Is it possible to drill ceramic tiles into joints? How to drill a hole in a tile wall - a practical guide. method - drilling holes using diamond-coated crowns

Finishing plays a huge role in designing the appearance and creating comfort. For these purposes, tiles are used in the bathroom and kitchen. After tiling these rooms, quite a lot of people are faced with the problem of how to drill tiles to mount various holders, mirrors, hangers, cabinets and other interior items on the wall. And very often it is heard that the result is an unsightly crack. Why is this happening?

Ceramic finish looks very beautiful and is durable. But everyone also knows about such a property of tiles as fragility. Due to inaccurate mechanical action, there is a high probability that ceramic tiles may crack, thereby ruining the entire design. But there are methods on how to drill tiles carefully, without any damage. Let's look at them in more detail.

How is tile drilled? In order to properly drill tiles on the wall without causing serious damage to them, you need to use special tools, selecting the necessary drills and materials. To do this you will need:

  • electric or hand drill;
  • a drill bit made of pobedit with a spear-shaped tip, intended for drilling tiles;
  • drill for the base;
  • paper tape or adhesive mounting tape;
  • marker;
  • vacuum cleaner.

If there is a need to make a hole in a tile of a larger diameter, for a faucet, pipes, electrical outlet, for example, then a circular ballerina drill or a carbide cutter is used for these purposes. A ballerina drill in everyday life is an adjustable circular drill with cutters set using a hex key at the same distance from the center. In this case, a drill is necessary for centering.

The incisors move different distances. Thanks to these design features, this drill can be used to drill holes of different diameters. To do this, you just need to simply set the incisors to required distance, make markings, and having secured them well, drill the tiles in the bathroom carefully, setting the drill to low speed. If necessary, with breaks.

This drill is quite cheap and is sold in almost all specialized stores. Despite its low cost, this tool has an extremely long service life. correct operation. There are several types of modifications for such a drill, which one is most convenient for drilling ceramic tiles, can only be determined experimentally.

A carbide cutter costs much more. But with its help you can drill not only tiles, but also stone or concrete. The main disadvantage of this instrument is a fixed diameter that cannot be changed or adjusted.

In some cases, when a hole is needed urgently, but there is no special tool, you can use an alternative - a Pobedit drill for concrete. When using this device, which is not intended for working with ceramic tiles, it is necessary to sharpen its cutting element to maximum sharpness. When drilling, you need to be extremely careful so as not to spoil the surface.

How to drill tiles on a wall without cracking? If the tiles are already installed, it becomes necessary to drill not only the tiles, but also the tile adhesive and the wall underneath it. In this case, it is recommended to use a drill or hammer drill. For a drill, it is recommended to use a spear-shaped drill for tiles and glass, for a hammer drill the best option will be for concrete and hard alloy tiles.

Drilling procedure

Drilling tiles is necessary when you need to get a small hole in it. Before starting work, it is necessary to tap the tiles, listening at this moment to the sounds made. In the case when a dull, dense sound is heard, this means that you can start working without any problems, otherwise, there is a high probability that cracks will appear in the ceramic tiles during the process or the surface may even crack.

It is also important what to drill with. The drill must be of high quality.

It is very important to ensure that the drill does not slip on a smooth surface. This problem can be solved by several methods:

  1. In the center of the future hole, the enamel is slightly beaten; this procedure can be carried out at very low speeds of the drill, or by using, for example, a file.
  2. Cover the drilling area with masking tape (paper tape) or a translucent adhesive tape; this will help prevent the drill from slipping and help keep it in place. In the case where the mark is poorly visible through the tape, or is not visible at all, it can be made directly on the tape itself.
  3. In some cases, in order to prevent slipping, a jig is used; this is a thick plate made of steel or wood with holes of different diameters. It must be placed in the marked place on the tile, pressed and begin drilling through a hole of the required diameter. This device can be made with your own hands from metal plate or a piece of plywood if you don’t have a store-bought version at hand.

