How to spray tomatoes with boric acid for ovary. Treatment of tomatoes with boric acid: proportions. Boric acid against ants

Boric acid for plants. It is a white powder consisting of boron and a natural mineral salt with acidic properties. It has been used for many years as a natural cleaner, laundry detergent, disinfectant, and as a preservative, for example in cosmetic products. It can also kill bedbugs, fungus and weeds, making it an ideal tool for gardeners.

The use of boric acid for plants allows you to achieve amazing results in the yield and general condition of the crops.

Benefits for plants

Boric acid is an essential nutrient for plants for their growth and development. Boron compounds are used in small concentrations as trace elements in fertilizers. When used in high concentrations, they function as herbicides and other pesticides.

Functions of boron in plants

  • maintaining a balance between sugar and starch, helping in the translocation of sugar and carbohydrates;
  • important for pollination and seed production;
  • ensures normal cell division, nitrogen metabolism and protein formation.

Boron is an important element in bud development, plant growth, yield and seed development. It helps transport water inside the fruit and nourish the plant. Despite the fact that plants need boron very low, their growth and productivity suffer greatly if the soil is deficient in this element.

Boric acid is commonly used in the agricultural industry as a source of boron for liquid fertilizers. Liquid boron fertilizer typically contains about 10% boron and is used for foliar and soil applications.

Types of boric acid and its scope

Boric acid is commonly used on land to fertilize soil and seedlings, clean metal surfaces, and control pests. It is most often sold in powder form and easily dissolves in water to form a liquid spray. Boric acid is much less toxic than most commercial cleaners and can be used to:

  • pest control;
  • surface cleaning;
  • mold removal;
  • weed control.

Try using boric acid spray for your garden needs rather than buying commercial products. Not only is boric acid less toxic and more environmentally friendly, it is also less expensive.

Borates in solid form can be applied directly to the soil, where in moist conditions they will readily dissolve and then be absorbed by plant roots. Typical products used for this application are granular boron pentahydrate (Etibor 48) and granular ulexite. These substances can be applied directly, but are more often used as part of a nutrient mixture containing other fertilizer components.

The amount of boron fertilizer that should be applied to the soil varies depending on the type of plant, the method of application, the amount of rain and lime in the soil and the content of organic material in the soil.

Boric acid can also be sprayed onto plant leaves. This method benefits some plants, which absorb better through the leaves and spraying is an effective way of fertilizing. The boron product of choice for these foliar sprays is disodium octaborate tetrahydrate (Etidot 67), which is specifically designed for agricultural applications as it has much better solubility compared to conventional boron products such as boron decahydrate and boron pentahydrate.

Due to their good solubility, sodium borates can be applied directly to the soil or sprayed onto plants. Ulexite, which is a naturally occurring calcium borate, is preferred in sandy soils due to its low solubility. This helps it stay in the soil longer than sodium borates.

Boron herbicides are made from borax and boric acid. They are usually mixed with sodium chloride or other chemicals.

Methods of application

There are several ways to use boric acid as a fertilizer. Adding boron to your soil in the right amounts will ensure healthier plants. You must be careful not to overuse the product as it may be toxic. Keep in mind that it can kill weeds as well as crops.

Fertilizing plants with boric acid can be used as a dry fertilizer applied directly to the soil. A very small amount of boron is required to obtain a positive effect. For example, if you have a very large garden, you will need to use about 6 tablespoons of the powder, spread evenly into the soil before planting, to realize significant benefits.

You can create a good mixture of liquid fertilizers for general watering.

How to dilute for irrigation

  • mix 5 grams of boric acid with ten liters of water;
  • try a little on several beds to see the result;
  • if the effect seems too strong, dilute the concentration a little;
  • Continue sampling until you notice the desired effect.

For an even weaker concentration, mix a tablespoon of boron per three gallons of water. If in doubt, start with an even lower concentration and monitor the results. If you get the improvement you wanted, then this amount is enough.

In a very dilute solution, boron can be used as a foliar fertilizer.

How to dilute for spraying

  • to spray plants with boric acid, you need to add 5 g of boric acid per five gallons of water;
  • also add a few drops of dish soap (but no more) to help the solution mix evenly;
  • Spray the product evenly and a little at a time, without flooding the plants with this solution.

Use the mixture sparingly because this mineral accumulates in the soil. A single treatment stays in the soil for three years, so even a light annual treatment can eventually become toxic.

