What do the colors in a person’s clothing mean? Psychology. Study and professional growth. Psychology of color in women's clothing

Psychologists have long paid attention to the amazing properties of color. A preference for a particular shade not only reveals a lot about a person, but can also influence him! It is believed that a person intuitively selects for himself colors that harmonize him. At the moment, the psychology of color in clothing is no longer considered something of a mysticism - all connections have long been established and proven.

The psychology of colors in clothing defines not only a passion for colors, but also a dislike for them. If a person’s clothing is constantly dominated by one color, then this shade characterizes him general condition. If we are talking about the preferences of a particular day, then this choice will speak about current state person.

White color in clothes

White is a synthesis of all colors, for which it is called the “ideal” color. People who choose this color are drawn to physical and spiritual purity. In general, this color is universal and usually does not turn anyone off.

Black color in clothes: psychology

Previously, it was believed that black characterized primarily insecure people who tended to perceive life only in the darkest colors. Recent research suggests that the color black often indicates isolation and self-focus. However, if a person wears black all the time, this indicates aggression towards the world or towards himself.

Gray color in clothes

This color is chosen primarily by sensible and distrustful people who tend to think about decisions. In addition, gray color is used as a barrier to cover inner world from others. This color is also loved by those who want to blend in with the crowd, afraid to stand out. Usually people who sharply reject the color gray are the owners of an impulsive, hot-tempered character.

Red color in clothes: psychology

This color is chosen by passionate, hot-tempered people who love to communicate. People who are irritated by red tend to suffer from complexes and are prone to solitude and stability. This color symbolizes eroticism. Dislike for the color red indicates weakness, mental or physical exhaustion.

Brown color in clothes: psychology

This shade is loved by those who stand firmly on their own two feet and value family and tradition. A person who often appears in brown clothes, strives for simple joys and is quite simple himself. However, brown can also indicate depletion of physical or emotional strength.

Yellow color in clothes

This color speaks of calmness, ease of communication and intelligence. People who love him are very outgoing, brave, and generally people-pleasing. If this color is completely rejected, then this indicates pessimism, difficulties in communication, and lack of energy.

Blue color in clothes

This color symbolizes peace and relaxation. It appeals to modest, melancholy people who get tired easily and need a sense of reassurance. People who completely reject this color are usually too eager to come across as a bossy person, when in fact they are very introverted and lacking in self-confidence. People who choose blue express their need for peace, and those who avoid - let themselves relax.

Green in clothes

This is a natural, balancing color, and people who choose it are afraid of other people's influence and are looking for a way to assert themselves and are confident. People who reject the color green are afraid of difficulties. At the same time, green color is not liked by those who are on the verge of exhaustion.

There is less research on rarer flowers. Orange color characterizes passionate dreamers, pink – the need for kindness, and purple shows immaturity and suggestibility. If your preferences change, this also indicates a change in your condition.

Color preferences can tell a lot about a person. First of all, you can determine your character traits by choosing the color scheme. Black is practically the absence of pigment. Essentially, it is a bottomless shade that absorbs everything else into itself, not letting it into the outside world. It is usually associated with the unknown, silence and protection. It is not recommended to stay in a room with a predominance of black in the interior for a long time.

Meaning of black color

In psychology, black has long been considered a negative color. among the people religious people accustomed to seeing it as a symbol of mourning, hopelessness, death, failure and grief. It is considered the line beyond which there is no vital energy. Even in ancient Mexico, during the sacrificial procedure, body parts were painted black. If a person has dark eyes from birth, then he automatically becomes angry and envious, according to others. It’s strange, but practice shows that even teams of athletes in dull clothes are more often punished by judges. Asking the question of what the color black means in psychology, experts have proven that it is associated with protest and an aggressive state. Very often it seems that black is calming. But in fact, it draws the eye in and gives everything weight and incredible depth. You just have to pay attention to the chess pieces. Typically, black game objects look visually much more significant than their white opponents. Black color in psychology is mysterious and attractive, characterizes feminine strength.

People who prefer in clothes

Quite often you can hear that a person’s favorite color is black. Psychology has a precise definition on this matter. This means that the body is ruled by self-doubt, a feeling of emptiness and worthlessness, and a lack of satisfaction with the position in society. If a person's wardrobe is mostly black, there is definitely a crisis.

Another situation is when the clothes are varied and black is only present to create harmonious sets. In this case, we cannot talk about permanent depression. Most likely, your mood changes in the same way as your preference to wear this or that wardrobe item. A gloomy color can create a complete feeling of being closed off from the outside world. Lonely people and introverts always choose this color to express personal protest to the environment. How to understand black in psychology - refusal. You cannot constantly wear a sign of opposition to your fate.

