When was Anton Tabakov born? Children of Oleg Tabakov: the craving for acting was passed on to all four of them. The beginning of creative activity

4.5 years with Anton were very bright. Photo: From personal archive

U actress Ekaterina Semenova, like her heroine from the series “Two Fates,” life is filled with love turmoil...

"There's no room for you"

My first great love was Anton Tabakov (Oleg Tabakov’s eldest son. - Ed.). This is one of the most vivid impressions of my life, Anton gave me a son... I was 19, he was 31. We lived with him. The house was always full of guests, we had a company of young talented actors, directors, all with sparkling eyes, they wanted to change the world... I always dreamed of having many children, I wanted to have a home “ kindergarten" But when I found out about pregnancy, my feelings were mixed and I became very scared. 19 years old, in my second year of college... Shock. Some time before this moment, the doctors managed to diagnose me with “infertility,” so until the seventh month I didn’t even know that I was pregnant! When the doctor asked me: “How long did you have toxicosis?”, she answered: “What is it?” - “Oh, I see a candidate for abortion.” I almost choked with indignation: “What right do you have to say that!” Anton was waiting for me in the corridor and was very happy that we were going to have a child. The birth was premature.

“Our house was full of young people...” Philip Yankovsky, Stepan Mikhalkov, Ekaterina Semyonova, Anton Tabakov, Fyodor Bondarchuk, Vladimir Presnyakov. Photo: From personal archive

Unbearable pain... She swore and screamed terribly, threw herself at everything that came to hand... I gave birth on March 7, on the eve of International Women's Day, music was playing in the hospital, the doctors were having fun and drinking, which actually killed me. I remember looking out into the corridor, and there were two doctors discussing: “Who is that yelling like that?” - “Yes, this is Tabakov’s wife giving birth.”

Collage AiF

Nikita I was born very weak. I lay in the incubator for a month. I decided that mother’s warmth is more important for a child and the most correct thing is to take the baby home. They wrote it out against receipt. The doctors scared Anton and me terribly: “When the child dies, we won’t take him back.”

I was absolutely sure: the worst thing in life is pregnancy and childbirth. And then comes the joy of motherhood. But... Nikita was malnourished and cried all the time at night. I slept in front of his crib on the floor, holding him so that he could feel his hand. Now my son is 23 years old, and the joy of motherhood has still not come. (Laughs.)

At some point, when I raised the issue of officially registering the relationship, Anton said: “I don’t even have space in my passport for a new stamp.” (By that time he had already been married three times.) This incredibly offended me... When we went to the registry office to register Nikita, they told us: “Let’s get you married right now.” But I freaked out and got into a pose: “You don’t have a place for me in your passport!” And she left. At that time there was no such diagnosis as postpartum depression. I was annoyed by everything and everyone... In such a state, you begin to blame the people around you. There was a heavy atmosphere at home. How can you love a woman who turns into a vixen?

Anton and I were constantly at odds. Nowadays there is no shame in having a family psychologist. And then... We didn’t have enough wisdom, we didn’t have enough experience and intelligence. If it were possible to return everything back, I would behave completely differently... Anton is a very decent, very family-oriented person, dear to me.

After we broke up, he somehow came and said: “I’m getting married.” At the first moment I was absolutely confused: “How is this possible? It’s mine and it’s gone!” But then we quickly with his wife Nastya ( Anastasia Chukhrai, from whom Anton Tabakov later divorced. - Ed.) found common language, and my jealousy somehow went away...

Killed from the roof...

“Ilyusha was killed in the 90s...” Photo: From personal archive

My friend and I Alena Khmelnitskaya and one of my boyfriends sat in company. Some guy at the table looked at me very predatorily... I asked the gentleman: “Who is this?” - “This is my boss.” The boss at that time was 25-26 years old, and he had his own bank. Several days passed, and suddenly this banker called me: “Would you like to go to the exhibition with me?” - “I can’t, I have to go fix the car.” In the morning the doorbell rings. “Are you Katya Semyonova?” - “Yes.” - “This was conveyed to you from Ilya Alexandrovich Mitkov", - and they give me the keys and registration certificate. The bell rings: “Well, now can you come with me to the exhibition?” Ilyusha turned out to be amazing, the smartest, educated person. I was completely blown away. We lived a very interesting life, traveled a lot... I then worked at the Sovremennik Theater. On tour, Anton Tabakov and I were still housed together. This did not bother us - even after breaking up, we were very friendly. Ilyusha, having learned that I was living in the same room with Tabakov, freaked out and flew to Germany, where we were touring at the time. And in the end, they became such friends that when they arrived in Moscow, Anton and Ilya sent me home, and they themselves went for a walk and have fun.

Ilyusha and I were going to get married. But they didn’t have time: they killed him. They shot me from the roof of my house. Business squabbles... The terrible 90s... Anton was the first to rush in. We went to the Botkin hospital for identification. I saw Ilya’s body, but still didn’t believe in his death. For many years I then dreamed that he came and said: “I am alive”...

A year later appeared Kirill. He took my hand and said: “I won’t let you go anywhere.” It wasn't some kind of crazy crush. I just felt a shoulder nearby. We lived in an apartment that Ilyusha left for me. Born Masha.

Kirill wanted me to sit at home, cook and take care of the children. I was very jealous... It was jealousy not of anyone in particular, but of life in general. I annoyed Kirill with my energy, and he killed me with his lack of energy...

