Gua compatibility of different people. Compatibility of people by gua number

The eighth Gua number belongs to the Western group, which is based on the earth element. The most preferred colors are yellow and red.

Personality Features

The best character traits of people with Gua Number 8 are energy and perseverance in achieving their goals. These people are ambitious and prudent, as well as self-sufficient and self-confident. The disadvantages include excessive conservatism, as well as frequent changes of opinions. These people reach great success in self-knowledge and self-improvement, therefore they love solitude.

Their self-development reaches its highest point because they pursue it purposefully and persistently - this positive side medals. On the other hand, such people neglect the problems and requests of loved ones and relatives, which is not very pleasant.

People with Gua number 8 are big collectors who like order in everything and are not particularly sociable. Most likely, these are hidden natures, and they keep all the passions they experience deep inside.

Favorable directions

Among the best destinations for people with Gua number 8 are:

  • Northeast is the sector responsible for personal development (fu wei). People with the 8th Gua number are real information centers that carry out any task with high professionalism. If they are incompetent in something or they do not have enough information, then they try to compensate for this by constantly studying the required material on the topic and such failures and troubles can become the main stumbling block in their career. This applies not only professional sphere life, but also the search for your soulmate. This can also affect spiritual development. To minimize the negative impact of lack of information, you need to activate the fu wei sector and do this best with the help color palette, for example, bring beige, red or yellow shades. It would be nice to put a talisman there that will characterize your life goal. For example, if you want to achieve a high position, then place a chest of wealth there, or if you want to travel the whole world, then a small crystal Globe will feel great there. In this sector you must place all those objects with which you obtain information, for example, a computer, shelves with books, a stack of magazines, and so on. Be sure to place a figurine here or place an image of a snake so that your wisdom increases day by day. You can also place an elephant here, symbolizing strength in achieving your goal. And of course, it is best to place the front door or office in this sector, so that all pleasant and pleasant people will enter your home. positive points. Make sure that your bed's head is facing this direction.
  • The southwest is the sector responsible for wealth (sheng qi). The southwestern direction coincides with the zone of material well-being. For people with Gua number 8 - perfect option, in terms of material accumulation, is to run a family business, since this sector of wealth coincides with the family sector. However, it is important that close relationships are somewhat distanced from doing business, so as not to quarrel with your loved ones over petty trifles. To do this, you do not need to place the living room in this sector; place yours here workplace or office. If you have a bedroom in this place, which in principle is quite normal, since this zone always coincides with the family sector, then do not use water symbols so that the positive aspects do not flow away along with this water energy. Otherwise, the intimacy between spouses may be disrupted, not only physically, but also spiritually. Sleeping with your head in this direction is very good, especially if you have temporary financial difficulties.
  • West is the sector responsible for the love sphere (nyan-yang). People on the 8th Gua will always strive to ensure that there is no routine in their love, and that life is always filled with bright romantic moments, so your task will be to activate the love sector in such a way as to help make your relationship bright and harmonious. To do this, you need to place candles here, but do not get carried away with the symbolism of fire, since fire can destroy metal - your natural symbol. In order to improve your personal life, if it is going unevenly, you need to place the front door here so that your soulmate will find their way to you as soon as possible.
  • North-west is the sector responsible for health (tian-i). For those who have health problems, you need to pay close attention to this sector, since you need to attract the positive energy of this zone into your life. Therefore, make sure that your bed is directed in this direction, and also pay attention to the fact that you are strictly contraindicated from self-medication. It is always better to contact those people who have special education, because in your case there are no healing and traditional methods will not work, but will only worsen the situation. It is very good that this zone coincides with the sphere of helpers, so you can place here an image of your guardian angel, or patrons or mentor who will help you in various difficult situations. life situations. It is also good to hang here an icon of the Saint, who is the guardian of this person. Sometimes it is better to hold aromatic ceremonies here and light special incense: it is best to use jasmine and geranium for this. And of course, a great option It will be possible if a dining room is placed here, where many cozy evenings will be held, and a huge number of people will visit it. That's it people coming will be filled with clean and healthy energy.

