Warm walls have water defects. Built-in heating - warm water walls. Modern cable heating system

Wall heating is considered an innovation today. Warm house walls and floors are convenient, comfortable and economical. In this article I will tell you about the benefits of warm walls, how water, infrared and electric walls differ, and I will also give useful tips that will help you make your choice

Let us note several main advantages, which usually play an important role and influence the choice of certain materials for insulating your home.

  1. Sufficiently high efficiency. Wall heating provides high heat transfer. Radiators, for example, give 50-60 percent, but water walls are much higher - 85%. You can maintain a comfortable temperature by significantly reducing the use of coolants. Result: gas savings of 10% compared to radiator batteries.
  2. The convective flow decreases significantly. The warm wall heating system has a unique pattern of air flow distribution in the room. In this regard, the circulation of dust disappears, which makes it possible to breathe freely, which is important indoors during the cold season.
  3. It becomes possible to compensate for heat losses. Such walls can work on the concept of " smart home", reducing heat losses by using the temperature difference between the main and return heating lines. This is achieved using a thermal barrier.
  4. Dryness, which will prevent mold from forming.
  5. Width of choice and the opportunity to create a new creative interior.

The external insulation system provides ample opportunities Knauf Warm wall.

Types of warm walls

The main types include walls:

  • water,
  • infrared,
  • electric.

I will tell you what they are and how to install them further.

Water systems

The essence of the operation of such a system is as follows: the pipeline is placed and strengthened in the wall, then connected to the heat mixing unit. The water system is used in addition to the floor and radiator systems, so all its components are prepared and installed accordingly.

This includes:

  • pipes made of metal-plastic or cross-linked polyethylene;
  • collector cabinet;
  • circular pump;
  • temperature sensor;
  • thermostat;
  • automation.

The system is installed in two ways: dry and wet. The dry method allows the use of a coating (false panel), while the wet method allows the process itself to take place inside the layers of plaster.

If you use plaster coating (wet method), then you need to install water systems like this:

  1. Clean, arrange wiring and electrical boxes.
  2. Install the heat mixing unit.
  3. Glue polystyrene foam boards and vapor barrier on them (the use of thin foil insulation is allowed).
  4. Strengthen the mounting rails (or mounting clamps).
  5. Place the pipeline in a zigzag pattern on the wall.
  6. Connect the pipes to the node via manifolds.
  7. Carry out pressure testing of the pipes (the pressure should be one and a half times higher than the working pressure).
  8. Attach the fiberglass mesh reinforcement.
  9. Apply a thin layer of gypsum plaster.
  10. Install a temperature sensor under the top layer of plaster.
  11. After the wall has dried, apply a lime-cement layer 2-3 cm thick.
  12. Reinforce a fine mesh over the plaster. This will help avoid cracks.

Dry installation:

  1. Attach polystyrene foam, vapor barrier and foam film to the cleaned wall.
  2. Strengthen the mounting rails.
  3. Install the pipeline on the wall, connect and check how it works.
  4. Install a frame made of bars or metal.
  5. Attach fiberboard slabs (plasterboard, plastic, etc.) to the frame.

In the hot season, the water system can be used to cool the air (like an air conditioner).

Infrared systems

Infrared warm walls are the most progressive method of heating a home, with a very good reputation among customers and manufacturers. You can easily and conveniently assemble carbon mats (rod and film) without spending extra effort. Mats with special rods can be strengthened:

  • under plaster,
  • under the frame sheathing.

Film mats can be easily glued to thermal insulation using special glue.

When working with film systems, there is no need to use vapor and heat insulation, which has an aluminum coating. And do not apply glue or plaster to infrared sheets.

Proceed using the dry method and according to the instructions that came with the equipment. The installation process is extremely simple and consists of the following steps:

  1. Prepare and clean the wall.
  2. Install the heat reflector.
  3. Install battens so that you can attach drywall, fiberboard, etc. to them.
  4. Place and reinforce the mats using dowels or a staple gun.
  5. Insulate the cutting lines with special tape.
  6. Install the temperature sensor and thermostat.
  7. Check the system operation.