Makarov is an explosion

The greatest love of my life? For certain reasons, I cannot name his name. It was a crazy feeling! After three months of our romance, my beloved said: “I’m leaving for London for work.” For me it was a tragedy. I flew there twice a week. For some reason, he didn’t want to marry me, I was very angry about it. This lasted 5 years. The last time my beloved came to me and said: “Let's try again.” I showed him ring finger: “Only the ring.” - “No, let's just try to be together.” - “I can’t do that.” We parted completely. I tore my feelings out by the roots. Unfortunately, I lost. And he... He is happy, married, he has two children.

U Lesha Makarova amazing charisma, he is lively, lively, smart. Of course, I couldn't resist him. But we are two artists, both incredibly explosive people. Wild passions were seething, it was not a relationship, but a constant explosion, a roller coaster. He initiated the separation, but it was obvious to me: we simply cannot be together. Lyosha still needs a balanced woman, but I need a calmer man...

At the moment of the breakup, a tragedy occurred - Lyosha lost his mother, an actress. Lyubov Polishchuk, there is no time to sort things out. Our romance turned into friendship...

Today I'm alone. Open to love. But I compare all men with him, with the one with whom the greatest love happened. I'm looking for people like him. I can't find it yet...

A famous Russian actor, restaurateur, and businessman was born into a creative family on May eleventh, one thousand nine hundred and sixty in the capital.

Childhood, family

Anton Tabakov is the son of the popular actor and director Oleg Tabakov and theater actress Lyudmila Krylova. When the boy was born, his father, with his friends and like-minded people Evgeny Evstigneev and Oleg Efremov, created Sovremennik. They spent all their free time working, but they didn’t have enough time for their own children - Anton Tabakov, Denis Evstigneev and Mikhail Efremov. At that time, the theater was still on Mayakovsky Square. The boys spent their childhood in a three-story old building. Anton was quite hooligan and loved to fight. Because of this, he often found himself in very unpleasant situations.

He attended a school attended by the children of many famous people- grandson of Khrushchev, as well as Once they even tried to expel Anton from the institution because he injured Mitya Shostakovich.

Friends of parents

It is quite natural that the Tabakovs’ house was often visited by many very famous people. Since childhood, Anton was “in love” with Andrei Mironov - his charm and extraordinary subtle humor made an indelible impression on the boy. In his youth, Anton Tabakov admired the talent and charm of Nikita Mikhalkov, loved when Sergei Mikhalkov read his plays, Vladimir Vysotsky sang his brilliant songs, and Zinovy ​​Gerdt told something interesting. Oleg Efremov very rarely made allowances for who was in front of him - a child or an adult. He could play a funny joke or scare. Therefore, Anton, hearing his voice in the hallway, tried to quickly go to his room.

childhood friends

Anton Tabakov has been friends with Mikhail Efremov since early childhood and constantly being among adults, creative and very talented people, the guys really wanted to grow up quickly. Anton had a problem - he always looked very young, and therefore many doors were closed to him. He had to either use his father's popularity (which happened quite often) or show his own passport.

Of the entire company, Denis Evstigneev was the luckiest - he looked more respectable than his age, so he could easily enter any restaurant. Misha Efremov had it the worst of all. He was the smallest of all, puny - just a baby. He had to always carry documents with him.

Despite their youthful antics, friends read a lot, received higher education, and some more than one. All of them became worthy people, achieved certain successes, and developed as individuals.

The beginning of a creative life

Anton Tabakov, whose biography probably could not have turned out differently, began acting in films at the age of six and traveling to filming in other cities. His debut took place in the film “The Fourth Pope”. The film was filmed in Sukhumi, and Anton has the warmest memories of that time.

In the ninth grade he moved to the school for working youth. For this, the young man needed it after filming the legendary film “Timur and His Team.”

Choosing a profession

Tabakov’s son, Anton, did not imagine himself as anything else, only an actor. His mother agreed with his choice, but always warned him that he had to work very hard to achieve his dream. For some reason, the father did not notice his son’s abilities at all and advised him to take a closer look at another profession that was more suitable for him.

When Anton was finishing school, Oleg Tabakov was recruiting the first class to his studio. The son wanted to enroll with him. By that time, having good teachers with many teachers (Konstantin Raikin, Garik Leontiev, Valery Fokin), Anton tried with their help to convince his father of the correctness of his choice. The artistic director remained adamant. Only thanks to the incredible efforts of Galina Volchek, who undertook to fully prepare young man to college, he entered GITIS for a course with Andrei Goncharov.

Anton Tabakov, whose biography could have turned out differently if he had started studying with his father, was always offended by him. And not so much for the fact that he did not take him to his university, and later to the theater, but for the lack of attention, excessive categoricalness, and injustice.


To be fair, it must be said that Oleg Tabakov did take his son to his theater, but this happened ten years later, after Anton had successfully worked at Sovremennik and starred in many films.

Restaurants Tabakov Anton

The actor began playing in the theater and acting in films very early. Maybe that's why he didn't feel successful. He had a philosophical attitude towards his work: he played well - well done, if the role didn’t work out - it doesn’t matter. According to his own feelings, he was “the wrong actor.” A true artist must endlessly love his profession, burn and be ready for self-sacrifice. Anton did not experience such feelings, did not spend sleepless nights suffering from the fact that he could not play Hamlet.

