Avocado growing at home. How to grow an avocado tree from a seed at home: a step-by-step guide. How to germinate an avocado seed in water or in a pot of soil: description. Which side should I plant an avocado seed on, and how many days should I germinate? Will

This is one of the tropical fruit trees, very popular among amateurs exotic plants. Many of them have the plant in their collection, since growing an avocado with your own hands is quite simple. But in order for it to grow and please its owner, careful care is required.

Features of a homemade avocado tree

A home-grown avocado tree has a number of features:

  1. In its natural habitat, the plant grows up to 20 m in height, and a tree grown at home reaches a maximum of 2.5–3 m.
  2. This tree bears fruit very rarely. It is mainly used as a decorative element.
  3. If you are lucky, the tree begins to bear fruit in the 3rd–6th year of growth. Its fruits are quite edible, although the taste is slightly inferior to the imported ones.
  4. The plant purifies the air, and thanks to the original and lush crown, a warm and cozy atmosphere prevails in the room.

Conditions for growing avocados

To grow avocados from seeds at home, you must follow some rules. It is better to plant seeds in the spring; it is during this period that active plant growth is observed. To harvest planting material, it is necessary to select a ripe fruit that does not have deformations.

Indicators of a ripe product are a dark-colored peel of the fruit, dense and elastic pulp. After pressing on the fruit, it restores its shape. The bone is easily separated from the pulp; a high-quality bone is the size of a quail egg.

If the product is slightly unripe, you need to put it in a paper bag with products that contain a large portion of ethylene - this is a gas that accelerates the ripening of fruits. These include bananas, apples or tomatoes. If the fruit is stored at a temperature of 18 to 23 degrees, after 2 days, the avocado will reach the required condition.

Stages of sprouting an avocado seed

Growing avocados at home from seeds is done in the following sequence.

The seed is extracted. To do this, a small incision is made in the center of the fruit, 1 cm deep, and its bone is carefully cut out using rotating movements. Next, it is washed under running water without damaging the brown shell.

Before germinating an avocado, prepare a place for its growth:

How to germinate an avocado seed

The closed method involves germinating planting material directly in the ground. To do this, the bone is placed in the ground 25 mm deep, with the sharp end on top, and watered well, saturating the entire soil. The container is placed in a warm place, with good lighting and watered throughout the entire germination period. After 20–30 days, a sprout will appear.

The open method of growing avocados involves placing the seed in a container of water, hanging it. To do this you need:

  • prepare a glass or other container;
  • in the middle part of the seed, from different sides, make 3-4 holes into which toothpicks are inserted, 2-3 mm deep (they act as a support so that the seed cannot be completely immersed in water, but only its bottom part);
  • the seed is placed in a prepared container with cold water, with a blunt end, and the immersion of the planting material should be 1/3 of it;
  • instead of water, you can use it, which is capable of retaining moisture for a long time;
  • throughout the entire germination period, you need to ensure that the water level does not decrease;
  • after the first root appears, the plant can be transplanted into the ground, but in order for the plant to take root, its roots must be at least 30 mm.

It takes 2 to 6 weeks for the first roots to appear.

Avocado seed contains a substance called persin, which disrupts the functioning of digestive system and causing different allergic reactions. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out work with rubber gloves.

Conditions for growing an avocado tree

After you have planted an avocado seed at home, you need to take a number of measures to arrange its place.

For normal avocado growth, you need to meet some requirements:

  1. Regular moistening of the soil, which is done as it dries. On average, watering is performed once every 10 days. IN winter time year, the tree is watered less frequently, allowing the soil to stand dry for a couple of days, this is necessary to maintain the optimal level of soil moisture.
  2. Maintaining moist air is achieved in different ways– this is placing a pot with a tree next to crops that produce a lot of moisture, spraying the leaves of the plants; in the summer or heating season, the pot is placed on a tray with wet sand.
  3. Ensuring a favorable environment in the premises temperature regime, which should be between 16–20 degrees. In winter, the favorable temperature is 10–12 degrees, as the plant goes into a dormant state and sheds its leaves.
  4. Timely feeding of the plant. On average, it is performed 1–2 times a month. For feeding, mixtures for growing ornamental crops are used.

When the leaves turn yellow, you need to pay attention to the frequency and amount of watering. This is usually a sign of overwatering.

