Design of spa rooms for massage. This project is the design of a massage studio. Manicure room with self-leveling floor

Low costs and high profits are the dream of every beginning businessman. At first glance, there is nothing complicated in the work of a massage therapist: work with your hands, earn money. However, newcomers to this field of activity face a lot of difficulties. True, there are many positive aspects.

Pros and cons of massage business

Why are people experienced in this business skeptical about the prospects of those who are just thinking about it? Firstly, the art of massage should be learned. Or you need to find someone who knows it well, which means paying a lot of money. Secondly, it is also important to be able to sell this service. Thirdly, the problem of positioning a massage room or salon will be relevant: what it will be like, what to include in the services and what equipment to stock up on.

Important: naturally, prospects good earnings Available only in medium and large cities. And one more thing: you should be wary of the services of therapeutic massage, manual therapy, etc.

Of course, these are solvable problems. If you are a cool specialist, you have good room, as well as a team of assistants, you can try. Among the advantages of the idea of ​​opening a massage parlor are the following:

  • relatively low current costs of maintaining the business;
  • constant demand;
  • high profitability;
  • demand and, as a rule, low competition in the niche.

How to open a massage parlor from scratch?

Before we discuss how to open massage room from scratch, we note the following. Although theoretically without honey. education, you can sell such services, you must understand that people with high incomes are not ready to trust their backs to just anyone. But they will be your main target audience. It is also acceptable to rely on people with average incomes, although they also need to be convinced of their professionalism.

Advice: If you are planning to provide a massage service yourself, but do not have experience, first invest in obtaining qualifications. Do massages at home and expand your client base. If you want to use hired specialists, think in advance what requirements you will place on their skills, experience and education. Sometimes you can simply hire a person you know, after sending him to the appropriate courses.

And one more thing. The very first thing you need to do is formulate an idea for yourself. This means answering the following questions for yourself:

  • What type of massage will be offered?
  • Who is expected to be the consumer of the services?
  • Which legal form to choose?

If the answers are ready, we proceed to registration.

Business registration

For this business you must be registered as an individual entrepreneur. Opening an entire LLC is hardly advisable. Among all the possible taxation systems, in our case it is best to choose the “simplified” one. This implies a simplified taxation system, in which you can pay either up to 6% on income, or up to 15% on the item “income minus expenses”. Why does it say “until” and not 6 and 15 respectively? In certain cases in the regions, the rate may be reduced to 1 and 5 percent. Experience shows that it is more profitable to choose a rate of 6% on income.

Search for premises

At the initial stage, many decide to do without an office at all. Such massage masters simply offer sessions at your home or office. This helps build a customer base. But still, at some point, the need to create an office arises. And then it is useful to know that it is best to open it in already existing sports clubs, bath complexes, medical centers or beauty salons.

The owners already have a sanitary and fire certificate. If we are talking about medical (therapeutic or recreational) institutions, then they obviously have a license. All you have to do is draw up the lease agreement correctly. It is also important that people already know the place well. They will notice something new, and some visitors will become interested in the new service.

In any case, location is very important. Sometimes, for the sake of high traffic, it is worth finding a room near residential areas. Do not forget also about the requirements of the sanitary and epidemiological station:

  • Location on the 1st floor.
  • There should be a separate room for patients waiting for a session.
  • The total area cannot be less than 12 square meters. m (previously the figure was 20 sq. m). And it is important to calculate it depending on the number of working personnel: so that for one massage therapist there is at least 8 square meters. m.

Some more rules will be touched upon below.

Equipment purchase

What should be the equipment for a massage room? It is directly related to its positioning and the direction you came up with first. But there are also universal items:

  • massage table;
  • an additional folding table in case you need to go to the client’s home;
  • locker for things;
  • screen for visitors;
  • racks;
  • several chairs;
  • sofa;
  • equipment for the room where visitors will be received;
  • washing machine and bathroom.

These are the largest pieces of equipment. However, little things are also important:

  • oils, creams and lotions,
  • disposable slippers,
  • towels,
  • robes.

Specialized massage techniques will require additional equipment.


