The use of a computer in human professional activities. Types of professional information activities of a person using technical means and information resources. The use of computers in human activities

The computer quickly entered our lives. Just a few years ago it was rare to see any kind of personal computer - they existed, but they were very expensive, and not even every company could have a computer in their office. And now? Now every third home has a computer, which has already become deeply embedded in a person’s life.

Modern computers represent one of the most significant achievements of human thought, the influence of which on the development of scientific and technological progress can hardly be overestimated. The areas of application of computers are constantly expanding.

Banking operations using computer technology
Computers in agriculture
Computer in medicine
Computer and disabled people
Computer in education
Computers are on guard of the law
Computers in art
Computers at home
Computers as a means of communication between people About information, informatization and information protection

Computers in self-service stores

Imagine that it is 1979 and you. You work part-time as a cashier at a large department store. As customers place their selected purchases on the counter, you must read the price of each purchase and enter it into the cash register. It happens that the price is not indicated on some product, and then you have to ask the inspector for it. This, of course, slows down the payment process for buyers... Now let's go back to our days. You are still working as cashiers in the same department store. But so much has changed here. When customers now place their purchases on the counter, you pass each item through an optical scanning device that reads the universal code printed on the purchase. The universal code is a series of dots and numbers by which the computer determines which product the buyer has; the price of this item is stored in the computer's memory and displayed on a small screen so that the buyer can see the cost of his purchase. Once all selected items have passed through the optical scanning device, the computer immediately displays the total value of the items purchased. In this case, the final payment to customers occurs much faster than when using a cash register.

The use of a computer not only allows you to significantly speed up settlements with customers, but also makes it possible to keep under control at all times the quantity of goods sold and in stock.

It is obvious that in the near future, computers will play an even greater role in the lives of department stores and their customers. There are already supermarkets in Japan where modern technology used to perform most of the operations that have always been performed by people. Thus, robots control the parking of cars in a special parking lot near the supermarket, greet customers at the entrance to the store (6 thousand people a day) and inform them about the ongoing sale at reduced prices. Even the meat department has its own robot that fulfills customers' wishes in less than a minute. Calculators are built into grocery carts so that the buyer can quickly figure out how much food he has selected. The computer regulates the lighting and air conditioning in the supermarket premises. An optical scanning device speeds up settlements with the buyer and keeps records of goods sold and remaining in stock. The supermarket also has a room where kids can watch videos while their parents shop.

About computer professions

How it was before

Electronic computers appeared in the mid-40s of our century. ENIAC, created in 1946 in the USA, is considered the first in the world. In the Soviet Union, the first machine began operation in 1951, it was called MESM (Small Electronic Computing Machine). The honor of its creation belongs to the group of S. A. Lebedev, later a famous academician, who is called the father of domestic computer technology.

The first computers were unique installations, and the circle of specialists who knew how to make them solve complex computing problems remained very limited. Programming was performed at the level of machine instructions, that is, the machine needed a detailed and detailed list of operations that all its nodes had to perform. Commands were encoded with numbers represented in octal, hexadecimal or binary systems. The programmer was required not only to know many details related to the design of the machine, but also great intuition and resourcefulness of the mind in order to squeeze into the Procrustean bed of the very modest, by modern standards, capabilities of an electronic machine.

The process of encoding programs was very slow; large number errors, and the class of a programmer was determined by his ability to quickly find his own mistakes. At that time, two types of specialists arose - algorithmists and programmers-encoders. The algorithmist's task was exact description the chosen method of calculation, the programmer's task is to encode the algorithm in a digital language understandable to the machine. It soon became clear, however, that the last operation was technical work, if, of course, the algorithm was described in detail and accurately. The idea arose to make the electronic machine do this work itself.

Translators - specialists in programming systems

Today, representatives of a wide variety of professions, students and even schoolchildren are engaged in writing programs for computers. This became possible thanks to the emergence of special languages ​​in which we give commands to the computer. Machine languages ​​are created by representatives of a new profession - programming system specialists, or, as they are also called, translators.

To put it simply, there are two types of computer languages: machine-dependent and machine-independent. The first (assemblers, or autocode languages) are used to communicate with the machine in its own language. Assemblers are still used by highly qualified specialists.

Fortran is considered the ancestor of machine-independent programming languages. This name is an abbreviation of two English words FORmula TRANslation (formula translator). It is close to the generally accepted mathematical notation.

Then other languages ​​appeared (Basic, Prolog, C family). It is by mastering these machine-independent languages ​​that a philologist or accountant can write a specific application program. But in order for a machine to work with it, a translator is needed - a program that translates what is written into computer language. Creating a computer language and translators requires highly qualified specialists. In addition, many problems arise in this area that require theoretical resolution.

A new direction of research and a new specialty emerged - theoretical programming. It is based on such branches of mathematics as the theory of algorithms, mathematical logic, algebra, the theoretical foundations of approximate methods of calculation, the theoretical foundations of search methods, graph theory, the theory of formal languages ​​and grammars. That is why these disciplines are given great importance in the departments of computational mathematics.

In the mid-80s, mass production of personal computers began. At first several hundred thousand were produced per year, then several million, and currently about thirty million computers annually.

The problem of a simple and accessible form of communication with a computer for every person - a friendly interface, as they say, has acquired a different social meaning. Therefore, the tasks of system programmers have expanded and changed qualitatively. In fact, in order to navigate through the many columns with English abbreviations, a certain amount of preparation is required, and even a junior school student can “click” with the mouse on an icon or on a clear inscription.

