What should an educated person be like? An educated person is who

Write by opening the brackets and inserting the missing letters. how (not, not) people tried, having gathered in one small place, to disfigure the land on which they

huddled, as they (not, nor) stoned the ground so that nothing would grow on it, as they did not clear away the emerging grass, as (not, nor) pruned the trees and (not, nor) drove out all the animals and birds - spring It was spring even in the city. The sun was warm, the grass, alive, grew and turned green everywhere it was (not, not) scraped off, (not, not) only on the lawns of the boulevards, but also between the slabs of stones

Replace each one-part sentence with a two-part one. 1) Dahl was lucky enough to be a guide through the Kazakh land for A.S. Pushkin. 2) "Let's not talk

about my story,” Jesus said quietly. 3) Happy, happy, irrevocable time of childhood! 4) How not to love, not to cherish the memories of her?

HELP ANSWER QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS TEXT 1. What problem does Yu. Yakovlev raise? 2. Do you agree with the author’s position?

Once at the cinema I had a strange meeting. I was wandering around the crowded foyer, waiting for the session to start, and suddenly I saw our counselor Alla, tall, fair-haired, wearing teardrop-shaped glasses. A tall tenth grader sat next to her. They ate ice cream at waffle cups and were talking animatedly about something. At first I thought that I had made a mistake, but when I was not too lazy and walked past again, my doubts were dispelled - it was them. I even blushed with excitement. When everyone entered the hall in a crowd, I lost sight of them. But then I discovered that they were sitting not far from me. Instead of the screen, I looked at them. I saw a tenth grader put his hand on the back of the chair on which Alla was sitting. But then the light went out, and I had to interrupt my observations. The next day, rushing to class early, I began to tell the kids about my discovery with undisguised pleasure. I talked about ice cream in waffle cones and the back of the chair. And we all had a lot of fun. Suddenly I heard a cough and looked around - the Teacher was standing in the doorway. He silently beckoned me with his finger, and together we went out into the corridor. “Now you’ll go back to class,” said the Teacher, looking somewhere past me, “and say that you didn’t meet anyone at the movies and that you invented all this with the ice cream and the back of the chair.” - But I saw them! - Yes, you saw them, but you shouldn’t have told anyone about it. Ashamed. - Is it a shame to tell the truth? - I asked and looked at the Teacher defiantly. - This truth does not belong to you. If people spill out all the “truth” they know about others, they will choke. Not every truth a person should know about another. And then I decided to catch the Teacher. I said: “So it’s better to lie!” “It’s better to remain silent,” said the Teacher. - Do you know what someone else’s secret is? This is also true. But it doesn't belong to everyone. In this case, it does not belong to you. You divulged someone else's secret - it's the same as taking someone else's property. Vile! Now I looked at the Teacher in confusion and did not know how to object to him. And he said: - Go. And tell me you came up with all this! - Lie? - I asked sharply. - You came to this yourself. So, lie... in the name of truth. I despondently trudged into class and in a depressed voice announced that it was all a lie, that I had never met any Alla, and that I had simply plucked a tenth-grader out of thin air. - Yap! - someone said. I swallowed the sneer.

Excerpt from the book by Rubakin N.A. “How to educate yourself,” 1962

It can be unmistakably said that at present the desire for education is manifesting itself among the masses to such an intense degree as has never been manifested in any other time, and this tension is increasing every year. Life itself encourages every person to equip himself with knowledge and understanding.

To live, you need... to have an education special, but you still need to have an education general, you need to be able to understand everything that is happening around you, and for this you need, so to speak, the ability to think and understand, you need a certain breadth of outlook, known height development. Special education imparts to a person a certain more or less limited range of knowledge and a certain set of skills. General education gives a person a broad and integral worldview; it gives him an understanding of various aspects of world life, from the infinitesimal atoms to the infinitely vast spaces of the sky, from the microscopic cells from which organisms are composed, to the peoples and tribes that make up humanity. Just as the world is one, so is general education. True, for the convenience of studying and mastering the same subject, the same phenomenon is studied by different sciences from different angles, but only the totality of sciences makes it possible to understand the whole fact, the whole phenomenon. No matter how alien physiology and history seem to be to each other, only knowledge and understanding of both make it possible to understand a person who is not only an organism, but also a conscious historical figure and who, in addition, is studied by chemists, and physicists, and psychologists, and economists, etc. Obviously, without general education a person cannot achieve a proper understanding of any phenomenon, which means he cannot be good specialist. A chemist must know physics, mathematics, the history of these sciences, and physiology, and finally must have the ability to generalize, if he does not want to remain in the realm of mere facts. The desire to penetrate into the depths of one’s specialty takes a person beyond its boundaries.. Thus, to be a good specialist, you need to have a general education; but to live you need to be a specialist...

Meanwhile special education should not drown out, but complement the general. One is necessary for the other; one without the other is unthinkable...

Interest in general issues of state life, in the phenomena of social life, in the successes of thought in the field of science, philosophy, politics, etc. is gradually and continuously increasing among the masses. Not only does their desire for education increase, but their desire for higher education quickly awakens... It is this awakening of aspirations for higher education among the masses that constitutes one of the most characteristic phenomena of our century.

Currently, the masses are satisfying their need for higher education in various ways and means. All these means can be called means of out-of-school education, which continues throughout life.

