How to bleach kitchen towels with potassium permanganate. Folk remedies for whitening kitchen towels. Whiten kitchen towels using vegetable oil

No housewife can do without towels in the kitchen. Even great without them modern kitchen won't be comfortable. But after a while, the previously beautiful and bright towels turn into nondescript rags of an unknown color, covered with various stains. What to do? How to bleach kitchen towels at home without boiling so that they return to their original appearance? Of course, you can also use household chemicals, but there are other ways to quickly and effectively bleach kitchen towels at home. Their advantage is that they do not harm the fabric, can be used frequently and without harm to health, and the components for such bleaching are available in almost any kitchen.

Kitchen towels are made from different fabrics. The most popular are linen and waffle towels. And in order not to look for ones that match the design of your kitchen and not spend money on it, you can easily follow our master classes.

Important! Terry fabrics are not the best best choice for the kitchen, since they take a long time to dry and harmful microflora develop in them faster.

  • Old stains are more difficult to get rid of than fresh ones. Therefore, change towels in a timely manner and wash them more often.
  • Use several sets alternately.
  • If you are preparing something in the kitchen, then along with towels, use napkins and paper towels, which you can simply throw away after use.
  • Do not use towels to wipe dirty tables, grease or other contaminants.
  • To make towels less dirty, iron them after washing.
  • White towels made from natural fabrics can be boiled. It is advisable to wash them just before boiling.
  • Colored towels with patterns cannot be boiled - they are washed at a temperature of 40 degrees, and special products are used to remove stains, for example, oxygen bleaches.
  • Hang kitchen towels away from the stove, oven, etc. household appliances. This will help protect kitchen textiles from stubborn stains.
  • Try to use containers with tight-fitting lids in the kitchen. This way you won't end up with greasy stains all over your kitchen, and your towels are less likely to get dirty. And in order to handle hot dishes, not towels are used, but special oven mitts. There is a separate publication on our website in which you will find a lot interesting ideas, to .

Methods for whitening towels

Skillful use of some products that are found in every kitchen can give the most unexpected results. It turns out that you can bleach towels with vegetable oil. There are several ways to use oil when bleaching kitchen textiles, let's take a closer look.

Vegetable oil for bleaching

Oil tends to soften dried stains, making them easier to wash off later. That is why it is added during bleaching:

  • Pour 10 liters of water into a bucket and put on fire. As soon as the water boils, you need to pour in 20 ml of oil (sunflower oil is best), add 20 grams of dry bleach, 50 grams of washing powder and 30 grams of soda. You can take any bleach, for example “Boss” or “Swan”. Place towels in the prepared solution, turn off the heat, and leave it all to cool. Then the towels need to be rinsed and hung to dry.

Important! You can replace the bleach with half a glass of vinegar.

  • Add three tablespoons of oil, washing powder, bleach and soda to boiling water. Towels are placed in the solution and left overnight. In the morning you can start a regular wash with an automatic machine.

Important! It is advisable to set the re-rinse mode to thoroughly rinse off the product.

  • The third method came to us from Japan. Water is poured into the bucket - its temperature should be about 60 degrees. Add 2 tablespoons to water sunflower oil, 1 tablespoon mustard powder, 1 tablespoon vinegar. We put towels in this solution and close the bucket with a lid. After 12 hours, you need to remove the products and rinse four times, alternately in hot and cold water.

Laundry soap

This method, proven over the years, allows you to fight yellowness, greasy stains and unpleasant odors:

  1. Wet the contaminated items and soap them thoroughly with laundry soap.
  2. Then put them in a plastic bag so that no air gets inside.
  3. Leave it for a day.
  4. Then the products only need to be rinsed.

Potassium permangantsovka

The well-known potassium permanganate, which in everyday life is called potassium permanganate, will help to effectively bleach kitchen towels at home. It is a strong oxidizing agent, so it whitens things well.

