It's called the 4th finger on the hand. Names of the fingers on a person's hand, and reading information from the fingers. What not to wear: gold rings - they limit a person’s capabilities and “horizons”, make him uninteresting to others and the opposite sex, destroy

From early childhood we remember the names of our fingers. When we hear that someone has cut their index finger, broken a nail on their thumb, or is wearing a ring on their middle finger, our imagination immediately pictures the hand and its necessary members with certain features. Where did all these names come from and what do they really mean?

Fingers of the ancient Romans

All nations had their own names for body parts. In ancient times, human knowledge of anatomy was very conditional. Therefore, physiology was closely intertwined with mystical beliefs. In Ancient Rome, the names of fingers were associated with the peculiarities of use of each and imaginary connections with other systems and organs of the body. The index finger got its name because of the convenience of indicating the direction. Yes, yes, the “pointing with a finger” gesture, for which we scold children today, can confidently be considered instinctive, since it is the outermost finger of the four located next to it that moves best independently. The original name for the index finger is “index”. The middle one had two names at once: “impudis” and “obscoenus”. These finger names in Latin can be literally translated into modern Russian as “dirty” or “unclean”. They are very simple to explain - it was the middle one that the ancient Romans used in the toilet. But ring finger, on the contrary, was considered the cleanest, since its use in everyday life is limited. It was called “digitus” and was used only in special cases, for example, pharmacists mixed their healing potions with it. The little finger was called “auricularis” or “ear”, and indeed, it is most convenient for cleaning the ears.

Origin of modern names

In the old days in Rus', instead of the word “finger,” the designation “finger” was used. However, today it is outdated. But the names of fingers have become firmly established in our speech and are even used in official medical terminology. Starting from the edge of the hand, these are: thumb, index, middle, ring, little finger. Explaining exactly where these finger names came from is not entirely easy. The middle one is designated by its location relative to the neighboring ones, and the little finger - from the Old Russian “little finger” - the smallest. And if everything is clear with the index finger and ring finger, then the name “big” sounds somewhat illogical. After all, in fact, this finger is the shortest and thickest. However, we should not forget that the word “big” in Russian is often used in a figurative meaning – “main”. The finger got its name because it is located first and can perform many functions independently.

The name of a person's fingers may indicate the functions they perform. In particular, the big one is truly the most mobile and independent. Often, when a hand is injured, the hand is bandaged, leaving this finger outside the bandage. And with the resulting “claw” the patient can perform some simple actions. In second place in terms of usefulness and activity is the index finger. This finger is most convenient not only for gesturing, but also for feeling some objects, wiping off dirt and performing other similar actions. The nameless one is rarely used on its own, but it is indispensable when typing on the keyboard or playing some musical instruments. It is useful to learn the names of fingers with your child as early as possible; there are special ones for teaching children in a playful way. finger games and interesting rhymes. For older children, you can tell the story of the origin of the name for each finger and explain what each of them was historically used for.

Why is a wedding ring worn on the ring finger?

Today we can easily determine whether a person is married, just look at his hands. Many human fingers are named according to the functions they perform, but the ring finger, which is also the least mobile, has been used since time immemorial for wearing wedding rings. In some languages ​​it is even called "ring". This tradition originated in ancient world According to the Romans and Egyptians, the “vein of love” passes through the ring finger - a large vessel connecting the limb to the heart. In Rome and Egypt, rings were worn on the left hand. IN modern Russia It is customary to wear the symbol of marriage on the finger of the right limb, and in many European countries the ancient traditions are still followed.

» What is the correct name

What are the fingers and toes called?

It just so happens that the fingers on the hands each have their own name. It is unlikely that anyone will answer you with complete confidence why they are called this way and not another. Their names came to us from ancient times. But there are still some assumptions on this matter. Now we will figure out what the fingers are called and why they decided to call them that way many centuries ago.


