Do-it-yourself spray booth with a water curtain. Spray booth with water curtain W3000. Requirements for a spray booth

. on organizing the supply of painted products, ─ on dead-end and through passages. In individual production, periodic dead-end spray booths are more often used, and in large-scale production, continuous spray booths are used.

. spray booths can be open and closed (open and closed type). Enclosed spray booths provide complete isolation working area from the surrounding space. This allows, due to the coordinated operation of the supply and exhaust ventilation, maintain a pressure inside the chamber that is different from atmospheric pressure, thereby preventing the uncontrolled emission of contaminants. The body of the open spray booth forms partly closed space. The number of open openings depends on the painting technology, the location of the workplace (outside the chamber or in the chamber) and the method of loading and unloading the painted products.

. features of the filtration system design give reason to distinguish two large classes of spray booths ─ dry spray booths And chambers with hydrofilter.

Chambers with a water curtain in regulatory documentation

A number of current regulatory documents speak about how important, and often necessary, a spray booth with hydrofilters or a spray booth with a water curtain is.

“The air sucked from the painting booths, booths and floor grilles is cleaned from the resulting aerosol of paint and varnish material. Cleaning should be carried out, as a rule, by the “wet” method in hydrofilters.” This provision contains « Sanitary rules during painting work using hand sprayers. Sanitary and hygienic characteristics of working conditions" .

Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated May 10, 2001 No. 37 “On approval of inter-industry rules for labor protection during painting work” even more categorically. Clause 3.52.: “Exhaust air from rooms for working with paintwork materials, local ventilation systems and local suction must be cleaned of paintwork aerosols using a “wet” method in hydrofilters.”

Not only the sanitary and hygienic aspect is important, but also the requirements fire safety. "PPBO-109-92. Fire safety rules for railway transport» : “Painting work by spraying paints and varnishes must be carried out in spray booths made of fireproof materials and equipped with hydraulic filters. Without hydrofilters or other effective devices for catching aerosols of flammable paints and varnishes, it is not permitted to operate the local suction system of paint cabinets, chambers and booths.”

Color is very important

Paint booths are a relatively new type of equipment, in contrast to paints or paints and varnishes, which humanity has been using for tens of thousands of years.

At least, this is the age of the oldest rock paintings, for which mineral powders were used, charcoal, lime, clay, and later animal fats, the secretion of the glands of living beings and other biomaterials. The chemical industry has added to this arsenal with a variety of synthetic paint compounds that have made the world much brighter. Of course, the brightness of the sky, water, minerals and plants remained the same, but the noosphere (or anthroposphere) sparkled with all the colors of the rainbow. This happened again. and because color, being integral part design, has become one of the essential tools promotion of many products, incl. industrial products. In addition, a thin layer of paint has acquired important economic importance, protecting millions of tons of steel products and structures from corrosion.

How important color is, and therefore painting equipment in general and paint booths in particular, can be judged by the example of the automotive industry and the huge car service industry, which creates hundreds of thousands of jobs. For them, the quality and cost of coloring are one of the main trump cards in the competition, and functionality paint booths largely determine the economic efficiency of production.

Prerequisites for the appearance of paint booths

have developed in the second half of the 19th century. In 1887, the method of spraying paint compositions was invented in the USA. (This, by the way, stimulated the emergence of paints and varnishes with previously unprecedented properties, for example, quick-drying ones). First new technology adopted by furniture manufacturers . But soon, and on a much larger scale, it began to be used in the rapidly growing automotive industry.

Interest in spray painting from many industries has given a powerful impetus to the development of enterprises producing such devices. But at the same time, he definitely set them the task of ensuring acceptable working conditions for the personnel operating them. The answer to these challenges was painting booths, with the help of which it was possible to localize the influence of paint fragments that were not fixed on the surface being painted - the so-called. "colorful fog" Fogs, as a rule, are called aerosols, the dispersed phase of which is represented by liquid droplets . Of course, the pollution that accompanies the dyeing process, often very toxic, is not limited to mists; it is enough to remember such a component as solvent vapors.

