The largest buildings in the world by area. Five world record buildings

Every year, dozens of skyscrapers and hundreds of high-rise buildings are built around the world. We present to your attention 13 of the world's tallest architectural masterpieces.

Hong Kong International Commerce Center

In 2010, a 118-story, 484-meter skyscraper was built in Hong Kong. It is the tallest building in the city, the seventh tallest in Asia and the ninth tallest in the world.

Shanghai World Financial Center

The 492 m high skyscraper in Shanghai was built by the Japanese company Mori Building Corporation. The main designer of the project is David Malott from New York. The unofficial name of the building is "opener".

Taipei 101

The Taipei 101 skyscraper is located in the capital of Taiwan, Taipei. The 101-story building has a height of 509.2 m. On the lower floors of the building there are shopping centers, on the top there are offices. It is the sixth tallest structure in the world and the fifth tallest in Asia.

This skyscraper has the fastest elevators in the world, rising at a speed of 60.6 km/h. From the fifth floor to the observation deck on the 89th you can get there in just 39 seconds.

The building is made of glass, steel and aluminum and is supported by 380 concrete pillars! According to engineers, the tower will be able to withstand an earthquake of any magnitude.

Willis Tower

The Chicago skyscraper Willis Tower is 443.2 m high and has 110 floors. It was built in 1973.

At that moment it was the most tall building in the world, surpassing the height of the World Trade Center towers in New York. This record held for the building for 25 years.

It is now the second tallest building in the United States.

Ostankino TV tower

The height of the Ostankino TV Tower in Moscow is 540.1 m. The building is the 8th tallest free-standing structure in the world after the Burj Khalifa skyscraper (Dubai), the Tokyo Sky Tree, and the Shanghai Tower (Shanghai).

The Ostankino TV Tower is the tallest building in Europe and is a full member of the World Federation of Tall Towers.

World Trade Center 1

1 World Trade Center was built on the site of the destroyed Twin Towers of the World Trade Center. This is the central building in the new World Trade Center complex. It is the fourth tallest skyscraper in the world after the Burj Khalifa in Dubai and the Shanghai Tower.

The 541 m high building is located on a plot of 65,000 square meters.

CN Tower

The height of the symbol of the city of Toronto, the CN Tower, is 553.33 meters.

Initially, the abbreviation CN stood for Canadian National (the tower belonged to the state company Canadian National Railways). Toronto residents decided to keep the building's original name, and now the abbreviation CN stands for Canada's National.

Guangzhou TV Tower

This is the second tallest television tower in the world. It was built from 2005 to 2010 for the 2010 Asian Games. The height of the TV tower is 600 meters. Up to a height of 450 meters, the tower resembles a combination of a hyperboloid load-bearing grid shell and a central core.

The mesh shell of the tower is made of steel pipes large diameter. The tower's spire is 160 meters high.

TV and radio tower KVLY-TV

The height of the television and radio mast, which is located in North Dakota (USA), is 628.8 meters.

The building is the third tallest structure in the world after the Burj Khalifa in Dubai and the Tokyo Skytree in Tokyo.

Shanghai Tower

Shanghai Tower is a skyscraper in the Pudong district of Shanghai in China. The height of the structure is 632 meters, total area- 380 thousand m². The Shanghai World Financial Center is located next to the skyscraper.

Construction of the tower was completed in 2015. The building is the tallest building in Shanghai, the first tallest in China and the third tallest free-standing structure in the world.

Tokyo Skytree

Tokyo Skytree is the tallest television tower in the world. It is located in the Sumida area of ​​Tokyo.

The height of the TV tower together with the antenna is 634 meters, it is twice as high as the Tokyo Tower TV tower. The height of the tower was chosen in such a way that the numbers: 6, 3, 4 were consonant with the name “Musashi” - the historical area where modern Tokyo is located.

Warsaw radio tower

The radio mast, 646.38 meters high, was considered the tallest building in the world until it collapsed in 1991, when the Burj Khalifa skyscraper took the crown.

The tower was intended for long-wave radio broadcasting to Poland and Europe. The project was developed by the famous Polish engineer Jan Polyak.

Burj Khalifa

The largest building in the world is located in Dubai. The height of the Burj Khalifa skyscraper is 828 meters! It was built in the form of a stalagmite.

