How to plant plum trees at home. How to grow plums from seeds at home? Growing plums from stones in different regions

Plum is one of the most common fruit crops, which can reach 10 meters in height. It is believed that the familiar plum is the result of a natural crossing of sloe and cherry plum. Modern scientists have developed many hybrids that differ in the shape of the fruit and the period of fruiting.

You will find complete information about planting, growing and caring for plums in the article. We have described in detail the basic rules and features of growing fruit crop, and selected photos and videos that will help novice gardeners grow a fertile tree.

Plum: care and cultivation

Care and cultivation of plums largely depends on the type of crop. Species with oblong fruits are called Hungarian, and round plums are called Renklody. As a rule, it is grown in low-standard, semi-standard and high-standard forms. The crown can be shaped like a fan or a pyramid. Palmette or cordon are not suitable for this crop.

Picture 1. Popular varieties plums: 1 - Hungarian Voronezh, 2 - Volga beauty, 3 - Eurasia-21, 4 - Record

Common varieties include(picture 1):

  • Hungarian Voronezh bears brown-blue sweet fruits, the seeds of which are easily separated. It is characterized by high productivity, but low winter hardiness;
  • Volga beauty. The fruits are oval in shape, purple-red in color and have a sweet and sour taste. Characterized by high productivity and average winter hardiness. The harvest is harvested in several stages, as it ripens unevenly;
  • Eurasia-21 is distinguished by round, dark-burgundy fruits with a slight bluish tinge. The taste is sweet and sour, the bone is difficult to separate;
  • The award is suitable for growing on black soil. The fruits are oval, have a dark red color and sweet and sour taste, and are quite large in size;
  • The record is distinguished by black-blue oval fruits with a well-separable stone. During the season you can harvest up to 15 kg of crop;
  • The collective farm genus produces sweet and sour round fruits of yellow-green color. They are small, but up to 25 kg of crop can be harvested per season (Figure 2);
  • Renclod Tambov: round red-violet fruits weighing up to 25 grams. The tree has average winter hardiness and good yield;
  • Early fruiting is characterized by round, bright red fruits. It is characterized by high yield and winter hardiness;
  • Early ripening red is distinguished by oval elongated fruits of a dark red color. The stone separates well, but the yield is average;
  • Smolinka - a tree with oval fruits purple-blue color. Winter hardiness and yield are average (up to 20 kg per tree);
  • Tula black is an unusual crop with oval fruits of a black and blue hue. During the season you can collect up to 40 kg from one tree.

Figure 2. Varieties of plums: 1 - collective farm renklod, 2 - red early ripening, 3 - smolinka, 4 - Tula black

A separate type is the damson, which is characterized by low growth and high endurance. It has a characteristic tart taste and blue-black color. There are other types of damsons in different colors (for example, damascene or mirabelle). It is similar to plum and cherry plum, which is often used as a rootstock.


For cultivation, choose thick soils with a high ability to retain moisture. The soil around the tree is regularly cleared of weeds, but it is not recommended to loosen it frequently, as this promotes the formation of root shoots.

Figure 3. Recommendations for choosing a place to plant a crop

To get a regular harvest, plant the crop in an area protected from frost, and for high-quality ripening it must be well lit. Varieties intended for processing can also be planted in shaded areas. If you plan to plant a tree near a wall, it is better to choose the southern or western direction, and only damsons can be planted near the eastern or even northern walls. Figure 3 shows recommendations for planting plum trees in relation to other trees, shrubs, buildings and fences. From the video you will learn practical recommendations for selecting a location and planting plum seedlings.


The selection of seedlings is based on the size of the garden. For small areas, the semi-dwarf St. Julian A rootstock is suitable. There are also popular cherry plum B and Brompton rootstocks, but for most gardens this personal plots they are too tall.

Figure 4. Seedlings of different quality and age

If you plan to grow a low- or high-standard form, as well as a tree with a fan crown, buy a partially formed seedling. Only one-year-old seedlings are suitable for forming a crown like a dwarf pyramid. Figure 4 shows seedlings of various ages and qualities.


At the beginning of autumn, all perennial weeds are removed from the area where the plum tree will be located. Before planting, add bone meal and mineral fertilizers, and if the soil is too light, it is supplemented with rotted manure or compost.

Plums are planted during the dormant period of the root system, that is, in spring or autumn. But if the seedling was grown in a separate pot or tub, planting can be done in the summer. Recommendations for planting are as follows (Figure 5):

  • Dig a hole. Its width and depth must correspond to the size of the root system;
  • If the tree is planned to be grown in an open space, a supporting stake is driven into the ground;
  • For trees with a fan crown, a system of wire supports is formed, which are stretched horizontally at a distance of 15 cm from each other;
  • The distance between trees should be at least 5.5 meters.

Figure 5. Recommendations for planting seedlings

Supports - necessary condition cultivation for the first five years. However, if the tree is planted in an open area not protected from the winds, the supports are left for a longer period. High-standard forms require additional supports with a horizontal bridge.

