Why do indoor flowers turn yellow and the leaves dry out? Yellow leaves on indoor plants Leaves of flowers turn yellow, what to do

Our indoor pets need constant care and attention. With their deficiency, plants begin to suffer and show alarming signs. One of these signs is yellowing of the leaves of your pets. Let's look at why the leaves on indoor flowers turn yellow and what to do in this case.

Why do leaves on flowers turn yellow?

When sick or improperly cared for, our pets react primarily by the edges or the entire leaf blade turn yellow entirely. Let us consider the main reasons for the occurrence of such phenomena.

Even a novice gardener understands that yellowing foliage is an alarming sign.

Improper home care

Overwatering the plant

For most flowers, moderate watering will be sufficient. Before purchasing a particular item, you first need to familiarize yourself with the conditions of its maintenance and care rules.

Excessive moisture leads to waterlogging of the soil and rotting of the root system. As a result, the leaves and shoots turn yellow, and the plant may die if treatment measures are not taken in a timely manner.

Insufficient watering

Often the cause of yellowing of the leaves of indoor flora is an overdried earthen lump. In this case, the plant does not receive enough nutrients and moisture. The tips of the leaves and branches begin to dry and fall off, the roots die.


Almost all indoor flowers, especially tropical ones, do not tolerate drafts. They should be kept away from any sources of floral draft - open windows, air conditioners, fans, etc.

The split systems we love can damage the immunity of flowers

Temperature changes

Lack of light

Due to insufficient sunlight, the leaves on the side of the flower facing the shade begin to turn yellow.

Sun burns

When exposed to direct sunlight, yellow spots usually appear on the leaves.

Failure to comply with the feeding regime

When there is a lack or excess of nutrients in the soil, the leaves of plants begin to yellow along the midrib, mainly at the top of the flower.

Diseases and pests

Often parts of plants turn yellow under the influence of diseases or pests.

  1. Fungal diseases. As a result of infection with late blight or anthracnose, the leaf blades may turn yellow.
  2. Infectious diseases. In this case, yellow spots appear on the foliage.
  3. Pest infestation. These insects include thrips, spider mites, aphids, and whiteflies. Spider mites suck juices from leaves and shoots, causing them to turn yellow and subsequently fall off.

Reasons for the appearance of spider mites on indoor flowers

If a spider mite has started on one specimen, it can easily continue move to neighboring flowers. This means that we urgently need to get rid of it.

Before you start getting rid of the pest, you should find out the reasons for its appearance:

Spider mites quickly attack neighboring uninfected flowers

Prevention of yellowing of leaves due to improper care

First, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules of caring for each indoor flower. Since plants are individual, care for different species will vary significantly.

If the cause of yellowing leaves is a violation of the watering regime, you need to adjust it according to the needs of your green friend. If the flower is flooded, you need to remove it from the pot.

When the leaves turn yellow from a lack or excess of sunlight, it is enough to move the pot with the plant to another window sill or deeper into the room.

If there is a lack or excess of fertilizers in the soil, it is necessary to replenish the balance: either add the required substances with fertilizing, or replant the flower. If there is an excessive amount of fertilizer in the substrate, you need to clear the root system of the soil and replant the plant in fresh soil.

Transfer to new soil– one of the key measures when getting rid of a pest

When leaves turn yellow from drafts and temperature changes, you need to monitor the temperature regime of your pets. When ventilating, it is recommended to take the plants into the next room.

Pest Control

At the first signs of pest damage to a plant, isolate it so as not to infect nearby flowers.

First of all, you need to remove all affected leaves and stems of the plant. It is no longer possible to save them, but the rest can be protected in this way.

Spider mite does not tolerate a humid environment, so you need to spray the plant as often as possible warm water or give him a shower. Also in an efficient way can be called wiping the leaves soap solution.

If there is an advanced case of pest damage to a flower, there is no way can not do without the use of insecticides. To get rid of spider mite acaricides are used.

When processing plants chemicals be sure to use individual means protection - mask and gloves.

Fitoverm, Vermite, Aktofit can be considered less dangerous for humans. But they neutralize only adult individuals without harming the eggs. Therefore, after 7-10 days it is recommended to re-treat the flower in order to destroy the offspring.

Due to the popularity of insecticides, we have included the principles of working with phytoverm in a separate article.

Based on possible reasons, it is necessary V short terms provide the required assistance to flowers so that they continue to please lush flowering and healthy looking.

Why do indoor flowers turn yellow and leaves dry out?

Indoor plants at home They grow well if they receive everything they need - light, water, warmth, humidity and nutrients. The conditions for keeping it at home largely depend on the origin of the selected plant, for example, tropical crops require warmth, high humidity air and soil, while cacti, on the contrary, are accustomed to bright sunlight and drought.

When growing houseplants in pots you must follow individual care rules for each species, which are based on creating for of this plant the most similar conditions to the natural environment. Violation of this harmony leads to diseases of the flower planted in the pot.

The well-being of a houseplant is always reflected in appearance leaves, they turn yellow, blacken, curl, wither, dry out, fall off, appear on them various spots, points. Based on these external manifestations, you can make a diagnosis and identify errors in care, whether the flower has enough light and nutrition, whether watering is carried out correctly, whether the room temperature and air humidity are comfortable.

If you correctly determine the reason why house plant feels discomfort and loses decorative look Having eliminated it, the plant will recover and will again decorate your home with flowers and greenery. If you ignore the signals that the leaves give, the plant in the pot will continue to wither and eventually die.

Most often indoor plants The following ailments appear, reflected on the leaves:

Most leaves wither herbaceous plants when the soil dries out. Plants with tough, leathery foliage are resistant to wilting, but react to lack of watering with massive yellowing and leaf drop.

