How to increase the immunity of an adult, doctor's advice. How to boost immunity with folk remedies. The most important thing is an active lifestyle

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Recently, the pharmacological industry has been producing many products to enhance immunity in adults. But many do not understand why it needs to be increased, and what exactly immunity does. What are the dangers of weak immunity in an adult?

After all, closer to middle age, a person has probably already encountered all the microorganisms that cause diseases, and if he didn’t have time, then he was vaccinated against most of them in childhood. Let's look at the following questions: is it necessary to strengthen the immune system in adults, and how to do it correctly?

How does the body's immune system work?

Immunity - protective system body. It can be congenital, when the human body resists everything foreign that may surround it. These are cells of bacteria, viruses or modified cells of their body. Immunity can also be acquired when the immune system encounters a specific pathogen and produces special antibodies. They fight specifically this bacterium or virus and are not able to destroy others.

Immunity acquired as a result of a disease is called active, and if a person is vaccinated against a disease, that is, weakened bacteria are introduced, then this is passive immunity.

There are also specific and nonspecific immunity. Nonspecific immunity is provided by interferon, immunoglobulins and acts upon any penetration of microorganisms. Specific is associated with the search for a cure against a specific virus or bacteria; it can respond faster if a person has already been sick, or has been vaccinated against a disease that this microorganism causes.

Causes and symptoms of decreased immunity in adults

We learn that our immunity is weakened when we begin to get frequent colds (flu, acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections). No one wants to lose so much time due to illness, and the search begins for means to strengthen the immune system. How to increase immunity for an adult? After all, advice on hardening and daily exercise cannot help here, or rather, they will not be used.

It would probably be more correct to figure out why the decrease in immunity occurred, what caused the weakening of the body’s defenses? The reasons may be different, and we cannot influence many of them. Immunity is reduced by certain factors that affect the body constantly or periodically:

This list may be endless, but this will not help strengthen the immune system. Therefore, you need to find out what the symptoms are in an adult with a weakened immune system, and how to strengthen it. If you often have:

There is a high probability that your immune system needs support.

General rules for strengthening the immune system of an adult

Substances that affect immunity are called immunomodulators. Many of them are familiar to us from childhood. It is difficult to find a person whose mothers and grandmothers did not force him to drink milk, eat onions or honey. After all, they increase immunity, but is that true? Maybe these foods only supply substances necessary for the immune system? Everything is correct - the immune system itself finds the means for its normal functioning, and we only need to help it with this.

How to increase immunity for an adult at home?

If you stick to these simple rules, then problems with immunity in an adult can arise only under the influence of external factors, such as stress, moving, business trips, chronic diseases, injuries. In such cases, you need to help your immune system and yourself. How to strengthen the immune system of an adult without pills?

Nutrition and immunity

You need to eat not only right, but also regularly. The main thing is to limit fast food, sweet carbonated drinks, tonic drinks, and baked goods. They not only contain harmful substances and a huge amount of calories, but also contribute to the development of diseases of the digestive tract, cardiovascular system, endocrine and others. But you should try to use products that increase immunity in adults as often as possible.

Suppliers of proteins for the synthesis of immunoglobulins

This could be meat, poultry, fish, eggs and dairy products, legumes, mushrooms, nuts. It is necessary to use them in your diet, even if you are a vegetarian; meat can be consumed with dairy products. You just need to plan your diet correctly and pay attention to the quantity and quality of food. A fatty, huge chop for dinner cannot be healthy; it is better to eat lactic acid products in the evening, but it is better to treat yourself to a chop in the first half of the day, and not too fatty.

One of the best sources of proteins that boosts immunity is walnut. It contains microelements such as cinnamon, selenium, as well as vitamins B and E. To maintain immunity, it is enough to eat one handful of nut kernels a day. Large amounts of zinc and selenium are found in fish and seafood. Beef liver is rich in vitamins and proteins.