The minimum number of working personnel is 3-4 people. We need at least 2 massage therapists. An administrator and an accountant are also required. If you work as an administrator yourself at first, you will save money. As for massage therapists, you can immediately set criteria for professionalism for yourself, and then adhere to them when selecting personnel.

Important: If a person suits you and agrees to the proposed conditions, further stimulate and appreciate him. To avoid getting a raise through your own fault, try to show your employees the benefits of working for you.

If you prefer people with medical education, then partly immediately solve the image issue. In addition, such people usually know how to quickly serve people, which will allow them to gain time and earn more. You can do it another way: place advertisements for masseurs on a competitive basis. Compose a questionnaire that contains questions about the qualifications of candidates that are important to you. Choose ones that are easy to check the answers to. To do this you need to master the art, but this is a topic for another discussion.

Massage salon business plan

Requirements for a massage room according to SanPiN

To understand the requirements of SanPiN, you need to get into the shoes of your clients. For quality service, you will need to put the following areas in order:

  1. Square. We discussed the norms of this paragraph above in the section “Choosing a room.” They are assessed before concluding a lease or purchasing a premises, and the remaining points can be influenced.
  2. Ventilation and heating. Need supply and exhaust ventilation, which ensures ventilation of the workplace. During the cold season, the temperature should be maintained at 20 degrees Celsius.
  3. Bathroom with washbasin: except cold water in the tap, it must be hot without fail. Shower cabin - if possible.
  4. Lighting. The point is that the office should be light, natural light taken into account. During hours when it is dark, artificial light should be directed at the person being massaged at an angle.
  5. The walls of the massage salon can be covered with tiles or washable wallpaper. It is recommended to use linoleum for the floor. This will make regular wet cleaning easier.
  6. Availability of a first aid kit in case of need for first aid medical care. It is advisable to put a thermometer and tonometer, bandages, gauze, cotton wool, valerian drops, an alcohol solution of iodine, hydrogen peroxide and a 3 percent aqueous solution of ammonia in it.
  7. Specialized furniture. It was discussed above in the “Purchase of Equipment” section. SanPiN allows a certain freedom, but regulates the minimum number special equipment which will provide your customers with comfort and safety.

Massage advertisement - text (example)

  • The title attracts attention.
  • The first words stir up interest.
  • A person receives in a compressed form all the information that interests him at first.
  • The result encourages action.

Specific tips will be related to the characteristics of your target audience. If these are people with average and high incomes who want to support high level life, they need a place where all the conditions are created to relax:

  • It is important to evoke pleasant and relaxing associations.
  • The design of a sign or leaflet should be related to the focus of the salon.
  • You can and even need to use humor.
  • Stick to a sophisticated, almost aristocratic style.

Here is an example of quite effective text on a billboard or pillar:

Ideally, the design of a leaflet would look something like this:

Massage room - interior photo

As for the interior and possible design features, there are many options, and successful examples look at the photo.

Frequently Asked Questions

Let's consider a few more important issues for starting a business.

What is the name of the massage parlor?

It is important that the name is not too hackneyed, original, and ideally unique. Even the approach to choosing a name matters. For example, if even the name of the owner is suitable for a store, then for a massage parlor, as a rule, you need something more impressive.

The key point will not be the ability to “encrypt” the direction of activity or the name of the co-owners, but the ability to evoke the necessary associations:

  • You can directly use the words “massage” or “body”. Such a name will not be catchy, but it will directly indicate the type of activity.
  • Alternatively, include words in Russian or English that mean beauty, health or relaxation.
  • If there are special services, hint at them. So, if a Thai massage is expected, then usually it cannot be avoided direct use the word "Thai" or parts thereof.
  • If you use names, then at least choose something beautiful and sophisticated. It might be possible to use famous name a person who helped others maintain or improve their health.
  • You can use other original ones, but beautiful words, including well-known but slightly modified ones.

Examples of names that are already taken:“ProstoMassazh”, “Beautycle”, “Doctor Body”, “Asia relax”, “Wai Thai”, “Avicenna”, “Laguna”, “Eden”, “Exodus”.

How to find clients for massage?

