmill will be cheaper than the cheapest gasoline electric generator and will pay for itself initially.

Stationary sailing wind turbines are initially built large precisely because of their low KIEV. At least 5-6 meters in diameter, otherwise there is no point. Such a wind turbine will consistently produce up to 2-3 kW of energy per day. And with careful use, they can be turned into 3-5 kW of lighting energy (for example, for lighting a greenhouse or greenhouse). And when using a heat pump - 5-6 kW of thermal energy, which will allow heating a small garden house in 20-30 sq. meters and seriously save fuel.

Therefore, the sailing windmill, despite its archaic design, remains a way of using wind that still deserves attention. Especially in areas of low winds.

The upper limit of the operating wind speed of a sail windmill is no more than 10-12 meters per second. And then from the most reliable wind turbines. Therefore, when designing a sailing windmill, you should seriously consider storm protection. For example, make “breakable” masts based on the design of the Kulikov antenna, or come up with a device for relaxing sheets to turn sails into flags, or fold masts using guy ropes, etc. published

Some photos of a sailing rotor generator with a power of up to 4 kW*h. The mast for this windmill was welded like this, this type of mast is the so-called farm mast, can be triangular or quadrangular.

The base of the mast, as usual, is dug a hole and filled with concrete, in the concrete there are embedded parts for screwing the mast onto bolts.


The rotary axis of the wind generator is made from parts from the bridge and rims. Weight 150kg.


Preliminary estimation and assembly, drive units from the wind wheel through the gearbox to the generator, for which the motor was used DC brushed


The structure is already painted, I'm waiting for the generator.


Made a wind wheel.


With the help of such a simple winch, attached to the mast, the parts are slowly lifted and installed; in the photo, the rotary axis of the wind generator is already installed.



I dress and tighten the sails.


This is how the installation of the wind wheel went, lifting it using a winch, and then landing it in its place and screwing it with bolts.


It's already working.



Electrical circuit of the ballast regulator.


Homemade charging and power take-off controller.


Installation of a wind wheel with new sails.


DIY sailing wind generator.


A DC motor with brushes and magnets, produced in 1971, 48 volts, 500 rpm -30A, weight 55 kilograms, was used as a generator. This wind generator was built as an experimental model. For now I use it in conjunction with a 12 volt 155A battery. There are simply no more batteries for now. Now I power my TV, laptop, radio, phone chargers, etc. from this wind generator. For now, instead of a regular 12/220 volt inverter, I want to make a converter, a Tesla coil to transmit energy wirelessly, in general, everything for experiments.

The article is compiled based on materials >>source The author of this wind generator is Vitaly Bondar on VKontakte.

It is difficult not to notice how the stability of electricity supplies to suburban facilities differs from the provision of urban buildings and enterprises with electricity. Admit that you, as the owner of a private home or cottage, have more than once encountered interruptions, associated inconveniences and damage to equipment.

The listed negative situations, along with the consequences, will no longer complicate the lives of lovers of natural spaces. Moreover, with minimal labor and financial costs. To do this you just need to do wind generator electricity, which we talk about in detail in the article.

We have described in detail the options for manufacturing a system that is useful in the household and eliminates energy dependence. According to our advice, an inexperienced person can build a wind generator with their own hands. home handyman. This practical device will help to significantly reduce your daily expenses.

Alternative energy sources are the dream of any summer resident or homeowner whose plot is located far from central networks. However, when we receive bills for electricity consumed in a city apartment and look at the increased tariffs, we realize that a wind generator created for domestic needs would not hurt us.

After reading this article, perhaps you will make your dream come true.

Wind generator – great solution to provide a suburban facility with electricity. Moreover, in some cases, installing it is the only possible solution.

In order not to waste money, effort and time, let's decide: are there any external circumstances, which will create obstacles for us during the operation of the wind generator?

