Chalet house color schemes. Chalet style houses, style features, projects, layout and design. Living-dining room in the spirit of a chalet

One of the old ones French styles the interior is a chalet. Translated from French, “chalet” means a hotel or house in a rural style. Initially, this word denoted small rural houses in the Alps that served as shelter for travelers and shepherds in bad weather; later it began to be used to describe a whole direction in interior design, made in a rustic style.

Features of chalet style in the interior

The chalet style in a country house involves all the same techniques that were used at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries. This:

  • simplicity;
  • practicality;
  • naturalness;
  • warmth and comfort.

Chalet style often uses ceiling beams made of untreated wood.

Raw materials are often used in the interior:

  • unpainted wooden floors,
  • walls plastered or lined with wood, but without final finishing,
  • protruding ceiling beams,
  • large fireplace, roughly lined with natural stone.

All objects in the interior seem durable, stable, massive, and reliable. It is these principles of chalet style that made it so popular in decoration. country houses.

Regarding the colors that should prevail in the interior of the chalet, designers note mainly warm, natural shades:

  • dark brown;
  • vanilla;
  • cream;
  • chocolate;
  • terracotta;
  • ocher;
  • brick;
  • caramel.

Natural materials, fireplace, calm natural colors - the rules of the chalet style

As for accents, the most successful colors will be dark green or burgundy shades.

Furniture, as well as all interior decoration, is welcomed to be rough, with poorly processed surfaces, aged, but massive. Comfortable, simple leather furniture – sofas and armchairs – is appropriate in the living room.

The lighting in the room should be soft. Often designers use heavy, stable floor lamps, as well as an abundance of candles in massive forged candlesticks. Such light, combined with the fire in the fireplace, creates an atmosphere of peace, tranquility, and warmth in the room, and this is exactly what is so lacking in everyday life.

The decor should match the entire interior:

  • clay products;
  • rural embroidery;
  • textiles are only natural, it is better if the fabric is not dyed;
  • bunches of aromatic dried herbs;
  • old paintings or photos (how to decorate a wall with them - in the material);
  • forged products.

Any items related to hunting - deer antlers, animal skins, etc. - are relevant for a chalet like no other style.

The right materials for a chalet style

Those who have decided to decorate a country house in a chalet style should remember what should not be in the interior. This:

  • plastic;
  • glass;
  • chromed metal parts;
  • fancy fittings, decor, etc.

But the following must be present:

  • tree;
  • stone;
  • natural textiles of animal or plant origin - wool, fur, silk, linen, cotton;
  • iron.

A log house in the village is the most suitable option to decorate its interior in a chalet style. Ceiling beams- do not hide them, but if they are not there, you can erect decorative ones. Fireplace - a resounding yes! Be sure to cover it with a stone, and carelessly throw a fur bedding in front of it.

Plastic windows are not a suitable solution for a chalet-style house, however, everyone understands that often modern materials there's no escape. If you still choose plastic, let it imitate wood. Decorate windows not with elaborate curtains, but with simple, natural curtains or wooden blinds.

By the way, wicker parts (furniture or for decoration) are allowed. They add a bit of airiness and grace to the massive, high-quality environment, and thanks to their natural execution, they are in perfect harmony with the rest of the design elements.

A country house decorated in a chalet style is always warm and cozy

To understand the chalet style, imagine yourself on a cold winter evening in a cozy armchair in front of the fireplace, covered with a wool blanket, with a glass of good wine. The house is warm and comfortable, the fire is crackling. Despite the blizzard outside the window, there is a feeling of peace and security inside the building. If this is your thing, then choose a chalet-style interior, and you will not regret it.

Despite its simplicity and unpretentiousness, the chalet style does not look shabby or unpresentable. On the contrary, nobility natural materials, solid furniture, rare decorative elements give it a special charm and aesthetics, noticeable and making you fall in love at first sight.

The following video will reveal the secrets of the chalet style:

Home Sweet Home. He always opens his warm arms when we return to him. He protects us and calms us down... “Houses and walls help” - that’s what our ancestors said. And we... And we try to make our home cozy and beautiful, fill it with our energy and pour a piece of our soul into it, fortunately, now there are no problems with realizing our fantasies in the interior.