Anton Tabakov, whose filmography currently consists of thirty films, has practically left the profession. The idea to start a restaurant business seemed to come out of nowhere. No one advised him to do this, no one prompted him.

While still working in the theater, Anton simultaneously advertised various festivals. This was always due to the fact that many people gathered in one place. It was necessary to hold receptions and banquets somewhere. This is how the idea of ​​creating the “Pilot” art club came about. Then one restaurant appeared, then a second, and work began to boil. Today Anton Tabakov is the creator and owner of a chain of business restaurants: “Mao”, “Antonio”, “Oblomov”, “Kafk”. Businessman Tabakov is not going to stop there. In the near future, new establishments will open their doors - “Longe Shoe” and “Stolz”.

Anton Tabakov and his wives

The actor and restaurateur was married four times, although he himself never says how many marriages he had, more often using the word “several.” Anton Tabakov, who, according to many, did not work out, was in fact simply looking for his one and only. In marriage, Anton can turn into a real monster. Everything in the house should be done only the way he is used to doing it. Tabakov puts too much pressure on his close women, who eventually begin to be indignant (“Accept me as I am”), and the union falls apart.

Unfortunately, Anton does not take into account his mistakes and repeats them in the next relationship. Anton Tabakov and Asya Vorobyova (the actor’s first wife) met when the girl was a student at the Faculty of Philology. The marriage was very fleeting. The young wife left Anton for his best friend- Mikhail Efremov, thereby breaking not only his family, but also many years of friendship.

The actor’s second wife is Ekaterina Semenova. Her grandfather also acted in silent films, her father is a director. documentaries, my mother is an animator, known for her cartoon “The Secret of the Third Planet.” In this marriage a son, Nikita, was born.

The third wife is Anastasia Chukhrai, the daughter of a famous film director. By the time she met Anton, she had already established herself as a journalist and TV presenter. Tabakov courted this girl for more than a year, but she was in no hurry to marry him. By that time, he had left the acting profession and turned into a restaurateur. The wedding still took place. The couple lived together for twelve years and had a daughter. Unfortunately, this marriage also broke up.

On September 20, two thousand and thirteen, Anton Tabakov married for the fourth time - to a girl named Angelica, who is twenty-four years younger than him. The restaurateur lived with his new chosen one for ten years in a civil marriage and finally decided to legalize the relationship. The couple are raising two daughters - Antonina and Maria.

Latest film roles of Tabakov Jr.

Today we will present you Anton's latest film works. Films with Tabakov are always remembered by the audience for the convincing and very natural performance of the actor.

"Lucky" (1987): melodrama

The famous athlete Tatyana is very interesting to some people, and perhaps even beautiful. The girl herself considers herself unhappy. On vacation by the sea, she met an equally unhappy and lonely man, the gloomy Boris. She for real falls in love for the first time, but circumstances force them to separate. She gave birth to twins. It’s difficult for her to raise them alone, but she believes that Boris will return...

"Step" (1988): drama

Collaborative work of Soviet and Japanese filmmakers. The events take place in Moscow and Tokyo in 1959. The Japanese woman Keiko and the Soviet immunologist Gusev, the author and creator of a unique vaccine against polio, bypassed bureaucratic officials and sought permission to transport the medicine to Japan, where it saved ten million children...

"Exodus" (1990): drama

At first, the girl was tortured in a sophisticated manner, then she was killed. It becomes clear to the unfortunate woman’s father, who is in court, that he will have to make the verdict himself...

"Show Boy" (1991): melodrama

A terrible story about the tragic love of the very young lead singer of the teenage pop group “Vacation” and the equally young but already experienced “priestess of love” Masha...

"The Lonely Player" (1995): action, drama

The main character of the film belongs to the type of “extra” people who take a break from a lonely and meaningless existence by spending time gambling.

"Lord of the Ether" (1995): melodrama

Events unfold on a summer night in Moscow. Radio DJ Sasha Pilot must make every effort to stay in this place. To do this, he needs to come up with something special so that both the audience and his superiors will like it. He invites night owls who can't sleep to have a frank conversation. The author of the most mysterious and original story will be invited to the radio...

Today the hero of our article is the talented theater and film actor Anton Tabakov. Unfortunately, he left the acting profession, but fans of his work believe that he will return.

Anton Tabakov is a successful Russian restaurateur. Son famous actor, Anton was involved in films as a child, sometimes together with his father. As an adult, he left cinema and became deeply interested in the restaurant business. He claims that life itself made him a professional restaurateur. I purchased my first Vertu phone ten years ago, but I became truly satisfied with all the functions of the device.

So who is this Anton Tabakov?

Anton's childhood

In the summer of 1960, a boy named Anton was born into the acting family of Oleg Tabakov and Lyudmila Krylova. The child fully experienced all the delights of nomadic theatrical life, accompanying his parents on numerous tours.

Anton, together with his constant friends Misha Efremov and Denis Evstigneev, spent the lion's share of their childhood behind the scenes of the Sovremennik Theater, on the creation of which their parents worked so selflessly.

The offspring of many celebrities studied at the school in parallel with Anton - the grandchildren of Khrushchev, Stalin, Shostakovich. There are many stories associated with them, and not always pleasant ones.

