Do it yourself emery with a belt drive. How to make homemade emery for your own workshop. Carrying out the installation of emery

Often a situation arises when it is necessary to sharpen a tool or sharpen knives. Best suited for this job sharpening machine- it is also called a sharpener or emery. This is the simplest power tool, which consists of electric motor and abrasive wheel. There are many options sold in the retail chain, which differ from each other in price and manufacturer, but are designed to perform one function - sharpening a cutting tool. Do not rush to purchase a factory-made electric sharpener: any home handyman is able to make it with his own hands if he has the necessary spare parts.

To make emery yourself, you first need to select a suitable electric motor. Most often this is a motor from washing machine old model, for example, Malyutka - it is perfectly suitable for this purpose. This motor responds certain requirements: its power is in the range of 100-200 W, and the speed does not exceed 1500 rpm. If the rotation speed is higher, there is a risk of destruction of the abrasive wheel.

High engine speeds are needed for polishing parts, but they are not suitable for sharpening.

To make homemade emery, you can use any another electric motor. It must meet certain parameters.

  1. Shaft rotation should be minimal. Motors with no more than 1,000 rpm are best suited.
  2. The motor power should be between 100 W and 1 kW. The most commonly used motors are 400 W motors.
  3. It is desirable that it has legs for fastening.
  4. A single-phase or asynchronous motor, designed to be connected to a 220-volt network, is best suited.

Algorithm for assembling emery from a Malyutka washing machine motor

First of all we do frame of the future mechanism. It can be made from thick wooden board, wood plate, suitable plastic, but a thick metal plate is best. The electric motor is attached to it using brackets, corners or clamps. The connection between the electric motor and the stone occurs via a flange.

Homemade flange

Flange manufacturing- one of the technically difficult operations when assembling homemade emery. It is usually done using a lathe. To do this, it is necessary to measure the diameter of the output shaft and the abrasive wheel that will be used in the sharpening machine. However, if you don’t have a lathe at hand, you can do without it. In the video below you can see how to make an emery flange from scrap material yourself:

Securing the flange on the shaft using a nut, bolt and washer. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the direction of rotation of the shaft: the thread on the nut should be in the opposite direction.

This is done for safety reasons so that during operation the nut does not unwind under the influence of vibration of the machine, which can cause the abrasive wheel to fly off and cause injury.

Finally, all that remains is to mount the electric sharpener in a permanent place and supply electricity. The emery from the Malyutka engine is ready.

In the case of using an engine removed from an automatic washing machine, you can make a sharpening machine in a similar way, the only difference is in connecting the electricity. The motor from an ordinary washing machine has four wires: two are connected to the working winding, and the other two are connected to the starting winding. To determine the working winding, it is enough to measure the resistance of both. The resistance of the starting winding is 30 Ohms, and the working winding has only 12 Ohms. The engines of modern cars have six outputs, two of which are the tachometer output with a resistance of 70 Ohms. Finding them won't be difficult. These wires must be insulated.

Connection diagram is as follows: both windings are connected in parallel and connected to the network, and a button is connected to the gap in the starting winding. To do this, you can take a starter or adapt a button from a doorbell.

How to adapt a drill and grinder to an electric sharpener

You can make emery not only from a suitable electric motor available. You can use a power tool for this - it could be an electric drill or a screwdriver.

The latter is less suitable for these purposes: it has insufficient power and a short battery life.

Making a sharpener from a drill begins with purchasing a nozzle.

The sharpening stone is secured in it and then clamped into the chuck. All that remains is to secure it to a stationary base using a special mount, which can be purchased at a store that sells power tools. With the help of such an electric sharpener you can straighten an ax, sharpen kitchen knife or thread the drill.

In case of emergency, a sharpener can be made from Bulgarian. To do this, you do not need to purchase special devices and mandrels necessary for attaching the emery. You just need to secure it in horizontal position on a massive base, install a standard cutting or sharpening disc, and the sharpener is ready for use.

