How to make figures from wire for the garden. DIY garden figures (45 photos): materials used. Technology for making crafts using cement mortars, wood and stone. How to select figures for the garden

Gone are the days when the main decoration of the yard of a private house or garden were flowers against a background of tomatoes and cucumbers. Fortunately, vegetables can be bought at any time of the year in the supermarket, and if you want to have your own harvest, then a place for planting seedlings is selected somewhere behind the house, but not in front of the front door.

Nowadays more and more attention is paid to aesthetics, beauty, original decor yard Many people invite landscape design specialists to design a recreation area or try to decorate the area themselves using.

Garden figures in Ukraine they are in considerable demand and are presented in a huge assortment to suit every taste and budget. But before you buy garden figurines, you should still study the features of the materials from which they are made, so that after some time you are not surprised by the surprises that they can present.

If you have an irresistible desire to buy inexpensive garden figurines in an online store, then start by assessing your site, the overall design, and only after that make a decision on purchasing certain garden figurines depending on the theme.

As for the main rules of choice regarding the characteristics and subsequent use of country decorations, it is worth taking into account the following tips:

  • Pay attention to the quality and durability of the material.
  • Do not use several park sculptures made of different materials at the same time.
  • You should not install a large number of figurines for your garden on small area so that they do not lose their uniqueness and attractiveness.
  • If you want your garden figurines to last for years, choose options made from durable materials (polymer, natural stone, etc.), and if you need to organize temporary garden decor, you can buy something cheaper (gypsum, ceramics) or make the composition your own hands.
  • Vegetation is selected depending on the material of the dacha decorations (constant watering and humidity can harm the sculptures and will quickly render the wood unusable, ruin the paint on concrete, etc.).

What materials are garden sculptures made from?

Country garden decorations can be made from the most various materials. We invite you to study the main advantages and disadvantages of the most common ones, so that when you decide to buy garden figurines or any other garden decor, you already have an idea of ​​how these products will “behave” over time.

Figurines for the garden made of plaster

One of the most common materials for the production of decorative figurines is gypsum. This is due to the fact that the technology for making decor for the garden or home is very simple - just prepare the mixture, fill it with special form, give time to dry, remove and paint in required colors. Everything is easy, simple and fast enough, and main problem manufacturer - find or make suitable forms for casting. In addition, sellers of such products are very pleased with the low cost, thanks to which they can sell the product cheaper or increase the markup on the product.

As for the buyers of such garden figures, everything is a little more complicated. The fact is that when gypsum hardens, it becomes quite brittle and porous, so it can crack or break at any moment, even when simply moving from place to place, especially if the manufacturer has not taken care of the quality of the primer. In addition, due to the standard shapes, it is difficult to choose something original, and the paint on them does not last as long, taking into account changes in the weather, as we would like.

To the benefits The popularity of gypsum figurines can be attributed to the fact that they are cheaper than other materials and the ability to make a wide variety of plaster objects with your own hands.

Flaws: fragility and fragility.

Conclusion: the price for such garden figures is probably the lowest, and therefore they can be bought if you urgently need to decorate a garden or any other area for events or in cases where there is a guarantee that they will be indoors and will not be needed move to another place. They do not tolerate moisture.

Concrete garden figurines

Concrete is considered durable material Therefore, concrete park sculptures are most often found on the streets and in parks. The mixture contains cement, sand, water, special additives to increase mobility, and color pigment can be added. This mixture is poured into a special mold and compacted. Used in large products metal frame. To prevent the ground from subsiding under the finished statue, a foundation is required, since even a small sculpture turns out to be very heavy.

Concrete rarely makes elegant figures for the garden, since there is no way to carefully work out the small details. But this material is best suited for the manufacture of very large, majestic and symbolic objects, which is why city authorities almost always choose concrete products to decorate the city.

To the benefits This can be attributed to good strength (if the manufacturer followed the technology when making the figures) and long service life with regular care and timely restoration.

Flaws: very heavy figurines for a summer residence, therefore they are mainly used to decorate streets, but not private courtyards. Concrete paint is very expensive and needs to be renewed quite often because it doesn't last very long on concrete. Such products are difficult to move from place to place, and transportation may be difficult.