Before drilling tiles, you need to make sure that the impact mode is turned off on the hammer drill or drill (if it has this function). After which the tool must be installed at a right angle to the surface, set low speed on it and begin the drilling process. You can gradually increase the speed, drilling to the base.

It is very important to remove the resulting dust during the process. A vacuum cleaner is used for this purpose; it must be installed in such a way that it does not interfere with work, but at the same time quickly removes the resulting dust. If possible, it is advisable to resort to someone's help.

As soon as the base of the tile is reached, the drill must be changed to the one that is most suitable for the type of base (wood, concrete) and the hole must be drilled to the desired depth. But at the same time, it is necessary to remember that the drill should not be larger in diameter than the one used to drill the tiles, otherwise the tiles can be irrevocably damaged.

In the event that it is necessary to drill through a loose tile, before starting work you need to make sure that it is located on a flat surface. A wooden or concrete base. It is strictly forbidden to drill tiles on a metal surface, as this can easily damage the cutter.

Like any job, the process of drilling tiles is fraught with its own tricks, subtleties and has a number of nuances, knowing which you can make your work much easier and know exactly how you can drill a hole in the tile without spoiling the material itself.

Experts give following tips How to drill tiles correctly:

  1. You cannot make a hole in the immediate vicinity of the edge of the tile, the crosshair, or in the gap between adjacent tiles, since this increases the likelihood of cracks and chips, which will irrevocably damage the entire appearance.
  2. When drilling, it is necessary, first disconnecting the drill from the power supply, from time to time to moisten the drill with water in order to prevent it from overheating, and thereby avoiding breakage of the tool and damage to the tile.
  3. In the event that it is not possible to purchase the necessary drill or cutter, but a hole nevertheless needs to be made, you can use “handicraft” methods for making holes.
  4. In some cases, you can use a drill and a drill bit from a hammer drill. In this case, a drill is clamped into the drill chuck, and with its help, in the non-impact mode, the tiles are drilled. After the tile is drilled, the mode switches to impact and the wall begins to be drilled. The entire drilling process should be carried out at low speeds.
  5. In order to drill through the tiles at low speeds, you can use a metal drill. True, after this it will become unusable.

A tile master with extensive experience will carry out this operation without any problems, so if you are not sure that you will not damage the cladding, then it is better to seek help from a specialist.

Let's sum it up

Due to the fact that tiles are quite popular as a material for finishing premises, it is extremely important to know how to work with them, including the operation of drilling them.

Since in everyday life quite often there is a need to hang something on a wall lined with ceramic tiles, these can be all kinds of cabinets, hangers, holders and other items necessary for everyday life and household use.

During the drilling process, you should not use excessive force, avoid exposure to vibration, and ensure that the speed on the tool is at a minimum level. The drills or crowns themselves must be made of high-quality, durable materials that can pass through a dense structure. We must not forget about the appropriate sharpening and configuration of tools.

This process requires extreme care and compliance with safety regulations from the one who will perform it, but the process itself is not extremely labor-intensive. If you wish and have a little skill, you can do it yourself, but it’s always better to trust difficult work to a professional.

A hole in a tile may be needed for various reasons. Sometimes you need to install plumbing, hang a shelf or heated towel rail on the wall, and often you need to install an outlet or hook to place essential items.

To carry out this procedure successfully, you should familiarize yourself with the basic recommendations, as well as follow the procedure exactly. Then the action will be carried out successfully, and the tiles will not be damaged.

Contents of the article:

What do you need to know?

Before starting work, it is advisable to practice so as not to spoil the already laid tiles. You should find pieces of cable that are no longer usable and make the necessary holes on it first. Once the actions are rehearsed, you can perform the work on the required surface.

Important special attention pay attention to correct markings. You can mark points for later hole formation using a marker or felt-tip pen. Sometimes there are problems with this aspect. It is very difficult to mark tiles in a way that will last long.

