Cozy modern kitchens. How to make the kitchen cozy with your own hands: an action plan

Today it’s not easy to find time for communication, and not just with friends, but even with members of your own family, so you have to gather everyone for conversations either in the morning or in the evenings when you come home from work. Since this time coincides with the time of breakfast or dinner, it turns out that such “conversation” most often takes place in the kitchen. And this is another reason to make this specific and multifunctional room as comfortable as possible. A cozy kitchen should become a real oasis of home warmth that can support family cohesion..

Comfortable conditions for a home cook

Sometimes modern women, especially residents of megacities, try to spend as little time as possible in their kitchen and not because they are busy with career advancement or they frankly do not have enough time to cook, but due to the fact that the work area is completely organized in their kitchen incorrectly. The hostess has to rush from corner to corner to create something edible. But it's incredibly tiring! Therefore, when creating your own cute kitchen, be sure to use such a design move, usually a triangle. It says that the refrigerator, stove and sink should be the vertices of an imaginary triangle, because the hostess, when working in the kitchen, basically moves between these three points.

corner cozy khnya

In a cozy kitchen, these points are always located at a short distance, so they significantly reduce the time spent on cooking.

It would be a great idea to divide the kitchen into zones. Ideally, if the dining group is located at a significant distance from the stove. Do not use the dining table as work surface, better think about how to organize a convenient area for this in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe "kitchen triangle".


The working area of ​​\u200b\u200byour kitchen will only become practical when all frequently used utensils are located at your fingertips. In a large spacious kitchen, it will not be problematic to solve the issue of its rational placement, but what to do in a limited space in which there is not enough space for anything?

rack for storing various kitchen utensils

There is a way out: do not use standard sets in the decor of such a kitchen. Furnish the room with furniture ordered from your own sketches. Working on the decor of a cozy kitchen, use every square centimeter, not only on the floor, but also on the walls.. AT small room there should be an abundance of hanging cabinets and shelves. At the same time, only things you really need in the kitchen should be stored on them and in them, and not useless decor elements that take up precious space in vain and do not carry any practical benefit.

Also, do not buy for a modest kitchen that you do not need too much. Appliances, especially such a technique that duplicates the functions of an already existing one.

open shelves above the stove

Well, what's the point of buying an air grill and an oven for baking pies, if you can buy one microwave oven with a set of these options, which can also be used to heat food?

How to create a cozy kitchen

For creating cozy interior, of course, you need to properly decorate the walls, and purchase good furniture, but the main part of the work in this direction will be performed by:

  1. Textile.
  2. Lighting.
  3. Lovely trinkets.

cozy kitchen with island

Games with light

It is impossible to make the atmosphere of the kitchen comfortable if it is not properly lit. Believe me, no tricks will help you! Since we are talking about a specific room, the light in it is distributed in an unusual way. On the one hand, the kitchen should be brightly lit so that you can easily find the right little thing in the closet, cook dinner or clean up, and on the other hand, the pouring light should be soft, as diffused as possible and create a slight intimate mystery, conducive to relaxation and conversations. . But how to do that?

The best way to solve all issues and get a truly cozy kitchen is multi-level lighting.

Let's start with ceiling lighting. Its main purpose is to maintain lighting at the proper level in the evening. It is rational to make such a backlight partially switched on, then it will be much easier for you to adjust the intensity of lighting in accordance with the situation.

combining spotlights with pendant lights

When arranging a ceiling lighting system, you can use:

  1. Embedded point devices.
  2. Overhead lamps.
  3. Tire lamps.
  4. LED strips.

The work area needs brighter and more focused lighting. They do a great job with this:

  1. Overhead lamps. It can be fluorescent, halogen or LED. These models provide directional light streams, so the cooking process becomes really comfortable. Any of the above types of fixtures are mounted under wall cabinets, more precisely, on their lower surfaces.
  2. Unusually, the backlight inside the open shelves will be perceived.
  3. A wonderful option is a glass apron with built-in lighting.

classic chandelier with wall sconces will create comfortable lighting

The dining area should not be overlooked either. Here great solution there will be a beautiful lamp hanging low above the table with an original shade or lampshade. If such a design seems too cumbersome for the design style of your cozy kitchen, then use a few graceful hangers with small shades. In the case when the table is adjacent to the wall, you can use sconces that pour light directly onto its surface.