Mini sharpening machine

An electric sharpener is sometimes necessary if the master does modeling: When working, you often need to sharpen small parts. A large sharpener is not suitable for small work, so they often make mini-emery with their own hands. The assembly algorithm is as follows:

  • take the engine from hard drive computer or children's toy;
  • the tension sleeve of the spoke from the moped is soldered to the engine axis;
  • a small grinding wheel is screwed to the shaft with a screw and washer;
  • connect the power supply;
  • fix the device on the bed, and the emery is ready.

Often, electric motors from a faulty sewing machine are used for these purposes. The advantage of this machine is that the motor has a speed controller, and this expands the capabilities of the device. It can be successfully used and like a polishing machine.

Safety precautions when working with a homemade device

When making power tools yourself, you should strictly follow safety precautions. If industrial units are equipped with protective equipment, then homemade devices you'll have to make them yourself. You should know that operating a sharpener from a washing machine engine without protective casing prohibited. It can be made from sheet metal 2.5 mm thick.

The working wheel experiences strong vibration during sharpening. To prevent the sandpaper from being destroyed during work, when installing the stone, cardboard spacers are placed under the metal washers. You should also make sure that the disc has no cracks.

While working, you should stand to the side of the circle so that if it breaks, the fragments do not fly towards the operator.

How to make homemade sandpaper? Emery is an indispensable item in household. It can be used to sharpen knives, drills, scissors, and various cutting tools that need to be sharpened periodically.

Using sandpaper you can sharpen knives, scissors, drills and cutting tools.

The cost of sharpening tools in hardware stores is very high. Therefore, you can make electric emery with your own hands.

How to make homemade emery

Materials and tools:

  • electric motor from a washing machine;
  • nozzles;
  • switch;
  • capacitor;
  • wiring;
  • insulating tape.

A home craftsman can make an electric homemade emery machine from available tools around the house. An electric motor is used to assemble the device. The necessary attachments for fixing the emery wheel are mounted on its shaft.

If you have an engine in your house from an old Vyatka, Sibir washing machine, then it can be used to make a sharpener. These electric motors have great power. You can also take a switch from the washing machine, equipped with a special starter.

However, it is quite difficult to make a sharpener from such an electric motor. Problems will arise when it is necessary to put the whetstone on the motor shaft. The fact is that the engine is not always threaded. In addition, the diameter of the stone hole may differ from the diameter of the shaft.

The work will require a certain turned part, thanks to which these problems will be solved.

Before you start manufacturing the device, you need to decide on its future parameters. To make homemade emery, an electric sharpener usually uses an asynchronous motor.

An electric motor with a speed of 3000 rpm is suitable for this device. If the rotation speed is too high, the sharpening stone may break. Therefore, in a home workshop it is better to use a device with an engine with 1000-1500 rpm.

If you do decide to install a motor with a rotation speed of 3000 rpm, then you need to install a high-strength whetstone and a high-quality flange. This type of sandpaper can be successfully used for polishing wood.

The electric motor power should be up to 400 W. You can also use devices with a power of 100-200 W, only they have a small number of revolutions.

Electric motors can be used not only single-phase, but also three-phase. Both types can be connected to a regular network; only a capacitor is used to connect a three-phase device.

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Flange manufacturing

In order to connect the engine and the grindstone, it is necessary to grind a special flange. To do this, you can order the work of a turner by providing him with drawings of the sharpener, the dimensions of the shaft section and the diameter of the hole of the whetstone.

You also need to grind the following parts:

  • flange placed on the shaft axis;
  • bolt;
  • screw;
  • washer with left-hand thread.

The flange and nut must be threaded depending on which direction the engine rotates. If the shaft rotates clockwise, the cutting should be left-handed. If counterclockwise, the cutting is right-handed.

This is necessary so that during the processing of tools the emery nut can be tightened independently. If the nut becomes loose, the stone may fall. During operation, this is very dangerous for others.

If you were unable to make bushings of the required diameter, then you can use pieces of pipes of the same diameter. In this case, you can fill the gaps between the shaft and the bushings by winding fabric insulating tape.