Only in extreme unfavorable conditions In social life, education stops for most people immediately after finishing school. Where public life goes on sluggishly and slowly, there, quite possibly, the gray, monotonous reality gradually draws in and sucks a person in like a swamp, and the person begins to reason that he “will live like this.” Fortunately, this does not always happen and not everywhere, and, once it begins at school, education then continues outside of school.

The field of out-of-school education is much broader than the field of school education. There are not only various benefits that help a person acquire an education outside of school, but also entire institutions that serve precisely this purpose. These are, for example, libraries and reading rooms, museums, public lectures, courses, evening and Sunday schools, where classes are held for several hours a week, etc., etc. Extracurricular education is not limited to any program and is essentially versatile, just like the most versatile life. Extracurricular education is not a denial of school education, but only a necessary addition and expansion of it.

The goal and task of self-education, if expressed in general terms, is this: to make oneself, relying only or mainly on oneself, and by one’s own means, a truly educated person. But behind this question another question inevitably arises - the next one, and with it a third one, inextricably linked with it:

Firstly, what is educated person and, secondly, why pretend to be one?

First of all, you need to answer these questions for yourself. The answers to them determine the plan, the size, the intensity and, in general, the nature of all self-educational work.

A truly educated person is not one who considers himself “educated”, not one who graduated from some, even higher, educational institution - you never know how many of them turn out to be ignoramuses, narrow specialists or clever careerists! Not the one who has read a lot in his lifetime, even a lot, at least the most good books. Not the one who has accumulated in himself a certain stock, even a very large one, of various knowledge. This is not the very essence of education.

Its very essence is in the influence that it can and should have on the life around us - in the power that education gives a person to remake the life around him, in introducing something new into it, something of his own in this or that area, in that or another corner of it. Whether it is general education or whether it is special education, it is all the same, its criterion is the remaking of life, the changes made in it with its help.

Understanding the life around us is the first task of an educated person. Service to the surrounding life, the nature of this service - this is the touchstone for evaluating it. Whoever you are, reader, young or old, Russian or foreigner, man or woman, do not forget the social significance of your education and, especially, self-education. The very essence of a person is not in the profession and occupation, but in the person himself, in his attitude to this business.

Each of us, if he wants to be truly educated, must develop in himself the ability to take a conscious part in the general and local life of the people; but who exactly and what kind of participation will be able to take part in it is another question that each person can decide for himself in a special way.

A person with beauty logical thinking, nevertheless, remains ignorant if his mind, while understanding abstract formulas and conclusions, does not know how to understand the phenomena of life. Even an abstract thinker must develop the ability to see real facts, evaluate them, the ability to always stay as close to the ground as possible, and not just soar in the clouds of abstract thought.

The very essence of working on your education is not at all in reading and studying so many thousands of pages, but in how to read and study them; i.e. - think over, change your mind so that what you have learned becomes both flesh and blood. And also firmly, thoroughly. The task and goal is to grasp the very essence of education, and not to flaunt learned words and poorly understood knowledge and thoughts. An educated and intelligent person can only be called someone who is like that through and through and shows his education and intelligence in both large and small things, in everyday life and throughout his entire life. And who cannot even act and express themselves differently. You must not only become educated and intelligent, you must also get used to your education and intelligence. And this is especially important. After all, habit is second nature.

It is unlikely that you, when starting to work on self-education, did not know that the field of science is endless and that the limits of human knowledge are very vast. But human ignorance is also vast, historical darkness holds, to one degree or another, each of us in its clutches. After all, darkness also has its own shades, from infinitely thick and oppressive to twilight. And it’s one thing to wander in the darkness of the night, with your arms spread out and not knowing where to go or even where to step, and a completely different thing - even the half-darkness of twilight, when you can already see something, at least you can see the road that you should take and then walk and walk forward as much as you can. Those who strive for the light will decide for themselves how far they will be able to move towards its source - this is already a matter of personal strength, energy and perseverance in the pursuit of their goals. But the first thing to do is to start walking and then continue walking.

To live means to fight, and not only for life, but also for the fullness and improvement of life. Therefore, for us, “man” means a struggling person, one who feels that he lives precisely when he fights, who is not afraid of everyday struggle, who even rejoices in it, because where it is, there is the tension of life, and there a person feels its fluttering. But in order to live, expand your life and fight, you need strength, you need the accumulation of different forces - the power of knowledge, the power of thought, will, love for people, you need the ability to get comfortable in any situation, not to get lost in any difficult situation, not to retreat in any way. before what obstacle. Therefore, we will consider real education to be one that helps precisely this and, above all, this.

People who know how to act fruitfully, even without diplomas, should be rated a thousand times higher than people who are inactive but have diplomas.

But the ability to act is not enough. You need to know what to create, why and for whom to create, you need to understand the purpose and meaning of your own and others’ activities.

And hence the following tasks facing every person who, through self-activity, strives to become educated:

  1. look closely at the life around you and think about it;
  2. to study, know and understand it;
  3. be able to act in it;
  4. For this purpose, have the following preparation: a) general, i.e., broad outlook; b) special, i.e. professional.

Having outlined the general goal of education, we will now talk about how to achieve and achieve it.

The first and main rule: we must begin self-educational work not with a book, but with life.