Unfavorable directions

Among the not best destinations for people with Gua number 8 are:

  • South is the sector responsible for life's troubles and failures (ho-hai). People from the 8th of Gua should avoid this direction and stay in it for as little time as possible, since this sector coincides with the sector of success, luck and recognition in that professional field. which you have chosen for yourself. To get rid of the painful feeling of failure in your life, you need to bring this area into perfect order and it would be nice to place a kitchen here, where it would also be kept perfectly clean. Remove from this area all the symbols that will represent success in your career, and also do not hang a wish card or places you want to visit there, most likely this will lead to the opposite effect in your life.
  • North is a ghostly sector (uh-hui). Those people who have the 8th Gua number should closely monitor this area, since it coincides with career, which is one of the most important areas for you. To minimize bad influence You definitely need to place a kitchen, bathroom or toilet here, and also remove everything that might remind you of work. You cannot place a work corner, exclude all documents, office equipment, you should not even place a shelf with books here, since the negative emanations of this direction can also affect the reluctance to read new information and improve yourself. And, of course, you cannot sleep with your head in this direction, otherwise you will be tormented by very difficult dreams or even nightmares.
  • East - killer sector (liu-sha) The eastern direction coincides with the family plan, so there will be minor misunderstandings in your life, as well as conflict situations with family and friends. There will be a lot of conflicts with children and the inability to come to a general consensus and understand what he wants to convey to you. small man. To reduce the impact of this sector, it is necessary to equip a bathroom or toilet in this direction so that running waters problems went away. You should not place a living room here that the family visits, and also make sure that you solve problems as they arise, then they will pile on you in a crowd and will not be able to push you against the wall.
  • Southeast - the sector responsible for life collapse (jue-ming) Jue-ming coincides with the wealth sector, so you need to be extremely careful in how you spend your material resources. It’s hard to say what can be placed in this sector, except for the toilet, but what definitely should not be located there is Entrance door, otherwise your money may simply slip through your fingers and go out into the open. Cases of theft and robbery are also fraught. Pay attention to how frugal you are in your material sphere, and this will greatly influence your entire life.

Gua number combination: checking compatibility

  1. Perfect Union. The most harmonious combination is a couple of people with the 8th Gua number, as well as the second and third. These are the most wonderful unions that together can achieve a lot in life together. They understand each other not just at a glance, at a glance, and are, as it were, a mirror image of each other, which does not allow them to quarrel over petty trifles. Most often, these are couples who leave some kind of mark on history, or their children are outstanding people.
  2. 50 / 50. People with numbers 5, 6 and 7 in combination with people with Gua number 8 are average couples in terms of personal compatibility, they have normal, ordinary relationships, people who trust each other. However, such relationships may be less long-term if each partner does not learn to hear and listen to each other.
  3. Incompatible options. People on the 8th Gua number, as well as 1, 4 and 9, are completely incompatible with each other, since they will not be able to achieve not only harmony in their union, but even basic friendly understanding. Moreover, having married, most often these couples part as enemies and expose themselves to great life risks - their health may decline significantly or their luck may decline.

Personality trigram

People with the 8th Gua have the Gen personality trigram. Gen people are the spirits of the mountain who bring any form to its logical conclusion, and the main property of these individuals is steadfastness and inviolability, as if in front of you is a solid stone stronghold.

In feng shui, the people of the Mountain are associated with the spirit of immortality, which personifies not only eternal peace, but also the beginning and end of life for all living beings.

These people give you the strength to help and understand everything that has happened, correct your mistakes, and also appreciate your merits and accomplishments. The element is the small earth, the symbol of course is the mountain, which is located in the best direction - the northeast. Naturally the colors are all shades of brown and yellow, symbolizing the unshakable stone, but green is also present. Remember those mountains that are covered like velvet with beautiful green forests?

The best season for mountain people is late winter, and the beautiful and lucky number of the month, when it is better to start all long-term projects, is 23.

The vulnerable or, on the contrary, the strongest part of the body is the crown, elongated neck and arm. A best qualities personality can be called firmness and rigid determination. Among the minuses, we can highlight stubbornness, how mountain people extremely rarely change their opinion to the opposite, but if they have changed it, what happens under the influence of some external factors, then roll them up life path almost impossible.

