New Year's comic horoscope: how Zodiac Signs celebrate the New Year. Comic predictions for the new year

We always look forward to carefully preparing for the New Year. After all, this is a holiday for the whole family, new opportunities and fulfillment of desires. Symbol of the coming year - Earth Pig. You can find out what this year will be like for each zodiac sign and what it will bring into our lives from the Chinese horoscope forecast.

What will the new year be like?

According to Chinese horoscope 2019 is a year of luck. This year you need to invest and earn money. It will be filled with love and joy, because the Pig is friendly with all zodiac signs.

Forecast for zodiac signs

Rat- the pig will bring happiness and prosperity.
Bull- this year will bring good opportunities for making money.
Tiger- a strong and independent sign that does what it wants. This year you need to learn to put up with other signs.
Rabbit- this year you can behave less cautiously and find friends among other signs.
Dragon— the year of the pig will be a year of rethinking for you.
Snake- you need to be combative and convincing to achieve what you want.
Horse- this year will be better for you than the previous one.
Goat is a chance for you to realize your ambitions.
Monkey- a year of happy accidents.
Rooster- Pay attention to your relationships with others to achieve success.
Dog— this year you will have to rely only on yourself.
Pig- this is your year. Start by prioritizing and then moving in the direction you want.


Professional activities Rats, Bulls, Rabbits and Goats will turn out very well. Each of them has everything necessary qualities to achieve what you want. From July to October, luck will be with you. But from autumn until the end of the year we will have to work more intensively.

Tigers, Horses, Monkeys and Pigs in February and March they must plan their time better, otherwise they face severe exhaustion. Subject to hard work, these signs will achieve their goals only in October-November.


This year's main enemy is Rats, Ox, Monkeys and Dogs- this is nervousness. These signs should not spend too much energy in the wrong direction, otherwise they will risk insomnia and stress. To combat these ailments, place a Feng Shui Turtle in the western corner of the house. And to regain balance, go in for sports.

Tiger, Rooster, Horse and Rabbit have amazing energy this year. However, they should not overestimate their strength. To ensure that the body does not go out of balance, it is necessary to carefully monitor nutrition.


Happiness in love awaits Rat, Pig, Rabbit and Dog for married people, married people, single people and those in relationships. Passion awaits them bright emotions. Feng Shui experts recommend placing a mandarin duck on bedside table, which symbolizes devotion, romance and loyalty of a partner.

For Snakes, Bulls, Tigers and Monkeys who tied the knot, the first three months of 2019 will be very favorable. Especially if at the end of 2018 the relationship with your spouse went wrong.

How will the Year of the Pig go?

New Year's Eve is a time of gifts, magic, goodness and, of course, good mood. A comic horoscope will tell you what astrologers see as an ideal New Year's Eve for each Zodiac Sign.

This horoscope will show all the weaknesses and vices of the Zodiac Signs through the prism of the New Year. This wonderful time means something different to each of us. Some people want to get blind drunk that night, some want to sleep, and some are ready to do whatever their heart desires, just to have a good time and forget about boring work. How everything will actually happen is only your choice, but how everything can be is a question on which it is difficult to come to a consensus.


Aries and New Year is something that is perfect for each other. There is only one exception interesting fact- Aries are already drunk before midnight. Usually, when everyone’s holiday is just beginning, Aries enters the second circle. Not everyone, of course, can do this, but still. If it were up to Aries, they would become Hindus, whose families have so many nationalities that they celebrate the New Year almost every day.


For Taurus, the magical time from December 31 to January 1 usually gives them the opportunity to take a break from the annoying face of their boss and everyone who is near them throughout their working hours. If on New Year’s Day Taurus fails to “knock down their tower” and celebrate it properly, then we can assume that the whole year has passed in vain. If you are the culprit that Taurus’s holiday didn’t work out, it’s better not to meet with him later, otherwise it will hurt.


Geminis usually write a letter to Santa Claus after midnight. These people are not famous for pragmatism and good memory. What's more interesting is not what they write the letter, but what they ask for in it. They ask that all the alcohol they managed to drink not kill them before morning. Of course, their request will be fulfilled, but they will never know that the power of the grandfather with a white beard is not to blame for everything.


Representatives of this Zodiac Sign get drunk on New Year's Eve and tell everyone how much they love their loved ones. That is why it is bad when there are more Cancers in the family than other Signs combined, because even the most persistent ones cannot withstand this. Endless toasts and stories about old times are so tiring that you want to die, falling face down in Olivier and covering yourself with a fur coat from the fish.