The sleeve is made from a pipe with a diameter of 32 mm. It should correspond to the diameter of the emery circle. An emery wheel is placed on it so that it sits tightly.

This bushing system must fit tightly on the shaft. Be sure to secure it with a bolt and washer.

You can cut the thread yourself using a tap; to do this, you need to clamp the shaft in a vice. It is important to correctly determine the hole diameter for a given thread.

Before proceeding with the manufacture of the device, it is necessary to clarify the direction of rotation of the rotor. For example, the motor from a washing machine is asynchronous. This means that the direction of rotation can be changed by switching the windings.

A washing machine motor usually has 3-4 leads. Thus, with 4 pins, the direction of rotation can be easily changed.

To do this, you need to use a tester to determine the working and starting windings. Most often, the resistance level of the working winding is 12 Ohms. The starting winding has a value of 30 ohms.

The working winding of the motor is connected to a power supply network with a power of 220 W. The starting winding is connected with the first end to the coil terminal, and with the other end it is necessary to quickly touch the second terminal and immediately tear it off from it. A relay is used for this operation.

If a capacitor motor is installed, the device connection diagram will be different.

This means that during operation the sharpener will rotate in a certain direction. If you then move the leads of the starting winding from place to place, the device will begin to rotate in the other direction.

You don't have to use the trigger coil. Then, after connecting the device to the network, you will need to turn the sharpening stone in the desired direction, after which the device will start working.

Of course, you have heard more than once about the benefits of emery in the household, even if you are not a fan of making crafts with your own hands. After all, in every home there are knives, scissors and other piercing and cutting tools, which require sharpening from time to time. But the price of emery in most retail outlets you won't be happy! And so why not think about making this incredible thing yourself? useful tool?

Purpose of emery

Many people use drills to make holes in metal using drilling machine or drill. After a certain time, the drill begins to get very hot and drills worse, due to the fact that it has become dull. And all this happens quite quickly if you drill with a drill at high speeds. There are cases when a drill breaks off in the middle if it was “bitten” when leaving the metal, and the part was not secured.

Accordingly, working with a blunt instrument is pure torture. Nowadays, few people remember how tool sharpeners used to go from house to house with small portable sharpeners and sharpen all kinds of tools, including knives. Nowadays, you can, of course, go to the store and buy a completely new tool with factory sharpening, and you can also sharpen a drill at home.

To sharpen drills, you should use a purchased sharpening machine, or you can also sharpen them using self-made sandpaper. A sharpening machine is necessary and an irreplaceable thing on the farm. It can be used to sharpen almost any tool and can also be used for sanding wood.

Every tool store sells electric sanders. Quite a large selection of them. You can purchase either a very small sandpaper in order to correct dull cutting tools, or a fairly powerful sharpening machine, with which you can grind off a large layer of metal from any part.

The best purchase would be a double-sided electric sandpaper, with finishing wheels on one side and rough grinding wheels on the other. To prevent injury, these circles must have protective covers in case of destruction or damage to the circle while the engine is running. It is also desirable that the electric sharpener have adjustable working stops for the tools being sharpened and spark-proof shields with protective glass.

Electric sanders with adjustable rotation speed are quite convenient. When removing a large layer you need to use increased speed, and it is better to do the “finishing” of the cutting edge at low speeds. This will, of course, prevent the metal from burning. From time to time, when sharpening a tool, it is necessary to cool it in a bath of water.

DIY emery

In the hands of every man there may be an engine from household appliances, and the question immediately begins to linger in my head, how to make emery with my own hands from scrap materials. For this purpose, all kinds of electric motors are used, on the shaft of which they are installed specially machined lathe nozzles that are designed for clamping an emery wheel.

Motor selection

For this purpose, they usually use motors from old-made washing machines, such as Volga, Riga, Sibir, Vyatka, etc. The engines on such machines are quite powerful and reversible. Switches with a starter are also used from such washing machines.

Despite the fact that it seems quite simple, from a Soviet engine washing machine homemade emery is not at all easy to put together. For example, one of the main questions is how to attach a whetstone to the motor shaft. After all, there is not always a thread, and the diameter of the hole in the stone may not coincide with the diameter of the shaft.

