Designations on the wallpaper and their interpretation. Decoding the icons on the wallpaper: letter and graphic designations Wallpaper designations

Why was it necessary to make markings and designations on the wallpaper? Wallpaper is popular finishing material, which is sold in a huge assortment. There are dozens of varieties of canvases that differ not at all in the material of manufacture, but in other features. For example, protection from moisture, photosensitivity. In addition, there are instructions on how to join the canvases, how to glue and remove them correctly. All this is indicated on the packaging and it is important to know what the strange symbols mean. Let's look at all the symbols on the wallpaper and their interpretation.

Graphic symbols

This is the first thing you should pay attention to before purchasing this or that type of wallpaper. The graphic design on the packaging consists of several small images indicating the features of the material. There are several nuances that require consideration before purchasing finishing material:

  • will wallpaper be chosen with a selection of patterns, or is it not needed for the room;
  • It is enough to apply the glue only to the surface of the walls or to the wallpaper too;
  • Is the indicator of protection against moisture important, is washable wallpaper required for the kitchen or bathroom, for example, or is ordinary wallpaper enough for a room with optimal humidity?
  • the room is on sunny side whether direct sunlight hits the walls;
  • If necessary, how difficult will it be to remove the blades after their service life?
  • Based on the markings, which will now be deciphered, you can choose an option that satisfies all your needs. So, what do graphic symbols indicate?

Moisture protection

This is the first thing you need to pay attention to when buying canvases for the kitchen, bathroom or other rooms with high humidity. There are washable wallpaper options on sale that can withstand cleaning with detergents. To find out all this information, it is important to check the packaging for icons. Their image and interpretation are provided in the table.

It is logical that the signs can also indicate the price of the wallpaper. How better quality and the more designations, the higher the cost of the finishing material will be, since it will last longer and be able to withstand negative influences.

Light resistance

There are other designations that require decoding. The image of the sun indicates the degree of fading of the canvases under constant exposure to direct UV rays. This is especially important for rooms located on the sunny side.

Explanation with symbols in the table:
These icons are very important in warm climates where the sun shines most of the year.

Joining the drawing

If there are arrow icons on the pack, this indicates the methods for joining the canvases. They can indicate both chaotic gluing and precise and mandatory joining of the pattern.

Explanation of images further in the table:
It is important to correctly decipher the symbols so that the pattern formed on the surface is perfectly smooth, beautiful and clear.

Interpretation of markers for applying glue

The method of gluing the canvases also plays a big role. Do you only need to apply glue to the wall or will you have to lubricate the wallpaper itself? The table will help with deciphering the designation:

Decoding signs for installing wallpaper

If there are many icons for joining and applying glue, then with regard to installation technology, there is only one graphic image.


Such graphic symbols will indicate how easy it will be in the future to remove the canvases from the walls. Let's look at what the brands mean in the table:

Explanation of other symbols

In addition to the main or basic designations discussed above, there are additional ones. They are not present on all wallpapers, as they concern additional features canvases But their presence has a beneficial effect on service life. In the table of icons their interpretation:
These are all graphic designations and symbols. Even knowing them, you can already choose the right finishing material. But this is not all that you need to remember when buying.

Letter marking

In addition to the picture, a letter designation is also added to the packaging. They indicate the composition and other properties of the material. The letters must be there anyway. Here's what these abbreviations mean:

Decoding the numbers on the packaging

For example, let's take packaging from a well-known wallpaper manufacturer. She's like this:

What do these numbers mean? The information is no less useful. The decoding is as follows:

1. Article. It indicates the code number, product design. This is appropriate, because if the batch is over, and there are not enough rolls for gluing, then it is easy to buy more of the same.

2. Batch number. Points to number production line, speaks about the change and features of coloring. When buying rolls, it is better to choose the same batch number so that the tone does not differ, this also happens.

3. Size. Allows you to find out the width and length of the strips in one roll. This is important when calculating the required amount of material per room.


Today, special quality is given to environmentally friendly materials. After all, you can’t buy health. Therefore, an environmental label for wallpaper was developed, indicating safety. The canvases are not only harmless to people, but also to the environment. Explanation of such images in the table:

Quality and safety

The latest designation for all types of wallpaper indicates the quality and safety of the material. The table contains a breakdown of this special information:

That's all you need to know about the symbols on the wallpaper and their decoding. All that remains is to decide what type of wallpaper is needed for the job, go to the store and choose the appropriate option.

