Vitamins for the brain during menopause. A complete list of vitamins for women before and during menopause, real reviews from women. Indications for the use of phytoestrogens during premenopause

After 40–45 years, the functioning of the female reproductive system begins to gradually deteriorate. The reason for this phenomenon is a decrease in estrogen production. Due to the increasing deficiency of female sex hormones, all biochemical reactions are inhibited. Women's bodies age quickly and health problems arise. Therefore, during the decline of reproductive ability, it is important to take vitamin and mineral complexes. Vitamins during menopause activate metabolism, improve the functioning of organs and systems, as a result of which a woman feels better.

Symptoms of the onset of menopause

All women experience menopause in their own way, but a third of the fairer sex experience severe unpleasant symptoms. At the onset of menopause, the following phenomena are most often observed.

  1. Tides. The most common and noticeable manifestation of hormonal decline. The woman's body temperature periodically rises, redness of the face and upper half of the body is noted. Such hot flashes occur 3 to 4 times a day.
  2. Excessive sweating. Usually part of the tides.
  3. Thinning of the skeleton. Bone tissue becomes brittle and brittle due to a decrease in the amount of calcium in the body.
  4. Decreased sexual activity. A woman stops feeling pleasure from intimate life, pain often occurs during sexual acts. Pain during sexual intercourse is caused by thinning and drying of the vaginal mucosa. A dry and irritated vaginal lining can be easily injured.
  5. Deterioration in health. A woman experiencing menopause becomes lethargic, powerless, and drowsy. During the period of hormonal changes, there is a loss of strength, physical and mental performance decreases.
  6. Aging. The woman's appearance noticeably deteriorates. The concentration of collagen in the skin decreases, the subcutaneous fat layer becomes thinner. As a result, the skin loses its firmness and elasticity, becomes flabby and swollen.
  7. Emotional instability. A woman’s mood changes hourly, even every minute. Apathy, nervousness, depression, tearfulness, thoughtfulness, sadness - these emotions replace each other several times a day.
  8. Sleep disturbance. It is often the first sign of the onset of menopause. A woman tosses and turns in bed for a long time in the evening, cannot fall asleep, and wakes up with difficulty in the morning, even if her sleep was long and complete.

What vitamins should a woman get into her body after 50 years?

To find out which vitamin complexes should be taken during menopause, you should contact your gynecologist. A medical specialist will recommend a suitable drug.

Listed below are the vitamins that are most important for the female body experiencing hormonal changes.

  1. Retinol. Vitamin A has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and mucous membranes, normalizes the functioning of the ovaries, and prevents the appearance of tumors in the mammary glands.
  2. Ascorbic acid. Vitamin C is a strong antioxidant that strengthens the immune system and stimulates metabolism. It increases the strength and elasticity of blood vessels, removes excess fluid from the body.
  3. Tocopherol. Vitamin E activates the work of the female reproductive glands, weakens the symptoms of menopause, and participates in the synthesis of sex hormones - estrogen and progesterone.
  4. Calciferol. Vitamin D is necessary for the absorption of calcium. With sufficient consumption of the substance, the likelihood of developing osteoporosis is reduced.
  5. Thiamine. Vitamin B 1 is a regulator of the condition of the heart, blood vessels, and nerve fibers.
  6. Pyridoxine. Vitamin B 6 strengthens immune system, normalizes sleep and emotional state, slows down the aging of the skin.
  7. Folic acid. Vitamin B 9 has a beneficial effect on the nerves and maintains a normal emotional state.
  8. Cyanocobalamin. Vitamin B 12 is essential for maintaining nervous system in optimal condition.

Vitamin-rich foods

Women over 45 years of age should drink nutritional supplements and take vitamin complexes to maintain normal functioning of the body. But healthy image Life during menopause is not limited to taking pharmaceutical vitamins and minerals; representatives of the fairer sex should eat well and eat well. You should choose food that is easily digestible, rich in nutrients, and does not cause you to gain extra pounds.

During menopause, women should not go on strict diets: this is stress for the body and increases menopausal symptoms. The diet must include meat and fish dishes rich in retinol and calciferol, fermented milk products rich in calcium, and grain porridges. Potassium, which is beneficial for the heart and circulatory system, is found in large quantities in greens and dried fruits. Especially during menopause, the diet needs nuts, seafood, bread with bran, vegetable oils, fresh fruits, berries and vegetables.

To relieve hot flashes and normalize your emotional state, you can drink tea with chamomile, sage and other medicinal plants. It is undesirable to include saltiness, sweets based on refined sugar, and fatty foods in the menu. Also, to improve metabolic reactions in the body, you should drink enough water.

The best women's vitamins for age 45

The gynecologist prescribes vitamins. After examining and establishing the onset of menopause, the doctor recommends the most suitable vitamin complex to the patient. Pharmacies sell many medications for women over 45 years of age. The use of these medications is long-term, the dosage is determined by a medical specialist. Below are the names and descriptions of the best drugs.