Fats, carbohydrates and fiber to strengthen the immune system

No matter how much an adult would like to lose weight and look slim, fats cannot be excluded from the diet, since they are suppliers of fatty acids used in the synthesis of cell membranes, and this is the first barrier to microbes and viruses. Some of them are essential, since the human body is unable to synthesize them, so the diet must be present vegetable oil(sunflower, olive), as well as fatty fish.

But it won’t hurt to limit your intake of carbohydrates, especially harmful ones. Harmful carbohydrates include sucrose, since although it is quickly absorbed, it uses a lot of vitamins and other useful substances for processing, which could be used for the synthesis of immunoglobulins. Therefore, it is better to provide the body’s need for carbohydrates with fruits, vegetables, and cereals. They are also excellent suppliers of fiber necessary for normal digestion.

Please note that all year round There were foods containing vitamin C in your diet; it increases the body's resistance to infection. There is a lot of it in rose hips, citrus fruits, black currant, rowan, sea buckthorn, fresh herbs.

Beekeeping products can become a sugar substitute and immune stimulant for an adult: honey, royal jelly, propolis, if there is no allergy to them. Honey can be mixed with nuts and dried apricots in equal proportions; first, the dried apricots and nuts must be passed through a meat grinder. This mixture should be taken 1 tablespoon 2-3 times a day. You can take a mixture of honey and lemon, which is also useful for boosting immunity. To do this, take 1-2 lemons, wash them thoroughly and pass them through a meat grinder along with the peel. Take 1 tablespoon 1-2 times a day, it is better to use in autumn, winter, spring, when there is a high probability of developing acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections.

How to increase the immunity of an adult using folk remedies

Among the folk remedies for increasing immunity in adults, one can highlight such a medicinal plant and seasoning as ginger root. It is added to various dishes, tea, infusions are prepared, or taken together with honey, lemon, dried apricots in the form of a ground mixture.

good folk remedies Bee products (royal jelly, propolis) are used to strengthen the immune system. They are very useful, as they not only have an immunomodulating effect, but also contain valuable amino acids, vitamins, and microelements. To increase immunity in adults, they can be infused with alcohol and a few drops of this infusion added to drinks.

As for seasonings and spices, immunity can be boosted by cinnamon, turmeric, bay leaf, apple cider vinegar, some types of pepper. Use them more often in cooking, and you will not only enjoy delicious dishes, but also support your immunity.

Unpeeled oats have a good immunomodulatory effect. Its strained decoction in water or milk (the grains need to be soaked overnight and boiled for 2 hours over low heat) is used 2 times a day, 1 glass before meals for a month. Well, everyone knows about the benefits of oatmeal porridge for boosting immunity.

One more thing useful plant- this is aloe. Aloe juice has a bactericidal effect and contains large number vitamins B, C, E, amino acids and metabolism-stimulating substances. Since aloe juice is very bitter, it is better to mix it in equal proportions with honey. You cannot store it for longer than a day, as this leads to loss of nutrients; it is better to prepare it immediately before use.

You can also use medicinal herbs to boost immunity in adults. These include ginseng, dandelion, St. John's wort, aralia roots, rhodiola, echinacea, and licorice. They have an immunostimulating effect; decoctions, tinctures, and tea mixtures are prepared from them. But before using, you need to consult a doctor, since many herbs contain substances that are toxic even for an adult body and an overdose or improper preparation can harm it. But sedatives, although they do not increase the body’s resistance, help fight stress, so they can be taken during fatigue and sleep disturbances.

How to boost immunity?

And is it necessary to raise it at all? Doctors advise caution regarding various medicines and drugs to strengthen the immune system, and even more so, do not engage in such “self-healing” without consulting a doctor. Uncontrolled intake of even seemingly harmless natural remedies for the immune system (based on echinacea, ginseng, licorice, elecampane and other immunomodulator and adaptogen plants) can, on the contrary, cause a serious blow to the immune system. And weaken her greatly. So don't risk your health! It’s better to remember about simple, affordable and, most importantly, absolutely harmless.