And we will begin our research with inside palms. The first finger, it is located as if apart from the others, is called “Big”. Its name does not entirely correspond to reality. After all, there are fingers on the hand and more than that. For example, average. So why was it called that? Most likely, because without it it would be very inconvenient to take something in your hand? Grasping movements of the hand are possible only with the participation of the thumb.

Index finger

In the old days it was called “Finger”. This is what we use when we need to point to something or someone. So the title index finger comes from its main function and is quite true.

Middle finger

The tip of the middle finger is the extreme point of the outstretched arm. Therefore, it is used when making anatomical measurements. The middle finger is in the center of the palm and, as it were, divides it in half. The Spaniards call it the “Finger of the Heart.”

Ring finger

Why was the fourth finger on the hand so deprived? They didn't give it a name. Presumably, the ancients considered this finger magical and were simply afraid to pronounce its name. And the Egyptians and Romans believed that a special vein went from this finger straight to the heart. Therefore, to preserve love in marriage, they wore a wedding ring on their ring finger. In European languages ​​it is called “Ring”.

Little finger

The fifth and smallest finger on the hand. Its name directly testifies to this. “Little one” is translated from ancient Russian as the youngest. Digitus minumus is what the little finger is called in Latin.

The toes also have their own names. But since we do not use them to point to objects and wedding rings We don’t wear them, then, by default, only the outer toes – the first and fifth – have names. They are named like the fingers on the hands - thumb and little finger. The rest are numbered in order - second, third and fourth.

Even more interesting

Names of fingers on the hand palmistry

Fingers on hand except for the familiar names. in palmistry have their names names planets.

1. Thumb
In palmistry, the thumb wears Name- finger of Venus,
responsible for willpower, logic, charisma, activity and energy
the owner of the hand. The meaning of the thumb ring.

2. Index finger
In palmistry, the index finger called- finger of Jupiter,
responsible for pride, wisdom, selfishness,
self-esteem and leadership.

3. Middle finger
In palmistry middle finger called the finger of Saturn,
responsible for seriousness, work and career,

4. Ring finger
In palmistry the nameless finger is called- Apollo's finger,
responsible for creativity
giftedness and talent, family.

5. Little finger
In palmistry, the little finger is called the finger of Mercury,
responsible for speech, self-expression, commercial abilities,
dexterity and intelligence. The meaning of the ring on the little finger.

Palmistry fingers

Fingers play an important role in palmistry. The names of the fingers, as mentioned in palmistry, correspond to the names of the planets and lines that tend to the corresponding finger. For example, the line of fate, which is also called the Saturn line, goes to the middle finger.

To the little finger is the Mercury line, to the ring finger is the Apollo line, to the index finger is the heart line or the Jupiter line, and the life line or the Venus line goes around the thumb.

The fingers are also divided into three phalanges, which also have names:

Upper phalanx- responsible for thinking and spirituality.
Middle phalanx of the finger- is responsible for practicality and pragmatism.
Lower phalanx of the finger- reflects materialism and pleasure.

By the development, length and characteristics of each of these phalanges of the fingers, one can determine the characteristics of a person’s character. Also, when studying the fingers on your hands, pay attention to the phalanges of the fingers - they make their own adjustments to a person’s character.

For example: The little finger is the finger of Mercury. Responsible for communication and self-expression. The upper phalanx is responsible for sociability or isolation, the second phalanx is responsible for love of work, and the lower phalanx is responsible for cunning and commercial spirit. According to this analogy, the characteristics of other fingers are assessed.

Palmistry also studies the length of fingers, their elasticity, curvature, thickness and color, convexity of joints, nails and many other smaller features that allow one to obtain interesting information about a person. Special attention given to the thumb. Because it is the most important of all fingers.

Also pay attention to moles and crosses. rings on the fingers - because they have great value- strengthening or weakening the meaning of the finger on which it is worn.

All these signs, fingers and lines on the hand, as a whole add up to a single system, which is called palmistry. Therefore, when studying hands, take into account not only the meaning of the fingers of the hand, the hand itself, the left one. right, but also lines and signs.