How to plant a plum from a seed

Growing a plum seedling from a seed is a very labor-intensive process that requires compliance with certain rules. You will learn how to plant a plum from a seed correctly in this section.

What you need to know

First of all, you need to choose the right planting material. It is better to collect seeds from trees of local varieties, since imported fruits will not take root in the new climate. For cultivation, select ripe soft fruits. Their seeds will germinate much faster.

The pit is cleared of pulp, washed thoroughly and laid out on the windowsill to dry. After this, you need to remove the seed itself from the seed. To do this, the upper hard shell is split with nutcrackers (Figure 6).

Note: Before planting, be sure to check the germination of the seeds. They are placed in a glass of water. High-quality seeds will fall to the bottom, and spoiled ones will remain floating on the surface.

Proper planting of a seed tree begins with the process of seed stratification (germination at low temperatures). The best time The end of November is considered for its holding. Over the winter, the seeds will have time to germinate, and the seedlings will have time to get stronger before being transplanted into the ground in the spring.

To germinate a plum pit, you need to do the following::

  • A glass jar is filled with moist, fertile soil. Place the seeds on it and shake the container well. This will fill the ground with air and make the soil loose.
  • The jar is placed on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for 5 months. During this time, the seeds begin to gradually germinate and are hardened before planting in the ground.
  • Ready seeds can be transplanted into the soil as early as mid-May. The planting area is carefully dug up and fertilized. It is better to choose sunny and sheltered places from the wind.

Figure 6. Growing a seedling from a seed

Only those seeds that have formed roots during storage in the refrigerator can be planted in the ground. Such seeds will later turn into seedlings and mature trees.


It is worth considering that at least five years will pass from the moment the seeds are prepared and stratified and an adult tree is obtained. In addition, a seedling grown with your own hands from a seed does not bear much fruit in the first year of fruiting. bountiful harvest. However, when proper care the crop yield will be quite high (Figure 7).

Figure 7. Sprouting seeds to grow seedlings

After the first shoots appear, care is taken to ensure that the tree trunk is formed evenly. Young shoots formed in the fall are pinched for better wintering of the crop. For the winter, the shoots are insulated and covered with mulch.

Only after the formation of a strong trunk and several side branches with shoots do they begin to form a crown. To do this, pruning is carried out, removing excess and weak shoots.

How to grow a plum from cuttings

You can grow plums not only from seeds, but also by cuttings. To do this, in mid-June you need to cut young green cuttings. The length of one branch is approximately 20-30 cm. It is better to cut in the morning in cool weather so that the tree does not experience unnecessary stress. The prepared branches are immediately placed in water for germination (Figure 8).

Figure 8. Preparing cuttings for planting

It will be better if a few leaves remain on the cuttings. Such shoots will take root much faster and turn into a full-fledged tree.

If you are interested in how to properly plant a plum in the spring from a cutting, you need to take into account that special growth stimulants will help speed up the formation of roots. Such preparations are used instead of ordinary water for germinating cuttings.

You can take any growth stimulant, but it must be diluted with water to reduce the concentration of the drug. It is enough to immerse the cuttings in liquid for 18 hours, and after that they can be transferred to a container with clean water.

The author of the video will tell you how to properly harvest and root green cuttings of the crop.


The grown cuttings are transplanted into open ground according to certain rules. First, prepare the soil. To do this, pour a layer of peat onto the bed and a layer of sand on top. Immediately before planting, watering is carried out with water mixed with mineral supplements(Figure 9).

Figure 9. The procedure for planting cuttings in open ground

The distance between the cuttings should be no more than 7 cm, and the depth of the hole should be about 3 cm. The bed is covered with film on top or a greenhouse-type shelter is built. Watering is carried out several times a day, and the cover is removed after about a month.


Young seedlings easily get sunburned, so even after removing the cover it is recommended to slightly shade them.

Grown seedlings are transplanted to a permanent place after the formation of several lateral branches (after about a year). The plum bed is fertilized with rotted manure for several months and mineral fertilizers.

Plum: planting and care in open ground

It is advisable to plant plums in open ground in the spring, before the buds open. In warm climates, autumn planting is also allowed, in September. Before the onset of cold weather, the seedling will have time to take root and grow stronger.

Plum care in spring, summer and autumn includes standard measures for fruit trees. There are certain events for each time of year (Figure 10):

  • in spring carry out pruning, removing frozen and damaged branches. It is better to carry out the procedure in mid-March, when there is no longer severe frosts, but the buds of the tree have not yet had time to open. In April, the soil on the tree trunks is loosened and mineral fertilizers are applied. It is also necessary to whitewash the trunks with lime and carry out preventive spraying against diseases and pests.
  • In summer, after flowering is completed, re-fertilize with mineral fertilizers. At the end of summer the fruit harvest begins. During this period, supports are placed under the tree branches so that they do not break under the weight of the fruit.
  • in autumn The harvest of fruits is completed, the last fertilizing with mineral fertilizers is carried out, the trunk is whitened with a solution of lime and the young seedlings are covered for the winter.

