Sakura from seeds. Sakura - planting and care in open ground How to grow Japanese sakura from seeds

Bonsai is the national art of Japan. Dwarf trees of bizarre shapes, looking like real ones, with a proportional crown and curved trunks, grow for years and decades, without adding even a few centimeters of growth. Japanese museums tell about various types Bonsai, they exhibit photos, seeds, cuttings, so that the viewer can see all the stages of growing Bonsai.

In Japan, bonsai is not just a form of national art, aesthetics and worldview. Japanese achievements in the art of bonsai have already become part of museum culture. The Omiya Bonsai Art Museum was opened in the spring of 2010. The museum promotes the art of bonsai both within and outside of Japan through exhibitions and various information events.

Museums say that bonsai have been known since the 9th century. In order to grow a miniature tree, you need to carefully trim it and shape the branches by twisting them with wire. Trees live and grow, so work on bonsai never stops; they require constant care, fertilization and watering.

Masterpieces such as Goyo-Matsu (Japanese white pine) are valued at more than 100 million yen. Nowadays, bonsai is well known outside of Japan; many tourists from all over the world visit Japanese bonsai museums.

The museum is located next to the “Bonsai-mura (Bonsai Village)”, where many bonsai growers and fans live and work. Around Bonsai Mura there are 10 bonsai gardens that present a wonderful display. The village is planted with trees such as maple, keyaki and cherry trees. Visitors can enjoy the atmosphere of all seasons while observing the growth and care of the trees. Japanese museums are a favorite meeting place for bonsai lovers around the world.

Bonsai Museum (video)

Bonsai - Japanese tree: seeds

Many people scoff at the idea of ​​growing bonsai from seed, saying things like, “Look how old I am, I won’t live long enough.” In general, there is no such thing as “bonsai seeds”. Packets of seeds purchased in stores or online sites contain simply regular seeds trees that will later become bonsai. Such seeds are bought when it is not possible to simply go and collect them in the forest or park. Museums usually contain rare and very beautiful tree species grown by specialists.

Seedlings are planted very close to each other, the trees are intricately intertwined with trunks, competing for light and space, caring for them begins immediately after the sprouts hatch.

The seeds of most tropical trees germinate immediately after maturity, but the seeds of temperate plants must be sown after stratification. They need to arrange something like an artificial wintering, keeping them in the cold for 21-90 days and only then planting them.

The seeds can be placed in moist peat moss with fungicide in a ziplock bag. Some seeds even germinate in the refrigerator. After keeping them in the cold, you need to immerse them in water at room temperature overnight to increase germination. Seeds that float after soaking will not germinate.

Seeds with a thick coating (like ginkgo) can be pierced to help them germinate better.

Plant the seeds in a light, loose soil mixture that is well aerated. It is advisable to allow air to circulate above the soil.

remember, that loose soil dries out quickly, and seedlings with a rudimentary root system can die within a few hours from drought or direct sunlight!

You can also treat the seeds before planting:

  • Infusion of garlic or a solution of hydrogen peroxide and water (1 teaspoon per 1/2 cup of water);
  • Sprinkle a little cinnamon or baking soda into the soil;
  • Dissolve 2 caps of household bleach in your irrigation water.

It is necessary to disinfect gardening tools and planting pots, even new ones.

First Bonsai sprouts (video)

Japanese White Pine Bonsai: Growing

Japanese white pine (Pinus parviflora) prefers outdoors and makes a striking landscape feature. It often has a dense, conical shape; young trees reach a height of 8-16 meters. Tall, graceful tree irregular shape tree with a wide and flat crown. Museums in Japan tell about various coniferous trees in their exhibitions and installations.

Needles 2.5-6 cm long are rigid, blue-green color, grow in bunches of 5 and create a subtle texture of the tree silhouette.

The more sunlight and the heat your bonsai receives, the more often it will need water.

In general, the most common cause of bonsai death is improper watering.

There is no need to water the tree if the soil is wet or cold. Bonsai trees generally need to be watered every few days once the top layer of soil is completely dry. An old trick for watering a bonsai is to place the entire container containing the tree in 2.5-5cm of water, allowing the water to be absorbed through the drainage holes at the bottom of the pot.

White Japanese pine: fertilization and further care

You should start feeding your bonsai in the spring, when it begins to grow. Use a slow-release organic fertilizer. Fertilizer with chelated iron should be applied 2-3 times a year.

