How to make a sharpening machine with your own hands. How to sharpen tools correctly? Replacing the grinding wheel. Devices for sharpening knives with your own hands Homemade sharpener does not spin, what needs to be done

Every man in the house would benefit from a convenient sharpening machine. After all, the owner is often judged by how sharp this kitchen tool is.

There are many techniques for sharpening knife blades. For example, for a process carried out at home, only a turning block or ready-made devices with an angular gap shape.

To adjust expensive hunters' knives, European manufacturers produce devices in the form of solid bars, the basis of which is a high-strength alloy.

This article will describe how to make a machine for sharpening knives with your own hands.

Why do knives get dull?

What is the reason why a knife becomes dull when cutting? This can be explained by the fact that the cutting edge has its own negative impact have abrasive particles that are present in the cut material. For example, they are present on vegetables and paper. Speaking in simple language, the blade is subject to gradual wear.

The next reason is the inability to hold the blade in the desired position all the time. Any trembling of the hand causes the knife to tilt, which entails a lateral load.

Sharpening technique

The sharpening technique consists of unified, but at the same time quite labor-intensive methods. The main task is to eliminate damage to the blade. It should be noted that for many, such a procedure as sharpening knives provides good location spirit and peace.

The basic rule in this process is to maintain a precisely specified constant angle. No force required here. The main thing is that the block and blade meet at a certain angle. This is the basic rule of the sharpening technique.

What needs to be done to maintain a constant angle?

In order for the angle to have a constant indicator, there are two ways. The first is to acquire the sharpening skill. The angle indicator can be controlled using a regular marker. They should paint over the connections and, after several sharpening cycles, see how well the paint is preserved. If it is worn unevenly, then the blade is not processed well.

If the knife being sharpened is decorative, then you should seal the blade with tape so that only the cutting edge remains open. Even if you misdirect your hand, there will be no scratches on the blade.

An important point is that the direction of the blade along the block is perpendicular to the edge at the points of contact. This is actually quite difficult to do. It is acceptable for the angle between the edge and the blade to be less than 90 degrees. But when directed along the cutting edge, this indicator is not suitable.

The abrasive particles of the stone can leave grooves on the blade that will never be sharpened, but will play a positive role when cutting. If the grooves are oriented along the cutting edge, then they will be of no use during cutting. The worst thing is that the cutting edge may break off altogether.

It is important that the bar is long. It should be one and a half or two lengths of the blade. It is allowed for the diamond block to be somewhat shorter, as it grinds faster and better. Its width does not play a significant role. If it is wider, then it is more convenient to work on it and there is less chance of the blade moving beyond the limits of the device. It might damage him lateral surface or a blade.

There are homemade devices for sharpening knives different designs. All that is required from the manufacturer is availability the required material and tool skills.

The operating principle of such a device as manual machine To sharpen knives with your own hands, you need to hold the knife blade in a vertical position and drive it along a block fixed at the desired angle. This is much easier than placing the sharpening stone horizontally and holding the knife at the desired angle.

In order to make a machine for sharpening knives with your own hands, you need a piece of laminate, a wooden strip, sandpaper and a pair of bots with wings. Chipboard or plywood can serve as a replacement for laminate.

To make a knife holder, you need to cut off some of the material. To prevent the block from touching the holder when sharpening, you should sand its edge at an angle using sandpaper.

It is necessary to mark and cut off the top of the vertical post, which will serve as a support for the block. The angle chosen is half that at which the knife will be sharpened. For kitchen knives It is recommended to take an angle of 10-15 degrees.

A machine for sharpening knives with your own hands, the drawings of which are prepared in advance, requires the correct calculation of the length of the base of the racks. Please note that the height indicator will be affected by the subsequent installation of the transverse support. After this, all parts are trimmed and the edges are cleaned.

Holes are marked and drilled in the base and plate for pressing the bolts that secure the blade. When marking, the distance of the holes from the edge of the base is maintained. This is necessary for the versatility of the device, since all knives have their own width. The pressure plate is secured with bolts.

Vertical posts are secured with screws. It is also taken into account that the load on the bottom is small. In this case, it is better to resort to using thermal glue. The horizontal crossbar is attached in exactly this way. The sharpening device is almost ready. All that remains is to make the block.