Life always teaches much more than the best of the best books. A book is only a tool and a manual. It is not life that needs to be tested by books, that is, theories, but just the opposite. You need to start with thoughtfulness in life and, of course, with the fact that such and such a person, living in such and such a place on earth, in such and such a situation in his personal, everyday life, most of all torments, worries, interests. When this flame of quest has already ignited in the soul, under the influence of life, then for the answer to this quest you can go to books, which in this case will probably turn out to be interesting. But even in this case, you need to go to books not in order to take their advice on faith, but only in order to draw from them material for your own thoughts.

Second rule: every phenomenon of life must be discussed without fail and constantly, not from one side, but from many, from as many sides as possible.

Theory differs from practice in that it is, in essence, more one-sided than practice, which, bringing a person into direct conflict with life, already implies the need to take into account all aspects of it. All these aspects exist inseparably in life, but they are separated only by the human mind for the convenience of study and, moreover, completely artificially. Therefore, practice is best way testing all knowledge. Without acting, without coming into direct contact with life, it is hardly possible to properly evaluate any theory. Application means verification. Without such verification there is no truth. Without application, everything - both truth and theory - is just words and words.

But ask yourself the question: what does “diversified understanding” mean? This is where you come to one of the very important differences (perhaps the most important) between a truly educated person and a person “trained” in certain subjects, from an ignorant specialist who knows how to measure almost the entire Universe with one yardstick, Of course, not suitable for all cases. The chemist who judges all other aspects of life, including, for example, morality, from a chemical point of view is ridiculous. A lawyer who only knows that the law was written by someone, but somehow, is also ridiculous. Both law and chemistry are very useful standards for their work, and they are all needed for life, but it is impossible to measure all aspects of life with such private standards. Life is infinitely versatile and complex, and in order to understand it, you need to be, first of all, a versatile person and only then a chemist, a lawyer... Hence the conclusion: when thinking about life, we must first of all take care not to fall into one-sidedness, and for this it is necessary get at least some idea in advance about what aspects of life exist. Although the most important, the largest ones need to be known, at least in the most general terms, for the first step. It is in this recognition that good books can help each of us, since they contain the experience of other people...

Self-education consists not only in the education and development of one’s mind, but also in the education and development of feelings. One can and should not only think deeply and subtly, but also feel deeply and subtly. Even reading a math book; a person experiences a whole range of emotions, for example, one reader enjoys, rejoices, is carried away by numbers and formulas, another over the same book yawns devilishly, groans, gets angry, rubs his forehead, etc. There is no book that does not arouse any emotion in anyone. feelings. People with big hearts - Belinsky, Gleb Uspensky, Leo Tolstoy and many others - read, feeling and feeling even the most apparently dry books. Uspensky wrote in one of his articles that the numbers in statistical collections are, in essence, alive... Self-educational work should teach a person to experience life with all sides of the soul, not only with the mind - to be sensitive and responsive to the life around him.

The first task of a truly educated person is not to be narrow-minded, to develop in himself a versatile knowledge and understanding of life and the ability to evaluate other people’s opinions about life, while having his own, factually justified.

Woe to those who, after reading one or two books, decide that they have understood and comprehended the very essence of the matter, and therefore that’s enough. Those readers who reduce the entire matter of self-education to reading books and mastering their content, without comparing it with life, should also be classified as superficial. The best of these readers not only read, but also study, take notes, extracts, etc. We personally, of course, are not opponents of all this. But still, we affirm that those who reduce the entire matter of self-education to reading are deeply mistaken. You can be well-read, but at the same time not understand...

Any fact of life always has many different sides. We must look, if possible, at all, or at least at many, aspects of the fact. Every specialist, as you know, approaches a fact from his favorite or best known side, like how a hairdresser looks at a person from the point of view of his hair. For a truly educated person such an attitude is completely insufficient. The sharpening of his attention should be reflected in the ability to see different sides of any fact in personal, social, and cosmic life, so that in the end something integral will emerge.

An educated person sees different sides where a dark person does not see them, but sees only one and judges all the others by it... Taking a closer look at life means freeing yourself from the habit of one-sided attention, it means developing in yourself the ability to see many things and heterogeneous in what seems at first glance homogeneous...

It is necessary to separate “science” from “non-science”. To introduce something that is not science into the classification of sciences means to confuse both yourself and others. Meanwhile, millions of people, and at almost every step, consider science to be something that is not science at all. So, for example, they talk about religion, theology, theology. First of all, it is necessary to understand that religion is not a science at all. Religion is faith. Science is knowledge. A person can believe in anything, and for this he does not need to be convinced that his belief is correct. A believer reasons like this: “I believe,” and that’s the whole conversation. " I believe in something that I don’t need to be convinced of, because I am internally convinced and don’t require any proof of it. . If they are there, so much the better; if they are not there, I can do without them.” But that is not how science argues. She says to this: “Internal conviction is not proof at all... Internal conviction without knowledge is nothing more than a source of error. It will not deceive once, but it will deceive 999 times. If you want the truth and strive for it, rely not on him, but on the study of what exists.” Science requires proof. Science is looking for them. And he searches because he doubts. Faith is only so long and faith until there are doubts... And such faith has given no one anything but self-consolation. And the mind seeks not only self-consolation, but self-affirmation. He wants to stand firmly, and not only on his own feet, but also having support in nature, that is, outside of it... One Arab scientist said about a thousand years ago: I won’t believe any miracle worker, and if he tells me: “Believe, that three is more than seven, as proof of this I will turn this stick into a snake,” even if he really turns it, but what of this? I will marvel at his art and say: three is still less than seven.

