What essential oils does mock orange go with? Jasmine tea – benefits and how to brew. Pruning and thinning of bushes

When jasmine blooms, the entire area is filled with an extraordinary aroma - tart, sweet and exciting.

But jasmine flowers not only provide aesthetic pleasure, but also have a stimulating effect on brain function, improve a person’s condition and put his thoughts in order. It is not for nothing that jasmine oil, which is used to flavor tea and in perfumery, is so valued on the international market and costs a lot of money.

Properties of jasmine

  • Jasmine relieves mental stress well, so it is recommended for neuroses and chronic fatigue.
  • Jasmine normalizes blood pressure.
  • Increases performance.
  • Supports immunity.
  • Jasmine oil has antidepressant, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic effects.
  • Jasmine tinctures are used externally for skin rejuvenation and for skin inflammatory processes. Tincture recipe. Pour one hundred grams of dried jasmine flowers into 100 ml of alcohol and leave for seven days. For external use, dilute two teaspoons of tincture in a glass of water.
  • Thanks to its strong aroma, jasmine has a calming effect not only on nervous system, but also on the respiratory system. Therefore, it helps well with asthma and bronchitis.
  • It is believed that jasmine helps with frigidity, as well as with the extinction of sexual desire - in both women and men.
  • Jasmine flowers contain essential oils, salicylic, benzoic and formic acids.
  • Jasmine helps with colds.
  • Jasmine reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases and cancer.
  • Jasmine tea improves the functioning of the circulatory system and is also good remedy from atherosclerosis.
  • Jasmine helps with insomnia. A combination of jasmine and lavender in the form of an aromatic bath gives a good effect. Bath recipe. Take a tablespoon of fresh jasmine flowers and mix with two tablespoons of dry lavender. Pour the mixture with a liter of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Then strain the infusion and pour into the bath. Take a bath for no more than 15 minutes.

How and when to harvest jasmine flowers

Jasmine blooms almost all summer, capturing the end of spring and beginning of autumn.

The peculiarity of jasmine is that its fragrant flowers do not bloom at sunrise, but, on the contrary, at night. Therefore, jasmine flowers are harvested during mass opening, which occurs in the early morning. At this time, all the useful substances are collected in the flowers, and their concentration is quite high. With sunrise, the essential oils of jasmine disappear, many flowers fall off, and the unopened buds wait for the next night to once again fill the area with a wonderful aroma.

How to dry jasmine flowers

Without compacting the flowers, they are placed in baskets or other bulk containers.

Then they are laid out on paper or cloth and dried in warm room for several days, avoiding the petals from getting exposed to the sun's rays. As the top layer dries, the flowers need to be carefully turned over, at the same time removing foreign impurities or spoiled, browned petals.

You can dry the flowers in a dryer or oven (with the door open) at a temperature no higher than 35° to prevent the essential oils from being destroyed. It is not recommended to overdry the petals, as their appearance and quality will deteriorate.

The petals are dried for fresh air, and then folded into glass jars with screw-on lids to prevent aroma and essential oils from escaping.

Jasmine tea

The best option is a mixture of green tea and jasmine flowers. This tea improves well-being and normalizes blood pressure, dulls appetite, which creates the preconditions for weight loss. Also, green tea with jasmine removes toxins, salts and bad cholesterol from the body.

Features of jasmine tea and production methods. Calorie content of the drink, beneficial composition and possible contraindications for use. How are elite varieties brewed? Interesting information about jasmine tea.

This is a brew made from a mixture of dried tea leaves and flowers of a shrub from the Olive family with the botanical name Jasminum (from the Persian “yasemin”). The shrub can only be found in areas with tropical and subtropical climates. The flowers are white or yellow, solitary or umbellate, located at the ends of branches or apical shoots. They have a pronounced subtle sweet aroma that persists even after drying. Varieties with large inflorescences were bred artificially in China, even before our era.

How is jasmine tea made?

The shrub blooms at night, so the inflorescences have to be collected at this time of day. Already at dawn, the amount of essential oils in the buds decreases significantly. Petals without sepals are picked off. To be preserved in properties of jasmine tea medicinal plant, in China, each variety is harvested at a specific time of year:

  • Chun-hua Xun - late spring, in the last days of May and June;
  • Xia-hua Xun - in July;
  • Fu-hua Xun - at the very end of summer, the last days of August;
  • Qiu-hua Xun - after the temperature drops, in October.