To process laundry you need to make the following mixture:

  • Grate 100 grams of laundry soap.
  • Dilute potassium permanganate in a jar until it turns bright pink.
  • Dilute the soap in 10 liters of boiling water and pour potassium permanganate into it. You should end up with a dirty brown solution.

Place pre-washed items in this solution, close the container tightly and leave for at least 6 hours. Then the products need to be rinsed.

Important! Instead of soap, you can use a glass of washing powder.

Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia

Another effective way How to remove stains from kitchen towels at home.

Important! It is also suitable for delicate items, as the fabrics are not damaged.

Prepare the solution and apply it:

  1. For 6 liters of water heated to 70 degrees, use 2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide and 1 tablespoon ammonia.
  2. Place pre-washed laundry in the prepared solution and leave for 20 minutes.
  3. Then the towels need to be rinsed thoroughly.

Important! Ammonia can remove almost any stain from different clothes. Click on the link to a special publication where we have collected the most effective proven ones.

Mustard powder

Here's another proven recipe: washing kitchen towels with mustard.

Important! Dry mustard is an excellent bleach and does not spoil fabric fibers.

How to apply:

  • You need to pour a little powder into hot water.
  • For 1 liter water is coming 15 grams of mustard.
  • This mixture should sit for some time.

Important! For bleaching, we need not the powder sediment, but the cloudy liquid that has formed on the surface of the mixture. It contains active components that whiten the fabric and also degrease it.

  • You need to leave the towels to soak in this liquid for several hours, then rinse thoroughly.
  • No washing is required with this method.

Important! The abundance of modern household chemicals in the kitchen does not always have a good effect on health. Mustard powder can be an excellent alternative for washing dishes.


  1. Add regular table salt to cool water - 1 tablespoon per 1 liter.
  2. Things are left in this solution for some time - depending on the degree of contamination, you can leave them for 1 to 8 hours.
  3. Then wash the towels as usual.

Dish detergent:

  1. Dilute 20 grams of any dishwashing detergent in 10 liters of water.
  2. If there are large greasy stains, they can be rubbed with the product undiluted in water.
  3. Leave for 10-20 minutes, then wash.

Soda and ammonia

This method will perfectly whiten white items:

  1. For 5 liters of water there are 10 tablespoons of soda and 5 tablespoons of ammonia.
  2. Things are soaked in the solution for 3-4 hours.
  3. Then you can wash it as usual.

Important! It is advisable to rinse the product before washing.

In every kitchen, towels serve many different functions: some are used for drying wet hands or food; others are for wiping dishes; others - as a napkin or. Thus, kitchen towels have to be washed often and regular washing (even with special stain removers or bleaches) does not always help get rid of stains and yellowness on the towels. To solve this problem, below we will look at ways to whiten kitchen towels using folk remedies.

Whitening kitchen towels with mustard

This method is one of the most effective and harmless for any housewife. Mustard powder should be diluted in hot water: 1 tablespoon of mustard per 1 liter of water. Mix the resulting solution thoroughly and let it sit for a while. Then strain it and soak completely for a couple of hours. Finally, rinse thoroughly.

Whitening kitchen towels with sunflower oil

With sunflower oil you can not only whiten kitchen towels, but also remove greasy stains from them. To do this, you need to take: 1-2 tablespoons of sunflower oil and the same amount of cheap powder bleach, 1 cup of powder (for machine washable) and enamel dishes for 10 liters of water. Next, boil the water, add all the ingredients to it and mix. Soak dry towels in this solution and turn off the gas. Leave the towels until the solution cools down. Then rinse the laundry.

Bleaching kitchen towels with soda

To bleach kitchen towels, soda is used in several ways:

  1. Boiling: soda ash is mixed with grated laundry soap in an enamel bowl with water. Kitchen towels are dipped into the solution and boiled over low heat 20 minutes.
  2. Soak: dissolve 100 g in 2 liters of warm water soda ash and bleach. Then the mixture settles for 2 days. Next, you need to strain it and soak the towels for 2 hours. Wash kitchen towels and rinse well.

