When the first school bell rang. Presentation of the research project "when the school bell rings." The question of the musical tastes of young people and their attitude to the modernization of the school bell



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Study of legislative materials

The initiative group worked with legislative framework. We studied the education law and the school charter.
The Education Act states that responsibility for the school bell rests with the school authorities.

Education Law:

Article 7. Powers Russian Federation in the field of education, transferred for implementation to bodies state power subjects of the Russian Federation

Point 5


14) exercise of other powers in the field of education established in accordance with this Federal Law.

In the school charter:

13.1. The educational organization adopts local regulations on the main issues of organization and implementation educational activities, including those regulating:

– rules for admitting students;

– training mode;

– forms, frequency and procedure for ongoing monitoring of progress and intermediate certification of students;

– the procedure and grounds for transfer, expulsion and reinstatement of students;

– the procedure for registering the emergence, suspension and termination of relations between the educational organization and students and (or) parents (legal representatives) of minor students;

– individual training curriculum, including accelerated training;

– provisions regulating the activities of structural divisions and bodies educational organization;

– internal regulations;

– the procedure for providing financial assistance to students and employeeseducational organization;

– provision of paid educational services;

– requirements for clothing for students educational programs primary general, basic general and secondary general education;

Study of media materials, analysis, conclusions

Analysis of information from printed sources.

While working on the project, we carried out an analysis of printed publications, during which it became clear that we are not the only ones concerned about the impact of noise on the human psyche. For example, back in 2003. At Mattersburg School in the Australian province of Burgenland, school officials concluded that the bell that signaled the start and end of classes irritated children's ears. It is especially difficult for students primary classes who are afraid out of habit. Children accustomed to a soft home environment experience stress during the first year of education, and this can negatively affect the further formation of the psyche. The loud and unpleasant sound of a bell has a bad effect on concentration and hearing. The teachers and management of the Mattersburg school believe that children should not be subjected to unnecessary stress, so it was decided to replace the bell with something more pleasant. This school became the first primary school in the world to use so-called “soft” music instead of a bell. Melodies were specially selected that, from the point of view of psychologists, create a pleasant mood and increase performance. Now, two minutes before the end of the lesson, a gentle melody begins to sound quietly in the classroom, telling students and teachers to end the lesson for now. It gets louder and when the melody ends, the lesson comes to an end. Students have time to answer teachers' questions, and teachers themselves, who often forget about time, can calmly complete the lesson. No one jumps up suddenly, and the students take their time gathering their things. School principal Johanna Schwartz couldn't be happier about the new bell: “Before, children jumped up from their seats and rushed headlong to recess, knocking each other over as they went. It was extra headache for teachers, and stress for students, but now everything has changed for the better.”

After analyzing articles from newspapers and magazines, the initiative group was convinced that the solution to the problem of modernizing the school bell was correct.

The question of the musical tastes of young people and their attitude to the modernization of the school bell

So, the social group conducted many questions among schoolchildren of different age groups and their parents, as well as teachers. We asked questions regarding main problem: “An ordinary school bell or bell melody?” And many others about musical preferences. What music should you choose for the school bell?

The survey was conducted among all visitors to the school: students from grades 1 to 11, parents, teachers:

Let's set the next goal. What melody should I choose for the call?

We conducted a survey among primary school students and their teachers:

We conducted a survey among grades 5–11:

The children themselves were asked about the genres of music popular among teenagers. Adults support the ideas and musical tastes of the “people of the new generation.”

  • Let's get started to organize voting on the choice of track for the ringtone. IN social network We are publishing a poll on VKontakte in the “New BSOSH” group and selecting music for voting.
  • The competitors with the best proposals have been identified. Let's get started with the voting itself.
  • We announce the voting results.

In fact, no one knows exactly when the tradition of celebrating last call. However, there are currently three versions, so we will look at them all.

Version one is unlikely. According to this version, the last bell was celebrated in schools 100 years ago. And even then a certain date was set, namely May 25. Why is this version considered unlikely? Let's count - a hundred years ago - what year is this? By simple calculations it turns out to be 1912. However, in those distant times there was no such familiar school attribute as the most ordinary bell, so there was simply no celebration of the last bell.