Already at the beginning of the 20th century, means such as an orderly air circulation system and air purifying filters were used to implement a technological concept that was innovative for that time. No matter how outwardly similar the installations captured in photographs of the first half of the 20th century were to modern paint booths, they have changed a lot. Because as a result of scientific and technological progress, dry and hydrofilters, fans, pumps, equipment for applying paintwork materials and paintwork materials themselves have changed (just remember powder coatings, for the application of which powder painting booths are used).

The range of tasks solved using paint booths has expanded. As at the beginning of their existence, they help minimize the harmful effects of paints and varnishes on the health of workers , only today against the backdrop of more stringent and detailed requirements of national legislation in the field of labor protection. To this was added another the most important task, which was not yet so acute at the beginning of the 20th century, ─ reducing the burden on the environment .

And of course, the use of spray booths allows ensure modern standards of painting quality , thanks to supply air filtration systems that remove even the finest dust. And due to automation technological processes and increasing energy efficiency, it is possible to increase productivity and make the painting process more economical.

Water spray booths successfully cope with these tasks. They are easy to use, since the presence of hydraulic filters simplifies the cleaning of fans, filters, pipelines and air ducts from paint particles. The presence of water improves fire safety and minimizes the possibility of increased concentrations of explosive substances. Water curtains highly effectively purify contaminated air in the working (painting) area from solid particles of paint and glue, solvent vapors, aerosols and other contaminants.

The principle of operation of any spray booth is to create a directed air flow. Outside air enters the work area. The quality of coloring will be higher, the better it is prepared, ─ with the help of filters it is cleared of solid inclusions, it has the required temperature and humidity. Already in a “spent” form, contaminated in the work area as a result of contact with paintwork materials, it is cleaned by exhaust ventilation filters and discharged into the environment.

If part of this work is performed by hydrofilters, such devices are called water spray booths or water curtain booths. “Part of the work” ─ since the presence of hydrofilters does not negate the use of dry filters working together with them, usually located in front of the exhaust fan of final fine filters.


Since the basis for separating painting booths with a water curtain into a separate class of equipment was the use of hydrofilters, they (hydraulic filters) have earned the full right to be presented first when considering the design of such chambers.

The term " hydrofilter " in this case means an air filter that purifies the air using water as a filter material. The “in this case” clause is due to the fact that hydraulic filters are sometimes called hydraulic filters, i.e. filters used to purify liquids in hydraulic systems.

The use of air hydraulic filters is not a monopoly of paint booths. For example, they are installed in ventilation systems to cool air, protect against sparks, remove soot, soot, grease, and eliminate foreign odors.

What is common to all hydrofilters is that polluted air is purified when it interacts with water. Depending on the design, screen (cascade), nozzle and nozzle-less hydraulic filters are distinguished. They differ in the principle of supplying air-purifying water and, as a result, in their operating features.

In screen hydrofilters, water curtains are created using overflow water distribution devices and panels. In nozzle systems, nozzles are used to form water curtains.

Pump and pumpless bubble-vortex hydrofilters are also used, in which air purification occurs as a result of its active mixing with water. Their name comes from the French barbotage - stirring. The principle of operation is passing gas or steam (in our case, air) through a layer of liquid (in our case, water).

In a screen hydrofilter, an air flow containing paint particles and solvent vapors is supplied to a screen covered with a continuous layer of water flowing over it, the circulation of which is ensured by the operation of the pump. When faced with water, large particles lose speed and flow with it into the bath located under the screen. Contaminants that have overcome this barrier are removed when the air flow passes through water curtains located behind the screen. A droplet eliminator capable of “processing” vertical and cross air flows helps make the air cleaner.

Along with the front ones, side curtains can be installed. More effective capture of paint mist is provided by an active water floor (or active water pan) ─ a bath covered with a grid, possibly buried in the concrete floor of the workshop.

In nozzle hydrofilters, water is sprayed using nozzles. As a rule, screw or tangential with a hole diameter of several mm.

