Bend the metal-plastic pipe 90 degrees. Simple instructions: how to bend a metal-plastic pipe? How to bend metal-plastic pipes using a pipe bender

With the advent of metal plastic pipes The work of laying networks has become so much easier that sometimes the installation process resembles a Lego game. Meanwhile, this matter also has its own minor difficulties, such as changing the shape of elements and creating corners. We will now learn to overcome them. So, how to bend a metal-plastic pipe at home?

Features of working with metal-plastic products

Before bending metal-plastic pipes, it wouldn’t hurt to find out what kind of structure it is, what it consists of, what properties it has, and how it differs from its “brothers.”

Composition and device

So, a metal-plastic pipe is a hollow structure made of aluminum coated (both outside and inside) with polyethylene. The integrity of the aluminum base is achieved by welding - with ultrasound using the “overlap” method, or with a laser, following the “butt” joining technology.

Why coat aluminum on all sides? This step improves it significantly performance characteristics. Thanks to the internal polyethylene coating, the product is protected from the appearance of deposits, rust formation and other problems that impair the permeability of the system. The polyethylene layer makes the pipe cavity perfectly smooth, so there is simply nothing for lime or other “garbage” to catch on inside the system. As for the outer layer, it protects network elements from moisture, condensation, and corrosion.

Sometimes experts call the main “heroine” of the article five-layer, implying that, in addition to the listed three layers, there are two more layers of special glue.

Bend rules

When do we start thinking about how to bend a metal-plastic pipe? Most often during the laying of a heating network, installation of a heated floor system and in other cases of working with metal-plastic products. The need for such work arises due to the lack of commercially available elements of the required shape, with the required angles, etc.

Is it possible to bend metal-plastic pipes yourself? Let's figure it out. Thanks to the plasticity of the components, the product can be bent virtually effortlessly. However, you shouldn’t be like the hero of the proverb: “If you have strength, you don’t need intelligence.” Due to its special properties, the material is very fragile, so even the slightest wrong movement can nullify all your work. Most often, improper bending leads to deformation of the inner layer, which makes the pipes vulnerable to corrosion and clogging. Moreover, you may not even realize that you have violated the system design. So, let's learn how to bend plastic pipes correctly.

Bending technologies

Let's discuss all the possible options for bending pipes with your own hands, and then talk about the TOP 3 best methods.

Description of existing methods

So, technologies for changing the angle of elements available for implementation at home:

  1. The manual method is the simplest possible options, however, it is also the most risky, since for a householder inexperienced in this matter, the first attempt is often unsuccessful.
  2. Use of sand. Excellent results at no cost. Meanwhile, the technology is “dusty” and labor-intensive - for non-lazy users.
  3. Use of wire. Some call this method the best, but the work will require a wire of suitable stiffness (not the first one you come across), as well as thoroughness and patience.
  4. Spring engagement. The technology eliminates damage; the main thing is to choose a spring with a special diameter.

  1. Using a pipe bender - a special “device” that provides the ideal angle - the same as you planned and set on the tool mark. There is virtually no problem with the operation of such a device. However, the price of a pipe bender may scare away those novice craftsmen who do not plan to often repeat their “feats” of bending products.

Manual method

Let's start with the simplest option that does not require additional investment. So, how to bend a plastic pipe at home with only two hands and desire?

  • Step 1. Make sure that the product and your hands are dry and not greasy.
  • Step 2. Hold the structure securely and confidently in your hands.
  • Step 3. Gradually bend the pipe, making sure that the angle does not exceed 15-20 degrees.
  • Step 4. Step back a couple of centimeters from the intervention site and repeat the operation.
  • Step 5. To rotate the network 180 degrees, repeat the described procedure 15 times.

Everything is relatively simple, but, naturally, it is better to practice on unnecessary fragments of structures left after cutting. The only limitation: this technology is only applicable to pipes with a radius of up to 1 centimeter. It is unlikely that it will be possible to handle elements with a diameter exceeding the specified radius manually.

Worth paying attention! To ensure that the pipe holds its shape, initially bend it to a slightly larger angle, and then straighten it to the planned value.

Using Sand

For work you will need:

Step 1: Sift the sand, making sure it is not wet.

Step 2. Fill the product with sand.

Step 3: Cap the ends.

Step 4. Place the structure in a vice and secure it.

Step 5. Make a mark where the fold will be made.

Step 6. Turn on the blowtorch and heat the pipe in the intended location.

Step 7. Bend the product.

Step 8. Remove sand.

Worth paying attention! To what degree should the material be heated? Bring a piece of paper to the intervention area. If it starts to char, it means it has been heated enough.

Application of pipe bender

Have you decided to purchase a special “device”? It’s commendable that you practically don’t have to do anything: just read the instructions for the device and act based on the information you’ve learned.

A device for bending metal-plastic products is popularly called a crossbow pipe bender. Its shape resembles a crossbow - hence the name.

How to use the device?

Step 1. Set the desired bend angle.

Step 2: Place the product in the groove.

Step 3: Bring the handles together.

That's it - you did it! All that remains is to remove the bent structure and move on to the next element.

Worth paying attention! Can't afford to buy a pipe bender? Borrow from friends, offering to help them out in return if you need any of the units available on your farm.

You see, bending a metal-plastic pipe at home is as easy as shelling pears if you are familiar with the advice of experts.

How to bend a metal-plastic pipe at home - a description of the best techniques, Portal about pipes

How to bend metal-plastic pipes at home. Step by step description the most effective bending technologies. How to bend a metal-plastic pipe without defects?