To make it, a strip of the required length is cut. Sandpaper is glued to one edge with the right size abrasive To optimize the result, you can resort to making several bars with different grain sizes. The range P600 - P2000 is considered the best. To protect your hands from cuts, you need to screw the handle on the top side of the rail.

In the end it turns out homemade machine for sharpening knives with your own hands, characterized by high functionality and practicality. When working, the device rests against the edge of the table, which is quite comfortable when using it.

There are also other types of machine for sharpening knives with your own hands. In this case, it is based on an M8 threaded rod. Two large washers and nuts are used, which serve to hold a bar 200 mm long.

Covers the thread. A pair of paper clips serve to secure the guide stand at the desired height. This ensures smooth adjustment of the sharpening angle. The base is made of timber, the thickness of which is 40 mm. It is supported by hand.

How to sharpen jointing knives with your own hands

Every owner who has a plane or jointer, I've probably encountered the problem of sharpening their knives. It is expensive to purchase new ones periodically. Knives can be easily sharpened with your own hands. In this case, specialized machines are used, or if it is used constantly, it would be better to make a machine for sharpening knives with your own hands.

Do-it-yourself machine for sharpening a jointer knife

To sharpen a jointer knife, special sharpening equipment is used. The machine for sharpening knives with your own hands has a compact size. It can be installed in a garage or on a personal plot.

Many people are interested in how to make a knife sharpening machine with their own hands. To make a device you need to find certain details. Perhaps similar spare parts are lying around in your barn or garage. They can also be purchased via the Internet.

Sharpening machine jointing knives do it yourself consists of:

  • faceplates;
  • table;
  • engine;
  • vacuum cleaner;
  • casing.

The first thing you should do is find the faceplate. This is the most important component of future equipment. She is the one responsible for the sharpening process. The jointer knives are narrow, and the faceplate guarantees complete and safe sharpening. You will have to buy this part new, but the rest can be used even as old ones.

It is better to purchase faceplates of German or American production. The average cost of a part is 25,000 rubles.

The next step is to find a motor whose power should be 1-1.5 kW. There is no need to buy it. Any one will do, even an old washing machine. But everyone probably has a table, a casing and a vacuum cleaner.

Main stages of device manufacturing

When the table is selected, the engine is fixed directly under it. A faceplate is attached to the moving part. The engine must initially be equipped with a button that turns the unit on and off. It should be conveniently located.

For reliable protection the faceplate is covered with a casing square shape with one corner cut out. It is this area that needs to be sharpened.

A hole of the same diameter as the vacuum cleaner hose is made on the lower surface of the table in the sharpening area. The presence of a vacuum cleaner is not essential, but it is advisable to install it. It removes unnecessary dirt from blade processing.

What do you need to know?

Mounting the engine under the base of the faceplate is not a requirement. You can make sure that the parts are connected using a belt. In this case, the design will be more complex.

A do-it-yourself jointer knife sharpening machine is also suitable for saws and axes.

Ice screw sharpening

The sharp knives of the ice drill enable the fisherman to quickly make holes in the ice of reservoirs. However, over time, any cutting tools become dull and require sharpening.

For fishermen, a high-quality ice auger is a great source of pride. Often, true competitions on the speed of drilling ice holes are held on reservoirs. And victory does not always smile on young and strong fishermen who are armed with imported equipment. There are times when experienced fishermen, equipped with simple tools Soviet made. The reason for the high hole drilling speed lies in the good sharpening of the knives and the correct settings of the device. Beginner fishermen, having bought new Swedish devices, do not even have time to blink an eye before their knives become dull. Tiny grains of sand and pebbles in the ice contribute to the formation of chips and gouges on the blade.

Sharpening of devices is carried out by the most in different ways. Many of our ancestors did not even know what professional sharpening was. In most cases, sharpening was performed using hand-made devices.

Homemade ice drill machine: what will you need to make it?

To make a device such as a knife sharpening machine, you will need two strips of steel, the thickness of which is 4 mm, the width is 60 mm, and the length is 200 mm. A spring from a car is often used as a strip. But it is very difficult to bend.