Be less nervous

It has been scientifically proven that stress has a destructive effect on the body’s immune system and its resistance to viruses decreases. Stress hormones and glucocorticoids, which suppress the immune system, are to blame for this. That is why those who are nervous about any reason and live in a state of nervous tension get sick more often and longer.

Visit more fresh air

Take a walk in the fresh air (of course, not along the road, but somewhere in a park or forest) - this is the simplest advice that can be given to boost immunity. Such walks enrich the blood with oxygen and improve the functioning of monocytes and other cells in our body responsible for its protective functions and neutralize bacteria and viruses. And if there is a pine or spruce grove nearby, it’s generally wonderful: coniferous trees They also secrete phytoncides that cleanse the air of bacteria and viruses.

Be active

Hypodynamia is a lack of functioning of the muscular system, and not a lack of movement in general, as many are accustomed to thinking, is one of the most worst enemies our immunity. Due to insufficient load on the heart muscle, oxygen metabolism in the tissues deteriorates. In addition, the circulation of blood and lymph slows down - and the circulatory and lymphatic systems, as you know, are the basis for our immunity. The slightest disruption in their work significantly weakens the immune system.

Alexey Kovalkov

nutritionist, presenter of the programs “Food with and without rules”, “Family Size”

A healthy lifestyle is unthinkable without basic physical activity. But man has immobilized himself: cars, elevators, TV, even the steering wheel in the car has power steering... I always tell my patients what to start physical activity It’s best to start with simple walking, but if you still decide to master the exercise machines, that’s also not bad. If you feel uncomfortable walking down the street, buy a home exercise machine and make it a habit to exercise on it at a certain time.

Eat foods that are good for your immune system

A varied, balanced diet is the key to good immunity. Particularly useful for strengthening the immune system:

    garlic (suppresses viruses, has an even wider antibiotic spectrum of action than penicillin);

    onions, including red and leeks (like garlic, it is very rich in phytoncides - volatile biologically active substances that can kill microbes);

    ginger (rich in phytoncides, cleanses blood and lymph);

    bell pepper And (excellent sources of vitamin C - the main vitamin for immunity).

Also don't forget about fermented milk products: they promote the colonization of the gastrointestinal tract with beneficial bacteria. And 70% of our antiviral immunity, according to the World Health Organization, depends on the health and intestinal microflora. Therefore "alive" yoghurts, kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt and other foods rich in “good” bacteria should be in your diet daily!

Get a good night's sleep

In addition to the fact that people who constantly do not get enough sleep are more susceptible to stress and nervous breakdowns, lack of sleep is harmful to the immune system at the genetic level. A recent study by scientists at Yale University, USA, proves that disruption of natural biological rhythms activates a special gene, TLR-9, which makes our body more susceptible to infections. By the way, keep in mind that chronic diseases can also worsen because they also undermine the immune system.

Get rid of pockets of infection

Chronic tonsillitis, sinusitis and other sometimes not very annoying ailments are dangerous because they gradually undermine the body’s defenses: the immune system has to work under constant stress. And no means for immunity will help fully until the source of infection is eliminated. Harmful and banal for the immune system. So don't forget about preventive examinations at the dentist!

Immunity is an important component of human health. A strong immune system is the key to disease resistance. Unfortunately, recently, due to many negative factors, people with weak immunity are becoming increasingly common. They are the ones most susceptible to colds and other respiratory diseases. If you are one of these types of people, then don't be upset. In this article you can find out in more detail information about what immunity is and how to strengthen it.

Immunity. Meaning of the term

To know how to strengthen your own immunity, you need to consider in detail the definition of this term. Immunity is the body’s ability to fight various viruses and bacteria that negatively affect human health. To put it simply, the immune system works as a guard to protect our body.

Immune system- a set of organs and cells that are designed to protect our body from foreign invasion. Several central and peripheral organs responsible for immunity can be distinguished: spleen, lymph nodes, red bone marrow.

  • Innate immunity has the ability to fight any pathogens, even if contact with them occurs for the first time, although they are recognized less accurately than acquired immunity.
  • Acquired immunity is the result of fighting diseases that a person cannot get again (for example, chickenpox or measles).
  • Active immunity is both an innate and acquired protective force of the body.
  • Passive immunity is formed under the influence of vaccinations and folk remedies.