Despite the fact that the plant blooms in the tropics all year round, collection is not carried out at other times. The petals are placed in a basket without being crushed - they must “breathe” and retain moisture.

There are 2 ways how to make jasmine tea:

  1. The petals are mixed with freshly picked tea leaves, canvas bags are filled with raw materials, compacted, laid out in the sun to dry, and put away in a room with high temperature. Cooling is unacceptable - rotting will occur. Packing is carried out after the raw material has dried. Preliminary grinding of the collection is possible. The price of such tea leaves is low.
  2. Freshly picked petals are spread in a thin layer mixed with tea leaves, both fermented and unfermented. Leave for 3-5 months in a cool, dry place. Airing is not carried out so as not to lose the precious aroma. The leaves, imbued with a valuable scent, can be separated from the flowers or packaged together. What is jasmine tea made from? elite varieties- leaves, petals or mixture, as indicated on the package. Such products cannot be cheap - all operations are carried out manually.

At self-collection Flower heads, petals are laid out in one layer on food parchment, dried in the sun or in a warm place. Store in a glass jar under a tight lid for 1 year.

Pay attention! Flowers should not be collected from bushes found in continental climates. This is not jasmine, but mock orange. The aroma and shape of the inflorescences are similar to the original tropical shrub, but its properties are different, and the petals are not suitable for brewing tea.

Composition and calorie content of jasmine tea

When including a drink in your diet nutritional value can be ignored.

In elite and cheap varieties jasmine tea calories the same - 1.1 kcal per 100 g, of which:

  • Proteins - 0.2 g;
  • Fats - 0.4 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 0.3 g;
  • Water - 99 g.

For example, here is chemical composition green tea with flower petals.

Vitamins per 100 g:

  • Vitamin A - 0.4 mcg;
  • Vitamin B1, thiamine - 0.001 mg;
  • Vitamin B2, riboflavin - 0.008 mg;
  • Vitamin C, ascorbic acid- 0.8 mg;
  • Vitamin PP - 0.0864 mg.

Macroelements per 100 g:

  • Potassium, K - 18.93 mg;
  • Calcium, Ca - 8.24 mg;
  • Magnesium, Mg - 4.35 mg;
  • Sodium, Na - 1.52 mg;
  • Sulfur, S - 0.99 mg;
  • Phosphorus, P - 6.3 mg;
  • Chlorine, Cl - 1.39 mg.

Microelements per 100 g:

  • Iron, Fe - 0.627 mg;
  • Manganese, Mn - 0.0016 mg;
  • Copper, Cu - 0.6 μg;
  • Fluorine, F - 175.57 mcg.

The benefits and harms of jasmine tea determined by the impact on human body. It should be taken into account that it contains not only delicate petals, but also tea leaves, which contain:

  • Tannins- gallotannic acid from the group of phenolic compounds, which increases blood clotting;
  • Caffeine- a purine alkaloid, which is a strong irritant to the nervous system;
  • Polyphenols- have an antioxidant effect.

Green varieties have less of these substances, black varieties have more. It should be taken into account that in elite tea leaves all the beneficial properties of the original raw materials are preserved due to special processing of tea leaves.

Beneficial properties of jasmine tea

The healing properties of the tea leaves are caused by the combination of the properties of the plants that were used to prepare the final product.

Benefits of Jasmine Tea:

  • Reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol and increases lipoprotein density.
  • It has an antioxidant effect and prevents the development of atherosclerosis.
  • Improves the condition of the gastrointestinal tract, accelerates digestion, stops the accumulation of waste and toxins in the large intestine. Reduces the risk of developing cancer of the digestive organs.
  • Stimulates the production of enzymes and bile.
  • Increases local immunity at the cellular level.
  • Reduces the possibility of heart attack, stroke, and the formation of tumors in the reproductive organs and urinary system.
  • Improves the condition of the skin and teeth, stops age-related changes.
  • Extends life cycle liver cells, hepatocytes, prevents liver diseases.
  • Increases immunity, helps cope with the first symptoms of acute respiratory viral infections during the epidemic season, and stops the active activity of pathogenic viruses and bacteria.
  • Inhibits the development of salmonella.
  • Increases libido, stimulates sperm production in men, and in women it reduces the manifestation of PMS and unpleasant signs of menopause - hot flashes and pressure changes.
  • Eliminates bad breath.
  • Relaxes, speeds up falling asleep, helps recover from stress and withstand emotional pressure.
  • It has a beneficial effect on a woman’s body after childbirth and helps avoid depression.