Names of hand lines:

Lines of the hand, name of the main lines of the palm:

1). Life line - reflects strength and health.
2). Head line - mental abilities and thinking.
3). Heart line - denotes the spiritual world.
4). Fate line - indicates whether life is subject to good fate.
5). Marriage line - pointer o family life, number of partners.
6). Line of betrayal - love affairs on the side.
7). Lines of children - determine the number of opportunities to have children.
8). In addition to the lines on the hand, you should pay attention to the tubercles and hills of the palm.

What are the toes called?

People have 5 fingers on their hands, and what is each finger called? The toes also have their own names. Why was the fourth finger on the hand so deprived? A person has five toes on his foot. The countdown starts with the thumb.

Now we will figure out what the fingers are called and why they decided to call them that way many centuries ago. The first finger, it is located apart from the others, is called “Big”. After all, there are fingers on the hand and more than that. For example, average.

So the name of the index finger comes from its main function and is quite true. The tip of the middle finger is the extreme point of the outstretched arm. Therefore, it is used when making anatomical measurements. The middle finger is in the center of the palm and, as it were, divides it in half. Presumably, the ancients considered this finger magical and were simply afraid to pronounce its name. And the Egyptians and Romans believed that a special vein went from this finger straight to the heart.

Bunion on the big toe (valgus deformity, bunion on the foot): treatment

The fifth and smallest finger on the hand. Its name directly testifies to this. Digitus minumus is what the little finger is called in Latin. It is known that the hands have: thumb, ring finger, little finger, etc.

But with the other three fingers it is more difficult. And the name index sounds just funny. Although I have heard stories about a powerful woman who used her toe to tell her husband what to do, this is more of an anecdote. The smallest finger is called the little finger, and the largest is called the thumb. In general, just like in your hands. And the intermediate fingers are simply called by numbers.

You need to count starting from your thumb. In everyday life, toes are often called by analogy with fingers on the hand. But this is wrong. Correctly call fingers by numbers. They haven’t come up with any separate name for toes in Russian. The toes are the parts of the human foot that are most distal to the body. The toes are an important part of the locomotor system. The thumb is the inner, widest finger, the little finger is the thinnest and shortest.

On the inside of the foot, the toes have soft pads. The big toes of a person are located parallel to both each other and the other toes. Each of the fingers has an internal base - several bones called phalanges.

The little finger is larger than the ring toe

The phalanges of the toes differ from the phalanges of the hand in their small in size. In addition to the thumb, which has only two phalanges: the main and terminal, the toes, as well as the fingers on the hands, have 3 phalanges: the main, middle and terminal. But with them, just like with the fingers, there are developmental anomalies. Fusion of several fingers as a result of their separation not occurring during embryonic development. Complete absence or extreme underdevelopment of some fingers.

This article is about the body part. In other meanings, see also Toe (homonymous concepts). Human fingers are analogous to the toes of four-legged animals. Humans and other animals that place their feet entirely on the sole of their feet when walking are described as plantigrade walkers; Ungulates are animals that walk on hooves. The human leg consists of several bones and soft tissues that support the person's weight in an upright position.

The toe bones are centered around the metatarsal bone, which makes up the central part of the human foot. The first toe (big toe) is primarily flexed by the flexor hallucis longus muscles, located at the very back of the lower leg, through the flexor hallucis longus tendon.

And finally, the fifth (smallest finger) has its own separate set of control muscles and tendons, flexors and extensors of the little finger. Many other accessory leg muscles help control the foot. The shape of the foot, including the shape of the toes, varies with minor changes in different people, these differences can be isolated and are usually statistically related to ethnicity.

Index finger

Research conducted by Friedman for the US Army showed that larger feet have smaller arches, length and width of the toes. A sprain or minor injury to the interphalangeal joints of the toes is commonly called a bruise. A sprain of the metatarsophalangeal joint or a bruise at the base of the toe is called hyperextension.