Therefore, a special turned part is needed that would compensate for this disproportion. To make homemade emery with your own hands, you need to know its future parameters. In most cases, asynchronous electric motors are usually used to make emery at home.

For emery, the maximum speed is considered to be about 3000 rpm. A sharpening stone can simply burst at a very high rotation speed. It is best to use an engine at home with 1000 - 1500 rpm. If a 3000 rpm electric motor is to be used, a fairly strong stone must be present and a quality flange made. Most often, high engine speeds are used not for sharpening, but for polishing products.

In order to make emery with your own hands, it is not necessary to use powerful electric motors for such purposes. Although experienced craftsmen say that for a homemade sharpening machine, the acceptable power is 400 W, and for home use An engine with a power of about 100 - 200 W from a Soviet washing machine is enough. Of course, it is low-revving, but this is very good.

You can use three-phase and single-phase electric motors to make emery with your own hands. Both are included in a single-phase network. The device is connected to single-phase network through a capacitor.

Flange undercut

To connect the engine and the stone, you need to machine a flange. For such purposes, it is best to contact a turner with a drawing of the emery, the dimensions of the internal diameter of the stone and the diameter of the motor shaft. And the rest is a matter of technology and the availability of available materials.

You will have to grind out the flange itself, which is mounted on the shaft and is also fixed with a bolt, and a nut, and a washer with a left-hand thread. You also need to take into account that threads are cut on the nut and flange, depending on the direction of rotation of our electric motor shaft. If the rotation occurs clockwise, then the thread should be left-handed, if suddenly it’s the other way around, the thread should be right-handed. During operation of the table emery machine, the emery nut will spontaneously tighten. If you neglect this factor, the nut will work to unwind, and therefore the stone may fly off. And, of course, this is extremely dangerous.

What should you do if it is not possible to manufacture point bushings of a certain diameter? In this case, pieces of pipes of suitable diameter may be useful, and the gaps between the bushings and the engine shaft can be compensated by winding fabric-type electrical tape between the bushings. In addition, you can put the bushings on top of each other.

In this case, the most important thing when winding electrical tape is to maintain uniformity in order to avoid the formation of large runouts during rotation. The sleeve is made from a pipe with a diameter of 32 millimeters, equal to the internal diameter of the emery wheel. An emery wheel is placed directly on it, so that it can fit tightly without winding.

This bushing system sits quite tightly on the shaft. But fixation with a bolt and washers is required. At home, you can cut a thread in a shaft using a tap, while holding the electric motor shaft in a vice. In this case, it is necessary to determine the correct hole diameter for the thread.

Direction of work

Before you make emery at home, you need to find out the direction of its work. With homemade emery, you can change the direction of rotation of the rotor. If, for example, the motor is from a washing machine, then it is asynchronous, that is, when switching the corresponding windings, you can change the direction of rotation. Also, in motors from old household appliances there are 3 - 4 outputs. For example, with 4 pins, changing the direction of rotation is not difficult.

For these purposes, we find the starting and operating windings using a tester. The resistance level of the working winding is usually 12 ohms, and the starting winding is close to 30 ohms. The working winding is connected to a 220 W network, and the starting winding is connected securely with one end to one terminal of the coil, and with the other end you need to briefly touch the second terminal of the winding and then immediately discard it (special relays are usually used for this). If you use a capacitor motor, the connection circuit will be different.

This means that your emery will spin in one direction, and if, for example, you swap the leads of the starting winding, then the motor will correspondingly rotate in the opposite direction. You can, in principle, do without a starting coil; in this case, after connecting the working winding to the network, you need to turn the abrasive stone in a certain direction, and then the machine will work.

Installation of emery

After you have made your homemade emery, you need to figure out how to properly install it on your workbench. This is done using a bracket, which is also removed from the washing machine and bolted to the workbench. The engine, on the other hand, rests on an angle that supports it in a horizontal position, and also has a cutout that completely follows the shape of the engine housing. To reduce vibration, a edging made from a rubber piece of hose is put on the corner.