Conflicting opinions

How to Wear Black Psychology has another opinion on this issue. It is no secret that today many girls choose clothes of a certain shade as a tribute to fashion or when the official dress code requires it. Extraordinary black color is recognized by fashionistas as the most elegant and stylish. IN modern world clothing not so much characterizes a person’s internal state as it shows his attitude to style, demonstrates elegance and grace. If a woman or man often visits business meetings, conferences and seminars, of course, cannot be done without a classic suit. Traditionally it is offered in dark color. Special invitations are marked "black tie".

Despite the negative opinion about the gloomy color, it still remains loved by many, as it emphasizes individuality. Those who want to appear thinner prefer discreet black, because it incredibly slims the figure. During trainings and consultations, psychologists ask their patients about their attitude to the color black in clothing in order to create a more truthful picture due to the difference in opinions about color scheme wardrobe In the presence of a stable psycho-emotional background, the color black is not able to negatively affect the consciousness of the individual. However, if problems are detected, it is recommended to encounter it less often in life.

Sexual aspect

Love always comes true closed doors, covered in darkness. Black is the color of passion and desire. Sexual attractiveness is associated with a rich and thick shade. among the tribes they are considered the best lovers because of their coffee skin. Arab men use the expression "black heart", which means a symbol of love passion.

Shades of black

Psychologists distinguish light and dark colors deep black color. The choice of a light color scheme speaks of selfishness and focusing on one’s own person. Coal-black shades characterize a state of panic, horror and fear. Close to shades of gray are characteristic of particularly sensitive persons who acutely experience all events. Clean lovers usually suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome. All shades of gray and black in psychology are simply an outline, a zone that does not designate anything. They can only help determine the current state. Those who do not perceive any undertones are most often always ready altruists. Those around you take advantage of this opportunity to help in difficult times. This is because the desire to be needed by someone is stronger than all feelings.

Black color in children's drawings

If children often use dark colors when drawing, this is a reason for parents to think and observe the child’s behavior. Black color (close attention must be paid to the child’s psychology) means stress and threat. Most often, these colors are used when the baby is seriously worried or scared about something. But if black is only an integral component of a creation in which colorful tones are present, there is no need to worry. This only means that a talented and developed personality is growing in the family.

Advantages of those who love black color

Two-faced color can be used for your own purposes. For example, when wearing clothes of this shade, try on the strong energy inherent in gloom. Dark suits are worn by authority figures who achieve success. Looking at them, you can understand the level of comfort in clothing. If a person in black feels irritated, then the suit needs to be changed to a more loyal shade. Black lovers are characterized by persistence in achieving goals and natural perseverance, which is maximally emphasized by their appearance. They will not hesitate to use force if necessary for their own safety.

Disadvantages of black lovers

Black color in psychology is depression, detachment, reluctance to strive for a goal. Lovers of black are often in a state of constant depression. Expressive people who prefer black may turn out to be selfish. It is often difficult to communicate with them. Attempts to bring them to their senses rarely lead to results without the help of a specialist. They have the ability to bring their destructive state to the masses.

Sometimes when putting together a wardrobe, women are ruled not by reason and prudence, but by the subconscious, which beckons to buy something that may not suit the lady at all. The same is true with ensembles. Very often you want to radically change something in your look, for example, wear a dress of a color that you have never wanted to wear before. It can tell you a lot about a person. psychology of colors in clothes, revealing the secrets of his character, as well as motivating or, on the contrary, slowing down his ability to work or relax. So what do the colors mean?

Rarely found in its pure form white demonstrates purity of intentions and incredible optimism. White fans become creative individuals, but it should be noted that they lack persistence and courage.

White is the traditional color of the bride’s dress and is designed to create a mood of solemnity, festivity and amazing events. Girls whose wardrobe is dominated by white color have the following features:

  • Openness
  • Ability to listen to your interlocutor
  • The ability to empathize and experience the emotions of another person
  • Realism
  • High intuitive abilities
  • Gentleness in actions and character
  • Hard work
  • Excellent memory
  • Punctuality
  • Rich and vivid imagination
  • Autonomy
  • Predictability
  • Smiling
  • Gallantry.