Remember, properly selected lighting designs:

  1. Perfectly complement the atmosphere of the kitchen.
  2. Emphasize the dignity of the interior.
  3. Hide from the eyes of outsiders the existing flaws.

three small hanging lamps for dining table lighting

Decorative inclusions as sources of comfort

A special atmosphere in the room appears only when it is filled with stylish accessories and decorative elements. A dull room will instantly change with the appearance in the decor original watches, painted services, vases and figurines. The situation in such a kitchen will be somewhat solemn, but this will not become less pleasant.

Emphasize home comfort rooms will help children's drawings, fridge magnets and, of course, potted flowers. A teapot surrounded by cups can flaunt on the table, or fruit can stand in a beautiful wicker basket.

What items to use and how much decorative elements will be present in your cozy kitchen, you decide individually. The main thing is that all introductions are harmoniously coordinated with each other and with the surrounding space.

flowers as the main decorative element in the interior of the kitchen

Cozy kitchens and a sense of style

There are also in design fashion trends, that's why modern kitchens more and more often we are met with minimalist, modern or high-tech interiors.

These areas fell in love with the townsfolk for the clarity of lines, simplicity of forms, not overloaded with furniture and the ability to see in the decor such modern materials like plastic, metal and glass.

Minimalist decor

The kitchen, which has such an interior, is always bright and spacious. characteristic feature minimalism has become monochrome, which certainly gives the kitchen volume and expands the space.

cozy minimalist kitchen

To get a cozy kitchen, dominant color it is better to make some shade from the light color spectrum.

Furniture in such a kitchen is present in a minimal amount. All objects that appeared in the setting have flat facades and straight silhouettes.

The coldness of a minimalist decor can be smoothed out by the presence of objects from natural wood.

Since such an interior requires good lighting, curtains never appear on the windows of minimalist kitchens. They are replaced by blinds, light flowing curtains made of organza, muslin, tulle or roller blinds.

Hi-tech in kitchen decor

This style is ideal for multifunctional spaces such as kitchens. He makes the atmosphere in them modern and not devoid of originality.

interior of cozy kitchen in hi-tech style

The main advantages of this decor are practicality, colorfulness, excellent illumination and clarity of lines.

The cozy high-tech kitchen also uses a multi-level lighting system. Furniture is placed only necessary, but its design always has additional functionality. The high-tech interior is the realm of glass and metal, which is why the furniture attracts attention with its unusual facades and an abundance of chrome elements. Its addition is modern technology, which in such a decor should be a lot.

It is recommended to fill the atmosphere with comfort with accessories made of natural stone, wood and natural flowers. They really know how to fit into the stylistic concept of the direction.

Provence style will create a cozy and truly family atmosphere in the kitchen

If you decide to ennoble the kitchen with your own hands, then start with curtains. Choose for window decoration such a style and material that would go well with the rest of the interior. But the kitchen will become really cozy if you sew chair covers from a similar fabric and decorate them with ornaments or bows. The rest of the cut can be used for sewing potholders and an apron.

Tablecloths knitted with openwork and embroidery on plain textiles will add color to the setting.

Don't bypass removing floors. Place straw rugs or patchwork rugs on them.

floor carpets make the interior of the kitchen more comfortable

A cozy kitchen is created by trial and error, so stock up on ideas and patience. Of course, you will have to work hard, but the end result will be your real reward. So turn on your imagination and boldly get down to business!

Photo gallery - cozy kitchen:

Want to make your kitchen even more comfortable? Then in this article you will find a lot for yourself. useful information. And photo real interiors kitchens will help to understand the topic even more.

1. warm tone walls.

Walls are primarily responsible for psychological comfort in the kitchen.

Colorists advise choosing coatings kitchen walls inconspicuous warm tones:

  • pale pink;
  • light yellow;
  • brownish;
  • orange;
  • peach;
  • fawn.

The walls of such colors seem especially native. They pacify, relax, bring a sense of harmony and romantic lightness to home comfort. Against their background, furniture and original accessories stand out favorably.

Now it is fashionable to alternate wallpaper of similar shades on one wall. For example, yellow can be combined with fawn, orange with light brown. Such smooth overflows of tones will not create the effect of an “exploded rainbow”, but will bring touches of light energy into the general atmosphere of peace.

2. Cheerful curtains.

Well-chosen curtains are a key moment in. Layered long curtains of dark and heavy material no place in the kitchen. They look heavy, unhygienic and impractical.