Whitening kitchen towels with hydrogen peroxide

There is another way to bleach kitchen towels with hydrogen peroxide without boiling. Soak kitchen towels in a solution of 1 liter of warm water and 2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide. Leave them in the solution for 5-8 hours, and then be sure to wash them. When using peroxide, you need to remember that prolonged exposure destroys the structure of the fabric, so you should limit the time you soak your towels.

Even the most modern kitchen will not be comfortable if you remove all the potholders, napkins, aprons and towels. There will be nothing to wipe up splashes of fat or sauce, remove the pan from the heat. And just dry your hands after washing. Fortunately, no one is encroaching on our kitchen textiles. But the issues of washing and bleaching remain relevant. Many people use household chemicals for this, but you can get by with other means. For example, our grandmothers knew how to bleach kitchen towels with vegetable oil. This method helps just as well today. You can also use soda, vinegar or other household ingredients. It makes sense to try it different options to ensure their simplicity and convenience.

The advice does not actually address how to bleach kitchen towels or how to wash them. But the housewife will have less worries in this regard if she observes only four simple rules. And things will not take on a faded and shabby appearance for a long time.

  • You need to have several towel sets (one for use and several spare, replaceable ones).
  • It is recommended to send the set for washing after 2, maximum 3 days of use (even while no dirt is visually visible). If such a frequency seems unnecessary, it is still advisable to change the set at least once a week.
  • Do not neglect ironing - ironing not only makes the products neat, but also helps to maintain cleanliness for a longer time.
  • To wipe the dirty surface of a stove or table, it is better to use rags or napkins, which then do not have to be thoroughly washed.

Kitchen textiles must be clean and tidy

Terry fabrics are considered a poor choice for the kitchen. Harmful microflora develops in them faster due to the slow drying of absorbed moisture. Linen or waffle cotton products are more preferable. However, folk wisdom will help you cope with home bleaching of terry items. If you use vegetable fats, the dirt will be washed off from the pile.

It is much more difficult to get rid of old stains than fresh ones. Therefore, it is recommended to wash kitchen textiles frequently. It is better to separate such items from other laundry, especially if you have greasy stains. Although, if the towels are practically clean, separation is not necessary (don’t forget about sorting by color).

When performing kitchen work, it is recommended to use disposable paper napkins. After wiping hands or dishes, they are simply thrown away. Paper cannot always fully replace linen or cotton fabric. But it’s convenient to at least wipe off the grease and major dirt with such a napkin. And blot moisture from clean, soap-washed palms with a woven product. Then the likelihood of untidy stains appearing will be significantly reduced.

Terry fabrics take a long time to dry and are less washable

How to bleach kitchen towels at home

This method of getting rid of stains may seem quite unusual. After all, when fats get on the fabric, it is most difficult for it to return cleanliness. Apparently, the action of the remedy is based on the principle of fighting like with like. The fatty component of the solution removes dirt from the threads. Occurring chemical reactions are not so important to us. The main thing is whether washing kitchen towels with vegetable oil is effective, and reviews from many housewives confirm this. The method is praised because it helps not only to deal with stains, but to preserve bright colors for a long time. This is difficult to achieve simply by using commercial whitening products. Especially if you choose inexpensive chlorine-based ones.

  • First option

First you will need to make a mixture of the following components:

  1. hot water (after boiling) – 5 liters;
  2. vegetable oil (refined) – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  3. washing powder– 0.5 cups;
  4. bleach, preferably dry – 2 tbsp. spoons.

Sunflower oil softens old fats embedded in the fibers

You can choose any bleach, even the most inexpensive one. There are also no special requirements for washing powder. The water needs to be very hot, after boiling. Everything mixes well, and the towels are soaked in the resulting composition for a couple of hours. Then they are washed (possibly on a quick cycle) and rinsed.

