A project to design extracurricular activities for biological students. Research work. Hydroponics on the windowsill and experiments with biofertilizer Topic: Hydroponics to help the gardener


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"research work "hydroponics at the service of the grower""

Don Academy of Sciences for Young Researchers named after. Yu. Zhdanova

Research work

Topic: Hydroponics to help the gardener

Student's FI: Ekaterina Baranova

Head: teacher of biology and chemistry Kuznetsova Larisa Anatolyevna

Rostov region Kamensky district

Malaya Kamenka village


Main part

    What is hydroponics……………………………………………………4

    History of hydroponics…………………………………………………….4-5

    Growing plants using hydroponics……………….6

    creating your own hydroponic installation………………..6

    Growing indoor plants in hydroponic systems...7

    Germination of seeds on foam rubber…………………………………..7

Conclusion. Conclusions……………………………………………………8




In the children's encyclopedia, I was interested in the section “Seven Wonders of the World,” especially the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. How does this “miracle of the world” work? Are there any analogues of hanging gardens in modern world? With these questions, I approached my biology teacher and we began our investigation.

It turned out that Babylon's gardens are based on the hydroponics method. This method is little studied in our farm, one might say, not studied at all. Then I set myself target:

study hydroponics in practice and work out an algorithm of actions, the technology of growing flower crops in hydroponics.

Research objectives:

1) Get acquainted with the history of hydroponics and its use today;

2) Study the methods and methods of growing plants without soil;

3) Make your own hydroponic vessels for growing plants. 4) Conduct experiments on growing plant seedlings using hydroponics.

Relevance of the study: Using hydroponics, you can grow seedlings for your garden and flower beds.

Object of study: green corner of the biology classroom.

Subject of research: branches of pelargonium and coleus, petunia seeds.

Practical significance: the results of this study can be used for growing garden and flower crops from small seeds, which rarely germinate in open ground.

Methods used: comparison, observation, experiment.

    What is hydroponics?

The word "hydroponics" in Greek means "water and work." In science, “hydroponics” is a method of growing plants without soil, in which the plant receives all the necessary nutrients from a solution. nutrients in the right quantities and exact proportions.

The use of hydroponics reduces the cost of soil cultivation, protection from pests and weeds. Using soilless substrates allows you to grow more plants in a limited area. Water and fertilizers are used more efficiently due to their repeated use.

Vegetable products grown in greenhouse complexes differ high quality, lower nitrate content compared to vegetables grown in the same season in traditional greenhouses.

2. History of hydroponics.

It is believed that soilless methods of plant cultivation are the brainchild of modern technology. Yes, indeed, these are technologies of the future, successfully developed in different countries, but it is worth remembering the proverb: the new is the well-forgotten old... One of the seven wonders of the world has not survived to our time - the hanging gardens built by Nebuchadnezzar for his wife, Semiramis. These blooming gardens were a miracle not only because they were in a hot desert and amazed with their size... Based on the very few eyewitness accounts that have survived to our time, we can conclude that, in modern terms, primitive active hydroponic systems. As substrate a mixture of earth and stones was used, sort of hydroculture…recipe descriptions nutrient solution– has not survived, unfortunately.

But even in that distant time, groundless methods were not an absolute innovation... In the ancient Sumerian “Epic of Gilgamesh,” which is considered one of the first written sources that have reached our time, there are references to such systems. Of course, it’s a stretch, but – they can be called hydroponic. The first person to think about how plants feed was Aristotle. In any case, he wrote works where he tried to explain this process. Aristotle argued that plants receive the necessary food in their final (already organic) form, touching on this issue only by the way substances move along the plant trunk. Then, for many centuries, there was a pause in the study of plant nutrition. Until a Dutch scientist began to study this issue experimentally Johann Baptist Van Helmont(1575 – 1642). Professor of Medicine John Woodward(1665 – 1828), apparently, was the first to carry out and describe the cultivation closest to the definition - hydroponics . The one who put an end to the debate and called a spade a spade was a German agrochemist Justus von Liebig(1803-1873). He stated the following: “Plant organisms, or, therefore, organic compounds, are the means of nutrition and maintenance of life for people and animals. The source of plant nutrition, on the contrary, is inorganic nature.” Thus the basis of our modern agricultural chemistry was created, and the direction of its further development was indicated in Liebig's statement: “Now that the conditions necessary for the soil to be fertile and capable of supporting plant life have been clarified, probably no one will want to deny that further progress V agriculture can only be expected from chemistry."

Initially it was believed that soilless methods of growing plants- exclusively the prerogative of experienced laboratories, this can only arouse interest among scientists - as an entertaining way.

Probably the largest of them was created at the Soviet Institute of Fruit Growing on the initiative of the “Russian Liebig” - prof. D.N. Pryanishnikova. The results of this significant scientific installation were practically implemented by the Soviet polar expedition already in 1937. Since 1936, using the method hydroponics began to grow vegetable and flower plants in greenhouses in our country.
Everything in the world is moving towards what hydroponics ( hydroculture HYPERLINK "http://gidroponika.com/" ) , against the backdrop of a general half-starved existence (in the global sense) - the future, and - very promising. There are several companies in Russia that have been in this specialized market for a long time.

3.Manufacture of a hydroponic installation

Experience No. 1.

It was decided to grow planting material pelargonium using the hydroponics method. But for comparison, we took three types of substrate: washed expanded clay, peat and ordinary earthen soil. Target of this experiment: to identify the role of soil in plant development.

I decided to conduct research and make a hydroponic installation with my own hands (Appendix 1).

    For this I took the usual plastic bottles and cut off the bottom of them.

    Turning the cut bottle upside down with a new, wide hole, I installed it in the cut bottom, like in a stable tray. To ventilate the root system, I used an awl to make many holes near the plug.

I placed freshly cut pelargonium shoots in expanded clay, peat, and soil. All growing vessels are made in the same way, described earlier. By carrying out this experiment, we greatly risk the lives of our escapees. Early spring the plants do not take root well, since in the biology room the temperature ranges from 13 0 to 16 0 C. After seven days in hydroponic installations, all the plants feel great. After the weekend, the plant in the soil gave new, real leaves, but the hydroponic installation does not see any changes; the soil on top is dry. We removed a shoot from the expanded clay substrate and observed the appearance of small roots. There are no signs of rotting.

Conclusion: Plants grown hydroponically thrive without our usual soil. The plant feels best in a peat substrate. Even at low temperatures for germination, roots appeared within a week.

Experience No. 2(Appendix No. 2)

To get the short shoots to take root, I made a second hydroponic setup.

Take an aqueous solution of humate, used juice packaging, two plastic cups, a cotton wick, and scissors.

2) In the juice packaging, cut two holes along the diameter of the plastic cup to install cups in them.

3) Make a hole in a plastic cup to install a wick in it.

4) Make a wick 10 cm long, tie a knot at one end and

insert it into the hole in the cup. We insert the finished cups into the holes in the box.

5) Pour expanded clay and peat into cups. Carefully insert freshly cut coleus shoots into cups.