Despite the fact that these are people of monumental structure, the energy is dominated by soft yin energies, which are, as it were, in a shell of yang energy - strong and unshakable. Therefore, such people are characterized by solidity and reliability, within which a fragile and tender heart beats.

It all looks like a huge shell with a small and vulnerable chicken inside, new life, which is born every day.

Getting to this tenderness through a huge armor is often very difficult, because this heart is preserved in such people so much that many people around you don’t even know what you can be like inside.

You may be considered very balanced and strong, but never see glimpses of tenderness and fragility in the attitude of your loved ones. Because of your strong will, you will rise above the crowd like a mountain, always be independent and independent, and not ask for help from others.

However, this can all develop into extreme anxiety and suspicion, with people trying to get within arm's length of you.

Your task in this life is to learn to trust.

Look around, it is quite possible that there are a huge number of people next to you who will be very happy to offer you their help and open their hearts, but the most important thing for them is to receive your favor in return so that two souls can meet together.

The symbol is a mountain, so the strength of strength and stone inviolability are constantly in your character, however, you are also characterized by a certain contemplation, and you are often an outside observer who, looking at others, tries to understand himself.

Most often, such individuals lead an extremely solitary lifestyle. They are not very sociable and are sometimes very secretive.

These are big art lovers, collectors, and also moneylenders. And from negative images, perhaps even Koschey, who languishes over his gold. Don't turn this accumulation ability into your goal existence. Make it your hobby, not your entire life.

Do not forget that your stone impenetrability can play a cruel joke and turn you into tyrants who can suppress others with their power, or into pedants, insensitive and closed, who are prone to excessive ordering of objects.

To avoid this, try to open up to the world at least a little, develop your concern for others and constantly practice great internal work, in your work is the spirit, which is hidden under a heavy and powerful armor. You need to constantly reflect on the path you have taken.

Being lucky in financial matters will lead you to great material well-being and will also develop your excellent financial planning abilities. People with the Gen trigram most often find themselves in real estate.

However, perhaps we have before us a future writer who will receive enormous fame in the literary field.

The northeast direction, which the Gen trigram represents, is responsible for wisdom, so there will always be stability and tranquility in your home. And you will cultivate resilience in your interactions with others. If your marriage lacks these qualities, then you need to activate this zone.

To activate it correctly you need to bring it there yellow and hang wind chimes, as well as various crystals that will reflect any troubles that arise in your life. If you ignore this sector, then women living in this house will suffer from various diseases, and men can be extremely flighty and end all their relationships very quickly. Don’t forget that the Gen sector will help you reveal all your innermost dreams and make your secret thoughts public, as well as make your loved ones feel more spiritual closeness with you.

Each of us is born with a certain potential inherent in him at birth. The Chinese believe that the very moment of birth determines what character he will have, what he will be interested in, how he will express himself, and much more. In other words, at the very moment when a person comes into this world, certain energy characteristics are laid down in him, which, in addition to the above data, also determine his interaction with energy flows space, identifying favorable and unfavorable directions for it.

In the article, we examined in detail the formula by which you can calculate your Gua number and what advantages this information opens up. This article is about the characteristics of a person whose Gua number is 3.

Gua: 3

Group: Eastern

Trigram:震 Zhen

Element: Tree

Color: Green, blue

Main qualities: sociability, purposefulness, optimism, emotionality, impressionability, insight, hot temper, aggressiveness, masculinity, reliability, ambition, straightforwardness, idealism.

The predominant energy in the Zhen trigram of Gua Number 3 is the passive Yin energy, represented by the two upper broken lines. However, its passive nature is changed by the lower solid line of Yang energy, making it active, exciting, exciting. This gives a person with Gua Number 3 the energy to solve difficult problems, makes him a rebel, striving to destroy foundations and disrupt the existing order of things, tear away the veils of secrecy, expose, take risks when necessary. And she can make him a leader and a pioneer if he is able to understand his nature and not be afraid of it.

These people can safely be called “idea generators,” since they are always full of new ideas and are able to find unexpected solutions; they are emotional and impulsive. They take a responsible approach to completing tasks, preferring to complete them themselves and not involve anyone else, not trusting anyone. At the same time, they are very sensitive to their family, showing great interest in the past and traditions, their roots and connections with loved ones. Although they are often accused of inattention and neglect of relatives, which can be avoided by devoting more time and attention to the family.

