Yellow earthen pig. Pig - description and characteristics. Green Wooden Pig

Pig - female principle of yin, sign of the fourth triangle, element of Water

The sign of the Pig embodies concern for the well-being of the family and the education of children. She strives for a comfortable life and personifies kindness and mercy. Strong intuition, sensitivity and the gift of empathy help representatives of this sign achieve success in their careers and surround themselves with interesting people. Patience, perseverance in life's troubles, and a calm character help this sign in partnerships. The pig knows a lot about good things, needs interesting interlocutors and attracts tempters into his life. The main problem of this sign is self-doubt. The Pig is a real fatalist, loves to dramatize and withdraw into depression. At these moments, she needs the support and emotional participation of friends in her problems.

Too unconventional in relationships, likes to experiment and build diverse love relationship. The pig itself is changeable in moods, everything depends on the moral and material investments on the part of the partner. The pig cannot endure poverty; in abundance it flourishes, becomes prettier in appearance and invariably becomes kinder. If the Pig has a bad character, it means she was in the wrong circle or did not work hard enough.

Positive qualities of the sign

Men are real gallant knights, women are noble, sensitive ladies, representatives of this sign have good taste, understand art, and know how to appreciate beauty. The Pig is hardworking, thoughtful, and open to new things. Trust makes for a good environment, but can make her a target for a liar. A passionate sign that understands love and raising children.

Negative qualities of the sign

When it comes to income, she can be scrupulous and too materialistic in partnerships. Often falls into dependent relationships, cannot overcome infantilism and abandon naivety. Self-indulgent, does not use intuition to unravel deception or manipulation. Fatalism blocks opportunities and stifles inspiration.

In the year of the Pig you should enjoy the joys of life, look for a way to express yourself in a new way. A favorable period for increasing income, starting a business, and increasing material well-being. Intellectually developed people will be more successful than others. The Year of the Pig is good for the entire zodiac, differing only in the degree of positivity. A successful year for the Pig, Rat, Tiger, Rabbit, Horse, Dragon, Monkey. Neutral for Ox, Snake, Sheep, Rooster and Dog.

Celebrities of this sign

Cleopatra, Dalai Lama, Henry Ford, Rockefeller, Francoise Sagan, Carl Gustav Jung, Fyodor Tyutchev, Marc Chagall, Chiang Kai-shek, Ronald Reagan, Hillary Clinton, Henry Kissinger, Ralph Waldo Emerson, German Titov, Ernest Hemingway, Aleister Crowley, Luciano Pavarotti, Jose Carreras, Elton John, Woody Allen, Steven Spielberg, Alfred Hitchcock. Actors: Arkady Raikin, Lyudmila Gurchenko, Oleg Tabakov Alain Delon, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Mark Wahlberg, Jared Leto, Winona Ryder, Ewan McGregor, Charlotte Ginsbourg, Sergei Bodrov Jr., Vladimir Vdovichenkov, Emily Blunt, Chris Hemsworth, Mila Kunis, Svetlana Khodchenkova .

Character of the sign by elements

Red Fire Pig

The expression “if you fall in love, you won’t stop loving” one hundred percent applies to the Fire Pig. No matter what, the Fire Pig will always win, will be able to overcome opposing circumstances and will find something to be happy about in difficult moments of life. She is least dependent on the vicissitudes of fate, knows how to find benefit everywhere, an optimist with a bright temperament. This sign is not inclined to deeply analyze situations, but intuitively chooses the best.

Yellow Earth Pig

This combination of sign and element often promotes laziness and inertia. Passivity is dangerous for the Earth Pig, as excellent opportunities are not realized. Meanwhile, she is a wonderful housewife who cares about the continuation of traditions and is capable of anything for the sake of loved one, a peaceful and kind sign. The desire to avoid conflict often puts the Earth Pig in an ambivalent position, which leads to dependence and manipulation. The most distrustful of the elements of this sign, the Earth Pig will require guarantees in their personal life.

White Metal Pig

The Metal Pig carries mystery and richness. inner world. The most selfless among the elements of her sign, she is ready for self-sacrifice. She always lives a rich spiritual life, is not inclined to materialism, although she provides for herself well. Success and career come easier to her than others. She is more demanding living conditions, loves luxury and comfort, knows how to earn money, appreciates his achievements. She expresses her feelings very emotionally, is integral and purposeful.

