Where is the best place to place the bed? Feng Shui bed. Location of the bed in the room and photo. Adjacent rooms in the apartment

designer 2018-09-07

In order for you to wake up every morning cheerful and full of strength, you need to know the answer to the question “How should the bed be positioned in the bedroom?” About secrets correct setting we will tell you in this article.

Folk wisdom

Before placing a diagonal bed in a 12 m2 bedroom, it is worth remembering how things actually were in China, India or Korea when the canons that we are trying to follow today were formed. In cold climates, the whole family lived on an ondoli - a large couch-podium, inside which hot smoke from the stove passes. And this is not a bed. This is a living space for living and sleeping.

Asians slept not on beds, but on mats, placed on the floor or on an ondol. The bedrooms were not filled with large bulky furniture. Therefore, you can move a light mattress or mat as you please.

This trick won't work with a European bed. Because often small bedroom it is simply impossible to place the bed so that its head does not look out the window, but its foot faces the door.

Still, the security system that has been developed over centuries has its own meaning. Therefore, you need to listen to it and take it into account. However, you should not blindly copy recommendations that have been worked out in other climates and under other conditions. Otherwise, it will turn out that you simply do not have enough living space for this.

Correct location - safety of your health

To ensure your body is properly rested overnight, give your brain some rest. This means that he will not be distracted by imaginary or real threats, remembering his inherent instincts of self-preservation.

  • Sharp corners. In the dark it is easy to trip or hit a protruding corner of furniture. Therefore, surround the bed with objects with smooth front lines. No sharp corners pointing towards the bed and the path to exit the room.



  • Windows. Any openings through which light penetrates are perceived by the subconscious as a potential route for a threat to enter. Close the window with thick curtains so that you can dream while you sleep. good dreams, and the body felt safe.

Keep in mind that even with tightly closed frames, the glass area is quite large. Cooled air constantly flows from it, forming internal air circulation. Do not place the bed in the path of this flow. If possible, place an impenetrable barrier in the form of high backs, thick curtains, transparent partitions etc.


  • Doors. You should see them even through closed eyelids without turning your head or torso. This means that you have everything under control and you can avoid danger in time. Otherwise, part of the brain will remain awake during sleep in an attempt to provide heightened alertness to anxiety.

Placing the bed opposite the door is unacceptable according to the rules of Feng Shui.


  • Mirrors. Yes, the mind understands that those two in the closet are just your reflection. However, the subconscious perceives them as strangers who have entered your bedroom. Therefore, place mirror surfaces so that you do not see yourself in the reflection. Let your head calm down and relieve tension.

Incorrect - the mirror is located opposite the sleeping person


  • Electricity. Don't place your bed near the TV. From it to the bed there should be about 3 meters. This means that in the adjoining living room the TV will be placed near the opposite wall.

  • Chandeliers, mezzanines and shelves. Everything that is above your head is perceived as a potential threat to life. Especially when the fasteners are not visible. In addition, it is not at all uncommon for mezzanines to fall on beds due to poor quality installation. Weight wall cabinet with all items can reach over 20 kg. Remember safety.

It’s another matter when the cabinets around the bed form a single structure that forms a niche. In this case, you will feel safe, as if you were hiding from predators in an ancient cave.



Bed placement according to feng shui

Headboard to the wall, feet to the window and at the same time see all the doors from under the eyelids without turning your head. Try this trick in modern apartment. To do this you need to build panel houses in accordance with the rules of Feng Shui.

This trick is easy to repeat in a private home. Such a successful layout is extremely rare in an apartment.

However, there is a way out if you position the bed diagonally. However, it is not advisable to install it near the wall adjacent to the door. There are two corners left near the window. Considering that the opening door leaf should not obscure the figure of the person entering, then there are even fewer options left.

Feng Shui water- a sign of change. Even experts cannot guess whether they will be good or bad. Therefore, keeping water in the bedroom is not recommended. Even if we are talking about a vase with flowers or an aquarium with fish.

Cardinal directions

  • North. Develops intuition.
  • Northeast. Improves mental abilities.
  • East. Provides restful sleep.
  • Southwest. This is your option if you want to mend matters of the heart.

You can find a wide variety of tips regarding decorating your bedroom. At the same time, it is better to listen to common sense and your own feelings.