Figure 10. Caring for plums in spring, summer and autumn

In winter, it is advisable to cover the trunks with covering material and place rodent bait around them. This will help protect the tree from pest damage.

Spring plum care

High yields are possible only if the young tree is properly cared for. To do this, water it regularly, fertilize it and protect it from pests and diseases.

  • Watering and fertilizers

At the beginning of spring, complex fertilizers and ammonium sulfate are added to the soil. However, if the site has acidic soil, it is replaced with lime-ammonium nitrate. Additionally, trees are mulched by spreading fertilizers in a layer of up to 5 cm so that they do not touch the trunk (Figure 11).

Figure 11. Caring for plum seedlings: 1 - fertilizer, 2 - mulching, 3 - watering

In dry and hot weather, the plum tree is watered every 10 days throughout the growing season. On square meter area requires 2.5 liters of water. Excessive irregular watering negatively affects the quality of the fruits: they may crack.

  • Frost protection

Regardless of where the plum grows, it is protected from spring frosts. To do this, use burlap or mesh, covering the tree at night during the flowering period.

  • Pollination

Plums begin to bloom very early, especially those growing near walls. Due to the lack of insects, pollination is carried out manually, transferring pollen from male flowers to female ones. For this you can use cotton swab or a soft brush. Recommendations for hand pollination are given in Figure 12.

Figure 12. Hand pollination procedure

Most species of damson and cherry plum are capable of self-pollination. In addition, there are similar types of plums, so they can be planted individually.

  • Thinning fruits and supporting branches

The plum is freed from excess fruits only after the seeds have formed and only if they greatly burden the branches. If thinning is carried out earlier, the tree will not bear full fruit.

As a rule, the first thinning is carried out when the fruits reach the size walnut, and the second - when they become twice as large.

Figure 13. Fruit thinning process

It is important that when thinning, you should not pick the plums, as this can damage the stalk. Cut them with scissors or pruning shears (Figure 13).

To prevent the branches from breaking, they are provided with additional support. Supports are driven into the ground around the tree at an angle. At their top there should be forks wrapped in burlap. Branches with a large number of fruits can also be tied to the top of a stake driven nearby. Types of supports for mature trees and seedlings are shown in Figure 14.

Note: Ripe fruits are picked together with the stalks. Moreover, this process is carried out in several stages, since ripening occurs unevenly.

Figure 14. Types of supports for seedlings and mature trees

Plums are not intended for long-term storage. The maximum permissible period is 2-3 weeks, but in this case the fruits are removed slightly unripe and stored in a cool, dry room. For storage, they are usually preserved in the form of jams and compotes, and also dried and frozen.

Experienced gardeners recommend carrying out spring preventive treatment with drugs against diseases and pests. Spraying is carried out in early spring, before the start of sap flow. During the summer, watering is carried out periodically if natural precipitation is insufficient.

Note: In the process of preparing a tree for wintering, winter watering is additionally carried out, which provides the seedling with the necessary moisture in winter.

Feeding is one of the main stages of care. Fertilization is combined with loosening so that nutrients quickly reach the root system.

Top dressing

It is better to fertilize plums with mineral fertilizers. Organic matter is added only once every 3-4 years, using rotted manure or compost. Nitrogen fertilizers It is better to apply in the fall to activate the growth of the crop. Phosphorus and potassium are added in the fall to prepare the seedling for winter.

An adult crop can be left without shelter for the winter, covering only the trunk circles with mulch. Young seedlings must be covered with mulch or spruce branches. You can wrap the tree with burlap, but not with synthetic material, since the crop will begin to rot under it.


Under no circumstances should plum trees be pruned in winter, as this increases the risk of milky sheen. In any case, the cutting areas must be covered.

The cutting of all standard forms is the same. The only difference is that annual seedling for semi- and high-standard forms, less is trimmed than for low-standard forms.

Trimming is carried out according to the following algorithm(Figure 15):

  • First year: before the buds open, the trunk is cut to the first bud to a height of 1, 1.3 or 1.8 meters (for low-, semi- and high-standard forms, respectively). Sometimes, when tall trees are forming, pruning is postponed in the first year, and only the side branches are shortened so that the central conductor becomes thicker. In summer, several first-order buds are selected, located closer to the top, and the remaining shoots are shortened.
  • Second year: four branches are selected that extend at right angles from the trunk. They are shortened by half along the outer kidney. All other branches (including those left in the first year to thicken the trunk) are removed. Also in the second year, all shoots formed below the crown are pruned.
  • Third year: the procedure is repeated, and the main purpose of pruning is to allow second-order branches to develop. In the fall, select eight strong branches, and in the spring, shorten them by half. The branches inside the crown are also shortened.

