What thickness is the best foam block for construction? Standard foam block sizes. Foam blocks for building a house. Density value and weight of foam block material

Then it’s time to ask the question: “How much of this material will be needed for construction?” To begin with, you should decide the question of how much space you need, whether you will make extensions to the house and internal partitions, as well as load-bearing walls made of foam blocks. To do this, you need to calculate the area of ​​​​all walls and calculate in advance the sizes of window and doorways and subtract them from total amount area. They play an important role in carrying out such calculations for building a house. It is from them that you can find out the amount of material.

What is a foam block and why is it better?

Few people do not know that foam blocks are made from foam concrete, which is a type of cellular concrete. Foam concrete blocks are porous lightweight concrete, consisting of a mixture of water, sand and cement. During its manufacture, specialized foam is added, which makes the block porous, giving it some important properties. Each block contains air bubbles with a diameter of 1-3 millimeters, and their volume reaches up to 85% of the total volume of the entire foam block.

Foam concrete blocks have a number of important advantages over similar building materials. Houses built from foam blocks do not require heating, due to which you can significantly save on heating, which means that energy costs will be lower. In such a house it is always cool in summer.

What are the dimensions of the foam block?

The sizes of foam blocks for building a house are quite decent, because the walls are 30 centimeters thick. It is interesting that without additional insulation, the thickness of such a wall will have the same properties as a brick wall whose thickness is 1.7 meters.

The parameters of each block are stable (height, thickness, length in centimeters):

  • for walls – 20x30x60,
  • for partitions – 10x30x60.

As a rule, the sizes of foam blocks for building a house can be different. Therefore, when purchasing, this must be taken into account, because depending on this, the number of blocks can be either more or less. It is worth noting that there are foam concrete blocks used in construction only for construction, which means they will not withstand the load-bearing load because they are quite thin.

Please note that changes in block dimensions are reflected only in the width and thickness of the blocks, and in length they are usually standard - 60 cm.

The thickness of the blocks ranges from 5 cm to 50. They are made in such a way that 2.5 centimeters are added to the thickness each time, that is, there is a pattern - 5; 7.5; 10; 12.5…..etc. up to 50 cm.

Naturally, the thicker the blocks, the stronger and stronger they are. bearing capacity, respectively, higher. But it is not always and not in every city that you can choose any size of foam blocks for building a house. Most often they can be found in large cities, where there is a high demand for them, or close to the enterprises that produce them.

If the city is located far from enterprises, then sellers are not too puzzled and bring standard block sizes, which are considered the most optimal and are used in most construction projects.

How to calculate the number of foam blocks?

So, if you have one layer, then you need, as mentioned earlier, to calculate the area of ​​the walls minus the openings for doors and windows, and then divide by the side sectional area of ​​the block, which is usually 300x600 mm or 200x600 mm.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated, and all because there is almost no waste during such construction. If the blocks need to be cut, this can be done using a regular hacksaw. There is no need to throw away the scraps; they will come in handy. They can also be used to make a block, which can also be used to lay a wall.

Please note that the seams between the blocks do not need to be taken into account, because when correct installation blocks using specialized glue, so-called mastic, they are almost invisible.

Even if when laying you use the usual cement mortar, taking into account the size of the blocks, the seams will also be small.

Please note that when purchasing blocks, do not forget that some blocks may be damaged upon delivery, just as during the construction process, so you should take several blocks in reserve. Typically, about 2-3% of the total number of foam blocks is taken as a reserve.

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Today, the construction of a facility for any purpose is a costly process that not every person can handle. To somehow reduce costs, foam block material is used. It is quickly gaining popularity due to its advantages. The foam block is made from a cement composition, sand, water and a foaming agent. The mass is cut or laid out in molds and given time to gain strength. The size of the foam block can be different, according to generally accepted standards. Another main advantage of the material is the weight of the foam block, which allows construction work without the use of special equipment.

Manufacturing Features

When choosing materials from the group of cellular concrete, you should pay attention to every detail. The fact is that it depends on them how reliable and warm your object will be.

