What are the benefits of bay leaf? Laurel family Bay leaf family presentation

The most common spice among chefs around the world is considered to be bay leaf. It is difficult to meet a housewife who would not use aromatic leaves in the cooking process. Turns out, medicinal properties and the contraindications of bay leaf have been thoroughly studied by scientists, and it is not only a universal spice, but also a powerful healing agent.

The homeland of the evergreen plant is the Mediterranean. Mentions of the unique properties of all parts of the tree are found in manuscripts deciphered by archaeologists from Ancient Rome, Greece and even Egypt. Currently, tall laurel is widely cultivated in areas with a subtropical climate in both hemispheres.

Bare leaves of a simple structure with a peculiar spicy aroma are collected from subtropical trees and shrubs of the Laurel family called “Noble Laurel” to improve taste qualities many dishes and for medicinal purposes. Next, the plant material is dried. In this form, the leaves can be stored in a dry place for several years.

Familiar Stranger

dried laurel leaves, photo

It is difficult to overestimate the economic importance of laurel leaves, which stimulate the appetite, as a universal spice used in almost all sour and salty products, from soups, borscht and canned food. Neither meat, nor mushroom, nor fish, nor vegetable dishes, nor sauces, nor marinades, nor jellied meats, nor goulash can do without laurel.

The culinary, medicinal and aromatic properties of bay leaves are provided by phytoncides and essential oils containing limonene, camphor, cineole, pinene and other phenolic compounds and terpenes. In addition to the listed volatile substances, the composition of plant raw materials contains organic acids (valeric, caproic, acetic), tannins, bitterness, resins, mineral salts, antioxidants and vitamins.

In addition to use in traditional and folk medicine, as well as the use of the product in cooking, is attributed to the bay leaf and magical properties. Leaves and branches of the sacred tree - the noble laurel - since the times Ancient Greece are considered a symbol of triumph, glory, victory, conquest, conquest of peaks and greatness.

Ancient healers treated patients with various laurel-based potions. For example, Hippocrates prescribed extracts from the leaves to facilitate labor and reduce pain during pushing. The Roman physician Galen used raw materials in the treatment of urolithiasis.

Slavic healers treated febrile conditions with bay leaves, and the eastern doctor al-Razi, using the spice, successfully relieved people of nervous tics. Oil extracts obtained by infusing raw materials in sunflower, flaxseed, corn and other vegetable oils were considered effective means for rubbing with paresis and paralysis.

green leaves

Chemical compounds of laurel leaves determine the following therapeutic properties of fresh and dried raw materials:

  • antiseptic;
  • antimicrobial;
  • deodorizing;
  • regenerating;
  • antifungal;
  • rejuvenating;
  • antioxidant;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • expectorant;
  • anticholesterol;
  • diuretic and decongestant;
  • metabolic;
  • immunostimulating;
  • cleansing;
  • tonic;
  • restorative.

Adding bay leaves to everyday dishes not only improves their taste, but also activates the processes of digestion and absorption of beneficial components from food.

The plant has powerful cleansing properties, due to which, together with feces, the intestines evacuate toxins, carcinogens, waste, metabolites and processed food residues. Fats that are difficult to break down, for example, in fried meat, saltison and other fatty dishes, are processed more quickly in the gastrointestinal tract in the presence of bay leaf components.

Medicines made from bay leaves help remove uric acid and excess salts from the body, thereby improving mobility and general condition all joints. Therefore, infusions are so often prescribed for arthritis, gout, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, but not more than 3-4 days in a row.

The biologically active phytonutrients of the spice help strengthen the body's defenses, and this, in turn, allows it to resist viruses and infections.

Bay leaf for type 2 diabetes helps stabilize blood glucose levels, normalizing carbohydrate metabolism in the body.

Zinc and folic acid, contained in the spice in sufficient concentration, have a beneficial effect on the health of the entire reproductive system. Bay leaf extracts stimulate uterine contractions, helping with congestion in this organ.

Spice extracts help when applied topically. Dermatologists and traditional healers prescribe infusions and oil extracts of bay leaves in the complex treatment of dermatitis, acne, allergic rashes, and irritated skin.

The spice is also indispensable in dental practice. Chewing fresh leaves neutralizes unpleasant smell breathing after smoking, eating garlic or halitosis. Due to the disinfecting properties of the plant, the raw material has a therapeutic effect in inflammatory processes occurring in the gums and mucous membranes oral cavity, in particular, with stomatitis and periodontal disease.

Traditional medicine recipes with “lavrushka”

oil tincture

The medicinal properties of bay leaves determine its use in folk medicine in the form of decoctions, infusions, alcohol and oil tinctures.

Baths and washings from a decoction of the seasoning can help get rid of diathesis in infants. 5 leaves filled hot water(0.3 l), keep in a water bath for 5 minutes, leave for about an hour. The filtered liquid is used to bathe the baby warm, adding it to the bath or wiping the baby’s entire body.

An alcoholic tincture of bay leaves, applied topically, helps treat acne by relieving inflammation, disinfecting ulcers, exfoliating the skin and tightening pores. To make it, a dark glass container is filled with dried or fresh leaves(to the top, without compacting), pour vodka or medical alcohol diluted in half with water, seal tightly and leave in a dark place for 20 days, shaking the liquid daily. The lotion is used only externally, wiping problem areas of the face and body.

