“Fun with the kids. ECD for speech development “Composing a story based on a series of paintings “Winter Fun” in the senior group Erotic stories of fun with kids

Voevodina Lyudmila Alexandrovna

Target: Enriching children's knowledge about winter and winter phenomena in nature.

Exercise in drawing up short story based on a series of paintings, when describing, indicate the place and time of action.

Pin correct pronunciation sounds with and w: pronounce them drawlingly, be able to correctly pronounce syllables with these sounds.

Skill formation stories based on a series of paintings a holistic idea of ​​the image on them.

Consolidating knowledge about the structure of the connected storytelling"Start", "Middle" And "End"

Equipment and materials: painting of winter, doll in winter clothes.

Preliminary work: Reading Russian. adv. fairy tales, poems, proverbs about winter; card index of winter riddles, looking at pictures of different seasons, observations on a walk “Changes in living and inanimate nature.”

Progress of the lesson:

The teacher asks riddles

1. I powdered the paths,

I decorated the windows,

Gave joy to children

And I went for a sledding ride. (Winter).

2. Mischievous little man,

He is inseparable from the broom,

He is not used to living in warmth,

Who will melt? (Snowman).

3. What kind of carved stars are they?

On a coat and on a scarf?

All through, cut-out,

And if you take it, water is in your hand. (Snowflakes).

4. He comes in winter evening,

Light candles on the Christmas tree,

He starts a round dance -

It's a holiday (New Year).

Educator: Guys, what time of year is it now?

Children: Winter.

Educator: Beginning or end of winter?

Children: It's the beginning of winter.

Educator: What are the first signs of the coming winter that can be noted now?

Children: it has become colder, the first frosts have begun, sometimes it snows, the days have become shorter and the nights longer, a cold wind is blowing.

Educator: That's right, now it's the first week winter month. Who can name the first month of winter?

Children: December!

Educator: Right!

Educator: How do people dress in winter?

The teacher shows the Vera doll and asks the children how she is dressed.

Children list.

What items of clothing have a sound in their names (s-sh?

Educator: guys, now let’s play the Didactic game “Who can name the most?” winter words with sounds s and sh?

Physical exercise.

We'll warm up a little (rubbing shoulders)

We will clap our hands (clap our hands)

Let's stamp our feet (stomp on the spot)

And let's give ourselves a pat (slap our knees)

Educator: guys, we will be with you today write a story about a topic: « Winter fun» . Let's let's look at the picture. Before you are brother and sister Vanya and Anya. Winter has come. There's so much on the street fun. Anya and Vanya love to play outside in winter, they looked out the window, saw the patterns on it that the prankster frost had made, and immediately wanted to go outside to see what other delights of winter there are. They quickly got dressed, Vanya put on overalls, but what is Tanya wearing? Look? Is Anya racing on a sled down a snowy hill? And Vanya is skiing. And other guys who skate and sled. There is so much snow outside! The guys decided to make a lot of snowmen, Vanya rolls a big ball. And Anya is already putting a scarf on her snowman. It's cold in winter. It is difficult for birds and animals to find food. And the guys fed them. They played very happily in the street and then they all ran home.

Individual work Children writing a story on a topic« Winter fun» .(3-4 children)

Educator: Guys, well done, you know so much about winter fun, I really liked how you are today made up stories.

Publications on the topic:

Abstract of GCD on the development of coherent speech in preparatory group“Retelling of V. Kataev’s story “Mushrooms.” Goal: to learn how to write a retelling.

Summary of a speech therapy lesson on the formation of coherent speech “Composing a story based on a series of plot pictures” Topic: “Compiling a story based on a series of plot pictures” Correctional and educational tasks 1. Teach children to compose a story with visuals.

Summary of educational activities for children of the senior group on speech development “Creative compilation of a story based on a series of plot pictures” Goal: To develop the skill of writing a short story creative nature based on a series of plot pictures proposed by the teacher. Tasks:.

Summary of educational activities for speech development for children of the senior group “Composing a story based on a series of pictures” Objectives: to teach children to compose a story with visual support on a series of plot pictures that display the sequence of events and are.

