How physical exercise affects a child's development. Physical development of children by age

Nowadays, all parents know that sport is good for health and, in particular, that it is necessary for the harmonious development of a child.

a) A child who plays sports has better health. Physical exercise causes profuse sweating, facilitating and accelerating the elimination of toxins that poison the body. Sport also has a beneficial effect on the oxygenation of red blood cells and on digestion. A child who plays sports grows better - he has a good appetite and assimilates food better.

b) A child who plays sports is more physically balanced

  • strong muscles
  • flexible joints
  • straight back
  • slim stomach
  • slimmer waist
  • more graceful movements
  • best reflexes

and mentally

  • self-control
  • equilibrium
  • willingness to compete

c) You should choose the sport that is most suitable for the child. We don't intend to talk too much about sports; we have neither the space nor the proper training for this. The school doctor, sports therapist, and physical education teacher can determine whether a child is capable of participating in a particular sport; In the case of children who require rehabilitation exercises, prescriptions are developed in collaboration with a neuropsychiatrist and a specialist in sports medicine.

The age between 6 and 11 years is the period when a child’s physical capabilities flourish. The purpose of physical exercise is not the accumulation of strength, but the development of “maintenance tone,” that is, the hardening of the muscles to make them capable of supporting and helping the harmonious development of the skeleton.

Sports - best remedy combating shortcomings school life, especially against spinal curvature, which is an occupational affliction of schoolchildren (80% of them suffer from this).

d) Specialization should be avoided. You cannot engage in only one sport, as this favors the development of certain parts of the body at the expense of others.

Any child should not be allowed to devote himself to competition. If any kind of sport, even the healthiest one, is practiced intensively in childhood, at the height of growth, this has an adverse effect on the overall harmonious development of the body.

Only in very exceptional cases is it possible for individuals (with a special calling and physical and mental endurance) to undergo intensive training for competition.

d) Mostly, Strength exercises are prohibited. If they are practiced too regularly, such exercises greatly develop the muscles. Overdeveloped muscles, instead of promoting growth, slow it down: they lose their extensibility, cannot accompany the impulse of bone lengthening, slow down and sometimes even block it. Therefore, you should exclude weights and anything that forces your muscles to work hard. There is a danger of turning such children into small, stocky, overly muscular creatures.

f) The child should get enough rest. The schoolwork itself is already quite labor-intensive, so the child should not be burdened with extracurricular activities. Some thoughtfully chosen sport is sufficient.

Physical education lessons should not result in excessive fatigue due to a busy schedule or a long journey. Before you start playing sports, you should consult your doctor. Some sports that are excellent for healthy children may be completely contraindicated in cases of heart, lung or spine disease.

Athletics is a good preparatory basis for all sports. It develops flexibility and resistance, balances the nervous system, and makes all the muscles of the body work harmoniously. Contrary to what some parents believe, athletics is quite suitable for girls who get a good figure from it. Running is an excellent exercise for breathing, blood circulation, for all the muscles of the body and one of the best growth stimuli.

Throwing develops agility, concentration and detenta (discharge). Shot put is not recommended for girls at an early age, as it requires too masculine gestures. But discus throwing is quite suitable for them.

Jumping develops elasticity, promotes the formation of thin and long muscles, hardens the ankles and strengthens the ankle joints.

Swimming Recommended for both boys and girls. Of all the sports, swimming is the most comprehensive. Its main disadvantage is that it is practiced most of the year in indoor pools. It should be supplemented with activities in clean air.

Swimming develops exceptional breathing ability, straightens the back, and strengthens the muscles that support the spine. Breaststroke and backstroke styles are excellent exercises for correcting some back curvatures. But the “crawl” style (the legs move in a different rhythm than the arms and head, being in the water as much as possible) is not recommended.

Swimming promotes muscle growth in length and extension. For girls with red shins and stiff, thick joints, repeated kicking in the water is especially helpful. For boys, swimming broadens the shoulders and narrows the hips; for girls, it promotes the formation of a beautiful bust.

There is a widespread fear among parents of germs in swimming pool water. In this regard, the danger is low, since the water is controlled and under the supervision of the State Sanitary Inspectorate. The only danger comes from disinfectants for children with sensitive eyes; They are advised to wear special, tight-fitting glasses.

Skating Recommended from 5-6 years old for girls and boys. It can be started earlier; In Sweden, children learn to skate at the same time as walking. This sport develops dexterity, balance, mastery of gestures, affects the muscles of the legs and thighs and the silhouette. For young children this is an excellent preparatory exercise for skiing.

Skis. Mountain children start skiing early. Ski training can begin by age 6. The best age for learning is considered to be 10-11 years old.

The benefits of skiing lie primarily in the beneficial effects of the mountain climate. From a physical exercise standpoint, skiing engages every muscle in the body and builds balance and confidence. This is an excellent tool for hardening and getting used to the cold.

Many parents want to make their child a little champion; let them not forget that by subjecting it to too much effort they risk overworking the heart.

Bike. Until the age of 8, cycling should be limited to driving around gardens, parks or riding on the sidewalks of streets around the house. Starting from 8-9 years old, the child can be allowed longer walks. Only by the age of 12 are longer routes (more than 10 km) allowed.

Bicycling is a double-edged sport. If it is practiced as a game, there is no objection to it. Cycling develops resistance and is an ideal gymnastics for the legs and thighs (including the hip, knee, and ankle joints). However, if it is practiced as a competitive sport, a number of negative phenomena arise, such as excessive development of the legs at the expense of the rest of the body, up to inhibition of growth. The abdominal muscles do not work at all, the chest does not develop, and the respiratory capacity does not increase. Cycling is also not recommended for children with certain spinal curvatures.

Football Recommended for boys over 12 years of age. All 6-7 year old boys have fun kicking a ball: they call it “football”. This type of play, which makes them run, breathe, and expend energy, is excellent for children and should not be prohibited.

When it comes to actual football training, some caution must be exercised. This sport develops more of the lower body at the expense of the upper body. During a soccer game, participants run a lot, but stop-and-go sprints, unlike athletic running, develop muscles more in terms of strength than elongation.

A child who plays too much soccer will end up with overly muscular thighs, which is not conducive to lengthening of the lower limbs (as is the case with cycling).

Ball games(volleyball, handball, basketball). For both boys and girls, volleyball starts relatively early; for basketball, minimum age is 9 years. The latter should be practiced moderately, as it is a big burden on cardiovascular functions.

These sports are especially beneficial for boys and girls between 12 and 16 years of age. It is a sport of elongation of the muscles that they develop in length. They are excellent exercises for the back muscles and provide good support for the spine. In addition, they form a slender and graceful figure, develop dexterity and quick reflexes, and foster a spirit of solidarity.

Rowing sport Recommended for girls and boys from 14 years of age. If a roller seat (skiff) is used, rowing is a comprehensive sport in which all muscles of the body (arms, stomach, back, legs) are involved, which entails harmonious development. Rowing promotes joint flexibility and is especially an excellent exercise for regulating breathing.

Judo promotes the development of physical and nervous balance, develops dexterity and confidence in movements, is an excellent school of discipline and self-control, gives confidence to the shy and calms fighters.

However, this sport is contraindicated in cases of diseases or weakness of the spine and has the disadvantage that in children with sensitive skin or fragile blood vessels it causes bruises due to falls that occur during play.

Tennis presents the disadvantage that it is a one-sided sport. It improves muscle development, gives flexibility to joints, but is contraindicated before 10-12 years of age, as it develops one half of the body more than the other. Compensatory exercises should be done at the same time, forcing the left hand to work (for a player working with the right hand), otherwise there is a risk of developing right spinal scoliosis.

In cases where tennis starts early, care must be taken and the child should be subject to regular medical monitoring.

Gymnastics recommended for girls and boys from 6-8 years old. It should not be mixed with simple physical education. Gymnastics is a full-fledged sport that leads to almost perfect control of one’s own body and maximizes flexibility and dexterity.

Gymnastics is especially useful for girls: it is one of the sports that creates the most beautiful types of athletes; it gives grace, elegance, and confidence to movements.

After the Olympic Games in general, and after the success of our gymnasts, many parents are inclined to try to make their daughters participants in gymnastics competitions. As with any sport in general, and for gymnastics in particular, the choice must be made by specialists, judiciously, on the basis of selection, taking into account the physical and mental abilities and state of health of the child.

It should be recalled that gymnastics has the disadvantage (but the only one) that it can be practiced mainly in the hall, therefore without sufficient ventilation. Therefore, it should be supplemented by sports in the clean air and vacations in mountain and sea climates.

Dance. This is a sport that starts very early, around 3 years for rhythmic and around 6-7 years for classical.

Rhythmic dance is a corrective gymnastics and a means of mental and motor re-education. This is a source of relaxation and balancing for unstable children with negativistic reactions.

Classical dance gives self-confidence, endurance, grace and elegance. This is one of the best schools of patience. It teaches the child to control his physical strength and forms spindle-shaped muscles.

Classical dance is especially useful for girls with an inferiority complex, nervous, shy; it promotes their favorable evolution, allows them to express themselves and gain self-confidence. Besides, classical dance useful for boys and girls who find it more difficult to integrate into a social group and for those who are less physically gifted, giving them flexibility, grace, lightness and a certain amount of flirtatiousness.

However, dancing can be harmful if it is not practiced under the supervision of a serious and competent teacher. You should choose the dance that is most suitable for each child. Erroneous guidance conceals a serious danger: the correct development of the child is disrupted due to possible curvature of the legs or spine. Therefore, you cannot pursue brilliant results at any cost.

Finally It should be recalled that before starting to engage in any sport, regardless of age, the child must be examined by a doctor who gives appropriate feedback. The recommendation for the age at which one can start a particular sport is indicative and applies to ordinary children.

For competitive sports, selection is made by physical education teachers, and medical feedback is given by sports medicine specialists, who, along with a clinical examination, subject the child to paraclinical examinations with special equipment, with the help of which they detect any anomaly, as well as the ability under load of talented children selected trainers.

In general, doctors are very reserved in their opinions regarding the age and tests that a child can be subjected to before the age of 10-12.


Relevance of the research topic.
Raising a healthy generation with the harmonious development of physical qualities is one of the main tasks of modern society. In any society built on humanistic and democratic principles, human health is the highest value, the most important asset of the state, it is an indisputable priority, the key to the vitality and progress of society.

Unfortunately, in our country, there is a clear trend towards a deterioration in the health of children. Results of in-depth medical examinations show that a significant proportion of children attending preschool institutions have various health problems and are lagging behind in physical development. This indicates that the problems of raising a healthy child have been and remain relevant in the practice of public and family preschool education and dictate the need to search for effective means of their implementation.

In recent years, a lot of scientific works dedicated to solving various problems in the education of preschool children. This is explained by the fact that a number of unfavorable socio-economic changes that occurred in our country at the end of the twentieth century primarily affected the younger generation and especially preschool children. According to a number of scientists, at present, significant contradictions have arisen between the declared goals of physical education, physical training of the younger generation and the real capabilities of the state to implement them for each person.

The formation of children's health and the full development of their body is one of the main problems in modern society. During preschool childhood, the foundations of health, comprehensive physical fitness and harmonious physical development are laid in a child. At the same time, the existing preschool education system takes into account only the sanitary and hygienic standards of the child’s living conditions and standardizes motor qualities and skills.

Full physical development and health of a child is the basis for personality formation.

Life in the city, unfavorable environmental conditions, insufficient physical activity, lack of fresh air, unfortunately, have the most unfavorable effect on the child’s body. Therefore, it is so important to pay great attention to physical culture. Physical education classes activate the immune system and increase the child’s body’s resistance to various diseases.

Preschool age is the most important stage in the physical development of a child. It is at this time that the most important systems of the body are intensively formed and formed. At this time, the child continues to gain weight and grow (although not as quickly as after birth), so it is worth paying attention to instilling basic hygiene skills, forming physical activity, and also carrying out all kinds of hardening procedures with children. It is important to remember that it is much more difficult to correct all the shortcomings and gaps in the child’s physical development in the future than to form them initially.

Outdoor games are an excellent way to shape physical development. The value of outdoor games is that these movements are performed in a wide variety of conditions and that children improve and consolidate various movements.

Outdoor games, to a much greater extent than all other forms of physical culture, correspond to the needs of a growing organism in movement. Play is always associated with personal initiative, creativity, imagination, causes an emotional uplift, meets all the laws of a developing organism, and therefore is always desirable. It becomes the child’s first vital need, the satisfaction of which he himself strives very much.

All of the above gives grounds to conclude that the formation of physical development is an urgent task in the upbringing of preschool children. Based on the relevance of the issue of the influence of outdoor games on general and physical fitness, we can formulate problem which is as follows: do outdoor games affect the development of physical fitness and how are the conditions for organizing outdoor games in preschool educational institutions implemented?

Object Our research will focus on the degree of physical development of preschool children. Subject research is the influence of outdoor games on the degree of physical development.

Target Our research is to reveal the features of the physical development of preschool children.

To achieve this goal, we need to solve the following tasks:

Hypothesis: indicators of physical development will be higher if a system of outdoor games is carried out with children.

To work fruitfully and achieve our goals, we used various research methods in our work: studying and analyzing literature, observation, talking with children, experimental work, and conducting the games themselves.

Empirical basis of the study. In accordance with the purpose and objectives of the study, the practical part of the study was included.

The development and testing of the influence of outdoor games on the formation of physical development was carried out on the basis of MBDOU d/s No. 22, Meleuz. All studies were carried out in group No. 5, consisting of 21 people.

Theoretical significance of the study: The issue of the influence of outdoor games on the formation of the physical development of children is highlighted.

Practical significance of the study. The results, conclusions and scientific and methodological recommendations can be used by teachers, psychologists working with children in preschool institutions. They relate to physical fitness. And also the significance of our research lies in the development of recommendations that can be used by parents and educators for the development of physical qualities in seniors. preschool age through outdoor games.

The research paper consists of three parts: introduction, conclusion, bibliography and appendices.

In the theoretical part, a study was carried out on the problem of physical development of children of senior preschool age, and also the methodology for managing outdoor games in preschool educational institutions was studied.

In the empirical part, a diagnosis of the effectiveness of experimental work on the formation of the physical development of children of senior preschool age through outdoor games was carried out, a methodology for educating physical qualities in preschool children was studied, a diagnosis of the physical fitness of children 5-6 years old was carried out, and a comparative analysis research results.


1.1 Preserving the health of preschool children in physical education

Preserving the health of preschool children can be called a priority activity for the entire society, since only healthy children are able to properly assimilate the acquired knowledge and in the future are able to engage in productive and useful work.

The need to maintain health must be formed from childhood, when the body is plastic and easily susceptible to environmental influences. Children have a stronger desire to be healthy, to grow up beautiful, active, to be able to serve and behave in such a way as not to harm themselves and others. With the help of an adult, the child realizes: in order to be healthy, you need to do physical exercise every day, harden yourself, do exercises, follow a daily routine, eat healthy food, keep the environment and premises clean, and also follow the rules of hygiene.

In physical exercise classes, children gain basic understanding of the structure of their own body, the functions and purposes of internal organs and body systems. Through a system of special exercises and games, children become familiar with the signs of health, learn to protect themselves from germs, avoid dangerous places, and, if necessary, provide basic assistance to themselves and others. The sooner a child realizes the need for his direct involvement in the riches of physical culture, the sooner he will develop an important need that reflects a positive attitude and interest in the physical side of his life.