Using infrared heater You can make not only a warm floor, but also a wall.

Electrical cabling systems

This equipment is considered efficient and economical. Current passes through the cables and heats them. The electrical system includes:

  1. Heating cable (or thin mats with cable on them).
  2. Equipment for turning on, heating and shutting down the entire system.
  3. Corrugated tube, mounting bars (tapes).
  4. Safety device.

When installing this system under plaster, we work in the same way as a water system. When making a wall under a cable (or heating mats), it is better to take foamed foil polyethylene.

Cut the mats clearly according to the markings. Place the temperature sensor away from the floor or in a corrugated pipe.

The cable system must be turned off when you cover it with plaster. The system itself can be used 28 days after everything has dried.

Otherwise, the installation is carried out similarly to the installation of a water system.

  1. When you insulate walls in this way, you can use this trick. Cover the walls warm wallpaper from a foamed polyethylene backing for any type of exterior wallpaper. This way you can use wall-mounted equipment much more efficiently.
  2. If a heating loop is installed between two rooms, you can heat two rooms at once.

Areas of application of warm walls

Warm walls are used not only in residential premises, but are also suitable for swimming pools, baths, toilets and saunas. It is quite possible to place the above heating systems V office premises, as well as even workshops and garages.

Video “All about types of warm walls”

Detailed description of the types of warm walls. Analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of each type.

Lavita LH-150 (film)

Heat Plus APN-510 Silver 220 W/m 0.4 mm (film)

Heat Plus SPN (film)

WarmTiles (sets)

Q-Term KH-220 (film)

"Warm wall" As a method of heating an apartment, it has become firmly established; the principle of such heating is identical to the operation of a heated floor, only the heating cable is attached to the wall, and not under the floor covering.

Heating a room along the wall has many advantages.

  • Warm walls consume less electricity than heating elements, radiators, and heat guns.
  • If it is not possible to raise the floor in a room to install a cable, electrical heating on the wall is a life-saving solution to such difficult cases.
  • Installation of infrared films does not require major repairs.

The most common material that is attached to the wall is film heated flooring. Inexpensive infrared film works equally well on horizontal and vertical surfaces. The heat generated by the film heated floor on the wall is perceived human body like natural solar. The heating film warms up both the walls and objects in the room, including furniture, household appliances and the floor under your feet. Reflecting from objects, heat spreads evenly throughout the room, warming the room to a comfortable temperature.

The film heating system from the Avarit store is delivered to the buyer within 0-3 days. Infrared film is not the only way to heat walls. A reliable and economical option for an apartment is heating with cable or sections of heating mats. Recommended for wall installation:

  • WarmTiles sections from Nelson EasyHeat (supplied with cable installation accessories);
  • Devimat mats (used for heating walls to prevent mirrors from fogging in bathrooms and showers)

Modern cable heating systems are assistants in creating comfortable home warmth; cold and dampness now have no chance of penetrating into your home. And warm cable walls are one of the clearest proofs of this.

Installation of an electric heated wall is quite simple, you can do it yourself. It is much more difficult to calculate the footage of cable or film for heating. “Avarit” managers will help with product selection, heating system calculations, and accept orders for supply and installation.

Warm walls: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Orenburg

Sale of heating cable. See "Avarit" prices for warm walls in stores: St. Petersburg, st. Ruzovskaya, 16. Moscow, st. Trading, p.1. Orenburg, Sharlykskoe highway, 26.

Warm walls with your own hands

They started making warm water walls in Europe, although this heating method was already being introduced in our Soviet Union. The development and calculations were carried out not by just anyone, but by entire research institutes (scientific research institutes). You can still find houses where low-temperature heating systems are built into the walls. So the method is far from new.

Features of warm walls

Lateral heat radiation is most comfortable for people.

Warm walls can be water or electric. For water pipes, pipes made of metal-plastic polyethylene with a degree of cross-linking of 70% are used. For electrical heating, it is allowed to use a single-core or two-core thick cable (5 mm) or a thin cable (2.5 mm) glued to a fiberglass mesh. Last type of heated floor Available in rolls.