To kill weeds

Boric acid mixed with water is a powerful herbicide that can be successfully applied to weeds to hasten their death.

This solution can be applied directly to the leaves of unwanted plants using a spray bottle, but you must be careful to avoid overspraying into contact with desired plants. It is best to use a pump sprayer or brush to apply the solution directly to the leaves of the individual weeds you want to kill.

Transfer the mixture to an empty spray bottle or garden sprayer using a funnel. Apply the mixture to areas where there is a weed problem. Try applying the mixture if no rain is expected for at least 48 hours. Use the product only once a year for two years in a row.

Boric acid in powder form can also be used to kill weeds. You can sprinkle it directly on your plants to get quick results. The method should not be used when rain is expected because it may cause runoff and damage to crop plants.

Against ants

To prevent ants from leaving the garden, create traps made of boric acid and sugar. Mix dry ingredients with a little water to create a paste. You can spread this paste on flat surfaces (such as sour cream lids) and place your traps throughout the area.

Placing them near vegetables can help attract ants. They collect the mixture as food and carry it to their colony.

  1. Boil 1 liter of water on the stove. Pour boiling water into a plastic bucket immediately.
  2. Pour 1 tbsp. spoon of powdered boric acid. Stir the mixture vigorously with a spoon until the powder dissolves.
  3. Fill an empty spray bottle with the water mixture. Use a funnel to pour lightly and be careful not to get burned.
  4. Spray the solution in areas where you have seen cockroaches or ants. Since cockroaches prefer moist environments, treat all damp areas in the house.
  5. Mix 1 tbsp. spoon of boric acid, 1 tsp. sugar and 100 ml. water in an empty spray bottle. Shake to completely combine ingredients.
  6. Spray the mixture onto cotton pads. Place them in areas where you have seen ants.


Spray the mixture directly on the floor, countertops, or where ants have been seen, if necessary. Use caution when spraying the solution onto surfaces. Although boric acid is less toxic than commercial poison, it is still harmful if inhaled or swallowed in large doses. Clean surfaces thoroughly after using boric acid.

Kira Stoletova

To grow a good harvest of vegetables, every gardener should know that this requires high-quality seedlings, weeding of the beds, timely watering and pest control. One of the main components of plant care is fertilizing the plantings. Both organic solutions and chemicals are used for fertilizer. Organic fertilizers include mullein, bird droppings and extracts from rotted weeds. But we will look at a substance such as boric acid for tomatoes and find out what it is and how to use it.

Description of the drug

This is a chemical that can be found in nature. It is found in mineral springs, hot geysers and the sassolin mineral. Isolated chemically from a mixture of sodium tetrabonate (borax) and hydrochloric acid, it is odorless. The powder is white or transparent, upon closer examination, and consists of layered flakes. Orthoboric acid is relatively poorly soluble compared to others, but it is possible to obtain its suspension in hot water.

When working with this drug, care and personal hygiene must be observed. If it enters the human body orally, it can lead to death. A dose of about 15 grams is considered lethal for an adult, and for children 4 grams is enough to kill a child. So, when using it to fertilize plants, you need to be extremely careful.

How to determine boron deficiency in soil

The most accurate way to determine the presence of various substances in the soil is, naturally, its chemical analysis. But in private farming this can be determined by the condition of the plants.

  1. If you notice that with a green top, the tomato leaves are yellow.
  2. It often happens that the leaves become stained and curled.
  3. The stem itself can break because it becomes brittle.
  4. Flowers of vegetable crops are few in number and do not produce an ovary.
  5. The set fruits may fall off, partially or completely.
  6. The bush becomes ugly bent and has very few leaves.

These signs are sufficient to understand that there is not enough boron in the soil, as can be seen in the video. If you leave everything to chance, the growing point will die, and over time the entire plant will die.

Benefits of the chemical

Tomato seeds are often treated with a mixture of boric acid and potassium permanganate to make the tiny plant stronger. This is especially necessary when seeds are planted in containers on the windowsill. The lack of light is slightly compensated by the fact that the mass of plants will absorb more organic matter from the soil. If we spray our tomatoes with boric acid, we reduce the risk of late blight infecting dense plantings.

When you take it to treat tomato seedlings before planting, the seedlings will be strong and quickly take root. But for this purpose they make up a solution of weak concentration. Feeding tomatoes with a warm solution of boric acid is twice as effective. It not only fertilizes, but also fights late blight and other plant diseases.