An infusion of bay leaves will help activate metabolism and remove excess fluid from tissues during the process of losing weight. To prepare the drink, pour 3 large leaves with boiling water and leave covered for a quarter of an hour. The strained elixir is taken half an hour before meals, 5 times 40 ml, but no more than 4 days in a row.

The same infusion is used as a tonic, rubbing the face with it after washing 2 times a day. You can freeze the elixir and rub the skin with ice cubes to smooth out wrinkles and cleanse the skin of age spots and rashes.

Contraindications for use

The spice is not added to food and is not used in medicinal purposes in the presence of all types of allergies.

If there is increased uterine tone during pregnancy, extracts from laurel leaves are contraindicated.

The spice contains highly concentrated phytonutrients that are undesirable for infants, so nursing mothers should not use it as food.

People suffering from gastrointestinal pathologies, including peptic ulcers, gastritis, inflammation in the digestive organs, and a tendency to constipation, use the spice with caution and in minimal quantities.

For chronic diseases of the kidneys, liver, adrenal glands, spleen before treatment folk remedies Based on bay leaves, specialist advice is required.

The amazing is always nearby. Try using bay leaves not only in everyday cooking, but also in home cosmetology and the treatment of certain diseases, and you will be surprised at the effectiveness of this inexpensive spice, accessible to everyone. Good health to you!

The plant's homeland is the Mediterranean lands, where you can find trees reaching 15–18 meters in height. In our regions, the plant is grown in the Crimea and the Caucasus. All parts of the tree contain essential oils, which are used in the cosmetic industry. It is the presence of oils that gives laurel such a specific aroma.

Every housewife keeps fragrant leaves in her kitchen. noble laurel, popularly called laurel. This is the most common seasoning in cooking, but few people know that this spice can also be successfully used for medicinal purposes.

Bay leaf - composition

100 gr. bay leaves contain:

Bay leaf - 18 beneficial properties

  1. Digestive Health

    Essential oils from leaves can provide positive effect on the gastrointestinal system, calming inflammatory processes during intestinal irritation. Organic compounds in the leaves, acting as a good diuretic, reduce intoxication when toxic substances enter the body.

    Some proteins are difficult for our stomach to digest, but the enzymes found in laurel help not only digest them, but also reduce digestive disorders such as celiac enteropathy, which is associated with damage to the villi in the small intestine. A decoction of the plant, saturated with enzymes, relieves heartburn and ensures rapid breakdown of proteins. In cases of stomach upset or excessive gas formation, take a decoction prepared from 5 grams of leaf, 250 milliliters of water with the addition of a piece ginger This article provides 18 undeniable benefits of drinking ginger tea, 6 popular recipes for preparation and use for various diseases. and a teaspoon of honey. This drink will restore the functioning of the gastric tract, increase appetite and restore strength.

  2. Respiratory diseases

    Essential oils extracted from the spice and mixed with ointments alleviate respiratory diseases. The soaked leaves are used as a compress, leaving it on the chest overnight. Laurel vapors, having the quality of a natural antibiotic, will create not only the effect of aromatherapy, but will also help better discharge of sputum.

    Since ancient times, cold symptoms and respiratory diseases have been treated with infusions and decoctions of the plant. Manifestations of acute respiratory infections were relieved by inhaling laurel vapors, and for coughing and sneezing, boil the leaves in 200 grams of water and take the mixture for 24 hours.

  3. Hair health

    If you want to improve the condition of the scalp follicles, or eliminate dandruff, you should simply add a few leaves to the water and rinse the strands with the solution. This procedure will have a healing effect and eliminate dry skin and dandruff.

  4. Anti-inflammatory effect

    Sheets contain unique connections phytonutrients, distinguished by their ability to relieve various irritations. People suffering from arthritic pain apply the leaves to the affected areas of the body in the form of applications, thereby reducing pain and swelling of the affected areas. Such applications are performed with the addition of castor oil to the laurel mixture, having previously crushed the steamed raw leaf material.

    Pain caused by sprained tendons and rheumatism is relieved by oil obtained from the plant. For headaches, it is enough to massage your temples, or simply inhale its vapors.

  5. Heart Health

    The presence of caffeic acid in the organic compounds of bay leaves is aimed at improving cardiac performance. Rutin strengthens the capillary walls of blood vessels, and caffeic acid helps remove “bad” cholesterol from the walls of the arteries.

    Powerful compounds rutin, salicylates, caffeic acid and phytonutrients improve heart function, preventing heart attacks and strokes. For heart disease, it is recommended to use a decoction prepared from 1 teaspoon of leaf, 1 teaspoon of rosehip flowers, boiled in 300 ml of water. The final volume of liquid should be 80 ml. This decoction will have a positive effect on the functioning of the heart.

  6. Cancer Prevention

    A unique combination of phytonutrients, catechins, eugenol, parthenolide and clinalool protects the body from the harmful effects of free radicals and prevents the mutation of healthy cells, which is important in the prevention of malignant neoplasms.

    The above chemical components, being a catalyst, help strengthen the body's protective functions and increase their resistance to various types of cancer. Thus, the presence of parthenolide can inhibit the formation and spread of cervical cancer cells.

  7. Relieving anxiety and stress conditions

    One of the most significant properties of the plant is its natural ability to relieve anxiety and excessive excitability. The component of the sheets, linalool, reduces the amount of stress hormones, preventing their excessive release, helping the body to be in a balanced, calm state.