Do-it-yourself bending of metal-plastic pipes

Modern technologies are confidently moving forward, offering more and more new and productive solutions in the construction industry. So, instead of the heavy, clumsy ones cast iron pipes PVC products arrived. Metal-plastic elements can be mounted in a single line for quality work water supply However, during designer renovations in an apartment or house, it becomes necessary to change the configuration of a plastic tube of any cross-section. And here a completely logical question arises: how to bend a metal-plastic pipe in such a way as to avoid its internal or external damage. Is it possible to do this at home or will you have to invite professionals. About all this in the material below.

Important: a metal-plastic tube is a monolithic piece of PVC, inside of which there is a reinforcing layer. This is why, when the top plastic layer is tensioned, bending the metal inside the hose can cause it to crack. However, instead of purchasing additional consumables, it is much easier to give the pipe the desired bend angle.

Options for bending metal-plastic pipes

For those who do not know how to bend a plastic pipe, we hasten to provide several options for processing the hose to give it the desired configuration. Moreover, all of them are performed purely at home, without the use of complex devices.

The main and frequently used methods are:

  • Bend the tube simply by hand using physical force. The advantages of this method are manifested in its low cost. However, there is a likely risk of damaging the tubular product (breaking the internal lumen or deforming PVC sheathing product) due to incorrect calculation of physical force at the moment of bending.
  • Use of a special pipe bending device. In this case, the tool ideally bends a PVC tube at home with a given radius. This method is considered reliable, since the pipe bender ensures the ideal flatness of the bent hose without damage or deformation from the inside or outside. At the same time, the lumen of the tube will also not be deformed, which is important for a well-functioning water supply system.
  • Use of sand. The sand will act as a kind of shock absorber and will not allow a sharp impact on the inner or outer part of the PVC tube. Thanks to the sand inside the product, it is possible to bend it at a given angle with a radius of up to 90 degrees or more. However, the process using sand is quite labor-intensive and dusty.
  • The use of a special spring for PVC pipes. Bending metal-plastic pipes using such a component has no disadvantages. Here you can bend the tube to an angle with a radius of 180 degrees and still not be afraid of damaging the pipe element. The principle of bending the product here is to introduce a spring between two straight sections of the hose.
  • Using wire. Here the process can create some difficulties in selecting wire of the required diameter and stiffness. Bending PVC tubes at home using wire is quite difficult. It takes remarkable physical strength to give the tube the desired bend angle.

Let's take a closer look at bending technology PVC pipes at home for each method.

Manual pipe bending

If you do not know how to bend metal-plastic pipes yourself, then you can use this method.

Important: provided that physical strength allows you to do this.

It is necessary to bend plastic pipes manually in compliance with a certain technology. If you do not follow the rules, the pipe may break at the point of impact.

So, the work is performed as follows:

  • The tube must be clasped with both hands on either side of the intended bend. We bend it until the corner radius reaches 20 degrees. Now you should shift the pressing force to the left or right of the formed angle and bend the pipe again another 20 degrees. In this way, the PVC tube is given the angle of the desired radius. In order to bend the product manually to a radius of 180 degrees, you will have to do about 15 such manipulations.

Important: you can bend pipes in this way with a cross-section of no more than 1 cm. A larger diameter of a PVC element will be difficult to overcome manually.

To bent pipe held a given angle, you can first bend it a little stronger and only then straighten it to the desired radius.

Advice: in order not to waste money on a purchased but rigid product, you can purchase several pieces of pipe from different manufacturers and practice bending pipes on them. Since each tube from a specific manufacturer has greater or lesser rigidity, in this way it will be possible to select best option hoses for bending work.

Application of pipe bender

Using such a device is very convenient at home, but the device costs big money, therefore, its purchase for performing one-time work is not economically justified. In this case, the pipe bender bends the pipe perfectly exactly at a given angle of any radius.

The technology for performing the work is as follows:

  • We set the crossbow-pipe bender at a given angle;
  • We insert a piece of tube into the device so that the expected bending angle is located exactly in the center of the crossbow;
  • Now all that remains is to gently press the handles of the mechanism so that the hose takes an angle with a given radius.

Bending a pipe with sand

Here the method is completely identical to the manual one. The only difference is that to prevent deformation of the tube, sand is poured into its internal lumen. It protects the internal walls of the product from excessive tension and damage.

The technology for changing the angle of the tube is as follows:

  • The pipe section is sealed with tape on one side, creating a thorough seal.
  • Now the tube is filled with sand so that the sand does not reach the edge of the internal lumen by about 1 cm.
  • The second edge of the product is also sealed or closed in any convenient way.
  • Ready. You can bend the element to the angle of the desired radius.

At the end of the work, open all the gaps and pour out the sand.

Spring application

This method is one of the most relevant and “painless” for PVC tubes. Here the role of a shock absorber will be played by a spring of the required diameter. That is, the spring ribs will completely protect the internal reinforcing layer of the PVC tube from wrinkling and subsequent damage.

Important: springs are usually sold in pairs - internal and external parts. The main thing here is to choose the correct diameter of the product for your pipe. In this case, it is advisable to choose a spring with rings round section, not flat. The latter can produce an unexpected effect by acting excessively harshly on the inner walls of the hose.

The internal spring has a cone-shaped end on one side, which facilitates its movement inside the lumen to the place of the intended bend. The second end of the spring is equipped with a loop. You can tie a thread to it to make it easier to remove the spring from the pipe after bending it.

