How to install a toilet in a country house. DIY country toilet step by step. Booth or cabin - what to choose

The toilet is an essential room in any place where there are people. In a country house where there is no sewerage system, it has a specific appearance and design. But this does not mean that a modern country toilet cannot be a comfortable and functional building that does not cause an internal shudder in the visitor.

With minimal experience and observing a number of sanitary and hygienic requirements, you can build a toilet yourself. Let's figure out how to do this?

Selecting a location

How to make a toilet in the country? The first and one of the most important stages of construction is the competent choice of location. In addition to ease of use, it must meet sanitary requirements.

When using a structure with a cesspool, consider the following points:

  • The distance between the toilet and the basement is 12 m;
  • From the bathhouse - at least 8 m;
  • At least 25 m from the nearest body of water (for example, a well). Groundwater should lie no higher than 2.5 m underground;
  • From the fence - a meter;
  • From trees - 4 m and from bushes - a meter.

The wind rose has a noticeable influence on the final decision: choose a place so that unpleasant odors do not cause inconvenience in the future. All these points must be observed in relation not only to your site, but also to those of your neighbors.

Other designs allow more free location: Based only on your own convenience.


A toilet with a cesspool needs no further introduction and is familiar to everyone since childhood. The depth of the pit is 1.5-2 meters. The sewage that gets into it accumulates and decomposes naturally.

The problem of overcrowding used to be solved by moving the toilet house to another place; today, sewage machines are used to clean it. It should be done by filling the hole 2/3 full.

The cesspool of the backlash closet is sealed and cleaned with a sewer machine. Such a toilet, connected to the pit by a pipe, can be located at home.

In a powder closet, the cesspool is replaced by a smaller container installed under the toilet seat. It requires regular cleaning, and its contents can subsequently be used as fertilizer.

The rest of the time, peat or sawdust helps get rid of unpleasant odors: after using the toilet, you need to sprinkle them on the sewage. This type of toilet is suitable if, for sanitary reasons, it is impossible to dig a cesspool.

Install an improved powder closet in your house, also known as a peat toilet: it uses dry peat, not water, to flush away sewage. Also, do not forget to ventilate outside.

A dry toilet, more familiar to a city dweller, does not require additional effort during installation, since it can be purchased without any problems ready-made option. The impurities in it are broken down by special microorganisms.

The chemical toilet is similar to the previous principle of operation with one exception: instead of microorganisms, chemical reagents are used. Attention: feces processed in this way cannot be used as fertilizer.


Consider construction classic version with a cesspool.

The approximate dimensions of the pit are 1.5x1.5x2 meters. The walls are reinforced with bricks, concrete rings or antiseptic-treated boards. The cesspool of the backlash closet must be sealed, for which purpose the bottom is screeded or filled with crushed stone.

The concrete floor is poured on top. It must be strong enough to support the weight of whatever is placed on it. Leave openings for the toilet, ventilation and pumping out the contents - the last point can be omitted if the prospect of building a new toilet from time to time does not scare you.

You can build a house yourself, but it’s easier to buy a ready-made option.

Having decided to make it yourself, start by building a drawing of the toilet or use ready-made ones. Study photos of garden toilets to better understand how to proceed.

Most common wooden structures, but nothing prevents you from making a reliable brick house. Please note that in this case you need to take care solid foundation around the hole. Typically, tape or columnar is used. A layer of waterproofing - roofing material - is laid between the foundation and the ground.

Under wooden frame There are enough bricks laid around the perimeter. The structure will be additionally strengthened by support pillars made of timber and logs.

Cover the walls with clapboard, slate or metal profiles. Additionally, they can be insulated with cotton wool or polystyrene foam.

You can't do without ventilation. A pipe with a diameter of 10 cm should extend 15-20 cm into the cesspool and rise above the roof by about the same amount.

A small window under the roof will be a natural source of light. Installed upon request Wall lights connected to the battery.

The roof is covered with corrugated sheets or metal tiles, and it also has a hole for a ventilation pipe.

The door is hung on hinges and equipped with a latch, hook or other mechanism.

The construction of a powder closet has a nuance: in the back of the house it is necessary to provide a door through which you can remove the container with sewage.

We hope our instructions helped you figure out how to build a toilet with your own hands.