Version two is average in probability. Some believe that celebrating the day of the last bell began in schools at the beginning of the 20th century after the overthrow of Nicholas II. There is a version that the first school bell appeared during the life of the teacher and writer Anton Semyonovich Makarenko, author of the famous “Pedagogical Poem”. However, in the poem itself there is not a single mention of a school bell at all. So most likely he did not exist at that time.

Version three is the most likely. According to this version, the last call began to be celebrated in the 70s of the last century. This holiday was an echo of the first bell holiday for first graders. There is a version that this holiday, this tradition was invented not by teachers, but by officials who worked in the field of education at that time. They wanted to add school life more significance and solidity. But the first bell and the prom were clearly not enough for this. So a new school tradition was invented, and they began to celebrate it on May 25th.

This holiday occurs at a time when basic training has already ended and exams have not yet begun. In this case, the student has already completed the main training at school and the school bell will no longer ring for him.

This is a big holiday in which the main characters are not only students, but also parents and teachers. The ceremony itself is solemn speeches the school principal, teachers, greetings from first-graders and, of course, parting words to students in grades 9 or 11.

On this day, students wear Soviet-era school uniforms, and parkas wear formal suits. Although recently this tradition has become increasingly abandoned, giving preference modern form. Mandatory attributes are ribbons with the inscription “Graduate” and bells cut out of cardboard.

In fact, the last call is a real holiday. Every school wants to make it special and unique. And many people wait for this celebration all year. After all, in fact, knowing that you are a graduate, that you have graduated from school, is pleasant and joyful. And at the same time sad and a little scary. After all, real adult life with its problems and joys begins ahead.

So it turns out that the last school bell is no longer just a tradition. This is a real holiday. A holiday that will never be erased from memory. And the ribbon and that bell will be kept in the school album for a long time.

A ringing bell, or, as we used to say, a bell, is one of the main and integral symbols of the school. The first bell rings for the new school year. Moreover, the first call important event for every student, because once upon a time everyone was a first-grader and for everyone that very first, loudest school bell sounded.

There is also the last call. For most students, it evokes joyful emotions of anticipation. summer holiday. But for high school graduates, the last bell rings precisely for the last time, because of this, their joyful feelings are mixed with slight sadness from parting with school. Therefore, for many decades, the school bell remains the most recognizable symbol and integral attribute of the school for everyone. However, few people know where the history of the school bell began.

It all started in the 4th century BC. The first prototype of a school bell appeared near ancient Athens, in the Academy created by Plato. In fact, the first “school bell” was an alarm clock - a water clock of a special design and it was called a clepsydra.

There is a beautiful legend about the “school bell” in Rus': “Having conquered the free city of Novgorod, Tsar Ivan III ordered the veche bell to be removed and delivered to Moscow so that it could ring in harmony with the Moscow ones. But when they were transporting the veche bell through Valdai, the sleigh overturned on one of the slopes and the bell fell into a ravine. The first bells were cast from its fragments. These bells began to be used to warn about some event.”

Today no one can say for sure when the bell appeared in Russian schools. It is known that in the past, schoolchildren were most often gathered into classes with the help of large and small bells. Back in the 50s of the 20th century, these school bells hung in some schools.

The first “electric school bell” was made by American physicist Joseph Henry in 1831. And this is not surprising, because he was a school teacher, teaching physics and mathematics at a school in the small town of Albany, from which he graduated.

In the Russian Federation, the most familiar electric bell, the trills of which, depending on the circumstances, can be either melodic and pleasant - for recess, or sharp and unexpected - for a lesson, appeared in schools in the second half of the 20th century.
Since 1984, September 1 has been celebrated as one of the public holidays in Russia and the former Soviet Union - Knowledge Day. And it is also the holiday of the First Bell for everyone who starts studying and, of course, for teachers and parents. And a mandatory attribute of this first autumn holiday is a small ringing bell.

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Traditionally, in Russia at the end of May they celebrate one of the main holidays for schoolchildren - the last bell. The celebrations take place at a time when school has already ended and final exams have not yet begun. The last bell thus brings a peculiar line to the long-term educational marathon with all its lessons and changes, victories in regional competitions and calls to the director, quarrels with peers and first love.

History of the holiday

The last bell in the USSR began to be celebrated in the 1970s of the twentieth century. The exact date of the origin of this tradition cannot be determined. The fact is that at that time the Ministry of Education decided to add significance and solidity to secondary education. After all, as you know, previously only graduation was widely celebrated in Soviet schools. Thus, educational institutions a signal was sent to introduce a new holiday - the last call. True, all schools of the union began to celebrate it not immediately, but gradually. Over time, the holiday has become overgrown with traditions and is loved by both students and teachers. Each educational institution determines the date of the last call independently.