The outer spring has a slightly flared end that allows a pipe to be inserted into it.

The technology for bending a pipe using a spring is as follows:

  • A cord is tied to the end of the spring and immersed in a PVC tube until the right place bending
  • They act smoothly on the pipe, ensuring the desired bend angle.
  • After the pipe has taken the angle of the required radius, it is necessary to slightly unclench the corner so that the spring is released and comes out of the cavity of the tube without causing harm to it.

Important: bending a PVC tube in this way is best done with smooth pumping movements. This way, the polyethylene inside the product will be distributed evenly and will not create an ideal environment for the accumulation of debris in the future.

Wire as a method of bending PVC products

Here, soft wire of the required cross-section will act as a restraining element for the pipe walls. It is placed in the lumen of the pipe (a segment of 30-40 cm) and the tube is bent to the desired angle.

Important: it is also advisable to tie a thread or cord to the end of the wire in order to subsequently remove it from the hose.

Which method to use for high-quality bending of metal-plastic pipes is up to you to decide. However, it is worth noting that all of them have been successfully used by masters of various categories for many years. The main thing is to remain calm and do the work without haste.

How to bend a metal-plastic pipe at home

Methods for bending metal-plastic pipes at home. Using a pipe bender, sand, spring or bending wire.

How to bend a metal-plastic pipe at home: instructions

Working with metal-plastic pipes always means that they constantly need to change direction and give them different configurations. Many experts say that without special equipment it is impossible to achieve smooth and harmonious forms. But this is not entirely true.

And the question of how to bend metal-plastic pipes correctly can be solved very simply.

It is necessary to change the profile direction angle in many cases. For example, if you need to install heated floors, install heating system or simply install additional pipes. But it is often difficult to buy the required shape of a workpiece. Therefore, you have to do this work yourself.


There are different kinds of tools available to create certain shapes:

Sand, already calcined.

Device for creating a bend.

Blowtorch for heating.

How to bend metal-plastic pipes at home?

There are many methods of this technology, so you just have to get acquainted with them and choose the ones that suit your situation.

The most simple option is bending with your hands. And to avoid marriage, you need to adhere to a certain action plan:

Take the pipe with your hands and gently begin to squeeze it. But the bend angle should be no more than twenty degrees.

Then step back a little from the bend. Start squeezing the pipe again. If you need to rotate the pipeline 180 degrees, you will need to do this fifteen times. This method is best suited for pipes with a diameter of one centimeter. And the larger one will be more difficult to bend with your hands.

How to bend metal-plastic pipes with wire?

This option is quite effective. All work is done using wire. The metal-plastic pipe is completely filled with wire pieces. Then the material is bent. After this, all the wire is carefully removed from the pipe. As a result of the performed actions, an even and high-quality bend is obtained.

How to bend metal-plastic pipes with a spring?

If the surface of the pipe is not completely hard, then the bending method using a spring is suitable. It should be dense and tough. The spring is pulled into the pipe until it reaches the place where the bend needs to be made. In the middle, the bent area and the spring should match. Then you compress the profile. You can rest on your knee. The spring is removed from the pipe using ordinary wire.

Sand and pipe bending

The sand is first sifted and then poured into the hole. Circles are cut out of plastic and inserted into the ends of the pipe. Then the resulting structure is fixed in a vice, on the side that is located further from the heating site. The part where you will make the bend needs to be heated blowtorch. Then bending is done. The rubber bands are removed and the sand is poured out.

Application of the Volnova machine

The part of the pipe that is longer is secured under the workbench clamp. Lubricate the surface where you will bend the pipe with oil. Then the smaller side of the part is bent. This pipe bender is convenient and safe to use.

Bending type devices are of the following types:

Crossbow. In this case, a special form is taken that serves for pipes of a specific size.

Spring. Mainly used for bending plastic pipes. Main detail is a spring that bends it without deformation.

Segmental. The bent shape of the pipe is obtained due to the fact that the segment pulls the product around itself.

Dornovye. This device bends tubes of small diameter and thin walls.

In addition, pipe benders differ in the type of drive:

Manual. For this work, small diameter tubes are used, and the manufacturing material can be made of: stainless steel, polymer, non-ferrous metal.

Hydraulic. They bend pipes up to three inches in size.

Electromechanical. They work with various types of pipes, and also provide accuracy in bending and angle.

How to bend metal-plastic pipes correctly?

If you have the funds, you can buy special equipment for these purposes at a hardware store. It works very simply. The main thing before starting work is to set the angle that is required. And then place your profile there. The last stage there will be squeezing of the ends of the handles. This method, of course, is very rarely used at home. Because the cost of equipment is very high.

The length of the pipes must be calculated after the profile has been bent. And all this time the length is called preparatory, because it is inaccurate.

But you can make a pipe bender at home if you can’t afford the machine.

  • To do this you need to take boards. Their thickness must exceed the diameter of the pipe that will be bent.
  • Saw according to the template. If necessary, you can use several boards at once, having previously fastened them together.
  • Then screw homemade instrument to the base of something. But don't forget about the pipe stop. And you can start working.

The simplest and cheapest device would be a sheet of plywood and large hooks. On the plywood itself you need to draw a line that corresponds to the bend. Drive hooks along the line. And that’s it, you can take the pipe and bend it. Moreover, you can take any diameter, because the hooks are easy to move. There is nothing complicated here, the main thing is your ingenuity and improvisation.