Why is it necessary to strengthen your immune system?

The immune system, being the result of the development of the human species, is constantly changing and adapting, actively counteracting negative factors certain environment accommodation. Strengthening the immune system takes into account ongoing metabolic processes, hereditary factors and general condition body.

It is necessary to strengthen the immune system so that it does not allow a person to get sick in case of contact with an infection or significantly weakens the form of the disease. If the immune system is strong, it will be able to overcome not only cold viruses. Strengthening the immune system helps neutralize allergy triggers and also helps destroy microbes that cause food poisoning.

Immune support is most needed in autumn period when the weather changes. It is during this period that the body needs a complex of vitamins and minerals, which strengthens the human immune system. In addition, in the fall there is a massive spread of respiratory diseases, which once again indicates the need for prevention.

It is worth adding that if a person goes overboard, using various means to strengthen his immunity, then this can be to his detriment, not to his benefit, because the abuse of health prevention can lead to allergies.

Why does immunity decrease?

There are three main factors due to which human body weakens:

  1. Wrong lifestyle. Frequent lack of sleep, stress, bad habits, unhealthy diet, lack of healthy products in the diet - the main enemies of the immune system.
  2. Unfavorable environment and bad environment. The human environment also plays a big role in weakening. Poor ecology pollutes the body, and places where there are a large number of infected people attack the immune system.
  3. Frequent illnesses. Due to regular illnesses, the immune system works hard, trying to destroy all viruses and bacteria that have entered the body. This leads to depletion of the immune system, as it cannot fully recover.

Signs of problems with the immune system

As a rule, many people think too late about strengthening their immunity. They often develop this desire when the following signs of a weakened immune system appear:

  1. Feeling unwell. Chills, insomnia, severe fatigue, headaches, aches in muscles and joints, mood swings and poor appetite may indicate a weakened body.
  2. Skin problems. What can happen to the skin when immunity decreases?
  • the appearance of a white skin tone instead of a healthy pink;
  • the formation of herpes, boils and other types of rash;
  • heavy sweating and change in the smell of sweat;
  • sudden appearance of swelling and bags under the eyes (which may also indicate problems with the kidneys, liver or heart).
  1. Problems with hair and nails. The most obvious signs:
  • hair begins to fade and fall out;
  • nails break, become thinner, peel, become dull, white marks form on them, and growth slows down;
  • the tips of the fingers turn pale, which indicates anemia.
  1. Dry nose. This point will seem strange to many, since most people associate snot with illness, and dryness with the normal state of the body. In fact, mucus is a protection against diseases, and it can be very helpful when a person catches a cold. It is the snot that absorbs pathogenic bacteria, after which a person gets rid of them by blowing his nose. To strengthen the immune system, you need to monitor how the nasopharynx produces mucus.

Strengthening the immune system

“What should you eat to strengthen your immune system?” people often ask when they get sick with some kind of cold.

The question about immunity is so popular that even in the television program “One Hundred to One” you can often hear it. The top 10 search engines still include the query “100 to 1. The answer to the question: “How to strengthen the immune system?”.” It is obvious that people are interested in strengthening and protecting their bodies.

Many people, before reading the article, probably thought that strengthening the immune system was too difficult and even impossible. It's actually very simple. Try to implement at least one item from the list above, and you yourself will be surprised at how much your life will change. It will be 100 times better than doing nothing at all.

How to make sure that all the information provided is of maximum benefit? Just share this information with those who are also interested in the questions “How to strengthen the immune system?” and “What to do to support immunity in in good condition? This way you will spread knowledge about healthy way life and help many people strengthen their immunity.

The vast majority of cases of reduced resistance do not require medical intervention or medication. You can quickly boost your immunity if it has deteriorated due to reasons other than radiation damage, HIV, or a congenital anomaly, at home.

How can you quickly boost an adult’s immunity?