Japanese white pine requires careful root pruning when replanting to develop a strong root system. Branches should be trimmed and wired at the end of autumn, leaving the wire on the tree for a maximum of 6-8 months.

New shoots need to be pinched down to 1/3 of their length in the spring. This causes buds to form in the fall where the shoots were removed. This must be done to form very short internodes on the branches. Use thin wire.

Never wrap a bonsai immediately after repotting. Winding too tightly will lead to scarring on the trunk. Do not allow the wire to cut deep into the bark.

Young trees (up to 10 years old) need to be replanted every 2 or 3 years. Older trees - every 3 to 5 years. Replant in early fall when the summer heat subsides.

Japanese white pine is usually placed in a sturdy rectangular pot, deep enough to prevent wind from tearing it out of the soil. The soil must combine drainage and water-retaining properties.

You cannot fertilize pine trees for 3-4 weeks after transplanting.

How to grow a pine bonsai from seeds (video)

Japanese cedar Bonsai: cultivation

Cryptomeria or Japanese cedar- This evergreen up to 40 meters high, grows in the wet mountains of Japan. Bonsai grows best when its natural conditions are recreated. An ideal bonsai for those who like to water their plants because Japanese cedar will thrive in conditions that would cause other plants to rot. Museums in Japan always contain images of such bonsai or cedar trees in a natural setting.

The dwarf form of Cryptomeria has beautiful light green tiny needles and reddish-brown flaky bark. During cold winters, the needles turn bronze, and in the spring they turn light green again.

Japanese cedar loves cool weather, but it must be protected from icy winds and drying out. If you keep your bonsai indoors during the winter, be careful not to let it dry out. Likewise, keep it moisturized during the hottest, driest summer months.

This bonsai loves bright light. The needles of Japanese cedar bonsai trees can easily dry out and turn brown.

Water daily or as needed, never allowing the soil to dry out completely. In winter, water less often, just make sure that the soil does not dry out at all. It is best to keep it in a sunny bathroom window, on a tray with moistened stones. Exactly high humidity bathroom - what Japanese cedar loves.

To make the needles grow thicker, you need to pinch them.

Pinch the needles only with your fingers, never with scissors!

With frequent trimming of needles, cryptomeria will throw out buds from almost any point. Remove lower branches to allow air to circulate around the trunk, and remove dead needles.

It is best to wrap with wire in the spring; bend the branches gradually, as they tend to break. Curl a little each week until you reach your desired curve.

Caring for a plant involves monitoring and destroying pests. Unfortunately, bonsai are affected by scale and red spider mite. Red ticks should be washed off with a solution of 1 teaspoon of soap in 1 liter of warm water. Remove scale insects sharp knife, being careful not to damage the bark.

Replant in mid to late spring, every 2-5 years, depending on age and growth. Be careful not to over-prun the roots and plant your bonsai in slightly acidic soil that is high in organic matter and has good drainage.

Japanese sakura bonsai tree: how to grow

Cherry tree bonsai has many names - Japanese cherry, East Asian cherry, sakura, etc. There are almost 430 varieties, many of which grow in China, Japan and Korea.

In Japan, cherries are called sakura and are widely used in Japanese festivals. There are 200 species that are cultivated only in Japan. One of the most known species– Someya Yoshino with almost white flowers on pink stalks. They are named after the village of Somei near Tokyo. Almost all plant varieties can be used to grow bonsai. With proper care you can achieve miniature trees beautiful view, which will bloom and bear fruit, like ordinary sakura. Museums often display cherry blossom displays.

The trunk of the sakura is chestnut-colored, slender, and the crown is dense. The tree produces black fruits after flowering and pollination. Care for sakura is daily, as the plant is quite capricious.

The winter season for bonsai trees lasts for about three months, during which they are dormant and do not grow.

There are several ways to winter bonsai:

  • It is necessary to cover the tree with mulch to the lowest branches, protect it from the wind and sun.
  • You can place the tree in a cool, dark place, such as a garage or shed. You need to water your bonsai in winter, but you don’t need to expose it to light.

In spring and summer, sakura requires sun in the morning and afternoon. It is best to take it out into the garden, onto the balcony or terrace. There is no need to keep your bonsai indoors in spring and summer as it will suffer from lack of sun.

It is best to replant sakura at the end of winter, when the plant has finished blooming. Repotting will allow the roots to grow in fresh soil.

Sakura can be pruned after the flowers have fallen; new shoots should be trimmed, but not completely removed.

