What are the characteristics of plasterboard sheets: GOST

GOST 6266-97

Group Zh16




Gypsum plasterboards. Specifications

MKS 91.100.99*
OKSTU 5742
* In the index "National Standards" 2013 MKS 91.100.10. -
Database manufacturer's note.

Date of introduction 1999-04-01


1 DEVELOPED by JSC "VNIIstrom named after P.P. Budnikov" and JV "TIGI KNAUF", JSC Russian Federation

INTRODUCED by the State Construction Committee of Russia

2 ADOPTED by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization, Technical Regulation and Certification in Construction (INTKS) on December 10, 1997.

Voted for acceptance

State name

Name of the state construction management body

Republic of Armenia

Ministry of Urban Development of the Republic of Armenia

Republic of Belarus

Ministry of Construction and Architecture of the Republic of Belarus

The Republic of Kazakhstan

Committee on Housing and Construction Policy under the Ministry of Energy, Industry and Trade of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Republic of Kyrgyzstan

State Inspectorate for Architecture and Construction under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic

The Republic of Moldova

Ministry of Territorial Development, Construction and utilities Republic of Moldova

Russian Federation

Gosstroy of Russia

3 INSTEAD GOST 6266-89

4 ENTERED INTO EFFECT on April 1, 1999 as a state standard of the Russian Federation by Decree of the State Construction Committee of Russia dated November 24, 1998 No. 14.

Amendments were made, published in IUS No. 7, 2002; IUS No. 11, 2010

Amendments were made by the database manufacturer.

1 area of ​​use

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to plasterboard sheets(hereinafter referred to as sheets) intended for finishing walls, installing partitions, suspended ceilings, fire protection of structures, manufacturing decorative and sound-absorbing products.

The standard sets mandatory requirements, set out in sections 4, 5, 7, 8, paragraphs 9.3-9.8.

2 Normative references

This standard uses references to the following standards:

GOST 12.1.044-89 SSBT. Fire and explosion hazard of substances and materials. Nomenclature of indicators and methods for their determination

GOST 166-89 Calipers. Specifications

GOST 427-75 Metal measuring rulers. Specifications

GOST 3560-73 Steel packaging tape. Specifications

GOST 3749-77 Test squares 90°. Specifications

GOST 7502-98 Metal measuring tapes. Specifications

GOST 11358-89 Indicator thickness and wall gauges with division values ​​of 0.01 and 0.1 mm. Specifications

GOST 14192-96 Marking of cargo

GOST 15467-79 Product quality management. Basic concepts. Terms and Definitions

GOST 24104-88 * Laboratory scales for general purpose and standard. Are common technical specifications
* GOST R 53228-2008 is in force on the territory of the Russian Federation, hereinafter in the text. - Note database production.

GOST 25951-83 Polyethylene shrink film. Specifications

GOST 30108-94 Construction materials and products. Determination of specific effective activity of natural radionuclides

GOST 30244-94 Construction materials. Flammability test methods

GOST 30402-96 Construction materials. Flammability test method

3 Definitions

The terms with corresponding definitions established by this standard are given in Appendix A.

4 Classification, main parameters and dimensions

4.1 Depending on the properties and scope of application, sheets are divided into the following types:

- ordinary (gypsum plasterboard);

- moisture resistant (GKLV);

- with increased resistance to open flame (GKLO);

- moisture resistant with increased resistance to open flame (GKLVO).

4.2 Based on appearance and manufacturing accuracy, sheets are divided into two groups: A and B.

4.3 According to their shape, the longitudinal edges of the sheets are divided into types shown in Figures 1-5.

Figure 1 - Straight edge (PC)


Figure 2 - Edge thinned on the front side (UK)

Figure 3 - Semicircular edge on the front side (PLC)

* Dimensions are given as a guide and are not considered a defect.

Figure 4 - Semicircular edge and thinned on the front side (PLUK)

Figure 5 - Rounded edge (RC)

4.4 The nominal dimensions of the sheets are given in Table 1. Limit deviations from the nominal dimensions should not be more than those indicated in table 2.

Table 1

In millimeters

Indicator name


2000 - 4000 in increments of 50



6,5; 8,0; 9,5; 12,5; 14,0; 16,0; 18,0; 20,0; 24,0

Note - By agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, sheets of other nominal sizes can be manufactured. Maximum deviations must correspond to those given in Table 2.

table 2

In millimeters

Sheet thickness

Maximum deviations from nominal dimensions for sheets of the group

by lenght

in width

by thickness

in width

by thickness

Up to 16 incl.

4.5 Sheets must have a rectangular shape in plan. Deviation from squareness should not be more than 3 mm for sheets of group A and 8 mm for sheets of group B.

4.6 The symbol for sheets must consist of:

- letter designation type of sheets - according to 4.1;

- designations of a group of sheets - according to 4.2;

- designations of the type of longitudinal edges of sheets - according to 4.3;

- numbers indicating the nominal length, width and thickness of the sheet in millimeters;

- designations of this standard.

An example of a symbol for a conventional plasterboard sheet of group A with edges thinned on the front side, 3000 mm long, 1200 mm wide and 12.5 mm thick:

GKL-A-UK-3000120012.5 GOST 6266-97


GKL-A-UK-12.512003000 GOST 6266-97.

5 Technical requirements

Sheets must be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to technological regulations approved by the manufacturer.

5.1 Appearance

For sheets of group A, damage to corners and longitudinal edges is not allowed.

For sheets of group B, damage to corners and longitudinal edges (minor defects), the dimensions and number of which exceed the values ​​​​given in Table 3, is not allowed.

Table 3

Indicator name

Value for one sheet, no more

Damage to corners:

Length of the longest leg, mm

Number, pcs.

Damage to longitudinal edges:

Length, mm

Depth, mm

Number, pcs.