The modern range of drugs and alternative medicine makes it possible to influence protection in a variety of ways and to select the optimal strategy for its alignment.

Medicines and vitamins

In approved official medicine The list for compensation of immunodeficiencies has 2 large sections:

  • the actual medicines are of various origins;
  • food additives - which do not directly contact the defense mechanisms, but supply them with the missing reagents for their work.

The former may include laboratory-synthesized or extracts obtained from plant/animal raw materials.

  1. Interferons. These proteins are produced by cells of all tissues and are the only means of preventing their infection by the virus (after the fact, the infected cell can only be destroyed along with the pathogen of the lymph body). They keep some of the interferons “for themselves,” and release some into the surrounding space. Pharmaceuticals synthesize “human” interferons using genetic engineering methods. The results can be found in the composition of the drugs “Interferon”, “Viferon”. “Grippferon”, “Gammaferon” and several others. Some lines include only tablets or liquid forms for topical application, and in some, like Viferon, a full range is available, including rectal and injection solutions.
  2. Interleukins. One of the types of cytokines. All major immune agents in the blood are involved in the production of these molecules to improve contact with neighboring bodies/cells, including pathogens. They are part of “Proleukin”, “Betaleikin”, “Aldesleikin”.
  3. Immunoglobulins. Ball-shaped squirrels are good hunters of viruses and bacteria. They can remember their signatures to create immunity for years or for the rest of their lives. Their external source is the drug “Intraglobin”.
  4. Inducers of own antibody synthesis. Most often in this series they mention “Poludan” - a stimulator of the production of the same interferons by cells. “Diucifon” also belongs to it, increasing the synthesis and activity of lymphocytes of 2 types out of 3, as well as macrophages.
  5. Plant biostimulants. They are isolated from plants with a scientifically proven ability to strengthen the immune system. Now on their list are ginseng and Rhodiola rosea.

Immunity is the most important component of our success and health. If it is weakened, then it is impossible to avoid frequent illnesses from various ailments both in childhood and in adulthood. That is why you need to think about strengthening the body’s immune forces even before any problems arise. Let's figure out how to increase the immunity of an adult at home, why health is deteriorating and what alarming symptoms exist of decreased immune strength.

Immunity translated from Latin language- “getting rid of something.” The human immune system is a complex mechanism that protects the body from various diseases, failures and disorders. It can be congenital, that is, when there is an initial resistance to some kind of illness or negative external factor. There is also acquired immunity, which arises during human life and persists for decades, and sometimes forever.

Bacteria and viruses that have entered the body and once caused the disease change our body at the cellular level. Now, having encountered the same enemy for the second time, the production of special antibodies begins, which allows you to quickly and effectively cope with the disease. If immunity was acquired as a result of an illness, then it is called active, and if through a vaccination containing parts of cells or weakened bacteria, then it is called passive. So, if you have had measles or chickenpox, then most likely you will never encounter them again in your life.

There are two more types of immunity: specific and nonspecific. In the second case, the body secretes immunoglobulins and interferon, which are used in the fight against any microorganism, and in the first, special substances are produced that can cope with a specific disease.

The immune system is closely connected with all other systems of the body. When it malfunctions, the whole body suffers: insufficient quantities blood purification occurs, waste and toxins are removed, as well as other harmful substances, the microflora in the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted, nerve conduction and gas exchange in the lungs deteriorate. Good immunity does not allow you to contract one or another disease, and also significantly facilitates the course of the disease when the body first encounters it.

Causes of decreased immunity

Most often, a person begins to think about

how to strengthen the immune system with folk remedies

or medicines when you often suffer from various viral and colds. But before carrying out any actions designed to make us stronger, increase the body’s immune strength, it is necessary to find out the reasons for the decrease in immunity.