But there are a huge number of interior options. And here the main thing is to choose your own, in which you and your loved ones will be comfortable and harmonious. Some people prefer baroque style design, others like high-tech, and some prefer a warm and simple rustic chalet-style interior.

The name “Chalet” itself comes from Chalet (shawl) - this was the name of the huts of Alpine shepherds who went into the mountains for a long time and needed reliable and warm shelter: wrapping up in a shawl and waiting out the bad weather by a cheerful fireplace is so romantic... The homeland of such huts - Alpine regions of Switzerland, France and Italy.

Chalet-style houses and interiors are distinguished by good quality, discreetness and simplicity. The chalet style has so captivated many with its enveloping coziness and harmony that they are trying to recreate a small piece of the Alps even in city apartments.

Chalet style house interior

There are several basic principles for building a chalet - the windows should be maximum size and facing the east side - for maximum and uniform use of natural light. And the second principle is the roof, which carries the function of protection from snowfall and bad weather, therefore a sloping roof and the presence of wide projections are mandatory. The sloping roof is the main accent of the alpine roof; it has to protect the house from heavy snowfalls, and it is this design that allows an avalanche to smoothly slide off the roof.

The third principle - the architecture of the chalet is simple and unpretentious, but sound and environmentally friendly. In the construction of a chalet-style house, only natural materials- wood and stone. No plastic or metal, just wood, which fades over time and the chalet, like aged cognac, only increases its magic and charm.

Fortunately, modern technologies used in the architecture of small buildings have become as identical as possible to natural materials, which significantly reduces the cost of building chalet-style houses.

If you are planning to build a house in alpine style, then your chalet should play in unison with the adjacent landscape area without a single false note. As a rule, the area adjacent to the house is left as authentic as possible. The main principle of landscape designers in this case is to create a non-intervention effect. Yes. That's right - this is not a reservation.

The cozy atmosphere of a garden plot, where spruces, pines and shrubs are rampant, and stones are frozen in quaint alpine roller coaster, supporting unpretentious and tenacious flowers, will perfectly complement ensembles of wicker furniture and massive and angular objects made of solid wood. Streams, waterfalls and artificial ponds with waterfowl will complement the effect of a wild and pristine natural environment.

Chalet style interior

As you may have guessed, a chalet-style interior is special in its simplicity, with its own unique features, although some people casually call it rustic. For God's sake. This does not negate comfort and coziness.

The highlight of the chalet style, we repeat once again, is based on the naturalness and authenticity of the materials used. Wood and stone serve as a musical background, against which a fireplace, multi-level lighting, soft textiles and brutal furniture are the soloists - everything that forms the basis of warmth and comfort.

The chalet-style design itself is unpretentious, so many of the interior details can be made with your own hands, because “handmade” is another of the highlights of an Alpine house.

The chalet includes an abundance of images in the interior with mountain and forest landscapes; forest motifs with plants and stuffed animals and birds. The interior colors are the colors of nature itself: whitish, all shades of brown, the colors of foliage and pine needles, the tonality of the stone palette.

As we mentioned, the main accent of the chalet interior is the hearth or fireplace. It is he who is one of the main soloists of this unique orchestra of Alpine style details, it is he who is the main and solo subject of the chalet style, to whose tune the walls, furniture and textiles of the house dance.

Nowadays, a fireplace in its classical sense can be replaced by decorative imitation with elements of gas or electric combustion and in many homes serves as decor for huge plasma TV panels.

No less important notes of the chalet style are the ceiling beams and ceilings, wall panels and stairs. Wood is everywhere and in everything. Lots of wood... There are a lot of animal skins instead of carpets, although carpets are also appropriate, coarse with large weaving and patterns.

Chalet style in city apartments

Particularly ardent admirers of chalet-style interiors do not always have the opportunity to purchase a plot of land to build an Alpine shepherd’s house on it.

In such cases, you have to get out and create a chalet interior, as they say, from improvised means in a limited space and the absence of high ceilings and panoramic windows. In ordinary city apartments it will be more difficult to achieve the identity of an alpine hut. But, if you have a loft, duplex or attic, then you have a better chance of realizing your dream and getting your own chalet.