Photo of a toilet for a summer residence

August 2, 2016
Specialization: professional in the field of construction and repair (full cycle of finishing works, both internal and external, from sewerage to electrical and finishing works), installation of window structures. Hobbies: see the column "SPECIALIZATION AND SKILLS"

Warm toilet and sewerage in village house- the dream of every summer resident. And this is quite understandable: if a person has ever run out in the rain to someone standing near the fence wooden structure, then he will definitely appreciate the benefits of a bathroom located in the house itself.

In principle, arranging a toilet is not one of the most complex tasks. Having studied specialized literature and developed a suitable project, it is quite possible to implement it yourself. Of course, you will have to work hard, but you can definitely do it in one season.

Circuit diagrams: 2 options

At one time, thinking about how to build a warm toilet in a private house, I analyzed several projects for such structures. By and large, they all boiled down to the implementation of one of two options:

From a comfort point of view, this is not the best solution.

  1. We make a classic bathroom with water supply, toilet and removal Wastewater through a pipeline to a storage tank - a cesspool or. A variation of this option is to connect the waste circuit to centralized system sewerage, but in the private sector where my house was located, there was no such benefit of civilization.

  1. We are setting up a separate room, in which we install a dry closet. In principle, for the functioning of such a system there is no need to lay a water supply: it is enough to install a small washbasin for hygiene procedures, and collect the waste water (there will be very little of it) in a container and pour it into a cesspool on the street.

By and large, the choice between these two options depends on the availability of a water supply system: if there is a water supply system, or we plan to have one, then the design includes a scheme with a toilet and a drain through a sewer pipe. But for a small country house, in which we do not spend much time, a dry closet would be a completely acceptable solution.

Since in my case the water supply was available, I chose a scheme with a septic tank. However, I also analyzed the options with a cesspool and dry closet in sufficient detail, so in the descriptions I will pay attention to the features of their implementation.

Place for waste


Before doing wooden house comfortable bathroom, we need to make sure that we have somewhere to remove the drains. There are two solutions here - one is simpler, the second is more convenient to use.

A simple solution is to arrange cesspool– a reservoir in which wastewater accumulates until it is pumped out by a sewage treatment plant. It is worth making a cesspool if country house you use it relatively infrequently: the smaller the volume of wastewater, the less often you will have to pump it out, therefore, the lower the financial costs.

Making a cesspool is extremely simple:

  1. We choose a place in a lowland, at a distance of at least 5 m from the wall of the house and at least 12 - 15 m from the water intake points (well or borehole).
  2. We remove the fertile soil layer to a depth of approximately 0.5 m and an area of ​​​​about 3-5 m2. The removed soil can be used in the garden beds, or it can be returned to its place by covering the pit lid with turf.
  3. We dig a pit up to 2.5 m deep and an area of ​​2-3 m2.
  4. To avoid soil contamination and groundwater with fecal matter, seal the bottom of the pit. I would use a 20 cm thick layer of clay laid on three layers of plastic film.

If finances allow, or you want to achieve maximum reliability, then about 10 cm of concrete can be poured on top of the clay.

  1. The option with earthen walls is quite viable, but short-lived. To secure the structure, it is better to use a lathing made of tightly fitted boards (lasts up to 10 years). Well, if possible, make a box from old ceramic bricks: according to experts, such a pit will definitely last for 20-25 years.
  2. From above, the structure is covered with either thick boards or concrete slabs. A hole must be made in the ceiling for a hatch through which pumping will be carried out.

Septic tank

The obvious disadvantage of a cesspool is its inevitable overflow. To avoid the need for frequent pumping, on your suburban area I set up a septic tank with two chambers.

The instructions for making a septic tank may differ depending on its configuration, but since I had the task of implementing the maximum economical option, I did this:

  1. First, at a distance from the house and from the well with an installed pump, a pit was dug 2.5 m deep, 3 m long and 1.5 m wide. Since the volume of excavated soil was impressive, I had to involve two assistants in the work, otherwise the work would have been delayed.
  2. Then two adjacent chambers were built from ceramic bricks inside the pit. In this case, the first chamber was folded “solid”, and holes were made in the lower part of the second chamber.

Under no circumstances should you use sand-lime brick, which cannot withstand prolonged contact with a liquid, especially one as aggressive as sewage. An alternative ceramic brick can become monolithic concrete chambers, concrete rings For sewer wells and even tires from heavy trucks.
The ideal option is to buy it altogether plastic container for a septic tank, but here I was stopped by the rather high price.