The user-friendly interface is based on the idea of ​​interactive human-machine interaction. In such a dialogue, the computer plays the role of a guide along the roads of its unique capabilities and an unobtrusive leader of the user’s actions. The user is required to correctly formulate his requests and choose further steps from the options offered by the computer.

In general, we can say that the professional knowledge of a system programmer includes programming languages, translators, methods for assembling programs from ready-made pieces, debugging programs in terms of languages high level, libraries of ready-made blanks.

Operators - operating system developers

Operating systems are the heart of everything software computer. They control the input of information into the machine from the keyboard or from disks, the placement of input and output data in storage devices, and their manipulation. These programs enable translators, loaders, find the necessary library programs, are responsible for the operation of the monitor, displaying the necessary information, and much more.

The complexity of operating systems is increasing every year, because both the requirements of the mass user and the needs of science and technology are growing. Therefore, a new specialty has sprung off from the specialty of system programming - operating system developers, operator engineers, as they are called.

With the advent of multiprogramming (the simultaneous solution of several tasks on a computer at different stages of execution), the functions of operating systems became especially complicated and several complex problems arose.

The first problem is related to the strategy for distributing machine resources between programs competing with each other in the calculation dynamics. If the distribution strategy is chosen poorly, then the efficiency of the machine will significantly decrease and the user will have to wait a long time for results, losing valuable time and sometimes money. With a good strategy, users can save on both. The second problem is to exclude the influence of some tasks on the solution of others that are simultaneously in progress. The third problem is the distribution of RAM between independent tasks. Naturally, all these problems are hidden from the average user, and he should not take into account that many others are in the machine at the same time as his task.

The remote multi-terminal access mode brought a lot of new puzzles to operators. This mode occurs when terminals are connected to the central computer, allowing several independent users to work on the machine simultaneously. Terminals are a keyboard for typing data and a monitor located at a great distance from the computer, in another room or even in the city. Terminal access mode is a kind of forerunner of network interaction.

Networkers - developers of network interaction programs

The unification of computers and the creation of local and global networks required operating systems to perform new functions. Relatively recently, a new specialty of network programmers has emerged.

The entire computer network, from the point of view of its management, is divided into interconnected levels. Programs that implement control algorithms at these levels are called network programs. The rules of work here are strictly standardized by special protocols of the corresponding levels. Therefore, specialists developing network programs must have a good knowledge of the system of protocols adopted in a given network, the rules for forming addresses of network points, methods of transporting information, etc.

Currently, global computer networks, the most famous of which is the Internet, are capable of transmitting to their subscribers not only text information, but also audiovisual information. Their property was called "multimedia". The development of programs that control it is quite complex. The fact is that the transmission of image and sound codes requires high speed and, generally speaking, leads to a heavy load on communication lines. Therefore, programs are needed that can “compress” text and audiovisual information at the input and decrypt it at the output. In addition, at all levels of network operation, methods are provided to control the correctness of transmission and ways to protect information from accidental and intentional distortion. Thus, the need for specialists in protecting information from unauthorized access arose. In this area, closely related to the theory of coding and encryption, there are its own approaches, its own methodology and its own technical techniques.

Basics - database specialists

The main meaning of the development of global networks is to create a single information space that has no state borders and distance limits. This means that each network subscriber should be given the opportunity to access the knowledge accumulated by humanity and housed in numerous institutions different countries and continents. This information is stored in special databases.

Previously, computer databases contained mostly alphanumeric information. Currently, audiovisual and other content information, such as formulas, is present in encoded form chemical compounds, tables of integrals, information about physical processes, software products, etc.

The network subscriber is not interested in how this or that database is structured; he needs to receive an answer to his request to the network. For example, he is interested in which libraries can be found rare book. A search system that responds to queries of this kind must contact all library databases available on the network and formulate for each of them a query that meets the requirements of a specific model. It is the basic people, the database specialists, who create these systems. This is quite difficult, because the search system must determine how a particular database is structured and how to access it.

Machine Graphics - Virtual Reality Specialists

The natural desire to give the things that we see on a computer display familiar look led to the need to study optical effects in translucent bodies and other subtleties associated with the realistic vision of scenes displayed on the display. The results of these studies are embodied in algorithms and computer graphics programs.

Here we should mention computer games in which the actions of the player and the game objects are of paramount importance. Many people condemn the passion for computer games, but as for computer graphics, its development was largely stimulated by the popularity of computer games.

There are two-dimensional graphics, which create images of flat figures, and three-dimensional graphics, which project spatial images onto the screen. Work is underway to create holographic pictures using a computer that create the effect of spatial reality.

Since the 70s, computer-controlled simulators have been widely developed. Before a person’s gaze there is a large screen on which the external situation is displayed using computer graphics. It changes depending on human actions or at the will of the computer, which creates the situations necessary for training. For example, a simulator that teaches the rules of takeoff and landing simulates what a pilot should see from his cockpit during a flight.

By the will of the developers’ imagination, their own world is created in the depths of the computer, populated by objects and creatures capable of acting and communicating. The computer allows a person to interact with an imaginary world. This scientific and technical direction is called virtual reality.

I note that many scientists believe that immersing a person in such an artificial world can have a very harmful effect on the psyche.