The number of sheets with minor defects should not be more than two of the number of sheets selected for control.

5.2 Characteristics

5.2.1 The weight of 1 m of sheets (surface density) must correspond to that indicated in Table 4.

Table 4

In kilograms per square meter

Weight of 1 m sheets of type

No more than 1.00

Not less than 0.80 and not more than 1.06

The value of the nominal sheet thickness according to table 1

5.2.2 The adhesion of the gypsum core to the cardboard must be stronger than the adhesion of the cardboard layers.

5.2.3 The breaking load when testing sheets for bending strength at a constant span (350 mm) must be no less than that indicated in Table 5.

The deviation of the minimum value of the breaking load of an individual sample from the requirements of Table 5 should not be more than 10%.

Table 5

Sheet thickness, mm



The strength of sheets is assessed according to 5.2.3 if the manufacturer does not have control means to assess the breaking load and deflection according to 5.2.4.

5.2.4 The breaking load when testing sheets for bending strength with a variable span (40, where is the nominal thickness of the sheet in millimeters) and deflection must correspond to those indicated in Table 6.

Table 6

Sheet thickness, mm

Breaking load, N (kgf), not less for samples

Deflection, mm, no more for samples





Up to 10.0 incl.

St.10.0 to 18.0 incl.

* The maximum deflection value for an individual sample is indicated in parentheses

The deviation of the minimum value of the breaking load of an individual sample from the requirements of Table 6 should not be more than 10%.

5.2.5 Water absorption of GKLV and GKLVO sheets should not be more than 10%.

5.2.6 The resistance of GKLO and GKLVO sheets to open flame must be at least 20 minutes.

5.2.7 The specific effective activity of natural radionuclides in plasterboard sheets should not exceed 370 Bq/kg.

5.3 Marking

5.3.1 Sheets are marked on back side each product with indelible paint using stencils, stamps or other methods that ensure required quality markings.

The marking must be clear and contain:

- trademark and/or name of the manufacturer;

- symbol sheets, except for designating a group of sheets according to 4.2.

The inscriptions must be made on sheets:

- GKL and GKLV - in blue;

- GKLO and GKLVO - in red.

5.3.2 Transport packages of sheets are marked using labels attached to the package in any way that ensures its safety during transportation.

The label must indicate:

- name of the manufacturer and (or) its trademark;

- symbol of sheets;

- batch number and date of manufacture;

- number of sheets in square meters and (or) in pieces;

- stamp of the technical control service.

5.3.3 Each package must have transport markings in accordance with GOST 14192, and handling signs must be applied to it: “Fragile. Caution” and “Keep away from moisture.”

6 Fire technical characteristics

Gypsum plasterboard sheets GKL, GKLV, GKLO and GKLVO belong to the flammability group G1 according to GOST 30244, to the flammability group B3 according to GOST 30402, to the smoke-generating ability group D1 according to GOST 12.1.044, to the toxicity group T1 according to GOST 12.1.044.

The assignment of plasterboard sheets to a higher (less fire hazardous) flammability group can be carried out based on the test results of a specific manufacturer's products.

7 Acceptance rules

7.1 Each batch of sheets must be accepted by the manufacturer’s technical control service in accordance with the requirements of this standard.

7.2 Sheets are accepted in batches. The batch must consist of sheets of the same type, group, type of longitudinal edges and sizes, manufactured using the same technology and from the same materials.

The volume of a batch of sheets is set in an amount not exceeding the shift output of the production line.

7.3 Acceptance control is carried out by conducting acceptance tests according to the following indicators:

- appearance;

- shape and size;

- weight 1 m;

- breaking load when testing sheets for bending strength;

- adhesion of the gypsum core to the cardboard;

- water absorption (for GKLV and GKLVO sheets).

7.4 The manufacturer must conduct periodic tests of GKLO and GKLVO sheets for resistance to open flame at least once a quarter and every time when technological parameters of production and raw materials change. Three sheets are selected from a batch for testing.

If unsatisfactory test results are obtained, you should proceed to control the resistance to open flame of each batch of products.

If positive test results are obtained from five successive batches, they proceed again to periodic testing.

The test results apply to all supplied lots until the next periodic tests are carried out.

7.5 Fire specifications determined when placing products into production, as well as when there are changes in the composition of products that may lead to changes in fire safety characteristics.

7.6 The value of the specific effective activity of natural radionuclides in plasterboard sheets is taken to be the value in the gypsum binder (gypsum stone) used for the manufacture of sheets. This value is established on the basis of the supplier’s document on the quality of the gypsum binder (gypsum stone).

In the absence of data on the value in the gypsum binder (gypsum stone) used, tests of sheets for this indicator should be carried out at least once a year in accredited testing laboratories and each time the supplier of the binder (gypsum stone) is changed.

7.7 To carry out control, sheets are selected by random sampling from different places parties.

7.8 For the manufacturer to carry out acceptance tests, five sheets are selected from the batch.

Selected sheets are checked for compliance with the requirements of the standard for indicators appearance, shapes and sizes. In case of positive control results, three sheets out of the five tested are used to control the remaining indicators.

The batch is accepted if all sheets selected for control meet the requirements of this standard in terms of the indicators specified in 7.3.

If unsatisfactory control results are obtained for at least one of the indicators specified in 7.3, repeat tests are carried out for this indicator, for which a double number of sheets are selected from the same batch.

If the results of repeated tests satisfy the requirements of this standard, then the batch is accepted; if they do not satisfy, then the batch is not subject to acceptance.

7.9 If a batch of sheets does not comply with the requirements of this standard in appearance, shape and size, it is allowed to be re-presented for control after sorting.

7.10 A batch of gypsum plasterboard sheets (GKLVO), which does not meet the requirements of this standard for resistance to open flame, can be accepted as a batch of gypsum plasterboard sheets (GKLV), if in all other respects it meets the requirements of this standard for the specified sheets.