What does the foam block consist of? For its production, a cement composition, water and sifted sand are used. The components are mixed, a foaming composition is added to them, and the mass is poured into molds. The process of strengthening occurs in normal conditions. To obtain foam concrete of the desired composition, it is necessary to strictly observe the proportions of the components per 1 m3.

To lay rows of blocks that differ greatly in size, use a simple solution. In this case, the adhesive composition will cost you too much. But it should be remembered that the solution will reduce the thermal insulation properties of the walls, forming “cold bridges”.

Technical indicators of the material

The main characteristics of foam concrete blocks include:

  1. The density indicator is physical quantity, expressed as the ratio of weight to volume (area).
  2. Weight - depends on the density of the block at normal humidity levels, can range from 8.5 - 47 kg and depends on the type and size of the foam block - length, width and height. By specifying the density, you can find out how much 1 cubic meter of foam block weighs.
  3. Frost resistance. It is expressed by the number of freeze-thaw cycles and can vary depending on the brand of material.

Density value and weight of foam block material

Blocks may vary in density. To designate it, use the Latin letter D (d), followed by numbers from 300 to 1,200 in increments of one hundred. The weight and strength of the block depend on the density indicator, which also increases as it increases, but at the same time the material reduces its thermal insulation characteristics. Because of this, according to the scope of application, they distinguish the following types foam blocks:

  • d 300 – d 500 – thermal insulating block material. It is used for insulating balconies or loggias. Such blocks cannot withstand heavy loads;
  • d 600 – d 900 – structural and thermal insulation block. Its second name is construction. The material can withstand a certain load and retains heat well. It is most often used in the construction of residential buildings. The best option for building walls is d 600 (d 700). The thickness of the foam block with this density allows you to build walls 35 - 45 cm wide, sometimes even additional insulation is not required;
  • d 1,000 – d 1,200 – construction material. It can withstand significant loads, but has a low level of thermal conductivity and requires an insulating layer. It is practically not used for private construction.

The density of foam concrete affects its weight and is expressed in kg per m3.

In fact, the brand designates specific gravity foam concrete, expressed in kg, which accounts for 1 m3 of material. For example, one cubic meter a foam block d 400 weighs about four hundred kilograms, and a cube with a density d 800 is twice as heavy.

Material parameters

The production of foam concrete is regulated by GOST, which determines not only the characteristics, but also the dimensions of the blocks. There is an addition that determines the possibility of producing material according to individual customer orders. So, we have found out what types of foam blocks there are, and now we will look at their sizes.

Wall material in most cases has dimensions of 600 x 300 x 200 mm. There are companies that produce material whose length reaches 62.5 cm. All other sizes remain the same.

In any case, a 30 cm thick wall is erected from one row of blocks. Since the weight of the foam block in the amount of 1 piece is 21 - 26 kg, the work can be done independently.

Wall block material comes in different formats. To the main dimensions used in construction load-bearing walls and partitions include:

  • 600 x 300 x 200 mm - the most popular block size;
  • 60 x 30 x 25 cm;
  • 600 x 300 x 300;
  • 600 x 300 x 400.

If the density of the foam block is D 600 (700), then you can work alone with material whose width is 20 or 25 cm. Larger material with dimensions of 30 - 40 cm in width implies the presence of construction site assistant The height of the foam block should be the same for ease of masonry.

There is also a small-format material that is used for installing an insulating layer or for constructing partitions of small thickness. The dimensions of such blocks are as follows:

  • 600 x 300 x 100;
  • 600 x 300 x 150.

It is easy to build from this material because their weight is small - up to 10 kg.

Experts assure that the following canonical dimensions are considered standard options:

  • 20 x 40 x 60 cm – for constructing an external load-bearing wall;
  • 30 x 20 x 60 cm – used in the construction of internal walls;
  • 10 x 30 x 60 - partitions are built from them.