Experts talk about a huge number of constant or periodically occurring factors that negatively affect the body’s defenses. But the most striking of them are:

  • bad habits, including smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • unbalanced diet, which contains a lot of harmful substances or components that require long-term digestion;
  • application medicines, for example, antibiotics, hormonal agents;
  • insufficient supply of important substances: vitamins, amino acids, microelements;
  • frequent overwork and stress;
  • insufficient amount of fluid consumed;
  • insufficient or inadequate rest;
  • background radiation and poor environmental conditions;
  • traumatic injuries, surgical interventions;
  • long-term chronic diseases, for example, psoriasis, arthritis, diabetes mellitus, tumors;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • hypothermia.

Immunity in childhood

To strengthen the immune system

in childhood, you need to know that the mechanisms in this case work somewhat differently than in adults. Their formation ends only by the age of 14. Doctors identify several critical periods of childhood immunity:

  1. Up to 28 days, the child is under the influence of forces acquired from the mother during intrauterine development. As a rule, the baby is most defenseless against viruses at this time.
  2. At 4-6 months, antibodies received from the mother begin to break down. It is during this period that vaccination and revaccination are carried out. Various diseases may manifest themselves, often allergic reactions, inflammatory processes and intestinal infections.
  3. At 2 years old, a child actively explores the world, puts everything in his mouth, which means he puts a huge strain on his body. It is during this period that congenital anomalies may appear, and the incidence of viral and infectious diseases may increase.
  4. At 4-6 years of age, active immunity has already been accumulated under the influence of vaccinations and past diseases. But at the same time, during this period it is important to treat diseases promptly and correctly, because they risk developing into chronic forms.
  5. At 12-15 years of age, the formation of immunity is completed. It is at this time that hormonal changes occur in girls and boys, and the organs of the immune system acquire their normal size.

From the lifestyle of a child up to 14-15 years old, his habits and diet, activity, proper operation everyone internal organs and systems depends on the future health of an adult.

Symptoms of reduced immunity

The main symptoms of decreased defenses and the reason for searching for an answer to the question are:

how to strengthen the immune system of an adult using folk remedies

and medications, the following symptoms may occur:

  • frequent illness with colds and viral illnesses, such as influenza, acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections (more than 4-6 times a year);
  • the progression of colds into more serious illnesses, for example, bronchitis, pneumonia, otitis media, sore throat;
  • the appearance of rashes, pimples and ulcers on the body;
  • longer than normal course of various diseases;
  • drowsiness or, conversely, difficulty sleeping;
  • rapid fatigue and weakness that do not go away even after proper rest;
  • exacerbation of diseases that had not previously manifested themselves, for example, fungal skin infections, herpes, the occurrence of papillomas and warts;
  • problems with digestion and stool;
  • aches in muscles and joints;
  • unstable blood pressure;
  • the appearance of seemingly causeless low-grade body temperature;
  • headaches;
  • bad mood, depression and even suicidal thoughts;
  • increased aggressiveness and irritability.

All these signs, occurring individually or in combination, indicate that your immunity needs support.

General rules for strengthening the body's immune forces

Under no circumstances should you self-medicate. The immune system is a complex mechanism that can fail if not properly intervened. It is important to contact a specialist in a timely manner. In some cases it is enough to do general recommendations doctor to achieve the desired therapeutic effect, but sometimes a thorough study and special

methods to increase immunity

A specialist in a number of tests and analyzes draws up an immunogram, which reflects the most different characteristics from blood, saliva and urine indicators to cerebrospinal fluid analysis. But such research does not always give results. It is useful for primary immunodeficiency, HIV and AIDS, cancer, as well as other diseases of an immune and autoimmune nature.

Here are the main ways to strengthen the immune system and recommendations from doctors that it is advisable to follow in everyday life:

  1. Refuse bad habits. Cigarettes, drugs and alcohol are not best friends health. And their systematic use leads to the destruction of the body, undermines the defenses, and disrupts the functioning of all organs and systems. For example, smoking causes enormous harm to the respiratory, genitourinary, and circulatory systems.
  2. Nutrition should be balanced. There should be enough of everything in the diet necessary elements for the functioning of the body and its rapid recovery.
  3. Maintaining an active lifestyle. If you often walk in the fresh air, constantly ventilate the room before going to bed and working in it, move a lot and do exercises, then you are not afraid of frequent illnesses.