  1. The bottom of the first chamber - the settling tank - was covered with a 15 cm layer of clay, after which I concreted it for maximum tightness.
  2. In the bottom of the second chamber - the filtration well - I used an old auger ice drill to make about a dozen holes 0.5 m deep to improve drainage. Coarse gravel was poured into the holes, and the same gravel was laid on the bottom in a layer of about half a meter.

  1. An overflow tube was installed between the chambers at a height of approximately 1.7 m from the bottom.
  2. In the sump, at a distance of 50 cm from the ground level, I made a hole for installing a drain pipe.
  3. From above, the entire structure was covered with a concrete slab with holes for two hatches. Separately, it was necessary to drill a groove in the concrete to install a 1.5 m high pipe.

The advantage of this solution, despite its labor intensity, is the long battery life: the wastewater, entering the settling tank, is divided into fractions, while the clarified liquid is poured into the second chamber, where it is gradually filtered into the ground.

Since I add special bacterial cultures to the septic tank and do not use the country sewer system very often, I have to pump it out every three years. And to be honest, this is for preventive purposes - according to my estimates, the system can operate for another couple of years without compromising the quality of cleaning.

Pipe laying for home

Installing a sewer system in general and a toilet in particular in a private house involves transporting wastewater to a cesspool/septic tank/collector. To do this we need to lay an underground pipe:

  1. From the house to the tank we dig a trench at least 70 cm deep. The deeper the pipe is located, the less risk that winter time its contents will freeze.
  2. We make the bottom of the trench with a slope of about 2.5 - 3 cm per 1 m.
  3. We place sand bedding under the pipes. Optimal thickness bedding - 10-15 cm.
  4. We lay pipes (we use only products for external use) and carefully seal all joints.

In my case, the pipe ran in a straight line, but if you need to make a turn or lay a pipeline longer than 15 m, then it is mandatory to install at least one inspection well. I was convinced of the usefulness of such a structure when I had to help clear a sewer in a neighboring area: it is much easier to remove a blockage if there is access to the problem point of the pipe.

  1. We insulate the pipes using mineral wool or fiberglass, then fill them with soil and compact it thoroughly.

  1. We pass the pipe outlet into the hole that we left in the wall of the cesspool or septic tank.
  2. At the entrance to the house, we insert the pipe into the hole in the base and connect it to the internal riser.

Toilet in a country house

Arrangement of the premises

When making a toilet in a wooden house with our own hands, we often encounter constant humidity in the chosen room. You can solve the problem if you approach it as responsibly as possible:

  1. We choose the room itself in such a way that it is located near outer wall at home, as close to the cesspool as possible. This way we will save on pipes, and we won’t have to run communications between rooms.
  2. If a bathroom was not included in the design of a country house initially, at the first stage we make a partition, separating it from other rooms with a frame wall covered with plywood or OSB. To make the toilet really warm, we put thermal insulation material inside the frame.
  3. We install a door that separates the bathroom with all its sounds and smells from other rooms. To ensure air flow, there must be a gap of at least 5 mm between the bottom edge of the door and the threshold.
  4. We make holes in the walls and floor through which we enter the room. water pipes and a sewer pipe. We attach adapters/taps to the walls to connect the toilet and washbasin.

  1. We either leave the floor wooden, covering it with several layers of waterproofing composition with an antiseptic, or cover it with ceramic tiles.

  1. We also protect the walls from moisture by treating them with waterproofing or sheathing plastic panels. In the second case, additional insulation can be carried out by placing foam plastic under the sheathing frame, mineral wool or foil polymer fabric.
  2. We definitely do it under the ceiling vent. You can get by with a simple air vent, but I preferred to install a simple electric fan, and switched its power to a separate switch - this made forced ventilation of the bathroom much more convenient.

Option with toilet

As I noted above, it is best to make an ordinary toilet in a private house with a classic toilet and sink. Installing equipment in a room with connected communications is a fairly simple task:

  1. First we fix the toilet. To do this, we fix a thick board impregnated with a moisture-proof compound to the floor (wooden or tiled) with anchors. We place the toilet base on the board and secure it with the included fasteners.
  2. We connect the toilet flush to the outlet coming out of the floor or wall sewer pipe using a rubber cuff. To seal this unit we use plumbing silicone.
  3. We install a tank on the base of the toilet, to which we attach a hose for supplying water from the water supply. Connect the other end of the hose to the tap at the end of the water pipe.