Each plant requires its own watering rate. You can’t overwater a flower in a pot, but you shouldn’t wait until the soil in the pot dries out completely and the leaves wither. Moisture-loving crops are watered frequently and abundantly. If the soil in the pot dries out quickly and the plant withers, then you need to transplant it into a larger pot with moisture-retaining soil.

If the leaves wither and the soil in the pot is damp, which means you flooded the flower and its roots rotted. When moisture lingers in the ground for a long time, the roots are deprived of air, the earth turns sour, and putrefactive bacteria take hold. A flooded plant can only be saved by urgent replanting, completely replacing the soil, removing rotten roots and covering the wounds. charcoal, and further compliance with the watering regime.

Leaves may wilt due to heat, especially if the sun shines on the plant at noon. High temperature increases the evaporation of moisture from the leaf plates, you need to remove the plant from sunny place and spray.

Wilting foliage means the plant is stressed, and this affects his growth and health. Try not to allow stressful conditions to arise for your flower, then it will bloom and develop without stopping.

The tips of the leaves of indoor plants dry out for one reason - low air humidity. Most often, the tips of leaves dry out in tropical crops - palms, ferns, syngonium, chlorophytum and other species. Mass drying of leaves at the tips and along the edges of the plates begins with the beginning of the heating season, when air humidity drops to a critical plant level of 30%, and leaf health requires from 60 to 80%. The problem is solved by installing humidifiers, water containers next to the pots and daily spraying. Hot radiators should be located as far as possible from plants.

Plant leaves turn black due to several reasons. Dark brown dry spots on the tips and edges of the spathiphyllum; they gradually enlarge, crack, fall out, and part of the leaf blade is lost. High temperature and insufficient watering accelerate the growth of dark spots on the leaves. The solution is to use humidifiers and adjust the watering regime.

It happens that the roots of a plant in a pot are so dry that regular watering cannot help them. In overdried plants, the soil in the pot lags behind the walls. To saturate all the roots of the plant with moisture, even small ones that are located on the border, you need to place the pot in a bucket of water and wait 10-15 minutes until the earthen ball is completely saturated with moisture.

Brown spots and dots on leaves will appear on different places leaves if you spray a plant illuminated by the sun. Droplets of water enhance the impact of sunlight, like lenses, and they burn through the leaf plates, mini-burns appear in the form of small spots. You need to spray indoor plants in the morning or evening with a very fine spray.

Some pests can also cause leaf spot.. They stick to the underside of the leaves and the place where the insects suck the juice from the leaf first turns yellow and then darkens. If many small yellow dots appear on the leaves, check the back of the leaves for the presence of insect pests and traces of their vital activity.

Blackening of entire leaves may occur due to their decay, while the plant tissue becomes soft, jelly-like, this often occurs in plants with delicate fleshy leaves - violets, begonias, balsams. Leaves rot more often due to excessive watering, moisture accumulated at the base of the petiole, from spraying or hypothermia.

In winter, cold air flows from an open window, once under it, the plant quickly cools. Due to a sharp change in temperature, the leaves curl, they may completely or partially turn black on top, this is tissue that has died from the cold or frostbite. The same consequence occurs in plants located close to the window glass. Protect indoor plants from drafts; even a couple of minutes under a cold air stream can be detrimental to any house flower.

The leaves curl, their edges turn inward- this is a sign of a lack of heat, since a plant, as a living being, tells us that it is cold. The leaves can curl into a tube due to a draft, even not a very strong one.

Leaves turn yellow and fall off on plants, usually for natural reasons.. This is how old leaves gradually die off, starting from the bottom of the stem or from the edge of the leaf rosette. Dying of older leaves may occur more quickly in autumn period. Tree-like plants are prone to autumn leaf fall; at this time, even the conditions in the room change - the duration of lighting decreases, as the days become shorter, and air humidity decreases. For example, Ficus Benjamin sheds up to 10-20% of its leaves every fall; this is natural leaf fall, but which can be reduced by placing the ficus on a sunny windowsill and regularly spraying the greens.

If young leaves at the top of the stem turn yellow, which means there are mistakes in care. When the leaves retain their shape and elasticity, but change their color from bright green to yellow, there may be a lack of potassium or iron in the soil, causing a disease called chlorosis. Flowers that prefer acidic soil are susceptible to chlorosis - gardenia, azalea, lemon, clerodendrum, hydrangea. These plants love to be watered with acidified water; they require feeding with these elements from time to time.

Indoor plants that require high-quality soil of a certain acidity often suffer and their leaves turn yellow if the soil in the pot is alkalized with calcium salts when watered with hard tap water. Yellowing of the leaves is observed in plants that are watered with tap water, it contains a lot of chlorine, it poisons the green inhabitants of the pots. Always leave the water for two days to water the plants, during which time the chlorine will evaporate from it, the salts will settle to the bottom, and the water will become room temperature, pleasant for plants.

How to save yellowed leaves of indoor plants

Too much or too little water

The top layer of soil dries out much faster, and you may think it’s time to water the plants. Actually this is not true. To correctly determine soil moisture, you need to stick your finger into the soil to a depth of 2-3 cm.

What to do next

You checked the soil and it turns out that it is too dry. Then immediately pour a glass of water into the pots and continue to water the plants regularly.

If, on the other hand, the soil is too wet and you find yourself watering the plant, check it for signs of rot that could be damaging the roots. You may smell mold.

Just pour a glass of water into dry soil.

In such a situation, you can try to transplant the plant into another pot and provide it good drainage. You will also need to adjust the watering schedule, that is, do not water the flowers too often.

Check for pests

If everything is in order with watering, then the second reason for yellowed leaves is insect pests that may infect the flower. The most common are whitefly midges and spider mites. They can sometimes be difficult to spot right away, so inspect the leaves carefully.