People of Gua Number 3 are prone to introspection and self-improvement, they always strive to gain new knowledge and master new skills, immersing themselves in what they do. At the same time, they are not alien to the desire to share knowledge, although sometimes it can be superficial. They have a huge energy potential, which makes them purposeful, although sometimes they show some stubbornness. However, they always boldly enter into the struggle with problems and difficulties, not always even being ready, acting impromptu.

They know how to win over people and win the sympathy of others. And they themselves attach considerable, sometimes even exaggerated, importance to external data, which can manifest itself in a craving for people with an attractive appearance, making women with Gua Number 3 quite jealous, although men are calmer in this regard. They are amorous and mature early, which can lead to early marriages, but if necessary, they can sacrifice a stamp in their passport for the sake of social or financial status.

They are quite ambitious and independent, know how to earn money and start working early, they make good teachers, writers and medical workers. If they have the ability, singing and sports activities are also suitable for them. However, if possible, they prefer to create their own business, their own source of income, rather than work for someone else. They are characterized by generosity and a love of having a good time, so sometimes this leads to unnecessary spending and difficulties in saving.

The compatibility of people has a great influence on their relationships, psychological characteristics and mutual understanding.

Therefore, before starting a new romantic relationship, you can calculate all the indicators and find out how close in spirit your partner will be.

There are different methods for studying relationships. In Feng Shui you can find out the future by. This indicator determines the favorable and unfavorable aspects of certain events.

Gua number as the main indicator

This indicator reflects the individual energy of a person. Once you know your Gua number, you can find out how favorable the outcome of a given situation will be. The indicator affects various aspects of a person’s life. Family, relationships with loved ones, as well as career growth and health - all this is reflected.

In order to calculate the Gua number, you should not resort to complicated formulas. It is enough to know your date of birth. Gender has a big influence on the final score. So, for example, to calculate the Gua number for men, you need to add up the last digits from the year of birth. If the result is a two-digit number, then you should add again between these indicators.

For example, a man was born in 1969.

6 is an intermediate value. Now, to get the Gua number, you need to subtract the intermediate value from 10.

Thus, 4 is the Gua number for a man of a given year of birth. The indicator can be calculated in a similar way for any man born before 2000. If the young man was born later, then the intermediate value must be subtracted from 9.

For women, the calculation formula is slightly different. The intermediate value is also calculated based on the year of birth. But after that the number 5 is added to it.

For example, a woman was born in 1984.

3 is an intermediate value. We add 5 to it.

8 is the Gua number for women this year.

If the girl was born after 2000, then the indicator must be added to 6.

When calculating, it is necessary to take into account that if the Gua number is 5, then it is replaced by 2 for men, and by 8 for women.

The Chinese solar calendar is slightly different from the generally accepted one. Therefore, when studying the year of birth, you should be careful. So, people born from January 1 to February 5 should calculate the indicator based on the previous year.

Compatibility by number

Once the Gua indicator is calculated, it will be possible to find out the compatibility of people. According to Feng Shui, people are divided into Western and Eastern groups. Each plot has its happy sides. Numbers 1, 3, 4, 9 refer to the eastern direction. For people of this type positive influence may have south, southeast, east, north. The remaining figures belong to the Western group. Their lucky sides are southwest, northwest, west, northeast.

Experts in Eastern culture believe that people from the same direction are more compatible than people from different directions. Therefore, you can take this factor into account when building relationships. To do this, you need to know your and your partner’s date of birth. The same direction will promote common interests, opinions and perceptions.

The combination of certain numbers can predict the future direction of a relationship. Couples with Gua 2 and 7 have harmonious, strong and happy relationships. The marriage of these people will be long and strong. This is the most good combination. The union of 3 and 8 has positive energy. The relationship will be passionate and happy. Partners with numbers 4 and 9 will be able to achieve not only successful family life, but also achieve fame and success. Married couples with this sequence will successfully run a joint business or work together. Spouses with Gua 1 and 6 will be able to enjoy a successful and rich life.