  1. Menopace. A British drug based on pantothenic acid and minerals, including a large list of beneficial substances and herbal components. Take 1 capsule per day after meals. The medication strengthens the female body, activates estrogen synthesis, and stabilizes hormonal levels.
  2. Vitatress. Multivitamins that normalize the nervous system, improve the functioning of the heart and circulatory system. The drug contains retinol, ascorbic acid, calciferol, potassium, calcium, iron and many other vitamins and microelements. You need to take 1 tablet per day after meals.
  3. Femicaps. Finnish drug based on plant extracts, containing tocopherol, pyridoxine, magnesium. It has a beneficial effect on the nerves, has a calming effect, and helps fight insomnia. Daily dose– 2 capsules twice a day. Reception is carried out after meals. Treatment lasts 3 months.

The best women's vitamins for age 50

After 50 years, women should carefully monitor their health and undergo preventive measures more often. medical examinations. Listed below are the most effective and inexpensive vitamin preparations that you should take at the height of menopause.

  1. . A nutritional supplement created specifically for women experiencing severe menopause. Available in the form of white, blue and red tablets. The daily dose is one tablet of a certain color three times a day. Therapy lasts a month. The drug is based on vitamins, but also contains lutein and lycopene - substances that support visual acuity.
  2. Estrovel. General strengthening and soothing non-hormonal tablets that stabilize the level of estrogen in the blood, helping to reduce hot flashes. The basis of the medicine is plant extracts, useful organic compounds and vitamins. You should take 1 tablet 2 times a day with meals. Treatment may last more than 2 months. When using the drug, the likelihood of tumors appearing in the organs of the reproductive system is reduced.
  3. Klimadinon Uno. A herbal preparation intended for women over 50 years of age. Recommended for patients before menopause, it helps cope with nervousness, insomnia, excessive sweating and other signs of hormonal changes. You need to take 1 tablet per day. Therapy lasts no more than 3 months.

Medicines for hot flashes

Estrogens are needed not only to maintain reproductive function, but also to regulate the functioning of the thermoregulation center located in the hypothalamus. Therefore, when the concentration of sex hormones decreases, women experience jumps in body temperature. Hot flashes are accompanied by tachycardia, increased sweat, and dilation of blood vessels. To eliminate these symptoms, it is recommended to take special medications. The rating of drugs based on phytoestrogens is given below.

  1. Feminalgin. A homeopathic drug that relieves the symptoms of hot flashes, used for early menopause, cycle disorders, and irregular menstruation. Instructions for use: dissolve 1 tablet in the mouth 4 – 5 times a day.
  2. . A sedative that relieves nervousness, anxiety, and tearfulness. You need to take 1 tablet 2 times a day.
  3. Feminal. Dietary supplement based on red clover. Relieves hot flashes, excessive sweating, tachycardia. Daily dose – 1 capsule.

Medicines for the onset of menopause

At the initial stage of menopause, women must take medications that relieve stress from the decline of reproductive ability. The best medications are listed below.

  1. Hypotrilon. A food supplement containing high concentrations of minerals and vitamin E. These substances in combination are useful both for relieving hot flashes and for preventing the formation of tumors in the reproductive organs.
  2. Orthomol. A vitamin and mineral complex that strengthens the immune system and supports physical and emotional well-being.

Drugs for osteoporosis

Deterioration of joint condition after 50 years is not uncommon. To prevent the problem, you should take the following medications.

  1. . Includes calcium and cholecalciferol - substances necessary to maintain normal condition musculoskeletal system.
  2. Osteovitis. Food supplement based on artificial chondroitin. Recommended for menopausal arthritis.

The dosage and duration of taking all of the above drugs must be agreed with a medical specialist.

Such drugs are represented quite widely on the pharmaceutical market. Each of them has certain indications and contraindications, so only a doctor should prescribe them, after an in-person examination of the patient, taking into account her complaints.

What medications are indicated during menopause?

Any woman who has reached the age of 40-45 years begins a gradual decline in sexual function. And although this is a natural process of aging of the body, many patients experience a lot of unpleasant symptoms at this time:

  • promotion blood pressure;
  • periodically occurring feeling of heat (hot flashes);
  • rapid weight gain;
  • lability of the nervous system.