  1. If a bed located diagonally or across the room eats up all the usable space, then it is better to abandon this idea.
  2. A good indicator is cats. They are very sensitive to drafts and electromagnetic field. It was not for nothing that they were launched into an empty room and saw where they would find a place to sleep.

In any case, first try to sleep for a few days in a new place, and only then radically change the interior.

The main purpose of a bed in a sleeping area is to sleep.

How quickly it is located determines how quickly a person will regain strength the next day and what the degree of his performance and well-being will be.

Let's try to figure out how to properly place a bed in the bedroom so that the night's rest is complete and productive.

Let's consider how to correctly arrange this piece of furniture in the bedroom space.

According to the ancient Chinese teachings of Feng Shui, the bed should not be placed so that the sleepers lie with their feet facing the exit.

Not correct location there are unpleasant associations in the Russian tradition, so it’s not worth placing it that way.

There is a belief that negative energy enters the room at night. Therefore, it is recommended to close bedroom doors tightly at night.

Place it next to your bed tall plant or fence it off with curtains.

These two objects should be higher than the bed, then they will take on all the negative energy.

Bed in a small room

The question arises: how to place a bed in the bedroom if it is narrow? There are certain rules, you can agree with them or not, but there is a basic point that is better not to neglect.

Do not allow sharp corners of bedroom furniture to point towards the bed.

An acute angle carries negative energy. When a person sleeps, he is in a relaxed state, negative energy has a detrimental effect on him. Ideally, the bed is narrow and small room should be located along the bedroom.

It is necessary to make it possible to approach it from both sides.

Nightstands are always needed in a small bedroom. They are capable of performing several functions, so you should not refuse them.

The bedside table is an integral part of the bedroom set.

You can find many photos on the Internet that show how to place a bed in a small bedroom.

Children's bed

The quality of a newborn baby’s dreams, and therefore his health, depends on the location of the crib.

Doctors advise parents to sleep in the same room as their baby.

For the correct placement of a crib, there are a number of simple rules that must be followed.

Ceiling and entrance doors

The ceiling, the sleeping bed and dreams are closely related. You cannot hang a huge chandelier in the bedroom.

With a large chandelier above the bed, the sleeper will feel anxious at the subconscious level in his sleep.

There is no need to install massive lighting fixtures in the bedroom. It is better to paint the ceiling with white paint; you can make it suspended.

According to the rules of Feng Shui, it is better to avoid mirrored ceilings above the bed.

It is important for a person resting on a bed in a bedroom to see the front door.Even if this is impossible to do, it is worth hanging a mirror on the wall so that the entrance doors are visible in it.

As for the cardinal directions, you need to point the head of the sleeping furniture either to the north or to the east.

The optimal location of the bed is diagonally front door to the bedroom. For single bed best place- corner of the room.

It will be more relaxing there.

It is believed that if a student's bed is set up this way, he will study better and entertainment will become a secondary concern.

Married couple's bed

A bed intended for a married couple to relax must be positioned correctly. It is better to place it so that it has access from both sides. It should be located close to one of the walls.

Each sleeper should have a personal bedside table where he will store his things.

They can be used to place lighting fixtures like table lamps. When the main light is turned off, the lamp turned on by one person does not interfere with the rest of the second.

To create a secluded atmosphere, you can use a canopy.

Do not allow the head of the bed to point towards the windows. If you can’t position the bed differently, you should buy thick curtains and cover the windows with them before going to bed.

It works well to use roller blinds– they are quite dense, and the dawn will not wake up a resting person.

Double bed includes the use of a mattress suitable size. You should not put two small mattresses on it - this symbolizes the division of the family and a quarrel between the spouses. You need to make sure that the head of the bed rests against the wall. You cannot place it near the fireplace, door, aquarium, fountain.

When choosing the location of the bed in the bedroom, you need to follow the design project, convenience and ordinary logic.

Choosing a bed

It is not enough to position the bed correctly; it is important to choose it wisely. Today, bedroom furniture of various shapes is in fashion. You can find models with wheels or with water mattresses.

Despite all the originality of these structures, they are not very stable and durable. Therefore, resting on them is not comfortable.

The most important quality of a purchased bed for a bedroom is that it should be comfortable for a relaxing deep sleep. Therefore, you should purchase reliable designs.You should not buy furniture whose entire base is located on the floor. As Feng Shui teaches, there must be free space between the bed and the floor where energy can circulate.