Birds tend to feed on cherry blossom buds. Caterpillars and aphids also damage the tree.

Bonsai after 7 months (video)

Bonsai is a national art in Japan, where it came from China about 500 years ago. Any seeds are suitable for growing bonsai, because the art lies in constantly pruning the tree and replanting it. In Japan, there are numerous museums where tourists from all over the world contemplate bizarre dwarf trees that can be more than a hundred years old. Coniferous bonsai are especially impressive - white pine or Japanese cedar. Japanese sakura is beautiful, because of which Korea is called the Land of Morning Freshness. Bonsai care consists of: proper watering, pruning leaves and roots and replanting.

Japanese Bonsai tree (photo)

Sakura - belongs to the tree-like representatives flora from the Plum family. Japan is considered the true homeland of this tree; it is in this country that mass cherry blossoms are observed in the spring, which attracts tourists so much. The flower of the plant has a variety of color shades, from white to dark pink. It is according to these characteristics that sakura are distributed by type. Homemade Japanese sakura is a separate plant variety that is able to grow and reproduce in our climatic conditions.

Many landscape designers have increasingly begun to introduce the planting of this particular plant into their projects, because its beauty will not leave even the most inconspicuous area unnoticed. Every gardener wants to have this extraordinary cherry in his garden or country house. Since it is quite difficult to grow a full-fledged homemade sakura from seeds, most people resort to buying already ready-made plants. But it is worth noting that Japanese sakura, grown with one’s own hands from seeds in ordinary home conditions, is not a myth, but a reality. In order to fulfill your fantasies or simply surprise your neighbors with a beautiful tree on your apartment balcony, first of all, you need to know the basic rules for growing sakura directly at home.

Preparing to grow sakura from seeds at home

First of all, it should be noted that the method of growing sakura from mature seeds directly at home has its positive aspects:

  • no need to spend money on buying plant seedlings:
  • Sakura takes root well, as from the very beginning it adapts to certain environmental conditions.

At minimum costs It is sakura, like an extraordinary tree, grown at home that will become an unsurpassed decoration of the living room or loggia. Growing beautiful sakura from seeds at home involves using the following varieties: Amanogawa, Shirofugen, Shirotae, Tai Haku.

The most important point in cultivating plants whose origin is foreign is to adhere to all the basic rules for planting and care from leading botanists and breeders. First of all, you need to know how to properly plant Japanese cherry seeds for growing at home.

Preparation of planting material involves the following steps:

  • Before planting, seeds are carefully inspected and only whole, undamaged, healthy seeds are selected;
  • a day before planting, the seeds should be filled with water at room temperature with a small amount of manganese or a certain fungicide.

Important: the so-called process of soaking and disinfection is a very important point, since growing healthy sakura in certain home conditions is quite difficult. Therefore, it is necessary to exclude everything possible options damage by fungi or mold to a young, unprotected plant.

The frequency of planting plays a significant role; it is best to plant sakura from seeds in early spring or early autumn. This way the plant will enter the desired growing cycle and grow healthy and beautiful. To achieve visible results and obtain a healthy plant, you must adhere to the rules of planting seeds and seedlings.

How to properly plant sakura seeds at home

  • For planting, use seeds collected from the plant after the flowers have dried; the storage time of planting material should not exceed 1 year;
  • it is necessary to plant 2 times more seeds than plants are needed, since there is a certain percentage of seedlings rising;
  • be sure to provide protection from direct sunlight;
  • adhere to the planting interval between seeds: for large seeds it is 5-7 cm, for small ones it is 2-3 cm.

By following the rules and using high-quality planting material, in just a couple of months you will be able to see young shoots, which will eventually need to be transplanted to a certain place on the site. Sakura, like a wonderful home flower, will feel great on the balcony.

Regardless of the variety and selection, sakura requires planting in a certain soil for normal growth and development of the tree body and further formation of flowers. That is why, when preparing for planting, you need to take into account the fact that the plant is predisposed to coarse grains. sandy soil, this is the kind of soil that needs to be used.

First of all, you will need to disinfect the soil; this can be done with the help of special preparations or, directly, by roasting in the oven. Thus, they kill all unnecessary bacteria and fungi that can cause harm to both seeds and young plants.

The second one is very important point is the choice of container for planting. Depending on the desired number of sprouts and taking into account the interval between plantings, you should take a container of appropriate length.

For example: for 6 large seeds you will need a container at least 30 centimeters long.