Summary of educational activities for speech development in the preparatory group “Composing a descriptive story” SUMMARY OF DIRECT EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES on speech development in the preparatory group TOPIC: “Composing a descriptive story.

Summary of educational activities for speech development and composing a story based on the painting “Spring has come” in the senior group Seasons "Spring". This material can be used to compose a story based on the picture. Summary of GCD on speech development in senior group.

Current page: 1 (book has 1 pages in total)

Hatter Mad
Fun with kids

Mad Hutter

Fun with kids

Neil turned on the water and waited for it to heat up. Then he stepped into the shower and took a deep breath, feeling the hot streams flowing through his body. There is nothing better than a hot shower after a hard day, it helps you relax so much. Moreover, they must go to his wife’s parents this evening. Neil had nothing against them, but would gladly have preferred to spend this time in some other way. But they had already agreed to have lunch with Barbara's parents, and if he asked to cancel the meeting, his wife would be very upset. “Oh well,” he thought, “I guess they won’t eat me.” He heard a knock on the shower door, and his wife appeared at the door. “Honey, do you mind if Becky takes a shower with you? It will be a little faster, otherwise you like to stand in the shower for so long!” Neil smiled. Barbara always laughed at how long he always took to shower. "Of course, Barbie, give it here." Neil's 8-year-old daughter went into the bathroom and closed the door. “Hi, dad,” she said, and began to undress. "Hi. How was your day?" “Not bad, how about you?” Becky opened the shower door and stepped inside. Neil moved a little to the side so that she could also stand under the hot streams of water next to him. “Nothing either.” They began to wash themselves in silence. Neil looked at his daughter. She looked at him and smiled broadly. Neil thought how cute his daughter was. She reminds me so much of her mother. The same long, dark brown hair, the same beautiful brown eyes, the same sexy smile. Neil was shocked by his own thought. He could never have thought that someday, when talking about his daughter, he would use such an expression as sexy. She's cute, yes, but she's too young to even think about her sexuality. But even thinking about it, his eyes themselves dropped lower, as if stroking down her flat chest. Looking at her from above, you would have thought it was a boy. However, his eyes dropped even lower to her small hairless pussy, which by its appearance showed that a girl was standing in front of him. At that moment she turned around and a smooth and dense small ass appeared before his eyes. Almost against his will, his penis began to swell. He hoped that it would pass quickly, but his penis was getting bigger and bigger. And then Becky turned back. “Dad, what happened to your thing? It suddenly became so big.” "It's nothing, dear, just not paying attention." "Can I touch her?" Without waiting for an answer, Becky put her small hand on his penis. Neil sighed sharply, as if an electric discharge had passed through him. He couldn't stop it now. His penis became bigger and stronger. The erection grew. Becky quickly lowered her hand. "Dad, what happened? It got so big and hard as soon as I touched it!" At first, Neil didn't know what to answer. But then he forced himself to speak; it seemed that the words were coming out of his mouth with difficulty. "Becky, a man's penis - that thing is called - is usually small. That's how it was when you got in the shower. But when it gets aroused, it gets big and hard, like it is now." "So, did you get turned on when I put my hand on your penis?" “Yes, that's right, honey.” Then Becky took hold of his dick again. Neil groaned, grinding his