Throughout preschool childhood, the health of children is continuously maintained in the conditions of physical education, as evidenced by the indicators of the general physical fitness of children (Appendix A). In preschoolers from 5 to 7 years old, back strength doubles: in boys it increases from 25 to 52 kilograms, in girls from 20.4 to 43 kilograms. Speed ​​performance improves. The running time for 10 meters is reduced for boys from 2.5 to 2.0 seconds, for girls from 2.6 to 2.2 seconds. General endurance indicators change. The distance covered by boys increases from 602.3 meters to 884.3 meters, girls from 454 meters to 715.3 meters.

The preservation of the health of a preschooler is influenced by various means and methods of physical education. For example, an effective means of developing speed are exercises aimed at developing the ability to quickly perform movements. Children learn exercises best at a slow pace. The teacher must ensure that the exercises are not long or monotonous. It is advisable to repeat them under different conditions with different intensities, with complications or, conversely, with reduced requirements.

Of particular importance in the process of preserving the health of preschool children are playful motor tasks, outdoor sports games, sports entertainment which are always interesting to children; they have a great emotional charge, are distinguished by the variability of their constituent components, and make it possible to quickly solve motor problems. Children learn to come up with motor content for the proposed plot, independently enrich and develop play actions, create new plot lines, new forms of movement. This eliminates the habit of mechanical repetition of exercises and activates, within accessible limits, creative activity for independent comprehension and successful use of familiar movements in non-standard conditions. Gradually, collective creativity organized by adults becomes an independent activity for children.

At the present stage of development of education, there are several concepts of the physical development of preschool children aimed at preserving their health. The philosophy of a particular program is based on a certain view of the authors on the child, on the patterns of his development, and, consequently, on the creation of conditions that contribute to the formation of personality, protect his identity and reveal the creative potential of each pupil. The development of children's motor activity should take place in the form of their involvement in physical education as a natural component of universal human culture.

T.N. Doronova, a candidate of pedagogical sciences, in her “Rainbow” program, pays attention to the education and development of kindergarten children; the main component she gave preference to is the most important subject of education – physical education. A person’s health depends on how work with children in physical education is organized. A child in preschool should feel muscular joy and love movement; this will help him carry the need for movement throughout his life, join in sports and a healthy lifestyle. T.N. Doronova reveals the means and forms of physical education. These are hygiene factors, hygiene nervous system, physical exercise. Preventive, developmental, therapeutic, rehabilitation orientation in the selection of physical exercises.

Program of the group of authors under the leadership of L.A. Wenger “Development”, which contains two theoretical provisions. Theory A.V. Zaporozhets about the very value of the preschool period of development, the transition from a utilitarian understanding of preschool childhood to a humanistic understanding. And the concept of L.A. Wenger on the development of abilities, which are understood as universal actions of orientation in the environment with the help of figurative means of solving problems specific to a preschooler. This program does not contain tasks for the physical development of the child.

V.T. Kudryavtsev - Doctor of Psychological Sciences, B.B. Egorov - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences identified the idea of ​​​​an integrated interdisciplinary approach to the issue of physical education of preschoolers, and developmental pedagogy of health improvement arose in 2000. Their Program and Methodological Manual reflects two lines of health-improving and developmental work:

They criticize the established approach to the physical education and health work of preschoolers and talk about the need for a radical revision of existing methods of physical education in preschool institutions and schools. V.T. Kudryavtsev and B.B. Egorov point out a number of contradictions that exist at the present stage.

The general goal of this program and methodological material is to form the motor sphere and create psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of children's health based on their creative activity.

In the program “Fundamentals of Preschool Children’s Safety” by V.A. Ananyev, the author sets the tasks of developing children’s physical activity; they need to be taught to take care of their health and the health of others, develop personal hygiene skills, give knowledge about healthy food, orient children towards a healthy lifestyle, give basic knowledge about what it is infectious disease what to do to avoid getting infected. Ways to solve problems: classes, games - classes, visual activities, walks, hygiene procedures, hardening activities, games, sporting events, holidays, conversations, reading literature, the use of emotionally attractive forms. Working with parents aimed at improving the health of children and developing their physical activity.

In addition to the programs, methodological manuals on the problem under study were analyzed. They are quite widely represented in pedagogical theory. The most valuable, in our opinion, are manuals that present several means of improving children's health in a kindergarten, containing detailed characteristics of non-traditional methods of healing. Such manuals include the works of Yu.F. Zmanovsky and his colleagues, methodological recommendations of A.I. Barkan, L.I. Latokhina, B.V. Shevrygina, N.V. Tsybulya, T.D. Fershalova and others.

So, an analysis of the content of modern programs for preschool institutions to preserve the health of children allows us to draw the conclusion that, despite the differences in concepts, approaches, methods and means of solving the problem of improving the health of preschool children, in the content of each program the authors recognize the problem of preserving the health of children as a priority and it is given paramount importance. The programs encourage not only teachers to be active in the work, but also children and parents themselves.

Thus, we can highlight the general tasks of preserving the health of children, characteristic of all analyzed programs for preschool institutions:

  1. Teach children to identify their state and feelings.
  2. Form an active life position.
  3. Form ideas about your body and organism.
  4. Learn to strengthen and maintain your health.
  5. Understand the need and role of movements in physical development.
  6. Teach safety rules when performing physical exercises and various activities.
  7. Be able to provide basic assistance in case of injuries.
  8. Form ideas about what is useful and what is harmful to the body.

1.2 Physical development preschool children

It is well known that health potential is laid down in the human gene pool and is inherited, but the full realization of this potential depends on the person himself, his natural and social environment. We consider health and the vital integrity of the organism based on it as the subject of designing, expanding and enriching the perspective of the child’s psychosomatic capabilities. Since the physical activity of preschool children is the foundation for the full formation of a child’s personality and the preservation of his physical and mental health.

The main goal of physical development is a stable, constant physical condition of children, which can then be reproduced in the self-development mode. For this purpose in kindergarten all conditions must be created. Firstly, health corners are created in groups, where the physical education equipment necessary for this age group of children is located: a sports complex, exercise machines, massagers, etc. Secondly, on the territory of the preschool institution they will equip a playground for outdoor games, running tracks, obstacle courses, long jump pits, throwing targets, etc. Thirdly, the educational institution will be equipped with various sports equipment (balls, hoops, benches) etc.) gym. In order to develop children's interest in physical activity, physical education classes of various forms and contents, minutes, morning exercises and exercises after sleep should be used. A lot of time is spent doing physical exercise in the fresh air. Particular attention in health-improving work to the physical development of young children is due to a number of reasons. It is well known that at an early age children undergo intensive physical development and the formation of functional systems of the child’s body. This means that it is at this age that the development and expansion of children’s physical capabilities should be pedagogically and psychologically cultivated on the basis of the principles of health improvement pedagogy. Practical observations of the health of frequently ill children show that about 40% of them have deviations in physical development: lack of body weight, deficiency muscle mass, decreased or increased muscle tone. Physical education classes with young children conducted in a group room by a teacher do not provide full physical activity, since the appropriate temperature regime is not always observed, there is no appropriate clothing for children, there is not enough space for outdoor games, and the teacher’s qualifications in the field of physical education are insufficient. The search for effective forms of physical development of children led to the idea of ​​organizing the physical activity of young children based on a developmental approach (V.T. Kudryavtsev) - introducing children to physical education as a natural component of public culture.

Let's consider the principles of developmental health work with preschoolers:

  • development of creative imagination;
  • formation of meaningful motor skills;
  • creation and consolidation of a holistic positive psychosomatic state during various types of activities;
  • developing children's ability to cooperate and empathize.

According to the principles of developmental health work described above, introducing children to the use of physical exercises and techniques for performing them presupposes not only mastery of specific movements, but also the ability to control them, rationally use them to solve motor problems in play and life situations. The development of motor activity is carried out through communication with adults and peers. In order to maintain children's interest in mastering the basic types of movement, classes have their own plot, are integrated in nature, and allow communication with cognitive processes. So in the fall, children can collect leaves and mushrooms; in winter, “baby bunnies” can frolic in the snow; In the spring, you can look for spring flowers together with the animals. In the first year of schooling, children begin to master such types of movement as walking, running, jumping, throwing, and climbing. All classes are built on the basis of an individually differentiated approach as a system-forming means of improving children’s health, allowing each child to perform exercises absolutely correctly, taking into account his characteristics, and paying attention to the quality of his performance. This makes it possible for older preschool children to quickly master complex types of basic movements. incentive for motor activity toys serve (chase the ball, crawl to the mushroom, catch the bunny, etc.)

Assessing the solution to a motor task allows you to transfer the child’s pleasure from the procedural side of actions to the joy of what has been achieved. Babies have a huge number of temporary connections that are directly related to the formation of voluntary movements, which are formed through imitation. This ability helps them quickly master movements (“We are butterflies, chickens, forest animals”) and forms a creative imagination. Positive emotions and emotionally rich activities are the main components of physical development. The introductory part of each lesson should give the child an emotionally stimulating mood for the entire lesson: “You guys, smile, everyone stand behind me. Today we’ll go into the forest - and we’ll find a fox there!”

When developing motor functions, sound, rhythmic and speech stimuli are used. Of particular importance is clear speech instruction, which normalizes mental activity, improves speech understanding, and enriches the vocabulary. All types of movements are also accompanied by a poetic text, since rhythm and rhyme not only cultivate auditory attention and perception, but also organize the rhythm and tempo of movement. By performing certain movements, the child learns to pronounce them, involving not only pronunciation, but also counting. From the second half of the year, some classes must be conducted with music.

The emotional coloring of the activities stimulates children's desire to engage in physical activity, especially among inert, inactive children.

Each complex of the program uses breathing exercises. Proper breathing stimulates the functioning of the heart, brain and nervous system, and promotes the ability to manage oneself. During the classes, much attention is paid to teaching the child to breathe through the nose.

When children master basic types of movements, attention is paid to posture, correct position of the body, head, and maintaining balance, which contributes to the formation of precise motor skills and motor memory.

The program pays special attention to the development of fine motor skills in play activities using finger games. Such classes are emotional, exciting, and contribute to the development of speech and creative activity of children. Many games require the participation of both hands, which makes it possible to develop spatial concepts (up-down, back-front). The finger games selected in the program reflect the realities of the surrounding world - objects, animals, people, which is necessary for the development of the creative imagination of preschoolers.

Conclusions on the first chapter

In preschool age, the child’s development occurs dynamically and at the same time unevenly, although overall at a relatively high pace. Characteristic feature At this age there are significant individual differences in the rate of age-related development. This places great demands on the pedagogical process, and especially on the activities of physical education teachers in preschool institutions. To study the theory and methods of physical education of preschool children, knowledge about the age-related characteristics of the development of the musculoskeletal system, the central nervous system, morphological and functional changes in the muscular system is important.


2.1 The role of play in the physical development of a child

A child is a growing and developing creature. His motor activity and motor talent, acquired motor skills and dexterity determine his physical development. The importance of play in a child’s physical development cannot be overestimated. Games develop the emotional sphere, motor activity of the child, the ability to coordinate their actions with the actions of partners, and attention develops. Games have a great influence on children's desire to move, and physical skills are improved only through movement. By performing movements in play activities, children enrich their motor experience, they develop physical qualities such as dexterity, speed, and endurance. Thanks to the variety of movements in games, the child’s entire body is involved in work: the heartbeat quickens, breathing deepens, metabolism increases, which generally makes him healthier.

The theoretical foundations of play, as the most important means of comprehensive education of children, were laid by the research of such scientists as L. S. Vygotsky, A. N. Leontiev, A. V. Zaporozhets, D. B. Elkonin, E. P. Flerina, E. A. Arkin ; Later, the works of R. Ya. Lekhtman-Abramovich, N. M. Aksarina, A. P. Usova, V. P. Zalogina, T. A. Markova, P. F. Kapterev and others were devoted to the game. The basic requirements for managing the play of young children are also revealed in the works of N. M. Askarina, F. A. Fradkina, S. L. Novoselova, E. V. Zvorygina and others.

Many preschool institutions operate according to the basic general education program “Krokha”, edited by G. G. Grigorieva.

“Krokha” is a program for raising a child from birth to three years, which reveals the general patterns of human development at an early age and provides recommendations for the full development of the baby.

The program was developed in the spirit of the ideas of humanizing family and public education of young children. The program provides a multi-level, individually differentiated approach to the child. The program is based on principles that recognize the child’s right to be an individual. It is the development of personal qualities, such as independence, curiosity, initiative, that occupies a central place in the program. The main principles are respect for the child, attention to his needs, desires and interests, development of his self-esteem and independence.

The program consists of several sections covering the most important aspects of the development of infants and young children. Many of these sections for domestic programs are traditional: physical education, health protection and promotion, movement development, self-care skills, speech development. Other sections reflect new developments in the field of pedagogy (for example, a section devoted to environmental education for young children).

For the first time, within the framework of the education program, a section on the psychological preparation of parents for the birth of a child is presented quite fully. In addition to traditional medical advice, it talks about the stages of a child’s intrauterine development in an interesting and accessible way, emphasizing how important it is to communicate with the baby even before his birth.
The “Krokha” program is a new generation program, undoubtedly necessary and useful for parents and educators.

The goal of the program: to create conditions for the physical development of young children through play activities.

The following tasks are assigned to preschool institutions:

Create conditions and an environment favorable for involving the child in motor play activities.

To promote the accumulation and enrichment of children’s motor experience, the development of physical qualities, the need for children’s motor activity in joint organized activities of children and the teacher.

To ensure continuity of public and family education in matters of physical development of young children.

An analysis of the physical development of children showed:

that the majority of children 68% have health group 2

with health group I – 4 children, 16%

with health group II – 11 children, 68%

with health group III – 1 child 6%

56% walk confidently, climb elevated objects, and can overcome small obstacles; show a positive emotional attitude and interest in physical activity.

30% have not developed motor skills in climbing and jumping, have poor performance, and when performing exercises they act only by imitation.

Only 14% of children are active, independent, proactive, well oriented in space, and can perform physical exercises at the word of an adult.

To enrich the subject-spatial environment, you need to start by replenishing toys, aids and equipment that promote children’s motor activity. All this must be placed so that children can freely use carts, strollers, cars, balls, “health tracks”, non-traditional equipment, etc. Children are especially happy with non-traditional equipment, which is very colorful and bright, in the manufacture of which a great contribution parents contribute. It is used not only in groups, but also on the street. In practice, we have seen that toys and play aids (flags, balls, ribbons, etc.) should be bright, colorful, and have a variety of shapes.

The play space should be organized in such a way as to encourage children to play and the children have the opportunity to play both individually and in a small group.

When changing the physical education and gaming environment in a group, you need to use a very small number of simple aids, but placing them in different ways. It was noticed that kids happily reach up on their toes to touch a ball or rattle, play hide and seek with a bunny, or show the “cockerel” how to walk along the paths. To teach children to better navigate, it is necessary to change toys, gradually replenish them with new ones, coming up with interesting play exercises in order to achieve variety in their use.

Pay great attention to creating psychological comfort in the group:

To bring children closer together and to support positive relationships, use a variety of common games “Going to the Forest”, “Hen and Chicks”, “Parsley Visiting” and others. And within the framework of person-centered interaction, the following recommendations must be adhered to:

  • if a child cannot cope with something, support his desire to achieve results;
  • there is no need to evaluate the child (personality) negatively, this hurts his pride, reproaches suppress initiative, give rise to self-doubt;
  • in case of failure, encourage the child, instill confidence in his strength (“You already know how to do a lot. I’m sure that you will learn this too. Look how it’s done. Try again”);
  • do not compare your child’s failures with the successes of other children;
  • we must try not to get into arguments with the child, but help him cope with himself when he is stubborn;
  • provide the child with the right to choose what he will do, accepting and understanding the child’s point of view.