Leo makes plans for the New Year quite late, but confidently. Everything seems to be fine, but there is one “but”. If you don't come to Leo's party, he will be offended by you. Naturally, he won’t tell you to your face what he thinks of you, but don’t think that he won’t harbor a grudge against you. For the next couple of months, you will have to walk around and look around so as not to miss the blow to the head with something heavy. These people love to party together.


Virgos are always depressed on New Year's Day. These are the most terrible “depressives” of all Zodiac Signs. God forbid that someone offends them - they will sulk and worry all night. Of course, they won’t tell anyone about this, but later they can take serious revenge on you. That is why you should not offend Virgos by killing their mood, which may not exist anyway. If you don't want to wake up with a fork in your eye or broken limbs, then don't mess with them.


Libras try so hard to look good at the festival that they rush to buy decorations in stores, spending all their money. Libra women look like Christmas trees on New Year's Eve, and men are usually dressed so awkwardly, as if they were going to play golf. Very strange people, I must tell you. Libras also don’t know how to drink, so they often become the heroes of funny videos on YouTube.


On New Year's Eve, Scorpios want to complain about this life, because they are not celebrating it the way they would like. When Scorpios make a toast, there will definitely be some indignation in their words at about the moment “I am pleased to be next to you.” In fact, Scorpios want to go somewhere for the New Year and never return. Then this desire releases them, closer to July.


Sagittarians dream of spending the New Year in such a way that everyone says in unison: “Wow!” In mid-January, Sagittarius receives congratulations and wishes for a speedy recovery at the hospital with the words: “Oh, God.” This is all because someone decided to climb a construction crane or jump into a snowdrift from the 5th floor. Sagittarians are usually careful and prudent, but not on New Year's Eve.


Capricorns don't care about the New Year at all. They are above all this celebration, happiness and uncontrollable fun. At such a time, they may even want to go back to work, just to be away from the blue light, the wishes of the president, salads and tangerines. What is the point of celebrating the simple arrival of a new day, month and year. This is why Capricorns are rarely invited to holidays.


Jumping with a parachute, sledding down Everest, diving and touching the bottom of the Mariana Trench, riding a bike through the snowy taiga - this is what real Aquarians want. They intrigue everyone with their crazy ideas like going to the forest for barbecue, but on New Year’s Day everyone refuses, because they understand that this is not what they need. If Aquarians find companions for themselves, they will be very unlucky.


On New Year's Day, Pisces like to pretend that they are all so mysterious. From the outside it looks incredibly funny, so they understand that they need to somehow get out of this situation. They start doing something that leaves everyone in shock. The next morning, Pisces simply wake up and pretend that everything is normal and they can continue to live, but no one knows how to treat them after “this.”

New Year's Eve is something special for each of the Zodiac Signs. This time sheds light on people's true desires, showing their face to the whole world. Someone skillfully hides behind his mask, but sooner or later he will make a mistake. The luckiest Signs get away with it, but some may not have a very sweet time, so be careful. Good luck, and don't forget to press the buttons and

The next New Year is just around the corner. And you probably want to know what he’s cooking, what animal the upcoming period will be according to the Chinese calendar, and what this animal has prepared for the people of our country. I selected a horoscope by date of birth and by zodiac sign for the entire 2019 year.

What will the new next year bring? Do you know what animal will be in 2019 and who is your patron based on your date of birth and zodiac? Answers to all these questions, as well as horoscopes by date of birth, plus zodiac constellation below.

Which animal will rule according to the eastern horoscope in 2019

The Chinese (Oriental) calendar contains 12 animals, each of which corresponds to a specific year. Among them:

  • white rat (metal rat);
  • white bull (metal bull);
  • black tiger (water tiger);
  • black rabbit (water rabbit);
  • blue dragon (wooden dragon);
  • blue snake (wood snake);
  • red horse (fire horse);
  • red goat (fire goat);
  • yellow monkey (ground monkey);
  • red rooster (orange rooster);
  • yellow dog (ground dog);
  • yellow pig (earthen).

According to Chinese predictions, 2019 is the period of the reign of the Earth Pig, an animal that loves peace and does not tolerate aggression. According to astrologers, time spent with a pig promises calm, good nature, and peace. At the same time, of course, we should expect some changes.

Don't know which animal is your patron by year of birth? Below is a sign that will help you find out.

The pig completes the calendar list of animals, then everything will go in a circle, but for now let’s talk about what the 2019 year of the pig has in store for us. You can find out your Chinese horoscope for 2019 right now.