When planning renovations on their own and choosing new wallpaper, the buyer rarely pays attention to their characteristics. Coming in first place color scheme, width and density, the ability to combine with furniture, texture and price. But few people pay attention to the fact that each roll contains special markings in the form of pictograms. But in vain: understanding its meaning will help make more good choice and even save on your purchase. After all, each room has its own type of wallpaper - its illumination, purpose, and condition of the walls are taken into account.

When buying wallpaper, this is the first thing to consider so as not to make a mistake. They indicate the material from which the canvases are made.

A – acrylic

B – paper

BB – foamed vinyl

PV – smooth or flat vinyl

RV – textured or textured vinyl based on non-woven fabric

TKS – textile (wallpaper with a fabric base)

STR – structural wallpaper intended for painting with special paint

STL – glass wallpaper

Marking on wallpaper contains important tips. Decoding letters will help you correctly determine the type of material for each room. The type of wallpaper that looks great on the walls of the living room will become a big nuisance in the kitchen: for example, textile ones. Heavy textured vinyl will not stay on the ceiling. And in the office, paper and acrylic ones will look extremely unpresentable, even with the most beautiful designs.

In addition, each type of wallpaper, depending on the material, has its own type of glue, and in some cases it is not required at all.

How to read markings on wallpaper

In addition to letter designations, the label contains iconic symbols, or pictograms. This is an international code that can be understood by native speakers of any language in any country. The pictograms on wallpaper labels are divided into five groups and describe

  • moisture and wear resistance of wallpaper,
  • light fastness,
  • features of drawing placement,
  • methods of applying glue
  • and removing paintings from walls.

Such wallpaper marking provides maximum information about what the buyer intends to purchase for wall decoration.

Moisture resistance and sanitation

relatively moisture resistant. Only during the process of sticking can you treat them with a piece of damp soft fabric or a sponge, removing excess drops of glue. It is not advisable to do this later: contact with moisture will cause the wallpaper to become unusable or peel off.

Carefully clean the surface with a damp cloth, sponge or cloth.

moisture-resistant wallpaper, resistant to wet cleaning and detergents.

high resistance to moisture and friction; when washing, you can use a soft brush.


The fade resistance of wallpaper affects how often it will have to be replaced due to fading from the sun. These designations on wallpaper It is recommended to take into account the side of the world that the windows face and the lighting in the room.

low resistance to sunlight; wallpaper is recommended for shaded rooms where the windows face north, northwest, west, northeast, or for rooms where there is little or no sun.
stability is average, wallpaper is recommended for rooms in which the windows face east, northeast, north, northwest, west, northeast.
such wallpaper is suitable for rooms with moderate lighting; As a rule, their windows face east, northeast, northwest, west, north.
very good resistance against sun rays: here the windows can face any side of the world except the south, but you can also simply shade a room with south-facing windows.
excellent light fastness, the material can withstand prolonged exposure to sunlight, even on the south side.

Drawing and its combination according to the designations

Wallpaper icons, indicating the possibility, necessity or optionality of selecting a pattern, provide information to those who are not ready to spend time on fitting and buy 1-2 additional rolls, and to those for whom the pattern is fundamentally important.

gluing direction. The arrow points to the ceiling.
no adjustment required.
horizontal symmetry, easy selection.
diagonal symmetry: the most common variant of its arrangement, reminiscent chess order. They are glued with a height shift.
quite rare wallpaper, when each even stripe is pasted inverted 180 degrees.
Before wallpapering, the offset step is set next strip in centimeters, then measured with a ruler or tape measure.

Applying glue

In addition to the usual method of applying glue to reverse side wallpaper, there are other methods, since the surface of the walls is different rooms may vary.

outdated designation on wallpaper: explanation This sign is an overlapping sticker with subsequent removal of the top layer of the wallpaper seam. This method was only used in the 20th century and is not necessary today, but the icon can be seen on old rolls.
classic version of gluing: the back side of the wallpaper is smeared with glue. The strip is kept folded for 30-40 seconds, straightened out and applied to the wall.
a convenient and neat method that is gentle on the canvas: glue is applied only to the wall, dry wallpaper is applied to it and carefully smoothed.
most quick way: The wallpaper has an adhesive back and only needs to be moistened with water.
To apply this wallpaper you will need special glue; it usually comes with them and is purchased at the same time.
Removing old wallpaper

It is advisable to save the wallpaper label so that you can easily remove it from the walls in the future. It may take several years until the desire to refresh the interior appears, and conditional designations on wallpaper will be very useful.