Avocado tree decoration

Before growing an avocado from a seed at home, you need to think through all the nuances of its decorative design:

  1. Some options involve planting several sprouts in a pot, with further interweaving their stems, thereby obtaining a lush and original tree.
  2. To obtain a tall tree, it is recommended to replant it at least once a year. A favorable period for this procedure is the end of February, this is the time when plants actively begin to grow. The first transplant should be carried out when the tree reaches a height of 15 cm.
  3. To reduce the growth rate of an avocado, pinching its top is carried out. This procedure accelerates the growth of side shoots, which make the crown lush and attractive.

Formative pruning is carried out in the spring, when active growth of all plants occurs. The first trimming of the top is done after 8–10 leaves. If there are side shoots, they are shortened after the 5th leaf.

From germination of a seed to a formed tree - video

Avocado is a beautiful evergreen woody plant with very healthy fruits that taste good. No wonder many would like to see this exotic tree on garden plot or in an apartment.

It is difficult to cultivate it in the country, but growing an avocado at home and caring for it is not difficult. However, you need to take into account some nuances so that the plant feels good and decorates your home.

Description of the plant

Another name for avocado is Perseus americana. Mexico is considered the birthplace of the tropical tree from the Laurel family, and archaeological evidence suggests that it began to be grown back in the 3rd millennium BC. e.

Avocado quickly grows to 20-30 m in height. The trunk branches strongly, forming a spreading crown. The leaves are narrow and elongated, oval in shape, the plant blooms with small, greenish-yellowish inconspicuous flowers.

Avocados are cultivated mainly for their fruit. The fruits are elongated, pear-shaped or drop-shaped, covered with a dense dark green peel. When ripe, they average 10-15 cm in length.

The pulp is light green, oily, rich in fats and beneficial elements, and the consistency resembles an unripe pear. It tastes unsweetened, more like a vegetable, and is more convenient to eat with a spoon.

The avocado fruit contains one large seed, which also contains many useful components: antioxidants, fiber, vitamins. The most famous and delicious varieties, found on Russian markets, – Fuerte, Zutano, Pinkerton and Ettinger. Avocado oil, thanks to its healing properties, are used not only in cooking, but also in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries.

Avocado leaves, peel and seeds contain toxic substance persin. It causes an allergic reaction and digestive disorders.

Growing from seed

Even a beginner can grow a fruit tree from a seed

Fruit avocados are grown, just like, for example, mangoes, mainly from seeds. Propagation by cuttings is almost never used, since the plant does not take root well in this case. Spring is best for planting, when daylight hours increase.

Fruit selection

The first thing that those who want to propagate an avocado need is to choose the right “parent”. The fruit must be fresh, ripe and healthy.

You can determine this right in the supermarket by lightly pressing: if the avocado is ripe, It will sag a little under your fingers, but will immediately restore its shape. If the fruit is not yet ripe, you can wrap it in paper and put it in a dark place for several days. The paper retains ethylene gas, which is necessary for faster ripening.

When the avocado is ripe, cut it in half and remove the pit. It must be thoroughly washed to remove the pulp and cleared of the thin shell or film covering it. Before planting, you need to decide in advance on the method of germinating the extracted seed.

Closed germination method

The first method is simpler and more familiar. The avocado pit is immersed in the prepared soil, with the pointed end up. There is no need to plant deeply, just place it at a depth of a couple of centimeters. If all is well, the sprout will hatch in about a month.

Reproduction using the second method is a little more complicated, but more interesting: you can observe the process of bone development. To do this, make several punctures and strengthen it with toothpicks or wire over a glass or other container with water so that the lower (blunt) part is immersed and the tip sticks out. Such supports hold the bone in a suspended position.

The water needs to be changed once a week; You can add an activated carbon tablet to it. It is permissible to use a hydrogel - a compound that absorbs large number water.

After 1-1.5 months, the first roots will appear, and soon the sprout will appear. You need to wait a little longer before moving the plant into the ground. It is better to do this when the roots reach a length of at least 4 cm.

Germination in gauze

Another option for propagating an avocado from a seed is to germinate the seed in gauze. You can also use napkins or cotton wool. The material is impregnated warm water, a bone is placed inside. The top of the package is covered with cellophane to maintain the required level of humidity.

Store it in the dark and warm. In a few weeks, roots and shoots will emerge. You can place apples nearby to speed up germination.

For beginners who want to germinate a tree from a seed, the first of the described methods is preferable.

Selecting a location

Theoretically, avocados can grow in partial shade. But the exotic plant is quite light-loving, therefore, when choosing a place to place it, it is advisable to give preference to windows facing southeast or southwest.

It is important to ensure that the leaves are not scorched by the hot midday sun. Where possible, direct contact should be prevented sun rays.