It should be taken into account that in the early stages of development root system Sakura is fibrous, the depth of the container should be from 5 to 10 cm.

The container is filled with soil, it is necessary to have a tray and drainage holes at the bottom for air circulation and moisture. You need to put pebbles or small stones at the bottom of the flowerpot.

Planting Japanese sakura from seeds in apartment home conditions involves the use of compact plastic containers, specially designed for growing seedlings. Such containers fit very compactly on a windowsill or on a cabinet.

Planting seeds:

  • sowing of seeds is carried out in soil with a humidity of at least 60%;
  • the bones need to be immersed to a depth of 1-2 centimeters;
  • The top of the container must be covered with polyethylene to maximize moisture retention and create a certain atmosphere;
  • watering should be carried out once every 2-3 days, before climbing ground method, after – only by pallet;
  • 2 months after climbing, the plant can be transplanted into another container for single growth.

At the age of 6 to 9 months, sakura can be planted in open ground.

Feeding sakura from seeds at home and photos of flowers

It is worth knowing that at the moment of germination, young cobs are used nutrients from their own cotyledons, therefore, fertilizing during planting is excluded, as this can provoke the development of fungi or oversaturate the soil with organic matter, which as a result will slow down, rather than enhance, the growth and development of the plant.

Feeding with nutrients is carried out in a tray when the tree has reached a height of at least 5 cm, it is at this time that the root system has formed, is able to function properly, and requires additional nutrients.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that sakura requires constant care when growing at home; this applies, first of all, to fertilizing with organic fertilizers in the period before flowering or on time. There is no need to apply fertilizer before entering dormancy.

The state of true peace corresponds to the seasonality and growing season of the plant, that is, with the onset of autumn and winter, sakura seems to fall asleep in order to renew its strength until next spring.

You can see how homemade sakura is grown on the balcony in the photo:

Photo gallery

Sakura bonsai grown from seeds at home

Sakura bonsai, grown from seeds in ordinary home conditions, will ideally fit into the interior of a house or apartment. Bonsai should be grown in wide, shallow containers to prevent the root system from growing. During the growth period, when the plant has reached at least 25-30 centimeters, you can begin to form a crown. To do this, it is necessary to cut off the main podium so that the tree develops a wider crown. Unusual crowns can be done by tying the growing pagons with wire to create a specific look.

Important: grow a sakura tree in open ground from seeds at home dacha conditions quite difficult, it is best to use seedlings for further planting on the site.

Planting of seedlings is carried out in the fall; the age of the seedlings should be at least 6 months, and preferably more. The older the seedling, the more resistant it is to factors environment. Very young seedlings will have to be wrapped for the winter when frost arrives, so as not to lose the plant.

Planting rules are identical to growing from seeds; any type of soil must be mixed with sand for maximum survival rate of the sprout. Do not forget about fertilizer and watering, and also periodically drain the soil around the tree to improve air exchange in the root system. Proper care picking sakura will not require much time, the most important thing is to do everything clearly and according to the rules, and the efforts made will give an unsurpassed result.

After the home sakura surprises you with its first flowers, you can collect seeds and give advice to your friends on how to properly grow Japanese cherries with your own hands.

Check out the homemade sakura in the photo below:

How to grow bonsai from seeds at home? The ancient technology of growing miniature trees requires a lot of effort and patience from the amateur gardener. But the result will not make you regret the effort expended. Bonsai will become the pearl of any interior.

Each type of plant has its own method of planting seeds. Beech, spruce, oak, fir and pine seeds are ready for planting immediately after collection. If planting is planned for another time, the planting material should be placed in a container (can be wrapped in a piece of cloth) and placed in a cool, dark place for storage until planting.

How to grow bonsai from sakura seeds? Sakura is an ideal tree for bonsai. Its seeds have a dense shell, so germination is more difficult. Japanese cherry seeds require a period of dormancy and stratification. Stratification is the process of keeping seeds for a long time at a certain temperature to speed up their germination. To stratify, sakura seeds need to be placed for 3-4 months in a refrigerator in which the temperature is set at +4...+5 °C.

On the eve of planting, the seeds are soaked in warm water(25-30 °C) for 1 day. It is advisable to add a fungicide to the water to prevent fungal diseases. Spring, late summer and early autumn are best for planting seeds at home.

Sakura seeds are sprouted in coarse sand. It is recommended to calcinate or steam it before planting the seeds. Disinfection of the soil will protect plants from disease and death. There is no need to add fertilizer to the soil. The container for planting seeds should be wide, 5 cm deep. It should have drainage holes.