Andrei Mironov, Sergei and Nikita Mikhalkov, Vladimir Vysotsky, Zinovy ​​Gerdt, Oleg Efremov entered the parental home. Communication with such talented people left its mark on the formation of Anton’s personality. The boy developed the ability to work, sociability, creativity and other qualities necessary for a successful person.

Acting career

Anton's acting career began quite early. He received his first fee for participating in the film “The Fourth Pope” when he was only six years old.

There was no question of choosing a profession for Anton, although his father did not see any special acting talent in him. Mom, although she supported her son’s endeavors, rightly believed that incredible efforts were needed for real success.

The efforts and support of Galina Volchek helped Anton to enroll in GITIS for a course with Andrei Goncharov. After graduation, the son of the famous actor worked for many years at Sovremennik, until his father took him to his Tabakerka. In total, Anton Tabakov served in the theatrical field for fifteen years.

Anton’s filmography includes such films as “Timur and His Team” (1976), “Dangerous Age” (1981), “Tales of the Old Wizard” (1984), “The Man from the Boulevard des Capuchins” (1987) and many others.

Family and children

Anton Tabakov was officially married four times. His first companion was a philology student, a girl of Tatar blood with the poetic name Asiya. Anton doesn’t like to talk about her, citing the fact that she is not an actress and is not interesting to anyone.

Anton’s second wife was actress Katya Semenova (the main character of the film “Two Fates”). Her grandfather was a silent film actor, her father worked in the documentary genre, and her mother created animated films. Catherine gave birth to Anton's son Nikita, who is now twenty-three. Like his father, Nikita is passionate about the restaurant business, and has already worked for Andrei Delos at the Pushkin restaurant (New York).

The third wife of Tabakov Jr. is the daughter of the famous film director, actress, journalist and TV presenter Anastasia Chukhrai. Having been married to Anton for twelve years, she gave birth to a daughter, Anna. Today Anechka lives and studies in London, dreams of a career as a producer or promoter.

Anton lived in a civil marriage with his fourth wife, Angelica, for ten years before he legalized his relationship. Angelica graduated from school with a gold medal and the Institute foreign languages. The couple has two delightful girls - Masha and Antonina. The girls live and study in France, in Paris.

All children own English, younger daughters also speak French. Anya speaks fluent French and Italian in addition to English.

Phone selection criteria

Anton Tabakov's first acquaintance with the Vertu phone took place ten years ago. The purchase was not very successful - the device’s screen was too small and did not match the vision of its owner.

New phone Vertu Aster fully meets the criteria that a successful businessman and restaurateur has developed for similar devices. It is convenient, has an excellent design, excellent functional qualities - long battery life and sufficient memory.

From the entire palette color solutions of the new Vertu Aster, Anton chose black as the most preferable in all situations.

I have four children. When my eldest son Nikita was born 20 years ago, I was always busy, and all of my heir’s claims against me today are justified. I had to devote all my time to business, and fussed a lot. But without her, without the fuss, I would not have moved on, says Anton Tabakov. - And now I'm happy with life. When Nastya Chukhrai and I’s daughter was born, I started building a house in Peredelkino. We rented a dacha nearby to watch how the work was going on. From that moment on, I never spent the night in Moscow.

But country housing did not seal the marriage...

We were never taught the institution of marriage. When we were young, it seemed to me that my emotional movements carried some kind of obligation. A lot could have been avoided, but I don’t regret anything. Yes, I had more than one wife. It so happened that I was forced to learn everything through trial and error. I managed to remain on normal terms with all my wives. We tried to maintain our relationship with Nastya for quite a long time, but it didn’t work out.

You met your current wife on an airplane. And now we’ve been together for more than five years, raising two daughters.

When we first saw each other on a plane flying from Nice to Moscow, Angelique was still a student. She was vacationing that summer on the Cote d'Azur. Our liner was then delayed due to her fault, so I could not help but pay attention to such a girl. My relationship with Nastya was no longer going well, so no one deceived anyone. Angelica is 24 years younger than me, and when I met her, I didn’t immediately realize that she was the one. By the way, my women get along well with each other. Angelica communicates especially well with Katya Semenova, the mother of my son.

Did Angelica quickly get used to the attention of the press?

It was hard at first. She is a typical "nerd". She graduated from school with a gold medal, then the Institute of Foreign Languages, but then she gave birth to children and now sits at home. She is simply the wife of Anton Tabakov.

Finding a compromise

When Oleg Pavlovich left the family for Marina Zudina, you, your mother and sister Sasha stopped communicating with him. Now, as I understand it, the grievances are forgotten?

I can’t change anything anymore, so I perceive the situation as it is. I love my father - and that says it all. No matter how I feel about his departure, he will not cease to be my father. This is my compromise in this situation. I have known Marina Zudina for a long time, but I have no relationship with her, other than the fact that she is my father’s wife. We are not friends, if only because many of my friends are older than Marina. I see Pasha and Masha, my father’s children from his second marriage, my younger brother and sister, whenever possible. To say that we go crazy when we don't communicate for a week is not true. My sister Sasha Tabakova has a more maximalist approach. Sasha is a good actress, but she gave up everything. This is her position in life, completely justified for her. Everything is learned over time, the pain goes away, but if these sensations haven’t gone away for so long, it means she’s so comfortable. What are you going to do here? Try to dance in circles and say: “Make up, make up and don’t fight anymore”? It's a thankless task.

Best of the day

Is your mother, actress Lyudmila Krylova, still angry with her father?