All-consuming black suggests the presence creativity In person, however, in comparison with white flowers, fans of white nature are completely opposite. Supporters of this color have the following characteristics:

  • Efficiency
  • Strictness
  • Dryness
  • Realism
  • Confidence or, on the contrary, self-doubt. It is very simple to distinguish confident individuals from insecure ones - you should pay attention to accessories. Those who want to show their importance prefer bright and expensive accessories. For weak-willed people, accessories will also be decorated in black tones.

It should be noted that people who categorically protect themselves from black are unknown natures who are easy to subjugate.

Gray is a transitional color from black to white, which is often used in the wardrobe as a base color. Psychology talks about a person in gray clothes as a person who wants to diminish his importance. Such people should work on their self-esteem and develop their inner ego. However, supporters of this color are characterized by:

  • Respectability. Such people attract completely different interlocutors.
  • Reasonableness.
  • Philanthropy.
  • Readiness to become a leader.
  • Performance.
  • Caring.
  • Balance and calm.
  • Kindness.
  • Naivety.

Ladies who want to protect themselves from gray color have too much high self-esteem. Often these methods are awkward when resolving conflicts and disputes.

Psychology of brown clothes

Brown perfectly demonstrates a person's self-confidence. Such people are distinguished by decency, reliability and success in business. This color symbolizes the craving for stability and constancy, therefore, on a subconscious level, every person chooses it. Brown is a reflection of calmness and inner harmony among one another, as well as the world around us. Brown dominant in an ensemble or wardrobe speaks of a person as a caring parent, friend, responsible employee.

Fans of red are optimists, distinguished by courage, lust for power, and a thirst for adventure and adventure. If red dominates the wardrobe and a person wears it often, this once again shows his desire to dominate. Red in small details and accessories - on a hat, handbag, bracelet, etc. indicates that a woman values ​​her reputation and will not risk it, despite tempting prospects.

In red there is vulgarity, beauty and aggression, brightness and expressiveness, which are transmitted to the person wearing this color. Ardent fans of red, coupled with all its various shades, are extreme extroverts. Such people simply cannot live without communication, new acquaintances and meetings that border on danger. These people love to take risks and are therefore very determined.

Red is the color of fire and blood. Fanaticism for the color red has the ability to challenge the circumstances and people one encounters. It should be noted that such traits do not prevent red lovers from emerging victorious.

If a girl wears red clothes, it means that she wants to look seductive and at the same time, while showing off her sexuality, she strives to be close to the other person and somehow warm up the relationship. Interestingly, salespeople and other people who make a living from consultations and product presentations can quickly convince their customers to purchase products if they include the color red in the package.

Psychology of purple in clothing

If you want to show off your creativity, you can choose clothes purple. However, keep in mind that in this color, according to research by psychologists, ladies are very superstitious and have a painful sense of self-esteem.

Purple refreshes a person’s view of familiar things. Purple has mystical properties. Among Catholics, this color is associated with the robe of priests and religion in general.

Blue color is a symbol of devotion to views and ideals, conservatism, and loyalty to chosen ideals. Girls who prefer blue are faithful friends who will never betray or be a burden. They sincerely care about and rejoice in the happiness of others.

Fans of blue are characterized by calmness, balance, and lack of fuss. They are not subject to the opinions of others and rely on own experience, acting empirically. People who prefer blue cannot stand criticism addressed to them. Denial of blue in any of its manifestations indicates a refusal of creative thinking.

Blue explains calm. However, it should be borne in mind that oversaturation with this color can lead to drowsiness and depressed mood. Usage blue in accessories will show such qualities as prudence and thoughtfulness.

Wearers of green clothes demonstrate their trustfulness and disposition towards their interlocutor, openness to any conversation and communication. Such individuals are distinguished by a high ability to adapt, constancy, confidence, and loyalty to habits. These people have an optimistic outlook on the world and enjoy life.

Green color reveals workaholics who do their job effectively. They get along well in any team and do not like to conflict. These people do not forgive betrayal and betrayal, but they are always open to criticism. “Green lovers” know their true worth, although they are modest and sometimes silent.

Green is the color of calm and balance. People who wear green clothes are characterized by:

  • Thrift
  • Shyness
  • Decency
  • Cheerfulness
  • Indecisiveness
  • Constancy
  • Gullibility
  • Perseverance.

Orange is a symbol of ambition and determination. In orange sets you can find influential person, who controls people using his own intelligence.