Here we need light, airy, translucent curtains to the windowsill. The color of the curtains should match the tone of the walls.

It is best to give preference to light fabrics:

  • chintz;
  • tulle;
  • guipure;
  • silk.

Decorated with a lambrequin or an arch, interestingly draped, window decor will look aesthetically pleasing and cheer you up.

Notes of frivolity and joy will bring curtains in polka dots or flowers. Curtains depicting animations, butterflies, birds will add carelessness and playfulness to the kitchen interior.

Contrasting color finishing elements will playfully look on plain curtains:

  • ruffles;
  • bows;
  • lace;
  • application;
  • embroidery.

But all these decorations should be delicate and light, so as not to "weight" the overall impression of the curtains.

3. Cozy yellow light.

The yellow color of the lamp is the most favorable for the kitchen. It increases appetite, improves digestion, improves mood, stimulates work. Yellow lighting is comfortable for the eyes: they do not get tired of it, but rather relax after a busy day.

However, if possible, it is better to add a pair of yellow sconces to it. During evening gatherings, their delicate radiation in the dining area will be quite enough. You just need to make sure that additional light sources do not give glare.

Not the last role in the selection of a lighting device is played by its power. That's why optimal solution for the kitchen there will be a chandelier with a dimmer. This device will allow, depending on the situation and mood, to enhance or dim the intensity of lighting.

4. New kitchen apron.

It can not only protect the wall, but also please the eye. The lack of decor on it or old faded pictures do not add a degree to the mood. Fixing the case and revitalizing the kitchen is very simple.

It is enough to buy new original stickers on the market. Your imagination and taste will help determine the choice of images.

Their range is huge: panoramic views, landscapes, funny faces, motivating inscriptions, stylish ornaments.

It will be transformed after applying photo printing or engraving on it. To get a relief pattern, you can use the method of chemical etching.

If there is no kitchen apron at all, a strip of colored kitchen oilcloth of medium thickness will fill the gap.

Stickers with the image of dishes, vegetables, fruits will update the facades of cabinets. Spectacular decoration for kitchen furniture serve and self-adhesive film. True, given the fragility of this material, it will have to be changed annually.

6. Roof rails.

"Hangers" for kitchen utensils are worthy of the attention of a hostess prone to organization. With the help of convenient tubes and planks, you can compactly place mugs, spoons, knives, ladles, jars of spices.

All this is hung on hooks or mounting holders. installed above the stove, along the border of the working apron, above the sink.

7. Accessories

The comfort of the kitchen environment will give useful and at the same time spectacular gizmos:

  • A mitten in tandem with a potholder.
  • Set of painted trays.
  • Cutting boards various sizes and configurations.
  • A set of plastic, tin or glass jars for storing pasta, sugar, salt, cereals, spices, tea, coffee.
  • Unusually shaped sugar bowl, butter dish, pepper shaker.
  • Silicone wipes imitating different kinds cut fruit.
  • Cork coasters for cups with hot drinks.

Thanks to original design With these funny organizers, the everyday process of cooking, as well as eating it, turns into a holiday.

A lot of amusing products will help to emphasize the individuality and completeness of the interior:

  • Glass multi-stage or metal ornate shelves.
  • Paintings and panels depicting still lifes or landscapes.
  • Entourage dishes made of ceramics, wood, phosphorus, glass (wall plates, vases for fruits and flowers, candy bowls, coasters, jugs), wicker baskets.
  • Figurines depicting domestic animals (cows, pigs, chickens), vegetables, fruits.
  • Candlesticks in the form of a tree or a flower.

When choosing these jewelry, you need to follow a sense of proportion and style. The main thing here is not to overdo it and keep a balance so that the decor does not become mosaic random.

9. Soft corner

The daytime rest area - a sofa complex, a banquette, a bench or a shop - contributes to the comfort of the kitchen environment. It is best to order a soft corner in accordance with the dimensions of the room and the chosen interior style.

For convenience, you can ask the craftsmen to make a folding type structure. It is also desirable that there is a niche for things under the upper bed.

10. Indoor flowers

Green "inhabitants" of the kitchen moisturize and refresh the air, make the room beautiful and habitable. Some of them, such as ivy or tropical creepers, are placed on the very top of the kitchen set or in a planter and used for vertical gardening.