Screw nozzles form a more stable spray, but tangential nozzles are easier to manufacture and less likely to clog. The pitch of the nozzles is set depending on the angle of the jet cone (usually 70-75º) and the effective length of the torch.

Sheet steel shield or polymer materials, installed between the rows of nozzles, helps create a directed air flow, preventing it from getting between the water jets.

Water consumption depends on the speed of its flow along inclined panels or screens, as well as the number of curtains and their cross-sectional area (i.e., the thickness of the water layer, which is usually several mm). The water circulation is almost closed. Almost ─ because due to losses due to evaporation and removal of particularly polluted waters, its supply has to be periodically renewed. Sludge from hydraulic filters of paint booths with a water curtain accumulates special system purification of water from paint and varnish waste.

To prevent constantly moving water from foaming, anti-foaming additives are added to it.

The case is “classic” and not quite

A mandatory attribute of a spray booth is the body. This is not always a “classic” building with a floor, walls and roof. It may consist of only one front wall. There are tubeless coating technologies used, for example, for painting large-format products. And in many such devices the air is purified using hydrofilters. They may have different design. For example, tubeless installations with bottom suction, consisting of a hydrofilter, an exhaust ventilation system and pumping unit. For coloring vertical surfaces lifting platforms equipped with a hydrofilter are used, ─ air contaminated with paint particles is drawn into the gap formed by the surface to be painted and the wall of the hydrofilter of such a platform.

The presence of side walls and a roof helps create a directed air flow and prevents entry into working space pollution from painting booths located nearby.

Paint booth bodies can be solid or modular. The most common material for their manufacture is sheets (panels) of galvanized or stainless steel with a thickness of 0.8-1.5 mm. There is experience in using plastic with an anti-adhesive coating, with a thickness of 10 mm or more. The advantages of this solution are that paint residues adhere less well to the camera surfaces and are easier to remove.

The dimensions of painting booths are determined by the organization of work and the size of the products for which they are intended for painting. Organization of work ─ this is where, ─ inside or outside the chamber, ─ located workplace, whether it is necessary to rotate the products during the painting process, whether overhead conveyors with a swing amplitude are used for their transportation, etc.

Ventilation system

The ventilation system ensures the required direction of movement and uniformity of the flow of exhaust air to be cleaned ─ from the working area to the hydrofilter.

Typically centrifugal and axial fans medium and low pressure, the parameters of which are determined based on the amount of air that must be removed from the paint booth per unit of time. The fan can be installed on its roof. But at the same time, especially in the case of powerful and high-speed fans, it is necessary to prevent noise and vibration effects on the camera body.

In the open painting booth, all clean air, or the main part of it, enters through open openings directly from the workshop, and the lack of air in the room is compensated by the workshop supply ventilation. To increase the amount of air used by the spray booth, an air inlet pipe equipped with a valve that opens when the spray equipment is operating can be used. This is relevant for paint booths located in small rooms.

Trends in the development of painting technologies used in mechanical engineering, woodworking, the production of building and other metal structures, ─ wherever painting booths with water curtains are used, ─ are determined by the progressive tightening of protection requirements environment and sanitary and hygienic requirements, as the most important segment of labor protection. And also the need to increase economic efficiency by increasing labor productivity, energy and resource conservation, and improving the quality of work.

You can comply with them by increasing the efficiency of filters, using new construction materials, energy-saving ventilation and pumping equipment, increasing automation and robotization of technological processes. This means that spray booths with water curtains will have to change. More in content than in form. However, this is exactly what they have been doing for many decades.

Sooner or later, every car needs an update paint coating. We are talking about 100 - 150 thousand km in the case of a domestic vehicle and 300 - 400 thousand km if the car is imported, not of Chinese origin. You don’t have many options - use the services of a company service or garage technicians, or do everything yourself by building a paint booth. Even if you take into account the cost of renting equipment, a do-it-yourself spray booth will cost an order of magnitude cheaper than the services of painters.

Requirements for a spray booth

If a paint booth is installed in a garage, the room must meet the following requirements.