You can try placing the avocado on a north-facing window. If in winter the plant begins to lose its leaves and looks weak, it is not getting enough light.

Then artificial lighting is used - phytolamps. The window should also prevent drafts: cold air the plant doesn't like it.

Choosing a pot

When the plant has just given roots, it is enough to plant it in a small container, for example, a trimmed plastic bottle volume 1.5 l. When the avocado grows and leaves appear on it, you can transplant it into a suitable pot. Tips for choosing a container:

  • There is no need to immediately take a huge pot: this way the plant will stretch upward more strongly. It is better to replant regularly as the avocado matures.
  • The pot should be selected elongated in length: root system the plant goes deep into the soil rather than growing wider
  • Even experienced florist may accidentally overwater the plant. Therefore, you should choose a pot with a drainage hole at the bottom to remove excess moisture.

At the bottom of the pot you need to immerse the drainage - a layer of expanded clay. It absorbs excess liquid in the pan, protecting the roots from rotting.

Soil preparation

A garden substrate is suitable for growing avocados at home. It is better to use neutral or slightly acidic soil. The soil should be well ventilated, drained and loose. You can prepare this mixture yourself:

  • Sand - one part
  • Humus - one part
  • Sod land - two parts

It is useful to add wet moss and peat to the substrate.

To make the plant feel better, you can prepare mulch. Mulching prevents the soil from drying out and the appearance of midges.

Straw, leaves, nut shells or pumpkin seeds are suitable as mulch. The mixture should cover all the soil under the branches, excluding areas directly adjacent to the trunk.

Avocado care

After the avocado is finally placed in the pot, all that remains is to monitor its condition and take timely measures if the plant “complains.” Common mistakes associated with incorrect selection of pot or soil, improper watering, lack of nutrients or insufficient lighting. The tree's leaves may fall or dry out, growth and the appearance of new shoots will slow down.

A young avocado tree does not look very attractive: a bare thin trunk with a few leaves at the top. This does not mean that it is sick. You will have to be patient: over time, the plant will begin to look more impressive.

Watering rules and spraying

The plant should be watered abundantly to prevent the soil from drying out. Overwatering is no less dangerous: the roots will begin to rot and the avocado will die. After watering, you need to monitor the top layer of soil.

When it has dried, you should wait another 1-2 days: the deeper layers of the soil retain the necessary moisture to support growth. In summer, the plant is watered more often than in winter, when daylight hours are reduced. Watering is carried out exclusively with soft, settled water.

Avocados do not tolerate dry air well. It is necessary to spray the space around the plant with a spray bottle 1-2 times a day. This is especially important in winter, when the indoor air becomes dry due to central heating and heaters. You should not spray the leaves or flowers themselves: burns may occur.

Sometimes spraying does not give the desired effect, especially in heating season. It is advisable to install an air humidifier in the room: this will benefit not only avocados, but also other indoor plants. Recommended air humidity should be 50-70%.

Temperature conditions

At the initial stages of plant development, it is desirable elevated temperatures air, from +26 degrees Celsius. In the future, normal room temperature will do. In winter, a drop to +16°C is acceptable.

If the temperature drops even lower, the plant may lose its leaves. In summer, you can take the tree to a balcony or loggia, but protect it from direct sunlight.


For an avocado growing in unusual apartment conditions, feeding is mandatory, otherwise it will not feel comfortable. Unlike a tree living in its natural environment, it does not receive useful minerals from precipitation, the soil is not loosened by earthworms, and the soil is not renewed in a healthy way.

For optimal plant growth, liquid mineral fertilizers citrus mixtures sold in stores. In this case, it is advisable to slightly reduce the recommended dose from that specified by the manufacturer.

Feeding tips:

  • It is recommended to fertilize with mineral mixtures when the plant reaches one year of age.
  • Sometimes an avocado needs organic fertilizers: manure, humus, peat, bird droppings. A simpler option is infusions of onion peels and egg shells
  • Fertilizer can be either applied to the soil or sprayed on foliage.
  • They usually fertilize twice a month from March to August. In autumn and winter, there is no need to feed avocados: active vegetation stops and a dormant period begins

Trimming and pinching

Exotic avocado can be made an effective element of decor in a city apartment. Interesting way plant a few seeds and then combine the young trees in one pot. As long as their stems are flexible, they can be woven together to form a braid.

The avocado stretches upward strongly. To avoid this and form a lush crown, you need to pinch or tweezing - removing the tip of the shoot. The procedure can be carried out only when the plant has gained strength and the number of leaves is at least eight.

