Autonomous gas supply system. Why more and more people choose autonomous gas supply to a private home

Autonomous gasification at home today is possible within a period of one day, and in comparison with gasification main gas relatively inexpensive. Gasification in Moscow and the Moscow region is now developing especially rapidly. To autonomously gasify today private house there is no need to collect signatures and issue numerous permits. The whole process happens quickly, and is possible with just one call from you.

Here you can get answers to all your questions regarding autonomous gasification. You can also study gasification issues on your own on our website, and on this page we will try to answer your most frequently asked questions.

1. Is it possible to gasify a house without lengthy paperwork?
2. Is it profitable to gasify a house with autonomous gas?
3. Is autonomous gasification dangerous?
4. Is it possible to gasify a house in a village?
5. What cost of gasification should we focus on?
6. Where to find and how to choose a responsible and reliable company?

Is it possible to gasify a house without lengthy paperwork?

Yes. Our company has all the necessary permits for gasification of any private country house, cottage or small industrial facility. Today our company is an active member of the SRO, has all approvals, licenses, certificates and permits, the originals of which you can view in our office. Get collect all extra necessary documents you can also instruct us.

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Is it profitable to gasify a house with autonomous gas?

Yes. Autonomous gasification is considered today one of the best ways solving the problem of autonomous heating and energy supply. You can compare it with other types of fuel and find out other nuances in the differences on the page: Why autonomous gasification?

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Is autonomous gasification dangerous?

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Is it possible to gasify a house in a village?

Can. We can gasify a house in a village, in a forest, on a farm, in a distant SNT, and anywhere in general. If it is possible for equipment to travel to the facility, then gasification is possible.

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What cost of gasification should we focus on?



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Where to find and how to choose a responsible and reliable company?

You can order a gasification service from us, we undertake to provide you with autonomous gasification with high quality and on time. If you are ready to continue your search for a company further, then when choosing, you should at least pay attention to:

  • Companies engaged in autonomous gasification are required to be members of an SRO;
  • Have items related to gasification in your list of permitted activities;
  • Have permits, permits and licenses for the work performed by you;
  • These documents must have valid expiration dates;
  • Companies that position themselves as old and experienced can be asked for copies of old licenses for this activity. The licenses are no longer valid, but will confirm how long ago the company has been operating in the market for these services.
(Up to table of contents)

In conclusion:

Autonomous gasification of a private country house now does not oblige a private owner to have or obtain permits for the installation of a gas storage facility (up to 10,000 liters) and gas equipment, therefore clients often ask to conclude an agreement on the spot without visiting the office, saving their time, or simply out of reluctance.

Advice: visit the company office. Its presence, size, location, arrangement can either disappoint you or give you confidence in the right choice.

Of course, you have other questions about how to gasify a private house? We will help you make your choice. Call or write and you will get answers to all your questions.

Where to order gasification is up to you, but to start gasifying your private country house you will need a specialist visit. Invite our engineer, he will answer all your questions, give competent and comprehensive advice, and calculate a preliminary estimate. You will receive the notes, catalogs and prices you need to make a decision. You can order a free engineer visit to you on the page: INVITE AN ENGINEER. We will be happy to help you gasify your house, or produce gasification of the dacha. Your home will become warm, cozy and comfortable for many years.

Order autonomous gasification at home today, on favorable terms for you:

It is not worth mentioning that this particular energy carrier is actively used for heating water, cooking, etc. Therefore, if you are going to build country house, then gasification cannot be avoided. But what is independent gas supply? This option is used when it is not possible to connect to the central wire.

In the case of an autonomous system for a private house, a special tank filled with liquefied gas is buried in the ground, from where the fuel flows directly into the pipes. This design It is also equipped with a special control system. As for the frequency of refueling, it is carried out as needed, usually it is required no more than twice a year. However, this indicator is influenced by a number of conditions, starting from the number and square footage of heated premises and ending with their purpose, because there is a difference whether you heat the house every day or only on weekends.

2 Advantages and disadvantages of autonomous gas supply

So, let's start, of course, with the advantages of such a system. Firstly, it is quite reliable and does not require any special care. So it is quite enough to simply carry out regular visual inspections for defects. Secondly, the equipment is capable of withstanding a huge temperature difference reaching almost 100 °C, namely from –45 to +50, so its use is relevant for a private home in absolutely any region, regardless of climatic conditions. In addition, it is completely independent of the central gas pipeline and, accordingly, the pressure in it.