  1. Mandatory insulation of walls and refusal to use flammable materials.
  2. Achieving ultimate tightness.
  3. A three-meter wall should be covered with a matte film to attract and retain dust particles. The resource of such a surface will be enough to paint 10 or more cars. Additionally, do not forget to treat the matte powder coating with a fire-retardant layer.
  4. Two doors will ensure fire safety compliance. Tightness and ease of opening are the main requirements for these elements of the room.
  5. The floor must be designed so that air flows freely. A coating in the form of a multilayer lattice will cope with this task, which will ensure optimal inflow and removal of air masses.
  6. If the finished floor is metal, it should be installed 40 cm higher than similar surfaces in adjacent rooms. The bridge will soften the difference in floor surfaces.
  7. Unimpeded entry into the box and optimal air exchange can be achieved using a concrete floor, the base of which will be on the same level as the adjacent rooms.
  8. When settling in ventilation system pay attention to the quality of fasteners. If the air intake passages become clogged, vapors from paint solutions will accumulate imperceptibly, which will lead to an explosion or local fire.
  9. Be sure to consult with a specialist before carrying out construction work. It is also important to learn the principles of safe painting work.

What is it and how to produce it? You can learn about this from the detailed material of our specialist.

Interested in how to do it? Read about this in an interesting and informative article by our expert.

A DIY paint booth in the garage requires careful arrangement of a filter system with an exhaust pipe.

  1. With single engine paint booth The filter roll surface is laid around the perimeter of the entire ceiling. Removable pocket filters fixed in front of the ventilation system will ensure the retention of large debris.
  2. If the room has two engines, you need to take care of an additional filter in the floor. To install the structure, you can choose a metal deck or an air duct system. Since the device takes on a significant load by lowering the mist of paint spray down and drawing it out through the holes, the filter components used must be designed for rough cleaning. As an option, you can install a fine cleaning cassette screen in front of the device.

Sheathing and flooring

Also, a do-it-yourself paint booth for cars is made taking into account the requirements for floor arrangement. It is necessary to make trenches in the finished floor and cover it with a metal grid to raise its level by at least 15 cm. The ground cavity will become the place to install the ventilation motor.

If there is no suitable flooring in the room, you have two options.

  1. If flooring solid, you can dig a rectangular hole with a recess the size of a meter or two trenches. If it is impossible to implement this stage, it is allowed to lay a second floor with an indentation of 20 cm. The hood for painting in the garage is installed in this space. It is also necessary to provide for the removal of air masses outside the paint box.
  2. If an inspection hole is already present, all that remains is to use a metal reinforcement grid to cover the recess. The boards must be laid under the sheathing in the form of wedges, and at the same time, a sharp corner. The air duct pipe goes out from the underground cavity, and they will serve as bottom ventilation in the room.

Lighting organization

Technically correct lighting in the paint booth allows you to easily eliminate flaws in fresh paint and notice dust particles in the air. The best option fluorescent lamps will become visible to the human eye, which will ensure stable productivity of the work performed. Technological rules require illumination of 600 - 1000 lux. Fluorescent lamps should be installed in two rows along the ceiling-wall perimeter. If it is impossible to achieve this electrification option, you can limit yourself to ceiling lighting.

Portable lighting is usually used when painting the lower elements of a vehicle.

Heating system

Requirements temperature standards must be taken into account, whether it is arranging a homemade professional or budget spray booth. Failure to comply with this category of requirements not only leads to a decrease in the quality of the paint coating, but also increases the risk of deterioration in the employee’s health:

  • local heating and electric heating elements are sufficient in winter;
  • installing a heat gun will allow you to warm up the interior space and key ceiling points;
  • if large-scale operation is not expected, it is not economically feasible to buy a heat generator, since it will not pay for itself.

Consider the level of workload of the paint box when choosing a drying method, which is a mandatory step after applying paint to the surface of a car.