Black jasmine tea tones, helps improve the condition of dysentery and intestinal colic, quickly warm up and avoid colds after hypothermia. Chinese healers used it to treat syphilis. Green - relaxes.

What are the benefits of jasmine tea? for those who control their own weight: accelerates metabolism, stimulates the transformation of body fat and fat burning. But to activate the “weight-loss” properties, regular physical activity is necessary.

Chinese sages are sure: 3 cups of the drink, drunk in small sips throughout the day, completely relaxed in thoughts of the eternal, prolongs existence.

Contraindications and harms of jasmine tea

After being introduced to a new taste, allergic reactions may occur. Manifestations can range from mild - redness of the skin, itching and rash, to severe - angioedema, bronchospasms. If there is a tendency to allergic reactions and bronchial asthma, it should be introduced into the diet very carefully.

Jasmine tea can cause harm:

  1. Pregnant. Abuse can provoke smooth muscle tone and lead to interruption. In addition, the rich aroma often causes toxicosis.
  2. With exacerbation of chronic diseases of the digestive organs- peptic ulcer, erosive gastritis, chronic pancreatitis and enterocolitis, tendency to diarrhea.
  3. Suffering from cardiovascular diseases to avoid changes in blood pressure.
  4. For neuropsychiatric pathologies, including epilepsy, if the symptom of the disease is seizures.

Should not be brewed green jasmine tea small children. It is unknown what effect the drink will have on insufficiently formed intestinal flora.

One of the properties of jasmine is the acceleration of the processing and absorption of glucose and the production of insulin. Therefore, when diabetes mellitus The possibility of using the drink should be checked with your doctor. If consumed in excess, blood sugar levels can rise significantly.

If you want to enjoy the real original taste, you shouldn’t save money and buy cardboard packaging. This brew is a ground or granulated mixture of tea leaves and petals. You need to purchase loose leaf tea, without artificial flavors. This product is sold by weight. You should not only look at it, but also smell it.

How to brew jasmine tea:

  • The water is pre-filtered or purchased special purified drinking water. In China, preference is given to spring water.
  • Instead of a teapot, a porcelain cup with a lid, called a gaiwan, is used. As a last resort, prepare a transparent container - a glass cup or jar. Ceramics or food-grade plastic are not able to preserve the original taste. Before starting the process, the dishes are scalded with boiling water.
  • The water is boiled and then cooled to 80-85° C.
  • First, the tea leaves are poured into the container, only then water is poured. The optimal proportions are considered to be 1 g of tea mixture per 50 ml of liquid. Close with a lid. In the case of a glass or jar, cover with a clean porcelain saucer.
  • Drain the liquid, repeat the brewing process, leave for 2-3 minutes.
  • Strain the drink before serving.

Despite the assurances of tea lovers that “the second infusion is already slop,” the tea leaves can be used up to 4 times, increasing the exposure in each case by 30 seconds. The first tea is rich, aromatic and sharp, the latter is much softer, with a delicate aroma.

If you purchased jasmine petals separately, you can experiment with tea leaves:

  1. Green tea is brewed according to the following recipe. Heat 0.5 liters of water and allow to cool to the desired temperature. Rinse the glass with boiling water, add 1 tsp. dried flowers, on them - 3 tsp. green tea of ​​your favorite variety, cover with a lid and let stand for a while. Only then do they add liquid. They are waiting for the required strength.
  2. Recommendations for brewing with black long tea. First, the ingredients are mixed in the already indicated proportions, the container is closed with a lid and left for 14-24 hours to obtain a rich aroma. Then it is brewed using the technology already described. You can add a sprig of mint or lemon juice to the drink.

No matter what method or type of brew you use, you should not sweeten it. Those who like to drink tea with jam should choose a different type of raw material, a cheaper one. Jasmine tea is not a drink that is used to wash down sandwiches or sweets - it is a delight for the soul.

There are many legends about the origin of the plant. The Italians and Spaniards believed that the souls of Guardian Angels were born in flowers, the ancient Greeks - that this was a gift from Aphrodite, the goddess of wisdom, the Indians - as soon as jasmine opened, a new family was born somewhere. And according to Tatar beliefs, it is impossible to go to heaven without growing a fragrant bush.