To find clients, it is useful to work on your own before opening your office. You can look for them among your friends, former colleagues and so on. It is better to immediately offer discounts to them, as well as to any new clients. This will help you effectively overcome the first stage - familiarization with the service performed by certain specialists. In the future, such people, if they like it, will want to pay the regular price.

Advice: come up with an affiliate program for colleagues from related fields. For example, invite a hairdresser or doctor you know to recommend you in exchange for you recommending him.

Do you need a license to open a massage parlor?

General restorative and cosmetic massage does not require a license. But if you plan to perform manual therapy or provide other therapeutic services, as well as therapeutic massage, you need to take care of receiving it.

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This type of business is good for massage specialists or those who know how to efficiently promote wellness services. It’s better if you manage to occupy a new niche in your city or come up with a significant competitive advantage. The initial investment will not be so large, but you cannot save on equipment and employee salaries. If you win the recognition of your target audience, then in the future you will have to keep the same level and make a profit.

Currently, massage parlors and offices provide a wide range of services: various types massage (from therapeutic to cosmetic), the use of aromatherapy, various wraps and so on. The development and quality of business depends on the number and variety of massage treatments. And first of all, its effectiveness is influenced by the design of the massage room. What the design can be and what to pay attention to is in our article.

The main point that must be taken into account when decorating is that the items used must be functional, and every little detail must be thought out. The design of the massage room should encourage clients to think about rest and relaxation in the massage room.

However, you should not go to extremes. For example, if the massage room is located in an inconvenient place, and the inside is cramped and unsightly, then the client is unlikely to want to return there again. The opposite situation may also be true - if the design of the massage room looks too expensive, the client, presenting a price tag corresponding to the interior, will not try to find out the real cost of the services.

Requirements for the area of ​​the massage room

The main condition for the size of the massage room is that it should not be cramped, but everything necessary equipment and furniture should be placed in the most optimal way. The size of the massage room or salon depends on how many massage tables are planned to be placed there. It is worth considering that as part of the design, massage tables must be zoned from each other.

If the office is designed for the simultaneous work of several massage therapists, then workplace there should be 8-10 of each square meters. The size of the workplace is calculated based on the official requirements, which indicate minimum size workplace area of ​​8 square meters. Provided that each massage therapist has his own separate office, the working area increases to 12 square meters.

In addition, the indicated area does not include a number of necessary additional premises:

  • locker room If the massage room is small, then using screens as a locker room will suffice. If the area allows, then it is worth organizing a full-fledged locker room.
  • bathroom It must be equipped with both a toilet and a shower, because massage procedures are performed on a clean body.

You can also equip a special lounge where clients can watch TV or look through magazines while waiting their turn. Massage rooms that do not have a large area of ​​premises may limit themselves to a small dedicated seating area.

Temperature and ventilation

Heating and air conditioning systems must be installed in the massage room, since the temperature in the rooms cannot drop below 22 degrees. Both a heating and cooling system must be installed. In the massage room there may be central heating or the placement of special boilers - gas or electric, to which a system of pipes and radiators is connected.

In summer when high temperature and in winter, when it’s low, a split system helps. It works for both cooling and heating, and is easy to fit into any interior of a massage room. It is also convenient because it is possible to combine the air conditioner itself with forced ventilation due to the air duct. It will also provide fresh air.

Make sure that the wall surfaces are made of moisture-resistant materials, as they will have to be regularly treated with aggressive cleaning agents. Will fit vinyl wallpaper With protective film or ceramic tiles. For the floor, choose tiles, linoleum or polymer coating.

Another prerequisite for interior design of a massage room is its equipment with a high-quality ventilation system. Today, wide model range air conditioners allows you to choose a device that can not only cool or heat the air, but also combine this with fresh air ventilation.

Lighting in the interior of a massage room

Choosing the right light is important element massage room design.

Natural lighting. Strictly necessary for a massage room. In this case, the windows cannot be curtained to achieve an intimate atmosphere. Use thin tulle or blinds.

Artificial lighting, also known as working lighting. It should be used over a massage table to create comfortable conditions massage therapist In order to create a pleasant atmosphere for customers and help them relax, decorative ambient lighting can be used. It should be soft and warm, such as from table lamp or a night light.