In a group, observe the children, provide assistance if necessary, provide each child with a place to move, protect this space, reduce tension, stiffness, and isolation of children with a smile and encouragement. To awaken motor-play activity, use indirect methods of influence (playing nearby, delicately connecting to the game, questions, advice, addressing on behalf of the character, etc.) “Let's feel sorry for the bunny.”

Joint organized activities of children and teachers.

Physical education classes (SanPin should be carried out in a group or gym; 2 times a week using musical accompaniment with the inclusion of game characters Bunny, Bear, Sunny. Kids, overcoming various obstacles on the way to a fairy-tale hero, for example, to a cat (step over a stream, fly on an airplane, ride a train, etc., rejoice when they find it with an unexpected surprise, for example, rattles or plumes)

When organizing physical education classes, focus on the individual characteristics of each child and adhere to the following principles:

The principle of differentiation and individualization: unites children into subgroups and identifies children for individual lessons.

The principle of microsociety - during physical education classes, the mental and intellectual capabilities of the child are activated, certain relationships are formed in him towards himself and others;

The principle of optimality - physical and mental overload is not allowed, and physical exercises should have a stimulating effect on the child’s body;

The principle of variability - not only physical exercises are used in classes, but also conditions are created for their implementation, influencing sensory sensations, speech, fine motor skills, and intelligence;

The principle of developmental orientation: cognitive activity, speech, attention, memory, psychophysical and coordination abilities are developed by means of physical culture.

During the day, it is necessary to create conditions for active physical activity. To do this, you need to use a lot of round dances and fun games, which are modeled on folk games. Kids love outdoor games and should be offered to children different variants playing the same game. “Parsley is visiting us” (enrich the idea of ​​vegetables, game option: next time Parsley can bring toys or fruits).

Morning exercises can be carried out in a playful way with objects (cubes, rattles, handkerchiefs, wooden spoons, etc.) and without objects.

During the walk, it is necessary to organize outdoor games and physical exercises (“Catch up with me”, “Yellow leaves”, “Train”) aimed at children’s orientation in space and the development of children’s physical qualities. Developing educational situations are used: “Get the bunny”, “Walk through the stream”, “Chickens in the garden”.

Invigorating gymnastics (after a nap) is carried out with elements of self-massage, while children must be taught to stretch their fingers, making circular movements around each finger; intensive movement of the thumb back and forth, up and down, in a circle using the artistic word “Magpie-white-sided”, imitation of movements, comparisons “Eyes”, “Goat-dereza”

Special breathing exercises (“Soap bubbles”, “Blow on a boat”, “That’s how big we are”, “Let’s smell a flower”, “Pipe” “Funnel” (we create a funnel: we blow into the water through a tube)).

Much attention is paid to the prevention of flat feet and the development of fine motor skills of the hands; game situations are used: “On a Level Path”, “Magic Boxes”, “Health Mat” “Horns”, “Eyes”, “Magpie White-sided”.

Fun games “Fly”, “Windows”, surprise games and game exercises “Hide and Seek”, “Our legs walked top-to-top...”, “My funny ringing ball”, “Catch up with the ribbon”, “Soap bubbles”, etc. .contribute to the formation of independent motor activity of children;

To maintain the emotional mood of children, it is necessary to include folklore songs, nursery rhymes, pestles, and jokes.

For example, consider “Jokes.”

As researchers of poetic folklore for little ones note, all the most important components of the game are combined in pestushki and nursery rhymes:

word creation, figurativeness, rhythm and instructiveness. Even more of these features are seen in jokes. Jokes differ from jokes and nursery rhymes in that they are not associated with any playful movements. But they contain some kind of fairy-tale plot. These works are intended for children 2-3 years of age, who have already accumulated certain ideas about the world. The baby’s knowledge of surrounding objects and phenomena is connected with his knowledge of man and human activity. That is why in folk works all the little animals act like people, their actions are assessed from the point of view of human logic. For example:

Dog in the kitchen

Bakes pies.

Cat in the corner

Rusks are pushing.

Cat in the window

Sews the dress.

Chicken in boots

Sweeps the hut.

To enrich children's gaming experience, the following techniques are used:

  • supporting the child’s initiative, encouraging actions makes him want to repeat some exercise again (walk along wide and narrow paths, step over a leaf, catch up with not only a large but also a small ball, throw not only a bag of sand, but also a “snow ball”). lump"), and repeated repetition of movements improves the quality of their execution.
  • introduction of a game character, enrichment of game plots. Considering the characteristics of an early age, it is difficult for children to accurately perform movements according to the teacher’s words, we offer game situations that encourage the child to perform various movements, for example, the Katya doll is rolling a ball, and now the ball will roll towards Seryozha; or a cat plays with mice, and now the children will be mice.

All work is planned in close cooperation with kindergarten specialists.

– educational psychologist promotes the activation of children’s motor activity psychological methods and means;

– physical education instructor – coordinates work on the prevention of musculoskeletal disorders;

– music director – includes elements of health-saving technologies in jointly organized activities.

Fun outdoor games are our childhood. Who doesn’t remember the constant hide and seek, traps, and tags. When did they arise? Who invented these games? There is only one answer to this question: they were created by the people, just like fairy tales and songs. I also use folk games in my classes such as: Geese-swans, blind man's buff, hen and chickens, etc. The game of blind man's buff teaches children to restrain their emotions; the child tries not to make any sounds and move on his toes. The game develops dexterity, hearing, evasiveness, and improves spatial orientation skills. Play, according to a very common opinion, is recreation; it restores strength, entertains a person, renews him emotionally and physically. For the first time, folk games with rules were created. About their value, K. D. Ushinsky wrote: To come up with a children's game, that is, perhaps, one of the most difficult tasks for an adult... In my work, I try to diversify games by adding new elements of a game that is already familiar to them, thereby complicating it. For example, in the game “Trap”, a caught child will have to complete any sports task - run to a certain place, clap his hands and come back.

In play, a child does not learn to live, but lives his own life, and learns from his own experience what is good and what is bad. Games for children are valuable in pedagogical terms; they have a great influence on the correction of mental processes, character, development of moral feelings, and physically strengthen the child. The game develops what the child will need in his adult life. Outdoor games are a source of joyful emotions that have great educational power (Appendix B).

In his practice, the teacher tries to use outdoor games, while attracting more inactive children, in order to promote the development of the quality of leadership and physical activity in an inactive child.

Play is a child’s natural state, his main activity. Fun outdoor games are our childhood. But many people forget about these truths. Teachers very rarely use outdoor games. This is also due to lack of time and improper management. Sometimes teachers do not conduct outdoor games because they consider it a waste of time. And therefore, children in older groups often play little because they have not developed the skills for independent play activities. Therefore, the role of the teacher must be diverse: the teacher must influence the content of the game, help children carry out their plans, and regulate relationships. In no case should the teacher be indifferent to the play activities of children. Another problem is when games in the educational space are increasingly replacing activities.

So, if preschoolers don’t play, schoolchildren have no interest in learning. This truth is known to everyone, but in practice it is ignored. And this is understandable; I want to quickly “learn” to show parents that the child already knows everything. It comes to the point that it happens that parents oppose games in preschool institutions, considering them a waste of time. There is a transformation of public opinion: a refusal to play in favor of studying. And, unfortunately, this is true. Leading representatives of culture: G. A. Vinogradov, E. A. Pokrovsky and others, caring for the enlightenment, education and upbringing of the masses, called for collecting and describing games everywhere.

2.2 Outdoor games as a means and method of physical developmentchild

Recently, both in kindergarten and in the family, much attention has been paid to the sensory and mental development of children. However, it turned out that physical development, for some reason, faded into the background, although it is the high level of physical development of children that is one of the most important conditions for the successful psychological development of the younger generation. Freedom of motor activity is extremely important for children. Properly organized and age-appropriate physical education classes will help to diversify outdoor games during a walk. They help strengthen the musculoskeletal system and respiratory system of babies, normalize the functioning of the nervous system, and improve cardiovascular activity.

When distributing games over a day, week, month, etc. The teacher plans the use of diverse motor material, its repetition and variability, providing a system for improving motor skills.

In the formation of a diversified personality, outdoor games are given the most important place; they are considered as the main means and method of physical education. Being an important means of physical education, outdoor play simultaneously has a healing effect on the child’s body.

In the game, he practices a wide variety of movements: running, jumping, climbing, climbing, throwing, catching, dodging, etc. A large number of movements activates breathing, blood circulation and metabolic processes. This in turn has a beneficial effect on mental activity. The healing effect of outdoor games is enhanced when played in the fresh air.

It is extremely important to take into account the role of growing tension, joy, strong feelings and undying interest in the results of the game that the child experiences. A child’s passion for play not only mobilizes his physiological resources, but also improves the effectiveness of movements. The game is an indispensable means of improving movements, developing them, contributing to the formation of speed, strength, endurance, and coordination of movements. In outdoor play, as a creative activity, nothing fetters the child’s freedom of action; in it he is relaxed and free.

The role of outdoor play in the mental education of a child is great: children learn to act in accordance with the rules, master spatial terminology, consciously act in a changed play situation and learn about the world around them. During the game, memory and ideas are activated, thinking and imagination are developed. Children learn the meaning of the game, remember the rules, learn to act in accordance with the chosen role, creatively use existing motor skills, learn to analyze their actions and the actions of their comrades. Outdoor games are often accompanied by songs, poems, counting rhymes, and game starters. Such games replenish vocabulary and enrich children's speech.

Outdoor games are also of great importance for moral education. Children learn to act in a team and obey common requirements. Children perceive the rules of the game as a law, and conscious implementation of them forms the will, develops self-control, endurance, and the ability to control one’s actions and behavior. The game develops honesty, discipline, and justice. Outdoor games are characterized by the presence of moral content. They foster goodwill, a desire for mutual assistance, conscientiousness, organization, and initiative. In addition, playing outdoor games is associated with great emotional uplift, joy, fun, and a sense of freedom. Outdoor play teaches sincerity and camaraderie. By obeying the rules of the game, children practically practice moral actions, learn to be friends, empathize, and help each other. Skillful, thoughtful management of the game by the teacher contributes to the development of an active creative personality. Outdoor games promote the development of creativity in children of senior preschool age. According to L.M. Korovina, children 6-7 years old can, with appropriate guidance, come up with variations of a game they are familiar with, complicate its content, and supplement the rules. In the future, children come up with short games based on the plots of literary works and fairy tales, and at a higher level of intellectual and creative development they can create outdoor games based on the plots they themselves have invented. Games improve the aesthetic perception of the world. Children learn the beauty of movements, their imagery, and they develop a sense of rhythm. They master poetic figurative speech, the beauty of the surrounding world, the sublimity of human feat, the heroism of labor, refracted by the child’s imagination in playful fairy-tale images, enter deeper into the consciousness of children, become established as a role model, and form their ideas about civic duty, honor, and courage. Outdoor play prepares a child for work: children make play attributes, arrange and put them away in a certain sequence, and improve their motor skills necessary for future work.

Thus, outdoor games are necessary for the unity of psychophysical, intellectual, moral, emotional education; to achieve complete harmony with yourself and with the world around you; for the possibility of realizing freedom and choice of actions, which is necessary for the quality preparation of children.

Physical education of preschool children plays an important pedagogical role. It fosters a healthy spirit in a preschooler, helps him in the future, achieve success, and be physically prepared for difficulties. Physically trained preschoolers become healthy people and full-fledged citizens in society.

The special significance of outdoor games lies in the fact that they are widely accessible to people of all ages. Outdoor games, despite their enormous diversity, reflect such general character traits as the relationship of the players with the environment and the knowledge of reality.

Conclusions of the second chapter

Among other ages, preschool age is of particular importance, since at this age the foundation is laid for the physical development, health and character of a person in the future.

It is difficult to draw a strictly fixed boundary between individual periods of childhood, but among other ages, preschool age is of particular importance. At this age, the foundation is laid for the physical development, health and character of a person in the future. At preschool age, the genetic characteristics of children are clearly outlined. This period of childhood is characterized by gradual improvement of all functions of the child’s body. A child of this age is extremely flexible. The influence of the muscular activity of the body becomes even more important, because movement is a biological need of a growing organism.

The motor qualities of children are characterized by the genetic properties of the neuromuscular system; at the same time, they reflect the conditions of upbringing and environmental influences. This approach to assessing motor qualities allows us to understand the reasons for the uneven development of motor abilities in children and the mandatory provision of appropriate conditions for their comprehensive physical development.

It is necessary to encourage the child’s physical activity, since large energy expenditures contribute not only to recovery, but also to accumulation, which is the main factor in ensuring the growth and development of the body.

Outdoor play is characterized as a multifaceted, complex in its impact, pedagogical means of education. Complexity is expressed in the formation of motor skills, development and improvement of vital physical, mental, moral and volitional qualities.


3.1 Organization and research methods

To achieve the set goal and implement the tasks, we conducted a study on the basis of MBDOU d./s No. 22, Meleuz.

The children of group No. 5, 21 people, were examined.

The purpose of the experiment is to prove that outdoor games are the most effective means of developing physical development in children.

Research objectives:

  1. To reveal the features of preserving the health of preschool children in the conditions of physical education.
  2. Analyze the role of play in the physical development of a child.
  3. To study the influence of outdoor games on the physical development of a child.
  4. Conduct an empirical study of the influence of outdoor games on the physical development of a child.

Working on the theoretical part, we came to the conclusion that the formation of a child’s physical development will depend on the systematic, planned work of the teacher. Therefore, through the combined efforts of educators and parents, it is possible to form in children good physical fitness and a sustainable interest in physical education.

Our hypothesis research work suggests that indicators of physical development will be higher if a system of outdoor games is carried out with children.

Research program:

Stage 1 Ascertaining experiment

Identification of the level of physical development of children

  • Child monitoring
  • Conversation with children

Stage 2 Formative stage of the experiment

Stage 3 Control experiment

  • Child monitoring
  • Conversation with children
  • Statistical data processing

3.2 Research results and analysis of data obtained

  1. Ascertaining experiment

In order to identify the level of physical development, we conducted a study of the physical fitness of children according to the following criteria, which were developed in the research of Antonova T.V. (program “Origins”):

Health (A)

  1. Does he want to do interesting things, does he know how to find them himself?
  2. Strives for contacts, shows kindness in communication with adults and peers, adequacy in behavior, emotional responsiveness.
  3. Strive to master new things (obtaining information, games, ways of operating with various objects)

Manifestations in physical development (B)

  1. Maintains static balance (from 15 seconds) while standing on a line (the heel of one foot touches the toe of the other foot).
  2. Throws and catches the ball with both hands (from 10 times)
  3. Long jumps from a standing position, landing on both feet without losing balance.
  4. Runs freely, quickly and with pleasure, runs a distance of 30 meters from the start, deftly runs around objects encountered without touching them.
  5. Throws tennis ball or any small ball, cone, snowball, etc. comfortable hand by 5-8 meters.
  6. He controls his body well and maintains correct posture.
  7. The incidence of diseases is decreasing, they are relatively easy, without complications.
  8. Active, eats and sleeps well.
  9. Maintains personal hygiene and exercises reasonable caution in potentially dangerous situations.