  1. We hang the sink on the wall in the selected location. We connect the drain elbow of the sink to a pipe, which is then connected to the general sewer circuit.
  2. We install a faucet either on the sink or on the wall above it. We screw hoses with hot (from the boiler) and cold water to the mixer outlets.

The entire system we have created will only work effectively if both the toilet and sink are located above the drain level. Otherwise, and also if you plan to use the sewer very actively, I would recommend additionally installing a sewer pump into the system, which will ensure forced removal of wastewater.

Option with dry toilet

It is also possible to make a comfortable toilet in the country without a cesspool and internal water supply. Naturally, a room will also have to be equipped for this, but direct waste disposal will be carried out using biological treatment systems.

Today, there are several types of dry toilets suitable for use in private homes:

Device type Description
Compost Systems with partial waste disposal operate either on peat or on a mixture of peat and sawdust. When interacting with fecal matter, the material is effectively composted, and the next portions are poured into the container using an auto-dispenser.

Full recycling systems work on a similar principle, but composting is performed more efficiently, and at the end we additionally receive a fairly effective fertilizer.

Separation During the waste disposal process, wastewater is separated into liquid and solid fractions: solid faeces are then removed for composting, and the liquid is filtered in a special unit.
Thermal The system requires about 5 kW of power to operate, so the toilet can only be installed in houses with a good power supply. During disposal, waste is burned to ash, and moisture evaporates through a special condenser.
Cryogenic Fecal matter entering the dry closet is frozen, which allows you to destroy almost all microorganisms and get rid of unpleasant odor. The downside is that the operation of the system depends on the presence of voltage in the network, so I would not recommend such a device for a private home.

Even if you limit yourself to the simplest models that work on peat, you can provide yourself with a fairly high level of comfort. However, this system is unlikely to compare with a full-fledged toilet, so I would still advise considering the possibility of creating a full-fledged wastewater removal system - albeit based on a simple cesspool.

Budgeting references

When starting work, you need to draw up an estimate that takes into account all costs. Doing basic operations yourself allows you to significantly optimize your budget, but you will still have to buy materials. A table containing estimated prices will help you at this stage.

Using the information provided in it, you can predict at least the order of the amount you will need.

Material Unit/capacity Estimated cost, rubles
Sewer pipe for external works 110 mm 1 linear m 125 — 200
Sewer pipe for interior work 50 mm 1 linear m 75 — 150
Metal-plastic water pipe 16 mm 1 linear m 70 — 120
Storage container for septic tank 1 m3 18000
Septic tank TANK-1 1.2 m3 19500 — 22000
Waterproofing impregnation for wood 10 l 800 — 1500
Penetrating primer with antiseptic 5 l 250 — 500
Waterproofing mastic 5 kg 1200 — 1700
Tile adhesive CM 9 25 kg 220 — 400
Grout for tiles 5 kg 600 – 1200
Budget tiles m2 45 — 90
Mid-level tiles m2 250 -500
PVC lining for wall cladding m2 150 -250
Wooden beam for frame Panel 6 m 80 — 200
Galvanized steel profile Panel 3 m 150 — 350
Sink Rosa Standard PC. 850 — 950
Compact toilet Santek PC. 3100 — 3500
Dry toilet Thetford Porta Potti Qube 145 PC. 4000 — 4500
Biolan dry toilet (separation) PC. 26500 and above.

Naturally, only some expense items are taken into account here. To complete the project, you will need a lot more materials, including various solutions, sealants, fasteners, fittings, plumbing fittings, etc.


As practice shows, it is possible to make a warm toilet in a village house with your own hands. Of course, this is not a quick task, and it will require financial investments, but if you follow the advice I have given, and also carefully study the video in this article, then everything should work out.

In addition, questions that arise during the design process can be asked in the comments - I will answer you in the most detailed way.

Every summer resident wants to provide the maximum possible comfortable conditions stay. One of the main conditions is the presence of a toilet. Therefore, this structure can be considered the main one and, as a rule, it is build the very first on an empty garden plot.

The simplest option- This is an ordinary pit with a stall installed on top, but such a typical wooden toilet has two significant disadvantages: strong smell And the need for periodic cleaning of the toilet.

Therefore, today we will try to discuss how to make a toilet for a summer house without smell and pumping out sewage.