Figure 15. Pruning seedlings depending on age

In the future, the plum bears fruit well even without annual pruning. It may only be required for low-growing species. But dry, damaged branches will still have to be removed, and the crown will also have to be thinned out regularly if it becomes too thick.

When forming a fan crown, in the first year the annual seedling is shortened to a length of 60 cm above the soil (Figure 16). Below this border there should be two branches directed in opposite directions. All other shoots are shortened to one bud.

Figure 16. Pruning a tree with a fan crown

At the beginning of summer, the central conductor is directed vertically, and the side branches - in opposite directions, tying them to the wire. When the lateral processes reach a length of 50 cm, the central conductor is removed. To stimulate the growth of new shoots, in the second year the branches extending to the side are shortened. Later, several strong shoots are selected from each of them and also tied to a support. In the future, the procedure is repeated to stimulate shoot growth.

Figure 17. Formation of a pyramidal plum crown

Figure 17 shows detailed diagram plum trimmings with a pyramidal crown shape. The video provides practical recommendations experienced gardeners on plum trimming.

Autumn planting is permissible only in regions with a mild climate. If your region has cold winters, planting will have to be postponed until spring, since young crops will not have time to take root and may die from frost.

For autumn planting It is also necessary to prepare the site in advance: clear it of weeds, apply fertilizer and carry out deep digging.

What you need to know

The hole for planting begins to be prepared approximately two weeks before the seedling is transferred to the ground (Figure 18). The soil can be any, but it is advisable not to choose areas with close proximity groundwater. Excessive moisture can cause root rot and seedling death.

Figure 18. Autumn planting scheme

It is better to choose a sunny site, with protection from cold winds and drafts. Acidic soil is additionally limed.


When planting, not only does it play an important role right choice sites and soil preparation. No less important The choice of seedling also plays a role. His root system must be fresh, without signs of any damage, dryness or rotting.

Note: If the roots planting material slightly dry, it can be immersed in water for several hours.

It is better to plant in a mound placed around a supporting peg. After planting, the seedling is watered abundantly, and when the moisture is absorbed, the soil is slightly compacted and an additional layer of soil is added.

Control of diseases and pests of plums

Caring for plums in the spring includes pest control. Birds cause great damage to fruit buds and ripe fruits, so it is advisable to cover the tree with a special net. In addition, it is affected by aphids and red fruit mite. To combat them, spraying with nitrophen is used (Figure 19).

Figure 19. Main pests of plum: 1 - aphids, 2 - red spider mite, 3 - plum sawfly

If leaf-eating caterpillars appear, spray with karbofos. The same remedy is used to combat plum sawfly.

If a milky sheen is detected, the diseased branch is cut back to the point where the healthy wood begins. The cuts are immediately covered. If a tree is infected with bacterial cancer, the diseased branches are cut off and burned, and sprayed with Bordeaux mixture. Fruits infected with brown rot are also subject to destruction (Figure 20).

Figure 20. Plum diseases: 1 - milky shine, 2 - bacterial cancer, 3 - brown rot of fruits

Many garden owners dream of having a plum tree, and even one grown with their own hands. And this is not at all surprising, because this fruit is so tasty and healthy that it is simply necessary to always have it in abundance and at hand. What can we say about the areas of use of plum fruits: various industries medicine, dietetics, cooking, cosmetology. And how can you not dream of such a beauty in your garden? Today I propose to examine this issue in detail, and tell you how you can grow a plum from a seed.

Stages of growing plums from pits

The fruits of this fruit have a pulp rich in juice, dense in structure and a decently large seed, oval or round in shape, depending on the variety. And looking at this seed, gardeners are wondering how to grow a plum from a seed?

  • Choice of variety. First of all, let's decide on the desired plum variety. It is recommended to choose a variety of future seedling from representatives of local plum species.
  • Stratification. Plum fruits, as a rule, ripen by autumn and some fall off; it is better to leave them on the ground, and after a while peel them, removing the pulp, and leave only the pit lying on the ground. Winter will come and this very bone will be covered with a layer of snow, which will soften the shell, especially during the thaw period.

This process is called natural stratification. After treating the seed with cold, you will see the opening of the seed and the appearance of a sprout.

  • Now let's decide on the landing site; it should be comfortable and spacious, protected from direct sun rays and gusts of wind, but the soil must have access to heat.
  • Planting a seedling in a flowerpot. Now we can assume that our plum embryo has sprouted, and in the spring it can be safely planted in a pot filled with ordinary soil from the place chosen for planting the seedling.
  • Having filled the pot with soil, we make a hole in the middle about 4-6 cm in size and plant a plum seed exactly in the middle.

Do not forget to observe the mandatory conditions for the successful growth of our seed: temperature conditions, watering every few days, ventilation of the room.