The list of standard sizes defined by GOST also included more non-standard options: 50 x 250 x 600; 100 x 250 x 600; 120 x 250 x 600; 200 x 200 x 400; 200 x 400 x 600; 250 x 250 x 600; 300 x 600 x 600; 600 x 250 x 75; 600 x 250 x 100; 600 x 400 x 200. There are also such options - 20 x 20 x 40; 20 x 20 x 60; 20 x 30 x 40 cm. On request, partition material is produced, the thickness of which is 70 mm.

The standard dimensions of the foam block and its weight, taking into account the density, are given in the table:

Dimensions, mm Quantity per cubic meter Weight of 1 m3 of foam concrete taking into account density, kg
D 400 D 500 D 600 D 700 D 800 D 900 D 1000 D 1100 D 1200
100 x 300 x 600 56
150 x 300 x 600 37
200 x 300 x 600 28
300 x 200 x 600 28
400 x 300 x 600 14

Blocks for load-bearing walls

The standard dimensions of foam concrete blocks in this case are 20 x 40 x 60 or 20 x 30 x 60 cm. For what reason do almost everyone use this particular material?

The main reason is that larger block material is more difficult to transport to the installation site, and smaller blocks have a lower level of thermal stability. According to many homeowners, best option foam block walls - from 30 to 40 cm.

A comfortable microclimate is perfectly maintained in such a room. At the same time, the width of the grillage beam or foundation base for a block of such width will not exceed 45 - 60 cm, which also makes it possible to save money during construction.

Partition material

These structures do not experience serious loads, they are not subject to high requirements for heat resistance, so the dimensions of the foam block can be reduced to 10 x 30 x 60 cm. For what reason are blocks with smaller parameters not used? In this case, the strength of the partitions will be low. In this case, it is not recommended to reduce the width, because it is quite difficult to create an even partition from a material whose thickness is from 5 cm to 8 cm. And blocks 50 mm (80 mm) thick may not be able to withstand the weight of room decor.

An internal partition thicker than 10 cm will not be beneficial in terms of savings. A 100 mm foam block will reduce the interior space of the room, but will be sufficiently rigid.

How to determine the amount of block material

We found out what size foam block is best for building a house. The standard nature of its dimensions gives another advantage - using known parameters it is easy to calculate total number stones that will be required for construction work.

So, how many cubes of foam block are needed to build a house 8 by 8 meters? To carry out all calculations, you must perform the following steps:

  • add up all sides to determine the overall perimeter of the object. In this case, it is recommended to record the results in centimeters;
  • specify the height of future walls;
  • since the length of the standard block is 60 cm, the entire perimeter is divided by this value. We will get the number of blocks in one masonry row;

  • All that remains is to divide the height of the walls by 20 (30, 40) cm (an indicator of the height or width of one stone) to obtain the number of rows;
  • to obtain the total amount of material left, multiply the number of blocks in a row by the number of rows.

Naturally, any object requires the presence of window and door openings. This means that total quantity material is reduced by dividing the total opening area by a similar value of the masonry. Then you need to add five to ten percent to the resulting number to create a supply of material for trimming and chipping.

For partitions, you should use material with dimensions of 10 x 30 x 60 cm. To determine the number of blocks, you will have to divide the length of the wall by 60, and the height by 30. We multiply the resulting values, adding no more than 5 - 10% for unforeseen circumstances.

To simplify calculations, many manufacturers indicate on the packaging material in the marking how many foam blocks are needed per 100 sq m of masonry.

To transport such material you will need truck. You should not try to save money and do independent removal using a trailer.

You should purchase cutting material. It has more precise dimensions than the molding one. And the edges of the latter leave much to be desired in terms of fragility.

To arrange warm walls, foam concrete block D 600 should be used. Very durable material D 1 100 is purchased in rare cases, because its thermal stability is half that of its previous analogue.

After every third row, the masonry is reinforced using a reinforcing rod.

As follows from reviews of foam blocks, even after 10 years of operation, the material should retain its original grayish tint. This suggests that the correct concentration of cement and sand was used to prepare the stones.