To begin with, a fireplace, which we make gas or electric. The second main element of the chalet style is wood - we take light colors or bleached them as much as possible, otherwise the natural wood tone will overwhelm the entire space of the room in your apartment. You can generally use the option of simulating wood floor structures against the background of textured plaster in pastel, natural shades.

It would be ideal to combine a kitchen, dining room and living room in an apartment, but this is not always possible both technically and documented. Therefore, we will dance from what we have. And we, for the most part, have small kitchens, but this is not a reason for frustration in the case of the chalet style. A small area will allow you to achieve the desired style faster. It is enough to lay the floor with tiles that imitate rough stone, make the kitchen furniture with an authentic touch - no doors in the cabinets, good wood and a countertop made of stone - and it does not matter whether the set is made of natural or artificial material. The icing on the cake will be dried herbs, bouquets, ceramic dishes and a massive lamp a la a gift from a blacksmith. An abundance of candles will not be amiss.

An urban chalet-style living room features textiles, multi-level light, animal skins... all alpine accents in sizes suitable for the room's area.

You can place more wooden objects in the bedroom; it is ideal to make the wall behind the head of the bed entirely made of wood. Also, do not forget about the various levels of soft lighting, skins, carpets and textiles. And everything should be as natural and authentic as possible.

Decor, lighting, furniture, curtains and other accessories in the Chalet interior style

Having finished decorating the interior in the chalet style, all that remains is to fill the room with furniture and flood it with light...

Although the chalet is partly French-Italian in style, there can be no talk of any splendor and luxury - we are talking about furniture. A bedroom in the style of the Sun King would clearly not be appropriate here.

But the rough furniture from natural wood dark breeds with massive and simple details and self-woven textiles are ideal.

The specific choice of furniture depends on the functionality of the room.

Kitchen - massive cabinets, in some you can replace the doors with curtains or even leave the shelves open with a view of the kitchen utensils, sparkling with a copper barrel or the warmth of clay. A countertop made of solid natural wood or stone is a must. But a high-quality imitation will do just fine.

Bedroom - emphasis on a wooden bed, littered with skins or homespun blankets, coarsely knitted. Instead of bedside tables, a grandmother's chest will do just fine. And it doesn’t matter that it will be a remake. The main thing is that it will give the impression of being “grandmother’s”, inherited. Let’s not forget that the chalet is the legacy of the Alpine shepherds, who were not rich people and their values ​​lay in the little things and the respect for objects passed on from generation to generation.

Lighting and lamps play a very important role in the interior style of a chalet. The shape of chandeliers, sconces and other lighting fixtures should, like everything around them, be brutal and as simple as possible. Deer antlers - perfect.

An old forged wheel is wonderful. A simple cast iron frame with a casually thrown shawl is delightful. The main thing is not to forget that the distinctive characteristic of lighting in chalet design is the softness of the light. Nothing bright, sharp... Everything is subdued... intimate and cozy.

The main light must be supplemented with local light. An abundance of candles in rough candlesticks and aged lanterns and kerosene lamps will not hurt either.

As for textiles, as we mentioned above, it should create the impression of a homespun, rough, but cozy fabric. Warm blankets knitted with openwork arans, pillows made using the jacquard technique or from animal skins. Blanket - bear skin - what could be warmer and more comfortable.

Curtains - laconic and heavy fabrics made of linen or with the addition of cotton, coarse weaving... plain, aged, checkered or without curtains at all - simply - huge stained glass windows. And the windows, in gratitude for the fact that they were not hidden under curtains, will delight you with beautiful views of sunsets, sunrises, mountains and other strange manifestations of nature.

For the final accents of the chalet style, hunting trophies and guns are suitable. Cast iron and copper details of rural life. Wooden interior decor items: intricate and whimsical tree roots sealed with varnish, low-rise oak banquettes with a casually thrown blanket.

Dried herbs and bouquets, stuffed animals and birds... everything that breathes simple, rustic antiquity and that has known the warmth of human hands and souls, everything that is dear to you and your family members - everything will do. This is your chalet... and only yours.

Judge for yourself: having become the owners of a peasant house of the 16th century, our heroes made a lot of efforts to ensure that the house, completely renovated from the inside, looked from the outside as if a painter or carpenter had not set foot on its threshold for 200 years.