Regular toilet

A typical country toilet with a cesspool

A standard village toilet with a cesspool cannot eliminate unpleasant odors and requires periodic cleaning or relocation to a new location. But with the right arrangement you can reduce these negative factors to a minimum.

  • Firstly, it is advisable to do bigger hole. Many people dig a hole up to 2 meters deep and even more. 🙂 This significantly delays the moment when cleaning the pit is necessary. Some toilets with a large pit for seasonal residence in the country and even more so when visiting only on weekends without large quantity people work for up to 20 years! And to prevent the pit from crumbling, some summer residents put concrete rings there.
  • Secondly, the pit should be located behind the toilet. That is, the booth is not placed directly in the center of the pit, but as if in front of it with a slight approach. The seat with the hole is located in the rear part of the toilet stall.
  • And thirdly, you definitely need to do good hood from the pit. If there is a constant draft in the exhaust pipe, there will be no smell in the cabin due to proper ventilation toilet. The exhaust pipe is located behind the cabin and runs from the top of the pit to a level above the cabin by about half a meter. The air is drawn out through the hood and enters the pit through the hole in the toilet. At the same time, the cabin always has clean fresh air from the street, and there is almost no smell.

Nowadays they often sell ready-made toilets for summer cottages - wooden cabins. Which only need to be installed on the pit and the toilet is ready for use. The installation of the toilet itself does not require special knowledge and skills. The main thing is to place the booth level and fasten it securely.

Powder closet

Homemade powder closet for the dacha

This is an outdoor toilet in a country house without a cesspool.

It works in a similar way to a peat dry closet.

A container for waste (usually a bucket) is placed under the seat, and after defecation sprinkle the waste with sawdust, ash, peat or peat from a special container using a scoop.

The waste container itself is periodically removed and used as fertilizer.

Plastic toilet for a summer residence

Standard portable plastic toilet

This option is often used in various street cafes and at various events with large crowds of people in the open air. It is a plastic cabin with a waste container, into which a special container with chemicals for processing and disinfection of sewage.

Requires periodic cleaning. There are companies that replace such booths.

This option has the right to life within summer cottage, but is not very popular.

Toilet inside the house

Bucket toilet

Plastic bucket toilet

Perhaps this is the simplest option for a toilet in the country. Different from regular baby potty the presence of a full seat with a lid.

It is advisable to place a disposable bag inside, which should then be thrown away. But many people don’t do this and simply wash the bucket-toilet. The package must be durable and not leak.

This bucket is often used as night toilet. During the day, an outdoor closet is used, but at night it is too lazy and cold to go outside, so such a bucket is brought into the house. Popular with the older generation of summer residents.

Biotoilet based on microorganisms

Dry toilet-bucket

This is a bucket toilet 2.0 :), that is, a more advanced unit that does not emit an unpleasant odor. Can also be used indoors. Periodically requires backfilling with special biomass with bacteria that process waste. A special removable container allows you to pour already processed waste into the garden as fertilizer.

Peat dry toilet

Peat toilet for a summer residence

One of the types of dry closets, where waste is sprinkled with peat from a special tank. Therefore there is almost no smell. This type of toilet is also called Finnish toilet.

To the toilet It is advisable to connect ventilation.

The operating principle of a peat toilet is as follows: waste is sprinkled with peat, then liquid waste is poured into a special container, or drain hole, and solid waste with peat must be periodically removed and used as fertilizer.

Finnish peat toilets have recently become very popular among summer residents. The most popular models: Ekomatic, Piteco, Biolan.

Chemical based portable toilet

Portable toilet

Another option for a bucket toilet. But in this case waste is processed by a special mixture of chemical reagents, which is poured inside. Just like a dry closet with bacteria does not have a bad smell, but unlike it in this case Do not pour recycled waste onto garden beds because they are not harmless.

Electric dry closet

Electric dry closet

Outwardly similar to a portable dry closet, but unlike it, it is not mobile and requires connection to engineering systems.

The operating principle is that solid waste is separated from liquid waste, dried and transferred to a special container.

The liquid component is drained into the sewer (an underground drainage pit is sufficient without a full-fledged septic tank).

In addition, a ventilation connection is required to eliminate odor.

At its core is almost a regular toilet, but is used in cases where it is not possible to arrange a full-fledged sewerage system.

Full bathroom

Country bathroom in the house

Perhaps this most the best option For country house , but also dearest.