It is especially difficult to work in this way with glazed tiles. It is easier to mark holes by placing a piece of masking tape over the area to be marked. It is applied to it symbol. Then all the markings will be perfectly marked.

Scotch tape can also be used for other purposes. On the surface on which this material is glued, drilling is carried out with increased ease. The drill will definitely not slip off the area it is pointed at.

This method of holding the drill in correct position safer for the integrity of the tile than trying to core the base, since when using a sharp dowel and nail there is always a risk of chipping and unnecessary scratches.

Sometimes it is necessary to drill holes in tiles that are not yet bonded to the surface. In this case, you should prepare a comfortable and reliable surface in advance. It is necessary to check in advance that there is no vibration in the structure.

A material is placed under the tile that does not block the work of the drill. Often these are unnecessary wooden sheets, plywood or drywall. The tile should be in tight contact with the surface. It is impossible to allow the presence of devices that can make it unstable, which will lead to deformation and irreversible damage to the material.

When used for a long time, the drill often becomes red-hot. If you allow the hole to be made to overheat, there is a risk of cracks forming. To avoid this, you should not put a lot of effort when working.

You need to spend more time creating the hole. When a drill bit overheats quickly, steps should be taken to cool it down. You can dip it in machine oil for a few minutes.

If the work is done on horizontal surfaces, local cooling is undertaken. To do this, drill a hole in a separate block and fill it with ice water. If necessary, a drill is lowered there.

If standard means of cooling the drill do not help, more automated methods can be used. Some craftsmen purchase a special tool. A supercharger vessel is often used. It is provoked by excess pressure when using a hand pump. With the help of an equipped conductor, the liquid reaches the drill and quickly cools it.

Often craftsmen prefer to use drills that have a hammer function. When working with tiles, this function must be disabled. The drill is always directed towards the tile in a perpendicular position. If special supporting devices are not provided for this, the master must independently control the maintenance of the optimal level.

When drilling into ceramic tiles, particularly when making the widest holes, very small but sharp bits of material often fly off. To avoid running into these elements, you need to wear protective elements for your hands and eyes, that is, use thick gloves and goggles.

Required tools and materials

Step by step instructions

The location of the hole is selected. It is advisable to make all lines symmetrical and retreat as far as possible from the edge of the tile, avoiding cracking. Next is executed step by step order works:

  • Step 1. After completing the complete marking plan, you should select a drill suitable size and install it in the drill chuck according to the instructions for the specific device model. You need to focus on the parameters of the dowels, the installation of which is planned first. It is necessary to evaluate the size of the dowel plug and select a drill with which a hole is formed 1-2 mm larger.
  • Step 2. The drill is installed in a predetermined central part of the future hole. Tape or a similar device prevents it from slipping. Drilling should begin at minimum speed. You need to be careful when removing the top layer of tiles. Further drilling takes place in a more convenient and safe mode.
  • Step 3. If a diamond or other expensive drill is used, it is recommended to remove it immediately after reaching the wall, that is, after completely perforating the tile. A standard drill suitable for working with walls is prepared. It must have a diameter that is no larger than the previous element.
  • Step 4. After bringing the drill to the wall, the further distance is passed very carefully. Pay special attention to the work when using a long drill. It is capable of swinging, which can damage the integrity of the tiles. If you constantly hold the device at the proper level or use special clamps, the risk of cracks, chips and scratches on the surface is reduced.
  • Step 5. A dowel is inserted into the created hole. This device is driven into the wall carefully so as not to create excessive vibration. If the craftsman accidentally hits the tile or misdirects the impact force, the success of creating the hole may be leveled out due to the appearance of cracks. After carefully installing the dowel, you can bury a nail, hook or similar element into the prepared hole.

How can you not do it?

