Cyclamen leaves wither, what to do? Why do cyclamen leaves turn yellow and what to do in such a situation. Appearance of the plant

Cyclamen is considered a capricious plant. But this did not stop him from winning the hearts of Russians and firmly taking places on their windowsills. For large, bright flowers that bloom in the middle of winter, flower growers are ready to create ideal conditions for it. In any others, it may begin to show character: it will stop blooming and begin to shed quickly yellowing leaves. How to find out what the plant is unhappy with and what can be done to save cyclomenia from death will be discussed in this article.

Cyclamen can shed its leaves for several reasons. You can understand whether this is a reason for concern if you carefully observe the flower. If it begins to turn yellow and wither slowly, and then just as slowly gets rid of old leaves, then it’s time for a seasonal rest. In this case, there are no health problems.

Northeast Africa is considered the birthplace of cyclamen. The sunny, humid climate of this part of the world allows the flower to grow to incredible sizes and bloom profusely. However, to recreate in ordinary apartment ideal conditions are incredibly difficult. If this fails, the plant turns yellow and sheds its leaves. In this case, you need to analyze what exactly could upset the plant so much. It could be:

  • too high or low temperature air. Cyclamen prefers to grow and bloom at home at 12 - 17 degrees above zero. In winter, he feels great on glazed balconies, but during severe frosts It’s better to bring it into the house.

Cyclamen should not be placed near heating devices. Heat and dry air are detrimental to the plant.

  • Not proper watering . Most cyclamen varieties have a moderate appetite. They should be watered about once a week, when the substrate is almost completely dry. It is necessary to ensure that the entire earthen lump is moistened without turning into a swamp. Drought is also detrimental to the flower. The soil in a pot with cyclamen should not be allowed to remain dry for several days;

  • direct sunlight. Cyclamen loves diffused light. Rays falling directly on the delicate leaves of a flower can cause burns. The result is yellowing and falling off;
  • lack of nutrients. Special fertilizers must be applied regularly: after transplanting into new pot once every two weeks, after the appearance of buds once a month.

To feed cyclamen, it is better to use fertilizer with a minimum nitrogen content.

Natural process

Cyclamen is a cyclical plant. After flowering, which can last for several months, it goes into retirement.. At this time, its leaves also begin to turn yellow and dry. They must be removed by unscrewing them at the base.

The fallen flower is either left in the pot or the tuber is dug up. In the first case, the plant is moved to a cool, shaded place and watering is severely limited.

In the second the onions are cleaned and stored in a dry, ventilated place at a temperature of 10-25 degrees above zero. They are planted in a new substrate in late summer - early autumn.

After transplantation, the plant will grow quickly and will delight you with flowers in 2-4 months.

Cyclamen can also get sick and drop its leaves due to changes in its life.: after a transplant or moving to another place. If the new conditions meet the needs of the plant, then all that is required of the owner is to remove the yellowed leaves and wait until the flower comes to its senses. Of course, without ceasing to carefully care for him.

Plant pests

Yellowing cyclamen leaves may indicate that V flower pot pests appeared. How to recognize who exactly is preventing the plant from living when it begins to disappear and what to do to revive it can be found in the table.

Fungi Fusarium The plant turns yellow and dries out gradually, the process begins from the tops of the leaves. The flower is taken out of the pot, cleaned, the affected areas of the tuber are removed, treated with a fungicide and planted in fresh calcined soil.
Gray rot or Botrytis First, a gray coating appears on the leaves, and only then they begin to quickly turn yellow.
Erwinia The leaves turn yellow and die very quickly. The affected areas are removed with a sharp blade and the entire plant is treated with a fungicide.
Ticks Red tick A cobweb forms on the underside of the leaves, then the plant turns yellow. The affected leaves are removed, and cyclamen is treated with an insecticide.
Cyclamen mite The damage process begins with leaf deformation. Having changed shape, they turn yellow and fall off. All means are powerless, all that remains is to destroy the plant.
Viruses Bronzing of leaves The leaves first become deformed, then turn yellow and dry out. Treatment is impossible. The flower must be destroyed to prevent infection of other plants.
Ring mosaic Round light spots form on the leaves, which then crack and turn into holes.