  1. If a single painting is intended, you can give preference to air drying. Such a procedure will be quite long, and this factor acts as the main disadvantage.
  2. If the paint bay is being set up for commercial purposes, infrared equipment will be a smarter choice since complete drying can be achieved much earlier. Among the key advantages of infrared drying, it is worth highlighting the ability to dry any primer or putty, which becomes necessary during a complete reconstruction of a vehicle. Electricity consumption is economical.

Often for interior decoration It is customary to choose a paint box covering with metal or plastic corrugated sheeting. Such a surface is easy to process, and also light walls The accumulated dust will be immediately noticeable. Ideally, the color of the coating should be matte white. Decorative elements are allowed in this case; it is not necessary to adhere to the standard finish:

  1. Cement-sand plaster is suitable for wall decoration small garage, reorganized into a painting booth. In this case, you should first moisten the surface with a spray bottle. The plaster will act like a sponge and bind dust with water, which will ensure the cleanliness of the walls.
  2. OSB boards or metal will contribute to the accumulation of dust, which can only be fully removed with a vacuum cleaner.
  3. Plastic panels, in turn, accumulate 10 times more dust than wooden and metal surfaces.

An excellent business solution is to paint cars at home. But in order to be able to paint cars, there is little experience and equipment for painting, you also need to have a room in which the painting will be done Vehicle. Organizations that paint cars have long carried out painting work in a chamber with a water curtain. It is no secret that such a device can be made with your own hands, only by making some effort and spending a small amount of money to purchase some equipment. You can buy a ready-made one, but its cost will be very high, and not everyone is ready to invest a large amount. In order to make a device with a water curtain with your own hands, you will also need some knowledge.

What does the camera consist of?

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A painting booth with a water curtain is an enclosed room, which is made of stainless steel and has supply and exhaust ventilation. This ventilation is created using electric motors. The main part of the device is a heating element, which helps heat the room to the required temperature and maintain it during painting work. The chamber also includes lighting, which must be distributed evenly over the entire area and have sufficient luminous flux. It is best to place them not only on the ceiling of the room, but also on the side walls. The device also includes equipment for painting work and other auxiliary tools.

Layout of the painting booth

Knowing what the paint booth consists of, you need to decide on the location where the arrangement will be made, and make a project according to the location of the main structural elements. An excellent location for the construction of the device can be a garage, or build a new extension, which will take more time and, accordingly, finances. To make a device with your own hands, you will need structural elements from which it will be based, heating and ventilation systems, filtration and lighting.

Making a painting booth

Having made the layout, it is necessary to carry out all technical calculations and begin installation work.
First of all, a new room is built or a frame is assembled inside the garage. The overall dimensions should be: length 10 meters, width 8 meters, height 3.5 meters. The painting booth has a corresponding size: 4 meters wide and 6 meters long.

    1. Gate installation.
      It is best to use insulated gates to avoid suction and loss of warm air; the outside is lined with corrugated sheeting. At the point of contact between the gates, it is insulated with a special adhesive tape. Places with cracks must be foamed with foam.
    2. Floor construction. The base of the floor is made of concrete, inside which a hole is made, and a metal pipe with a diameter of 150 mm is led out onto the street for air outflow. A metal grate is placed on the floor over the entire surface of the room to a height of 15-20 cm.
    3. Walls. The walls are sheathed with corrugated sheets, and the inside is insulated; sandwich panels can be made.
    4. Air exchange system. Components: two electric motors and metal pipes with diameters of 100 mm and 150 mm respectively. For supply ventilation An electric motor with a power of 5 kW is used, for an exhaust motor at least 7 kW.
    5. Ceiling. It is made of corrugated board, with insulation. Ceiling mounted metal carcass for air flow. An electric heater that will supply warm air indoors, installed outdoors.

  1. Air cleaning. It is carried out using filters and has three-level cleaning.
    • Level 1 A frontal water curtain is created, which is carried out by flowing down uniform streams of water;
    • Level 2. Cleaning the air inside the device. Promotes filtration and purification of air from paint waste;
    • Level 3. Dry filtration. Helps completely clean the air from paint particles and protects the fan from paint sticking.
  2. Lighting. LED or fluorescent lamps are installed on the ceiling and walls of the room.
    Also installed automatic sensors management and control of the system of supply and exhaust fans and filters.
    After installing everything necessary for the water chamber, painting equipment is installed.