  8. Diabetes help

    Diabetes research has noted bay leaves' ability to improve insulin receptors and regulate blood levels. The plant is recommended for patients with type 2 diabetes, as a means of reducing glucose and cholesterol levels, thereby eliminating the manifestation of exacerbations of diabetic episodes. To obtain maximum positive results, consume powdered raw leaves for a month. The plant's antioxidants enable the body to process insulin, helping people with insulin resistance.

  9. Help for the female body

    Lavrushka rich folic acid It is especially useful for the intrauterine development of the unborn child, as it activates the process of formation of blood cells, which is important for the intrauterine formation of the fetus.

    Douching with bay leaf infusion improves the vaginal mucosa, and oral administration normalizes the menstrual cycle in women.

    Decoctions and infusions can actively stimulate the contractile activity of the uterus; they are used to regulate the menstrual cycle.

    IMPORTANT!Excessive consumption of concentrated infusion can cause uterine bleeding.
  10. Relaxing effect

    A few drops of laurel oil, diluted in water and drunk before bed, will help you relax and induce healthy sleep.

  11. Ability to stop nosebleeds

    In case of nosebleeds, use boiled 2-3 leaves in 150 ml of water, drinking the mixture within an hour.

  12. Insect bite repellent

    Thanks to lauric acid, the plant is classified as a natural repellent that has the ability to repel insects. A paste made from soaked and ground leaves is used to treat mosquito and even snake bites. Using antifungal and antibacterial properties, it treats bruises, hematomas and cuts.

  13. Help for healthy hair and skin

    In cosmetology, the plant is valued for its rich composition of minerals, vitamins and antioxidants, which it shares in procedures aimed at maintaining healthy skin and hair. Gargling with decoctions can get rid of dandruff by improving the hair structure and strengthening the follicles.

    Oil based on laurel raw materials is a good tonic for the scalp. It will also relieve the plant from the manifestations of pediculosis. For this purpose, brew 50 grams of leaves in 500 ml of water, apply the solution to damaged strands for 3–4 hours, then rinse off. After the procedure, hair acquires a healthy color and shine.

  14. Disinfectant properties

    Both the leaves and the trunk of the tree have disinfectant properties. A tincture prepared from 5 drops of oil and 100 ml of water relieves ear pain and removes age spots on the face.

  15. For sinusitis

    The essential oil of the leaf, having antiseptic and antibacterial properties, will help relieve inflammation of the paranasal sinuses during sinusitis. At the same time perfectly replacing medicines chemical origin. The oil is instilled into the nasal sinuses, one drop at a time. To relieve complications of the disease, steam inhalations are recommended. This procedure can also be applied to children.

  16. Antiallergic effect

    The soothing and cleansing properties of the leaf are used as a remedy allergic reactions, suppuration and diathesis in children. For this purpose, it is added to water for baths and rubdowns.

  17. For sweaty feet

    An aromatic bath of 5–7 leaves, having a bactericidal effect, will improve the condition of the skin of the feet, relieve unpleasant odor. This procedure should be performed for 10 minutes for about a week, wiping the soles of your feet dry when finished.

Bay leaf - medicinal recipes

Stomach disease

To improve the functioning of stomach peristalsis, you should put a few leaves in a blender, squeeze the juice out of them and dilute it in one glass of water. Take on an empty stomach.

Boiling 8-10 bay leaves in half a liter can relieve flatulence. Drink half a glass of the decoction in the morning and evening.

Kidney inflammation

Five grams of finely crushed leaves are boiled in 500 ml of water for about 5 minutes. Let it brew, filter and consume one tablespoon twice a day, morning and evening. After three days there is relief.

Diabetes mellitus

To improve the condition, brew 5-6 leaves in 250 ml of boiling water. The solution is infused in a thermos for about a day and taken 30 minutes before meals.

For cough

10-12 steamed leaves in 500 ml of water will help relieve cough symptoms. The solution should be boiled to a reading of 250 ml and taken chilled, 3 tablespoons per day.

For joints

For pain in the joint area, crushed 2-3 leaves and dipped into a glass with vegetable oil and heat in a water bath for about 30 minutes. The warm mixture is applied to the area of ​​sore joints with osteochondrosis and arthritis.

With elevated arterial readings

To reduce blood pressure, boil 3 bay leaves in 300 ml of water, leave until the broth becomes pink color. Take 50 ml three times a day.

For throat cancer

An alcohol infusion is prepared. Half a glass of leaves is poured with 500 ml of vodka. Infuse for 14 days, shaking the tincture periodically. Strain and take 1 tablespoon 30 minutes before meals.

For hemorrhoids

In folk medicine, plants have long been used to treat “inconvenient” illnesses. 25 leaves are steamed with three liters of boiling water. Take small sips throughout the day.

To strengthen the immune system

Place 10 leaves in 300 ml, bring to a boil and boil for about 5 minutes. Leave for a while and take a tablespoon 3-4 times a day. During the cold season, to consolidate the effect, you can repeat the procedure after two weeks.

Contraindications to the use of bay leaves

When the positive qualities of the plant are blackened, there are a number of contraindications:

  • Not recommended for use during pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding;
  • with frequent constipation;
  • exacerbations of peptic ulcer disease;
  • in severe forms of diabetes;
  • liver disease;
  • used in large doses acts as a poison;
  • After cooking, the leaves should be removed from the dishes so as not to inadvertently injure the oral cavity with their sharp edges.