To provide electricity to a summer house or small cottage, it is enough, the power of which will not exceed 1 kW. Such devices in Russia are equated to household products. Their installation does not require certificates, permits or any additional approvals.

Activities like individuals, and the entire current humanity is practically impossible without electricity. Unfortunately, the rapidly increasing consumption of oil and gas, coal and peat is leading to a decrease in the reserves of these resources on the planet. What can be done while earthlings still have all this? According to the conclusions of experts, it is the development of energy complexes that can solve the problems of global economic and financial crises. Therefore, the search and use of fuel-free energy sources is becoming the most urgent.

Renewable, ecological, green

Perhaps it is not worth reminding that everything new is well forgotten old. People learned to use the power of river flow and wind speed to generate mechanical energy a very long time ago. The sun heats our water and moves cars and powers spaceships. Wheels installed in the beds of streams and small rivers supplied water to fields back in the Middle Ages. One could provide flour to several surrounding villages.

At the moment we are interested in a simple question: how to provide your home with cheap light and heat, how to make a windmill with your own hands? 5 kW power or a little less, the main thing is that you can supply your home with current to operate electrical appliances.

Interestingly, in the world there is a classification of buildings according to the level of resource efficiency:

  • conventional, built before 1980-1995;
  • with low and ultra-low energy consumption - up to 45-90 kWh per 1 kW/m;
  • passive and non-volatile, receiving current from renewable sources (for example, by installing a rotary wind generator (5 kW) with your own hands or a system solar panels, this problem can be solved);
  • energy-efficient buildings that generate more electricity than they need earn money by passing it on to other consumers through the grid.

It turns out that your own home mini-stations, installed on roofs and in courtyards, can eventually become a kind of competition to large power suppliers. Yes and governments different countries strongly encourage the creation and active use

How to determine the profitability of your own power plant

Researchers have proven that the reserve capacity of winds is much greater than all the accumulated fuel reserves of centuries. Among the methods of obtaining energy from renewable sources, windmills have a special place, since their production is simpler than the creation of solar panels. In fact, you can assemble a 5 kW wind generator with your own hands, having the necessary components, including magnets, copper wire, plywood and metal for the blades.

Experts say that a structure not only of the correct shape, but also built in accordance with the right place. This means that it is necessary to take into account the presence, constancy and even speed of air flows in each individual case and even in a specific region. If the area periodically experiences calm, calm and windless days, installing a mast with a generator will not bring any benefit.

Before you start making a windmill with your own hands (5 kW), you need to think about its model and type. You should not expect a large energy output from a weak design. And vice versa, when you only need to power a couple of light bulbs in your dacha, there is no point in building a huge windmill with your own hands. 5 kW is a power sufficient to provide electricity to almost the entire lighting system and household appliances. If there is a constant wind, there will be light.

How to make a wind generator with your own hands: sequence of actions

At the location chosen for the high mast, the windmill itself with the generator attached to it is strengthened. The generated energy is transmitted through the wires to the right room. It is believed that the higher the mast design, the larger the diameter of the wind wheel and the stronger the air flow, the higher the efficiency of the entire device. In reality, everything is not quite like that:

  • for example, a strong hurricane can easily break the blades;
  • some models can be installed on the roof of a regular house;
  • a properly selected turbine starts easily and works perfectly even in very low wind speeds.

Main types of wind turbines

Designs with a horizontal axis of rotation of the rotor are considered classic. They usually have 2-3 blades and are installed at a high height from the ground. The greatest efficiency of such an installation is manifested at a constant direction and its speed of 10 m/s. A significant disadvantage of this blade design is the failure of the rotation of the blades during frequently changing, gusty conditions. This leads to either unproductive operation or destruction of the entire installation. To start such a generator after stopping, a forced initial rotation of the blades is necessary. In addition, when the blades actively rotate, they produce specific sounds that are unpleasant to the human ear.