How the work is carried out

An electric heater pumps air from the atmosphere into a confined space in a room. As the air passes through the system, it is purified by filters, each of which provides a specific purification.
The temperature in the room rises due to the work of the heating elements. The painting process begins. Down on the floor, air begins to be sucked out of the chamber, using exhaust fan. Water curtains are installed in front of the main line, which help retain paint particles. Here the air goes through all three levels of purification, if such are pre-installed. Cameras with a water curtain and factory production work on the same principle.

Positive aspects of a DIY device

  1. Free system planning.
  2. Big savings.
  3. Possibility to save on all components.
  4. Ability to use the main parts of the structure.

Disadvantages of the device

  1. There may be inaccuracies in calculations or imperfections in the installation of the device.
  2. It is not possible to completely automate the process, since the elements of the device consist of separate parts.
  3. There are no guarantees for the performance of such a device.


The cost of constructing a water curtain chamber with your own hands can take a long time, but it will cost about $4,000. You can buy a factory one for $20,000 or more. To start a business, the best option There is a construction with your own hands, which is much more profitable for a start-up business.

If you decide to repair cars, then you will need to get a paint booth.

The most reliable and quick way To purchase it, you will contact the Ural Machine Tool Company in Yekaterinburg. Our specialists will be able to quickly select the option that suits you at reasonable prices.

Of course, there is another way, but it is more complicated and, unfortunately, not entirely reliable.

We construct a water spray booth

Before starting work on equipping a paint booth in Yekaterinburg, it is necessary to sketch out sketches that will show a clear idea of ​​what basic elements the main structure consists of.

In general, the painting booth is a sealed box equipped with supply and exhaust ventilation. To create such a ventilation system, electric motors are used. The main part of the equipment includes a heating element, which allows you to maintain high temperature throughout the entire painting process.

The chamber must be equipped with lighting devices that provide uniform illumination over the entire area of ​​the box.

For a small amount of work, a private garage can be used as a box. If there is none, you can organize a small construction, which, naturally, will entail additional financial costs.


After designing a spray booth with a water curtain, the next step is technical calculations. They must be carried out with scrupulous accuracy, since incorrect calculations can lead to inadequate functioning of the equipment.

An approximate layout of the camera looks like this:

  • Door installation. They must be sealed and insulated.
  • The floor structure consists of a hole and a pipe that goes outside for air outflow.
  • The walls are insulated and sheathed with corrugated board.
  • The air exchange system includes metal pipes and two electric motors.
  • The insulated ceiling is made of corrugated board. A metal grille is installed in the ceiling for air flow.
  • Air purification is carried out thanks to a three-level filtration system.
  • Lighting is provided by ceiling and side lamps.

It's not pleasant that cold air penetrates into warm room, cooling it, because in this case it turns out that the street is drowning. Not only does this create uncomfortable conditions, but it also has a noticeable impact on your health and wallet. This problem can be overcome with the help of a thermal curtain, which is a reliable barrier between indoor and outdoor air.

They differ in the heat source, that is, such equipment can be electric or water. A water heat curtain is economical to use, since the heating element is hot water. However, this type of device, like the other, has excellent advantages, due to which it is becoming increasingly popular:

  1. Protecting the building from heat loss.
  2. Protection from cold air, which, thanks to the curtain, cannot penetrate into the room.
  3. Creating a barrier that prevents exhaust gases, dust and insects from entering from the street.
  4. Leveling the temperature gradient.
  5. Protection from drafts, which has a positive effect on health.
  6. Additional heating of the room.
  7. Ability to keep the door open.
  8. The ability to create coolness in hot weather.
  9. Cost-effectiveness due to both less heat loss and the fact that the energy source is not electricity, but water.