In ancient Rome, bay laurel was used to relieve snake bites. Wreaths were made from it and the heads of winners of Olympic competitions and military battles were decorated with it.
In Greece, the plant was hung in homes as incense. Hands were washed with water scented with essential oils back in the 1st century AD. Wood was used to make decorative items and home decorations.
The aromatic components of the plant were used for smoking meat and fish.
The cosmetics industry actively uses leaf essential oils in the production of massage oils and soaps.
Into a cocktail Bloody Mary"It is the laurel that is added. In Western countries it is even used in making desserts.
If you wear several leaves of noble laurel on your body, this will relieve hallucinations.
If the spice is stored for more than a year, it loses its quality and acquires a bitter taste.
If the leaf is affected by brown and black spots, it should not be used.
The plant is so unpretentious that it can be grown at home in a pot.
Chewing the leaves for a while can not only keep your mouth fresh, but also whiten your teeth.

Silence Anna

Scientific and practical work on the first mention of the laurel tree, places of growth, different areas applications and methods of growing at home.



GBOU secondary school No. 2

p.g.t. Sukhodol

municipal district Sergievsky

Samara region

District scientific-practical conference students

"First steps into science"

Section “The world around us”

bay tree

Completed by: Tishina Anna,

3rd grade student.

Scientific supervisor:

Bochkareva Tatyana


Primary teacher


Sukhodol 2014


Chapter 1. Theoretical part………………………………………………………4

1.1.From the history of the laurel tree…………….………………………………………………………...4

1.2. Laurel tree in art and life..……………………………………………………………….…5

1.3. Laurel tree, places of growth………………………………………………………..…...9

1.4. Bay tree, application…….…………………11

Chapter 2. Practical part…………………………13

2.1 Introduction to books about the laurel tree..………..13

2.2. Learning how to grow laurel in

at home……………………………………..14

2.3 Planting a laurel tree…………………………15




Once, in a lesson about the world around us, we studied the topic: “Crimea Peninsula.” From the teacher's story about flora Crimea, I heard that a tree like laurel grows there. Previously, when helping my mother prepare food, I often heard: “Get the bay leaf, you need to add it to the soup...”. I never wondered where it comes from, where it grows and why it is called that.


I have been familiar with bay leaves for a long time as a seasoning for dishes. I wanted to know about the first mention of the laurel tree, where it grows, and its different uses.


Learn as much as you can about the bay tree.


1. Get to know the history of the origin of the laurel tree.

2. Find materials about the mention of the laurel tree.

3.Collect and study material about places of growth and methods of growing laurel at home.

4.Grow a bay tree at home.

5.Demonstrate the grown tree in class, talk about its benefits and help those who want to grow it at home.

Chapter 1. Theoretical part.

  1. From the history of the laurel tree.

This is a cult tree; it is primarily associated with Ancient Greece, with the mythological image of the ancient god Apollo, who is a symbol of male beauty. The famous Ovid in his Metamorphoses tells that Apollo, who lived among people, fell in love with the nymph Daphne and constantly pursued her. One day, after defeating the serpent Python, Apollo met the young god of love Eros with a bow and arrows and joked with him: “Why do you need a bow and arrows, baby? Are you really thinking of surpassing me in the art of shooting? This mockery offended Eros, and he sent two arrows in revenge. The first, the arrow of love, pierced Apollo, and the second, killing love, hit Daphne.

Since then, Daphne has always run away from Apollo. No tricks helped him. Exhausted by suffering and eternal persecution, Daphne turned to Father Peneus and Earth so that they could take her image away from her. After these words, she turned into a laurel bush (It is curious that in Rus' until the 18th centurybay leaf called "daphnia" ("laurel "in Greek - "daphne).

Apollo stood for a long time in front of the laurel tree.
- Let a wreath of only your greenery decorate my head! - he exclaimed. - From now on, decorate with your branches both my golden lyre and my quiver of arrows. May your greenery never wither, O laurel! Stay evergreen!

In Ancient Rome already by the 5th century BC. the laurel wreath becomes the highest sign of military and imperial glory. The laurel symbolized the peace that comes after victory over the enemy. Messages of victory and victorious weapons were wrapped around the laurel and folded in front of the image of Jupiter. The first Roman emperors decorated their heads with a laurel wreath. Julius Caesar wore a laurel wreath to all official events.

In early Christianity, evergreen laurel leaves were considered a symbol eternal life or the new life that will come thanks to the redemptive acts of Christ, and the laurel wreath symbolized martyrdom.

  1. Bay tree in art and life

After the French Revolution of 1789, laurel branches were included in the coat of arms of the French Republic. Since then, the laurel wreath has become a popular symbol. Today, laurel branches can be seen in the state emblems of Algeria, Brazil, Greece, Israel, Cuba, Mexico and other countries.

Coat of arms of the First French Republic 1792-1804 Coat of arms of Brazil

The following names come from the Latin laurus (laurel):
Laurel - “laurel tree”, “Victory, triumph”;
Lavrentiy - “decorated with laurel”;
Laura - “crowned with laurels.”

Laureate (from Latin laureatus - crowned with laurels) - a person who has been awarded a state or international prize for outstanding services, achievements in production, technology, science, as well as the winner of competitions (mainly artistic ones). This term appeared in Ancient Greece and was also used in the Middle Ages (for example, in 1341 the University of Paris awarded the title of laureate to the poet F. Petrarch).

In Greece, musicians, poets and dancers, whose patron was Apollo, were awarded laurel wreaths, while athletes were crowned with olive or celery wreaths.

A laurel wreath is a frequent attribute of works of fine art. In portraiture, a laurel wreath indicates that the person depicted belongs to the artistic or literary world. Thus, one of the most famous Italian poets, Dante Alighieri, was often depicted wearing a laurel wreath.