Conclusion: Concrete is suitable for making large outdoor sculptures that will be installed in a permanent location. In terms of cost, such figures can be classified as above average.

Garden sculptures made of natural stone

Natural materials always “fit in” and fit into almost any space. Natural stone is often the basis of decorative bowls or flowerpots in which flowers and perennials are planted dwarf plants. Columns, various figures, and all kinds of pedestals are made from stone, emphasizing the nobility of the exterior and the status of the owner. And indeed, status plays a big role, because only a very wealthy person can afford to buy garden figures for a garden made of natural stone.

In landscape design, stone blocks and pebbles are increasingly being used, from which people independently lay out compositions, paths and even garden figures. For example, if you choose a stone that is suitable in shape and size, you can simply paint it in the desired colors and you will get a “cat”, “snail”, etc.

To the benefits include maximum durability, wear resistance, the splendor of nature and the ability to decorate any style with timeless beauty.

Flaws: very high cost of finished products.

Conclusion: you can make garden figures from natural stone with your own hands by organically laying out the elements in the right order. Ordering a ready-made stone sculpture is expensive and finding suitable figures in stores is quite problematic.

Gardening figures made of wood

Garden decor from natural wood always looks great and fits very organically into the landscape design. From the point of view of manufacturers of such figures for the garden, this is a unique and noble material that allows them to produce real masterpieces. Craftsmen can “play” with wood as only the imagination and wishes of the customer allow, including decoration the smallest details and openwork carving. So that the idea succeeds, and wooden products served for as long as possible in conditions of constant changing weather conditions, untreated oak, aspen, pine or beech wood is selected, from which decorative figures are cut. After this, they are coated with a special impregnation and varnish or paint.

Advantages: naturalness, the opportunity to select or order unique sculptures for the garden, beauty.

Flaws: enough high price both the wood itself and the work (author's work is very expensive), fragility.

Conclusion: you can buy figurines for the garden, but you shouldn’t count on a very long-lasting aesthetic appearance. In terms of price, they are inferior to stone products, but are more expensive than gypsum or polymer garden decor.

Metal garden figurines

Bronze and copper figures for the garden will definitely diversify the area, giving it uniqueness and flavor. But they are not suitable for every style and exterior, so introducing them into a space can be quite difficult. These statues and sculptures are truly durable and will last a very long time if regularly inspected for paint peeling and touched up to prevent rust and corrosion. They will not break, will not fall from the wind and can definitely decorate private yard or summer cottage.

To the benefits These include a long service life, the ability to create unique sculptures and forged figurines, the execution of openwork lines and the creation of graceful forms.

Flaws: Such garden figures require systematic touch-up and are quite expensive.

Conclusion: if all conditions and operating requirements are met, street figures will last a very long time. Not suitable for every exterior; they require considerable financial costs when purchasing finished product and, in particular, when ordering individually from a specialist.

Figures for the garden made of various ceramics

Ceramic products are popular in Ukraine because their cost is quite low, and the choice of all kinds of figures is very large. In shops and markets you can select any garden figures according to size, color, theme and decorate your area with them. There is no shortage of proposals – that’s a fact.

However, very often people pay attention to external characteristics, and the actions “came - saw - bought” happen most often with ceramic figurines, because They are often bright, interesting and inexpensive. Unfortunately, when choosing, few people think about what kind of material they buy and how long such garden decor will last. But ceramics can be different...

Figures for the garden from terracotta. Garden decorations of red color, not covered with glaze, fit perfectly into the landscape design, harmonizing perfectly with any other types of materials (stone, brick, wood), and look amazing with greenery. But... Due to the lack of a protective coating, they very quickly lose their beauty, becoming covered with a white salt coating, which is impossible to get rid of. In addition, terracotta does not tolerate temperature changes well, and for the winter, decorative figures will have to be brought into a heated room.

Majolica popular with people who like “puffy” shapes and bright decor. That's enough interesting view ceramics, which is covered with a special glaze - frita (powdered glass with the addition of coloring pigments). The coating holds up well and looks very original, but products with it are absolutely not suitable, for example, for growing flowers (garden figurines in the form of vases, bowls, pots, etc.), because they do not allow air to pass through. Another problem is intolerance to frost - such figures are often covered with a network of small cracks and may even burst.