But virtual reality has an important and useful purpose. Its tools allow you to explore and study phenomena real world, physical and biological processes. You can “see” what is happening inside the body, inside the cell, see “from the inside” how it works jet engine, “walk” on the Moon or Mars.

Virtual reality systems require colossal computing power, special complex equipment such as stereoscopic screens, and various types of sensory input simulators. To solve problems related to virtual reality, the speed of a single machine is not enough. Such tasks have to be parallelized and multiprocessor supercomputers used.

New specialties will appear tomorrow

Computer specialties can be compared to multiple shoots from a single root. We talked only about professions that require serious mathematical training, and we saw how, one after another, new specializations sprang up from system programming.

The same thing happens in other areas related to computers. Application programs today are created by physicists and philologists, chemists and biologists, economists and social scientists.

Service specialists have appeared who can install on a computer necessary programs, set the modes of its use, network administrators, specialists in protecting computers from viruses, etc.

Therefore, we can only speak in general terms about the specialties in demand today, but there is no doubt that tomorrow more and more new computer professions will be required.

Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences,

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences



Despite the increasing popularity of personal computers (PCs) and the abundance of information regarding their use, there is a belief that you can become a computer professional only by knowing a programming language well or by thoroughly studying the design of a PC. In fact, thanks to the reliability and ease of mastering the PC and the many ready-made programs, today professions that can be combined under the term “user” are increasingly coming to the fore. These are those professions where the computer has become not the basis of work, but only a tool, a means. In almost any advertisement “Looking for a job” (“I offer a job”) you can find a mention of a PC. Even if we are talking about the position of a secretary, who is entrusted with preparing and sending letters, the candidate is required to have computer knowledge and the ability to work with a printer. In the near future, at least minimal PC user skills in any profession will become as necessary as the ability to read and write today.

Modern typists

Text entry is perhaps the most common use of a PC and at the same time the simplest. A typist just needs to learn how to turn on a computer, launch one or another text editor, learn the basic commands used in it (see Science and Life, No. 7, 1998) and, perhaps, master working with a printer. Of course, a specific skill will not be superfluous - the ten-finger method of working with the keyboard, without which it is difficult to achieve high typing speed. But all that is required here is desire and perseverance; fortunately, there are enough teaching methods, literature and educational computer programs today.

The ease of learning a profession (or retraining if you lose your previous job), on the other hand, reduces the prospects of finding a customer, especially when working “in free flight.” If previously almost any writer or scientist needed typists to prepare manuscripts for publication, not to mention the publishing houses to which these manuscripts were received, today most works are created by authors directly on a PC. In addition, software for optical character recognition of manuscripts and voice input of text into a PC is becoming increasingly widespread. All this significantly “undermines the monopoly” of the human typesetter.

Computer layout

Just as typesetting became a continuation of earlier typewriting, computer typesetting marks the transition from the old Linotypes to desktop publishing systems. They represent, firstly, a hardware complex: a PC with the necessary peripherals (laser printer, scanner, less often a photo output device), and secondly, a software package that provides the ability to convert and print text with printing quality. Accordingly, the knowledge, skills and abilities of a computer layout designer have two main components: “user” (somewhat more complex than when typing text) and “printing”, which presupposes knowledge of printing formats and standards (what used to be the scope of the profession “technical editor”) ") plus some design skills.

You can acquire minimal knowledge of computer layout on your own. This applies to not very complex texts and not too severe performance requirements. For example, when laying out brochures “for official use” or printing texts for a personal library. But to become a professional layout designer, you will need to attend special courses or work under the guidance of an experienced mentor.

Computer accounting

Previously, the typical accountant was represented as a melancholic-looking man with armbands, immersed in a sea of ​​documents and papers behind bastions of thick ledgers. The current accountant is primarily a user of a personal computer, working with special programs. There are separate packages of financial transactions that automate the execution of various postings and deductions, and complex packages for managing the activities of the entire enterprise, which, in addition to purely accounting ones, also include modules for accounting for goods in a warehouse, making purchases and much more. Such hardware and software systems are already installed in many stores: you just need to enter the code of the product you are interested in, and the computer itself will check whether such a product is in stock, issue a check (or invoice) and print it in the required number of copies. And when you pay for your purchase, it will carry out all the necessary financial transactions.

As a rule, modern accounting programs are a fairly complete imitation of traditional ledgers (more precisely, the structure of entries in them). And to obtain this profession, first of all, you need the knowledge and skills of an ordinary accountant, but the user aspect here is no more significant than when typing text.

Computer artists

The computing power of a modern PC and high quality images both on the screen and in a “hard copy” (printed on a printer or plotter) make the computer an indispensable assistant in a dozen professions, to one degree or another related to drawing, sketching and even video filming.

Web design


Based on materials
magazines "PC-WEEK" and "Internet".

Human information activity is associated with the creation of knowledge that forms the information resources of society. Information resources include scientific and technical knowledge, works of literature and art, public and government information.

The basis of the technical means of any modern information technology is the following hardware:

· a computer that provides the ability to automatically process information;

· machine-readable storage media - magnetic and optical disks of high capacity, reliability and durability;

· computer networks and telecommunications, allowing joint processing and prompt transmission of information.

Information resources that support certain professional activities are concentrated in arrays of documents that are modern version prepared for automatic processing and stored in databases (DB), knowledge bases (KB), which, in turn, are part of some information system.

Let's try to describe in the following table the types of professional information activity of a person and the technical and information means that accompany it (see table).