A.S. Pushkin sketched his self-portrait wearing a laurel wreath in one of the drafts.

Not only artists were depicted with laurel wreaths. The images on the coins of the English kings Charles I, George I, George II, and after some time Elizabeth II are supplemented with laurel wreaths. This wreath symbolized power and authority, as in the days of the Roman Empire.

1/2 English crown 1966 with effigy of Queen Elizabeth II

Francois Guerard. Portrait of Napoleon Bonaparte, 1804

As a symbol of superiority, the laurel was included in the emblems of such automobile companies as Alfa Romeo, Fiat and Mercedes. Today, the laurel wreath is the most popular symbol of power, victory and success; its images are actively used in the creation of monumental monuments, as well as logos of commercial organizations, greeting cards, etc.

The most famous laurel tree - the “Bay Tree” Egg (also called the “Orange Tree”) was created in 1911 by order of Emperor Nicholas II. He gave it to his mother, Empress Maria Feodorovna, for Easter.

1.3. Laurel tree. Places of its growth.

Noble laurel (lat. Laurus nobilis ) - a subtropical tree or shrub, a species of the genus Laurus (Laurus) of the Laurel family.

Homeland of the noble laurel -Mediterranean .

Laurel came to the territory of our country approximately 2500 years ago - it was brought to Crimea by the Greeks.

On the territory of Russia it grows in the southwestern regions Krasnodar region in Crimea.

Laurel laurel is a low evergreen tree of the laurel family, up to 8-10 m tall, but can also be a tree-like shrub. Sometimes found in foreststrees up to 18 m high. The tree trunk is up to 40 cm in diameter with dark gray bark. Dense crown usually pyramidal in shape. The leaves are on short petioles, simple, alternate, leathery, shiny, oblong in shape, pointed at the top and narrowed at the base. They are green above and lighter below, with clearly visible pinnate veining, slightly wavy along the edge. They have a strong characteristic odor.

Laurel is a dioecious plant and its flowers are unisexual. On some trees, small staminate flowers are collected in axillary inflorescences of 6-12 pieces; their perianth is simple, cup-shaped, of four greenish-yellow or white leaves. Other trees bear only pistillate flowers. The fruits are black-blue, juicy, fragrant drupes up to 2 cm long, ovoid or elliptical in shape, with a large stone. It blooms in March-April, and the fruits ripen in October-November.

Laurel feels best in lighted areas, but can also tolerate shade. Tolerates short-term drops in temperature to 10-12 degrees below zero. Tolerates drought well. Organic and mineral fertilizers have a beneficial effect on the growth and development of laurel.

As an industrial crop, laurel grows in one place for about 60 years. On plantations, laurel is grown in subtropical areas. Laurel leaves are collected from November to February from trees that have reached three to four years of age.

The branches with leaves are cut off and dried in the shade for seven to ten days. Then the leaves are removed, sorted and placed in bags, which are stored in dry rooms. In order to obtain essential oil, the leaves are sent fresh for processing.

1.4 Bay tree and its uses:

In many countries, bay leaves were used for a very long time in a completely different way than we do today. If we most often use it for culinary purposes, then 2000 years ago it served to flavor water for washing and washing hands before eating.

Bay tree oil was included as an essential ingredient in the first Aleppo (or Aleppo) bar soap. This was more than a thousand years ago. The quality of soap was determined by the amount of laurel oil it contained.

However, already in the 1st century AD, people realized that bay leaves could be successfully used as a spice. At first they prepared fruit desserts and puddings with it, and only then they began to add it to other dishes: meat, fish, vegetables, etc.

In general, bay leaves in many countries were first used for medicinal purposes, and only then they discovered their culinary properties.

Its medicinal properties are due to the content of antioxidants, many microelements, phytoncides, tannins, vitamins, and essential oils.

Bay leaf normalizes the functioning of the digestive system, accelerates metabolism, reduces blood sugar levels, improves appetite, and helps improve immunity. Helps with organ diseases respiratory system This is facilitated by the presence of essential oils and aromatic substances in it. Its oil extracts are used for rubbing, inhalation and nasal drops.

Bay leaf infusionHelps cleanse the body (joints and blood). It contains tannins, so it is used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and bleeding, excessive sweating, and skin diseases. For joint and skin diseases, scabies, it is recommended to rub the infusion or oil into the skin.

Bay leaf used in perfumery and in the production of liqueurs.

Its aroma repels insects, so its use is effective in combating moths.

Important: Bay leaf preparations should not be used by pregnant and lactating women with exacerbation of kidney, liver and heart diseases. Individual intolerance is possible.

Since ancient times, amulets have been made from laurel andtalismans , magical properties were attributed to this tree.

Dried leaves, the same ones that we add to food, are a talisman against accidents and troubles, therefore, by putting a bay leaf in a dish, we not only improve its taste, but also charge it with protective energy. A sprig of laurel in the house is a talisman that protects against lightning, troubles, and bad events, and a sprig attached to the baby’s crib preserves and protects his health. A tree planted in your garden becomes a talisman for the entire family.

Laurel amulets are worn on the body to protect against the evil eye, in a wallet to attract money, and laurel in a pocket allows you to get the job you need.

Laurel fulfills wishes.

To do this, you need to write a wish on a piece of paper, burn it, and pour the ashes into home flowers or a flower bed.

There is a belief that dried laurel leaves under the pillow make it possible to see prophetic dreams.