The disadvantages include additional costs, because in this case you will need special equipment, the price of which is not small. You also need to constantly monitor the pressure in the system, otherwise you may be left without blue fuel at the most inopportune moment. And when choosing a place where the tank will be located, you need to make sure that transport can freely approach it, otherwise it will be very difficult to fill it. And of course, there can be no talk of any amateur activity in terms of installation or repair, because even a child knows that gas is a rather dangerous substance that can not only cause poisoning of the body, but also provoke a powerful explosion.

3 System and its features

So, as already mentioned, autonomous gasification is independent of the central wire, and the fuel in this case is located in a special container located underground at a depth of at least 1.5 meters. This tank is also called a gas tank. From it, accordingly, the substance flows through pipes directly into the house. One of the main parameters is productivity, that is, the amount of gaseous fuel produced from liquefied gas. Naturally, the more there is, the better.

In some cases, several houses are connected to the system, and then, of course, its performance is not enough - to increase it, a special evaporator is installed.

It should also be noted that the factors influencing the amount of fuel obtained are the temperature and surface area of ​​the liquefied gas. That is why the gas holder is buried in the ground at least one and a half meters, because at such a depth there is no fear of soil freezing, and the temperature throughout all year round remains approximately at the same level. That is, there is only one way to regulate productivity, and to increase it, you should choose a wider tank.

4 Select a gas tank

As you can see, this barrel is one of the main elements of an autonomous gas supply system for a private home, and we simply have no right to be negligent about its quality. They come from different manufacturers, usually Polish, domestic, Italian and Czech. Of course, their cost will be slightly different. There are also ground-based options, mostly of Czech origin. Their cost is somewhat inflated, but in this case you will avoid excavation work, however, such equipment will not always be able to withstand harsh winters, and then additional heating will be necessary. In addition, if the quality of the metal is not good enough, then corrosion may occur, which threatens to provoke a powerful explosion.

Gas holders can also be vertical or horizontal. Better to give preference last option, since in such tanks the pressure is distributed more evenly. Be sure to pay attention to the following parameters - volume, shape and material. Performance depends on the first two, and security depends on the last. Naturally, it is better not to spare money, but to turn to professionals, they will do everything necessary calculations and installation. This way you can save time and, possibly, even money, because incorrect calculations can at least cost you additional material costs.

5 Procedure for gasification of a private house

Now it's time to familiarize yourself with the order of work. So, there are two ways to solve this problem. You can contact a private company that will take care of all issues regarding registration and collection of the necessary documentation. Of course, the services of such companies are not free. You can do this yourself. If you choose the second option, then you should go to the local regional gas agency, taking with you your passport, documents for land plot, and also technical specifications, and write a corresponding statement. Afterwards, you will be visited by a specialist involved in the development of technical specifications.

Designing autonomous gas supply for a private home, you need to comply with some requirements. For example, the container in which liquefied gas is stored must be located at a certain distance from various structures. The distance is maintained as follows:

  • at least 2 meters to the fence;
  • more than 10 m away from residential buildings, and from trees and non-residential premises 5 m is enough;
  • the distance to wells, hatches, and wells should be at least 15 m.

Specialists also study the properties of the soil and compile specifications in accordance with its indicators. After, having written another application and collected a number of documents (technical characteristics of the evaporator and tank, site plan, external gas pipeline and, of course, the conclusion of previous specialists), you should contact the company engaged in gasification design. Of course, this organization must have the appropriate license. As a result, after registering with a specialized office, you will receive permission to carry out further work.

Only after this paperwork can you begin to install the tank and connect it directly to the gas pipeline of a private house. Moreover, this stage should be carried out only by highly qualified specialists. The only thing you can do yourself is excavation work, thereby saving some money, but wasting time.

Why are more and more people choosing autonomous gas supply for a private home?

Let's look at all the pros and cons of such a system and tell you how it works.

IN recent years more and more residents of megalopolises and even just large cities are changing their usual apartments in the center for private ones country houses. The absence of dust, noise, clean air and proximity to nature are the main factors that force us to move outside the city. But such remoteness from the benefits of civilization has one significant drawback - complete absence usual communications. If you can still do without water supply and sewerage by replacing them with a well and a toilet with a septic tank, then with electricity and gas supply everything is much more complicated.
There are two main solutions to the problem of generating electricity and heating a private home: a wind generator or an autonomous gas supply complex. Due to the unreasonably high cost and insufficient power of a wind generator, more and more people are choosing autonomous gas supply for a private home.

Gas cylinders or autonomous gasification?