A vertical wind generator (“Volchok” 5 kW or another) has a different rotor placement. H-shaped or barrel-shaped turbines capture wind from any direction. These structures are smaller in size, start even at the weakest air currents (at 1.5-3 m/s), do not require high masts, and can be used even in urban environments. In addition, self-assembled windmills (5 kW - this is real) reach their rated power at wind speeds of 3-4 m/s.

Sails are not on ships, but on land

One of the popular trends in wind energy now is the creation of a horizontal generator with soft blades. The main difference is both the material of manufacture and the shape itself: do-it-yourself windmills (5 kW, sail type) have 4-6 triangular fabric blades. Moreover, unlike traditional structures, their cross-section increases in the direction from the center to the periphery. This feature allows you not only to “catch” weak winds, but also to avoid losses during hurricane air flow.

The advantages of sailboats include the following indicators:

  • high power at slow rotation;
  • independent orientation and adjustment to any wind;
  • high weathervane and low inertia;
  • no need to force the wheel to spin;
  • completely silent rotation even at high speeds;
  • absence of vibrations and sound disturbances;
  • relative cheapness of construction.

DIY windmills

The 5 kW of required electricity can be obtained in several ways:

  • build a simple rotor structure;
  • assemble a complex of several sailing wheels arranged in series on the same axis;
  • use an axle design with neodymium magnets.

It is important to remember that the power of a wind wheel is proportional to the product of the cubic value of the wind speed and the swept area of ​​the turbine. So, how to make a 5 kW wind generator? Instructions below.

You can take a car hub as a basis and brake discs. 32 magnets (25 by 8 mm) are placed parallel in a circle on the future rotor disks (the moving part of the generator), 16 pieces per disk, and the pluses must alternate with the minuses. Opposing magnets must have different pole values. After marking and placement, everything on the circle is filled with epoxy.

Reels copper wire located on the stator. Their number should be less than the number of magnets, that is, 12. First, all the wires are taken out and connected to each other in a star or triangle, then they are also filled with epoxy glue. It is recommended to insert pieces of plasticine inside the coils before pouring. After the resin has hardened and been removed, there will be holes left that are needed for ventilation and cooling of the stator.

How does it all work

The rotor disks, rotating relative to the stator, form a magnetic field, and an electric current arises in the coils. And the windmill, connected through a system of pulleys, is needed in order to move these parts working structure. How to make a wind generator with your own hands? Some people start building their own power station by assembling a generator. Others - from the creation of a rotating blade part.

The shaft from the windmill is engaged by a sliding connection with one of the rotor disks. The lower, second disk with magnets is placed on a strong bearing. The stator is located in the middle. All parts are attached to the plywood circle using long bolts and secured with nuts. Between all the “pancakes”, minimum gaps must be left for free rotation of the rotor disks. The result is a 3-phase generator.


All that remains is to make windmills. You can make a 5 kW rotating structure with your own hands from 3 circles of plywood and a sheet of the thinnest and lightest duralumin. Metal rectangular wings are attached to the plywood with bolts and angles. First, guide grooves in the shape of a wave are hollowed out in each plane of the circle, into which the sheets are inserted. The resulting double-decker rotor has 4 wavy blades attached to each other at right angles. That is, between each two plywood pancakes fastened to the hubs there are 2 duralumin blades curved in the shape of a wave.

This structure is mounted in the center on a steel pin, which will transmit torque to the generator. Self-made windmills (5 kW) of this design weigh approximately 16-18 kg with a height of 160-170 cm and a base diameter of 80-90 cm.

Things to consider

A “barrel” windmill can even be installed on the roof of a building, although a tower 3-4 meters high is sufficient. However, it is imperative to protect the generator housing from natural precipitation. It is also recommended to install a battery energy storage device.

To obtain alternating current from direct 3-phase current, a converter must also be included in the circuit.

If there are enough windy days in the region, a self-assembled windmill (5 kW) can provide current not only to a TV and light bulbs, but also to a video surveillance system, air conditioning, refrigerator and other electrical equipment.