Warm walls are an excellent alternative when it is impossible to heat the floor - in garages, workshops, warehouses, small bedrooms with a double bed, rooms simply filled with furniture, etc. It is possible to combine these two heating systems. Features of warm walls:

  • the air does not overheat;
  • you can save from 3 to 6% energy;
  • heating of the room occurs in a radiant way;
  • no convection - no dust.

Thanks to the radiant heating method, the room temperature can be lower by 2 degrees. This will not affect comfort in any way; accordingly, you can save on energy.

You can’t crowd the walls with furniture to get the most out of your space. thermal energy. Lateral radiation of heat is most comfortable for people, and there are no strong temperature differences from below and above the room.

Warm walls are more efficient as heating than warm floors in rooms with high humidity, since no energy is wasted on water evaporation. For example, in the bathroom. Heating can be mounted both on external walls and on internal partitions. In the second case, one circuit can heat two rooms at once. Making warm water walls with your own hands is more difficult than making electric ones. But, despite this, they almost never resort to installing an electric cable on walls under plaster, giving preference to a low-temperature water heating system.

Before you insulate pile foundation wooden house it is necessary to make a base.

Read about why to insulate the blind area in this article.

The need for insulation

In the bathroom, you can place electric heating mats directly under the tiles.

To make external warm water walls with your own hands, you need to insulate them. Thermal insulation is installed on the outside. Although this will lead to excessive energy consumption for heating the walls, the dew point will be shifted into the insulation, and condensation will not settle. About that how to insulate walls outside We have already talked about it in one of the articles. Depending on the insulation method (wet or ventilated facade), materials are selected:

You also need to correctly calculate the thickness of the insulation. For the Moscow region, the thermal insulation layer should be 8-10 cm. In extreme cases, if external insulation is not possible, thermal insulation can be laid from the inside. To do this, it is convenient to use warm wall panels with aluminum inserts, which, after laying out the contour, are covered with plasterboard.

One type of foundation is an insulated Swedish slab. The technology is quite complex; there are many installation nuances.

Many people do not understand whether it is necessary to insulate the basement of a house. In principle, this is not necessary, but it’s impossible without waterproofing. Details here.

Laying out the contour of warm walls

A horizontal snake is preferable to a vertical one.

The distribution of warm water walls is carried out using a horizontal or vertical snake. The snail's laying method makes it difficult to hatch air jams, so it is not used. The coolant moves from bottom to top, from floor to ceiling. When installing vertically, the problem of removing air in the upper half rings arises. With horizontal wiring, it is easier to expel air. Unlike underfloor heating, the pitch of pipe laying is not limited, since temperature changes are allowed. You can use a variable step to achieve a room temperature distribution close to ideal conditions:

  • from the floor to a height of 120 cm, pipes are laid in increments of 10-15 cm;
  • in the interval 120-180 cm, the step is 20-25 cm;
  • above 180 cm the step can be 30-40 cm.

The contour is laid under a screed or under drywall (wet and dry methods).

How to lay a heated floor under a screed we have already told you. Everything happens in a similar way with walls, so we won’t repeat ourselves. When installing using the dry method, a sheet of galvanized corrugated sheeting is attached to the wall to increase the heat exchange area. A PEX pipe made using any of the stitching methods (a, b, c) is placed in the grooves. Drywall is screwed onto the corrugated sheet.

According to reviews, it is necessary to install a separate one on warm water walls. electric pump. In a vertical low-temperature circuit, the coolant speed must be at least 0.25 m/s. The water pressure must be strong enough to push out any air that may accumulate in the system. By the way, heated floors do not have this problem, although they often also require a pump. Warm walls are connected to the main heating system through a manifold unit in which thermostats and an automatic air vent are installed.

Installation of warm walls in wooden houses. In this case, only the dry finishing method is suitable. It is not necessary to use corrugated sheets. You can lay the contour between the sheathing, after first laying reflective insulation with foil inside the room. At the same time, Penofol is not enough for normal insulation; it is just a screen for IR rays.