However, we forgot to mention another “gas” way to do without electricity - this is gas cylinders. If you only use gas for cooking in a small family, this option is quite suitable.
In this case, you will have to buy two 50- or 80-liter liquefied gas cylinders: one is attached to the gas stove, and the second serves as a spare. Next, you need to conclude a service agreement with the gas service and, as the cylinders become empty, replace them with new ones - a special truck brings full cylinders from the gas filling station. As practice shows, the contents of a 50-liter cylinder lasts for a couple of months in a family of 2-3 people.
The option is good, but not suitable for everyone. If your home is very far from settlements, it may be that the delivery of cylinders will cost you more than the cost of the liquefied gas cylinder itself. In addition, you may need gas not only for cooking, but also for heating your home and generating electricity. In this case, there is only one solution - an autonomous gas supply system.

General information about the autonomous gas supply system

The autonomous gas supply system consists of cylindrical tank for liquefied gas (gas holder), gas pipeline high pressure, evaporator (brings the gas pressure in the gas pipeline to atmospheric), low pressure gas pipeline (through which vaporous gas is supplied to the devices consuming it).
The gas tank is made of 10mm cold-rolled steel, designed for a pressure of 1.6 MPa, thermally insulated, equipped with anti-corrosion protection and lightning protection. Externally, it looks like a railway tank and has a unique serial number.
A pipeline with outlets to points of consumption is connected to the gas tank through the distribution head: gas stove, boiler, etc. Liquefied hydrocarbon gas is pumped into the gas holder from a special tanker, which gradually evaporates and is supplied to gas appliances. Gas tank manufacturing plants produce tanks with volumes from 2,700 m3 to 20,000 m3, the smallest is intended for a house with an area of ​​no more than 200 m2, the largest is for buildings with an area of ​​more than 1,000 m2. When using gas for heating, heating water and cooking for a family of 4-5 people, you only need to replenish the gas reserves in the gas tank 2-3 times a year.

Advantages of an autonomous gas supply system

Autonomy. The owner of the system himself has the right to decide when, for what purposes and in what volumes he will use gas. Residents of such a house are not afraid of gas being turned off at the most crucial moment, because autonomous gas supply does not depend in any way on the condition of the main, inter-settlement and distribution gas pipelines.
. saving. From this point of view, the autonomous gas supply system is second only to gas boiler connected to a conventional gas distribution system. Funds invested in organizing an autonomous gas supply system usually pay for themselves in 3-4 years.
. practicality and long service life. The minimum service life of an autonomous gas supply system is 20-30 years (provided that the installation is carried out professionally). Spontaneous gas leaks and fires are completely excluded.
. environmental friendliness. The autonomous gas supply system does not produce combustion waste or odor, and does not contaminate the soil during a spill.
. solving all problems in one way. Autonomous gas supply system during installation gas generator allows you to fully cover the needs for heating, water heating, cooking and electricity supply.

Gas tank equipment elements:
. relief (safety) valve, equipped with a pressure gauge and independently reducing the pressure in the container when it critically increases
. a safety shut-off valve that stops the flow of gas in a vapor state (vapor phase) in the event of dangerously high pressure, its breakdown, or a drop in pressure in the system caused by damage to the gas pipeline
. a level meter showing the gas carrier operator the level of critical filling of the tank (more than 85% of the internal volume of the gas tank)
. Filling level sensor (alarm) that reports critical filling of the container and automatically stops the supply of LPG to the container from the gas carrier
. gas carrier grounding device, grounding the liquefied gas delivery vehicle to avoid sparks
. reducer that reduces gas pressure.