Preventing diseases at home

The best treatment is prevention. Simple measures will help maintain the health of the flower and prevent the occurrence of diseases. About once a month, water the plant with a weak solution of one of the following products::

  • phytosporin;
  • foundationazole;
  • copper sulfate;
  • gamair;
  • Alirin B;
  • potassium permanganate.

These products will not give pests a chance and will make the flower stronger, strengthening its immunity.

What to do if cyclamen is sick, how to revive a flower

If it was not possible to prevent the disease, the flower began to turn yellow and lose leaves, then treatment should be started immediately. The action plan is as follows:

  1. Carefully examine the above-ground part of the plant and use a sharp blade to remove all affected areas, leaving only healthy green tissue. The cut areas are treated with any disinfectant.

  1. Now it’s the tuber’s turn. It is taken out of the ground and also remove all questionable parts.
  2. The plant is left in a dry, ventilated area for several days to stop possible rotting processes;
  3. Then the flower is planted in new, pre-calcined soil. For several days it is placed in the shade and watered moderately. After a week, the plant can be returned to its usual place.

Disease is not a death sentence for a plant. This is just another, rather difficult, stage of his life. Whether the flower will be able to cope with it depends entirely on its owner. Thanks to perseverance, patience and responsibility, even a fairly weakened plant can be revived, so it will delight you with flowers of stunning beauty for a long time.

Although cyclamens cannot be called capricious plants, however, some problems may arise when growing them. Improper care and improper conditions for keeping indoor cyclamen, various insect pests and diseases can cause yellowing of the leaves and even the death of the entire plant. In order for cyclamens to please the eye with their flowering, it is necessary to regulate the conditions of their maintenance.

Fungicides will help in the fight against bacterial diseases; pests can be eliminated with the help of biological pesticides.

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    Natural yellowing of leaves

    Cyclamen, or cyclamen, is classified as a cyclical plant. Its flowering can last for months, and then a dormant period begins. During rest, the plant's leaves begin to turn yellow and wither - this is a natural process. The foliage should be unscrewed at the base and removed. When the flower “falls asleep,” move the pot to a cool room and reduce watering.

    Cyclamen can also get sick due to rearrangement or relocation. If the new living conditions of the flower are suitable, then all you need to do is tear off the yellow leaves and wait until the plant acclimatizes.

    Errors in care

    Cyclamen leaves often turn yellow if the plant is not properly cared for. The pot should be in a room with an air temperature no higher than +20 degrees. IN winter period the temperature may drop to +15+17 degrees. In summer, cyclamen can be placed on the balcony or veranda.

    Proper watering and air humidity are important. Due to excessively dry air and lack of moisture, the foliage begins to turn yellow. Watering should be regular. You should not wait until the soil in the pot dries completely: the earth ball should be moist all the time.

    To water cyclamen, you can use the immersion method:

    1. 1. Water at room temperature is collected in a large basin.
    2. 2. Place a flower pot in the water for 1 hour.

    It is necessary to ensure that water does not get inside the pot. After immersion, the flower is returned to its place and placed in a tray. In an hour, the tuber will have time to become saturated with moisture.

    Cyclamen leaves may turn yellow due to dry air. If the room is too hot, the flower must be sprayed every day and bathed in the shower at least once a week. Indoor cyclamen loves spraying, especially during flowering.

    Despite the fact that cyclamen loves watering, it does not tolerate waterlogging. If there is excess moisture, mold and fungi may appear, which will lead to the death of the flower.

    If cyclomenia is exposed to the sun, this can also cause yellowing of the foliage. These flowers do not like direct sunlight, so they should be placed on a northern or eastern windowsill and shaded with paper. From the hot sun in summer on a southern windowsill, the leaves of the flower quickly wither and turn yellow.


    Persian cyclamen is susceptible to many diseases, although this plant cannot be called capricious. Many flower ailments can be eliminated, but some of them are so dangerous that it becomes pointless to treat the flower, and the owner can only throw away the cyclamen.