Additionally, the type of lighting may depend on the type of service provided. For example, to achieve complete relaxation during an oriental massage, it is better to use subdued twilight.

Furniture and equipment in the interior of a massage room

In the interior of a massage room, a high and hard bed can be used instead of a massage table. However, its use negatively affects the quality of the massage. In addition, with an unprofessional bed, the massage therapist himself quickly gets tired. It is worth paying attention to the ability to adjust the height. And the presence of a folding mechanism is useful when small sizes massage room.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the dimensions of the massage table so that clients with different body compositions feel comfortable during massage procedures. The optimal width would be 65-70 cm and length 185-190 cm.

Since massage tables and couches play a leading role in the interior of a massage room, you should not skimp on them. The material from which they are made must be durable. Wooden couches will fit into the interior of the massage room - this is as environmentally friendly as possible and is perceived as a natural material. For wet areas Aluminum tables are suitable.

Also in the massage room there should be:

  • closed shelves or cabinets for storing massage accessories (robes, towels, oils, etc.)
  • chair - two, three
  • rack for oils and medicinal preparations.

How to design color combinations in a massage room

How to arrange a massage room? Application large quantity cool colors can cause tension in visitors. These include:

  • blue
  • blue
  • violet.

To prevent this from happening, it is better to use a cold range of colors sparingly. For example, slightly diluting the main warm range.

As a rule, for decoration, one shade is taken, with which several more are additionally used, based on their compatibility. You can use white or gray colors. For a massage room we do not recommend:

  • bright red
  • dark blue
  • black.

Combination by color scheme We should also take into account the interior when choosing massage equipment. For example, if the interior of a massage room is designed in beige color, That suitable color for massage tables it will be brown.

Top 12 colors for interior design of a massage room:

  1. gold
  2. copper
  3. carrot
  4. wine
  5. walnut
  6. chocolate
  7. crimson
  8. pomegranate
  9. mustard
  10. tangerine
  11. terracotta.

If the chosen interior style allows, then the ideal material for furniture will be wood, since wood is perceived natural material and it seems warm.

Decor and accessories

The use of accessories in the interior of the massage room will also help clients tune in to rest and relaxation. So, when decorating walls, you should use neutral landscapes and flower arrangements. For decoration horizontal surfaces can be used:

  • candles and aroma lamps, but in this case it is necessary to carefully select aromas so that they are not irritating
  • flowers – fresh and artificial
  • bunches and bouquets of fragrant herbs
  • sculptures and figurines
  • bowls.

To decorate the windows in the interior of the massage room, use curtains. Suitable fabric two floor-length colors with eyelets and linen inserts. Work with stripes on curtains:

  • horizontal ones visually expand walls and windows
  • vertical ones “pull” the walls up, raising the ceiling.

Choosing a massage room style

As an example, let's look at several styles that are used in the design of massage rooms.

Japanese minimalism. This style is a concentration of practicality and convenience. As a rule, it is used in cases where the size of the room is very small. The premises are finished in light colors: ceramic tiles, paint or plaster. You can focus on one of the walls by decorating it, for example, with oriental-style mosaics. Ideal accessories in this case would be small lamps and indoor plants.

Eastern style. Since massage treatments came from the east, oriental style It is used quite often in the interiors of massage rooms. Complex compositions of patterns, wooden furniture, vases or bowls of rounded shapes are used here. If the size of the room allows, then designs that imitate arches are also used for the interior of the massage room (as in Arabic or Indian style), or fabrics for draping the ceiling (as in Thai style).

Loft style. One of the modern styles in the interior. Relatively affordable in price - for example, in quality flooring You can use linoleum with a pattern that imitates wood. The furniture should be made of wood, but the main requirement is its practicality. On the walls - imitation brickwork in light colors.

Classic style. This style of massage room requires the use of expensive materials for interior decoration, so it is not suitable for everyone. Mainly used in large and expensive massage parlors. The main color is brown and its shades. To finish the floors and walls, as a rule, ceramic tiles or marble are used, which imitate wood. The furniture is made of wood, its design uses carvings and expensive fabric for upholstery.