Women are a completely different substance. Unlike us men, they hear only what they hear and understand what they understand. For my mother, this was the biggest tragedy in her life. I don't think this can be forgiven and forgotten, especially since she lived with her father most of her life. No matter how one pretends that this whole story is forgotten, it is not in such a distant past. Mom and Sasha are offended not because it happened, but because of how it happened, the form in which it happened. At first, after my parents' divorce, I did not communicate with my father. Over time, looking at this situation from the outside, I realized that it looked like “to spite my mother, I’ll freeze my nose.” I quickly forget insults and try to think about good things. It's easier for me to exist this way. And mom... She lives with us. Works at Sovremennik, plays in the play Steep Route. Her woman's happiness is children and grandchildren.

And there was another case

In the mid-70s, young Misha Efremov and Anton Tabakov vacationed at the Actor House of Creativity in Yalta. The young people were having a blast. Mikhail loved to hide in the bushes and suddenly run out at a person passing by, reciting Pushkin’s poems. But most of all, the guys shocked those around them when, on a bet, they came to dine naked in the dining room. Unfortunately, the strong friendship of Efremov and Tabakov ended a few years later, when they did not share a girl with the Tatar name Asiya. It was she who gave Mikhail Efremov his first-born Nikita, the namesake of Anton Tabakov’s son.

- famous Russian businessman
and restaurateur, actor.

Carefree childhood

Troublesome children...

Anton Tabakov was born on July 11, 1960 in Moscow, into an acting family: father is actor Oleg Tabakov, mother is actress of the Sovremennik Theater Lyudmila Krylova. The boy experienced the delights of a nomadic theatrical life soon after his birth. One day, being late for the train, the parents grabbed the baby in their arms and jumped onto the train steps. The train was about to start moving, so the child, like some kind of bundle, began to be passed from hand to hand into the carriage. In general, at an early age, and then, of course,
Anton did not make life easier for his parents.

Once, the father said, not knowing how to calm down the crying child, he could not think of anything better than to climb into a wooden crib and thrust his breast into him.

The parents of a friendly group of boys - Oleg Tabakov, Oleg Efremov and Evgeny Evstigneev - in those years worked on the creation of Sovremennik and devoted all their time to their beloved brainchild. There was practically no time left for their own children - Anton Tabakov, Misha Efremov and Denis Evstigneev. The theater was then located on Mayakovsky Square. There, in an old three-story building, they spent most of their childhood. It happened that, having played backstage, they completely forgot that they were at their parents’ workplace and went out, ran out, or rode their bicycles onto the stage right during the performance.

School, family...

In general, there are many stories in Anton’s life, often unpleasant ones, of which he was once terribly proud: he broke someone’s nose or gave bruises. Many children of celebrities studied at the school: in one class there was the grandson of Khrushchev, in the other - the grandson of Stalin... Once they tried to kick out Anton Tabakov with a scandal because he had injured Mitya Shostakovich. Since the fight took place in front of the staff room, everyone saw the “fact” on his face.

Tabakov Sr. in those years was the public director of Sovremennik, walked around with a large briefcase and helped resolve administrative, economic and artistic issues in the theater. He always or almost always did what he wanted and could not live any other way. A certain cult of him existed at home. If he was hungry, everyone rushed to feed him. If, on the contrary, he was full, he had fun, joked, and everyone rejoiced with him. Mom tried to draw his attention to the worries associated with her, with the children, with the house, but father was of little concern to them.

Great adults...

Parents organized parties at which Uzbek friends prepared pilaf. Alexander Naumovich Mitta, whose wife was a fantastically hospitable person, often invited him to his place. The Tabakovs lived in the same house with Andrei Mironov, the boy was practically in love with him. His charm, attitude, and humor made a strong impression on him.

In his youth, Anton Tabakov admired Nikita Mikhalkov, who directed the film “A Friend Among Strangers, a Stranger Among Our Own.” The boy was amazed at his talent, efficiency, and ability to communicate. Anton had a lot of fun in the company of Nikita Mikhalkov and Andrei Mironov, they tried to outdo each other in terms of jokes. Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov read his plays, Vladimir Vysotsky sang, Zinovy ​​Gerdt always told something interesting. Amazing man was Oleg Efremov. The founder of realism, he rarely made allowance for who was in front of him - an adult or a child, he could joke, or even G at. Anton Tabakov was very afraid of such moments and every time he saw Oleg Nikolaevich, he tried to run away to another room.

Childhood friends...

What happened in those years! Incredible adventures, parties... It is not surprising that a passionate desire to become an adult as soon as possible arose in the guy from a young age. Moreover, over the years it only intensified, despite a serious problem: he always looked very young, and therefore all the coveted doors were closed in front of him at that time, and he had to either take advantage of his father’s fame, which happened quite often, or show his passport. And before receiving it, he received a Komsomol card: the date of birth was mixed up on it, and it turned out that he was a year older. With the ticket it was possible to enter restaurants, including the famous Aragvi. Of the entire friendly company, only Denis Evstigneev was lucky - he, on the contrary, seemed older than his years. It was harder for Misha Efremov. Younger and smaller than everyone else, he looked like a baby. Because of this, often when adults gathered at home, Mishka was forced to sit at the children's table and pretend to drink lemonade. Under the table, his friends, of course, poured champagne for him.