Given this compatibility, you can focus not only on love relationship, but also on the collective, business sides. However, we should not forget about the characteristics of character, temperament and upbringing. After all, you can often see couples who got together despite the fact that they are not compatible.

Features of using Gua

The Gua card allows you not only to find a partner, but also to improve existing relationships. Young lovers can find out the expected development of events. And spouses who have been married for several years will be able to correct all the shortcomings and omissions. If partners have the same Gua, then their views are similar. For example, people with combination 1 are independent and serious. The relationships of such people are held in a respectful manner, they support each other. Partners are on equal terms in relation to each other.

Conservative and stable relationships are characteristic of people with number 2. They are confident in their relationships and can rely on each other in difficult times. However, excessive stubbornness provokes partners into compromises and concessions.

Passionate relationships can arise in a couple with the number 3. People of this type are sensitive and far-sighted. They can achieve great success in relationships. However, excessive persistence can lead to conflict situations.

People with Gua 4 have long-term relationships. They are wise and practical. Therefore, their union is individual and easy. Even minor quarrels can be easily resolved in such a couple.

Relationships with number 5 are contradictory. Both partners are people of strong character. Therefore, very often quarrels and conflict situations arise in the union. Only a common goal and compromise can reconcile both sides.

A combination with the number 6 will bring a stable union to the couple. However, excessive stubbornness and pride can create unpleasant situations. Therefore, compliance and the ability to negotiate will be an undoubted advantage of such relationships.

Relationships paired with Gua 7 are unstable and contradictory. In this case, similar characters can bring discord to the family. Therefore, you should trust each other and find mutual understanding.

A couple with number 8 can have a stable relationship. However, the predominance of selfishness, self-will, jealousy, pride and insincerity can aggravate the situation. This union needs to learn to trust each other and forgive small shortcomings.

Conflict situations can arise in a couple with an indicator of 9. Personalities are stubborn and proud. Often, quarrels can arise due to the division of the dominant position in the family. Each party wants to dominate their partner.

These relationships are made up of the characteristics of the personality type. People with Gua 5, 9, 2 are confident and independent individuals who strive to be a leader in the situation. Indicators 3, 4 and 7 characterize a harmonious and holistic person. Holders of numbers 1, 6 and 8 are weak people. They are looking for support and a strong patron.

In order to achieve harmony in the family, it is recommended to always choose a happy direction. You can use a compass. For example, partners with a lucky side in the east should place pillows and make the head of the bed in this direction. It is also recommended to use similar conditions for placing a desktop and a relaxation area.

The compatibility chart allows you to find the right partner. By calculating his personal number, you can learn a lot about the character and individual preferences of a person. Thus, relationships will develop easily and naturally. Thanks to this method you can find a suitable partner.

To calculate your Gua number according to Feng Shui, you can use two methods. The first method is the easiest - use online calculator. But the second method is not true either, you just need to take into account some subtleties. You just need to use not our usual calendar, but the Chinese lunar calendar. You can calculate the Gua number for a specific gender using Feng Shui different ways. People born after 1999 calculate their Gua number using a separate method. So how do you calculate your Gua number? You need to sum the last two digits of your year of birth. When you receive a two-digit number, you need to reduce it to a single-digit number. Regarding the Gua number for women according to Feng Shui, they need to add the number five to the resulting number. Example: 1967: 6 + 7 = 13; 1 + 3 = 4; 4 + 5 = 9. Men calculate their number differently; they subtract the resulting amount from 10. Example: 1987: 8 + 7 = 15; 1 + 5 = 6; 10 – 6 = 4. This is how the Gua number is calculated.

Personal Gua number

Possession necessary information will be of great benefit. If you know your personal Gua number according to Feng Shui, then you will have a huge opportunity to take advantage of the magnetic forces of the Earth to achieve what you want, as well as to achieve material and life success. Thanks to this magic key - the personal Gua number according to Feng Shui, you can open any door. Those that are visible and those that are not visible. It will also be possible to reach powerful spheres of energy, which are known to have different effects on everyone. There are many favorable directions, but dangerous ones also exist. To determine the effect of certain directions, you need to know your personal Feng Shui Gua number.