When developing the design of a massage room, it is necessary to take into account that a relaxing atmosphere is important for the client, which will help relieve stress and tune in to receiving massage treatments. Since the interior of an office can both attract clients and scare them away, it is important not to go to extremes when decorating it and not to overload the room with various details.

Unfortunately, most modern massage rooms are very small rooms, where it is hardly possible to conveniently place work equipment. But when decorating an office, it is important not to forget about its interior.

What to choose in this case: beauty or convenience?

You can find a compromise if you organize your workspace– even if it is only a few square meters in area!

So, in any case, it is necessary to consider a massage parlor as a business capable of generating a stable monthly income. That is why, first of all, take care of the functionality of all items used, their usefulness and convenience when working with visitors. Avoid unnecessary items - be it elements massage room equipment or small decorative trinkets. Remember that everything should be in moderation, especially when it comes to a miniature office!

Massage room design

Thus, the list of mandatory purchases for a massage room should include a massage table or couch, a trolley for massage products, cabinet furniture for storing textile accessories and consumables, screen, chair, armchair or bench. Other equipment items can be purchased later.

The main item on the list is the table (couch). It is clear that without it it will not be possible to provide massage services, so it is not worth saving on the purchase. In any case, if you are limited in finances, you should give your preference to an average-priced, but high-quality and functional product. The table or couch must be made of durable materials regardless of the type of structure (solid or folding). Special attention upholstery and frame materials deserve. If the item adjusts automatically, then be prepared to pay the seller a percentage of the price for a reliable lift.

Equipment for massage room

Trolley, rack or cabinet - all these cabinet items can be used to store work items: oils, creams, tonics, fragrances, as well as to store towels, gowns, socks, gloves, blankets (for thermal massage). In addition, the listed pieces of furniture can be used as display cases for goods put up for sale if, for example, you do not yet have the money to buy a specialized display case or there is simply nowhere to put it.

A screen, a chair, an armchair or a bench - all these items are necessary so that the visitor can change into clothes suitable for massage procedures without discomfort and prying eyes: a terry robe or a light cotton suit. Next to the screen you can also place a small closet or cabinet where the client will put his things that he came with.

Now about massage room interior : in most cases, the premises are decorated according to the general style of a salon or spa center, if the office is part of a complex or based on the services in which the master specializes: Thai (Thai), sports, healing massage, relaxation techniques, etc.

Interior of a massage room

For example, a room for a massage room for oriental massage techniques is often decorated using delicate natural shades: color sea ​​wave, grass, flowers. Traditionally, aromatic candles and relaxing oriental music are used; figurines and paintings of oriental themes can be placed on the shelves and walls for decoration - all this will help the client relax, which means that it will be much more convenient and easier for the master to carry out the procedures.

Massage room design , if this medical therapeutic massage room may not be decorated at all in the sense that many people mean in the phrase “interior design”. Painted walls, perfectly smooth surfaces that are easy to clean, “hospital” white, light green and blue tones- a common occurrence in such offices. Maybe it’s not as beautiful as in the eastern rooms - but this is exactly how it should look massage room according to SanPin , according to regulatory authorities.

Massage room according to SanPin

The main thing is that when it comes to design, proceed from what target clientele you would like to attract to your office. And if you are interested in the issue of equipment, then contact our store managers for help - they will select all the necessary equipment for you.

Massage can be called not just some actions and sessions, the main purpose of which is health improvement human body, but a life philosophy individuals and entire nations. If you think about it, massage appeared a long time ago and on every continent, in every country, it has a lot of varieties and is in constant demand. There are countries in which traditional massage is considered the same “calling card” as, for example, the Eiffel Tower in Paris or the Colosseum in Rome. Prominent examples of such countries are Thailand and Japan. In general, it is the eastern countries, as well as their philosophy, that carefully pass on traditional massage techniques from generation to generation.