Operational characteristics of the autonomous gas supply system

Gas holders can be vertical or horizontal (they are cheaper). In terms of the area of ​​the “evaporation mirror”, horizontal gas tanks are more productive, but vertical gas tanks are more frost-resistant: they can be immersed to a greater depth and therefore are less susceptible to influence low temperatures. In addition, vertical gas holders do not need an evaporator, because its outer surface extracts heat well from the ground.
Autonomous gas supply systems can be either imported or domestic production. But you need to keep in mind that Russian manufacturers Only horizontal gas tanks are manufactured. European manufacturers sell both horizontal and vertical systems, but vertical on Russian market significantly less represented.
As we noted above, each gas tank must have corrosion protection; this is a mandatory condition for any manufacturer. Anti-corrosion coatings can be bitumen or glass bitumen (thickness up to 4 mm), polyurethane (1.5 mm), epoxy (0.8 mm) or consist of an isoplastic layer (8 mm). In an efficient way protection against corrosion can also be galvanic protection, the cost of which starts from 15,000 rubles. It consists of a reference electrode (Cu/CuSO4) connected to 2-3 magnesium alloy anodes placed in the ground near the gas tank. Magnesium anodes oxidize, reducing the iron in the container and extending its service life by decades. The anodes gradually deteriorate during this reaction—one set of them will last about five years.
Imported gas tanks are necessarily equipped with a reducing head or neck. Domestic kits usually do not have these, and they have to be purchased separately (cost from 55,000 rubles). The reduction head protects the control and monitoring equipment of the gas tank from the penetration of moisture and dust.
From the gas holder, liquefied gas is sent through a high-pressure gas pipeline to an evaporator - a device that increases the amount of evaporated gas mixture when natural evaporation is insufficient. The evaporation plant requires a coolant - hot water or water vapor, electric heater. If the power of a heating boiler or the total power of several boilers consuming gas from one gas tank does not exceed 100 kW, then there is no need for an evaporation unit and natural evaporation will be sufficient.
After the evaporator, liquefied gas in a vapor state is supplied to consuming devices through steel or polyethylene pipes with a diameter of 23 to 63 mm. Pipes made of low-pressure polyethylene are quite suitable - they can easily withstand low gas pressure, do not rot and are not damaged by movements of the soil in which they are laid. Please note that when installing gas supply pipes, only welded connections are allowed. Near the point of entry of the gas pipeline into the building, a base unit is created, equipped with a flange connection - from it the entry into the house is made (only a steel pipe is used here).

How to choose the right gas tank

When choosing a gas tank, be sure to calculate the required volume of gas consumption. You should not buy a capacity less than 2.7 m3, even if your house is small and you only visit it from time to time. The reason is simple: it is not profitable for gas companies to deliver small volumes of gas over long distances, so they will either refuse to supply you with gas or install very high price. Pay attention to the power of the consuming equipment and calculate the required volume of the gas tank based on these data. For example, a 10 kW heating boiler consumes 1.44 liters of liquefied gas per hour, which means that, subject to 10-hour daily operation, the gas reserve in a 2.7 m3 tank will be enough for more than five months. With a boiler power of 15 kW, it is advisable to choose a 4.5 m3 gas tank, with 20 kW - 6.4 m3, with 30 kW - 10 m3.
Considering that the gas tank must not be filled to more than 85% of the internal volume, when correct selection The gas tank will only need to be filled twice a year.

Installation of an autonomous gas supply system

Correct installation of an autonomous gas supply system is not an easy task and directly affects the safety of your family and friends. Therefore, when choosing a company that installs an autonomous gas supply system, be sure to make sure of the professionalism of the employees and read reviews about the organization. Make a choice in favor of a company that has been on the market for a long time and uses only certified equipment.

Before installing an autonomous gas supply system, the installation organization will definitely ask you for a gasification project developed specifically for this facility and consisting of a general plan, an external gas pipeline plan, characteristics of the tank installation, lightning protection solutions, grounding and chemical protection, characteristics of the condensate collector and evaporation unit (if required ).
When installing an autonomous gas supply system, be sure to comply with the requirements fire safety. The distance from the gas tank to residential buildings must be at least 10 m, to a reservoir (well, borehole) - at least 15 m, to a septic tank, garage, spreading tree - 5 m, to a fence - 2 m, to power lines - at least half the length of their supports.
Take into account the access roads for a gas truck - this truck is not particularly agile.
When the design work is completed and all other issues have been agreed upon, you can begin installing an autonomous gas supply system. To begin with, a pit is dug to a depth below the freezing point of the soil - the distance from the top of the gas tank to the surface of the earth must be at least 1500 mm. Trenches are laid for gas pipes - below the freezing point, with a depth of 1900 mm near the gas tank and with a decrease in trench depth to 1500 mm at the base of the building (the point of entry of the gas pipeline into the house). These preparatory excavation works can be performed either by the installation organization or by the customer.
Next, a concrete slab is placed in the pit - it will serve as the basis for the gas holder tank and will not allow it to move when the soil moves. The container is installed on a concrete slab, a layer of reinforced acid-alkali-resistant rubber is laid between it and the slab, and secured to the concrete base with stainless steel anchors through leg fastenings or through steel hoop strips. When the gas tank is installed, specialists check its technical suitability. Then the lightning rod of the grounding loop is installed and its resistance is measured. If necessary, an evaporation unit is installed.
A condensate collector is installed at the lowest point of the gas pipeline - unevaporated fractions of propane-butane will flow into it. Due to the natural heat of the soil, they will warm up and enter the gas pipeline again. Then sand is poured into the bottom of the trench and a gas pipeline (flexible polyethylene pipe of the calculated diameter) is laid to the entry point into the house.
The gas pipeline is being introduced from the base unit to the gas consumption points in the house, and automatic sensors gas control. Upon completion of this work, air is pumped into the system at a pressure of 5 kg/cm2 and a test test of the autonomous gas supply system is performed.
If the test work was successful, a day later the gas tank tank and the gas pipeline are filled with sand and then with soil to ground level. The injected air is removed by pumping the system with nitrogen. Upon completion of these works, the first injection of liquefied gas can be carried out - but always in the presence of specialists from the installation organization.