Orange is a related color to red and therefore has similar characteristics. Such people are distinguished by:

  • Communication skills. Such people can make anyone talk!
  • Determination. Almost always these individuals achieve their goals. They are not afraid of obstacles.
  • Openness
  • Stubbornness
  • Steadfastness. Any dispute can be settled with ease!
  • Justice. A sense of justice drives them and they are ready to fight at any cost!
  • Selfishness and altruism. Such qualities coexist successfully in them, since they depend on mood swings.
  • High self-esteem.

Orange may seem frivolous, but it is the supporters of this color who rule the world and go crazy with communication. If you like this color but can't wear orange business suits or dresses, limit yourself to accessories. This technique will bring success in negotiations and instill positivity in your partners!

Psychology of yellow color in clothes

Yellow is an indicator of high intelligence and a sign of creative individuals. A fan of yellow has great potential to become an excellent actress both on stage and in life. Light yellow is a sign of uncertainty, while bright yellow, on the contrary, speaks of decent self-esteem and faith in own strength. Yellow gives optimism and acts as a symbol that reveals the truth that such a person will never be satisfied with little. Such people are determined to succeed. Contempt for yellow reflects indecisiveness and complexes.

The dominance of yellow in the wardrobe is a sign of selfishness and high ambitions, however, even such persons are capable of becoming devoted friends and caring for loved ones.

Psychology of lilac color in clothes

This color is loved by vulnerable people who require attention, care and tenderness. The character of such a person is very gentle and reveals the secret of his good nature. Probably for this reason, fans of lilac quickly get used to the new environment and people. They take other people's negative criticism seriously, but forgive insults that hurt their hearts. They have suicidal tendencies, but avoid immoral acts, respecting accepted norms and established traditions. Girls in lilac outfits are very hospitable and economical.

Pink reflects sensuality and positivity. Such persons are predisposed to vivid expression of their feelings. They are distinguished by touchiness, but grievances quickly pass and are forgotten. In pink lies childish spontaneity. By denying pink, you can show your independence.

Psychology of blue color in clothes

Blue is the color of the seas and sky, so it represents patience and calm. Distinctive feature Such people are reliable, which is probably why flight attendants and pilots wear uniforms in this color, which is associated with kindness, trust and peacefulness.

Romantics and dreamers love blue. It is a feature of self-expression. It is believed that this color will give confidence and courage to a speaker or a person experiencing some problems with his voice.

From colors and shades you can create many variations, both harmonious and those in which there is an imbalance. Let's reveal the meaning of some combinations.

Black-blue - demonstrates harmony and peace.

  • Blue-gray– reflects calmness, lack of obligations and involvement.
  • Blue-brown- hints at care, affection and gentle treatment.
  • Blue-violet– such people strive for subtlety and tenderness of feelings, idealize relationships.
  • Blue-yellow. This mix is ​​chosen by girls who want to find the love of others, try to be useful to people, and also to be understood.
  • Blue-red– a symbol of mutual cooperation, speaks of emotional satisfaction.
  • Grey-green– demonstrates superiority, self-affirmation, prestige. In some cases, it acts as a precaution in business.
  • Blue-green– neatness, logic, accuracy, pedantry.
  • Green-red– initiative, active activity leading to gaining authority and power.
  • Green-yellow- ambition, selfish feelings.
  • Green-purple– a desire for recognition and respect from others, without binding oneself to any obligations.
  • Red-yellow- a sign of thirst for mastering new things.
  • Green-black– stubbornness and disapproval of outside interference
  • Yellow-black– unexpected crisis, unexpected decisions.
  • Red-black- excessive desires.
  • Gray-red– thoughtless actions.
  • Red-purple- exciting eroticism.
  • Yellow-purple- a riot of fantasies, enchantment, a desire to be drawn into adventure.
  • Purple-brown– love of pleasures – delicious food, expensive clothes, cars, etc.
  • Gray-violet– a well-developed sense of everything beautiful, aesthetic sensitivity.
  • Red-brown- Indulging in one's own dreams.
  • Yellow-brown– no restrictions on freedom, no obligation.
  • Purple-black- the desire to become recognized.
  • Gray-yellow- lack of self-confidence.
  • Green-brown- need for rest and peace of mind, patience.
  • Gray-brown– exhaustion.
  • Brown-black– rejection of higher ideals, self-humiliation.
  • Yellow-red– active life position.

Having gotten to know a little about our own wardrobe and learned the meanings of some colors and their combinations, let’s move on to studying the men’s wardrobe and see what the chosen palette says about them.