Prepared sakura seeds are planted in grooves made in well-moistened sand. During planting, it is advisable to slightly break, cut or puncture the hard shell of the seeds. This will help them grow faster and more friendly. The distance between the grooves should be at least 3 cm. The planted seeds are covered with fine sand on top. The thickness of the top layer of soil should be 2 diameters of the bone.

Seeds for germination can also be immersed in moist vermiculite or sphagnum moss. After planting the seeds, the container is covered with film or glass and placed in a cool place (plus temperature from 5 to 10 °C) for 1.5-2 weeks. The film will provide the necessary for germination high humidity soil. To prevent mold from appearing, you need to do regular ventilation. When the first shoots emerge, the film or glass is removed. The container with the sprouts is placed in a lighted place (not in direct sunlight).

Growing a tree from seedlings

How to grow bonsai from seedlings? When the sprouts reach a height of 4-7 cm, we plant them in wide bowls filled with a mixture of peat, sand and humus garden soil. Plant roots that are too long should be shortened slightly with garden shears. Planting material it is necessary to deepen it into the soil until the first pair of leaves. The distance between seedlings should be at least 10 cm. Young plants must be watered regularly.

As the seedlings grow, they need to be pricked repeatedly. Diving is the transplantation of plants into individual containers in order to expand the area and improve root nutrition. Thanks to multiple transplants, a powerful, well-developed root system of young trees is formed.

For the winter, bonsai seedlings are placed in a cool place or left in room conditions on a cold windowsill behind a thick curtain. The plant is not touched until spring. In the spring, the dive continues. It takes 2-3 years to grow sakura. Only then will it be possible to begin forming a tree at home.

The rules for crown formation are as follows:

  1. 1 The bonsaist’s task is to constantly restrain the growth of the tree and give it its characteristic dwarf shape.
  2. 2 The trunk at the base of the tree should be thick. To achieve this effect, all shoots with a vertical direction of growth are pruned.
  3. 3 A bonsai plant should look like a century-old tree, even if it is only 3 years old. To give the tree a characteristic appearance, the upper part of the roots is exposed. To do this, the top layer of soil is removed.
  4. 4 At what level to start forming the crown, the bonsaiist decides by cutting off the lower branches. The first strong branch of the trunk will be the lowest one, not cut by the bonsai plant.
  5. 5 Too long trunk needs to be shortened. To do this, cut off a circular strip of bark at the base and replant the tree, plunging the bare area into the ground. Roots later grow in this place. Old roots are cut off and the plant is replanted.
  6. 6 If the broom style is chosen, vertical branches are trimmed as much as possible, allowing horizontal shoots to bush. If a vertical style is chosen, the main trunk and side branches are encouraged to grow upward.
  7. 7 An already formed bonsai tree needs to be constantly pruned and pinched to maintain its ideal shape.

Forming the correct shape

Constant pruning of the roots and shoots of the tree helps to restrain growth. To weaken the sakura, horizontal cuts are made on its trunk with a sharp knife. The juice of the plant is released from them. Losing moisture and nutrients, the tree weakens and slows growth. It is very important to make the cuts the right size. Excessive loss of sap can lead to the death of the plant.

Bonsai wire is used for the same purpose. They pull the tree trunk over it, preventing it from developing. When the sakura reaches a height of 25-30 cm, the top is cut off. From this moment on, the tree will grow to the sides, releasing side shoots.

Pruning must be done before sap flow begins. If after pruning there are high-quality cut shoots left, they can be used for cuttings. Pinching shoots and branches will help increase the density of the crown. The more often pruning and pinching is done, the thicker and smaller the crown will be.

The tree is formed by fixing the shoots in the desired shape and directing their growth in the desired direction using special bonsai wire. To obtain the necessary bending of the trunk or branches using wire, the branches are wrapped with it. When using wire, you need to make sure that it does not grow into the bark of the plant. To do this, you need to periodically remove it and rewind it in a new place.

The location chosen for the bonsai will determine the shape of the crown. If the light in the room is not diffused, the plant will have a more developed crown and stronger branches on the side where more light falls. When the tree is on the windowsill, it must be constantly rotated so that the chosen style is not disturbed. Morning and evening lighting will be optimal for a bonsai plant. It is recommended to place the tree in the shade from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.