6) Pour the nutrient solution into the juice box through the hole.

After a week, we observe an increase in the length of the shoots. There are no signs of rotting. When extracted, we see two new roots on the shoots.

Conclusion: short shoots of indoor plants can be easily grown hydroponically even under not very favorable conditions in a cold room.

Experience No. 3

The third hydroponic installation was created for growing planting material from small seeds that do not germinate well in open ground. I make this installation from a plastic box, a car sponge and mineral water. (Appendix No. 3)

Pour mineral water into a plastic box. Place a sponge in the box and sprinkle small petunia seeds on top. To create a favorable microclimate, we cover the system with thin cling film on top. We install the system on the windowsill. After three days we observe sprouted seeds. Germination rate - 100%. Germination time in a hydroponic system has greatly decreased compared to germination in open ground.

Conclusion: In a hydroponic setup, you can grow small seeds of flowering plants and transfer them to open ground.

Conclusion. Conclusions.

While doing research, I found out:

    When growing plants at home, you can successfully use hydroponics, especially in winter, when nutrition should be moderate and evaporation should not be high.

    When growing flower planting materials at home, you can successfully use hydroponics.

    Using hydroponics, you can grow planting material from small seeds, which germinate faster than in open ground and more efficiently.

    Using hydroponics you can all year round grow an environmentally friendly product. But at the same time, the hydroponics method is more “capricious” than the soil method.

    The hydroponics method is more economical in terms of water consumption by plants.

I installed it experimentally:

1) When growing plants hydroponically, they grow healthy and much faster than in soil;

2) Plant roots do not dry out and receive sufficient oxygen;

3) Problems such as soil pests and diseases disappear;

Home hydroponics methods deserve to take an important place among all other growing methods. Plants grown with your own hands improve the ecology of your home.

List of used literature

    Vakhmistrov D. “Plants without soil”, Moscow; "Children's Literature", 1961

    Zeltser E. “Hydroponics for amateurs”, Moscow; "Spike", 1965

rostok.fansportal.ru› hydroponika-eto-simple/

    fermer.ru›forum/zakrytyi-grunt… hydroponika/52284


    u-woman.ru› hydroponika.htm

Appendix 1

Appendix 2

Appendix 3

Growing greens at home using the “Home Garden” hydroponic installation Project manager: Tamara Mikhailovna Ismailova Completed by: Alexander Savelyev, student of 5th grade “D”

Goal: to identify the advantages of growing edible greens using hydroponics in a school setting

Hypothesis: growing food greens using the hydroponics method has a number of advantages over the soil method

Relevance Currently, we have the opportunity to see a wide range of products on the shelves, including salads and herbs. But, unfortunately, store-bought greens and salads lose their freshness the very next day, and a day later, most often, they can be thrown away. It’s good if it’s regular parsley or dill, but what if it’s basil, thyme or mint for tea? Finding them in good condition in a store is not easy, and they are not cheap. In addition, these types of greens are used little by little, and you have to buy them in packages, the remaining contents of which are simply thrown away. By growing these greens ourselves, and even in hydroponic systems, we can cut them as we consume them, without causing damage to either the quality of the product or the plant itself.

Hydroponics is a method of growing plants without soil, in which the plant receives from a solution all the necessary nutrients in the right quantities and exact proportions (which is almost impossible to do with soil cultivation). You can use a bucket or flower pot, filled with substrate and irrigation with a hydroponic solution. A sheet of foam plastic with holes into which pots are inserted floats on the surface of water in a bath of aerated solution - also hydroponics and this system is very popular for simple educational school projects. But, thanks to the “Kurchatov Project”, we were able to use a special hydroponic installation “Home Garden”.

In order to carry out the practical part of the project, we studied a lot of information from various sites on the Internet, where people who were passionate about the hydroponics method shared their experience and gave recommendations. Of course, literary sources were selected. We especially had to study specifically the “Home Garden” installation

We assembled the “Home Garden” installations in advance, according to the existing instructions. EQUIPMENT Sterile substrate(perlite) for one growing cycle Lettuce seeds A set of fertilizers for non-fruit-bearing plants. Devices for seeds (pots) Transparent plastic caps to create a greenhouse effect during seed germination Growth lamp

Each pot was filled with perlite (white granules that are included with the installation).

To compare and identify the advantages of plants grown using hydroponics, we sowed the seeds of the same plants in the ground, in a plastic pot. To organize the same conditions in all respects, except for the presence of soil, we placed this pot in the “Home Garden” device, replacing the bowl of water with a pot of soil.

We covered the seeds with mini-greenhouse lids and did not remove them until the seeds germinate. This will create greenhouse effect for the period of seed germination. Set the desired operating mode of the settings on the panel: “Salad”. All plants (experimental and control groups) were placed in the same conditions: in the laboratory of the school’s biology room.

After three days, the seeds began to germinate. When sprouts appear, the mini-greenhouses need to be removed and stored until next germination seeds (they are reusable).

Three weeks later we received our harvest.

Conclusions Lettuce in the “Home Garden” installation grows several times faster. Rapid growth is due to compliance with cultivation technology. With the hydroponic growing method, plants do not have to compete for nutrients, as is the case with soil growing; they get everything they need from the nutrient solution.

Conclusion By observing the growth and development of the plants in the project, we became convinced that hydroponics as a method is very promising. Hydroponics is a method of growing plants without soil, which allows us to save the planet’s much needed resources today: water and soil. We are ready to continue to carry out our research and grow various types food greens, vegetables and flowering plants.

"Hydroponic growing of vegetables

at the polar boarding school"

Summary project:

exploring opportunities and organizing

greenhouse farming

in the conditions of a polar boarding school

The project has been prepared:

students of the 9th grade Tusida Vitalina Sergeevna, Vanuito Tatyana Eduardovna, geography teacher Marina Valterovna Pasynkova, head project work

Name of educational institution/place of work - Municipal budget educational institution "Seyakhinskaya boarding school"

Name municipality - Yamal region

Name settlement – Seyakha village



1. Introduction……………………………………………………………………….3

2. Main part

2.1. Justification of the relevance of the project…………………………………….4

2.2.Goals and objectives of the project…………………….……………………………...…..4

2.3. Project implementation timeline………………………………..……………...…..4

2.4. Contents of the project……………………………………………………….5-8

  • project implementation plan

  • project management scheme within the territory

2.5.Used and necessary resources……………………………..…....9

2.6.Evaluation methods (criteria for assessing project effectiveness)……….… …9

2.7.Results, prospects for project development, long-term effect.... 10

3. Conclusion……………………………………………………………………20


The history of the Seyakha boarding school begins in the 30s of the 20th century. The school of that time bears no resemblance to the current one: narrow dark corridor, on the left are classrooms, on the right is the dining room and rooms where teachers live; temporary stoves; in the classrooms there are homemade lamps with glass from cans. The first disciples under the dim light kerosene lamp and to the crash homemade stove with unskilled hands they wrote the first handwritten words in their lives on the priceless paper of their school notebooks.