Astrological forecast - general horoscope for the New Year

The information below contains astrological forecast, for the entire 2019 year for specific professions, personalities, areas of activity, Russia.

According to astrologers, this year will be very successful for all signs, all states. Hostess of the Year will be:

- noble;

- good-natured;

- hospitable;

- condescending.

Advice! To realize yourself, astrologers advise to reconsider your outlook on life and become:

  1. Honest;
  2. Kind;
  3. Responsive;
  4. Attentive to others.

The pig will not tolerate conflicts or aggression. The boar will favor only people with a positive mood, pure energy, and a desire for peace.

The animal of the year will reward representatives of the agricultural sphere of life and livestock breeding with well-being and peace. According to the horoscope, the coming year will be profitable and successful for these areas.

The boar is a rather restless, energetic, nimble animal. Therefore, he will certainly appeal to those who like traveling, moving, and changing environments.

The world is expecting a big breakthrough in science. Astrologers are sure that people who have devoted their lives to science, invention, research work will find special recognition/respect among colleagues in the world.

The year of the pig is considered ideal for romantic relationships. Those who register their marriage in the year of the Pig will certainly be bound by strong family ties for life, experts in the world of astrology are sure.

For Russia, 2019 will be the year of the pig with visible changes, which, as astrologers indicate, will bring the country high development in the economic and political sphere and lead to an increase in living standards. Russia will begin a new era - an era of spiritual growth and prosperity.

Predictions by year of birth

For those born under the auspices of rats, changes should be expected in January-February. Representatives of the sign will repay debts, achieve success in their careers, and receive praise from colleagues/management. In the summer, astrologers recommend starting to build your own home and engage in self-improvement.

Oxen should expect unprecedented success at work. Climbing career ladder for such persons, as astrologers predict, it is simply guaranteed. Bulls are advised to start their own business; those born under this zodiac constellation will become much wealthier and financially prosperous.

Fate will test the Tigers' strength. To achieve benefits (success), representatives born under the auspices of a tabby cat will have to somewhat moderate their temper and obstinacy, and learn to behave with restraint rather than aggressively.

Rabbits are expected unexpectedly pleasant surprises, opening up real opportunities, but in order to achieve this, “rabbits” should not be lazy. Astrologers recommend that bunnies try themselves in some other profession, master new sciences, and get additional education.

The first quarter of the year may bring some troubles to the dragons, and they will mainly be associated with miscalculations in certain areas. Experts recommend that those born under the auspices of the dragon control their emotions, affairs, and mood before doing anything. Make decisions, weigh the pros and cons several times.

A farm animal can really give snakes a hard time. People born under the snake should approach matters as carefully (wisely) as possible when making important decisions. Otherwise, intrigues will begin to weave around you and various scams will be carried out.

To achieve praise and prosperity, snakes will have to work hard during the reign of the wild boar. But an unconventional approach and a philosophical outlook on life will help them overcome the difficulties that arise.

Everything will be stable for the horses, both in work and in financially. The Year of the Earth Pig is a great time for them to travel abroad, travel, and spend time with family, children, and friends.

This is a favorable period for ambitious female goats. These representatives should not expect any drastic changes; the period will be, in principle, calm and stable for them in all plans, and what else is needed.

The horoscope for next year for monkeys is very bright. These people should prepare for special memorable events, travel, communication, making new connections, and making interesting friends. Monkeys who are dissatisfied with their place of work can safely move to another place of duty; the period will be very favorable to do this.

New Year 2019 according to the calendar promises those born under the auspices of the rooster an increase in income and success at work (study). But at the same time, they should become more careful when making statements, boasting, and remove rudeness. Rude behavior can lead to severing ties between close people and business partners.

During this period, dogs should show diligence and hard work, then the mistress of the year, the yellow pig, will certainly reward them. Such people are guaranteed creative inspiration and a stable income. They shouldn’t be irritated with nothing to do, this can affect the business partnership and lead to negative consequences.

For those born in the year of the boar (1983, 1995, 2007, 2019, etc.) I have really prepared surprises. These people will enjoy success in all their endeavors, job prospects, advancement through the ranks, lucrative contracts, and high incomes. It's time to start a new business or expand your capabilities.

Coming year 2019, astrological horoscope by zodiac signs

What the next New Year (2019) will be like according to the Chinese horoscope is already known. This will be the period of the reign of the pig/boar; perhaps this animal, if you were born under its protection, will be your patron now. Now about the zodiac constellations. There are 12 of them, just like animals according to the eastern calendar. Read more about each sign below.