Benefits of using boron

Feeding flowering tomatoes with boric acid solution is very useful. Plants also need to be treated for preventive purposes.

It significantly increases the number of flowers in the plant's racemes. And, practically, all flowers will produce an ovary that will not fall off.

  1. Boron increases the resistance of plantings to fungal diseases and reduces the occurrence of putrefactive processes on leaves and fruits to zero.
  2. The sugar content of fruits increases and their taste improves.
  3. With regular and proper fertilizing, the ripening time of the crop is reduced.

It follows from this that if we use boric acid to treat tomatoes and cucumbers, spraying with the drug will not only increase the yield, but also harvest it earlier than in beds without the use of boron.

After planting seedlings, we are used to most often watering the plants with potassium permanganate to disinfect the soil and stimulate growth. But by using a solution of boric acid to process our tomatoes and adding mullein, we will see that organic matter will be more successfully and more fully absorbed by the plant. Weaker seedlings, compared to those growing in the field, are grown hydroponically or in balcony boxes. Boron will give them a chance to grow strong, produce abundant flowering and bear fruit successfully.

When to use boric acid

We know that using a boric acid solution to treat tomato seeds increases their germination. But if you don’t do this, then the tomato seedlings will still be viable. But you need to know when you can spray tomatoes with boric acid. In order for the plants to have enough water and not get burned, it is necessary to correctly determine the timing of fertilizing the plants.

We need to start when we see that the condition of the seedlings has deteriorated and there are signs of boron deficiency. The first feeding of young cucumbers and tomatoes with boric acid is carried out before the first wave of flowering. If done correctly, each flower brush will retain all the ovaries. They will be shaped according to the variety, and the skin of each fruit will be smooth and shiny.

After the first wave of flowering, fruit set begins and a mass of flower clusters, up to 12, are formed on one plant. Then it’s time to treat the tomatoes with boric acid a second time. Spraying a tomato with boric acid for the ovary will help preserve all the fruits and the plant will not weaken. Boron helps the movement of sap inside the stem, which carries huge amounts of sugar and other beneficial substances to the fruit.

The third time the tomato is treated with boric acid is when the fruits are full and begin to color. This will help the plant to fully preserve the harvest and prevent diseases from developing. It is very disappointing when tomatoes are already turning red, but at the same time spots of rot appear on the fruit. But in order for foliar and root feeding of tomatoes to bring results, you need not to overdo it.

Preparation of the solution

In order to avoid questions about whether it is possible to spray tomatoes with boric acid, you must correctly follow the recommendations for preparing solutions. First you need to heat the water because the crystals do not completely dissolve in cold water. Instructions are always available on the packaging of the drug, where the table contains a recipe for preparing solutions. A solution is prepared, and then, after cooling, liquid is added in the proportions necessary for a specific treatment.

To preserve all the ovaries, 1g of boric acid for spraying tomatoes is dissolved in a liter of very hot water. To protect the plant from late blight, add a teaspoon of powder to hot water. Before this, a week before, to improve the effect of boron, you can spray the plantings with weak potassium permanganate. After boron, again seven days later, use a weak solution with iodine in the garden. If you purchase a ready-made drug, then it can only be diluted to the required concentration and used.

How to process tomatoes

How to spray tomatoes with boric acid so as not to harm the fruit? Feeding tomatoes with a boric acid solution should follow the rules.

  1. The first treatment of tomatoes with boric acid is carried out when the bushes are just forming, before flowering.
  2. If pollination of flowers takes place, then it is forbidden to spray tomatoes with boric acid; it is better to dust the tree trunk area with ash.
  3. The bushes are fed with a weak solution when watering, which also brings a positive result if foliar fertilization methods cannot be used.
  4. The concentration of boron should not be exceeded because its excess in the soil can destroy plantings.
  5. Before spraying tomatoes with boric acid a second time, at least 10 days must pass.
  6. If the condition of the plants worsens after treatment, then repeated procedures must be postponed or stopped altogether.

By listening to advice and observing the development of vegetable bushes, you can find out whether to spray tomatoes with boric acid now or wait a little. When and how to spray tomatoes with boric acid for growth or for better ovary of tomatoes can be found on the websites by reading the table of contents of the articles.