This tower is a kind of “city within a city” - with its own lawns, boulevards and parks. Inside the complex there are apartments, offices, shopping centers and a hotel. The building has three separate entrances.

The hotel was designed by the famous Giorgio Armani.

When they talk about the most big houses planets, they are usually divided into record holders by volume (the largest buildings) and area (the most spacious). Today we bring to your attention the second category of Towers of Babel, with a record-breaking large floor space. Considering the development and popularity of air communications and international tourism, it is not difficult to guess that the most spacious houses are airports and hotels. But there are exceptions; military men and traders also like it when there is a lot. However, about everything and everyone - in order.

The Grand Prix in the “Gigantomania” nomination is rightly awarded Terminal 3 of Dubai International Airport. Everything that the Indians and Pakistanis build for the rich Arabians is amazing in scale and luxury. Terminal 3 opened in October 2008 at a cost of $4.5 billion and covers an area of ​​1.5 million square meters (or 150 hectares). This, for comparison, is 5 times larger than the Moscow Kremlin. Inside the terminal there are 82 moving walks, 97 escalators, and 157 elevators.

(Holland) occupied 990,000 “squares” of precious Dutch land. This is the second largest building in the world and the first in Europe. Every day many thousands of flowers from all over the world are brought here and sold here. Every second bouquet purchased in the underground passage comes from here.

Beijing Capital International Airport Terminal 3 with an area of ​​986 thousand m2, they built it specifically for the 2008 Olympics. Its construction and filling cost China 3.5 billion US dollars. The terminal is connected to the metro, which takes about 20 minutes to reach the center of the Chinese capital. According to the architects, from the sky the new terminal looks like a red fiery dragon, but many observers admit that the shape of the building is more reminiscent of a girl’s heavily stretched thong panties.

Hotel-casino Venetian in the city of Macau, the gambling capital of Asia, has 40 floors with a simply indecent level of luxury. At the service of millionaires, Venetian offers 3,000 multi-room suites, 3,400 slot machines, 800 tables for gambling. This is the largest hotel in Eurasia, one night in which costs at least $180, which is not so expensive for such luxury.

In Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) there is a complex of American-style skyscrapers (203 meters in height), with an area of ​​700 thousand m2. This “city within a city” is considered the most massive building built “in one go.” Inside Berjaya Times Square there are two five-star hotels, a huge shopping center and an amusement park, residential residences and offices.

The hotel and casino is owned by the American Automobile Association (AAA, not to be confused with Batteries and Alconauts Anonymous). Area - 645 thousand square meters. The moneybag resort opened in January 2008 and cost $1.8 billion to build. The building houses the most luxurious car store in America, where you can touch and buy the coolest and most expensive cars such as Lamborghini, Bugatti, Saleen and Spiker.

In 7th place in the list of the most spacious houses on the planet - everyone knows. The US Department of Defense building boasts an area of ​​610,000 m 2, it is the most crowded office building on Earth. The Pentagon employs 23 thousand civil servants with and without uniform, as well as 3,000 service personnel. These people drink 5 thousand cups of coffee per day and go to 234 toilets. The Pentagon's perimeter is one and a half kilometers, and there are 7,754 windows in its five above-ground floors.

Object K-25 in Oak Ridge, Tennessee - the 8th largest building in the world by total area (60 hectares), a former uranium enrichment plant. K-25 was built simultaneously with the Pentagon and is designed for 12 thousand jobs. In 1987, the K-25 facility was officially closed; work on the deconstruction and disinfection of the nuclear plant continues to this day, because this is a complex and dreary task, but it still needs to be done.

Hong Kong International Airport ranks 9th and 570 thousand m 2. Among local residents it is known under the exotic name Chek Lap Kok. This is one of the busiest airports in the world in terms of passenger and cargo traffic; it has repeatedly won prizes as the best airport in the world. The $20 billion airport was built on an artificial island in 1998 and is still considered China's main air gateway.

And in 10th place in the ranking of unusually spacious buildings is another Asian miracle. This is the airport again and it's called . Location: Bangkok town. Area – 56.3 hectares. In addition to being one of the top ten, Suvarnabhumi is proud of the tallest control tower in the world of aviation (132 m), as well as two parallel runways, allowing aircraft to receive and depart simultaneously. They say that during the construction of the airport, Thai officials received simply insane kickbacks, and this is also a record.