7.11 A batch of gypsum plasterboard sheets (GKLVO) that does not meet the requirements of this standard for water absorption can be accepted as a batch of gypsum plasterboard sheets (GKLO), if in all other respects it meets the requirements of this standard for the specified sheets.

7.12 In the cases provided for in 7.10 and 7.11, the product must be relabeled to ensure compliance with its requirements of 5.3.1; this must be indicated in the accompanying document.

7.13 When testing sheets by the consumer, inspection control and certification tests, the sample size and assessment of control results are carried out in accordance with the requirements of section 7.

7.14 The manufacturer must accompany each batch (part of a batch) of sheets with a quality document indicating:

- name of the manufacturer and his address;

- name and symbol of the sheets;

- batch number, date of manufacture;

- number of sheets in pieces and (or) square meters;

- stamp and signature of the head of the technical control service.

8 Control methods

8.1 Appearance control

8.1.1 The presence (absence) of minor defects is checked visually.

Measurements of minor defects are carried out with a ruler in accordance with GOST 427, with a caliper with a depth gauge in accordance with GOST 166 using a square in accordance with GOST 3749.

Damage to the corners of the sheet is measured along the length of the longest leg with a ruler using a square. A square is applied to each damaged corner of the product, restoring its shape, and the distance from the inner vertex of the square to the damage boundary of the corresponding side of the sheet is measured.

The length of damage to the longitudinal edges of the sheet is measured with a ruler or caliper.

The depth of damage to the longitudinal edges of the sheet is measured with a caliper with a depth gauge using a ruler at the point of greatest damage.

8.1.2 Compliance of marking with the requirements of the standard is checked visually.

The marking is considered to satisfy the requirements of this standard if it includes all the information required by the standard and the possibility of challenging its content is excluded.

8.2 Control of size and shape

8.2.1 Controls

Metal tape measure with a division value of no more than 1 mm according to GOST 7502.

Metal ruler according to GOST 427.

Thickness gauge according to GOST 11358 or caliper according to GOST 166.

It is allowed to use other measuring instruments whose error is not lower than the requirements of this standard.

The error of the measuring instruments should not be more than: ±0.1 mm - when measuring thickness, ±1.0 mm - when measuring other sheet sizes.

8.2.2 Taking measurements The length and width of the sheet are measured with a tape measure at a distance of (65 ± 5) mm from the corresponding edges and in the middle of the sheet; the measurement location can be shifted from the middle of the corresponding side of the sheet by no more than 30 mm. The thickness of the sheet is measured with a thickness gauge (vernier caliper) along each end edge in three places: at a distance of (65±5) mm from the longitudinal edges and in the middle of the end edge; the measurement location can be shifted from the middle of the end edge by no more than 30 mm. Deviation from squareness is determined by the difference in the lengths of the diagonals.

The length of each diagonal is measured once with a tape measure.

8.2.3 Processing results When measuring the length, width and diagonals of a sheet, the reading of the measuring instrument is rounded to 1 mm.

When measuring sheet thickness, the reading of the measuring instrument is rounded to 0.1 mm. When measuring the length, width and thickness of a sheet, the result of each measurement must comply with the requirements of section 4. Deviation from squareness is calculated from the difference in the lengths of the measured diagonals. The obtained result must meet the requirements of 4.5.

8.3 Determination of the mass of 1 square meter of sheet (surface density)

8.3 Determination of the mass of 1 m of sheet (surface density)

8.3.1 Controls

Laboratory drying cabinet with perforated shelves, allowing you to automatically maintain the temperature within (40-45) °C.

GOST 24104, average accuracy class.

Ruler according to GOST 427.

Tape measure according to GOST 7502.

8.3.2 Samples

Tests are carried out on samples prepared in accordance with or and intended to determine the breaking load after testing in accordance with 8.3.3.

8.3.3 Test performance

The samples are dried at a temperature of (41±1) °C for 24 hours and weighed. The samples then continue to dry to constant weight. The mass is considered constant if the differences between the results of two consecutive weighings do not exceed 0.1%. The drying time between two successive weighings must be at least 2 hours.

When conducting tests, the manufacturer is allowed to reduce the initial drying time to 2 hours if the condition of constant mass of the samples is met.

Next, the samples are cooled under conditions that exclude exposure to moisture and weighed, the result is rounded to 0.01 kg. After weighing, measure the length and width of the sample, rounding the result to the nearest 1 mm.

8.3.4 Processing results

The mass of 1 m of sheet, kg/m, is calculated using the formula

where is the mass of the sample dried to constant weight, kg;

- sample length, m;

- sample width, m.

The calculation result is rounded to 0.1 kg/m.

The mass of 1 m of a batch of sheets is taken as the arithmetic mean of the test results of all samples.

8.4 Determination of breaking load and deflection of sheets

8.4.1 Determination of the breaking load when testing specimens at a constant span The essence of the method is to destroy the sample with a concentrated load applied in the middle of the span according to a single-span pattern. Controls

A device of any design that provides the ability to apply a load according to the scheme shown in Figure 6, with a load increase rate of 15-20 N/s (1.5-2.0 kgf/s), and has a device that allows you to measure the breaking load with an error of not more than 2%.

Figure 6 - Scheme of testing samples for bending strength at a constant span

The supports and the part transmitting the load at the point of contact with the sample must have a cylindrical shape with a radius of 5 to 10 mm; the length of the supports and parts must be no less than the width of the sample. Sample preparation

From each sheet selected for control, one longitudinal and one transverse sample with a length of (450 ± 5) mm and a width of (150 ± 5) mm are cut out. Samples are cut at a distance of at least 100 mm from the edges of the sheet at the opposite ends of any of its diagonals. The samples are marked (longitudinal or transverse) and dried according to 8.3.3.