Black (blue) Water Pig

The Water Pig is kind and trusting, her own emotions and feelings are most important, she is ready to make sacrifices for the sake of love. This combination of qualities makes the representative of the sign vulnerable to manipulators. If the environment is hostile, then the Water Pig knows how to mask its feelings, keeps secrets, avoids scandals and showdowns. She often makes mistakes and chooses a partner who is not suitable for her level of development. Needs protection. Usually has bright appearance and pleasant manners. Very sexy, independent, cannot stand life in captivity.

Green Wooden Pig

The Year of the Yellow Earth Pig 2019 can truly be considered one of the calmest for all horoscope signs. Those born in the Year of the Yellow Pig will be especially lucky. And there are few of them, because over the last century there have been only 9 such years: Yellow Pigs were born in 1911, 23 and 35, 47 and 59, as well as in 1971, 83 and 95. In the 21st century, the Boar was born once - in 2007. The Pig will be born again in 2019 (we will also consider its characteristics).

People born under the auspices of the Pig are almost always characterized by others as honest, kind-hearted, nobility and kindness. And these are far from empty words. After all, as you know, Pigs have never been distinguished by aggressive behavior towards others. People born in the above years cannot tolerate false evidence and hypocritical attitudes. When communicating with loved ones, they are as sincere and tactful as possible. Now let's move on to general information about the year of the Pig (Boar) 2019.

General information about the Year of the Pig

According to the Chinese (Eastern) horoscope, the following can be distinguished: The Year of the Pig completes the cycle of 12 zodiac signs. Therefore, many believe that this year can be considered very “mixed”, because it has absorbed all the factors contained in the previous 11 cycles.

Some sages claim that 2019 will bring together maximum quantity emotions (in most cases they will be positive).

People who were born in the Year of the Pig are distinguished by a very interesting character trait - they believe in the true kindness of people. Sometimes this faith brings troubles - people take advantage of the trust of Pigs. Children born in 2019 will also have characteristic features- we will understand them further.

Pigs (including children) have a huge amount of never-ending vitality and energy. They always try to do good and improve the lives of people around them.

But life for representatives of this sign is not so rosy. Typically, periods of constancy are followed by sudden changes in life. Sometimes it even has to start with white sheet. This is a difficult fate for representatives of the Pigs.

People are usually always lucky in the year of their zodiac sign. Astrologers especially pay attention to the fact that Pigs should have good luck in their financial situation. Not excluded big wins to the lottery.

A sense of humor will help the Pig overcome problems - this is how 2019 is characterized for representatives of this sign. After all, no one is immune from problems and minor troubles.

Despite their kindness, Pigs do not compromise well - they will insist on their opinion to the last and will be confident in the correctness of their judgments. But if they realize that they were wrong, they will be able to apologize impeccably.

Pig representatives are leisurely in their work, but if they need to do something urgently, they will give it their all and will not feel sorry for themselves.

Boars (Pigs) have inner confidence and power, and have invincible inner willpower. Oddly enough, this is precisely what fascinates others. But many scammers often take advantage of the gullibility and peacefulness of Pigs. They gain confidence in them, and they do not even notice their hidden intentions. Let's give an example. Pig representatives trust people in everything. And attackers directly sense such people. Under the guise of harmless help, they can brazenly rob a representative of a given zodiac sign. Or even be drawn into an unpleasant adventure. There were quite a lot of such cases.

In intellectual interests, Yellow Boars are very picky. They are interested in absolutely everything and try to draw from life everything they can. They read diverse literature: detective novels, technical articles and notes from magazines - this is not a complete list of the literary interests of Yellow Boars.

In terms of friends, this sign is very ambiguous - Pigs try to select people close to their liking. And if you can’t find such a friend, then representatives of the wild boars try to re-educate their acquaintances themselves. It turns out that they do this, of course, very rarely. Often their acquaintances simply run away from them over time.

Culturally, representatives of this animal are also very ambiguous: they are interested in painting, beauty, love the classics, but at the same time they will gladly succumb to the mores of heavy music. They are so unusual and characteristic, these Yellow Pigs (Boars).

The material (financial) aspect is of great importance for Pigs. They strive to live in luxury and wealth. But money doesn’t just come into their hands. In order to get them, they have to work like horses.

It is worth noting one important fact - most of all in Go the Yellow Pig will have the luckiest Pisces according to the Western system. After all, Pisces corresponds astrologically to Pig.