Anatomy and physiology of toes

Wearing shoes of the wrong size for a long time can cause misaligned toes and can also be the cause of many other orthopedic problems. Patients very often seek medical care due to curvature of the toes. There are three main forms of toe abnormalities: ingrown toenail, crooked toenail, and trigger toe. Of all the fingers, the ring finger is the most rarely used alone; in most cases it is used together with adjacent fingers for grasping.

A bowed toe can be described as an abnormal bend. Normally, a person should have five toes on his foot. In English, the thumb and toe are referred to by different words.

On the hands, it helps to understand the traditions of wearing jewelry or to find out the origin of well-known gestures. After all, each name was given to them based on certain features of human anatomy. On different languages and in remote areas the purpose of the hand was the same, and therefore we can see similar names for the fingers.

Origin of names

Questions often arise about what the fingers are called and why this way and not otherwise. After all, the thumb is not the largest at all. It was given this name due to its anatomical function. With its help, a strong grip of the hand is obtained, which would be impossible with a four-fingered hand in humans.

Five fingers are required for all daily life operations. However, as research experience has shown, even with three fingers a person can exist normally. Let's determine what the fingers on the hands are called and how many of them are needed for a normal life with a defective hand. It can be determined that the functionality of the hand will be slightly impaired if there is a thumb, middle or index, ring or little finger.

Even in childhood, many kids already come up with their own words for each brush tip. Children, not knowing how to intuitively guess the purpose of each of them. Playing in the shadows or doll heads placed on each part of the hand helps with this.

Origin of the names of the first and second

The thumb and index finger have various sizes, but for some reason the small one is called the big one. The second one often serves as a direction; it is with it that people begin to point at the object, object, or person being discussed. This is often an indecent gesture.

The index finger is used for its intended purpose due to its high mobility. This can be checked by clenching your fist and straightening only it. This finger is good to use to explain the direction of movement.

The early name for the index finger was a word chosen for a reason. He wore signet rings of high importance.

Origin of the name of the third

By counting five fingers, you can select the middle one, the serial number of which is the same on both sides. IN various languages it has the same name, which refers to the designation of male dignity. Often, a gesture using a vertical position of the finger shows hostility to the opponent.

Five fingers closed into a fist with the middle one bent is a gesture indicating the coolness and pride of the person making it. But the gesture is indecent. It is often used by men, but women also use it just as often. The allegorical meaning of the middle finger can be traced in many languages; it is related to physical love.

Name of the fourth

The index and middle fingers differ slightly in length from the ring finger. But the latter does not have much functionality, and it is often used for wearing paraphernalia and decorations. It is not involved in most hand operations. This is where the name comes from - without a name or nameless.

The hand is grasped jointly by several adjacent fingers and the ring finger. The latter never acts alone, but is attached either to the middle or to the little finger, thereby achieving a more reliable grip. However, there are types of activities where the independent functionality of the ring finger is very important: playing the keys in music or when typing.

Some nationalities have different names. In Europe it is often referred to as the ring bearer. Believers have always treated any decoration on this finger with trepidation. It was believed that an invisible connection was established through the ring, helping people maintain relationships.


The little finger is fragile both in size and functionality. The grip of the hand does not depend on the presence of the last finger, but it performs an equally important function: grasping, protective. The little finger is also involved in playing musical instruments and typing on the keyboard.

The little finger is required for heavy loads, when with four fingers the hand can be injured. The main work always falls on the remaining fingers. Therefore, by the appearance of the palm and hand, you can tell a lot about an unknown person.

The thumb is often compared to a squad leader, since the strength of the fist and the tenacity of the hand depend on it. The angle of deviation of the finger from the palm is used to judge a person’s emancipation and ability to communicate. However, the shape and size of the little finger can tell a lot about the inner world of the owner.

People who are relaxed and sociable have a long little finger. A short finger indicates difficult adaptation to a rapidly changing environment. Such a person is closed and focused more on his own inner world. There is also positive points, such people easily perceive exact sciences.

The source of information for a palmist is each finger on the hand. Thanks to the signs on the client’s fingers, such as moles and dashes, he receives information about the individual’s vocation and destiny. Quite a lot interesting features character, habits are “informed” to the specialist by shape and length.