Do-it-yourself warm water and electric walls under wallpaper

Warm walls are a method of heating a room when a water circuit or electric heating elements are laid on the building envelope from the inside.

Warm walls: water, electric, infrared - which are better?

Advantages of wall insulation

Types of warm walls

Water systems

  • collector cabinet;
  • circular pump;
  • temperature sensor;
  • thermostat;
  • automation.

Dry installation:

  1. Strengthen the mounting rails.

Infrared systems

  1. Prepare and clean the wall.
  2. Install the heat reflector.
  3. Check the system operation.

  1. Safety device.

Areas of application of warm walls

Choosing warm walls for your home: water or electric?

Which warm walls are better? Technology for installing water, infrared and electric walls. Their advantages and disadvantages - read with us!

Warm walls: water, electric, infrared - which are better?

Wall heating is considered an innovation today. Warm house walls and floors are convenient, comfortable and economical. In this article I will tell you about the benefits of warm walls, how water, infrared and electric walls differ, and I will also give useful tips that will help you make your choice

Advantages of wall insulation

Let us note several main advantages, which usually play an important role and influence the choice of certain materials for insulating your home.

  1. Sufficiently high efficiency. Wall heating provides high heat transfer. Radiators, for example, give 50-60 percent, but water walls are much higher - 85%. You can maintain a comfortable temperature by significantly reducing the use of coolants. Result: gas savings of 10% compared to radiator batteries.
  2. The convective flow decreases significantly. The warm wall heating system has a unique pattern of air flow distribution in the room. In this regard, the circulation of dust disappears, which makes it possible to breathe freely, which is important indoors during the cold season.
  3. It becomes possible to compensate for heat losses. Such walls can work for the “smart home” concept, reducing heat losses by using the temperature difference between the main and return heating lines. This is achieved using a thermal barrier.
  4. Dryness, which will prevent mold from forming.
  5. Width of choice and the opportunity to create a new creative interior.

Wide possibilities are provided by the Knauf Warm Wall external insulation system.

Types of warm walls

The main types include walls:

I will tell you what they are and how to install them further.

Water systems

The essence of the operation of such a system is as follows: the pipeline is placed and strengthened in the wall, then connected to the heat mixing unit. The water system is used in addition to the floor and radiator systems, so all its components are prepared and installed accordingly.

  • pipes made of metal-plastic or cross-linked polyethylene;
  • collector cabinet;
  • circular pump;
  • temperature sensor;
  • thermostat;
  • automation.

The system is installed in two ways: dry and wet. The dry method allows the use of a coating (false panel), while the wet method allows the process itself to take place inside the layers of plaster.

If you use plaster coating (wet method), then you need to install water systems like this:

  1. Clean, arrange wiring and electrical boxes.
  2. Install the heat mixing unit.
  3. Glue polystyrene foam boards and vapor barrier on them (the use of thin foil insulation is allowed).
  4. Strengthen the mounting rails (or mounting clamps).
  5. Place the pipeline in a zigzag pattern on the wall.
  6. Connect the pipes to the node via manifolds.
  7. Carry out pressure testing of the pipes (the pressure should be one and a half times higher than the working pressure).
  8. Attach the fiberglass mesh reinforcement.
  9. Apply a thin layer of gypsum plaster.
  10. Install a temperature sensor under the top layer of plaster.
  11. After the wall has dried, apply a lime-cement layer 2-3 cm thick.
  12. Reinforce a fine mesh over the plaster. This will help avoid cracks.

Dry installation:

  1. Attach polystyrene foam, vapor barrier and foam film to the cleaned wall.
  2. Strengthen the mounting rails.
  3. Install the pipeline on the wall, connect and check how it works.
  4. Install a frame made of bars or metal.
  5. Attach fiberboard slabs (plasterboard, plastic, etc.) to the frame.

In the hot season, the water system can be used to cool the air (like an air conditioner).

Infrared systems

Infrared warm walls are the most progressive method of heating a home, with a very good reputation among customers and manufacturers. You can easily and conveniently assemble carbon mats (rod and film) without spending extra effort. Mats with special rods can be strengthened:

  • under plaster,
  • under the frame sheathing.