Tips and results

  • If you are going to bend a pipe, you must choose one with a diameter of at least two centimeters and a bend angle not exceeding fifteen degrees.
  • The smallest angle must be taken into account. Otherwise, the profile will not be usable. And everything will have to be redone.
  • You choose the method yourself, but the best option there will be a pipe bender. This tool makes it possible to do all the work faster. The principle of application is crimping, it does not allow the material to wear out.
  • How to bend a pipe with your own hands: with and without a pipe bender

    How to bend a metal-plastic pipe at home: instructions Working with metal-plastic pipes always means that they constantly need to change direction, give

Simple instructions: how to bend a metal-plastic pipe?

Metal-plastic pipes have confidently replaced their metal counterparts, thanks to their flexibility, speed and ease of installation. They do not require welding, so they are widely used in private households.

To install the product in the heating system, you must first bend it. This can be easily done at home using one of the methods below.

How to choose a pipe bending method?

Although metal-plastic pipe is flexible by nature, it does not respond well to mechanical manipulation. As a result of improper bending, it can crack and even break. The point is that it is surrounded by an aluminum layer on the inner surface, which can be damaged by sudden movements.

After significant deformation, it is almost impossible to return the product to its previous appearance, so before you start bending, it is better to practice.

There are the following ways to bend a pipe at home:

  • manual bending;
  • use of a pipe bender;
  • use of sand;
  • heating the surface with a hairdryer.

Heating with a hairdryer and using sand can be used as accompanying methods in addition to the main ones. For example, using bulk material, you can correct defects resulting from bending. A pipe bender is effective if you need to make many bends with different radii. If a metal-plastic pipe needs to be bent once, then you can limit yourself to manually.

Manual pipe bending

The simplest and most common bending method is done by hand. All that is required from the master is a little sleight of hand. The product modification process looks like this:

  1. Carefully bend so that the resulting radius is no more than 20˚.
  2. Step back 1 cm from the bend and bend the metal-plastic pipe a little more.
  3. Perform up to 15 such mini-bends to rotate the product 180 degrees.
  4. If it is necessary to straighten the pipe again, it should be straightened only in the reverse order.

The main rule in the manual method is smoothness and leisurely movements. You should not try to bend the product in one go. Sudden movements can cause damage.

Manual bending is effective when working with products up to 20 mm thick. It is problematic to modify thicker products manually. The method is suitable for processing factory-insulated pipes. They are easy to install and do not require additional insulation.

Materials of different thicknesses and stiffness bend differently, so it is better to practice before starting work. For training, you can use meter segments.

Bending pipes with a pipe bender

A pipe bender is a manual machine in the form of a spring, which ensures accurate and safe bending of metal-plastic pipes for a radius of up to 180˚. It works effectively with products from 5 to 500 mm and can be used for large volumes of work.

There are four types of machines with which you can bend a metal-plastic pipe:

  • manual spring (mobile, can be used at home);
  • hydraulic spring (works with products up to 120 mm). It can withstand mechanical shocks and heavy loads, as it has a reinforced body. In combination with a pump, it ensures high productivity;
  • electric spring with program control;
  • electrohydraulic battery presses.

The manual spring works with metal-plastic from 5 to 125 mm. It is characterized by minimal weight - only 10-50 kilograms. With its help, you can modify the material with just one hand.

Bending a metal-plastic pipe with a pipe bender

The order of bending metal-plastic:

  1. Insert the machine into the pipe. The external type of spring is used if you plan to work with a long pipe and make many bends along its entire length. The internal type is effective if the bend is made along the edge of the pipe.
  2. Bend the product. Bending occurs with light, neat movements. A single bend should have a radius of no more than 20˚.
  3. Remove the spring.

Using sand and a hair dryer to bend

Sand is simple available material, which will allow you to achieve accurate bending of a metal-plastic pipe at home, without the help of bulky and expensive tools.

Working with sand involves only three stages:

  1. One of the pipe holes must be tightly closed.
  2. Fill the product with sifted sand.
  3. Slowly bend the pipe to the desired radius.

Sand is good because it fills the entire cavity of the product evenly, so no defects should arise while working with it.

A hairdryer allows you not only to bend a straight pipe, but also to correct a defect in an old one. Before bending a metal-plastic pipe, you need to warm it up a little. The main thing is not to overheat the product so that it does not lose its shape. The basic rule when working with a hairdryer is the same as with other methods - perform movements as smoothly as possible.

Bend radius calculation

The correct calculation of the radius depends on the diameter of the product. The example shows the calculation method for a section of 1.6 cm.

To make the bend even, you need to get 1/2 of the circle. If the diameter of the product is 1.6 cm, then its radius will be 80 mm. To calculate the starting points of the correct bend, you must use the formula C = 2πR/4, in which:

  • C – the size of the segment on which the bend needs to be made;
  • π – pi value = 3.14;
  • R - radius.

Substituting known values, we obtain a section length sufficient to perform a bend of 2 * 3.14 * 80 mm /4 = 125 mm.

Then you need to transfer the resulting value to the product and select its middle, which will be equal to 62.5 mm. The center of the segment will be the middle of the bend. Then a nylon twine is taken, which is used to measure the depth of the shipment.

To do this, tie a string to the shipment and run it to the required distance inside the product. Twine is also used to remove the conductor after completion of the work.