This method of obtaining energy does not have negative influence on the environment, and no man-made accident can occur in the process. The kinetic properties of the wind are available in any corner globe, so the equipment can be installed everywhere. By 2005, the total wind energy capacity amounted to 59 thousand megawatts. And for the whole year it grew by 24%. A wind generator, scientifically speaking, converts kinetic energy into mechanical energy.

In plain language, with the help of this unit, the energy of the air flow is processed into electricity, which can be used in populated and industrial areas remote from the central power grid. It has a fairly simple operating mechanism: the wind turns the rotor, which generates current and, in turn, is transmitted through the controller to the batteries. The inverter converts the voltage at the battery terminals into a usable voltage.

Design and technical characteristics of a wind power plant

Technical studies have proven that atmospheric cyclones are much more powerful than ground-based ones, so it is necessary to install the generating device higher. To obtain the energy of high-altitude winds, a certain technology is needed.

It can be obtained using a combination of turbines and kites. Power plants located on the surface of the earth or the sea shelf receive surface flow. Studying process production of two types of stations, experts came to a colossal difference in efficiency. Ground turbines will be able to produce more than 400 TW, and high-altitude turbines - 1800 TW.

In general, wind generators are divided into domestic and industrial. The latter are installed at large corporate facilities, since they have greater power, sometimes they are even combined into a network, which as a result constitutes an entire power plant. The peculiarity of such methods of generating electricity is complete absence both the raw materials for processing and waste. All that is needed for the active functioning of the power plant is powerful gusts of wind.
Wind map by region and average annual speed.

The power can reach 7.5 megawatts.

Rotary ones should be installed in places where the wind speed is more than 4 m/s. The distance from the mast to the nearest buildings or tall trees must be at least 15 meters, and the distance from the lower edge of the wind wheel to the nearest branches of trees and buildings must be at least 2 meters. It should be noted that everyone calculates the design and height of the mast individually, depending on local natural conditions, the presence of obstacles and air flow speed.

Installation of both horizontal and vertical wind generators is carried out on the foundation. The mast is attached to anchor bolts. Before installing the mast, the foundation is kept for a month, this is necessary for the concrete to settle and gain strength. They are required to be equipped with a lightning protection system, so they can reliably provide your home with electricity, even in rainy weather.

The latest technologies from NASA developers are aimed at generating devices kite. This will increase the efficiency to 90%. Since there will be a generator on the ground, and a device in the air that will detect atmospheric gusts. The aircraft's flight system is currently being tested, with a maximum range of 610 meters and a wingspan of approximately 3 meters. The rotational phase of the ball will consume less resources, and the turbine blades will move faster. The designers suggest that such engineering can be implemented in space, for example on Mars.

Snakes are electric generators

As we can see, the future prospects are quite optimistic; we just have to wait for all this to come true. Not only the space agency offers innovative methods, but many companies already have plans to place such structures in the desired geographical areas of the Earth. Some of them have made amazing progress and their brainchildren are already being exploited.

Just look at the twin towers in Bahrain, where two giant buildings are like one power plant. The height reaches 240 meters. Over the course of a year, such a project generates 1,130 MW. There are a lot of examples that can be given, the point is that every year the number of interested companies to participate in the development of the industry is growing.

Energy distribution diagram: 1 - wind generator; 2 - charge controller; 3 - battery; 4 - inverter; 5 - distribution system; 6 - network; 7 - consumer.

Alternative wind energy in the CIS

Naturally, the wind energy industry of the CIS countries lags behind advanced countries. This is due to many reasons, primarily economic. Government departments are developing programs and introducing “green tariffs” to promote the development of the industry.