We considered the assessment of physical fitness as a holistic process that organically combines constant observations of the child in the process of life and physical education classes. The importance of observing the motor activity of children, both in the process of independent activity and in organized forms of work, was explained by the fact that they made it possible to note the variety of types and methods of performing movements, taking into account the characteristics of the emotional, volitional and cognitive spheres of development. They also monitored children who were sedentary, withdrawn, lagging behind in physical development and, conversely, hyperactive children with increased excitability. This analysis provided fairly objective information not only about the motor skills of individual children and groups.

We reflected the level of physical development in Table 1.

Fitness Levels
No. FULL NAME. high level average level low level
1. Kuzmina L. 1
2. Osovik L. 1
3. Kozyreva S. 1
4. Lipunova M. 1
5. Zimin G. 1
6. Kodukh A. 1
7. Plyukhina S. 1
8. Filkin Yu. 1
9. Gorbunova N. 1
10. Serebryakov A. 1
11. Zorina A. 1
12. Ilyasov D. 1
13. Kucherbaev Sh. 1
14. Ivanov G. 1
15. Sergeeva K. 1
16. Kravchenko I. 1
17. Zaichikova N. 1
18. Garifullina Z. 1
19. Latypova A. 1
20. Dyatlova S. 1
21. Zaripova G. 1

19% – 4 children have a high level of physical fitness

31% – 7 children have an average level,

and 50% - 10 children have a low level of physical fitness.

The research results are also presented in Fig. 1

Fig.1 Level of physical fitness of children

In order to identify children’s knowledge about outdoor games and their attitude towards them, we conducted a conversation with the children. The children were asked questions:

  1. What outdoor games do you know?
  2. What games can you play on a walk and in a group?
  3. What games do you like to play most?
  4. What games do you play at home?
  5. What games do you think can be played at school and when?

But only 3 (13%) children know many games and play both at home and in kindergarten. Six children (25%) suggest that they can play outdoor games outside, but they prefer to play “Family” or “Mother and Daughter”.

The remaining twelve children (62%) find it difficult to say what games can be played and where.

We reflected the children's answers in Table 2 and Figure 2

Of course, children need to be physically prepared, but not through special classes. It is very important to develop physical fitness through outdoor games, because... they are considered as the most important means of the physical and all-round development of children.

  1. Formative experiment

Thus, we came to the conclusion that there is not enough time for children to consolidate their motor skills and abilities and therefore they need to play more with the children, because The game consolidates and practices the skills acquired during the lesson.

Consequently, indicators of physical development will be higher if a system of physical games and exercises is carried out with children.

Sufficient saturation of children's free time with outdoor games contributed to their overall and comprehensive development. In addition, appropriately selected outdoor games, especially outdoor games, promote health, strengthening the child’s body, hardening and thereby preventing diseases.

Properly organized use of outdoor games contributed to the development of good physical fitness, initiative, imagination, independence in preschoolers, the development of basic hygiene skills, and actively contributed to the formation of such socially valuable moral and volitional qualities of the individual as patriotism and internationalism, collectivism, dedication, perseverance, courage, determination .

One of the ways to develop motor skills in preschoolers is the use of outdoor games. They have taken a leading place in satisfying the biological needs of a preschool child in movement. It was in outdoor games that children received a unique opportunity to demonstrate their own activity and creativity to the maximum, eliminated the deficit of movements, realized and asserted themselves, receiving a lot of joyful emotions and experiences.

Systematically held games formed character, will, and fostered patriotic and international feelings. To shape physical development, we have developed a plan for outdoor games with children. When creating the plan, we sought to increase activity and overall performance in children; to the formation of motor skills; to the formation of interest in systematic physical exercise.

In games, we tried to develop children’s physical strength, intelligence, resourcefulness, and initiative. By satisfying children's natural craving for physical activity, we aroused in them the joy of joint effort and helped strengthen friendship and camaraderie.

In games of the “trap” type, children, running away, catching up, dodging, mobilized their mental and physical strength to the maximum, while they independently chose methods that ensure the effectiveness of game actions and improve psychophysical qualities.

Games that required inventing movements or instantly stopping the action at a game signal encouraged children to individual and collective creativity (inventing combinations of movements, imitating the movements of vehicles, animals).

In games like “Freeze”, “Stop”, “The Sea Is Troubled”, the players were required to stop moving at the appropriate signal, while the children had to maintain facial expression and tension in the body muscles in the position in which they were caught by the game signal. Spirituality and expressiveness of movement in such games were extremely important.

Ball games played a particularly important role.

Playing games with the ball: “Ride - don’t drop”, “Toss - catch”, “Hit the ball”, “Catch the ball”, “Who’s next”, “Accurate and fast”, “Traps with a ball”, children developed coordination movements, giving them a sense of rhythm.

Outdoor games:“Trap with the ball”, “Chase the ball”, “Ball under the bar”, “Catch the ball”, “Learn to control the ball”

While playing, children performed various manipulations with the ball: aiming, hitting, tossing, throwing, combining movements with claps, various turns, etc. These games developed the eye, motor coordination functions, and improved the activity of the cerebral cortex. Hitting a ball improved mood, relieved aggression, helped get rid of muscle tension, and brought pleasure to children.

Pleasure is freedom of body movement from muscle tension.

Games with elements of competition required proper pedagogical guidance, which required compliance with a number of conditions: each child who participated in the game must be proficient in the motor skills (climbing, running, jumping, throwing, etc.) in which they compete in the game. This principle was fundamental in relay games. The children’s activities were objectively assessed when summing up the results of the game: it was necessary to evaluate the child’s achievements in relation to himself, that is, his own achievements, because Each child has his own characteristics, his own capabilities, determined by his state of health, sensory and motor experience.

Thus, by playing and implementing various forms of activity, children learned about the world around them, themselves, their bodies, their capabilities, invented, created, while developing harmoniously and holistically.

The better use of children's motor experience (when teaching physical exercises) was facilitated by the formation of a creative orientation in their activities when teaching physical exercises in outdoor games.

The beauty of movement was manifested in perfect physical control, which allows the body to dominate space and time.

And finally, by playing, children satisfied their natural need for movement. It is known that when the need for movement is satisfied, the free power of imagination can develop.

By searching for solutions to certain motor problems in outdoor games, children acquired knowledge on their own. Knowledge acquired through one's own efforts was assimilated consciously and imprinted more firmly in memory. Solving various problems gave children confidence in their abilities and brought joy from independent small discoveries.

With the skillful guidance of the teacher in outdoor play, the children's creative activity was successfully shaped: they came up with game options, new plots, and more complex game tasks.

Each player had to know his task and, in accordance with it, play an imaginary role in the proposed situation. Entering into a role formed in children the ability to imagine themselves in the place of another, to mentally transform into him; made it possible to experience feelings that may not be available in ordinary life situations. Since the game involves active movements, and movement presupposed the practical development of the real world, it ensured continuous exploration, a constant influx of new information.

To teach children outdoor games, we read and analyzed fiction, and memorized rhyming rhymes.

They were aimed at developing a conscious attitude towards physical education and sports.

No less important in the formation and physical development of a child is the independent motor activity of children during the day. Studying independently, children focus their attention on actions leading to achieving a goal that captivates them. Achieving its successful implementation, children change methods of action, comparing them and choosing the most appropriate.

Observing children in independent motor activity, we offered children the right way of action so as not to prolong useless efforts, and, on the contrary, we provided independence in solving a game task or even complicated the task in order to evoke useful physical and mental efforts.

Elements of sports games were also used - volleyball, basketball, table tennis. We guided children to master the rules of these games and to master some of the simplest elements in order to physically prepare children for playing sports. Having mastered the correct techniques, the children were able to organize competitive games themselves. Watching the progress of the game, we made the necessary adjustments.

Outdoor games and games with rules occupied a large place in children’s independent activities. While playing, we developed creative initiative and organizational skills, developed criteria for assessing the behavior of participants and compliance with the rules, and helped bring children closer together.

By offering children folk outdoor games, our task was to teach children to play independently and with pleasure. Children were given an idea of ​​the content of the game, the sequence of game actions, the location of players and attributes, and the rules of the game. They asked one or two clarifying questions to make sure that the guys understood it correctly. The bulk of the time was allocated to children's specific play activities. At the end of the game, the actions of those guys who showed certain qualities were positively assessed: courage, dexterity, endurance, comradely mutual assistance.

In the process of developing the physical training of children, the following forms of work with children and their parents were used: held sports festivals and leisure evenings, consultations for parents on the issues of physical education of children, selected materials for parents, which were reflected in folders - mobile, created a library for parents on physical education preparing children. We reviewed the issues of children's physical activity, recommended parents a list of literature on children's physical training, and recommended games for parents to play with their children and teach them to play independently.

We spent monthly leisure evenings with the children, based on outdoor games already familiar to the children. With the help of leisure evenings, we developed in children the ability to use their motor experience in conditions of emotional communication with peers, to teach them to take initiative in various types of activities. During the games, children performed movements learned in physical education classes. The children really enjoyed all the leisure evenings; they looked forward to the next leisure evening. And watching the children during the game, we saw that the children were able to organize the game themselves, played it very excitingly and followed all the rules.

In order to help children fall in love with active games and physical exercise, we held a game-competition with graduates of the “Merry Starts” kindergarten. We tried to ensure that the children strive to improve their achievements, while showing endurance, courage, initiative and determination. Games such as “Vodyanoy”, “Squirrel with Nuts”, “Cuttlefish”, “Towns” contributed to the achievement of our goal. By playing these games, children developed a readiness for any activity if it brings joy. This joy was associated with following the rules of the game, mastering new movements, roles, and developing dexterity and speed of movements. At first, they offered children familiar games (“Fisherman and the Fishes,” “Towns”) or new, but simple outdoor games (for example, Traps) or organized team competitions. Each game, such as “Artists”, “Water Drawer”, “Aquarius”, in which the bitterness of defeat was not perceived by children as a personal failure. After many children felt that if you concentrate and try hard, you can win. We taught children to be generous to losers, to treat opponents with respect, and to be fair and honest. The children were very pleased with “Fun Starts” and received a lot of positive emotions, because As a result of the competition between preschoolers, friendship won.

To do this, we resolved the issues of raising a healthy child in close contact with the parents, because The foundations of children's physical health are laid in the family. Without help from the family, the physical training of children organized in a preschool institution cannot be successful. Therefore, we sought to give parents a complete picture of the dynamics of their child’s physical development and health status. Questionnaires provided great assistance in planning such work. .

In order to make the work on using outdoor games more successful, we also involved parents in helping.

In November we held Parent meeting on the topic: “Health is our common concern.” (Appendix B)

We told parents about the health status of preschoolers, and about the interaction between kindergarten and family. Invited to a meeting nurse, and she told parents about children’s physical activity and a way to increase it - outdoor games. We believe that the parent meeting was successful, and the parents agreed to come to the kindergarten in the future and take part in joint activities with their children.

During the New Year holidays, we held a “Health Day” in order to promote the health of children and prevent their fatigue. We have canceled all types of educational activities for this day. The children's motor activity was supplemented with games, musical and sports entertainment, and physical education classes.

When organizing a “Health Day” (Appendix D) in a kindergarten, great importance had work with parents. In advance, we placed an announcement about the upcoming Health Day in the information corner and invited parents to take part in some events (a walking tour to the stadium of a nearby school to get acquainted with the school grounds). And, as practice has shown, propaganda healthy image Living among parents contributed to the fact that parents began to try to pay more attention to their health and the health of their children: they began to engage in physical education with them and enrolled their children in sports sections.

Because In February, our country celebrates “Day of Defenders of the Fatherland,” we decided to hold a holiday with dads “Knight’s Tournament” (Appendix E).
The sports festival has become a great event for children and adults. The holiday was interesting and exciting. We created a cheerful, joyful mood in children and parents, stimulated the activity of each child, taking into account his individual characteristics and capabilities, and provided the opportunity to experience a pleasant feeling of pleasure from the games performed, as well as joy from the successes of his comrades.

Conducting a consultation in March on the topic “Raising Healthy Children,” we set ourselves the goal: to give parents knowledge about the physical development of children, to tell them about physical education in kindergarten. They told parents that sufficient time in the daily routine is allocated for physical exercise and outdoor games in the preschool institution:

– Morning exercises – 8 – 10 minutes;

– Physical education minutes – 2 – 3 minutes;

– Physical education classes – 15 – 30 minutes;

– Outdoor games – 20 – 30 minutes;

– Physical education (2 times a month) – 20 – 30 minutes;

– Physical education holidays (2-3 times a year) – 30 – 90 minutes; and also that by instilling in children the need to move daily and perform physical exercises from an early age, one can lay a solid foundation for good health and harmonious development of the child.

Parents were asked to constantly engage in outdoor and sports games in everyday life.

During the year, we created a thematic folder-moving"Sports corner at home." She helped answer parents’ questions such as: “How to raise a child to be active and dexterous, brave and resourceful?” “How can I help him prepare for school and life with other people?” “How to organize physical education classes in the family?”

We explained to parents that there are many ways to ensure the physical development of children and the physical activity of children: joint outdoor games and physical exercises, hardening, exercises, classes in sports sections, family tourism, etc. But the most optimal results in the physical development of a child are 5-7 years at home can be achieved by combining joint outdoor games with classes at a home physical education and health complex, which includes a variety of sports equipment and exercise equipment. At the same time, the child will receive a unique opportunity for self-training and self-education, regardless of the schedule of the sports section, weather conditions, the mood of peers and play partners, or the availability of free time from parents. They talked about how to organize a game using a sports home complex, and gave examples of games:

“Hit the target” or “Indian hunting on the prairie”, “Catch and throw, don’t let you fall!”, “Who is the fastest to the flag”, “Squirrels in the forest”.

Thus, holding joint sports festivals helped parents and children begin to get involved in physical education and a healthy lifestyle, developed physical qualities and skills and, what is especially valuable, contributed to the self-realization of everyone and the mutual enrichment of everyone.

  1. Control experiment

The results of the formative experiment were studied by us in the third and final stage - the control experiment.

In the control experiment, we set ourselves the task: to determine the degree of effectiveness of outdoor games in shaping the physical development of a child. The results obtained indicate their positive impact on children of senior preschool age. Based on a generalization of the observation materials, we conducted a repeated study of the level of physical development of the child. For the control experiment, we used the same techniques, i.e. First, we had a conversation with the children about outdoor games, then we identified the level of physical fitness of the children.

  • Child monitoring
  • Conversation with children
  • Statistical data processing

In order to identify the level of physical readiness of children after the work with children, we again conducted a study of the physical fitness of children according to the same criteria as in the ascertaining experiment.

The research results are presented in Table 3 and Fig. 3

Fitness Levels
FULL NAME. high level average level low level
Kuzmina L. 1
Osovik L. 1
Kozyreva S. 1
Lipunova M. 1
Zimin G. 1
Kodukh A. 1
Plyukhina S. 1
Filkin Yu. 1
Gorbunova N. 1
Serebryakov A. 1
Zorina A. 1
Ilyasov D. 1
Kucherbaev Sh. 1
Ivanov G. 1
Sergeeva K. 1
Kravchenko I. 1 1
Garifullina Z. 1
Latypova A. 1 1
Dyatlova S. 1
Zaripova G. 1

Fig.3 Level of physical fitness of children

We analyzed the results and obtained the following data:

25% – 4 children have a high level of physical fitness

62% – 14 children have an average level,

and 13% - 3 children have a low level of physical fitness.

In order to identify children’s knowledge about outdoor games and their attitude towards them, we conducted a conversation with the children (Table 4).