ARIES (born from March 21 to April 20)

Aries are very lucky; this year will be favorable to them. Even if difficulties and difficulties arise, Aries will quickly cope with them, enlisting the support of relatives, friends, and colleagues.

— In the financial sphere, November and December will be the most favorable for Aries.

— From January to March, you need to prepare for fateful meetings and important decisions.

TAURUS (born from April 21 to May 20)

Taurus can take everything from life, the element Earth will rule the world, and Taurus are the signs of this particular element.

— Taurus will receive special advantages in financial, professional, and other areas.

— The best time for planning, contemplation, creation, for Taurus to achieve their intended goals, implement successful projects, plans.

Astrologers advise! Taurus should think about family life. The year of the pig/boar is an excellent opportunity for marriage, the birth of children, and weddings.

GEMINI (those born from May 21 to June 20)

For their easy-going, non-conflict nature, the twins will be duly rewarded with a yellow pig in 2019. If any obstacles appear on the way, these signs will be able to calmly bypass them and move on. The pig promises the twins success, love, financial success, and family well-being.

It's time for Gemini to think about realizing their ideas, implementing even the most unconventional, unusual plans.

CANCER (born from June 21 to July 22)

— Crayfish have “on the nose” great prospects. An optimistic mood and making the right decisions will accompany this sign all year, helping to take the right steps in the right direction.

— Spring is the most best time for crayfish in terms of creative ideas, the embodiment of long-standing plans. At the same time, astrologers advise Cancers to save some money and make sure to save a little for the future.

— Experts advise cancers to get away from people who bring negativity, to take care of their own health; they may have problems with weight and bowel function.

LIONS (23.07 - 22.08)

— A financially successful year of the pig for lions.

- Leo will be held in high esteem and in the spotlight. These individuals will receive promotions and recognition at work.

— Spring 2019 is the best time for Leos to relax, travel, have fun, and meet new people.

- In the summer, lions can meet their fate, from which there is no need to distance themselves. If this happens, the connection between Leo and the other half will be unbreakable.

VIRGO (born from August 23 to September 23)

Virgos will feel a special surge of strength. They realize ideas, plans, dreams. In 2019, this sign will be on the list of lucky ones, and therefore this period is the time to think about your life, work on your mistakes, and start moving towards your goals.

Virgos will be the mistress’s favorites in 2019; success, luck, and honor await them in everything. Virgos will establish strong connections, experience exciting, pleasant moments, see bright events, and feel mutual understanding.

LIBRA (born from September 24 to October 23)

Libras will realize themselves, receive interesting job offers, and be overwhelmed by adventures. Those born under this zodiac sign should prepare for big changes, complete satisfaction with themselves, family, and work. Many may suddenly decide to change their environment or profession, please, the mumps will help you make the right decisions and will not leave you unattended.

— It’s best for Libras to start a romantic relationship and plan a vacation in the spring.

— In summer, health problems, quarrels with loved ones, and conflict situations at work are possible.

— For profitable contracts, self-realization, and fulfillment of plans, it is better for Libra to think in the fall.

SCORPIO (24.10 - 21.11)

— For Scorpios, the reign of the boar will be the beginning of the realization of dreams/desires. Thanks to good intuition and hard work, they will achieve success in work, study, and other areas of life.

— Harmony, peace, and mutual understanding await Scorpios in relationships. Singles will find partners, married people will be able to find happiness.

- In winter, it is better for this sign to give up extreme pleasures.

SAGITTARIUS (born from 11/22 to 12/21)

— Due to financial problems, Sagittarians will feel a loss of strength and a reluctance to work, but friends/relatives will be able to help them get out of difficult times. life situations, the main thing is to contact them in time.

— In October, November, December, Sagittarius will be on the rise. However, only active, purposeful individuals will improve their well-being and will be successful in the future.

— The spring-autumn period will bring ailments and illnesses into the lives of Sagittarius. During this period of time you need to be as careful as possible about your well-being.

CAPRICORN (birth from December 22 to January 19)

— 2019 is a great time for Capricorns to change not only their job, but also their place of residence.

— Capricorns are realizing long-standing plans; inspiration and personal growth will begin to take off.

— Married representatives of the zodiac will strengthen family relationships, and single people will find their other half.

— Capricorns should not forget that frequent emotional overload leads to health problems; in the period from October to December it is worth taking a closer look at the state of your body.