When selecting best place To create holes in the tile, you must follow the rule that prohibits working with a drill near the edge of the tile. You should maintain a distance of 1.5 cm or more from the edge.

When drilling tiles, you should not set the device to the highest speed. The use of a range of 100-400 revolutions per 60 seconds is allowed. To determine the required speed, you should first practice making holes on a sample of the material, assessing the power and thickness of the drill, as well as the density of the tile itself.

Do not set the hammer drill mode. If you neglect this rule, the tile structure will quickly crack, which will lead to the need to replace it. The device can be switched to this mode only after the hole is made in the wall structure. This makes the work easier and faster.

It is not recommended to use a mechanical drill. With its help, making holes is quite difficult and takes a long time. Even creating one of them takes a lot of time and effort, which is why the work is unnecessarily delayed. Also, during the work, the most difficult thing is to keep the drill exactly perpendicular to the tile.

Rocking and unnecessary turns of the drill are strictly prohibited, as this will inevitably lead to excess space being affected and damage to the structure, which will make the final result insufficiently aesthetic. To avoid damaging the tiles, you should use a tripod for the drill.

When drilling a hole between the tiles in the area of ​​the seam connecting this element, you must not go to the edge of the tile. If you touch a piece of the structure, it will crack and break off from the base, which will lead to damage to the result of the work.

Sometimes special drills are used to drill particularly fragile types of tiles, which are not capable of creating a hole in the base of the wall. During the work you have to use two drills.

The first is necessary only to create a hole in the tile, and the second for its further formation. For the second stage, you cannot select a drill that is larger in diameter than the previous one, otherwise there is a risk of destruction of the tile.

To successfully drill into tiles, you should use a suitable drill bit. If slight slipping is noticed, it is advisable to use a template and drill along it, guiding the centralized drill.

Often the master is given the task of drilling into already laid tiles, so the responsibility increases, since damage to the entire masonry cannot be allowed. When the correct drill is selected, all precautions are taken and the work is carried out carefully, a positive result is guaranteed.

The comfort and appearance of the room largely depend on the decoration. Tiles are often used in kitchens and bathrooms. After finishing these rooms with tiles is completed, the question often arises of how to drill through the tiles in order to hang various holders, hangers, mirrors and other necessary items. Everyone who has encountered this knows that tiles are fragile and can easily crack under careless mechanical influence. finishing material. But there are ways to make a neat hole without damaging the tile. Let's take a closer look at them.

Tools and materials for drilling tiles

How to drill tiles? In order to successfully drill through a tile without damaging it, you need to select necessary tools, appropriate drills and materials. You will need:

  • electric or, as a last resort, hand drill;
  • Pobedit drill bit with a spear-shaped tip, especially for tiles;
  • drill for the base;
  • adhesive mounting tape (paper tape);
  • vacuum cleaner;
  • marker.

If it is necessary to drill a large diameter hole in a tile, for pipes, a faucet, or installing a socket, for example, then use a circular ballerina drill or a carbide cutter.

Ballerina drill - this is the colloquial name for a circular adjustable drill with cutters that, using a hex key, are set at an equal distance from the center. The drill in this design serves for centering. The cutters can be moved to different distances. Thanks to this design, you can drill holes different diameters. It is enough to simply set the desired diameter, make a marking, and, holding the tile tightly, drill at low speeds of the drill.

The cost of such a drill is low, you can buy it almost anywhere, and its service life is long. There are several modifications of this drill; which one is most convenient is determined experimentally.

A carbide cutter for tiles is much more expensive. With its help you can drill through ceramic tiles, concrete and stone. It is also used when drilling tiles, but main drawback– fixed diameter that cannot be adjusted.

If the tile is already on the wall, then it becomes necessary to drill not only the tile, but also the wall behind it. In this case, it is better to use a drill and a hammer drill. For a drill, it is better to use a carbide spear-shaped drill for tiles and glass, and for a hammer drill - a carbide drill for tiles and concrete.