Seeing a laurel tree in a dream signifies prosperity and pleasure; collecting laurel leaves is a sign of victory over the enemy or the acquisition of an inheritance.

Laurel leaves are used as aromatic incense.

They fumigate rooms for cleansing; it is believed that laurel helps in removing obstacles and achieving the desired result.

Laurel is a unique skin cleanser.

Infusions, masks, and decoctions for bathing are prepared from it.

To do this, take bay leaves, put them in a linen bag and throw it into a hot bath.

After a while, when the water has cooled, remove the bag and take a bath.

This is what he is, the noble Laurus.

Chapter 2. Practical part.

2.1 Introduction to books about the laurel tree.

Hypothesis: I assume that I can find books and magazines about the bay tree, about ways to grow it, including at home.

I went to the library to find books.

Conclusion: In the library I was able to find many books on growing laurel at home.I learned information about the history of the laurel tree, its origin, methods of propagation and cultivation from modern sources of information, i.e. via the Internet.

2.2. Learning how to grow laurel at home.

Hypothesis : I think I can grow laurel at home as a houseplant.

Collection of information

I found out that in our area growing laurel outdoors is impossible due to the unsuitable climate, and I decided to find out whether growing it at home is possible. Here's what I read:

The laurel does not require special care, it is quite unpretentious, easily adapts to both shady and sunny places, but it is advisable if you give it a place where sunlight hits more often. It is better to replace spraying by washing off the dust in the shower, and watering should be done moderately, do not allow the soil to turn into lumps due to drought. It is necessary to ventilate the room more often; laurel has a positive attitude towards drafts. IN winter time laurel can withstand zero temperatures, but it is better if it is 10-12 degrees.

Laurel should be planted in water- and breathable soil - turf and leaf soil, peat and sand (1:2:1:1), apply fertilizer every month. A laurel can grow in a room for 12-15 years; it is recommended to replant an adult tree once every two to three years.

Reproduction: seeds, layering, root suckers and cuttings.

2.3 Planting a laurel tree.


If laurel is propagated by seeds, then you need to look for seeds to plant.

Search results

I visited all the flower shops in our village in order to find laurel tree seeds, but unfortunately, I did not find them. Laurel brooms are sold at the market; they contain seeds. I tried to plant them, but I couldn’t see any sprouts; apparently, the harvesting technology does not allow for the preservation of their germination. With the help of my mother, we ordered laurel seeds from an online store, and they arrived a month later. But even after planting them, I still didn’t see any sprouts.


It is difficult to find seeds and grow a bay tree from seeds.


I assume that if I cannot grow laurel from seeds, then by finding layering, root shoots or cuttings, I will definitely get the result.

Search results:

We managed to find a laurel tree seedling only in a store in Samara, it turns out it’s very rare plant in our area. It’s strange, it has so many useful properties, it’s beautiful, but it’s rare. So, after a long search, I became the owner of a laurel tree seedling.


It is best to purchase a laurel tree seedling from a flower shop, andmost reliable way to buy laurel - buy its seedlings on the market in the Crimea or the Caucasus.


I think that soon a laurel tree will grow in our house.

Practical steps towards the goal

I had to transplant the seedling to a permanent place of residence. We bought soil for cacti (it contains the optimal composition of soil, turf and sand) and planted it in a pot. The pot was placed on the western window of the house, as I read in the recommendations for growing a laurel tree.

Observation result

1st week

no changes.

2nd week

no changes

3rd week

a small bud appeared

4-5 week

bud growth

week 6

several pairs of leaves appeared at once, my plant grew noticeably

every 2-3 weeks

appearance of new leaves

3 months have passed, and now my laurel plant has grown noticeably.

14th week

pinched the top shoot

15th week

no changes

Week 16

a shoot appeared from the ground, no side shoots

Week 17

a pair of leaves appeared on the shoot from the ground


To achieve this goal, I completed the following tasks:

I got acquainted with literature and Internet pages about the laurel tree.

I studied material from the history of the laurel tree.

I planted bay tree seeds at home.

I planted a seedling of a young plant.

She created conditions for the plant to grow and surrounded her with attention and care.

A young plant grows in our house and makes us happy.

After pinching the top shoot, I will wait for the side shoots to form a beautiful crown.

In two or three years it will be possible to use the leaves of the bay tree for their intended purpose; we will have fresh bay leaves.

I learned what to do growing A very interesting activity to do at home. Such a growing plant cangive it any shape you want. In some countries there are parks in which there are evergreen animals, figurines, hedges, all made from laurel bushes. You can also create any shapes from a laurel bush in your house or apartment. You just need to trim the plant as often as possible.

I pinched the top shoot and will wait for the shoots to appear and try to give my tree an interesting shape, but for my mother it will be an excellent, freshest seasoning for dishes.


  1. Magazine “Flowers in the House” No. 5/2002.
  2. N.S. Laver "Florist's ABC" Ed. Paradox 2000
  3. E.Ya.Ilyina, E.I. Sterligov " Houseplants and their use in interior design" Ed. Ural University 1991
  4. S.O.Gerasimov, I.M. Zhuravlev “Indoor floriculture” Ed. Niva of Russia 1992
  5. Oktyabrina and Alexander Ganechkin “Favorite home flowers” ​​Ed. Onyx 2006
  6. G. Kizima “Garden in the apartment, vegetable garden on the windowsill” Ed. St. Petersburg 2011
  7. Boof John "Faberge" Ed. White City 2005
  8. Internet (sites about laurel trees).