AQUARIUS (from January 20.01 to February 18.02)

— Aquarius will have many pleasant acquaintances and success in all spheres of life. For family Aquarians, this is the best moment for a wedding. For single (unmarried) Aquarius the right time for marriages.

FISH (19.02 - 20.03)

— Pisces implements working, creative plans.

— Fish should think about travel, expensive purchases, and proper rest in the summer season. June, July, August are favorable times.

Spring is the time for Pisces to build a career, realize desires and ideas, and implement creative ideas.

Forecast for the year of the earth boar 2019 (video)

Interesting and detailed information about:

  • When does the astrological year begin?
  • pillar of the year, year of which animal?
  • trends of the year 2019
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  • who wouldn't be lucky?
  • relationship
  • moving, changing housing - who will it affect?
  • health
  • final

Astrology has long made predictions. And now this horoscope for the new year 2019 for all zodiac signs is available here. Now we know what the new year 2019 will be like for the residents of our country, the world as a whole, what to expect from it, what hopes to live with. If you follow the recommendations and advice of astrologers, you can become a little luckier, more promising, and more successful next year.

Happy holidays, be happy!


Tell VK

New Year 2019 - the year of the Yellow Earth Pig - will be fruitful, calm and will bring surprises to each of the zodiac signs. Astrologers promise many changes in the coming year, especially lucky for those who were born in the year of the Pig.

Benefits of the Year of the Pig

The Year of the Pig promises to be fruitful and favorable for earning and saving money. It will also be successful for large purchases, marriages and expanding the family.

Disadvantages of the Year of the Pig

The Year of the Pig will not be very suitable for travel. Also, impressionable people can expect blues and even depression.

Color of the Year Pig

Yellow, sand, gold, soft pink, peach, brown, scarlet, black.

Whose year is 2019: what animal

What to expect different signs Eastern horoscope this year:


This sign is doomed to good luck, because this is the year he will meet his love, and at work you can expect favor from your superiors and a promotion. But in the second half of the year you should pay attention to your state of health, especially psychological, because constant overwork at work can make itself felt. The stars advise taking a short break from the routine.


In the new year, these hard workers will have the prospect of starting their own business, which the Ox has dreamed of for a long time. In the year of the Pig, the Oxen will have good luck in material terms, as well as in the field of establishing useful contacts. If the Bull - family man, then this year you can expect an addition to the family, and single Oxen will have the opportunity to change their marital status, the main thing is to be a little more persistent.


Here's who, and the Pig simply adores Tigers, especially creative ones: they will have a lot of new ideas that will bring good income. But there will be problems with family life if the Tiger does not come to his senses in time and takes a break to be with his family. Even this year, the sign has a high risk of injury, so it is better not to engage in extreme sports.


This year the Cat will need time to be alone with himself. Even his family will not be able to pull him out of his blues. But in the middle of the year he will come out of his shell, showing all of himself, only new, better. The year also promises good stability in career and family.


This star sign is predicted to be in the spotlight for a whole year. The support of loved ones at this time will be very helpful. True, relatives will also need Dragons - only they can solve some problems.

The only thing a representative of this sign will need is proper rest. Going out into nature with friends will be especially useful. And the Dragon also has a great chance of meeting his love, and where he never expected it.

New Year 2019: the year of who and what to expect for each zodiac sign


The Snake will have a period of receiving rewards for his previous works. They will establish contact with work colleagues, relationships will become warmer, and there is a high probability of career growth. But this sign needs to take special care of their health, which can throw up unpleasant surprises in the form of lower back and stomach pain. In the second half of the year there will be a profitable business offer that can bring good material income.


Constant and sensible Horses will experience serious changes: they will have to expand their knowledge, which will bring a promotion at work. They may also discover some interesting hobby or fulfill your entire life's dream.

But this year, Horses should expect aggravation in relationships with loved ones, so they should spend more time at home and delight loved ones with their attention. And it’s worth watching your health more than ever - cardiovascular system may let you down.


The New Year will bring this sign new stage in life. Many will change jobs, some will tie the knot, and will also be able to gain useful knowledge in areas of interest. This sign will have to carefully monitor everything that happens around, because the stars predict a lot of confusion, especially in their personal lives. The stars advise the Goats not to make sudden movements, and everything will work out on its own.


The most cheerful sign will feel emotional burnout and financial problems at the beginning of the year. But not everything is so hopeless: the support of loved ones will quickly return their former optimism, and at the end of spring, financial problems will return to normal, and the Monkey may even think about a grand purchase.

