Creating infinite springs in Minecraft. How to make an endless source of lava in Minecraft? How to make an endless water source

In this project, I will show you how to make lava lamp with your own hands from a wine bottle.

Step 1: Materials

  • Plywood 2.5 * 20 * 30 cm. All wooden elements will be cut from this piece of plywood. When calculating, keep in mind that the parameters of your wood will differ from mine.
  • Nails and nail gun. You can use any method of holding the pieces together, but be prepared to work with boards that don't fit together a bit. I originally used wood glue but found it wasn't strong enough to hold those gaps together.
  • 75 watt soft light bulb
  • Socket for a lamp with a diameter of not more than 10 cm
  • Scotch
  • Two-core wire (you will have to cut it)
  • Regular 750 ml wine bottle
  • bottle cap
  • Something to caulk the cracks - I found a few places in the lava lamp where the light was coming from - you will need to caulk a couple of gaps.
  • Baby\mineral oil
  • 70% isopropyl alcohol
  • Antifreeze
  • Oily artistic paints or pastel
  • Food coloring (optional)
  • Spray paint (optional)
  • Lacquer for furniture finishing (optional)

Step 2: Making the Lamp Base Plate

It is important to remember that although the project creates a foundation in the form truncated pyramid, you can create a base of any shape. The main thing is that a cartridge with a lamp is placed inside, and the bottle can stand on top. The foundation that I made at home involves the ability to work with wood.

Start by cutting out a 15cm square base. Then cut the wire through which the electricity will be supplied. Separate the strands of this wire and firmly fix them in the cartridge. Since we're working with a light bulb, we don't need to know which wire is connected to which terminal. If necessary, additionally insulate the wires with electrical tape.

Step 3: Creating the Sides of the Base

Creating the sides of the base is the most hard part project. The attached pictures show the number of cuts that make it possible to make the base in the form of a truncated pyramid. Below I will describe each cut, but the pictures will be more visual. You will need both a regular saw and an angled circular saw.

Using a saw, cut the wood at a 15 degree angle on both sides of the board. Make two cuts in the part of the wood that will be connected to the base.

Using angular circular saw, set the bevel angle to 33 degrees and the bevel angle to 15 degrees. Make appropriate cuts.

Make 4 identical sides (they should be about 18 cm at the base and about 11 cm at the top) that will be connected to the 15 cm bottom. In one of the sides you need to make a hole for the wire.

Step 4: Making the Wine Bottle Base

This part of the very post is a square with a side length of about 10 cm and an angle of 15 degrees. Cut a hole with a suitable drill bit and create a recess for the base of the bottle.

Step 5: Assembly

Connect four trapezoid parts together. I used wood glue for this, and then secured everything with nails. Adjust the base with the cartridge to the size of our truncated pyramid. Make sure the wire is not pinched between wooden joints. I pre-drilled holes in the square base and threaded screws through them. This way, if necessary, I can unscrew the bottom and replace the light bulb.

Lastly, glue the top part (the one that will hold the bottle).

Step 6: Chemicals

To truly create good lamp with lava, you need to understand how it works. The "lava" in the lamp is usually oil, and the clear liquid is usually an alcohol solution. These two substances do not mix. The magic begins when the light bulb starts to heat up the oil. Since the density of oil and alcohol is very close, the heat from the light bulb is enough to make a difference in which substance is denser. As oil becomes less dense than alcohol, it rises to the top, then cools, becomes denser, and sinks down.

The precision with which you create the mixture is very important. Many hours have gone into trying to find the right ratios of various chemicals, including antifreeze, turpentine, vegetable oil, baby oil, isopropyl alcohol, water, paint, pastels and food coloring, and I still have not found ideal solution. However, I have created several work lamps, so I will try to summarize some of the more effective mixtures that I created.

The procedure is standard: mix all the oils and oil paints together, separately mix all water and water-soluble liquids. Adding chemicals in the wrong order or too quickly can lead to foggy and other undesirable effects.


  • 15 ml antifreeze
  • 830 ml 70% isopropyl alcohol
  • 20 ml soy wax
  • 30 ml baby/mineral oil
  1. Mix soy wax and oil. Add oil paint if desired. This mixture will be called "lava".
  2. Place the lava (together with the container) in a pot of boiling water. Stir continuously until you get a homogeneous liquid. Carefully remove the lava from the pan and let cool.
  3. In another container, mix antifreeze with alcohol.
  4. Pour the alcohol mixture into a wine bottle. It is very important to do this before you pour the wax mixture into it - if the wax is poured first, it will cover the walls of the bottle and the lamp will not create the right effect.
  5. Pour the lava into the wine bottle as slowly as you can. This will reduce the hazy effect.
  6. Insert the cork into the bottle and place the bottle on the base of the lamp. Let the liquid about an hour to come to a state of readiness.