It is also important not to place anything in this place, since the floor under the furniture must be clean.

It is advisable to buy a bed with a high back.

IN two-story houses You cannot place a bedroom under a shower or bathroom. It is believed that negative energy sanitary facilities transferred to the bedroom. The bed should be located away from them. Do not place the bed above the dining room or kitchen.

There should be free space next to the sleeping furniture.

Feng Shui and its rules

The Chinese teaching of Feng Shui, mentioned more than once, is the whole art of the ancient Chinese in using space. It stems from the religion of Taoism, which seeks to penetrate into the meaning of existence. Like many Chinese teachings, Feng Shui was founded by Chinese monks. There is no point in describing the concept of teaching - for this there is large number books. We have already given some recommendations regarding the location of the bed.

According to Feng Shui, the location of the bed relative to the cardinal directions matters.

  • If the head of the bed is directed towards the north, the person will develop his intuitive abilities;
  • Headboard on the northeast side develops intelligence;
  • A bed with a headboard facing east gives peace and soundness to sleep;
  • The southeastern direction develops perseverance and perseverance in implementing the intended tasks;
  • A bed with its head facing south creates a picture of a person good opinion from others;
  • The southwest direction promotes love;
  • Northwestern – friendly relations;
  • Western – the appearance of healthy children.

That is why the correct and competent arrangement of the bedroom and the location of the bed play a big role in our lives.

These are the Feng Shui rules for placing a bed in the cardinal directions. According to his principles, it is necessary to install images of four animals in the room. To the left of the bed you need to place a figurine depicting a dragon. There should be a tiger on the right. A picture of a bird with red feathers should hang on the wall in front of the bed, and a picture of a turtle should be hung at the headboard.

It’s up to you to follow the Feng Shui rules governing how to place a bed in the bedroom, or to ignore them.

There can be a lot of debate about the rules of Feng Shui. Some people do not accept this teaching, others fanatically follow it in all areas of life. The truth is probably somewhere in the middle. There is undoubtedly a rational grain in Feng Shui. It has been proven, for example, that our ancestors chose a place for construction according to rules that were in many ways similar to the canons of ancient Chinese teaching. Our ancestors must have known some laws that we do not know.

We spend almost a third of our lives sleeping. Thanks to sleep, our strength is restored, the body fights diseases, and dreams help us temporarily forget about worries and pressing problems.

Without night rest, no living creature can exist. The strength and health of our sleep, mood and performance depend on compliance with the rules described above.

VIDEO: How to properly place a bed in the bedroom.

Reading time ≈ 3 minutes

To achieve maximum comfort, a positive atmosphere and coziness in the bedroom, you need to focus your attention on the position of the bed. According to a special science (Feng Shui), the correct arrangement of objects contributes to a positive energy influence.

When everything in this room is in the “right” place, then the owner of the house can count on good health, good sleep and a constant surge of energy. So that you always feel good, we will tell you the main provisions and tell you what is strictly forbidden to do.

Correct placement of the bed in the bedroom

So, now you are concerned about the question of how to place a bed in the bedroom. First of all, we pay attention to the generally accepted rules:

  • The bed must be located as far as possible from the doors (this concept includes the distance of the bedroom itself from the front door and the distance of the bed from the doorway). This helps ensure that all everyday affairs and worries, vanity do not have access to you. It is best if the place to sleep is located in the Yin zone.
  • Feng Shui theory does not favor the position of a bed near a window, and there are two good reasons for this. Firstly, a draft can cause a cold, and secondly, in parallel with the flow of Qi energy, there should be no other air vibrations. After all, this direction of energy pacifies and calms, and extra flows will change the right move fields.
  • The most favorable location of the bed in the bedroom is near the wall, so that the headboard has support. At the same time, the height of the bed is also important. You need to choose furniture that is not excessively high, it should be comfortable to sit on, and it should be pleasant to relax and go into a state of sleep. At its core, Feng Shui of a bed should be one that promotes proper rest and sleep, so all setting conditions are focused on special comfort.
  • Another important point is the accessibility of the bed from any side. The passage to it should be open, and unnecessary objects should not interfere with you. You should place it in the bedroom so that it remains accessible to both you and your other half.