Long-term (at least a year) intake of vitamins helps alleviate the condition. The most important of them for the female body are:

  1. Tocopherol (vitamin E). Has pronounced antioxidant properties. Improves the condition of vascular walls, has the ability to lower high blood pressure. It is advisable to start taking tocopherol during premenopause, since this vitamin supports ovarian function and is involved in the synthesis of sex hormones - estrogen and progesterone.
  2. Retinol (vitamin A). According to experts, taking retinol reduces the risk of developing malignant neoplasms of the uterus, intestines, and mammary glands. Renders positive influence on the condition of the skin, slows down the process of wrinkle formation.
  3. Vitamin D. Plays an important role in the regulation of calcium and phosphorus metabolism. Taking it reduces the likelihood of a woman developing osteoporosis, a disease characterized by increased fragility of bone tissue and occurring against the background of a decrease in the concentration of estrogen in the body.
  4. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C). It has immunostimulating and antioxidant properties and is involved in the regulation of many metabolic processes.
  5. B vitamins. Hormonal changes during menopause are often accompanied by apathy, mood swings, irritability, tearfulness, and insomnia. All this worsens a woman’s quality of life and reduces her productivity. To relieve these symptoms, doctors advise their patients to take B vitamins, which normalize the functions of the nervous system.

In addition to vitamins, when menopause occurs, a woman’s body also needs additional microelements. The most necessary of them during this period are:

  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron;
  • zinc.

Vitamin complexes for women aged 40-45 years

As we said above, after reaching the age of forty, the aging process gradually begins in the female body. During this period of life, patients need vitamin and mineral complexes that help the ovaries support the synthesis of sex hormones. Let's look at some drugs in this group:

Drug name

Contains vitamins A, group B, C, D and E. Helps normalize the functions of the cardiovascular and nervous system.

The drug was developed by domestic pharmacologists specifically to maintain the health of women during menopause and postmenopause. The composition includes not only essential vitamins, but also lutein and lycopene - substances necessary to maintain the functions of the visual apparatus. For better absorption, the components of the drug are presented in tablets of three different colors. They should be taken in strict accordance with the instructions and instructions of the attending physician.

The drug reduces the severity of hot flashes by normalizing the level of estrogen in the blood. Clinical studies have shown that taking Estrovel reduces the likelihood of cancer of the reproductive system.

The main components of the drug are extracts medicinal plants. Has rapid therapeutic effects, in short terms improves the general condition of a woman.

How to deal with hot flashes

Almost every woman over 50 is familiar with the symptom of menopause, such as hot flashes. Their occurrence is due to the fact that estrogens affect not only the sexual sphere, but also the thermoregulation center of the brain. A decrease in estrogen levels is accompanied by a decrease in body temperature. In response to this, compensatory processes are launched in the body (rapid heartbeat, vasodilation), which lead to the appearance of a sudden feeling of heat.

To reduce the severity of hot flashes, your doctor may recommend taking herbal-based medications that contain not only natural vitamins, but also phytoestrogens. Let's look at some of them.

Phytoestrogens should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor. Improper use can provoke the development of estrogen-dependent tumors of the reproductive system in a woman.

Is it dangerous to take vitamins in old age?

Many people are sure that in old age, multivitamin preparations provoke the development of malignant neoplasms. In fact, this statement is not true. In February 2009, the results of a large scientific study conducted by the Women's Health Initiative were published. 161,808 postmenopausal women took part in it. All of them took multivitamins for 8 years. At the same time, mortality rates, cardiovascular diseases and oncological pathology in this group did not exceed similar values ​​among other women of the same age.

Truth and myths

Debates about the benefits and harms of multivitamin preparations have been going on for decades. There are many myths regarding this group medicines. Let's look at the most popular of them:

  1. We get everything you need nutrients with food. Some studies show that needs modern man in vitamins is not completely covered with food intake. This is due to the fact that many people’s diets are dominated by refined foods and contain small amounts of fresh vegetables, fruits, greens.
  2. Natural vitamins are much better than synthetic ones. There is not much difference between them in terms of biological activity and chemical structure. In addition, many synthetic vitamins are obtained from natural raw materials, for example, ascorbic acid synthesized from glucose, and nicotinic acid from citrus peel and chokeberry berries.
  3. Large doses are better than small ones. And this statement is not true. It is necessary to understand that multivitamin preparations are not candies, but medicines that should be taken only in the dose prescribed by the doctor.


As you can see, there are many vitamin supplements that can help a woman survive natural aging with minimal discomfort. However, give good advice as to whether it is necessary to take vitamins and which drug to choose, only a doctor can after an in-person examination of the patient, taking into account her complaints and general condition health.

Self-medication can cause complications. For example, excess vitamin D leads to:

  • general weakness;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • decreased appetite;
  • increased blood pressure.

If a woman receives blood thinning drugs (anticoagulants), including acetylsalicylic acid, then tocopherols are prescribed to her with caution. This is due to the fact that such drugs potentiate the action of each other and can cause increased bleeding.

There are other restrictions.


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Minasyan Margarita

The onset of menopause is scary for every woman. The stories of relatives and acquaintances about the unpleasant manifestations that greeted them in their new life, which begins at the age of about 50, involuntarily makes one think about possible methods facilitating this process. One of the ways to support the body is to take additional vitamin complexes adapted to the age-related characteristics of this period. To the great luck of modern representatives of the fair sex, obtaining reliable information about any phenomena related, including health, today has ceased to be difficult. One of the options for choosing a suitable complex is to search on the Internet by entering a query: what vitamins to take during menopause reviews.