If you notice small holes or tiny white dots on the leaves (usually on the underside), as well as a thin cobweb entwining the plants, then a spider mite has settled on them. It feels especially good in rooms with dry air.

To prevent infection, plants should not touch each other.

The leaves of the infected plant should be thoroughly washed with warm water. You can use a solution with laundry soap or dishwashing detergent. And after that, treat with a special preparation from the group of acaricides or insectoacaricides, such as Apollo, Actellik, Borneo, Talstar, Omite, Sunmite, Floromite, Flumite, etc.

If you use only natural products in your household, then Neem oil can help your plants.

Expose your plants to the sun

Another reason for yellowing leaves is a lack of sunlight, which, of course, is difficult to combat in the autumn. winter period. Unfortunately, plants will suffer if all windows are located on the north side. Therefore, be sure to place the plants near the brightest window or organize artificial lighting. Lack of light primarily affects the lower leaves of plants. They begin to turn yellow and fall off.

Protect from drafts

Most indoor plants come from tropical countries, so they do not tolerate cold and drafts. So, if the plant is standing next to a slightly open window, don’t be surprised if it turns yellow.

When the plant is in a cool room, watering should be reduced.

By the way, plants can freeze not only in the cold season, but also in cases where they stand under constantly running air conditioning.

Don't forget about feeding

The first sign of nitrogen deficiency is when the old leaves of the plant turn yellow, while the young ones, on the contrary, are bright green. In this case, just feed nitrogen fertilizer, just be sure to follow the dosage. Don't overfeed your plants.

The leaves of indoor plants turn yellow - what to do?

Indoor flowers are the same living pets as pets: cats and dogs. They also require attention and care. But if a hungry kitten rubs itself at its feet and meows pitifully, the flower, deprived of nutrients, simply turns yellow. Although poor soil in a pot is not the only reason for yellowing leaves. Let's find out why the leaves of indoor plants can turn yellow and what to do to make them green again.

Causes of yellowing leaves and ways to solve the problem

The leaves of indoor flowers may turn yellow for the following reasons:

  • unsuitable conditions of detention;
  • Not proper care behind the flower;
  • plant damage by infections;
  • the appearance of pests on the flower.

Let's look at everything in detail possible reasons yellowing of leaves and we will tell you what needs to be done in each specific case.

Incorrect conditions of detention

If your flower's leaves turn yellow, the following mistakes may have been made in creating the conditions for keeping a green pet:

  • Insufficient lighting. If the leaves do not become clearly yellow, but only become lighter, and the shoots of the plant become very elongated, most likely the flower is suffering from a lack of sunlight. The problem will be solved by moving the pot to another, more sunny place.
  • Being under straight lines sun rays . The scorching rays of the sun are just as dangerous for leaves as their lack. They get sunburned. They can be recognized by blurry yellow or almost white spots that appear only from the side of the window. The same rearrangement of the flower to a new place will help correct the situation.
  • Draft. Houseplants have a very high sensitivity to wind. They do not tolerate cold air currents, turning yellow and stunting. If your flower is located near an open window (near the air conditioner), then there are two options for solving the problem: to ventilate the room, open another window or move the pot to another place where there is no draft.
  • Temperature changes. If the shoots and leaves turn yellow, the plant may have recently experienced a large temperature jump. To bring a plant back to life, provide it with a temperature that is comfortable for growth. For everyone indoor flower she belongs. Try not to allow any more sudden changes.
  • Contact with cold surfaces. If the leaves of a flower touch cold glass (this often happens in winter) or other cold surface, they first turn yellow and then die and rot. Rearrange the pot so that the leaves no longer touch cold objects and the air temperature is within normal limits.
  • Too much big pot . If the pot is too large, the plant will not be comfortable in it. The root system does not fill the entire space of the container, so where there are no roots, the water stagnates. This encourages mold growth and rot, which is bad for the roots. As a result, the above-ground part of the plant suffers. Replant the flower in a pot selected by size.
  • Pot too small. If the container in which the flower grows is too small, it does not have enough minerals: there is nowhere to get them from, because there is very little soil, and the roots are very cramped. Transplanting the plant into a larger pot will help correct the situation.
  • Lack of drainage holes in the pot. Stagnation of water is also facilitated by a container without drainage holes. Suffering again root system, and after it - the stems and leaves of the plant. Transfer the flower to another pot: one with drainage holes and a drainage layer at the bottom.
  • Incorrectly selected soil. You cannot plant all plants in the same soil. All plants have different preferences. Soil that is acidic, poor in minerals, or soil that is too heavy and dense can cause yellowing of the leaves. Find out what kind of soil your green pet prefers and replant it by filling the pot with a suitable soil mixture.
  • Dry air. Dry air especially affects flowers that are native to tropical countries. Humidifying the air using a special humidifier or other devices will help solve the problem. You can place containers of water on the radiator, or hang wet bed linen in the room. You can also place a box of wet stones on the window. And on the stones themselves you need to place a flower pot.

Attention! Some plants (for example, cyclamen) shed all their leaves during the dormant period. Before this, they turn yellow, which may cause concern to the owner who is unaware of this feature of the flower. But this is a normal phenomenon: during the period of active growth, new shoots and leaves will appear.