There is enormous potential for this, but there are many obstacles to implementation. For example, Belarus has recently begun to develop in this direction, but main problem Republic, is the absence own production, you have to order equipment from partner countries. Speaking about Russia, this production is in a “frozen” state, since the basic sources are: water, coal and nuclear power. As a result, 64th place in the electricity production ranking. For Kazakhstan, a favorable geographical location should help, but the technical base is very outdated and requires major modernization.

Wind energy development in northern Europe

Norway is located on the Scandinavian Peninsula, most of the territory is washed by the sea, where strong northern winds blow. The possibilities for generating electricity are endless. In 2014, a park with a design capacity of 200 megawatts was put into operation. Such a complex will provide 40 thousand residential buildings. We should not forget that Norway and Denmark cooperate closely in the energy market. Denmark is a world leader in offshore energy.

Most power plants are located offshore; more than 35% of electricity is generated by such complexes. Without having nuclear power plants Denmark easily supplies itself and Europe with electricity. Proper use alternative sources made this progress possible.

Wind turbine equipment

Vertical, as a rule, consists of the following parts:

  • turbine
  • tail
  • upstream rotor
  • guyed mast
  • generator
  • batteries
  • inverter
  • battery charge controller

Wind turbine blades

Separately, I would like to touch upon the topic of blades; the efficiency of the installation directly depends on their number and the material from which they are made. Based on their number, they can be one, two or three and multi-bladed. The latter are characterized by a number of blades of more than five; they have high inertia and efficiency, due to which they can be used to operate water pumps. To date, a fairly efficient one has already been developed, capable of catching air flows without blades. It works on the principle of a sailboat; it catches gusts of air, which causes the pistons, which are located in the upper part, to move, immediately behind the plate.

Based on the materials from which the blades in the installations are made, a distinction is made between rigid and sail structures. Sailing ones are a cheaper option made of fiberglass or metal, but during active work they very often break.

Additional elements of a wind turbine

Some of the modern models have a module for connecting a DC source for operating solar panels. Sometimes the design of a vertical windmill is supplemented with unusual elements, for example, magnets. Ferrite magnets are very popular. These elements can speed up the rotor speed, and accordingly increase the generator power and efficiency.

This is how promotions are earned performance characteristics on a hand-made assembly, for example, from an old car generator. It is necessary to note the principle of a wind power plant made of ferrite magnets - it allows you to do without a gearbox, and this minimizes noise and increases reliability several times._

Vertical axis Darrieus rotor. Rotor Features

In new designs vertical wind turbines use the Darrieus Rotor, it has a wind flow processing coefficient twice as high as all previously known installations of this type. It is advisable to install vertical axis with Daria rotor for equipment pumping stations, where a powerful moment is needed on the axis of rotation when extracting water from wells and boreholes in steppe conditions.

Savonius rotor - new vertical generators

Russian scientists have invented a new generation vertical generator that operates on a Voronin-Savonius rotor. It consists of two half-cylinders on a vertical axis of rotation. In any direction and squalls, “ windmill” based on the Savonius rotor, will fully rotate around its axis and generate energy.

Its main disadvantage is the low use of wind force, since the semi-cylinder blades operate only in a quarter of a revolution, and it slows down the rest of its rotation circle with its movement. The long-term operation of the facility will also depend on which rotor you choose. For example, helical windmills can rotate evenly due to the twisting of the blades. This moment reduces the load on the bearing and increases service life.

Wind generator with different power

The “mill” device must be selected depending on how much power it should have at its output. Power up to 300 W is one of the simplest types of equipment. Such models easily fit in the trunk of a car and can be installed by one worker in a matter of minutes. It very quickly catches the passing air flow and provides charging of mobile devices, lighting and the ability to watch TV.

5 kw is the best option for a small country house. With a power of 5-10 kW, it can fully function at low wind speeds, so they have a wider geography for their installation.

Pros and benefits of use

If we consider the advantages, then first of all I would like to note that it provides conditionally free electricity, which in our time is not cheap. To provide small house electricity, you have to pay huge bills. It is important that modern wind turbines are well compatible with alternative sources. For example, they can function in conjunction with diesel generators, creating a single closed cycle.