Why is it important to supplement the diet with vitamin complexes during menopause?

IN human body all processes are interconnected, so malfunctions in the work of any particular organ or system will certainly cause failures in the work of others. This is especially true during periods of hormonal instability: during puberty, pregnancy and, of course, during menostasis. After all, the end of reproductive function is sometimes extremely difficult to experience. Hot flashes, insomnia, pressure surges, emotional instability, weight gain, accelerated aging - all these gifts are presented by menopause. However, this stage of life is not a disease and should be treated as such. And in order to help the body restore internal balance and quickly overcome difficulties, special pharmacological complexes are used.

The use of minerals and vitamins during menopause can help a woman during menostasis.

  1. They speed up metabolism, which has a beneficial effect on work, and generally helps to reduce the severity of hormonal imbalance. Accelerated metabolic processes allow you to avoid weight gain, which is so feared by all women and which is so characteristic of the menopause.
  2. They are involved in the synthesis of sex hormones, which is especially important for women during menopause, because the production of female sex hormones (estrogens) decreases every year and must be maintained.
  3. They make it possible to maintain an attractive appearance longer, because a decrease in the level of estrogen leads to the fact that signs of aging begin to appear. This is expressed in deterioration of the condition of the skin, nails, change in voice,...
  4. They strengthen the immune system, which is extremely important, since the body, under increased stress, becomes susceptible to infections and various diseases.
  5. Supports the proper functioning of all internal organs and systems.

The most important vitamins and minerals during menopause

  • Vitamin A during menopause is important for its antioxidant effect, it helps to resist the development of tumors of various localizations and etiologies, makes it possible to maintain youthful skin, maintains healthy mucous membranes, has a positive effect on vision, and stimulates the synthesis of sex hormones.
  • Vitamin E is not called “feminine” for nothing. Vitamin E is essential during menopause. It is also involved in the synthesis of sex hormones, stimulates libido, protects cell membranes from free radicals, improves the structure of hair and skin, maintains cardiac and muscle tone, and minimizes other pathologies of the mammary glands, especially sensitive to hormonal changes.
  • B vitamins (B6, B9, B12) harmonize the functioning of the nervous system, improve protein and lipid metabolism, allowing you to control weight gain, increase general performance and resistance to stress.
  • Vitamin C activates the defenses to resist external and internal adverse effects, improves blood clotting (prevention of bleeding), strengthens the walls of blood vessels, and prevents the formation of edema.
  • Calcium What is it for? Calcium helps strengthen bones and teeth, is responsible for carbohydrate metabolism, and prevents the development of hypertension.
  • Vitamin D is responsible for the complete absorption of calcium. This prevents osteoporosis, which is so common in women, especially after 50 years.
  • Magnesium also helps calcium absorption, supports function cardiovascular system, .
  • Potassium prevents fluid retention, prevents the formation of edema, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, prevents the development of atherosclerosis, hypertension, enhances the ability to withstand physical and mental stress, and increases emotional stability.

The best complexes for women during menopause

For a representative of the fair half who has reached or is approaching the age of 50, it is extremely important to fully receive all vital substances in order to remain healthy and beautiful for as long as possible. However, achieving their balanced intake from food products through nutrition alone is extremely difficult. This is due to dietary errors, the quality of products, the environmental situation, and the financial limitations of many people. To support the functioning of the body in this unstable time, it is necessary to select the right vitamin and mineral complex, which not only provides basic needs, but also has a beneficial effect on the manifestations of menopausal syndrome. Modern market pharmacological agents offers a wide selection of products aimed at eliminating the negative manifestations of menopause. Let's look at the best vitamins that have received recognition and the most favorable reviews.

Doppelhertz active Menopause

A general strengthening mix produced in Germany, created on the basis of soy isoflavones - plant estrogens. The vitamin complex helps smooth out hormonal changes, reduce the intensity of hot flashes, and helps prevent cancer, the incidence of which increases significantly during menostasis.

Lady's formula Woman 40+ (USA)

These are vitamins for women, additionally enriched with citrus bioflavonoids, extracts of broccoli, green tea, grape seed, and dong quai root. This drug enhances metabolism, prevents weight gain, normalizes hormonal levels, maintains collagen structure, increasing the elasticity and smoothness of the skin, and provides antioxidant protection to cell membranes. read by following the link.

Alphabet 50+

Vitamins for menopause are quite popular among Russian women. The complex is based on separate admission various elements in order to improve the quality of their assimilation. It has proven itself well and has earned the most flattering reviews from those who have experienced its effects on themselves. When taking it, there is an improvement in the general condition, a decrease in hot flashes, and an equalization of the psycho-emotional state.