We reflected the children's answers in Table 4 and Fig. 4

Fig. 4 Results of the control experiment (conversation with children)

After analyzing the responses, we received the following data:

All children love outdoor games and want to play.

Six children (25%) can organize the game themselves, both in a group and on a walk.

Twelve (62%) already know quite a lot of games and play both at home and in kindergarten.

Of these, only three children (13%) find it difficult to say what games can be played and where.

Analysis: thus, it turns out that all children began to understand the meaning of outdoor games, know them and will be able to organize the game independently.

Conclusions on the practical part

Comparing the results of the ascertaining and control experiments, we found that the level of physical fitness of children increased compared to the results of the ascertaining experiment. This means that the work we planned and carried out turned out to be effective. The final results for indicators of the level of physical fitness of children are presented in Fig. 5.

Rice. 5. Final results of the ascertaining and control experiments

We see that the indicators have improved significantly, the low level of 50% decreased to 13%, the average level of physical fitness of children increased from 31% to 62%, the high level of physical fitness of children increased from 19 to 25%.

We can conclude that outdoor games really serve as a means of developing children’s physical fitness.

And as practice has shown, the physical development of a child is successfully formed under the condition of close interaction between teachers and parents. Therefore, parents and educators working with children of senior preschool age should be given advice on the benefits of children’s physical activity, joint games with children, because Games bring people closer together and strengthen the emotional connection between parents and children.


This work examined: the physical development of preschool children; the role of outdoor games in the physical development of preschool children. The experience of using outdoor games in preschool educational institutions for the physical development of preschool children has been studied.

Summarizing scientific and practical data, the theory of physical education reveals the essence of the problems that must be solved in the process of physical education, determines the fundamental approaches, effective means and methods for implementing these tasks, identifies and develops optimal forms of constructing the process of physical development in relation to the main stages of the child’s age development and the conditions of his life.

The sooner a child realizes the need for his direct involvement in the riches of physical culture, the sooner an important need will be formed in him, reflecting a positive attitude and interest in the physical side of his life.

Thus, a reasonable choice of content and methods for developing physical qualities is an important aspect of increasing the effectiveness of physical education.

Proper organization of a child’s motor activity in everyday life helps to improve his psychophysical health.

Improving motor skills in everyday life provides conditions for enhancing the child’s independent motor activity. It is the child’s independent and creative use of motor experience in physical exercises and outdoor games during a walk that contributes to the development of personal and psychophysical qualities; increases interest in motor activity, activates the mental and emotional sphere. The organization of motor activity should take place in a friendly, joyful environment.

Outdoor games are an indispensable means of replenishing knowledge and ideas about the world around us, developing thinking, dexterity, dexterity, and valuable moral and volitional qualities. When conducting outdoor play, there are unlimited possibilities for the integrated use of various methods aimed at shaping the child’s personality. During the game, not only the exercise of existing skills occurs, their consolidation, improvement, but also the formation of new personality qualities. An outdoor game with rules is a conscious, active activity of a child, characterized by the accurate and timely completion of tasks related to the rules that are mandatory for all players. According to Lesgaft's definition, outdoor play is an exercise through which a child prepares for life. The exciting content and emotional richness of the game encourage the child to make certain mental and physical efforts. The specificity of outdoor play is the child’s lightning-fast, instant reaction to the signal: “Catch!”, “Stop!”, “Run!”.

A preschooler realizes his freedom of action in outdoor games, which are the leading method of developing physical readiness for learning at school. In pedagogical science, outdoor games are considered as the most important means of a child’s comprehensive development.

Thus, by playing and implementing various forms of activity, children learn about the world around them, themselves, their body, invent, create, and at the same time develop harmoniously and holistically.

Outdoor games and physical exercises are conducted by the teacher at different times of the day in accordance with the generally accepted schedule: in the morning, in the middle of the day and during an evening walk.

When distributing games over a day, week, month, etc. The teacher plans the use of diverse motor material, its repetition and variability, providing a system for improving motor skills.

When drawing up a calendar plan for outdoor sports games and physical exercises, one should take into account the time of year, weather conditions, and the need for a variety of movements and motor actions. The teacher pays special attention to the development of independence and creativity of the child in his motor activity during a walk, due to which the child develops initiative, improves self-organization skills, and creates optimal conditions for self-expression, improvement of psychophysical and personal qualities.

Play is one of the most important means of children's physical education. It promotes the physical, mental, moral and aesthetic development of the child. With the help of outdoor games, the comprehensive physical development of the child is ensured.

Outdoor games create an atmosphere of joy and therefore make the most effective complex solution to health, educational and educational problems.

Active movement, determined by the content of the game, evokes positive emotions in children and enhances all physiological processes.

Situations on the playground, which change all the time, teach children to use motor skills appropriately, ensuring their improvement. Physical qualities naturally appear - reaction speed, dexterity, eye, balance, spatial orientation skills.

Outdoor games broaden children's general horizons, stimulate the use of knowledge about the world around them, human actions, and animal behavior; replenish vocabulary; improve mental processes.


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Nevero Vera Nikolaevna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MBDOU No. 34
Locality: city ​​of Mezhdurechensk, Kemerovo region.
Name of material: Article
Subject: Physical development of young children.
Publication date: 18.04.2016
Chapter: preschool education

Physical development of young children Nevero V.N. .Teacher of the 1st junior group No. 1 1

Introduction........................................................ ........................................................ ..................3 1. Features of physical development of young children.................................... ..4 2. Forms, means, methods and techniques of physical education............................9 2.1 Forms of organization of children of early preschool age.... ...................9 2.2 Means of physical education for children of primary preschool age.................... ........................................................ ...................................11 3. Contents of work on physical education of young children..12 Conclusion. ........................................................ ........................................................ ......14 References................................................... ........................................................ ...16 Appendix............................................. ........................................................ ..........17 2

“Movement is life” - these words are known to almost every person. The fact that physical activity is beneficial for the human body is indisputable. But not everyone understands how important it is for the formation of a person’s physical and mental health and how necessary it is to teach our children to lead an active lifestyle from an early age. At home, parents prefer to keep their children busy with quiet games: at best, drawing, intellectual or other board games, at worst, watching TV shows, videos or computer games. And this is quite understandable: parents want to relax after a busy day at work, the apartments have a lot of furniture and little space, and “a child, running around, can get injured or break something. It’s better if he sits – he’ll be calmer.” The role of physical education in the development of a young child is of great importance. The child grows stronger and develops not as a separate, isolated being, but as a future social personality, since it is the knowledge of one’s strengths and the degree of faith in them, acquired in the process of action, that to a large extent determine the social traits of the individual and his position in environment. Given the role that motor activity plays in a child’s life, the culture of correct movements is one of the main tasks of physical education. A firm, correct gait, a slender and stable body position, a strong and bold jump, a correct arm swing, fast running, etc. - all these are moments that play an extremely important role in the emergence and strengthening of that feeling of health, vigor and faith in oneself. strength, which is extremely important and valuable in the developing personality of a child. 3
Features of physical development of young children.
Raising children healthy, strong, cheerful is the task of every preschool institution. For this purpose, physical education classes are provided. They should be built in accordance with the psychological characteristics of a particular age, the availability and feasibility of exercise. Sets of exercises should provide a physiologically and pedagogically necessary and justified load that satisfies the baby’s need for movement, and be exciting. The correct organization of physical education is one of the most essential sections of raising a young child. Physical education of children includes the following tasks: 1. Protection and promotion of the child’s health, normal functioning of all organs and systems of the body; 2. Ensuring timely and complete physical development; 3. Development of movements; 4. Education of cultural and hygienic skills. The main means of physical education are: o proper nutrition; o correct mode; o proper feeding, sleeping, toileting and a number of health-improving and hardening procedures; o creation favorable conditions for a variety of activities and above all for the child's movements. The importance of these tasks is due to the fact that, despite the rapid growth and development of organs and systems, their activity is still imperfect, the protective properties of the body are poorly expressed, and young children are easily exposed to adverse influences of the external environment. Therefore, it is necessary to promote the correct and timely development of the skeletal system and ligamentous-articular apparatus, the formation of physiological curves of the spine, and the development of the arches of the feet; strengthen all muscle groups; promote the development of the cardiovascular system, increase its ability to adapt to different and rapidly changing loads; strengthen the respiratory muscles, promote 4
deepening and rhythmic breathing, developing the ability to coordinate breathing with movement; promote the development of the nervous system and sensory organs. At an early age, conditions should be created for varied wakefulness, for physical activity and the development of basic movements of children. To do this, the group must have appropriate equipment, aids and toys. Thus, children of the second and third years lie with great pleasure and benefit on their stomachs, rolling the car on the carpet; crawling under the arch to put it in the garage; bend over and squat repeatedly while building a path from large but light (hollow) bricks, and ride down a hill. The equipment and aids of the physical education corner for the development of movements should be relatively easy to move and clean. The content of the physical education corner in the 1st junior group may be as follows. The manuals are placed in a certain place. For general developmental exercises 1. Plastic colored cubes (3x3x3; 4x4x4) 2. Rattles 3. Flags 4. Sultans 5. Multi-colored ribbons (length 25-30; 50-60 cm) 6. Colored handkerchiefs (20x20) 7. Rings 8. Flat hoops (dia. 15-20 cm) 9. Items for scattering (leaves, mushrooms, circles, berries) 10. Braids 40 cm long. For basic types of exercises 1. Rubber balls (L: 6-8; 20-25 cm ) 2. Inflatable balls L: 40 cm 5
3. Skittles 4. Oilcloth tracks long. 1.5 – 2m, width. 20.25, 30 cm. 5. Boxes 10 cm high (50x50), 15 cm. (40x40) 6. Ribbed or button tracks for the prevention of flat feet (2 -2.5 m) 7. Rope 8. Sandbags. Weight from 50 gr. up to 150-200 grams (from 2.5 years old) 9. Hoops 10. Basket for balls (throwing) For outdoor games 1. Animal hats 2. Steering wheel 3. Sun 3. Umbrella The need for children to move and change them is natural. But they themselves, due to insufficiently developed activities (playing, etc.), rarely or do not use climbing, jumping, stepping over, and rarely play with a ball or hoops. Therefore, children should be given tasks that encourage children to make a variety of movements, but at the same time make sure that children do not become overtired, that they are able and willing to observe their surroundings, and engage with toys and building materials. Specially organized physical education classes help raise children healthy, strong, and cheerful. Classes should be structured taking into account the psychological characteristics of a particular age, the accessibility and feasibility of exercises. Correctly selected complexes should provide a pedagogically necessary and physiologically justified load that satisfies the baby’s need for movement, and be exciting. The muscular system in young children is formed on the basis of the development of the nervous system and an increase in the mass of skeletal muscles, and this process occurs 6
unevenly. At an early age, the child's bones are rich in blood vessels and contain a small amount of salts. They are elastic, flexible, easily deformed and bent, since the skeletal system of 2-3 year old children has significant areas of cartilaginous tissue, weak, soft joints and ligaments. Children do not yet have stable curves in the spine, which appear only by the age of 4. All this must be taken into account when conducting physical education classes. For example, if the exercise is performed lying on the back, it is necessary for the child to lie straight. Strength exercises (carrying weights, hanging on hands, etc.) and those associated with prolonged passive waiting should be excluded. It is recommended to pay special attention to the development of the arch of the foot, since in the second and partially in the third year of life it is flattened. Therefore, it is very useful to train children in lifting, walking on their toes, walking on an inclined plane and on a ribbed board. Outdoor games and physical education classes should be carried out in a clean, well-ventilated room or in the fresh air, remembering that exercises in which the child voluntarily or involuntarily holds his breath are extremely undesirable. The work of the heart in childhood is closely related to muscle development. Regular exercise trains the heart muscle and leads to a gradual decrease in heart rate. In this regard, training gives good results if the baby experiences positive emotions (joy, pleasure, satisfaction), which activates him and promotes the normal functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems. The content of the exercises should captivate and interest the child, but he should not be forced to do it - coercion causes a natural protest and gives rise to negative emotions. Taking into account the psychophysiological characteristics of children 2-3 years of age (quick fatigue, imbalance and inconsistency of behavior, etc.), an adult during classes monitors the correct alternation of the process of excitation and inhibition, does not overload them with monotonous movements, thus ensuring active rest after overload and quick recuperation. This must be kept in mind when conducting physical education. The thinking of children of the second and third years of life is concrete - they better understand what they see. Kids imagine what they should do if the initial display of movements was bright, imaginative, and holistic. Therefore, regardless of whether they are new or familiar, all exercises are carried out with an adult and according to his demonstration. 7
At first, as a rule, children perform new movements inaccurately, with excessive tension. You should take this into account and impose minimum requirements on them. The movements of a child of this age are considered correct, even when, repeating the exercise after the teacher, he reproduces only the most basic. The lack of high precision and clarity in performing a movement, as well as the inability to recreate its individual elements, are not considered a mistake for the child. During this age period, the baby masters a new movement in general terms (in general). Further improvement of the movement, its detailed development and accuracy of execution are carried out at subsequent ages. Positive emotions and emotional saturation of classes are the main conditions for teaching children movements. Imitation gives rise to emotions that activate and concentrate the child and, if necessary, for example, in an exciting, interesting game, even force him to restrain himself at the right moment. In addition, interest has a positive effect on the motor activity of children, especially those who are sedentary and inert. At this age, the conditional connection between the name of the action (word) and the movement is improved. The name of the movement must always be accompanied by a display of the action corresponding to this word. In the third year of life, motor coordination improves significantly - the coordination of movements of the arms and legs develops. At this age, running and jumping appear and develop. Children walk well, the types of throwing become more varied, and they begin to navigate space better. this allows you to use some formations and formations (in a line, circle, column), as well as games with simple rules. The effectiveness of learning increases if you skillfully interest and encourage the child to independently demonstrate volitional efforts to achieve the goal. Frequent individual communication, support and assistance during classes are necessary for the baby, since attention from an adult evokes positive emotions and is fundamental in working with children of the second and third years of life. This especially applies to the development of new movements associated with reducing the area of ​​support and maintaining balance (exercises on a gymnastic bench, climbing a ladder, etc.). In such cases, the timely assistance of the teacher affects not only the quality of learning and the execution of movements, but also has a great educational effect, stimulates the child’s positive attitude towards this type of movement and the desire to complete the task. 8
Physical education in preschool institutions is based on the systematicity of classes provided for in the “Program of Education and Training in Kindergarten” and their sequence (from easy to more difficult material). The baby is gradually taught the correct perception of sound and visual signals and the speed of reactions to them, as well as independence. Performing a new exercise that is taught to a child should cause him some effort, but be accessible to him. Consolidation of acquired skills and their improvement are achieved by methodically repeating movements with mandatory complication (increasing physical activity, varying, changing content).
2 Forms, means, methods and techniques of physical education
2.1. Forms of organizations for children of early preschool age. Forms of organizing children's physical education include: physical education classes; physical education and health activities (morning exercises, physical education sessions, hardening procedures) and daily work on the physical education of children (outdoor games, walks, individual work with children, independent activities for children with various types of physical exercises, walks). All these forms, meeting the general objectives of physical education and the comprehensive development of the child, are interconnected. Each of them has its own special tasks, which determine its place in the daily routine of preschool age. Physical education classes: Physical education classes are varied in content. The structure of the lesson consists of the children sequentially performing physical exercises. It is determined by the assigned tasks and the performance characteristics of the child’s nervous system and entire body at each individual stage of age development. Monitoring the dynamics of the state of the child’s body and his psyche during the lesson is one of the main responsibilities of education; the effectiveness of the entire process of teaching and upbringing depends on this. So that physical education classes meet educational goals 9
educational and health-improving tasks, they should be interesting and cause a certain emotional uplift in children. Interest in classes in any age troupe is ensured by a certain novelty of exercises and games, a gradual complication of tasks that evoke the work of thought, active action, positive emotions, and the desire to achieve results. Physical education and health activities: Physical education and health activities include: morning exercises, physical education sessions, hardening procedures in combination with physical exercises. Morning exercises are an obligatory part of a child’s daily regimen in the family, nursery, or kindergarten. It involves a set of specially selected exercises that have a multifaceted effect on the body of those involved in order to improve health, develop motor skills and qualities, improve motor abilities taking into account the physical load on the body, it also increases the vital activity of the body, disinhibits the nervous system after sleep, reduces the transition time from sleep to wakefulness. Morning exercises, influencing the formation of correct posture, deepen breathing, enhance blood circulation, and promote metabolism. Hardening procedures in combination with physical exercise also play a significant role in physical education and health activities. In preschool institutions, air baths, water procedures and sunbathing are used to harden children. Hardening procedures are most effective in combination with physical exercise. Active muscular work helps improve the process of thermoregulation and thereby adapt the body to the surrounding external environment. During the hardening process, a deep restructuring of the body occurs, and if the child is active, it is carried out naturally and simply. Hardening activities in combination with physical exercises that are interesting for the child cause an emotional uplift, increase the functions of nerve centers, and have a beneficial effect on the autonomic nervous system. Organization of work on physical education in everyday life: The health-improving and educational tasks of the physical education program for children are carried out in various forms: outdoor games, walks, individual work with individual children and with small groups, physical education holidays, independent classes. Outdoor games as the main motor activity of preschool children are planned by the teacher at different times of the day in accordance with the regime of each age group. 10
Outdoor games contribute to the comprehensive development of children, promote healthy living, enrich children’s lives with new content, educate their feelings, behavior, orientation in the environment, independence and creative initiative. Walks and excursions outside the children's institution are the simplest type of children's tourism. These are interesting and useful short trips for children with a specific purpose. They promote health, physical development of children, education of ethical feelings, communication with nature, improvement of motor skills and physical qualities. Physical education holidays in kindergarten are a demonstration of the healthy, cheerful state of children and their achievements in the formation of motor skills. The basis of the physical education holiday program should be fun outdoor games and a variety of physical exercises learned in regular physical education classes; they do not require special training and naturally fit into the holiday program, giving children great pleasure. 2.2 Means of physical education of children of primary preschool age To solve the problems of physical education of children of primary preschool age, various means are used: hygienic factors, natural forces, physical exercises. In addition, the physical education of children is influenced by movements included in various types of activities (labor, modeling, drawing, designing, playing musical instruments, the processes of dressing, washing). These means have different meanings and occupy a certain place in the system of physical education at different stages of human development. Hygiene factors are a unique means of physical education. Compliance with the requirements of personal and public hygiene, activity patterns, sleep, nutrition, and so on. It evokes positive emotions in a person, which in turn improves the functioning of all organs and systems and increases performance. In addition, hygienic factors constitute a prerequisite for a more effective impact of physical exercise on the body of those involved. Failure to maintain cleanliness of premises, as well as physical education equipment, equipment, toys, clothing, shoes can lead to various diseases in children and reduce the positive impact of physical exercise on their physical development. Natural forces of nature 11
Sun, air, water are important means of promoting health, as well as increasing efficiency: water cleanses the skin of pollution; the sun's rays kill various microbes, promote the deposition of vitamin D under the skin and protect a person from diseases; the air of gardens, parks, forests, containing special substances (phytoncides), helps destroy microbes and enriches the blood with oxygen. Using the natural forces of nature in combination with physical exercise is most beneficial for the child’s body.
3. Contents of work on physical education of young children
In the process of physical education, one becomes familiar with the most rational ways of performing movements that have a positive effect on the functioning of all organs and systems. Properly organized physical education contributes to the formation of a good physique, the prevention of diseases, and the improvement of the functioning of internal organs and systems of the child’s body. In this regard, we have placed an individual approach to the child and play at the forefront of the physical education of young children, where the very value of preschool childhood is preserved and where the very nature of the preschooler is preserved. The main means of developing motor skills in our practice are morning exercises and physical education activities. We organize traditional physical education classes using non-traditional equipment, combining motor exercises and outdoor games. Positive emotions and emotional saturation of classes are the main conditions for teaching children movements. Imitation gives rise to emotions that activate the child. In addition, interest has a positive effect on the motor activity of children, especially those who are sedentary and inert. Mastering movements also has a good effect on children’s speech development. The understanding of adult speech is improved, and the vocabulary of active speech is expanded. In addition to traditional ones, in joint activities with children I use gaming, recreational and role-playing types of physical education activities. Play is one of the most important means of physical education for preschool children. It promotes physical, mental, 12
moral and aesthetic development of the child. Various movements and actions of children during play, with skillful guidance, effectively influence the activity of the cardiovascular, respiratory and other body systems, stimulate appetite and promote sound sleep. With the help of outdoor games, the comprehensive physical development of the child is ensured. During games, preschoolers develop and improve various skills in basic movements (running, jumping, throwing, climbing, etc.). A quick change of environment during the game teaches the child to use movements known to him in accordance with a particular situation. All this has a positive effect on improving motor skills. In addition to physical education educational activities children's motor activity develops due to an increase in the dynamic component of various types of activities: the introduction of physical education breaks during educational activities, accompaniment of everyday moments with various nursery rhymes and movements, motor discharges during games. Also particularly interesting is the selection of finger games. They are very emotional, exciting and contribute to the development of motor skills. During our walks, we play outdoor games of varying intensity. In cool weather, games of medium and high mobility, since the child’s movements are limited due to warm clothing. In the autumn-winter period, the most accessible games are during which they run, jump, throw and roll balls (“Horses”, “Roll the Ball”, etc.). In summer, games that involve running and jumping are played during our morning walk, when the air temperature is lower. In the fresh air, you can play games of any mobility with running in different directions, with throwing the ball at a distance and at the target, with jumping. The child’s physical activity is increased throughout the day by creating an appropriate environment, selecting physical education aids and toys, and encouraging children to use them. In physical education, a strict differentiated approach is observed: when selecting games and physical exercises, their dosage takes into account the age, state of health, physical development and preparedness, as well as the individual characteristics of the child. During educational activities, we strive to develop and improve those motor skills that are most necessary at a given age. In young children, develop and improve motor skills in the basic types of movement: walking, running, balance, climbing, throwing and jumping. Active recreation (physical education holidays and entertainment, health days). The colorful appearance, accessibility, lack of strict regulation of the activities of participants, the possibility of a wide manifestation of emotions and individual abilities make such events very popular among preschool children and their parents. Participation in physical education holidays has a complex impact on the formation of the child’s personality, improves relationships in the family, group team, 13
increases the interest of children and parents in physical education and sports. Upon successful completion of the program, children achieve the following level of development of physical qualities: - master age-appropriate basic movements - the need for physical activity has been formed - show interest in participating in joint games and physical exercises - use physical equipment outside of classes - have basic understanding of the value of health.
Our state pays great attention to the physical education of children of all ages. The program sets one of the most important tasks - the physical education of a strong young generation, starting from a very early age. Therefore, one should pay attention to the development of children from an early age and begin physical education from early childhood, introducing all this into the norm. Early age is a period of rapid formation of all psychophysiological processes characteristic of humans. Timely started and correctly carried out education of young children is an important condition for their full development, and properly organized physical education contributes to the formation of a good physique, the prevention of diseases, and the improvement of the functioning of the internal organs and systems of the child’s body. In this work, we examined the forms of organization of physical education, taking into account the age characteristics of young children: physical education classes, morning exercises, outdoor games. Considering that the necessary effect in the proper physical education of a child comes from the direct influence of adults on him, in the process of independent activity, as well as under the influence of information coming from the environment, it is impossible not to say about the huge role of the teacher in this process because Children spend more time in preschool. The task of the teacher when carrying out work on the physical education of children is to systematically implement interrelated 14
health, educational and educational tasks, the implementation of which ensures physical development, strengthening the child’s health, acquiring the correct motor skills, nurturing an emotionally positive attitude towards physical education and sports, comprehensive development his personality. We completed the assigned tasks successfully. Gradually the children learned different ways of walking, forming, jumping, crawling and climbing, rolling, throwing and catching; starting positions for performing general developmental exercises (standing, sitting, lying down); new physical education aids (balls, ribbons, rattles, cubes, etc.), their properties and possible options for their use. Children mastered the common rules in outdoor games and learned about the possibility of transmitting the habits of animals, birds, and insects familiar to them through movements. The peculiarities of the physical development of young children require deep knowledge and a creative approach from the teacher, as well as strict regulation of the motor activity of children in the organization of outdoor games, physical education classes, and morning exercises. Therefore, when planning and conducting work on physical education, the teacher must take into account the age-related anatomical and physiological characteristics of the child’s development and the characteristics of the development of movements (which is the subject of this section). course work), create all conditions for the normal physical development of children. Thus, having studied the features of the early age period, we can conclude that the physical education of children of this age is of great importance for the future of the entire society and its goal is to create all the necessary and favorable conditions for the future formation of a healthy and physically strong personality. Therefore, if this period is missed in terms of competent physical education, then in the future it will be extremely difficult to make up for problems and eliminate mistakes made. 15