To avoid injury from the saw and flying debris from the abrasive wheel when working on sharpening machine made with your own hands, you need to make a casing. It is best to make it from thicker metal - 2 - 2.5 millimeters. This can be a strip of metal rolled into a half ring.

Under the working body of the emery, you need to directly screw a small piece of galvanized iron sheet, which will protect the workbench from sparks during work. For your own safety, all work must be carried out in special glasses or other protection.

You can use plexiglass with a thickness of 5 millimeters as a device for emery. This glass is attached to the engine casing using hinges; it can be tilted 180 degrees. Also, for the usefulness of the machine, it is necessary to make a support for the work piece.

Of course, the benefits of an electric sharpener cannot be doubted! After all, you won’t use a new ax or drill every time. And buying sandpaper for this is a bit expensive. But there is a way out, you just have to spend a little time and collect the emery with your own hands. Follow our instructions carefully, provide the necessary protection for the machine and do not neglect safety requirements during operation.

You can make your own emery from the engine of a regular washing machine, drill, or grinder. Assembly drawings of the sharpening machine and detailed video instructions for assembling the sharpener.

There are several electrical tools that are constantly needed around the house. One of these can be called a sharpening machine or emery machine. The unit is useful not only for purely male needs, such as sharpening a drill, removing burrs or chamfering, but in many ways it performs everyday tasks. This includes sharpening knives and tidying up garden tools. The simplest, but not the cheapest, is to buy a ready-made machine. There is another option - to make emery with your own hands. To do this, you don’t need to buy expensive parts or have engineering skills.

The advantages of making a homemade emery with your own hands are obvious: the design will be designed to suit you, the materials here can be steel scraps that always get in the way underfoot, the engine can be taken from an old washing machine - in general, with minimal financial and physical costs you can really get an excellent thing.

What's good about Soviet washing machines is that they were equipped with reliable electric motors. Another advantage of using such motors for a sharpener is the low power and shaft speed, and this is important for an emery grinding wheel, which at high speeds can simply crack upon contact with the tool being processed. Good weight and power supply from a 220 V network are also convenient: in the first case, the emery will be stable without the use of additional attachments, the second indicator saves the master from the need to assemble the starting unit for the emery: it can simply be taken from the washing machine.

Sandpaper from a washing machine engine is in no way inferior to factory models. And if in the case of Chinese technology one can still doubt the service life of the product, then a homemade design, where every detail has passed through its own hands, will indeed be an indispensable assistant for many years.

What you need

To make emery with your own hands, you will need certain tools and materials. The most simple design eliminates the need for welding and turning, which allows it to be manufactured by almost anyone. Set of necessary tools:

Kit required material and equipment:

  • model of a Soviet electric motor from a washing machine with capacitors;
  • toggle switch for loads up to 1.0 kW;
  • cord with socket 2 meters long;
  • small sharpening stone with a mounting hole diameter of 32 mm;
  • chipboard slab measuring 0.5x0.5 meters and thickness 0.02 meters;
  • multilayer plywood measuring 0.15x0.15 meters and thickness 0.01 meters;
  • timber measuring 60x60 mm and height 0.2 meters;
  • wood screws 50 and 20 mm with a press washer;
  • galvanized sheet 0.5x0.5 meters in size and 1 mm thick;
  • rubber stoppers for antibiotics in the amount of 4 pcs.

You should not take an electric motor from an automatic washing machine if it is high-speed. The emery speed should not exceed 1500 per minute, otherwise it will be dangerous to work on such a machine.

Which engine to choose

As mentioned above, the parameters of the washing machine motor must meet certain criteria. Taking the first engine you come across and building an emery structure around it is not very practical if in the end it turns out that it will be impossible to work on such a machine. Therefore, craftsmen with practical experience recommend proceeding from the following points when choosing an engine for making emery with your own hands:

  • the most common models among Soviet engines that are used to make emery are the motors of such washing machines as “Malyutka”, “Sibir”, “Volga” or “Vyatka”;
  • the recommended engine shaft rotation limit is 1500 rpm;
  • It is advisable to take the power no lower than 100 Watts and no higher than 1000 Watts, the most famous motors have a power within 400 Watts;
  • if the engine has support legs with holes for fasteners, this is welcome;
  • The engine of the future emery must be designed for a voltage of 220 Volts.

