The seven main human chakras: their location, colors, meaning and opening. Chakras. Description of operating principles. Closed chakra sahasrara

Currently, there is a huge amount of literature and websites about chakras and their meaning for humans. The more information, the more it becomes overgrown with personal interpretations of the authors, which do not always correspond to the truth. Today I also want to give you information about energy chakras, about the development of chakras, about the importance of knowledge about chakras in human life. This is very important information; knowing and using this valuable information correctly, you can radically change your life for the better, find happiness, success and good health.

As always, I will present this material to you in accordance with generally accepted ideas and at a level that is understandable to everyone who wants to live consciously and create their own destiny. And for this, most people do not need to go into the jungle of this knowledge. After all, the majority today are only approaching the average level of human development. And for this level of development, this knowledge and practice will be sufficient. I have verified this in my practice and therefore I can safely share the information with you. What are these chakras and what is their significance in our lives?

I want to immediately make a reservation that all these concepts cannot be accurately depicted as it really is, this is a schematic presentation that our material brain can understand and use in practice. Let us remember the words of the Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu: “What can be expressed cannot be truth.” After all, subtle bodies and chakras exist in a multidimensional space, which we, as beings of 3-dimensional space, cannot even imagine, much less understand. That is why there are numerous currents and directions in this matter. But practice shows that we can work on this “translation” of information into human language and get the result we need.

Chakras are subtle structures of our subtle bodies, through which we receive the life-giving energy of the Creator from the Cosmos. It is the chakras that connect all our bodies into a single complex self-regulating system. (). The chakra system is complex and diverse. We have about 120 of them, but seven chakras are considered the main ones. Many people add four more to the main ones, two each on the palms and soles, and this is not without practical significance.

When the chakras are sufficiently open and function harmoniously, a person will always be full of strength and energy, he will have excellent health, he will be successful in all aspects of Being, happy and rich. A disturbance in at least one chakra will immediately find expression in problems associated with its function, and an imbalance of all chakras will lead to a complete “mess” in life. Disturbances in the chakra system most often arise due to our illiteracy, inappropriate actions, negative emotional background and negative thinking. And since we can disrupt the energy of the chakras, we can correct it. But for this you need to know where to look for the chakras, how they function, how the harmonization of the chakras is carried out.

Location of chakras.

First chakra– root or muladhara is located at the base of the spine between the anus and the genitals. It has one direction (schematically represented by one funnel). Through it, communication with the energy of the Earth is carried out. In frequency, it is synchronous with the color red, the note “do” and the phrase “lam”. All these characteristics will be important when working with chakras.

Second chakra– sexual or svadhisthana is located on the spine in the projection at the height of 2 fingers below the navel. It has a front and a back funnel. Syncs with orange, the note “re” and the phrase “you”.

Third chakra– the solar plexus chakra or manipura is located above the navel in the solar plexus area and has two funnels. It syncs with yellow, the note “mi”, the word “ram”.

Fourth chakra– cardiac or anahata is projected onto the area of ​​the 5th thoracic vertebra in the center of the chest approximately in the area of ​​the heart. It also has two funnels, synchronizes with green, the note “fa”, and the word “yam”.

Fifth chakra– the throat or vishuddha is located in the neck area between the throat and larynx. It has two funnels, synchronizes with the color blue, the note “salt”, the word “gam” (the lips are oval and the air is pushed out of the throat).

Sixth chakra– the “third eye” or ajna is projected between the eyebrows in the center of the forehead. It has two funnels, synchronizes with the dark blue color, the note “A”, the word “Om”.

Seventh chakra– the crown or sahasrara has a projection in the area of ​​the highest point of the crown. It has one funnel and is connected with the energy of the Cosmos. Syncs with purple, white and golden flowers, note "B".

Now information has appeared about the appearance of additional chakras in humans in connection with the Earth’s transition to a new stage of evolution. But information about this is still scattered, let’s wait until crystals of truth appear. Moreover, it would be good for us to perfectly learn to work with the “old” chakras. The work of the new chakras at this stage will be taken care of by the Higher powers. Now children will be born with new energy, as they grow up, comprehensive information on this issue will be given.

Knowledge about the location of the chakras will be needed to correct their work in various techniques, which I will tell you about, gradually complicating them. Activation of chakras can be done using appropriate color, sounds and physical exercise. The simplest and most effective technique chakra harmonization work with specially created mandalas for each chakra. You have already seen mandalas in the pictures.

Technique for activating and harmonizing chakras using mandalas.

You need to work once a day. One by one, starting from the first, you need to contemplate these mandalas. Moreover, you need to start gradually from 1-2 minutes, bringing the time of contemplation to 5-10 minutes. Then close your eyes and save the image of a mandala on the internal screen in the area of ​​the “third eye” for 5-10 minutes. Mandalas can be viewed from the monitor screen, but it is better to print them on glossy photo paper.

Now let's study information about the meaning of chakras in human life. Their significance has both physiological and psychological aspects. This knowledge will help you understand yourself, the sources of your problems, as well as other people.


This is a reserve of human energy, it potential opportunities. It concentrates and distributes vital energy. Normally, it is always ready to provide the right amount of energy for life. She supervises, providing energy to the legs, spine, rectum, bladder, genitals, and blood. It also supervises the production of adrenaline by the adrenal glands in the event of a threat to life, which provides a powerful influx of energy into the body to solve the problem. It has a connection with the Earth and can be fueled by the energy of the Earth through biologically active points and chakras on the feet. This is why it is very useful to walk barefoot on the ground. Do not ignore this fact to replenish your energy.

Psychologically, it gives a person a feeling of connection with the Earth, support in life, love of life, determination, courage, cheerfulness, confidence in the future, thoroughness, openness, straightforwardness and a tendency to lead.

For its development, a struggle for survival is necessary. There are no problems with this in our country for the majority. For those for whom survival becomes irrelevant, there is extreme sports. That is why rich people are constantly attracted to extreme sports: fast driving, parachuting, diving and other types of it.