The translation of the name from Persian means “fragrant”, it symbolizes romantic relationships, beauty, secret love. Healers used all parts of the plant to prepare medicines, and cooks limited themselves to flowers.

The most popular varieties of green tea:

  1. Jasmine Jade Butterfly. Popular among CIS consumers due to its transformation after immersion in liquid. When swollen in boiling water, the petal unfolds into a moth's wing. The effect is achieved by a special method of rolling the leaves during pre-sale preparation. One of the most expensive varieties with a soft and delicate aroma.
  2. Fen Yang. Medicinal properties - rejuvenation, increased immunity and body tone. The difference from other varieties is the same type of round tea leaves. Elite high-quality brew.
  3. Moly Hua Long Zhu, "Dragon Jasmine Pearl". Visually similar to granulated tea, but this is far from the case. Simply, each leaf and petal is rolled into a ball, reminiscent of a pearl in shape and color. All processes are manual. When the tea leaves are filled with water, the granules open up. It has a pronounced tonic effect; if abused, it can cause insomnia.
  4. Moly Zhen Wang, "Lord of Jasmine Needles". Petals for it are collected within 2 weeks in the summer, during the hottest time. The aroma and taste are decent, the price is budget. One of the most popular varieties, often packaged in cardboard packaging.
  5. Moly Cha Wang, "Lord of Jasmine". White-haired tea buds and tender leaves are used for raw materials. During production, they are scented with flower petals, which are then removed. It is recommended for cleansing the liver, has a beneficial effect on the hematopoietic function of the body, helps get rid of old toxins in the intestines and recover from stress. This is high quality expensive tea.
  6. "Jasmine White Monkey". This animal is pictured on the packaging. The effect is immunomodulatory and warming. It has a tart flavor with a slight hint of grapes. This jasmine tea is very popular in winter time, as it has a warming effect.
  7. Moly Jin Shan Tian Hua. The recipe for the drink and the method of rolling the leaves were developed by tea growers at the end of the 20th century. Jasmine bushes and flowers are collected only in Yunnan province. Only raw materials of one size are used that have not been exposed to rain during the growing period. When the leaves are filled with water, they not only unfold, but also form a trefoil shape.
- look at the video:

It is customary to drink the aromatic drink from heated cups while enjoying a leisurely conversation on long winter evenings. Jasmine tea will brighten up leisure time for married couples and help increase sexual desire.

Jasmine tea can rightfully be called one of the most aromatic drinks. The flowers of this plant amaze not only with their mesmerizing beauty, but also with their magnificent taste qualities. Pure jasmine flowers are quite difficult to find on sale, so it is useful to know how to collect, dry and brew them yourself.

Jasmine begins to bloom in late spring and continues almost throughout the summer. To make tea, you need to collect the blooming flowers. Distinctive feature The beauty of jasmine is that its flowers do not fully open at sunrise, but late at night. Massive blooming can be observed in the early morning. Collection must be carried out between 4-5 o'clock in the morning.

It is in the morning that you can prepare the raw materials, which will contain everything in maximum concentration. As soon as the sun rises and the flowers begin to heat up, the essential oils from them evaporate. In addition, the most large flowers are starting to crumble. Therefore, it will not be possible to prepare high-quality raw materials for tea after sunrise.

Raw materials should be harvested exclusively in dry weather. Otherwise, moisture remaining on the flowers can lead to mold formation. Carefully pick each flower. Try not to damage the petals. Place the collected raw materials in a sufficiently large, clean container.

There is an opinion that to get tea highest quality half-opened buds need to be harvested. It is these raw materials that are best suited for long-term storage.

How to dry and store

After you have collected and brought home the flowers of this amazing plant You can start drying them. To do this, you need to stock up on clean paper or other material with high absorbent properties.

Carefully place the flowers on paper. At the same time, make sure that the layer does not turn out to be too thick. Also try to purify the raw materials as much as possible. Remove all foreign matter and other parts of the plant. Remove the jasmine warm room. It should not be exposed to direct sunlight. In this state, the raw materials should be dried for several days. From time to time, it is worth turning the flowers over, so they will dry more evenly, and it is also worth removing spoiled, browned petals.