  • Planting in open ground. Having waited until autumn, the sprout must be moved into the ground to summer cottage. In this case, the soil must be prepared: loosen thoroughly, dig a hole for planting a seedling no more than 60 cm deep, and fertilize the soil with manure or humus.

  • You need to plant the roots that have taken root along with the soil from the flowerpot and sprinkle the remaining soil on top, making a kind of hill.
  • Then we fill the hole with fertilized and moist soil.
  • And we insulate the seedling on top of the ground and near the trunk.

Straw or hay can serve as insulation, and on top of this we cover it with an airtight and moisture-repellent material.

Taking care of the seedling guarantees you the positive dynamics of the tree's growth and achievement of the expected results.

  • To do this, the soil around the trunk must be loosened frequently and sufficiently saturated with moisture.
  • You need to be careful that the bark of the young cream does not crack or have any other damage.
  • If you notice that ubiquitous weeds have appeared, remove them immediately.

It is also necessary to trim the plum in a timely manner, namely, additionally formed shoots, frozen branches and the top of the crown.

  • Fertilizing plums should begin in the third year of cultivation. Fertilizers are needed both organic (cowshed infusion, ash) and mineral origin (potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus, magnesium).

Grafting for cream

After just a year of growing our fruit tree, the plum tree needs to be grafted.

Vaccination is carried out in order to protect the seedling from harmful factors. environment, if the gardener wants to propagate and cultivate a wild plum or change the plum variety to a rarer one, as well as for speedy fruiting.

You can vaccinate in any way you like; the choice is up to the owner of the garden. But first, it is better to choose the easiest and most accessible technology method.

The most important thing you need to know is that the desired sweet fruits will appear only after 5-6 years, and only if you monitor the tree, look after, care for and protect it, following all the recommendations and tips on how to grow a plum from a seed.

Video on the topic

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Plot owners usually buy seedlings or grow crops vegetative way to get the harvest faster. On the other hand, everyone knows that plants reproduce by seeds. Fruit trees are no exception, but this process is long and labor-intensive. How to grow a plum from a seed, what rules must be followed in order for the tree to delight with fruits, we will learn from this article.

Growing results

It is possible to grow a plum from a seed, but in this case the tree often does not retain the variety. A plum from a pit may turn out to be wild with small and sour fruits. There will be a guarantee only if the crop is propagated by the vegetative method. The chances of getting a varietal plum from a seed will increase when choosing plants with stable parental traits.

Selection of varieties

The best option is to plant zoned varieties. Then you can not only admire the blossoming trees, but also get delicious fruits.

If cultivated in a temperate climate heat-loving plants, which are famous for their sweet fruits, will still grow wild.

The best varieties for the middle zone:

  • "Volga beauty";
  • "Minskaya" (yellow);
  • “Belarusian” (Hungarian);
  • "Vitebsk late".

Suitable for warm areas:

  • "kroman";
  • “Kuban comet” (hybrid cherry plum);
  • "Victoria".

In a sharply continental climate the following will take root:

  • "egg blue";
  • "morning";
  • "Eurasia".

The “Chinese early-fruiting”, “Ussuri” and “Canadian” plums are considered universal varieties due to their good frost resistance.

Growing methods

Step-by-step instructions for beginning gardeners will help you learn how to grow a plum from a seed in the country.

Germination assessment

It is advisable to plant seed material of mature fruits. Before planting, you must check its germination. The seeds, previously cleared of pulp and dried in the sun, are placed in a glass of water. If they drown, then you don’t have to worry about the quality, otherwise you won’t be able to wait for shoots.

Carrying out stratification

The shell of the plum drupe is very hard. To germinate a seed quickly, it is subjected to stratification. First prepare the substrate:

  • crushed moss;
  • perlite;
  • sawdust;
  • coarse river sand;
  • lowland peat.

It is moistened and treated for disinfection with a solution of potassium permanganate (5 g of substance per 1 liter of water). Soil moisture is checked as follows. It is squeezed into a fist; if the lump retains its shape, and when squeezed, a small amount of water is released, then there is enough moisture.

Moist soil is placed in containers in which side holes are made in advance so that air circulates and fungi do not appear. The seeds are laid out in the soil, making sure that they do not touch each other. Cover them with glass or polyethylene. Then carry out the following actions:

  1. Warming up. The duration of the period is 15 days, the substrate temperature is 15–20°C.
  2. Cooling. The container is kept on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for 60–80 days at a temperature of 1–5°C.
  3. The last stage lasts for 20–35 days, the temperature is maintained at 0…-1°C.

Be sure to control the humidity; if mold appears, treat the soil with a 3% solution of potassium permanganate. If the stratification is correct, the shell cracks.

Planting seeds for germination

The seeds, freed from the shell, are distributed in the fall into containers filled with nutritious and moist soil. To make them germinate faster, the pots are put in a cold place where the temperature is no higher than +4°C.

The duration of the seeds' stay in the cold is about 6 months.