The specimens are tested in accordance with 8.3.3 and then used for the tests in Test performance

Longitudinal samples are placed face down on supports, and transverse samples are placed with the back side down. The load is increased at a speed of 15-20 N/s (1.5-2.0 kgf/s) until the sample fails. Processing results

The test result is rounded to 1 N (0.1 kgf).

The breaking load of a batch of sheets is taken as the arithmetic mean value of the test results of three separate longitudinal and three transverse samples, and the test result of each individual sample must comply with the requirements of 5.2.3.

8.4.2 Determination of breaking load and deflection when testing specimens with variable span The essence of the method is to create bending stresses in a sample tested according to a single-span scheme, with a load applied in the middle of the span, at specified loading levels, by measuring the deflection of the sample in the middle of the span, and then bringing the sample to failure. Controls

A device of any design that provides the ability to apply and measure load according to a given pattern, with a load application rate of 15-20 N/s (1.5-2.0 kgf/s) to the required values, withstand this load for a specified time and have a device , allowing you to measure the breaking load with an error of no more than 2% and the deflection of the sample in the middle of the span at given loads with an accuracy of 0.01 mm.

Supports and part transmitting the load - according to Sample preparation

From each sheet selected for control, one transverse and one longitudinal sample is cut out with a width of (400 ± 5) mm and a length of [(40 + 100) ± 5] mm, where is the nominal thickness of the sheet in millimeters. Samples are cut at a distance of at least 100 mm from the edges of the sheet at the opposite ends of any of its diagonals. The samples are marked (longitudinal or transverse) and dried according to 8.3.3.

Specimens are tested in accordance with 8.3.3 and then used for tests in Test performance

Set the span - the distance between the supports - depending on the nominal thickness of the test sample. Span = 40, where is the nominal sheet thickness in millimeters.

Longitudinal samples are placed face down on supports, and transverse samples are placed with the back side down.

An initial load of 50 N (5.0 kgf) is applied to the sample placed on supports, it is held under this load for 1 minute and the deflection is measured at the middle of the span. Then the load is increased at a speed of 15-20 N/s (1.5-2.0 kgf/s) to a value of 100 N (10 kgf). The sample is held under this load for 1 min and the deflection at the middle of the span is measured. Then the load is increased at the same rate until the sample fails. Processing results

The result of measuring the load is rounded to 1 N (0.1 kgf), deflection - to 0.1 mm.

The deflection of the sample, measured under a load of 50 N (5 kgf), is taken as zero.

The difference between the sample deflection value under a load of 100 N (10 kgf) and a load of 50 N (5 kgf) is calculated, the resulting value is taken as the result of the sample deflection.

The breaking load of a batch of sheets is taken as the arithmetic mean of the test results of three longitudinal and three transverse samples separately, and the test result of each individual sample must comply with the requirements of 5.2.4.

The deflection value of a batch of sheets is taken as the arithmetic mean value of the test results of three longitudinal and three transverse samples separately, and the test result of each individual sample must comply with the requirements of 5.2.4.

8.5 Determination of the adhesion strength of the gypsum core to the cardboard

8.5.1 Controls

A knife with a pointed end.

8.5.2 Test performance

At any point along the length of each sheet selected for control, two cardboard cuts are made, intersecting each other at an angle of approximately 30°, with a length of at least 100 mm to intersect. Cardboard cuts are made from the front and back sides of the sheet to the gypsum core. At the intersection of the cuts, the acute-angled part of the cardboard is lifted with a knife and manually torn off from the sheet in a vertical direction. The strength of its adhesion to the gypsum core is assessed by the nature of the cardboard’s separation.

The result of each test shall comply with the requirements of 5.2.2.

8.6 Determination of water absorption of sheets

8.6.1 Controls

Drying cabinet with perforated shelves, allowing you to automatically maintain the temperature within (40-45) °C.

Technical laboratory scales according to GOST 24104.

Water container.

8.6.2 Sample preparation

From each sheet selected for control, one square sample with a side length of (300 ± 5) mm is cut at a distance of at least 100 mm from the edges of the sheet.

8.6.3 Test performance

To carry out the test, use tap water, the temperature of which should be (20±2) °C.

The sample is dried to constant weight at a temperature of (41 ± 1) °C in accordance with 8.3.3. Dried samples, after cooling under conditions that exclude exposure to moisture, are weighed and placed for 2 hours in water in a horizontal position on pads, and the water level must be at least 50 mm above the samples. Before weighing water-saturated samples, drops of water present on its surface are removed from each sample.

Weighing of each sample must be completed no later than 5 minutes after removing it from the water.

8.6.4 Processing results

Weighing results are rounded to the nearest 10 g.

Water absorption,%, is calculated using the formula

where is the mass of the sample dried to constant weight, g;

Weight of sample saturated with water, g.

The calculation result is rounded to 1%.

The water absorption of a batch of sheets is taken as the arithmetic mean of the test results of all samples.

8.7 Determination of sheet resistance to open flame

8.7.1 Controls

A schematic diagram of the installation for testing samples for resistance to open flame on both sides is shown in Figure 7 and includes two gas-burners 30 mm in diameter, a frame with a pin for suspending the sample, two thermocouples and a device for suspending the load from the sample. The burners should be located coaxially in the center of the sample, perpendicular to its surface at a distance of 45 mm from it. Thermocouples are placed at a distance of 5 mm from the surface of the sample and at the level of the upper cut of the burner outlet.

The installation must be equipped with shut-off valves to regulate the gas supply (propane).