At that time, there were traveling teachers who, together with the “Red Plague,” traveled across the tundra and taught tundra dwellers, adults and children to read and write. The “Red Plague” existed for ten years, from 1943 to 1953. In 1956, a new school building was built. All this time the school remained primary. The transition to an eight-year school began in 1967, and the first graduation took place in 1972. There were only five graduates. In 1977, it was decided to make the Seyakha boarding school a secondary school.


Today MBOU "Seyakhinskaya SHI" is a modern educational institution, in which, taking into account the priority directions of development of the education system of the country and the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, a holistic strategic development line has been built. The boarding school staff is implementing the social park model as a mechanism for increasing socio-cultural performance general education boarding schools of the Far North. The social and pedagogical mission of the boarding school is creation of sufficient and necessary educational conditions for the social success of boarding school students and graduates . As part of the development program, the idea of ​​“technology parks” was transferred to the social sphere for testing, implementation and use in educational process social technologies that help expand the social-role repertoire of students, ensure the successful socialization of boarding school graduates, and also use the opportunities educational institution to solve socially significant problems of society.

Thus, the MBOU “Seyakhinskaya SHI” is a well-thought-out, modern and future-oriented social park. All conditions have been created here to improve education, develop curiosity, research skills, and creativity.

2. Main part

2.1. Rationale relevance of the project

Today, there are 536 students studying at the Seyakha boarding school, of which 474 students are representatives of the indigenous peoples of the North (Nenets), 56% of them live in cozy and modern boarding buildings. By the time most students graduate from school, they have an idea of ​​the world around them, but not all children, even studying in the 11th grade, have traveled outside the village, tundra and in reality seen cities, villages, groves, oak groves or pine forests; not all students have an idea of ​​how potatoes grow or tomatoes. Those. There are students who only have theoretical knowledge in many areas of biology, while children from middle zone Russians, even without studying these sections at school, have great knowledge of botany, because they learned it in everyday life. Therefore, we decided to find out how our peers and teachers would react to the fact that, in the conditions of a boarding school, work was organized to equip a small but modern greenhouse, in which it was possible to conduct classes in botany, get acquainted with modern hydroponic equipment, and new “green technologies” ", used in agronomy.

Relevance of this project in the possibility of:

    - organizing environmental education for schoolchildren;

    - involving students in the system of modern financial and economic relations (basics of agricultural technology, scientific and experimental work);

    - formation of social and labor competencies of schoolchildren, with subsequent professional self-determination of students on the basis of specialized education;

    and demand from children, their parents, and teachers.

2.2. Project goal:

Creation of a greenhouse corner project “Hydroponic Greenhouse” for management extracurricular activities environmental students.

Project objectives:

    Explore the possibilities of creating a greenhouse corner in a boarding school.

    Analyze the experience of domestic and foreign hydroponic growing vegetables

    Create an information base for project development

    Create a greenhouse project.

2.3. Project implementation period: 2014-2015.

2.4. Project content with justification for the feasibility of the decision


When solving problem 1, we decided to study the possibilities of creating a greenhouse corner in a boarding school. For this purpose in In February 2014, we conducted a study (questionnaire) to determine the possibility of organizing a greenhouse boarding school in recreation. After surveying 202 people, we learned that 62% of children have heard about greenhouses, but doubt that a greenhouse can be organized in a boarding school; 37% of students believe that in “our greenhouse” it would be possible to grow cucumbers, dill, and tomatoes for needs of the boarding school canteens, 30% of the children surveyed were clearly interested in having a club related to greenhouse farming. When analyzing the questionnaires, it was possible to find out that students show more interest in the greenhouse primary classes and middle management. In addition, those children who have never seen how vegetables are grown (i.e. children of indigenous nationality) want to study in such a circle.

Thus, after conducting a little research, we came to the conclusion that such an environmental direction as creating a greenhouse corner in a boarding school would be relevant for children in grades 1-6. Moreover, training according to new state standards implies that additional education(circles) must meet the new requirements. In addition, we admit that working in a greenhouse, conducting simple experiments, economic calculations, will interest some students, and will help some of them choose a further professional path in life.

To implement the Hydroponic Greenhouse project, we identified a room in which a greenhouse could later be placed.

We approached the director of the boarding school with this idea, discussed the idea, received recommendations and approval to create the project.

For the greenhouse project with hydroponic irrigation, we were promised a premises in a recreation area with an area of ​​45.5 square meters.


On the Internet we found the necessary literature (the magazine “Hydroponics in Russia and the CIS countries”, “Hydroponics Manual” by Kate Roberto, the book “Growing Plants Without Soil”, V.A. Chesnokova, etc.) and recommendations for using the equipment that we offer place in recreation.

Also on the Internet we found the cost and types of equipment that the authors of hydroponics manuals recommended to us. Based on domestic and foreign experience in growing plants, we have placed in paper format the equipment necessary for the construction and operation of the greenhouse.

Layout of equipment arrangement in the greenhouse

Briefly about the essence of the project "Hydroponic greenhouse"

When implementing the project "Hydroponic greenhouse" equipment is placed in the recreation: hydroponic installations for growing greens and seedlings, flowers for landscaping a boarding school, as well as special containers with coconut substrate placed in them, which are used for growing vegetables. The purchased racks are built in on the left side; containers with coconut substrate are installed on the racks. To the right, on the benches, a hydroponic system is installed. Agricultural lamps are mounted on the walls and are used to supply plants with the required spectrum of light. An air purification and humidification system, infrared heater panels with a thermostat will create the desired atmosphere in the room. In addition, the recreation room will be covered with a glass partition - doors, of the required strength and composition. A green corner will not only decorate the recreation, but will arouse interest and desire to work in the greenhouse. After all, students who receive additional knowledge in the “Greenhouse” club will participate in the development of “green” technologies (current environmental direction). Plants grown using hydroponics (in test tubes on a nutrient substrate) are propagated by cuttings under conditions of controlled photosynthesis (agricultural lamps). This technology is characterized by the fact that plant development proceeds much faster and safer than in natural conditions, because in sterile vessels no viral or bacterial infection of plant roots is scary, and this helps to minimize production costs and increase the profitability of the process of growing vegetables.

Project Implementation Plan

Modeling, goal setting, determination of tactics,

organizational stage (autumn 2014)







Creation of a working group to work on the project.

Analysis of domestic and foreign experience in hydroponic cultivation of vegetables, formation of an information base for project development.

Exploring the possibilities of a boarding school to create a greenhouse corner

Determining the main areas of work, the necessary material, technical, methodological and human resources

Working group:

Tusida Vitalina, Vanuito Tatyana, 9th grade students

Pasynkova M.V., Deputy Director for Scientific and Methodological Work

Organizational stage



Internet search for building materials and special equipment for equipping a greenhouse corner

Working group

Creation of the project, (January-March 2015)

Creating a Project

January-March 2015

Working group

Replenishment of the material and technical base of methodological support for the UVP (in case of sponsorship)

During 2014-2015 academic year

Search the Internet and order if possible:

Boarding school administration

racks, benches, infrared panel heater, thermostat, agricultural lamps, air purification and humidification systems

modular hydroponic system drip irrigation, a set of fertilizers for hydroponics

coconut substrate in a set with fertilizers for coconut substrate, agroperlite

methodological manuals, educational literature, electronic educational resources for teachers and students

Development of a work plan for a circle of extracurricular activities with an environmental focus

Biology teachers

Result: completed organizational work, a working group has been formed to ensure the creation of the project, priorities have been identified for creating a greenhouse project, found necessary equipment, project designed

Plan for working out the next steps in the case of organizing a hydroponic greenhouse

    Handling legal issues and all necessary documents(boarding school lawyer).