This icon indicates that the wallpaper is removed in dry strips.
removed in one layer using a spatula.
This wallpaper is removed in two stages: the top layer (usually vinyl) is torn off, the bottom layer must be moistened before removal.
duplicated wallpaper, they consist of two layers, the top of which is embossed.
Other designations and markings of wallpaper
fireproof wallpaper. It is unlikely that a person who survived a fire will be consoled by the fact that at least the decor of the walls has been preserved. However, when restoring the premises, he will not have to spend money on them again, just wash them thoroughly.
wallpaper that is shock-resistant (anti-vandal). Wallpaper can be damaged by furniture or door handle(however, there are other situations), and then ugly dents remain on them. These wallpapers will not give you any reason to worry; they perfectly absorb physical impact.

There are other types of wallpaper - metal, liquid, ceramic, mineral. But in regular sales they appear extremely rarely, they are supplied to order, applied in other ways, and markings have not yet been provided for them. Mass produced wallpaper comes with all necessary information on the label so that any buyer can do right choice, and the renovation of the interior brought him only positive emotions.

Surely, each of us has at least once encountered self-repair apartments. For many, this is a very long and complex process that needs to be approached wisely.

When buying wallpaper, most people pay attention only to the design they like, but no one thinks about how the wallpaper “behaves” in the room. Although, all technical characteristics are carefully indicated by the manufacturer on each roll. But we’ll try to figure it out with you about what exactly they mean, and why you need to pay attention to them.

Why is labeling needed?

Labeling wallpaper allows you to correctly select the material for pasting any room, based on the technological properties of the material. The range of these products is so wide that many can simply get confused and purchase a coating that is completely unsuitable in its properties and characteristics for a particular room. And in the future, this discrepancy can lead to disastrous results; in the best case, the wallpaper will simply fall off, and you will need to do the repairs again. In order not to ruin the mood for yourself and your loved ones, you need to read the label in advance, which is included in each roll.

The designations on the wallpaper will help you decide how to work with this material and what characteristics it has.

Most often you can see various small icons; they serve as one of the fundamental selection factors correct coverage on the wall. Knowing this information will greatly facilitate your choice and help you calculate correctly. required quantity material, and will also save not only money, but also time on repair work.

Decoding the signs

Next, we’ll look in more detail at what the icons on a roll of wallpaper for walls mean, and we’ll also try to figure out what you need to pay attention to first when purchasing. The markings below mean that you can see these marks on the label of all types of wallpaper, including paper, washable, non-woven, cork, fabric and so on.

Knowing these symbols, an ordinary person can easily understand what wall covering he has to work on how to produce the pasting, what is the wear resistance of the material, and how to install it.

In addition, deciphering the icons will help you learn how the material behaves under excessive moisture and bright lighting. Knowing all these factors, your work will be much easier and more enjoyable.


Each type of wallpaper must have a letter abbreviation. These symbols will show what material this coating is made of. This is necessary in order to choose the right finishing material for the room. For example, paper types of wallpaper are never used for the kitchen, as they will very quickly become unusable. So, the letter marking could be as follows:

  • A – acrylic-based wallpaper;
  • B – paper;
  • BB – foamed vinyl coating;
  • RV – wallpaper with embossed vinyl;
  • PV – flat vinyl;
  • STL – glass wallpaper;
  • STR – structural coating, usually for painting;
  • TKS – textile.

Graphic images

Let us dwell in more detail on the graphic images that are indicated on any roll. These are mandatory symbols that indicate the necessary installation work And coating operating rules:

  • These symbols indicate moisture resistance level(wavy lines) and resistance to mechanical damage(wavy lines with a brush). Accordingly, the more waves, the more resistant the material is to moisture and detergents. The last symbol indicates that the wallpaper can be washed with a soft brush and chemical detergents.

  • Signs pointing to burnout resistance(indicated by the sun). Here there is also a spread from the smallest to the maximum. That is, average light fastness indicates that the wallpaper quickly fades with prolonged contact with sunlight. Excellent light fastness means that such products can be exposed to sunlight all year round, and the paint will retain its original brightness for a long time.

  • Brush symbols indicate how to glue wallpaper covering to the wall. From them you can find out whether to apply glue directly to the canvas or to the wall, how to glue self-adhesive wallpaper, and whether special glue is needed (there will be additional information about this from the manufacturer or you need to check with the seller).