If you want to dry the flowers as quickly as possible, then you should use the oven. The harvesting process should take place at a temperature of about 35-40°C. If the flowers warm up more, most of the essential oils from them will simply evaporate. It is best to keep the oven door open while drying.

The readiness of the flowers is determined by eye. Overdried raw materials have an unsightly appearance; such flowers become excessively fragile and quickly turn into dust. In addition, the healing properties deteriorate.

It is best to store finished raw materials in an airtight container. Glass jars that are equipped with screw caps are best suited for these purposes. Such containers will allow you to preserve as much as possible all the essential oils contained in the flowers.

How to brew correctly

But if you are not prone to allergies, and you want to enjoy the aroma and taste of jasmine, then you should know how to brew it correctly. To do this, first prepare the teapot. It should be clean and slightly warmed with hot water. Place 6-7 jasmine flowers in it. Fill the raw material with pre-boiled water and cooled to 90°C. Cover the kettle with a lid. After 5-10 minutes the drink will be ready to drink.

Almost any variety of black and green tea is suitable for preparing a tasty and healthy drink. But the most beneficial effect on the body will be precisely green tea with jasmine.

Brewing this drink is extremely simple. Mix a teaspoon of jasmine flowers with two teaspoons of green tea. Pour the prepared tea leaves into a preheated kettle. Pour a glass of boiling water. This mixture should be brewed for about 5-10 minutes. After this, the tea can be poured into cups. To add sweetness to the broth, add a small amount of natural honey.

Chinese jasmine tea

In China, when making jasmine tea, after drying the flowers, they proceed to the next step - mixing them with tea leaves that have already been processed. To prepare Chinese jasmine drink, green or white tea leaves are traditionally taken.

The further processing process depends on the recipe. The tea mixture is subjected to heat or the most natural processing possible. In the second method, a mixture of flowers and tea leaves is stored from several days to several months in a room where the required temperature and humidity are maintained. This manufacturing process is labor-intensive and time-consuming, but it allows you to preserve the beneficial properties of the plant as much as possible.

The tea leaf has a unique property: it literally absorbs the jasmine aroma and retains it for quite a long time. The most expensive variety of jasmine tea consists only of tea leaves that have absorbed the floral aroma and are hand-sorted from the total mixture.

The most famous jasmine drinks are Moly Long Feng Zheng Tea (Jasmine Pearl) and Moly Yu De Tea (Jade Butterfly).

  • Jasmine Pearl is a weakly fermented oolong, in the production of which jasmine flowers are not subjected to heat treatment. The drink has a sunny yellow color, a slightly tart taste and a rich aroma of jasmine.
  • Jade butterfly is one of the most expensive types of tea. Each tea leaf is rolled into a cocoon and when brewed in a glass teapot, you can observe the process of its transformation into a butterfly.

In China there are general rules Brewing Jasmine Tea:

  1. Use clean filtered water.
  2. It is best to brew jasmine tea in a gaiwan (a porcelain or glass cup with a lid without a handle) or a clear glass container that has been pre-warmed. hot water.
  3. The water temperature for brewing is 85-90°C. If the grade is low, then a higher temperature is allowed.
  4. Brewing time depends on the quality of the tea and personal preference. It is believed that the first brew should be drained because its function is to rinse the tea leaves. Brewing lasts, as a rule, 1-3 minutes, subsequent ones can be increased by 30-40 seconds.
  5. High-quality jasmine tea can be brewed 3-5 times.
  6. The tea leaves are taken to taste, but keep in mind that the smell of jasmine is quite strong. To those who love more subtle aromas It is better to prepare an infusion of medium strength. The ratio of tea when brewing is approximately 1:50, that is, 3 grams of tea leaves will require 150 ml of water.

The most common varieties of jasmine tea include Moli Cha Wan (Lord of Jasmine Tea), Moli Feng Yan (Jasmine Phoenix Eye), Moli Xiang Jin Shan Tian Hua (Heavenly Flower of Jinshan Mountain). If you want to find your taste, you should try several types of this tea.

photo: depositphotos.com/belchonock, Roxana, belchonock

There are many flavors and aromas added to tea. These are herbs, berries, fruits, spices and so on. But the most popular are the flowers, which have a bright fragrance, look beautiful in tea and have many beneficial properties.