Film mats can be easily glued to thermal insulation using special glue.

When working with film systems, there is no need to use vapor and thermal insulation, which has an aluminum coating. And do not apply glue or plaster to infrared sheets.

Proceed using the dry method and according to the instructions that came with the equipment. The installation process is extremely simple and consists of the following steps:

  1. Prepare and clean the wall.
  2. Install the heat reflector.
  3. Install battens so that you can attach drywall, fiberboard, etc. to them.
  4. Place and reinforce the mats using dowels or a staple gun.
  5. Insulate the cutting lines with special tape.
  6. Install the temperature sensor and thermostat.
  7. Check the system operation.

Using an infrared heater, you can make not only a warm floor, but also a wall.

Electrical cabling systems

This equipment is considered efficient and economical. Current passes through the cables and heats them. The electrical system includes:

  1. Heating cable (or thin mats with cable on them).
  2. Equipment for turning on, heating and shutting down the entire system.
  3. Corrugated tube, mounting bars (tapes).
  4. Safety device.

When installing this system under plaster, we work in the same way as a water system. When making a wall under a cable (or heating mats), it is better to take foamed foil polyethylene.

Cut the mats clearly according to the markings. Place the temperature sensor away from the floor or in a corrugated pipe.

The cable system must be turned off when you cover it with plaster. The system itself can be used 28 days after everything has dried.

Otherwise, the installation is carried out similarly to the installation of a water system.

  1. When you insulate walls in this way, you can use this trick. Cover the walls with warm wallpaper made from foamed polyethylene backing under any type of exterior wallpaper. This way you can use wall-mounted equipment much more efficiently.
  2. If a heating loop is installed between two rooms, you can heat two rooms at once.

Areas of application of warm walls

Warm walls are used not only in residential premises, but are also suitable for swimming pools, baths, toilets and saunas. It is quite possible to place the heating systems described above in office premises, as well as even workshops and garages.

Detailed description of the types of warm walls. Analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of each type.

Warm walls: water, electric, infrared

Warm walls: water, electric, infrared - which are better? Wall heating is considered an innovation today. Warm house walls and floors are convenient, comfortable and economical. In this

Everyone has heard about warm floors. What about warm walls? Heating of walls is not news; just remember what the walls in ancient temples are like. They have one large chimney running in a spiral from the stove. The heat from the source passed through the long chimney tunnel and heated the wall, releasing heat inside.

Modern warm walls would help solve a number of heating issues:

  • Cut off the cold from the street.
  • Get rid of convection by eliminating traditional heating radiators, which means eliminating dust in the air.
  • Increase the heating area, correspondingly reduce the temperature of the heated surface and make the heating process uniform and more comfortable for the inhabitants of the house.

However, if you make a warm wall traditional way, then there is a high probability of damage during the repair process. Judge for yourself, how to hang a shelf without damaging the tube through which the coolant flows?

If you do electrical heating of the walls, then the core can still be found using special device, however, dust is attracted electromagnetic field, will create a muddy pattern on the walls, which, you see, will not be very pleasing to the eye.

The 3THERMO company has found a way out of this difficult situation. The company's engineers designed the radiators in such a way that the coolant flows only in the lower part, and since the radiators are made of aluminum alloys, which have good thermal conductivity, the heat spreads throughout the entire wall. The mesh from which the radiator is made plays the role of reinforcement for the plaster applied to it. This heating system is installed before applying plaster to the walls. Due to the large area of ​​the radiator and its low temperature, special compounds for leveling the walls are not required. During operation, the plaster will not crack, the manufacturer of radiators for warm walls promises.

If desired, such a radiator can be placed in a horizontal plane, then it will turn out to be an analogue of the warm floor that is so familiar to us.

Such radiators are connected in series using a special rubber hose. It has a reinforced design, while remaining quite flexible, which is important for passing corners, where a small bend radius without refraction plays a role, this will significantly save on fittings. The rubber hose can withstand high temperatures, so if the heating system fails, nothing will happen to it, even at temperatures of 120°C.