Place on the windowsill is usually given to more capricious flowers in need of sunlight: orchid, Chinese rose, geranium, hyacinth, violet. For this, the plants thank the owners with blossoming buds. Tradescantia and begonia are not afraid of open windows and drafts.

The larger the kitchen, the more appropriate large-sized plants are in it. In a spacious room, you can arrange a real blooming oasis by planting hibiscus, palm, lemon Tree, ficus. Dinner table you can also decorate with a flower, but only the smallest and healthiest.

11. Mini-garden on the windowsill.

The kitchen is the best place to grow healthy herbs: basil, parsley, dill, thyme, watercress, mint, green onions. It's so cute, so comfortable, so feminine! Many of the listed herbs do not need soil: they can be planted in containers with water or special hydropots.

kitchen interior trend recent years was an American invention - the Windowsfarm home hydroponic system. She combined a mini-garden and vertical garden. This eco-miracle is not cheap, but it allows you to achieve a stunning aesthetic effect.

The rules of a cozy kitchen that you should not break

Each person has their own ideas about comfort and beauty.

And yet there is General requirements to create coziness and harmony in the kitchen:

  1. Keep the dining area clean, after each meal put it in perfect order: not only your mood, but also your health depends on this.
  2. Get rid of any rubbish in a timely manner: used boxes, bags, broken containers and appliances.
  3. Take care of the spaciousness of the room, the absence of bulky furniture in it, which interferes with cooking, cleaning, and relaxing.
  4. Maintain all decor elements in one color scheme with a predominance of warm shades.

What can disrupt the comfort in the kitchen:

  • carpet covering;
  • incompatibility of furniture dimensions and area;
  • dark or aggressive colors of walls, furniture, curtains;
  • too much decoration.

Designer taste, sense of proportion and love for the hearth will help you create a unique atmosphere of warmth and comfort in your kitchen.

Warm and cozy kitchens (real photos)

Well, in the end, you can also see photos of kitchens of real interiors. Maybe you will take some ideas into service and bring them to life, already at home in the kitchen.

Of great importance for the hostess is the convenience of the arrangement of furniture and household appliances in the kitchen. But it is equally important that it is comfortable and pleasant to be here. To make the kitchen more comfortable with your own hands, simple tricks will help, for which you do not need to start overhaul. Various household trifles that do not require significant material costs will help create a mood.

Cosmetic repairs at no extra cost

There is no need to break down and rebuild walls, undermine floors and change windows to make the kitchen cozy. Instead, carefully inspect the room, assess its condition and draw up an action plan, which can be done with your own hands without any extra expenses and effort.

A strict revision and inclusion in the "garbage" list of things that have already served their time, but it was a pity to throw them away: broken dishes, worn-out tablecloths, bent blinds, will help to orient from the situation.

Unlike other rooms, the walls in the kitchen get very dirty. Soot, splashes of grease, salt tap water leave their sometimes indelible marks between ceramic tiles, on wallpaper or paint. It is possible to correct the situation.

For this:

  • Grout for seams. After washing kitchen apron from ceramic tiles refresh the seams with grout. White color- universal, but new spots are immediately visible on it. To create coziness, choose a contrasting shade that is in harmony with other elements of the interior.
  • Wall color. The kitchen will immediately become cozier if you update the paint on the walls. At cosmetic repairs it is enough to walk with a roller over visible areas without moving kitchen set. To protect furniture from paint drops, it is recommended to cover it with polyethylene or several layers of newspaper.
  • Wallpaper. If stains are visible on the wallpaper, the damaged area can be decorated with several contrasting stripes or photo wallpapers. With a skillful approach, this simple technique will help to zone the space and create coziness in a corner with a dining group.

Old worn linoleum is easy to replace with a new one. Just before pressing it with a plinth, let the canvas settle down for several days.

If there is no hood in the kitchen, the ceiling turns yellow from soot. To do painting or whitewashing with your own hands, you just need a few free hours.

Cozy kitchen (video)

Old furniture in a new way

A cozy kitchen is unlikely to give the impression of being one with old, shabby or motley furniture. But this does not mean that it is time to send a kitchen set that has long gone out of fashion to a landfill.

You can also update it yourself:

  1. If replacing the facades of cabinets is not included in your plans, the doors can be decorated with self-adhesive washable wallpaper. Even when the furniture in the kitchen is assembled from different sets, the same color of the coating will connect it into a single composition and bring coziness.
  2. Another a budget option- make decoupage of surfaces using ordinary colored napkins. One can of varnish is enough to process all the facades decorated with paper patterns.
  3. Replacing the covers of floor cabinets with one common countertop will unite the furniture into an integral composition and create coziness in the kitchen.