Faience less porous compared to majolica, but looks about the same due to the sparkling smooth coating. You can determine what is in front of you - majolica or faience - only by weight (if you have experience) or by the fragments of a broken figurine. Dishonest sellers often take advantage of this by giving out cheap option for a more expensive one. Such garden decorations can be left for the winter and used for decoration, but plants cannot be planted in them due to the lack of air associated with the density of the material.

Chamotte counts a separate species ceramics and looks like natural stone - it feels just as rough to the touch and looks somewhat rough without treatment. Products made from this clay are more resistant to changes in external environment, can withstand any temperature changes, but easily break upon impact. In addition, figures for the garden from fireclay are made quite rarely due to the large weight of the objects. Most often, this material is used for the production of tubs or vessels for growing evergreen shrubs and dwarf bonsai, outdoor vases and large garden figures.

Casting claygood material to create decorative figurines and figurines, but only subject to compliance with all rules and technologies by the manufacturer ( correct selection composition, compliance temperature regime and firing time, impregnation, quality paint coating). The 1st firing (before glazing) is called waste or biscuit firing. This is a long stage of evaporation of moisture and sintering of the components of the mass, accompanied by shrinkage. 2nd firing (after glazing) - poured, as a result of which at a temperature of at least 1100 degrees a continuous shiny glass-like coating is formed, preventing moisture from penetrating into the product. Such garden figurines will last much longer than those described earlier, but when purchasing, it is very important to be confident in the honesty and integrity of the manufacturer of garden figurines.

To the benefits Ceramic decorative figurines for the garden include a budget price and a huge range of products.

Flaws: Depending on the material, they can be either fragile or very heavy. It is difficult to interact with water and, if there are microcracks that are invisible to the naked eye, they quickly become unusable. It is advisable to put the figures in a heated room for the winter.

Conclusion: you can buy garden figures anywhere in the country and choose just the right ceramics that will fit perfectly into the space. If the operating rules are followed (wintering in a heated room, regular touch-up, protection from impacts, etc.) they can last a long time.

Garden figurines made of polystone

Polymer, which is sometimes also called polystone, artificial stone or the material of the future, is in great demand among buyers of garden sculptures, statues and other garden decorative elements. The raw materials for production (polyester resins) are usually purchased abroad and are of high quality, so the price is slightly higher than similar gypsum products, but definitely cheaper than figures made of natural stone. This material is characterized by good resistance to climatic changes and temperature changes; the paint coating on it holds much better than on other materials. Most often, polymer figures are made without any seams and always have attractive external characteristics.

It is worth adding separately that garden figures made of polystone are light in weight compared to natural stone. They can be washed without fear of damaging the coating, they do not deform due to cold or heat, and their low porosity prevents cracks from occurring. An additional bonus is that not only garden figurines, but also can be made from polymer.

To the benefits Decorative figurines for the garden made of polystone include a long service life, no negative reaction to changing weather conditions, preservation of quality and aesthetic characteristics when exposed to moisture, and an affordable price.

Flaws: higher cost compared to gypsum analogues.

Conclusion: garden figures made of polystone - optimal choice for those who want to inexpensively but brightly decorate their site. They are durable, not subject to cracks, washable and do not need to be brought indoors in the winter.

Sculptures, statues and figures for the garden from other materials

There are others, less popular, but still used for garden decoration or land plot materials from which garden decorations can be made:

  • Figures glass They are generally considered home decor, but they are sometimes used for outdoor decoration. This is a durable material, provided you treat it with care, it can easily withstand any weather conditions. The disadvantages include fragility upon impact, the high cost of products and the use of the material mainly for creating sculptures. large sizes.
  • Garden decor made of plastic is also used in the design of plots, but in most cases such figures are not the main emphasis in the decor and are designed to complement the overall exterior. The figures are light and easily carried away by the wind, so it is advisable to either attach them to something or use them to decorate a pond, for example, floating ducks filled with air (vacuum), fish, etc.
  • Garden figurines made of foam can be used to decorate events, but they are destroyed by exposure sun rays and other weather changes, therefore they must be installed either indoors or under a canopy.
  • Topiary– independent objects landscape design, which are garden figures formed from green living plants. To create a “living” sculpture you need special frames And perennial shrubs with very thick crown, from which the desired shape will be formed. To ensure that the result really pleases with its beauty and originality, it is advisable to hire professionals in the field of decoration, because it is quite difficult to achieve the desired effect with your own hands.