teeth. Lord, how good he felt! "It's so big that I can't even grab it with one hand!" "Why not do it both then?" "Okay!" Neil couldn't believe what he just said. Becky took the penis with her other hand and pressed her hands closer to it. Neil looked at Becky and saw her smile at him. “Lord,” Neil thought, “I’m only eight years old, but I haven’t seen a sexier smile.” Becky slowed down her stroking a little, and then Neil moved his penis a little. "Oh, Dad, I can feel him moving." “The point is that he likes it, and he tells you about it,” Neil said. He couldn't believe what he was saying! But his next words shocked him even more: “Becky, if you move your hands up and down on him, he will like it even more.” Becky immediately began moving her hands up and down her father’s penis. Neil knew that what he was doing was terribly wrong, but he had never been as excited as he was now. Looking at his eight-year-old daughter's pussy, his dick became even wetter. He looked at her full lips, formed into a sweet smile. They could curl so nicely around his dick. He knew that he would feel very guilty later, but at the moment all his thoughts were focused on his daughter and the pleasure she gave him. And, more importantly, which she could still deliver to him. "Do you like daddy's penis, Becky?" "Oh yeah. It's so funny, Dad." Neil swallowed his saliva, then took a deep breath and said. "If you really like him that much, why don't you kiss him?" Becky looked at him in surprise. "Are you saying to kiss your thing, that is, your penis?" "Yes, honey, if you want!" Becky and dad smiled. Becky then leaned over and gave Neil a quick kiss. "How's it going? " she asked. "That was a really good kiss, Becky. Did you enjoy doing this?" "Yes. Can I kiss him again?" "Certainly, darling. Kiss whatever you want. Kiss him everywhere." Becky smiled and brought her face closer to her father's dick. Then she hesitantly kissed his head, and then his dick. Then she began to kiss his dick everywhere. Her hands continued smooth movements up and down. "Why don't you lick it , Becky?" "Lick it? Like ice cream?" "Yes, Becky, like ice cream, with your lips and tongue." Becky stuck out her tongue and lightly touched the penis with it. Realizing that it was not disgusting, she began to move her tongue along the penis. Neil moaned. Then Becky surprised him . Remembering about the ice cream, she opened her mouth, and, wrapping her lips around the head, began to quietly slide up and down. “Oh, God, Becky.” I feel so good. Suck it, suck daddy's dick. Suck it deeper into your mouth. Soak it up. Oh yeah baby. Stroke it with your tongue. Oh, Becky, you give Daddy such pleasure." Neil was amazed. His 8-year-old daughter was a natural sucker. She sucked him as deep as her mouth would allow her, while she also helped herself with her tongue, licking the length of the penis. She could only take half of his 8-inch penis into her mouth, but where her lips didn’t reach, she worked with her hands. Neil felt a load of sperm being born in his balls. He couldn’t get more than he already had. , this is great, Becky. But now you'd better stop." "Why is that, Daddy?" Becky asked him. "You see, baby, when a man feels really, really good, the way you made me feel right now, he shoots some white stuff out of his dick . They call it sperm." "From a penis? Is that another name for a penis?" "That's right, baby." - Neil said this with a smile. - "Just stroke my penis with your hands like before and you will see my cum. I wouldn't want to blow it in your mouth." "Okay, Dad," Becky said, stroking his dick. Then she surprised her father again. "What does cum taste like?" Neil was shocked by the question. However, he found it very exciting. “I don’t know, daughter, but mom likes it.” “Mom sucks your dick?” “Yes, Becky, that’s what mom and dad do to show how much they love each other.” “Can I taste