However, despite all the hooligan tricks, friends not only sold books, but also read them in large quantities, not only snatched bulls from ashtrays, but also received a higher education, and some more than one higher education. In the end, each of them became worthy person, has achieved certain successes in his field,
formed as a person.

Theatrical and cinematic activities

First steps...

Anton Tabakov became independent quite early - from the age of six he began going to filming. The debut happened in the film by Krasnopolsky and Usky
"Fourth Pope" based on Nagibin’s novel “The Seasons”.

And Anton, with Galya Yatskina and Sasha Yanvarev, who played his mom and dad, went on his first expedition to Sukhumi.

The boy was entrusted to the permanent secretary of Sovremennik, the wonderful Raisa Viktorovna Lenskaya, who spent a lot of personal time on him, although this was not part of her duties. Maybe it’s because it was the first film, or maybe times were different, but from filming there are only warm memories: some mountain river, everyone is swimming and eating grapes...

Anton Tabakov's first fee was then about three hundred rubles, which was a lot of money at that time.

And in ninth grade, the guy had to go to working youth school No. 127. And for this he needed a formal certificate of work. He received the certificate after filming “Timur and His Team” at the Odessa Film Studio.

Thank you, good people...

Since childhood, Anton Tabakov could not imagine himself as anything other than an actor. Mom didn’t mind that her son would follow in his parents’ footsteps, but she believed that this would require every effort. For some reason, the father did not see talent in his son at all and recommended paying attention, for example, to the Caliber plant.

By the time Anton graduated from school, Tabakov, his father, was recruiting one of the first courses in his studio, and Tabakov, his son, was going to enroll with him. Having good informal relationships with teachers - Kostya Raikin, Valera Fokin, Garik Leontyev - he tried to find support in them, but the artistic director did not give up.

In the end, by the will of fate and thanks to the titanic efforts of Galina Borisovna Volchek, who completely took upon herself the preparation of the guy for college, Anton unnoticed three rounds at GITIS and began to study with Andrei Aleksandrovich Goncharov.

Resentment, resentment...

Tabakov the younger was always offended by Tabakov the elder. Because his father did not take him to his course, and then to the theater - although this is just nonsense. Another thing is that Anton believed that he paid very little attention to him at all, that he was unfair, too categorical...

Although his father still took him to Tabakerka. And it happened by accident. Anton had already worked at Sovremennik for ten years when, at the invitation of his colleagues, Oleg Pavlovich came to one of the performances, not knowing that he was playing in it. He looked for a long time, then asked: “What kind of artist is this?” - and points his finger in Anton’s direction. They answer him: “Well, Oleg Pavlovich, this is your son, Anton!” “Wow! - the father was sincerely surprised. “And how long has he been like this?..” After which Tabakov, the eldest, condescended and invited his son to his place.

He left his acting career entirely...

Anton Tabakov began acting in films and acting in the theater from early childhood, and he was not faced with a choice of profession. It was natural. This is probably why there wasn’t this crazy feeling of success or failure: success is good, failure is nothing to worry about. Tabakov was practically invulnerable. Probably, he was not quite the “right” actor from the beginning. Not by the result, but by the feeling. An actor must “burn” and madly love his profession. It involves constant self-sacrifice. Of course, Anton Tabakov happened to play with a temperature of 40 and with broken ribs. But he did not lust, did not dream and did not suffer. I didn’t wake up in a cold sweat from the fact that I would never play Hamlet or Romeo.

If they offer a role in a movie, then actor Anton Tabakov will play it easily. His relative Fyodor Bondarchuk, the father of his godson, periodically tells Anton Tabakov stories that he is about to launch a film in which he will definitely be invited to play. If this coincides, of course, with Tabakov’s schedule and the director’s wishes, then... Anton Tabakov was an actor, he worked for 15 years in this field. During this period there were also light hobbies in cinema, starting at the age of six, then roles in several films:

"Who's Knocking on My Door" 1989

"Dangerous Age" 1981

Be my husband 1981
"Crew" .

Tabakov - restaurateur

The artist came up with the idea of ​​going into the restaurant business for a reason. No, no one advised. It’s just that our state has always believed that art should be self-supporting, and there is no need to subsidize it. The actor’s salary was not just small, but truly humiliating, and Anton already had a family. In addition, at that time Tabakov began acting in films less and less. We had to think about how to make up the difference between wages and the cost of living.

The creator and co-owner of a number of successful business restaurants “Oblomov”, “Mao”, “Kafk”, “Antonio” and the coffee shop “Ilya Ilyich”, Anton Tabakov launches new projects with enviable regularity. Thus, new restaurants “Longe Shu” and “Stolz” will open in the near future. And although even in business circles there is often a widespread opinion that the restaurant business is too specific for its success to be created by such traditional means as marketing and personnel policies, Anton Tabakov argues that this business is the same as any other.

“A restaurant needs not only an interior and a concept, but also the food itself,” says gourmet Tabakov. Either you enjoy it or you don't. We can invent with talent, but not consume. I would really like to see something change in this regard.” Anton Olegovich is personally involved in tasting dishes and introducing new ones in his restaurants. Unfortunately, for now, he cannot afford to entrust this to anyone. But he’s really waiting for the time, he dreams of not tasting dishes that he doesn’t really like, but for now, this is impossible. Otherwise everything falls apart like a house of cards.

The calm flow of life does not suit...

Way of existence...