Everyone probably knows that massage can be divided into a lot of subtypes, but the main areas are still considered to be relaxing techniques (relaxation massages) aimed at normalizing work nervous system and strengthening the strength of the body itself (immunostimulation), as well as classical medical techniques. In the latter case, we mean “hospital” types of massage, the main goal of which is to improve the health of the patient’s body.

Massage parlor in Rostov

To be fair, it should be noted that the most “commercial” is still the first type of massage - relaxation techniques, although it is also necessary to attend medical sessions as prescribed by the attending physician. The fact is that the modern rhythm of life unsettles almost every person: it makes you nervous, eat poorly, and live within a complex schedule. As a result, a lot of diseases develop, which, if not eliminated in time, can become chronic. Such troubles include drowsiness or, on the contrary, insomnia that does not go away. headache, mental disorder, absent-mindedness, inability to concentrate and make the right decisions in short periods of time.

Going for a relaxing massage after a hard day or week is sometimes the most effective way get yourself in order. Moreover, there are techniques that charge you with energy, which is useful, for example, before holding important negotiations, and those that, on the contrary, relax you and give you the opportunity to get a good night's sleep. Today anyone can go to a massage parlor, although many sessions are recommended only with the permission of a doctor.

Massage room design: photo

It is clear that for a pleasant pastime, every visitor to a massage parlor or private office wants to see an aesthetically designed room. The issue of design is especially acute today, when it is difficult to surprise a sophisticated client with anything.

Let's think about which one is better to choose massage room design.

Photo You may like or dislike numerous already completed projects on the Internet - this is where you should proceed in the design process. So, very often, salon owners order projects from those designers whose work seemed most interesting to them. Although, of course, you can always come to the interior studio and look through the portfolio or order something completely new just for yourself.

Regardless of where your office is located or will be located in the future ( massage parlor in Rostov or Moscow, Yekaterinburg or St. Petersburg), you should base the process of its registration on what services the master specializes in.

If this is an oriental salon, then it is necessary to “play up” the design in the Japanese or Chinese style, and perhaps in the style of outlandish islands with their bright colors and lush vegetation.

Sanitary requirements for massage rooms

If you intend to offer your visitors a classic European massage, then pay attention to classic English or French interiors, modern constructivism. Art Deco (Art Deco) style is perfect for mixing trends.

In the process of creating a project, as well as at the stages of its implementation, one should not forget about the ease of use and functionality of each piece of furniture, because massage rooms rarely have a spacious area - in most cases they are small “chamber” spaces. Make sure you have enough storage space for fabric accessories, massage products and consumables.

Despite the fact that the appearance of a salon or a separate office is very important, do not forget about the rules of this type of activity. Nobody canceled the strict sanitary requirements to massage rooms : massage room treatment , its disinfection, thorough ventilation, etc.

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DESIGN BUREAU "KVANTUM" develops unique interiors public and residential premises on a turnkey basis.

Over our history, we have developed about 280 projects, more than 150 of them have been implemented or are at the implementation stage.

We work all over Russia!

Interior design studio in Moscow

Do you want to arrange a residential or public interior space in modern style? Then the best interior design studio is ready to help you with this! To evaluate our work, you can look at the work in the portfolio, choosing the most suitable interior design in terms of style and cost.

Our company offers a number of services:

  • Initial visit of the designer;
  • Dimensional plan, design of furnishings and equipment;
  • Interior visualization;
  • Design of the premises with the necessary drawings, as well as visualization;
  • Author's design supervision. The cost depends on the number of trips required.
  • Visit of a specialist to stores to select materials, decorative elements, as well as the situation.

As you can see, design services include the development of a complete design project. This means that our room design company provides the creation of interior visualization, selection of color combinations, furnishings, decorative elements, and creation of drawings for finishing workers. Additional services include designer supervision to monitor the process of carrying out repair work. Detailed information on the price of the company’s design services you are interested in can be found in the prices section.

Design services provide a unique opportunity to professionally resolve issues related to the competent creation of an interior in favor of coziness, maximum comfort, and aesthetics. The services of an interior design studio can be very diverse, and the cost depends on the scale and complexity of the work, the area of ​​the room, and the preferred style.