The hose is fixed with special clamps using pliers. It's quite fast and easy. In general, the design is very simple to install.

After plastering, we get walls without unnecessary protrusions. Below is a video of this system, although in Polish.

Photo: 3THERMO
Text: Varvara Ilitskaya

In this article we will analyze in detail all the stages of installing warm water walls and floors. What are water creatures? warm walls and floors? This is a so-called heating system with heated water circulating through pipes. Before starting to install walls, a beginner in this business needs to master the basic theoretical knowledge. Then you can proceed directly to practical activities.

After reading the article, you will learn a competent approach to work. You can start directly step by step execution wall installation. You will also learn certain nuances when carrying out installation work. Thus, the knowledge gained will allow you to either begin installation yourself warm water walls, or be completely able to direct and control the work of specialists.

On the issue of customers for installation work. Quite often, bathhouse owners order warm water walls and floors, because the conditions environment in the steam room they are required to warm the room well. For example, in a Turkish hammam the temperature of the floor and walls is maintained at around 40 degrees, and the air humidity is 100%. In a Russian bathhouse, the optimal wall temperature is 60 degrees, with an air humidity of 60%.

Preparation and insulation of walls

Let's consider an example of installing heated water walls and floors using the example of a bathhouse with the above environmental parameters. First you need to decide on the location of the steam room. The walls themselves do not have to be high. Naturally, a prerequisite for them is a perfectly flat and plastered surface. Yes, use gas silicate block will achieve the desired result.

Then a thermal insulation panel is installed, but its fastening should not be made of plastic material, since the intended high temperature in the steam room the fasteners may melt. The best option will “plant” the slab on a special foam. Moreover, it is necessary to apply foam to the slab twice to better fastening and press the extruded polystyrene foam against the wall twice. The wall is first dusted with a primer and treated with a waterproofing layer. As for floor insulation, the difference from wall insulation is that a polyethylene film is placed on top of a heat-insulating panel made of extruded polystyrene foam.

  1. Simply press onto extruded polystyrene foam. Then there will be no gap between the mesh and polystyrene.
  2. Attach with a chemical dowel with two washers to achieve a distance of about one centimeter between the mesh and polystyrene. This will allow the pipe to be located further from the wall, thereby better warming the room. A chemical dowel must be used if the walls are based on a gas block (or foam block). If brick or other material is used, you can use ordinary anchors for fastening. According to the technique of performing the work, it is more convenient to first cover the mesh, then attach it.

Installation of warm wall pipes

The next step is to install the warm wall pipe. It is much more pleasant for a specialist, as well as for an ordinary person, to work with a metal-plastic structure. Since it bends without problems and takes the required shape. The diameter of the pipes should be about 16-20 millimeters. It is advisable to use a pipe bender. If a specialist uses metal-plastic pipes, it is very easy to maintain the required step between them. The variable pitch of the warm wall system pipelines allows for uniform distribution of heat in the room. Usually for this purpose in an area of ​​1-1.2 meters from the floor metal-plastic pipes laid in increments of 10-15 centimeters; in a section of 1.2-1.8 meters from the floor - the pitch increases to 20-25 centimeters, and above 1.8 meters - the pipe pitch is about thirty, forty centimeters. In this case, the direction of movement of the coolant is always taken from the floor to the ceiling. Special attention It is necessary to ensure that the pipe lines are installed evenly

When installing pipes in a steam room, you get four circuits - three on the walls and one on the floor. The best option is one circuit per wall. In case external wall compensation will be provided for heat loss during external environment, in case interior wall– two rooms will be heated at once. The dimensions of the contour depend on the area of ​​the room; it must go inextricably. It is advisable not to make frequent turns of the pipe one hundred and eighty degrees, as this will cause some of the heat to be lost, and also to organize joints. Each circuit has its own supply and return pipes. On one of the walls it is necessary to leave space for two floor pipes. It is better to insulate the pipe lines of a warm wall extending beyond the steam room so that it is not too hot in the relaxation area of ​​the bathhouse, and also so that the pipe gives off less heat.