Improper plant care

The reasons for yellowing of the leaves of an indoor flower can also be:

  • Regular waterlogging of the soil. If you water the flower more often than necessary, water will stagnate in the soil. And endlessly waterlogged soil is good place for the development of pathogenic microflora. The roots of the plant begin to rot and they can no longer supply food to the stems and leaves, which begin to turn yellow. In this case, you will have to replant the flower, first removing its diseased roots. In the future, moisten the soil only as needed.
  • Lack of moisture in the soil. If you water the plant too rarely, the nutrition of the leaves is also disrupted, and the roots, which have not been in contact with water for a long time, begin to dry out. To bring the flower back to life, increase the frequency of watering.
  • Watering with the “wrong” water. If only the tips of the leaves are drying, most likely you are watering the flower with tap water. But tap water too hard, so it is not suitable for watering. Letting it sit at room temperature for 24 hours will help soften it.
  • Rare transplant. Think about the last time you replanted a flower. Perhaps he has already become too cramped in the pot, and the soil has already lost all its nutritional properties. Replant the plant in new pot, selected by size, using new fertile soil.
  • Lack of fertilizing. There is not enough soil in the pot for the flower to grow and develop well until the next transplant. Therefore, indoor plants need to be fertilized regularly. Complex fertilizers are more suitable for this, and during flowering - special fertilizers intended for flowering plants. The recommended frequency of fertilizing is once every 2 weeks during the period of active growth. During the dormant period, flowers do not need to be fertilized.
  • Excess minerals. If you fertilize the flower too often, or add too much fertilizer to the soil at one time, this can be as bad as a lack of minerals. Excess chemicals cause chemical burns, which cannot be cured. You will need to wait until the plant recovers and no longer overfeed.

Advice! Experiencedly find the middle ground between frequent and infrequent watering. Do not overuse mineral fertilizers, but also do not forget about them. Then the indoor flower will grow healthy and its leaves will always be green.

Infectious diseases

Fungal infections can cause yellowing of leaves:

  • Fusarium. Fungi attack the roots of the plant. This usually happens when the soil is systematically waterlogged. The root system gradually dies off, which leads to yellowing of the leaves and stopping the growth of shoots. To save the plant, it needs to be replanted by removing the rotten parts of the roots. If the entire root system has rotted, the flower can be revived by re-rooting it.
  • Late blight. Phytophthora fungi settle on any plants, including indoor flowers. They cause leaves, shoots and flowers to wilt. But late blight is easy to treat: just spray the above-ground part with a 0.2% solution of Fundazol.
  • Anthracnose. This disease affects indoor flowers with woody stems. Fungi spread throughout the above-ground part of the plant and cause the formation of yellow spots, which merge with each other and become brown. Treatment consists of treating the flower with any fungicide solution.

Fungal diseases are very common among indoor flowers. But sometimes they suffer from viral infections. No drugs have been created against them. Therefore, the fight against them consists only of destroying the affected parts of the plant.

Pests of indoor flowers

The leaves of an indoor flower may turn yellow if pests extract juice from them. Houseplants can be a treat for:

  • Thripsov. The main symptom is that the leaves become yellow, and a light silvery coating is noticeable on their surface. On back side you can see the pests themselves. They are usually located along the leaf veins. Dry air contributes to the infestation of flowers by thrips.
  • Aphids. It is not difficult to notice aphids, since they graze in whole herds that cling to the shoots and leaves of the plant.
  • Spider mite. If a mite has settled on a flower, then you will definitely find its web.
  • Whiteflies. These are small butterflies that feed on plant sap. They are only 2-3 mm in length, but they live in flocks. Therefore, they are not so difficult to detect on a flower.

Flower growers know two ways to control pests of indoor plants. The first one is simple, but unsafe. Just treat the flower with an insecticide solution: the pests will die immediately. But working with poisons at home is very harmful. Therefore, some recommend removing pests manually and treating the plant itself with a soap solution, which many winged insects are afraid of.

How to care for flowers so that the leaves don't turn yellow

To ensure that your green pet's leaves no longer turn yellow, provide him with proper care and keep him at optimal conditions. Here are some tips from experienced flower growers:

  • Water the flowers when the earthen ball is completely dry. Otherwise, you can provoke the development of fungal diseases. Many flowers, especially succulents, easily tolerate short-term lack of moisture. However, for guests from tropical countries, moisture is vital.
  • Feed your indoor plants once every 2 weeks, but in moderation. It is better to underfeed a little than to overfeed the flower.
  • Provide plants good lighting. But don't put them in direct sunlight. In winter, illuminate light-loving indoor flowers with fluorescent lamp, or better yet, a phytolamp.
  • Protect flowers from drafts and do not place them near open windows or under air conditioning.
  • Loosen the soil regularly. This helps saturate the soil with oxygen and retain moisture in it.
  • Observe the temperature regime (it is different for each specific type of plant).
  • Replant into suitable pots in a timely manner. Renew the soil every year.
  • Prevent fungal diseases by treating the leaves every 2-3 weeks with a solution of Fundazol or Fitosporin.
  • Control pests of indoor plants in a timely manner.

If a flower grows under optimal conditions and is properly cared for, its leaves will not turn yellow and fall off. If they turn yellow, find the cause of the unhealthy condition. In most cases, plants recover if factors that negatively affect their growth and development are promptly eliminated.

Causes of leaf tips drying out in houseplants and how to fix it

Once again, watering my favorite indoor plants, I noticed that the tips of some of the leaves had turned yellow. The reason for this change turned out to be very banal - the heating season has begun.

A week later, the home flowers slowly recovered. In this article, I will list the reasons for drying or yellowing of the tips of leaves in indoor plants and tell you how to fix it.


By appearance It is easy for a plant to understand what state it is in. By any changes on the leaves you can understand what he is missing. If the leaves of your home flowers begin to dry, you first need to find out the reasons for this change:

  • Very low percentage of indoor air humidity. In this case, the leaf blades begin to dry out from the tips.
  • Irrigation water contains a lot of chlorine or is too dirty.
  • Incorrect watering schedule.
  • A certain plant variety goes into a dormant state. This usually happens in January.
  • The soil in the container is constantly waterlogged.
  • Excess or lack of minerals in the soil.
  • Sunburn. It appears in the form brown spots on sheet plates.
  • Too high or low temperature air in the room.
  • Cramped pot. This can be understood by the roots coming out of it.
  • Fungal or viral diseases.
  • Insect pests both on the top and in the roots.