We present to your attention tallest building in the world. Maybe you think this is the Ostankino Tower? No, it is the tallest building in Europe, as described in.

But the tallest building in the whole world is skyscraper in Dubai, whose height is 828 meters. Just imagine, a little more - and in front of you is a kilometer-long structure!

It is important to emphasize that this is not just some kind of engineering design. The Dubai Tower is a full-fledged building with 163 floors. Here, in fact, is the building itself:

The full name of the tallest building in the world is Burj Khalifa, which is translated from Arabic as “Khalifa Tower”. The opening took place in 2010, despite the fact that construction began in 2004. This is what the future monster looked like at the initial stage:

The grand opening was originally planned for September 2009, but the developer ran out of money in his account, so the event was rescheduled for January 2010.

Since 2008, the Dubai Tower has officially grown to such a size that it is considered the tallest building ever to exist in the world.

Before this, the palm belonged to the famous Warsaw radio mast. But it fell in 1991. Although even if it existed until today, it would still not be comparable to the Khalifa Tower, since its height was “only” 646 meters.

By the way, the cost of the project itself is indicated at a tidy sum of about 1.5 billion dollars. The architectural development of the project was carried out by an American architect who already had experience in the construction of similar structures.

It’s no wonder that the tallest building in the world was designed as a “city within a city.” After all, the internal area is 344,000 m². By the way, during the construction of the Dubai Tower or, as it was then called, “Burj Dubai,” the planned height was not disclosed.

However, the developer has officially stated that this will be a building in the world. This was done so that if there was information about the construction of a taller building, the designers could redo the entire project so that the record belonged to them. Ambition, my friend!

Photo from a helicopter

An interesting fact is that the weight of the structure when empty is 500 thousand tons.

Considering the multifunctionality of this giant, the skyscraper has 3 entrances: to the hotel, apartments and offices.

The purpose of the world's tallest building

Floors 1 to 39 are occupied by the Armani Hotel and various office premises. This is considered the most “simple” arrangement option.

Floors 44 to 108 are equipped with “ordinary” apartments. So I came home from work, went up to the 105th floor and, as if nothing had happened, went to the kitchen to eat. But you can see clouds outside the window!

By the way, interesting fact: The entire hundredth floor is owned by an Indian named B. R. Shetty.

Here we can add that highest observation deck in the world located at an altitude of 555 meters. It is located in the same building on the 148th floor.

An artificial tower rises above the main building, complementing the magnificent appearance of the building.

A special concrete was developed for the Dubai Tower that can withstand temperatures of +50 °C. There are 57 elevators inside, which can reach speeds of up to 10 meters per second. This is official information, since there is an opinion that elevators are installed here, moving at a speed of almost 18 m/s.

Despite the fact that the Burj Khalifa is the tallest building in the world, it barely heats up. This is due to special glasses that reflect sun rays.

By the way, it takes three months to clean the outside of the building, and they do it every day. In principle, this is no wonder, because the outer surface area of ​​the skyscraper is equal to 17 football fields. And the washing, after all, happens at a height.

The air inside is constantly cooled and... aromatized. Yes, yes, what can you do for your own comfort! Moreover, the scent was created specifically for the Khalifa Tower. Air is supplied through special grilles in the floor.

Interesting facts about the tallest building in the world

  1. Construction started in 2004 and moved at a speed of 1-2 floors per week.
  2. The number of workers who took part in the daily work of constructing the building was 12,000 people.
  3. Most of the workers were from South Asia and lived in deplorable conditions. They were paid extremely little and their salaries were delayed. Due to widespread violations, there were many injuries and often deaths. This is information from a BBC investigation. Only one death was officially reported.
  4. The material consumed is 60 thousand tons of steel reinforcement and 320 thousand m³ of concrete.
  5. Concrete structures ended on the 160th floor; the remaining 180 meters of the tallest structure were made exclusively of metal structures.
  6. The Burj Khalifa skyscraper is not anchored in rock, as is done in its New York counterparts.

Records of the tallest building in the world

  1. In the entire history of the world known to us, there has not existed a taller ground structure than 828 meter Dubai Tower.
  2. We have already mentioned the interesting fact that the building is not anchored in the rock. The record is that this is the tallest structure that is considered free-standing.
  3. The record for the number of floors is 163. The previous record is far behind - only 110 floors.
  4. We have already talked about the highest observation deck - this is also a world record.