  • Orange and yellow. Such people have a soft flexible character, friendly and eager to communicate.
  • Red. They are impulsive, sometimes aggressive, and can have an explosive nature. Red fans don't care at all what others think of them.
  • Green. An indicator of constancy, strong character, coupled with complaisance. These are the men who should be considered as candidates for husbands!
  • Blue and blue. They are chosen by developed intellectuals who are able to make quick decisions. They can be cold-blooded and are characterized by confidence and self-control.
  • Violet. These natures are creative, appreciating creativity in absolutely everything. Writers, artists, designers, and musicians love these colors.
  • Grey, white, black. They are preferred by conservatives and reserved natures. They do not tolerate interference in their personal life.
  • Beige, brown, khaki. Such clothes are worn by brave men who know how to make their own decisions and control their own destiny. At the same time, these people can be caring and gentle, provided that the woman they love is next to them.

Psychology of colors in children's clothing

Surely young mothers will be interested to know that the color of children's clothing has the ability to influence the child's behavior. Let’s tell you in more detail about the colors used in children’s wardrobes.

  • Orange, red, yellow. These colors speed up metabolism, increase brain performance, and increase heart rate. By wearing clothes in such colors, the child is aimed at exploring and actively interacting with the objects and people that surround him. Other children, seeing a friend wearing a set in such colors, calm down and feel comfortable. Ensembles of red, orange or yellow will awaken the activity of a lethargic child. “Hot” colors can be used to increase the activity of the speech apparatus.
  • Green and blue. Cool colors have a calming effect, have a beneficial effect on the psyche, and slow down metabolism.
  • Pink. Pink, traditional for girls, dulls the feeling of aggression and gives the wearer femininity, which is reflected in an easy-going character and gentleness.
  • Green. Leads to a feeling of peace and stability. If a child regularly wears green clothes, this leads to the formation of a pragmatic personality, which will be very successful in the future. Green color has a hypnotic effect, so it can be used to help the baby fall asleep faster.
  • Light green. Allows you to establish friendly relationships between children, learn new things, and find new friends.
  • Blue. It has a calming effect, strengthens the immune system, relieves emotional and physical stress, and gives a feeling of comfort. Develops imagination in the child and leads to cleanliness.
  • Blue. Personified with persistence, tenacity, seriousness. Promotes mental and physical relaxation, leads to good luck. Dark shades are not desirable because they evoke thoughts of sadness and sadness.
  • White, black, gray. These colors are neutral and do not carry much meaning.

Whatever colors your wardrobe consists of, you should not be disappointed, because you can always change everything in your favor and buy new things. By correctly combining colors and identifying the most advantageous variations from a psychological point of view, you can achieve enormous success in love and in business!

) the topic of today's article is psychology of color in clothing, no matter how funny it may sound at first glance. Let's find out today what the meaning of clothing color in psychology, what kind of person you are because of the dominant color in your wardrobe, consider how it affects your state of mind, behavior and mood. The color you wear most often can give you away, now find out why and how.

Undoubtedly, there are many secrets and mysteries hidden here, because it is human nature to wear what others want to see him in, and even more often the choice falls on the color of clothing in which a person feels strong, safe and frivolous. But stop deceiving yourself, try to choose clothes to your liking, then you will be able to describe yourself correctly.

As you read the article, take a look at the past when fashion was not imposed on you, remember what color of clothes you preferred. So you can easily analyze any period of life and find out why they preferred a different color instead of their favorite one today or the reason why they switched from adoring “Princess Aurora” to worshiping the “evil witch.”

Psychology of color in clothing: warmth and cold.

Is there a forbidden color for a woman who doesn't mind wearing it? It is not recommended to buy something for a specific occasion, because the money is spent, and the occasion may not come. There is a technique called “Color Analysis,” as described by psychologist and psychotherapist Gaia Vincenzi, which helps to identify shades and nuances in harmony with the face (skin, eyes, hair, eyebrows) of each of us (men and women). She explains it this way:

“Let's look at the mirror, with a white sheet overlaid, behind which makeup is drawn, shine a light on it and evaluate the variables. Light or dark skin, eyebrows, lips, eyes, teeth, hair, arm veins. Every detail is defined in terms of heat or cold. And therefore, if a woman prefers makeup with cool tones in winter, she will need strong, pure colors in clothes: black, white, silver.”

But what is the meaning of colors in clothes? Psychology can answer this question.

Black clothes: psychology.

Psychology interprets the black color of clothing as follows:

  • Individualists, egocentrics and deceivers prefer black;
  • A constant penchant for black clothing without any special occasion is evidence of dominance, ambition and intellectual appearance;
  • Black demonstrates individuality, coolness, a talent for mystery and mysticism, but also gives the opposite feeling that a person dressed in black is unapproachable, although in reality he does not want this, on the contrary, he wants to achieve the complete opposite.