...Thus, in an effort to separate and differentiate science from non-science, it is first of all necessary to expel from it the supernatural and even the very concept of it, as such, and to look at all the supernatural also as facts that are subject to research as accurately as possible, and at opinions that are subject to the most varied criticism and testing. Everything that is based on the recognition of the supernatural is not science at all... Each science is a kind of lantern, throwing its light around itself. But if you, the reader, want to understand any phenomenon or area of ​​life, and especially life in general, of course, you must take as many different lanterns as possible, and with their help, illuminate this very phenomenon, this fact from different angles, surrounding it with your own science lanterns, too, from all sides, and directing the light of these lanterns to one point. After all, your main task is to understand this very point, that is, the fact being studied, and not to admire the light of this or that lantern and bathe in its rays. A lantern and light are just tools for your work, that’s all. White light, the brightest, is obtained from the addition of all the colors of the rainbow. Therefore, it is strange to sometimes hear such speeches from workers striving to study science: “I will study such and such a science - this is the whole essence of the matter.”

We hear this especially often about political economy... And so the reader takes up the manuals on political economy, sits, reads, and from the very first page finds that much of the book is completely incomprehensible to him; Then something from the field of history will flash, then from physics, then from chemistry, then from philosophy. It is these flickers, these splashes of one’s own ignorance that one needs to think about. Such flickerings clearly show that one science, for example, political economy, requires other, even completely different knowledge and sciences, because knowledge and science are one. To understand life, willy-nilly you need to get acquainted with the totality, with the range of sciences.

What exactly should you study in order to make yourself a truly educated and intelligent person?

One should not study any one science at the expense of all others, because no science can be studied apart from its connection with others. Which area of ​​life is closer to someone should be studied in the most detail (specially). But specialized knowledge is one thing, and general knowledge is a completely different matter. Every person needs both - certainly both. General knowledge about the whole world and all life is the basis for special knowledge. Special knowledge is the best test of general knowledge. Special knowledge deepens, but also narrows one’s horizons. General knowledge expands and illuminates it...

As you know, there are a lot of sciences, and over time it becomes more and more numerous. True, all of them, taken together, speak about the same thing, all about the same Universe and its life. It is necessary to unite in your mind everything that has been obtained by individual sciences so that there is no mention of the separateness of different sides of the same Universe, because this separateness does not actually exist - it is an invention of the human mind.

You yourself, the reader, can serve as an example for yourself. You are an individual, you are a single whole. And yet in yourself you distinguish a great many sides. From your example you can best understand the relationship of science to life, the relationship of individual aspects and their partial study to their whole. Indeed, you are studied from various angles by dozens, if not hundreds, of separate sciences, and you, nevertheless, still represent an indivisible whole.

So, for example, you are a citizen, a member of society, a state. What are your rights? You need a whole range of legal sciences to illuminate just this one side of your life and your personality, as well as other people like you. But how can you tear this side of you away from the material side of your life? Your material life, like that of any other person, is also studied by a number of economic sciences. Are you rich or poor? What is your income? Big or small? Why is he this way and not another? The reason for this is yourself, or general conditions life, the social structure in general, or the characteristics of the social class to which you belong, the profession that feeds you?

All these are questions that concern you personally, and a number of sciences study the economic side of your life, unraveling both everyday trifles and the most complex facts of economic life. The legal side of your life is, in essence, inseparable and closely connected with the economic one. In other words, on paper, in a book, the sciences are separate, but in life they are fused. Do you want to know yourself, your life, and the environment in which you spend it? In this case, set a goal that is not the one that is usually set and which is to study such and such a number of such and such individual sciences. Therefore, the matter of self-education should be carried out this way: clarify for yourself, at least in the most general terms, questions or areas of life that are especially necessary, important, interesting, burning for a given reader and then study each question, illuminating it with data from all the most important or even many sciences. Only in this way can one really orientate oneself in a particular area, “examine it in all senses” and understand it as close as possible to what it really is.

There is hardly any need to prove that familiarity with fiction is just as necessary for a person working on self-education as familiarity with the sciences. For the vast majority of readers, it is from this area that it is easiest to begin expanding their horizons and developing their Self (i.e., their personality. - Comp.).

The same cannot be said about other, so-called fine arts. Art - necessary element self-education, indispensable to any other. There was a time when the fine arts were given no importance or were reduced to almost zero, and “aesthetics” and “aestheticians” were ridiculed. This time has passed, and art has taken its rightful place in the scheme of general education.

The inner world of a person is infinitely complex and diverse. To live a full, varied life means to live in such a way that, if possible, all the strings of the soul and all aspects of the human psyche are heard, all human powers have the opportunity to exercise, manifest themselves and flourish. Throwing art out of your life and even pushing it into the background is the same as committing a kind of crime against yourself.

There is no person on whom no work of art (literary, musical or sculptural, etc.) would make any impression; in every heart there is a corner that is most strongly influenced by aesthetics, beauty, embodied in one form or another. But even if it did not yet have an effect on this or that reader, it must act. This must be achieved, we must develop in ourselves its understanding, its sensation in order to, through it, further expand, deepen, elevate, and make our life more intense.. True, the influence of various arts, or, what is the same, various works of art, on different people far from the same. Some people are most impressed by poetry, others by painting, others by architecture, but the characteristics of each person speak only about the choice of arts, and not about their exclusion. Therefore, the department of these arts, which includes, in addition to fine literature, music, painting, sculpture, architecture, dramatic art, must general scheme education to take its place next to fiction.