In the end we can only add that in the same

From skyscrapers reaching into the sky to high-tech airports, people have managed to create some truly impressive things. Throughout history and even today, people continue to demonstrate their power and wealth by promoting their societies and cultures by building amazing structures such as the Pyramid of Giza, the Parthenon of Athens, and the Eiffel Tower. These are three of the most famous buildings in the world. Unfortunately, these aren't the biggest things people have built (which is why you won't see them on this list). However, you will learn about the most impressive and impressively large man-made structures. So, here are the 25 largest man-made structures in the world.

25. Bottle of wine

The height of the tallest wine bottle is 4.17 meters and the diameter is 1.21 meters. This bottle held 3094 liters of wine, which was poured into it by Andr? Vogel (from Switzerland). The bottle was measured in Lyssach, Switzerland on October 20, 2014.

24. Motorcycle

The Regio Design XXL Chopper is officially the largest functioning motorcycle in the world! It was first introduced at the Motorbike Expo in 2012, where it wowed the audience. This huge motorcycle, designed by Fabio Reggiani, is 10 meters long and 5 meters high. Based on this, we can confidently say that he won over all other “big and scary” motorcycles.

23. Biscuit with sherry

According to Guinness World Records, on September 26, 1990, students at Clarendon College prepared a sherry sponge cake weighing 3.13 tons. Their creation remains to this day the largest sherry sponge cake, as well as one of the largest desserts.

22. Train

The longest and heaviest freight train, made the trip on February 20, 1986, from Ekibastuz to the Ural Mountains, Soviet Union. The train consisted of 439 cars and several diesel locomotives, the total weight of which was 43,400 tons. The total length of the train was 6.5 kilometers.

21. Telescope

The Arecibo Observatory is a radio telescope that is located in the municipality of Arecibo, Puerto Rico and has an impressive feature. The observatory's radio telescope, with a diameter of 305 meters, is the largest single telescope in the world. It is used in three major research areas: radio astronomy, atmospheric science and radar astronomy.

20. Swimming pool

The largest swimming pool in the world contains approximately 249,837 cubic meters water and thousands of people can swim at the same time. The Crystal Lagoon at the San Alfonso del Mar resort in Chile is even big enough for a sailboat to sail in. It even has its own artificial beach.

19. Subway

The Seoul Subway, serving the Seoul Subway, is the longest subway system in the world. The total length of the route stretches over 940 kilometers. As of 2013. The first metro line opened in 1974, and the system currently consists of 17 lines.

18. Statue

The Spring Temple Buddha is the largest in the world. Its total height is 153 meters, including a 20 meter lotus throne and a 25 meter high building. Construction of the Spring Temple Buddha was planned shortly after the Bamiyan Buddhas were blown up by the Taliban in Afghanistan. Construction of the statue was completely completed in 2008. She represents Vairocana Buddha.

17. Sports arena

Rungrado 1st of May Stadium is a multi-purpose stadium in Pyongyang, North Korea. Its construction was completed on May 1, 1989. It is considered the largest stadium in the world and can accommodate 150,000 people on an area of ​​207,000 square meters.

16. Satellite

TerreStar-1, weighing 6,910 kilograms, became the world's largest commercial satellite in 2009. It went into orbit from the Guiana Space Center in French Guiana on July 1, 2009.

15. Revolver

The Remington Model 1859 replica made by Mr. Ryszard Tobys is officially the largest revolver in the world. Its record length was “only” 1.26 meters.

14. Book

The largest book measures 5 by 8.06 meters and weighs approximately one and a half tons. This book has 429 pages. It was introduced on February 27, 2012 by Mshahed International Group, in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. It is called "This is Muhammad" and contains stories highlighting his life's achievements, as well as positive influence on Islam at the international and humanitarian level.

13. Pencil

The length of the longest and largest pencil is 323.51 meters. It was created by Ed Douglas Miller (from the UK). It was measured in Worcester, Worcestershire, UK, on ​​September 17, 2013.

12. Parliament

The Parliament building in Bucharest, Romania, was designed by the architect Anca Petrescu and was almost completed during the Ceau?escu regime. It was to become the building of the political and administrative branches of government. Today it remains the largest civil building with an administrative function, as well as the most expensive and heaviest administrative building in the world.