  • Efficiency directly depends on the choice of space where it will be placed
  • Low energy losses during transportation, because the consumer can be at a close distance from the source
  • Environmentally friendly production
  • Easy management, no need to constantly train staff
  • Long-term use of components, no frequent replacement required

The optimal speed flow is considered to be 5 – 7 m/s. There are a lot of places to achieve this indicator. Very often, a wind farm is used in the open sea at a distance of 15 km. from the shore. Every year the level of energy production increases by 20%. If we consider further prospects, in this regard, the natural resource is endless, which cannot be said about oil, gas, coal, etc. Also, one should not discount the safety of such an industry. Man-made disasters associated with the atom cause fear of all humanity.

Before my eyes there is a terrible picture of the exploding nuclear reactor at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in 1986. And the accident in Fukushima was described as a deja vu of Chernobyl. The destructive consequences for all living things after such situations force many countries to abandon the splitting of the atom and look for alternative methods kW production.

Once you pay a certain amount, you can enjoy free electricity for several years. An undeniable advantage is also that it is possible to buy used ones, and this allows you to save even more.

Pros and cons

Despite all the positive qualities of wind farms, there are also negative aspects. In most cases, the shortcomings are similar to propaganda and are contradictory. Let's consider the most replicated in all TV programs, newspaper articles and Internet resources:

  • The first of the disadvantages is that people have not learned to control natural phenomena, so it is impossible to predict how the generator will work on a given day.
  • Another disadvantage of windmills is their batteries. They are relatively durable and therefore must be replaced every 15 years
  • Financial investments require large expenses. In fact, new technologies tend to decrease
  • Dependence on the strength of the horizontal air flow. This minus is more adequate, because you cannot influence the strength of the vortex
  • Negative impact on the environment due to noise effect. As recent studies on this issue have shown, there are no solid reasons to say so.
  • Destruction of birds that fall into the blades. According to statistical analysis, the probability of a collision is equivalent to a power line
  • Signal reception distortion. According to estimates, it is very unlikely, especially since many stations are located near airports
  • They distort the landscape (unconfirmed)

This is only a small part of the myths - horror stories that they try to scare people with. This is a reason and nothing more, because in practice, the operation of a wind farm with a capacity of 1 MW allows saving, over 20 years, approximately 29 thousand tons of coal or 92 thousand barrels of oil. Leading countries are developing an alternative source at a record pace, abandoning the nuclear complex. Germany, USA, Canada, China, Spain are actively installing equipment in their areas.

It is also important to remember that some types of installations create a lot of noise. The greater the power of the installation, the stronger the noise will come from it. It must be installed at a distance where the noise level from the station does not exceed 40 decibels. Otherwise, you will constantly have a headache. They also interfere with television and radio broadcasts.

Vertical and solar wind generators, design and efficiency, new generation hybrids

The new generation vertical, as mentioned above, may differ in the type of its blades. A striking example is a hyperboloid wind generator, in which the turbine has a hyperboloid shape and is significantly superior to a vane wind turbine with a vertical axis of rotation. For example, its functional zone is 7...8% of the area, and the hyperboloid has work area at 65...70%. On the basis of such turbines in the United States, two alternative sources, wind and sun, were connected. WindStream Technologies has launched a 1.2 kW solar rooftop hybrid power system called SolarMill.

Bolotov wind generator and its independence from weather conditions

Recently, a lot of attention has been paid to small installations. One of the most successful is the Bolotov windmill. It is a power plant with a vertically placed generator shaft.

A special feature of the equipment is that it does not have to be adapted to different weather conditions. Bolotov’s generator is capable of receiving flow from all sides without the corresponding options and the need to turn the installation in a different direction. The rotary one is capable of forcing the incoming flow, thanks to which it can fully function in winds of any power, including storms.