The name and characteristics of each finger

The fingers are the most mobile part of the palm. They actively participate in gestures. Each performs specific functions during physical activity. Based on many years of observations, palmistry gave the names of planets to the fingers.

  1. The index finger is called the finger of Jupiter. He participates in the active work of the hand. The egoism of the individual is associated with it. This part of the hand is also “responsible” for ambition, perseverance and pride.
  2. The average in palmistry is associated with the planet Saturn. The main qualities that the planet endows people with are responsibility, prudence and a tendency towards melancholy. If a person’s middle finger is well defined, the palmist concludes that he is dealing with a secretive and vulnerable nature.
  3. The ring finger is called the finger of Apollo. Astrology connects it with the Sun. Its role in the active work of the hand is auxiliary. Palmistry connects this part of the palm with our emotional life and internal interests. If it looks harmonious, the palmist will understand that you are a balanced person.
  4. The little finger in palmistry is called the finger of Mercury. It is located on the passive part of the palm. Represents the intelligence and communication abilities of its owner. During the active work of the remaining fingers, the little finger protrudes. It acts as an antenna that enhances the subject's ingenuity.
  5. The big one does not bear the name of any planet, but the significance of this finger for palmists is very great. This part of the hand works both on the active aspect of the life of its owner (together with the index and middle), and on strengthening it thinking abilities. When the subject needs to make a fist during physical work, the thumb covers and supports them on top. When examining your hand, the palmist will pay attention to the angle of deviation. It can be used to judge how sociable and tolerant you are of other people’s shortcomings.

Phalanxes and symbols on them

Each finger consists of three phalanges. The upper (nail) phalanges represent the subject's intuition and intelligence, as well as his dreams. The middle phalanges show organization and the ability to take active action. The lower phalanges will “tell” what success a person can achieve in life. They inform the palmist about the level of vital energy.

The strongest influence on the overall “picture” is exerted by the phalanx, which is the longest. The lattices, lines and crosses found on the phalanges will inform the palmist about your health, vulnerable character traits and even the number of children.

What is the meaning of the signs on the finger:

  • vertical bars are an auspicious symbol: they indicate harmonious personality who managed to achieve material well-being;
  • a horizontal line is almost always a symbol of obstacles and problems;
  • drawings in the form of grids warn the subject about illnesses or promise him financial losses;
  • crosses on fingers are considered in palmistry to be a symbol of failure, vice and poverty;
  • the star carries a positive prediction.

Characteristics of active fingers

Palmists examine the large finger on the client’s hand with particular scrupulousness. If there is a star at the top of the finger, the owner of the sign will be able to acquire wealth thanks to his enterprise and perseverance.

A cross on the thumb warns of dishonest actions of your business partners, which could lead you to bankruptcy. Vertical lines on the phalanges indicate the energy, sanity and constant love of life of the owner.

To find out how many children a client has, the palmist looks at the vertical parallel lines located on the bottom of the thumb. Horizontal lines on the finger indicate that the subject is dissatisfied with life and suffers from misunderstanding of relatives or spouse.

The index finger shows the strong-willed qualities of the individual. Vertical stripes located on the phalanges indicate the owner’s good communication skills, as well as his leadership qualities. The bars on the top of the finger indicate your loneliness. Sometimes such drawings predict that the subject is facing the threat of imprisonment.

A star on the fingers in palmistry is associated with happy events. Such a sign, available on the lower part of the index finger, promises you protection influential people. The crosses on the finger of Jupiter inform the palmist that in front of him is a deceitful and unscrupulous member of society. Horizontal lines on the finger indicate that the subject is experiencing many stressful situations.

By the signs located on the middle finger, you can learn about the subject’s tastes, as well as his attitude to life. Regardless of the location, vertical lines on this finger indicate good intelligence and a highly developed sense of duty. The bars on the phalanges of the finger indicate an indecisive personality, inclined to run away from problems. This sign warns you that you may be a victim of betrayal by close friends.