If a situation of excess energy is created in this chakra, then this manifests itself in an excessive craving for material pleasures (food, rags, money, drunkenness, sexual pleasures). This state of the chakra is characterized by pronounced selfishness, aggressiveness, cruelty, and imposing one’s opinion on everyone. These people, as a rule, develop hypertension, high blood cholesterol, obesity, rheumatism, and joint diseases.

If muladhara is blocked and there is not enough energy in it, then a person is characterized by weakness, fatigue, poor memory, laziness, apathy, cowardice, passivity, and inability to solve material problems. They are characterized by problems with the spine, bone osteoporosis, uterine fibroids, prostate adenomas, frigidity, and impotence.


This is a reservoir of human sexual energy, necessary for the processes of human reproduction. The energy of this chakra supports the balance of sex hormones, sperm activity, genital function, digestion, immunity, liver, kidneys, spleen, intestines, pancreas and lymph nodes.It supports libido (desire for opposite sex).

Psychologically, it gives confidence in one’s abilities, supports the sexual instinct, the feeling of herd, the elements of desires and passions. Politicians and advertisers play on these properties. With harmonious work and development of the chakra, a person is cheerful, witty, courageous, independent, impulsive, passionate, sociable and has a high vitality.

With excessive activity of svadhisthana, a person becomes characterized by: nervous breakdowns, anger, jealousy, nymphomania, craving for sexual excesses and perversions

When it is weak, there is no sexual desire, frigidity develops, lack of orgasm during sex, infertility, and miscarriages. Such a person cannot live his own life and easily succumbs to the influence of others.


On a physiological level, it nourishes the stomach, liver, gallbladder, adrenal glands, pancreas, oversees the production of digestive enzymes and the state of the sympathetic system. nervous system.

On the psychological plane, this is the center of will, hard work, diligence, the desire to stand out in society, and self-realization. With a strong manipura in front of us business man, who knows how to achieve a goal through his own work, relying on his own strength. In the life of this person there is no longer a constant struggle for his ideals and beliefs; his life becomes calm and measured. They have an expressed sense of justice and duty to people and society.

With an excess of energy in Manipura, there appears a desire to get involved in everything, to interfere in the destinies of other people, excessive rationalism, careerism, obsession with some ideas (diet, political fanaticism). Such people are characterized by arrogance, arrogance, bitterness, anger, and vanity. All this leads to various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, often of an inflammatory nature.

With weak manipura, a person is weak-willed, cannot set goals, achieve them, lives in a world of empty dreams, is not able to make important decisions on his own, cannot say a firm “no,” is nervous, fussy, and easily obeys the will of others. They are very characterized by ulcerative processes in the digestive organs with the transition to cancer.


This is a very important component in the chakra system and energy of our body. IT can be figuratively compared to a crossroads that connects all chakras with each other and with subtle bodies, distributing energies between them. Anahata is not connected with the human Ego, it is connected with the soul. Therefore, people rightfully assigned it the meaning of the soul. And this is not without meaning, because it unites into a single whole all the subtle structures included in the concept of the soul. ().

Physiologically, it nourishes the thymus gland, upper back, lungs, heart and all cardiovascular system, as well as the lymphatic system.

On the psychological plane, it controls emotions and feelings to maintain harmony between the impulses of lower desires coming from the lower chakras with the impulses coming from the higher centers. Thus, she takes part in shaping our behavior. She balances, calms, disciplines. Through it, the qualities of our Divine soul are manifested, which are automatically perceived to form actions in certain situations. That’s when we say: “I can’t do otherwise.”

A person of developed anahata is kind, merciful, compassionate, he is happy, joyful in any conditions, he is able to love not only himself, but other people and the whole World. Being around such a person is warm, light and calm; you want to communicate with him ad infinitum. They accept life as it is and accept people for who they are without judgment. And therefore, their life flows easily and naturally, and in their lives there is always love, happiness, success and prosperity, everything that they need for happy life. There are few such people on Earth now, especially among men. Therefore, the task facing women in the Age of Aquarius is to develop this chakra in themselves to an optimal level and help men do this too.

When anahata is overly active in a person, love takes on ugly forms. This is either excessive love for oneself (narcissism) or insane love for others (excessive maternal love). These people are characterized by such health deviations as vegetative-vascular dystonia, neuroses and heart and vascular diseases.

With a lack of energy in anahata, a person becomes dependent on the love of others; in its absence, he becomes sad, worries, and does not find a place for himself in life. This person is emotionally cold, callous, does not know how to express his feelings, therefore is lonely, suffers from depression, neurasthenia, and insufficiency of the circulatory system.


The physiological aspect of the chakra is to ensure optimal communication between people and the world around them. This is a vocational guidance center. People with developed anahata always correctly choose their type of activity, which allows them to realize their life goals. He enjoys this kind of work and achieves a lot in this field. Vishuddha supervises the face, neck, thyroid gland, throat, eyes, teeth, ears, shoulders, hands. It is involved in the metabolism and distribution of calcium in the body.

On a psychological level, it is the center of speech, creativity and talent. It is thanks to this chakra that a person receives new ideas, insights and guesses. With developed Vishuddha, a person has good command of voice and speech. He can easily express himself and communicate with people around him. But the development and opening of this chakra is very dependent on the activity of the first 3 chakras. If they are not developed, then little energy enters Vishuddha and a person cannot manifest his talents, he does not have enough energy for creativity.

If the chakra is on a starvation diet, then the person has clumsy speech or is generally silent, lexicon there are few words, a person cannot express his feelings, he has a creaky, unpleasant voice, poor gestures. Often he cannot decide on his profession, makes a mistake in his choice and works without love. These people are characterized by thyroid tumors, insomnia, and depression.