Further, it is very important, in an effort to become an educated, intelligent person, to think more deeply about human behavior, in other words, about the relationship of man to man. It is necessary to think more about the very foundations and rules of one’s own and other people’s behavior, about habits, interests and in general about everything that influences human behavior, and about what is considered good and what is evil, and why one considers it that way. Finally, we need to think more about the origins of these principles and rules and their development over thousands of years. What people of different times and countries thought and think about good and evil, about the purpose and meaning of life, about justice and injustice, etc. Because without this and your own education it will be worthless, or even less.

What principles should I obey? And what do I “should” mean? What rules and principles should I adhere to in my behavior, external and even internal? How can I comprehend and decorate my life, so as not to cry with grief when, unexpectedly for me, it passes, ending senselessly and absurdly? What is the value of my life? What is its meaning? What is its purpose? What ideal should I set for myself in the form of this goal and strive for it both in my personal experiences and externally - in family life, social life, etc.?

All these are questions of deepest importance, both theoretical and practical, for every person. Each of us must resolve them one way or another... Whether a person wants or not, he cannot live in life without a moral standard that only he himself, his conscience, can develop. We need to develop it, this measure, perhaps clear, definite, and the sooner the better.

From all the previous it follows that fiction and other fine arts, but also ethics should not only be included in common system self-education, but also to form the basis of it.

Also adjacent to this department, as its necessary components, are the departments of art criticism and journalism, familiarity with which is no less necessary for the purpose of self-education than with the previous ones.

Every work of art, more or less outstanding, has always evoked and evokes a whole literature of assessments and interpretations - critical articles, comments from all possible points of view.

Journalism is an assessment of current social life, that very “evil of the day” that we not only experience - at each moment of history its own special - but which in general concerns us very closely.

An art critic evaluates a work and its author. The publicist gives his assessment of life itself. Both of them seem to open doors for us from a narrow kennel personal life into the arena of public life. We are faced with the task of developing a moral ideal not only of personal life, but also a social ideal. Journalism teaches us to evaluate current life from the point of view of this ideal, to deepen and expand our understanding and our participation in the current struggle. Here in Russia - as is known from the examples of Belinsky, Dobrolyubov, Pisarev... - all the most outstanding Russian critics were also publicists.

From here follows a rule of deep importance: the circle of self-education should include periodicals - newspapers and magazines, which would give the reader the opportunity to follow the general course of current life, Russian and foreign, and the struggle of interests and opinions unfolding in it...

When working on self-education, one must keep in mind not adaptation to life, but the elevation of this life by elevating oneself above it.

An educated person is a person who has his own worldview, his own opinions about all aspects and areas of life around him. Life itself requires from each of us a common worldview, and therefore a common education that underlies the first. None of us can, in the very essence of the matter, reason like this: either find out everything or nothing. No, instead you need to think a little differently: everyone achieve as much as possible, but do not forget about what is possible and achievable - achievable for such and such a person, living in such and such conditions, possessing such and such abilities. We are talking here about an achievable minimum of education, leaving the maximum to everyone’s decision. After all, there are types of schools of lower, middle and higher, and the same subjects are taught in all of them in various sizes. Self-education also has to be carried out in various sizes, depending on the personality of the self-student, his strengths, abilities and time at his disposal. We do not confuse general education, the purpose of which is to develop a general worldview, with special education, the purpose of which is purely practical.

Understanding some areas of life is one thing, and a completely different thing is a general worldview, which includes an understanding of all the main phenomena and tasks of life. There is hardly any need to prove that this general worldview and understanding of the world is the result, the end result of all work on self-education, its goal, its summary, the final conclusion. True, there are people who, when starting to educate themselves, try to find a book that would give them “the very essence” in order to quickly read it and learn “everything they need” from it. There is no such book in the world, and it cannot even exist.

Only when a person’s worldview becomes his “second nature” and becomes a habit, only then does this person have the right to say to himself: “Yes, I really have a worldview, and it is really mine.”

To develop your worldview means to build it so firmly that, despite any objections and even suffering throughout your life, it is not destroyed or altered, but only replenished, improved and so that... the strength of mind and spirit speaks for itself myself.

A general worldview is the goal of self-education. The concept of worldview includes not only knowledge, not only understanding, but also mood, that is, the direction of likes and dislikes, ethical and social ideals, as well as the ability to implement them.

When working to develop your worldview, you cannot help but take into account not only yourself, your own characteristics, but you also need to take into account the characteristics of your environment, and therefore the historical moment in which you live. Stopping being afraid of other people's opinions that disagree with your own is one of the first habits that a person should develop.

Of particular importance is the study of not only facts in general, but controversial, transitional facts that can be interpreted one way or another. It would seem that especially serious attention should be directed to the study and understanding of these transitional facts. But this is not so: usually the most characteristic facts, not transitional ones, are studied as illustrations for certain theses. The latter, for the most part, are forgotten and neglected. And by forgetting them and relying on the first, thought becomes accustomed to dogmatism and loses a significant part of its critical character.

In nature and in society, transitional forms are very common and navigating the phenomena of life - complex, diverse, with countless inseparable sides - is much more difficult than navigating the terms, definitions, and content of concepts. Dogmatism is one of the clearest manifestations of lack of education.