In conclusion, we can add that before deciding whether to buy figurines for the garden, you should still think carefully about what material they will be made of, how long they should last, and what price is most attractive taking into account the quality characteristics and your budget.

With us you can do it yourself affordable price and with a long service life guarantee. If you need more information about country decor made of polymer - call and we will be happy to answer all your questions.

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The garden is not your own master and its splendor depends entirely on you: what style you are interested in, what flowers and trees you choose and how you plant them, how many figures will decorate your flower beds and paths - the answer is yours!

This article is dedicated to a very interesting topic that fascinates those who like to make their corner more beautiful. Do you like to create things that at first glance seem very difficult? Or do you bring everything that seems beautiful into the house? So you are lucky, because luck smiled, and you came across the right address and this publication was written for you.

So, figurines for the garden - this is what now occupies the top of the pedestal in popularity. Thanks to this opportunity, you can find yourself in a fairy tale, but such beauty costs a lot of money, so the article will tell you how to make garden figurines yourself.

It is enough to understand simple principles so that the process of making a figurine does not become a mistake. The right style, a couple of figures and here it is - the garden of your dreams! So let's begin.

What do you need to know before choosing figurines for your garden?

  • The figurines should suitably harmonize with the style of the garden. If you do not follow this principle, then the presence of figures that do not fit in can ruin all the beauty of the interior.
  • You have chosen a suitable figure, but you suspect that it may not fit. In such a case, there is a simple way to get rid of doubts. Take cardboard, cut out the silhouette of the figurine and try it on in the places where you planned to install this item. Thanks to this method, you will quickly determine the area where the product will look harmonious.
  • It is not advisable to place the figures one after another. It will look tacky. Our goal is to create beautiful garden in harmony with the natural world.
  • To create an elegant garden composition, putting the figure first is not necessary. A small world and a single figure, ideally located in the garden, can become a composition from which it will be impossible to take your eyes off. Decorated items like these are a pleasant and sweet surprise.
  • A delightful picture, a bouquet of flowers is placed in a specific vase. Naturally, it is important that other design fundamentals be added to the garden figurine. Imagine, try and you will succeed.
  • Small garden figurines will create an unforgettable impression of the whole picture.

Materials for making figurines

All these figures are beautiful, but what to make such beauty out of? You can use any available material, the main thing is the presence of desire and creative potential. At this stage it is worth stopping and taking a closer look. Commonly used material for garden figurines:

  • Tree.
  • Stone.
  • Polyurethane foam.
  • Gypsum.

Let's look at each material.

Garden figurines made of wood

A tree is a piece of our nature. Wooden figures look very interesting and attractive. They store heat. Many people believe that woodwork protects our planet from unexpected guests.

Stone figurines

The stone seems alive when we create a figure from it. Such creativity requires suitable stone. He must be the right size. Also needed magic hands artist. You need to be able to see in an ordinary cobblestone a small kitten, a puppy joyfully greeting its owner, a lion cub learning to walk, or a family of dragonflies. Such specimens, created by nature, can be used as decoration, and they will forever remain in memory.

Foam figurines

Polyurethane foam also shows miracles. A minimum of expenses will leave behind durable, interesting and funny figures. Having created a figurine from polyurethane foam, you will get a reliable, moisture-resistant result. Using this material, masterpieces are often created in the form of dolphins, gnomes, snails, swans, storks and many more. different characters. You can create a hero for any garden style.

Garden figurines made of plaster

As for garden figures made from plaster, they must be very durable and waterproof. Particular clarity does not play a role here. You can create a small figurine without a base. If you are planning to create a large model, you will need reinforced frame . Having cut the pieces of reinforcement, you need to connect them into a frame so that it looks like the future craft. Such creations must be supported on a foundation.

Garden figurines decorate the garden. It is believed that gnomes act as guards. Perhaps this will be good for your harvest.

Master class on making figurine from polyurethane foam

Today you will be given a master class on creating garden figures from polyurethane foam. Make beautiful figurines that you can proudly display to friends and family.