Last bell at Moscow school No. 1259. Photo: AiF

Celebration traditions

In most schools, on the eve of the last bell, the assembly hall and the courtyard are decorated. They draw wall newspapers that tell about the everyday school life of each class. Special clothing also belongs to the traditional attributes - Soviet-style school uniforms with aprons for girls (boys, as a rule, wear a formal suit).

Recently, sometimes graduates prefer to attend the holiday in more modern outfits. Nevertheless, lush white bows in the girls’ hair are just as integral an attribute of the solemn event, as are the wide scarlet ribbons with the inscription “Graduate” used by schoolchildren, as well as bells attached to clothes and then carefully preserved.

The ceremony to celebrate the last bell consists of two parts - official and free. During the first, congratulations are heard for future graduates, teachers, head teachers and the director speak. In addition, the program held in the schoolyard provides for the actual “last bell” - for this ceremony, one of the male graduates and a small first-grader are selected - she, holding a large bell, is carried on the graduate’s shoulders.

Then schoolchildren can celebrate their holiday more informally. Dressed up students traditionally walk in the city center, take souvenir photos, and let balloons into the sky. Also, in some schools, entire classes are sent to sanatoriums and rest homes for the last bell.

Various calendar systems ancient world once arrived at a unified system known as Julian calendar, which did not last long - from the reform of its founder (46 BC) until the First Ecumenical Council of Nicaea, convened by Constantine the Great in 325 AD. It was on this day in 312 that Emperor Constantine the Great granted Christians freedom of religion. At the Council, the Holy Fathers established the celebration of the Church New Year on September 1 (Old Art.) instead of March 1.

In ancient Judea, September 1 was celebrated as a harvest holiday, and we know for certain from the Gospel that on this day the Savior first addressed the people with a sermon. On the same day in 312, Emperor Constantine, having adopted Christianity from his mother Helen, defeated his enemy Mauxentius, overshadowing the army with a banner on which a cross was depicted. After the victory, the Church of Christ ceased to be persecuted and began its victorious march through the Byzantine Empire.

But in Rus' there are many strange things. So, for example, the year 1699 lasted... 4 months.

In September, the Orthodox greeted him by singing a troparion for the New Year, and at the end of the year, Peter I issued a decree on celebrating the New Year from January 1 and introducing chronology in the Western style - from the Nativity of Christ.

What about September 1st? Many years later, this day became the Day of Knowledge, the beginning of a “new life” for many children - symbolic and at the same time natural. Celebration of the first bell. This is the most awaited day for those who cross the school threshold for the first time. This is a holiday for first-graders and freshmen. Both of them enter into complete new life. Therefore, this day is one of the most exciting and memorable for them.

Knowledge Day is an official holiday, which is celebrated on the basis of the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated 01.10.80 N 3018-X “On holidays and memorable days", ed. Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated 01.11.88 N 9724-XI “On amendments to the legislation of the USSR on holidays and memorial days.”

September 1st is the holiday of a new beginning academic year, primarily for pupils, pupils, students, teachers and professors. Traditionally, on this day, schools hold ceremonial assemblies dedicated to the beginning of the school year. First-graders are greeted with special solemnity in schools. In secondary specialized and higher educational institutions, as a rule, they do without rulers, but this does not diminish the solemnity of the moment.

On September 1, students and their parents give flowers to teachers and congratulate them on the start of the school year. The top officials of the state traditionally congratulate teachers and students on Knowledge Day. Various educational institutions visited by district administrations, city and country leaders.

On September 1, significant events took place in history, one way or another related to education:

In 1714In St. Petersburg, by order of PETER I, the first state library in Russia was created. Now it's a library Russian Academy Sci.

In 1919The world's first State Film School, now known as the All-Russian Film School, opened state institute Cinematography named after. A. S. Gerasimova.

In 1953A new complex of Moscow State University buildings opened on the Lenin (Sparrow) Hills.

In 1964for the first time on television appeared the program “ Good night, kids!”, entertaining and educating kids, preparing them for school life.

Catchphrases of this day:

The first of September is the first day of the calendar

First time in first grade

It all starts with a school bell

Knowledge is power