If the liquid in the lamp becomes "foggy", place the lamp on a heat source until the liquid returns to normal condition. Then put the bottle in the refrigerator for a couple of hours and return it to the heat source.

Hello Minecraft fans. The editor of Play`N`Trade is with you - a sailor, and today I will tell you.

How to make an infinite lava source in minecraft

The first thing we need to do is craft a bucket. It is done very simply. First you need to get iron. You can get it in the mine, or knock it out from the golem that you killed. If iron ore was mined from a mine, then you need to put it in a furnace and wait until it is smelted. After that, put the melted iron in the fourth, sixth and eighth cell in the workbench.

Let's immediately dig up the cobblestone. Cobblestone - the best of what can be done endless source lava in minecraft since lava can't set it on fire. And we go with a bucket to the mine, or the lower world in order to pour lava into this bucket.

After you have found everything you need - proceed to the construction. We need an area five by five blocks long and six blocks high. We drip two blocks down on the territory, after which we force cobblestone blocks below and make a pool, as it were (circle everything around with cobblestone). Now let's go up a couple of blocks and make another one of the same bottom, but leave a place in the center where we will pour lava later. We complete our construction by laying out the sides again. It remains only to pour lava into the hole and the source is ready!

This concludes my article. There was a sailor with you and today I told how to make an infinite lava source in minecraft. Have a nice game!

People who play Minecraft a lot sooner or later think about how it is easier to get this or that resource. Such questions arise especially when one gets tired of researching the world. Lava is a versatile material that can be used to create many items. It is also an excellent fuel for the furnace, so the question of how to make an endless source of lava will always be relevant and interesting for players.


This is the first item you will need before making an infinite lava source. In Minecraft, liquids can only be carried in a container, which is a bucket.

To make it, you will need the following:

  • Assemble the furnace for firing materials.
  • Dig up iron ore. To do this, you need at least a stone pickaxe.
  • Burn the ore in a furnace - this is how you get. Also, an ingot can be knocked out of golems and zombies. Or disassemble the iron block.
  • Now open the crafting panel.
  • Place three ingots in the middle cell of the bottom line and in the outermost slots of the middle one. The bucket is ready.

In total, you will need four units of packaging. Now let's look at what else is required of you before making an endless source of lava.


Before starting construction, go to the dungeon. Your task is to find lava. You can meet her at almost any level and even on the surface. If you have a portal to the underworld, then go there. There you can find it without problems.

Scoop four buckets from the lava lake. main feature of this process is that even if you pour lava into a bucket from a "river" and then place it on the surface, you will get a "source".


The last thing you need before making an infinite source of lava is a certain number of blocks that cannot burn. For this, cobblestone is ideal. There is a lot of it on the surface, so there will be no problems with production. In total, the construction will require 93 blocks. As a last resort, you can find a cobblestone in the Nether when you go down for lava.


Finally, you can proceed to the main stage. So, how to make an infinite source of lava? Our building will occupy an area of ​​five by five blocks, as well as six blocks in height. In addition, you will need some kind of ladder or stand. Or the mode of "creativity" and flight.

  • Dig a hole in the ground 5x5 and two blocks deep.
  • Lay out the bottom layer with cobblestones (25 pieces).
  • Now we need to shape the "pool". Strengthen its walls along the edges with cobblestones (2nd layer). This will take another 16 blocks.
  • Now we need to build the columns. They are not required, but it will be easier to navigate. Create pillars on keystones two blocks high. In total, you will spend 8 cobblestones.
  • The turn of the upper platform has come. Make it the same as the bottom of the "pool", but with one exception. There should be a hole in the very center. For this you will spend another 24 cobblestones.
  • Finishing touch. Make another "pool" above the top platform by creating walls. In addition, place one more stone at the edge of the pool. This will take the last 16 blocks. Now the top layer should be a platform with an empty cross in the middle.
  • Pour a bucket of lava into each beam of the cross.

That's all - in front of you is a real fiery endless source of lava? Very simple. Due to the four sources, you will have an inexhaustible waterfall, which, flowing through the central hole, will fill the pool. If the springs are not drained, the flow will never stop, and you can constantly draw lava from the pool or turn it into obsidian by simply pouring a bucket of water over it.