When there is an excess of energy in this chakra, a person is talkative, does not know how to listen to others, and gesticulates excessively. He develops delusions of grandeur, he admits only that he is right, loves to argue, and ridicule others. These people have a tendency to diseases of the thyroid gland, throat, teeth, obesity or thinness, rapid aging and loss of strength.

To open this chakra, you need to learn to communicate, improve your speech, and choose the right profession so that your work is a joy. And work on all underlying centers.


Its physiology is determined by the fact that it receives energy from the crown chakra, brings it down and thereby controls the entire body. She supervises the pituitary gland, the cerebellum, the central nervous system, and controls all the endocrine glands.

On a psychological level, this is the center of intuition. If the chakra is developed, a person intuitively receives the necessary information in right moment, so he always knows more than he taught. The ajna person consciously controls life, all his desires are quickly fulfilled. It is revealed by higher powers only in highly spiritual people, otherwise a person can easily realize his base desires and do such things that no one will think enough. As this center opens, a person develops superpowers: clairvoyance, clairaudience, telepathy.

If a person excessively intensively tries to develop this chakra to obtain superpowers without balancing other centers, he becomes characterized by excessive demonstration of his mind, pride, a sense of superiority over others, and is characterized by a loss of connection with reality and loss of interest in life in the material World. It is clear that many problems will appear in this person’s life, but superpowers are unlikely to be revealed.

If the chakra is blocked, then the person lacks curiosity, he categorically refuses to recognize spiritual life, and is indifferent to art, culture, and science. He is subject to a pronounced herd instinct.


This entrance gate energy of the Creator. This is the level of righteousness, the center of a person’s highest aspirations. This is the center of insight. This center is developed in a few, while in others it is slightly open and the degree of its opening depends on the level of his spirituality. Sometimes it can open up to a greater extent for a short time and the person receives insight.

Yogis believe that in the first chakra, in a dormant state, there is the life-giving energy of Kundalini, upon awakening of which it rises upward, reaches the crown chakra, and people experience enlightenment. All righteous people who achieve this have a glow around their heads. Hence they called it enlightenment. We are still very far from this, but we must strive for this on the path of spiritual development.

If this center is closed, then a person has no aspiration for spiritual life, improvement, he does not feel unity with the Universe, feels isolated from the World, ceases to be aware of himself and, as a rule, suffers from mental disorders. In less pronounced forms, a person suffers from fear of death, constant headaches, and multiple sclerosis.

Forced premature opening of this chakra leads to schizophrenia, delusional states, drug addiction and mental disorders.

I think you understand that the chakra system functions properly only in complete unity. An imbalance in one of them leads to problems with health, psyche, emotional and spiritual spheres. The strongest and most stable are the first two chakras, because they are responsible for survival and reproduction. The most vulnerable are the 3rd, 4th, and 5th centers, because they are far from the source of energy. Their condition depends on our actions, emotions, feelings and thoughts.

Chakras are closely connected with subtle bodies. Subtle bodies, depending on the frequencies of energy, are divided into 3 subsections: Lower, middle and higher. For example, in the astral body, the lower astral will be filled with negative emotions and aspirations, the higher, accordingly, with higher emotions.

First and second chakras associated with the physical and etheric bodies, as well as with the lower astral.

Third and fourth chakras associated with the middle and higher astral, as well as with the lower mental.

Fifth and sixth chakras associated with the higher astral, higher mental and causal body.

Seventh chakra connected with the body “I am an individual” and the body of the Absolute.

Based on the above connections, we can conclude that the key to opening the chakras is the painstaking work of clearing all bodies of low-frequency energies.

The chakras together with the subtle bodies form the AURA. It is individual for each person and is colored in the colors of the open chakras and energies of the subtle bodies. Today you can already do it at special devices a snapshot of your aura and control its dynamics when working with chakras. Here is a snapshot of my aura. From a snapshot of the aura, one can understand through which centers a person’s self-realization mainly occurs.

Today you have received enough information for reflection, and therefore for the development of the mental body. Besides, you can already:

1. Conduct a self-diagnosis of the state of your chakra system.

2. Outline a work plan to improve it.

3. Start harmonizing the chakras with helpyu meditation with mandalas.

In the following topics, we will master specific ways to develop chakras and use knowledge to attract health, happiness, joy and love into our lives. Subscribe to site news so you don't miss the next topics.

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Regards, Tatiana.

In this article we will tell you what the chakras are responsible for, give detailed description and the meaning of each. This topic will be useful to anyone who wants to work with their own energy, open their consciousness and get to know themselves better.

Let's list:

  1. The seventh is located in the crown area. Responsible for spirituality, brain function, harmony in all areas of life. The better the Sahasrara is developed, the closer person to God, the more spiritual and unique he is
  2. The sixth is located in the center of the forehead. Responsible for wisdom and memory, consciousness, the ability to feel the state of other people. If this chakra is developed beyond the norm, a person is able to predict the future, he is highly spiritually developed
  3. The fifth gland is located in the area where the thyroid gland is located. They call it the throat, it is responsible for a person’s ability to express his thoughts through words. Shows how capable he is of defending his beliefs and proving his point of view
  4. There is a fourth in the center of the chest at the level of the heart. Responsible for a person’s emotionality and openness. Shows how responsive, sensitive, capable of love and tenderness he is. Responsible for the health of the lungs, heart and other organs located in the chest area
  5. The third chakra (solar plexus chakra) is located in the navel area. Responsible for how human body converts, assimilates, stores and distributes energy. The more developed the 3rd chakra, the better a person’s intuition. Stabilizes the energy shell
  6. The second chakra (sexual chakra) is located in the pubic area. Responsible for sexual energy: sensuality, sexual activity, attraction, attractiveness, magnetism. Better developed in women than in men. Men receive this energy through women.
  7. And the first is located in the crotch area. It is responsible for the entry of energy into the body, as well as the removal of used remnants of this energy. Determines the character, temperament, psychological type of a person. Well developed in men. It is practically not developed in women, so representatives of the fairer sex must receive the energy of this chakra through men.