    Development of the design of the appearance of a hydroponic greenhouse.

    Development of an estimate for equipment of a hydroponic greenhouse.

    Concluding contracts for the purchase and transportation of goods.

    Selection of teaching staff.

    Purchase and equipment of a hydroponic greenhouse.

    Acceptance of the object by the SES, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and launch of the object.


    Launch of a page on the boarding school website

Necessary documentation for the operation of the facility

    Inclusion of the object in the Boarding School License.

    SES permission

    Permission from the Ministry of Emergency Situations

    Regulations on the infrastructure “Ecological center - hydroponic greenhouse” in the conditions of a polar boarding school.

    Other local acts relating to the operation of the facility.

Main parameters of the “Hydroponic greenhouse” object

    Demand, compactness, comfort.


    Originality and attractiveness.

    Mobility (if desired, the idea can be extended to the territory of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug).

Budget for the Hydroponic Greenhouse project

Type of equipment


Cost of each item

Total cost

Collapsible technological rack STR-224


15 371


Dressing bench SG-1000


13 700

Infrared heater-panel, STEP-800 1.8x 0.59



Thermostat (for heating panels) TP 710



Agricultural lamp T8 8x18W

7000.00 rub.

21 000

Air purification and humidification system "Panasonic" F-VXD50R

24 900

24 900

Stepladder, 3 steps



Stationary partition NAYADA-Standart



UGro Pot 9 - coconut substrate




Fertilizer set for coconut substrate (300 l of water)

Hesi Coco Starter

3000.00 rub.


Agroperlite (raising agent for soil or substrate) - 2 kg

229 RUR


Modular hydroponic drip irrigation system.

Number of seats: 24

DutchPot System Hydro 2m 2 GHE

L220/W100/H67cm Seats: 24



Hesi Hydro Starter - a set of fertilizers for hydroponics

3000 rub.

9000 rub.

Dry fertilizers –

Nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium fertilizer 13:19:19 1 kg

120 rub.

120 rub.

Fertilizer Azofoska 16:16:16 1 kg

120 rub.

120 rub.

Fertilizer Diammofoska 10:26:26 1 kg

140 rub.

140 rub.

Fertilizer Urea 1 kg

120 rub.

120 rub.

Fertilizer Ammonium nitrate 1 kg

100 rub

100 rub

Fertilizer Ammonium sulfate 1 kg

80 rub

80 rub

Fertilizer Potassium sulfate (Potassium sulfate) 1 kg

220 rub.

220 rub.

Fertilizer Superphosphate 1 kg

130 rub.

130 rub.



RUB 360,261

Scheme of project management within the territory

Main control parameters:


    organization, efficiency of the expected result;

    activity, prognosis (ability to predict one's actions in relation to environment), democracy;

    monitoring, planning, organization, control.

Design activities

studying the opinions of UVP participants;

formulation of goals and objectives;

project development;

predicting results;

development of criteria and mechanism for evaluating results


dynamics of readiness to attend the “Greenhouse” circle;

quality of education

in biology in subsequent grades;




creative team for project development and program implementation


Project implementation

Teacher consultants;


Reflective activity

Ensuring and exercising administration control over project activities

2.5. Resources used and necessary to support the project:

a) human resources

Working group developing the project:

Tusida Vitalina, 9th grade student

Vanuito Tatyana, 9th grade student

Pasynkova M.V. - Deputy Director for Science and Technology, Geography teacher

Working group ready to work on the project as part of extracurricular activities:

Nekrasova L.N., teacher of biology, chemistry

Zolotareva M.I., teacher of biology, chemistry

Murzakhmetova G.Zh., Deputy Director for ACh

Maryik E.S., boarding school lawyer

Information about the main project implementers

Full name

Position in the project


Place of work, study

Pasynkova Marina Valterovna

Project manager, advisory assistance

Providing all the content materials necessary for the implementation of the project, studying documents, holding discussions with participants, providing advisory assistance

Deputy Director for Scientific and Methodological Work, Geography Teacher

Tusida Vitalina

Project Creator

Development of a greenhouse project using modern “green technologies”

9th grade student

Vanuito Tatyana

Project Creator

Development of a greenhouse project using modern “green technologies”

9th grade student

b) methodological support

manuals on greenhouse management, educational and popular science literature, etc.

c) logistics and information support

Premises that could be used during the project implementation:

recreation for equipping greenhouses, a toilet room, a workshop, a vegetable storage room in the school canteen, a biology and chemistry classroom, a computer class with Internet access.

Equipment that could be used during the project:

multimedia equipment, equipment necessary for working in the greenhouse, stereo system, digital camera, video camera.

2.6.Evaluation methods (criteria for assessing project effectiveness)






Positive dynamics of readiness to attend the Greenhouse club.





Positive dynamics in the quality of biology education in subsequent grades




Increase positive feedback about the project Hydroponic greenhouse




Questionnaire about the significance of the project, the attitude of parents, teachers and the public to the project




Risks (conditions of occurrence, methods of elimination)

Among the main factors that can influence the results of the introduction and implementation of the project are the following:

Risk factor

Possible solutions

Budget deficit economic activity boarding school

    search for sponsorship

    attracting additional material resources to the issue through the project’s participation in grant events at various levels

    attracting sponsorship through advertising activities about the progress of the project (media of the boarding school, Yamal region, regional media)

Lack of necessary premises

refusal to provide the necessary premises by the administration of the boarding school

Lack of positive support from the parent community

Conducting explanatory work with parents and the public through speeches on school television and on the website of the school, district, district

2.7. R results, prospects for project development, long-term effect

In case of a positive decision and material support for our project, the work of the “Ecological Center” infrastructure at the boarding school would be organized in a new direction - the development of “green” technologies in the conditions of the polar boarding school. This direction is currently relevant, because during project implementation "Hydroponic greenhouse" grown plants are propagated by cuttings, grown in test tubes on a nutrient substrate, under conditions of controlled photosynthesis.

This technology is characterized by the fact that the development of plants when using hydroponics is much faster and safer than in natural conditions, because in sterile vessels no viral or bacterial infection of plant roots is scary, and this helps to minimize production costs and increase the profitability of the process of growing vegetables.

Further implementation of the project according to plan is carried out by a team of biology teachers. Teachers have developed a program of extracurricular activities for students “PARNICHOK”, as well as didactic materials.