A cross in the upper part of the middle indicates that the person is prone to self-deception and depression. The presence of a horizontal line at the bottom is a sign that he is dissatisfied with himself and the people around him.

Characteristics of passive fingers

According to palmistry, the lines on passive fingers reflect the subject’s imagination, the presence or absence of creative abilities.

What a palm reader will see when examining the symbols on the little and ring fingers:

  • crosses at the top of the ring finger show that you are vulnerable and shy, prone to self-flagellation;
  • the vertical lines present on the phalanges of the nameless sign indicate a creative, sensitive nature: the owner of such a sign is energetic and hardworking, another meaning of the vertical stripes is the sensuality and sexuality of the subject;
  • If bottom part the middle finger is generously “decorated” with bars, the personality painfully perceives any criticism addressed to him;
  • horizontal lines show that you are often disturbed by attacks of causeless panic and melancholy;
  • if there are vertical stripes on your little finger, you can be called the life of the party, you are sociable, delicate and charismatic, so you get along easily with friends and colleagues;
  • crosses on any part of the little finger have a negative meaning, they tell the palmist that the client often manipulates people for selfish purposes, he is two-faced and aggressive;
  • bars located on the lower sector of the little finger indicate the subject’s tightness and timidity.

Finger length

Palmistry has paid a lot of attention to the shape of fingers and their length since ancient times. A big big shows that you are destined for enviable success in your career. Pride and authority are your main character traits.

The average length of the thumb is a sign of endurance and courage of the subject. The owner of a short and thick one is a leader, a practical nature. A serious problem for such a person is her lack of diplomatic qualities. If your thumb is long and thin, you are creative. Perhaps you have highly developed intuition.

A small and weak large finger against the background of a large hand indicates that the subject is a timid nature. It is possible that he gets sick often.

Smooth joints of the thumbs indicate the generosity and good nature of the owner. If the index finger is longer than the second finger, the palmist concludes that he is a careerist, a tough person who likes to dominate. The finger of Jupiter, the length of which is equal to the length of the middle one, indicates the energy and willpower of the owner. A short finger can be seen on the hand of a modest, non-conflict person.

Curled forefingers are found on the hands of wayward, rude people.

The excessive length of the middle one reveals a silent hermit who is alien to entertainment in the company. The middle one, having the same length as its nameless “brother,” informs the palmist about the irresponsibility and excessive talkativeness of the owner.

The short finger of Saturn says that the subject is accustomed to being guided by emotions and momentary impulses, and not by logic. If your middle finger is slightly curved towards your index finger, you have low self-esteem and increased anxiety.

If your ring finger is longer than your index finger, you are destined to realize yourself in the field of art. Seeing that the length of Apollo's finger is equal to the length of his index finger, the palmist will understand that he is a risk-taker. A slight curvature of the nameless towards the middle is a sign of extrasensory abilities.

The little finger reaching the nail of the third finger is considered in palmistry to be a sign of the subject’s unreliability. If your little finger is slightly shorter than the Apollo finger, it can be assumed that you have an aptitude for business. Important traits of your character are tact and sociability.

If, with a relaxed hand, the little finger leans towards the palm, palmists assume that the subject has problems with potency. The short lower phalanges of the little fingers indicate the weak will of their owner. They symbolize fear of making decisions. The tilt of the little finger towards the ring finger indicates the cunning of the owner.

Interpretation of form

What can be understood from the form:

  • the square shape of the fingers is found among people with a practical mindset: such men and women do not understand the meaning of romantic actions;
  • spade-shaped ones are found on the hands of conservative and sensible people;
  • fingers whose upper outer joint is shaped like a cone are called conical: if you have pointed fingers, your main qualities are love of art, sensitivity, curiosity;
  • knobby is a sign of severity and irony of its owner: people with knobby fingers like to analyze phenomena and events.


Palmistry considers our fingers to be carriers of important information. Vertical stripes on active fingers show the palmist that in front of him is an active person who loves life. Crosses may warn the subject that friends are preparing to betray him.