The hatched seeds are transplanted into pots with a diameter of at least 20 cm. Drainage (3–5 cm) made of expanded clay or broken brick is placed at the bottom. Pour a thin layer (0.5 parts) of calcined river sand and wood ash, then a soil mixture (1:1:1 ratio) consisting of:

  • humus;
  • vermiculite;
  • peat or leaf soil.

One seed is placed in each pot, buried 5 cm, and covered with polyethylene. The sprout appears after 45 days.

Requirements for caring for sprouts

To prevent tender shoots from dying, they are provided favorable conditions for development.

Lighting. For seedling the best option A bright place without direct sunlight, for example, southwest, is considered. If the windows face other sides, then it is necessary to install special lamps so that the plant does not suffer from darkness or shadow.

Temperature and humidity. Keep your home at 20–25°C and high humidity. In a dry room near the pot the air is sprayed. Ventilate the seedling daily by lifting the polyethylene.

Watering. Water with settled water room temperature generously - 2 times a week.

Top dressing. As soon as the first leaves appear, they begin to feed the plant with nitrogenous fertilizers. The process is repeated three times a season. 1 seedling requires 100 ml of ammonium nitrate solution.

Picking. When cotyledon leaves appear on the plant, the seedlings are transplanted into a new container, after pinching off ⅓ of the root length. This will allow the formation of a branched root system.

To prevent seedlings from turning into wild ones, they must be planted every 90 days in a wider container and new soil.

Landing in the ground


Young plants are transplanted into open ground a year after seed germination, a few weeks before the first frost.

Selecting a location

For plums, select an area that is well lit, closed from drafts, and with deep groundwater (below 3 m). No other trees should grow nearby.

Soil preparation

The selected area for planting begins to be prepared in the summer. It is dug up to a depth of 35 cm, cleared of weeds and fertilized. For 1 m² you will need:

  • 6 kg of compost;
  • 60 g superphosphate;
  • 30 g potassium salt.

Requirements for the landing pit

As soon as the site has been prepared, they immediately dig a hole with a diameter of 80–100 cm and a depth of 60 cm. The walls are made vertical. The top layer of soil is set aside; it will be used to prepare the substrate. To fill the hole, use the following soil mixture:

  • deposited earth;
  • 2 buckets of manure and river sand;
  • superphosphate - 30 g;
  • Potassium sulfate - 20 g.
For high acidity, add 300 g of dolomite flour or limestone.

Fill the hole with prepared soil, leaving only a small depression to fit the size of the pot.

Planting scheme

A tree grown from a seed takes root well in a new location, since it is possible to replant it by transshipment. Water the soil in the pot abundantly, remove the plant without disturbing the earthen ball. Transfer the tree to a hole; the root collar should be higher than 5 cm from the surface of the ground. Since the roots are located close to the surface, they must be insulated. The ground near the tree is covered with straw or hay, and waterproof material is laid on top. The crown of the tree is covered with burlap.

Seedling care

A properly prepared planting pit satisfies the requirements of plums in mineral and nutrients two years. The tree trunk circle is regularly loosened so that air reaches the roots and cleared of weeds. In the first few years, shoots are not allowed to appear; they are cut out, because young tree she will take the food.

Water the seedling abundantly; water should penetrate 40 cm deep. The regularity depends on climatic conditions, but the soil should not be allowed to dry out; plum trees react very painfully to lack of moisture. Spraying the plant against pests is carried out for prevention with an ash-soap solution. If the insects have already settled on the tree, then they take radical measures to prevent the plum from dying.

Dates of fruiting

Having learned how to grow a plum from a seed at home, you will receive your first harvest of fruit 5–6 years after planting.

When is vaccination necessary?

If a fruit-bearing tree does not turn out from a seed and wild animals grow on the site, do not despair. It can be grafted in the spring with the desired variety and get an excellent harvest of tasty fruits. Growing plums from seeds is a very interesting activity. Planting fruit trees with seeds allows you to obtain new varieties. An experienced gardener can try his hand at selection and get his own personalized plums, which will bear fruit to the surprise of everyone.

Plum rightfully enjoys honor and respect throughout the world. This garden culture great for making jams, preserves, compotes, liqueurs and sweet filling for baking. No gardener will refuse to have one or more plum trees on his plot. Is it possible to grow a fruitful plum from a seed? Certainly! Moreover, every plant lover can do it.

It is better to buy local varieties of plums, since imported fruits are unlikely to take root. The best option is to purchase fruits (they must be soft and ripe) from those who sell summer cottage products. This will significantly increase the chances of a favorable result.

The plum pulp can be eaten or used to make sweet preparations. The seed should be thoroughly cleaned, washed and placed in a warm, dry place for several days. It would be useful to immediately check their suitability. To do this, simply put the seed in a glass of water: if it sinks to the bottom, it means it is fertile.

After drying, it is necessary to remove the core from the seed - the same seed from which we will grow a tree. Use tongs to crack the hard shell carefully so as not to damage the kernel.