Extra things

According to the teaching theory, everything in the bedroom carries its own separate energy. Therefore, the more things and objects, the more negative energy accumulates in the room. To avoid this, you need to be extremely careful with what you place in the bedroom. When arranging a bed in the bedroom, follow the main rule - unnecessary things are an obstacle to health and proper rest. Place only necessary and important items. This point also applies to old things that we often store under sofas - they should also be put in another place.

According to Feng Shui, it is prohibited to position the bed in the bedroom in such a way that there are “hanging” objects above you. Nothing should block your biofield, which means we make the ceiling and walls above the bed absolutely free from everything.

If you want to have a harmonious relationship as a couple, then refuse the bed divided into two parts. Buy the option that does not have such a compartment, since an accurate and tangible line can cause quarrels and scandals.

When we go to bed, we think that in the morning we will feel rested and as vigorous as cucumbers. But this doesn't always happen. You wake up and it seems like you’ve moved a bunch of bags overnight. The house carries a certain energy, and this affects the state of health and mood. This is most felt in the bedroom. This room should feel serene, comfortable, and calm. When you don’t sleep well at night, and the next morning your health leaves much to be desired, it’s worth considering whether your bed.

When we put a bed in the bedroom, we don’t think that the ceiling affects the overall atmosphere and energy in the room.

You need to position the bed so that your feet are not facing the door.

When we put it in the bedroom bed , we don’t think that the ceiling affects the overall atmosphere and energy in the room. You should not hang large chandeliers over your bed; during sleep you will unconsciously feel uneasy. Bulky lighting devices are also not suitable. If you are going to make repairs, it is better if the ceiling is smooth, without visible beams. Most best option– suspended ceiling.

You should not hang large chandeliers over your bed; during sleep you will unconsciously feel uneasy.

The back of the furniture must be elevated, and the head of the bed must rest against the wall.

Fans of mirrored ceilings should avoid this idea. It is unacceptable for a sleeping person to be visible in the mirror. If he wakes up unexpectedly, he may get scared. Important point– when you are lying on beds , must definitely see the door. If this is unrealistic, then there should be a mirror hanging on the wall where it is reflected.

An important point is that when you are lying on the bed, you must see the door.

Access to the bed must be from both sides, so you will not be left alone.

How to place a bed relative to the door and cardinal directions according to Feng Shui

We spend a lot of time in the bedroom. We gain strength and recover after a hard day. I wanted nothing to interfere with a good rest. It is necessary to carefully weigh and think through how put up a bed , what pieces of furniture are needed and how to arrange them. Then it will be cozy, you will get up in the morning in a great mood.

Fans of mirrored ceilings should avoid this idea.

The bedroom should have a light, flat ceiling; no beams should be allowed to hang over the bed.

Now it has become fashionable to create an interior using the ancient Chinese teachings of Feng Shui. According to the rules, the home is divided into zones, they affect us, increase or decrease the flow of Qi energy. The Earth's magnetic field and atmospheric pressure play a significant role. The forces of nature can have a positive impact if we have certain knowledge. Correct position of the bed will promote restful sleep, the body will rest as much as possible after a hard day.

It is necessary to thoroughly weigh and think about how to place the bed, what pieces of furniture are needed and how to arrange them.

Position furniture so that sharp corners do not point towards the bed.

Direction position headboards interpreted differently, but most opinions agree. According to Feng Shui, it is better to put bed headboard to the east, according to the movement of the sun. You sleep with your head towards this side of the world, you become wiser and stronger. The body is completely restored, peace and tranquility comes to the family. Position to the southeast - luck and prosperity will accompany you. Sleep with your head facing southwest - your union will be reliable and long-lasting. If you want to improve your health, choose a position in the south, you can achieve a lot in life.

Now it has become fashionable to create an interior using the ancient Chinese teachings of Feng Shui.

There should be a whole mattress on a double bed.

All the bad energy reflected from it will have a bad effect on sleep.

A position in the northeast will promote spiritual development. Those wishing to stabilize financial situation it is recommended to put bed to the west or north, and your children or grandchildren may become famous. Anyone who feels weak and tired should sleep to the north. Sleep in the northwest and you will travel to distant lands. For Chi energy to flow correctly, the bedroom must be clean and comfortable, without debris under the bed or unnecessary objects in the room.

The correct position of the bed will contribute to a restful sleep, the body will rest as much as possible after a hard day.