Next, you need to smoothly bend the product, starting from the middle of the marked segment, and remove the mandrel. Both the outer and inner mandrels should be used simultaneously to prevent deformation at the bends. After completing the described manipulations, the material is ready for installation.

How to bend metal-plastic pipes correctly at home: methods and methods

When laying a home plumbing or heating system, a reasonable question often arises: how to bend a metal-plastic pipe at home. You can get high-quality results even without special skills and knowledge. To effectively bend metal-plastic structures, there are several methods, each of which has its own advantages and features.

You can bend metal-plastic pipes with your own hands; there are several methods for this.

How to bend a metal-plastic pipe: basic methods

There are bends and turns in almost every pipeline plan. Therefore, the technology of bending metal-plastic pipes is used very often. If you try to give a pipe the desired shape without knowing its characteristics, you can ruin the product. Fragile metal-plastic walls can become deformed or crack.

If it is necessary to bend a metal-plastic pipe at home, several methods are used.

Manual pipe bending. Most available method bending metal-plastic pipes without requiring the use of tools. You can bend a structure with your hands, the diameter of which does not exceed 20 mm. Large diameter pipes are difficult to bend manually. Despite the speed, this method can be called the most unreliable. Whether it is possible to bend metal-plastic pipes in this way without disturbing their structure is a matter of practice, but without some experience there is too great a chance of compromising the integrity of the material.

Springs for bending metal-plastic pipes. This method is optimal for structures made of medium-hard metal-plastic. Springs for bending metal-plastic pipes, provided the diameter is correctly selected, allow you to achieve high bending accuracy. For this you will need a fairly strong spring that cannot be deformed. A wire of sufficient length is attached to one of its ends to remove the spring after bending.

To facilitate the bending process, the pipe can be heated with a hair dryer

The spring is pushed along the inside of the pipe to the place where the bend is planned. It is important to ensure that the centers of the spring and the future bend coincide exactly. The product bends smoothly at the desired angle, while you can rest it with your knee. Once bending is complete, the spring is removed.

Rigid wire for bending metal-plastic pipes. The process of bending with wire is longer, but also quite effective. The wire is cut into small pieces, which should be used to fill all the voids in the pipe at the bend. The wire layer will serve as a frame that prevents the appearance of irregularities and breaks. Next, the pipe is bent in the same way as in the case of a spring. The used wire is carefully removed from the structure. It is also necessary to check whether there are any pieces left in the pipe.

Application of sand. One of the most labor-intensive bending methods. It is often used in cases where the required spring size cannot be found. Fine sifted sand is poured into the pipeline part so that no sand remains in the pipe. empty seats. Plugs are placed on both ends of the pipe to prevent sand from spilling out. The product is clamped in a vice in a place sufficiently distant from the intended bend. Before bending, the pipe section is heated with a blowtorch.

Useful advice! There is a danger of overheating the pipe, so you should check the degree of heat of the sand. To do this, bring a sheet of paper to the heating site. If the paper begins to char, the sand is sufficiently calcined.

Sand poured inside the pipe will prevent deformation of the pipe during bending.

After giving the product the desired shape, the sand is poured out. If necessary, the pipe can be washed. Salt can also be used instead of sand.

How to bend metal-plastic pipes using a pipe bender

A pipe bender (Volnov machine) is a device that allows you to easily bend a metal-plastic pipe at home. A pipe bender will allow you to bend structures without preheating; the bending radius can reach 180 degrees. Bending metal-plastic products using a pipe bender is completely safe, and the possibility of defective parts is completely eliminated. Manual machine Volnova has simple design. It consists of a handle, a movable roller, a template roller, a bracket and a curved pipe. This device is very easy to use; you can even make it yourself.

At home, crossbow or spring pipe benders are most often used. It is better to lightly lubricate the surface on which the pipe will be bent before starting work. This will reduce friction between parts and the surface of the pipe will not be damaged.

Useful advice! An analogue of a pipe bender can be made at home. It will consist of boards cut according to a semicircular pattern. Such a pipe bender must be tightly fixed to the base. It is important that the thickness of the board exceeds the diameter of the pipe.

More modernized models of pipe benders, such as hydraulic or electromechanical, are available for sale. On the farm, a pipe bender can be useful only for its intended purpose, that is, during repair or installation of a pipeline. Therefore, purchasing expensive models only makes sense if there is a very large amount of work to be done or if such work will be permanent.

Working with a pipe bender reduces the risk of pipe deformation when bending

Calculation of the bending radius of a metal-plastic pipe

There is a universal formula for calculating the bending radius of a metal-plastic structure. According to this formula, the bending radius will be equal to 5 diameters of the pipe section. The principle of operation of this rule can be clearly illustrated using the example of a pipe with a diameter of 20 mm:

  1. For subsequent calculations, you need to determine the quarter circle. If the given diameter is 20 mm, then the radius, according to the formula, is 100 mm (20 x 5 = 100).
  2. The starting points for bending the corner are calculated. The formula used is C = 2ΠR/4, where C is the size of the area where the work will be carried out; Π = 3.14; and R is the radius obtained above. Substituting your own data, you get the following: 2 * 3.14 * 100 mm /4 = 157 mm. So, a section of pipe 157 mm long will be involved in bending.
  3. It turns out that every 10-20 mm is about 15 degrees from general bending. The boundaries of the area are marked with a pencil on the surface of the pipe. Now you can start any bending method.