    To strengthen the immune system

    It is important not to overdo it - tiring physical activity can lead to the opposite effect.

  4. Hardening. Pouring cold water When implemented correctly, it produces amazing results. It is important to start with a small temperature difference and introduce it into your life very slowly. It is advisable to start hardening at warm time years when colds are rare. In childhood, you can also strengthen your immune system, but this should be done after consulting a doctor. In addition to the usual douches, it will bring benefits correct selection clothes. It should be appropriate for the season, comfortable, moisture and air permeable. It is important not to freeze or sweat in the chosen clothes.
  5. Full sleep. Of course, we are all different; each person’s need for rest may be different from others. Experts recommend sleeping at least 7 hours a day without interruption. It is important to rest in a comfortable environment, in silence and darkness, which will have a beneficial effect on the hormonal system.
  6. Use clean water. The liquid that enters our body helps remove toxins and waste, improves metabolic processes and blood circulation, promotes rejuvenation and healing. A person weighing 60-70 kg should consume at least 2 liters of water per day, and more on hot days.

    Strengthening the immune system with folk remedies

    and drinking enough fluid will help you forget about illnesses forever and feel great at any age.

  7. Weight tracking. Extra pounds are not just a cosmetic defect. This is a disruption of the functioning of all organs and an additional burden on the body. These are disruptions in metabolism and unbalanced nutrition, insufficient physical activity. Therefore, try to stick to values ​​that are considered normal for your body type and age.

Compliance with these rules is the best

immunity booster

and preserving it for many years.

Nutrition and immunity

Nutrition matters a lot

to improve immunity in adults

and children. It is important not only to choose the right diet, which will contain all the necessary microelements and vitamins, but also to eat food regularly. Frequent diets and weight loss can cause significant damage to the body and cause disruptions in the metabolism, immune and hormonal systems.

  • protein suppliers: lean beef, fish, poultry, dairy and fermented milk products, nuts and seeds, legumes;
  • suppliers of fats: vegetable and butter, fatty fish, avocados, nuts, chicken eggs;
  • suppliers of complex carbohydrates: whole grain pasta, rye and bran bread, cereals and legumes.

It is also important to eat greens, berries, fruits and vegetables in fresh, since they are rich in microelements and vitamins, are quickly digested and easily absorbed. It is this kind of nutrition that helps to quickly increase immunity in adults and children. The lack of one or another component can lead to serious problems. For example, many people who are losing weight exclude all fatty foods from their diet. But this is fundamentally wrong. After all, healthy fats are the first barrier to viruses and microbes. They are necessary for normal functioning nervous system and brain, are responsible for the absorption of vitamins, the synthesis of sex hormones and the construction of intercellular membranes. Some types of fats are essential and cannot be synthesized by the body itself.

Also, folk remedies for increasing immunity in adults, as well as experts, argue that it is important to include foods containing vitamin C in your diet all year round, and especially during the cold and cold season. viral diseases. This substance increases the body's resistance to infection, triggers tissue regeneration processes, and has a positive effect on blood and metabolism. Most of it is found in citrus fruits, peas and legumes, red fruits, and cauliflower.

What to give up

To strengthen the immune system, adults need to significantly reduce the amount of food consumed or completely give up foods such as:

  • sweets and baked goods containing large amounts of butter, margarine, transgenic fats;
  • fast food;
  • alcohol and carbonated sweet drinks;
  • foods with flavors and colors, such as yoghurts;
  • canned foods containing large amounts of salt or other harmful substances;
  • white bread and pastries;
  • products containing preservatives and pesticides;
  • sausages and sausages;
  • smoked, fatty, salty, too spicy foods;
  • popcorn, chips and other snacks;
  • ketchup, mayonnaise, soy sauce;
  • instant coffee and all coffee drinks, such as lattes, frappuccinos.