It requires a separate room in the house and engineering communications. A toilet is installed in the bathroom, to which water supply is supplied. The toilet is drained either into a drainage pit or into a septic tank.

  • Drain pit will require periodic pumping of waste using a sewer truck.
  • Septic tank does not require pumping, or requires it much less often, since it processes waste in several containers.

In addition to the complexity of arranging a separate bathroom, you should also remember that a house with a bathroom requires heating in winter period , otherwise at sub-zero temperatures you can defrost the water supply and toilet.

As a last resort, it is possible to drain the entire system for the winter and fill the toilet with non-freezing liquid.

But all difficulties are compensated by ease of use, so this option has become increasingly common in dachas, even in small houses.

Warm toilet in the country

Many summer residents are increasingly traveling to their dachas in winter. This is due to the fact that country roads began to be cleaned more often in winter, and the accessibility of the site has improved. A significant role in this belongs to those who have chosen to live in the country all year round. It is not uncommon to see full-fledged residential buildings in the country.

Outdoor toilet heated

It’s cold in winter, and the question arises of how to arrange warm toilet in the country.

If the toilet is inside the house, then the issue is resolved by itself - the bathroom will be warm.

What about the outdoor toilet? But this issue is also solvable.

  • First of all, winter The toilet in the country can be insulated. For example, use extruded polystyrene foam (penoplex). It is inexpensive, holds heat well and is not afraid of moisture. In an insulated toilet, the temperature is always higher than outside. Yes, and basic protection from the wind will already create more comfortable conditions in the outdoor toilet in winter.
  • Secondly, you can heat the toilet. Yes, yes, don't laugh. Many people do this. Any heat source can be installed in an outdoor toilet. This can be an electric heater or a heater using some kind of fuel. As a result, the cabin becomes warm and cozy on long winter evenings. 🙂

Which option should I choose?

What should you consider when choosing one option over another? The following factors should be considered:

Waste volume

Try to figure out how often you will use the toilet? How many people Will he go to the restroom? The volume of waste and, accordingly, the method of its disposal greatly depend on this. This is perhaps the main factor influencing the choice of toilet.

Depth of groundwater

At high level groundwater, pit toilets, and in some cases septic tanks, are excluded.

Check the groundwater level in the spring.


How much are you willing to spend for arranging a toilet? There are options from the cheapest to super expensive septic tanks. It all depends on your wallet and wishes.


Any toilets require waste disposal Sooner or later. Think about all this in advance when choosing one or another toilet option. You must understand how to clean your toilet, how difficult and expensive it is.


Dacha communities and plots:

  • the distance between the toilet and a well or well (or other source of water), including neighbors, must be at least 25 m, and the toilet must be lower water source,
  • the distance from the toilet to a residential building or cellar, including neighboring ones, must be at least 12 m,
  • the distance from the toilet to the shower or bathhouse is at least 8 m, including neighboring ones,
  • the distance from the building for keeping livestock or poultry to the toilet is at least 4 m,
  • the distance from the toilet to the fence is at least 1 m. If the slope of the toilet roof protrudes more than 50 cm, then it is necessary to measure from the projection of the slope to the ground. The roof slope must be oriented so that the drain goes to your own, and not to your neighbor's, site.

And, of course, you need to take into account the wind rose specifically for your area.

Country toilet dimensions

It is better, of course, to build a toilet according to individual dimensions, as advised Savarabi: “Prefabricated toilets have one problem. Either they save wood, or they do everything according to the same drawing. But they have a very short distance from the door to the ledge with the toilet seat. And if a person is not very thin, then at least wear pants on the street. Pay attention to this. Friends of ours bought them from us, and two of them have already remodeled them. And we spotted this problem from them and built the toilet ourselves.”

Photo Savarabi

Photo Savarabi

Options for "double" toilets

For a large family, options for building double toilets will be useful. It is also possible to place a utility storage room behind the second door.

Photo FiFi:“And we have this toilet + storage room. There is light inside. And it's illuminated all evening. There are fluorescent lamps under the roof. This is “Jack of all trades”, Ordynka, 111 km. It cost 17,000 rubles.”

Photo Ivanove83:“This window, a banal heart, seemed uninteresting. The design may not be the most original, but it was made entirely with your own hands. The construction turned out to be of very high quality, so the apple was appropriate there; I never wanted to offend the copyright holders.”

Sibmama Rain I used the second compartment to organize a mini shower.