The treatment even gets rid of stubborn, old stains. This is a great method to bleach kitchen towels at home without boiling. If some traces of dirt do not completely disappear the first time, they will definitely go away after 1-2 repeated washes in the same way.

Important: the laundry placed in the liquid must be initially dry m.

  • Second option

In this case, the components are slightly different. Cool boiling water is used. The calculation is made for a larger volume of liquid, which will cool longer and the soaking will last. Otherwise the procedures are similar. You will need:

  1. boiling water – 15 liters;
  2. vinegar essence - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  3. washing powder (any) – 2/3 of a faceted glass;
  4. bleach (preferably powder) – 3 tbsp. spoons;
  5. vegetable oil (refined) – 3 tbsp. spoons.

The basic set of ingredients is similar for most vegetable oil washing recipes

The components are mixed well in water until the powders are completely dissolved. Dry items are soaked in the resulting liquid overnight. Then they are lightly wrung out and washed by hand or in a machine.

An effective remedy It rids fabrics not only of traces of fat, but also of tea, coffee or wine. Some housewives prefer to replace vinegar essence with baking soda in this recipe. This composition is also effective, but the solution can foam a lot. You need to work with him more carefully.

This is important: it is better to dissolve the powder and bleach in a small volume of liquid before adding the fat additive.

  • Third option

In terms of ingredients, this recipe resembles the first two. But the calculation is made for a 12-liter bucket. Required:

  1. water – 10 liters;
  2. dry bleach – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  3. washing powder - half a glass;
  4. vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. spoons.

The bucket of water should come to a boil on the stove. The rest of the ingredients are poured in and the solution is mixed. Washed dry items are placed in the resulting liquid, after which the fire is turned off. It is advisable to cover the container tightly. Everything remains in this form while the soaked items cool down. Then you just need to rinse them.

Laundry soap

A long-standing and well-known method for bleaching kitchen towels at home. Great for colors and whites. All you need is warm water, a plastic bag and good laundry soap - dry, dark brown, with the inscription “72%”.

Further actions will not cause any difficulties. Things need to be wetted, soaped generously and thoroughly. Then put it in a plastic bag, remove the air from there and close it tightly. It is necessary that soaped laundry does not dry out. Leave it in this state for a day. Then all that remains is to take everything out of the bag and rinse.

After treatment, difficult stains, dirt and yellowness should come off. If towel products are boiled, many recipes also add shavings of laundry soap.

Potassium permangantsovka

This is what we usually call pharmaceutical potassium permanganate in everyday life. The substance has the appearance of small crystals of a deep violet-black color. When dissolved in water, it gives it a color from pinkish to dark crimson, depending on the concentration. It serves as a strong oxidizing agent, which is where its bleaching power comes from. Provides additional chemical disinfection.

Simple composition but powerful whitening effect

To process laundry you will need:

  1. a bright pink solution of potassium permanganate (not raspberry);
  2. 72% laundry soap – 100 g;
  3. boiling water – 10 liters.

Soap is made into shavings, which are dissolved in a 10-liter bucket of boiling water. Separately in glass jar potassium permanganate is diluted and poured into soapy water. The color of the solution should turn dirty brown. Pre-washed items are placed in the resulting liquid. The container with the contents is tightly closed and left for 6 or more hours. Then bleached towels need to be rinsed well.

As a variation of this recipe, it is suggested to use any washing powder (1 cup) instead of soap. Otherwise, everything is done the same way. Treatment with potassium permanganate has earned a lot good reviews. The method is also suitable for terry products.

Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia

Another effective recipe How to bleach towels at home. Perfect for more delicate items too. With such processing, the fabrics are almost not damaged and do not deteriorate for a long time. The following components are needed:

  1. hot water (about 70 °C) – 6 liters;
  2. 3% hydrogen peroxide – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  3. ammonia - 1 tbsp. spoon.

Products to be bleached must be pre-washed. Chemical components are added to highly heated water. Linen is placed in the resulting solution. After 20 minutes, take everything out and rinse several times.

