Where can a girl go after 11? Who needs higher education now and where should she go to study? Video: how to choose a profession

For graduates of the 11th grade, there is a wider choice of professions than after the 9th grade, so a person can more accurately determine his future profession. These can be humanitarian areas, mathematics, history, biology, geography and social studies.

It all depends on the graduate and his preferences, what he wants to realize himself in, find a use for himself - this is important, since the chosen profession will accompany him throughout his life.

Who to study after 11th grade: list of professions

Nowadays, there are no special distinctions between men and women, so a man can be a cook, designer, hairdresser, etc., and a girl can become a builder, architect, or police officer. A person decides in advance on the direction based on his inclinations and desires.

For example, if your mathematical abilities are well developed, then you can go to study to become a mathematician, who researches and performs calculations in production and other organizations. These also include such specialties as geologist, economist, programmer, inspector, tax work, engineer.

If you have a penchant for the humanities, then after 11th grade you can choose such specialties as history, philosophy, philology, politics and jurisprudence.

The latter areas are more prestigious, and therefore they are chosen by people who want to study the law and be closer to power. In addition, there are social studies majors for boys and girls, both more prestigious and in demand. These are psychologists, diplomats, cultural experts and lawyers.

Graduates with a historical and geographical background often dream of becoming meteorologists and geologists. An inclination and knowledge of mathematics and physics makes it possible to become an accountant, while knowledge of biology makes it possible not only to become a good biologist, but also a physician, veterinarian, astronomer or ecologist.

Professions for girls after 11th grade

Modern girls want to be successful and self-confident, for which purpose after schooling enter the chosen profession and achieve their goals. It doesn’t have to be a highly paid position, the main thing is to do what you love.

Women's professions today can be divided into several categories, depending on their nature. For example, girls with a strong character can go to study to become an architect, politician, military man, dog handler, police officer, and talkative ones can go to study as a sales agent, manager, guide, journalist, host of the event or realtor.

Humanities majors for girls provide an opportunity to choose medical specialties, the profession of a veterinarian, etc. Patient girls with the gift of teaching choose the professions of high or junior school teachers, fitness trainers, psychologists, music teachers, choreographers, etc.

The best professions for girls who appreciate beauty are considered aesthetic ones, namely cosmetologists, web designers, photographers, stylists and designers.

Such professions as secretary, administrator, accountant and librarian have always been good and quite popular, as referred to by more responsible types of girls.

Also, a graduate can choose creative professions or professions without education, which are referred to by girls who want to become mothers at the same time. This includes drawing, eyelash extensions, florists, massage therapists, singers and actors, PC operators, cooks, salespeople, waiters, etc.

What profession should a guy choose?

After 11th grade, the young man thinks about where to go to study. Like a girl, he should not have an imposed profession, but it is advisable for him to refer to those that are more in demand in our time.

Some people choose professions that allow them to quickly achieve something in life and rise through the ranks. career ladder, others refer to their skills and talent.

The most popular professions for men today are:

  • marketer;
  • lawyer;
  • programmer;
  • IT specialist;
  • analyst;
  • loan expert;
  • manager;
  • web designer;
  • sales representative;
  • doctor.

The choice is quite considerable, besides, if you add the list of creative, physico-mathematical, oil and other areas, then after 11th grade everyone can find themselves.

If you young man If drawing is well developed, then you should think about the profession of an architect, and if you have the ability for analytical and complex technical sciences, then you need to focus on them.

As for such a responsible specialty as a doctor, it is best for a young man to choose a field such as surgery, dentistry, allergology and gynecology.


Choosing a suitable specialty for a young person entering higher education is not so simple, and can often depend on the economic situation in the region.

However, it is worth understanding that when choosing a specialty, you need to take into account the period of study and the fact that during this time the situation may change.

Today we will present to your attention a list of professions after 11th grade. In general, after graduating from school, going somewhere will not be so difficult. But finding a job is already quite a big problem for modern schoolchildren and students. It is also important to choose a direction that will be prestigious and in demand in the future. This will help eliminate problems with employment. So, let's try to figure out what profession to choose after 11th grade.


The first option is to enroll in medical school and then study to become a doctor. Surgeons, pediatricians, and dentists are very popular now. True, for this you will have to spend about 7 years at a university and then undergo an internship.

If you are interested in in-demand professions after 11th grade, and at the same time, you understand biology and chemistry, then you can really study to become a doctor. There is a shortage of them now. To make your work profitable and prestigious, simply get a job in a private clinic upon graduation. And in this case, you don’t have to worry about your earnings, as well as the popularity of your direction. At a minimum, the years spent at the university will not be in vain.