Bending metal-plastic pipes at home: tips and tricks

Before starting work, it is worth making several test bends on the sample. This will help determine the required pressure force, choose a comfortable position and bending method. But whatever bending method is chosen, strong pressure and bending should not be allowed. A perfectly even bend cannot be achieved with a sharp movement.

Metal-plastic pipes different brands and manufacturers will have varying degrees of severity. Accordingly, they will also bend differently. If you have no experience in using metal-plastic products, you can purchase several pieces for training. In order for the pipe to keep the required shape, you can bend it more acute angle, and then straighten to the desired level. This way the structure will be securely fixed.

All technologies for bending metal-plastic pipes described above are time-tested and are actively used in the construction industry. There is nothing technically difficult in creating an even pipe bend that does not disrupt the functioning of the system. The main thing is to follow the instructions and act as carefully as possible.

How to bend metal-plastic pipes

How to bend metal-plastic pipes. Basic methods of bending by hand. Bending metal-plastic pipes using a pipe bender. Calculation of pipe bending radius. Tips and tricks.

Reading time: 4 minutes.

Each plan for a pipeline, water supply or heating system has nuances in the form of turns and bends. Therefore, when installing communications, it is often necessary to use pipe bending technology. Let's look at how to bend a metal-plastic pipe correctly, how to give the product the desired shape, what in effective ways flexible to take advantage of.

Bend rules

When laying heating or water supply systems, it is not always possible to purchase finished goods, which are bent at the required angle. Therefore, you often have to do the bending yourself.

There are 4 main bending methods. Which one to use depends on the size and characteristics of the part. Pipe with different thickness and rigidity bends differently. Therefore, it is recommended to practice on a piece of pipe before starting work.

Pipes with a diameter of up to 20 mm with factory insulation can be bent manual method, for parts with large diameters, it is recommended to use special tools.

To bend metal-plastic under right angle, the first thing to do is calculate the bending radius.

How to calculate bend radius

Before bending a metal-plastic pipe at home, it is enough to find the bending radius; it is not necessary to look for exact formulas and calculate the bending index of the pipe. There is a universal formula for calculating the minimum bending radius of a metal-plastic pipe, according to which the radius is equal to 5 diameters of the pipe section. Let's consider the effect of the formula using the example of a product with a cross-section of 20 mm:

  1. The next step is to calculate the quarter circle. Based on the given diameter, the radius is 100 mm (20*5).
  2. Using the formula C = 2PR/4, we calculate the size of the area for bending (a quarter of a circle). C is the required length, P = 3.14, R is the previously calculated radius. We substitute the data, it turns out: 2 * 3.14 * 100 mm/4 = 157 mm.
  3. The length of the bending section is 157 mm; we mark the middle, which is the bending angle, and the boundaries of the section with a pencil. Every 1-2 cm is 15° of total bending, 6-12 cm is 90 degrees.

You can also use a construction calculator for calculations.

Bending technologies

Before bending metal-plastic pipes, you need to decide which bending method to use. Each approach has features, advantages and disadvantages. We list the methods for bending metal-plastic products:

  1. DIY bending. A simple, low-cost method. The disadvantage is a high probability of deforming the part.
  2. Using a pipe bender. The tool allows you to bend the pipe at the required angle, eliminating the occurrence of defects. The high cost of a pipe bender does not justify its single use. It is recommended to purchase for ongoing large-scale work.
  3. Use of sand. A dusty, energy-consuming method that allows you to achieve accurate results.
  4. Application of a spring. An accurate method that eliminates the appearance of defects when bending. The disadvantage is the difficulty in choosing the required diameter of the device.

Let us consider the bending technology of each method in detail.

Manual method

When bending manually, the main rule is not to make sudden and fast movements. The product is clamped in one hand, and with the other, a careful deflection is performed to the previously calculated radius.
It is recommended to make the first bend at 20°, no more. Then step back 10 mm from the bend and bend again with a small amplitude. 10-15 such non-amplitude bends should be performed so that the metal-plastic part rotates 180°. If the need arises to straighten the pipe, do the same, only in reverse order.

Using Sand

This method is most often used if it is not possible to find a spring the right size. Sifted sand is poured into the pipe so that there are no voids left. The ends of the pipe are closed with plugs to prevent sand from spilling out. The part is clamped with cleats in a place that is remote from the bending point.

Before bending required area warmed up with a blowtorch. You need to heat it carefully, checking the degree of heat of the sand with paper (smoldering paper is a sign that the sand is heated to the desired temperature). After heating, we give the product the desired shape and pour out the sand.

Application of pipe bender

A pipe bender is a tool that can be used to bend a metal-plastic product at home. The device consists of a movable roller and a template roller, a bracket, a handle and a curved pipe. The machine bends products without preheating, the maximum bend is 180°, the process is safe, the appearance of defects is excluded.

The Volnova machine is designed simply; you don’t need any special skills to use it. At home, crossbow or spring pipe benders are more often used. The surface that bends the tube must be oiled before using the machine. This will reduce friction and the risk of damage.

More advanced models of pipe benders are also available in specialized stores. But purchasing hydraulic or electromechanical machines is only advisable if a large volume of work is performed.

Spring application

Using a spring to bend metal-plastic pipes is a proven method. For this process you will need a spring of suitable diameter. To give the product the desired shape, you need to follow simple instructions:

  1. Place the fixture in the pipeline part. The spring should be located directly at the bend.
  2. Gently, without sudden movements, bend the part at the desired angle.
  3. Remove the spring.