your cum?” " Neil moaned. His baby was turning him on more and more. "That's it, baby. I'll tell you. When I come down, I’ll tell you about it and you can take a little sperm into your mouth to taste it.” “Agreed,” and Becky began pumping Neil’s dick even faster. He was close; he was very close. "Oh, Becky, it's coming now! Daddy's coming down, Becky. Oh, Ooh!" Becky's eyes widened when cum sprayed out of her father's penis for the first time and hit her cheek. She quickly opened her mouth and brought it closer to Neil's penis. The dick was right in front of her tongue. The second and third eruptions landed directly on Becky’s tongue and mouth. Becky still held it open so that the remaining sperm would fall into her, and then closed her mouth and swallowed everything. At the same time, her hands continued to move along Neil’s penis, since all this time he was twitching. Then she licked the last drops of cum from her father's dick. She took the penis into her mouth and slowly sucked it inside for the last time and also slowly, sucking it, released it out. “That’s great, dad! I liked your sperm too!” “I’m glad you liked it, darling. You made daddy really happy. Do you want me to make you happy too?” "Of course, dad!" Neil smiled. He looked at his daughter, at her smooth sexy pussy. "Okay, Becky, I want you to lean against the wall and spread your legs." Becky did as he said. Neil knelt down in front of her. He began to stroke her smooth breasts, her stomach, and then her butt. He grabbed her tight little buttocks, bent down and began to kiss her small, smooth pussy. Becky giggled. “I’m ticklish, daddy.” “Do you like it, honey?” “Yes, please continue,” Neil returned to her pussy. He lightly kissed her along the entire length, and then stuck out his tongue and began to run it along the slit. Becky's giggles quickly turned into moaning, as soon as Neil got his tongue inside and pressed against the tiny clitoris. He held her butt tightly so that Becky wouldn't move too much. Then he lifted one of her legs onto his shoulder, while spreading the edges of her pussy with his fingers. He stuck his tongue deep into her small, clean vagina, lightly stroking her clitoris with his finger. “Oh, dad, this is really very nice!” Then he stuck one finger into her pussy and heard a long, low moan from his young daughter. He began slow movements in and out, pushing the small pussy onto his finger. He did this very carefully so as not to harm her. He was about to place the second finger when a knock on the door interrupted his intention. "Would you like to hurry up there?" said his wife Barbara through the door. Neil immediately took his finger out of Becky's pussy, while simultaneously lowering her leg from his shoulder. Thank God that his wife didn’t open the door and decide to look at them! "I think we'd better continue this some other time, Becky. For now, we better go out and get ready to meet Grandma and Grandpa." "Okay, Dad. That was so much fun! We can do that again someday." ?" “We will definitely repeat this, but I want to ask you not to tell anyone about this. Many people think that this can only happen between adults, and I might have problems if someone starts to find out the details. So no one I shouldn't know about this, Becky!" "Even mom?" "Even mom. This will be our little secret. Okay, honey?" Becky smiled - “Okay, dad. Our little secret!” With these words, they got out of the shower, got dressed and each went to their bedroom to get ready to go out. Barbara looked at Neil as he entered the bedroom. "I'm glad I sent Becky to you, otherwise you wouldn't have gotten out of the shower at all." “I'm happy too, honey,” Neil replied with a smile. Of course, when he said that, he meant something completely different than his wife. Now he had the opportunity to very often be alone with his young daughter. This thought made him smile again.