The type of fittings greatly affects the overall design of the room. Worn or completely torn handles on drawers and doors should be removed. Replace them with new and identical ones.

Interior decor

Decorating is designed to give the kitchen not only comfort, but also a certain style. One of essential elements decor is color.

To use this design tool correctly, follow these simple rules:

  • it is not recommended to use more than 3-4 colors for decoration;
  • excessive variegation tires the eye;
  • monochrome has a depressing effect on the psyche, it should be diluted with several bright color spots.

If you are skilled in needlework, when choosing new curtains for the kitchen, do not regret spending money on two sets. From the second, you can make a tablecloth and pillows for stools. in the kitchen with discreet design they will become a bright accent of the interior. Such a trick will not only make your kitchen more stylish in one color scheme, but also allow you to quickly change the interior depending on your mood.

Not recommended to use all year round the same or the same type of curtains in the kitchen. Different seasons also have their own requirements. In winter, this is a heavier option. In summer, it will be more pleasant to hang light, translucent fabrics.

Little things matter

A variety of little things that successfully fit into the interior create comfort:

  • Original hangers for kitchen towels– ordinary wooden clothespins. They are simply glued to the wall. This way you won't have to drill holes for the hooks and the towels won't keep slipping off.
  • Spice storage. Spices, cereals and other bulk products are best stored in identical glass jars. This will not only protect them from climbing bugs, but also give an aesthetic appearance. Especially if they are stored on open or transparent shelves.
  • Food storage. Not all products are always placed in the refrigerator. Keeping them in a bag is unaesthetic and harmful. For these purposes, wicker baskets are more suitable. Such containers provide products with ventilation and at the same time fit perfectly into the interior of the kitchen.
  • Window sill in the kitchen- not the most the best place for indoor plants. It would be more appropriate to put containers with herbs here - basil, parsley, dill. A vase of flowers has a place on the dining table.
  • Rational use of space. Often after installing furniture from the wall to the cabinet there is free space. These 10-20 cm can be used rationally by ordering a vertical drawer. This will fill the space and provide storage space for lids, scoops, and other kitchen utensils.

How to make the kitchen cozy (video)

It would seem that the main place to relax in the house is the living room. Bought comfortable sofa, a cool TV and you don’t have to worry about the rest of the rooms and their arrangement.

In fact, such a lifestyle will not lead to anything good.

The main place in the house should be the kitchen. Then there will be peace in the family, and there will be no problems with the figure. Indeed, in a cozy kitchen it is doubly pleasant to cook the right beautiful food.

A few steps in the right direction will help answer the question of how to make the kitchen cozy and turn it into a favorite place for evening gatherings for the whole family.

Curtains are the largest and brightest element of textiles in the kitchen. The window should have tulle and a thick night curtain. Choose a color based on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room and the color scheme of the walls. A cozy little kitchen requires the use of light colors.

Preference should be given to curtains with a pattern, because various minor impurities will be noticeable on a plain coating.

Curtains will have to be washed often and soon they will lose their elegant look.

If a kitchen chairs have sharp corners, can be sewn or ordered soft covers. This will save the furniture from scratches and give them a more comfortable look.

On the walls you can hang small pictures, photos of a cozy kitchen taken from the Internet. On the wall calendar, you can mark the days of family trips to the store, make notes.

According to a long-established tradition, it is customary to decorate refrigerators with magnets. If it is built into the headset and it is impossible to mount on it, then a magnetic board will come to the rescue. Such a little thing will remind you of pleasant vacation days and weekend trips to other cities.

A tea set can be placed at some distance from the cooking place. This will start a good tradition of daily family tea drinking.

Step four - style secrets

The design of a cozy kitchen is an ambiguous concept. Each style has its own features.

Minimalism and modernity are characterized by simplicity of forms, rational use of furniture, discreet colors, revolving in shades of metallic, silver and beige. In a word, nothing more.

To create coziness in such a kitchen, wooden accessories are acceptable. It is better to refuse thick curtains in favor of thin organza or tulle.

The hi-tech kitchen is distinguished by its cosmic look. Clear bright lines, the latest equipment, sophisticated on the inside and simple on the outside. The color scheme can be anything, up to hot pink and blue.