When is the best time to spray tomatoes with boric acid depends on the weather. On a rainy and windy day, you should refrain from this procedure. The solution will be blown off the leaves by the wind and the concentration on different bushes will differ. And if the rain washes away the boron, then yes, fertilization will occur, but only in the form of watering. And the concentration of boron will be much less than necessary for our vegetables.

For the ovary of tomatoes, boron treatment will help if carried out before flowering.

Spraying with iodine, plus potassium permanganate, is a necessary procedure before using boron. If planned treatments are not beneficial, then the rate of subsequent treatments depends on the condition of the plants. You can use foliar fertilizers such as spraying your tomatoes with boric acid if you see the leaves curling and falling off.

Precautions during operation

The main thing when working with chemicals is that you must follow safety rules. Before diluting the solution and using it in gardening or for the vegetable garden, you need to protect yourself. To protect a person, you must prepare:

  • respirator;
  • rubber gloves;
  • apron.

They are especially useful in a greenhouse where cucumbers and tomatoes are grown. There, the vapors of the solution are highly concentrated and, when inhaled, can reach the mucous membranes, causing irritation and burns. Why risk your health in vain?


Tomatoes and soluble boric acid, together with iodine, for their fertilization, can provide a large and tasty fruit harvest. Different proportions are needed both for root feeding and for spraying plants. We told you how much and what is needed to successfully grow a crop and protect it from late blight. We answered the question of how to treat our tomatoes with a boron mixture, and how tomatoes and concentrated boric acid interact. Therefore, using this drug, we will be sure that we will get an abundance of tasty products to the table.

12.07.2017 26 886

Boric acid for plants, application or how to make the product effective!?

Boric acid for plants, the use of which is quite widespread, is often used by gardeners to feed tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, garden roses, indoor plants and other garden and vegetable crops. Spraying plants during flowering and not only has a positive effect, but first you need to correctly measure and dilute such fertilizer...

Boric acid for plants - what is the effect of use?

Boric acid for plants, application and benefits - in its chemical composition, in addition to boron, there is oxygen and hydrogen, which are vital for all living things. What is boron useful for? It promotes the formation of chlorophyll, which gives plants a green color, stimulates growth, promotes better rooting of seedlings, participates in the ovary process, and strengthens the plant as a whole.

Spraying plants with boric acid helps restore life to wilted leaves, increases survival in unfavorable conditions and fights infections and pests. Hydrogen peroxide added to the soil reduces the shedding of flower stalks, has a beneficial effect on yields and adds sweetness to the soil. If you are the owner of a wetland with a high acid content, you cannot do without this fertilizer.

Despite the fact that the substance belongs to the class of acids, it is the safest chemical compound that can be used in the garden, it is almost impossible to get burned and it is very difficult to harm the plant, the product does not acidify the soil. However, once it enters the body, it takes a long time to be eliminated. Garden plants are classified into three groups according to the need for fertilizing with boric acid:

  • high degree – for cabbage, apple trees, svela
  • medium – stone fruit trees, carrots, all types of salads
  • low – legumes, herbs, potatoes, strawberries,

Everything is good in moderation - an excess of boron is also undesirable, and an indicator of plant oversaturation will be dome-shaped foliage with dried out edges, yellowing of old leaves (if this is not a seasonal need).

A large concentration of the element contained in the grass accumulates in the bodies of animals, which is fraught with the development of various chronic diseases. This raises the question - how to use boric acid powder to fertilize and not harm.

Boric acid for vegetables - how much and when?

Do no harm - not empty words, but practical guidance for any gardener. To benefit plants, it is important to maintain the dosage of boric acid when fertilizing and spraying tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, strawberries, roses, indoor and other crops.

Boric acid is used for rapid germination and survival of seeds. A composition is prepared from 5 liters of water and 1 gram of a substance in which the seeds are soaked before planting in the ground - tomatoes, carrots, onions, beets are left for 24 hours, melons, cabbage - up to 12 hours. It is recommended to water the planting holes with the remainder of the mixture.

Spraying strawberries with boric acid will get rid of aphids, ants and other pests, and during flowering it will help increase the number of ovaries; the fertilizer also promotes abundant flowering and increases the amount of sugar in the berries. To combat gray mold and during flowering of strawberries, feed the soil with a composition of 2 g of boric acid, 2 g of potassium permanganate, 15 g of iodine and 1 cup of ash (dilute all components in a bucket of water and let stand for 2.5-3 hours, then spray ). To increase the yield, before flowering begins, it is necessary to fertilize the soil from such a solution - 10 g of acid, 10 g of manganese, 10 liters of water.