8.7.2 Sample preparation

From each sheet selected for control, two longitudinal samples with a length of (300 ± 0.5) mm and a width of (50 ± 0.5) mm are cut with a fine-toothed saw, taking into account the requirements of Along the center line of the samples at a distance of 25 mm from the transverse edges, two through holes 4 mm in diameter for hanging the sample on the frame of the testing machine and the load.

1 - burner; 2 - frame; 3 - thermocouple; 4 - device for hanging cargo; 5 - sample

Figure 7 - Installation diagram for testing samples for resistance to open flame on both sides

8.7.3 Test performance

The sample is suspended from a frame pin. A load is movably suspended from the bottom of the sample, the mass of which in grams corresponds to a value equal to 80, where is the value of the nominal thickness of the test sample according to Table 1. After installing the burners and thermocouples in the desired position, both burners are simultaneously lit, at the temperature at which the test is carried out , must reach the value (800±30) °C no later than 3 minutes from the start of the test. Fire exposure continues until the sample is destroyed. The resistance of a sample to open flame on both sides is measured in minutes.

The result of each test shall comply with the requirements of 5.2.6.

8.8 The specific effective activity of natural radionuclides is determined according to GOST 30108.

9 Transportation and storage

9.1 Sheets are transported by all modes of transport in accordance with the Rules for the carriage of goods in force for this type of transport and the requirements of other documentation approved in the prescribed manner.

9.2 Sheets are transported in packaged form.

Transport packages are formed from sheets of the same type, group, type of longitudinal edges and sizes using pallets or linings, which are made from wood, plasterboard sheets and other materials. Steel tape in accordance with GOST 3560 or synthetic tape is used as strapping. Transport bags can also be packed in polyethylene shrink film in accordance with GOST 25951. The number of strappings, their cross-section, dimensions of pads and pallets are established by technological regulations.

By agreement with the consumer, it is allowed to transport sheets unpackaged (without strapping or packaging in film).

9.3 The dimensions of the packages should not exceed 4100 mm in length, 1300 mm in width, 800 mm in height; The weight of the package should not be more than 3000 kg.

9.4 When transported in open railway and road vehicles vehicles packages must be protected from moisture.

9.5 Sheets should be stored in rooms with dry and normal humidity conditions, separately by type and size.

9.6 Storage of sheets by the manufacturer must be carried out in accordance with 9.5 and technological regulations approved in the prescribed manner, in compliance with safety requirements and product safety.

9.7 Transport packages of sheets when stored by the consumer can be stacked on top of each other in accordance with safety regulations. In this case, the total height of the stack should not exceed 3.5 m.

9.8 During loading and unloading, transport, storage and other work, impacts on the sheets are not allowed.

10 Directions for use

10.1 When using sheets, you should be guided by the design documentation approved in the prescribed manner.

10.2 GKL and GKLO plasterboard sheets are used in buildings and premises with dry and normal humidity conditions in accordance with current standards for building heating engineering.

10.3 Gypsum plasterboard sheets GKLV and GKLVO are used in buildings and premises with dry, normal, wet and wet humidity conditions in accordance with current standards for building heating engineering.

When using GKLV and GKLVO sheets in buildings and rooms with damp and wet conditions, they should be protected from the front surface with waterproof primers, putties, paints, ceramic tiles or PVC coverings. These premises should provide exhaust ventilation, providing standard air exchange in accordance with current building codes for heating, ventilation and air conditioning, residential buildings, public buildings and structures, administrative and service buildings.

10.4 It is advisable to use GKLO and GKLVO sheets for cladding structures in order to increase their fire resistance limit in rooms with high fire hazard.

APPENDIX A (mandatory). Terms and Definitions


Plasterboard sheets- sheet products consisting of a fireproof gypsum core, all planes of which, except end edges, lined with cardboard firmly glued to the core

Regular plasterboard sheets (GKL)- plasterboard sheets, used primarily for interior decoration buildings and premises with dry and normal humidity conditions

Moisture-resistant plasterboard sheets (GKLV)- plasterboard sheets with reduced water absorption (less than 10%) and increased resistance to moisture penetration

Plasterboard sheets with increased resistance to open flame (GKLO)- plasterboard sheets, which are more resistant to fire than ordinary ones

Moisture-resistant plasterboard sheets with increased resistance to open flame (GKLVO)- plasterboard sheets that simultaneously have the properties of gypsum board and gypsum board sheets

Longitudinal edge plasterboard sheet- lined with cardboard side edge along the length of the sheet

Longitudinal sample of plasterboard sheet- a sample cut from a sheet, the direction of its length coincides with the length of the sheet

Cross section of plasterboard sheet- a sample cut from a sheet, the direction of its length coincides with the width of the sheet

Damage to corners and edges of plasterboard sheets- chipping (dents) of corners and edges together with cardboard or only one gypsum core

Minor defect- a defect that does not significantly affect the intended use of the product and its durability (GOST 15467) Heating, ventilation and air conditioning Residential buildings Public buildings and structures

Administrative and service buildings

Electronic document text
prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against:
official publication
M.: Gosstroy of Russia, State Unitary Enterprise TsPP, 1999

Plasterboard sheet 2500x1200x12.5 mm GKL, 2500x1200x9.5 mm, 3000x1200x12.5 mm

General information
Brand (type) GKL
GOST, TU GOST 6266-97
Length, mm 2,500
Width, mm 1 200
Thickness, mm 12.50
Manufacturers LLC "KNAUF-Gips"
OKP code 5742131002


Weight 1 m2, kg 10

Humidity, % no more than 1

Description Gypsum plasterboard KNAUF sheet (GKL) is a rectangular element that consists of two layers of special cardboard with a layer of gypsum dough with reinforcing additives, while the side edges of the strip are folded with the edges of the cardboard (front layer). Gypsum binder G-4 is used to form the core. Cardboard color: gray. Type of edge: straight edge (SK), thinned edge (UK), semicircular thinned edge (PLUK). The specific effective activity of natural radionuclides is no more than 370 Bq/kg. Flammability group - G1.