Black (psychology of color in clothing) is dominance over other colors and represents the boundary that marks the end of a phase of life. It can be worn in the evening but is best avoided during the day as it blocks skin penetration electromagnetic radiation flowers and exchanges with the outside. It enhances red and yellow enhances intellectual strength and raises social strength. Black should be avoided in case of depression. It triumphs in the closets of women and men of all ages. This is one of the most worn flowers, the favorite main “hero” from morning to evening.

What is the secret of his timeless power? Discrete, deep, fashionable, elegant, minimalist, black suits many moods, in each situation separately. Elegant, mysterious and sophisticated, it is the most commonly found on important holidays. Mysterious, as impenetrable as the depths of our unconscious.

Allowing the surface layer of fabric to cover other colors means you can hide thoughts and emotions you don't want to show. Under black you can disguise another personality or hide a more colorful, sunny or transgressive personality that will only be revealed with your desire. Practical, black can easily be combined with other colors without fear of combining them, it is reassuring, it makes you feel protected from the eyes of others when you don't want to be too strong.

In black you can seek refuge from the excessive intrusiveness of the speeches of others. Cool and discreet, it is considered dividing, but does not go unnoticed. He describes the silhouette, sculpts it or shows it in a game with a cutout that highlights the naked points of the body, paying attention to the color of the skin, to the shapes. Just as black absorbs light, the person who wears it can absorb appearance others without necessarily contacting them.

Red clothes: psychology.

Psychology interprets the color red in clothing somewhat differently:

  • Red clothing symbolizes strength and dominance;
  • Confidence in yourself, in the present day and creativity;
  • Red can also be a signal effect of seduction and passion;
  • Red nails and lips are called “a woman’s weapon.” For others, red may be vulgar and tasteless, indicating the “cheapness” of a woman;
  • Men who do not wear red do not usually signal high intimate performance, fear of impotence or fear of not being able to control their instinctuality.

Red (psychology of color in clothing) is a symbol of blood and vital energy, mental and physical. Touching red infuses courage and forces one to overcome situations that intimidate or make a person feel under scrutiny. Anyone who wears red as the dominant shade in clothing is lively and sociable, with a tendency to develop business and love relationships.

Energetic and constantly moving, he wants to quickly overcome his goals. The excess used emphasizes the sometimes aggressive character. Anyone who dresses in red is undoubtedly marked.

Blue clothes: psychology.

Psychology considers the blue color in clothing as follows:

  • Confidence, security and calm radiate from blue;
  • Those who prefer blue clothing strive for balance, peace, loyalty, stability;
  • In light blue clothes, he shows the brightness, tenderness, youth, liveliness and lightness of a person;
  • People with a penchant for extravagance prefer strong blue or eye-catching blue clothing;
  • People who have an antipathy towards blue do not have inner peace.

Blue (psychology of color in clothing) is a symbol of harmony and balance, as well as calmness; blue color has the ability to relax, bringing peace in the emotional sphere. People who wear light blue tend to have a certain outward closure. This is the color. It is elegant and sophisticated, conveying emotional silence and composure.

Consistently choosing the color blue can express a desire for a calm and orderly environment, free from troubles and disturbances. Viewed among cool tones, it can convey a sense of distance. Used in excess, the medium can sink in, so it is better to dilute it with a warm shade.

Indigo, the color of blue and violet in the spectrum, is a symbol of spirituality and inner awakening. Suitable for particularly stressful and nervous people. It is worn by reserved and very private people who want to live in their own world.

Green color in clothes: psychology.

The color green symbolizes perseverance and superior knowledge. This is the color of energy balance. The wearer seeks balance and reflection. The psychology of green coloring states relaxing and refreshing effects, although it creates the problem of migraines or insomnia.

Green in its endless shades, from military to fresh apple green, there may be options a little garish, but those who know the circumstances in which such clothing is needed often show their tough character. Wearing green helps to calm a very active mind in times of anxiety, tension in the face of a challenge.

  • Trustworthiness, humility, compassion and social skills are attributes that people who claim to love the color green;
  • Apple or pistachio color in green clothes symbolizes the gentleness of a person;
  • The background combination of a bottle or emerald green and black speaks of power and authority.

Gray clothes in psychology.