Thus, the boarding school will create conditions for the development of high-quality environmental education. Students, studying in the "PARNICHOK" club, will receive primary social and labor competencies, with can navigate inbasics of agricultural technology, will trained in the simplest techniques for growing plants in a hydroponic garden . In addition, it is important that The boarding school canteens will receive additional fortified meals - vegetables and herbs in fresh so rarely served on schoolchildren's tables.

Possibility of using the project by other participants of the OP

The proposed model can be used by other schools.

In case of financial support from sponsors, the project can be implemented, because To implement this direction, all resources are available, except material ones.

Vlada Kazimirova, student of secondary school No. 24 Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

This work attracts attention by its title alone. since the chosen topic is not mandatory in the school curriculum.



Federal State Educational Institution

"Average secondary school No. 24 of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation"


Unsolved problems and how to solve them

Research work

"Hydroponics. Or how to feed humanity"



1 The future belongs to high agricultural technologies!...................................................3

2 And so hydroponics!................................................. ...................................8

3 First information about soilless methods………….……..…..…..…10

4 Further study of hydroponic systems…………..……..…..…...11

5 Modern development of hydroponic methods……….….…………...12

6 Development of hydroponic cultivation in Russia……….…….………13

7 Hydroponics at home or gardening on the windowsill……………...…..….14

8 Practical part of the work or hydroponics for a beginner……….…..16

8.1 Making a hydroponic installation, preparing the substrate and nutrient solution………………………………………………………......16

8.2 Report on growing cucumber in hydroponics………………….…22

9 Conclusions………………………………………………………........…..27

10 Literature………………………………………………………….….28

1 The future belongs to high agricultural technologies!

Humanity is once again facing famine. According to UN forecasts, confirmed today by the President of the World Bank, the number of poor and hungry people in the world will grow rapidly in the coming years. The shortage of products or their exorbitant costs have already caused dozens of riots in different countries of the world. Experts suggest that food may become a more important factor in world politics than energy resources.

Food prices will only rise. And more and more people on the planet will go hungry. Hunger has acquired a “new face”. This is not an ancient prophecy, but an official statement from Nancy Roman, director of the UN World Food Programme.

The situation is similar in dozens of countries. Somewhere people are already dying, somewhere else they are trying to come up with something. According to official UN estimates alone, there are now 73 million hungry people in the world. Meanwhile, the governments of many countries are introducing bans on food exports in order to stem the wave of price increases in their own countries. However, this is unlikely to contribute to global stabilization. About 3 billion dollars allocated by the West to fight world hunger are also unable to solve the problem. In a critical situation, the UN pins its hopes on Russia and Ukraine. After all, Russia once fed half of Europe.

Our land resources are colossal: per person there is almost a hectare (0.87 hectares) of arable land and 0.53 hectares of natural forage land. And despite the fact that in general the climate of our country for agriculture is not the best (even in agricultural regions, two thirds of the territory is in conditions of either heat deficiency or moisture deficiency), with skillful selection of crops it is possible to feed not only the current population of the country, but and another 30-40 million people.

However, there are a number of objective problems that make it very difficult, and in some cases do not allow increasing food production in Russia at all.

For starters, most of the fertile land is already in use, and farmers are forced to reclaim more and more areas from nature where little grows. The earth often responds by taking away good lands: Over the last half century alone, agricultural productivity has declined by 13% due to soil degradation.

Many pesticides, which increase yields, lose their effectiveness: insects develop immunity to them.

Another important deterrent is water. 17% of all cultivated land in Russia is artificially irrigated; They grow from 30 to 40% of the total crop, but in many areas of the country water shortages are increasingly evident.

Russian biotechnologists, in principle, can propose a second green revolution, for example, by breeding drought-resistant plants or varieties that are not afraid of rodents and insects.

But there are also serious problems here, not least because of fears that biotechnology could help dilute the genetic resources in the thousands of traditional varieties cultivated by small farmers across the country.

Another problem is the irrational use of space. In total, we use only about 12% of the country's total area for growing crops and grazing livestock. To do this, we have already cut down a third of all forests in Russia and plowed up a quarter of all natural meadows. Another several hundred thousand hectares are occupied by urban and built-up areas.

In addition, given the large extent of the territory of our country, the problem of transporting the grown crop to the consumer is very acute.

All of the above casts doubt on the possibility of solving the problem of ensuring food security facing humanity in the near future through the development of traditional industrial agriculture.

But there is a solution. It is based on the use of high agricultural technologies.

Strange as it may seem, the goal of the development of high agricultural technologies is to eventually put an end to industrial agriculture and abandon cultivation of the land altogether. All food will be produced in agro-factories that take up little space, with production efficiency several times higher than current agricultural methods. In other words, agriculture must turn into agro-factories.

What does this give? This offers several important benefits. Firstly, agricultural factories can be located anywhere, including in the center of megalopolises, which makes it possible to create a completely different food market than what exists now. Secondly, highly productive agricultural production can be created in countries that have extremely unfavorable conditions for farming, for example in the Arctic, or in the desert area. Russia, if it supplies agricultural factories, can forever end its dependence on harsh natural conditions and on food imports.

Modern high agricultural technologies, when applied on a large scale, can lead to major, revolutionary changes in food production. The necessary groundwork has already been created, and the development of new, high-tech agriculture is hampered only by prejudice and the inability to look into the future.

To produce food in general, by and large, you don’t need land and arable land, you don’t need black soil. Soil provides support for plants and storage nutrients, which plants receive in dissolved form. This circumstance has long led scientists to the idea that it is possible to grow plants without any soil at all, so that the root system develops in water, which already contains all the necessary nutrients. This system of growing plants is called hydroponics. Six types of hydroponics have been developed, from which hundreds of hydroponic systems have been developed. Subsequently, aeroponics appeared, that is, growing plants in a humid atmosphere, the moisture in which also contains nutrients.

The idea has a very long origin, since hydroponics, one way or another, was used by the Babylonians and Aztecs. The theory of hydroponics was developed in the late 1930s by University of California professor William Gericke. Currently used for growing tomatoes. In Russia, K.A. was engaged in hydroponics. Timiryazev and D.N. Pryanishnikov.

Hydroponics makes it easy to create optimal conditions for plant growth, obtain high yields, save water, nutrients and labor costs. Hydroponics makes all the labor-intensive work of tilling the soil unnecessary, and also makes crop rotation, weed control and pest control unnecessary. Using hydroponics, you can grow a completely environmentally friendly product that does not contain harmful substances.

In addition, it requires a relatively small area and volume, which opens up the broadest prospects for the technology. Hydroponic systems that don't require soil are opening up ample opportunities creating powerful factories for growing plants and producing food right in the center of megacities.

Modern technologies for the construction of high-rise buildings make it possible to construct buildings that occupy a relatively small area of ​​land, but have a colossal area of ​​​​rooms. For example, the Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 451.9 meters high, with 88 floors, have interior spaces total area 213.7 thousand sq.m., while the building occupies only 40 hectares of urban area. Plot area and interior spaces together make up 61.3 hectares.