Scope of application: Used for lung devices interior partitions, suspended ceilings, wall cladding in buildings and rooms with dry and normal humidity conditions according to SNiP 02/23/2003, as well as for the manufacture of decorative and sound-absorbing products.

Moisture- and fire-resistant plasterboard sheet GKLVO 2500x1200x12.5 mm, 2500x1200x9.5 mm, 3000x1200x12.5 mm

General information
Brand (type) GKLVO
GOST, TU GOST 6266-97
Length, mm 2,500
Width, mm 1 200
Thickness, mm 12.50
Manufacturers LLC "KNAUF Gips"
OKP code 5742135001


Weight 1 m2, kg 10.1
Breaking load (bending strength at constant span (l=350 mm)), N (kgf) transverse - not less than 105, longitudinal - not less than 322
Water absorption,% no more than 10
Humidity, % no more than 1

Description Plasterboard moisture-fire-resistant KNAUF sheet (GKLVO) is a rectangular element that consists of two layers of special cardboard with a layer of gypsum dough with reinforcing additives, while the side edges of the strip are folded with the edges of the cardboard (front layer). Gypsum binder G-4 is used to form the core. Cardboard color: green. Type of edge: straight edge (SK), thinned edge (UK), semicircular thinned edge (PLUK). Possesses both the properties of gypsum board and gypsum board sheets. The specific effective activity of natural radionuclides is no more than 370 Bq/kg. Flammability group - G1.

Scope of application It is used for the construction of lightweight interior partitions, suspended ceilings, wall cladding and fire protection of structures. It is used in buildings and premises with dry and normal humidity conditions in accordance with SNiP 02/23/2003.

VSN, TR, SNiP, Application Guidelines Album "Complete KNAUF systems. Partitions of element-by-element assembly from plasterboard sheets on metal and wooden frames for residential, public and industrial buildings. Series 1.031.9-2.07. Issue 1". Album "KNAUF Complete Systems. Cladding of element-by-element assembly from plasterboard sheets of enclosing structures for residential, public and industrial buildings. Series 1.073.9-2.08. Issue 1". Album "KNAUF Complete Systems. Suspended ceilings of element-by-element assembly from plasterboard and gypsum fiber sheets on wood and metal frames for residential, public and industrial buildings. Series 1.045.9-2.08. Issue 1".

Fire-resistant plasterboard sheet 2500x1200x12.5 mm GKLO

General information
Brand (type) GKLO
GOST, TU GOST 6266-97
Length, mm 2,500
Width, mm 1 200
Thickness, mm 12.50
Manufacturers LLC "KNAUF Gips"
OKP code 5742135001


Weight 1 m2, kg 10.0
Breaking load (bending strength at constant span (l=350 mm)), N (kgf) transverse - not less than 105, longitudinal - not less than 322
Humidity, % no more than 1
Resistance to open flame, min. thirty

Description Gypsum plasterboard fire-resistant KNAUF-sheet (GKLO) is a rectangular material, which consists of two layers of special cardboard with a layer of gypsum dough with reinforcing additives, while the side edges of the strip are folded with the edges of the cardboard (front layer). To form the core, G-4 gypsum binder with special reinforcing additives is used. Cardboard color: gray. Type of edge: straight edge (SK), thinned edge (UK), semicircular thinned edge (PLUK). The specific effective activity of natural radionuclides is no more than 370 Bq/kg. Flammability group - G1.

Scope of application It is used for the installation of lightweight interior partitions, suspended ceilings, wall cladding, fire-retardant coatings and structures.

VSN, TR, SNiP, Application Guidelines Album "KNAUF Complete Systems. Partitions of element-by-element assembly from plasterboard sheets on metal and wooden frames for residential, public and industrial buildings. Series 1.031.9-2.07. Issue 1". Album "KNAUF complete systems. Cladding of element-by-element assembly from plasterboard sheets of enclosing structures for residential, public and industrial buildings. Series 1.073.9-2.08. Issue 1." Album "Knauf complete systems. Suspended ceilings of element-by-element assembly from plasterboard and gypsum fiber sheets on wooden and metal frames for residential, public and industrial buildings. Series 1.045.9-2.08. Issue 1."


Tsugunov Anton Valerievich

Reading time: 5 minutes

Drywall is a modern material for interior decoration, which is at the peak of its popularity today. The combination of great opportunities and affordable price make plasterboard sheets (GKL) an indispensable material for leveling walls, erecting interior partitions, designing door and window slopes, creating suspended ceilings, curved surfaces and structures of a wide variety of shapes. Let's consider the technical characteristics that a high-quality sheet of drywall should have in accordance with GOST requirements, and find out which types of material should be preferred for use in certain conditions.

Plasterboard sheet is a product rectangular shape, consisting of pressed gypsum grade G4 (GOST 125-79), enclosed on both sides in a thin layer of durable cardboard. In addition to gypsum and cellulose, in the production of gypsum boards it is possible to use various adhesives and foaming agents for the gypsum component. The perfectly flat surface and strength of plasterboard allow it to act simultaneously as a reinforcing frame and the basis for finishing.

70% of the drywall presented on Russian market, produced under the Knauf brand. Knauf plasterboard products comply with Russian standards GOST 6266-97 and GOST 32614-2012, as well as the German standard DIN 18 180.

GCR classification

The technical characteristics of plasterboard sheets depend on what type they belong to. According to GOST 6266-97, the following types of plasterboard are distinguished:

  • regular - denoted by the abbreviation GKL;
  • moisture resistant - gypsum plasterboard;
  • plasterboard with increased fire resistance - gypsum plasterboard;
  • a material that combines the properties of a moisture-resistant material and increased resistance to open fire - GKLVO.