Laurel (Laurus) - a genus of evergreen trees or shrubs of the family Laurels (Lauraceae).

The crown of the laurel is densely leafy, predominantly pyramidal in shape. The leaves are alternate, leathery, entire, slightly wavy at the edges. Flowers in umbellate axillary inflorescences. The fruits are single-seeded, drupe-shaped, blue-black.

Laurel leaves are widely used in cooking. Content essential oil in leaves reaches 3-5.5%. It contains eugenol, pinene, myrcene, camphor, linalool, and various organic acids.

Laurel is distributed in the Mediterranean region, the Canary Islands, Transcaucasia, Georgia, the Crimean Peninsula, Germany, and Asia.

Genus Laurel (Laurus) There are three main types - Noble laurel (Laurus nobilis), Azorean laurel (Laurus azorica) And. Although in modern English-language taxonomy the genus includes about 40 plant species.

Types of laurel

It grows on various soils in forests in the coastal zone, at an altitude of up to 300 m above sea level, in the Mediterranean region, in Western Transcaucasia (USSR). Shrubs or trees 4-8 m tall. The branches are bare. The leaves are simple, oblong-lanceolate, leathery, 7-20 cm long and 2.5-8 cm wide, pointed, glabrous, glossy, on short petioles. The flowers are small, collected in umbellate inflorescences, located in the leaf axils of 1-2, yellow. Blooms in April-May. Valuable food (spicy), essential oil, as well as ornamental plant. Widely used for interior landscaping, as well as for display in open ground in summer (in tubs and pots outside subtropical areas). Suitable for placement in cool rooms.

There are a number of forms that differ in the shape and size of the leaves.

Azorean laurel (Laurus azorica) , or Canary laurel (Laurus canariensis) . It grows in moist laurel forests in the lower mountain belt of the Canary Islands, Azores Islands and Madeira Island. Trees up to 15 m tall; shoots are hairy and pubescent. The leaves are ovate, up to 10-12 cm long and 2-6 cm wide, dull green. The flowers are collected in umbrella-shaped inflorescences, located in several axils of the leaves, and are light yellow. Blooms in April-May. Decorative look.

. Homeland - Southwestern China, o. Taiwan, Korea, Japan, North Vietnam. Widely cultivated in Asia, South India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Malacca, Philippines, East and North Africa, southern USA, Brazil, Australia. An evergreen tree with alternate, petiolate, lanceolate, entire, glabrous, shiny leaves dotted with small translucent dots (immersed cells with essential oil). The flowers are small, six-dimensional, yellow-green, collected in angular paniculate inflorescences. All plants contain essential oil, in which the main component is camphor (up to 94%); greatest number camphor is contained in wood, where it is localized in essential oil cells - bags. In China and Japan, camphor is obtained by steam distilling wood shavings. With smaller yields, camphor is obtained from branches and yellowed leaves. The essential oil of spring leaves contains little camphor and a lot of safrole. Camphor is one of the most important medicines stimulating the central nervous system. Strengthens the activity of the heart in diseases accompanied by acute cardiovascular failure, as well as in shock conditions (in 10 and 20% sterile oil solutions or orally in powders). Externally - for rubbing for rheumatism, arthritis, etc. in the form of an oil solution, liniments and ointments.

When growing laurel, it should be taken into account that adult plants do not grow well in too warm rooms with dry air. Young, with good care, can adapt to these conditions.

Lighting. A location with bright light suits the laurel. The plant can tolerate direct sun rays. In summer, it is recommended to keep the laurel on fresh air. Keep in mind that after prolonged cloudy weather (for example, after winter), or a purchased plant should be sun rays accustom gradually to avoid sunburn.

In winter, laurel should be kept in a bright and cool room.

Temperature. In summer, the optimal temperature for laurel is in the range of 20-26°C; in autumn, the temperature is gradually lowered; in winter, it is recommended to keep laurel at a temperature no higher than 12-15°C; in this case, wintering is less painful for the plant.

Watering. In summer, plants are watered abundantly with soft, settled water as the top layer of the substrate dries. In hot weather, you can water twice a day. By autumn, the amount of watering is reduced. In winter, watering is limited, not allowing the earthen clod to dry out completely. Watering is carried out two to three days after the top layer of the substrate has dried.

Air humidity. Laurel prefers high air humidity. The plant should be regularly sprayed with soft, settled water. You can place the container with the laurel on a tray with damp expanded clay, pebbles or moss. In this case, the bottom of the pot should not touch the water.

Fertilizer. During the growing season, the laurel is fed once a month with mineral fertilizer.

Peculiarities. Laurels tolerate shearing and pruning well; they can be given any decorative form(round, pyramidal, etc.). Pruning is done around mid-August, when growth ends. The remaining eyes on the plants will develop well before winter, ripen, and in the spring, with the beginning of growth, they will produce strong shoots. When pruning in spring, the strongest apical buds are removed, and the growth from the remaining underdeveloped buds is small.

Transfer. Laurel grows slowly. Young plants are replanted as needed (when the roots fill the pot), about once every 2 years, adults - after about three to four years. The substrate for planting can consist of leaf (2 parts), turf (1 part), humus soil (2 parts), peat and sand (1 part each). The plant prefers a slightly alkaline or neutral soil mixture. Laurel grows better in small containers, so when replanting, the containers are taken according to the amount of soil and the development of the root system (it is advisable to increase the size of the pot by 2 cm, no more). This is also taken into account when replanting plants in tubs (increase the size of the tub by 5 cm). The bottom of the pot or tub provides good drainage.