Traditionally, information activities are associated with the media. Journalists deal with operational information, which is sometimes relevant only for a few days, so they use the most modern means of transmitting information in their work. Information of any kind (text, sound, video) can be transmitted by e-mail, published on a website; real-time video conferencing is popular.

Postal service workers, except traditional methods correspondence delivery, actively use e-mail. Cellular communications and IP telephony are developing rapidly.

Science is designed to produce new knowledge. One of its modern tools is computer mathematical modeling, which makes it possible to study natural, economic and social phenomena in development.

Engineers document technical inventions in patents. In developed countries, there are systems of scientific and technical information with specialized publications and patent services that prepare reviews and abstracts.

Automated information processing in economic information systems using communications and office equipment provides managers with high-quality, accurate, objective information. Managers, using modern management technologies, can make more timely and objective decisions based on current economic information.

Teachers pass on knowledge from generation to generation, therefore, they participate in the ancient information process. IT is introducing its own innovations into this conservative area. Multimedia technologies create virtual worlds, make the learning process more visual, and complex abstract calculations become clearer. Computer technologies make it possible to individualize learning and control knowledge. Distance education is developing, making it possible to teach regardless of distance from the educational institution.

Many contemporary art forms use IT. Musical works are created using midi-compatible instruments that perform a computer score. Computer graphics have become the basis of modern printing and design work.

Professions related to the construction of mathematical and computer models, programming, and ensuring the information activities of people and organizations.

The emergence of specialists in the field of computer science in Russia has historically been associated with the training of mathematicians and programmers at universities and engineers at technical universities. The current situation can be reflected in the table below.

The first computers were created to build computer models to solve scientific and technical problems. Currently, computer modeling is actively used in all sciences, but mathematicians are still entrusted with ensuring its application. Only fundamental mathematics education allows you to create a specialist who knows the theory of differential equations and numerical methods, programming, computer modeling, who is able to build a computer model of a real system. In preparation, these specialists study a wide range of courses related to computer science and programming: algorithms and algorithmic languages, computer architecture and assembly language, system software, application software, computer graphics, parallel computing, databases, operating systems, artificial intelligence, object-oriented programming, computer networks, network technologies, programming systems, etc. For example, we will indicate the areas of training at the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics of Moscow State University: applied mathematics and computer science, information technology.

The profession of “Informatics” with qualifications in a certain applied field was approved in Russia in 2000. The goal is to train personnel capable of successfully functioning in new economic and political conditions and ready to solve problems associated with the use of high-tech information technologies in related areas of human knowledge and activities, including the development of integrated systems of information and mathematical support for economic, financial and administrative activities. This specialty is used in economics, law, political science, etc., where they use information systems. An informaticist in the relevant field is engaged in the creation and maintenance of an information system. For example, an information scientist-economist is a specialist in information systems in administrative management, banking, insurance, accounting, etc. This specialist, who has deep fundamental training, can create information and logical models of objects, develop new software and information support to solve problems in science, technology, economics and management, and adapt the system at all stages of its life cycle.

Protecting information resources from unauthorized access and ensuring the security of information and telecommunication systems are especially relevant for the modern world. These tasks led to the emergence of a new specialty - information security specialist. Specialists study information security in automated systems, personal computers, and computer networks using software and hardware. To ensure information security, technical, software, organizational and legal methods are used. Technical measures include protection against unauthorized access to the system, redundancy of system components, redistribution of resources in the event of an emergency, backup power supply systems, installation of alarms, etc. Legal measures include the development of standards of liability for computer crimes, protection of copyrights of programmers. Software protection is based on cryptographic methods of information protection. Information security specialists are in demand in government organizations working with statistical, tax, and customs information, in financial institutions, in e-commerce and electronic payment systems.

Computing and telecommunications form the hardware basis of any information technology. They are developed and created by engineers. They master the principles of constructing computing and telecommunication systems, electrical engineering and microelectronics, the basis being engineering education. The basis for the functioning of computer systems is the architectural level, which includes general principles construction and operation of computer logical units, machine language programming. Logical principles and implementation diagrams of the main computer components (adders, triggers) make up the next stage. Knowledge of circuit designs of modern radio engineering and microelectronics is required by developers of physical computer elements.

Assignment for independent work : study additional literature and prepare a report on the topic: Information culture.


Virtual computer museum. -

Virtual European Museum of the History of Computer Science and Technology. -

History of computer technology. -

Information culture -

Information culture -

Encyclopedias and dictionaries -

Based on the lecture you listened to and studying additional literature, answer the following questions:

1. What is information?

2. What is called computer science?

3. Name and characterize the stages of information development of society.

4. What was the main reason for the invention of the computer?

5. What is included in information resources?

6. Give examples of computers in everyday life.

Prepare a message (optional) on the topic"Signs of the information society."

Prepare a poster diagram(optional) “History of the development of the information society” (electronic form).

Answer the test questions.

1. The main carrier of information in society in modern stage is:

· paper;

· cinema and film;

· magnetic tape;

· floppy disk, hard drive;

· Laser CD.

2. The information revolution is:

· qualitative change in the methods of transmitting and storing information, as well as the amount of information available to the active part of the population;

· radical transformation of the technological structure dominant in society;

· the ability of a person to receive in full the information necessary for his life and professional activities;

· changes in the ways of forming and using the total intellectual potential of society;

· a set of information wars.

3. The first information revolution is associated with the invention:

· writing;

· book printing;

· computer.