Only by carrying in your soul a single, holistic, lasting, and deep understanding of the world will you not be confused under any circumstances, but will understand and appreciate them. This means that you should not begin your work with philosophy, no matter how interesting it may be. Philosophy should be studied after everything else. The point is not to philosophize, but to philosophize as scientifically as possible as correctly as possible. And this is only possible when you rely on a thorough study of all the above areas. Otherwise you will make yourself look like a superstar.

A person’s personality is a single, indivisible whole. The matter of self-education is not only a matter of intellect (mind). This is the matter of the entire personality, with all its experiences, thoughts, misfortunes, suffering, grief, joy, etc. This is the matter of the whole life.

In our opinion, it is with some clarification of one’s own reader’s individuality that it is useful to begin self-educational work. This includes defining the goal that the reader is striving for and about which he should think at least a little and at least in the most general terms when embarking on his self-education. What exactly do I want? What am I striving for? Should we develop a common worldview, regardless of any school programs? Or prepare for some exam? Or study some particular science, or some issue, or area of ​​​​life? etc. Much depends on the goal in planning self-educational work. But no matter what the particular goal that this or that reader sets for himself, in order to achieve all the particular goals, the general development of the personality is necessary, and therefore we will mainly talk about precisely such development, i.e., first of all, about broadening one’s horizons .

on the topic: Educated person - useful person


Word and life

What is an educated person?

Requirements for an educated person




The state is doing everything possible to ensure that children grow up healthy and happy, receive an excellent education, and learn new skills. information technology, necessary in the 21st century, have become worthy, respected people, patriots of the Fatherland.

As we see, one of the goals is to provide education, which is enshrined in the basic law of the state - the Constitution of the Russian Federation. What determines this goal setting, how necessary it is, and how its usefulness is expressed, let’s try to figure it out now.

Thus, education is the process and result of mastering systematized knowledge, skills and abilities. Consequently, in the process of education, the knowledge of all the spiritual riches that humanity has developed is transferred from generation to generation, the assimilation of the results of socio-historical knowledge reflected in the sciences of nature, society, technology and art, as well as the mastery of labor skills and abilities. Thus, in my opinion, education is necessary condition preparation for life and work, the main means of introducing a person to culture and mastering it, the foundation for the development of culture.

Based on the above, I believe that an educated person is a useful person - he is a kind of means of transmitting information.

1. Word and life

"A man's word is the blood of his heart"(Arabic proverb)

The above proverb of the people of the East means that everything that a person can convey to people that is useful through words cannot be expressed by him for the benefit of people unless it is experienced and felt by the speaker himself. The word is like one of important means communication with people should be not only a means, but also a special rational content - something that gives a person his spiritual experience of life and observation.

Powerfully influencing the minds and feelings of people, such a word goes into the creative process of life and spiritualizes this life, giving it reasonable content and direction. In the general cultural development of mankind, it was only from this direction of human activity that special spiritual values ​​accumulated, such as religion, in its true meaning, which gave in the field of feeling the moral laws of relationships between people, and science, which in the field of experience and knowledge gave abundant material for the material improvement of human life. life.

To liberate a person’s personality from ignorance and awaken the creativity of thought in him, education is necessary - this is the broadest acquaintance of a person with the achieved scientific values ​​through the free study of everything that is subject to the attention and judgment of a person.

The need to convey the experience of life, as well as the need to study the hidden forces of nature, is innate to the feeling of man as a rational, thinking being. This created a continuity of one generation with another, contributing to the further mental development of mankind.

This is the meaning of the human word. The printed word, being a good facilitator of self-education, can only fulfill its high meaning when it contains serious and reasonable material that meets the needs of the human spirit, and when the reader treats it with a thoughtful disposition.

The reader began to look in reading not for solutions to serious questions of life, not for confirmation of the correctness of his observations and experiences, but for pleasure for himself during rest, not from work, but from the severity of the excesses he was experiencing. And once such a reader was born, then, according to the demand causing supply, a writer appeared who satisfied the taste of this reader, and therefore the word itself, as a means of communication, lost the high significance previously given to it, as a means of expressing only special human wisdom. It is worth recalling the words of the poet: “Sow what is reasonable, good, eternal: sow, - the Russian people will thank you from the bottom of their hearts!..”.

From all that has been said, a conclusion should be drawn for both the writer and the reader, and for the latter, perhaps, an equally serious attitude to reading is necessary, since it helps self-education. The very essence of reading should not consist in a simple mechanical perception of other people's knowledge, other people's thoughts and moods - “what the last book says will fall on the soul”; the essence of reading is to experience one’s own thoughts and moods excited by what one reads, that is, to translate other people’s words and thoughts into the language of one’s spiritual feeling, which will be born from deepening one’s consciousness into the transmitted thoughts in connection with one’s observations of life.

Only such an attitude creates the condition for the enlightenment and development of human consciousness, for life is, first of all, creativity, and in order to create, this requires active ability and the ability to understand the surrounding circumstances.

2. What is an educated person?

A truly educated person is not one who graduated from any, even higher, educational institution - you never know how many of them turn out to be ignorant, narrow specialists or clever careerists! Not someone who has read many, even very many, at least the best books in his lifetime. Not the one who has accumulated in himself those or

on the topic: An educated person is a useful person


Word and life

What is an educated person?

Requirements for an educated person




The state is doing everything possible to ensure that children grow up healthy and happy, receive an excellent education, master new information technologies necessary in the 21st century, and become worthy, respected people, patriots of the Fatherland.