Pinch off the top of the plant to grow stronger side shoots. Then they can also be pinched - when the number of leaves on the shoot is 5-6 pieces.

In the spring, pruning is carried out to accelerate the growth of new branches. Another goal is decorative: pruning trees helps to form a crown of almost any shape, in accordance with the owner’s imagination.


Avocados grow quickly, especially in the early years, so the pot soon becomes small. The plant needs to be replanted. While the avocado is young, it is recommended to replant annually, then every three years. Transplantation is carried out in the spring. The procedure is first carried out when the tree grows to 15 cm.

This must be done carefully, trying not to damage the shoots and roots of the fragile young tree. The voids are filled with fresh soil.

The requirements for preparing the substrate and pot are the same as for planting: the container has a drainage hole, and expanded clay must be placed on the bottom. If the avocado was watered shortly before transplanting, you don’t have to water it immediately, but wait a few hours.

Pests and diseases

If a green pet withers, dries up and stops growing, the reason is a disease or a pest attack. Avocado growing problems and diseases manifest themselves as follows:

  1. The plant drops its lower leaves, the foliage turns yellow: the root system is damaged or rotting due to overwatering
  2. The leaves are drying up: there is a lack of soil nutrients, you need to fertilize

The plant sometimes becomes a victim of insect pests. Frequent enemies of avocados and ways to combat them are presented in table form.

Pest name Symptoms Fighting methods


Small light spots appear on the leaves, the foliage dries and acquires a yellowish tint. If the plant is disturbed, tiny white butterflies fly from it. Traditional methods defeating whiteflies - spraying avocado foliage with soap or garlic solution. Sticky tape traps are suitable for catching butterflies. In a specialized store you can purchase drugs Zeta, Rovikurt or Fufanol and treat the plant with them.

Mealybug (dew)

A fluffy light coating appears on the leaves and twigs. Avocados are starting to grow worse. To combat mealybugs, a soap-alcohol solution or calendula tincture is suitable. From chemicals use Fitoverm or Actellik.

In the fall, just for fun, I planted an avocado seed (this way I’ve already managed to get indoor lemon). The experiment was a success - the seed has sprouted and is gradually growing leaves. Tell me how to care for avocados at home? Does it need bright light or can the flowerpot be placed on a north window?

Recently, lovers of exotic plants have become increasingly common among flower growers. Thanks to them, some cultures living in wildlife, successfully migrated to our homes and feel quite well there. Take the avocado, for example, a tall evergreen tree with original green fruits native to distant Mexico. Its large bright green leaves are so popular among fans indoor plants that the exotic Mexican began to be used for decorative purposes for landscaping.

In nature, avocado grows up to 30 m in height, but indoors it grows in the form of a small tree (no more than 2.5 m), and does not bear fruit.

Growing an avocado is not very difficult. If you create conditions that are as close to natural as possible and properly care for it, you can get a very beautiful and compact plant.

Caring for avocados at home consists of a set of measures, namely:

  • choosing a suitable location for the bush (with the necessary lighting and air temperature);
  • proper watering and fertilizing;
  • formative pruning;
  • regular transplant.

Where is the best place to grow avocados?

Before choosing a flowerpot with a young bush for permanent residence, it is worth considering that it does not tolerate direct sunlight - it causes burns on the leaves. But otherwise it is quite unpretentious and grows well even in partial shade, although it prefers good, but diffused, lighting.

You can put the flowerpot on the northern window sill: there will be enough sun for the avocado in the summer, and in the autumn - winter period just install additional lighting.

As for air temperature and humidity, the evergreen bush needs warmth, but is able to winter in an unheated room with a temperature of at least 5 degrees Celsius, however, in this case it turns into a deciduous plant and sheds its leaves.

How to water and feed?

In the summer, avocados should be watered frequently and sprayed regularly. In winter, the frequency of watering depends on the wintering conditions: the lower the temperature, the less often the bush is watered.

The avocado itself grows quickly, so it does not need frequent feeding, but it should be taken into account that the tree has a limited amount of soil in the pot and nutrients they run out quickly. To replenish them, it is necessary to apply from spring to the end of summer (but not more than 2 times a month).

How to prune and when to replant?

IN room conditions Avocados often stretch, so formative pruning is an important step in caring for them. To do this in the spring, you need to pinch or cut off the shoots after the 8th leaf to stimulate branching. Repeat the procedure all summer on each young branch.