Stratification of seed material

Before planting a seed in the ground, be sure to carry out a stratification procedure. To do this, the plum seed is placed in a substrate and kept in cold and wet conditions about 5-6 months. It is in such a harsh environment that the seed should be germinated.

The following types of material are suitable for the substrate:

  • sawdust;
  • peat;
  • perlite;
  • coarse sand;
  • moss (crushed).

The substrate is moistened and treated with an aqueous solution of potassium permanganate in a proportion of 5 g/l. Checking whether it is wet enough is simple: squeeze it in your hand. Normally, only a small amount of water should be released, and the material itself will retain its shape.

Before moving the seed into the substrate, soak it in water for 3 days, filling it to half its height. Every day the water changes, and the seed turns over to the other side.

The container for stratification must have side openings so that air exchange processes are not disturbed and “fungus” does not appear. If several seeds are stratified at the same time, they should be placed at a distance from each other. After placing the seeds in the container, it is covered with film or glass.

Correct stratification takes place in 3 stages:

  1. Warm up The seed material is aged for 15 days at room temperature (+15 – 20 C).
  2. Cooling. Temperature lower to +1 - 5 degrees (put in the refrigerator). The container remains in such conditions for 60-80 days.
  3. Pre-sowing The temperature is lowered a little more (to 0 or -1 C) and the seeds are left for 20-35 days.

During stratification, it is important to monitor the moisture content of the substrate. If mold appears in the container, spray it with the 3rd solution of potassium permanganate.

Growing a seedling

After successfully completing the above step, you need to plant the plum seed in a pot with soil. The diameter of the container must be at least 20 centimeters. Before filling with soil, it is treated with formaldehyde, preparing a 3% solution. The bottom of a pot or other container - for better aeration and drainage - is filled to 3-5 cm with expanded clay (or broken brick), then with a thin layer of sand and charcoal.

The main filling of the container is best done not with ordinary soil, but with a special soil mixture. The most favorable development is provided by a substrate of soil (or peat), humus and vermiculite, mixed in equal proportions. You can also add a little perlite or sand. After filling a suitable container, this mixture is poured generously.

After this, a plum seed is placed in the center of the container and buried about 5 centimeters. Then the container with future seedlings is covered with film and left for 40-45 days. During this time, a plum tree sprout should appear. Every day, closed containers should be ventilated by briefly lifting the covering material. Watering (from a spray bottle) is carried out once every two days.

After the sprout appears, you need to grow the seedling at home for at least two more months. Only after this period has passed can the plant be planted in a summer cottage.

Expert advice on growing plum seedlings on the site

Experts note that after planting a plant in open ground, it is also necessary to take care of it. For example, you need to monitor the tree trunk of a seedling: regularly loosen, moisten and remove emerging weeds.

Additional shoots that grow must be removed so that nutrients are not wasted on them. In addition, do not damage the bark - this poses a great danger to young trees.

in winter bottom part The tree (standard) should be insulated - covered with frost-resistant and airtight material. This will save the plant from cracks (frost holes) that occur during sudden temperature changes.

If the plant is attacked by aphids or caterpillars, you can wash it with an ash-soap solution (for minor damage) or chemicals (Karbofos, Aktara, etc.).

With proper care and attention, fruits will appear on the tree in 5-6 years.

Plot owners usually buy seedlings or propagate crops vegetatively in order to get a harvest faster. On the other hand, everyone knows that plants reproduce by seeds.

Fruit trees are no exception, but this process is long and labor-intensive. How to grow a plum from a seed, what rules must be followed in order for the tree to delight with fruits, we will learn from this article.

Growing results

It is possible to grow a plum from a seed, but in this case the tree often does not retain the variety. A plum from a pit may turn out to be wild with small and sour fruits. There will be a guarantee only if the crop is propagated by the vegetative method. The chances of getting a varietal plum from a seed will increase when choosing plants with stable parental traits.

Selection of varieties

The best option is to plant zoned varieties. Then you can not only admire the blossoming trees, but also get delicious fruits.

If in a temperate climate you cultivate heat-loving plants that are famous for their sweet fruits, wild animals will still grow.

The best varieties for the middle zone:

  • "Volga beauty";
  • "Minskaya" (yellow);
  • “Belarusian” (Hungarian);
  • "Vitebsk late".

Suitable for warm areas:

  • "kroman";
  • “Kuban comet” (hybrid cherry plum);
  • "Victoria".

In a sharply continental climate the following will take root:

  • "egg blue";
  • "morning";
  • "Eurasia".

The “Chinese early-fruiting”, “Ussuri” and “Canadian” plums are considered universal varieties due to their good frost resistance.

Growing methods

Step-by-step instructions for beginning gardeners will help you learn how to grow a plum from a seed in the country.