Complivit 45+

This is also a Russian complex containing in its composition: vitamins of groups C, B1, B2, B5, B6, B12, A, PP, P, . In addition to the standard set of components, Complivit also contains L-carnitine, motherwort extract and black cohosh extract. Thanks to the additional action of these components, it becomes possible not only to satisfy basic needs in life important elements, but has an auxiliary positive effect on the nervous system, hormonal levels, lipid metabolism, and the body's defenses. Complivit can be taken before the onset of menopause or already at the height of the manifestation of menopausal symptoms. How to take Complivit correctly? It is recommended to take one tablet once a day. One jar of Complivit contains thirty tablets, which is enough for a month.


A fairly common complex of vitamins during menopause due to its affordability. Aevit contains the necessary vitamins A and E. It has a good effect on the metabolic process in the body and has a positive effect on the nervous system and circulatory system. The drug normalizes and stabilizes body weight. The use of Aevit can be supplemented folic acid, vitamin D and calcium.


“Aminoacetic” acid (glycine), contains 100 milligrams in one dose of the drug. The active substance, with a sweet taste, helps calm the central nervous system, helps cope with insomnia, and has a beneficial effect on a woman’s vegetative-vascular system. In addition, glycine improves brain performance, improves concentration and memory. Glycine is taken 5 tablets twice every 7 days, by resorption. Sometimes there may be glycine allergic reactions. Take with caution by persons suffering from hypotension. Quite often taken during menopause and postmenopause, but glycine can greatly lower blood pressure, so when taking it, blood pressure levels should be monitored.


This is another very popular drug in our country, developed on the basis of herbal ingredients and is a replacement for hormonal therapy. Cemicifuga extract is famous for its action, which is alternative to the action of natural estrogens. In addition, the preparation contains such vital necessary elements, like potassium and magnesium. The combination of all components allows women to effectively combat the manifestations of menostasis. eliminate the frequency of hot flashes, prevent surges in blood pressure, and eliminate vegetative-vascular disorders.

Orthomol Femin

A German drug that has proven itself as a product aimed at preventing menopause. It stabilizes the nervous and immune system, helps balance hormonal levels and improve overall well-being. Ortamol Femin has a beneficial effect on the condition of blood vessels, cardiac activity, external attractiveness and the general course of menopause due to the content of Omega-3 fatty acids.



A well-known herbal medicine from Germany, also based on the plant extract of black cohosh, famous for its specific phytoestrogans. This extract is widely used for the treatment of perimenopause and menopause. All components of this drug have a beneficial effect on the production of their own estrogens in the ovaries, thereby minimizing the symptoms of vegetative-vascular and emotional disorders caused by hormonal “swings”.


Supplemented with amino acids and 5-hydroxytryptophan. Taking this complex strengthens the immune system, provides antitumor prevention, improves concentration, helps level out the emotional state, improves metabolism, and reduces the frequency of hot flashes.

50 years is a wonderful mature age, when inner wisdom already allows you to appreciate all the advantages of life. A person begins to appreciate beauty, stops rushing, and is filled with inner harmony. This is also a time of global changes within the female body. And in this difficult time, it is extremely important to do our best to help the body cope with the trials that have befallen it. The use of vitamin and mineral preparations enriched with targeted plant extracts is an excellent way to ease the onset of menopause and maintain good health, attractive appearance and good spirits for many years.

During menopause, many women begin to complain of a number of unpleasant symptoms, such as hot flashes, sweating, headaches, and simply not feeling well. In order to alleviate the patient’s condition, normalize her hormonal levels and help her endure this period of life with minimal losses, doctors prescribe her medications to relieve the symptoms of menopause. Premenopausal medications are very different, and you need to choose them together with your doctor.

The approaching menopause always causes many new concerns and experiences, but there is no need to be afraid of anything, since modern medicine knows how to cope with the situation.

Drugs to relieve these symptoms can be clearly divided into two large groups. These are herbal preparations, as well as hormone-based preparations. Depending on the patient’s well-being and her state of health, the doctor makes a choice in favor of the type of medicine. It is worth saying that, of course, herbal preparations are most often prescribed, since they are safer, highly effective and certainly will not cause side effects. As for hormone-based drugs, they are not as harmless as they may seem at first. These drugs have many contraindications and side effects, and if there is such a possibility, then you should refrain from taking them.

Non-hormonal drugs for the treatment of perimenopause

For every woman, the onset of menopause comes at different times: for some it occurs earlier, for others a little later. Typically, changes in the functioning of the ovaries begin after 30 years. When such a restructuring begins to go into full force, the woman experiences unpleasant symptoms, and along with this a logical question: what to take when perimenopause begins?

Perimenopause can last only a year, or it can last for 10 years. And usually, no matter how long premenopause lasts, doctors recommend their patients to take herbal preparations in order to maintain an attractive appearance, and maintain good health.