In other words, hydroponic agricultural plants located in high-rise buildings can replace hundreds of hectares of greenhouses and thousands of hectares of agricultural land. A sharp acceleration in growth times, combined with a continuous production cycle and automated system maintenance, makes it possible to grow products all year round. Placing agricultural factories in large cities will eliminate the costs required for transporting agricultural products. Stores can be created on the ground floors of agricultural towers that sell products grown and processed on the upper floors, delivered downstairs by elevators. In small towns, agricultural factories can be located in large buildings, like factory floors or hangars. But, in general, there are no restrictions on the type of building for an agricultural plant. It could be a skyscraper, a factory floor, any type of building, a bunker, a tunnel, or even a cave. The main thing is that there is a possibility of supplying electricity and running water.

Currently, mainly fruits and berries, as well as some types of vegetables, are grown hydroponically. But this system can also be used to grow a wide range of plants, from rare tropical fruits to grains and legumes: wheat, maize, beans. This is now considered economically unprofitable, but this opinion stems from a myopic attitude towards this issue. The main savings, which pay for the costs of creating and operating such agricultural plants, is the elimination of transportation costs for delivering products, especially to remote areas.

The creation of such agricultural factories in Russia could, for example, lead to a sharp reduction or even cessation of imports of fruits and vegetables, and the introduction into the diet of fruits that simply cannot be transported to Russia because they are a perishable product. Such an agricultural plant in Norilsk or Yakutsk will make it possible to refuse the delivery of vegetables and fruits through the northern delivery system, and will provide residents of the northern territories with fruits and herbs all year round. Growing plants hydroponically in agricultural factories will make it possible to establish highly productive agriculture even in those regions of Russia where it has never existed.

2 So hydroponics!

Hydroponics is a generalized term meaning one of the methods of cultivating plants without soil in nutrient solutions containing a full range of substances necessary for growth and development in the required concentration and in a form accessible to the plant. In this case it is necessary to create favorable conditions for root development and plant nutrition. To do this, you need to ensure contact of the roots with the nutrient solution and constant access to air to the roots, as well as create optimal humidity in the space between the nutrient solution and the base of the roots, since if there is a lack of moisture, they will quickly dry out.

There are three main methods of growing plants using nutrient solutions:

Water culture is actually hydroponics;

Substrate culture - hydroculture;

Air culture - aeroponics.

Hydroponics or water culture is a growing method in which the plant is rooted in a thin layer of organic substrate (peat, moss, etc.) laid on a mesh base lowered into a tray with a nutrient solution.

Plant roots sink into the solution through the substrate and holes in the base, feeding the plant. This method is the oldest, but not the best. With the hydroponic method of growing plants, it is difficult to aerate the roots, since the oxygen contained in the nutrient solution is not enough for the plant, and the root system of the plant cannot be completely immersed in the solution. To ensure root breathing, an air space of 3 cm is left between the solution and the base for young plants and 6 cm for adults. At the same time, care must be taken to maintain high humidity air in this space, otherwise the roots will quickly dry out. The nutrient solution is replaced once a month.

To grow plants using water culture, you need a special hydroponic pot, which you can make yourself.

Aeroponics (air culture) is a method of growing plants without any substrate at all.

The plant is fixed with clamps on the lid of a vessel filled with a nutrient solution so that 1/3 of the roots are in the solution, and the remaining roots are in airspace between the solution and the lid of the vessel and are periodically moistened. In order not to damage the plant stem with the clamp and not to prevent it from thickening as it grows, it is recommended to use soft elastic pads, for example, made of foam rubber.

In addition to the above-described method of growing plants using aeroponics, you can use the method of pollinating the roots with a nutrient solution. To do this, a fog-forming sprayer is placed in the vessel where the roots are located, with the help of which a nutrient solution in the form of tiny drops is supplied to the roots 2 times a day for 2-3 minutes.

When growing aeroponics, it is especially important to take care of maintaining high air humidity in the space surrounding the roots so that they do not dry out, but at the same time provide air access to them.

The most widespread is hydroculture - a method in which plants are rooted in a thick layer of mineral substrate (gravel, expanded clay, vermiculite, etc.), and the plants are provided with a nutrient solution according to the principle of support, according to the principle of periodic moistening or regular watering from above.

The principle of support is that the solution is constantly located only in the lower part of the substrate, where the long roots of the plant penetrate, and the solution rises to the remaining roots through capillaries.

The principle of periodic moistening is based on the properties of the porous substrate. At certain intervals, the substrate is flooded with a nutrient solution and is completely saturated with it, after which the solution is drained.

Using overhead watering is an exceptionally simple way to grow plants hydroponically. Several times a week the substrate is watered with a nutrient solution and once - clean water. In this case, wide low flowerpots are used for planting, the height of which depends on the diameter, but does not exceed 16 cm.

It is believed that soilless methods of plant cultivation, hydroponics, are the brainchild of modern technology. Yes, indeed, hydroponic technologies are technologies of the future, successfully developed in different countries, but it is worth remembering the proverb: the new is the well forgotten old. One of the seven wonders of the world (as well as the others, except the pyramids) has not survived to our time - the hanging gardens built by Nebuchadnezzar for his wife, Semiramis. These blooming gardens were a miracle not only because they were located in a hot desert and were amazing in their size. Based on the very few eyewitness accounts that have survived to this day, we can conclude that, in modern terms, primitive hydroponic systems of the active type were used to maintain plants. A mixture of earth and stones was used as a substrate, a kind of hydroculture. Unfortunately, there is no description of the recipe for preparing a nutrient solution for plants.

3 First information about soilless methods

But even at that distant time, hydroponic methods were not an absolute innovation. In the ancient Sumerian “Epic of Gilgamesh,” which is considered one of the first written sources that have reached our time, there are references to such systems. Of course, it’s a stretch, but they can be called hydroponic. The first person to think about how plants feed was Aristotle. In any case, he wrote works where he tried to explain this process. Aristotle argued that plants receive the necessary food in their final (already organic) form, touching on this issue only by the way substances move along the plant trunk. Then, for many centuries, there was a pause in the study of plant nutrition, until the Dutch scientist Johann Baptist Van Helmont (1575 - 1642) began to study this issue experimentally. He was the first to decide to find out what plants eat and where they get their food from. Helmont decided to conduct an experiment: he filled a barrel with exactly 200 pounds (1 pound - 453.6 g) of carefully sifted and dried soil, then planted a willow branch weighing five pounds in it. For five years, he carefully monitored the cleanliness of the experiment and did not allow insects or even dust to get into the soil. I watered the willow exclusively with rainwater. After specified period he weighed the grown plant, the result amazed him: the weight of the willow increased by 164 pounds, when the weight of the soil decreased by only two ounces (1 ounce - 28.35 g). Naturally, he explained this completely incorrectly, concluding that the substances necessary for the plant were obtained only from water, without taking into account the role of carbon dioxide and those two ounces of soil. Although for the level of science of that time this is excusable. It’s good that he raised the issue of plant nutrition.