Work progress

First you need to make the device case. The steel strips are bent in such a way that the chamfers of the knives pressed to the ends of the arc are not only parallel, but also in the same plane.

After making an arc from the same steel strip, a pressure plate is bent, which serves as a clamp for the knives being sharpened

Holes for M12 or M14 bolts are drilled in the body and pressure plate. Having tightened the body and the pressure plate using a bolt and nut, we clamp the knives between them and check the strength of their adherence to the surface of the end of the emery circle.

If the knives are not located at the required angle (the chamfers do not fit exactly to the circle), then the device is modified by bending the body arc to the appropriate level. If the knives are positioned correctly, then the structure is disassembled, and stiffeners are welded to the body arc on both sides.

Sharpening knives is best done on a knife that rotates horizontally. In this case, when wetting the knives with water, the latter remains on the blade and stone longer, ensuring their safety. Dip knives in water frequently. This will help prevent the steel from overheating.

Disadvantage of the device

The disadvantages of the device include the impossibility of sharpening knives with different cutting chamfer angles. But each ice drill manufacturer offers its own models. In this case, a universal device is suitable.

Making a universal device for sharpening an ice drill

The universal design allows you to sharpen knives at any cutting edge angle. By smoothly changing the angle between the arms of the unit, on which the knives are fastened with screws, you can fix the desired position of the knives in relation to the plane of the grindstone.

To make this device, you need to find a door hinge with minimal play, as well as an M8 or M10 screw with its own nut. Holes are drilled in the canopy arms. Their diameter is 6-7 mm (for attaching knives to them with screws).

A fixing plate with a slot for a fastening screw is made from a steel strip, the thickness of which is 3 mm. The plate and screw are welded to the canopy arms.

It happens that knives are sharpened, the location of the holes does not correspond to the holes in the canopy. In this case, additional holes for knives are drilled in the shoulders non-standard type. In this case, the device has greater versatility.

How are planer knives sharpened?

Tools such as planers and surface thicknessers can often be seen in country houses. Through them, raw lumber is brought to the desired state. The knives of these devices, like any other, become dull. If you use them often, then the best way out there will be knife sharpening for planer with your own hands. To make sharpening equipment at home you will need various materials: metal, aluminum or wood.

A knife holder can be made from wooden block. Made through circular saw cuts at 45 degrees, you can sharpen knives with a belt grinder or a large block. If the latter is not available, then sandpaper is attached to a smooth surface made of metal, wood, chipboard or glass.

Knife holders can be made from scrap materials. The optimal solution will be used metal corners, which have an indicator of 90 degrees. When placing two knives on the sides, the sharpening angle of each will be 45 degrees. Using screws, you can secure the knives with a second corner.

In any household, a tool such as emery is useful. Knives, scissors and other cutting objects need to be sharpened periodically. But you can’t go to the master every time. So many people have a question about how to make sandpaper with their own hands. Of course, you can buy it in the store. But it is quite expensive. And not everyone will decide to buy it. Sandpaper made from scrap materials will save money and will work no worse than the factory one.

Operating principle

Do-it-yourself emery is made from a washing machine and other household appliances. More precisely, from their engines. It is he who will launch the device. A shaft is mounted to the engine, to which nozzles are selected. The bits can be sharpened to lathe. The installed sanding wheel is securely fixed. Motor connected to electrical network, rotates the shaft, which transmits rotation to the emery wheel.

Motor selection

Most often, sandpaper from a washing machine engine is used as a strength element. A self-assembled device does not require new devices. There are enough old-style cars (for example, “Vyatka”, “Sibir”, “Volga” and so on). Devices of those times were equipped with durable engines high quality. From the same machine, a switch with a manual starter is also useful.

It is best to choose an engine for the device whose speed is in the range from 1 to 1.5 thousand rpm. It is strictly forbidden to use a motor whose rotation speed exceeds 3 thousand rpm. Otherwise, the sanding wheel may not hold up and break. High speed is suitable for polishing the surface, but not sharpening it. Therefore, if the engine has increased speed, you must use a durable stone.