    Fusarium wilt

    When affected by this disease, the leaves on the top of the flower begin to turn yellow, while the leaf continues to grow. The second name for fusarium wilt is dry rot. The cause of the lesion in this case is fungi. First the fungus attacks vascular system plants, and then their tissues. Fungal spores can persist in the soil for a long time, and the plant is affected by them through root system.

    Treatment of fusarium wilt consists of spraying the flower once a week for a month with Topsin-M. You can also spray with Fundazol at the same intervals. The sick plant should be isolated for the period of treatment.

    Gray rot

    When cyclamen is affected by gray rot, the tuber tissues first soften, and then the leaves begin to turn yellow. The foliage is covered with a whitish coating, which is easily erased when touched. This disease is also spread by fungi.

    Most often, gray rot affects flowers that are kept indoors in winter. high humidity if they are watered too much.

    In most cases, cyclomenia affected by gray mold dies. But, if the disease is detected at an early stage, the flower can be saved by spraying with fungicides such as Rovral, Ronilan and Euparen.

    Non-infectious rot

    When affected by non-infectious rot, the color of the tuber becomes soft, the foliage begins to turn yellow and wither. The cause of the disease may be overwatering and high humidity in the room, incorrect acidity of the substrate.

    Sick plants cannot be saved; they can only be destroyed.


    Cyclamen can not only get sick, but also be attacked by insect pests.

Cyclamen, or alpine violet, is one of the most beautiful houseplants. Many gardeners note that during and after flowering, cyclamen leaves turn yellow, and the plant itself begins to wither. Why does this happen, and what to do if the leaves of your homemade cyclamen turn yellow, read on.

In nature, most types of cyclamen grow in the mountains, where the air is always humid and cool, and the sun's rays are bright but not scorching. This is their natural comfortable environment, promoting long and colorful flowering. It is very difficult to create such a microclimate at home, so sometimes the flower begins to act up, shed leaves, and even get sick. Most often, a change in the color of the leaves of a plant occurs for the following reasons.

Dry and warm air

At home, cyclamens bloom in winter, somewhere from December to March, when they are used for heating the premises. central heating. This is the main reason why the leaves of the plant begin to turn yellow and dry out. The ideal temperature for cyclamens to bloom is +15–16 °C. If the temperature in the room rises above +20 °C, the flower feels uncomfortable, which is signaled by a change in the color of the leaves. A sign that the air in the house is not humid enough is the yellowing of the leaves, along with which the flowers remain strong and continue to bloom.

Violation of the watering regime

Another reason why cyclamen turns yellow is improper watering (insufficient or, conversely, excessive). To avoid extremes, water the plant as needed, allowing the top layer of soil to dry out. If you do this more often, fungi and mold will begin to develop in the wet soil, and the flower can only be saved by replanting it in a new substrate. When watering, you need to make sure that moisture does not fall on the growing point. For these reasons, it is better to pour water along the edge of the pot or into the pan.

Lack of feeding

Cyclamens need to be fed throughout the entire period of growth and flowering, using mineral complex fertilizers for flowering plants, sold in any flower shop. Before the formation of buds, fertilizing should be done 1 time/2 weeks, and with the beginning of flowering every week, otherwise the lack of nutrition will immediately affect the color of the leaves.

Flower growers often complain that a flower may turn yellow soon after it has been purchased.

Video “Cyclamen from the store”

What to do after purchasing cyclamen.

The real reason for this phenomenon is also lack of nutrition. Now flowering plants You can buy them in pots at any time of the year, which is unnatural for cyclamen. They are forced to bloom with the help of stimulating drugs that are regularly sprayed on the leaves.

When purchasing a flower in a store, always ask how it should be cared for and what fertilizers to use. Otherwise, your blooming beauty will quickly lose its decorative effect.

Natural process

There is no need to worry about why the cyclamen leaves turned yellow if this happened in spring or summer. During this period, the plant enters a dormant phase and sheds its leaves for a natural reason. About what home flower goes into a dormant state, evidenced by the gradual wilting of leaves, starting from the lower tiers. First the leaf becomes pale, then yellow, after which it begins to dry out and fall off.