Another advantage of this type is the convenient location of the generator in them, electrical diagram and batteries. They are on the ground, as a result maintenance The equipment is very convenient.

Single blade on mast

An innovative development, it is considered to be single-blade, its main advantage is the high frequency and speed of revolutions. It is in them that, instead of the optimal number of blades, a counterweight is built in, which has little effect on the resistance to air movement.

Windmill Onipko

Continuing to discuss unusual options screws, it is impossible not to mention the Onipko windmill, which is distinguished by cone-shaped blades. The main advantage of these installations is the ability to receive and convert into kW at a flow speed of 0.1 m/s. Bladed ones, in contrast, begin to rotate at a speed of 3 m/s. Onipko is silent and completely safe for external environment. It has not found mass distribution, but according to research results, it will be an excellent option for large production facilities that are looking for alternative sources, as it has great power.

In the form of a snail shell.
The invention of the Archimedes company, which is located in the Netherlands, is considered an innovative breakthrough. She brought to the attention of the public a silent type design that can be installed directly on the roof multi-story building. According to research, the unit can work in conjunction with solar panels and reduce the building’s dependence on the external power grid to zero. The new generators are called Liam F1. The equipment looks like a small turbine with a diameter of 1.5 meters and a weight of 100 kilograms.

The shape of the installation resembles a snail's shell. The turbine turns in the direction of capturing the air flow. Agustin Otegu, the inventor of the world famous Nano Skin spiral turbine, sees the future of humanity not in huge solar powered and turbines with large propeller spans. He recommends installing them on the exterior of buildings. The turbines will begin to rotate with the wind and create energy that will be transferred directly to the building's electrical grid.

Sailing is the fastest stream catcher

An alternative to the bladed one is the sailing one. The blade catches tailwind very quickly and instantly adapts to it, as a result it can operate at all speeds from the smallest to storm speeds. This type of equipment does not create noise or radio interference at all; it is easy to operate and transport, and this is an important factor.

Unusual devices, wind power and its projects

There are many more unusual types of structures at the development stage. Among them, of particular interest are:

  • Sheerwind reminds its appearance musical instrument
  • wind generators from the TAK company, reminiscent of street lights self-supporting
  • wind turbines on bridges in the form of a pedestrian crossing
  • wind swings that receive air currents from all directions
  • “wind lenses” with a diameter of 112 meters
  • floating wind turbines from FLOATGEN corporation
  • developed by Tyer Wind - a wind generator that imitates the flapping of a hummingbird's wings with its blades
  • in the form of a real house in which you can live from the TAMEER company. An analogue of this development is Anara Tower in Dubai

The world's first wind-free installations will soon be installed. The German company Max Bögl Wind AG will present them to the attention of mankind. They will consist of turbines 178 meters high. They will also serve as water tanks. The operating principle of the system is quite simple: when there is wind, the equipment will operate like a wind generator, and when the weather is not windy, hydraulic turbines will be put into operation. They generate energy from water that must flow from reservoirs down the hill. When it appears again, water will begin to be pumped back into the reservoirs. This will ensure continuous operation of the power plant.
The era of the “mills” with which Don Quixote fought in Cervantes’s story goes back to the distant past. Today, industrial facilities are more reminiscent of unique works of art than industrial installations.

Airship from Altaeros Energies

Every day more and more ideas appear regarding the development of alternative sources, and one of the newest is considered to be the airship generator. Traditional blades are quite noisy, and the coefficient of wind flow utilization reaches 30%. It was these shortcomings that Altaeros Energies decided to correct by developing the airship. This innovative type will operate at altitudes up to 600 meters. Conventional bladed wind turbines do not reach this height limit, but this is where the most powerful winds are, which can ensure continuous operation of generators. The equipment is an inflatable structure that looks like a cross between a mill and an airship. It has a three-blade turbine installed on a horizontal axis.