The motor power should be in the range of 100-200 W. This will be enough to do homemade emery with your own hands. But given value can be increased by 2 times (and amount to 400 W).

Such indicators are taken for a reason. The fact is that the characteristics of washing machine motors are similar to those of factory-made emery. But other devices with the same power and rotation speed can be used. The motor can be single-phase or three-phase.

The electric motor used is connected to the electrical network through a capacitor.

Flange preparation

The emery, made with your own hands, provides for connecting the electric motor to the stone circle via a flange. It must be machined from metal. For this purpose, they usually turn to a specialist (turner). You will need to know the parameters of the device, the diameter of the internal hole of the emery wheel, and the diameter of the shaft.

The flange is attached to the shaft using a nut, bolt and washer. They also need to be prepared. The threads on the nut and flange must take into account the direction of movement of the shaft coming from the electric motor. If you plan to rotate the stone clockwise, then the thread must be cut in left side. When the shaft rotates counterclockwise, the thread must be right-handed. This is necessary to comply with safety regulations. The fact is that with this direction of the thread, the nut will tighten under the influence of vibration during operation, preventing the circle from breaking off. If the thread is in the other direction, the nut will unscrew. If it unscrews completely, the sanding wheel will fly off. And this is dangerous.

It is not always possible to find a turner. Therefore, it is not always possible to grind the flange. In this case, you can resort to an alternative solution. In such a situation, homemade emery is made with your own hands using pipes of a suitable diameter. If there is a gap between the bushing and the shaft, it can be eliminated with fabric insulating tape. If there is a large gap, you can put one bushing on another.

Direction of movement of the emery

Before collecting emery for sharpening knives with your own hands, it is important to understand the direction of movement of the rotor. When using a washing machine motor, the direction of rotation changes. The motor is asynchronous. This means that there are no obstacles to changing the direction of rotation of the rotor. Therefore, it is enough to simply swap the ends of the winding.

First you need to determine which winding is intended for starting the engine, and which for the main work. To do this, you will need a tester that will help measure the resistance. In the first case, the value should reach 30 Ohms. The resistance in the working winding is much lower and is 12 ohms.

The winding responsible for the working process is connected to the electrical network. The starting winding is connected on one side to the coil. On the second side it is connected for a short period to the winding terminal. A relay is used for this. The engine starts.

In this simple way, by changing the ends of the winding necessary to start the motor, the direction of movement of the rotor changes. You can even do without a relay. In this case, you need to manually turn the sanding wheel in the desired direction.

Device installation

After complete assembly, the emery made by yourself must be installed on a fixed support (workbench). This is done using bolts. The bracket found in the same washing machine will help make the task easier. In a horizontal position, the device is held at the angle. To eliminate vibration, a rubber edging is placed on the corner. It can be cut from a regular rubber hose.

Safety precautions when working on the machine

Emery (made with your own hands or purchased in a store - it doesn’t matter) can harm human health or surrounding material values. Therefore, it is necessary to work with emery in compliance with safety precautions. While working, you must wear protective plastic glasses.

A protective casing is made from a sheet of metal with a thickness of 2-2.5 mm. It will prevent debris from flying away when the wheel, chips and other small particles are damaged. Placed under the machine metal sheet, which will serve as protection against flying sparks.

During operation, the emery wheel is subject to strong vibration and is subject to inertial forces. Therefore, there are times when discs simply break and fly apart. Before starting work, you need to check the circle for cracks and make sure it is installed correctly.


Emery, made with your own hands from scrap materials, will be a good alternative to factory machines. This will allow you to realize yourself as a master and save cash. In a difficult financial situation, for many families, even a savings of 2 thousand rubles (which is how much sandpaper costs on average in a store) will be significant. Moreover, apart from appearance, then the factory machine will be no different from the one made independently.

Such a device cannot be called a machine (in the full sense of the word). However, in the household, a thing is necessary, and sometimes simply irreplaceable. The device is so simple that anyone can assemble a sharpening machine with their own hands.

First, we need to decide for what purpose this machine is needed, and what we will sharpen - knives or something else. Depending on the diameter of the grinding wheels that will be used, the engine power is also selected. All articles on the Internet recommend using an engine from an old one. washing machine. This is the basis of the entire machine. However, you need to understand that no matter what mechanism the engine is used for, its power of 1 - 1.5 kW will be quite enough for domestic use.