Feng Shui and Gua number compatibility

There are some favorable combinations of numbers in Feng Shui. To some extent, this has a huge impact on the marriage between a woman and a man. If the spouses have Gua number compatibility of one and six, then this indicates that they will live in wealth and prosperity. If their numbers are two and seven, this speaks of a happy life together, relationships in harmony.

If a husband and wife have Gua number compatibility of three and eight, we can safely say that they are never bored together, and they are also guaranteed passion in a relationship that everyone would envy. Spouses with numbers four and nine are guaranteed happy life, which will take place together in achieving recognition and fame. To find out your Feng Shui Gua compatibility, you don’t need to go too far. You can also use an online calculator. You can also go a different route when choosing a partner. People of the eastern group can create the same group. And this applies to each group - their own with their own. Thanks to this principle there is great opportunity achieving harmonious compatibility according to Feng Shui, since the directions of the spouses will correspond to each other.

The Gua number is the answer to many questions. Why is a person not given luck in certain areas of life? Why doesn't sleep bring complete rest? What is the reason for not getting better? personal life? All this is within the scope of the “competence” of the Gua number, which is not without reason called the number of fate. It is this that allows you to determine your compatibility with your own home and workplace. And, if you calculate the Gua number and apply it correctly, you can quickly and effectively adjust the overall “picture” of the house in accordance with personal positive and bad directions and places in your personal home or office.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January February March April May June July August September October November December 1949 1 950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 19 80 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2 005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Male Female

Calculating the Gua number

The day and month of birth are needed in this case in order to clarify whether the moment of birth falls in the period after the beginning of the current lunar year or before it. For example:

The young man was born on January 16, 1982. The lunar year in 1982 lasted from January 25th. 1982 to 12 Feb. 1983. That is, to calculate the Gua number, one should actually take 1981.

The woman was born on May 30, 1977. This date clearly falls after the beginning of the current lunar year, so there is no need to clarify it.

For the first part of the calculation, the last 2 digits of the year are needed. They are added, then, if the sum turns out to be a two-digit number, they are added again and so on until the sum gives a single-digit number (from 1 to 9).

Now the gender of the person “enters” into the calculations. So:

When the Gua number is calculated for a man, the previously obtained number should be subtracted from 10 (or from 9 for those born in 2000 or later. If the result is 0, add 9 to it).

For a woman, you need to add 5 to the number received before this and, if necessary, reduce the sum again to a single-digit number (for a girl or girl born in 2000 or after it, you need to add 6).

The result obtained is the personal Gua number.

Eastern and Western groups

It is into the western and eastern groups that all people are divided depending on the Gua number. If it turns out to be 1, 3, 4 or 9, then you belong to the eastern group. Westerners include everyone whose Gua number is 2, 5, 6, 7 or 8.

These groups are opposite. The opposite is that the same directions in the home (or workplace) are favorable for the Eastern group, but unfavorable for the Western group. And vice versa. And to calculate the Gua number means to clearly define them.

Favorable directions for the eastern group are north, south, east and southeast. For western - western, southwestern, northwestern, northeastern. Accordingly, the northeast, northwest and also the west and southwest are unfavorable for the eastern group, and the south, north, southeast and east for the western group.

Suitable houses for western and eastern groups

It is advisable to choose for yourself a house (or office) that “sits” in a favorable direction, that is, its front (and back) side is directed in a certain direction. At the same time, the front side is not always understood as the façade of a building. The front side is the most active (in terms of movement, noise), spacious and most illuminated side. In Feng Shui, the opposite side is called the back side.

Those who belong to the eastern group should choose a house with front and back side in the direction accordingly:

1) North - south. In this case, the house will be subordinate to the element of Fire.

2) South - north. For such houses, their element will be Water.

3) West – East. The element of these houses is Wood.

4) northwest – southeast. In houses located in this direction, the dominant element will be Wood.

It is advisable for representatives of the Western group to live in buildings with a front-to-back direction:

1) Northeast - southwest. The element of such houses is Earth.

2) Southeast - northwest. Such houses “submit” to Metal.

3) Southwest – northeast. The element of houses in this direction is Earth.

4) East - West. The element of these buildings is metal.