And we continue our list of professions after 11th grade. In fact, in-demand professions may not be the most prestigious. And, especially, not highly paid. This is exactly what management is considered to be today. We are talking about the area that we are used to seeing - the lower echelon.

What is it? The thing is that all management is divided into 3 parts: top, middle and lower echelons. The first two are the real managers, bosses. And the last thing is exactly what is so popular and in demand today in the labor market - the most ordinary, so to speak, junior managers. These include: sellers, cashiers, catering and fast food cafe workers, loaders, cleaners, and sales representatives. In principle, all those professions that a student or schoolchild can get a job in.

However, these are quite popular professions after 11th grade. You can study to be a manager, gain low-level work experience during your studies, and then move into a management position. So, don't be afraid of this specialty. Plus, enrolling in it is quite easy and simple.


Good professions after 11th grade, to be honest, should be decently paid. And just such places of work include engineering. Today Russia lacks personnel who will do this work. There are simple engineers and equipment installers here.

You can get such an education by enrolling in the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics. You will have to study long and hard in order to be able to find a normal job later. Unfortunately, this direction is not particularly popular among applicants. After all, engineers are often paid a rather small salary, which is not comparable with the responsibility and responsibilities of the workplace.


Our list of professions after 11th grade continues. To be honest, along with doctors and physicians, a teacher is a very popular position today. Only among graduates this work is not particularly popular.

There are more and more people, including first-graders. Schools and kindergartens are growing before our eyes. But there is no one to teach children. In order to become good teacher, now you need to get a pedagogical education, as well as get a second “tower” in the direction in which you want to work. That is, if it is chemistry and biology - medical, physics - physics and mathematics, mathematics / geometry - mathematical, and so on. With all this, you will be loaded up to your ears with work, and teachers’ salaries, as a rule, are meager. Only being a teacher is a truly prestigious job.


After 11th grade, to be honest, they are more popular and in demand. And they often pay much better than any other direction. If you are a girl who doesn’t know where to go to study after school, but at the same time, you want to get a “purely female profile” education, then you can go to school to become a cosmetologist. Or a manicurist.

This is quite in demand after 11th grade. Yes, now there are a lot of such masters and cosmetologists. But clients are also arriving. Several masters will not have enough time for everything. So, cosmetology and manicure are quite popular and profitable areas. Especially if you are a private master, as well as in some private and nice salon. Training in this area is shorter than in any other area. And there is almost no competition - each client (and there are many of them) chooses his own specialist. Try it, you won't regret it!

Office worker

Now the list of professions after 11th grade that can only be called in demand continues endlessly. However, there is another very desired area, which always requires new personnel. This is an office job.

To be honest, many people want to work this way. However, to achieve this, you will have to obtain an economic or legal education. Sometimes students who have graduated from management also have the opportunity. And, congratulations, you will become the most ordinary office worker.

There are many such employees now, but there is a huge turnover of personnel in the labor market. And that’s why a new one is always needed. What will you have to do in your place? As a rule, work with documents, prepare reports, sometimes sell goods and services through telephone calls. In principle, it is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

But it’s worth warning right away - office workers are often burdened with someone else’s work. And they put pressure on us morally. Not everyone will agree to this. For this reason, after working in an office for some time, people move to another company. Or they quit altogether. So, when accepting a career as an office worker, you should prepare yourself for a lot of stress. If you can endure it, you will achieve heights in building a career, and will also begin to receive good wages. No? Then you will have to look for another job.

How to find yourself

If you cannot decide where to go to study, then the so-called profession test after 11th grade will help you. As a rule, all future school graduates take it. Around the beginning of the school year.

What will be in the test? Lots of questions that will illustrate your behavior in different situations, and will also show abilities, skills, emotional stability and ambitions. After a clear analysis, psychologists will make a verdict on who and what profession is more suitable. Unfortunately, test results and the wishes of future applicants usually diverge. In general, listen to yourself - this is the only way you can choose the optimal profession for yourself.

Girls rarely choose professions that require high physical activity. They are closer to female, but at the same time prestigious and in-demand specialties. Which ones do you like? – Below is a list of professions from which you can choose the best, and we will also tell you where to go after 11th grade:

  • marketer,
  • lawyer,
  • accountant,
  • personnel officer,
  • doctor,
  • risk manager,
  • IT specialist,
  • stylist, makeup artist, hairdresser,
  • tourism manager,
  • photographer,
  • designer,
  • webinarist,
  • florist,
  • etiquette specialist,
  • sports instructor,
  • stewardess,
  • actress, presenter, singer.