  • The arrow markings are intended to help you understand how exactly to connect the canvases. A random sticker is a designation for wallpaper without selecting a pattern. A symmetrical arrangement means that the pattern needs to be joined for a complete image. Shift in the location of the picture - the joints need to be adjusted to get the correct picture.

Multidirectional arrows indicate that each subsequent canvas must be rotated 180 degrees. Sometimes you can see a sign in the form of three upward arrows. In this case, you need to understand that gluing occurs strictly in one direction.

The last marking indicates how much the canvas needs to be shifted to create a complete pattern. Sometimes, instead of 53, the number 64 is found. This means that direct adjustment of the pattern is possible only after 53 or 64 cm, respectively.


Many manufacturers of wallpaper materials are trying to produce environmentally friendly products in order to maximally protect not only people, but also environment. For this purpose, additional testing and certification are carried out in production and in special laboratories. Upon completion, the relevant documents are issued, and certain markings are affixed to the wallpaper, confirming the safety of the product. Currently, some of the main eco-labels are:

  • Leaf of Life is the only Russian company that is recognized internationally.
  • “Nordic Ecolabel” is the official marking of the Scandinavian countries.
  • European flower“Ecolabel” and Organic Eurolist are insignia of the European Union.
  • The Blue Angel “Der Blaue Engel” is a sign of German environmental certification.
  • FSC is a German forestry organization.
  • MSC is a certification mark of an English company.

This is far from full list existing eco-labels in the world. It is worth noting that most eco-companies are united in the World Eco-Labeling Organization.

Therefore, if you see such differences on the rolls, you can safely buy these products without fear of harming your health.

Symbols of quality

If you carefully study the information on the wallpaper roll, you will be able to see additional symbols that will tell you about the safest product. For example:

  • RAL– a distinctive quality mark from Gütegemeinschaft Tapete (Germany), which confirms the conformity of the product with the declared technical specifications, safety standards for humans and the environment.
  • CE 2013 EN1502– confirms that the product is a wall product decorative coating and meets all European product quality standards. In addition, the wallpaper must be accompanied by an operational declaration.

Baby wallpaper

For a children's room, wallpapers made of paper, foamed vinyl and structural ones are mainly used. This is primarily due to their practicality and environmental friendliness. In addition, vinyl and structural materials can be washed periodically, which is often a necessity in a children's room. Of course, it is important for children that the walls of their room are bright and beautiful, so you need to give preference to materials with very good light fastness.

Special attention It’s worth paying attention to the eco-labeling of the rolls to be sure about the health of your child.

As you have seen, understanding all the wallpaper markings is not so difficult. These are simple signs that can be understood even at the level of intuition. Now, with the help of the knowledge you have gained, you can easily select required material for pasting just your room. And the achieved result will definitely delight you and your loved ones.

For more information about the designations on the wallpaper, see the following video.

When purchasing wallpaper, it is not enough to take into account only the data contained on the price tag, price list or catalogue. To prevent sellers from misleading you, it is useful to know everything about wallpaper labeling. Each number, letter or image has its own unique meaning.

Letters on a roll

Letter designations tell about the type of material and its qualities. So, “A” means that acrylic foam is applied to the paper base. Plain paper without any additional coatings is designated by the letter “B”, which can refer to duplex, simplex, and washable wallpaper. “A+” - these are only those wallpapers that are intended for pasting ceilings; it is not advisable to glue them to walls.

Vinyl flooring has three different options:

    BB– their production used the foaming method;

    PV– an additional pressing operation was used. This type of wallpaper is considered flat;

  • RV– on the contrary, it has a pronounced relief and a non-woven base.

The abbreviation TKS means the presence of fabric (textiles). Selecting wallpaper for painting is quite simple; you need to rely on the abbreviations STP (structural) or STL (glass wallpaper).

Decoding will allow you to choose perfect wallpaper for a specific room. In hallways and corridors you can glue anything (except TKS), but in children's rooms only B, STR, BB or STL. Only RV and STL are acceptable for the bathroom; paper wallpaper is allowed in the bedroom.

If you want to wallpaper a cafe, the acceptable markings are PV, STR, RV and STL. Interestingly, the set of options suitable for the office is the same that can be used in schools - BB, PV, STR and STL.