As in any business, the procedure for drilling tiles has its own nuances, subtleties and little tricks, knowledge of which will make the task easier and allow you to give a clear answer to the question of how to drill a hole in a tile without unnecessary hassle.

  • The hole should not be made at the edges of the tiles, in the crosshairs and in the gaps between adjacent tiles, since the likelihood of chips and cracks in this case is very high.
  • During the drilling process, you can turn off the drill and periodically moisten the drill with water to avoid overheating.
  • If the required drill or cutter is not available for sale, and you need to make a hole, you can use “handicraft” methods.
  • Sometimes you can use a drill and a hammer drill. The drill is clamped into the chuck, first the tile is drilled with it (non-impact mode), then the mode is switched and the wall is drilled. Drilling is carried out at low speeds.
  • You can also use a metal drill to drill tiles at low speeds. True, it’s enough for one time.

Operating procedure

The drilling method is used to create a small hole. Before drilling a tile, you need to lightly tap the tile and listen to the sound; if the sound is dull and dense, then you can proceed with the procedure without fear, otherwise there is a high risk that the tile will crack.

Next, you need to plan where exactly you need to drill the hole. A mark is placed on the enamel of the tile with a marker.

It is important to ensure that the drill does not slip on a smooth surface. This problem is solved in several ways:

  • In the center of the hole, the enamel is lightly beaten; this can be done using a drill at very low speeds, or a file, for example.
  • At the drilling site, apply masking tape (adhesive tape) or a translucent adhesive plaster to hold the drill in place. initial stage and prevent it from slipping. If the mark is difficult to see through the tape, you can make a mark directly on it.
  • Sometimes, to prevent slipping, a jig is used - a thick plate of steel or wood with holes of different diameters. It is applied to the tile in in the right place, press, and drill through the hole. This device can be made independently from plywood or a metal plate, if there is no store-bought option.

Before drilling into tiles, you need to make sure that the hammer function, if the drill has one, is turned off. Next, at an angle of ninety degrees, and at minimum speed, they begin to drill. Gradually the speed can be increased and drilled to the base. In this case, it is very important to immediately remove the resulting dust. To do this, use a vacuum cleaner, which must be installed so that it does not interfere with work, and dust quickly gets inside. If possible, it is better, of course, to resort to someone’s help.

Having reached the base of the tile, the drill is changed to one that corresponds to the type of material: wood, concrete, etc., and a hole of the required depth is drilled. It is important to take into account that the second drill should not be larger than the first, otherwise damage to the tile is inevitable.

If you need to drill into a tile that is not glued down, you need to make sure it is on a flat surface.

Under it there should be wood, concrete, but not metal surface. Since in the latter case it is easy to damage the cutter.

In conclusion

Since tiles are quite popular as a material for finishing rooms, it is important to know the methods of processing them, including drilling, since in everyday life there is often a need to hang all kinds of cabinets, shelves, holders, etc. on a tiled wall. In this article we looked at how traditional methods drilling tiles, as well as alternative ones, which are used less frequently. This procedure requires the performer to be careful and follow safety precautions, but is not difficult. If you wish, you can do it yourself.

You need to make a couple of holes in the walls to install and fix wall lamps, hooks, shelves or bathroom accessories. During the renovation process, you often have to cut tiles.
To get started, watch the video from detailed process drilling tiles:

The difference between tiles and ceramic tiles

Many people are interested in the question: what is the difference between tiles and ceramics. The bottom line is that tile is a type of ceramic tile. Tiles and ceramics are made from clay with additional components and do not have any significant differences. And the question arises, how to drill tiles?

What will you need for the job?

To make a hole in a tile on the wall, you will need:

  • battery-powered screwdriver;
  • hand drill.

Precautions when drilling

How to make the perfect hole? Drilling into tiles or ceramics is not difficult, but no one guarantees that numerous cracks will not appear. If a tile cracks during work, the damaged piece will have to be completely replaced, a messy and time-consuming process.