You should not purchase material at the beginning of the spring season. Even if the price is reasonable, you may be offered products from last year, which have absorbed a lot of water while in storage. This material has already lost some of its strength.

Having finished laying the masonry, it is necessary not to delay finishing works to protect the wall material from excess moisture.

At maximum short terms. This material has captivated domestic builders with its performance qualities, which is why its range and number of manufacturers is constantly growing. Unfortunately, the percentage of foam blocks produced by handicraft methods without taking into account any standards is also increasing, so choose quality material It's getting more and more difficult. Which foam blocks are suitable in each specific case? And what to look for when buying to purchase truly high-quality, strong and durable material?

No. 1. Features of foam block production

The basis of the foam block is cement, sand and water. A special foam is carefully added, which is usually obtained on the basis of a surfactant or foam concentrate. Homogeneous mass cut or put into shapes, leaving to harden in the open air or in an autoclave.

The not-so-complicated production process allows dubious companies to produce foam blocks, which has led to a flood of the market with products that do not comply with GOST. Factory packaging in plastic film, the presence and markings indicating the density, purpose and permissible errors in dimensions indirectly indicate the integrity of the manufacturer.

IN general scheme There are some differences in the production of foam blocks, which mostly relate to the formation of individual blocks, which determines the quality and geometry of the product. According to manufacturing technology, foam blocks are divided into the following types:

Foam blocks are often confused with aerated concrete. What are the differences? The main one is hidden in the composition. To make foam blocks, a mixture of cement, sand and water is used, and the gas generators are different. Instead of special foam, lime and aluminum dust are added to aerated concrete, as a result of the interaction of which hydrogen is released, which foams the mass. Is different internal structure: aerated concrete has continuous pores. Besides, it definitely passes heat treatment, that's why it costs more.

No. 2. Advantages and disadvantages of foam blocks

If the foam block is made with high quality and in compliance with all requirements, then it receives a lot of excellent performance qualities, which is why it has gained such significant popularity.

The main advantages of foam blocks:

The main disadvantages of foam blocks:

Foam blocks have more advantages than disadvantages, and if you choose the right material, then the construction will be durable and reliable. You can build from foam blocks . To increase strength, it is recommended to reinforce the walls.

No. 3. Foam block size

The first thing that is taken into account when purchasing a foam block is its size. Today, almost all manufacturers produce foam blocks of these sizes:

All foam blocks in a batch must be strictly the same size- this is a guarantee that they will fit exactly against each other. Checking before purchasing can be done by measuring the parameters of the blocks and comparing them, or by placing the blocks on a flat surface, so you can compare the sizes of the products and see how tightly they fit together. The presence of gaps and steps on the surface of the blocks is not allowed - this will not only increase construction costs, but can also lead to the formation of cold bridges.

No. 4. Density and frost resistance of foam blocks

Density is a key characteristic of foam blocks. According to this parameter, the material is assigned one or another grade. Density is indicated by the letterD, foam blocks of the following brands are available on the market: fromD400 toD1200 . Foam blocks with different densities are used for different purposes:

As the density increases, the thermal insulation characteristics of the blocks decrease, as the amount of air retained in its structure decreases.

Another characteristic of foam blocks is frost resistance, i.e. the number of freezing and thawing cycles that the material can withstand without changing its properties. This indicator is designated letterF, followed by a number indicating the number of allowable freezing and defrosting cycles. This indicator ranges from 15 to 75. The highest level of frost resistance is suitable for areas with extremely harsh climates.

No. 5. Foam block structure

No. 6. What else should be taken into account when examining the foam block externally?

Since the production of foam blocks does not require special equipment, today the number of unscrupulous entrepreneurs offering products that do not comply with GOST standards is growing, so it is becoming increasingly difficult to choose a truly durable and high-quality material. When examining the foam block externally, you should focus on the following: signs of quality material:

And finally it's better trust, which has been on the market for a long time - this gives a higher guarantee that the constructed structure will be durable and the foam block will meet your expectations.