To make a beautiful tree at home, it needs to be provided with optimal lighting. Sakura is a light-loving plant; it needs a lot of bright light. Therefore in winter time and on cloudy days additional lighting must be used. With a lack of light, the shoots become thin and the petioles of the leaves become long.

In the spring, the plant is fed with ammonium nitrate, and in the fall with superphosphate and potassium sulphide. The tree slows down in poor soil. Therefore, fertilizers for bonsai plants should contain a minimum concentration of nutrients.

Necessary tools for work

Pruning is the main technique for forming a dwarf tree. The success of the bonsai technique depends on the quality of the wood cuts. Therefore you need to prepare necessary tools. Some amateur gardeners consider buying special tools a waste. However, using tools specifically designed for bonsai techniques will make caring for the plant much easier and will minimize the risk of its death.

The basic tool kit includes the following:

  • concave cutters;
  • wire cutters;
  • convex spherical cutters;
  • scissors.

Concave cutters are designed to cut branches flush with the trunk, creating an oblong indentation. The wound caused by the plant will heal quickly with a small scar. It is impossible to replace this tool with any other available tools. When planning to grow a tree using the bonsai technique, you should purchase concave cutters in advance.

Wire cutters cut bonsai wires neatly and symmetrically. Their rounded head does not injure the tree when cutting the wire.

Convex spherical pliers remove growths on trunks and roots, as well as unwanted roots. The cavity remaining after them quickly heals with a minimum amount of scars.

It is also worth purchasing special scissors for trimming thin roots.

An additional set of tools that will turn caring for a plant into a pleasant experience includes the following devices:

  • root cutters and hooks;
  • root ball knife;
  • small Japanese saw;
  • thinning scissors;
  • tweezers with a curved nose.

It is also advisable to buy soil scoops, rakes and hemp brooms.

Root cutters are convenient for cutting roots during grafting and when replanting. The roots are untangled with hooks. The root ball is processed with a knife, large roots and small trunks are cut off. A Japanese saw is used to make cuts into branches. Use tweezers to remove unwanted buds, excess pine needles, dry leaves and insects.

For the bonsai technique, many more tools have been developed for filigree processing of trees, but a beginner bonsai artist only needs to purchase a basic set.

Date of publication: 03/30/2015

With the arrival of spring, people who have a homestead or garden plot, thoughts arise on how to decorate it. First of all, what to plant? Most of all we have heard about sakura, that it blooms beautifully. We know that the birthplace of sakura is Japan. They even have a holiday when sakura blooms, and crowds of Japanese come to admire its blossoming. In this tip we will talk about how to plant and grow sakura in your garden.

Japan is located on islands, and cherry blossoms bloom there from January, starting in the southern islands, and ending in May in the northern islands.

In addition, you need to know what is considered sakura among the Japanese. This is a collective name. It's not just one variety. Japanese scientists classify certain types of plums, cherries and bird cherry trees as sakura, including about 16 species and approximately 400 varieties. But for ordinary Japanese, the type or variety of sakura is not important. Most of them don't understand this at all. It is important for them to see the blossom and inhale the aroma. In their homeland, these can be shrubs and trees, even reaching a height of 8 meters. There are 3 trees of advanced age throughout Japan, approximately 600 years old. Sakura are different plants with simple or double flowers, light pink, light red, white, light lilac in color.

Sakura grow both in other countries and in our country. different places. If the type and variety are not important and not even known to most Japanese, then for us, planting and growing sakura is important. Not every Japanese sakura can be grown, but only 2 - 3 species. In our conditions, which differ from Japanese ones in that the winter is completely different, for example, in the Moscow region, that we can have severe frosts in winter, only varieties brought from the northern Japanese island are suitable. Therefore, when planting traditional Japanese sakura, you will not have a guarantee that the tree will take root.

It's better to plant hybrid varieties that can withstand frost. In the Moscow region they bloom in late April - early May. Seedlings can be found in special shopping centers, V garden centers, in nurseries of ornamental crops. There you can also ask what conditions must be observed when planting and caring for seedlings, because some cherry trees can grow well in humid places, while others, on the contrary, grow in drier ones and cannot tolerate waterlogging.