Characteristics of the Metal Pig (Boar). 1911 and 1971

These representatives of the human race are among the cleanest and most honest among all Pigs. A metal pig is always energetic, comprehensively developed and purposeful. Because of her gullibility, she is often upset. But her sense of humor helps her recover from stressful situations. Likes to “go wild” at all kinds of parties and clubs. The character of the Pig (Metal) is quite affable and friendly, there are no heavy notes in it, only lightness and fun.

Water Pig and its characteristics. 1923 and 1983.

Those people who were born in the years 23 and 83, according to the Eastern horoscope, belong to the Water Pigs. You can say endlessly a lot of good things about them, they have “hearts of gold” in the literal and figurative sense. They always strive to take into account the opinions and interests of each interlocutor, they are tactful and kind-hearted. They are distinguished by their generosity and try to build relationships with others with a sense of trust.

One of the disadvantages of this sign is their excessive gullibility, because of which they often suffer and become victims of attackers. The effect of “rose-colored glasses” is very inherent in them - they do not distinguish bad from good, black from white, but all this for the time being, then they still take off the “glasses”.

Water Pigs try to lead a calm, quiet family life, do not enter into conflicts and are not their initiators. They are hardworking, have a heightened sense of responsibility, and always succeed in their chosen profession.

Wood (1935 and 1995), Fire (1947, 2007) and Earth (1899, 1959) Pigs: characteristics

Wooden Boars boast friendliness and sociability. They have a lot of friends, but only a few real ones.

This sign always attracts attention to itself, tries to be aware of everything that happens around it. Lifestyle Pigs of this category are very active and never sit still. They love to help others.

Fiery representatives of Pigs are almost always straightforward, subject to the opinions of others. They are not obsessed with money, they will come to the aid of family and friends.

Earth Pigs are generous and kind. However, they are soft-hearted and prone to drinking excessive amounts of alcoholic beverages.

The teachings of the sages from Ancient China claim that each new calendar period passes under the auspices of its totem animal, acquiring not only a heavenly patron, but also pronounced dominants in the form of color and elements. The Chinese calendar contains information about a dozen such totems, and each of them can be combined with one of five possible shades and natural phenomena, which alternate in a certain sequence.

All events awaiting us in 2019, such as the state of finances, the rise in career ladder, trip success, health status and much more. 2019 will pass under the sign, which will replace the Yellow Earth Dog.

In general, humanity faces a fairly calm period of life. Earth years will allow us to take a break after difficult and emotionally intense days spent under the influence of fire signs - the Rooster and the Monkey. Relations in 2019 will be characterized by warmth and stability, and few shocks threaten. Do you want to understand the situation in detail? Then find out what the Yellow Earth Pig is, which will rule the world from February 5, 2019 to January 24, 2020!

Characteristics of the Pig sign

To understand how to attract Fortune to your side in 2019, you should carefully familiarize yourself with the character of the Pig, as well as the characteristics of the signs belonging to the earth element and dressed in yellow tones. Only such a comprehensive approach will allow you to meet the year fully armed!

First, let's talk about the main characteristics of the totem, because the Pig is not as simple an animal as it might seem at first glance. Its first feature is that this symbol is the last in the list of signs of the Chinese calendar. This means that in the new calendar period you will have to take stock of the whole 12 years of your life! The Pig will definitely put everything in its place, provide an opportunity to resolve conflicts and give everyone what they deserve. The main theses for the Year of the Pig look like this:

  • The Pig represents the feminine essence, that is, yin, and belongs to the 4th sign triangle (which also includes the Sheep and Rabbit). The Chinese associate yin with cold, dampness, calm and strength, which becomes especially powerful in late summer and early winter;
  • The original element of the Pig is water, which, as we know, can be calm, bringing fertility and peace, but at times becomes stormy - and in this case one should expect troubles and destruction;
  • The main color of the Pig sign is black. We usually associate it with grief and mourning, but the Chinese have a completely different approach to it. For them, black is the color of honor, dignity, success and character, which allows them to overcome any obstacles. For example, it was black that was chosen as the color of the first Chinese emperor when he won a stunning victory over the Zhou dynasty;
  • The cardinal direction of the Pig is north-northwest - Chinese sages identify this direction with the time of late sunset, when the sun's ray is about to disappear beyond the horizon.

If we talk about the sign itself, the Pig has conscientiousness, compassion and generosity. This is a sign that knows how to concentrate on its goals. If he decides to achieve something, he will direct all his energy reserves to solve this problem. Asking for help from a Pig is a rarity rather than a rule. Pigs rely solely on themselves, but they willingly help other people. Many people take advantage of this feature of Pigs, especially since this is one of the most naive signs of the Chinese horoscope.