During the construction of country houses or country houses Foam blocks are often used. They have become so widespread due to the ease of manufacture and low cost of the components. To produce the material, cement, sand, water are mixed, and a synthetic or natural foaming agent is added. The resulting composition is molded or cut and then dried to make the blocks strong.

Simple technology allows you to make them even at home. In addition, foam blocks allow you to build a building in a fairly short time. For example, small house or the bathhouse will be ready in just six months. And if the walls are finished with high-quality facing material, then the building will have a solid appearance.

Before purchasing material for a planned construction project, you should first determine for what purpose it will be intended. Manufacturers of building materials offer a huge range, which allows you to choose exactly the type of foam blocks that are suitable for solving specific construction problems. But how to understand such diversity and make the right choice?

Types of foam blocks are distinguished depending on density indicators, manufacturing technology, design and method of hardening during the manufacturing process.

Modern construction companies offer products of different densities, which determine its thermal insulation and strength properties. Blocks are produced in three types:

  1. Structural. This is the most durable type of foam concrete, which can withstand heavy loads and, due to such characteristics, can be used even for the construction of high multi-storey buildings. However, buildings should be additionally insulated, since this material has a fairly high thermal conductivity.
  2. Thermal insulation blocks have low thermal conductivity, protecting the room from cold air. However, they are not strong enough. Therefore, they are most often used as an additional thermal insulation layer.
  3. Structural insulating foam blocks are characterized not only by great strength, but also high level thermal insulation properties. They are used for the construction of partitions and load-bearing walls. They can also be used for the construction of baths, one and two-story houses and other low buildings.

According to manufacturing technology, there are the following types of foam concrete blocks:

  1. Molded - used in production special forms equipped with partitions.
  2. Sliced ​​blocks are obtained by cutting the finished raw mixture using a steel string.
  3. Reinforced. When creating this type of block, one more ingredient is added to the raw mass - polypropylene fiber. It adds greater strength to the product.

Depending on the curing method, foam blocks come in the following types:

  1. Autoclave - the drying process is carried out at high temperatures in an autoclave.
  2. Non-autoclave blocks harden under natural conditions or in special steaming chambers.

Types of foam concrete blocks by design:

  1. Wall blocks are the most common. Thanks to the good operational characteristics, they are often recommended to be used for construction country house, sauna, bathhouse, private garage or other outbuildings.
  2. Partition foam blocks are thinner than the previous type of material. It is only 100 - 150 mm. Partitions are constructed from them in order to separate interior spaces home or bathhouse. In addition, these blocks can be easily sawed and cut. Therefore, they are often used to create partitions with curved or arched openings. They are also considered indispensable when securing some hanging interior elements. Foam concrete partitions can be constructed in various ways.
  3. U-shaped building foam blocks act as a kind of trays. Reinforcement or other necessary elements are laid in a special recess.
  4. Reinforced lintels are beams made of foam concrete, which are additionally reinforced with a steel frame. They can be used instead of traditional reinforced concrete lintels.
  5. Custom blocks are made based on customer preferences.

Dimensions of foam concrete blocks

There are foam blocks various sizes. You should purchase them based on the chosen project, possible weight loads and material characteristics. Sometimes buyers want to make building blocks unusual sizes. But in industry, as a rule, products are produced in standard sizes. For laying on cement mortar they are made foam concrete blocks these sizes (in mm):

  • 198x295x598
  • 198x245x598
  • 298x195x598
  • 198x195x398
  • 298x245x298
  • 98x295x598
  • 98x245x598
  • 98x195x398

And for adhesive laying the following dimensions are provided (in mm):

  • 88x200x398
  • 88x250x588
  • 88x300x588
  • 119x250x588
  • 144x300x588
  • 188x200x388
  • 188x250x588
  • 188x300x588
  • 288x250x288
  • 288x200x588

But buying building material, it is important to pay attention to ensuring that the actual dimensions of the blocks correspond to the data declared by the manufacturer. After all, even a slight difference can bring a lot of inconvenience and additional financial expenses.