Depending on their location, each of the chakras “supervises” the work of certain internal organs person. Therefore, in case of health problems, you can easily determine which of the chakras is “slack” and requires cleansing.

How to open chakras?

It is not enough to know what human chakras are, to understand their meaning. It is important to be able to do things that slow you down. Working with the energy field can yield tremendous results.

Realization of aspirations

It’s very simple: in order to start the process of opening the chakras automatically, you need to learn to set high goals. This is the first and very powerful push towards developing your life potential.

Therefore, we take a piece of paper, a pen and write a list of 100 goals. The first 20-30 are unlikely to be “high”; rather, these will be goals like: “buy a fur coat,” “buy a car,” “pay off the mortgage.” But the last 20, most likely, will already look more global, intangible and interesting.

Embodying the principles

To implement this practice, decide which chakra you will work with. If, for example, it is Swadhisthana, you need to follow the principles of this chakra. She is responsible for honesty, sincerity and openness. You need to cultivate in your character the traits of the chakra you want to reveal.

Self-hypnosis and meditation

There are many meditation techniques for beginners and professionals. Test everything, determine which one suits you best. Not immediately, but gradually, you will learn to feel yourself and your body, to direct energy in the right direction.

How to cleanse chakras?

Esotericists believe this: if a person is sick, something is very wrong in his life, which means that one of the chakras is “clogged” and requires. Let's talk about the meaning of cleansing a person's chakras and its methods.

What pollutes your energy channels:

  • negative emotions: rude, abusive speech, quarrels and scandals, rudeness, sarcasm and participation in disputes;
  • negative thoughts: resentment, envy, disappointment, anger, etc.;
  • negative actions that cause you to harm other living beings.

Negativity is a powerful destructive tool. The more of it in your life, the more clogged the chakras are. Because of this, the energy balance is thrown off, a deficit is created, and a person’s physical condition suffers from this.

You will find even more information about chakras in this video:

To cleanse the chakras of accumulated dirt, you need to:

  • set a clear goal and go towards it
  • eliminate negativity from your life: stop being a source of negativity yourself, stop communicating with people who spread it
  • do calming meditations, read mantras
  • study special yoga asanas that are aimed at cleansing the chakras

It is advisable to consult with a competent esotericist. The topic of chakras is very delicate; if you act incorrectly, you can seriously harm yourself. So be careful.

Hello Dear friends! Today we will analyze not only human chakras and their meaning, but also programs for cleansing and opening energy centers. You will learn how to do this quickly and safely.

Chakras - general information

Human chakra is energy center, which performs certain functions. These energy centers look like energy rotating vortexes. Energy centers are located along the spine. There are 7 main ones and several additional ones. Although the word “additional” is hardly appropriate here. We will discuss with you the 7 main energy centers that are located in the human physical body, because... First of all, our health and emotions depend on them.

Each energy center has the shape of a cone. One cone is directed forward, the other backward. By the strength of the energies of these flows, one can judge how open or closed the chakra is.

The upper (sahasrara) and lower (muladhara) have one cone up and down, respectively.

Each energy center on the physical plane is responsible for a certain part of the body, its own endocrine system. It has its own frequency, which corresponds to a certain note, its own element and its own color. She is also responsible for certain emotions, desires and feelings.

When the energy center is disrupted, problems and diseases of the organs for which this center is responsible begin in the corresponding part of the body.

Cones of energy centers

The rotating energy in the energy center looks like a cone. The stronger the clockwise rotation of the vortices in the center, the more open the chakra is, the healthier the body and the more developed some emotional sphere of a person is.

If the rotation of energy in the center goes counterclockwise, then the person has destructive energies that disrupt the functioning of this energy center. In this case, a person almost always has diseases in the corresponding organs.

The forward cone represents the present. If thoughts and emotions in the present in the relevant areas for which the energy center is responsible are in order, energy flows freely.

The cone at the back represents the past. If you have emotional problems with the past, then the chakra closes at the back. Thus, it is possible to have an open energy center in the front, closed at the back and have a disease.

Diagnostics of chakras

Chakras are easily diagnosed using the method. This method can be used to diagnose general state each energy center and find out the blocking programs. Our research has shown that if the energy center is open by 30% or less, a person begins to develop diseases in the corresponding area. If the chakra is open more than 60%, then the person succeeds in the corresponding qualities. If the energy center is more than 80% open, then genius abilities and the highest inner sensations begin to appear in the corresponding area.

If you want to open the chakras and feel their qualities, download the book « » .

Chakra meaning

Let's begin the study of human chakras, their meaning, cleansing and opening programs with muladhara. For a more detailed description of each energy center and opening program, see the links in each center. Below is more brief basic information on the energy centers, their meanings and the main programs for their discovery.

Located in the coccyx area, red in color. Responsible for animal instinct, survival, connection with the Family. At the physical level, it is responsible for the legs. If you have problems with your legs (varicose veins, knee pain, etc.), hemorrhoids, lumbar radiculitis, constipation, then muladhara is not working well. Often, hypertension can be the cause of closed muladhara.

The work of muladhara is mainly influenced by fears and worries, uncertainty, and a weak will to live.

Removing blockages from muladhara

It is necessary to understand and realize that our body is like a shirt to the soul, which is thrown away when it wears out. The body will sooner or later go into the ground, and the soul will receive a new body. Our whole life is a game, and we are actors in it. We just play our roles, but often we forget this and start taking our lives seriously.

Learn to see the game of this life, and yourself as an actor in it. Look at the children. They do their role perfectly. It is unthinkable to imagine a child with varicose veins veins or hemorrhoids.

Set yourself a program: all the will of God and don't take life seriously. If you are afraid of something, it means you do not trust God. Feel the energy of fearlessness and determination. It is also necessary on an emotional level to remove all claims against parents and one’s Family.