In addition to medications for oral administration, there are also products for external use. These can be suppositories to eliminate vaginal dryness, facial masks, vitamins and vitamin complexes designed specifically for those women who have entered premenopausal age.

Attention! As mentioned above, preparations with phytoestrogens are relatively safe during menopause. But still, you should not take them uncontrollably and without a doctor’s prescription, since they are not as harmless as they seem. In order to decide on additional therapy for menopause, the doctor will have to insist on a number of tests and studies so as not to harm the patient.

Indications for the use of phytoestrogens during premenopause

Drugs to relieve the symptoms of menopause are indicated in the following cases:

  1. Early onset of menopause (before 45 years of age).
  2. Diabetes mellitus.
  3. Too long absence of menstruation even before the onset of menopause.
  4. Chronically high blood pressure.
  5. Late onset of menstruation (after 16 years).
  6. Diseases of the excretory system.
  7. Diseases of blood vessels and heart, which made themselves felt even before the onset of menopause.
  8. Unnatural cessation of menstruation (after surgery to remove any organs of the reproductive system).
  9. The advanced process of development of osteoporosis and other bone diseases.
  10. Insufficient body weight.
  11. Previously, the patient drank too much coffee and consumed alcohol, which already had a detrimental effect on her health. Herbal remedies can only help if the lady gives up these bad habits.
  12. Infertility.

What types of drugs contain phytoestrogens?

Most often, for climacteric syndrome, the patient is prescribed the following drugs:

  • Estrovel. This medicine is designed to fight hot flashes, improve sleep, and reduce sweating. The drug also helps reduce the symptoms of osteoporosis. Strengthens the entire reproductive system, helps with uterine bleeding, improves immunity, actively fights stress and nervousness, and relieves swelling. Also suitable for early menopause.

In case of pronounced menopausal syndrome, the drug is prescribed 3 times a day after each meal, 1-2 tablets (depending on the recommendations of the attending physician). In order for visible results to appear, you need to take Estrovel for at least one month.

Contraindication is individual intolerance to the components of the drug. Women prone to allergies should take the drug in minimal doses and only under the supervision of a physician.

  • Feminal. This medicine is made on the basis of red clover, which contains large number phytoestrogens and has a beneficial effect on the female body. This remedy helps reduce the frequency and intensity of hot flashes, normalizes the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, relieves symptoms of anxiety and aggression, facilitates the process of falling asleep, and fights breast diseases.

As for the dosage, you need to consult a doctor for this, because the dosage is prescribed only on an individual basis.

The composition of the medicine is as natural as possible, so it can be taken for quite a long time. Typically, Feminal therapy lasts about six months, but it depends on , what symptoms torment a woman, and what she wants to get rid of.

  • Femiwell. This drug is also prepared on the basis of red clover, but manufacturers also add soybeans to it, which is also a fairly strong phytoestrogen. In addition, the drug includes a vitamin complex and a number of substances that will help it be absorbed in the body. This remedy is prescribed for any symptoms of menopause, not just hot flashes. This includes an unstable psycho-emotional state, swelling, headaches, increased blood pressure, and sweating. You can take Femiwell as a means for the treatment and prevention of osteoporosis.

You need to take this medication one tablet per day, and check with your doctor for the timing of treatment. Contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Hormonal medications to combat perimenopausal symptoms

If premenopause is very difficult, then the gynecologist has no choice but to prescribe a drug that will act instantly. Hormones are such a medicine. Hormones are needed in order to replenish the supply of these substances and remove the symptoms of menopause, which were caused by this very deficiency.

Such pills will not completely restore ovarian function, but will significantly improve a woman’s condition during the menopausal period. They also reduce the risk of the occurrence and development of diseases, which can often begin during menopause.

Hormonal medications for menopause are prescribed based on existing problems. It is extremely important that they are prescribed only by a professional. If you take such drugs uncontrollably, this can lead to bleeding, the development of cancerous tumors and other quite serious diseases. Also, such therapy is contraindicated for many, even if menopause is very difficult to tolerate.

What hormonal drugs are most often prescribed during premenopause?

You cannot prescribe hormonal drugs yourself. You need to see a doctor with the problem “I’m perimenopausal, what should I do?” Who will tell you what to drink during premenopause and how to do it? Among the hormonal drugs that help overcome the symptoms of menopause, the most notable are the following:

  • Klimonorm. This medicine improves the functioning of blood vessels, eliminates excessive emotional manifestations, moisturizes the mucous membranes, helps the skin look young and fresh longer, prevents the development of problems with the urinary system, prevents incipient osteoporosis, and prevents calcium from being washed out of the bones.

The drug is taken 1 dose per day, the treatment period is designed for exactly 3 weeks.

The drug can be used when the ovaries are removed, but doctors warn of quite serious side effects such as the development of tumors and uterine bleeding.