Maintenance of an autonomous gas supply system

The advantage of an autonomous gas supply system is that it does not require user control - installed sensors cope with emergency situations independently. The consumer only needs to follow the rules for using the autonomous gas supply system (representatives will tell you about them installation organization) and once every 10 years contact installers or the gas tank manufacturer to check the equipment and integrity of the gas tank.

We offer you gas tanks made in Russia, CZECH REPUBLIC.

BEST global quality at the BEST prices:

"turnkey + boiler"
2700 RUB 165,000 RUB 215,000 RUR 265,000
5000 RUB 185,000
170,000 rub.
270,000 rub.
RUB 255,000
RUB 330,000
RUB 315,000
6600 RUB 235,000 RUB 350,000 RUB 415,000
9100 RUB 320,000 RUB 475,000 RUB 555,000
10000 RUB 330,000 RUB 495,000 RUB 575,000
12000 RUB 385,000 RUB 585,000 RUB 665,000
"turnkey + boiler"
2700 RUB 185,000 RUB 235,000 RUB 285,000
4800 RUB 205,000
190,000 rub.
290,000 rub.
RUB 275,000
RUB 350,000
RUB 335,000
6400 RUB 255,000 RUB 365,000 RUB 435,000
9100 RUB 350,000 RUB 505,000 RUB 585,000
10000 RUB 360,000 RUB 525,000 RUB 605,000
"turnkey + boiler"
2700 RUB 175,000 RUB 225,000 RUB 275,000
4800 195000 rub.
180,000 rub.
RUB 280,000
RUR 265,000
RUB 340,000
RUB 325,000
6400 RUB 245,000 RUB 355,000 RUB 425,000
9100 RUB 335,000 RUB 490,000 RUB 570,000
10000 RUR 345,000 RUB 510,000 RUB 590,000

Be careful!!! The market is flooded with ILLEGAL gas tanks!!!

What to look for when choosing a gas tank:

  • Under the guise of " GERMAN" And " CZECH» gas tanks are installed with tanks from cheap and low-quality manufacturers!!! Require and check the following documents for the gas tank:
    - CERTIFICATE of the customs union;
    - PASSPORT for the gas tank;
    - and check the nameplate installed on the gas tank.
  • GAS TANK VOLUME stated in the documents NOT COMPLIANT actual volume of the gas tank!!! You can check it very simply. You need to measure the gas tank and calculate its volume using the formula.
  • ILLEGAL gas tanks are covered with ordinary atmospheric paint, which DOES NOT PROTECT metal from corrosion underground!!! It is necessary to check the data in your passport. The gas tank must be covered with a two-layer anti-corrosion coating based on epoxy resin.
  • METAL THICKNESS, from which the UNLEGAL gas tank is made, is much smaller than what is stated in the documents. Check the data in the passport and check the actual thickness with a thickness gauge.

  • We sell only HONEST gas tanks for HONEST money!!!

    Customers installing a gas tank often buy this:

    Price: 10,000 rub.

    Price: 10,000 rub.

    Price: 10,000 rub.

    For autonomous gasification of a residential building in the Moscow region, the price depends on many factors - from the capacity of the gas tank to the complexity of the work. When ordering turnkey heating from TransGaz, you can be sure that you will be installed with high-quality equipment at the best price.

    Before you begin gasification of a private home, you must provide a preliminary estimate. To do this, an engineer goes to the site, who must carry out the necessary measurements, diagnose the soil and communications, record the client’s wishes regarding the scope of work and equipment and name the approximate amount of the order. The TransGas company provides this service free of charge.