Svadhistan or sexual energy center. Located in the lower abdomen near the spine. The color of the energy center is orange. Responsible for relationships with the opposite sex, parents and children. At the physical level, responsible for the genitals and kidneys. When this energy center is disrupted, a person develops diseases of these organs, and may also have allergies, constipation and depression.

Opening of svadhisthana

This energy center can be called a family one and it provides a huge amount of energy. To open this center, it is necessary to remove all grievances and regrets towards the opposite sex. Then you need to sincerely internally thank the person against whom you had grievances. This person taught you something, gave you some life lessons. Realize this and thank your teacher.

In this way, energy transformation will occur and the energy center will start working, after which the corresponding diseases will go away.

Svadhistan is well opened by remembering pure and pleasant relationships with the opposite sex. Remember and remember this state. Try to always be in this state.

In addition, you need to learn to see goddesses in women (if you are a man) and gods in men (if you are a woman). And not only those that you like, but all of them, and especially those that cause unpleasant feelings in you.

Understand that everyone’s souls are pure and beautiful, but the external manifestation is a set of different programs. These programs can be removed and any person will become beautiful. Learn to see the soul in a person, not a set of programs.

If you don’t like something in another person, then that quality is in you.

Accept all men and women as God's creatures, absolutely all of them. Claims and grievances even against one person can close the energy center and bring illness. Feel the love for all women and all men and the joy of it. Feel that you have no claims left against the opposite sex. Now in your memory there are only pure, wonderful relationships. Your health is in your hands.

Located in the solar plexus area, yellow in color. Manipura is called the center of power of joy. On the physical plane, it is responsible for digestion. This center is influenced by your attitude to power, work, relationships with friends and in society.

If you do not have joy from work, you are not satisfied with your relationship with your boss or co-workers, you do not feel needed by people and do not feel in your place, manipura is blocked. Problems begin with the stomach, pancreas, and liver.

The liver is greatly affected by anger. If you have liver problems, then you are an angry person. If you have such a problem, read the material « » . This will help improve the condition of manipura. Anger destroys joy and the center closes.

When manipura is violated, gastritis, heartburn, and all kinds of problems with the digestive organs begin.

Programs for removing blockages from manipura

Remember, you are responsible for everything that happens to you. Neither the government, nor the country, nor the people are to blame for this. You need to take full responsibility for everything that happens to you.

you can find Good work you become richer even in the most severe crisis, and I tested this on myself. We have enough crises and a whole field for experiments)))

When you take full responsibility at the emotional level, you need to accept your position. You may have made mistakes and it has led you nowhere where you want to be. But this is your path, your mistakes and your victories. Accept them. Accept everything difficult situations that happened to you, because this is a consequence of your past desires, wicked actions. Acceptance is a very important step for opening manipura.

After acceptance, you need to thank all the people who took part in your life for the valuable experience. Thanks to them, you learned and gained experience. Now you know a lot and it is easier for you to make the right decisions.

The next difficult step for many is the lack of control. Each person has their own experience in this life. Never control anyone, not even your children. If you want to change children, guide them, but don't control them. Control closes the manipura and shifts the biofield.

Do only what brings you joy. Learn and then the problem of finding your life’s work will disappear.

Cultivate a sense of joy and love in yourself, undergo charity training « » , do an internship « » , feel the energy of joy enter into you.

Energy Center Green colour, is located in the heart area. This is the center of love and mercy. Anahata blockages lead to heart disease, asthma, bronchitis and decreased immunity.

This energy center closes when a person refuses to love himself or people, when he is susceptible to emotional wounds and has compassion.

Removing anahata blockages

People need to be loved for who they are. Every person has a beautiful soul. Learn to love a person's soul, not his appearance and behavior.

The second most powerful blocking of anahata is compassion. This is a negative quality that increases suffering. If you have compassion for a sick person, then there are already 2 sick people, you and that person.

The compassion program must be replaced with mercy, when you do not sympathize, but help a person. You need to understand that the emotion of compassion closes anahata and the person gets sick.

As soon as a person learns to love himself and all people as they are, removes compassion, the heart center will immediately begin to work well. Also, to open anahata, I recommend mastering the practice. Do some practice.

Located in the throat area blue color. It is the center of communication, emotion and creativity. Problems with this energy center lead to various diseases of the throat and thyroid gland.

The main reasons for blocking Vishuddhi are isolation, accumulation of negative emotions and reluctance to reveal one’s talents.

Removing Vishuddhi blockages

It is necessary to open up to communication. Next, try to feel like an actor in this life who plays roles. At work you play the role of an employee, in a car as a driver, at home you change the role of a husband or wife or a child’s teacher. Never forget that you are just playing in this life.

Don't accumulate emotional garbage. As soon as you are offended by some words of other people or they hurt you on an emotional level, Vishuddha closes. You may have noticed that after unpleasant conversations, your neck begins to hurt.

Never argue with anyone. Disputes also block this center. Send love to any unpleasant words.

This center opens up creativity very well. Find a creative activity that you enjoy and do it. For all creative people, the throat center works well.

When ajna is blocked, there may be nightmares, headaches, and impaired growth and development.

When Ajna is revealed, a person receives a gift, he begins to see the game of this world, he receives clarity, understanding and wisdom.

Ajna opening programs

It is necessary to understand that there is an information field in which absolutely all information is located. You can access this information through intuition. Absolutely every person has this opportunity.

Unlock your intuition with

Decide that from this moment you are free from the influence of everyone external influences and at the same time you will not push anyone through. As soon as you start pushing someone emotionally, programs will immediately turn on that block the center of intuition.

Realize your unity with the whole world. Every thought and emotion you have affects the world, and the world affects you. Feel this relationship between yourself and the surrounding space.

This energy center is located in the fontanel area, it purple. If sahasrara is violated, there may be insomnia, depression, tinnitus, multiple sclerosis, autism, chronic fatigue.