Features of growing indoor avocado - video

Avocado is a well-known fruit that came to us from tropical countries. Many lovers of exotic flora dream of getting this capricious guest on their windowsill. Growing an avocado from a seed at home is not difficult at all. But in order for the tree to grow in the future and become a real decoration of your interior, you will have to learn several rules for caring for it.

What are the chances of growing avocados at home?

Avocados are easy to propagate, so growing them indoors from store-bought fruit is not difficult. The fastest growth of avocados is observed in the spring.. But this culture will most likely serve only a decorative function. Avocado growing in natural environment, reaches a height of 18–20 meters. The size of a tree grown at home will not exceed 2.5 m. Moreover, such a plant does not always bear fruit. But thanks to the lush crown, the avocado looks attractive even without flowers and fruits. This tree is also useful because it effectively purifies the air.

Avocados grow well at home, but rarely bear fruit.

Important! Choose only ripe fruit in the store, without visible damage or signs of wilting.

How to germinate a seed: two ways

Work must begin with the preparation of planting material. The bone should be easily removed from the pulp, have a textured surface and be the size of a large quail egg. Get suitable option can only be made from ripe fruit. You can determine the ripeness of a fruit by dark color peel and elastic pulp.

Before planting, the seed must be removed and germinated.

Important! Press lightly on the fruit: if it regains its shape, the seed is suitable for planting.

You can also buy unripe avocados if there are no others on sale. But you will first need to put it in a paper bag along with ripe apples, tomatoes, or store it at a temperature of 18–23 °C for 1–2 days, avoiding direct sunlight. Ripe fruits contain a high concentration of ethylene - a gas that accelerates the ripening of fruits, which will help your avocado reach the desired condition.

The next step is to extract planting material. Cut the avocado in half, turn the flesh out and remove the pit.

You can germinate it in two ways:

  • closed;
  • open.

Important! Avocado seeds contain persin, a toxic substance that can cause disruption of the digestive system and severe allergic reactions. Therefore, it is better to carry out work wearing protective gloves.

The closed method involves planting the seed directly into the soil.. To do this we will need to do the following:

  1. Prepare the pot, place a drainage layer 1.5–2 cm thick on the bottom. Expanded clay or small pebbles are suitable for this purpose.

    In pots, be sure to add a drainage layer.

  2. To prepare a nutrient mixture, combine sand, humus and garden soil in equal proportions.. You can also use ready-made soil mixture, but keep in mind that it must be loose and well-drained. Fill the pot with this mixture, not reaching 1–1.5 cm to the top edge.

    Pour loose, light soil onto the drainage layer.

  3. Place the pit with the blunt end to a depth of 3 cm. Water.

    Bury the avocado seeds 3 cm into the soil and water

  4. Place the pot in a warm and well-lit place, such as a windowsill. After 20–30 days, the seed usually germinates. Make sure the soil is moist at all times and do not allow it to dry out.

    Avocados germinate within 20–30 days

The open method involves germinating the seed in water.. For this you will need a glass or other suitable container. Your actions will be as follows:

  1. Make 3 holes in the center of the bone. Then insert toothpicks 3-5 mm into each of them.

    Insert toothpicks into the bone

  2. In this form, place the bone with the blunt end in a container filled with cold water. Adjust the water level so that only a third of the planting material is immersed in the liquid.

    Dip the bone into a glass of water by a third

  3. Keep an eye on the water level; you want it to not change. You can replant the avocado into the ground after the roots have grown 3–4 cm. Root formation takes 1–6 weeks depending on the time of year.

    We wait for the seed to produce a root 3–4 cm long

Home conditions for active tree growth

It is difficult to get avocados to bear fruit at home. The plant produces a harvest only 5% of the time. If you are lucky, your tree will begin to bear fruit at 3–7 years of age, and these fruits will be quite suitable for consumption, although, as a rule, they are inferior in taste to store-bought ones. Also, with this method of growing, the avocado will not reach its natural size; its growth will stop within 2–2.5 m.

For avocados it is necessary to provide a number necessary conditions, then your tree can grow up to 2.5 meters

For the successful growth of this crop, the following series of conditions must be met.

  1. Regular watering. The plant requires watering as the soil dries out. As a rule, 1-2 times a week is enough. To maintain optimal soil moisture in the cold season, the crop is watered limitedly - only 2–3 days after the soil has completely dried.

    Important! If the tree's leaves turn yellow, this indicates overwatering.