The pipe loops can be secured with any devices, the main thing is that they remain intact. For example, a straight hanger is taken, bent in a suitable way and screwed into dowels pre-installed in the wall. In places where the pipes will pass through the corner of the room, it is recommended to make recesses in advance, thereby increasing the turning radius. Otherwise, either the corner may bend or the pipe of the warm wall will become visible.

“Filling” warm walls

Next, a second layer of poppy mesh is attached to the already installed pipes. The second layer of mesh is necessary to ensure better heat distribution and good retention of the solution. You need to start pouring concrete from the floor, allowing it to harden well (this takes one week, up to a maximum of ten days). Then move on to the warm walls - place the formwork at a distance of three centimeters from the pipe. Then lay concrete on the wall. Well, of course, plaster it and put it on top ceramic tiles. Warm walls and floors are ready!

Thus, installing warm water walls is quite simple technology, which does not require special effort and use welding work or metal cutting tools. Installation of warm walls is practically no different from floor heating systems. This design provides comfortable conditions indoor microclimate, has a beneficial effect on health. And if you wish, you can make warm walls with your own hands.

» is well known to Russians and has been used for heating apartments and private houses for decades. But the analogue - warm walls - is just gaining popularity. Let's study the European experience and understand in what situations warm walls are indispensable and beneficial, and when it is better to get by traditional methods heating.

Warm walls - pros and cons of the system

Warm walls for heating homes are widely used in many European countries. For example, in Germany, entire residential complexes are being built where the premises are heated only by warm walls without installing radiators. At the same time, domestic experts continue to assert that the “warm wall” system is good as an additional source of heat. But not the only one.

Advantages of warm walls:

High efficiency. Manufacturers and sellers of this equipment claim a figure of 85%. Against 60% from central heating radiators.

– Large heated surface area. Due to this, the air in the room heats up faster, which allows you to save on resource consumption.

– Unique thermal effect. The heating temperature of the coolant is much lower than in traditional batteries. And this also contributes to savings. Regular expenses for home heating are reduced by 6-11% in the next month after installing the system.

Comfortable atmosphere. Warm walls belong to the so-called radiant heating. Unlike the convection system, this heating is as close as possible to natural heat and has a positive effect on the condition of humans and animals. In addition, with radiant heating there is virtually no dust circulation in the air, which makes breathing easier and improves the well-being of residents.

– Lack of open heating elements. Which, of course, eliminates burns (especially in a house with small children) and does not overheat the air. Optimal humidity level in heating season much easier to maintain.

– Among the advantages of warm walls, comfort ranks first. You can talk to a person for a long time about technical subtleties, for example, about the favorable temperature difference between the supply and return circuits, but first of all he will evaluate this indicator - whether it is comfortable for him or not to be in a room with warm walls. The pleasant tactile sensations when your palm touches not a cold but a warm wall are complemented by an obvious feeling of warmth throughout the entire room, and not just near the radiator or under your feet.

Disadvantages of warm walls:

– Installation costs. In addition to purchasing the product itself, you will have to pay for installation and related work.

– Complexity of installation and operation. The point here is not the system itself, but the fact that it is located inside the wall, which requires appropriate internal and external surface finishing, including rough finishing, thermal and waterproofing, installation of heat-reflecting panels, etc. Further, during the operation of the system, even the most reliable one, problems may arise. Access to pipes or cables will be possible after dismantling several layers of the wall. And this leads to additional expenses and then requires unplanned expenses for repeated repairs. True, you can avoid them by using for wall decoration, for example, not concrete screed, and removable false panels.

– Requirements for the interior. A room with warm walls should be as free as possible from wall-mounted furniture and accessories. Such as carpets, large panels, walls, wardrobes. Otherwise, installation of the system is considered useless. The heat will not pass through the additional barrier and will not warm the room.

– Impossibility of coordination. Warm water walls, as well as floors, are an option for private homes. In an apartment, connecting such systems to central water supply and heating is prohibited by law. No authority will approve such a plan. Electrical systems are suitable for the apartment. They are quite easy to install, but are expensive in terms of energy consumption for large rooms. The solution is to install warm walls in one room: a nursery or a bathroom.