2 interesting models will be described. You'll like it. Sit back comfortably, we are beginning to move into the world of beauty and fairy tales!

Cheerful frog

Our first character is frog, which can decorate absolutely any garden. What you need to purchase to create a garden figurine:

  • Cylinder of polyurethane foam – 1 pc.
  • Old saucepan – d=25 cm – 1 pc.
  • Metal can volume 1 liter. – 1 pc.
  • Oil paint. Color: green.
  • 2 large beads. (For the eyes).

We take 2 containers and completely fill them with polyurethane foam, creating the body and head of a frog. As soon as the images are dry, we combine them using wire or hairpins.

Immediately secure with foam.

We insert wire(strong, but so that it bends well) to where the future paws will be, and give them shape. Carefully apply the foam in thin layers to the place where the paws will be. Each layer should dry thoroughly.

Once the layers are all dry, you can start color our frog. For convenience, you can use a narrow brush. When our figure is completely dry, glue the beads where the eyes should be. The frog is ready! He can safely invite guests for tea, show and talk about the manufacturing process. You'll see, they will be amazed by your talent to create masterpieces!

Beautiful fox

The second character will be fox. Let's write down what you need for the job:

  • Plastic bottle.
  • Polyurethane foam and mounting gun.
  • Sand for backfilling.
  • Wire and hollow plastic tube.
  • Sticks of different lengths and solid parts for the ears.
  • Small rubber balls.
  • Paint and varnish.

So let's get started. You need to pour sand into a plastic bottle to make it stable, and cover it with a layer of polyurethane foam on top. You need to apply it carefully in several layers, waiting for each layer to dry.

Approximate drying time is 15 minutes.

We insert the wire into a hollow tube and create a frame for the fox’s paws and tail. We create a neck from a stick of the required length and insert it into the fox’s body. After we penalize the joints.

Several layers need to be applied to the paws, head, tail, creating the shape of the animal's figure. We use thick cardboard, cut out the ears and insert them into the head. Carefully foam the place of the ears. Mode: cut pieces of fishing line of the same length, paint them black. Thus, we created a mustache that needs to be inserted into the fox’s muzzle. We also paint rubber balls with black paint (you can purchase small black balls in advance) and place them where the eyes will be.

The dried, finished garden figurine made from polyurethane foam should be covered oil paint, if desired, you can also use varnish. Our cunning beauty is ready! Now you can install this wonderful specimen in a suitable place in your garden.

By creating such wonderful figures, you can not only please yourself when you see them in the garden, but also please your loved ones. As they say, the best surprise is a gift made with your own hands. So why not create an elegant gift and give it away? Good option. But there is one more advantage that many have taken advantage of.

More details in the video:

Building a business on such an idea is as easy as shelling pears. Knowing all the secrets, pros and cons, you can easily become the master of your life and have your own business, which will be a pleasure to implement. Create, enjoy, admire and make others happy! Everything is in your hands!

A small photo gallery with examples

Decorating your own garden is a real space for creativity and imagination. After all, there can be a great many options for creating garden figurines - animals, people, plants, fairytale castles, characters from books, etc. But as elsewhere, in landscape decoration a sense of proportion is important. You shouldn’t make too many figures or make images out of nothing at all. different styles. Color harmony also plays a role. Decide on the style of your garden - whether it will be Japanese style, Russian folk style or French elegance, based on the style you can select suitable figures and images. In this article we will tell you step by step how to make garden figures with your own hands; the master class will be simple and understandable to all novice gardeners.

Material for production garden decorations All available means can serve - bottles, plaster, plastic, polyurethane foam, car tires.

From hardening materials

Plaster or alabaster is very convenient and practical material. Even quite large figures can be made from gypsum; the material takes any desired shape.

Do not forget that alabaster does not like moisture; it is better to varnish the top of the product and store it under a roof in winter and autumn.

Now you will learn how to make a garden mushroom from alabaster.

First we will make caps for future mushrooms. It's better to make them different sizes, so the figures will look more picturesque. We make them from plasticine, as in the photo.

Let's dilute the gypsum solution and fill the molds with it. No pre-lubrication required. The solution should resemble thick sour cream.

The plaster hardens quickly, in about 20 minutes, and the pieces can be removed.