How to assemble the machine

  • a support (platform) for the engine is selected. It must be securely fastened, since when it is turned on, the rotor develops quite high speeds. It is recommended to fasten using bolts with a diameter of at least 8 mm. The location of the motor should take into account the ease of using the machine and replacing the grinding wheel;
  • It is better to make the connection through a magnetic starter. It is assumed that the power supply is single-phase 220 V. It is necessary to calculate the correspondence between the engine power and the one suitable for the outlet. It is better to supply power directly from the circuit breaker via a separate line.
  • The main problem is how to secure the emery wheel to the motor shaft. Circles are different, and the diameters of its hole and the motor shaft may not match. In this case, you will have to select a bushing and place the stone on it. On the shaft it is necessary. No matter how the circle is attached to the rotor, with or without a bushing, it must be fixed;
  • installation over stone protective casing. It is made of thin sheet iron or thick plexiglass on a special holder.

The procedure for assembling the sharpening machine

Nut - washer - whetstone - washer (if a bushing is installed, then one of its edges plays the role of a second washer) - nut (tightening) - another nut (fixing).

Particular attention should be paid to connecting the starter - they can be different designs. We need it to have at least three normally open (NO) contacts. Its winding is connected to the phase line through two series-connected buttons. One is with normally closed contacts (NC), the other is with NO. The button with HP contacts will be a button. “On”, respectively, the second is “Off”. Book “On” is placed in parallel with one pair of NR contacts of the starter.

When you press the button. “On” voltage is applied to the winding and the starter contacts close. One pair of them shunts the book. “On”, and when it is released, the voltage from the starter is not removed. By pressing the button “Off”, we break the power supply circuit of the winding, the starter “releases” the contacts, and the engine stops. As you can see, there is nothing difficult in making this useful device for the household.

Almost every person in life is faced with the question of sharpening knives. After all, any knife, regardless of its quality, sooner or later becomes dull. Therefore, the blade must be carefully maintained.

In stores today you can choose any sharpener from a huge variety.

What types of sharpening stones are there?

In general, there are several main types of such devices. Namely:

Oil-based, on the surface of which there is oil, specifically to save material.

Water, similar to the previous one, but water is used here.

Natural, industrially processed.

Artificial, made from non-natural materials.

Rubber, extremely rare. Completely inconvenient to use.

Nuances in the matter of sharpening

Every knife sharpening has its moments.

For example, Japanese independent type requires sharpening special attention quite an experienced specialist, because Japanese look steel is quite brittle. To sharpen them, manufacturers recommend using different water stones with different grain sizes.

Housewives use store-bought sharpeners for sharpening. When using several knives, their sharpness remains longer.

But this is very important, even though it takes a lot of time and effort.

How to sharpen knives correctly?

For this it is necessary to create special conditions. Thanks to them, the knife will remain sharp for a very long time.

Therefore, it is important to choose the right angle at which you will sharpen your knives. According to the basic rule in this matter, the smaller the angle at which the knife is sharpened, the stronger the cutting edge will be.

It is important not to forget that the next sharpening depends on maximum sharpness. The sharper the knife, the faster you will have to sharpen it. At the same time, making it “workable” again will be much more difficult.

Why do they sharpen knives?

The purpose of sharpening is to restore the sharpness of the blade. To do this, take care of the correct sharpening angle. That is, it is necessary to restore the previously specified angle, which complies with the standards from a technological point of view.

To check how well the sharpening is done, cut the material that is cut by the blade of this particular knife. If the material is cut simply, you will do everything absolutely correctly.

Possible problems during the sharpening process

In order to choose the right angle correctly, it is important to have some experience, without which it is quite difficult to cope with this issue. And even more so if it doesn’t special equipment for this.

After all, if you hold a knife with your hands during the sharpening process, it is quite difficult to achieve its ideal “sharpness” as a result.

How do you sharpen knives at home?

Sometimes it happens that the knife needs to be sharpened quickly. A block of wood, a hacksaw, sandpaper, a ceramic plate, a chisel, etc. may come in handy here.