Mad Hutter

Fun with kids

Neil turned on the water and waited for it to heat up. Then he stepped into the shower and took a deep breath, feeling the hot streams flowing through his body. There is nothing better than a hot shower after a hard day, it helps you relax so much. Moreover, they must go to his wife’s parents this evening. Neil had nothing against them, but would gladly have preferred to spend this time in some other way. But they had already agreed to have lunch with Barbara's parents, and if he asked to cancel the meeting, his wife would be very upset. “Well, okay,” he thought, “I guess they won’t eat me.” He heard a knock on the shower door, and his wife appeared at the door. “Honey, do you mind if Becky takes a shower with you? It will be a little faster, otherwise you like to stand in the shower for so long!” Neil smiled. Barbara always laughed at how long he always took to shower. "Of course, Barbie, give it here." Neil's 8-year-old daughter went into the bathroom and closed the door. “Hi, dad,” she said, and began to undress. "Hi. How was your day?" “Not bad, how about you?” Becky opened the shower door and stepped inside. Neil moved a little to the side so that she could also stand under the hot streams of water next to him. “Nothing either.” They began to wash themselves in silence. Neil looked at his daughter. She looked at him and smiled broadly. Neil thought how cute his daughter was. She reminds me so much of her mother. The same long, dark brown hair, the same beautiful brown eyes, the same sexy smile. Neil was shocked by his own thought. He could never have thought that someday, when talking about his daughter, he would use such an expression as sexy. She's cute, yes, but she's too young to even think about her sexuality. But even thinking about it, his eyes themselves dropped lower, as if stroking down her flat chest. Looking at her from above, you would have thought it was a boy. However, his eyes dropped even lower to her small hairless pussy, which by its appearance showed that a girl was standing in front of him. At that moment she turned around and a smooth and dense small ass appeared before his eyes. Almost against his will, his penis began to swell. He hoped that it would pass quickly, but his penis was getting bigger and bigger. And then Becky turned back. “Dad, what happened to your thing? It suddenly became so big.” "It's nothing, dear, just not paying attention." "Can I touch her?" Without waiting for an answer, Becky put her small hand on his penis. Neil sighed sharply, as if an electric discharge had passed through him. He couldn't stop it now. His penis became bigger and stronger. The erection grew. Becky quickly lowered her hand. "Dad, what happened? It got so big and hard as soon as I touched it!" At first, Neil didn't know what to answer. But then he forced himself to speak; it seemed that the words were coming out of his mouth with difficulty. "Becky, a man's penis - that thing is called - is usually small. That's how it was when you got in the shower. But when it gets excited, it gets big and hard, like it is now." "So, did you get turned on when I put my hand on your penis?" “Yes, that's right, honey.” Then Becky took hold of his dick again. Neil groaned, grinding his teeth. Lord, how good he felt! "It's so big that I can't even grab it with one hand!" "Why not do it both then?" "Okay!" Neil couldn't believe what he just said. Becky took the penis with her other hand and pressed her hands closer to it. Neil looked at Becky and saw her smile at him. “Lord,” Neil thought, “I’m only eight years old, but I haven’t seen a sexier smile.” Becky slowed down her stroking a little, and then Neil moved his penis a little. "Oh, Dad, I can feel him moving." “The point is that he likes it, and he tells you about it,” Neil said. He couldn't believe what he was saying! But his next words shocked him even more: “Becky, if you move your hands up and down on him, he will like it even more.” Becky immediately began moving her hands up and down her father’s penis. Neil knew that what he was doing was terribly wrong, but he had never been as excited as he was now. Looking at his eight-year-old daughter's pussy, his dick became even wetter. He looked at her full lips, formed into a sweet smile. They could curl so nicely around his dick. He knew that he would feel very guilty later, but at the moment all his thoughts were focused on his daughter and the pleasure she gave him. And, more importantly, which she could still deliver to him. "Do you like daddy's penis, Becky?" "Oh yeah. It's so funny, Dad." Neil swallowed his saliva, then took a deep breath and said. "If you really like him that much, why don't you kiss him?" Becky looked at him in surprise. "Are you saying to kiss your thing, that is, your penis?" "Yes, honey, if you want!" Becky and dad smiled. Becky then leaned over and gave Neil a quick kiss. "How's it going? " she asked. "That was a really good kiss, Becky. Did you enjoy doing this?" "Yes. Can I kiss him again?" "Certainly, darling. Kiss whatever you want. Kiss him everywhere." Becky smiled and brought her face closer to her father's dick. Then she hesitantly kissed his head, and then his dick. Then she began to kiss his dick everywhere. Her hands continued smooth movements up and down. "Why don't you lick it , Becky?" "Lick it? Like ice cream?" "Yes, Becky, like ice cream, with your lips and tongue." Becky stuck out her tongue and lightly touched the penis with it. Realizing that it was not