With the end of the ski season, most alpine resorts plunge into deep hibernation - only not in winter, but in summer. Social life freezes, hotels are empty, ski lifts stop... The town of Gstaad in the Swiss Alps is an exception to general rule. Life here does not slow down even with the arrival of spring. All year round There are events happening in the city that attract a wide variety of audiences. Either the Yehudi Menuhin music festival, or the tennis championship, or the week balloons, then the polo cup... At the same time, Gstaad managed not to turn into a vanity fair like Courchevel and St. Moritz.

Magdalena Stuber

A stone's throw from the fashionable hotels there are peasant houses, the inhabitants of which, like their ancestors hundreds of years ago, herd cows in the Alpine meadows and earn their living by selling milk and homemade cheese.

The kitchen-dining room is located on the site of the former hayloft. To better ventilate the hay, the timber was laid at intervals, which the architect Stefan Jaggi simply glazed. To properly illuminate the room, three additional windows were cut into the roof.


Many of the resort's regulars, including movie stars like Roger Moore, come here simply for the peace, quiet and a chance to live a little normal life. These include Magdalena and Beat Stuber. Five years ago they spent a holiday at the local Gstaad Palace hotel and have dreamed of owning their own home here ever since. It didn't matter that they already had an apartment in glamorous St. Moritz. Gstaad promised something completely different.

The facade of the house now looks the same as it did before the “perestroika” began, only the windows are new.


Warming up in the sun, wooden beams they begin to creak: it seems that the house is waking up and stretching.”
In the yard, instead of a tractor, there is now an Aston Martin


View of the house from the road. The entrance is located on the second floor, leading to it from the parking lot wooden staircase.


No sooner said than done

A local acquaintance helped the Stubers find the chalet of their dreams: “My neighbor’s husband recently died. It will be difficult for her to manage the household alone. She might want to sell the house.” Soon all three were standing at the gate of a 16th-century peasant house. “Such warmth emanated from its blackened walls, and the surrounding meadows, where cows grazed peacefully, were so inviting that we wanted to buy this house immediately,” recalls Beat Stuber.

Local law required that the building should not stand for a day without a roof. To replace the rotten logs, we had to dismantle and reassemble first one half of the house, then the other.”

The deal was agreed upon immediately, without delay. The new owners began to look for a local architect who would dare to bring the building that was crumbling before their eyes back to life. And such a person was found. Over the years of his career, Stefan Jaggi has proven more than once that he knows how to decide the most difficult tasks wood construction(and at one stage or another they are all very complex).

On winter evenings, the family gathers in the living room by the fireplace with a sandstone portal. The warm color of the stone harmonizes with the wall cladding. Sofas, Markus Wyttenbach, coffee table, Schreiner.


Permission for reconstruction was obtained with great difficulty, since the house was located on land intended for agriculture. Construction lasted two years. The new owners, as a matter of principle, hired only local artisans and used only traditional materials. An old grain barn was used for logs, stones were taken from a nearby quarry, and tiles were collected from houses being scrapped.

The checkered cushion on the fireplace bench is from Markus Wyttenbach.


The guest bedroom is furnished according to the pattern living rooms in peasant houses. There are drawers under the beds where you can store suitcases or spare pillows.


Local historic preservation laws required that the building never stand without a roof for a single day. "Therefore, to replace the rotten wooden elements, having numbered each beam, we had to disassemble and reassemble first one half of the house (putting supports under the roof), then the second,” recalls the architect. He suggested covering the roof not with iron, but with the shingles familiar to these places.

Stairs from the first floor, where the bedrooms are located, to the second, turned into a public area. Hidden lighting emphasizes the expressive texture of the wood.


Stefan showed maximum respect for the architecture of the house: from the outside the building now looks almost the same as before the reconstruction. “We preserved the old shell, but filled it with new content,” says the architect.

Everything in the estate remains the same: only in the garage, instead of a tractor and a mower, there is now an Aston Martin of the latest model.”
The main decoration of the master bedroom is an antique stove lined with tiles.


She was satisfied with the work of local craftsmen. “They turned out to be very sincere and professional guys and were sympathetic to my whims.” After the construction was completed, she invited all the workers to a housewarming party.

Kitchen furniture made from old boards by a local carpenter according to Magdalena's sketches.