How to soak towels with different additives

Sodium chloride works well against yellowness and dirt

These are proven tips on how to whiten towels at home during the soaking stage.

Water is drawn into the basin, preferably cool. Add regular salt (1 tablespoon per liter of liquid). Things are left in the solution from 1 to 7-8 hours, depending on how dirty they are. Then all that remains is to wash them.

  • Mustard powder

The solution will require approximately 15 g of mustard for each liter of water. The powder is thoroughly mixed in boiling water so that there are no lumps and a rich color is obtained. Then you should wait until the suspended particles settle into sediment. The resulting almost transparent liquid is drained. Things that need to be cleaned and bleached are immediately soaked in it. Exposure time is about 3 hours.

Baking soda not only alkalizes water, but also gently cleanses fibers

Any dishwashing detergent is diluted in water (about 20 g per 10 liters). It is better to rub noticeable greasy stains with a concentrated product. The textiles are soaked for about ten minutes (you can leave them longer). This is followed by normal washing.

  • Soda and ammonia

The treatment is suitable for white fabrics. A solution for soaking is prepared from 5 liters of warm water, 10 tablespoons of soda and 5 ammonia. The exposure time is at least 3-4 hours. Then the laundry will need to be rinsed and washed in the usual way.

Video: whitening with vegetable oil

For now, we don’t have the opportunity to do without fiddling with dirty textiles in the kitchen. It makes no sense to take such small items to the dry cleaner. Professional laundry services are rarely used for everyday items. But there are folk methods for whitening towels, kitchen tablecloths and napkins. This work can be done quickly and efficiently. The use of natural remedies will be beneficial for the health of all family members. This approach will help you save a little on your home budget. Ideal cleanliness in the kitchen will be ensured, and it will require a minimum of time and effort.

Kitchen towels don't stay clean for long. They are used instead of oven mitts to wipe off grease on your hands or after washing dishes, to blot up spilled water or tea. Stains tomato juice, strong coffee or chicken broth, you have to wash it, which causes the fabric to lose color, become earthy gray and ugly. Buying new towels every month is expensive, so young and experienced housewives are looking for ways to whiten them.

Cheap whitening products

Salt not only improves the taste of food, but also removes stains that are difficult to get rid of with regular washing. A plastic or metal basin will come in handy. Fill the container warm water, add salt: for each liter of liquid, a tablespoon of the dry component. Stir until the ingredient dissolves, immerse the towels in the brine. Leave for no more than 3 hours, otherwise the salt will begin to destroy the tissue. Unscrew and send to washing machine by adding a little powder.

It is not necessary to prepare a soaking solution. If you need to remove coffee or tomato stains from light-colored fabric, rub the problem areas with fine crystalline salt, sprinkle on top and wait an hour. Rinse in soapy water, and then in clean water. Both stains and yellowness will disappear, and the towels will be pleased with their whiteness.

Soda and boiling
How much soda is needed for the solution depends on the number of towels and the degree of their contamination. If kitchen utensils need to be slightly refreshed, a spoonful of dry matter per liter and a half of liquid is enough. It is more difficult to deal with stubborn stains and dried grease stains, so take a spoon with a heap of soda for each towel; the water should only cover the items to be washed.

Pour the solution over the kitchen utensils and place on the stove for 15 minutes. Turn on medium or low heat. After boiling, put the towels in the washing machine or rinse them by hand.

Soda is used to prepare a paste for stains: dilute the powder with water to a thick consistency, rub into the stained areas with a toothbrush or hard sponge. All that remains is to wash the towels and they will shine white.

Spicy and sour
Have your kitchen utensils remained yellow after being in the machine? Improve appearance fabrics can use colorless table vinegar; apple cider vinegar is not recommended. Dissolve 2 tablespoons of the component in a liter of water and pour the mixture onto towels for 30 minutes. It is recommended to soak dried grease stains and mold with undiluted vinegar. To prevent the substance from corroding the fabric, leave it on for a maximum of 15 minutes.