The special feature of such a floating wind power plant is that it can be controlled remotely, it does not require additional maintenance costs and is very easy to operate. According to the developers, in the future, these installations will not only be sources of electricity, but will also be able to provide Internet access to remote areas of the globe that are far from infrastructure development. According to the data obtained, it can be argued that the mass production of this energy generating plant will be a huge breakthrough in the world of technology. And the airship’s power reserve is enough for “two”.

Wind generator "Flying Dutchman" and other flying installations.
This device is a hybrid of an airship and a mill. During the tests, the airship was raised to a height of 107 meters and remained there for some time. The results showed that these types of installations are capable of generating twice as much power as conventional installations that are installed on high-rise towers.

Wavestalk Project

It is interesting to know that to convert the power of waves and ocean currents into electricity, it was proposed alternative option project Windstalk – Wavestalk. The device is a bladeless, sailing type. In its shape, it resembles a large satellite dish, which, under the influence of the wind, tilts back and forth, thereby creating vibrations in the hydraulic system.

In this design, the wind is harnessed to the sail, which allows the conversion of large volumes of kinetic energy.

Project Windstalk

A mast without blades has long been considered as the most successful option for alternative sources of electricity. In Abudhabi, in the city of Mansard, they decided to build a Windstalk power plant. It is a collection of rubber-reinforced stems with a width of 30 cm and up to 5 cm at the top point. Each such stem, according to the project, contains layers of electrodes and ceramic disks that are capable of producing electric current. The wind shaking these stems will compress the discs, as a result of which an electric current will be generated. Such wind turbines do not create any noise or danger to the environment. The area occupied by the stems in the Windstalk project covers 2.6 hectares, and in terms of power it far exceeds the identical number of blade-type ones that can be located on the same territory. The developers were inspired to create such a design by reeds on a bolt, which sway evenly in the wind.

Windmill in the form of a tree

Observation of nature, as is clear from the above example, greatly inspires modern engineers. Another confirmation of this is this structure resembling the shape of a tree. This unusual concept was presented by representatives of the NewWind company. The development is called Arbre à Vent; its height is three meters, and the device is equipped with 72 vertical mini-turbines that can operate even in wind speeds of 7 km/h or 2 m/s. The windmill in the form of a tree works very quietly, in addition it looks quite realistic, without spoiling the surrounding exterior of a city or suburban area with its appearance.

The biggest wind catcher

The largest in the world is considered to be the brainchild of Enercon. The power plant capacity is 7.58 MW. The height of the supporting tower can vary depending on consumer requirements; in the standard version, the height is 135 m, and the blade span is 126 m. The total mass of this structure is about 6000 tons.

Armored batteries are manufactured using a unique technology, are considered a new generation of batteries and have improved properties. Long service life from 800 to 2 thousand charge-discharge cycles. Batteries are dependent on ambient temperature. A decrease of 1ºС leads to a decrease in the capacity of the device by 1%. This battery parameter in cold weather of -25 ºС will be half less than its values ​​at +25 ºС.

Which device to choose and what to consider when choosing

As can be seen from the above models, new electrical installations are constantly being invented in the world that can work on natural resources. You can successfully use each of them in your suburban area. Having become thoroughly familiar with the operating principle of wind turbines, you can even try to make your own home station, which will become an excellent analogue of a central power line and, perhaps, even make a breakthrough in the world of electronics.
Classic scheme power plants using a controller, batteries and an inverter in the circuit.

Equipment selection rule

  • The amount of power in kW to provide your home with energy. Power must be taken with reserve. Calculate the number of batteries for storage in case of calm weather.
  • Average annual air flow speed. Climatic features of the place of residence. Installation is not justified in areas where there are severe frosts, and there is also constant rain and snow.
  • Blades, or rather their number. Fewer blades means more efficiency. Noise intensity during installation operation. View reviews of wind generator manufacturers, reviews about them, as well as technical specifications.