Operating principle and installation

The principle of operation is quite simple: powerful fan creates a high-speed air flow, which forms an “invisible barrier”; thanks to such a system, warm air cannot leave the room, and cold air cannot enter it. The heat source of the water curtain is hot water. It turns out that for the water type of device to work, central heating is needed.

Installing such equipment, of course, is difficult, but this cannot be compared with the fact that during operation the overhead costs are low and the power is very high. The scope of application of water curtains mostly extends to industrial buildings that have large open openings. The device is indispensable in restaurants, shops and warehouses, that is, those in places where doors open very often due to a large flow of people.

Installation is usually done above the door. Installation above the opening means that the curtain is horizontal, and on the side of the opening it is vertical. It must be remembered that the vertical curtain must be at least ¾ of the height of the opening that needs to be protected. This is the only difference between this type of device and the horizontal one.

Main element

The main design element is radial fan, which is necessary to create the necessary air flow. Such a turbine must be single and located along the entire length of the device. It helps create an even flow. The engine is mounted on the side of it.

However, manufacturers often decide to place the engine in the center, with small turbines on its sides. The reason for this arrangement of elements is the difficulty of manufacturing a turbine with a length exceeding 800 mm. How effective is this installation method? Of course, such a simplified curtain will cost less, but there will be a “dip” in the central part of the air flow, which significantly reduces the protective properties. Besides, heating elements will be blown unevenly, and this leads to their earlier failure.

How is the water curtain controlled?

The water thermal curtain is accompanied by at least two switches, one of which must turn on the fan, and the other must turn on the heating elements. Heating power regulators that have two or three stages can also be installed. Fans can be two-speed. The air curtain may have a thermostat that turns off the device or heating elements when the set temperature is reached.

There is a built-in and wired control panel, it all depends on the chosen model. However, the built-in type is used on curtains that have small size, which are installed for windows and doors. This is explained by the fact that the ability to reach the buttons depends on the distance. Accordingly, for water curtains it is more rational to use remote controls that can be installed in the right place.

Sometimes a limit switch is used, which is convenient because it turns on the device only when open gate. It turns out that the switch starts working when the doors or gates are opened. Its use is very convenient in warehouses and hangars.

Curtain selection

The following factors influence the choice of air curtain:

  1. Device length.
  2. Power.
  3. Performance.
  4. Type of instalation.
  5. Control method.

We have already discussed the last two factors, now we will talk about the other three.

  1. Performance. The air flow speed and installation height depend on it. For example, let's take a doorway whose width is about one meter and height is about two meters. In this case, the “pumping” of the curtain should be from 700 to 900 cubic meters at one o'clock. With this performance, the air flow speed will be about 8 meters per second at the outlet of the device, and about 2 meters per second at floor level. Of course, the price of such devices is not small, so devices with lower performance are used to protect small openings. Since water curtains are used more for industrial buildings, you cannot save on this factor, otherwise the efficiency will be minimal.
  2. Power is also an important factor, given that the equipment can heat the air in the room, although this factor is not at all necessary. For example, let's take a building at 10 square meters, which is not heated, and the ceiling height is about three meters. The power required under such conditions is 1 kW. However, in this case, the building must be permanent, that is, the ceiling and walls must have good thermal insulation. You should not choose a device with high power for well-heated places or even a device without a heating function. It is worth mentioning the peculiarity of the heating function: the air coming out of the curtain will never be hot, even if the power is maximum, it will only be warm. There is an explanation for this: the heating elements have a high blowing speed.
  3. Length. It can range from 600 to 2000 millimeters. Lengths from 800 to 1000 millimeters are very popular; such devices are installed above a standard opening, so they are not suitable for industrial facilities where water curtains are often used. How to correctly calculate the length in this case? It should be the same as the width of the opening or slightly larger. This is important to ensure that the air flow completely covers the opening and prevents cold air from entering the room.

All this information will help you choose the right water curtain, as it plays an important role in creating comfortable conditions. The installation of such equipment will indicate that caring for people is an integral part of any organization.