  • Divina. This remedy helps to compensate for the lack of estrogen, which women suffer from during menopause. With the help of this medication, you can restore the menstrual cycle, you can get rid of hot flashes and excessive sweating, reduce the threat of atherosclerosis, prevent tumor processes and endometrial growth, and prevent bone diseases.

The course of treatment with the drug is 21 days, take one tablet per day.

You cannot start taking this medication without the approval of your doctor, as it has a number of contraindications: Divina should not be used by women who have endometriosis, hepatitis, or cancer. There are diseases for which this drug can only be taken under the close supervision of a doctor.

  • Klymen. This remedy helps get rid of heart problems that began to develop during menopause, fights hot flashes, improves sleep quality, prevents problems with the genitourinary system, helps the skin stay young longer, and reduces the risk of cancer.

The course of treatment is 3 weeks, take 1 tablet per day.

Thus, for the treatment of menopause there are many drugs, both hormonal and non-hormonal. Such diversity is necessary so that a woman, with the help of a doctor, can choose what really suits her and will help cope with all the undesirable manifestations of menopausal syndrome.

Educational video on this topic:

In severe cases of menopause, women are prescribed hormone replacement therapy. But there are a number of contraindications for this type of treatment. What to do to relieve unpleasant symptoms and restore functionality? Non-hormonal medications will come to the rescue: with mild menopause in women, they cope with the situation perfectly.

What are the features of non-hormonal therapy?

A decrease in hormonal levels after 40 years is accompanied by changes in the menstrual cycle and the functioning of various organs in a woman’s body. This is the so-called menopause. Sometimes it goes unnoticed, but in many women it is accompanied by the appearance of the famous hot flashes to the face and upper body (they can be single or very frequent, depriving a woman of her ability to work), changes in blood pressure (BP), accompanied by headaches and dizziness, attacks of palpitations and pain in the heart, etc. But the woman is especially concerned about mental disorders: constant irritability, aggressiveness, tearfulness, often turning into depression. The list of women’s complaints can be continued endlessly, since literally all organs and systems are interested.

If the symptoms of menopause are minor, then when menopause occurs, a woman will be helped by a healthy lifestyle, physical activity and proper nutrition. If this does not help, then hormonal drugs. The advantages of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) are the rapid relief of attacks, and the disadvantages are the presence of contraindications for use and side effects.

IN recent years Many non-hormonal drugs have appeared to treat menopause. The advantage of these drugs is their relative safety: they have much fewer contraindications and side effects. There is a sufficient selection of such products, from which you can individually choose the most suitable one for a given woman. The disadvantages of non-hormonal treatment include the lack of a quick therapeutic effect: non-hormonal drug therapy requires long-term treatment.

Practitioner's opinion

Watch the following video to learn how to choose medications to relieve menopause symptoms:

Products with herbal estrogen substitutes

Phytohormones are often prescribed as non-hormonal drugs for menopause in women. This medicines and dietary supplements (dietary supplements), containing plant matter, which have the same effect on the body as natural female sex hormones.

Phytoestrogens have different chemical structures, but act in the same way as estrogens due to connection with the receptors of these hormones located on the surface of cells in target organs (ovaries, uterus, mammary glands). Non-hormonal medications for menopause in women (phytoestrogens), list:

Estrovel (Valeant Pharma, Belarus)

Dietary supplement with phytoestrogens (extracts of soybean seeds, chaste tree fruits, rhizomes with dioscorea roots). When taken as a course, it eliminates the symptoms of menopause and frequent flushing of the face. Drink 1-2 capsules per day for 4 weeks.

Feminal (Jadran, Croatia)

Dietary supplement with red clover extract contains 4 isoflavones, which have maximum similarity to estrogens. Effectively relieves menopausal symptoms. Drink 1 capsule per day with meals for a month. If necessary, after consulting a doctor, dietary supplements can be taken for a long time.

Klimadinon and Klimadinon Uno (Bionorica, Germany)

Medicines with dry extract of black cohosh rhizomes. A Klimadinon tablet contains 20 mg of active ingredient, while Klimadinon Uno contains 32.5 mg. The drug relieves vegetative and neuropsychic disorders well and prevents the development of osteoporosis. Klimadinon is taken one tablet 2 times a day, Klimadinon Uno is taken one tablet once a day. The course of treatment is from 1 to 3 months.

Remens (Richard Bittner, Austria)

A homeopathic remedy containing three plants containing phytohormones. Eliminates neuropsychic disorders, relieves emotional tension and anxiety, prevents the progression of osteoporosis, atherosclerosis and obesity. Drink a homeopathic remedy, 1 sublingual tablet or 10 drops three times a day for six months or more.

Klimaxan (Materia Medica, Russia)

Homeopathic medicine with black cohosh isoflavones. Available in lozenges. When used as a course, it eliminates the manifestations of menopause. Drink 1 tablet twice a day (keep in mouth until completely absorbed) for 1 - 2 months. If necessary, you can increase the dose and repeat the course of treatment after 3 weeks.