When removing the engine from the washing machine, it is important to remove the entire starting circuit along with it, so as not to separately select and buy capacitors for the emery. If the engine does not have support legs, this will not prevent it from being installed in the structure. It is important here that it has studs, by means of which the body of the unit is tightened: by attaching it to these studs, the motor will be installed on the emery.

How and from what to make security elements

Protective cover in sandpaper – extremely important element designs. It serves as a protection against possible injuries when the grindstone breaks, and also prevents sparks from getting into the eyes and onto nearby objects. Also, if you take motors from washing machines, then in some of them the stator winding may be open and it must be protected from abrasive and other foreign particles. It is impossible to seal the engine housing, as this disrupts the cooling mode of the unit and it may fail. In that case protective cover also plays an important role, while simultaneously protecting the emery engine.

Most convenient way make a protective casing with your own hands - make it from galvanized steel. It is not necessary to make it round, following the contours of the working grinding wheel; it is easier to make it in the form of a truncated cone, where the upper part is slightly larger in size than the diameter of the stone. The easiest way to attach such a casing is not to the engine, but directly to the emery support on which the motor is mounted.

According to the rules, the casing must cover the working tool on all sides, leaving open only a small window in the working area, namely part of the end and side planes of the emery circle.

DIY emery assembly steps

Step-by-step assembly of electric emery with your own hands. Attaching the motor to the base of the machine:

  1. The base of the machine is a 50x50 cm chipboard board. The engine is placed in its middle part and the dimensions of the engine are outlined with a pencil in order to know approximately where it will be installed.
  2. The engine typically has four studs or long screws that hold the engine housing together. Two adjacent studs will be the points where the support brackets will be screwed.
  3. Emery support brackets in the form of the letter “P” are made from two pieces of galvanized steel 5 cm wide and such a length that the distance between the legs is equal to the distance between the head and the screw nut, and the height of the legs is approximately 6 cm. Holes are drilled in the legs of each bracket for a screw, in the long part of the bracket there are two holes for self-tapping screws.
  4. Unscrew the two adjacent screws, put the brackets on the petals of the housing covers and put the screws back in place.
  5. The staples are turned so that their long sides lie with each other in the same plane, and the screws are tightened.
  6. The engine is installed in the previously outlined location on the brackets and screwed with self-tapping screws to the emery plate.

Attaching the trigger circuit and toggle switch to the base:

  1. They take a liter plastic container with lid from under acrylic paint(or similar) and the lid is screwed next to the engine so that a container can be inserted into it, turning the latter upside down.
  2. A cut is made on the side of the bucket for the wires, and a toggle switch is installed at the bottom of the bucket with the switch lever facing outward.
  3. All capacitors are glued to the lid with hot glue and connected by soldering to the toggle switch and power cord.
  4. The bucket is put on and snapped onto the lid, after inserting the wires into a pre-made slot.

Making a flange for attaching a sharpening stone:

  1. Two circles with a diameter of 60 mm and one circle with a diameter of 32 mm are cut out of plywood with a jigsaw.
  2. In the middle of each circle, a hole is drilled with a diameter equal to the diameter of the engine working shaft.
  3. Two mugs different diameters align the holes and connect them together using glue and two self-tapping screws.
  4. In the resulting part, at the end of a larger circle, they drill through hole with a diameter of 3 mm to the center and a self-tapping screw (locking screw) is screwed into this hole so that it is visible in the central hole.
  5. 2 mm of steel is removed along the motor shaft on one side so that the locking screw resting in this place does not allow the flange to rotate.
  6. The flange is placed on the motor shaft and secured with a self-tapping screw.
  7. A stone is placed on the flange and tightened with self-tapping screws through a wooden circle.