The blank for the leg can also be made from plasticine or plastic liter bottle. Pour plaster into the mold.

After 15-20 minutes the leg is ready.

You can shape it a little with a spatula. Let all the pieces (hats and legs) dry. When the plaster becomes a lighter shade, it means it is dry. It may take a couple of days to dry. While the leg is soft, you need to make a hole for future fastening to the ground. You can pierce the leg with a drill.

Then you need to sand the workpieces with an abrasive sponge.

How to fasten a mushroom? This can be done using super glue, after first going over the bonding area with a primer. It is better to make a small dent in the cap before fastening it.

You can paint mushrooms with acrylic paints. Here are your taste preferences.

Be sure to finish the product with varnish to make it resistant to rain and wind.

And now insert a stick or drill into the previously prepared hole and you can stick the mushroom into the ground. The garden decor is ready.

Polymer clay is also good and inexpensive material for crafts. You can buy it in special craft stores. Today we will make a cute clay turtle.

Find a small bowl to create the turtle shell.

You need to roll the clay into a sausage and cut into pieces.

Carefully place the pieces of clay into the bowl, pressing them down with your hand. When the form is filled, you need to smooth the surface. You can use a stack.

Separately, you need to sculpt the head and paws, mark the places for them on the shell. It is better to mold pieces soaked in water.

Turn the workpiece over. Work with a stack - draw outlines on the shell and eyes of the turtle.

You can make a hat for the turtle.

The completion of the craft depends on the type of clay, there is self-drying clay, and there is clay that requires drying in the oven. They are usually dried at a temperature of 110-120 degrees.

Old tires

Unneeded tires or tires live in every garage. They can be used as an excellent material for garden crafts. Flowerbeds, garden furniture, sandboxes, decorative items - all these are possible products made from tires.

The simplest option is a flower garden made from tires. First, let's apply markings on the tire, as shown in the figure. Then you will need to cut along the line.

Cutting a tire is quite difficult; it is better to entrust this process to a man and use a jigsaw. If you don’t have a jigsaw, you can also cut with a knife, lifting the edge of the cut.

The tire can be installed on a stand. Use the part that was cut off at the beginning, or turn it over and place the pot inside it.

And for this version of the flower bed you don’t even need to turn the tire out.

Creating with papier-mâché

Papier-mâché is a material that was invented back in ancient China. The literal translation of the word is chewed paper. For papier-mâché crafts, old newspapers, sheets, toilet paper will also come in handy.

Today we will make a funny crow. A regular crumpled newspaper will do. Let's make two lumps - the future head and body of the crow.

You can cut out wings and a beak from cardboard, and make legs from bamboo sticks.

Everything is held together with tape.

Then the crow should be covered tile adhesive, then glue it to the stand and paint it as you wish.

Do not forget that for outdoor figures it is better to use acrylic paints and be sure to cover the product with several layers of varnish.

As you can see, many garden crafts can be easily made with your own hands from scrap materials.

Video on the topic of the article

For a clearer understanding of the process, we offer several useful videos.

(1 ratings, average: 4,50 out of 5)

Many of us have dachas and garden plots. Some people go there for the harvest, while for others it is their favorite place to relax. All dacha owners want their yard to be cozy and beautiful. Today, not only lawns, exotic flower beds and fountains are in fashion, but also funny sculptures. They may become original decoration plot, especially if you put in the effort, use your imagination and make garden figurines for your dacha with your own hands. With such decoration, your site will become exclusive, acquire uniqueness and its own personality, and become unlike anyone else. The figures will please the eye not only of the owners of the site, but also of their guests.

Of course, you can buy ready-made sculptures for the garden, for example, from artificial stone, plastic or plaster. But do figurines for the garden It's much more interesting on your own. You will create a piece of jewelry that no one else will have. In addition, this activity is very exciting and uncomplicated; you can spend your free time usefully and show your creative abilities. You can create figures from scrap materials. If there are children in the family, then you can make garden sculptures with them.

Figure options

You can create anything as long as you have enough imagination. For example, fairy tale characters. Near the house you can place gnomes who will guard the country house. These could be firebirds. If you have a pond, then funny frogs will fit perfectly into the space around it. Some corner of the site can be set aside as a mushroom clearing. You can also place figurines depicting animals in the garden. If you have a good imagination, you can come up with a whole fairy-tale town.