Currently considered one of the most highly paid and interesting professions. The ability to beautifully present a product to customers is worth a lot and not everyone can do it. If you see yourself in this profession, then you need to enter a university and choose the department of marketing. The training itself lasts 6 years, but then you need to complete additional courses. What courses are there? – They exist both at the university and separately. It doesn’t matter where exactly you go, the main thing is to get the most in-demand skills.


Knowing the current laws is always very important. No company nowadays can do without. After 11th grade you need to graduate from law school. After this, you can become a lawyer or prosecutor. You just have to retrain for whoever you want.


For many decades it has been associated with women. This is much more in demand than being a director. This profession cannot be called particularly creative; it is for those who have a stable good salary and a constant workplace– in priority. Across the country, labor fees can reach up to 200 thousand rubles.

Personnel officer

This profession involves constant communication with people. Good career growth is possible, which can lead to the top of the board. For this profession, after the 11th grade, you should go to the Faculty of Management and study for 6 years.


Having medical education, you can not only work in a clinic, but also open your own private practice. A doctor is always a great asset to family and friends. It is a woman who can be both a good psychologist and good specialist. After 11th grade you need to enter medical university. It will take more than 8 years to study to become a doctor. What specialty do you want? – You can choose only after 6 years of study. However, who to treat, children or adults, must be decided before admission.

Risk Manager

This is a relatively new and interesting specialty. It is very prestigious in a crisis. This profession cannot be considered purely female, but with a clear mind and the right thoughts, you will be able to achieve great heights in many large companies.

IT specialist

Despite the fact that for many years it was purely male, gradually girls began to show themselves in it with the best side and there is little to be inferior to men. Previously, it was difficult, since computers were stationary and heavy blocks had to be carried. Now, in the 21st century, they mainly use tablets and laptops, the weight of which rarely exceeds 5 kg, so even a fragile girl will not have problems with transportation. After the 11th grade, you can graduate from the programming department, where you will have to study for about 6 years. For a girl, the advantage here is that these professions are often chosen by successful young people, so meeting your soulmate is quite possible.

Stylist, makeup artist, hairdresser

Many are sure that men see the beauty of women better. Perhaps they see better, but representatives of the fair sex do not always want to do something differently than they intended. Therefore, often only another woman can understand the client and advise her on something. personal experience. In addition, any procedure cannot but be accompanied by chatter and gossip, which men cannot tolerate. To be a worker in the beauty industry, you can go to a university after 11th grade, or you can complete courses: you need to study here for a maximum of 3 years. Which courses you should choose is up to you to decide. Please note that the chance of finding a well-paid, decent job is much higher after higher education. Where to go to study, you should decide in advance and choose a specialty depending on your preferences and talents.

Tourism Manager

It is becoming more and more popular, as many people go on holidays or holidays abroad to relax. The manager’s task is to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of the selected hotel, country or tour, select the ideal route and complete all the necessary documentation. It takes 4-6 years to study at the Faculty of Tourism (where you can enroll after graduation).


Not everyone can take beautiful and high-quality photographs, but those who know how to do this get good money. A photographer's salary depends on work ability and quality, so you need to study to be better than the rest. Women, unlike men, pay attention to details, so the photographs will not only be unusual, but also full of the smallest nuances that will decorate any picture. In addition, the profession of a photographer is in great demand, since not a single special event can take place without photography.


Probably, not everyone knows what types of clothes, landscapes, living quarters, etc. there are. The main thing in this profession is to be able to draw beautifully and think outside the box. There are many artists, but not everyone can design something in such a way that it fascinates everyone. After 11th grade, you need to study to become a designer for 6 years. It is better to enroll in a construction university, where there are various faculties. Wages depends entirely on the quantity and quality of projects to be worked on. If things go well, you can open your own design studio in the future.


This is a fairly new profession, the advantage of which is that you can work without leaving home. A webinar is a remote seminar where lessons are taught via the Internet. You cannot study specifically for this profession, but you can complete some higher education educational institution majoring in psychology, marketing, management and connect all your master classes with what you know and what you can teach people.


This is a purely female profession. After 11th grade or even before then, you can take courses that will teach you the basics of this art. Everything else is a flight of your imagination. Floristry is considered a popular profession because beautiful bouquets are a decoration for any holiday or date. In the future, you can open your own salon and earn a good income from your small business. The profession of a florist is considered more of a hobby, and if in a family a man is considered the main breadwinner, then a woman’s small earnings from her favorite business will benefit everyone.