  2. Scattered light. Avocado is a light-loving plant, but it must be protected from direct sunlight to prevent burns on the leaves. The culture is placed on the south, east or west window.
  3. Humid air. This plant does not tolerate dry air well. There are several ways to maintain humidity levels at the required level:
    • the simplest, but most troublesome way is to hang towels soaked in water around the room;
    • It is advisable to install plants next to the avocado that have large leaves that evaporate a lot of moisture;
    • it is necessary to spray avocado leaves up to 5 times a day from a fine spray bottle;
    • In summer and during the heating season, you need to place the pot with the tree on a tray with wet sand or expanded clay.
  4. Long daylight hours. In autumn and winter, the plant is illuminated using fluorescent lamps or phytolamps for 12 hours a day, and during the flowering period it is provided with 15 hours of daylight.
  5. Maintaining temperature conditions during growth and dormancy. The temperature in the room is set within 16–20 °C. During winter, avocados often go into a dormant stage and shed their leaves. In this case, the temperature is reduced to 10–12 °C. At higher rates, the leaves of the plant dry out and fall off, but the avocado usually does not die.
  6. Fertilizer. You also need to take care of feeding. The regularity of fertilizing depends on the time of year. In spring and summer, avocados are fed 2-3 times a month, in autumn and winter once. Mixtures for decorative crops are used as fertilizers. flowering plants. For example, Biochelate (10 ml per 2 liters of water) is suitable.
  7. Timely transplant. As the plant grows, it is transplanted into a larger pot. The first time this procedure is carried out when the avocado reaches 15 cm in height. In the future, transplantation is carried out annually. In this case, the same soil composition is used that was used during planting. Most the right time Spring is the time for replanting.

    Each time they select a pot with a diameter 5 cm larger than the previous one.

  8. Formative pruning. To increase the decorative properties of avocados, pruning is carried out. Otherwise, the tree will only grow in height. Pruning is done in March. In the first year, the top is shortened after 7–8 leaves, the side shoots after 5–6 leaves. Subsequently, the height is maintained at the right level. The formation of the crown should be carried out annually in the spring.

Table: possible growing problems and methods for eliminating them

Video: how to care for an avocado tree

The beauty of the fast-growing and evergreen avocado is a compelling argument for searching for information on how to grow it from seed at home, and how to care for this tropical guest.

Under natural conditions, it reaches 20 m in height and lives up to 100 years. In a human home, this giant easily changes its size, and with regular pruning it can exist quite happily in a small half-meter format.

Before you remove the pit from the avocado, you can ripen it at home at a temperature of 18-24 degrees. This may take from 3 to 5 days. To speed up the process, add other fruits or tomatoes to the avocado.

Removing and planting the seed

The seed of a ripe fruit can be easily removed: a horizontal cut is made, then a circular motion is made with the halves of the fruit. Then you need to scrape off the stringy tendrils from the surface.

The question often arises as to how to germinate an avocado seed with the highest probability of success. All methods can be equally effective; the result depends on the quality of the seed, regular moisture supply and temperature conditions.

At closed method the seed is planted in the ground to a depth of 2-3 cm in a vertical position so that the outside remains sharp end. Another option is deep planting of the shelled nucleolus. The sprout appears in about a month.

At open method The bone must be fixed in water in the same position. To do this, you need to drill 3 through holes, insert toothpicks into them and place them along the edges of the container so that the lower part is immersed in water. The sprout should appear after 20 days; planting in the ground is carried out after the formation of a root 3-4 cm long.

Germination can be done traditional method, in soaked cotton wool, you must ensure that a sufficient amount of moisture is supplied, do not overdry and prevent rotting.

How exactly to grow avocado seedlings is a matter of taste, but we must take into account that this is only the beginning of a process that will require attention and patience throughout the interaction with the green pet.

Soil, placement and replanting

Avocado will do ready mix for tropical plants, or you can make your own soil from the same garden soil, sand and peat. The plant loves light, but does not tolerate direct sunlight. The ideal location would be on the west side of the house, on a windowsill or close to a window.

The container changes depending on the growth rate; it is advisable to replace the soil once a year. A monthly complete citrus fertilizer will keep your avocado healthy and beautiful.

Pruning is done to form a crown, at a height of 8-10 leaves.

Features of care

You cannot passively watch an avocado grow. He needs a full set of gardening procedures: loosening the soil, watering, moistening, prevention from pests and diseases. It tolerates heat well; the spruce tree is in partial shade, but from drafts and temperatures below 12 degrees it can shed its leaves in a day and die.

Photo instructions on how to grow an avocado from a seed at home