Scope of application, options and general installation rules

Warm walls are intended for the following rooms:

  • Halls and living rooms
  • Auditoriums, classes, conference rooms (for non-residential buildings)
  • Children's rooms (safe, adjustable, maintain optimal humidity level for the child)
  • Bathrooms (helps fight mold and mildew)
  • Swimming pools, baths, saunas

Warm walls can be water or electric

A hot coolant, namely water, circulates in warm water walls. Hot water enters the pipeline from the installed heating boiler. The pipeline is connected to the manifold, and a circulation pump and thermostat must be installed. The pump will be responsible for the speed of movement of the coolant, and, accordingly, for the rate of heating of the room, and the thermostat will ensure that the system maintains the optimal temperature. Installation of such a complex of equipment will cost more, but will eliminate operational problems.

Water walls are assembled from copper, metal-plastic, polypropylene pipes or stainless steel of small diameter. They are laid in only two ways - vertically or horizontally. The “snail” method, characteristic of heated floors, thanks to which it is possible to develop a heated area more densely, while laying the pipeline more compactly, is excluded due to the formation of air pockets.

How to install water system? The walls are cleaned and leveled, thermal and waterproofing is laid, heat-reflecting panels are installed, and a pipeline is installed. A special supporting mesh (grid) is placed on top, on which plaster or drywall is applied.

The type of wall that is planned to be heated is important. If this is an external wall, insulation is required. As does the use of frost-resistant materials. If it’s internal, you can do without insulation and thereby kill two birds with one stone. If “warm walls” are mounted on an adjacent structure, then the heat will spread in both directions - the main room will receive approximately 70% of the heat, and the adjacent room 30%.

When laying pipes in the wall, you must follow the step. Chaotic installation does not contribute to uniform distribution of heat over the entire area of ​​the room. The standard step is:

  • At a distance of 1.2 meters from the floor, pipes are laid in increments of 10-15 cm
  • At a distance from 1.2 m to 1.8 m - step 20-25 cm
  • At a distance of 1.8m. - step 30-40 cm

It is clear that when installing warm walls on site, the master takes into account the features of the room, including the height of the ceilings.

Before closing the warm wall pipeline, it is tested at maximum pressure for 1.5-2 hours. If no leaks are found, further finishing is carried out.

Electric heated walls are presented in two types on the market - cable and film.

Cable heated floors are made from single-core or double-core cable with a diameter of 2-10 mm. They are connected to the electrical network, for which they use a separate line so as not to overload the main one. Installation of an electrical system is not much different from a water system: stripping, leveling the wall, insulation, installing a mounting frame, laying cables, finishing.

The cable is laid horizontally or vertically, maintaining an average distance of 10 cm from each line. At the same time, they should not intersect and be located away from other heating and electrical equipment at a distance of less than 10 cm.

Film warm walls are sold in the form of electric mats. They are the same cable, only thin, attached to fiberglass or a textile mesh. The mats are rolled into rolls; upon purchase, sellers simply cut off the required “piece” according to the dimensions of the customer’s wall. Electric mats are easy to install - they do not require the installation of a frame or any fastening element. Attached to the wall using special glue. This option is the most profitable for small spaces. Thanks to the thin cable, the area of ​​the room is not significantly reduced, i.e. installing warm walls does not “eat up” meters. And the power of the mats is not the greatest compared to conventional ones electrical systems, will slightly affect the amount of utility bills.

Film systems also include infrared warm walls. They are produced in the form of the finest polymer film, inside of which heating elements in the form of flexible wires are sealed. This film is universal - suitable for floors, walls and ceilings. Connects to the network, is controlled by a thermostat, fits under any decorative coating. In some cases, wall mounting of infrared film is acceptable.

  • Temperature adjustment accurate to the degree
  • Timer
  • Delayed start
  • Turn on and work only at night
  • Remote control
  • Cooling the room in summer

Use ours for the "warm walls" heating system.