1. Gryadkina T. S. Educational field Physical education: Methodological set of the “Childhood” program. - St. Petersburg: CHILDREN'S PRESS, 2012 2. Laizane S. Ya. Physical education for kids. - M.: “Enlightenment” 1987 3. Kholodov Zh.K., Kuznetsov V.S. Theory and methodology of physical education and sports. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2003 ‎ 16


Summary of a training session with a rope,

closed in the circle “Friendly guys”

Lesson objectives:
teach and run in circles after each other (around the “puddle”); while learning a set of general developmental exercises, teach how to make movements together, coordinating with the movements of other children, consolidate the ability to jump on two legs in place; harden children by walking barefoot; foster a sense of partnership.
Physical education equipment:
a rope closed in a circle “Friendly guys”, a gymnastic bench, hats for outdoor games - a hare, an elephant, a crow.
A rope is laid out in a circle on the floor, the children are sitting on a gymnastics bench. This is a big puddle. To loud music we will run after each other without pushing or bumping around the puddle, and to quiet music we will walk around the puddle one after another - to walk.
Introductory part
Run after each other in a circle - 2 laps. Walking one after another in a circle - 1 lap. Repeat 2 times.
Main part
General developmental exercises with a rope closed in a circle. The rope lies on the floor, the children stand facing in a circle, their toes next to the rope. 1. “Show me the rope.” I.p. basic stance, rope in hands; 1 – lift the rope up together, 2 – i.p. - 4 times. 2. “Leaned over together.” I.p. wide stance, rope on shoulders behind head, hold rope with hands; 1 – bend down, 2 – i.p. - 3 times. 3. “Let's go.” I.p. sitting on the floor with your feet in a circle, rope on your knees, grip from above; walking on the buttocks in and out of the circle “chug-chug-chug” – 1 time. 4. “Hidden.” I.p. Same; 1 – hide the rope under your knees, 2 – i.p. - 4 times. 5. “Let’s dry the lace.” I.p. sitting on the floor, lace on the ankle, arms at the side; 1 – raise your legs with the rope up, 2 – i.p. - 3 times.
Main types of movement
1. Jumping on two legs in one place - 2 times. 2. Walking sideways with an added step along the cord - 2 times.
Outdoor game “Mom and children”
Children sit on a gymnastic bench, pretending to be children; on the opposite side, the instructor is the mother. - I am a bunny mother (I put on a bunny hat), little bunnies, come to me. Baby bunnies jump on two legs towards their mother. They waved their ears, crunched the carrots, showed their tails to mom, and turned their backs. - I'll catch up! The bunnies run away. 19
Repeat the game with other characters (baby elephants stomp, wave their big hands; crows flap their wings, croak)
Final part
Dynamic pause “Leaves”. The north wind blew - s-s-s-s (raise your palms to your lips) And blew all the leaves off the linden tree (blow) They flew, began to spin (use your hands to show the swirling of the leaves) And sank to the ground (press your palms to your hips) The rain began to fall on them knock (we knock on the thighs with our fingers) The hail then pounded (we knock with our fists) The leaves pierced through everything. Then he dusted them with snow and covered them with a blanket (press your palms to your hips)
Summary of the training session

with a medium sized ball

Lesson objectives:
learn a set of exercises with a ball; improve jumping skills on two legs; develop fine motor skills, cultivate a desire to engage in physical education.
Physical education equipment:
a set of balls (one for each child), one large diameter ball.

Introductory part
Exercise “Big legs - small legs.” 1. Walking in a circle, one after another with long strides – Big feet walked along the road. 1/2 circle. 2. Running in a circle one after another - Little legs ran along the track for 1 lap. Repeat the tasks 3 times.
Main part
Remind the children what kind of balls “live” in the basket - funny, bouncy, naughty. And so that they don’t run away, the balls must be held tightly (spread your fingers and press them to the ball). Distribute the balls, the formation is arbitrary, the children stand facing the instructor.
General developmental exercises with a ball
1. “Let’s hide the ball.” I.p. wide stance, ball in front of the chest in straight hands; 1 – hide the ball behind your head, 2 – i.p. – “here” – 4 times. 2. “Tumbler”. I.p. wide stance, place the ball on your head and hold it tightly; 1 – turn to the right, 2 – i.p., 3 – turn to the left, 4 – i.p. - 4 times. 3. “Watch.” I.p. wide stance, ball pressed to the chest, elbows spread to the sides; 1 – tilt towards “tick”, 2 – i.p. “so” – 4 times. 4. “Let’s go for a ride.” I.p. sitting on your knees, the ball on the floor in front of you; roll around yourself once in one direction, then in the other - 2 times. 5. “Carousel”. I.p. sitting on the floor, holding the ball in your knees, arms at your side; holding the ball with your knees and pushing off with your hands, make a full turn around yourself in one direction, then in the other direction.
Main types of movements
1. Jumping on two legs near the ball “we jump like a ball” 2. Game – exercise “Top” – spinning the ball while sitting on the floor with your right hand. Outdoor game “My funny ringing ball” Bring in a large rubber ball, preferably brightly colored. - The ball looked at us and also wanted to play. 21
My cheerful ringing ball, where did you start galloping? Yellow, red, blue, Can't keep up with you. Children jump on two legs, then run away from the rolling ball - 3 times.
Final part
Breathing game “Let’s blow up a ball” – connect your fingers, blow into the hole, then take the “ball” by the string and take it to the group. At first glance, it seems that the exercises are difficult and kids cannot cope with them. But there is play motivation, certain skills, children really like to play with the ball. In subsequent activities, you can try giving the children a ball in the water part: the kids can run with the ball in a flock or in a circle. Run with a stop (with the end of the music, hide the ball, lying on your stomach): walk on your toes, lift the ball up - “Giants”, walk on your heels, putting the ball behind your head. Next, in the classroom, include exercises with a ball in the OVD, in accordance with the program according to which the preschool institution operates
Summary of a physical education lesson in the 1st junior group “On the Forest