This year, Monkeys should expect a new addition to the family or a quick marriage. And lonely representatives of this sign may awaken feelings for a person with whom he has known for a long time.


This sign loves clear plans, but the stars have prepared uncertainty for him, and, as you know, it is uncertainty that forces people to actively act and achieve everything they want. So astrologers are confident that the New Year 2019 will bring unprecedented success to the Roosters.

If the Rooster finds himself in some unpredictable cycle of events, he will learn many useful acquaintances from it. Roosters should be wary of emotional burnout, physical exhaustion, stress - this will negatively affect their well-being. So, they need complete and comprehensive rest, which will protect hardworking Roosters from various troubles.


The beginning of the year brings pleasant surprises at work for Dogs. Everything will be fine with their health, but healthy image It won't hurt your life anyway. Personal life promises to be consistently pleasant.

But closer to spring, Dogs will experience an emotional crisis; they may quarrel with all their friends, unless, of course, they moderate their selfishness. In the middle of summer they need to prepare for financial problems, but this will not last long. By the end of the year, all problems with money and friends will improve, and false friends will be weeded out.


For the Pig, the coming year is very successful in many respects. If Pig - creative person, then this year she can open her own exhibition, publish a book, or launch her own project. Family life The Pig will be calm and can only be enjoyed, so they should plan a joint family vacation. But you need to take care of your health - the Pig has a high chance of becoming addicted to some bad habit.

Let us recall that we previously wrote about

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On the night from December 31 to January 1, we celebrate the arrival of the new year 2019. And according to the eastern calendar, the new year will begin only on February 5, when the Yellow Earth Pig, a wise and fair ruler, will ascend to the throne. How will its appearance affect our lives? What principles will Piggy be guided by in his reign?

According to the horoscope for 2019, the Yellow Pig does not intend to play the role of a tough reformer. Yes, there will be some changes, but overall Piggy is conservative. Her mission is different: Pig dreams of giving happiness to each of her charges, and she is adamant in this desire. She will make sure that in 2019 we solve our problems and make even our wildest dreams come true.

However, the energetic Yellow Pig will not allow anyone to sit idly by. Do you want wealth and success? - Please do a good job. However, immediately forget about any illegal or dishonest tactics. The Earth Pig will not tolerate deception, and anyone who disobeys her will pay in full for it. The pig has an amazing instinct, so in 2019 we should listen to our intuition.

Horoscope for 2019 according to zodiac signs

Piggy loves holidays and fun. She never sits still, she always has a lot of ideas. But at the same time, she loves to return to her cozy nest. Only there can she completely relax and gain strength for a new day. The pig enjoys arranging, cleaning and decorating the house and wants her subjects to follow her example.

By eastern horoscope, the Year of the Pig completes a 12-year cycle. In this regard, 2019 is given special significance. This is a period of introspection, correction of mistakes and completion of all started projects. It's time to improve relationships with loved ones, solve family problems and finally do what has always been put on the back burner.

In 2019, each of us has a huge responsibility. Therefore, it is advisable to have more or less clear plan actions for each month of her reign. Events will change at a dizzying speed. In this whirlpool it is easy to miss something important. That is why it is necessary to make a list of tasks for the year in advance.

Find out the horoscope for each month of 2019 by zodiac sign:

The Earth Pig is an intellectual. She supports any endeavors related to self-education and obtaining a profession. The horoscope reports that 2019 is favorable for everything that contributes to personal development and the acquisition of new useful knowledge and skills, including reading books, attending seminars, and traveling.

Overall, 2019 will be bright, eventful, and memorable. Dear Piggy will bring us a lot of interesting meetings and new acquaintances. It will give you a sea of ​​opportunities for self-realization and achieving any goals. She will put everything in its place, make us look at the world from a different angle and teach us to enjoy every day.

Horoscope for all zodiac signs for 2019:

Horoscope for 2019: career and business

Despite being conservative, the Yellow Pig has nothing against rapid career growth or entrepreneurial development. On the contrary, she is ready to clear the way for us to our goal, to connect us with the right people. Everyone will have a chance to earn a promotion or achieve excellent results in your own business. According to the horoscope, the year of the Earth Pig is excellent for promotion or moving to a new position. And if you have long thought that another profession would suit you better, it’s time to turn your life in the right direction. Don't be afraid of change and don't be lazy to explore new horizons!

Piggy will remove unnecessary obstacles from our path, and will also drive away the villains. The mumps does not prevent healthy competition, but any attempt to use fraudulent schemes makes her angry. However, the mistress of the year has too many worries. She cannot spend every minute of her time protecting her subjects from adversity. Therefore, we ourselves will have to constantly be on guard. The stars recommend not to advertise personal life and your plans among unfamiliar people.

