I had a dream that I was robbed. Warning about envy - Miller's dream book. Versions from various sources

Dream interpretation robbery

From time immemorial, in order to function normally, people had to earn their living. The needs of humanity are ever increasing, and accordingly, more and more material resources are needed. Some try to earn a living by honest work, while others do not disdain to reap the fruits of others.

Why do you dream about robbery? Does being robbed in a dream mean that you subconsciously want to get more with less effort? Or does such a dream mean that you are too afraid for the safety of your property?

Details of a dream in which there was a robbery

The interpretation of the dream will depend on some details:

  • where was the robbery;
  • who robbed

If you were the one who robbed

Why do you dream of a robbery that you committed? The dream book says that such a vision can be interpreted as danger - you can be fooled.

Commit an attack in the middle of the street

The interpretation mainly relates to the dreamer's financial affairs. You should refrain from financial investments, do not lend money to anyone, and do not make expensive purchases.

You should resolve business issues only with trusted people whom you completely trust.

Dreaming of a robbery in a store

According to the dream book, robbing a store window with clothes means that you are extremely dissatisfied with your appearance.

To look better and love yourself, don't go robbing a store, just try accessible ways change your image. Sometimes the slightest detail can add unique charm and radically change your appearance.

Financial institution robbery

Rob a financial institution in a dream

In a dream, did you attempt to rob a bank? The interpretation may not be the most pleasant. Quarrels and scandals await a sleeping person. At the same time, you will quarrel with your superiors at your work. Try to be more careful about financial issues, so you can avoid many troubles.

Be a witness to a robbery or a victim

Dreams in which you saw someone else’s property being stolen before your eyes can also be divided into several categories:

  • witness a bank robbery;
  • witness a car robbery;
  • see illegal actions in relation to someone else's home.

Dream about bank robbery

Why do you dream about the robbery of a financial structure, the bank where you work? You can safely count on an increase in your official salary. At a minimum, you will receive a bonus or receive monetary gratitude.

If the dream caused you negative emotions, then the interpretation may be completely different. Do you feel envious of more successful people, you think that you are not valued at work, you are not happy with your financial situation, level of income.

Seeing how guns and machine guns are used during a bank robbery means your life will change dramatically, while the dream book does not specify in which direction the changes will occur.

In your dream, the intruders were detained by the police - you will commit a rash act.

Apartment robbery

Rob an apartment in a dream

If you notice that valuable things have disappeared from your home, in reality you are very worried about the safety of certain items. It is possible that you have been entrusted with certain documents or a sum of money for safekeeping, and in night visions the brain processes the information received and is freed from negativity by experiencing the worst-case scenario.

While a robbery is happening, be at home - you shouldn’t trust everyone you meet. Your naivety can play a cruel joke on you.

If in a dream you were robbed by your friends or acquaintances, you, on the contrary, are too distrustful, looking for a catch in any action from the outside. Try to become more open to people close to you.

You were attacked in the middle of the street

Dream books give such a vision the following interpretation - a promotion will await you.

The main point that influences the interpretation of sleep is the speed with which the attacker acted:

  • abruptly snatched your bag, wallet, or other valuables from you - your career will take off in the very next few days;
  • an attempted robbery on the street met with resistance on your part - in order to move to a higher position you will have to make an effort. Don't be lazy, you will succeed, you just have to be patient.

The attackers tried to rob the car

When you dream of a car being robbed, the dream book advises you to be patient, since in the near future you will have to deal with those people with whom communication will be extremely unpleasant for you.

How Gustav Miller's dream book interprets robbery

This interpreter considers any unlawful actions as an indication that you often rely on the opinions of others when making your decisions. This state of affairs is not good for you, because being guided by the interests of others, you infringe on your own desires and needs.

Miller advised to learn to take responsibility, stop asking others for advice with or without reason, take control of your life own hands. You should decide whether to shift the burden of troubles onto someone else’s shoulders, or start dealing with them yourself.

A dream about a robbery may have positive meaning only for those people who committed a crime in their sleep. For the dreamer, discovering the loss of valuables in his own apartment or being present at the bank during an attack by armed bandits is a sign of negative events. However, preventing a crime or catching up with bandits means success in all spheres of life. The interpretation of the dream depends on the location of the robbery, the actions and emotions of the sleeping person, appearance, number of criminals and other details.