If the leaves do not fall off on their own, they are cut off or twisted at the base, and the pot with cyclamen is transferred to a cool, dry place where it can recover. No fertilizing is applied during this period, and watering is severely limited. Some gardeners dig up a tuber during the dormant period, and at the end of summer plant it in a new substrate. With this method, the plant develops faster and can bloom within 2–3 months, provided proper storage tuber

How to solve the problem

Measures to save the flower depend on the cause of the problem. First of all, you need to inspect the plant and make sure that it is not sick or affected by pests. If rotting of a tuber is detected, it is dug up, all rotten parts are removed, thoroughly treated with a fungicide, and transplanted into a new pot with a new substrate. In order for the flower to recover faster, you need to properly organize the watering regime, monitor the temperature and humidity level in the room.

If the leaves have to dry out due to lack of moisture, the plant should be watered immediately. Since abundant watering It is just as harmful to it as drying out the soil; watering the substrate is not recommended. It is better to place the pot in a shallow basin with settled water, then the flower will be able to take as much moisture as it needs. The procedure should last no more than 1 hour. When the top layer becomes slightly damp, the plant is removed from the container.

If the change in leaf color is due to a lack of nutrients, you need to establish a feeding regime. Liquid fertilizers with microelements will help speed up the recovery process, first applied in small quantities, gradually increasing the concentration. Subsequently, the plant is fed at intervals of 1–2 weeks, with the exception of the dormant period. When this period begins, the flower is transferred to a cool place, and the previous care is resumed with the beginning of autumn.


To prevent the problem of yellowing leaves in cyclamen, it is necessary to provide the plant with proper conditions. For the flowering period best place a sunny window sill, where there is enough bright light, can be a place for it. Moreover, in winter time this is the coolest place in the house. When ventilating the room, you need to make sure that the plant is not in a draft. Direct rays of the sun are also harmful for the flower, and if it is placed on a southern windowsill, then at noon it is recommended to cover the pot from the sun.

During the dormant period, which usually occurs in the summer, cyclamen requires cool conditions, which is quite difficult to provide in the house. If it is not possible to put the pot in a cool pantry or basement, you can dig up the tubers - this way they will be better preserved and it will be easier to monitor their condition.

Proper watering is the main condition for normal growth and flowering of cyclamen.

To prevent the soil from drying out or becoming waterlogged, it is recommended to immerse the pot in a container of settled water. To increase air humidity, spray the space around the plant with a spray bottle. It is not advisable to spray the flower itself.

In comfortable conditions close to the natural environment, cyclamen can delight with flowering for up to 10 years. Like all tuberous plants, they grow over time, and if you do not dig up the tubers during the dormant period, then you need to replant them every 2-3 years. Moving the flower to a new substrate helps keep it healthy and maintains lush flowering for many years.

When growing indoor flowers, sometimes you have to face the problem when cyclamen leaves turn yellow. For many gardeners, this feature is incomprehensible and difficult to resolve. As a rule, any problems that arise with certain plants are mainly associated with improper care. In this case, special attention should be paid to creating comfortable conditions for a plant.

What causes leaves to turn yellow?

If it has been noticed that cyclamen foliage is turning yellow, then the reasons may be associated not only with improper care, but also with the presence of pests or natural processes. On possible reasons The appearance of yellow leaves on a plant is worth looking into in more detail. First of all, it should be said about the incorrect temperature regime. The optimal temperature for cyclamen is +18…+24˚С in summer and +12…+14˚С in winter. If the temperature exceeds the specified limits, the leaves of the plant may begin to turn yellow. If no measures are taken in this case, the plant may die completely. Cyclamen should not be placed near a running heating system or other heat sources. If the optimal temperature increases by more than 5˚C, you need to move the flower to another place, for example to a balcony or insulated veranda.

Another reason for yellowing may be improper lighting of the plant. It is worth considering that cyclamen does not like direct sunlight: it needs bright but diffused light. If necessary, you will need to organize protection from the daytime sun. It is best to place the flower on the western and eastern windows. Judging that the cyclamen has been damaged sunlight, you can look at the characteristic yellow spots on the leaves. If such a problem is discovered, the plant requires immediate moving to a place protected from bright sun, which will prevent damage to healthy foliage.