And there are even those who can sharpen them on a foundation made of cement and sand. But this method is not recommended at all. After all, there are many others and more proven ones!

The best of all is to make homemade device. This is not only convenient, but also hardly distinguishable from the factory one.

How to sharpen a planer knife

Knives of this type can be handled by an experienced professional craftsman who has not only knowledge, but also skills in this matter. The process is actually quite complicated.

At the same time, it is quite difficult to find equipment for sharpening such a knife in a simple store. You should know that a modern tool will help here, in which you can set low speed with water cooling.

You need to use a new stone with a flat surface. The best type of stone will be the water type.

In addition, without specific experience and sharpening skills planing knives, you can also contact a service station, which probably has equipment such as a sharpener.

Dear visitors to the site “Visiting Samodelkin,” from the material presented by the author, you will learn how you can independently make a full-fledged emery from a washing machine engine and install it, for example, in your workshop or garage.

For a craftsman, this machine is simply irreplaceable, because something constantly needs to be sharpened, sharpened). Buy factory emery good quality Today it will be a little expensive, but it doesn’t make sense to take a cheap one, because it won’t last long. The best option is to make emery yourself, the tradition of using engines from washing machines for production of this machine, went back to the times of the USSR. Surely many people still have such sandpapers and they work great for several decades)

So, let's look at what exactly the master needed to assemble the emery?

1. motor from a washing machine. 220 V 2826 rpm 370 W
2. 2 capacitors with a capacity of 3 µF
3. grinding wheel
4. corner
5. professional square pipe
6. rubber stoppers for antibiotic bottles
7. switch (toggle switch)
8. wires
9. plug
10. galvanized sheet
11. flange for mounting the engine
12. bolts, nuts, washers, screws
13. paint
14. solder
15. electrical tape

1. grinder (angle grinder)
2. welding machine
3. drill
4. vice
5. metal ruler
6. marker
7. hammer
8. metal scissors
9. screwdriver
10. wrench
11. soldering iron
12. pliers
13. knife
14. brush
15. tap

Step-by-step instructions for assembling emery with your own hands.

As mentioned above, the best option is to use a motor from a washing machine; many people probably have old washing machines that they would hate to throw away or scrap) so remove the motor and make a sharpener) This is what the heart of the machine looks like.

The performance characteristics must be indicated on the case, or on a plate screwed to it.

A sharpening wheel can be purchased at a store, but many thrifty owners have plenty of such goodness in their garage.

Making a counter bolt.

The mark is sawed through for a screwdriver.

It twists.

Transfers the outline of the pattern to a metal corner.

He cuts it out using a grinder.

Trial fitting and fitting.

The supporting frame of the grinding machine will be made of professional pipes of rectangular and square sections.

The workpiece is attached to the workbench using a clamp; the author makes the cut using a grinder.

Trying it on in relation to another pipe.

This is roughly what it will look like in the future.

A piece of metal is cut off at the edges to fit the supports.

Trying again.

For uninterrupted starting of the engine, 2 capacitors were taken and connected to each other like this.

Tries to insert elements into their rightful place.

Everything fits perfectly, the structure is being reassembled for evaluation.

Surface metal parts carefully sanded with a grinder and a wire brush.

After which the master begins welding the machine frame itself.

Welds on the engine mount.

Installs capacitors.

Then he sharpens it using a flat file.

The same operation is carried out on the other side.

This is the final detail. These holes are used to move the table along the guides,
and herself work surface the table will be smooth.

Additionally, the stand and the tabletop itself are cut out.

Welded into a single structure.

Cleaned up.

Trial installation.

This is what it should look like.

With mounted grinding wheel.

As you understand, the table can be moved and moved away by first loosening the fastening.

After that, the threads necessary for installing rubber plugs are cut into the legs.

To avoid staining the workbench with paint, place a newspaper under the object to be painted)

Here they are, rubber stoppers for bubbles.

Screwed directly to the legs.

This is what we get in the end.

To turn the emery machine on and off, the master connects a switch.

Connects the wires.

Attaches to the machine body.

Marks the center.

Drills it out and tries it on.