The main reason for blocking this center is materiality. This not only happens when a person does not believe in God, but also when a person has a material concept of religion. For example, when "our daily bread...", is perceived as a material object, not a spiritual one.

Also, sahasrara is often blocked in various “spiritual” teachings. For example, various sects, channelings, teachings from teachers of “light”, etc.

Opening of Sahasrara

It is necessary to realize that God exists. Realize yourself as a part of a single whole organism. Open up to the flow of the Holy Spirit. This flow always goes to everyone. You just need to open up to him and not interfere. Realize your dependence on the flow of the Holy Spirit. Without this flow, a person cannot be complete. Think about people with autism. They have blocked this flow.

Always live according to your conscience. Conscience is a joint message with God. If you start being cunning, the sahasrara closes.

Removing blockages from energy centers - how to open chakras

Work your chakras with this meditation. If you do everything that is said in this recording at the emotional level, your energy centers will immediately begin to work better. We checked this. Meditation taken from.

Opening methods

There are several methods for opening energy centers:

  1. Emotional. Most effective method. The energy center opens automatically when you enter the correct emotional state. I outlined this method in detail in the book. "The reference state of the chakras" .
  2. Meditations. A good, but less effective method compared to the first one, because... The opening of energy centers occurs for a short time.
  3. The embodiment into the material world of what the energy center is responsible for. For example, to reveal Vishuddhi, you need to start doing creativity. My Vishuddha started working 20% ​​better just because I started writing articles on this blog.
  4. Cleansing through practices. A good, but short-term method.

Material “Human Chakras and Their Meaning”, prepared in addition to full description main energy centers from the section « » .

How to open the chakras and feel their qualities - look in the book "The reference state of the chakras" .

I wish you 100% opening of all energy centers! Best regards, Lyubomir Borisov.

What do you think about the methods of opening the chakras? Let's discuss in the comments!

Word chakra translated from Sanskrit means “wheel”, “energy disk or vortex”. These plasma fields, invisible to the ordinary eye, vibrate in the human body at a given frequency, and thus process energy.

The function of the chakras is to convert vibrational energy into a form usable by the human body.

Chakras- Not physical objects. They represent aspects of consciousness, in that they are similar to the aura. But the chakras are distinguished by greater density than the aura, although their density is less than the density of the physical body. Chakras interact with the physical body through the endocrine and nervous systems. Each of the seven chakras is associated with one of the seven endocrine glands, as well as a collection of nerves called plexuses. Thus, each chakra is associated with a specific part of the body and its specific function.

There are many chakras in the body. They are located everywhere. The most visible and best known are the seven major chakras, located along the spinal column from the perineum to the crown. Each of them is associated with a specific smell, color, sound, precious stone, organ, mental characteristics and karmic programs.

Chakra is the first chakra, located at the base of the spine, in the perineum, in other words, at the bottom of the pelvic womb.

The Muladhara chakra controls the action of all air currents, pushes out semen from the male reproductive organ and urine. In women, it pushes the child out of the womb during birth. This chakra corresponds to the bija mantra LAM. This sound should vibrate in the roof of the mouth, the brain and the top of the skull. Its vibration helps create a passage inside the channel to facilitate the movement of energy. This chakra controls the testicles, ovaries, and all glands of the perineum. It also controls the functions of smell, sexual desire, and determines the physical structure of the body. This is the earth power chakra that allows a person to connect with earth energies.

In its dormant state, the muladhara chakra represents the instinctive nature of man, the center of passions and inertia. In the awakened one there is spiritual potential. This chakra connects a person to the earth. Depends on her condition general endurance and performance. Its improper functioning causes pain in the back, legs, excess weight, excessive thinness, and anemia. These are the consequences of chakra underdevelopment.

Svadhisthana The chakra is located between the fourth and fifth lumbar vertebrae. This chakra interacts with the lumbar and hypogastric plexuses. It also has taste, digestion, defensive reactions body. Interacts with the liver, kidneys, lymph glands, and mammary glands in women.

There is a bija mantra for this chakra VAM. You need to focus on the second chakra when the bija VAM is pronounced. The sounds of flowing water enhance the effect of the VAM mantra; when this sound is pronounced correctly, it opens any blocks in the lower regions of the body, allowing energy to move unhindered.

In its normal state, this chakra is the center of the subconscious, where experiences and instinctive aspirations are stored. Having awakened it, the yogi transforms everything suppressed and forgotten. This chakra has an important influence on the reproductive and muscular systems, as well as the excretory systems and the activity of the spleen and Bladder. Has a subtle connection with sensations and emotions, pleasure and sexuality. It has an orange color.

Concentration on this chakra gives the mind the ability to reflect the world, just as the moon reflects the sun. By opening this chakra, a person acquires the ability to create and conserve energy in order to rise to pure art and pure relationships with others, to free himself from lust, greed, jealousy, envy, and anger.

Manipura The chakra is located in the solar plexus area. Bija mantra chakra RAM.
The endocrine glands, liver (its bile cells) are associated with the manipura chakra. gallbladder, spleen, pancreas, adrenal glands.

The adrenal glands secrete adrenaline, which in turn has an effect on intracellular metabolic processes. Adrenaline also causes an improvement in heart contractions, reduces the tone of smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract, affects the contraction of the iris muscle, and improves vision and hearing.

The energy environment of the chakra corresponds to self-reflection and the level of the body’s holistic response to external stimuli, leading to the need to act synchronously-positively or synchronously-negatively.

It is here that a person's emotions and life force meet and interact. People with a predominant Manipura chakra easily overcome difficulties; they enjoy struggle as a process itself. In this chakra lives an internal fire that can warm the human body even in the most very coldy. It includes colors of green and light red. A person who works correctly with this chakra has a long life and good health. Develops the power to manage and organize.

Anahata The chakra is located in the heart area. By addressing your spiritual heart through meditation, you are accessing your spiritual Deity. Bija mantra of this chakra - YAM. While pronouncing this mantra, you need to concentrate your attention on the heart.