The Pig's character is calm - no troubles can knock her out of the saddle. She accepts any state of affairs and methodically continues to move along the intended path. Folding your hands and waiting for the storm to subside is not in the Pig’s character. In addition, Pigs are distinguished by excellent health, unless they indulge in gluttony and alcoholic libations. The main goal of Pigs is to eat in moderation and monitor their weight. But representatives of this sign easily experience stress: where another totem plunges into depression, the Pig will simply gain strength, get a good night’s sleep and be eager to fight again.

2019 will be a time for you to make new acquaintances and strong friendships

Before you is a creative sign with a well-developed imagination. Pigs get along well with people and are keenly interested in the latest science and technology. That is why the range of professions in which Pigs can achieve success is practically unlimited - they become talented restaurateurs or actors, excellent doctors or veterinarians, creative designers or journalists, successful artists or sales managers.

In interpersonal communications, representatives of this sign are distinguished by openness, thanks to which Pigs easily make friends and often become popular at school or at work. Pigs abhor pettiness, and they simply do not attach importance to minor troubles - friendship is so valuable to them that they can sacrifice their own interests in order to preserve it. In love, they are faithful and affectionate partners, adhere to family values and value honesty and frankness most of all.

Interesting fact: The best partners for Pigs are people born in the year of the Goat, Tiger and Rabbit. But with Monkeys and Snakes it is very difficult for them to establish friendships, partnerships, and love relationships.

And finally - a few more important points things to consider for Pigs:

  • of this sign are 2, 5 and 8, as well as all the numbers in which they are contained. But numbers 1 and 7 can bring misfortune to the Pig;
  • Are you planning something important? Then feel free to choose the 17th and 24th of any month;
  • The flowers of this sign are hydrangea and daisy;
  • The shades that are best for Pigs to have in their wardrobe or surrounding interior are yellow, grey, brown and gold. But red and blue should be avoided;
  • The Pig's talisman stones are corals, topazes and lapis lazuli.

Among the famous representatives of the Pig sign we can mention one of the richest people in the world - Rockefeller, the beautiful Cleopatra, artist Marc Chagall, writer Ernest Hemingway, director Woody Allen, as well as actors and actresses Alain Delon, Mila Kunis and Jared Leto.

We have already mentioned that the dominant element of 2019 will be the Earth, which Chinese sages associate with inviolability, constancy, fertility and chastity. It is quite natural that the Yellow Pig, having solid ground under its feet, has additional characteristics in the form of punctuality, a realistic view of things, common sense, analytical thinking, as well as an amazing ability to benefit from everything.

The earth element will contribute to the appearance of material wealth in your life

Any totem that interacts with the Earth receives additional insight, and a rational mindset and methodical approach to business makes it possible to successfully move towards your goals. People born in the years of the Earth are distinguished by a restrained disposition; sharp outbursts of emotions are not their feature, and unhealthy excitement and frivolity are simply unknown to them.

Earth is the element of creation, which has a clear connection to material wealth. That is why it is important for the Earth Pig to receive rewards for his work, eat well and surround himself with comfort. However, the Pig receives all the benefits for a reason. The earth gives her the opportunity to work hard, gives her practicality and the ability to balance risk and benefit. Representatives of this element never chase cranes if they already have a tit in their hand. But “earthy” personalities also have a negative trait - excessive arrogance. Sometimes they can become confident in their own infallibility and righteousness.

Interesting fact: the most best time for Earth Pigs this is the end of summer and the beginning of autumn, when nature basks in the rays of the sun, the heat has already subsided, and the cold has not yet set in.

Main colors of 2019

Of course, the Pig’s disposition largely depends on color characteristics year. We have already said that the Pig of 2019 will have a yellow color, and this is a color that, among the eastern sages, means constancy and intelligence, multiplied by experience. If you delve into the mythology of China, you can find out that yellow is the color that means the Center of our world, and it is the color of the imperial dragon.

The color of 2019 is perseverance, stability and success, so it combines perfectly with the element of Earth, enhancing its best sides. The annual color also has a beneficial effect on the Pig, making it a sensitive and loyal family man, guaranteeing it an easy disposition and the presence of its own point of view. The yellow tone is a great mood and wealth. He bestows beauty and vital forces, it’s not for nothing that this is the color of the earth’s star. It is light and warm, like the Sun, warming and charging with positivity even on gloomy days.