: Continue to strengthen the health of children; form correct posture, motor skills and abilities; develop the ability to move from one movement to another; cultivate interest and desire to perform physical exercises; form basic self-organization skills in motor activity.
:Toy-hare, two arcs, correction track.
Progress of the lesson.
I draw attention to the bunny. There’s a bunny sitting here, looking at the kids. The bunny wants to learn how to do exercises to be healthy and not get sick. Let's teach him!
Introductory part
. Walking: Bim-bom, bim-bom. We're going to kindergarten. We'll make a lot of noise, run, jump, sing songs. Walking on your toes. Walking: Bim-bom, bim-bom We are going to kindergarten. Running: Fast, fast we run. We hurry to the clearing. Fast! We need time to play with our bunny! Walking along the path: Bim-bom, bim-bom We are going to kindergarten. Here we are walking along path 22
Let's strengthen our legs. Walking: Bim-bom, bim-bom. We are going to kindergarten. Let's make some fun noise. Run, jump, sing songs. Now let’s rest a little and show the bunny how we do it.
Main part.
1. Reaching for the sun. I. p-squatting. stand up slowly, raise your arms up, perform circular movements with your hands. Return to i. p. (3 times. 2. Butterflies. I. p. - sitting on the floor, bend your legs at the knees, lean your hands behind you. Spread your legs to the sides. Return to I. p. “This is how a butterfly flaps its wings. Butterfly, butterfly, come on Let's fly. Catch a finger. 3. I. p. - sitting on the floor, legs together. Stretch forward, touch your toes. 4. Funny toads. moving forward. “The toads are jumping high, very far away. The toads are jumping into the water faster. 4. Walking. Now let’s go for a walk, look for our bunny. “We’ll go for a walk.” under two arches, crawling along the mat, approaching the bunny, petting him, “Here’s our bunny! Let’s rest a little.” The little bunny wants to play with us some more. So He moves his ears. The bunny needs to sit cold. We need to warm up our little paws. Like this, like this. We need to warm our little paws. It’s cold for the bunny to stand. The bunny needs to jump. Someone scared the bunny. The bunny jumped and galloped away. Well done guys. Let's go back to our kindergarten, together with the bunny. Walking: Bim-bom, bim-bom We're going to kindergarten. We'll make a lot of noise. Run, jump, sing songs. Well done guys, our bunny really enjoyed playing with you.
Morning exercises in the 1st junior group.
“Petya the Cockerel” (a complex with elements of breathing exercises) 23
Educator. Guys, a cockerel came to visit us today. (Shows a toy cockerel.) Cockerel. Ku-ka-re-ku. Educator. Cockerel, cockerel, Golden comb, Butter head, Silk beard. Why do you get up early, sing loudly, and don’t let the kids sleep? Cockerel. I want to do exercises with the guys. Educator. Let's show the cockerel how we can walk. Walking in a flock behind a cockerel (20 seconds). Walk, raising your knees high, moving your arms to the sides, clapping them to your sides (20 seconds). Educator. We run away from the cockerel. Running wildly (20 seconds). Walking randomly (20 seconds). Formation scattered. Cockerel. Repeat the exercises after me, guys. Show how dexterous you are. 1. Exercise “The cockerel flaps its wings” Starting position: standing, legs slightly apart, hands behind your back. Arms to the sides, wave your entire arm and hand. Return to starting position. Repeat 5 times. The pace is moderate. Directions: “Keep your back straight.” 2. Exercise “The cockerel drinks water” Starting position: standing, legs slightly apart, hands on the belt. Bend over. 24

Both mothers and fathers want their children to be dexterous, strong, and athletic. Of course, this largely depends on the child’s natural abilities, but how much attention the parents pay to him also plays a big role in physical development.

It is important to accustom a child to physical education from childhood so that daily activities bring him joy and pleasure. Even if he does not grow up to be a champion, regular exercise will help him avoid many health problems and become cheerful and active. Classes can and should be started from infancy; this will help the baby not only develop better physically, but also intellectually, because in the first year of life, physical and intellectual development are inextricably linked.

Rules for conducting classes

It is necessary to remember and follow the rules for conducting classes so that they really benefit and do not harm your baby.

  1. Before starting exercise, be sure to consult your doctor. Almost every clinic has a massage room and a physical therapy room. Let a physical therapy doctor or an experienced massage therapist examine your child, tell him what to pay attention to, and show him special exercises that are suitable specifically for him (one child may need to do a set of exercises aimed at strengthening certain muscle groups, while another may need to do the opposite). relaxation and detoxification).
  2. Classes and the intensity of the load should take into account the age and level of physical development of the child. Forced exercise will not only not contribute to physical development, but, on the contrary, will lead to a deterioration in the child’s health, and problems may not appear immediately, but at an older or even mature age. You cannot do anything with a child for which he is not physically ready.
  3. Increase the load and duration of exercise gradually. Start with five to ten minutes and increase your practice time to 40-60 minutes daily.
  4. Monitor your child’s condition during classes, and never allow yourself to become overtired. It is better to exercise three times for 15 minutes during the day than once for 45 minutes.
  5. Classes should be held an hour after or half an hour before meals.
  6. If a child feels unwell or has a fever, classes should be cancelled.
  7. Do not force your child, if the child is not in the mood for classes, they should be postponed for some time and offered to him to study a little later.
  8. For preschool children, it is desirable that classes take place in a playful way.
  9. The room where you study should be fresh, it should be well ventilated or the window should be left open.
  10. Exercises should be selected in such a way that all muscle groups develop harmoniously.
  11. Alternate active exercises with relaxation exercises.
  12. Always approve and praise your baby, even if something doesn’t work out right away - he simply needs your support and confidence in his abilities.

    Sports equipment made from ordinary things

    It would be good if there was room in the apartment for at least a small sports complex. But, unfortunately, this is not always possible. And then fantasy comes to the rescue. It will allow you to turn the most ordinary things into sports equipment.

    Sidewall from a crib

    Very often, parents move the baby crib close to the adult and take out one of its walls. It turns out to be almost a joint dream: the child sleeps with his parents, but at the same time in his own bed. This is very convenient, because in this case it is much easier for the mother to care for the baby during night sleep. This “unnecessary” sidewall will become your child’s very first sports equipment.

    The bars of the lattice turn into the rungs of a ladder. You can place it directly in the crib at an angle, tying it to the top bar for security. If your baby is already moving on the floor, lean the side against the sofa or bed, but do not leave the child alone so that he does not tip the ladder over on himself. Attach clamps (for example, plastic furniture legs, which can be purchased at furniture fittings departments) to the side posts of the ladder at several levels. This way you can fix it by leaning it against a sofa or chair with a greater or lesser inclination, and the ladder will not move. To do this, use screws that you screw into the wall at the height of the ladder, so that it is located almost vertically at a short distance from the wall. Then use a wide drill bit to make a hole in the side posts and secure it with self-tapping screws. And if there is a permanent place for a ladder in the apartment, attach it to the wall. To do this, use screws that you screw into the wall at the height of the ladder, so that it is located almost vertically at a short distance from the wall. Attach hanging mounts-holders (they can be purchased at hardware or hardware stores) to the side posts and secure the ladder with screws.

    This “mini Swedish” wall for babies can be used from 4-5 months. First, the baby will grab the lowest twigs, then he will begin to pull himself up and stand on his knees, and later on his legs. Don’t stop your child from mastering the ladder on his own, don’t stand him down - just show him how he can reach the bottom rung with his hand. When the child is ready, he himself will understand how to pull himself up, stand on all fours and on his legs. Such a ladder will give your child many joyful discoveries from learning about the capabilities of his body and will develop strength and dexterity. A little later, when he is already confidently standing on his legs with support, you can show him how to climb onto the ladder, rearranging the arms and legs. Kids quickly master this science, and under the supervision of adults, even a 7-8-9 month old child, even before he starts walking, will be able to climb on it independently.

    And walking on the rungs of a side ladder lying on the floor will strengthen the child’s foot and help prevent the development of. You can start walking on it with your baby when he starts moving by the arms. Include walking the ladder in both directions (back and forth) in your daily exercises, repeat the exercise once or twice a day.


    This wonderful utility ladder is also a great addition to your sports activities. With the help of a stepladder, kids can learn to stand up, and then climb up and down the steps. Such activities prepare the child for walking up stairs, strengthen muscles, and develop dexterity. Children love to climb up. Older children (2.5 - 3 years old) are happy to climb on and get off on the other side. Attention! Do not leave a child, even an older one, on the stairs unattended.

    Changing board

    Most likely, this is where you will do your baby’s first exercises and massage. But even after he gets out of infancy, the board can be useful. Using the locking legs of the changing board, install it near the sofa or chair so that it does not move. You will get a wonderful inclined board - a slide.

    At first you will hold your baby's hand, and after some time he will happily run up and down the slide. Walking on an inclined plane is very useful, it helps the formation of correct foot shape, strengthens the foot and prevents the development of flat feet.


    Moms don't always encourage their children's natural desire to jump on the couch. But jumping off sofas can be allowed. However, for children 2-2.5 years old, jumping from the sofa onto a hard floor is undesirable - their joints and ligaments are not yet ready for such loads and there is a high probability of an unsuccessful landing. Instead of gymnastic mats, place down old pillows from a chair or sofa, or an unnecessary mattress. Soft pillows will protect your baby from bruises, and rest assured that your child will have a lot of fun, and the benefits of jumping for the development of physical qualities are undeniable - they improve the functioning of the vestibular system, help develop coordination, strength and dexterity.

    Long stick

    In massage rooms and exercise therapy rooms, special plastic poles are used for classes with children, on which children walk with the help of an instructor. Such exercises strengthen the foot; they are used in sets of exercises aimed at improving posture, treating flat feet and other orthopedic problems. Instead of a special stick, you can use an old curtain rod or a mop handle for cleaning floors.

    If you take a wooden stick, make sure there are no cracks or burrs on it, you can even rub it with sandpaper to make it smooth. Walk with your child along the stick. In this case, the heels should be directed inward and the toes outward. When walking, the stick should touch the midline of the foot. Show your child how to roll a stick with his feet in front of him while sitting on a high chair or children's bench.


    Sooner or later, any child begins to discover new levels in the room. Higher and higher and higher! After all, in order to reach the shelf with trinkets in your mother’s closet or the sink with dishes, you just need to... take a chair! Some especially nimble children already learn the delights of climbing at one year old, others master this skill a little later... If your baby was able to climb onto a chair on his own, it means that he will soon conquer both tables and window sills. The ability to climb onto a chair develops not only children's curiosity, but also the strength of their arms and legs, strengthens their back - in general, from the point of view of physical development, it is very useful.

    Obstacle course

    Play with your child in an obstacle course consisting of a mattress or carpet and several chairs. Come up with your own options for passing the “obstacle course” depending on the length of the room and the materials at hand. Let your baby crawl along the rug, then climb over a chair, crawl under the next chair, and a coffee table covered with a blanket will create a beautiful tunnel that leads straight into mommy's arms. Play with your child, crawl, climb, set an example - I’m sure you will get a lot of positive emotions from this.

    Massage paths

    It is known that foot massage is very useful not only for the prevention of flat feet, but also for solving problems of the whole body, because this type of massage affects the reflex zones and biological active points of the foot. In sports stores you can buy a special massage track or make it yourself. A handicraft mother can sew a path, filling it with peas, beans, and buckwheat. Such a path will strengthen the legs, develop tactile sensitivity and, by activating reflex zones, improve the health of the child. The simplest massage mat can be easily made from a needle massager - a Kuznetsov applicator. Cover the massager with a thin blanket or blanket and your foot mat is ready!

    But just before you offer your child a mat to practice on, try walking on it yourself. If the needles are too sharp, put a thicker blanket on it, and if the needles, on the contrary, are almost not felt, cover them with something thinner. In my experience, in order for the mat to turn out “just right”, it is enough to place a warm flannelette diaper on the applicator. And to make walking on the mat even more interesting, add it to an obstacle course.

    Big soft toy

    There will probably be such a toy (maybe even more than one). More often it just gathers dust in the corner of the room, thoughtfully donated by one of your friends, or is used on the sofa instead of a pillow. My kids have come up with a new sporting use for their one-meter plush dog - it's so fun to jump and climb on! And we have already talked about how useful jumping is for the physical development of children - they strengthen muscles and joints, develop dexterity and coordination, and improve the functioning of the vestibular apparatus.

    Assembling a mini-sports complex

    Do you really want your child to have at least a small sports corner, but your apartment has too little space even for rings and a wall bars? Or is buying a children's sports complex not within the family budget? I'll tell you how I found a way out of this situation. Our “sports complex” cost us less than 1,000 rubles, and the joy and benefits brought from the activities for children cannot be estimated!

    So, first, let's select the necessary equipment in a sports store. Typically, all DSK (children's sports complexes) have different equipment, and most equipment can be purchased separately. That is, your sports corner can be equipped with a full set of equipment, with the exception of the basic wall bars. You can buy rings, a rope ladder, a bungee jump, a swing, a trapeze, a rope and even a punching bag.

    Then we go to the hardware store and buy two or three (depending on how many fastenings the projectiles you have chosen have) strong steel hooks, fairly curved, like clothing hooks. We also buy long self-tapping screws there (in quantities equal to the number of holes in the hooks). The screws must be long so that they are screwed not only into the upper baseboard, but also into the wall, and the hooks are held as firmly as possible.

    The entire corner will be located in the doorway. Therefore, choose the opening that is most convenient for studying. First, you will have to take measurements: one hook (you can hang a rope, bungee or other equipment attached to one loop on it) will need to be placed directly in the center of the opening. The other two hooks should be attached at equal distances from the center, and the distance between them should not be narrower than the rungs of the ladder, if it is included in your kit, and not too close to the side jambs (preferably along the width of the ladder) - you will hang the ladder on them , rings, trapezoid. On the flat surface of the top plinth, mark the points in the places where you will screw in the screws and make holes with a drill. It is very important that the holes are made symmetrically relative to the center, otherwise it will be unsafe to use the corner. Now all that remains is to install the hooks and the sports complex is ready! Hang rings, a ladder or trapeze, a bungee or a swing, change sports equipment as often as your child wishes. Perhaps the only drawback of such a sports corner is the inability to hang several equipment at the same time. But it is compact, suitable for any apartment and will cost less than the whole complex. To keep children safe during classes, place an old mattress instead of a mat for them and do not leave them unattended. Another great advantage of such a sports corner is the ability to quickly remove or raise the equipment while the children are not practicing on it. Thanks to this, you can be sure that your child will not climb the stairs without you and will not fall from there while you are busy with your own affairs and do not control him.

    Good luck to you and your children, joy and health!

    The modern world provides children and parents with many options for entertainment and learning, but often in the race for new products, adults make the mistake of not paying enough attention to the physical development of the younger generation.

    Gadgets, computers, and various game panels captivate the baby, and give parents the opportunity to solve everyday issues. After all, what could be easier than turning on a cartoon and minding your own business? But this behavior of parents is increasingly leading to sad consequences. The baby’s lack of interest in outdoor games, physical inactivity, and decreased interest in the environment negatively affects the overall development of the baby. Decreased muscle tone, low flexibility and low joint mobility can cause various diseases.

    One of the tasks of parents involved in raising preschool children is to provide conditions for attracting the attention of the little one to an active lifestyle and passion for sports.

    The emphasis on a sports lifestyle should be placed immediately after the birth of a child and influence the entire period of growing up.

    Physical development - changes in the body that occur throughout life, indicating general state body and internal systems.

    An athletic, externally and internally trained child copes better with various infectious diseases, has a stable psyche, is cheerful and cheerful.

    Preschool children are naturally very active. By running and jumping, training muscles and improving oxygen exchange between cells, they thus strengthen the cardiovascular, nervous and respiratory systems.