A lack of boron affects fruit trees, as a result, the fruits are deformed, become unnaturally dense, and the leaves wrinkle. To replenish the microelement supply, the tree must be sprayed with a 0.2% acid solution. 2-5 liters are consumed per tree, depending on the size of the crown, processing is carried out from the bottom up before and during flowering.

Boric acid for cucumbers is a guarantee of abundant flowering and ovaries; for better results, apply a mixture of 5 g of the substance per 10 liters of water to the root zone before flowering and repeat the treatment, only after spraying the plant’s ovaries, after 5-7 days. The same recipe is suitable for eggplants, peppers and zucchini.

To ensure that new grape seedlings are well accepted in a new place, treat them with 5 grams of peroxide and 10 liters of water; spray the vine with the same composition during bud setting, which will increase the yield by 20%. Chlorotic spots on the foliage are a sign of boron starvation; in early spring and during preparation for winter it will save you from many problems.

Tomatoes need a high boron content throughout the growing season, so spraying tomatoes with boric acid powder improves the absorption of minerals and promotes abundant flowering. If tomatoes germinate in conditions of high humidity, the substance will prevent rotting. When the plant is treated with the composition, the yield increases by 20%, and the taste noticeably improves. It is good to soak tomato seedlings in 2% before planting - the bushes will tolerate transplanting more easily and will grow faster.

Boric acid has proven itself well for indoor plants and garden flowers; a 1% solution (1 g per 1 l) is used for feeding; if other elements are added to boron, the concentration is halved. To stimulate budding and flowering, plants are sprayed with a useful composition once every two weeks. Boric acid is very good for orchids - the plant should be sprayed during the release of the arrow and after flowering to stimulate subsequent flowering.

For roses, the mixture is used to prevent fungal infections and aphids, and before planting, it is worth placing the seedlings for several minutes in a 2% solution. Gladioli and dahlias are fed with 2% product during the appearance of the third or fourth leaves and during flowering. The procedure is performed in the evening once every two to three weeks.

Use of boric acid in the garden

How to dilute boric acid for plants?

  • The substance dissolves exclusively in boiling water; for complete dissolution, the required amount is diluted in a small amount of liquid, then diluted with the required amount of water.
  • To measure 2 g, you need to take the amount on the tip of a knife (you will get a 2% solution per liter of liquid)
  • A teaspoon holds 5 grams of boric acid, a heaping spoon holds 6, and a partial spoon holds 4. Therefore, to measure 1 gram, you need to take ¼ of a partial teaspoon of powder
  • If the fertilizer is planned to be used in combination with other components, the concentrate must be halved

In the garden, fertilizer is used several times per season. To prepare the soil for planting, water the ground with a mixture of 2 g of the drug per 10 liters of water. For 10 sq. m. you will need a bucket of mixture. This treatment will enrich the soil with boron and neutralize it from pests and fungi.

The second treatment occurs during growth, with a 1% composition in the form of foliar feeding. Spraying is carried out at the time of bud formation, flowering and fruit formation, with a mixture of 5 grams of the drug (1 teaspoon) per bucket of water. Irrigation should be done in calm weather in the morning or before sunset. Despite the slight harmfulness of the substance, it is better to protect yourself with rubber gloves, boots and a respirator.

Now you know how to properly use boric acid for plants in the garden and on the windowsill.

Before the invention of modern drugs like Tomaton, amateur tomato experts managed to obtain rich harvests of tomatoes even under unfavorable weather conditions. To do this, they used the most common boric acid, which is sold in any pharmacy for mere pennies. And this simple remedy also helped them in the fight against late blight and other infectious diseases.

How to spray tomatoes with boric acid

To have a lot of tomatoes, you need high-quality pollination. To do this, in the morning, brushes with opened flowers need to be slightly moved (shaken). This is especially important to do in cloudy, damp weather, when normal pollination is very difficult.

Fruit set can also be improved by foliar fertilizing with boric acid.. To prepare it, 1 gram of this substance must be diluted in 1 liter of HOT water. A gram of boric acid is a little less than half a teaspoon of the substance. To treat 20 square meters of tomato plantings you will need approximately 5 liters of this solution.

Spraying tomatoes with boric acid is most effective in the phase of partial opening of flowers in the second inflorescence. It is better to carry out this operation early in the morning or in the evening, after sunset.