Making a protective casing:

  1. The protective casing consists of two parts, both of which are truncated cones. The distance between them should be 2.5 cm wider than the thickness of the grinding wheel.
  2. The side parts and the end of the casing are made of galvanized steel and connected to each other by soldering with a powerful soldering iron.
  3. In one place of the end, use a grinder to cut out a window under work area, a vertical slot is made on the side with a width equal to the diameter of the motor shaft so that the casing can be put on from above.
  4. The casing is attached to the chipboard using emery using self-tapping screws.

Electro-emery from an angle grinder

Corner grinder not very suitable as a base engine for creating emery with your own hands. This is due to the high speed of its working shaft. Such a tool will be dangerous to use and will be suitable mainly for simple sharpening operations, for example, to sharpen the blade of a kitchen knife.

It is advisable to use light stones with a small diameter as working stones for these purposes. It is better to order a flange for attaching such a stone to an angle grinder from a turner: it is very important here that it is perfectly balanced on the engine shaft.

Before working on such a machine, it should be well secured with clamps to the work table. During the sharpening operation, it is important to use thick clothing that will reliably cover all parts of the body from possible injury.

Homemade sandpaper from a drill

You can also make a sharpening machine from a regular electric drill. In this case, it is better to use a drill that has a speed controller for the motor shaft, then you can set the rotation to a safe speed. It is advisable to order a flange for fastening the stone from a turner and have it made with a shank so that you can attach the flange directly to the chuck of an electric drill.

It is convenient to use such a machine if you have a vice - you just need to carefully clamp the drill in it. Another option is to mount the drill on a workbench so that the chuck protrudes over the edge of the table. This homemade emery is much safer than emery from an angle grinder, and it is very easy to make with your own hands.

Emery has become widespread. It can be used to sharpen the cutting edge of a knife or scissors, as well as many other cutting objects. There are just a huge number of them on sale. various models, all of them are characterized by their specific performance qualities. The too high cost determines that many decide to create emery with their own hands. Let's look at the features homemade version execution in more detail.

The principle of operation of a homemade device

Before you make homemade emery with your own hands, you need to consider the features of its operating principle. They consist of the following points:

  1. When making tools, a washing machine and other common household appliances are used as a basis.
  2. The basis of the design is an electric motor, from which rotation is transmitted. It is he who launches the device.
  3. A shaft extends from the electric motor, to which the most suitable attachments are selected. You can turn them with your own hands if you have a lathe or milling machine.
  4. An emery wheel is installed on a special attachment, which will carry out mechanical processing of the surface.

When the device is connected to the power supply, the motor starts working, transmitting rotation to the emery wheel. The principle of operation of emery is quite simple, so you can create it yourself using scrap materials.

Motor selection

The main element of the design under consideration is an electric motor. When collecting homemade emery, pay attention to the following recommendations:

  1. The most commonly used engine is from a washing machine, for example, “Volga” or “Siberia”. The engines installed on these devices are characterized by high performance and reliability, while being inexpensive. In addition, a switch is taken from them to create a control unit.
  2. Electric motors that have 1 to 1.5 revolutions per minute are most suitable. You cannot use design options with a turnover of more than three thousand. With such a load, the structure created by yourself will not withstand it, and the emery wheel may break. Too much large number rpm is suitable if you need to polish rather than sharpen the surface.
  3. When making your own emery and using a high-rpm engine, you should use high-strength emery wheels. Only they can withstand the load.
  4. The power indicator should be in the range from 100 to 200 W. If desired, you can increase the indicator to 400 W, but no more.

The installed motor can be single-phase or three-phase. It is recommended to give preference single-phase options execution, since they can be powered from a household network. Three-phase ones are characterized by high performance and are less susceptible to heating.

Flange preparation

To create the design in question with your own hands, you will also need a flange. If necessary, you can turn it yourself or contact a professional turner. The features of this stage are the following:

  1. You need to know the diameter of the mounting hole of the emery wheel used.
  2. When creating a flange, the diameter of the shaft is taken into account. The flange and shaft must have similar diameters; too much clearance can cause serious problems.