In 2012, a new interstate standard was adopted, developed in collaboration with Knauf. In GOST 32614-2012, which has been in force in Russia since 2015, plasterboard is called gypsum building boards. According to the new GOST, the material is divided into 8 types:

  • A – drywall corresponding to standard plasterboard;
  • N – moisture-resistant gypsum boards;
  • F – fire-resistant boards;
  • D – slabs having a given density, which depends on operating conditions;
  • I – material with increased hardness;
  • E – facade slabs with low water absorption and minimal vapor permeability;
  • P – products intended for subsequent application gypsum plaster or laying tiles;
  • R is a material with increased bending strength in any direction.

Standard or ordinary gypsum plasterboard (GSP-A according to the new GOST), which is also called construction or basic, is used more often than other types for finishing apartments. With its help, and wall frames made of metal and wood. It has a light gray surface and can only be used in rooms with normal humidity. Standard drywall.

Moisture-resistant gypsum board

Moisture-resistant plasterboard GKLV (according to the new standard - GSP-H2) is used in rooms with medium and high humidity. The material's resistance to moisture is achieved by adding modifiers to the gypsum that reduce its absorbency, as well as antifungal compounds. The moisture-resistant appearance of drywall is easily recognizable due to the green color of the surface. The scope of application of moisture-resistant material is wider than that of basic plasterboard and includes such premises as a kitchen, bathroom, heated loggia, insulated balcony. GKLV can be used for the manufacture of slopes; provided that high-quality waterproofing is used, it is even possible to finish the walls in the shower.

The moisture-resistant material absorbs no more than 10% moisture compared to conventional plasterboard.

Fire-resistant plasterboard

GKLO differs from other types of plasterboard by the presence of special additives in the gypsum core that ensure resistance to high temperatures and preventing the spread of smoke and fire during a fire. Knauf's fire-resistant material of increased density is designated GSP-DF.

According to GOST, the resistance of GKLO and GKLVO products to open fire must be at least 20 minutes.

The technical characteristics of this type of gypsum board create a separate area of ​​application: sheathing of cable and ventilation ducts, steel and wooden structures in need of fire protection. The cardboard layer of the fire-resistant sheet usually has a light pink tint; the marking, as required by GOST, must be red. For finishing wet rooms, plasterboard is used, designated by the letters GKLVO (GSP-DFH2 according to the new standard), which combines the properties of a fire and moisture resistant material.

The most fire-resistant drywall is Knauf Fireboard, which has additional fiberglass reinforcement.

GKLD – designer, flexible or arched plasterboard, which is not mentioned in GOST 6266-97. Designed to create structures of complex curved shapes: arches, decorative elements suspended ceiling. The small thickness (6–6.5 mm) and reinforcement with a fiberglass reinforcing mesh allow this material to be bent without wetting.

High strength plasterboard

The use of reinforced plasterboard is advisable for large loads on the wall and when it is necessary to fasten a heavy object. An example of such a material is Diamant plasterboard from Knauf. This manufacturer also produces products of large thickness (18, 20, 25 mm) called high-strength or solid slabs. Such material can also be fire and moisture resistant.

Product parameters

The main technical characteristics of drywall are regulated by GOST 6266-97.


The size of the drywall sheet may vary:

  • Standard product lengths are 2, 2.5 and 3 m. There are manufacturers producing sheets with lengths from 1.5 to 3.6 m.
  • The sheet width is usually 1.2 m, although small-format products with a width of 0.6 m have recently appeared on sale, providing more convenient transportation.
  • Sheet thickness can range from 6 to 12.5 mm. If we are talking about reinforced slabs, then we can talk about a greater thickness, reaching 25 mm. Sheets having minimum thickness, are intended for the manufacture of bent structures. Plasterboard with a thickness of 9 mm is used for the ceiling, 12.5 mm for the walls.

The most popular format of plasterboard sheet from Knauf is 250 x 120 cm.

Drywall is modern material for finishing rooms inside the building. On this moment This material is highly popular. What makes this material irreplaceable is great opportunities and affordable pricing policy. GKL (plasterboard sheets), these are irreplaceable materials when working with the construction of window or door slopes, leveling curved surfaces and creating structures of different shapes. It is worth considering in more detail what qualities drywall should have in accordance with GOST standards.

A sheet of plasterboard is a rectangular product, which consists of gypsum compressed under a G4 press. The plaster is covered on both sides with a thin layer of cardboard. Its size is 2500x120012.5 mm. In addition to the fact that gypsum and cellulose are used in the manufacture of the product, various adhesives and foaming components for gypsum can be added to it.

It is impossible to talk about the technical characteristics of drywall in general, since they depend on what type of gypsum plasterboard one or another belongs to.

According to the GOST 6266-97 standard, the following types of this material are distinguished:

  • Standard (this model is abbreviated as GKL);
  • Moisture-resistant or gypsum plasterboard;
  • – GKLO and complies with SNIP standards;
  • Drywall that combines all the properties listed above is GKLVO.

Interstate standard in relation to plasterboard: GOST

Regular or standard plasterboard, which is also commonly called basic or construction, is used for finishing work in an apartment much more often than other types. This material allows making repairs and repairs better than others. Finishing work in the field of leveling walls and covering ceilings and walls. This type of plasterboard has a light gray surface color and is used only in rooms with moderate air humidity.

In 2012, an interstate standard on cooperation with the well-known company Knauf was developed and adopted. According to the developed GOST 32614-2012, which was introduced into the Russian Federation only in 2015, plasterboard is commonly called gypsum building boards.