It is believed that the Anahata chakra is the center where our animal (3 lower chakras) and spiritual (3 upper chakras) principles connect. The Anahata chakra, or simply our heart, is a powerful transformer that has the power to transform any energy into the energy of love and acceptance.

People with the dominant influence of this chakra are characterized by a high degree of self-control, kindness and openness. They easily respond to requests for help, are selfless and sublime in love.

Disturbance in the functioning of this chakra leads to sentimentality, pompousness, vanity, inconsistency, and fanaticism.

This chakra has a green glow and completely depends on the harmonious work of all human chakras. Thanks to continuous work on this chakra, a person masters his Self, gains wisdom and inner strength, balances male and female energy, and gains control over feelings. A person who works correctly with the anahata chakra rises above all circumstances and limitations. In the presence of such a person, people find peace and joy. Such people are aware of their karma-destiny. These people are unprincipledly devoted to God.

The Anahata chakra is associated with air and the respiratory system. Love and compassion, creative power and the ability to overcome one’s fate depend on it. This chakra is originally untouched sound, the clap of one palm, ZEN. Also, this chakra has a huge influence on the activity of the thymus gland - the thymus gland and immune systems s of the body. It interfaces with a level of consciousness that awakens higher compassion, natural abilities, and opens up the opportunity to see the deep forces of nature.

Vishuddha The chakra is located in the throat area. Bija mantra of this chakra HAM.

This creativity human being is the source of imaginative thinking. This state of mind allows you to make a logical analysis of events and your capabilities.

Concentration on the throat center gives purity, clarity, a melodic voice, opens spiritual poetry, understanding of dreams, penetration into the secrets of the scriptures.

The one who opens this chakra can control the energy of feelings with objects of feelings. Many sensory limitations disappear, and his behavior is no longer determined by the patterns and stereotypes that control most people. Such a person can rise above the mental field, vain thoughts, destructive thought forms and low passions.

He is hardly bothered by the disturbances of his mind. The intellect of such a person is partially illuminated by the light of Divine vision and begins to emerge from the labyrinth of logic and superficial analysis.

A person who has not fully realized the aspirations and desires inherent in the fifth chakra is reincarnated according to his karma, as a teacher, sage, preacher or commentator on the scriptures.

The Vishuddha chakra is associated with hearing, creativity, truth-seeking and self-expression.

It is one of the main organs of extrasensory perception and plays a major role in working with dreams. Expands consciousness.

It is associated with the activity of the right hemisphere of the brain and with the creative functions of the mind, and opens the great gates to liberation.

The Ajna chakra is located in the area between the eyebrows, in the area where the pituitary gland is located. The bija mantra associated with this chakra is - AUM.

A practitioner of this chakra is fully aware of his own divinity, and sees the state of the divinity of others. He constantly dwells in clear transparency, intuitive penetration, while having his own divinity, joy and fearlessness.

At this level, one must avoid attachments to mystical powers and supernatural abilities. This chakra is associated with the activity of consciousness, with the enlightened mind and awareness of everything. It is also called the third eye. Self-programming of the biocomputer occurs in this chakra. From another perspective, this chakra has ninety-six petals. Half of these petals emit yellow light, the other half emit violet and blue light. It is directly related to human intuition. It has a major influence on the activity of the pituitary gland and endocrine, as well as the immune systems, being responsible for the balanced functioning of both hemispheres.

The Ajna chakra affects the awakening of clairvoyance and magnetism.

Meditative practices associated with this chakra allow the meditator to exercise complete control over his thoughts and move unhindered through all mental processes not related to Absolute Consciousness.

Another name for it is the third eye, which is associated with clairvoyance and psychic perception. Remember that only practice makes it possible to achieve the highest results.

Sahasrara The chakra is located above a person’s head, and is an energy center in which all opposites are united. It abolishes all sounds and all colors and contains within itself all cognitive and volitional abilities, static and dynamic energies of the remaining centers.

Upon achieving Samadhi, the meditator does not lose consciousness, as in sleep, fainting or intoxication, only material consciousness disappears. He acquires an all-unifying vision of the world, perceiving everything as an infinite variety of Divine phenomena, residing in a single self-luminous substance. He is filled with Divine love and Divine compassion for all beings. In this state, all oppositions disappear, i.e. matter - spirit, transcendental - immanent, finite - infinite, past - present, etc. There are no exceptions to this condition. Everything is there and it is all the Absolute. This is the highest completeness, bliss and enjoyment of the unity of individuality. This chakra rotates above the head, its petals emit a blazing violet light. It is the most spiritual of all the colors on the spectrum. The state of this chakra shows the degree of conscious development of a person.

This chakra also influences the functioning of the nervous system and human skeleton, controlling the thyroid gland and is associated with the functioning of the medulla oblongata. It is directly related to the level of superconsciousness, which works with spirituality and the higher forces of the Universe.

The moment the kundalini energy rises into the sahasrara chakra, the revelation of the highest Divine Consciousness occurs. A practicing yogi feels a complete unlimited connection with God.

If this chakra is the leading one, such a yogi contains wisdom and compassion, feeling the reasons for human needs, and understands the essence of the intentions that drive human actions. His wisdom and power are undeniable and not discussed.

In this chakra, Lord Shiva himself meets with the Divine Shakti. They merge in cosmic unity. From Their merger, the Divine nectar Amrita flows, spiritualizing and transforming the entire body. Enlightenment is found in this chakra.

This is a white lotus located in the middle of the milky ocean, the center of this lotus is the Supreme Self. A thousand petals of this lotus are located on twenty levels of fifty petals in each. Each petal has one Sanskrit letter, all of which form a ring of letters called pancha-shikha-mala. In the pericarp of this lotus there is a lunar region - Chandra-mandala, pouring out peach light. Forming a luminous triangle inside which emptiness is the abode of transcendental Bliss.