Only after you have correctly identified the cause can you try to save indoor flowers from complete death.

Poor quality water

Many gardeners water their flowers with tap water, without taking into account its quality and temperature. And the water from our taps often flows dirty and chlorinated. The fact that the plant has been damaged by water can be seen by the plaque on the top of the soil.

In this case, carefully remove the plaque, trying not to damage the roots, then add fresh soil. It doesn’t hurt to ask the reference book which liquid this flower prefers.

Before each watering, it is recommended to let the tap water sit for at least a day, after which it is carefully poured into another container, trying to prevent sediment from spilling out at the bottom. If possible, water with boiled water. In summer you can use rainwater, and in winter you can melt clean snow.

Improper watering

If the soil in the pot is constantly wet or completely dry, then the cause of yellowing of the leaf plates is improper watering.

First, you need to clarify with what frequency a certain variety of indoor flower is watered and whether it likes spraying. If you overwater, the roots will become rotten and the soil will emit a bad smell.

Then check whether there are drainage holes at the bottom of the container; if there are none, then the flower must be transplanted into another pot with drainage holes.

Otherwise, the excess water will have nowhere to go and will provoke the development of harmful bacteria in the soil. It is also recommended to periodically loosen the soil so that it is easier for the roots to receive liquid and oxygen.

During drought, it is advisable to irrigate the flower more often, but in this case, each time check whether the top layer of soil is too dry. If possible, purchase an automatic watering system, where you can adjust the frequency of watering and the amount of liquid released.

It also wouldn’t hurt to have a soil moisture meter, which will greatly facilitate the process of moisturizing indoor flowers.

Dry air

This problem often occurs during heating season. Since many types of house flowers receive moisture from the air, it becomes quite difficult for them in winter. The first to suffer are the leaves, which from lack of moisture begin to slowly turn yellow, starting from the tips.

But it also happens that at the beginning of the heating season the entire crop begins to suffer, and after a week or two it recovers on its own. In this case, you just need to observe it, slightly increasing the air humidity.

To avoid mass mortality, they study whether a certain variety likes spraying from a spray bottle. If not, then place any container with water nearby, which is periodically replenished. Plants with pubescent leaves or those in the flowering phase are not recommended to be sprayed.

If possible, install an automatic humidifier in the room. They also move home flowers away from hot radiators.

Insect pests

Yellowing of the leaf blades may be the result of infestation by insect pests. They most often hide on the underside of the leaves, from where they suck out all the juices from the flowering crop. To prevent this from happening, you need to periodically follow certain procedures:

  • Once every six months, all greens are treated with a light pink solution of potassium permanganate.
  • For transplantation, only disinfected soil is used.
  • Monitor air humidity, as pests love dry air.
  • The purchased plant is kept for about a month in another room where there is no greenery.
  • Once a month, wash the leaves with soapy water.
  • Periodically treat greens with insecticides.


Many fungal and viral diseases arise due to improper care of house plants: drafts, improper watering, lack of minerals. They are most often affected by: mosaic, bacteriosis, chlorosis, root rot. If you catch it in time, the flower can be completely cured of this scourge.

Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that each flower receives the right amount. mineral fertilizers. To avoid confusion, write down the date of the procedure, the name and amount of fertilizer applied in a notebook.

A newly purchased or gifted plant should always be quarantined for a month to ensure it is healthy and will not infect the entire flowering crop in the room.

Potty too tight

If the roots began to crawl out of all the holes in the pot, and the greenery slowly dried out, then this means that it became cramped in the pot. In this case, an urgent transplant is carried out into a larger pot, not forgetting to fertilize the soil so that the crop adapts faster.

Lack of light or direct sunlight

Many gardeners keep flower pots on windowsills so that they get more light. But this sometimes leads to the opposite result, especially if the windows face south. In this case, the leaf plates often get sunburn.

Especially immediately after spraying. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to move the pots to another place, or cover them with paper.

Lack of light also negatively affects the development of flower culture.

If it is not possible to move it to a more illuminated place, then install a special phytolamp above it, which must be turned off at night so that the crop can rest.


Many house plants can easily grow in cool conditions, but not all can withstand sudden temperature changes. If the leaves are often exposed to drafts, then light spots will first appear on them, which will then become transparent.

To prevent this from happening, it is not recommended to place the crop next to windows that are often opened, or in front of a running fan or air conditioner. It is necessary to find a place for culture where cold air does not reach. Only then will the greenery come to its senses and become lush again.

Incorrect feeding

If you feed the flowers with the wrong minerals, or completely forget about fertilizers, then the tips of the greenery will react to this by turning yellow. Therefore, before applying the next fertilizer, you need to clearly determine which element they are missing:

  • Potassium - The green color turns yellow and the veins remain green.
  • Nitrogen - The greenery turns completely pale, new leaves grow very small.
  • Calcium - Leaves curl and turn brown.
  • Zinc - Its absence can be confused with a sunburn, but the veins remain green.
  • Iron - The veins become more prominent and the green color becomes paler.

And it is undesirable to exceed their quantity, since from their excess the flowers can also react by turning pale in color. Everything must be balanced.


In conclusion, there are many reasons for yellowing leaf tips. The most common are:

  • Incorrect watering.
  • Drafts.
  • Insect pests.
  • Fungal and viral diseases.
  • Bad water.

In order for the flowers to always delight with their lush crown, they need to be properly cared for, fertilized regularly, dried parts cut off, and watered only with settled liquid at room temperature. If possible, transplant into a larger pot. During each watering, it is recommended to carefully inspect your home flowers in order to take timely measures to save them. Only in this case will the flowering crop always delight the gardener with its lush beauty and health.

Too much or too little water

The top layer of soil dries out much faster, and you may think it’s time to water the plants. Actually this is not true. To correctly determine soil moisture, you need to stick your finger into the soil to a depth of 2-3 cm.