According to the newly created GOST, this material is divided into 8 types:

  1. Type A is gypsum board that matches standard gypsum board;
  2. Type H - slabs that are distinguished by their moisture resistance. For characteristics of moisture-resistant drywall, see the article: ;
  3. Type F - plasterboard, which is designed for fire resistance;
  4. Type D - a material that acquires the required resistance depending on conditions and application;
  5. Type I – drywall, which has increased density;
  6. Type E are façade-type slabs that have low water absorption and minimal vapor permeability;
  7. Type P - Material that is designed for further application of plaster or for laying slabs;
  8. Type R is a plate that has increased strength when bent in a certain direction.

Certificate of conformity GKL Knauf

What is meant by the word certificate? This is a special paper from Knauf, which confirms its rights to manufacture a certain product on the territory of the Russian Federation. The certificate and its diagram also confirm that a number of tests were carried out on the object and the corresponding protocols were drawn up. Based on the results of the research, the manufacturer receives a special certificate that confirms the quality of the product.

The Knauf company occupies one of the main places among manufacturers building materials and is engaged in supplying exclusively high-quality products.

The range of this company includes the following products:

  • Rolled metal;
  • Various types of plasterboard and other products based on gypsum;
  • Special slabs that are used to create suspended ceilings;
  • Materials for thermal insulation;
  • Soundproofing materials;
  • Materials for finishing works related to walls;
  • Self-leveling floors.

What characteristics does the plasterboard certificate include?

As stated above, gypsum boards from Knauf company There are several types.


  • Ordinary;
  • Fibrous;
  • Moisture resistant;
  • Fire resistant;
  • Combined (combination of moisture resistance and fire resistance).

Each drywall of the varieties above has a number of characteristics that are confirmed by certificates of conformity.

The properties and features of gypsum board sheets are described in the material:.

The most popular is the Knauf super sheet.

This material not only has increased strength, but also is particularly resistant to wear, and is suitable for all technical and temperature conditions.

Its other technical characteristics are impressive:

  • This sheet has increased fire resistance;
  • Can “breathe”;
  • Toxic substances are excluded from its composition;
  • It lends itself easily to all types of processing;
  • Meets all the standards that the world puts forward.

Such gypsum plasterboard can be used not only in the construction of walls, but also for finishing the floor.

Types of drywall (video)

When purchasing materials for repairs, it is best to go to a special hardware store. However, just buy required material not enough. Before purchasing, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with all the documents that should accompany the material. If the consultant refuses to provide all the necessary papers, then it is better to refuse the purchase and find a more reliable seller.

International GOST 6266 97 has been in force since April 1, 1999. It was adopted as a Russian standard by Gosstroy Resolution No. 14.

According to the Rosstandart catalog for GOST 6266 97, the status for 2015 is determined as a valid document. Used on a voluntary basis by manufacturers, trading organizations and contractors when performing work.

For individual homeowners it has useful value as a reference for determining material quality, properties and applicability.

Information in GOST 6266 97 sheets of plasterboard technical conditions is presented in 10 main sections and two appendices.

The first three parts reveal the scope of application (finishing work, installation of partitions, increasing the fire resistance of structures, sound and heat insulation), a list of related standards, and data on definitions.

Types, groups, types of gypsum boards

In the fourth part of the document sheets plasterboard GOST 6266 97 are divided into:

1.Types (by application and main properties):

  • GCL GOST 6266 97 (normal);
  • GKLV (moisture resistant);
  • GKLO (fire-resistant);
  • GKLVO (moisture and fire resistant).

2. Groups (by the presence or absence of appearance defects according to Table 3, Section 5):

  • A – in the absence
  • B - if there is damage to no more than 2 corners with a leg size of 20 mm and 2 damage to the edges.

3. Types (according to the shape of the longitudinal edge):

  • PC (straight edge);
  • UK (with a thinned front edge);
  • PLC (with semicircular front edge);
  • PLUK (semicircular thinned front edge);
  • ZK (rounded edge).

Main parameters and markings

In the fifth section, in addition to appearance defects, the following is indicated:

  1. Weight per square meter.
  2. Basic labeling requirements:
  • GCL sheets GOST 6266 97 must have indelible inscriptions on the back side containing information about the manufacturer and symbol;

Fire requirements (section 6)

Drywall GOST 6266 97 must comply with the following groups:

  • flammability G1;
  • B3 (flammability);
  • D1 (smoke generation);
  • T1 (toxicity).

Testing and acceptance inspection (section 7)

Upon acceptance, the following data is determined:

  • appearance group;
  • size matching;
  • adhesion of internal gypsum to cardboard shell;
  • moisture absorption (for GKLV and GKLVO).

When checking plasterboard sheets according to GOST 6266 97, the manufacturer is required to conduct tests for resistance to open fire once a quarter or when raw materials and production conditions change.

Methods for controlling parameters

Section 8 is devoted to the main methods of monitoring technical data:

  1. Damage and dimensions (ruler, caliper, depth gauge).
  2. Weight deviations (drying oven, tape measure, ruler).
  3. Strength limit.
  4. Adhesion of plaster to cardboard (sharp knife).
  5. Moisture absorption (container, scales, drying cabinet).
  6. Fire resistance (installation with gas burners).

Storage and transportation conditions

The ninth section specifies the necessary requirements regarding:

  • package sizes and weights;
  • protection from moisture;
  • rules of loading and unloading.

Application of GOST and Applications

The final tenth includes following rules Applications:

  1. It is advisable to use GKL and GKLO brands in dry rooms
  2. GKLV and GKLVO are used in normal, wet and wet conditions.
  3. GKLO and GKLVO should be used to increase the fire resistance of structures in rooms with a special fire hazard regime.
Manufacturability, environmental friendliness, simplicity installation work make plasterboard products the main finishing material, used in all categories of premises.

The products of GOST 6266 97 Knauf most accurately meet all the requirements of the standard.

Appendices A and B contain information about the terms and basic standards for design (heating engineering, heating and ventilation, administrative, residential, public buildings).