Gallery: DIY garden figures (25 photos)

Material selection

Anything can come into play. More often country decorations made from the following materials:

  • tree;
  • gypsum;
  • plastic bottles;
  • car tires;
  • polyurethane foam.

The first and most basic rule is garden sculptures must correspond to the general style of the garden And appearance house. You should not make figures based only on your own imagination. The figures must be made not just beautiful, but in such a way that they fit into the surrounding space, otherwise they will not become a decoration, but, on the contrary, will disfigure the whole picture.

For example, if you have garden plot issued in Japanese style, then the figures must be Japanese. Palm trees, gnomes, and mushrooms will look absolutely ridiculous here.

If your site is registered in romantic style, That ideal option– garden figures made of plaster in the form of hearts, doves, flowers, angels. They will fit perfectly into a high-tech garden. metal structures. If your site has a rustic style, then plaster figurines created in the form of mushrooms, trees, flowers, etc. will fit well here.

One of the conditions that should be met when decorating a garden with sculptures is moderation. You should not clutter the area too much with figures, otherwise you risk turning the garden into a museum. Too much decoration will look tacky. They should only complement the space and not come to the fore.

Another important principle is The figures must fit in size. If they grow on the site big trees, then the decorations should be massive. Small figurines here will be invisible and lost. Large figures in a small garden where there are no tall trees will look ridiculous.

If you are making several sculptures, then they must fit together by topic, color scheme, in shape, material of manufacture. Metal and plaster figures should not be placed next to each other. Jewelry in Japanese and rustic styles at the same time, etc.

Pink flamingo made from plastic bottles

Plastic bottles are the most economical option. Everyone has them, and you can create anything from them. One of the popular figures today is pink flamingo. Such a garden sculpture, created with your own hands, will be a wonderful decoration for your site.

Materials and tools:

First you need to make flamingo body. To do this you need to take one large bottle. You need to make a hole in the lid. A metal rod is inserted into this hole. He will act as a neck. You need to make two holes at the bottom of the bottle; legs will be inserted into them.

Now you need to make plumage for the flamingo. The remaining bottles need to be coated with paint. pink color. Now you need to cut them into feathers.

After the plumage is ready, cuts are made in the body of the bird in the number of feathers expected. Each part is attached to a notch.

Now it's time to make the neck and head. The rod that was attached to the hole on the bottle cap must be covered with a hose. The flamingo's neck is ready. The head is cut out of a bottle. The beak can be made from wood, plaster or foam.

Now let's make the legs. To do this, the two remaining metal rods are inserted into the holes at the bottom of the bottle and carefully secured.

On last stage you can decorate the bird as your imagination dictates.

On average, flamingos are 1.5 meters tall. You can make it higher or lower. But you should remember that the figure should not be too large.

Giraffe made of wood

One of the most affordable and natural materials for making figurines - wood. It will appeal especially to those who prefer garden decorations made from environmentally friendly materials. You can create any wooden figurines you want with your own hands. The material used is stumps, branches, logs, driftwood, etc..

All this is possible in large quantities find in the nearest forest, and someone has such goodness in bulk on their plot. You can make wooden sculptures with your own hands in the form of a couple in love, funny people, fairy-tale heroes. You can arrange a whole zoo of domestic or wild animals. Or, for example, build a scene from some cartoon that you loved as a child or that your children (grandchildren) love now.

You can make anything from wood, even an exotic giraffe.

Materials and tools:

In order for the figure to be stable, you need to do for it foundation. It is necessary to dig a small hole and pour cement solution into it. Immerse future giraffe legs in it and leave to harden.

The next stage is making the head. It is made from a canister. If the canister has a handle, then it needs to be cut off. Two holes are cut at the proposed crown. Branches are inserted into them - these will be the giraffe's horns. You need to make slits on the sides for the ears. Ears are cut from plastic bottle. The snag will serve as the body.

To hold the torso and head together, a hole is cut in the canister that acts as the head. Now the head is put on the body.

Gnome made of plaster

You can make various sculptures from this material, and they will durable and waterproof. If you make a small figure, then the base is not needed. If you make large-sized sculptures, you will first need to make a frame and foundation.