Folk remedies

Since ancient times, the most different recipes preserving and strengthening the immune system, although the term itself, denoting the body’s defenses, arose in medical practice only in the 19th century. Increasing immunity with folk remedies in adults can be done in different ways. Here are the most effective recipes:

  1. Echinacea tincture. This plant is a real storehouse of useful substances. It effectively fights pathogenic microflora, viral and infectious diseases, stimulates the lymph system, removes waste and toxins, helps eliminate pain and inflammation. To improve immunity, 15-20 drops of this product per day for several weeks is enough. Then you need to take a break and, if necessary, repeat the course of treatment.
  2. Ginseng tincture. It can be prepared independently from the root and leaves, or purchased at the pharmacy. This is a powerful remedy for strengthening the immune system, effective in the fight against pathogenic bacteria, strengthens the immune system, improves the functioning of hormonal, nervous, cardiovascular system, promotes the launch of tissue regeneration processes. The dosage regimen depends on the individual characteristics of the body.
  3. Tincture of Chinese lemongrass. This plant provides a good boost to immunity in adults, helps improve mental performance, activity and performance throughout the day, and fights germs, bacteria and viruses.
  4. Various herbal preparations. Medicinal herbs can be used in their pure form or as part of preparations to strengthen the immune system. Their correct use helps improve well-being and get rid of many problems. There are many recipes using medicinal plants. Here is one of them: strawberry leaves, chamomile flowers and a string in equal quantities are mixed and poured with boiling water. You need to take 200-250 ml of liquid per spoon of the mixture. Infuse in a glass jar with a lid until it cools completely, then strain and use instead of tea.
  5. Honey and drinks with it. A particularly effective recipe for boosting immunity is using honey in tea with lemon juice. It is only important to remember that you cannot pour boiling water over honey. At temperatures above 45-50⁰C, substances harmful to the body are formed. In addition to honey, other beekeeping products will also be beneficial for the immune system: royal jelly and propolis.
  6. Garlic and onion. These are ancient folk remedies to boost immunity. Eating such foods, rich in vitamins and microelements, carotene and other valuable substances, will help not only improve immunity and resist viruses and infections, but also reduce cholesterol levels, normalize blood pressure and improve the removal of toxins.
  7. Tincture and use of fresh ginger root in food. This plant also has immunostimulating properties, improves blood circulation and the removal of toxins, helps to launch the processes of tissue repair and rejuvenation, and gives a surge of vigor and strength.

If you don’t know how to increase immunity at home in an adult, then all these recipes will help you, which can be used both for prevention and as part of complex therapy to strengthen the immune system. In any case, it is advisable to first consult with a specialist.


Often, to improve health and stimulate the body’s defenses, doctors prescribe the use of various medications:

  1. Vitamin and mineral complexes. You can choose a suitable drug to strengthen your immune system at any pharmacy, but it is better to listen to your doctor’s recommendations and undergo a preliminary examination.
  2. Homeopathic remedies. Such preparations contain extracts from medicinal herbs and plants, substances obtained from animal parts. For example, Immunal and Aflubin.
  3. Bacterial enzymes. Ribomunil and Imudon are most often prescribed.
  4. Immunostimulating agents containing interferon. These are Arbidol, Viferon, Anaferon, Cycloferon and similar “pherons”. These help strengthen the immune system and speed up recovery from the disease.
  5. Drugs that regulate the functioning of the thymus. These are Derinat, Timolin and Timostimulin.
  6. Biostimulants. This is aloe, PHYBS, vitreous. They improve the human condition and contribute to the normalization of metabolic processes.

It is important to remember that only a doctor can choose a treatment regimen and ways to increase immunity, based on your state of health, existing chronic diseases, as well as individual characteristics, for example, the presence or absence of excess weight and pregnancy, age and gender of the person.

As you can see, there are a lot of different means to strengthen and enhance the body’s immunity. But no injections or pills can help if you don’t change your lifestyle to a healthier one, learn to eat in a timely and balanced manner, do exercises in the morning and go for a walk in any weather in the evenings. Only the introduction of such “healthy” habits and timely treatment of emerging diseases will help you always be healthy and not experience problems with your immune system.