If the chakras are closed, there is little energy in them, or, on the contrary, there is too much energy, a person has problems not only with health, but also in life.

As you already understand, most healing eastern practices are used to restore the functioning of the chakras, balance vital energy in the body, opening it to receive energy and preserve it in it. The Chinese call this energy qi, the Hindus call it prana.
When Qi flows freely, without stopping or getting lost anywhere, but also without bringing excess into the organs, a person is healthy!

This is the basis for the treatment of many physical diseases, as well as a way to change a person’s consciousness and life better side, a way to discover incredible energy potential within yourself.

The chakras are influenced through physical exercise (yoga, qigong, and other healing techniques), through meditation through words, mantras, imagination, and prayers.

Everything that happens in the world is connected with energy. It propagates through waves in space, which come in different vibrations and sizes. These waves constantly interact with each other, intersect, merge into a single whole, exchange vibrations, and annihilate.

A chakra is a huge energy center where vibrations with different densities and frequencies are collected into a single ball. The human body contains chakras, which manifest themselves in the form of glands, joints and nerve nodes. From the point of view of the energy level, the human chakras are torsion vortices that rotate with a certain frequency. There are seven human chakras located along the entire spine. Each of them is responsible for a certain department of the human soul.

All human chakras and spheres of the soul:

  • Human instincts and his body - Muladhara chakra;
  • Tenderness, pleasure and emotions – Svadhisthana chakra;
  • Inner strength and will – Manipura chakra;
  • Spiritual experience and love – Anahata chakra;
  • Self-expression and creative process – Vishuddha chakra;
  • Intuition and intelligence – Ajna chakra;
  • Connection with higher powers – Sahasrara chakra.

The highest human chakras work with the most subtle energies. That is why the lowest chakra Muladhara is responsible for connecting a person with the earth, and the upper Sahasrara is the center of communication with the cosmic mind. Short description each of the chakras:

  • Location: beginning of the spine, perineum;
  • Color: red;
  • Job: survival.

Muladhara is the very first chakra of a person. This is where the basis of biological life is located, that is, it is responsible for reflexes and instincts. The Muladhara chakra is the guarantor of life in harmony with the natural world; it is the chakra that connects a person with the earth. The word Muladhara is divided into two words: "Mula" is the root and the meaning "Adhara" is the base.

The action of the Muladhara chakra will determine a person’s harmonious relationship with the world, namely: health, well-being, ability to work, endurance, immunity.

Muladhara chakra - center of instincts

  • Location: just below the navel, gonads;
  • Orange color;
  • Work: pleasure.

This chakra contains the sexual energy of a person, which is responsible for procreation. She is responsible for the center of emotions, pleasures, passions, as well as sexual pleasure. In psychology, Svadhisthana is considered the center of the subconscious, since it is in this place that all secret desires, feelings and emotions are located. The energy of Swadhisthana is a positive mood, manifestations of creative desires, receiving pleasure, sharing emotions with others.

Chakra Svadhisthana - the center of pleasure

  • Location: solar plexus;
  • Yellow color;
  • Work: vital energy.

The Manipura chakra is the center of will, willpower, and active work on oneself. That is why it becomes the main one in the desire for power. The main qualities that Manipura provides a person are leadership, determination and communication skills. Managers and leaders draw energy for work from the Manipur chakra. The energy of this chakra helps a person to realize himself, develop spiritually, and fight his weaknesses. If a person knows how to control himself and his emotions, then his Manipura chakra is well developed. It helps control passions and instincts.

Manipura Chakra - center of vitality

  • Location: heart;
  • Green color;
  • Work: harmony and love.

The very first three chakras of a person are responsible for the material world of man, and the last three are responsible for spirituality. In the center between them is the Anahata chakra, where these two worlds combine. The development of the human soul will depend on how the two groups of chakras interact. In the Anahata chakra, spiritual and emotional-sensual exchange between people occurs. The main ability of this chakra is the transformation of energies that come from the outside world and turn into compassion and love. If a person is well developed, then his spirituality is in complete harmony, he accepts himself in this world. Anakhpta includes: forgiveness, humility, mercy, empathy for others.

Anahata chakra - spiritual center

  • Location: throat, thyroid gland;
  • Blue color;
  • Work: self-expression.

Since the Vishuddha chakra is located in the area of ​​the vocal apparatus, it helps a person to defend his views, ideas and beliefs. With the help of this chakra, a person can express himself and express his intentions. This chakra is more pronounced in artists, singers, speakers, teachers and other professions where you need to show your speech and voice. The Vishuddha chakra helps people express themselves creatively, form a personal opinion, and resist other people’s beliefs, especially if they carry false values.

Vishuddha Chakra - the center of self-expression

  • Location: just above the head;
  • Color: blue;
  • Work: intuition, logical thinking.

The human chakra Ajna has a second name - the third eye, since its work is associated with intuition, prophecy, and thinking. Translated, it means unlimited power. It is in this place that the center that controls our soul is located. Ajna concentrated consciousness, logic, intellect and memory. One area of ​​operation of this chakra is the mind, and the second is the mind. The peculiarities of the mind lie in the separation of the goals of its knowledge, and the mind unites everything into one and helps a person to see the holistic and deep essence of all phenomena and things. Ajna is associated with energies and subtle matters. Its development helps people to tune into harmony with the Universe, to catch information hidden from everyone from external space. The Ajna chakra is the source of insight, wisdom, and intuition.

Ajna Chakra - the center of intellect and clairvoyance

  • Location: directly overhead;
  • Color: purple;
  • Work: human spirituality.

The energies of all chakras connect here, so its goal is unity. It is at this point that contact with the Higher Mind, the Eternal Mind occurs. Sahasrara is the level of collective consciousness. If a person managed to open this chakra, then knowledge is revealed to him.

Sahasrara Chakra - the center of communication with the Cosmic Mind