Such an element is secured with a nut, bolt and washer. Thread cutting is carried out taking into account the direction in which the output shaft will rotate. For example, when the wheel rotates clockwise, the thread being cut should be left-handed. By choosing an oppositely directed threaded surface, the likelihood of the nut unscrewing during operation is reduced. If this happens, the working part will fly off at high speed, causing injury and other damage.

If it is not possible to make a flange from a blank, then you can use a pipe with a suitable diameter as a base. The gap between the bushing and the shaft can be eliminated by using sealing material. If the gap is too large, then several bushings of different diameters are used.

Direction of movement of the emery

Before production homemade design With your own hands you need to decide in which direction the rotor will move. Asynchronous motors can change the direction of movement of the element in question depending on how the power source was connected. The features of such a moment are the following information:

  1. Before connecting the power source, the purpose of both windings is determined. Resistance measurement is carried out with a tester; for the working one it is several times lower than the starting resistance
  2. The winding designed to operate the device is connected to an energy source. The starting voltage is supplied to the relay and coil, after which the device turns on.

By changing the position of the wiring, you can set the required direction of rotor movement. This determines whether the sandpaper will rotate clockwise or counterclockwise.

Device installation

After assembling the emery, it is attached to a base, which is often used as a workbench. Fastening is carried out using conventional bolts. It is important to choose a base that can withstand strong vibration and stress. Self-production supports can be carried out when using metal plates and corners.

When turning a cutting edge, strong vibration may occur. This problem can be solved by using rubber pads that are cut from a regular hose.

Safety precautions when working on the machine

The characteristics of self-made emery are determined by the fact that safety precautions must be observed. If the equipment is used incorrectly, it can cause harm to human health. Among the safety features, we note the following points:

  1. Be sure to use safety glasses to prevent shrapnel from getting into your eyes.
  2. A homemade design is often equipped with a casing, which is made of metal sheet 3 mm thick. Such protection significantly reduces the degree of scattering of fragments.
  3. Do not carry out work wearing gloves or long sleeves. As the abrasive wheel moves, they may become caught, resulting in injury.
  4. Particular attention is paid to electricity. If basic recommendations are not followed, a short circuit may occur, which is dangerous to the health and lives of others. Before starting work, it is recommended to inspect the cable and electric motor; if there are mechanical defects, it is prohibited to turn on the equipment. In addition, it is highly not recommended to sharpen in conditions high humidity.
  5. Do not process near explosives. When machining metal, sparks can form that ignite flammable materials.

In all cases, the condition of the grinding wheel should be checked, since even minor defects can lead to significant problems. Cracks and some other defects make the structure less durable; individual parts may break off during operation. The master should be located on the side.

Homemade emery from a washing machine engine

It is worth considering that a do-it-yourself grinding emery machine is assembled not only when using a motor from a washing machine, but also many other equipment that have similar parameters.

When assembling the structure, attention is paid to the following points:

  1. All moving elements must be hidden in a protective housing. This increases the safety of the work being carried out. It can be made using sheet metal.
  2. Do not forget that ordinary sheet metal is susceptible to rust. That is why it is necessary to provide protection for the surface from such effects, for which special paint or other substances are used. By updating the protective layer from time to time, you can significantly extend the service life of the device.
  3. It is possible to provide for the installation of several flanges that will be designed for sanding wheels with different mounting holes.
  4. The electric motor and the emery wheel can be connected rigidly or through a V-belt drive. To do this, two pulleys are installed, which are designed to tension the belt. When changing the diameter of the pulleys, you can adjust the number of revolutions transmitted to the emery wheel.
  5. Cooling is carried out due to active blowing of the structure, for which the rotor transmits rotation to the blades.
  6. It is worth considering that the structure is not protected from exposure to high humidity. When creating emery with your own hands, attention is paid to where exactly the structure will be installed. A home workshop or a large shed is suitable for this.

Homemade emery can last for a long period. Moreover, it does not require maintenance. If you use a disassembled motor and available materials, the structure you create yourself will cost several times less in comparison with purchased offers.