4. The first means of long-distance communication is considered to be:

· telephone;

· telegraph;

· radio communication;

· computer networks.

5. The idea of ​​software control of computing processes was put forward by:

· N. Wiener;

· J. Mauchley;

· A. Livelace;

· C. Babbage;

· J. von Neumann.

6. The emergence of the possibility of effective automation of processing and targeted transformation of information is associated with the invention:

· writing;

· book printing;

· telephone, telegraph, radio, television.

7. Second generation computers had as their elemental base:

· electronic tubes;

· semiconductor elements;

· integrated circuits;

· ultra-large integrated circuits;

· microprocessors.

8. The first adding machine that performed all four arithmetic operations was designed in the 17th century:

· Charles Babbage;

· Blaise Pascal;

· Hermann Hollerith;

· George Boole;

· Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz.

9. The first domestic computer, developed under the leadership of Academician S. A. Lebedev, was called:

· Arrow;

10. The elemental base of the third generation computers were:

· electronic tubes;

· semiconductor elements;

· integrated circuits;

· large integrated circuits;

· ultra-large integrated circuits.

11. The stored program principle was proposed:

· John von Neumann;

· Charles Babbage;

· J.P. Eckert;

· Alan Turing;

· Claude Shannon.

12. The composition and purpose of the functional means of an automatic computer was first determined by:

· John von Neumann;

· Charles Babbage;

· Ada Lovelace;

· Alan Turing;

· modeling of human intelligence (creation of artificial intelligence);

· creating cheap and powerful computers;

· achieving personal computer performance of more than 10 billion operations per second;

· construction of computer nodes in accordance with other physical principles;

· creation of a unified human-machine intelligence.

14. Information services include...

· search and selection of information;

· consulting;

· education;

· telecommunications;

· natural resources.

15. Informatization of society is a process...

· increasing the volume of redundant information in society;

· increasing role of the media in society;

· more complete use of accumulated information in all areas

human activity through the use of information and

· telecommunication technologies;

· widespread use of computers.

16. According to the views of a number of scientists (O. Tofler, Bell, Masuda, etc.) in the “information society”:

· the majority of workers will be engaged in the production, storage and processing of information and knowledge; the problems of the information and environmental crisis will be solved, humanistic principles of managing societies will be implemented;

· a person will become an obedient object of manipulation by the media;

· power will belong to the “information elite”, which will brutally exploit the rest of the population and control the private lives of citizens;

· man will become an appendage of super-powerful computers;

· management of social production and distribution of material goods will be carried out on the basis of centralized planning.

17. Human information culture at the present stage is mainly determined by:

· the totality of his programming skills in high-level languages;

· his knowledge of the basic concepts of computer science;

· the totality of his skills in using application software to create the necessary documents;

· level of understanding of the patterns of information processes in nature and society, quality of knowledge of the basics of computer literacy, a set of technical skills in interacting with a computer, the ability to effectively and timely use the means of information and communication technologies when solving practical problems;

· his knowledge of the main types of software and user characteristics of the computer.

18. Among the possible negative consequences of the development of modern information and communication technologies are:

· implementation of humanistic principles of social management;

· formation of a unified information space of human civilization;

· destruction of people's privacy;

· organizing free access for every person to the information resources of human civilization;

· solving environmental problems.

Today, not a single organization or company can do without a computer; they are in almost every home. The IT sector is developing very dynamically, and the labor market constantly requires specialists in this field. A good computer scientist, programmer and any other IT specialist are the most in-demand professions on the labor market. Let's try to briefly describe some of the main IT professions that are popular today.

Web programmer

A web programmer is directly connected to the Internet. He creates programs for the functioning of sites based on PHP, ASP.NET, Java and other languages. Such specialists bring the designers’ concept to life and deal with the technical side of website functioning. Their task is to create the most efficient code that produces a dynamic page in the minimum time and does not load the web server. To solve these problems qualitatively, it is necessary to have a good understanding of modern technologies.

Web designer

HTML coder

System administrator

The task of a system administrator is to create and maintain the uninterrupted operation of a computer network and the computers included in it. His responsibilities include: maintaining the server, network equipment, software, local machines, as well as resolving information security issues. Such a specialist must understand computer operating systems (Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, Mac OS), as well as know a variety of auxiliary programs, network protocols, database encryption protocols, and be able to configure and ensure uninterrupted operation of anti-virus programs.

Computer designer

Computer designers can be divided into two groups: computer graphic designers and computer 3D designers. A computer graphic designer deals with the design and processing of texts and images using computer programs. Such specialists are always needed in advertising firms and departments, the media, print media, and companies involved in the production of printed products. The most used programs among graphic computer designers: software from Adobe (, etc.), graphics editor, drawing programs - NanoCAD, free graphic editors Inkscape and GIMP. A 3D computer designer can perform many tasks. For example, architectural modeling and visualization of interiors and exteriors of buildings and structures. Mechanical engineering modeling is used in various industries industry. Three-dimensional models created by modern programs can be loaded into special machines and, with their help, transformed into their real implementation. Such machines can cut furniture blanks, cut stone, and turn complex parts. A 3D printer no longer surprises anyone. This device can recreate a three-dimensional model in reality using special plastic. Programs used by computer 3D designers: Maya, Cinema 4D, SketchUp, Blender.