In our youth, it’s easy to do reckless things: unfettered by any obligations, we all mindlessly take risks and get involved in the most disastrous ventures. But as soon as we become “responsible for those we have tamed,” first of all, for the family, for most of us the time comes when we have to say goodbye to adventures.

However, entrepreneur Anton Tabakov believes that, just as he was an adventurer, he remains one. “Yes, unfortunately, adventure is a way of existence. And neither age, nor experience, nor the advice of friends and relatives protects me from mistakes of an adventurous nature, which I have been making all my life, following Napoleon’s tactics: first I get involved, and then I look around - what, why and why. - No, this is not because I have such a strange character - a mysterious Russian soul that requires certain shocks or adrenaline. Everything that happens to me is out of despair, because I simply don’t know how to do it any other way, although I should learn,” says Anton Tabakov.

There were several of them...

The problem for Anton Tabakov is that, having entered into this latest experiment called “marriage,” he still makes the same mistakes as before. After all, almost all of us, having connected with the one who comes closest to our idea of ​​the ideal, then try to sculpt and cut off, that is, to bring loved one to perfection. Tabakov’s pressure over his close women always prevailed, and as a result, resistance arose: that’s enough, I am who I am! But he again steps on the same rake, forgetting that, despite his youth, next to him is a full-fledged person, and not a half-finished product.

Sometimes Tabakov becomes a real monster, because - from biting an apple to cutting bread, or whatever! - it seems to him that it should be exactly the way he does it, and no other way. Although now Anton Tabakov is trying to work on himself and is slowly, however, learning not to pay attention to such things.

Fathers and sons: Anton Tabakov

Actor, entrepreneur, famous restaurateur and father of four children Anton Tabakov told Daughters-Mothers about why he chose the restaurant business over the theater stage, how he raises children and what makes him different
from his father Oleg Tabakov.

You have four children. How did your attitude towards fatherhood change with each subsequent child? Which child was luckiest with dad's attention?

I had my first child at a conscious age, I was already 31 years old, so it’s difficult for me to say about any serious changes in attitude and consciousness. Of course, my younger ones are luckier than Nikita and Anya; I spend quite a lot of time with them. This is due to the fact that I once made a decision to stop doing business after 50 years and am now putting it into practice. Perhaps I am not the most comfortable father in understanding my children, I often lecture them and try to convey ideas that are important to me. Nikita and I spend a lot of time discussing the creation of a restaurant business and its future, I often fight with Anya about proper nutrition and exercise.
This is not a very rewarding task.

Tabakov deliberately never names the number of his previous marriages, using the capacious word “several.” “Why do arithmetic in this area? This will not add anything to me or the previous families. But I won’t deny: I’ve had more than one marriage. But none of them lasted as long as the last one - already seven years. I've heard that psychologists consider the number seven dangerous for marriage, and they probably know what they're talking about. It's difficult for me to analyze our family relationships: when you are inside the situation, everything is seen differently. But, no matter what, some other numbers will follow, and therefore other periods,” Anton Olegovich argues philosophically.

With good emotions, Anton Tabakov goes to places where it is cozy, comfortable, quiet, and, of course, the food is delicious. Of all types of relaxation, he prefers sleeping and cooking. When Tabakov stands at the stove, cutting something, his brain rests. And he meditates and shakes out his problems.

Alexandra Sonechkina 12/25/2002

"Pravda 24": Anton Tabakov about the restaurant business

Businessman and restaurateur Anton Tabakov is visiting the Pravda 24 program.
He talked about his establishments, family, and cooking

Anton Tabakov: People should eat in restaurants,
and don't show off

The press reports that restaurants, cafes and catering establishments are beginning to close en masse in Russia, primarily in capitals and megacities. Actor and restaurateur Anton Tabakov spoke about why this happens in an interview with Pravda.Ru.

"The problem is that initially they were tuned to a completely different segment of the restaurant business. In Russia, at one time, the culture of catering was lost, but in the 90s it was found. People should go to restaurants to eat, and not meet, show each other their well-being or to show off. Today they stopped throwing dust in the eyes, but the need for food remained, but the market was not sharpened. We had either fast food or a higher check. And with the latter there are problems between fast food and. There were no expensive restaurants, so it’s precisely that segment that is becoming unclaimed in the current economic situation that is closing,” said Anton Tabakov.

The Pravda.Ru correspondent asked what the problem was - the inability to find new product suppliers, the lack of investment?

“No, this is a made-up story. The question is that people are accustomed to a certain thing. And this certain thing disappeared from our lives, and they began to react to it this way, because rental rates were quite high, everything was tied to the dollar equivalent, today the day everything doubled,” Anton Tabakov emphasized.

The Pravda.Ru correspondent asked Anton what, in his opinion, is the way out of the situation?

“This is very disappointing, since food exists to enjoy it, and now many people think about it, but with some delay,” Anton Tabakov sadly concluded.

Anton Tabakov in the section "Once upon a time at Kinotavr",
Kinotavr 2010, Cinema in Details

Anton Tabakov: “I don’t want to be the most
rich in the cemetery"

- Anton, do you consider yourself a rich person?

- I wouldn’t slander myself so indiscriminately.

-You have your own restaurant business. Surely you are not in poverty?

- Compared to the average citizen of Russia, I am, without a doubt, a rich person, and compared to people whose names are even scary to say out loud, I am practically a beggar.

- And what are these names?