Yellow color helps the Pig to create, stimulating its potential to the fullest. By the way, it is not surprising that this color was preferred by many brilliant artists, writers, musicians and poets of yesteryear. For example, according to Goethe, yellow glass is a salvation for cloudy days, because the world becomes more beautiful, the soul wants to sing enthusiastically, and the heart beats much easier.

The color of the sun will make the coming year truly joyful and optimistic

Psychology also supports the Chinese sages, because a yellow environment helps us look at the world more optimistically. A science called chromotherapy prescribes looking at yellow objects and wearing this tone to stimulate brain processes, normalize the function of the liver, stomach and bladder. Another adherents of yellow are physiologists who recommend eating melons, bananas and lemons as soon as you feel the blues approaching.

However, there is yellow shades and your negative traits. For example, Asian people associate them with mourning, and in European countries yellow is often associated with jealousy. So you shouldn’t overdo it with the color of the year - in excessive quantities it causes anxiety and increases irritability.

Supporting colors of 2019

  • Brown. This color corresponds to the element of the year (Earth) and means stability, solid ground underfoot, common sense and fertility. This color is suitable for practical people who are not alien to the blessings of life in their simplest manifestation, because excellent sleep, delicious food and quality clothing are important for each of us. Brown tones very comfortable, they put you at ease and make you feel safe. It is not surprising that wealthy, thrifty and respectable people love them. Chinese sages say that if you need to improve your health and strengthen ties with your family, use this color in the eastern sector of your home. From the point of view of physiologists, it is beneficial for the human skeletal system, but if you overdo it, you can feel bouts of melancholic moods and become a more depressed person;
  • Warm orange. A very harmonious color scheme, in which the warmth of the yellow spectrum is also supported by the vital energy of red tones. Feng Shui experts say that orange shades make us more cheerful and energetic, prolong our youth and maintain excellent health. Psychology experts say that these tones are responsible for enthusiasm and inspiration. By the way, these characteristics fit perfectly with the character of the Pig. Physiologists know that orange shades have a good effect on the functioning of the spleen, lungs and vascular system, and chromotherapists recommend eating from orange dishes for those who have problems with appetite. However, you need to observe moderation everywhere - too much orange can provoke you to take risky actions that go beyond the limits of reasonable behavior;
  • Gold. Naturally, this color is immediately associated with wealth and joy, so experts advise placing a small figurine (in 2019 it should be) in a gold tone in the western part of the home. By the way, this is also one of the fashionable colors 2019, so metallic in clothes will help not only attract the favor of the Pig, but also meet fashion trends. The Chinese say that gold is responsible for talent, experience and wisdom, and psychologists say that such clothing gives us determination and activates the brain. But if you dress yourself in gold fabrics from head to toe, you can become a person whose pride overshadows the voice of reason.

Additionally, in 2019 you can use soft ocher, fashionable khaki, saffron and olive tones. Well, for Pigs, as mentioned above, the recommended color is black, which matches this animal. By the way, on the 2019 totem yellow is reflected especially well - such a Pig enjoys increased popularity among others, is successful with the opposite sex, diligent and resilient, knows how to fantasize and inspire, but is able to turn on the analytical part of his mind in order to make accurate calculations.

What will the year of the Yellow Earth Pig be like?

Combining all the information about the 2019 totem, we can say that the fate of the future calendar period largely depends on the wisdom of world rulers. The Pig will give them honesty and integrity, as well as common sense, so that they can lead their countries to a state of political and economic balance. The world will become calmer, because the Pig is peaceful. Conflicts will finally subside, moving beyond the stage of military clashes.

In 2019, conflicts may finally subside and peace will reign on Earth

The Yellow Pig promises agriculture prosperity, and the land - a rich harvest. The pig has an excellent attitude towards all living things, so this year we are not threatened by cataclysms, destructive natural phenomena or mass epidemics. The new totem knows how to empathize, loves peace and quiet. It is quite possible that the economic situation in most countries will gradually improve, significantly improving the quality of life of citizens exhausted by the crisis.

The basis of any of your actions should be intelligence and originality of thinking. The Pig gives creative individuals many chances that will turn their endeavor into a dream come true. Moreover, financial well-being awaits you! The totem of the year understands perfectly well that without money you cannot create comfortable conditions for life. Saving all your profits in a box is a bad idea, since the Pig loves to party and enjoy the joys of life. However, nothing will just fall from the sky. The pig will reward only conscientious and honest work.