The bed should not sit entirely on the floor; it must have legs so that energy can pass everywhere.

Among other things, you should adhere to some rules.

  • You need to position the bed so that your feet are not facing the door.
  • Bed need to be placed diagonally to the doors.
  • The back of the furniture must be elevated, and headboard the bed rests against the wall.
  • Access to the bed you need to have it on both sides, so you won’t end up single. There should be only one approach to a teenager’s bedside so that he can devote all his attention to his studies.
  • The bedroom should have a light, flat ceiling, not allowed above bed overhang of beams.
  • Position furniture so that sharp corners do not point towards the bed.
  • Make sure that electrical outlets are mounted away from the headboard.
  • On a double bed there should be a whole mattress. If you put two, it will symbolize separation and the couple may get divorced.
  • Bed It should not stand completely on the floor, it must have legs so that energy can pass everywhere. Wash the floor as often as possible, and the space underneath bed should not be turned into a warehouse.
  • According to Chinese science, “odors” from the kitchen and toilet should not penetrate into the bedroom. They have a bad effect on the energy in the room.
  • Near the bed There must be bedside tables and lamps on them. The rest will be comfortable; favorable Qi energy will be generated near the person.

The position of the direction of the headboard is interpreted differently, but most opinions agree.

There must be bedside tables near the bed, and there should be lamps on them.

If you follow these rules, your sleep will become restful and you will wake up in a great mood.

Sustainability is important

Good, strong bed - the key to good health. The quality and stability of this piece of furniture is completely influenced by the material from which it is made and the design of the bed. The material must meet the necessary requirements. Don't waste your money on low-quality furniture. In its production, adhesives are used, they contain harmful substances. It is important to make sure that the bed is assembled with high quality, it is strong and durable, and good fittings are used. These points affect how long the bed can last.

According to Feng Shui, it is better to place the head of the bed to the east, according to the movement of the sun.

A good, strong bed is the key to good health.

How not to position your bed

In the bedroom we relax, gain strength, it is important to position the bed so that negative energy does not interfere with proper rest. How to place the bed in such a way as to avoid this?

  1. There is no need to place it opposite the front door. If it is impossible to rearrange it, you need to put up a fence.
  2. Avoid positioning your head towards the window; otherwise, hang thick curtains on the windows. But still, it's like that bed location does not give a feeling of security, in addition, there can be a lot of draft from the window, and this will lead to a cold.
  3. Do not place the bed against a wall if there is a water supply behind it.
  4. If the apartment has two levels, the bedroom should be chosen so that there is no kitchen underneath it.
  5. Place the bed away from radiators.
  6. Do not place the bed in the middle of the room. This will create a feeling of insecurity.
  7. It is important that there are no mirrors opposite the bed; you should not be reflected in them.
  8. Do not place the TV opposite the bed, it will have a bad effect on your well-being. All the bad energy reflected from it will have a bad effect on sleep.

A position in the northeast will promote spiritual development.

The material must meet the necessary requirements.

In the bedroom we relax, gain strength, it is important to position the bed so that negative energy does not interfere with proper rest.

If you follow these rules, your sleep will become restful and you will wake up in a great mood.

Anyone who feels weak and tired should sleep to the north.

It is important to make sure that the bed is assembled with high quality, it is strong and durable, and good fittings are used.

VIDEO: How to place a bed according to Feng Shui: the most ideal placement of the bed in the bedroom. Everything according to Feng Shui

The science of Feng Shui says that housing plays one of the most important roles for every person. Moreover, the most influential and interesting place is the bedroom. This is due to the fact that it is in the bedroom that a person spends almost two thirds of his life, regardless of age.

The location of the bedroom relative to the cardinal directions

Feng Shui is a science that helps to tune vital energy in such a way that its effect on a person is favorable. However, it is not enough to correctly arrange the furniture in the room; you also need to correctly select the location of the room itself relative to the cardinal directions. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the age of the room’s inhabitants, their social status, marital status, and profession.

There are several options for choosing a place for the bedroom:

  • the northwestern part of the apartment is suitable for spouses who are not only happily married, but also quite successful in building a career;
  • the south-eastern and southern parts are designed to help young and creative people, seekers of constant adventures;
  • the western side of the apartment contributes to building a career, but such people will miss romance;
  • the southwestern part of the apartment is not conducive to upliftment in life in general, since sleeping in this part causes a feeling of insecurity own strength, anxiety, loss of strength.