A story about a real person

Stefan and Magdalena completely renovated the chalet, but thanks to the use of authentic materials they managed to preserve the atmosphere of antiquity. Below, where previous owners there was a barn for four cows and several pigs; today there is a wine cellar, a laundry room and a boiler room. From the cellar you can go directly onto the alpine meadow. On the ground floor there are two bedrooms with separate bathrooms and dressing rooms and a cozy rustic living room with a tiled stove, a pleasant place to sit with a book in the evening.

Doors kitchen cabinets not glazed, but tightened metal mesh- like in old peasant houses.


The master bedroom offers views of the whole of Gstaad. “When the sun warms the southern facade, you can hear the wooden beams creaking quietly, as if the house is waking up and stretching!” - says Magdalena.

Desk in the guest room, as in the kitchen, it was made by a local carpenter.


The most radical changes took place on the second floor. Stefan broke down all the partitions between the hayloft, the kitchen and the small rooms where the peasant family lived, turning the entire floor into one room combining a kitchen, dining room and living room with a fireplace. The neighbor's cows graze behind the barn converted into a garage.

The bathroom has sanitary ware, fixtures and faucets from Depot.


“Farmers often bring us milk and cheese, help us mow the grass and shovel the snow. We do everything together, like in a real village,” Magdalena rejoices. “Here you feel a connection with the earth and nature, you feel like a real person,” Beat echoes her. “We spent a lot of time and effort to restore this house, and we never regretted it.” The result was worth it!

The bathroom and dressing room are lined with old wood. The sections of the walls above the bathtub are lined with Alpine limestone.


Among the numerous trends in world architecture and interior design, eco-style is one of the main trends. Modern man wants to be closer to nature, so he increasingly chooses comfort village house, such as an alpine chalet.

The design of the house in the chalet style, inside and out, is characterized by original details, preserving the main features of European medieval rural life. The centuries-old tradition of buildings is organically combined with modern technologies.

Classic chalet construction - shutters and carved balcony Source

Excursion into history

Chalet literally means “shepherd’s hut.” This was originally the name given to seasonal farms for dairy cattle that existed in the Alps, on the border of France, Italy and Switzerland. With the onset of cold weather, people and herds descended into the valleys, and the chalet huts remained empty all winter.

Already in the 18th century, the French appreciated the romanticism of mountain huts and began to decorate parks with garden pavilions made in a recognizable rural style. With the advent of alpine tourism, chalets slowly turned into holiday homes for enthusiasts of steep mountain trails and ski slopes.

Living conditions and the harsh nature of the mountainous areas influenced both the choice of material and the architecture of the chalet houses. Modern projects follow old recipe using traditional construction and design techniques.

Chalet-style houses: modern realities

A chalet-style house is reminiscent of mountain peaks, sparkling snow and intoxicatingly clean air. For a person tired of everyday worries, such a house will become a refuge from the modern rhythm of life, a place where you can put on a warm sweater and spend the evening near the fireplace, watching the cheerful flames.

The house is also suitable for people accustomed to energetic holidays - hunters, travelers, photographers, lovers of skiing, snowboarding and simply nature.

Alpine house – modern interpretation Source

Distinctive features of the style

Chalet houses or, as they are often called, Alpine (Swiss) houses were originally built on mountain slopes; they had to be built taking into account nervousness and elevation changes. Shepherds who lived in the Alps several centuries ago used in construction only those materials that could be found nearby. The harsh climatic conditions of the highlands forced the construction of reliable, massive and warm houses, capable of serving for decades.


A chalet-style house is a combined type of building that combines several types of materials. The union of stone and wood helps to create a practical home that can protect from bad weather and rockfalls. Initially, solid stone was used on the foundation, ground floor and first floor; roof and attic floor They were built only from logs; later they began to use massive timber. Over time, the wood darkened, which gave the building a special, unique look.

Such a house was not afraid of gusty winds, snow storms, or pouring rain. In modern alpine buildings, stone is replaced with brick or cellular concrete; the attic floor is built from profiled or laminated timber, often frame technology. There are buildings made of rounded logs or unplaned timber.