The leaves on the flower may also turn yellow if watering and humidity levels are incorrect. During the flowering period, the plant requires regular but moderate watering. When at rest, cyclamen is watered rarely and in small volumes. The basic rule is that you shouldn’t over-water it. In addition, you should avoid getting water on the tubers. If this is neglected, the root system of the flower rots quite quickly, the leaves turn yellow, which will lead to the death of the flower.

It is worth considering that cyclamen requires high air humidity during the heating season. You can ensure the required level of humidity by placing the plant in a suitable container with wet expanded clay or pebbles. Another option is also possible: spray the air around the cyclamen from a spray bottle (a spray bottle for flowers), while avoiding drops of water falling on the leaves, which can lead to their yellowing. If such a problem is observed, then the tuber should be examined: if there are putrefactive spots, they are removed, the cut areas are sprinkled with charcoal and dried. After transplanting the plant into a new container, observe the watering and temperature regime.

Feeding and rest period

In addition to the above reasons, the problem of yellowing leaves may be associated with improper application of fertilizers. Thus, when applying fertilizers with a high nitrogen content, the effect under consideration is possible. In addition, excessive amounts of nutrients can lead to enlargement of the tuber, which makes it more vulnerable to various diseases. A lack of fertilizer, as well as an excess, negatively affects the condition of cyclamen: the plant will simply get rid of an excessive amount of foliage. In this case, the number of leaves that the plant can provide will remain. nutrients. This suggests that the flower needs to be fed during the period of flowering and active growth. Liquids are used as fertilizers mineral supplements, which are diluted 2 times and used once every 2 weeks. During the dormant period, the plant does not need additional nutrition.

It is worth dwelling in more detail on the dormant period, since in cyclamen it is very pronounced and begins after flowering. As a rule, it falls in spring and summer. This time is characterized by gradual yellowing of the foliage, subsequent drying and falling. Thus, the plant prepares for rest. But nevertheless, flower growers cannot help but be concerned about the question of when cyclamen leaves turn yellow, what to do in this case. In such a situation, the dried foliage of the flower is cut off, the number and volume of watering is reduced, but not immediately, but gradually. In addition, you should stop fertilizing and move the pot to a room with a lower temperature and lack of light. This, for example, could be a basement. In mid-summer, cyclamen should be returned to its previous conditions, increasing watering as new leaves appear.

Diseases and pests

Like other plants, cyclamen can be attacked by pests. The main ones are:

  • thrips;
  • cyclamen mites;
  • scale insect.

Pests such as thrips are small insects (about 1.5 mm) that damage almost the entire plant: stem, leaves, flowers, and then move into the ground. When the larvae become adults, they acquire wings and climb out of the ground. Whether there are thrips on a flower or not can be judged by light spots or dots. The cyclamen leaf acquires a silvery sheen. To combat the pest, insecticides such as Aktara, Actellik and soap solution.

The most common pest is the cyclamen mite. Its peculiarity is its very small size. Main habitat area - bottom part foliage. As a result of damage to a flower by a mite, the leaves of the plant are deformed and curled, growth slows down, and the buds themselves wither or become irregular shape. Treatment involves the use of insecticides, for example Aktara, Fufanon. As for scale insects, the presence of a pest on a plant can be judged by brown spots both on the leaves and on the stem. For control, insecticides and soap solution are used.

Of the diseases, it is first worth noting gray rot, which is a fungal species and can not only infect the entire plant, but also destroy it. The pathology manifests itself in the form of a gray coating, and the damaged areas become soft. As soon as the first signs of the disease are noticed, you should immediately apply systemic fungicides, remove damaged parts of the plant, replant the flower in new soil, and ventilate the room itself. It is recommended to reduce the amount of watering and spraying. Better hydration carry out in the morning so that the soil dries out during the day.