Interpretation of robbery according to various dream books

Why do you dream about robbery?

Dream Interpretation Interpretation
Miller's Dream Book
  • If a person dreams that he opened the door and robbers broke into his apartment in a dream, this means serious problems in reality. The dreamer is lacking initiative and soft-hearted, but soon he will have to defend his opinion in order to restore justice and not be responsible for the mistakes of others.
  • If you managed to prevent a robbery - to victory over your enemies and good luck in your professional activities
Interpreter Vanga
  • If the robbers took all the valuables from the house of a sleeping person, took all the money and he was left with nothing - to complete bankruptcy and ruin.
  • Being in a banking institution when it is being robbed means failure at work and material need.
  • If the dreamer managed to prevent a robbery - to receive an inheritance
Freud's fortune teller
  • If the dreamer dreams that she was robbed by a stranger on the street, the woman wants to meet a courageous young man who will be a skilled lover and satisfy her physical needs.
  • If there were several men - to love adventures and short-term intimate relationships
Modern interpreter
  • See a robbery own apartment- to a series of unpleasant incidents. This could be dismissal from work and financial need, unexpected huge expenses and illness of household members.
  • Robbers broke into the bank - this will lead to conflict situations between colleagues at work and in personal relationships.
  • If the dreamer is accused of committing a store robbery, this means monstrous injustice in real life; the plan will never come true.
  • If the robbers wounded or maimed the dreamer, this means bodily harm in reality.

Phelomen's Foreteller

Enough detailed interpretation gives Phelomena's dream book:

Robbery location Meaning
House or apartment To dream of your own house or apartment being robbed - such a plot symbolizes the dreamer’s complexes and lack of self-confidence. Every person has shortcomings, so you should not focus on your own disadvantages, but switch to your strengths and improve every day. Such a dream warns the dreamer about unpleasant meetings with people who are not worthy of his attention.
Car The dreamer is surrounded by deceivers and traitors, so you should not open your soul and reveal your innermost secrets to people who are only pretending to be friends. A sleeping person needs to be vigilant on the road, as troubles can happen while driving
  • Robbers robbed in the dark - a sleeping person risks his health by participating in dubious activities.
  • Being robbed in broad daylight and taking out a wallet with money means imminent illness
Shop The dreamer is wasteful and irrational, therefore Money will be catastrophically insufficient for his needs. To earn a luxurious life, a person will commit a dishonest act towards close people, which will have disastrous consequences
Bank A sleeping person lives in an illusory world and will be deeply disappointed when faced with harsh reality. The dreamer's naivety and gullibility will play a cruel joke on him
Public transport A similar plot can be prophetic, so you should not get on a crowded bus and count your money in front of strangers. If there was a substantial amount of money in the stolen wallet or bag, the sleeping person will lose something very valuable in real life.

If you dream of robbing someone else’s house or apartment, a person from your close circle needs the dreamer’s help.

It's no secret that our dreams sometimes present us with not the most rosy stories. For example, it could be a robbery. None of us in reality would want to be either its victim or a participant in such an action. But dreams come to us regardless of our desires. And since they can carry important information for the sleeper, it would be useful to look into dream book Robbery in a dream, unfortunately, as a rule, it does not carry anything positive.

Interpretation according to Miller's dream book

Gustav Miller explains that people who dream of being robbed are often influenced by the opinions of others. In real life, it is difficult for them to make serious decisions themselves. Here is what a famous psychologist wrote about this:

  • if a man dreams of a robbery, in reality all decisions regarding family life, is received by his wife;
  • a dream in which a woman was robbed by her loved one suggests that in fact she is very dependent on him;
  • if a girl stole something from her lover, her feelings for him have already faded and she wants a new relationship.

Miller also advises paying attention to dreams in which you are on a sea voyage. As he says dream book, robbery at sea makes you understand that you have chosen the wrong path in life. Therefore, it would be a good idea to think about changing your previously chosen tactics to achieve your goal.

Interpretation of robbery according to the Everyday Dream Book

According to the everyday dream book, such a dream promises troubles that cannot be avoided.