Usually, for planting sakura seedlings, choose a place where groundwater do not rise close (no closer than 2 m). The place should be sunny, where there is no big trees. The soil is prepared fertile, in which there is a lot of humus. It is mixed with soil dug out when preparing the hole. A hole is dug 40 cm deep and 40 - 50 cm wide. The hole is filled 2/3 full, a seedling is placed in the center, filled 10 - 15 cm deep, and watered. Then they add more, lightly compacting the soil so that the soil is at the same level as the seedling grew before - no lower, no higher. A peg is driven in and the seedling is tied up for stability in the wind. For the winter, the tree trunk circle of seedlings is covered with foliage or grass.

Sakura seedlings are rarely sold anywhere and are expensive. Therefore, anyone who loves and knows how to garden can grow a sakura hybrid themselves. To do this, you must first grow seedlings of cherries or wild cherries. Or maybe you already have them. They can be used for budding from sakura cuttings from the end of June until approximately September 10th. Vaccinations are not given in the fall. You will find sakura cuttings yourself if you already have sakura. If the eye has taken root, the bud will be convex and shiny. If the bud does not take root, you can repeat the budding. Keep in mind that there are varieties of sakura, cuttings from which are better suited for sloe grafting.

If you were unable to purchase sakura seedlings or they did not take root, do not be discouraged. There are a number of frost-resistant plants that are similar in flowering to sakura and are its competitors. Believe me, having planted and grown such a plant, you will worry less: “if it takes root or not,” and you will get no less pleasure, and maybe even more, than a Japanese does when admiring sakura, because it was with your participation that a beautiful and amazing miracle appeared, which makes life more beautiful with its flowering and aroma.

From such plants you can plant Sakhalin cherry; there are varieties of Kuril cherry and terry Rex cherry. They are frost-resistant. Sakhalin cherry is closer in appearance to Japanese sakura. This is a beautiful tree, in nature it grows up to 25 m, in cultivation 10 - 15 m. It can be propagated spring sowing seeds or summer cuttings.

Kuril cherry "Diamond" is a shrub up to 2 m, has white flowers, the leaves turn bright red in autumn.

There is a Kiku cherry - shidare - a small drought - frost-resistant tree with weeping branches, double pink flowers. Its fruits are inedible. Planted in spring and autumn.

Most likely, all these cherries will be sold to you under the name sakura.

Felt cherry grows well in the Moscow region. This is a bush. Felt cherry It is cultivated here in Primorye, in the Amur region. In order for it to bear fruit well, it is necessary to plant several bushes for pollination, since it is self-sterile.

A competitor to sakura is considered to be the three-lobed almond or Louiseania. This is a bush. Its fruits are inedible. Blooms luxuriantly. The flowers, depending on the variety, are pink, dark pink, light red, crimson and appear before the leaves bloom.

It is not afraid of pruning, so the branches are used to make bouquets. In spring, water generously, but so as not to wet the root collar. Drought resistant. In winter, branches can be damaged by frost. They are cut out. Almonds recover quickly. In the Moscow region, the most resistant to frost are almond hybrids grafted onto sloe. Three-lobed almond bushes look beautiful on the lawn alone or 3 to 5 pieces together. Three-lobed almonds are propagated by seeds, cuttings, suckers and layering.

In addition to almonds, you can replace sakura with double large-flowered hawthorns. Prickly hawthorn has several forms: with double dark pink flowers, with double purple-red flowers, and with white double flowers. There is a variety called Semper flores that blooms all summer. Prickly hawthorn can be used as a hedge. It produces a lot of shoots. It is easier to propagate by offspring.

In early spring The site will be decorated with exquisite incense. Bergenia flowers bloom at the same time as tulips. Bergenia leaves are green in summer and emerge purple and burgundy in winter. There are several dozen varieties of bergenia that are used for decorative purposes. They differ in rosettes, leaf shape, size and color of flowers. Bergenias with semi-double pink flowers are more common. There are bright red, purple, white. There is a variety of bergenia called “Sakura”. Bergenia is found in many gardens. Looks good along paths, grows under trees and bushes on moderately fertile soil. Not afraid of frost and drought. Propagated by seeds and division of rhizomes.

When we think about decorative plantings, it is best to remember the apple trees we love so much. There is a decorative Nedzvetsky apple tree (popularly called Raechka). It is listed in the Red Book because it is now rare. The tree is 8 m high, slender and very decorative. Resistant to frost, diseases and pests, tolerates drought, does not tolerate stagnant water. The tree grows quickly. It will delight every spring with its flowering and aroma for many years. Can be a decoration for any park and garden.

Apple tree, wild. Grows in European deciduous forests. We widely use it to decorate gardens and parks. It has several forms: red-fruited - with dark red fruits; golden - with yellow-variegated leaves; terry - with numerous double flowers; weeping - blooms profusely, has edible fruits without seeds.