According to the horoscope, there will be 2 difficult periods in 2019: February-March and October-November. Work problems will require maximum attention. Urgent projects will appear, difficulties will arise with clients and partners, and competing companies will become more active. It is better not to plan vacations, moving, renovations or other major issues during these months.

Both in work and in business in the Year of the Pig, the ability to get along with the team will play an important role. And even for those who are accustomed to acting alone and in any matter counting only on own strength, you will have to get used to working together. This form of interaction is most effective, especially if you are the owner of your own business. Managing a large team is a real talent. If communication with staff is not easy for you, hire a good assistant manager. But only one you can completely trust.

Financial horoscope for 2019

Looking at the plump Pig, you cannot say that she has financial crises. The Mistress of the Year always eats well and spends three hours every day in the beauty salon, getting her hooves and bristles in order. She loves beautiful life and wants us to not deny ourselves anything either. Therefore, she will send wealth to everyone who is willing to work hard.

The horoscope notes that the amount of earnings in 2019 will depend not only on hard work, but also on self-confidence. The higher your requests, the more money you will be able to receive. If you don’t even dare to imagine yourself rich, alas, even the Yellow Pig is powerless here.

The main allies in the struggle for millionaire status are perseverance, flexibility, initiative, communication skills and self-discipline. The best results will be achieved by those who can adapt to changing conditions in a timely manner and quickly navigate an unfamiliar situation. In addition, a fresh look will be required. Old schemes are known to everyone, and new approaches open up paths that almost no one has used before.

Be that as it may, money will not flow into anyone’s hands on its own. You will need to work a lot, look for additional sources of income, sell something, try yourself in new areas. Many people are thinking about developing a personal business. The horoscope only asks you to carefully consider every decision, not to get involved in adventures and in no case to retreat at the first failures. If you stumble, don’t be upset. Look at this as valuable experience that will allow you to make fewer mistakes in the future.

It’s not enough to earn money – you also need to be able to manage it correctly. Fortunately, the Yellow Pig is a born financier. She knows how to plan a budget, how to save money and where best to invest it. She will be happy to share this information with us in 2019.

The horoscope warns: financial well-being will not last forever, so you should not spend all the money you earn at once. Learn to save for a rainy day, and also direct part of the funds to some enterprise. Intuition will guide you in the right direction. Thanks to it, you can buy a car or a house at a profit, set up a business in a short time, take out a loan for good conditions and then quickly pay it off. Before you have time to look back, you have already become one of the local oligarchs.

Money loves thrifty people, so don’t waste it on trifles and be more careful when they ask you to borrow money. A promissory note does not always serve as a guarantee of timely repayment of funds. Lend money only to trusted people.

Attention! Despite the fact that the Earth Pig will try to scare away all ill-wishers, she will not stop them from envying and spreading gossip. Therefore, if you suddenly managed to quickly get out of “rags to riches”, it is advisable not to flaunt your successes for some time. Wait until your new position is established, and only then start showing off in Versace suits and posting photos from the Cote d'Azur on Instagram.

Love horoscope for 2019

Since 2019 is the last year in its cycle, some concrete results should be expected not only in business, but also in love. By the end of the year, each of us must decide on our heartfelt attachments. Pig hopes that by this time no one will be left alone. The Year of the Pig is favorable for communication, dating, flirting, and building serious relationships. The horoscope promises that not a single zodiac sign will have a reason to reproach Piggy for inattention. She will provide everyone with a sufficient number of fans. And you can rest assured: among them there will definitely be the very person with whom you are destined to live the rest of your life (or at least part of it).

As one would expect, the romantic mood will intensify in the spring, when the atmosphere itself is conducive to long walks and intimate conversations. Representatives of some signs will have a desire to go on dates every day and often change objects of attention. Be careful, because the Earth Pig values ​​constancy and a serious attitude above all. She doesn't like flighty personalities.

But, if you believe the horoscope, in 2019 even the most complex and insecure people will find a mate. The pig is a strong, determined and stubborn animal. She will share her qualities with us. Piggy will help you overcome embarrassment and take the first step. Relationships will develop easily and quickly.

By the way, the Yellow Pig will not deprive her family charges of romance. They suddenly want to go to the cinema, at a party, on the dance floor again. Mutual attentions, evening walks, wonderful candlelit dinners will return. In such a situation, why not arrange a second honeymoon somewhere by the warm sea!