Cyclamen is also susceptible to late blight. The disease manifests itself in the form of drying leaves and flower stalks. If no measures are taken, the plant will simply die. The cause of late blight is too wet soil. It should be controlled with fungicides, such as Oksikhom. Another fungal infection is rhizoctonia rot. If damaged, the plant may die within a short time. short terms. The appearance of the disease is indicated by soft spots on tubers, leaves and stems. The main reason is too wet soil combined with high temperatures. For treatment, stop watering and use Oksikhom or other fungicides.

How to cure cyclamen?

Before you start treating the flower, you need to find out why the leaves of cyclamen turn yellow. To do this, you need to follow the following sequence of actions:

  1. The pot is inspected for various types of violations. These include, for example, too wet or, conversely, dry soil. Special attention should pay attention to the smell of the substrate. The soil should not emit a putrid, sour or moldy odor.
  2. Visible deviations in the life of the plant are determined according to the above reasons.

After determining the cause, further manipulations should be aimed at eliminating the problem. If it all comes down to improper care, then you just need to provide the appropriate conditions for normal plant growth. If diseases or pests are detected, a number of the following manipulations will be required:

  • remove damaged foliage;
  • treat with insecticides or fungicides;
  • transplant the plant into a new container;
  • after transplantation, it is recommended to treat the flower with preparations such as Fitoverm, Agravertin, and insecticidal soap.

How could one understand the appearance yellow leaves on cyclamen can give a number of reasons, among which are improper care, diseases and pests. In order for a plant to delight with its beauty, it is necessary to provide appropriate conditions, which will not require much effort and time.

Cyclamen is considered one of the most beloved and popular indoor plants, which is not surprising, because it delights with its original beautiful flowers, which so decorate any room! In total, two subspecies of cyclamen are common in indoor culture: European and Persian. The difference between them is that the Persian blooms in the winter, when other plants, including the European cyclamen, generally fade.

Characteristics of cyclamen

Cyclamen – perennial, forming corms. As a rule, the tubers have a flat-round shape with a diameter of fifteen centimeters. The cyclamen tuber has one growth point, and if it is damaged, the plant may first get sick and eventually die. During the period of active growth, rosettes are formed on the tubers with rather lush leaves and peduncles with single flowers, up to twenty centimeters long. The bush of the plant can be up to thirty centimeters in height.

However, among cyclamens there are also low-growing varieties, the height of which is no more than fifteen centimeters. Cyclamen leaves can have a rounded or heart-shaped shape, they are located on red petioles. Their length is from ten to fifteen centimeters, and their color is dark green, with a peculiar silver pattern. Today, breeders continue to develop new varieties of cyclamen, reproducing more and more colorful and bright varieties with different colors.

Today we will look at how to properly grow cyclamen and care for such an exotic plant, and also identify the main problems that you may encounter during the growth of cyclamen, namely, why it sometimes turns yellow and dries. But first, let's figure out how to choose the right plant.

When purchasing cyclamen, pay attention first of all to its leaves and tuber. The foliage should not be damaged, limp or dry at the edges. But the tuber should not show signs of rot; it should be smooth, not wrinkled. It is best to buy cyclamen in early autumn, when the plant is actively blooming. It is desirable that the flower already has many buds when purchased.

Problems in growing cyclamens

Anyone who has ever encountered growing cyclamens has wondered why the plant’s leaves periodically turn yellow - this problem continues to be the most intractable and incomprehensible for many. It is worth saying that the cause of any problem is improper care of the plant. Therefore, it is important to know how to provide the plant with comfort in indoor conditions.

If you notice that the cyclamen suddenly turns yellow, but the flowers remain healthy and strong, then the cause is most likely too dry warm air. This plant does not tolerate temperatures above seventeen degrees. A sharp yellowing can also be caused by a lack of fluid or direct sunlight.

Rotting of leaves and peduncles, which can generally lead to the death of cyclamen, is another problem. The reason here is waterlogging of the soil, especially if water gets on the top of the tuber. Do not water the sprouting part under any circumstances - water as carefully as possible.

Sometimes cyclamen have a short flowering period, which can cause dry air, too high temperature air or poor watering. There can be many reasons for this, and it can be difficult to identify one. The most important thing is to remember to feed the plant throughout the entire growth period, as well as during flowering.