As we see, one of the goals is to provide education, which is enshrined in the basic law of the state - the Constitution of the Russian Federation. What determines this goal setting, how necessary it is, and how its usefulness is expressed, let’s try to figure it out now.

Thus, education is the process and result of mastering systematized knowledge, skills and abilities. Consequently, in the process of education, the knowledge of all the spiritual riches that humanity has developed is transferred from generation to generation, the assimilation of the results of socio-historical knowledge reflected in the sciences of nature, society, technology and art, as well as the mastery of labor skills and abilities. Thus, in my opinion, education is a necessary condition for preparation for life and work, the main means of introducing a person to culture and mastering it, the foundation for the development of culture.

Based on the above, I believe that an educated person is a useful person - he is a kind of means of transmitting information.

1. Word and life

"A man's word is the blood of his heart"(Arabic proverb)

The above proverb of the people of the East means that everything that a person can convey to people that is useful through words cannot be expressed by him for the benefit of people unless it is experienced and felt by the speaker himself. The word, as one of the important means of communication with people, must be not only a means, but also a special rational content - something that gives a person his spiritual experience of life and observation.

Powerfully influencing the minds and feelings of people, such a word goes into the creative process of life and spiritualizes this life, giving it reasonable content and direction. In the general cultural development of mankind, it was only from this direction of human activity that special spiritual values ​​accumulated, such as religion, in its true meaning, which gave in the field of feeling the moral laws of relationships between people, and science, which in the field of experience and knowledge gave abundant material for the material improvement of human life. life.

To liberate a person’s personality from ignorance and awaken the creativity of thought in him, education is necessary - this is the broadest acquaintance of a person with the achieved scientific values ​​through the free study of everything that is subject to the attention and judgment of a person.

The need to convey the experience of life, as well as the need to study the hidden forces of nature, is innate to the feeling of man as a rational, thinking being. This created a continuity of one generation with another, contributing to the further mental development of mankind.

This is the meaning of the human word. The printed word, being a good facilitator of self-education, can only fulfill its high meaning when it contains serious and reasonable material that meets the needs of the human spirit, and when the reader treats it with a thoughtful disposition.

The reader began to look in reading not for solutions to serious questions of life, not for confirmation of the correctness of his observations and experiences, but for pleasure for himself during rest, not from work, but from the severity of the excesses he was experiencing. And once such a reader was born, then, according to the demand causing supply, a writer appeared who satisfied the taste of this reader, and therefore the word itself, as a means of communication, lost the high significance previously given to it, as a means of expressing only special human wisdom. It is worth recalling the words of the poet: “Sow what is reasonable, good, eternal: sow, - the Russian people will thank you from the bottom of their hearts!..”.

From all that has been said, a conclusion should be drawn for both the writer and the reader, and for the latter, perhaps, an equally serious attitude to reading is necessary, since it helps self-education. The very essence of reading should not consist in a simple mechanical perception of other people's knowledge, other people's thoughts and moods - “what the last book says will fall on the soul”; the essence of reading is to experience one’s own thoughts and moods excited by what one reads, that is, to translate other people’s words and thoughts into the language of one’s spiritual feeling, which will be born from deepening one’s consciousness into the transmitted thoughts in connection with one’s observations of life.

Only such an attitude creates the condition for the enlightenment and development of human consciousness, for life is, first of all, creativity, and in order to create, this requires active ability and the ability to understand the surrounding circumstances.

2. What is an educated person?

A truly educated person is not one who graduated from any, even higher, educational institution - you never know how many of them turn out to be ignorant, narrow specialists or clever careerists! Not someone who has read many, even very many, at least the best books in his lifetime. Not the one who has accumulated in himself, by one means or another, a certain stock, even a very large one, of various knowledge. This is not the very essence of education.

Its very essence is in the influence that it can and should have on the surrounding life, in the power that education will give to a person to remake the surrounding life, in introducing into it something new, something of his own in this or that area, in this or that her corner. Whether it is general education or whether it is special education, all the same, its criterion is the remaking of life, the changes made in it with its help.

The greatest happiness for a person is to feel strong. Of course, we are not talking about physical strength, but about mental strength. The greatest reformers in science and philosophy - Newton, Pascal, Spencer, Darwin - were physically weak people. It is important to be able to prove your opinion. An opinion that he does not know how to prove, defend from attacks, or put into practice has no particular value. We should all understand education as an active and bright force, not only in itself, but precisely by its application in social life.

Especially valuable to us are those educated people who have responsiveness, strength of feeling, energy, will, those who know how to penetrate to their very foundations the spirit of the public. These, and only these, educated people we can call people intelligent in the best sense of the word. “What do we care about these educated people who are educated only for themselves and about themselves! - one worker writes to us. “They make us neither warm nor cold!” Absolutely correct. This is not what Russia needs. The last decade of Russian life has shown quite clearly what kind of educated people the people are waiting for and what kind of people many of the most intelligent, capable, sympathetic people from the most diverse strata of the population are trying to become. An intelligent person is a person who so knows and understands life, and its course, and its needs, and its needs, who at any moment can prove himself to be their true exponent.

Understanding the life around us is the first task of an educated person. Service to the surrounding life, the nature of this service - this is the touchstone for evaluating it. Whoever you are, reader, young or old, Russian or foreigner, man or woman, do not forget the social significance of your education and, especially, self-education. Russian history is unique and changeable. She can force any of you at any moment to become a representative of life, its interests and needs, aspirations and hopes, an exponent of its most urgent demands and workers and fighters for their satisfaction. A truly educated person must always be ready and prepare in advance so that at any moment, in case of need, he can be a spokesman for the needs and needs of the surrounding social life.