The pig is tolerant and favors those who want to learn how people live in other countries and on other continents. Feel free to buy tickets and plan the most exotic trips! As for other aspects, 2019 will be aimed at forming a family. The pig listens to his elders and does not imagine himself without offspring, but the ability to show himself with the best side and showing empathy attracts many new people to Pigs. Most likely, 2019 will be marked for you by expanding your social circle.

However, in the year of the Yellow Pig you need to be able to control yourself. Sometimes the Pig is prone to fatalism, but its open and easy disposition will help you not pay attention to difficulties. Let us remind you once again that 2019 will complete the 12-year calendar cycle, so get ready to take stock. The Pig will provide an opportunity to finally resolve disputes, complete projects, reconcile with hostile relatives and complete court cases. It is worth taking the opportunity to carefully plan everything you would like to do so that you enter the new calendar cycle completely refreshed.

Interesting fact: 2019 will be incredibly successful for many Pigs, Rats, Tigers, Rabbits, Horses, Dragons and Monkeys. It will be more difficult for other signs to win the sympathy of the totem.

How to attract good luck in 2019?

Try to appease the symbol of 2019 to reach real heights!

Do you want to attract the Yellow Earth Pig to your side? Then use a couple of simple tips!

  • In order not to upset Pig, New Year You definitely need to organize it with your family, or at least visit close relatives for a couple of hours on the night of December 31 to January 1;
  • Follow the basic color recommendations when choosing clothes for the holiday. Better yet, review your wardrobe altogether, selecting at least one item for each season in the main or supporting colors (yellow, orange, brown or gold);
  • Be sure to prepare a varied table full of greens, mushrooms, meat, sweets, vegetables and cheeses - the dishes can be anything, but on New Year's Eve you should avoid pork;
  • The Pig loves everything natural, so you won’t have to worry about hair, makeup and jewelry all year long. The element of Earth allows you to wear gold and silver, natural stones, extracted from the depths, as well as wood;
  • Don’t forget to buy an amulet for your home – a small pig;
  • When communicating with friends and family, do not forget to support them and constantly stay in touch - the responsive Pig will appreciate this behavior;
  • Take a closer look at new acquaintances - the totem will definitely give you chances for romantic acquaintances and acquiring patrons in career matters;
  • In 2019, you will have to work honestly and with maximum dedication - the totem does not accept any subterfuge, because it itself is very simple-minded;
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According to astrologers, a horoscope has a direct impact on a person’s character and destiny. Eastern horoscope It affects not only specific people, it controls the annual cycle. The New Year 2020 is patronized by the White Metal Rat, which promises abundance and many bright events. Those who are expecting the birth of a child are interested in what a baby born in the year of the Rat will be like.

Traits of children characteristic of the year of the White Rat

If a baby was born between February 5, 2020 and January 24, 2021, he will be patronized by the White Rat. The horoscope promises such a child an open and cheerful disposition and incredible charm. The baby will be energetic, creative, optimistic. He does not like swearing and quarrels, does not participate in disputes. At the same time, one cannot call him weak-willed: if necessary, the child will be able to show determination, but all this will be only for the subsequent achievement of peace.

In the future, your child will grow into a self-confident person with many talents, the ability to reach heights and accept the challenges of fate.

The baby mouse shows interest in everything around him, knows how to dream, but his interests are unstable, so the main task of parents is to teach the child to bring what he started to its logical conclusion and gain deep knowledge.

Characters of boys and girls

Some parents deliberately plan the birth of their children precisely for the year of the White Metal Rat. After all, kids receive many positive qualities from the patroness of the year:

  • pragmatism;
  • determination;
  • sensitivity;
  • optimism;
  • independence;
  • kindness;
  • equilibrium;
  • generosity;
  • luck;
  • tolerance.

If we talk about negative traits, then baby mice suffer from:

  • lack of patience;
  • frivolity;
  • vanity;
  • extravagance;
  • addiction to excess;
  • inconstancy;
  • materialism.

Children's health

A child born in the year of the Rat has good health and a good appetite. But parents will have to control the baby’s appetite so that the child does not get a problem in the form of extra pounds in the future. Overweight may appear in adolescence when he starts eating problems with goodies. We'll have to organize physical activity in the gym to fight weight.