Reproduction. Plants are propagated by seeds, cuttings and division.

Seeds are sown in spring in bowls, boxes, and pots. The substrate is made up of turf soil - 1 part, leaf soil - 1 part, sand - 0.5 part. The temperature for sowing must be at least 18°C. Seedlings dive in the phase of the 1st-2nd leaf at a distance of 2x2 cm. The substrate is the same. As they grow, they are planted in 7-centimeter pots, 1 copy per plant. Composition of the soil: turf - 2 hours, leaf - 1 hour, peat - 0.5 hours, sand - 0.5 hours. When caring for young plants, regular watering, spraying, a bright location, temperature 10-12 ° C are required.

Shoots are cut into cuttings in spring (April) and summer (from about mid-June to mid-July). They should be ripe, but not lignified, with two or three internodes. Cuttings are taken 6-8 cm long. After shortening the leaves, the cuttings are planted to a depth of 1-1.5 cm at a distance of 10x10 cm. A two-layer substrate is recommended: the bottom layer consists of turf soil (about 3-4 cm), sand is poured on top of it in a layer of 2-3 cm. Optimal temperature for rooting 16-20°C. The cuttings take root within a month, after which they are planted in 7-9 cm pots. The composition of the soil is the same as for planting seedlings. Caring for plants is the same as caring for seedlings.

Possible difficulties

The leaves turn yellow and curl. The reason is insufficient air humidity. Air humidity should be increased.


Healing properties of laurel

In medicine, leaves, fruits, extracts and infusions from all parts of the plant are used. The leaves, which are a well-known spice, have a stimulating effect. They are used for amenorrhea, colic and hysteria. They stimulate the release of fluid from the body. In folk medicine it is used for flatulence. Fruits have the same property.

Bay leaf stimulates appetite and promotes digestion. The essential oil has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, which allows it to be used in aromatherapy. It is indicated for respiratory diseases, infections, muscle pain, neuralgia, dry scalp.

In folk medicine, extracts from all parts of the plant are recommended as an anticancer agent, for localized tumors, and as a nervous system stimulant. It is believed that these extracts can be used to care for facial skin. Bay oil is included in rubbing ointments for rheumatism and ointments for scabies mites.

Other uses of laurel

Dry laurel leaves are used in the canning and confectionery industries and in cooking as an aromatic seasoning. Blends well with lavender, eucalyptus, lemon, rosemary, geranium, citronella, cinnamon and ylang-ylang. For culinary purposes, leaves are collected from 4-5 year old plants in November-December, when they contain the highest content of essential oils. A fatty essential oil is obtained from the fruits, which is used in some countries in medicine, veterinary medicine and soap making. Laurel wood is used for small crafts. Noble laurel is decorative, easily tolerates pruning, and has been part of culture since ancient times.

It has been experimentally proven that the fatty little laurel fruit can be used to make candles and balls instead of cocoa butter. Its acute toxicity, according to RIFM, is oral LD50 3.9 g/kg (rats), derm LD50 > 5 g/kg (rabbits). In the form of a 10% solution in petrolatum for 48 hours it does not cause irritation to human skin or sensitization reactions. There is no phototoxic effect. The oil has no IFRA restrictions for use in perfumery and cosmetics.

You can prepare it at home tincture of dried laurel leaves with vodka or 40-70% alcohol. Crushed leaves are poured with alcohol at a ratio of 1:5. Close tightly and keep at room temperature 7 days. Then filter and pour into a dark bottle and store in a cool place.

To receive aromatic oil we can recommend the following method: 30 g of crushed leaves pour 200 g sunflower oil and leave for 1 week. If you take this oil 1 tablespoon 2 - 3 times a day after meals, it induces menstruation if it is delayed.

A decoction of laurel leaves is also prepared, which is useful for metabolic disorders in the pre- and postpartum period, osteochondrosis, and inflammatory diseases.

For throat cancer: 1 cup of crushed bay leaf is infused in 0.5 liters of vodka for 2 weeks. dark warmth place, periodically shaking the contents, filter. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

For external use An ointment with the following composition is recommended: 6 parts bay leaf powder, 1 part crushed juniper leaves and 12 parts unsalted butter. Pound all this thoroughly. For every 100 g of ointment, add 10-15 drops of fir or lavender oil.

Oil for strengthening and stimulating hair growth: to 4 tbsp. add jojoba oil to spoons (in drops): laurel – 4, lavender – 3, lemon – 3, rosemary – 3, rosewood– 3 and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sesame or castor oil. While warm, apply the mixture to your hair and wrap your head in a towel. After 15-30 minutes, wash your hair with shampoo.

Dry laurel leaves are widely used in cooking and the confectionery industry.

Laurel in history

The noble laurel recalls the romantic and harsh times of the Roman Empire, when the winner was given magnificent celebrations and crowned with a laurel wreath. Healing properties The noble laurel was well known in ancient times. Thus, traditional healers claimed that a decoction of laurel leaves, taken orally, stops heavy menstruation. Hippocrates recommended using laurel oil against tetanus, and the leaves to soothe pain during labor. The Arab physician Rhazes used the leaves as a specific remedy for nervous facial tics. Baths from a decoction of leaves with the addition of 4-5 drops of essential oil were taken for illnesses bladder and uterus.

A laurel wreath and a laurel branch are symbols of glory, victory, greatness.