The dashes and hash marks on your passive fingers (the little finger and ring finger are considered) will tell you about the nature of your relationships with other people. The shape and length gives the palmist additional information about the client's personality.

Have you ever wondered where finger names come from? Each of them has its own explanation.


When looking at the names of the fingers, it’s probably worth starting with the “big” one. Following logic, it should be called a little differently. For example, “extreme” or “short”. After all, this is far from the largest finger on the human hand. However, it is quite massive compared to others. In addition, in some sources the word “big” is associated with the word “main”. Probably everyone has noticed that the outermost fleshy finger is one of the most active during actions performed by the hands.

In palmistry, this finger is under the protection of Venus. By its structure, one can determine the degree of willpower, charisma, logic, as well as business and physical activity of a person.

Index finger

IN Ancient Rus' the names of the fingers were somewhat different from modern ones. So the “index” was called “finger”. By the way, this is why rings are called rings. IN modern name there is nothing mysterious, everything is extremely logical. When we want to show something or give direction, we do it with the second finger. You can also use it to express your disapproval or order to remain silent. That's why it's called "index".

In palmistry it is considered the finger of Jupiter. He is responsible for pride and wisdom. Also, its structure determines the degree of egoism and desire to be a leader.

Middle finger

Studying the names of the fingers, the idea arises that it was the “middle” one that should have been called the big one. Indeed, it is the longest among its brothers. Nevertheless, it is customary that this finger is named by its location. It's interesting that in Spanish it is called the “finger of the heart.”

In palmistry, the middle finger is under the protection of the planet Saturn. It determines mental abilities, logical thinking, efficiency and success in business.

Ring finger

If you start looking at your fingers, their names may raise some questions. For example, why “Nameless”? To begin with, it is worth noting that this finger is quite passive and almost never does anything alone. As a rule, its functions are most actively manifested while playing musical instruments, as well as typing on the keyboard.

It is worth noting that the “ring” finger is not such in all cultures. In most European countries it is called “ring”, because it is on it that rings are put on during marriage. But the Tatar and Persian peoples, by analogy with the Slavs, call the fourth finger “ring”. It is believed that in ancient times it was endowed magical power and they were afraid to pronounce its name, and therefore it remained unknown to posterity.

There's a lot to do with the ring finger. interesting facts. So, in Ancient Egypt they believed that a vessel came from it that led to the heart. It was probably this statement that began the tradition of wedding rings. Also, many researchers claim that there is a connection between the length of this finger and a person’s character. The longer it is, the more successful the person will be in the financial sector. This situation also indicates a high level of testosterone in the blood.

In palmistry, the ring finger is called the finger of Apollo. Its structure testifies to the magnitude of talent and creativity. It also symbolizes family happiness.

Little finger

Considering the name of a person’s fingers, the turn comes to the “little finger”. Translated from the Old Russian language, this word means “the youngest.” Indeed, this finger is the thinnest and smallest on the human hand.

The planet Mercury is considered the patron saint of the little finger in palmistry. This area is responsible for oratory abilities and the ability to express oneself. Also, the structure of the finger may indicate a tendency towards wealth. It also determines a person’s dexterity and luck.

Ancient Rome

The name of the fingers on a person's hand differed at different times and in different civilizations. In Ancient Rome there was a certain mythical overtones. Here's the most interesting thing about fingers:

  • The middle finger, translated into Russian, was called “dirty.” The reason is simple. It was with this finger that the Romans performed hygienic procedures in the toilet.
  • The ring finger was called "clean". The ancient Romans noticed that this finger practically does not take part in any household activities. People were so confident in its purity that even pharmacists mixed their medicines with this finger.
  • The little finger was called the “ear”. This is because it was most convenient to clean the ears with a thin and flexible finger, which the Romans did until a certain time.


The names of fingers is an entertaining topic that is sure to interest any person at least once. But what’s even more interesting is that fingers can influence a person’s destiny. Palmists believe that if you put a ring on a certain finger, you can activate or, conversely, dampen some of a person’s abilities.

    There are five fingers on the human hand and each finger has its own name.