What to do next

You checked the soil and it turns out that it is too dry. Then immediately pour a glass of water into the pots and continue to water the plants regularly.

If, on the other hand, the soil is too wet and you find yourself watering the plant, check it for signs of rot that could be damaging the roots. You may smell mold.

Just pour a glass of water into dry soil.

In such a situation, you can try to transplant the plant into another pot and provide it with good drainage. You will also need to adjust the watering schedule, that is, do not water the flowers too often.

Check for pests

If everything is in order with watering, then the second reason for yellowed leaves is insect pests that may infect the flower. The most common are whitefly midges and spider mites. They can sometimes be difficult to spot right away, so inspect the leaves carefully.

If you notice small holes or tiny white dots on the leaves (usually on the underside), as well as a thin cobweb entwining the plants, then a spider mite has settled on them. It feels especially good in rooms with dry air.

To prevent infection, plants should not touch each other.

The leaves of the infected plant should be thoroughly washed with warm water. You can use a solution with laundry soap or dishwashing detergent. And after that, treat with a special preparation from the group of acaricides or insectoacaricides, such as Apollo, Actellik, Borneo, Talstar, Omite, Sunmite, Floromite, Flumite, etc.

If you use only natural products in your household, then Neem oil can help your plants.

Expose your plants to the sun

Another reason for yellowing leaves is a lack of sunlight, which, of course, is difficult to combat in the autumn-winter period. Unfortunately, plants will suffer if all windows are located on the north side. Therefore, be sure to place the plants near the brightest window or organize artificial lighting. Lack of light primarily affects the lower leaves of plants. They begin to turn yellow and fall off.

Protect from drafts

Most indoor plants come from tropical countries, so they do not tolerate cold and drafts. So, if the plant is standing next to a slightly open window, don’t be surprised if it turns yellow.

When the plant is in a cool room, watering should be reduced.

By the way, plants can freeze not only in the cold season, but also in cases where they stand under constantly running air conditioning.

Don't forget about feeding

The first sign of nitrogen deficiency is when the old leaves of the plant turn yellow, while the young ones, on the contrary, are bright green. In this case, simply fertilize with nitrogen fertilizer, just be sure to follow the dosage. Don't overfeed your plants.

There are a huge number of different indoor plants in the world - thousands of them. Each has its own fans. When purchasing the desired specimen, the gardener is faced with various problems related to care and maintenance, because for some types of plants it is not so easy to create ideal conditions. As a result, you have to deal with various problems, among which the most common is a change in the color of the foliage. At such moments, flower growers ask the question: “Why do the leaves of indoor plants turn yellow and how to deal with it?”

Causes of yellowing

Return brightness and green leaves of flowers can only be removed after identifying the cause that led to the loss of decorativeness. There are many of them, but the reasons are conventionally divided into two groups:

  1. Pests, diseases.
  2. Incorrect care.

Most often, yellowed leaves are the result of improper care. Such a manifestation is the plant’s first reaction to unfavorable conditions content. Less often yellow tint appears when flowers are damaged by diseases and pests. In this case, the leaf blade is affected first, and then the entire plant. It also happens that the leaves turn yellow due to the aging of plants.


When wondering why the leaves of indoor flowers turn yellow, gardeners do not always assume that this is a natural process. Over time, the leaves on old plants begin to turn yellow. They must be constantly removed.

Sometimes the branches and leaves of flowers turn yellow. To rejuvenate, they must be removed, and in some cases the plant must be replanted, choosing a looser pot. It would be useful to add organic fertilizers.

Irrigation violation

Most plants require moderate watering, although some prefer high humidity, and some need rare watering. When asking why the leaves of indoor flowers turn yellow, it is first recommended to evaluate the quality of watering.

If there is excess moisture, the soil becomes waterlogged and the roots begin to rot. As a result, the shoots and leaves turn yellow. If urgent measures are not taken, the entire plant dies.

Why do the leaves of indoor plants turn yellow due to lack of moisture? The reason is that when the earthen clod dries out, the plant has nowhere to take nutrients and it begins to actively use the nutrients contained in the leaves and shoots. As a result, the leaves begin to turn yellow, the roots dry out, and the plant dies.


Drafts have a negative impact on indoor plants, especially tropical species. They must be kept as far as possible from open windows, air conditioners, and fans. If there is exposure to a draft, then the first sign that the plant does not like it is a change in the color of the leaves.

And why do the leaves of flowers turn yellow, what is the reason? Often a change in color is the result of a violation temperature regime.


Houseplants are sensitive to sudden temperature changes. Flowers react to this phenomenon by yellowing and dropping leaves. This phenomenon is usually observed during periods of acclimatization. At this time, plants experience severe stress.


If the leaves have turned yellow, but everything is in order with watering and temperature, there are no drafts, then you should look for the reason in incorrectly selected lighting. Often yellowing of leaves and tips is due to poor lighting. There are several ways to solve the problem:

  1. Move the pot with the plant to a brighter place.
  2. Organize additional lighting.

When moving a plant, remember that not everyone likes bright light. Some, on the contrary, prefer shade. If such a plant is placed in a brighter place, it will get burned and may die.

With a lack of lighting, plants begin to reach towards the window, the leaves develop unevenly, the internodes are long, and the foliage is unevenly colored. Usually the leaves on the shady side turn yellow and fall off. This manifestation of a lack of light is typical for all indoor flowers, but is most pronounced in hibiscus.

If it is not possible to move the plant to a brighter place, then additional lighting will be provided. It is recommended to use special phytolamps and fluorescent lamps for it. They compensate for the lack of sunlight, do not overheat the plants and consume little electricity.