How to distribute rooms in the house

It is known that the 8 sectors into which any building is divided are divided into 4 favorable and 4 unfavorable. For each calculated Gua number (1–9, see below), recommendations on the location of various rooms in the home will look like this.

1. For the bedroom the best place south, the worst - northeast and southwest. For personal account It is advisable to choose the north or southeast, and the most undesirable is the west and southwest. In the east, it is worth allocating a room to that family member who is often sick; The worst place for an unhealthy family member will be in the southwest and northwest. The nursery would be appropriate in the north, and the toilet in the northwest.

2. The optimal location for the bedroom is the northwest, and the undesirable location is the southeast. The workplace is best placed in the southwest or northeast; but in the north and east it is better not to equip your office. If there are those in your family who suffer from poor health, assign him a room in the west, but do not do so in the south and north. In the southwest it is worth placing the nursery. The most suitable place for a toilet, so that all the troubles and problems flow into the sewer, is the south.

3. A suitable place for an office in this case is the east or south, the most inappropriate is the southwest and west; and for the nursery it is best to choose the eastern sector. The bedroom for people whose Gua number is 3 should be in the southeast; the most unsuitable sector for it is the west and north-west. The best place to improve your health is in the north of the house. In this case, the toilet should be in the northeast.

4. For the bedroom, choose the east and under no circumstances choose the southwest and northeast. If you have children, place them in the southeast and avoid the southwest for your nursery. If one of your household members needs to improve their health, allocate a room for them in the south. It is advisable to place the office in the southeast or north; but do not organize a workplace for yourself in the northwest and northeast. And try to place the toilet in the west.

5. In the case of this Gua number, favorable as well as unfavorable directions differ for men and women. Men should place their bedrooms in the northwest, women - in the west. The southeast and north are unfavorable for bedrooms for both men and women. The room for a son whose Gua number is 5 should be placed in the southwest, for a daughter - in the northeast. The best place for an office for men and for a workplace for women is in the southwest and northeast. It is advisable for unhealthy family members to settle in the west (if we are talking about a man) or in the north-west (if a woman is unhealthy). It is advisable for a woman with Gua number 5 to have a toilet in the east, for a man - in the south.

6. A nursery for a child whose Gua number is 6 should be located in the northwest. It is advisable for adults with such a personal number to sleep in the southwest; it is very bad if this person arranges his bedroom in the east or south. Ideal sectors for the office are west and north-west; the most unfavorable are the south and southeast. The place of health for people with Gua number 6 is in the northeast. It is advisable to arrange a room there for an elderly family member or someone who most needs treatment, etc. The toilet will come in handy in the north.

7. If you are experiencing health problems, then allocate a place in your home in the southwest. If you plan to work at home, arrange your workplace in the west or northwest; but do not try to achieve success by placing your office in the east or north. The best place for a person with Gua number 7 to have a bedroom is in the northeast; the worst is in the south and east. It makes sense to arrange a nursery for a child whose Gua number is 7 in the west. And the best place for a toilet is in the southeast.

8. For a study, in this case, the best choice is the southwest or northeast; You should not locate your workplace in the south and southeast. If the child has a Gua number of 8, place him in a room in the northeast. Organize your bedroom in the west (but not in the north or southeast). You feel sick? Then let your personal living space be located in the northwest. And it’s best for the toilet to be in the east.

9. If your Gua number is 9, then your office should be in the east or south, and for the bedroom it is optimal to choose the north. But under no circumstances sleep in the west and do not try to organize a workplace for yourself in the northeast, and do not use the northwest for such premises. For a son or daughter whose Gua number is 9, the optimal sector for the nursery is the northeast. At feeling unwell and developing diseases, your room should be in the northwest. The toilet in the house, if its owner has a Gua number of 9, should be located in the east.

Personal growth

Those who are making a career or would like intense spiritual growth should certainly intensify the direction personal growth. These directions are:

  • north – for Gua number 1,
  • southwest - for Gua 2,
  • east – for Gua 3 and 7,
  • southeast - for Gua 4;
  • northeast, southwest - for Gua 5;
  • northwest - for Gua 6;
  • northeast - for Gua 8;
  • south – for Gua 9.

Organize a work office, a corner for meditation in the desired sector, or place an accessory here that symbolizes the area of ​​your personal growth.