    The side finger is called the Thumb.

    The finger following it is called the index finger (usually a person uses it to point at something.

    Behind the index finger there is a finger which is called the Middle finger, because it is located right in the middle.

    The next finger of the hand is called the Ring finger.

    And the last, smallest finger on the hand is called the Little Finger.

    A person has 10 fingers on both hands, 5 fingers on each.

    Located below all thumb, he has only one phalanx, his goal is to take the object as tightly as possible. He is responsible for reliability.


    index finger, we sometimes indecently poke them in the direction of someone or something.

    Middle finger the longest, which is probably why some people use it for a certain gesture to show their coolness.

    Ring finger lazy, he is weaker than the others and practically does not participate in work.

    AND little finger-the smallest and, perhaps, the most flexible finger.

    In ancient times they called fingers, hence, by the way, the word ring.

    Well, now that’s what they’re called, fingers, only they are divided into the thumb and index finger. middle, ring and little fingers. On the right and left hand, respectively.

    The fingers on the hands (and on the toes too) are called as follows:

    large (because it is thicker than the others, especially on the leg),

    index (it is this finger that is most convenient for us to point at something),

    medium (located in the middle),

    ringless (apparently, here people’s imagination has dried up, and the finger remains without a name),

    little finger (from the ancient Russian little finger - the youngest).

    And the names of fingers also help to remember this children's rhyme by A. Barto:

    Thick and big finger

    I went to the garden to pick plums

    Index from the threshold

    Showed him the way

    The middle finger is the most accurate

    He knocks plums off the branch

    Nameless eats

    And the little finger is gentleman

    Plants seeds in the ground.

    The finger that is located, as it were, separately from everyone else is called the thumb. The smallest finger of the hand is called the little finger. Next comes the ring finger. Then the middle finger, so named because it is the middle one among the five fingers, no matter where you count from. Next from this will be the index finger, so named because people most often use it to point to something.

    A person learns the names of the fingers on his hand in childhood. This information is so commonplace that every adult can easily name the fingers. So:

    • thumb. This is the thickest finger on the hand and is not in a row with the other fingers. Usually, if it is shown up and the other fingers are clenched into a fist, it means good or excellent. And in Ancient Rome, after gladiator fights, this sign meant to leave alive. Accordingly, if the thumb looks down, it means to kill.
    • index finger- the finger closest to the thumb. By its name it is easy to guess that with this finger we point at something. However, pointing fingers in public places is not polite.
    • after the index finger comes middle finger. Indeed, there are two fingers to the right and left of him, and he himself is in the middle. You can't show this finger to anyone. This is too rude a gesture for a decent person.
    • what follows ring finger. It shows the couple wearing the ring after their wedding.
    • Well, the smallest outer finger on the palm is called little finger.

    There is also a numbering of fingers in music.

    1 - big

    2 - index

    3 - average

    4 - unnamed

    5 - little finger

    So, let's start with the fact that on each hand everyone has healthy person five fingers each, which have the same names on the left and on the right. So, there is a thumb, then the index finger, then the middle finger, and then the ring and little fingers.

    Actually, the figure clearly shows where each finger is located and what it is called.

    So, the lowest finger is big

    Following him is pointing. Negative people have a bad habit of pointing others out. A very bad habit.

    In the middle is average finger. Everything is clear here.

    Even goes nameless.

    The smallest finger was named little finger.

    Almost every person on earth has two hands and five fingers on each of them - the same goes for feet.

    Although there are ten fingers (scientifically called phalanges), they have only five names - since the fingers on both hands are the same.

    So, the largest finger (not the longest), which is the lowest, is called the thumb.

    If we consider for example right hand, then clockwise, after the thumb comes the index finger, then the middle, ring and smallest little finger.

    This is exactly what our fingers are called, I wonder what they are called on our feet?

    In Russian there are such names: large, index, middle, ring and little fingers. The image of a thumb is often found in emoticons; ill-mannered people point at someone with the index finger; ladies wear rings on the ring finger.