Oddly enough, stone accessories will help to add warmth to such a kitchen. Glass vases with colored pebbles inside, hot coasters, a tablecloth with a suitable print - all this has a place to be in a high-tech room.

Step five - handmade

There are so many tips and master classes on creating cute little things that even the laziest tried to do decoupage or create colored salt.

From all the variety of activities, you can find what you like and create a unique cozy trinket from improvised materials.

The kitchen has long ceased to be an exclusively female part of the house. With a frantic pace of life, fitful communication, snacks on the run, only a cozy kitchen can unite the family and allow you to be alone with the closest people.

Cozy kitchen design photo

Every hostess strives to make her whole house cozy and comfortable for family members. But the kitchen needs special comfort. After all, the whole family gathers here in the evenings to discuss pressing problems and enjoy a delicious dinner at a large family table. But it is not enough to fill the kitchen with fashionable household appliances and do modern renovation. In this case, it is very important to think over the combination and necessity of each item, accessory and decor element without exception.

For those who do not know how to make the kitchen cozy and comfortable, designers recommend using the following recommendations:

  • The use of textiles for interior decoration.
  • Proper placement of light sources.
  • The use of various trinkets that are valuable as a memory for all family members.

The simplest technique that will transform any interior is the use of textiles. First of all, it should be curtains. Beautiful, original, matched to the main tone color scheme literally transform the room.

Covers for chairs, sofa and stools are a good enough solution to create a cozy atmosphere. And, of course, what kind of kitchen can do without a beautiful tablecloth, napkins and potholders made by the hostess with her own hands.

So that all textile details are harmoniously combined with each other and fit into kitchen interior, it is necessary to carefully consider the texture and color of the fabric.

Creating the right lighting

Thinking about how to make the kitchen cozy, it is impossible to ignore the topic of lighting. Agree that in a dark, poorly lit area, you hardly want to create culinary masterpieces. Therefore, the lamps must be positioned so that they create a comfortable environment, illuminate the space with not bright, diffused light and emphasize the advantages of a beautiful, cozy kitchenette.

The cozy kitchen in the photo should include several light sources:

  • Ceiling central lighting. It is necessary to create sufficient lighting in the evening.
  • Backlight working area.
  • Dining room lighting.

It is very convenient if the central light source turns on completely and partially. As the main lighting, you can use an LED lamp, tire, recessed lamp.

For the work area where the hostess processes the products before heat treatment, overhead lighting devices can be used in the form of halogen, fluorescent, LED lamps. You can also equip the backlight of open shelves and an apron.

Even if the kitchen is small, it can become cozy with individual lighting. dining area. In this case, it is recommended to use a small elegant lamp fixed above the table with two or three horns.

decorative trim

Beautiful cozy kitchens in the photo must be created from small decorative elements that you can do with your own hands. In order for the kitchen to acquire a homely atmosphere, it is recommended to use painted clocks, sets, vases, figurines in the design.

A small cozy kitchen will acquire not only stylish design, but also an incredibly warm atmosphere, if the refrigerator is decorated with small magnets brought from travel, children's drawings. The kitchen window sill should definitely be decorated with flowerpots with flowering houseplants.

Modern kitchen styles and cozy atmosphere

Agree, it is not easy to use original ruffled curtains and do-it-yourself napkins in the interior of a high-tech kitchen. Therefore, the interiors of a cozy kitchen in the photo, decorated in fashionable stylistic directions, are recommended to be slightly modernized. So, a cold interior design made of metal, chrome and glass can be transformed by using furniture with natural wood facades. Green plants will fit just as well. Wall decoration can be added brickwork created from ceramic tiles imitating a natural stone. Modern solution window decoration in the form of blinds, can be supplemented with a curtain made of organza, tulle or viscose.

In creating coziness in a small kitchenette, the following tips will help:

  • When choosing curtains for windows, try to choose a fabric and style that will be in harmony with the overall arrangement of the room.
  • If the design style allows, chair covers and tablecloths are recommended to be sewn from the same fabric as the curtains.
  • The remains of the material should not be thrown away, they can be used to make convenient potholders for hot dishes.
  • The walls can be decorated with still lifes created by the hostess with her own hands.
  • Knitted napkins on the table look very impressive and homely.
  • If the table is already decorated with a plain tablecloth, it can be updated by making original embroidery.