  • People involved in business should pay special attention to such visions. At any moment they can expect some kind of meanness from their competitors.
  • Sometimes a sleeper dreams that robbers have broken into his house. How does the interpreter interpret such dream, house robbery most often leads to family quarrels, which can lead not only to misunderstanding between spouses, but even to divorce.
  • In your dream, you yourself may well be a participant in the robbery. This means that in reality you can put a work colleague in an awkward position with your rash actions or words.
  • If in a dream you were put on trial for a robbery, perhaps in real life you unjustly accused someone and now you will have to answer for it.

Interpretation of robbery according to Freud's dream book

Sigmund Freud, as a psychoanalyst, views such dreams exclusively from a psychological aspect:

  • If a man sees in a dream that his car was robbed, he is content with frivolous relationships in life, and he has no serious intentions towards a woman. Freud believes that such a plot in a dream does not show a man in some unattractive light, but suggests that he has some prejudices regarding family life, perhaps someone’s negative example. He needs to understand himself and maybe seek help from a psychologist.
  • If a girl had a dream in which she was robbed, in reality she is afraid that she will be deceived. Moreover, she is afraid of deception not only from her lover, but also from other people who surround her. In this case, the girl must analyze which of her actions could turn people against her.

Interpretation of robbery from other dream books

  • Tsvetkov assures that this can lead to disagreements between close people. Moreover, for a woman there is a high probability of a rival appearing, because of whom she and her lover constantly have conflict situations.
  • According to Hasse’s dream book, if a robbery was seen in a dream by a person who has suffered a lot of failures in life, the dreamer in reality can receive unexpected support and improve his affairs.
  • Vasilyeva in her dream book interprets such night dreams as the need for the dreamer to understand his obligations towards friends and loved ones. For example, he hasn’t visited his family for a long time, perhaps he owes money to someone, hasn’t paid his bills. If he doesn't correct the situation himself, he could be in serious trouble.
  • Adaskina’s dream book explains a vision in which you are accused of committing a robbery as the existence in your life of some minor obstacle that prevents you from achieving your goals.
  • But Pushkin’s dream book says that a dream in which your house, the house of your relatives or friends was robbed is a warning that you should be firm in defending your convictions.

Nuances of dreams about robbery: what you should pay attention to

When you wake up, you need to try to remember the smallest details from your dream, since many of them allow you to interpret it in one direction or another. What specific nuances can influence the nature of the interpretation of a dream?

  • Where the robbery took place - on the street or indoors.
  • In what exact place was the theft committed - in a residential building or office (for example,).
  • Who committed such a crime - strangers or yourself.
  • Was the thief caught or did he manage to escape?
  • The dreamer's emotions that he experienced during the robbery. If, for example, you cried loudly, then the next morning you will feel very light. It’s just that accumulated negative emotions spilled out in a dream.

Let's consider several dream options:

  • For example, if a businessman had a dream and he robbed him himself, in reality he will make a successful deal that will bring him considerable profit.
  • If the house of a young girl was attacked in such a way, this is a harbinger of the appearance of a rich groom for her.
  • If you caught a criminal, that's good dream. Catch the robber means that you will be inaccessible to your competitors and envious people.

Why do you have a dream about an apartment being robbed?

In such dreams, it is important to pay attention to whether your apartment was attacked or whether you yourself became a participant in such a crime.

  • If robbers rob your apartment and at the same time turn over and scatter everything in search of valuables, this means that you are an insecure person, but at the same time have achieved a certain position in your team. However, envious people are waiting for the right moment so that, taking advantage of your gentle character, they can present you to their superiors in the most unfavorable light and nullify all your achievements.
  • I had a dream in which you organized a robbery of an apartment yourself - in fact, you are a secretive but self-confident person, going straight ahead towards your goal, despite any obstacles.
  • If you dreamed that your neighbors' apartment was robbed, they may turn to you for help.
  • The girl dreamed that her apartment was robbed - perhaps she would soon be hired.

Why do you dream about a store robbery?