Photo Rain: "Toilet. Without any buckets or toilets. A large deep hole about two meters was simply dug, the walls of which were reinforced flat slate so that the earth does not crumble.”

Photo Rain: « General form- toilet + shower.”

Photo Rain: “There are no flies, no smell, because... my husband built a ventilation pipe, built a fan into it, plus mesh above the door and on the ventilation pipe. It only smells like wood.”

Photo Rain:“The materials used were the cheapest, leftovers or second-hand.”

Photo Rain:“Well, this is a shower. On the roof there is a tank with a heater and a compressor for the aquarium (stir the water). The walls are insulated with foam plastic. There’s a heater.”

And my sibling's pu6istik the toilet consists of three compartments: “There were a lot of small boards, we thought for a long time where to use them, so we came up with a toilet on the left, a warehouse in the middle, a shower on the right.”

Photo pu6istik

Arrangement of a country toilet

Sibmama Aravana80 offers this option for using a sink in the toilet itself: “When we bought the plot, we immediately decided: we’ll make the toilet ourselves, since the purchased ones are kind of unattractive. I wanted spacious and beautiful. As a result, they separated - 1.5 * 1.5 meters. I really wanted it to be light.”

Photo Aravana80: “I made stained glass windows, the film was pasted on ordinary glass. On a sunny day the light plays very beautifully.”

Photo Aravana80:“We installed lights so that it would be comfortable in the dark.”

Photo Aravana80:“They made a sink with a washbasin inside, it’s very convenient.”

Irina_N describes in detail the process of arranging a toilet pit.

Photo Irina_N:“I dug a hole, put a barrel there, so that later, if anything happens, we could call a car and pump everything out from there.”

Photo Irina_N: “The two of us put it on, I held it, my husband twisted it.”

Photo Irina_N:“I concreted it, made a foundation so that I could install a toilet.”

Photo Irina_N:“I attached a bucket to the top and cut out the bottom so that everything would fall directly. We put in a soft seat, and this is what we got.”

Photo Irina_N: “This is such a building. There’s also a ventilation pipe at the back, I didn’t take a photo of it, I forgot.”

Photo LyudmilaSH demonstrates frame structure toilet.

Photo LyudmilaSH- the result was a stylish building.

Marianne* shows a toilet with a rotating entrance: “The new toilet was made by my husband and dad. Significantly improved characteristics of convenience, comfort, sound and thermal insulation, overall dimensions, the presence of lighting did their job. A country toilet with a through hole in the pit, purchased in Abris. My “know-how” - I sewed a soft seat for the toilet seat: it’s both soft and warm in the cold season.”

Photo Marianne*

Photo Marianne*

Options for country toilet steps

It is important to think through the steps to enter the toilet. They should be as convenient as possible for all family members, especially if elderly people live at the dacha.

Photo of the winner of the country latrine competition - 2013 Olushka_mama

Photo Olushka_mama

Photo mom YuliaSha:“This is a toilet at my parents’ dacha. Once upon a time they had a small latrine where it was difficult to turn around. When they installed another one, they decided that it should be spacious.”

Design of country toilets

What our sibling mothers can’t come up with to surprise their guests at the dacha, and to make their household feel cozy and comfortable!

Photo Julia's mom:“On the wall is my dad’s collection of cigarettes, in the summer there are fresh flowers in a vase, and on the bookcase there is a small library.”

Photo ksai- the toilet even has a curtain and a shelf for small items.

Photo ksai- the outside of the toilet is finished with slats painted in a contrasting color.

Photo ksai- the toilet window opens.

Photo Birka : “While I was on vacation with the children, our dad was doing something. It’s hard to call it a toilet; we nicknamed it “House for the Smurfs.”

Photo Clara: “My husband built it from natural material. Unfortunately, land was being cleared nearby and trees (aspens) were being cut down. So we decided to give the aspens a second life. The result was a hut (log house) on a concrete pit. Now the outside is decorated with flowers in small pots.”

Photo Clara:"Hanging on the wall inside wooden product in the form of a terrible “muzzle of a face” burned out by my son during a labor lesson with the help of a burner.”

Photo of toilet interior design from Olushka_mama.

Photo of the mill toilet natal14.