The numbers mean a lot: the one in the red circle is the article, and the one in the green circle is the serial number of the batch. Be sure to make sure that they match, otherwise there is a risk of encountering differences in shades, colors and patterns. The two-digit number in the square frame is the centimeters of the height of the drawings.

Graphic symbols

Anyone who has purchased wallpaper, chosen it or pasted it at least once, probably paid attention to the various designs used in the markings. Understanding them is quite simple and there is no need to be a professional builder or architect; you don’t even need thick reference books.

Icons can be divided into functional groups:

    Showing how to glue wallpaper;

    Reflecting resistance to fading in light;

    Illustrating the danger from water and friction, from sharp impacts and scratches;

    Explaining exactly how to remove wallpaper;

    Dedicated to product safety.

On the label, graphic symbols most often come after the letters. With the help wavy lines shows how moisture resistant the wallpaper is. If there is only one such line, then any contact with water after gluing and removing excess glue is unacceptable. When there are two lines, it is allowed to occasionally wipe the surface lightly wet tissues or sponges without strong pressure. And the addition of another stripe indicates that you can use a soap solution for cleaning.

Washable wallpaper, which is marked not only with wavy lines, but also with a brush, can be cleaned using these same brushes; one line and brush imply light processing with careful movements, and three - vigorous mechanical cleaning. In the latter case, the use of household chemicals and abrasives. This will remove even stubborn oil stains.

Sun drawing will show how great the destructive effect of direct sunlight on the canvas is. Please note that the wallpaper that is most susceptible to fading is not marked in any way, and the least resistant to light is shown as a half-filled circle. This means that such wallpaper cannot be glued where there will be daylight. A completely shaded sun tells the consumer that the canvas is suitable for normal use, but over time it will still lose the brightness of its colors. Increased resistance to light is shown by the symbol "+" on the surface of the sun, and exceptional (tropical) - by a pair of suns.

A very important characteristic is fit, because the required wallpaper consumption depends on whether it is there or not. When there is an up arrow to the left of the line and a zero to the right, this means there will be no fit. Two arrows separated by a strip indicate that the canvas needs to be adjusted horizontally, and if they are on different heights– vertically.

It is most difficult to work with wallpaper when the arrows point in opposite directions.

An overlap joint is shown by two parallel and one horizontal line (entering the top line at a right angle, like an inverted T), although this designation is only rarely encountered. When a fraction is entered into the marking, the numerator is the height of the pattern, and the denominator is the displacement distance of the joint. By dividing the numbers, you will know how much each stripe should be shifted relative to the nearest ones. Direct joining does not require moving the pattern. A shortened arrow with a horizontal line indicates that the canvas should be glued parallel to the floor.

Brush indicates that only the wall itself will have to be covered with glue. The bath in which the canvas was immersed suggests that the wallpaper was already covered with an adhesive layer at the factory. It is supposed to be pre-soaked. If the brush is painted along with the canvas, then you will need to coat it very carefully, in large portions. And finally, the equals sign on a piece of wallpaper will show you that you need to use only the adhesive specified by the manufacturer.

Finishing materials must not only be applied, but also removed after prolonged use. If there is icon with a wall and peeling wallpaper, this means that they will be easy to remove, you just need to wet them. The presence of an arrow indicates that the canvas will come off in a monolithic layer, and the spatula symbolizes the need for increased wetting. A wall and many layers of material indicate that you will need to remove them sequentially, and a hammer indicates that you will first have to mechanically damage the canvas, and only then it will begin to come off.

Important nuances

Signs on wallpaper can have other meanings. Non-woven coverings that have a layer of foamed vinyl are often marked with signs indicating the presence or absence of texture. Arrow pointing upward means that the pattern should be directed towards the ceiling (for the most part this applies to patterns that are difficult to perceive). Dark cloud with two parallel lines indicates that the collection includes not only wallpaper, but also curtains and other textiles.

When calculating the length of the walls, you do not need to take into account window and door openings, and with direct horizontal joining you need to control how high the pattern is. If its height is, for example, 70 centimeters, and the height of the wall is 300 cm, then in each strip there will be four full repetitions and one partial (20 centimeters). Always check each tube unless the sticker is level and straight as otherwise the pattern may not line up.

When the marking includes only one brush (no wavy lines), this means dry cleaning is acceptable.

Legend on wallpaper can be very useful for a novice decorator. Having learned to “read” these icons, you can literally at first glance determine the characteristics of the material used, and therefore draw conclusions about whether it can be used for your purposes or whether you need to buy other trellises.