Each of the presented methods is reliable and effective. Acting without haste, carefully, it is possible to bend a metal-plastic pipe different diameters at the required angle. It is not necessary to buy expensive devices.

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Methods for bending metal-plastic pipes when installing highways

In this article we will look at a process that gives a detailed answer to the question of how to bend a metal-plastic pipe correctly.

How to bend a metal pipe?

Currently replacing the old ones metal pipes new ones arrived - metal-plastic ones. The advantage of a metal-plastic pipe is its flexibility, which makes it possible to lay it as required by the main line of the planned distribution of the system, without disturbing the aesthetics.

The big advantage of metal-plastic materials is quick and easy installation, eliminating the need for welding systems.

But when installing the wiring system, you need to take into account how to correctly bend the metal-plastic in order to avoid fracture, damage to its integrity and correctly calculate the angle of rotation. So let's start with the basics.

Metal-plastic pipes are composite products consisting of several components, in particular, a polymer base and a reinforcing layer consisting of aluminum foil or metal mesh. This reinforcement helps the metal-plastic product take a certain shape and configuration. At the same time, it does not lose its properties. There are several ways to bend the corners of a metal-plastic highway; several methods and calculations are given below:

The reinforced layer helps the metal-plastic product take a certain shape and configuration.

  1. This is done by hand. Philistine quick method, which does not require special skills or special expensive equipment. Anyone can use this method, even without special skills.
  2. Mechanical bending of a structure using a pipe bender. The most effective and fastest method used by professional installers of metal-plastic systems. Bending pipe lines mechanical pipe bender helps save time and achieve maximum quality installation.

Using a simple manual method, you can make a bend on small diameter pipes from 16 to 20 mm, which are more popular. To do this, we need two tools: a tape measure and a flexible external or internal mandrel, called a jig in the language of plumbers. Well, a little skill and knowledge of mathematics to calculate the bending radius of a turn. There is a universal formula for calculating the radius - this is 5 diameters of the pipeline section. Let's consider the calculation using the example of a pipe with a diameter of 16 mm.

Calculation of the radius using the example of a product with a diameter of 1.6 cm

An alternative method of bending in the absence of a mandrel is to fill the bending area with salt or sand.

  1. For a clear and correct bend, we need to get a quarter of a circle. To do this, take the diameter of the product, 16 mm, and then get the radius we need. According to the universal formula, it is equal to 80 mm. The next step is to calculate the starting points for the precise bending of the corner. To do this, using the formula C = 2πR/4 (where C is the size of the section required for work to make a bend; π (pi) is a mathematical constant equal to 3.14; and R is the radius obtained by us using the universal formula) we find : 2*3.14*80 mm /4= 125 mm. We get the length of the section where we will bend the metal-plastic water pipe.
  2. The next thing is to apply the area we have calculated to the surface, the middle of which is the bending angle of the pipe.
  3. We take a nylon twine and measure on it the distance required to deepen the mandrel. We tie a string to the mandrel and run it on required distance inside. The twine is needed to remove our jig after the bend is ready. Afterwards, using smooth movements from the middle of the segment, we bend the pipe in even sections of several centimeters and remove our mandrel using twine. It is recommended to use both an internal and an external mandrel at the same time to avoid the appearance of corrugated deformation on the bends. Our bend is ready for installation into the system. Having the necessary skill, you can get used to bending metal-plastic pipes of a slightly larger diameter using this method.

An alternative method of bending in the absence of a mandrel is to fill the bending area with salt or sand. To do this, we fill the internal cavity and seal the holes in the filled area with tape. Next, using the same method, from the middle of the segment we bend it to the desired degree.

Using a segment pipe bender, you can bend a pipe up to 180 degrees.

So, we have obtained the most correct and aesthetic angle of the pipe for installation in a route with a turn, while avoiding fracture and damage. A similar method is also used to bend pipe contours.

Mechanical pipe bending is more efficient, faster and of higher quality. If you often deal with work using, it is recommended to purchase a pipe bender, which is divided into several types:

  1. Segmented - the pipe is bent on the basis of a special segment. The shape of each segment is specially designed to meet the exact required diameter and shape. With this pipe bender you can bend up to 180 degrees.
  2. Mandrel - this type of pipe bender helps to bend the pipe without any flaws. The advantage of a mandrel pipe bender is a segment that moves inside the pipe and helps to avoid deformation, allowing bending in several planes.

The principle of operation of devices for the correct bending of pipes is identical to the process of manual bending, with the exception that when bending a metal-plastic product manually, the start comes from the middle of the segment, and when mechanically, it starts from the beginning of the section we have marked and the required degree or segment (template) is set in advance on the machine. After preparing the tool for work, we insert a pipe into it and bend the section of the assembled line to the required configuration.

Metal-plastic pipes are made from polymer materials, reinforced inside with aluminum foil or metal mesh.

This design provides sufficient strength and reliability, and also makes it quite easy to create the desired bending shapes, which is very convenient when installing systems.

The popularity of these products, in our opinion, is due to the fashion for installing water-heated floors, where metal-plastic systems are simply irreplaceable due to the large length of the heating main and, accordingly, large quantity bends.

No other type can be bent so easily and at the same time to the desired shape.

Connection options

Metal-plastic pipes are connected using special fittings by crimping them with a sleeve with rubber gaskets.

The range of connecting fittings is quite wide and includes a variety of bends, tees, connectors, splitters, and angles of various slopes.

And yet, quite often, to ensure the required shape of the structure, it is necessary to resort to bending the pipe itself.