Plum leaf apple tree. This includes the Chinese and many of the Siberian ranetki, such as: Purple ranetka, Altai pepinka.

Siebold apple tree - it has a pyramidal crown, the fruits are small red, the leaves are orange-red in autumn, which makes it more decorative. Distributed in Europe and East Asia.

Siberian is unusually winter-hardy. Its flowers are large, the fruits are bright red, and remain on the tree for a long time. The leaves are yellow-orange in autumn. It has many decorative forms.

Beautiful ornamental plants help and teach us to see the beautiful and amazing things that are next to us. Grow them in your area and let them bring you a feeling of joy and enjoyment of the beauty and harmony of nature.

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Sakura bonsai can reach large sizes in natural conditions. With proper care, it will fit in a small pot, while remaining an exact copy of a Japanese cherry. Sakura is a recognized symbol of East Asia, the flowering of which is accompanied by national holidays. It is possible to grow a reduced reproduction of such a tree at home, but this process is long and painstaking.

Description of the variety

Bonsai Japanese sakura- decorative tree, which easily takes root in the house. It is resistant to increased indoor air pollution, but requires good lighting and daily watering.

Sakura is appreciated for unusual flowers, in bonsai they reach 1 cm in diameter. In nature they are bright pink, but you can buy artificially bred varieties with red, green, purple and other colors. Individual flowers are collected in inflorescences.

How to grow a tree from seeds

Growing bonsai sakura from seeds at home is difficult, but possible. You need to prepare for the process in advance and be patient. In terms of terms of formation, bonsai is not inferior to ordinary trees, and getting a full-fledged home garden possible in 10-20 years with daily care.

Sakura bonsai seeds can be purchased in special stores. It is better to take more seeds, because the percentage of their germination and survival rate is quite low. You need to be prepared for the fact that only 1-2 seeds out of 10 will turn into full-fledged trees. There is a certain algorithm for preparing and planting cherry bonsai at home:

  1. The seeds are scarified (pricked) to speed up the germination process. The day before sowing, they should be placed in water at room temperature.
  2. Next, the seeds are placed in slightly moistened soil, deepening by 0.5 - 1 cm.
  3. To germinate, sakura bonsai seeds must undergo stratification, which will imitate natural winter conditions. The container is covered with film and placed in the refrigerator for 2 months.
  4. After this time, the seeds continue to germinate at room temperature and good lighting, maintaining constant soil moisture.

When the seeds begin to germinate, they need to be picked - transplanted into new soil. If seedlings are placed in a common container, the distance between them should not exceed 10 cm. It is best to plant the plants in separate bonsai pots - special flat pots.

It is worth consulting with the seller on how to grow sakura bonsai from seeds. Different varieties have their own preferences regarding soil, fertilizing or watering regime. Along with the seeds you need to purchase all necessary equipment and learn in advance about the rules for caring for dwarf trees.

Bonsai care rules

Those who have managed to grow a full-fledged bonsai tree at home admit that the plant is very capricious and requires daily care. Special attention allocated to the irrigation regime. In summer, bonsai needs half a glass of water a day, otherwise it can quickly die from drought. In winter, you can water it less often. Equally important is the lighting in the room. Bonsai pots are located in the brightest areas, protected from drafts.

Bonsai are grown in flat pots with a diameter of up to 20 cm, so that the root system does not have the opportunity to grow. The plant is replanted annually, shortening the roots if necessary. The choice of soil must be taken responsibly - sakura grows well in soils with a high content of humus and potassium. Organic fertilizers applied to the ground approximately a month before planting, nitrogen is added directly with the seedlings.

When growing sakura bonsai, you can shape the crown arbitrarily, using available means. Trunk young tree fixed with wire or tension. When the plant reaches 25-30 cm in height, the main shoot is cut off so that the crown grows in breadth. After flowering, you can trim the side shoots, thus changing the direction of their growth. The rhizome is shortened at each transplant to prevent the tree from growing in height.

Another way to control the growth of the plant is to make horizontal cuts along the bark. They will release sap, which will weaken the bonsai and leave it dwarfed.

There are many varieties of crowns in sakura bonsai. You can leave the main trunk straight, or you can form unusual bends. If you follow the growing technology correctly and devote a small amount of time to the plant every day, it will bloom with decorative flowers every spring.

How to grow bonsai - video