Computer artist

Computer artists create their works in all three (, and) areas of computer graphics. The works they create can be simply the creations of an artist or used for applied purposes - as illustrative material or as graphics for computer games. Graphics for computer games is an interesting, profitable, and most importantly – popular business. One only has to remember George Broussard, who created the characters in the Duke Nukem series of games, the famous Hironobu Sakaguchi and his wonderful work on Final Fantasy, as well as our compatriot Sergei Burkatovsky and his famous online strategy World of Tanks.

Game designer

Game designer is a profession at the intersection of various skills and abilities. The main thing for a game designer is the ability to formulate a task for a team working on a computer game. His job is similar to that of a film producer. The game designer ensures the smooth functioning of everyone involved in the development of the game, makes decisions and establishes communication between different members of the creative team. Competition among aspiring game designers is very high. Therefore, you often have to start in some other profession related to computer games.

Computer composer

Computer composers are the creators and processors of today’s popular electronic music for games, videos, advertising, as well as for writing compositions using special computer programs. Recently, with the entry of complex and large-scale games into the market, this profession has become very popular. However, in order to achieve the same success in this direction as computer music guru Nobuo Uematsu (Final Fantasy VII), Akiro Yamaoko (Silent Hill) or Alexander Brandon (Unreal Tournament soundtrack), musical education and relevant skills in working with computer programs, and also... talent.

Computer game writer

The person is undoubtedly creative, with extensive experience in participating in various games. He creates plots for strategy and role-playing games, and describes adventures in quests. He is obliged to foresee all the plot twists, obstacles and possible dialogues of the characters. The prize for the most realistic and exciting story of all time was created by Lucas Arts writers Haden Blackman, Sean Pitman, John Stafford and Cameron Sue, who released the game Star Wars: The Force Unleashed.

Software tester

The job of a software tester is to find programmer errors - buggies - and eliminate them. To find a hidden error, you need appropriate knowledge and experience, the ability to anticipate, ask the right “questions” to an inanimate machine, and ingenuity. To work, you need to know the features of the OS, knowledge of the basics of software construction, and experience with a certain class of programs. For example, with games.

All the described professions are related; one person can combine several of them. IT specialists are in demand both in our country and abroad. Their income level, according to research, in our country is monthly from 500 to 5000 US dollars. This difference is determined by several factors: region, specialist qualifications, work experience, ability to work and, naturally, talent and imagination. For those who find the minimum wage uninteresting, it is worth recalling that the world's leading computer scientists - the richest man on the planet, Bill Gates, and the CEO and co-founder of Apple Inc., Steve Jobs - also started at a young age by writing the most simple programs. An irresistible love for computers, thorough knowledge in this field and a great desire to work have made them world famous and we benefit from the fruits of their labors every day.

Vasilyeva Vera and Sukhneva Alina



State-owned special (correctional) educational institution for students and pupils with disabilities “Shadrinskaya special (correctional) general education boarding school No. 12 of III, IV types”

City competition research work and projects

“First discovery” among primary school students

Research project

"Computer and profession."

Completed by: 4th “A” class students Vera Vasilyeva, Alina Sukhneva.

Head: Olga Viktorovna Gorbunova, computer science teacher.

Shadrinsk, 2015


1. Analysis of sociological millet………………………………...5

2. Types of professions and computer …………………………………..6

3. Practical part……………………………………………10





Computers and information systems have become a part of our lives and have made it much easier. Most people, especially young people, cannot imagine their life without this miracle machine. Until recently, having a computer in the family was considered a luxury. Nowadays, everything has changed so much that it is not surprising that in every cell of society there are several computing devices.

What can be common between the professions of a teacher and an accountant, a lawyer and a designer, a police officer and a cashier, a doctor and a sound engineer? Initially, it seems that these professions have nothing in common, since we are talking about completely different professions. If we remember that we live in the age of global informatization, then all these professions are united by the fact that they use a computer.

What makes the same device so important for doing so many different jobs? We asked ourselves this question and will try to answer it within the framework of our project.

Object of study:professions that use computers in their activities.

Subject of research:why and how exactly adults use a computer in their profession.

Target: Develop and create a video clip “Computer and Profession”. Find out exactly how the computer helps representatives of various professions.


  • Conduct and analyze a sociological survey among parents.
  • Study the types of professions that use computers in their activities.
  • Select the most popular professions.
  • Select the most convenient form for presenting research data.
  • Develop and create a video clip.

Research methods:sociological survey, conversation, interview, analysis, research.

Practical significance of the work:Create a video clip “Profession and the Computer” that will help schoolchildren understand the extent of computer penetration into various professions. To interest and motivate students to study computer technologies in depth at school.

Skills project activities, acquired during the implementation of this project, will help students in further studies.

1. Analysis of a sociological survey.

Every student in the future will have to decide on a profession. In the rapidly developing world of information technology, the share of computer penetration in professions is only increasing every year.

A questionnaire was administered to parents of primary and secondary school students at our school: “Do you use a computer in your work?” Of the 72 parents surveyed, 53 use computer technology in their work.

Parents use computers in such professions as: teacher, salesperson, technologist, storekeeper, receptionist, operator, designer, boss, economist and many others.

To the question: “Can you imagine your work without computer equipment?”, parents answered:

No, all my work consists of filling out data using a computer.

No, it makes searching for information thousands of times easier and makes it possible to communicate with people living far away.

No, all information about employees is entered into the system.

No, a computer is necessary when working with documents and during events.

We decided to find out in the course of working on the project in which areas of professional activity a computer is needed and how exactly adults use it in their work.