And if the light is chosen correctly, then why do the leaves of indoor plants turn yellow? In some species, this phenomenon is observed due to uneven lighting of the bush. To compensate for this, the pot is periodically turned over. Thus, the flower evenly receives the right amount of light.


Indoor plants need constant feeding. When there is a shortage or excess of a substance, the flower reacts with certain signs.

  1. Magnesium. When small spots appear between the veins, which gradually increase in size, they speak of magnesium deficiency. Gradually, the color of the spot changes to orange, then becomes red.
  2. Copper. With copper starvation, the same symptoms are observed as with a lack of magnesium, but the leaves begin to lose their elasticity.
  3. Manganese. Plant leaves turn yellowish-gray or yellow-green. Also appears high level Soil pH.
  4. Molybdenum. The deficiency of this element is manifested by yellowing of the leaves and their curling.
  5. Nitrogen. With a lack of nitrogen, the foliage becomes small, acquires a pale green color or becomes completely whitish.
  6. Calcium. If only the tips turn yellow, this indicates a lack of calcium. This situation is usually observed when watering plants with unsettled water with a high salt content.

To maintain the balance of nutrients, you should periodically feed the plant with minerals or organic fertilizers. In specialized stores there are preparations developed specifically for a specific group of plants. They contain a balanced complex of essential substances and vitamins in the quantities in which the plant needs them.

Diseases, pests

Most plant pests feed on sap, attacking stems and flower stalks. This is why the leaves of the flower turn yellow. With severe infection, they spread to the entire plant, leading to its death. To prevent this from happening, you need to inspect the plants once a week.

In addition to treating the plant itself, be sure to disinfect the place where the pot was placed.

Often indoor plants are affected by fungal diseases. When infected, it destroys one leaf after another until the entire plant dies. At favorable conditions, the fungus attacks other plants. Fungal infection is indicated when brown or yellow spots appear, leaves wilt, fall off, or dry out. Geraniums are most often affected by diseases.

To cope with fungal diseases, the plant is treated, be sure to transplant it into a new pot, carefully removing the old substrate from the root system.


If the leaves of a flower turn yellow, what should I do? The leaves change color, every day it gets worse, what to do in this case and is there a way to prevent such a scourge? To avoid loss of the decorative appearance of the plant, it is necessary to feed the flowers with complex fertilizers in a timely manner, select the correct location for the pot, and also follow the rules of care.

It would be useful to conduct periodic inspections of plants for the presence of pests. If necessary, it is recommended to carry out treatments with special preparations.

To prevent the development of spider mites, which prefer dry air, it is necessary to spray the plant and humidify the air around it. Many pests are sensitive to light, fresh air. Because of this, gardeners prevent the leaves from growing too much by removing excess ones.

Yellowed foliage on any plant indicates that it does not feel comfortable; incorrect conditions. To get rid of yellowness, you need to determine the cause and eliminate it.

Almost everyone has encountered the problem of yellowing leaves of their “green pet”. Often the foliage color of indoor plants changes during the fall or winter seasons. Before taking any action, it is necessary to determine the reason why the leaves of indoor plants are turning yellow.

Determine soil moisture

The most common cause of yellowing leaves of indoor flowers is improper watering.

First, a simple test: stick your finger into the soil to a depth of 2-3 cm. If you feel that the soil is dry, just water your flower.

It should be noted that reducing or increasing the frequency of watering is not always a sufficient measure. Selected species tropical plants adapt to life in room conditions according to your climatic habits. If you watered such flowers abundantly in the summer, then with the onset of winter they may begin a dormant period, and watering will need to be reduced, and in some cases, stopped altogether.

Excessive soil moisture often leads to rotting of the plant's root system. As a result, the leaves may also turn yellow. The flower may die if measures are not taken to restore it.

However, why do the leaves of the plant turn yellow if watering is carried out according to a schedule and all the required standards for its maintenance are met? In such a situation, the cause may be flooding the plants with cold or chlorinated hard water. So, experienced flower growers It is recommended to let the water sit for at least a day before watering.

Have a pest inspection

Abundance of sunlight is one of the most comfortable conditions the existence and development of any flower.

Insufficient lighting can contribute to yellowing leaves in your pets. If you do not have the opportunity to move the pot to a brighter place, then try to provide lighting to the plant using phytolamps.

However, remember: excessive lighting is not always beneficial for plants, since yellowing spots are often the result of sunburn of the leaves.

In this case, the flowers should be arranged, trying to avoid direct sunlight. It is not necessary to hide them in shaded corners for these purposes. The problem can usually be solved by keeping curtains loosely closed, which can protect your plants during the hottest parts of the day.

Remove the flower from the draft

Most indoor plants (especially those of tropical origin) do not tolerate drafts at all.

For this reason, if the leaves of indoor pets begin to turn yellow and dry out, it is worth moving them to a place where they will not be disturbed by the movement of air from open windows and the direct cool of a running air conditioner or fan.

This is exactly the kind of trouble that can nullify all the efforts and worries taken. So, even the healthiest, well-groomed plant, when exposed to a draft, signals with yellow spots on its leaves and asks you for help.

Be sure to feed

Fertilizer feeding can vary greatly depending on various types plants.

This may be reflected in the content of nutrients included in the formulation, dosage and frequency of application required. For example, the cause of yellowing of flower leaves will be both a deficiency of nutrients and their excess.

As a rule, it begins in the upper part of the plant and gradually appears in the form of yellowish spots on the plates along the veins.

Indoor plants are the same pets as everyone’s favorite hamsters, dogs, fish, turtles, and cats. They also demand increased attention and care, but if a hungry puppy begins to whine pitifully and twirl at the owner’s feet, then the flower, deprived of water and nutrients, will simply wither.

Let's try to find out why the leaves of houseplants turn yellow and what needs to be done to restore a healthy appearance to your flower.