The interpreter of Phelomena can explain why such a dream occurs. dream. Store robbery it looks at it in two ways:

  • If in your night vision you watch a robbery, in real life you will experience an improvement in your financial situation. Perhaps this will be a salary increase or receiving a bonus, or maybe you will sell real estate with great benefit for yourself.
  • However, if in a dream you yourself organized such an attack, in reality try to be economical and prudent. Do not waste your money, otherwise your extravagance will be fraught with many troubles for you.


You need to treat your dreams as carefully as possible. Often they are the ones who help a person get out of a difficult situation or warn about possible changes in his life. Sometimes these can be positive events, and sometimes dreams, on the contrary, promise trouble. Each of them may contain some kind of message that the dreamer must listen to. Thieves have attacked you. What can the dream book tell? A robbery is most often a warning about troubles awaiting you in real life. However, regardless of the interpretations, it is worth taking a closer look at whether a person lives correctly; perhaps he is too selfish, which is why he may be tormented by remorse. In such a dream, you must definitely try to find meaning. And especially if you remember where the dreamed robbery took place, and whether you recognized the thief in the dream, then in life you will be able to avoid many mistakes and failures.

Dream interpretation of apartment robbery

The human subconscious is sometimes capable of constructing unpleasant plots in dreams. Most of them involve forced entry into a home. It is quite difficult to explain why you dream of an apartment being robbed. Because any such dream can be viewed from two different points of view.

The first is psychological interpretation. It is based on the fact that an apartment in a dream personifies the dreamer’s personality, and entering and searching for valuables in it means that a person is undergoing unnecessary pressure and is under complete authoritarian control. The second is symbolic. She interprets this dream as a shapeshifting vision. If an apartment was robbed in a dream, it means that in real life the dreamer will have good luck and a quick profit.

If you dreamed of your own apartment being robbed, you should remember your sensations and feelings immediately after waking up. They will help you correctly navigate in choosing the right point of view on interpretation. If the dream did not bring you exorbitant mental anguish and a feeling of hopelessness, then you should rely on symbolic meaning and expect profit.

How authoritative sources explain the dream

In order to explain such a dream in detail and as accurately as possible, you can use the most popular sources.

If you dreamed of a robbery

The most proven to date is Miller's dream book. He gravitates towards a psychological interpretation, and draws the dreamer’s attention to contacts with others. Robbery is a sign that someone is jealous of your position and is ready to do anything to humiliate you.

Ancient interpretations, such as Veles’s dream book, consider such a dream to be a good sign. The lower otherworldly entities, which the evil spirits were considered to be personified, will leave you forever. But be prepared to either lose some valuable item or give generous alms.

Warning about envy - Miller's dream book

Gustav Miller has a pretty clear explanation. He believes that having a dream about your own apartment being robbed, you should be much more attentive to all the people around you. Competitors are ready to deal a crushing blow, but they can be helped by imaginary friends, which, unfortunately, you also have.

It is important to distinguish between dreams when your apartment was robbed, or you yourself were the organizer or participant in the crime.

Your apartment has been robbed

Seeing in a dream how unknown people break into your apartment and rummage around in search of money and valuables, turning everything upside down is not a very good sign. Most likely, you are not a very self-confident person, but despite this, you were able to achieve some position in the work team. On the one hand, your superiors are putting pressure on you, and you often give in, even to your own detriment. On the other hand, envious people are waiting for every uncertain word to challenge your achievements.

  • If you are afraid of a break-in and robbers rushing into the room, you will have to quickly make a decision that is painful for you.
  • They are threatening you with violence so that you hand over money and jewelry - the authority of one of your relatives is putting pressure on you.
  • A girl may dream about her apartment being robbed on the eve of an important business or a job appointment.
  • Robbers tying up or otherwise immobilizing you in your own home is a dead end situation that will require a wait-and-see attitude.

Participate in such a crime

If you participated in a crime

If in a dream you have to organize or participate in a robbery, it means that you do not always show your true emotions to the people close to you. You clearly understand your goal and are ready to go towards it, through any obstacles, regardless of moral standards. And only strong self-control curbs the strong passions of your nature.

  • To be an organizer - to get the desired position you will have to commit an act that borders on your conscience.
  • Participate by following all commands - experiencing minor financial difficulties, you gravitate towards easy receipt of money (sell something from your property or take out a loan). If you pull yourself together and agree to more difficult work– you will be able to improve your own financial situation.
  • To enjoy the fear of others in a dream, to rummage through other people's things with pleasure - you are overwhelmed by envy and you are ready for any tricks just to denigrate this person.