Etiquette Specialist

Many may not have even heard of the existence of such a profession, but it is currently very popular. To ensure that any business meetings, especially at the global level, go flawlessly, and the result is a compromise that would ideally suit everyone, an etiquette specialist draws up a negotiation plan in advance and teaches diplomats and businessmen how to structure a conversation correctly. For example, so that no norms are violated and all rules of conduct are observed. Salaries vary greatly and depend entirely on professional skills.

Sports instructor

Since the number of fitness clubs has increased greatly, it has become fashionable to be fit and stick to it, the profession of a sports instructor is in great demand. In addition, this way of earning money is associated with constant communication with people, learning something new - and this is very useful for the girl herself. Constant exercise will help you always be in great shape. For a girl, the most preferable courses are yoga, dance, and fitness. Which specialty to choose is up to you. The main thing is to calculate your physical capabilities. Remember, if you can come up with your own methodology, then your salary will be much higher than that of ordinary instructors.


It is considered a female profession, but requires many skills. girls of short stature and without excess weight. This is necessary to avoid problems when moving quickly around the aircraft cabin. The salary is quite high. A bonus is traveling to all countries of the world, since after landing there is always a couple of hours to see a new city.

Actress, presenter, singer

These are also humanitarian professions; these specialties require a creative mind and a certain talent. There are many options and prospects. Play in the theater or teach vocals! These specialties are quite in demand and require a creative approach. Therefore, choosing exactly what you want can often be difficult. Salaries also vary greatly. An ordinary teacher may not rise above 20 thousand, but show business stars may get lost counting zeros! You must study at the theater department for 6 years. Where to go? – You can find out after the 11th grade, when your talents become clear.

There are many options for where a girl can go to study after 11th grade. You can choose the most interesting ones, or you can proceed from the desire to earn a lot. Where exactly and who to study is up to you to decide. However, if you combine talent and demand, you can choose very profitable professions.

AND last call, and passing the exams is already behind us, which means it’s time to think about where to go to study after 11th grade. Girls are faced with a difficult choice, puzzled by the question of which professions are the most profitable today.

You have to make a difficult choice, the correctness of which will directly determine further fate graduates. Often the decision-making is influenced by the opinion of friends, who offer to join the company in enrolling in the same educational institution as them, to make it more fun. Parents also try in every possible way to exert pressure, citing their own experience as arguments.

Of course, it’s worth listening to the opinion of adults, but it’s still better to reserve the right to choose, so that you don’t regret anything later and don’t reproach your parents for imagining your future completely differently.

Before making a final decision in favor of a particular profession, it is good to have a clear idea of ​​it, having weighed all the pros and cons.

Not all vacancies presented on the labor market today are in demand, which means that finding a job will not be as easy as we would like.

You can simplify the task by immediately discarding unnecessary options. If your plans do not include leaving your usual place of residence, and you will enroll in one of the educational institutions in your city, analyze what specialties are in demand there, and only then decide where exactly to go to study in order to apply the acquired knowledge for its intended purpose.

Career guidance also matters when choosing a profession. Each person has certain abilities and it is important for graduates to understand whether they would like to continue developing in this direction or not.

Of course, there is no single formula for choosing a specialization.

Therefore, it is worth determining individual inclinations by passing special tests. Perhaps this will help in choosing a field of activity.

What signs should be used to guide you when choosing a profession?

  • pay attention to individual inclinations;
  • take into account your talent and abilities;
  • highlight your preferences;
  • pay attention to character traits;
  • evaluate the expected benefits of specialization;
  • collect data regarding the relevance of the chosen specialty.

It is very important to choose a profession you like so that you can go to work with joy, and not like hard labor.

If you think carefully, it is not at all necessary to pursue prestige by giving preference to newfangled or highly paid specialties.

You can become successful in any business, provided that you understand it.

Professionals not only receive good financial rewards for their work, but are also respected, which is also nice.

You should never give up on your dream, even if nothing worthwhile comes out of this idea - it doesn’t matter. You can always relearn by mastering something new.

Getting higher education

After graduating from 11th grade, it is better to continue your studies at a university. Having higher education more chances to find a good job in the future.

If you wish, you can increase your chances of being accepted by submitting documents to 5 educational institutions at once for 3 specialties in each.

To enter, you need not only to pass the exams well, but also to have a high average score. Some people manage to combine study and part-time work.