This year, for a full-fledged ovary, I will spray tomato plants with Borogum-M. This drug prevents the fall of the ovaries and the formation of barren flowers. In addition to boron, it contains gum, potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen and a full range of microelements.

For the same purpose, when the first flowers appear and during the development of the first flower cluster, I process the tomatoes (with an interval of 1.5-2 weeks). To prepare the solution, I pour 1 ampoule of the drug into 5 liters of water and generously wet the plant leaves from a garden sprayer. I advise you to carry out the treatment in the evening, after sunset, since the active substance Epin is destroyed under the influence of direct sunlight.

Epin can be replaced with any biostimulant that ensures good fruit formation even under relatively unfavorable conditions. Typically, spraying with biological products is carried out at the beginning of flowering of the first, second and third clusters.

Boric acid against late blight

Without precautions, late blight will quickly take over your tomato beds.

Boric acid is also used to prevent late blight and other infectious diseases. To do this, tomato plants are systematically sprayed or watered with a solution of this drug.

The bushes are treated for the first time 2-3 days before planting in a permanent place. To do this, 1.5 grams of boric acid powder and 3 grams of copper sulfate are dissolved in 3 liters of hot water.

Subsequently, tomatoes are sprayed with boric acid every 2 weeks. The solution is prepared as follows. To 10 liters of water add 1 teaspoon of boric acid, several crystals of potassium permanganate and a couple of tablespoons of grated laundry soap. The soap will allow the solution to stay on the tomato leaves longer.

After July 15, it is useful to add 100 grams of finely grated garlic to this solution. Just remember to strain the resulting liquid after stirring.

To prevent late blight from reaching your tomato beds, water them with a solution of boric acid with the addition of iodine. To do this, dilute 2 grams (one sachet) of this substance and 10 drops of iodine in 10 liters of water and water the plants on top directly from a watering can. The first such preventive watering is carried out 10-14 days after planting the seedlings in the garden bed, the second time the plants are irrigated after June 20.

Late blight is the most dangerous of tomato diseases, so it is better to combat it comprehensively. You will find detailed instructions on protecting tomatoes from this fungal disease in.

Fertilizers such as boric acid are unique in their properties for many crops grown in the garden. This fertilizer is usually used in cases where the soil lacks boron, which is an absolute necessity for plants, since it takes an active part in vegetative function.

Boric acid for cabbage is an important component, because without boron, the leaves of the plant begin to wither, they dry out and quickly rot. Using a fertilizer such as boric acid requires special attention and compliance with certain instructions.

The use of boric acid for cabbage is necessary if the plant does not have enough independent strength for full fruiting. And cabbage fruits in case of boron deficiency become smaller and waterier. Boron prevents such transformations and promotes normal development and growth of cabbage.

The effect of boric acid on cabbage

Feeding cabbage with boric acid is necessary in cases where the crop is depleted and does not receive the required substances from the soil. Boric acid helps the cabbage root system to regenerate, and also helps strengthen the immune system and develop resistance to various diseases and pests.

Mainly, boron prevents the appearance and development of plant diseases such as trunk hollow, heart rot or scab.

In addition, boron takes part in a process such as the synthesis of microelements, and also increases the amount of chlorophyll several times and accelerates the metabolic functions of cabbage. If the boron content of a crop is normal, then its yield increases significantly, as does the duration of storage. In addition, resistance to weather changes and sudden temperature changes increases.

Boric acid dilution technique and processing methods

Treating cabbage with boric acid has long gained immense popularity among gardeners and gardeners. The use of boric acid involves several options that are equally effective. The choice of a specific technique is an individual decision for each gardener. The determining factor in this case is the disease that cabbage suffers from.

Seed treatment

A technique such as treating cabbage seeds is used to stimulate the subsequent growth of the plant, as well as to prevent its inherent diseases. When preparing, the exact concentration of the substances used must be observed. To do this, you need to take 200 mg of boric acid and combine it with a liter of water. After this, you need to let this solution infuse for 12 or 24 hours, depending on what concentration you want to get in the end.

If you plan to plant a sufficiently large number of seeds, then before directly planting in the ground, you need to dust the material with a compound of talc and boric acid.

Soil fertilization

Cabbage is usually fertilized for the sake of prevention or when there are signs that the plant lacks boron. Use 200 mg of boric acid and combine it with a liter of water.