Theoretically, you can do without bends and use the desired shape of fittings, but this significantly increases the number of connections, which significantly increases the cost and the likelihood of leaks.


First you need to remember that the minimum bend radius must be at least 5 pipe diameters.

You can bend it with a smaller radius, but you are guaranteed to get dangerous deformations and creases, which either immediately or over a short period of time will make itself felt in the form of leaks and flooding.

To correctly mark the area to be bent, we suggest recalling school geometry:

  • L=2p*R/4;
  • L is the length of the section that we will bend;
  • R-bending radius (at least 5 pipe diameters);
  • P-constant equal to 3.14
  • Having carried out these simple calculations, you will not make a mistake and will not spoil the bend.

Basic methods

You can bend it manually or using tools.

Products of small diameter (16 - 20 mm) can be bent by hand.

To do this, you need to tightly grasp the pipe with both hands in your fists, rest your thumbs on it and carefully bend it at a small angle (maximum 10 - 15 degrees at a time), then move 1.5 - 2 cm and repeat the procedure.

Thus, you need to act until you get the desired result.

It should be noted that different products have different hardness, so it is advisable to first practice on a small piece.

The result is considered satisfactory when no accordion-shaped sag is observed on the inner radius.

Hand bending with fillers

A more reliable result is achieved by densely filling the internal space of the bent section of the pipe.

To do this, pour salt, sand, and any other bulk materials into the pipe, close the ends with plugs and bend it.

You can use pieces of rigid wire that are tightly driven into the pipe, and after giving it the desired shape, they are removed one by one.

This method is preferable because the filler prevents the walls of the inner radius from breaking.

To simplify and improve the quality of bending, as well as for large diameters of thick-walled products, you can and should use mechanical devices made specifically for these purposes.

Bending devices

Mechanical or electromechanical devices designed for bending pipes are called pipe benders. Let's consider the types designs these devices:

Crossbow. The basis of these devices are special sets of matrices for which mechanical device the pipe is stretched to give it the required shape. This type is compact, easy to use and gives good results. It is important to understand that an individual matrix is ​​used for different diameters and for each bending radius. This must be taken into account when planning work.

Spring. Such devices consist of a rigid spring itself that is inserted inside the pipe and a limiting deformation of the bending radius.

The essence of the work is as follows. The area where it is necessary to form a radius is marked and a spring is driven into this place from the inside, the pipe is bent and the spring is subsequently removed. To make removal easier, the spring is rotated simultaneously with pulling outward.

IMPORTANT! — the torsion movement must coincide with the direction of the coils of the spring itself, otherwise it will be impossible to remove it.

This device is very easy to use, but for each diameter you will have to purchase your own spring.

Segmental. Their operating principle is the same as that of crossbows. The difference lies only in some design features.

Dornovye. These devices are professional. They are designed to bend steel pipes large diameters with thick walls.

Recently, some simplified similarities of these devices have appeared for working with soft metal-plastic, copper, thin-walled, and small-diameter steel pipes.

They represent various shapes segments placed on hangers inside and gradually moved in the pipe as it bends.

Their shape allows bending without dangerous deformations.

This process is quite universal and gives good results, but it also requires a fair amount of skill and professionalism, so we recommend that amateurs choose the simpler option from the ones described above.

Prices for spring mechanisms for bending pipes vary from 50 to 1000 rubles, depending on the composition of the kit and the manufacturer.

Bend the pipe using mechanical devices, will cost you from 12,000 - 15,000 rubles.

We wish you success.

Any pipeline has corners and turns, and the fewer there are, the more reliable the system. The ability to bend metal-plastic pipes facilitates installation and allows you to construct a pipeline with a minimum number of components. The durability of the structure depends on the correct bending and turning of the pipe.

Metal-plastic pipes are assembled like a sandwich: between two layers of polyethylene high pressure there is a reinforced metal layer.

Reinforcement gives the product the necessary strength and rigidity, and layers of polymers protect the metal from chemical attack.

This structure makes the pipes strong, reliable and flexible. But when making turns of 90 degrees or more, a difference in the stress of the materials occurs, which can lead to irreversible deformation or pipe failure. The bending process is performed carefully, trying to distribute the applied force.

Pay attention! Most often, the need to bend metal-plastic pipes arises when installing a heated floor, where the contour has the shape of a snake or spiral. In this case, angles and rotations of 180 degrees are required. In cases where you need to get around an obstacle, I perform a “duck” - a Z-shaped bend.

Basic methods of bending metal-plastic pipes

Thin pipes are bent by hand without auxiliary devices. To bend thick and hard ones, resort to additional funds and tools.

At home, the required bend is given to pipes using the following methods:

  • manually without aids;
  • manually using means for shock absorption: bulk substances, wire or conductor spring;
  • using a pipe bender.

Manual pipe bending

They bend pipes with a diameter of up to 2 cm by hand - it is difficult to handle larger thicknesses manually. This method requires practice to achieve accuracy. It is best suited when a lot of turning is not required.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. The beginning and end of the bend are marked on the pipe.
  2. Take it in two hands so that the thumbs are located along the pipe and touch.
  3. Bend at an angle of no more than 20 degrees; the larger the radius, the smaller the angle at each point of impact.
  4. Move your fingers along the pipe 1-3 cm and bend them again.
  5. Continue moving along the pipe until the end of the bend.
  6. If the angle turns out to be excessive, holding the straight sections near the bend with your hands, carefully bend it to the desired angle.