Jasmine and mock orange

Mock orange is often confused with jasmine, whose flowers have been added to green and black tea since time immemorial. This was first done in China, the birthplace of the tonic drink. Here, jasmine oil and dried flowers themselves are used to flavor the tea. Although jasmine and mock orange have similarities in appearance, they are not the same thing. So is it possible to brew garden mock orange into tea?

That shrub that grows on many personal plots, belongs to the Hydrangeaceae family. And real jasmine belongs to the Maslinov family. Both of them have many species, the flowers of which have a wonderful sweetish aroma. Jasmine for middle zone– the shrub is very rare and whimsical, so it can only be found in the south of the Black Sea coast.

You can add mock orange to tea. This shrub is classified as medicinal, with flowers, branches and even roots providing benefits. If you use it to flavor tea, it is better to collect the flowers. But you also need to know how to dry this fragile raw material. They can quickly turn an unsightly red color. To prevent this from happening, they are collected at the very beginning of flowering on a dry, clear day.

The active flowering phase occurs in June, when flowers are collected

Place them on a tray covered with newspaper, or wooden tabletop and placed in a ventilated room where it is dry and warm. They need to be stirred periodically so that air circulates and they dry evenly. Afterwards they are stored in a glass container or linen bag. You can immediately prepare it by combining black or green with dried flowers in a 3:1 ratio.

Useful properties

A drink made from mock orange flowers or tea with it has many beneficial properties.

The flowers of this shrub contain:

  • salicylic acid;
  • essential oils;
  • minerals;
  • vitamins C, E, PP;
  • amino acids.

IN folk medicine Jasmine tea is used for depression and nervous tension. It stimulates brain function and improves mental and physical performance. Can be used as additional remedy for bronchitis and bronchial asthma. It can be used to relieve mild pain in muscles and joints, for example, after physical activity. At regular use Mock orange tea helps rejuvenate the skin and improve complexion.

The benefits of the drink are also expressed in the aromatherapy effect. Of course, the aroma of mock orange is not as pronounced as real jasmine, but it is also well detected by the sense of smell. If a drink is prepared only from mock orange flowers, it is recommended to combine it with honey. In this case, you can drink tea before bed to normalize sleep and relieve tension in the nervous system.

The combination of green or black tea with mock orange is considered a tonic, so it is drunk in the morning and at lunch, no later than 17-18 hours. It is not advisable to consume such drinks for pregnant women, people with stomach ulcers, gastritis, allergies and individual intolerances.

How to brew tea

Garden jasmine tea should be freshly brewed. A drink that has already stood and cooled down will not have a good aroma and full spectrum useful properties. To prepare an aromatic drink you need 1 tbsp. l. Pour 1 cup of boiling water over dried flowers and leave covered for 5 minutes.

Tea in combination with tea leaves can be prepared from dried and fresh mock orange flowers. For this, 1 tsp. black or green tea is combined with 1/3 tsp. flowers and pour hot water. The aging time depends on the type of tea. If it is green Chinese tea, then infuse for 30 seconds to 2-3 minutes. Black tea is infused for about 5 minutes. You can add lemon and honey to any of the listed drinks.

Green tea is most often flavored with jasmine.

If you prepare a strong decoction of mock orange, it can be used for bathing. Such aromatic water treatments are indicated for people who are overtired, and are contraindicated for people with low blood pressure.

To prepare a strong brew you need:

  • pour 1 liter of boiling water over 200 g of dried mock orange flowers;
  • leave for 30 minutes;
  • pour into a bathtub with water at a comfortable temperature.

There is an easy way to flavor black or green tea. To do this, tea leaves are mixed with fresh jasmine flowers in a 2:1 ratio. The container with the mixture is left in a room with a temperature of 18-20 degrees for several days. It is important to stir the tea with flowers several times daily so that it is saturated with the aroma of mock orange. Later, when the flowers have dried, the tea will be ready to drink. Some of the flowers can be separated and used for brewing yourself.

Chubushnik is a beautiful resident of many household plots. Its flowers are not only fragrant and beautiful, they are also edible. Therefore, they can be collected both for making tea and for decorating and flavoring fruit or vegetable salads, also desserts. It's nice to have such a wonderful plant growing near your home.

For many of us, tea is both an excellent end to a meal and a wonderful time with friends over a cup of aromatic and tasty drink. And which of the real summer residents can refuse herbal tea? The air filled with a delicious smell gives a lot of positive emotions. And the fact that the herbs and flowers were collected with your own hands on your own plot also means a lot. But sometimes it is precisely these drinks that raise many questions and discussions about their benefits and harms. For example, is it possible to brew mock orange into tea? This is the question this article will try to answer.