Do you have mustard powder in the house? The spice can be used instead of bleach. Prepare a thick paste from the spicy ingredient and water, which is used to treat towels. Wrap the kitchen utensils in a plastic bag in the evening, tying it tightly, and forget about preparing it until the morning.

A soaking solution is also prepared from mustard powder: 10–15 g of spice per liter of warm water. Chop and immerse the dirty fabric in the liquid. Wait 1.5 hours, rinse the towels in clean water, you can add fabric softener or starch them.

Options from the first aid kit

Kitchen utensils that have turned yellow due to prolonged washing or boiling are advised to be soaked in hydrogen peroxide. In a basin, dilute 100 g of ordinary powder, the cheapest one possible, in 5 liters of water. Pour in 3 tablespoons of peroxide, chop until foam appears. Immerse towels in soapy liquid for 6 hours, then thoroughly rinse off any remaining powder.

Products white treated with a solution of warm water with several tablespoons of peroxide. Saturate the stains with the mixture, wait 15 minutes, then rinse several times so that the product does not remain on the fabric. This recipe is not suitable for washing colored towels.

Ammonia is also used to bleach fabrics. Dilute 1 spoon of ammonia in 3 liters of water. You can add peroxide to enhance the effect. It is better to work with this solution while wearing rubber gloves to protect your skin. Soak kitchen utensils for 15 minutes, then put them in the washing machine. It is advisable to rinse 2 times or more to wash the ammonia out of the fabric.

Potassium permangantsovka
Potassium permanganate is also considered an effective remedy. In a separate jar, dilute 5 to 7 crystals of potassium permanganate so that the sediment is completely dissolved and the water becomes bright pink with a purple tint.

You will need 8–10 liters hot water, in which laundry soap is placed. Cut half of a new block, grate it on a coarse grater or chop it into small pieces. When the water becomes soapy, pour the prepared solution of potassium permanganate into it and mix all the ingredients thoroughly. Kitchen utensils should sour for 12–16 hours. Then they are washed in a machine, setting the double rinse mode.

Boiling methods

High temperatures disinfect towels and soften the fabric, so dirt and grease come off more easily. Will come in handy enamel pan volume from 5 liters. Several compounds are used that both clean and whiten kitchen utensils.

Pour water into the selected container and heat it up. Immerse towels in hot liquid and pour spoon on top vegetable oil, add 20 g of soda and 100–150 g of washing powder in a machine. The last ingredient can be replaced with shavings from laundry soap or gel for clothes and bed linen.

Using a slotted spoon, thoroughly stir the brew, leaving it on low heat for an hour. After 60 minutes, turn off the stove and remove the pan. The towels are infused for 12 hours or a day, after which the solution is drained, and the kitchen utensils are loaded into the washing machine. It is recommended to turn on the double rinse mode.

Important: It is better to take soda ash; it works more efficiently than baking soda. In this case, you cannot take towels bare hands, be sure to wear gloves. There is no need to insist; you can immediately rinse under running water.

Bleaching with glue
Fill a pan with water, add a glass of crushed laundry soap. Bring the solution to a boil, combine with 3 tablespoons of silicate glue. Place towels in the pan with a lid on top. Switch to low heat, wait 30 minutes, turn off the stove. Remove the kitchen utensils, when the solution has cooled, rinse several times under running water.

Types of stains

Vegetable, berry and fruit stains will be removed by hair shampoo. Wet a towel, rub a little product into the dirty areas, wait 15 minutes. It is recommended to get rid of coffee and tea with a mixture of ammonia and glycerin: part of the first to 4 parts of the second component.

Dishwashing detergent removes grease, even old grease, and it is recommended to rub very dirty towels with laundry soap, wrap them in plastic bags and leave them for a day.