disgusting, she began to move her tongue along the penis. Neil moaned. Then Becky surprised him . Remembering about the ice cream, she opened her mouth, and, wrapping her lips around the head, began to quietly slide up and down. “Oh, God, Becky.” I feel so good. Suck it, suck daddy's dick. Suck it deeper into your mouth. Soak it up. Oh yeah baby. Stroke it with your tongue. Oh, Becky, you give Daddy such pleasure." Neil was amazed. His 8-year-old daughter was a natural sucker. She sucked him as deep as her mouth would allow her, while she also helped herself with her tongue, licking the length of the penis. She could only take half of his 8-inch penis into her mouth, but where her lips didn’t reach, she worked with her hands. Neil felt a load of sperm being born in his balls. He couldn’t get more than he already had. , this is great, Becky. But now you'd better stop." "Why is that, Daddy?" Becky asked him. "You see, baby, when a man feels really, really good, the way you made me feel right now, he shoots some white stuff out of his dick . They call it sperm." "From a penis? Is that another name for a penis?" "That's right, baby." Neil said this with a smile. "Just stroke my penis with your hands like before and you will see my cum. I wouldn't want to blow it in your mouth." "Okay, Dad," Becky said, stroking his dick. Then she surprised her father again. "What does cum taste like?" Neil was shocked by the question. However, he found it very exciting. “I don’t know, daughter, but mom likes it.” “Mom sucks your dick?” “Yes, Becky, that’s what mom and dad do to show how much they love each other.” “Can I taste your cum?” " Neil moaned. His baby was turning him on more and more. "That's it, baby. I'll tell you. When I come down, I'll tell you about it and you can take a little sperm into your mouth to taste it." "Agreed" - and Becky began pumping Neil's penis even faster. He was close; he was very close. "Oh, Becky, it's coming now! Daddy's coming down, Becky. Oh, Ooh!" Becky's eyes widened when cum sprayed out of her father's penis for the first time and hit her cheek. She quickly opened her mouth and brought it closer to Neil's penis. The dick was right in front of her tongue. The second and third eruptions landed directly on Becky’s tongue and mouth. Becky still held it open so that the remaining sperm would fall into her, and then closed her mouth and swallowed everything. At the same time, her hands continued to move along Neil’s penis, since all this time he was twitching. Then she licked the last drops of cum from her father's dick. She took the penis into her mouth and slowly sucked it inside for the last time and also slowly, sucking it, released it out. “That’s great, dad! I liked your sperm too!” “I’m glad you liked it, darling. You made daddy really happy. Do you want me to make you happy too?” "Of course, dad!" Neil smiled. He looked at his daughter, at her smooth sexy pussy. "Okay, Becky, I want you to lean against the wall and spread your legs." Becky did as he said. Neil knelt down in front of her. He began to stroke her smooth breasts, her stomach, and then her butt. He grabbed her tight little buttocks, bent down and began to kiss her small, smooth pussy. Becky giggled. “I’m ticklish, daddy.” “Do you like it, honey?” “Yes, please continue,” Neil returned to her pussy. He lightly kissed her along the entire length, and then stuck out his tongue and began to run it along the slit. Becky's giggles quickly turned into moaning, as soon as Neil got his tongue inside and pressed against the tiny clitoris. He held her butt tightly so that Becky wouldn't move too much. Then he lifted one of her legs onto his shoulder, while spreading the edges of her pussy with his fingers. He stuck his tongue deep into her small, clean vagina, lightly stroking her clitoris with his finger. “Oh, dad, this is really very nice!” Then he stuck one finger into her pussy and heard a long, low moan from his young daughter. He began slow movements in and out, pushing the small pussy onto his finger. He did this very carefully so as not to harm her. He was about to place the second finger when a knock on the door interrupted his intention. "Would you like to hurry up there?" said his wife Barbara through the door. Neil immediately took his finger out of Becky's pussy, while simultaneously lowering her leg from his shoulder. Thank God that his wife didn’t open the door and decide to look at them! "I think we'd better continue this some other time, Becky. For now, we better go out and get ready to meet Grandma and Grandpa." "Okay, Dad. That was so much fun! We can do that again someday." ?" “We will definitely repeat this, but I want to ask you not to tell anyone about this. Many people think that this can only happen between adults, and I might have problems if someone starts to find out the details. So no one I shouldn't know about this, Becky!" "Even mom?" "Even mom. This will be our little secret. Okay, honey?" Becky smiled - “Okay, dad. Our little secret!” With these words, they got out of the shower, got dressed and each went to their bedroom to get ready to go out. Barbara looked at Neil as he entered the bedroom. "I'm glad I sent Becky to you, otherwise you wouldn't have gotten out of the shower at all." “I'm happy too, honey,” Neil replied with a smile. Of course, when he said that, he meant something completely different than his wife. Now he had the opportunity to very often be alone with his young daughter. This thought made him smile again.