This is a fun, beautiful and entertaining chemistry experiment that you can easily repeat at home. All reagents are available in almost any kitchen, and if not, then they can definitely be bought at any grocery store.
I'll show you how to make some kind of lava lamp, but unlike a real one, it will start working immediately and will not require heat to continue the reaction.

Would need

  • Baking soda.
  • Table vinegar.
  • Sunflower oil.
  • Food coloring - color of your choice.
Capacity - any glass jar. For illumination I will use an LED flashlight.

Making a chemical lava lamp

Take a tablespoon of baking soda and pour it into the bottom of the jar. It is necessary that the entire bottom be covered with soda.

Then we pour sunflower oil. This is the main component, so we fill the entire jar with it.

Pour vinegar into a small container.

Add food coloring to this amount of vinegar.

We turn on the backlight.

And we put a vessel with oil and soda on this backlight. The lava lamp must be lit.

Pour the mixed vinegar with the dye into the reconciliation.

And our lava lamp immediately starts working. The bubbles alternately sink to the bottom, then rise up to the neck of the jar.

This spectacular experience can be repeated with children, I am sure that they will be completely delighted.

The principle of operation is simple: vinegar is heavier than oil and therefore the bubbles first sink to the bottom. Touching the bottom, the reaction of acetic acid with soda occurs, resulting in the formation of bubbles of carbon dioxide, which pull the bubble up. Having reached the top, carbon dioxide escapes and the bubble falls back to the bottom. So the cycle repeats for a certain time, until the reaction of vinegar with soda has completely passed.
PS: You can use several dyes at once, mixed in different containers with vinegar. And pour them in at the same time. It will look very cool.


Be sure to watch the video, it looks very beautiful, which cannot be conveyed through pictures.

Remember - this lamp should be done under adult supervision. The alcohol and oil used in the lamp are highly flammable and care must be taken when heating them to set the lava in motion. If you are a child, you should not try to make the lamp yourself - show this manual to an adult and ask them for help.

  • Factory lava lamps use a proprietary blend of liquid waxes. It is impossible to achieve a similar effect in a homemade lamp, but with a successful design, your “lava” will flow almost as beautifully from bottom to top and back.

Take a glass container. Any clean glass container that can be closed and shaken a little will do. glass withstand high temperature much better than plastic, so it is more suitable for a lava lamp.

Pour a small cup of mineral or baby oil into a container. This will serve as material for the rising and falling "lava" bubbles. The amount of oil does not matter, since it can always be added to the lamp.

  • It's best to start with regular oil, but if you want to get colored "lava", you can use oil paints. Be aware that over time, the dye may separate from the oil, accumulating at the top or bottom of the container.
  • Add a mixture of 70% rubbing alcohol, 90% isopropyl alcohol and water. Both types of alcohol can be purchased at a pharmacy. With proper proportions, the density of the mixture will be close to the density of mineral oil. For this:

    Place the jar on a secure thin stand. Close the lid tightly before moving the jar. Place the jar on a stable, heat-resistant surface, such as flower pot turned upside down. There should be enough space under the surface to be able to place a small lamp there.

  • Install a heat source. After you almost equalize the density of the oil and alcohol mixture, all you have to do is add a heat source under the lava lamp. When heated, substances expand, with the oil expanding slightly more than the surrounding alcohol. As a result, the oil floats up, cools there, shrinking at the same time, and again sinks to the bottom. So let's get started:

    • Choose your bulb carefully. For a jar no larger than 350 milliliters, take a 15-watt light bulb to sewing machine. Use a 30- or 40-watt bulb to heat a larger jar; do not use more powerful light bulbs, as the glass jar may overheat and melt.
    • Screw your chosen light bulb into a small directional light so that it shines upwards.
    • For better control of the light intensity of a light bulb and the heat it generates, connect a rheostat to it.
  • Wait for the lava lamp to warm up. Some lamps take a couple of hours to warm up, but homemade lamp usually a shorter time is sufficient. Every 15 minutes, touch the jar with a cloth-wrapped palm. The sides of the jar should be warm, but not scalding hot. If the jar gets too hot, immediately turn off the light bulb and replace it with a less powerful one.

    • Try to gently rotate the warming jar, wrapping your hands in a cloth or wearing potholders.
    • When leaving, do not leave the light bulb on; after several hours of operation, turn off the light bulb, allowing it to cool.