Characteristics of foam concrete blocks

The properties of foam blocks are largely determined by the density of the foam concrete from which they are made, as well as the correctness of all production processes. The main characteristics of this material are:

  1. Density (on the product it will be indicated by the Latin letter D and a number).
  2. Weight (depends on the density of foam concrete at natural humidity).
  3. Frost resistance is quite high and can reach 75 freezing and thawing cycles.

Foam concrete blocks are a good option for building houses, because they have the necessary strength and durability. The material does not rot and is not susceptible to insects or fungi. And this helps create a healthy indoor microclimate. And despite low price, you can build a fairly respectable and beautiful mansion from foam blocks, as in the photo.

Development construction technologies leads to improved construction quality. Time-tested materials are combined in new ways, creating unexpected combinations with impressive properties. This is what happened with concrete. The material, widely used by the builders of Ancient Rome, after a series of experiments became the ancestor of lightweight concrete.

Foam concrete can be considered one of the most successful and widespread varieties of this group. Make the most of best properties material is made possible by foam concrete blocks, the characteristics of which best meet the requirements of building regulations.

House wall made of foam blocks Source lt.decorexpro.com

What is foam concrete - everything you wanted to know

Foam concrete belongs to the group of cellular concrete. It is often confused with aerated concrete, which differs in composition and finishing technology (can be autoclaved or non-autoclaved).

The basis of foam concrete is sand, water and cement. Production technology has remained virtually unchanged since the 1930s. Foaming additives, organic or synthetic, are added to the cement mortar. Additives foam the mass of the solution, saturating it with air bubbles and increasing the volume. The bubbles are distributed throughout the mixture, and when cured, they leave closed cavities (cells). Such pores reduce the density of the material; In addition to lightness, concrete acquires other properties useful for construction.

Since cement is used to produce cellular concrete binder, its strength continues to increase long after manufacture (tests have shown that strength increases 3-4 times after 30-40 years of operation).

Foam concrete blocks according to GOST Source kamtehnopark.ru

Technology for the production of foam concrete blocks

The production of foam concrete does not require the construction of a complex technological chain. The cement-sand mixture is placed in a mixing container, into which additives are supplied from the foam generator in the form of foam in an aqueous solution. A complex of foaming agents increases the strength and frost resistance of the material, reduces thermal conductivity and drying shrinkage. There are two types of foam concentrates:

    Organic (protein origin). The product is environmentally friendly and more durable (the cell walls are thicker).

    Synthetic. The material has hazard class 4 (can release toxic substances) and is less durable; not recommended for residential construction.

Sometimes VSM fiber fiber (construction micro-reinforcing fiber) is used as an additive, which increases the strength of the material or dry ash (fly ash), which allows saving cement.

Mixing of the starting components occurs under pressure. Then the mixture is cast into special molds (cassettes) or as a monolith. In the second case, after drying, the mass is cut to specified sizes.

After production, foam concrete blocks are additionally kept in storage Source kamtehnopark.ru

Excess water evaporates during drying. Hardening occurs naturally, which reduces the uniformity of the fine-cell structure (compared to aerated concrete). The simplicity of the process allows you to prepare foam concrete directly on the construction site. The material turns out to be cheap, since its production requires 2-4 times less cement.

Technical characteristics of foam concrete

With the growing volume of low-rise construction, the popularity of foam concrete products is increasing. Foam blocks, the sizes and prices of which are very variable, also attract with their set of technical and operational properties.

Advantages and disadvantages of foam block

    Low density. Structures made of lightweight material exert the minimum possible pressure on the foundation (the density is 4 times less than that of expanded clay concrete).

    Strength. Allows the construction of load-bearing walls (in buildings up to 3 floors of grades from D900 and above).

    Thermal conductivity. 3-4 times lower than that of ordinary brick. Low thermal conductivity ensures comfortable conditions living in any climate, keeping the room cool in summer and warm in winter. The consequence is energy saving.