Profit - ancient Veles dream book

The ancient Slavs believed that all troubles, no matter what they were, could have a human-like face. And if you dream that strangers forcibly entered the home and took away any valuables, it means that the evil spirit has taken its material sacrifice and can no longer rule over the person.

  • The robbers took out a chest (or casket) with valuables - profit, a big harvest.
  • If only money or a wallet were stolen - a successful trip, good trade.
  • They took the cattle - to great brood.

Forbidden pleasures - Freud's dream book

He believes that a dream in which strangers enter a home against the will of the owner means a strong sexual desire to dominate.

  • Dreaming that your apartment is being robbed means fear of sexual intimacy and long-term serious relationships.
  • You yourself are a participant in the robbery - strong sexual energy requires more and more victories.
  • Scare members of the household, threaten with violence – a desire for violence, a tendency to cause pain to a partner.
  • Enjoying going through things in search of valuables - it is common for you to invade your personal space, which is why previous relationships ended so quickly.

Analysis of your own feelings

It is very important to remember exactly what sensations this gave you. disturbing dream. Only then can one begin to interpret, taking into account all points of view on interpretation.

It's a good sign if you cried and sobbed loudly. After such a dream, in the morning the feeling of emptiness will be pleasant and light. All the negative emotions that could have accumulated for years came out in a dream. Now is the time to engage in self-development or start a new project.

Being scared, feeling hopeless, suffering greatly is a bad sign. Most likely, someone else's authority weighs on you. These could be immediate blood relatives, or superiors. If you feel constant discomfort, it is better to change your job or place of residence.

Dreams are a reflection of a person’s inner state.

Often they are prophetic.

Some people are very lucky and can see dreams every night, others are less fortunate and only have dreams to warn them of an approaching danger or a joyful event.

Why do you dream about robbery, what does this dream mean? It's worth looking into.

Why do you dream about robbery - basic interpretations of sleep

Nobody wants to become a victim of robbery. This is a situation that can only bring trouble. Troubles both material, physical and moral. What are we talking about? The point is that becoming a victim of a robbery, a person can end up in a whole series of failures. Since losing money can lead to negative consequences. Therefore, dreams in which a person has become a victim of a robbery do not carry anything positive - only negative aspects.

Theft in a dream is regarded by some dream interpreters as the theft of energy from a person in reality. This means that someone is trying to significantly damage a person’s reputation or literally take away energy from a person in an illegal way. Such a dream is regarded as a warning and it is better to heed it. Often it symbolizes the beginning of a destructive process and that period in a person’s life when everything can still be changed for the better.

It is also worth understanding the source of future troubles. Where the trouble will come from - so to speak. What nuances of a dream should be given special significance:

The place where the robbery took place;

The emotions and experiences that accompanied it;

Who exactly committed the robbery and how.

So, why dream of a robbery if a young girl’s house was robbed? Such a dream, contrary general interpretations promises her extraordinary success with guys. As they say, they will steal you as a bride. What is most interesting is that in many dream books you can find an addition to the interpretation - a young man will be a worthy match for a girl and quite wealthy.

If a businessman dreams that he personally robs a bank, in reality he will hit a huge jackpot in business. He himself will receive extra profit. He can also easily expand the boundaries of his business by opening a branch abroad.

If you dream that a store is being robbed before your eyes, in reality you will live in abundance, and need will not visit you. If you robbed a store, it means that you are jealous of someone in reality, and this envy will destroy you. You should be vigilant and control your emotions.

If you dreamed that your apartment was robbed, it means that you have complexes regarding your attractiveness. Your inner world worth rebuilding. It is better to open up to life and live than to constantly be afraid of change. Troubles do not affect only those who are open to new achievements.

Why do you dream about robbery according to Miller’s dream book?

Miller's dream book indicates that dreams about a robbery indicate that in reality a person is influenced by other people's opinions. Independent decisions are really difficult for him. If a man had such a dream, it means that his significant other makes the main decisions independently.