- Roman Abramovich, Boris Berezovsky, Oleg Deripaska. Although, using the example of YUKOS, you understand that money does not always bring happiness.

- Why did you decide to start your own business?

- It so happened that my business arose out of nothing. I didn’t strive for this, I didn’t study anywhere, it just happened that way

- Nevertheless, was there a purposeful desire to make money?

- Every person at a certain age understands that it is necessary to earn money, especially when a family appears that needs to be fed. My previous profession did not give me such opportunities. Despite the fact that I quite often acted in films and played in the theater, I still could not support my family in this way, nor myself.


1971 Boys

1976 Once Upon a Time in California

1976 Timur and his team.

Episode 1

Episode 2

1984 Time and the Conway Family

1984 First horse

1984 Tales of the Old Wizard

1985 City of Brides

1987 The Man from the Boulevard des Capucines

1995 The Lonely Player

- In my deep conviction, it is impossible to teach, as well as force, a person to cook well. He can learn recipes, buy food, meticulously cut and fry everything, but if a piece of soul is not put into it, everything will be in vain, and the result will be inedible.

Anton Tabakov: “I know everything about food”
Article from the newspaper: AiF Superstars No. 24 12/26/2006

LIKE the hero of the film "The Irony of Fate...", Anton Tabakov and his friends came up with their own tradition of celebrating the New Year. Only if the movie heroes gathered on the eve of the chiming clock and in the bathhouse, then Tabakov and his comrades - on January 1 and in a not so humid place. The holiday is called "Finishers" and for recent years acquired not only new details, but also fans, including many famous people.

- ANTON, how did the idea for “The Finishers” come about?

- This happened ten years ago. It started with the fact that it was impossible to get together with friends for New Year, because you need to sit with the parents and with the children - it’s a family holiday. And somehow Denis Evstigneev and his wife Katya Pravdina-Gerdt invited everyone to visit on January 1st. And in order not to bother with cooking, they asked the people to bring with them the food left from festive table. And a group of friends gathered, not very large at that time. Everyone brought something, and it was all eaten together. The next year many more people gathered. The crowd kept growing, and about thirty to forty people were already gathering. This is how we got the “Finishers” holiday, which is now valued no less, and maybe even more, than the New Year itself.

- Eating just like that is boring even in very good company. Is there some kind of cultural program at "Doedalki"?

- The idea of ​​a competition for best dish- with the awarding of prizes, the presentation of awards, in general, everything is as it should be. This turned out to be not only terribly fun, but also disproportionately improved the quality of the food. If earlier everyone carried something that was not a pity, then over time they began to prepare the dish especially for the “Finishers”
and with much more effort......

"Zamazka" (cheese salad)

Over the years, the composition of this salad has changed several times, so there is no constant recipe. You can use any cheese: ordinary, like Dutch, processed, white cheeses like mozzarella, Adyghe, etc. You can take several different cheeses.

300-350 g cheese, 1-2 boiled eggs, 1 onion, herbs, mayonnaise for dressing, 3-4 tbsp. l. green peas (optional), 1-2 cloves garlic (optional).

Grate the cheese. The finer the grater, the better, since the salad should be homogeneous. Chop the eggs with a fork. Finely chop the onion and pour boiling water over it to remove the bitterness. Mix everything. Season generously with mayonnaise. Crushed garlic is added as desired. You can replace the onion with garlic. Green peas you can decorate the salad. Before serving, sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Galina Borisovna's borscht

For 10 servings (about 3-3.5 l) 2-3 large beets, 200-250 g cabbage (can be sauerkraut), 1-2 carrots, 2-3 potatoes, 1 parsley root, half dry celery root, 1-2 onions (70-80 g each), 1 tbsp. l. tomato puree, 2-3 fresh bright red tomatoes, 2 tbsp. l. fat, 1 small sweet pepper, 2 cloves of garlic, 15 g of dill, 50 g of bacon, 1 tbsp. l. sugar, 1 tbsp. l. 3% vinegar or citric acid, 2-3 l cold water, 400 g shoulder and 300 g pork ribs - if the borscht is meat (you can use veal brisket and shoulder).

Bake the shoulder blade in the oven for 10 minutes, put it in a pan along with the ribs, add water and cook until the meat comes off the bones. 10 minutes before the meat is ready, fry 1 carrot and half an onion and add to the broth. Then remove the meat and strain the broth. Borscht will be cooked on it. While cooking the broth, you should prepare the vegetables. Cut cabbage, beets, onions and carrots into strips. The cabbage is placed directly into the broth, and the remaining vegetables must first be fried in vegetable oil. The beets are sauteed separately until half cooked, with the addition of tomato puree, citric acid or vinegar and a small amount (0.5 tsp) of sugar.

When the cabbage is half ready, add the sautéed vegetables to the borscht. You can also add potatoes, which you cut in advance and cook until fully cooked, so that they are almost boiled in the borscht. Beets are placed in borscht only 10-15 minutes before they are ready, otherwise they will lose their color. When peeling beets, it is better not to throw away the skin, but use it to make paint by boiling it in a small amount of water with the addition of acid and sugar.

When the borscht is ready, you need to season it homogeneous mass from lard, chopped garlic, finely chopped dill, coarsely chopped sweet pepper and tomatoes. Then the borscht should still sit on low heat for 2-3 minutes, and then steep for 30 minutes under the lid.