A similar choice should be made in the case when there is no bedroom as such in the apartment, but only a functional area where the bed is located.

What furniture should be in the bedroom

To attract health, career success and love, it is important that the shape of the room is correct (ideally square or rectangular without niches), and that the interior is not overcrowded with furniture. The bedroom should contain only the essentials.

In addition to the bed, there may be:

The best option is an environment where there are no sharp corners. It is recommended to choose furniture with smooth lines and rounded corners. Moreover, all pieces of furniture must be new. Antique objects will bring their own history and foreign energy into the bedroom, which is not always positive.

At the same time, everything needs to be kept in order. First of all, this concerns order in the closet and a neatly made bed. Some objects are undesirable, for example, an aquarium (this is a symbol of wealth that you can successfully sleep through), a mirror opposite the bed.

How to choose and where to place a bed

This piece of furniture needs attention special attention, since a person rests directly on it. Not only comfortable mattress promotes full and healthy sleep, but also the correct location of the bed in the room. Remember that sleeping place should be as convenient and comfortable as possible. The idea of ​​replacing the bed with a folding chair or other similar furniture should be immediately discarded. This will not only contribute to the occurrence of diseases, but also a deterioration in the quality of life. The basic rules for choosing a bed are:

  • the bed should be double, even if you sleep on it alone;
  • the mattress should only be one-piece, even for a married couple, otherwise the spouses will constantly quarrel;
  • the bed must be stable and durable;
  • The bed should always be carefully made, bed linen should be fresh.

The bed should be a double even for one person

It is best to place the bed against the wall, which is located directly next to the door. During sleep, a person should see the door, but not lie with his feet towards it. Correct position body during sleep prevents the occurrence of diseases and promotes health. Placing a bed opposite the entrance is strictly prohibited.

If a double bed was purchased by a bachelor or a single woman, then there are rules for its placement in the room. It should stand against the wall not with its side, but with its head. This will help you avoid living alone.

There are rules that indicate how the bed cannot be placed:

  • You cannot place the bed in the center of the room; it must be adjacent to one side of the wall (as an option, place the bed diagonally if it is not possible to place it near the wall);
  • there is too much flow in the gap between the window and the door, which is not very favorable for a sleeping person (opaque curtains that will hold back this flow will help correct the situation);
  • there should be no vertical beams, pillars, columns, two doors near the bed, and beams and holes above the bed;
  • It is not recommended to place objects near your feet.

When choosing a bed, special attention should be paid to the headboard. It should protect the sleeper, and therefore be wide enough. The shape is ideally oval or round, which will increase family income. For normalization family relations It is better to choose a triangular headboard, and to preserve marital fidelity, it is better to choose a rectangular one.

There are other forms of headboards:

  • wavy is contraindicated for newlyweds, as it promotes peace in relationships;
  • with double curves brings in family life harmony.

A headboard in the form of an arch is strictly prohibited, as it affects a person’s well-being.

Video: bed placement according to Feng Shui

Bedroom decoration according to Feng Shui

When decorating a bedroom according to Feng Shui, you must follow certain rules. None of the finishing and decor elements should irritate or distract attention.

Choice of colors

The color design of a bedroom depends on the area in which a person wants to attract good luck:

  • passion - red color has a beneficial effect on this. But remember that such a design can drive you crazy, even if you have a balanced character. Therefore, for such a purpose it is better to use peach or orange, which adds passion and love to the couple’s relationship. It is not recommended to use blue bedding in such a room;
  • health - to strengthen it, you can choose light blue, green or lavender shades.

The color red helps to awaken passion, but there should not be too much of it

The choice of color also depends on the direction of the world to which the room is oriented:

  1. The southwest and northeast are parts of the world that represent the Earth, which means that for such a room it is recommended to choose colors similar to the shade of the earth. These are terracotta, ocher and cinnamon. They are best used for wall decoration.
  2. South is the main element of Fire. This focus is ideal for maintaining passion in a married couple, since the main colors are red, orange and their shades.
  3. The North is directly related to the element of Water. For a bedroom, this direction is the least favorable, since it requires the use of cold shades, such as blue, blue. A reminder of water in the bedroom is undesirable.
  4. The West and North-West require a metallic shade in the design of the walls.