Chalet house - cladding artificial stone and clapboard Source

Advantages of a combined alpine house

In the mountains of Europe there is little forest, but there is plenty of stone. To build an entirely stone house is time-consuming and expensive; to build an entirely wooden and at the same time durable home is difficult. The compromise was the combination of materials.

Combination of stone first and wooden second floors allows you to reduce construction costs, and then heating costs. But chalet-style houses are loved not only because of the opportunity to save money; they have other advantages:

    Construction speed. A chalet house is built faster than a completely stone building. You can live on the first, stone floor without waiting for the completion of the second floor.

    Durability. The stone bottom protects the premises from moisture; the tree, being high from the ground, retains its properties for a long time. The sloping roof with large overhangs protects the entire structure from the sun and precipitation; a layer of snow helps retain internal heat.

    Environmental friendliness. A house built from natural materials does not affect health.

Recognizable style adapted to fast-paced life Source

    Multiple design options. A chalet-style house is easily recognizable by main feature: stone “bottom” and wooden “top”. Further elaboration of the details of the style depends on the fantasies of the future owner and their skillful interpretation by the designer. Most often, they try to preserve the naturalness of the exterior and interior decoration, diluting it with features of other styles (from country to hi-tech).

Exterior of an Alpine-style house: distinctive features of exterior design

The first chalet houses were strikingly different from their current counterparts. The buildings were as simplified as possible, without spacious verandas and, of course, without large windows, increasing heat loss. During the cold season, shepherds hid young and weakened animals in the building.

Modern technologies made the Swiss house more impressive in appearance, preserving the tradition of placement of the building. They try to turn the façade of a chalet-style house towards the east; this allows rooms to be illuminated evenly. Main design features style remain unchanged and are visible from afar:

    Roof. Gable (as a rule), flat, with large offsets. It perfectly protects walls from weather disasters (wetness or snow drifts). The roof is covered with traditional wooden shingles or modern materials - soft roof or metal tiles.

    Number of storeys. Most often, two-story buildings are erected; the second floor is necessarily an attic.

Multi-storey chalets are typical of the Alps Source

    Windows. As large as possible, panoramic. Ancient shepherds sought to keep warm, the modern inhabitant of a chalet wants to enjoy natural landscapes. Modern technologies make it possible to combine the beauty of the landscape and the interior in an economical way.

    Terrace or veranda(often glazed). Like a spacious balcony, one of the indispensable architectural details. In warm weather it is used as a summer patio.

On our website you can get acquainted with the most from construction companies presented at the exhibition of houses “Low-Rise Country”.

About the project: house layout in chalet style

Classic chalet houses were built on mountain slopes; There was often little space for construction. This affected internal structure. Architects have long studied the main features of chalet layout, interior and exterior, and successfully use them in construction. Modern designs of chalet-style houses have a basically standard approach to construction:

    Ground floor. Livestock is no longer hidden here, provisions and household equipment are no longer stored here. On the ground floor there is a living room, kitchen, study, and on the second floor there are bedrooms.

    Lack of entrance vestibule. If there is no veranda, external door sometimes it opens directly into the living space, as in classic alpine buildings. In modern versions, the hallway is provided at the request of the house owner.

Interior of the entrance area of ​​a chalet house Source

    Combination. To prevent the walls from reducing the internal area, it is practiced (on the 1st floor) to combine two or three zones into one space - the kitchen, dining room and living room. This space layout provides space and communication.

    Facade elements. Terraces for summer holiday They are made spacious, often encircling the building.

    Facade details. With the advent of double-glazed windows, shutters that protect an Alpine house from the piercing wind have become original decor. But the tradition of decorating the roof, doors, railings of terraces and balconies with carvings has been preserved.

    Interior details. A fireplace is an indispensable component of an Alpine house project.

Video description

About the secrets of the chalet style in the video:

Modern chalet house designs do not aim to compete with ancient mansions. They are built with an emphasis on durability, coziness and comfort. Modern technologies allow the construction of three-story buildings, with a basement, sauna, garage and modern communications.

Features of building a chalet house

Modern chalet houses continue the traditions of medieval masters. Construction companies offer modern and comfortable turnkey chalet houses, both standard and custom-designed. High-class architects and designers, experienced engineers and builders take part in their creation.