Germination assessment

It is advisable to plant seed material of mature fruits. Before planting, you must check its germination. The seeds, previously cleared of pulp and dried in the sun, are placed in a glass of water. If they drown, then you don’t have to worry about the quality, otherwise you won’t be able to wait for shoots.

Carrying out stratification

The shell of the plum drupe is very hard. To germinate a seed quickly, it is subjected to stratification. First prepare the substrate:

  • crushed moss;
  • perlite;
  • sawdust;
  • coarse river sand;
  • lowland peat.

It is moistened and treated for disinfection with a solution of potassium permanganate (5 g of substance per 1 liter of water). Soil moisture is checked as follows. It is squeezed into a fist; if the lump retains its shape, and when squeezed, a small amount of water is released, then there is enough moisture.

Moist soil is placed in containers in which side holes are made in advance so that air circulates and fungi do not appear. The seeds are laid out in the soil, making sure that they do not touch each other. Cover them with glass or polyethylene. Then carry out the following actions:

  1. Warming up. The duration of the period is 15 days, the substrate temperature is 15–20°C.
  2. Cooling. The container is kept on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for 60–80 days at a temperature of 1–5°C.
  3. The last stage lasts for 20–35 days, the temperature is maintained at 0…-1°C.

Be sure to control the humidity; if mold appears, treat the soil with a 3% solution of potassium permanganate. If the stratification is correct, the shell cracks.

Requirements for caring for sprouts

To prevent tender seedlings from dying, they are provided with favorable conditions for development.

Lighting. For a seedling, the best option is a bright place without direct sunlight, for example, the southwest. If the windows face other sides, then it is necessary to install special lamps so that the plant does not suffer from darkness or shadow.

Temperature and humidity. Keep your home at 20–25°C and high humidity. In a dry room near the pot the air is sprayed. Ventilate the seedling daily by lifting the polyethylene.

Watering. Water with settled water at room temperature generously - 2 times a week.

Top dressing. As soon as the first leaves appear, they begin to feed the plant with nitrogenous fertilizers. The process is repeated three times a season. 1 seedling requires 100 ml of ammonium nitrate solution.

Picking. When cotyledon leaves appear on the plant, the seedlings are transplanted into a new container, after pinching off ⅓ of the root length. This will allow the formation of a branched root system.

To prevent seedlings from turning into wild ones, they must be planted every 90 days in a wider container and new soil.

Landing in the ground


Young plants are transplanted into open ground a year after seed germination, a few weeks before the first frost.

Selecting a location

For plums, select an area that is well lit, closed from drafts, and with deep groundwater (below 3 m). No other trees should grow nearby.

Soil preparation

The selected area for planting begins to be prepared in the summer. It is dug up to a depth of 35 cm, cleared of weeds and fertilized. For 1 m² you will need:

  • 6 kg of compost;
  • 60 g superphosphate;
  • 30 g potassium salt.

Requirements for the landing pit

As soon as the site has been prepared, they immediately dig a hole with a diameter of 80–100 cm and a depth of 60 cm. The walls are made vertical. The top layer of soil is set aside; it will be used to prepare the substrate. To fill the hole, use the following soil mixture:

  • deposited earth;
  • 2 buckets of manure and river sand;
  • superphosphate - 30 g;
  • Potassium sulfate - 20 g.
For high acidity, add 300 g of dolomite flour or limestone.

Fill the hole with prepared soil, leaving only a small depression to fit the size of the pot.

Planting scheme

A tree grown from a seed takes root well in a new location, since it is possible to replant it by transshipment. Water the soil in the pot abundantly, remove the plant without disturbing the earthen ball. Transfer the tree to a hole; the root collar should be higher than 5 cm from the surface of the ground. Since the roots are located close to the surface, they must be insulated. The ground near the tree is covered with straw or hay, and waterproof material is laid on top. The crown of the tree is covered with burlap.

Seedling care

A properly prepared planting pit will satisfy the plum's mineral and nutrient requirements for two years. The tree trunk circle is regularly loosened so that air reaches the roots and cleared of weeds. In the first few years, shoots are not allowed to appear; they are cut out, because they will take nutrition from the young tree.

Water the seedling abundantly; water should penetrate 40 cm deep. The regularity depends on climatic conditions, but the soil should not be allowed to dry out; plum trees react very painfully to lack of moisture. Spraying the plant against pests is carried out for prevention with an ash-soap solution. If the insects have already settled on the tree, then they take radical measures to prevent the plum from dying.

Dates of fruiting

Having learned how to grow a plum from a seed at home, you will receive your first harvest of fruit 5–6 years after planting.

When is vaccination necessary?

If a fruit-bearing tree does not turn out from a seed and wild animals grow on the site, do not despair. It can be grafted in the spring with the desired variety and get an excellent harvest of tasty fruits. Growing plums from seeds is a very interesting activity. Planting fruit trees with seeds allows you to obtain new varieties. An experienced gardener can try his hand at selection and get his own personalized plums, which will bear fruit to the surprise of everyone.