The baby easily copes with colds, as it has a strong immune system. But the baby is very vulnerable, and therefore may become depressed due to the accumulation of negative emotions. Emotional swings can cause dysfunction internal organs. Most often this is expressed in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and respiratory system.

Features of education and training

Babies born in 2020 of the Metal Rat are very cheerful. They love to participate in everything, from an early age they are interested in everything that happens. The child requires constant attention to himself and will achieve his goal by any means. The little “pig” has shown character since childhood and, if necessary, will defend his principles, so parents will have to show respect for some of his habits.

Children who are patronized by the Metal Rat are generous by nature: they will always share, even if they have the last piece of candy in their hands. At the same time, they will show genuine joy if you refuse the offer and leave the treat for them. Baby mice happily accept praise, because it is important for them to feel loved.

If your baby is born in 2020, be prepared for constant movement. The little fidget lives in his own world, has difficulty accepting tips and is undisciplined. Parents will have to make a lot of effort to develop perseverance and patience in him. The unpretentiousness of the baby is also striking, which, unlike other children, can tolerate inconvenience.

Moms and dads should not abuse the softness of the baby, who can agree to the most unfavorable conditions. The situation should be explained to the child and a realistic outlook on life should be developed so that dishonest people cannot take advantage of his gullibility. If a child from an early age learns to distinguish between truth and lies, it will be easy for him to cope with various difficulties throughout life and even decide complex tasks.

Discuss his everyday life with your child, take an interest in what is happening, so that he learns to talk through all his experiences. If a child has harmony in his soul, he is not afraid of life’s troubles, but apathy leads to the fact that he ceases to be interested in the world around him and cannot react correctly to what is happening. “Piglets” have a delicate mental organization, a stubborn and vulnerable character, so take this fact into account when raising them so as not to injure the child.

It is important for children born in the year of the Metal Rat to feel the support of family and friends. By themselves, they are independent and approach decision-making responsibly, but it is a helping hand and a strong shoulder that allows them to walk through life with inspiration.

Studying is good for those born in the year of the White Rat, because they are inquisitive and approach everything with interest. But there is another side - restlessness, which interferes with the acquisition of knowledge. It is important that teachers can interest and constantly maintain the interest of a piglet child. Otherwise, the child does not see the point in learning and his desire for science weakens. Such children grasp the essence quickly, but do not delve into what they are studying, so they often get general idea about objects. At the same time, they often argue about this or that issue, being completely convinced that they are right.

If parents want to give their child a quality education, they cannot do without individual lessons with teachers. You will have to look for a tutor who knows how to get you excited about learning so that your child achieves maximum results.

Video tips

What they can become - life prospects and career

Sensitivity and emotionality often lead to the fact that mouse children show a genuine desire to help others. Hence their desire to participate in various projects and charity events. Many devote themselves to volunteer activities. It is worth noting that if parents pay close attention to the process of obtaining an education, their child will be able to become a highly professional doctor or psychotherapist.

Also, these children often grow up social workers, lawyers and good businessmen. Some devote their lives to technical specialties.

Characteristics of children according to zodiac signs

A person’s character traits are determined not only by the Eastern, but also zodiac horoscope. I present to your attention brief information about representatives of different zodiac signs born in the year of the White Rat.

  • Aries. Incredibly sensitive, impulsive personality. Since childhood, the Aries child has been attracted to extraordinary things.
  • Taurus. They have a wild imagination and a lot of ideas. Personal fulfillment largely depends on parents.
  • Twins. Restless and curious, they often become participants difficult situations. Such children need to be constantly looked after.
  • Cancer. They mature beyond their years, are prone to analysis from childhood, and have a balanced character.
  • Lion. Like many representatives of this zodiac constellation, they always know what they want. Since childhood they have a purposeful character. It is important for parents to properly direct the child’s energy so that he can reach heights.
  • Virgos. Comfort for parents, their pride. Little Virgos are obedient, responsible, efficient, and have a restrained character.
  • Scales. The baby grows up sociable and knows how to avoid conflicts. May suffer from fears of being alone.
  • Scorpion. He is persistent, quick-witted and practical, and has a rich inner world. In some situations he behaves inconsistently and has a short temper.
  • Sagittarius A little creative fidget with an incredible sense of justice. He loves communication and trusts people too much.
  • Capricorns. Practical and careful since childhood. These kids touch with their curiosity and love to imitate adults.