2. Types of professions and computer.

There are a large number of fields of activity, ranging from medicine to art.We have identified the following main areas of activity in society and created a diagram (Appendix 1):

  • social sphere - the work of teachers, doctors, librarians, organizers of clubs, sports sections;
  • science and higher education - employees of research institutes and higher educational institutions;
  • culture and art - writers, artists, performers, directors, composers;
  • law enforcement and army;
  • banks;
  • production activity - work on different levels in the field of production of consumer products, tools, means of transportation, that is, activities in agriculture, industry, construction, utilities, trade;
  • organs state power all levels.

Through interviews, surveys and information from various sources, we found out exactly how the computer is used in these areas.

Computers in education.

The use of computer technologies in the educational process makes it possible to use psychological and pedagogical developments in teaching practice that make it possible to intensify educational process, implement the ideas of developmental education. The capabilities of computer technology as a tool of human activity and a fundamentally new means of teaching have led to the emergence of new methods and organizational forms of training and their faster implementation in the educational process.

Computers in medicine.

Thanks to computers, doctors can diagnose diseases with amazing efficiency. A tomograph effectively conducts preventive examinations and provides an accurate image of a person’s internal organs. In the intensive care unit, the patient is “connected” to a computer that monitors the number of heartbeats: if it suddenly decreases to a dangerous level, the computer will immediately notify the doctor or nurse. Medical data banks allow doctors to keep abreast of the latest scientific and practical advances. Computer networks are used to send messages about donor organs. Computers are used for learning medical workers practical skills. This time the computer acts as a patient who needs immediate help. Computers store patient records in their memory.

Computers in the field of culture and art.

In the hands of an artist, a computer becomes a drawing tool. Illustrators, designers, cartoonists, filmmakers believe that computer technology provides them with new opportunities in their creative activity. Using tools such as a plotter, graphics tablet, and light pen, artists create multi-color drawings, graphs, maps, and diagrams.

Recently, more and more professional writers are using word processors to improve the quality and speed up their work. Journalists, authors of technical texts, screenwriters, textbook authors, and many others use computers when working with texts. A word processor makes it easier to edit and collate texts. It eliminates the need to retype texts - saving time. The use of special programs helps to identify and eliminate spelling and syntax errors.

Computers in law enforcement agencies.

The ability of computers to store large amounts of information is exploited law enforcement agencies to create a file of criminal activities. Electronic data banks with relevant information are easily accessible to state and regional investigative agencies throughout the country. Thus, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) maintains a national data bank, which is known as the National Crime Information Center. With the help of a computer, through small crimes it is possible to “exit” large ones. In crime labs, I use computers to help analyze substances found at crime scenes. The conclusions of a computer expert often prove decisive in the evidence in a pending case.

Banking operations.

Performing financial calculations using a home personal computer is just one of its possible applications in banking. Powerful computing systems allow you to perform a large number of operations, including processing checks, recording changes to each deposit, accepting and issuing deposits, processing loans, and transferring deposits from one account to another or from bank to bank. ATMs allow customers to avoid long lines at the bank and withdraw money from their account when the bank is closed.

Computers in trade.

As customers place their purchases on the counter, the cashier passes each item through an optical scanning device, which reads the universal code printed on the purchase. The price of this item is stored in the computer's memory and displayed on a small screen so that the buyer can see the cost of his purchase. Once all selected items have passed through the optical scanning device, the computer immediately displays the total value of the items purchased. In this case, the final payment to customers occurs much faster than when using a cash register.

The use of a computer not only allows you to significantly speed up settlements with customers, but also makes it possible to keep under control at all times the quantity of goods sold and in stock.

Computers in production.

Computers are used to perform a wide range of production tasks. For example, a dispatcher at a large plant has at his disposal an automated control system that ensures the uninterrupted operation of various units. Computers are also used to control temperature and pressure during various manufacturing processes. When the increase or decrease in temperature or pressure exceeds the permissible norm, the computer immediately sends a signal to the control device, which automatically restores the required conditions.

Various jobs in factories, such as assembly lines, involve repetitive tasks such as tightening bolts or painting parts.

Computers in government agencies.

The secretary of almost any institution processes texts when preparing reports and letters. The institutional apparatus uses a personal computer to display wide-format tables and graphic material on the display screen. With the help of computer systems, documentation is entered, e-mail and communication with data banks are provided. Computer networks connect different users located in the same institution or located in different regions countries.

We can conclude that computers and information technologies have firmly entered our lives and professions in various directions and fields of activity.

3. Practical part.

Stage I.

According to the survey results, the majority of parents use a computer in their work. We will determine a list of professions for interviewing.

  1. Teacher, lecturer, trainer, circle leader.
  2. Accountant.
  3. Secretary.
  4. Music worker.
  5. Psychologist.
  6. Medical worker.
  7. Cashier, salesperson.
  8. Security guard, policeman.
  9. Bank employee.
  10. Librarian.
  11. Civil servant.

Stage II. Collection of video fragments.

For a visual presentation and presentation of the essence of our project, we decided to prepare a video clip “Computer and Professions”. We compiled questions for the interview. We asked questions to representatives of various professions, both at our school and at the places of work of parents and specialists various fields activities of our city. All interview fragments were recorded on a digital camera.

Stage III. Creating a video clip.

Windows Movie Maker is one of the simplest and most accessible editors that allows you to create your own videos and presentations. This application is distributed free of charge and hasrelatively user-friendly interface.