Mock orange, or “garden jasmine” blooms

But, first of all, you need to find out what is mock orange? Is it correct to call it garden jasmine? What properties does this plant have? And, if it can still be eaten, then how much and how? And more! Many summer residents grow bushes of this incredibly beautiful-smelling plant on their plots. And they would be interested to know whether it’s only flowers, or whether they can also use leaves? How and when to collect and dry flowers?

Probably not a single summer resident has ignored this bright and delicate plant, which amazes with the splendor of its appearance, and a charming smell, upon hearing which you just want to say: “jasmine!” Indeed, for many years, mock orange was mistakenly called jasmine, even attributing to it the properties of this plant.

Over time, the difference between these two became clear flowering bushes. The confusion arose for two reasons. First, there are many varieties of both jasmine and mock orange. And among them there are plants that are quite similar between these two species. In addition, the smell of both one and the other bush is incredibly attractive, subtle and delicate. And yet, oriental jasmine and our fellow countryman are from different families, as evidenced by the characteristics of the plants.

But this does not mean that the mock orange is ready to yield to an overseas guest. It is amazingly beautiful and has a wonderful trailing aroma. Perhaps, in this case, such a postscript to the word “jasmine” as “garden” is quite justified. And the fact that mock orange itself is incredibly useful, medicinal plant, gives it considerable weight.

Healing properties of garden mock orange

This is interesting! Surprisingly, unlike jasmine, mock orange benefits not only from flowers, but also from twigs, leaves, and even roots. Some varieties of this plant are capable of not only giving good mood and a boost of energy for the whole day, but also cure serious diseases.

Which medicinal properties mock orange? Depending on the variety, this flower reveals its facets and shows that it is capable of many things, for example:

  • Mock orange tea is useful as a prevention of bronchitis and in combination with bronchial asthma;
  • Gives vigor and stimulates brain activity;
  • Relieves symptoms of depression;
  • Relieves muscle and joint pain;
  • Mock orange oil is used to rejuvenate the skin, giving it a fresh, toned look.

These are just some of the possibilities of our garden jasmine. In fact, mock orange has long been known in both medicine and cosmetology. But scientists, getting to know this plant better, claim that it is ready for more, even to the point that it can serve as a preventative against certain types of cancer.

Warning! It must be remembered that any remedy has side effects or contraindications! Who is not recommended for mock orange? For those who may have allergic reaction at him. And those who suffer from kidney disease, low blood pressure, or who have an ulcer should use this plant with caution. Pregnant women are also included in the category who are not recommended to get carried away with mock orange.

Making tea

Reading about jasmine tea, many would like to know whether mock orange is so healthy? Can you brew flower tea yourself too? You can find out what experts who research the issues of herbal and spicy tea additives say from the video at the end of the article.

Mock orange with green tea are a great way to lift your spirits

  • Dried flowers and leaves are rarely used on their own; they would be best used together with black or green tea.
  • Even fresh mock orange flowers, poured with boiling water and left for half an hour, can be used to normalize sleep.
  • The effect of such tea can be increased by adding a spoon or two of honey collected from the mock orange tree.
  • It is recommended to select the dosage of garden jasmine in tea yourself, without focusing on someone else’s taste, or the fact that a specific amount of the plant helped someone.


If you add dried flowers to tea, then prepare the drink according to the usual procedure.

If you decide to make a drink only from mock orange, then one tablespoon of dried flowers of this plant should be poured with a glass of boiling water. Cover and hold for 3-5 minutes.

Jasmine tea is beneficial both in the morning, at lunch and in the evening.

How to properly collect and dry mock orange flowers

Having found out that the mock orange drink has a lot positive aspects, many summer residents will want to know how to dry mock orange for tea. There are several ways to make blanks.

The collected flowers are laid out in a warm room. Periodically they need to be turned over and their quality checked. This is a long process, but it is worth it because the essential oils are preserved.

Most often, dried mock orange flowers are added to tea.

Some people want to speed up the process, and then the mock orange is dried in ovens. In this case, we do not recommend setting the temperature above forty degrees.

By following these simple requirements, you can pamper yourself and your family with delicious, fragrant and healthy tea all year round!