Gray is preferred by people who are quite cautious and protected, or rather operate in the background. Psychology defines the gray color in clothing as a symbol of separation, which denotes an attitude towards self-defense. Gray gives a reasonable expectation before making a choice. People wearing a gray tone create a barrier between themselves and the world.

Purple color in clothes: psychology.

The psychology of colors in clothing also turns our attention to the color purple.

  • Anyone who constantly wears this color is considered an egoist.
  • You may feel this way because these people are often very serious and discuss everything that happens around them.

In the spectrum of light, violet is located at the antipodes of red and symbolizes the ability to identify oneself against the background of others. Lighter shades express sensuality and dark spirituality. It includes blue and red (sacred and secular). Wearing such clothes is strongly contraindicated in depression.

Some scholars say “Hell is a red and gray purgatory and a purple heaven!” This comes from the intersection of red, the tone of material passions, with blue, which transcends matter and rises to the sky. This is a favorite color of a personality with a noticeable sensitivity that can see the hidden side of things. Particularly helpful in seeking inner balance, peace and emotional mastery. This is the psychology of color in clothing.

White clothes: psychology.


  • Shows a rejection of the worldly and physical or an exit into the world of appearance, for example, if one wants to avoid confrontation with oneself;
  • The tendency to dress in white indicates ambition and productive thinking;
  • White calms the self-employed and becomes an assistant in creating an ideal in oneself.

White (the psychology of color in clothing) includes all the tones of the color spectrum and as a meaning lies at the antipodes of black: it symbolizes the border that marks the beginning of a life phase. Restores the entire body. It's fresh and sunny color which brings energy. White suits a thin body and strong self-esteem.

It's not always easy to wear and it's not for everyone. Those who wear this color primarily share distinction, security, and sometimes claim pride. Black tends to flow, white does not. But white is not just purity, it is brightness and sensuality. Like black, it is extreme. Wearing a white T-shirt or shirt is sometimes very different from dressing in all white, a shade of white gives a note of elegance without the commitment.

Among men, this shade is preferred by intellectuals, creators, artists, and creative individuals, but not by corporate figures. The higher the career ladder the man rises, the darker the clothes become, that is, more symbolic of the role of power, elegance and sobriety.

Other colors.

Orange clothing is a symbol of inner harmony, artistic and unique creativity, confidence in oneself and others. The wearer expresses joy and affirmation of the ego, good humor and altruism. Remember that electromagnetic energy orange color is at the same vibration frequency as the DNA chain.

  • May express interest in life and youth, but also be intrusive to those watching;
  • A more subdued orange symbolizes warmth;
  • People who avoid this color find it difficult to develop creativity.

Yellow (psychology of color in clothing) is a symbol of sunlight, as well as knowledge and energy, both intellectual and nervous. Yellow speakers perceive and evaluate themselves well; the color associated with a sense of identity, with extroversion, always denotes a strong personality.

Its use stimulates rationality. Wearing yellow gives light, fame and liveliness, just like orange energizes you when you are tired.

  • Optimism, temperament, humor and open-mindedness come from the one who wears the yellow shade;
  • Looks bright and lovely, poisonous yellow strikes;
  • Anyone who wears sunny or maize yellow shows ease in receptiveness to the environment and demonstrates happiness and a cheerful disposition.

Derived from a combination of red, yellow and black, brown is a symbol of physical satisfaction. Preference brown helps to be practical rather than dispersive. Communicates a desire not to show too much, but may reflect a gloomy mood.

  • Brown clothes on a natural and undemanding person;
  • Dark brown can have something mysterious and deep, but also looks beautiful and friendly, giving the impression of security.

Pink is a symbol of the ability to give and receive love, pink gives passion and vitality in loving others and self. Striking aggression and mood enhancement, this is a shade of romantic love and affection, communication with tender emotions, complicity, solidarity.

Test: which clothes suit you best?

Preference for certain colors should help to draw conclusions about a person’s character and behavior. Something to watch out for general classifications. The preferred color can be both an expression of our current emotional state and inner attitude, as well as needs and quality of life that we seek unconsciously or that we want to bring into our lives. The choice of specific clothing ranges can be as important in the social environment as attracting attention, achieving specific goals, or conveying a particular style.

Red is often found in the wardrobe of many ladies. This may not always be associated with fashion trends, or with some fashionable prerequisites. This range determines a woman’s behavior and reveals the secrets of her psychology. What does the choice of red say? This is deciphered simply.

Filling with strength, energy, passion...