    Soundproofing. An important factor in urban environments.

    Fire hazard. Foam concrete is a non-combustible material.

The limit of unilateral exposure is 5-7 hours Source: theconstructor.org

    Moisture resistance. Blocks made in accordance with GOST have almost no open pores and are able to float on the surface of water for days without absorbing it.

    Environmental friendliness. Foam block with organic foaming agents does not emit toxic substances.

The disadvantages include the unesthetic appearance of the building, which requires finishing. It is also necessary to monitor the geometry of the products. Because of uneven surface the width of mortar joints increases. To prevent thermal conductivity from deteriorating, the parameter should not exceed 2 mm; Why is it more convenient to use glue?

On our website you can get acquainted with the most popular projects of houses made of foam blocks from construction companies presented at the exhibition of houses “Low-Rise Country”.

Unique advantages that the foam concrete block has

    Saving money. The material itself is cheap, which allows you to save on purchases. Plus, thanks to the lightness of foam blocks, the foundation for a house can be made less powerful, which also reduces the budget. Costs for transportation, storage and wall laying are reduced.

    Saving time and labor costs. Foam block, which is much larger in size and lighter in weight than brick, allows you to simplify and speed up the construction process.

A definite plus is ease of processing Source stavba.ru

    Ease of processing. Foam blocks are easy to cut, drill and groove with a standard tool, a grinder or hand hacksaw. This simplifies all types of work - finishing, plumbing and electrical wiring.

Disadvantages of foam concrete blocks that sellers are silent about

Foam concrete blocks are a proven raw material for private construction and insulation of walls of finished buildings. Like any material, foam concrete has a number of features, ignorance of which leads to improper use and disappointment.

Low compressive strength

In an effort to reduce production costs, a manufacturer can use raw materials (cement) of low quality. When purchasing a batch of blocks, it is worth checking the certificate. You can check the brand strength by driving a nail 10 cm long into the foam block. Strength corresponds to the standard if it cannot be removed with bare hands.

The manufacturer seeks to avoid additional storage costs finished products. The brand strength of foam concrete (100%) is achieved only on the 28th day after production and subsequently increases over the course of decades. Using blocks before the expiration of this period (1 month) can lead to shrinkage and cracks in the finished structures.

Loading a batch of foam concrete Source coralz.ru

Construction Features

    Foam concrete structures require reinforcement, which is carried out on every 4-5 rows of blocks and next to openings, even for one-story buildings. This will allow for reliable installation of the floors and rafter system.

    Blocks for facade finishing must have a frost resistance coefficient of 50 (the coefficient of running blocks D500 ranges from 25-35), otherwise deformation is inevitable.

    To decorate the walls, special plasters and paints are used; regular finishing is deformed and is guaranteed to become cracked. The structure should be protected from waterlogging during work.

    In conditions middle zone minimum thickness The masonry should be 640 mm thick (a standard block is 500 mm thick), a monolithic strip foundation is preferable.

Features of fasteners.

Although self-tapping screws and nails are screwed into aerated concrete like wood, they do not stay there well; Due to low mechanical strength, the porous material crumbles easily. If you need to hang something heavier than a picture, standard dowels or anchors will not work. When installing furniture, electrical equipment or plumbing fixtures, fasteners specially designed for porous walls are used. It is made of metal, plastic or nylon; There are chemical anchors with adhesive-based fixation.

Drive-in reinforced anchor for aerated concrete Source klademkirpich.ru

The main areas of application of foam blocks

Foam blocks are widely used for the construction of residential and industrial buildings. They are used for:

    Construction of load-bearing walls. Blocks of durable grades are suitable.

    Construction of interior walls.

    Thermal insulation. Foam blocks of minimum density are used, since their thermal insulation (as well as sound insulation) properties are maximum.

Video description

For a clear overview of foam concrete and its features, watch the video:

Types and characteristics of foam blocks (sizes and weight)

Foam concrete blocks, the sizes and prices of which fit into several classes, are divided depending on their density (the number of air cavities per unit volume) and purpose. The fewer pores, the higher the density, thermal conductivity, strength and dimension of the brand.