Interior design company services in Moscow

From the variety of organizations offering design services today, our company can become best choice. After all, in addition to reasonable prices, experienced specialists will take care of correct design space, will carry out, if necessary, a range of repair work. The designer will correctly determine color combination space, successful style solutions, and also advise on the choice of finishing materials. It will give the room comfort and softness through textiles, creativity and completeness of appearance original accessories, art objects.

The specialists of the design studio in Moscow know everything about the range, quality of materials, innovative technologies, and designs. And also - they are real psychologists, offering what you dreamed of seeing in your home or office, but could not find the words to describe. Thanks to cooperation with our design studio, you will save your nerves and, undoubtedly, valuable time, because you will not have to look for a unique interior concept, necessary materials, conduct dialogues with suppliers. All these responsibilities fall on the shoulders of our design studio.

If the traditional layout of the room is quite banal and boring in your opinion, then it’s time to develop a modern and exclusive design, a company in Moscow is ready to help with this. As a result of cooperation, you will receive excellent functional and fashionable interior. If earlier finding a good interior design company was considered a problem, today it is quite possible if you prefer to cooperate with a design studio in Moscow. We are pleased to offer you the services of true masters who have proven in practice that design can bring brightness of colors into your life and work, making it more comfortable and better.

Now you have unique opportunity order interior design services, the cost of which will not scare you away. You don't have to worry: the designers will make every effort to create creative interior, according to your preferences. Many years of experience, presence of taste and style, imaginative thinking will in the best possible way work on arranging your original space.

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Aquarius, cosmetology, Smolensk (2)

Today modern man wants to look beautiful, well-groomed, because often it is by appearance that the first assessment is made, the first impression is formed, a person belongs to a certain social class. This happens on a subconscious level, but you already try to stick to the existing style and not change it throughout your life.

Massage parlors, the design of which should be thought through to the smallest detail, help keep your body in good shape, and, accordingly, your appearance in good condition. Not everyone wants to see in front of them a small, nondescript basement or a cramped dark room with a couch in the middle, and the impression of the craftsmen working in such a place will remain twofold.

Designer consultation

The same thing will happen if massage salon design will resemble a luxurious palace or respectable chambers of the Turkish Sultan. We are even afraid to come here, let alone find out the cost of services.

It’s a completely different matter if the client finds himself in front of an ordinary building, inside of which there is an atmosphere of bliss, peace, and relaxation. When you see a place like this, you just want to exclaim: “This is it! Here I am not afraid to change my appearance! I’m ready to come back here again and again!” So, what is the ideal massage parlor?

What is important to consider when developing the design of a massage room?

Thinking through massage parlor design, it is important to consider every little detail, from the type and color of the walls to appearance couches. The color of the ceiling can be anything - from classic white to light blue, reminiscent of a clear sky.

Design of the beauty salon “Beauty room”, Moscow

As for the flooring, it can be soft or hard in the form of fluffy carpet or hard laminate. The owner of the room can plan unusual architectural delights, where not a corner turns into a corner, but a soft transition from one wall to another is realized. Sometimes there will be no walls at all, but there will be a single space, captivating with its lightness, dimensionality, giving integrity and harmony with the surrounding world.

This project massage studio design can only be created by those who can embody any style - classic, hi-tech, modern. You should first draw a sketch of the room in order to see in reality the fairy tale that you came up with in your head spontaneously or over a long time. A professional designer can turn any fantasy into reality, and a sketch of the room will allow you to experience everything for yourself. The owner will be able to understand whether the visitor wants to stay here or would prefer to move on.

Down with the standards - they have long since sunk into oblivion, now massage parlors are presented with completely different requirements, as well as for. You can no longer find rows of simple massage couches or fabric screens here. Now their place is taken by modern massage rooms with an atmosphere of calm, bliss, and relaxation. Often, in addition to a comfortable massage table, the main place is occupied by a stylish massage chair, and the master works in a separate office, completely isolated from extraneous sounds. Any noise can interrupt complete relaxation client, which means the latter will not be able to fully experience the full result. There are models of chairs that combine additional features with recreational ones - for example, music that imitates the singing of birds or the murmur of a stream.