The very essence of a person is not in this business, that is, not in his profession and occupation, but in the man himself, in his attitude towards this business.

In a very dark corner, even the most ordinary candle is an extremely important phenomenon and, in the literal sense of the word, bright, and does an important job, and can even be proud of what it does, the fact that it sheds light where no electric lamps have yet penetrated, and will they penetrate, and when?

Where there is light, there cannot but be a spread of light to others. If there is an educated, thinking, understanding, thoughtful, socially minded person, he cannot do without public service, and in any case, a person who is unable to express the interests of life is not a truly educated person in the best, highest sense of the word.

Our definition of it is somewhat at odds with the usual definition of education. It may be objected to us that we cannot help but classify among the educated and scientific people who are averse to social activities.

An educated person is certainly a versatile, and therefore tolerant, person. He must be completely alien to the spirit of intolerance and ideological exclusivity. Facts require thoughtful study, discussion and comprehensive assessment. Thus, the first task of a truly educated person is not to be narrow-minded, to develop in himself a versatile knowledge and understanding of life and the ability to evaluate other people’s opinions about life, while having his own.

“The worldview and life task and purpose of life of each person are determined by his historical situation,” the conditions of that time and place, the social and popular environment in which we live, although we should not blindly obey these conditions Viyam. The purpose of education can be briefly expressed in the following words mi: it should “direct the development in this way the need for a person to become able to understand his natural and historical cultural environment and act in it.” “An educated person is able to quite consciously and confidently determine his attitude to thoughts and ideas, to the life forms and aspirations of his living environment.”

3. Requirements for an educated person

knowledge word educated public

Anyone, no matter who he is, can always, with his inner striving, although not without effort and sometimes hard struggle, rise at least one step above the usual level of everyday life. Even if this is only a grain of achieved enlightenment, it still has benefits for public life. This is said about people who have no other conditions for their enlightenment other than through self-education. But what can we say about those who had the opportunity to take advantage of all the conditions and means of education? What can we say about a person who has received a comprehensive and complete education?

Life makes more demands on such a person. An educated person must turn all his knowledge into a constant source of light for others. He must enter the sphere of enlightening and ennobling influence on life itself and enter into direct communication with the masses of the people. An educated person must represent that part of society that, from the rough material of life, is transformed, like blood in the heart, into spiritual values ​​for the entire social organism.

It should manifest special kind social activities. He should not represent a dead passive force, but the active heart and brain of the social organism, intelligently connecting with all its directions, as a thinking, feeling and directing force. He must understand and evaluate reality from the point of view of the public good. An educated person cannot be educated only for himself and to himself - he is educated for everyone and must be a bright phenomenon in the corner where he lives.

Particular sensitivity and responsiveness to the interests of the surrounding life, in general, and to the personal interests of each person, in particular, is a kind of education of character and peace of feeling, which complements mental development in the same way as with a flower, in addition to its beautiful view, we also need fruit. He must remember that the world of life is a world of social labor exchange and mutual assistance in a close connection of serving each other, and for this mental development alone is not enough, it is also necessary to develop feelings, that special sensitivity and responsiveness that characterize the peculiarities of a person’s relationship to others in his actions and activities.

Such an increased demand for an educated person is currently dictated by life itself. It is not enough for an educated person to only know about many scientific things, but he needs to show in himself how this scientific knowledge must be applied to life in communication with people, in short, to live scientifically. And this already moves into the area of ​​self-knowledge, into the area of ​​feeling. To do this, you must first of all become spiritually stable and strong yourself; you need to accumulate in yourself not only the power of thought and reason.

Everyday life is clogged with many habits with harmful consequences, and this is only because people see examples of the actions of other people in satisfying their harmful whims. The practical application of scientific thought, the formation of separate circles for putting scientific ideas into practice, will create centers that enliven life, from which influence on the creation of a new scientific way of life in people's life will spread into public life. This will be helped by the ability of an educated person to think about, evaluate and understand the demands of current life.

The ability of an educated person to organize himself in life, relying on reliable scientific knowledge and impartial moral duties, should always be the property of society, as a material that compensates for social inequality in mental development, especially when this is inherited from past conditions of social life. Now, only with such a personal relationship of an educated person to life can he be called truly educated in the best and highest sense of the word.


While doing this work, I came to the conclusion that only in special conditions personal activity of an educated person and through his direct communication with the broad masses of the people can create and great opportunity transfer of education through practical life into the very environment of people's life. If within the walls educational institutions knowledge is transmitted to students, then consciousness and practice must work outside these walls.

Purchased by an educated person scientific value obliges him to this special scientific activity in direct communication with people. This will undoubtedly greatly facilitate and develop self-education for those who do not have the opportunity to break away from family work life and devote their years exclusively to science. True, literature is one of the types of communication; it is the printed word that acts as an intermediary between a thinking, educated person and a person seeking means for his spiritual development. But the very word that is conveyed by literature comes from those processes of life in which man himself finds himself, according to the expression: “he who is conquered by whom is his slave.”


1. Magazine "Bulletin" No. 12.

Rubakin N.A. Letters to readers about self-education.

Magazine "School and Life".

Bieri P. Domestic notes.


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