Many institutes or universities conduct their own additional tests or exams.

Most often this applies to professions related to art or sports, where professional or physical abilities are required.

Faculties conducting supplementary examinations

  • air navigation and aircraft operation;
  • architecture and urban planning;
  • medicine;
  • philology;
  • art and history;
  • design;
  • choreography;
  • directing;
  • vocals;
  • acting skills.

Faculties conduct their own individual examinations

A portfolio that contains all the important information and contains all the documents that give a complete picture of your capabilities will help to significantly increase your chances of admission.

The most popular specialties for girls

On the threshold of adulthood, girls often think about where to go to study after 11th grade in order to get one of the most profitable professions in the future.

For those who will remain to study in their locality, little will change in the usual way of life.

Real difficulties await those who enter a university located in another city. They will need to fully get used to being independent.

(Cooking, washing, cleaning, shopping). But even this is not the main thing. It is much more difficult to decide on the choice of a future profession.

Employment service specialists have identified the most in-demand professions, which include:

  • HR specialist;
  • clerk;
  • tourism business;
  • hotel business;
  • interior designer;
  • manager (this profession is multifaceted);
  • auditor;
  • accountant;
  • economist;
  • doctor;
  • teacher;
  • lawyer;
  • translator;
  • psychologist.

The list goes on for a long time. There are also profitable professions that girls can easily master by taking courses after 11th grade to become a nail technician, for example.

Or a cosmetologist, or maybe a hairdresser. The advantage of these professions is obvious; you definitely won’t be left without work.

Moreover, once you have mastered this area, you will gain regular customers and you will be able to serve them in your free time from your main job, thereby having a good side job in addition to your main income.

Needlewomen can easily master the specialty of seamstress. This is also a very promising direction with the opportunity to work on yourself in the future.

A person who likes to experiment in the kitchen at the stove can turn out to be an excellent cook.

This profession is always in demand in the restaurant business, for example. And if you have business acumen, you can master management.

If we talk about fashionable and necessary professions, then it is worth taking a closer look at the work of a translator.

It opens up a lot of perspectives, including communication with interesting people and the opportunity to visit different countries world and get acquainted with their culture and customs.

In addition, the work of a translator is always adequately paid because the outcome directly depends on his efforts and knowledge of the language business meetings and negotiations.

Marketer, this field of activity today is perhaps one of the most popular because everyone trademarks need to advertise their products and services. Competent IT specialists are also very much needed. These include:

  • system administrators;
  • web designers;
  • programmers and website developers.

The highest paid job for girls

Having gained experience and over time becoming a professional in the following specialties, you will always be on the money and in business. For example, if you study to be a dentist.

Having practiced for some time and proven yourself well, becoming truly a master of your craft, interesting prospects await you in the future.

If desired and competent organization business, you can open your own dental office and work for yourself.

Alternatively, pay attention to specialties in the beauty field. Cosmetologist is one of the most in-demand professions today, and is also well paid. Another profession in the same direction is a manicurist.

Yes, of course, today there are many such specialists, but the demand for this type of service is constantly growing, and with it the influx of clients. Everyone always wants to look good, so you definitely won’t be left without work.

An office manager is also one of the most profitable professions for girls. If you have not yet decided where to go to study after 11th grade, consider this direction.

Having received an economic or legal education in this field, you can achieve a lot and move up the career ladder quite quickly.

The responsibilities of the office plankton include working with documentation, drawing up reports, selling goods and services, and making calls to clients.

Every year, graduates around the world are faced with the question of where to go after 11th grade. Some people want to choose a more prestigious profession, others want to find something they like.

Study You can choose a full-time course of study in another city or even abroad, or receive knowledge by correspondence, enroll on a budget or study for a fee.

The world is open to graduates, but every year many say: “I don’t know where to go to study.” You can decide on a profession using tests.

Where should a girl go after 11th grade?

There are not many professions specifically for women; most professions today are suitable for both sexes. Among the many options, it is difficult for a girl to decide if she does not yet have specific preferences.

It is impossible to list all possible professions - in Russia the list of possible positions is measured in thousands.

The girl can choose the following options:

Direction Specialties
Economic Economist, manager of various areas, marketer, auditor, customs officer, state or municipal administration, accountant
Legal Legal consultant, lawyer, notary, prosecutor, employee law enforcement agencies, forensic economic expert
Pedagogical Teacher of any field, including preschool and primary education, psychologist
Humanitarian Journalist, linguist, philologist, documentarian, philosopher, sociologist
Medicine and Dentistry Pharmacist, dentist, specialist in a specific area
Creative You can study to become a designer and then choose any direction
Veterinary medicine Profession of veterinarian, pharmacologist, physical education

A girl can study to become a seamstress, cosmetologist, clerk, or flight attendant (special schools). The list goes on and on.