Before directly planting cabbage seeds, water them with the resulting solution. For ten square meters, the norm is to use 10 liters of solution. After the treatment, loosen the ground a little so that the boric acid solution properly saturates the soil under the cabbage, after which you can plant the seedlings themselves.

Many people have a question about how to water cabbage with boric acid. After you have prepared the solution, you need to pour it in carefully and measuredly so as not to destroy the plant with a high concentration. After this, mix the soil under the cabbage and compact it a little.

Foliar treatment

For foliar treatment of cabbage with boric acid, it is necessary to prepare the following solution. Use 100 mg of boric acid, which must be diluted with a liter of water. To know how to properly feed cabbage with boric acid, you must keep in mind that feeding should be carried out 3 times during the entire growth of cabbage.

Compliance with this condition is very important, since this will ensure the effectiveness of the boric acid solution.

If you plan to carry out such manipulation in combination with other elements and substances, then the concentration of the solution used should be reduced. Many novice gardeners are interested in the question of how to treat cabbage with boric acid for the ovary. This action must be carried out initially immediately before the ovary itself, the second time the treatment with boric acid must be done after three weeks, and the last time - during the ripening of the cabbage.

Important! Such processing of cabbage is a fairly economical and practically cost-effective method.

Boric acid powder is very cheap in price. It can be found on sale not only in specialized stores, but also in regular pharmacies.

Spraying at the root

Gardeners are often interested in the question of whether it is possible to spray cabbage with boric acid. This procedure is safe and effective. Spraying cabbage with boric acid is necessary to prevent plant diseases. This manipulation is carried out only when the lack of boron is reliably determined, and not just when there are assumptions about this.

Note! To begin with, you need a simple watering, and after that you need to use the prepared solution.


Take 200 mg and combine with a liter of water. To produce a high-quality solution, it is necessary to use water that has been previously heated to a high temperature. First, take hot water, make a solution, then add more water to adjust the concentration, but be sure to be at room temperature.

The answer to the question of how to dilute boric acid for spraying cabbage is quite simple. If we talk about the visual ratio of water and acid, one sachet of the substance is enough for you. This amount is most optimal for preparing the solution.

Spraying cabbage with boric acid for the ovary is done in order to strengthen the leaves and accelerate its growth. This requires a combination of boric acid and manganese sulfate.

Gardeners are often interested in how to spray cabbage with boric acid. It is very important in this case to ensure the maximum effect of spraying. To do this, you need to apply the solution evenly using this method on both sides of the plant leaf.

Proportions when fertilizing with boric acid

You can nourish cabbage in different ways. In addition to boric acid, you can also use the following substances for this purpose:

  • dry yeast;
  • live yeast;
  • live beer.

The proportions for feeding cabbage with boric acid are determined by the concentration of the future solution. Take a teaspoon of acid and dilute it with a liter of hot water. Bring the solution to a volume of 10 liters. Let the liquid cool slightly and you can use the resulting product for feeding.

Pest Control

In addition to preventive measures, cabbage is treated with boric acid to prevent the appearance of pests.

Use the following recipes for this:

Interesting! Boric acid is not concentrated in cabbage, so during the growing season it is necessary to constantly feed and spray the plant.

Many gardeners are worried about how to properly feed cabbage with boric acid. However, it is very important in this matter to maintain proportions and fertilize on time.

Benefits of using boric acid

The use of boric acid has several advantages:

  • the ovary increases significantly;
  • cabbage growth increases;
  • productivity increases;
  • has a positive effect on the taste of cabbage.

Signs of boron deficiency

To detect a lack of boron, pay attention to the following nuances:

  • the head of cabbage is formed hollow;
  • cauliflower becomes transparent, sometimes acquires a reddish tint, and the taste becomes bitter.

To prevent such phenomena, you need to know how to fertilize cabbage with boric acid. As soon as you notice negative changes, you must immediately treat the plant with a solution.

Often, a lack of boron manifests itself in the fact that the top of the plant begins to gradually fade and the leaves curl. Foliar fertilizing with boric acid is necessary during periods of increased growth. As soon as you notice such changes, you need to take action immediately.

You can use boric acid on both damaged and completely healthy plants. Boron is used not only for feeding cabbage. The crowns of garden trees are sprayed for preventive purposes. Use the solution several times, as this will enhance the effectiveness of the substance used.

To more clearly understand how to feed cabbage with boric acid, in video 1 you will see detailed instructions for this procedure. You can use the same method for many garden plants.