11. Skyscraper

Burj Khalifa, known as the "Khalifa Tower" is a skyscraper in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. It is the tallest man-made structure and skyscraper in the world. Its height is 829.8 meters.

10. Wall

Arguably the most famous of all man-made structures in the world, the Great Wall of China is the largest wall in the world. Its length is 21.196 kilometers.

9. Crossword

The world's largest crossword puzzle was built on the side of a residential building in Ukraine. Its height exceeds 30 meters. It occupies the entire outer part of the wall of a residential building in the city of Lviv.

8. Church

St. Peter's Basilica is a late Renaissance church located in Vatican City. Its construction took 120 years (1506–1626). On at the moment it is considered the largest church in the world.

7. Castle

The Guinness Book of World Records lists Prague Castle, located in the Czech Republic, as the most extensive ancient castle in the world. It covers an area of ​​almost 70,000 square meters and is 570 meters long and 130 meters wide.

6. Aquarium

The Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta is the largest aquarium in the world. It is home to more than 100,000 sea creatures. This aquarium opened in November 2005. Its construction was funded by a $250 million donation from Home Depot co-founder Bernie Marcus. The Georgia Aquarium is the only facility not located in Asia that houses whale sharks. The sharks are kept in a giant container designed to hold 24 million liters of water, which is part of the Ocean Voyager exhibit.

5. Airplane

The Antonov An-225 Mriya is a heavy-duty transport jet aircraft that was designed by the Antonov Experimental Design Bureau in the Soviet Union in the 1980s. It is powered by six turbojet engines and is the longest and heaviest aircraft in the world. Its maximum lifting capacity is 640 tons. It also has the largest wingspan of any aircraft in operation today. In its entire history, only one Antonov An-225 Mriya was built, which is still operational.

4. Passenger ship

At the moment, the largest passenger ship is the Oasis of the Seas, which belongs to Royal Caribbean. He made his maiden voyage on a cruise in December 2009. It is 360 meters long and can accommodate 5,400 passengers.

3. Airport

King Fahd International Airport, located in Dammam, Saudi Arabia, is the largest in the world. Every year, 5,267,000 passengers and 82,256 tons of cargo pass through this airport on 50,936 flights. The airport opened its doors in 1999. The length of its runway is 4000 meters and the width is 60 meters. Its total area is 1256.14 square kilometers.

2. Bomb

The largest bomb in history that was detonated is the Tsar Bomba. Its yield was 50 megatons or 500,000 kilotons, which is equivalent to 50 million tons of dynamite. It was detonated only to show other countries how advanced the Soviet Union was. October 30, 1961 went down in history as the most powerful man-made explosion in human history.

1. Item

The largest man-made objects in the world are submarine communication cables. They stretched from San Francisco to Japan and from San Francisco to New Zealand. The total length of cables exceeds 8,000 kilometers. The diameter of these submarine cables is typically 6.6 centimeters. The weight of such a cable is 10 kilograms per meter. Total weight one cable exceeds 80,000 tons.

People are sometimes ready to do amazing things just to get into the most famous directory of achievements on the planet - the Guinness Book of Records. But not everyone can spend millions and billions of dollars on the architectural embodiment of their ambitions. Nevertheless, many record-breaking buildings have been built in the world, glorifying their creators and owners.

Parliament building in Bucharest. Photo: Lori

The heaviest building and largest parliament in the world

The Palace of Parliament in Bucharest, built at a time when Romania was a socialist republic, breaks several records at once. This is the biggest administrative building, the largest parliament building and the heaviest structure in the world. Its construction required 700 thousand tons of steel and bronze, 3.5 thousand tons of crystal glass, 1 million cubic meters of marble, 900 thousand cubic meters of wood of various species and 480 thousand cubic meters of concrete.

The height of the building located on the hill is 86 meters, but its underground part is even larger - it goes 92 meters deep. The length of the main facade is 270 meters, the side is 245 meters. The palace has more than a thousand rooms - halls for receptions, meetings and negotiations, numerous offices, office premises, restaurants.

Construction of the Palace of Parliament began in 1984 by order of the President of the Socialist Republic of Romania, Nicolae Ceausescu. In order to clear construction site, a fifth of the historical center of the city was destroyed, and during the construction of the palace, such a shortage of marble arose in the country that even tombstones began to be made from other materials. Construction and finishing work continued after the overthrow of Ceausescu in 1989, but they have not yet been fully completed.