Red is one of the strongest and warmest, most people who use it awaken positive emotions associated with comfort or joy - such is psychology. For some, it may be considered aggressive and annoying, flashing too often. This largely depends on the emotional state of the person. Women choose red to attract male attention. The shade is considered a symbol of passion, brightness, awakening, life, rock. The presence of a red tint in a girl’s clothes gives incentive, strength, and brightness to the image. Based on psychology, it is advised to wear red for those who have problems with their intimate life.

Who chooses red for themselves subconsciously? Lady choosing this color for herself:

· positive and interesting;

· constantly enjoys life;

· spends every second in motion and with benefit.

A woman who chooses red is a strong and freedom-loving person who plays by her own rules and dictates them to other people. This can be understood by comparing him with others. It has quite a big difference and surprisingly combines softness and strength at the same time.

Which ladies would avoid the color red?

In most cases, those ladies who have opposite character traits from the psychology of bright personalities, leaders and ringleaders refuse to wear red.

How to understand that a girl will refuse red in her wardrobe?

· she is not too sociable and inconspicuous;

· likes to spend a minimum of time in company;

· prefers calm music, a quiet book to bright walks and new sensations.

Introvert is the best synonym for such a person. In most cases, red will literally irritate her. Refusal to use shade in clothing or wardrobe is also used by those who are psychologically exhausted, or are quite weak physically. Not drawing attention to one's specialness is the credo of such people.

A dull lady will “give away” herself by the lack of bright color both in her wardrobe and in her accessories. Objects surrounding everyday life, will not have a bright red tint. She will subconsciously show others that she loves privacy and avoids crowds. Bright, active, charismatic, memorable - these are not the words that will describe her, so this shade cannot be found in clothes and appearance.

Red in the wardrobe. To wear or avoid?

Many girls do not ask this question, because they intuitively determine whether brightness suits the name in character or not. It happens that many people like this color, but women do not risk using it in clothes. This may be connected to certain points in psychology, or to the color type of a girl or woman. A psychologist will say that if there are a lot of things in your closet that are red or its shades, then you can be classified as an energetic, impulsive lady who does not like to sit still. Red can also indicate aggression, which is in your character by clothing. His lovers are leaders in life and will easily defend their opinions. And not always such young ladies will be able to treat people who do not support their point of view with reverence and warmth, so in psychology this color will be contradictory.

1. The color will look great on girls choosing cocktail or evening dresses.

2. To add brightness to the image, you can choose a red blouse or a jacket of this shade.

3. It is important to measure the brightness of the light and its quantity, so as not to seem like a tasteless person.

4. A good option There will be the use of calm tones in the wardrobe, but the emphasis will be on a red strap, handbag, scarf, shoes. This will tell you that you are truly a temperamental and bright woman, but do not boast about it, but simply beautifully emphasize this trait of your character.

5. Red is more of a going out color, but not for everyday use. business suits and simple clothes.

6. It’s good to use this color outside of work, for going to a cafe, restaurant, disco, nightclub.
Girls who prefer red should remember that this color in clothing should also have its limits. If we are talking about choosing a wardrobe for work or serious events, then your favorite red should be avoided. Not on purpose, but subconsciously, he can cause irritation or even aggression from others. Some people cannot even stand strict business clothes of this color.
In most cases, for a rather serious event you should wear calm dark or pastel shades. Then the attention of the audience will be focused on you, and the attitude will be completely different. Only the scarf or the bandage around the neck will be red. So it’s worth paying attention to yourself.

This color activates energy centers, responsible for the house, valuables in vitality, family, safety. Its shades easily activate the energy of the lower centers. Scarlet color is worn by girls who want to attract love into their lives. It is also beneficial to wear red underwear for women who want to become pregnant. The most important thing is that the underwear does not tighten, as it blocks energy. This color can easily attract energy and promote pre-conception.

What can the color red say in a woman’s clothing?

It is easy to distinguish whether the color characterizes a woman, or whether it is a feigned phenomenon that does not speak about her psychology. Rarely will the appearance consist only of red. If you come across just such an option, and the lady is dressed in bright, tasteless clothes - this is the created image. Red will not characterize her as a person - she just wanted change. This wardrobe is about to change.
If in appearance women combine different things and accessories in red, this can be said that she is a follower bright image, and so can describe his character. You should be careful with the color red so as not to lose the fine line between elegance and bad taste.
Different shades of red can be chosen for girls of different color types, but I don’t know that ladies can avoid accents in their image.
Whether or not to talk about the brightness and charisma of her person is up to each girl to decide separately. Using red is a simple and effective solution to the problem.