    Construction blocks. Brands D1000-D1200 are used for load-bearing structures. Such blocks take on the weight of the floors, the next floor and the roof. They have maximum strength and weight.

    Combined blocks (structural and thermal insulation). Grades D600-D900 are suitable for load-bearing structures and effective thermal insulation in private construction.

External differences between brands with different densities Source 1beton.info

    Thermal insulation. Lightweight blocks with maximum thermal insulation, suitable for internal partitions. Brands D100-D500 are used.

The standard size of foam block for building a house has several options. For external load-bearing walls, a standard wall block with dimensions of 600x300x200 or 600x400x200 mm is most often used, for internal load-bearing walls - 300x200x600 mm, partitions are laid using blocks of 100x300x600 mm. The scatter is associated with the formation features different types masonry

The weight of the blocks depends on the brand (it differs for blocks of the same size, but of different brands).

It is important to understand that over time, under the influence weather conditions, the weight of the foam blocks will inevitably increase. This is taken into account when designing the foundation.

There are tables in which you can track changes in weight depending on humidity. Weight wall block(with an initial weight of 10.8 to 43.2 kg) can vary from 11.7 to 47.5 kg (at 75% relative humidity).

Prices for foam blocks

The price of a foam block depends on the manufacturer and brand. Average prices:

    A structural block of standard size 600x300x200 will cost 3200-4500 rubles. /1 m³.

    Structural and thermal insulation block (wall) – 120-140 rubles/piece; half block – 60-75 rub. /pcs.; the average price of 1 m³ varies between 3200-3800 rubles.

    A thermal insulation block of brands D100-D500 and dimensions 400x200x600 mm will cost 2700-3000 rubles. /1 m³, 1 block costs 117-120 rubles.

Ideal geometry of quality products Source derevyannyy.com

The sizes of foam concrete blocks may vary from one manufacturer to another. When purchasing, you should pay attention to the color and surface quality of the material. High-quality foam concrete should have a uniform grayish color. According to the technology, the blocks cannot turn out bright white; disruption of the process leads to brittleness. There should be no chips or cracks on the smooth surface, the cells should not be connected to each other.

What is more profitable to use in the construction of objects: aerated concrete block or foam block

    Isolated air pores in foam blocks do not allow the wall to “breathe” and do not transmit heat well. Therefore, polystyrene foam can be used for additional insulation of foam concrete structures. Aerated concrete, which has a breathable structure, is recommended to be insulated mineral wool, allowing air to pass through.

Video description

A visual comparison of foam blocks and gas blocks in the video:

    Gas block is 3-4 times stronger than foam block (if we compare brands with equal density); the plaster lays on it more evenly. At the same time, aerated concrete easily absorbs and releases moisture. With the same density, the foam block floats on the surface of the water, while the aerated concrete block is partially submerged in the water.

    The porosity of aerated concrete is more uniform than that of foam concrete, this is due to the peculiarities of production. Because of the pores different sizes The thermal conductivity of different foam concrete blocks may vary.

    A wall made of foam blocks absorbs moisture more slowly than a wall made of gas blocks. But both facades need protection from direct contact with water.

    Aerated concrete is made from natural ingredients. In the production of foam blocks, foaming agents of synthetic origin are used, which can be harmful to human health.

Application of assembly adhesive Source besplatka.ua

    Foam concrete blocks are more profitable (cheaper) than aerated concrete ones. But more money will be spent on cement mortar for masonry than on glue.


Both gas and foam concrete blocks serve as a universal material that is widely used in private construction. They are used for laying load-bearing walls and partitions, interfloor ceilings. With their help, external walls and basements are insulated. They are successfully used for the construction of garages and utility buildings. In any case, for the construction to be strong and durable, the material should be purchased from a trusted manufacturer with good recommendations. It is also important to consider the characteristics of the material.