  1. Select the “Create project” item. After changing the program operating mode, go to the “File” menu again. Select the “Import to collections” item and wait for the explorer to start. Select video files that will be included in the project. We add each file one by one to the working project.
  2. Now click the “Display timeline” button. This allowed us to quickly synchronize the location of the images. We moved each file one by one to the “Video” category, located at the bottom of the program window.
  3. Click the “View video transitions” link. Select the transition you like - view it by double-clicking on it - copy and paste after 1-2 video fragments.
  4. Adding titles. Click the next menu item “Create titles and credits”. The captions menu will open. Click on the first item of this menu. Enter the name in the first field. Then we will change the title animation by clicking on the appropriate link. We select a suitable animation from a fairly large list, click the “Change font and text color” link and adjust the design.
  5. In the same way, by selecting the last menu item “Create titles and credits”, we create credits at the end of the film.
  6. Go to the "File" menu and select the "Save movie file" option. We waited for the new menu to launch, selected the file format and indicated its storage location. We checked the resulting film by launching it with an available player.

Stage IV. Video presentation.

After preparing the video clip, we will present our work at a school conference, and also post the material on the school website.


As a result of working on the project, we found out that computers have firmly entered modern life and the professions of adults. All students will sooner or later have to decide on a career choice and should pay special attention to studying information technology at school, since almost no profession is conceivable without computer equipment and computer technology.

We studied the areas of professional activity and identified a list of professions for interviewing. A representative from each of the professions we selected confirmed the importance of the computer in their professional activities. After all, a computer is an assistant in counting, processing large amounts of information, storing databases, monitoring, searching for necessary information and performing a large number of other functions.

To compile and present the data obtained during the work on the project, we selected the program Windows Movie Maker. The program interface is intuitive to the user. Therefore, based on our project, students can create their own videos on other topics.


  1. Guryev S.V. Using a computer as a tool in the educational process. .
  2. How to use Windows Movie Maker.
  3. Computer in medicine .
  4. Computer and the world around you.
  5. Periodicals: magazines “Home Computer”, “Hard@Soft”.
  6. Rastrigin L.A. Alone with a computer - M.: Radio and Communications, - 2003 - 224 p.


Appendix 1.

Scheme 1. Areas of activity

    History of the development of computer science. Interpretation of the term "computer science", its connection with philosophical and general scientific categories and its place in the circle of traditional academic scientific disciplines. Computer science application object. Computer science as the unity of science and technology.

    Computers in educational institutions and agriculture. Practical skills training. Management of production processes and robots. Banking operations using computer technology.

    List and general characteristics of the main scientific discoveries of S.A. Lebedeva. History of the development and creation of the development of the first Large (later renamed High-Speed) Electronic Calculating Machine, its significance for scientific and technological progress.

    Informatization: concept, main tasks, stages, role in the development of society. Information technology (IT) is a set of methods and means of purposefully changing any properties of information; IT classification, technical means, tools.

    Advanced information technologies in the service of training specialists. Some promising organizational and methodological approaches. Example of block formation academic disciplines support of a new scientific direction.

    Use of the term information, data, knowledge. Stages of development, trends and classification of information technologies as a strategic resource for the development of the state. Sources of information for automated systems for processing economic data.

    Stages and current state of development of management information technologies, assessment of their role and significance in the activities of a manager. Knowledge and skills of a manager necessary to use information technology in management. Requirements for a manager.

    Mathematical models are understood as the basic patterns and connections inherent in the phenomenon being studied. These may be formulas or equations, sets of rules or conventions expressed in mathematical form.

    Tasks of computer science as a fundamental science. System analysis as one of the areas of theoretical computer science. The main goal of work in the field of artificial intelligence. Programming as a scientific direction. Cybernetics and computer technology.

    Information has taken priority among the criteria for progress, as have the means of obtaining, processing and using it - the computer and computer technology, with the help of which the intellectual capabilities and abilities of a person are enhanced.

    The most important factors characterizing the current stage of development of higher education include: changes in society's needs for specialists as a result of political and economic changes in the country.

    Historical stages of the emergence of cybernetics. Formation of computer science as a science and as a technology. History of the development of computer science in the USSR and modern Russia. Characteristics of automated control systems. The role of computer science in human activity.

    In 1950-51, in the ENIN laboratory (in fact, under semi-legal conditions), Brook and several of his talented students developed and implemented the first small-sized tube electronic computer, M-1.

    Soviet nuclear program. Soviet nuclear program. Achieving strategic defense parity between the USSR and the USA. Why and what kind of supercomputers do the military need now?

    Possibility of using new information technologies in teaching economics students. Introduction of the economic business computer game "Nixdorf Delta" to study economic processes within the framework of the Internet festival "Generation.RU".

    Characteristics and stages of development, the main reasons for the major technological breakthrough of the 20th century. Social significance of computers and nanotechnologies. Software that allows you to examine the human body, technologies for government work.

    A modern view of the subject of computer science and its educational field. Formation of a system-information approach to the analysis of the surrounding world. Information processes and means of obtaining, transforming, transmitting, storing and using information.

    First generation computer. Second generation computer. Third generation computer.

    The emergence and development of computer science. Its structure and technical means. Subject and main tasks of computer science as a science. Definition of information and its most important properties. Information technology concept. The main stages of the information system operation.

    Computer training. The most popular areas of computer use. Introduction of computers into everyday life.