Miller also points out that if you dreamed that you were robbed at sea, it means that you are heading in the wrong direction. If the robbery occurred during a storm, quarrels and financial losses await you. If there is calm, the situation will level out, but not without outside help. Many people ignore such warnings, and in vain. It is worth really thinking about the appropriateness of the actions taken.

If a woman dreams that she was robbed close person- this means that it depends on love relationship. The feelings that she experiences for her chosen one are affection, but not love. If a girl dreams that she herself robbed her man, she is looking for new love subconsciously, but is afraid to admit it to himself.

Why do you dream about robbery according to Freud's dream book?

Freud sees an exclusively psychological aspect in such dreams. If a girl dreams that she was robbed, it means that she is afraid of being deceived in reality. At the same time, she expects deception and trickery not only from her significant other, but also from those around her. She should really think about whether she is harming herself with such actions.

If a man dreams that his car was robbed, it means that he is not ready for a serious relationship, but is looking exclusively for fleeting meetings. Although on a subconscious level he would like to start a family, but the experience of the past, the experience of his parents does not allow him to do this. What should you do? Understand the source of the contradictory situations created. Find the cause of psychological blocks and eliminate them.

Why do you dream about robbery according to the everyday dream book?

The everyday dream book claims that a dream about a robbery promises serious troubles and it is impossible to avoid them or avoid the negative consequences from them. This dream is especially dangerous for those who are involved in business. In this case, you should expect a trick not only from competitors, but also from loved ones.

Seeing your home being robbed means quarrels that will disturb the peace and tranquility between spouses. Even a serious breakdown in relationships, discord, or, in extreme cases, divorce is possible. Disrespectful behavior from children is also possible. They will show their disrespect for their elders in every possible way. It will be very difficult to resolve this conflict situation on your own.

If you dream that you are personally a participant in a robbery, you will put someone else in an awkward position, you will set up a colleague, without meaning to. If in a dream you had to see that you were caught and convicted of robbery, the methods you have chosen to influence other people have a negative result and harm your reputation.

Also, such a dream may indicate that if you have set someone up, it’s time to pay the bills. It's time to think about whether your actions towards another person were legal. Perhaps you undeservedly accused another person of all sins.

Why do you dream about robbery according to other dream books?

According to Hasse's dream book to see a robbery in a dream, especially if a person has begun to have a bad streak - get support and avoid further attacks. Soon everything will stabilize, and life will return to normal.

Tsvetkov also insists that robbery in a dream promises disagreement with a loved one. It also indicates a high probability of appearing in life loving woman a rival who plots intrigues and, as a result, conflicts occur. There is no point in relaxing in this situation. You need to gather your thoughts and act actively, now is not the time for offense - it’s worth reconsidering your relationship with your man.

Longo in his dream book he indicates that being robbed on the street should be interpreted based on the behavior of the criminal. If a robber behaves quietly and secretly, it means that the person will soon have a promotion or promotion.

If the attack occurs rapidly, with threats, shooting, financial losses are possible, it is simply impossible to avoid them. Finances will literally flow out of your hands. If an attempt was made to rob, if you escaped from the criminal and did not suffer losses, unpleasant events will occur in your life, but they will be temporary and will lead to further wonderful events, a break in relations is possible, as a result of which new relationships will blossom.

A. Vasilyeva points out in her dream book that dreams of robbery mean that:

It's time to pay the bills;

It's time to pay off debts;

Pay taxes;

Pay attention to your family, who have long been deprived of affection and love.

If this is not done in the near future, the situation will worsen and negative consequences will occur. Thus, sleep does not promise negative events, it simply warns in advance about the possibility of such incidents.

You should be attentive to your dreams. They are often guides through a difficult life. They take a person out of difficult situations, warn about incidents. Sometimes they promise wonderful events. Many people think that to see prophetic dreams- this is a gift, but everyone can receive signs in a dream. Why do you dream about robbery? Regardless of the interpretations, it is worth taking a closer look at whether a person lives correctly; perhaps he lived for too long exclusively for himself, did not listen to the needs and desires of other people. He may be tormented by remorse, which he casts aside in reality, and they remind themselves of themselves in a dream. Perhaps it's time to pay attention to your soulmate - give her love.