4 Further study of hydroponic systems

Edme Marriott (1620 - 1684) and Marcello Malpighi (1628 - 1694) established that substances absorbed as food change chemically before they are used to build plant tissue. Stephen Hales (1677 - 1761) and his experiments showed that air also plays an important role in plant growth. Professor of Medicine John Woodward (1665 - 1828) appears to have been the first to implement and describe cultivation that comes closest to the definition of hydroponics. In 1699 he grew peppermint. He experimented with rainwater and water from the Thames, to which he also mixed some earth. He determined the weight of experimental plants when planting and then when harvesting them from the vessels. Woodward made the correct conclusion: “Plants are formed not from water, but from some kind of soil material.” The one who put an end to the debate and called a spade a spade was the German agricultural chemist Justus von Liebig (1803-1873). He stated the following: “Plant organisms, or therefore organic compounds, are the means of nutrition and maintenance of life for people and animals. The source of plant nutrition, on the contrary, is inorganic nature.” Thus the basis of our modern agricultural chemistry was created, and the direction of its further development was indicated in Liebig's statement: “Now that the conditions necessary for the soil to be fertile and capable of supporting plant life have been clarified, no one will probably want to deny that further progress in agriculture you can only expect from chemistry.”

Only in the 19th century, primarily thanks to the works of Liebig, was it possible to eliminate erroneous ideas about plant nutrition. For the first time, two German botanists F. Knop and J. Sachs managed to bring a plant from seeds to flowering and new seeds in an artificial solution in 1856. This made it possible to find out exactly what chemical elements plants need. Since then, Knoop's solution has taken pride of place in hydroponic crops. Initially, it was believed that soilless methods of growing plants were exclusively the prerogative of experienced laboratories; this could only arouse interest among scientists, and only as an entertaining method.

5 Modern development of hydroponic methods

The use of aquatic crops for food production is closely associated with the name of the American phytophysiologist Professor William F. Gericke, an assistant professor at the University of California at Berkeley, who conducted extensive outdoor experiments, which he first reported in 1929. He developed the theory of “hydroponics,” or aquatic crops (similar to “geoponics,” the Greek term for soil crops), and he argued that growing plants without soil on a large scale was feasible and practical. His experiments showed the possibility of growing various plants in large quantities in troughs filled with a nutrient solution.

Guerricke's method stood up brilliantly when it came to ensuring fresh vegetables individual American military units located on completely barren rocky islands during the Second World War. In Guerricke's hydroponic pools, some of which were created in bare rock using explosives, continuously and abundantly grew vegetables that were excellent in all respects. In reports in the post-war press, only Professor Guerricke appears for the most part as the discoverer of the method of soilless plant growing.

6 Development of hydroponic cultivation in Russia

However, it should be noted that by the time Guerricke conducted his experiments, similar installations were already in operation in Europe. Probably the largest of them was created at the Soviet Institute of Fruit Growing on the initiative of the “Russian Liebig” - prof. D.N. Pryanishnikova. The results of this significant scientific installation were practically implemented by the Soviet polar expedition already in 1937. Since 1936, vegetable and flower plants began to be grown in greenhouses in our country using hydroponics. The first research institute working with groundless methods was founded in Minsk. The aeroponics method was developed there. The first Soviet installations were tested in the Kiev Botanical Garden, and very successfully.

The world owes much of what concerns plant growing to Soviet researchers. This is not only about Michurin - many interesting facts about this can be cited. Let's say, a hydrogel that was sensational in its time. Its work is based on the ability of some polymers to absorb and then release liquid. This was the development of Soviet secret laboratories in the late fifties. Something related to astronautics - to allow the astronaut to go to the toilet without taking off his spacesuit. It was a sealed secret. Until the West found out. And so, in the late 80s, our discovery began to return to us in the form of diapers and pads produced in Europe. In the mid-thirties, frost-resistant and large-fruited variety kiwi - it was bred in the Kiev Botanical Garden, using the method of selection - from actinidia chinensis. The thing is that the variety of kiwi that you buy at the market or in a vegetable stall is called “Kiev kiwi.” And look at the country of origin... Nonsense. A considerable number of similar examples can be given.

Everything in the world is moving towards the fact that hydroponics (hydroculture) is the future, and a very promising one. There are several companies in Russia that have been in this specialized market for a long time. With excellent developments - and not only industrial systems. They provide a full range of services: from advisory support to the production of entire agricultural complexes.

7 Hydroponics at home or gardening on the windowsill

Hydroponics, unlike soil, allows you to vary the plant’s nutrition system directly at the roots, which allows you to achieve excellent results. For each culture used, you can choose your own solution, but you can also use universal ones, such as Knop, Guerike, Chesnokov-Bazyrina. The mineral salts that make up them are usually available in fertilizer stores. And now ready-made mixtures for hydroponics have appeared on sale. Nowadays, a person who wants to try using hydroponics can take ready-made mixtures and not look for simple ingredients. A significant negative difference between these mixtures and “homemade” ones is the price, which is approximately an order of magnitude higher. But for non-industrial, “home-based” methods, this is completely compensated by the ease of use - “just add water.” Home hydroponic methods deserve to take an important place among all other growing methods. Plants grown with your own hands are not only and not so much savings and income, but also an increase in the environmental friendliness of your home and a powerful anti-stress factor. It is difficult to measure in specific numbers, but any person feels much more comfortable surrounded by green and blooming plants, especially in winter. And a square meter of window sill on which they grow will be useful in a modern apartment.

Many people grow ornamental crops on windowsills, which usually do not receive the minerals necessary for their development from the soil, due to the limited volume of containers used. This limitation forces frequent feeding and replanting, which have a very negative effect on the development of almost all plants. You can get rid of this by simply switching to the hydroponic method.

For annuals, transplants become unnecessary, for perennials they are sharply reduced (once every 3-5 years), and fertilizing becomes what it should be - improving plant nutrition. All salts, in the doses used, do not cause any side effects, and can be replaced within 10-15 minutes, unlike soil application, where adding salts is not an easy task, and their removal in the event of, for example, an overdose is almost impossible.

When converting a “green corner” to hydroponics, one should not expect miracles, this is not “ wand", this is a different growing technology. And like any technology, it has pros and cons. The main disadvantage is the presence of more complex systems that you must either purchase or do yourself. There is nothing you can do about it, but progress does not stand still; the majority live in cities, not in caves, and mow not with a scythe, but with combines. When mastering hydroponics, it becomes possible to compensate for part of the costs of it by organizing an “indoor garden” in which you can grow green and spicy-flavoring crops for your own family consumption. At the same time, the products own production It will be both cheaper and better than the greenhouse one.

The range of crops possible for growing indoors is not so small; we can cite, for example, shade-tolerant varieties of tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, radishes, onions (onions), strawberries, peppers, not to mention spicy greens such as lemon balm and mint. When growing these crops in soil, profitability and payback will be very low, but in hydroponic conditions they can even work industrial enterprises, which is what Western European greenhouse plants demonstrate. This is a definite plus.

8 Practical part of the work or hydroponics for a beginner

8.1 Making a hydroponic installation, preparing the substrate and nutrient solution

When conducting the practical part of the research at the initial stage, we needed to decide on the design of the hydroponic installation, which my dad and I decided to make ourselves.