Project country house in chalet style Source

Because natural stone(slate or pebbles) - the material is expensive; when constructing a basement floor, it is replaced with brick or foam concrete. Stone (natural or its artificial analogue) is used for cladding. Exterior finishing Chalet-style houses allow the use of textured plaster in pastel colors. As for the attic, the tradition of making it from timber or logs has been preserved.

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer house design services. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

Interior: features and details

The chalet style, originally masculine and rough, has long been adapted to today's realities and has been divided into two directions. One is filled with rural comfort, peace and quiet, the other is filled with hunting romance. The first is dominated by pottery and paintings in wooden frames, in the second - tapestries and hunting trophies.

In the interior of both directions there are no random elements, just as there is no ostentatious luxury. The living room of a chalet house will in any case comply with the canons:

Living room interior in an alpine house

Suitable for chalet interior spacious room with high ceilings and panoramic windows. Animal skins, massive furniture and warm carpets will highlight the charm of the style. Lighting can be multi-level. An antique central chandelier (with imitation candles) will create coziness together with sconces, table or floor lamps with lampshades made of natural fabric. An example of a chalet-style house interior, photo of a spacious living room:

Natural materials in interior decoration living room Source

Colors and decor

All shades of natural wood are held in high esteem; the style does not accept bright accents. If there is not enough color, you can add beige, black, wine, gray, cream or dark blue colors. Terracotta, marsh and wenge are allowed.

Details define the design of a chalet house; inside they are no less important than in other styles. Alpine motifs can be traced in the design. The necessary color is created by paintings and photographs in solid frames, with views of mountains, forests and valleys. In such an interior, ceramics look good, but without glaze, dull, matte. Metal and plastic will seem like alien parts; luxury, gilding and mother-of-pearl are signs of bad taste.

Video description

About the natural style house project in the video:

Ceiling and walls

The ceilings are high and wooden. Ceiling beams wonderfully convey the atmosphere of an Alpine house, although modern version are part of the decor (in the attic, open beams are part rafter system roofs).

Stone and wood are timeless classics, but today walls covered with decorative plaster or paint. Tapestries are used as decoration. Hunting motifs - horns, heads and skins of animals, hunting rifles give the atmosphere a touch of adventurism.

Hunting motifs are a common detail in a chalet living room Source

Doors and floors

Chalet projects involve the use of heavy wooden doors. They are decorated with carvings and wreaths of dried fragrant herbs. The floors are unpainted solid boards, coated with varnish (or stain). Sometimes wood is artificially aged. Floors are usually decorated with carpets and animal skins.

Fireplace and furniture

The fireplace is the calling card of the style, the focal point of the interior. It is installed in the living room, or even in the bedroom, and is lined with stone. There are electric fireplaces, above which plasma TVs look quite natural.

The furniture is wooden, good quality, comfortable. Objects of an impressive appearance, soft, but having a rough appearance, with scuffs, will fit into the style. The decoration of the living room will be large leather sofa with pillows and blankets.

Textiles and household appliances

Natural (can be undyed) cotton, linen or wool (but not silk or synthetics) are welcome. Rough fabrics harmoniously support the natural, eco-friendly style of a country house.

Plasma panel above the gas fireplace Source

Household and digital appliances, security systems they try to hide under the walls wood panels, screens or furniture facades. This disguise preserves the ancient atmosphere of the home.

What could it be modern house chalet, photos of interesting projects:

Chalet house in native element Source

Decoration of the facade: carved ornaments of the cornice and balcony Source

Modern interpretation of style does not contradict traditions Source

The use of modern materials will not spoil the classics Source

A cozy combination of chalet and country styles in the design of the living room Source

The true chalet style is discreet, strict and warm source

The fireplace gives the bedroom the feel of an elegant country home Source

Bedroom and balcony surrounding it Source

The kitchen and living room areas are combined into a whole space Source

High-tech interior in an Alpine house Source


All styles evolve, and the chalet style will not escape changes. Many designers experiment with furniture, lighting and accessories, keeping elements of folk tradition unchanged. Thanks to this careful attitude Chalet-style houses will always look modern and natural.

A durable and cozy capital structure, despite its simple origins, will appeal to both romantics and quite pragmatic people. They are all attracted by the harmonious combination of natural comfort and amenities modern world, embodied in the chalet house.