Tsi-Klim (Evalar, Russia)

Anti-climacteric herbal medicine with active ingredient from extract of black cohosh rhizomes. The medicine slowly but steadily restores the woman’s condition. Take 1 tablet twice a day for 1 – 1.5 months.

Lignarius (Provero Pharma, Netherlands)

The dietary supplement contains a patented lignan formula isolated from European spruce knots, which has phytoestrogenic properties. Contains vitamins and minerals. Normalizes a woman's condition, providing anti-anxiety and sedative effects. Prevents the development of osteoporosis. Drink 1 capsule after breakfast for a month. If necessary, taking the dietary supplement can be repeated.

Preparations with cytamines: Ovariamine

Cytamines are biologically active substances obtained from animal organs and tissues. Cytamines are used to eliminate various pathologies.

During menopause, the dietary supplement Ovariamin is prescribed, active ingredients which are cytamins obtained from the ovaries of cattle. The mechanism of their action is similar to phytohormones. The dietary supplement also contains vitamins A, E, group B, as well as macro- and microelements.

When used as a course, Ovariamin restores hormonal levels and metabolic processes, eliminates the main manifestations of menopausal syndrome. This dietary supplement is especially effective when simultaneously prescribing calcium supplements for the prevention of osteoporosis.

Take the dietary supplement Ovariamin 2-3 times a day for two weeks.

Vaginal suppositories

During menopause, fluid loss occurs from the skin and mucous membranes. As a result, a woman’s skin quickly ages and becomes covered with wrinkles. Dryness of the mucous membranes also manifests itself in the area of ​​the external genitalia. They become thinner, easily injured and serve entrance gate for infection to enter. Therefore, postmenopausal women often develop inflammatory processes (vulvovaginitis). Sexual life is also disrupted - the slightest trauma to the mucous membranes causes pain and bleeding. Some local medications are absorbed into the blood and have a general hormonal-regulating effect.

Therefore, a course of non-hormonal therapy should include the use of local medications to restore the mucous membranes of the external genitalia: List of drugs for local treatment:

Klimaktol-Antikan (Verbena, Russia)

Rectal and vaginal suppositories with plant extracts containing phytoestrogens (hop cones), as well as oil extracts of herbs, which have a softening and restorative effect on the mucous membranes of the genital organs and urinary tract; apply 1 suppository at night in the rectum or vagina for 4-8 weeks;

Cicatridine (Pharma-Derma, Italy)

Cicatridina – vaginal suppositories with hyaluronic acid. It attracts water to itself, as a result the mucous membranes come to life and are restored. Well relieves dryness of the mucous membranes of the external genital organs and urinary tract. Use 1 suppository at night until the condition normalizes;

Vagikal (Farmina Ltd, Poland)

Vagical – vaginal suppositories with extract of Calendula officinalis flowers; have a stimulating and restorative effect on the mucous membrane; as an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent, it prevents the development of infectious and inflammatory processes of the external genital organs. Use 1 suppository 2 – 3 times a day for two weeks;

Feminella hialosoft (Angelini, Austria)

Feminella Hyalosoft – vaginal suppositories with hyaluronic acid and herbal extracts; attract water, revitalize and restore the vaginal mucosa during its atrophic changes associated with menopause; during menopause, use 1 suppository 1 time per day in the vagina; the course of treatment is 10 days; if there is a need to continue, suppositories are used twice a week.

Selective estrogen receptor modulators: Evista

Selective estrogen receptor modulators are drugs that act selectively as estrogens in some (non-reproductive) tissues and as anti-estrogens in other (reproductive) tissues.

Temoxifen was the first drug in this group to be discovered. It acted as an estrogen in relation to bone tissue (preventing the development of osteoprorosis) and as an anti-estrogen in relation to the mammary gland (suppressing cell proliferation - proliferation and their degeneration into cancer). Side effect tamoxifen was considered to have an estrogenic effect on the endometrium - stimulating proliferation. Tamoxifen is used only as an antitumor agent in the treatment of breast cancer.

The next generation of selective estrogen receptor modulators includes raloxifene. As an estrogen, it has a positive effect on bone tissue, lipid metabolism (prevention of atherosclerosis) and the blood coagulation system (increases the risk of thrombosis). How an anti-estrogen affects the mammary gland without affecting the endometrium. Therefore, raloxifene is used for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis during menopause.

Raloxifene is produced by pharmaceutical companies Lilly S.A., Spain and Daiichi Sankyo, Germany in 60 mg tablets under the trade name Evista. Taken daily for a long time and under the supervision of laboratory blood tests.

Drugs for symptomatic treatment

Menopausal syndrome manifests itself as a list of numerous symptoms. First of all, the neuropsychic state suffers. Therefore, sedative (calming), anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) medications, as well as antidepressants are prescribed. All these drugs are selected by the doctor for each patient individually for daily use and at night.