A photo of very beautiful hanging hinges on the toilet door and beautiful coloring shows Ekaterina Aleksandrovna: “At first we wanted to buy a ready-made one, but we changed our minds - I wanted something spacious and comfortable. So we decided to build it ourselves. Unfortunately, there are no photographs of all stages of construction. We built it together with my husband - he doesn’t like to work alone, so we do all the buildings at the dacha together - the house, the bathhouse, and the gazebo. It was decided to make the toilet spacious - 1.5 by 1.5 m. The husband came up with the idea of ​​not just painting it with impregnation, but first burning it with a burner so that the structure of the wood could be seen. And this is what happened.”

Photo of a block-house finished and stylishly painted toilet from Dragon 2012

Photo of a cheerful toilet from B@gIr@

Photo Ubanya:“These are stencils, I made them myself. The paints seem to be ordinary, I bought them at the Leninsky market. Blue and red - for interior work. And the green one is for outdoor work.”

Photo Ubanya

You can simply decorate your toilet as in the photo Koshusha.

And finally, the most unusual toilet I have ever seen is demonstrated by the winner of the 2016 country latrine competition Alyona.

Photo Alyona: “I’ll show you the latrine that my dad built. Simple rustic toilet, without modern amenities, washbasin and lighting, but still unusual. Dad doesn't like carpentry, but he likes tiling, mosaic and painting work. After collecting bottles and tiling the house and bathhouse, it was time for the toilet. This is what happened. In July and August, the toilet is overshadowed by a flower bed.”

Photo by Alyona: “A couple of years after construction I decided to paint it, this is how it is now. I came up with the whole design myself, adjusting bottles and placing planks along the way. During daylight hours there is wonderful lighting inside through the bottles.”

Photo Alyona:“To prevent the technological shelves from disappearing, I put various broken broken bottles and ceramics there. The toilet seat was made from what was there - a broken chair, a leaky saucepan. This is how the “observatory” turned out.

How to overcome the smell in a country toilet

E. Kuuz: “Biola liquid, sold at Zhurinskaya, 37, Ecoservice-Novosibirsk LLC.” Well, a very good thing, verified! And everything will be clean and fresh.”
ElenaVit:“We live in the country all the time, and this season we used Biola. Girls, well, once every 2 weeks I poured it in so that there was no smell. But the contents of the pit, in my opinion, have not disappeared anywhere.”
Antonich: “Last year we bought this Biola, the characteristics are really too exaggerated. Both regarding the smell and the reduction in contents. I came to the conclusion that you can get rid of the contents only by calling a sewer service. As a result, I bought 10 bottles of ordinary white, and from time to time I poured out the bottle, the smell repels, repels flies and other living creatures and costs a penny. I wish I could get bleach somewhere else.”
bagheera123: “Take a bottle of simple Whiteness or dilute Chlorine tablets, pour it all into the hole, and top it with ash from the bathhouse. Believe me, no smell, no flies, keep the doors tight for 20 minutes. Then ventilate. Well, you can safely visit this establishment for ten days. After 10 days, repeat the procedure. Do not dilute the whiteness with anything. I empty the ash pan full of ash, but not in a lump, but spread it out with a spatula. And I spray whiteness in all directions.”
V.V.V.:“We’ve been using Sanex for probably 2 years. The toilet was new, and we started using it right away. It seems to help."
*Mashuk*:“I’ve been using Sanex for 10 years now. Both myself and my parents have used it for the country toilet. And now in a private house we use it for a septic tank. Suppresses odors, eliminates flies and reduces waste levels. We've been pouring everything into the septic tank for 6 years - the car hasn't been called out even once, we've been pouring everything into the septic tank - both from the kitchen and from washing machine. It’s a cool drug and, in general, budget-friendly.”
bagheera123: “I bought Biodar. I like it. True, it wasn’t hot yet. And so - I diluted it, poured it in, and so far there are no smells.”
marsal:“I bought Biodar in Kolorlon in Berdsk, there are a lot of things there for caring for toilets, septic tanks and dry closets. And last year I covered Bref at the dacha, there were no flies, and there was no smell all summer. Although the toilet is new, it was installed only last spring, but at first the flies prevailed, and after Brefa they disappeared.”

How creatively many have approached such a boring structure! Our toilet is modest in appearance. And you already need to pour something in there to remove the smell that appeared after 3 years of use. My mother throws tomato butts into hers and the smell disappears for a long time.
In the Altai mountains they fill them with shavings because there are no holes as such. I’ll try some kind of bio product, let’s see what happens