    The total cost of turnkey autonomous gasification for a cottage or summer house includes the price of the following work:

    1. Creation of the project and its approval by the customer. After the measurements, the engineer draws up a diagram for installing gas equipment in the house and on the site, conducting communications, and gives recommendations on the volume of the gas tank and the type of boiler.
    2. Pit for a gas tank. If the tank is planned to be installed underground, the performing company will undertake the excavation work on the site. This includes both digging the pit itself and preparing concrete base for gas storage.
    3. Installation of gas equipment. On installed gas tank mechanisms are attached to control the gas flow and ensure safety: valves, reducer, gas level gauge and pressure gauge. A boiler and related equipment are installed in the house.
    4. Pipeline laying. Usually the gas tank is placed 10 meters from a residential building; in exceptional cases, this distance can be halved. In order to connect the container with household gas appliances, you need to lay a mini-gas pipeline that goes from the lid of the gas tank to the base of the house.
    5. Commissioning works. Installation work is accepted by the customer only after the first successful launch. After this, the installation contract is considered completed.
    6. Gas filling. Most often, refueling is ordered from the same company that installs the equipment. Often the price of propane-butane is also included in total amount turnkey gasification agreements.

    Calculation of the cost of autonomous gas supply and heating

    When installing standalone gas heating the price is determined only after the client approves the final estimate. It is provided to the customer by the engineering service based on the results design work. However, the preliminary amount can be calculated in advance.

    In fact, gasification of cottages, powered from its own autonomous source, is a fairly powerful tool that allows you not to depend on the capricious and changeable mood of utility services, always having the opportunity to cook food or turn on the heating. Agree: it’s a shame to spend a lot of money on a beautiful two-story cottage, but not provide yourself with the conditions necessary for a comfortable existence.

    What is an autonomous gas supply system?

    First you need to understand the definition of this method of connecting your home to the gas network. Many people mistakenly believe that this abbreviation hides the installation of a gas pipeline into a newly built house and connection to a common gas system.

    In fact, a cottage in the Moscow region is a much more reliable process. In fact, when carrying out gasification country cottage We will install a special gas cylinder for you and run paths from it throughout the house.

    All that remains for you is to connect various devices like a stove to it and periodically refuel. As you can see, gasification of private cottages brings much less hassle than connecting to a common fuel source.

    How is it more reliable than a municipal one?

    This is one of the main advantages that the own gasification of a large cottage brings. But all the advantages don’t end there - after all, it’s not for nothing that more and more people are switching to this method of provision.

    Autonomous gasification of the cottage provides:

    Possibility of choosing fuel. Not everyone is satisfied with the quality of state-owned fuel and prefers its imported analogues.

    Uninterrupted supply. The cottage's autonomous gasification system will ensure gas supply around the clock. No untimely shutdowns, no unplanned pipe replacements. Even the time of scheduled preventive maintenance is determined by you.

    Saving electricity. If you previously heated and cooked using electrical appliances, now your bills will be significantly reduced.

    What equipment is needed to connect?

    In addition, you don’t have to worry about anything, including purchasing necessary equipment: all independent gasification of your cottage will take place under our careful supervision. However, for the sake of interest, it is still worth finding out the list of necessary equipment.

    First of all, this is a gas tank - the same cylindrical cylinder where all the fuel is stored. For safety reasons it is stored underground. A mass of pipes come off from the gas holder, entangling the entire cottage in a network.

    In order for the gasification of your own cottage to be successful and the system to last longer, anodic-cathodic protection is necessary. It helps to get rid of the effects of corrosion and destruction - which, in turn, can lead to an explosion.

    The gas supply to the cottage includes external and internal gas pipelines designed to supply fuel. They differ in the material and width of the conductive pipes. Autonomous gas supply to cottages in the Moscow region also requires a condensate collector, a basement inlet and evaporative elements. All this is necessary for correct gas supply and stable operation of the entire system.

    Why is it better to contact a special company?

    In addition, all this equipment must be of high quality. Still, autonomous gas supply to a cottage is a delicate matter, and the cost of a mistake could be someone’s life.

    This is why it is not recommended to do this yourself: without understanding this topic, you can hire unskilled workers, install a short-lived autonomous system gas supply to the cottage or discover that you made a mistake in the documents and the entire constructed structure is included in the list “for demolition”. Are you sure you want this?

    How do we compare favorably with others?

    If not, just contact us. We have been providing independent gas supply to cottages for several years now, so we are well versed in all the nuances of such work.

    In addition, we always carefully monitor the quality of all the elements we use, from gas to the gas tank. So you will definitely never regret enjoying the warmth on a frosty winter day.