Causes of yellowing

Factors that cause yellowing of indoor plants are: great variety:

  • uncomfortable living conditions;
  • infectious diseases;
  • actions of pests.

In the vast majority of cases, the cause of severe yellowing of leaves is errors in care.

  • Light deficiency- in this case, the leaf plates do not become rich yellow, but rather simply turn pale. Simply moving your pet to a brighter place can help in this situation.
  • Effect of direct UV rays- plants require light, but diffused light. Direct radiation can be extremely dangerous for green tissues, as noticeable burns appear on the leaf blades. They look like blurry yellow spots on the surface, and they appear mainly from the side of the window.
  • Draft- most indoor plants react to the wind; cold air flows have the most unfavorable effect on them, causing stunting and yellowing.
  • Temperature fluctuations- temperature changes in the house are no less destructive for green pets. Try to protect your plants from them.
  • Interaction with cold surfaces- flowers usually face a similar problem in winter, when their leaves come into contact with frozen window panes. In this case, they turn yellow, and then gradually begin to rot and die completely.
  • Too bulky container- when the root system does not completely fill the container, moisture begins to stagnate where there are no roots. This provokes a sharp surge in the growth of fungus and mold, causing the appearance of various types of rot, which lead to the death of the roots. As a result, the above-ground part lacks water and nutrients, and the plant dries out.
  • Pot too small- the other extreme, no less dangerous for plants grown at home. If there is not enough land, then they will have nowhere to take useful microelements, so the pot should always be selected according to the size of the root system: no more, no less.
  • Poor drainage- in the absence of a drainage layer and holes in the container, moisture stagnation also appears, effective solution The problem will be transplanting the plant into another container.
  • Incorrectly selected soil- many beginning flower growers plant all house plants in the same substrate. This is the wrong approach, since all green pets have their own individual preferences. In addition, yellowing of leaf blades is often caused by too dense clay soils and soils poor in minerals.
  • The air is too dry- are especially affected by low humidity exotic plants, people from the tropics. To level out the situation, you need to purchase an air humidifier, place an indoor fountain near the flower, or fill a tray with moss, keeping it wet.
  • Sometimes the leaves turn yellow before the crop goes into dormancy, for example, cyclamen. This is a completely natural phenomenon - with the onset of spring, the flowers will again grow green mass.
  • Irrigation regime violation- both excess watering and lack of moisture in the soil are equally destructive for indoor plants. In the first case, the roots rot, and in the second, they dry out. In any situation, they cease to cope with the flow of water and mineral elements into the ground parts.
  • If only the tips of the leaf blades dry out, then most likely you are irrigating them with hard, unsettled water straight from the tap.
  • And of course, lack of fertilizing also worsens the condition of the flower, although their excess often leads to a chemical burn, which can no longer be cured.

The cause of yellowing of sheets is often caused by fungal infection.

  • Fusarium- this disease occurs with constant waterlogging and leads to the gradual death of roots.
  • Late blight- the disease entails rapid withering of leaves, buds and young shoots.
  • Anthracnose- this pathology most often attacks indoor flowers with woody stems. In this case, the fungi quickly spread throughout the plant and cause yellowish spots to appear. Over time, they increase in size, merge and change color to brown.

How to deal with the problem?

To cure a diseased plant, it is first important to determine the source of the problem. If the reason is uncomfortable living conditions, you just need to change the care regimen for your green pet.

If there is a lack of light, you need to place the flower in a illuminated place; if the roots are rotting, you should remove all damaged fragments, replant your flower in a fresh substrate and adjust the watering regime, and if there is a deficiency of mineral nutrients, feed your green pet.

In order to get rid of the fungus, you need to move the plant as far as possible from other flowers and treat it with fungicides. Typically, about 3 applications are required at intervals of 7–10 days. It is best to cope with such pathologies with the compositions “Gamair”, “Agate”, “Abit”, “Trichodermin”, “Fitosporin”, as well as Bordeaux mixture.

Fungal diseases are quite common among indoor plants., most often with timely treatment they can be defeated. Less often, but green pets encounter pathologies of a viral nature - they cannot be treated. The only thing left for flower growers is to destroy the flower.

If the plant is affected by insect pests, then first of all you need to remove the pest itself. Usually, this is done by passing over the surface of the leaf blades with a sponge soaked in a solution of laundry soap or tobacco infusion. After this, the yellowed plant is sprayed with any systemic insecticide.

If the root system is damaged by insects, it is necessary to dig up the flower, clean it from the soil, wash the roots, soak it in a weak solution of potassium permanganate and replant it in another soil; it is best to also replace the pot.

The difficulty of dealing with any pests is that they multiply very quickly, and several colonies of insects are always present on each plant at the same time. In an adult state, it is quite difficult to destroy them, so several treatments are usually required, usually at least three.

Preventive measures

To prevent yellowing of leaves from causing death to your beloved green pet, he should be provided with suitable conditions of detention.

  • Water the plant only after the earthen ball has completely dried out, otherwise you will create a microenvironment favorable for fungal microorganisms. At the same time, we must not forget that most plants, especially exotic ones, react negatively even to a short-term lack of moisture.
  • Every two weeks it is necessary to give the plant fertilizer, but feeding should be dosed - it is always better to slightly underfeed the flower rather than overfeed it.
  • Provide your plants with bright, but diffused lighting. Flowers have no place in the sun, especially in the hot summer. In winter, artificial lighting will be required; it is best to use a phytolamp for this. However, a regular fluorescent one will also work. Daylight hours should be at least 10–12 hours.
  • Protect your pet from drafts.
  • Regularly loosen the soil to provide the roots with oxygen.
  • Replant the plant in a timely manner into a nutrient substrate and a pot of suitable volume.
  • Once a month, preventively spray the leaves of the flower with a solution of Fitosporin to prevent fungal infections.
  • Eliminate pests in a timely manner.