Where can a guy go to study?

A boy can choose many specialties. Most professions are suitable for both genders.

Just like the girls A guy can choose to specialize as a doctor, teacher, dentist, veterinarian, psychologist, lawyer, economist, or even designer.

A young man can study to become a programmer, go to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, decide on the life of a military man, or choose a technical direction:

  • Builder.
  • Heat power engineer or heating engineer.
  • Energetic.
  • Mechanical engineer.
  • Constructor.
  • Metallurgist.
  • Architect.
  • Engineer.

It is not necessary to have good grades to choose a profession. It is easier for a C student to go to a less in demand specialty, where there are a sufficient number of places, or to choose paid training.

If you don’t have a certificate, but you graduated from school with a certificate, then you can wait a year and retake the exams or enroll without the Unified State Exam in a college for a special program, and after a year choose a university.

Pay attention! A deferment from the army is important for young men. It is provided at universities and colleges, but only for full-time study.

Test to determine future profession

Children rarely can decide exactly which specialty they like. You need to focus on your hobbies.

For a lover of riddles suitable profession investigator, athletes need faculty physical culture, and a novice artist has a direct path to the Academy of Arts.

If you are passionate about literature, you can become a librarian, editor, proofreader or writer.

If If there are no obvious preferences, then you can take the test. According to the method of the famous psychologist E.A.

Klimov there are 5 types of professions. The test is based on 20 points, each with two options.

At each point you need to choose one profession:

Option 1 Option 2
1 Animal care Maintenance of machines, instrumentation
2 Helping sick people, treatment Drawing up tables, diagrams, programs
3 Monitoring the quality of book illustrations Monitoring the condition and development of plants
4 Material processing Bringing goods to consumers
5 Discussion of articles, popular science books Discussion of fiction books, concerts, plays
6 Raising young animals (animals) Training comrades in performing actions
7 Copying designs or customizing tools Cargo control
8 Communication and clarification of information Decoration
9 Repair of products, things, housing Finding and correcting errors (texts, tables, pictures)
10 Animal treatment Perform calculations and calculations
11 Breeding new plant varieties Construction, projection
12 Analysis of disputes and quarrels, explanation, persuasion, encouragement and punishment Analysis of drawings of tables and diagrams
13 Observation and study of the activities of art circles Observing and studying the life of microbes
14 Maintenance and adjustment of medical devices Providing medical care
15 Produce accurate reports and descriptions Artistic description of events, their depiction
16 Hospital tests (laboratory) Reception and examination of patients, conversation, treatment
17 Painting or painting walls or products Installation of buildings, assembly of machines
18 Organization of excursions and hikes Stage, concerts
19 Manufacturing of parts according to drawings, construction of buildings Drawing, copying diagrams, maps
20 Control of plant diseases and pests Working on a keyboard machine

This test can be taken online. Based on its results, points are awarded for each direction. This makes it easier to narrow down the possible options.

Based on the test results, a person may gravitate toward the following areas:

  • Nature.
  • Technology.
  • To people.
  • Iconic technique (images).
  • Artistic image.

Everyone has directions have psychological requirements and a list of possible specialties. There are other tests that make choosing a profession easier.

List of prestigious and in-demand professions

Every person wants his specialty to be prestigious and in demand. This means choosing a place to work, decent pay and recognition.

The following areas are prestigious and in demand for Russia:

  • IT specialization.
  • Pedagogy.
  • Engineering design.
  • Jurisprudence.
  • Medicine.
  • Marketing.
  • Work with personnel.
  • Beauty industry.
  • Ecology.
  • Working specialties (subject to high qualifications).

Orienting For prestige, you need to choose the appropriate educational institution.

Among the best are Lomonosov Moscow State University, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, St. Petersburg State University, IME, National Research University Higher School of Economics.

Schoolchildren need to focus their exams on their future profession. Humanists should not neglect social studies, engineers and technologists should not neglect physics, and future programmers should not neglect computer science.

You must enter the medical field with passed biology and chemistry, and the Faculty of Geography is directly related to geography.

To choose The future specialty must be approached with special care.

It is important to choose a suitable direction and educational institution so that the profession is in demand and loved.

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