And finally, leaf deformation. As a rule, this occurs due to infestation by aphids or mites. As soon as you notice that pests have appeared, start washing the cyclamen, or rather its leaves, with a special insecticidal soap. Alternatively, use soap made for animals. Additionally, spray the plant with special preparations, for example Fitoverm or Agravertin - they are odorless and will not adversely affect cyclamen. We will talk about how to prevent the appearance of mites later, but for now we will give some tips on caring for cyclamen.

How to properly care for cyclamen

Like all plants, cyclamen has its own characteristics and nuances in the care process. The temperature, for example, should be cool. Thirteen to fifteen degrees will be enough. Please note that the temperature should not fall below ten and rise above twenty degrees; if you do not follow the recommended temperature regime. then soon you will get a sad result: one day you will discover that the cyclamen leaves have turned yellow and the buds have withered.

There are some rules that apply to lighting. The place where you placed the cyclamen should be well lit. It’s not bad if the light is diffused and bright enough. But direct sunlight should be avoided - shade the plant a little at lunchtime, but in the evening or early morning direct light will benefit the plant.

Considering why the leaves turn yellow, it is worth mentioning about watering. We have already said before that an excess or lack of moisture will immediately affect the plant. During the growing season, watering should be stable and regular - use the immersion method. And when watering, pour water closer to the edge of the pot.

Try not to allow liquid to stagnate in the plant pots. Water for irrigation should sit for some time so as not to provoke the development of rot or yellowing. Those leaves and flowers that turn very yellow and dry out should be carefully cut off with scissors, being careful not to damage the sprout area.

Now about humidity. Cyclamen is a plant that prefers air high humidity. Place the pot on a tray with pebbles or wet peat - this will be ideal for cyclamen. You should not spray the plant; it is better to humidify the air around it using a spray bottle with a fine spray.

Caring for cyclamen after flowering requires a special approach. In particular, this applies to the Persian variety. After the cyclamen fades, you need to trim the flowers down to the tuber, and also reduce watering and stop fertilizing and fertilizing. Dried and yellowed leaves should not be cut off, but should be twisted immediately with the petioles.

Closer to spring, when the remaining leaves are completely dry, the cyclamen will go into a dormant state. It is at this time that it is time to stop watering. You need to put the pot with the plant on its side and place it in a cooler place. He should be here until mid-July. After this, the plant is moved to a shaded place, preferably on fresh air. It is necessary to periodically moisten the soil - it should always be moderately moist. As soon as you notice the first leaves, this will serve as a signal to replant.

Replanting cyclamen also has its own rules - during this process the soil is completely changed. The following soil is suitable for indoor plants: part of leaf and humus soil in combination with a share turf land and sand. During replanting, check the root system and remove all rotten, damaged and diseased roots. There is no need to purchase a pot that is too large or too small for cyclamen. The most optimal diameter is thirteen to fourteen centimeters.

Tick ​​control

When answering the question why the foliage turns yellow and the buds dry out, you need to remember about plant pests. Cyclamen is usually affected by mites. The fact that a mite has infected the plant is indicated by yellowness and dryness of the leaves. If the flowers bloom at the same time, the pest can infect them too - in the near future they will begin to wrinkle and wither. It is important to prevent such infection and recognize it in time.

Buy an insecticidal aerosol from the store and dilute it with water. Place the pot of cyclamen in water and water the plant thoroughly, including the lower leaves. Spray the remaining aerosol over the plant and allow the substance to settle. Now remove the cyclamen from the bucket and place it in its usual place. Repeat the procedure after a couple of weeks to prevent infection. It is better to treat the plant in the evening, after dark, because it is at this time that the mite is especially active.

A good preventative measure is periodic inspection of cyclamen tubers, which must also be cleaned and processed in cases where the mite has damaged the plant. For treatment, use the same aerosol, the substances of which will help the cyclamen easily survive the dormant period and subsequent transplantation.

Cyclamen - beautiful house plant, which never ceases to delight its owners with its exquisite beauty. The rules listed above are enough to provide cyclamen with competent care and grow impressively. beautiful plant which will bring comfort and tranquility to your home.

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