Of all the relationships that will develop in 2019, the strongest will be those that are built on honesty, trust and respect. And couples that arise against the background of guile and calculation are, as a rule, short-lived. It has always been so, is and will be, and the Earth Pig will make sure that this rule is respected.

The horoscope believes that main problem All couples will become jealous in 2019. The year will be busy. Because of work, many will not have enough time for their loved one. And some will accept courtship from the outside. Avoiding quarrels is as easy as shelling pears: you just need to show your chosen one that he is the only one for you, and remind him more often that you think about him, even if you are very busy.

Horoscope for 2019: family, children, home

In 2019, Pig has huge plans for you and me. She will not only find a life partner for everyone, but by the beginning of autumn she is expecting invitations from us to a wedding or even to a baby’s christening. According to the horoscope, the year of the Pig is also the year of the family. It is great for finding a soul mate, registering a marriage, planning and having children.

Speaking of children... The Earth Pig is the Stork's best friend. She will agree that in 2019 her winged assistant will make almost every home happy. For some, the arrival of a baby will be an unexpected gift; for others, it will be an answer to many years of prayer. In any case, it’s time to prepare a children’s corner, buy a dowry and notify grandparents that they will soon be babysitting.

Every baby conceived or born this year will receive from Piggy good health, an inquisitive mind and a positive outlook on the world. He will grow up restless and stubborn. Such a child will certainly not be obedient, but from the first years of life he will begin to show purposefulness and various creative abilities.

Interestingly, the Earth Pig is categorically against divorce. She doesn't like it when people run in different directions instead of sitting down calmly and discussing the problem, trying to understand each other. In 2019, the horoscope will send each such couple a million opportunities to improve their relationship. Learn to respect and listen to each other, look for common interests, spend more time together. And perhaps soon you will not remember that you were recently planning to get a divorce.

One of the main rules of 2019 is to be sure to bring some kind of novelty to your home. If you have the desire and financial opportunity, it is better to decide right away major renovation and a complete change of furniture. However, you can limit yourself to small things: buy new curtains, hang pictures, add a couple beautiful little things for comfort.

In the Year of the Pig, noisy companies will gather in every house every now and then. The horoscope foresees frequent visits from friends and distant relatives. There will be many gifts and long conversations. And even those who do not like to invite guests will have to come to terms with this state of affairs. Family and friendship connections are of great importance in 2019.

Do not waste time communicating with loved ones, because by and large they are the most important thing in our lives. Moreover, some of them can provide you with unexpected help. The horoscope believes that there is a high probability of receiving an inheritance. However, the relatives themselves may need your participation: either dig up the garden, or help with the move.

Health horoscope for 2019

2019 is a time of great achievements, and we have no right to be sick during this period. Fortunately, Pig knows how to keep illnesses at a respectful distance from himself. She herself is the embodiment of health and is ready to pass on her secrets to us.

The main principle of feeling great is a healthy lifestyle. You should eat right: eat vegetables and fruits more often. The Earth Pig does not trust strict diets and fasting days. She believes that you can look good without going on a hunger strike, just give up harmful products and move more.

The pig respects sports. In 2019, it is advisable for each of us to devote at least 2-3 hours a week to sports training. Ideally, training should take place on fresh air. This could be football, volleyball, roller skating or regular morning jogging.

The Year of the Pig will perhaps be the busiest in the entire 12-year cycle. The pig expects us to complete all past affairs, start new projects, achieve success at work, earn a lot of money, find love, and at the same time be able to actively communicate with friends and help loved ones. And although the stars will endow us with solid energy potential, it may not be enough until the end of the year.

Some signs will begin to feel tired closer to autumn, others will begin to feel blue once every 2-3 months. The horoscope believes that everything depends on the ability to plan your schedule and leave room in it for rest and entertainment. The Yellow Earth Pig loves workaholics, but she wouldn’t want us to get completely bogged down in business. It is very important to relax regularly, relieve stress, and do something enjoyable. Otherwise, sooner or later, nervous overstrain will occur, leading to apathy, depression and illness.

What is required for a good rest, everyone decides for themselves. Some people need to sit at a bar with friends, while others need to lie down on the sofa at home with a good book in their hands. However, both of them need a full 8 hours of sleep. Sleep restores strength and helps sort out thoughts.

Hobbies are also great ways to clear your head. They develop creative abilities, distract from problems, and allow you to look at things more broadly. And what is important is that hobbies give us great pleasure.