When choosing finishing materials You need to pay attention not only to the color and presence of the pattern. If you do not want to purchase plain wallpaper, then the pattern should be small and even.

There are practically no options when choosing a color for the ceiling. For him, white is ideal, and any beams or other structures should be absent.

Feng Shui lighting: choosing chandeliers, lamps

The science of Feng Shui has its own rules in lighting design. The basic rule is sunlight should not fall on the sleeping place. This is due to the fact that the sun gives off enormous energy and charges the bed. It will be very difficult for a person to sleep on such a charged bed. The exception is when a new relationship begins. In this case, it is simply necessary to activate the energy.

In the bedroom, completely avoid artificial lighting will not work, but it is better to use only spotlights with soft light. You can additionally place night lights near the bed. At the same time, according to the science of Feng Shui, light attracts finances, and the brighter the lighting, the greater the income will be. Therefore, in this case you will have to choose.

For artificial lighting, you can choose exclusively spotlights and bedside lamps, completely abandoning the central chandelier

Textiles in the bedroom

The main rule in the bedroom is that the bed linen must be impeccable, so the bed will have to be carefully made every morning and the linen changed regularly. By the way, you need to choose it carefully. Feng Shui has its own rules for this. Prohibitions:

  • no predatory animals on the bed, as they symbolize a hidden threat;
  • cars, especially high-speed ones (often used in children's bedrooms) create anxiety;
  • dark purely masculine colors, for example, dark blue and black, provoke heart problems and the development of depression;
  • shades of water can instill in a person a sense of fear of this element;
  • The red color increases a person’s activity, which means there will be no proper rest (you can use such underwear during a romantic dinner).

It is better to choose high-quality underwear, made from natural materials.

You need to choose your pillows carefully. They do not always perform only a decorative function. Moreover, if you update them correctly, you can achieve very good results in the arrangement own life. However, in this case, special attention is paid not so much to their color, but to the rules of behavior with her. For example, you should not cry into your favorite pillow. It is better to do this directly in the bathroom.

Curtains in the bedroom should be pastel light colors

Thanks to curtains, you can independently adjust the flow of energy in the bedroom. When choosing, it is worth considering that the bedroom is a place of rest and relaxation, so they should be light and airy, pastel colors. The optimal shades are blue and green, but white is undesirable for curtains.

You can correct the flow of energy by making bedside tables cloth.

Feng Shui decoration

There should be nothing unnecessary in the bedroom, anything that can collect dust and create chaos in the room. Therefore, you need to choose decor carefully, thinking through every detail. Any decoration is allowed, but it must meet the requirements.

You can help your desires come true by placing the decor in your bedroom in accordance with the bagua square.

Paintings, posters and other similar decorations should not contain subjects that themselves have enormous energy. Peace and tranquility should reign in the bedroom. Undesirable subjects include:

  • stormy sea;
  • cars, especially high-speed ones;
  • wind;
  • predatory or rampaging animals;
  • competitions, wars and others like that.

Despite the huge selection of decor, some items should absolutely not be in the bedroom:

  • indoor plants, because they carry powerful energy;
  • artificial flowers made of silk are also prohibited because they have similar energy;
  • items of technology (the science of Feng Shui prohibits keeping even a telephone in the bedroom);
  • watches, especially very large sizes, but an alarm clock is allowed;
  • objects with water (aquarium, decorative fountain, as well as images of water on textiles, wallpaper and paintings);
  • weapons, arrows;
  • objects with corners.

A must-have decorative element is real candles.

Table: what items can be used in the bedroom

SymbolSymbol meaning
ButterfliesLove and joy
Twisted sinkProsperity and good luck in travel
Dovesromantic love
PomegranateMany children
GeeseFaith and fidelity in marriage
Trees in bloomLongevity
DragonSupreme symbol of luck and creativity
GoldfishSuccess in financial affairs
Umbrella or canopyProtection from thieves
Ceramic potsBefore entering the house - for the accumulation and direction of qi energy
Wheel of LawProtection
BellsDispelling Negative Energy
Beautiful sceneryLuck in life
SwallowsSuccess and abundance

Photo gallery: bedrooms decorated according to Feng Shui

The bed should always be perfectly made. It is better not to place any benches at the foot of the bed. The ceiling should be white without beams or holes. There should be no flowers or equipment in the bedroom. The bed must have a headboard.