Below we will provide a description of the most popular markings, and also indicate what you need to pay attention to first.

Letter characters

As a rule, designations for wallpaper are made up of two parts - alphabetic and graphic. The letter part contains information about the material from which the trellises are made, and the graphic part contains more detailed description recommended installation technology and performance characteristics.

We will begin the analysis of markings with letter indices:

  • Acrylic materials are designated by the letter “A”.
  • Paper ones - letter “B”.
  • The vinyl group includes several materials: “BB” - wallpaper based on foam vinyl, “PV” - flat PVC trellises, “RV” - a material with a clearly defined relief.
  • Textile wallpaper ( paper base with cotton, linen and viscose threads) are marked with the “TCS” index.
  • Fiberglass canvas, which is used to decorate walls, is designated “STL”.

Pay attention! All others are sold under the “STR” label.

As you can see, if you have minimal knowledge about the types of materials, then deciphering the symbols on the wallpaper becomes almost intuitive.

Graphic images

Water resistance

Wallpaper designation, made in the form of pictograms, is more difficult to understand, but at the same time more informative. Of course, you need to spend some time studying this information, but if you are planning a renovation, then it is worth remembering at least the basic images.

Pay attention! The text below provides an explanation of the main points, and you can see the icons themselves in the pictures in this article.

The first group of icons characterizes the moisture resistance of the material.

According to this criterion, trellises are divided into:

  • Moisture resistant– the coating is resistant to slight wetness and can also withstand stain removal with a damp cloth.
  • Washable– the surface can be cleaned with a wet cloth using household chemicals. However, abrasive materials can damage the coating and should not be used.
  • Super washable– can be washed with a cloth soap solution, withstand intense wetting and exposure to fatty acids.

Also in this group of images you can find icons that characterize the material’s abrasion resistance.

According to this parameter, products are divided into the following categories:

  • Allowed wet cleaning using a brush.
  • Cleaning with a brush and detergents is allowed.

Pay attention! As a rule, only such wallpaper can be cleaned of oil stains through the use of alkaline compounds.


The designation of icons on the wallpaper may also contain information on light fastness.

Based on this parameter, the following groups are distinguished:

  • Wall materials that should be protected from direct sunlight. An example of such trellises are products with a fluorescent coating.
  • Trellis that partially discolor under prolonged exposure to ultraviolet light.
  • Light-resistant products that are quite suitable for both shaded rooms and rooms with large windows.
  • Materials with increased resistance to UV rays. This finish is more likely to wear away during cleaning than to discolor.

Pay attention! The latter type of material is characterized by quite high price. That is why it is worth purchasing such wallpaper only in situations where it is really necessary: ​​for example, with domed ceilings, etc.

If you plan to do the finishing yourself, it is very important to obtain the most accurate information about the gluing technique. Here, too, you need to pay attention to the pictograms, which are usually divided into several groups.

From the point of view of applying glue, there are the following materials:

  • Self-adhesive - the adhesive layer is already applied to the base, and for installation it is enough to remove the protective coating. There may also be self-adhesives that need to be pre-moistened.
  • Requiring impregnation - the instructions assume that the glue will be applied both to the wall and to the roll itself.
  • They do not require impregnation - the adhesive mixture is spread on the wall, and the canvas is applied to the surface in a dry state.

As for combining the pattern, the instructions contain the following recommendations:

  • Installation without alignment is allowed.
  • Docking is carried out in stages, according to the principle of a chessboard.
  • Direct docking required.

Pay attention! The roll may also indicate how many centimeters you need to move the panel to get a complete pattern.

Other information

Wallpaper symbols are not limited to the above pictograms.

So, the packaging may contain information:

  • About the method of dismantling the coating (single-layer removal, delamination, removal with a scraper).
  • Depending on the presence of texture (most often you can find such designations on non-woven wallpaper with a layer of foam vinyl).
  • About resistance to mechanical stress, etc.

A separate group consists of icons indicating that the wallpaper has passed certification and standardization. It is also necessary to pay attention to the labeling of materials for children's rooms: they, of course, are somewhat more expensive, but they are guaranteed to not contain toxins and heavy metals.


Designations on wallpaper rolls contain almost all the data you may need when choosing a material and its self-installation. It is worth noting that different manufacturers appearance The markings may differ, but having studied them once, you can easily navigate even the modified drawings ().

The video in this article contains additional information, which will be useful to anyone interested in this finishing technique.