We decided to make a homemade hydroponic installation based on the principle of a multifunctional “miracle pot”, the design of which we saw on the Internet.

In our opinion, this system is the simplest. There are slightly more massive and complex purchased installations, but when choosing the design of a hydroponic installation, we settled on this one.

To make a universal pot for hydroponics, we needed:

1. Mayonnaise bucket, 1 liter capacity (more is possible).

2. The straw left after drinking a milkshake at McDonald's is thick.

3. A cocktail tube, thin, like in the USSR.

4. A piece of foam.

5. Cover from a mayonnaise bucket.

6. A glass of store-bought yogurt.

7. Dividing device for aeration from an aquarium aerator.

8. PVC air hose from the system installation kit.

9. Pliers, a bolt of the desired diameter, a lighter, a candle, scissors, straight arms and desire

First, we made a float that will show the level of the solution in the pot. To make it, you needed a piece of foam plastic and a thin cocktail tube.

Next we made the lid of the hydroponic installation. For this we used the lid from a mayonnaise bucket. Using scissors, a hole was made in the middle of the lid, the diameter of which is 2...3 mm smaller than the diameter of the yogurt cup, which will serve as a clonarium.

A sufficiently large number of holes were made in the yogurt cup itself with a heated bolt so that the roots of the future plant could develop.

Then we made a guide for the float.

To guide the float, a piece of a thick cocktail tube 5 centimeters long was taken.

A thick cocktail straw was used as an air hose.

The holes in the cover for the air hose and float were made with a heated bolt of the appropriate diameter.

Components of the installation, the order of its assembly and general view are presented in Figure 1.

Inert materials must be used as a substrate.

We chose expanded clay because it has the following positive properties:

Figure 1. Components of the installation, the order of its assembly and general appearance

1) hygroscopic

2) durable

3) porous, in which the plant can retain moisture for a long time (in backwater systems)

4) after preparation does not change the pH of the solution

We bought expanded clay at the store and prepared it. First, we selected expanded clay stone measuring 3...4 millimeters, then treated it with nitric acid and thoroughly washed it several times and dried it. Appearance expanded clay before use is shown in Figure 2.

At the next stage of research, we chose a plant that we will grow hydroponically. The choice fell on a cucumber, because I wanted not only to grow the plant, but also to taste the results of my work.

Figure 2. Appearance of prepared expanded clay before filling into a glass

And I love cucumbers. The cucumber variety was selected in such a way that there would be no problems with pollination of its flowers.

To pre-germinate the seeds, we used grandma's traditional method - we wrapped several cucumber seeds in a damp napkin and put it on a plate with a small amount of water (Figures 3,4).

Figure 3. Germination of seeds

After the seeds sprouted, we transplanted them into a previously prepared pot of soil.

Figure 4. Germination of seeds

And when the first two leaves sprouted from the ground, we carefully dug up the plant and washed the roots running water placed the cucumber in a glass of a hydroponic installation, carefully sprinkling the roots with expanded clay (Figure 5).

Figure 5. Transplanting a cucumber to hydroponics

To fill the installation, we prepared a nutrient solution in advance.

My dad and older sister, who studies chemistry, helped me prepare the plant nutrition solution. We found the composition of the solution in the old book “Entertaining Agronomy”, edited by Professor Alexey Grigorievich Doyarenko. 600 grams of solution contained: potassium chloride (0.1 g), calcium nitrate (0.25 g), potassium phosphate (0.15 g), magnesium sulfate (0.1 g), iron phosphate (0.05 g), the rest is water.

In the first few days, we used a solution diluted twice with distilled water to feed the plant. To prevent plant roots from being exposed to light sunlight on bottom part We put on a black opaque cover for the hydroponic installation (Figure 6).

Figure 6. Protective cover

The plant was grown on sunny side on the windowsill. Artificial lighting not used.

For comparison, a cucumber was placed next to the hydroponic installation, which was grown traditional way in the ground (Figure 7).

The solution in the hydroponic setup was changed every 20 days. In the intervals, the level of the solution was monitored and, if necessary, its level was brought to normal by adding distilled water.

Every morning and evening, the roots of the plant were aerated by blowing air through the mouth for 1-2 minutes.

Figure 7. Place for growing cucumbers

8.2 Report on growing cucumber hydroponically

For 57 days, from March 1 to April 26, we grew cucumbers of the "April F-1" variety in a hydroponic setup.

After transplanting the experimental plant into a hydroponic installation and the control plant into the ground, no significant difference in plant development was observed during the first four days. This can be explained by the fact that during the period of adaptation of the experimental plant to new conditions (different from those in which the cucumber initially grew before transplantation to hydroponics), the concentration of nutrient salts was insignificant.

After the plant was transferred to the full composition of the mixture, the experimental cucumber began to make significant progress compared to the control sample. The relative elongation of the stem and the number of newly formed leaves after two and a half weeks were twice as high as those of the cucumber growing nearby in the ground.

Figure 8. Third week of growth

An experienced cucumber produced tendrils on the 20th day, and we made a wooden stand so that the plant could cling to it.

Figure 9. Support stand

At the same time, we completely replaced the nutrient solution with a new one.

On the 40th day the first ovaries appeared. On day 44, we pinched, removing all the first ovaries that appeared. This procedure strengthened the strength of the plant and contributed to the good development of the stem and leaves.

Figure 10. Formation of ovaries and flowering

On the 48th day of research, we observed flowers already blooming on the plant. Every day the number of ovaries and flowers increased.

Figure 11. Explosive growth

While on the control sample planted in the ground, the picture was not very productive. The cucumber began to wither and dry out. Apparently this was due to insufficient land. The small volume limited the development of plant roots. And soon it finally stopped growing and began to die.

By this time, the roots of the experimental plant had become significantly stronger and increased in growth. This was also facilitated by daily aeration.

Figure 12. Root system

In order to reduce the time required to obtain the final result, during this period we removed most of the ovaries with flowers, leaving only the two most developed fruits in order to speed up their growth. And here is the result:

At the beginning of the sixth week of cultivation today (day 58), we have quite decent two cucumbers, 9.5 cm and 9 cm long.

Grown cucumbers are dark green in color, have no foreign odors, and taste “oily,” sweetish, and crunchy. Very juicy. The peel has many sharp pimples, is thin, and does not taste bitter (!). Inside, cucumbers have a healthy, appetizing appearance, without voids. All seeds are the same size.

By this day of research, the height of the plant had reached 68 cm. The width of the largest leaf had reached 18 cm.


During the theoretical and experimental part of the work, I learned a lot of new things for myself and realized that hydroponics makes it easy to create optimal conditions for plant growth, obtain high yields, and save water and nutrients. It makes all the labor-intensive work of cultivating and fertilizing the soil unnecessary. You can grow delicious and environmentally friendly vegetables using hydroponics.

The cultivation technology requires a relatively small area and volume, which opens up the broadest prospects for hydroponics and will allow humanity to create powerful plants for growing plants and producing food right in the center of urban cities, and therefore solve the problem of hunger in the world once and for all.


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