The New Century Global Center in Chengdu. Photo: Thomas/Flickr

The largest building in the world by area

One of the most impressive construction records is set in China, which throughout history has been famous for its penchant for gigantomania. Now, in addition to the largest architectural monument - the Great Chinese wall, as well as the world's largest palace complex - the Forbidden City in Beijing, the Celestial Empire also boasts the largest building on the planet. It was The New Century Global Center, which opened last year in the city of Chengdu, the administrative center of Sichuan province. The height of the giant structure is 100 meters, width - 400 meters, and length - 500 meters. The area of ​​1.7 million square meters houses numerous offices, shopping centers, two five-star hotels, cinemas, a water park with its own beach, a world-class ice skating rink, a university complex and even a stylized Mediterranean village.

The building is built in the form sea ​​wave, its interiors are also reminiscent of the seas and oceans: there is even a life-size pirate ship built here. In the center of the complex there is an artificial beach with an area of ​​5 thousand square meters, above which stretches a giant screen, equal in height to the American Statue of Liberty, on which tropical sunrises and sunsets are reproduced. The entire complex is illuminated by its own “sun” - the world’s largest artificial lighting system, manufactured in Japan.

Skyscraper Burj Khalifa in Dubai. Photo: Lori

Tallest building in the world

The title of the tallest building on Earth has been held by the Dubai skyscraper Burj Khalifa for seven years now. Having overtaken its competitors during the construction process, after its completion in 2010, the giant building reached a height of 828 meters. The Burj Khalifa's 163 floors contain offices, shopping malls, the Armani Hotel and numerous apartments. The world's highest restaurant is located on the 122nd floor, and the highest observation deck is located on the 124th floor, at an altitude of 452 meters.

Especially for weather conditions Dubai, where temperatures can reach +50 °C, a special variety was developed concrete mixture which can withstand such high temperatures. During construction, concrete was poured only at night, adding ice to it. Tinted glass thermal panels that line the building reflect the sun's rays and reduce heating of the premises. At the same time, the air inside the building is not only cooled, but also aromatized with a scent specially created for the Burj Khalifa. The Dubai skyscraper is also famous for its highest top floor and highest elevator.

Capital Gate skyscraper in Abu Dhabi. Photo: Lori

The building with the greatest slope

One of the most extravagant records belongs to a structure built in another UAE emirate - Abu Dhabi. The Capital Gate skyscraper is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the building with the greatest slope in the world. It deviates from the vertical axis by 18 degrees, which is 4.5 times more than the famous Leaning Tower of Pisa. True to its name, which translates as “Capital Gate,” the building is located at the entrance to Abu Dhabi and is one of the tallest in the city (its height is 160 meters). The 35 floors house a five-star Hyatt hotel and premium offices.

During the construction of Capital Gate, many of the latest technologies were used technical developments. On 490 piles, which go 30 meters deep into the ground, there is a mesh of reinforcing steel. It has 728 diamond-shaped glass panels fixed at specific angles. For the first time in the Middle East, diagonal mesh technology was used here, which allows it to absorb and redirect the force of wind and seismic pressure. An unprecedented angle of inclination was achieved due to the fact that the floor plates of the tower, starting from the 12th level, were located with gaps from 30 to 140 centimeters. The most expensive building in the world

The construction of Capital Gate cost $2.2 billion, but the record for the cost of construction belongs to another building. The Marina Bay Sands hotel complex in Singapore is recognized as the most expensive building in the world. According to various estimates, its construction (including the cost of unusually expensive Singaporean land) cost between $4.7 and $8 billion. The building was built as a resort with a luxury hotel and the most expensive casino in the world with 1000 gaming tables and 1500 slot machines.

The unique structure consists of three 55-story towers 200 meters high, on which there is a huge gondola-shaped terrace with an area of ​​12.4 thousand square meters. According to architect Moshe Safdie, he used the image of a deck of cards when designing the building. The design of the building is approved by Feng Shui masters.

Marina Bay Sands features 2,561 hotel rooms, a museum, an exhibition hall, two theaters, seven restaurants, and two ice skating rink. On the upper terrace there is a 146-meter swimming pool overlooking the city, an observation deck that can accommodate 3,900 people, restaurants and a nightclub.

Elena Mamonova