Therefore, those who are interested in how to drill a hole in a tile so that it does not crack should try by all means to keep it intact in its original form. Experts recommend marking the surface so that the hole is 15-25 mm away from the edge. Then the risk of cracking or splitting is reduced to zero.

Drilling tiles and ceramics for dowels

Drilling holes in ceramic tiles for dowels implies that:

  1. The surface of the tile is slippery, so the drill bit will not be stable and will slide around a lot. You can take a piece of masking tape or tape and carefully stick it to the location of the intended hole.
  2. It will not be possible to drill through tiles with ordinary drills for concrete and brick surfaces, as they will simply crumble it into pieces.

What drill bit should I use to drill tiles?

How to make a neat hole? To work, you will need a drill whose cutting blade is harder than ceramics and tiles. Drills with a diamond tip are very convenient to use, but they are expensive, so there is no point in purchasing them in order to drill 2-3 holes.

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The price of a drill with a pobedit tip is significantly lower than its counterpart with a diamond coating. That's why last option would be more suitable, especially since pobedit drills have good cutting abilities. Diamond-coated drills are worth purchasing if you have plans to become a professional tiler.

Sequence of work when drilling for dowels

Work algorithm:

  1. Glue a piece of masking tape or adhesive tape to the intended location for the hole.
  2. Use a pencil or pen to mark the point where the hole should be.
  3. Insert a diamond or pobedite drill bit into the tool.
  4. Drill the hole at low speed.
  5. Replace the drill with a regular one, designed for working with concrete surfaces.
  6. Drill a hole.
  7. Clean the hole from dirt and dust.
  8. Insert the dowel.

Drilling tiles to install a socket or pipe

Drill bits for ceramic tiles:

  1. Hammer with diamond bit.

Diamond-coated crowns drill perfectly, but purchasing them is not a cheap pleasure. You can use cheaper crowns with pobedit teeth instead. The tiles are laid on a flat wooden surface, mark the dimensions and drill a hole.

  1. Drill with diamond bit.

First, they mark the place, then they begin to drill from the front side. Don't put too much pressure on the drill. Movements should be smooth but firm. A drill with a diamond bit will drill the desired hole in 3-5 minutes.

  1. Drill with tungsten bit.

If the tiles are already laid and you have a tungsten bit with a centering drill at hand, you can easily drill a hole with a drill. For neat cuts, it is advisable to use a special template. The template is pressed tightly to the surface, press firmly with a drill. The hole is ready.

  1. Circular drill for tiles - “ballerina”.

It is convenient to drill round holes with a “ballerina” - a special attachment for a drill that operates on the principle of a compass. It is necessary to set the desired diameter (that is, if a 4 cm hole is needed, then set 2 cm between the drills). Mark and drill a hole. Do not swing the tool while working. You need to hold the tile firmly and work at low speed.

  1. Drill with diamond bit.

If you don't have a crown handy, you can try drilling a hole with a diamond-tipped drill bit. This method is more difficult and requires care and precision. You need to mark the place, drill a hole along the contour. Knock out the middle, and carefully break off the remaining teeth, burrs and irregularities using pliers. Then the edges of the hole are carefully sanded using sandpaper.

Safety precautions

When working with power tools that cut tiles, safety precautions must be observed. It is advisable to wear safety glasses to prevent tiny tile fragments from getting into your eyes. It is also better to wear gloves on your hands.

If you are drilling a hole in a tile that has not yet been laid, you need to place it under it. wooden board. This will make the job easier.

From useful tips: Before drilling, you can soak the tiles in water for an hour, this reduces the likelihood of cracks. It is best to make a hole in the seams; it is much easier and more convenient, but it is not always possible to accurately calculate this location. It is possible to drill a hole in tiles, as in other materials, and now you are convinced of this too! Now you know how to drill tiles on a wall!