Patroness 2019, according to the eastern calendar, she will become firm, purposeful, but good-natured Yellow Earth Pig. The time of her “reign” will begin on February 5 and will last until January 24, 2020. The period promises to be especially successful for those who are accustomed to working hard and are ready for a creative partnership. The color of this astrological sign is black, which is recognized as a symbol of dignity, duty and honor.

Characteristics of the Yellow Earth Pig

Boars of the earth element have a lot of exceptional qualities. They are very devoted to their romantic and business partners, hardworking, forgiving towards enemies, and thoughtful decision makers. Aggression and desperate measures are not their element, but at the same time they steadfastly overcome various hardships of life and persistently move towards their intended goal. Earth Pigs are very good-natured and will never leave a person in trouble who asks for help. At the same time, their trademark kindness is often abused by relatives and friends.

The weakest character trait of the representatives of the sign is the craving for cheerful feasts, during which they can easily lose their sense of proportion in food and drink. If you don’t learn to control such addictions, your life can go downhill at one point. Their irresistible craving for expensive things and luxurious life as such also requires similar control.

Main trends of 2019

The Earth Pig will willingly support those who do not waste their words and work with full dedication. Businessmen, large industrialists and farmers will be especially lucky. You can appease the owner of 2019 with generosity, attention to loved ones, and also by consciously avoiding malicious criticism of other people.

Yellow Earth Pig values ​​family highly, so singles can meet their soulmate, and married couples can fill their relationships with harmony and renewed passion.

It is best to postpone the solution to the most important problems until the first months of spring and summer, as well as October. In January, it is advisable to pay more attention to your health. The entire period will be especially successful for those who decide to finally get rid of bad habits. Motto of 2019– work and more work! The generous owner is guaranteed to pamper everyone who follows this advice with substantial dividends.

Who will the Earth Pig help?

Rats will have a hard time at work, but this forecast will noticeably soften for those representatives of the sign who managed to start a family. Bachelors will find themselves the center of attention of the opposite sex, but they are unlikely to want to quickly legitimize the relationship that has begun.

The Ox will have to work a lot this year too. Perhaps even more than usual, although the effort will not always have an adequate financial reward. Problems at work can also affect your personal relationships.

The Tiger will significantly improve his financial affairs and, in general, his business life promises to be successful. But your personal life may not work out.

For the Rabbit, the Earth Pig will bring a feeling of complete security, which is for him the primary source of all other benefits. Somehow, miraculously, he will be able to succeed in his career without harming his romantic relationships.

The dragon will sparkle like never before. Thanks to their signature agility and dexterity, representatives of the sign will receive even more than they dreamed of. You can expect changes in your personal life, but the stars do not advise running down the aisle right away.

A period full of worries awaits the snake. The desire to earn money will take a lot of time and will significantly reduce romantic fervor.

The horse will decide to make large bets, which will allow it to save money even for an apartment or car. You will be lucky in love too.

The stars advise the Goat to be more selective in both business and romantic spheres.

The monkey, for all its resourcefulness and inexhaustible enthusiasm, will have to work hard and honestly. Otherwise, the Black Earth Pig will not have a worthy reward for her. But love can come quite by accident.

The year will bring good luck to the Rooster in love, but does not promise brilliant success in the work field.

Dogs will work long and hard while going through a lot of different changes at the same time. True, the changes mostly promise to be positive.

The Pig has every chance not only to get rich and receive an inheritance, but also to improve family relationships.

How to celebrate the Year of the Earth Pig?

The Earth Pig is a big supporter of everything natural, so when decorating your house for the New Year, use only natural materials. Fresh flowers, pottery, compositions of rowan berries, viburnum, acorns, pine cones, and chestnuts are ideal. If you need fabrics to decorate your home, then preference should be given to natural and soft samples. The owner of the year will favorably appreciate the cozy sparkle of candles and a vase with various fruits near the fireplace.

The table should not be so much refined as hearty and generous. Be sure to prepare dishes from several types of legumes and vegetables. Special attention It is worth paying attention to meat, which, no matter the quantity, will not be small. It is better to choose light drinks - wines, champagne, cocktails.

The location of the celebration does not matter, but the circle of guests is important, which should consist only of close people. It is better to give simple but interesting gifts. The outfit can be white, soft pink or another color, but it must be exclusive, expensive and new. The hostess of 2019 puts forward the same demands for jewelry. She is even more picky about the emotional mood of those who organize a holiday in her honor. Sincere joy, an atmosphere of kindness and fun are welcomed. This is the only way to stock up on energy for the entire coming period.