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Anton Kretov

Fun at home

The telltale noise of a computer burst through the opened door. I closed the door and, after standing in the dark for a while, turned on the light. The click of the switch sounded doublet with the click of the barbarically de-energized system unit, and immediately after that the ringing drum of bare feet rushed from the office to the bedroom. When I entered the room, Zhenya and Sashka looked at me from under the blankets with innocent eyes and stubbornly pretended that nothing had happened, and that they were the whitest and fluffiest creatures in the world.

In complete silence, I walked up to Sasha’s bed and pulled back the blanket. Surprisingly, she was lying in a nightgown, but looking closer, I saw a strip of naked body between the shirt and the sheet. Grunting, I pulled the hem of my shirt, causing it to slide off without the slightest effort.

Clearly! - I said, grinning the most charming smile I could muster.

Of course, you didn’t have time to put it on.

Turning to Zhenya, who was making strange forward movements, I pulled the blanket and found it tangled in his underpants, hanging around his hips and completely bunched up. Zhenya immediately calmed down and just followed my gaze, which did not hide the wet stripes on his thighs.

I sat down on Sashka’s bed, took out a cigarette, clicked the Ronson, and, releasing a thick stream of smoke, said:

This means we have complete decomposition, unauthorized access to the computer, of course, sitting on porn sites and covering the furniture with sperm. I hope you didn’t think of cumming in Sasha? - I extended my hand and climbed between Sashka’s legs.

She obediently pulled them apart, but it turned out to be almost dry there. The finger was slightly damp, I was already convinced that the diagnosis was correct, but I immediately decided to check in another place. Behind us the situation was completely different. With a quiet squelch, the finger entered Sashka’s anal hole and plunged into a lake of fresh sperm.

Yeah. Here's how. Okay, we'll drop the charge of damaging furniture. What about the rest? Or am I completely wrong and it’s worth listening to your version?

Just a clarification. We watched clips from the disc you brought yesterday,” Zhenya stuck out his lip in insult.

So, you can calm down about porn sites, no one touched your unfortunate modem.

A modem cannot be unhappy or happy,” I noted philosophically, shaking off the ashes in a saucer with the remains of jam, which one of these idiots had forgotten on the bedside table, and with my other hand I continued to caress Sashka’s anus.

Sashka began to get excited and bite her lips. Obviously, they didn’t really have time to finish, and my arrival ruined the plans for the evening.

You still have to refute the accusation of complete decline, otherwise you have somehow cheered up. By the way, no one told you that it’s quite funny to dance around with your pants off, and with your penis lying on its side.

What is the decomposition? - Zhenya was surprised, - What did you insert into Sashka? Or is it because we had fun without you?

He finally calmed down and with one movement of his legs he got rid of his panties, which made him look like a hobbled horse. Moreover, it was clear that my taunt about the lying member was also not very true. His cock was no longer hanging down, but was sticking out tensely above the border of the groin hair and was ready to continue the business that had been so inopportunely stopped.

Why were you afraid? If you are so not to blame for everything? - I asked reasonably.

Well... - Zhenya wilted, - You asked me not to play this disc without you....

What do you say, dear? - I turned to Sashka.

She was already shaking with might and main. The sperm flowing out of the sphincter, expanded by my fingers, formed a huge spot on the bed, reminiscent of the La Perouse Bay in outline. Not content with my caresses, Sashka took a handful of my fingers with her hand and vigorously rubbed her perineum with them, spreading her legs wide. Her lips spread out completely, opening the entrance to the vagina, and seemed like a kind of crimson flower with a black core - a symbol of vice and passion. She alternately put her other hand in her mouth, greedily licking her fingers, and then pulled her nipples, bulging on the hills of her already convex chest.

No offense! Come to me! - she asked. ...And the conflict was immediately resolved.

Together the guys relieved me of my clothes, and we sat comfortably on the sofa, large enough for such a pastime. Answering the prayer in Zhenya’s eyes, I said:

Okay, go ahead, I'm still not warmed up yet.

He didn’t force himself to ask twice and instantly settled down next to Sashka, who was dripping with juice. In the meantime, I took a can of beer, lit a new cigarette and, stroking my slowly growing penis, began to look at the porn scene played out in front of me by two youngsters who never get tired or repeat themselves.

I picked up Sasha two years ago when I went to visit a friend in the neighboring region. We left the restaurant in a noisy group and were about to go to the cars parked nearby, when my gaze spotted a lump of rags on the dirty, spit-stained asphalt, which turned out to be a dress containing a dirty, bruised girl. The company tried to dissuade me from getting involved with such a dubious find, but as they say, they found a scythe on a stone. I shoved the girl into the interior of my Audi and stepped on the gas. We didn’t go to any hospital or, especially, to the police. On the way I'm on a quick fix examined Sashka’s condition and found that medicine was not needed here, and if the parents allowed their daughter to end up in this condition on the street, then why the hell does she need them.

During this time, the dirty, tattered kitten that Sashka was at the beginning turned into a languid, affectionate, but if necessary, a fast and predatory tiger cat. She did not show the slightest desire to return home. Using my connections, and for very little money, I signed her up as my niece, registered her where necessary and enrolled her in school.