Little tricks

Kitchen utensils will stay clean longer if you add a couple of tablespoons of potato starch to the rinsing water and iron them thoroughly after drying. Housewives who don't trust chemicals, use instead of conditioner essential oils. They cover the smell of laundry soap, vinegar and other bleaching ingredients.

Towels with colored designs or embroidery cannot be boiled, otherwise you will have to use them as rags. Waffle and cotton varieties wash better.

To avoid having to boil towels and soak them for a long time, it is recommended to put them in the washing machine immediately after soiling, and always keep a few on hand. kitchen utensils and do not forget about the existence of potholders, sponges and disposable paper napkins.

Video: how to bleach kitchen towels

Any housewife always wants the towels in the kitchen to be clean, fresh, and not have to be hidden or changed before guests arrive. To do this, there are several rules by which they can be bleached at home. Have you used these traditional methods also grandmothers and great-grandmothers, and the kitchen always shone with whiteness and cleanliness.

Wash with salt, vinegar, laundry soap

If there are coffee or tomato juice stains on the towels, they can be easily removed by dissolving salt in water, using 1 tablespoon per 1 liter cold water. After making the saline solution, it is enough to soak them for 1 hour, and then put them in the washing machine with regular powder and wash them. After this they will be as good as new, without a single spot.

You can get rid of greasy stains on white and colored towels. To do this, just slightly wet them (until they look damp) and rub them with laundry soap labeled 72%. It is concentrated enough to remove any grease stains. After all the kitchen towels have been rubbed, they are placed in a plastic bag and left overnight. Then just rinse them in warm water, and the result will exceed all expectations.

Grease stains can be easily washed off with a mixture of 9% vinegar (1 tablespoon) per 1 liter of warm water. To whiten towels, simply soak them in this solution for 60 minutes before washing, and then wash them in the washing machine.

Original washing methods

It is always very difficult to wash towels so that they shine white, so some housewives use enough original way bleach them:

    liquid bleach – 1 tbsp. spoon;

    vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. spoons;

    washing powder – 1 cup;

    warm water – 5 liters.

In the first case, add all the ingredients to boiling water, stir well until completely dissolved and soak the towels until they cool completely. In the second case, after everything is mixed with water, they are stored for 3 hours. After that, just rinse them in warm water and they will be absolutely clean and fresh.

Kitchen towels are bleached well with a solution boric acid in soapy water. To do this, pass laundry soap through a grater into 10 liters of hot water, dissolve it, and then add 2-3 tablespoons of boric acid powder. After 2 hours, the soaked towels are washed in the machine.

In some cases, especially when there is rust on the towels, lemon juice can help. To do this, squeeze out onto each spot lemon juice, then all the towels are folded into a plastic bag and left there for 3 hours, then normal washing is done.

We use baking soda, hydrogen peroxide and mustard

At home, you can wash kitchen towels with such common folk remedies as soda, mustard and hydrogen peroxide. In order not to spend a lot of money on expensive bleaches, just remember your grandmother’s old recipes, which wash much better. They contain virtually no chemicals, causing allergies, and they are also environmentally friendly. Towels washed using this method can be seen in the photo.

A good way to bleach fabric is to use regular caustic soda. There are several ways to do this. One of them is bleaching with soda. To do this, you need to mix grated half of concentrated 72% laundry soap with caustic soda. This mixture is poured with warm water, stirred until completely dissolved, used towels with stains are added, put on fire and boiled for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse in plain water.

It often happens that no matter how much the towels are bleached, they still remain yellowish and no method can help. For this there is an old grandmother's method with hydrogen peroxide, which works almost flawlessly. You need to stir ordinary salt (5 tablespoons) in warm water (5 liters), add washing powder (0.5 cups) and mix everything with hydrogen peroxide (3 tablespoons). Soak yellowed fabrics in this solution for 5-6 hours and then wash. This method of washing with hydrogen peroxide makes it possible to get rid of the yellowness that appears if you wash towels for a long time and boil them.