    Understanding the importance of the physical development of children, parents ask questions:

    • At what age should I start working on my child’s physical development?
    • How can I help you learn the necessary skills?
    • what to pay attention to?

    To answer these questions, you need to understand how the body develops, what periods the toddler goes through from birth to going to school, and what actions will help develop the necessary skills.

    The main periods of development of children’s physical abilities from birth to 9 years

    The periods of physical development of preschool children are conventionally divided:

    • Infant. From birth to 12 months;
    • Early. From 1 year to 3 years;
    • Average: 3-6 years;
    • Senior: 6-9 years old.

    Each of these periods involves mastering a certain set of skills, stimulating the development of skills and improving already learned movements.

    Each child is individual and the transition between age groups may occur a little earlier or later.

    The assessment of capabilities should be based not so much on average age indicators, but on the physical condition of the baby’s body.

    What do we develop in a child from birth to one year?

    The development of physical abilities in the first year of life is based on the skills that the child possesses. Taking as a basis the exercises necessary to master a specific natural skill, adults help him achieve his first important victories.

    Keep your head up and lift it up

    Immediately after birth, massage and exercises that strengthen the neck muscles become important so that the baby learns to hold his head. With the acquisition of this skill, parents’ attention switches to the muscles of the back, arms and legs to gradually raise the body on the elbows while lying on the stomach. Mastering these skills is inherent in nature; the role of parents is to help the child quickly understand how to act.

    We smile and sit down

    By three months, the baby's movements are still erratic and poorly coordinated. The stimulus for training is the reaction to sounds and visual perception of an adult. Smiling and greeting the desired object in all possible ways, the baby tenses and relaxes almost all the muscles of the body, giving them a load. This strengthens the muscles and the body. To help the child, new elements are introduced into the complex of daily exercises and massage, allowing the muscles of the back, spine, arms, legs to be trained for a gradual transition to a new position - sitting.

    We crawl, get up and walk

    With even development and sufficient stimulation of motor skills, by six months most children master moving on all fours and the ability to lift their own body into a sitting position. While supporting your little one’s aspirations to conquer a new level, it’s worth thinking about additional stress on the muscles of the legs and back – support your little one’s desire to gain the ability to stand up while holding onto furniture or a handrail.

    Exercises, massage, exercises on various gymnastic apparatus, water procedures contribute to independent mastery of walking skills by 10-12 months.

    Conditions for physical development

    Parents' attention to the development of physical abilities at the first stage plays a big role, but once the skills of crawling and sitting are mastered, it is good to let the little one explore his abilities on his own. It is impossible to fully understand your body and learn to coordinate movements if adults always hold you back or protect you from unnecessary actions.

    After 6 months, it is advisable to create the necessary conditions for the child, insure him, but not interfere with his studies. Constant shouting, an attempt to remove all objects except toys, a sharp denial of the desire to climb higher will not help the baby learn everything he needs, and on a psycho-emotional level will cause excessive caution or even fear of the unknown.

    First games

    In the second half of the year, the first full-fledged games with blocks, cars and dolls, a ball, etc. are introduced. By teaching playing techniques with objects, adults stimulate the child to:

    • development of the nervous and musculoskeletal system;
    • increasing overall muscle tone;
    • improvement of mental functions;
    • the emergence of imagination and thinking;
    • the emergence of memory and attention;
    • speech;
    • character formation.

    It is also worth noting that the development of speech and character traits such as will, patience, and perseverance play an important role in the overall physical development and further success in sports.

    • massage and exercises to stimulate skill development;
    • gymnastic exercises in water and on a fitball;
    • primary hardening;
    • the introduction of games as the main type of cognition of the surrounding world;
    • stimulating physical activity by attracting the baby with bright toys and interesting objects.

    The early period of physical development (1-3 years) is the time of learning about the capabilities of your body. Age is characterized by a decrease in growth and weight gain. In a year the baby grows by 8-10 cm, the weight does not change significantly. Quite often, in 12 months a baby can gain only 2-3 kg. This occurs due to increased movements and increased exploration of the surrounding space.

    From one to three years, intensive formation of internal systems occurs. For a full supply of oxygen, the body requires more movement. Increased activity stimulates the acquisition of new physical skills, helps to successfully strengthen muscles, and produce ossification of tissue and cartilage.

    Movement is life.

    It is at one year that the child fully enters the phase of rapidly increasing the body’s capabilities for the subsequent development of many mental and physical skills.

    Transition from walking to running

    Having learned to walk independently, the baby, feeling the support of its parents, strives to understand and study its speed capabilities. Over the next few years, running will become the baby's main mode of transportation. New opportunities and sensations obtained as a result of mastering this skill become a motivator for studying your body and the world around you. The role of parents at this stage is to insure, but not to restrain.

    Mastering the stairs

    Already at one year old it is useful to help the little one master hiking uphill. First, by the handle, slowly overcoming small flights of one step at a time, gradually increasing the number. This exercise allows you to strengthen your leg muscles, giving you an understanding of how to move. By the age of two, children show a persistent desire to do this exercise on their own. Don't interfere, but be very careful.

    Jumping and climbing

    Having realized that in addition to walking and running in a straight line, you can study the world around you from a height, the child will begin to show a desire to climb higher. Some children make their first attempts to conquer peaks before they are one year old, while others only reach them when they are closer to 1.5 years.

    No matter what age your baby wants to climb higher, don’t interfere with him. Insure his desire to find out how everything looks from above. From the first attempts, strongly demonstrate how to dismount correctly. The ability to carefully roll over onto your stomach and lower your legs one at a time to feel support is the way to reduce injuries. If for some reason your child does not want to master the sports complex, show by your own example how to do it.

    Throw and catch

    At the age of 1-1.5, it is advisable to start teaching the baby simple manipulations with the ball. It’s good to suggest learning how to throw balls different sizes. Acquaintance with this type of toy occurs in the first year of life, but with the advent of the ability to walk and run, the baby begins to train the coordination of arms and legs.

    For the first lessons, light rubber balls are suitable, easy to grip with two hands, slightly inflated. A slightly lowered ball has less spring and is easier for the child to hold and throw. Show how to release the ball from your hands, give it the right direction, and catch it.

    Children really like such activities; they happily run after the lost object, bend and unbend to pick it up. If you show how to play football, the child will enjoy trying to kick the ball.


    An important quality available already in early preschool age is endurance. Gradually increasing the load, offering the baby long long walks, giving the baby the opportunity to run around to his heart's content, motivating him to study the capabilities of his body, to easily develop this important quality. But it is worth remembering that the baby is not yet quite ready for full-fledged travel - after a long walk he needs a good rest.


    No less important for physical development is agility - the ability to coordinate actions, easily repeat a new exercise, adapt to the rules of the game, repeat and bring various movements to automatism.

    A child interested in playing learns to control his own body and quickly decide what movement will be necessary to perform to solve the task.

    Developing dexterity in preschool children involves developing fine and gross motor skills. It is necessary to introduce games with small objects at an early stage. Various creative activities contribute well to mastering this skill. Body dexterity, which depends on gross motor skills, is developed in outdoor games. The need to dodge, squat or jump are steps in mastering your own body.

    Coordination of movements

    Most outdoor games require a child to react quickly, which is not yet possible due to age. The basic skills of coordinating the senses and the body are already quite well developed, so from 12 months it is recommended to offer exercises that require simultaneous actions of different parts of the body.

    It's better to start simple. Encourage your child to learn to eat with cutlery without assistance. Don't be upset about spilled soup or an overturned cup. It will get better with every new attempt. Gradually teach your child to dress and put on his shoes independently, and to carry out simple tasks around the house. Every time, performing simple actions, the baby gains invaluable experience in mastering his own body.

    Fine motor skills

    It is a mistake to believe that only gross motor skills and motor skills of large parts of the body contribute to the physical development of a child. The ability to perform actions with the fingers and toes is an important component of the proper development of the body. Concentrating on lacing, mosaic or plasticine, the baby, unnoticed by himself:

    • will choose a position that is comfortable for itself, putting stress on different muscle groups;
    • train motor-visual coordination;
    • stimulate brain development;
    • develop speech;
    • with the help of parents, remember the correct body position, maintaining posture.


    Few people are indifferent to music. The ability to convey internal sensations through movements is an important component of physical, mental and mental development. Teach your child to move to the beat of the music, to show his feelings without words. Such gymnastics will provide an additional incentive for the development of the emotional sphere; internal impulses will open up new facets of physical perfection.

    By the age of three, most children already have fairly good control over their own bodies. Early physical activity promotes muscle development. In middle preschool age, coordination and the ability to maintain balance come to the fore. During this period, some parents begin to select sports sections for their children, others intensively teach various types of games using additional means: bicycles, scooters, skis, etc.

    Pediatricians consider the optimal age for attending sports clubs to be 4-5 years.

    It is during this period that the child’s body is ready for additional stress; the bones acquire sufficient strength while maintaining flexibility. But having sent your baby to specialists for training, you should not completely shift the responsibility for the child’s physical development to them. Games and an active lifestyle should accompany the child throughout the entire period of growing up, regardless of whether he goes to the section or not.

    With sufficient workload and attention from adults, by the age of 5, children are already capable of a lot:

    • hold your body in a given position for some time;
    • maintain and quickly change direction of movement;
    • perform the movement while maintaining amplitude and tempo;
    • when playing the ball, catch and dodge it.


    At three years old, a child already walks and runs very well, so the main direction of development during this period is increasing running speed. Gradually, various additional movements begin to be used, allowing you to manipulate objects at speed, perform turns and slopes, without reducing speed. A separate skill that is worth paying attention to at this age is the ability to quickly stop while running. It is very important to teach your baby to stop quickly in order to avoid unwanted collisions and falls due to improper muscle grouping.

    Simple games like catch, tag, hide and seek help develop the skills of stopping, dodging objects, and quickly changing direction. From the age of three, the child begins to be interested in communicating with peers, so it is advisable to play these games among children.


    Imitating adults, already at the end of the early period, children begin to show interest in a variety of actions related to lifting objects and moving them. Let your baby practice his skills in everyday matters. When leaving the store, offer him a separate bag of groceries, give him the opportunity to help you move or carry a chair or a box of toys.

    At the age of three, it is good to introduce exercises to support your own weight:

    • pull-ups. Invite your baby to try lifting his own weight;
    • "bridge". Arching the body from a lying position, supporting the weight on the arms and legs;
    • "birch tree" Lying on your back, raise your legs as high as possible, holding your body with your hands behind your back.


    By offering various outdoor games, long walks, and entertainment with sports equipment, adults help train endurance. This quality is very important for visiting sports sections, active sports, developing and developing gaming and physical skills.


    Middle preschool age involves intensive work on the development of fine and gross motor skills. The development of existing skills and the acquisition of new ones develop the child’s overall dexterity, allowing him to quickly, correctly, and rationally find an option to solve a given problem. Thoroughly studied movements gradually become automatic, allowing the child to make a large number of movements without additional effort.


    Increasing the baby’s motor capabilities in the middle preschool period allows parents to introduce exercises to develop body flexibility. This is an important component of overall body coordination, which allows you to get rid of awkward movements by the age of 6-7, lead your baby to smooth movements, teach him how to fall correctly, and prevent undesirable consequences. Body flexibility is increased through simple exercises (bends, squats) and exercises on gymnastic equipment (fitball, wall bars).


    At 3-3.5 years old it is good to start teaching the skill of maintaining balance. Teach your little one:

    • walk on a log;
    • stand on one leg;
    • turn your head, body, raise your arms without lifting your feet from the floor.

    Bicycle, roller skates, skates, skis

    From the age of three, children have access to a wide variety of sports equipment. It’s good if your baby learns as much as possible during the preschool period. Using a bicycle, skates, balance bike, scooter:

    • gives a good load on the muscles;
    • develops balance;
    • trains endurance;
    • increases agility;
    • brings pleasure and joy.

    Allowing your child to explore many different types motor activity, adults solve several problems of the preschool period - the formation of a healthy strong body, the development of immunity, the development of the psycho-emotional sphere of the child.

    What a child should be able to do by age 5-6:

    • Control your movements. Be able to run or stop on command;
    • Catch the ball, hit it on the floor and then grab it;
    • Maintain balance for 15-20 seconds while standing on one leg;
    • Jump up and to the sides;
    • Move along the log;
    • Ride a bike;
    • Jump rope 3-5 times;
    • Fasten and unfasten buttons, zippers, fasteners.

    6-9 years are a time of big changes. At this time, most children begin to attend school and enter a new phase of their development. The sports experience gained in the preschool period allows you to cope with new challenges and accept new living conditions. By this period, the development of the body enters a quiet stage. Before adolescence, there is a sharp decline in the rate of weight gain and height. Activity decreases, the baby can spend some time concentrating on tasks.

    The movements of children 6-9 years old become smooth and rhythmic. A future student can cover a fairly large distance and perform a full range of exercises for 30-40 minutes. The body is proportional, motor skills are brought to automaticity. The work of maintaining high muscle tone throughout the day, monitoring correct posture and foot placement comes to the fore.

    healthy lifestyle

    When preparing for school and subsequent education in primary school, parents need to pay close attention to developing the foundations of a healthy lifestyle. Suggest how to balance the academic load and physical exercise, control posture when studying at the table, carefully select a diet that allows you to saturate the child’s body and brain for increased mental stress.


    Although most skills have already been formed and are used automatically, the work on further coordination of movements should not stop. During this period, it is necessary to introduce new types of exercises and games aimed at children of primary school age.


    With sufficient attention from parents to the development of fine motor skills in previous periods, by the age of 6 the child is already quite ready to learn to write. But you shouldn’t neglect various exercises to develop your fingers. Mosaics, puzzles, and creative activities will play a big role throughout school life, stimulating:

    • brain function;
    • psycho-emotional balance;
    • creative component.

    Strength and Endurance

    By the age of 6, you can arrange long rides with your child on bicycles, walks in the forest or around the city for several hours. The more time and energy the baby spends in the company of his parents, studying the world around him, the better his physical skills will develop and stable psycho-emotional connections will be formed.

    Sport sections

    If your baby does not yet attend a sports section, then it’s time to think about this issue. When choosing, be guided by his preferences and capabilities. It’s good if the baby can try several options and settle on one.

    Some tips on the physical development of children of preschool and primary school age

    When dealing with the physical development of a child, every parent should remember simple principles:

    • From simple to complex. Introduce new elements and games into your child’s life gradually, assessing his capabilities. You shouldn’t introduce your baby to a whole range of exercises at once. Acquaintance with new motor skills should occur gradually, after complete mastery of the previous one;
    • Individuality. Your child is unique and develops in his own way. Do not get too carried away with achieving the standards and framework established by WHO. Your priority should be the comfort and health of the child;
    • Achieving mastery. Once you've learned the exercise, don't put it aside. Repeat again and again until you notice that your baby uses it automatically.
    • Increased load. For the growth and development of the physical characteristics of the baby, it is necessary to constantly increase the proposed load. If today the child walked to the store on his own, then tomorrow invite him to do the same on the way back, the day after tomorrow take the long way with him.
    • Support. Stimulate courage, endurance, and perseverance as the main engines of development. Achieving small sports victories, overcoming obstacles in preschool age, the little one will learn to deal with difficulties in future life, go towards the goal without slowing down.

    The physical development of a child is the path to the health and good spirits of your baby. Don’t neglect the opportunity to give your baby a happy childhood full of adventures and ensure a healthy future. Helping your child master all the necessary skills is very simple. Be there and help find out everything that interests the little explorer.