How to find out what a brownie is coming for. What the brownie comes to: reasons. Why does a brownie come to a person and hug him?

Traditionally, the brownie lives in the kitchen, because it was there that in the huts there was a warm stove, near which it was so pleasant to warm up. Plus, there's a lot of delicious food in this room. However, if you notice that vases with jam or other sweets have begun to tip over, dishes often fall and break, food disappears, equipment breaks, and loud noises are heard at night, you are probably seriously offended by something.

If a cat lives in the house, it can cause some damage. However, it is important to pay attention to its behavior: if the animal hisses at someone, regularly starts “wars” in the room, perhaps the problem is the brownie.

The most unpleasant, but also the most common type of brownie pranks is situations when at night the owners feel like someone is pressing hard on their chest, not allowing them to rise.

Why can brownies get angry?

One of the common reasons for a house spirit’s bad attitude towards its owners is a mess in the house. The kitchen is especially important in this matter: if you often leave piles of unwashed dishes at night, don’t sweep the floor, don’t put things in their places and don’t keep appliances and furniture clean, this can make the brownie angry, because this creature loves order very much.

When you clean the house, be sure to leave a saucer of milk and cookies overnight near the stove or in a corner on the floor. You can also cook sweet porridge and put some bread.

Another reason why a brownie may be angry with you is due to frequent scandals and quarrels in the house. It is believed that such creatures see the people living in the house as their family, so if they often have conflicts, this can cause serious resentment. The same applies to cases when people bring their problems home: they return from work or from a walk angry, ready to take their anger out on others. The more often this happened, the higher the risk that it was negative energy that caused the brownie’s kitchen mischief. Appease the creature with sweets, and then try to stop quarrels and learn to calm down and get rid of stress before returning home.

Finally, the brownie may become angry because spiritualistic séances were held in the rooms, or because people posing as

The belief that the house and its owners are protected by some entity has been around for many millennia. The ancient Egyptians worshiped Bes. A dwarf with a goatee, standing on short thick legs, ugly, with his tongue hanging out. His name is associated with the Nubian word "besa", which means cat. The Egyptians, as you know, deified cats. These were farming people, and cats saved the harvest by destroying mice and rats. Bes was a favorite god for the common people. He was depicted on the walls of houses, amulets, and amulets. In general, ancient peoples had many such dwarf gods, but over time they merged into one image. The cat god protected the house from evil and troubles, and patronized pregnant women and small children. Doesn't he really look like our brownie? No matter how technology develops, consciousness remains the same. We live, like our ancestors, in a world of mysterious spirits because they help. For example, warning signs about changes in fate. Follow the link to find readers of our site on this topic. Here is one of hundreds of similar stories:

“We moved into an apartment, it was very old house. And we couldn’t decide on a place for the bed. Almost every other day they moved from place to place. And then one day my husband stayed at work until the night, and I fell asleep. I hear the bell ringing in my sleep and jump out of bed to open the door for my husband. The room is dark, you can't see anything. I stretched my arms forward and slowly walked, I wanted to feel the switch. And I feel: someone tall and shaggy takes me by the hand, turns me around and leads me into reverse side. I wasn’t sleeping anymore, I was very scared, I couldn’t pull my hand away or scream out of fear. How constrained I was, literally after 5-6 steps I felt the wall and the switch. I quickly flip the switch, but no one is there, neither shaggy nor bald. I looked around and with tears went to open the door for my husband. It turns out I went in the wrong direction, there was open window(summer, hot) and a very low window sill. Just 2 more steps and I would have fallen out of the window, half asleep.”

What to do if a brownie sends signs

Every day hundreds of people come to the site to understand the meaning of inexplicable phenomena: steps are heard in the apartment at night, spoons, knives, shoes, etc. strangely disappear, they saw someone flash, run along the corridor, someone at night pushes, touches, jumps on the legs, pulls off the blanket, they see a cat in the apartment, although there is no cat, the rug in the middle of the room swelled up on its own, at night there is a loud creaking sound and more. Our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers were closer to this side of life, they knew what to do, how to interpret, how to react. It’s much harder for us now, because when faced with the otherworldly, we get very scared.

“My mother-in-law taught me to ask the brownie “for better or worse?” She said, if in response you get blown over like a breeze, then it will be for worse. If you don’t feel anything, then good.”

“My grandmother, may God grant her health and long life, when I was little, she told me different stories from her life. The brownie came to her, however, in the form of a kitten. His furry muzzle kept getting into her ear, and at first she threw him off. She thought to ask: “for better or for worse?” I heard the answer “for the worse” three times. The next day I learned about the death of my grandmother. At first I thought that she was entertaining me with fairy tales, but now I understand that she was telling the truth.”

We have posted several typical stories related to signs of fate and frightening encounters with the mysterious. It is important to understand that there is no clear interpretation for them. Mysticism is strongly connected with a person’s personality, the fate of his ancestors, his health (mental and moral in the first place). If this happens, then you need to look at yourself and ask: how prosperous and happy am I, how successfully do I solve life’s problems, to what extent am I useful to others and to what extent am I realizing my talents? There is one remedy for fear and vulnerability to the other world - fullness of life.

The brownie sighs, laughs, cries

I already had this when I heard laughter. At the end of May, around the 25th. I was already going to bed and turned off the light. I saw a silhouette near the window, I thought it was an illusion. Then I heard muffled laughter. I don’t know how to explain it correctly, but it was laughter with sighs or something, like: “ho-ho-ho oho-oho-ho.” Hoarse male voice. Needless to say, I didn’t sleep that night. Then I asked knowledgeable people, they told me that it was a brownie and he laughs only at the death of loved ones. I didn’t pay much attention to this then, BUT 2 weeks after this incident, my father died from a massive stroke. And it turns out that the brownie warned me about trouble.

Brownie rocks a stroller

There was an incident with my cousin. Their family lived in an ordinary rented apartment. Mother, father and son (the little one was not yet a year old). The stroller with the child was always left in the kitchen; there was a large area there, free. Mother walked around the apartment, doing household chores and all that. It was like this day after day. Once she looks into the kitchen to check on the child, and the stroller is rocking... The brownie, apparently, was rocking the little one, although he was not crying. This went on for quite a long time, more than one week. The alarm was sounded when, probably, the same entity began to strangle the mother herself in her sleep. There were finger marks on my neck in the morning. We moved out of the apartment, there was nothing else in the new place.

Brownie strangles

I was about 30 years old then. I didn’t have my own apartment, I lived with my parents. My husband and I slept on our parents’ former bed. And then one night I felt like someone was strangling me, and so seriously that I was losing my voice and suffocating. I open my eyes and see: an old man with a long white beard leaning over me. I want to scream, but my voice is gone... I don’t remember how long it lasted. I told my parents in the morning. They say: “You should have asked “for better or worse.” What can I ask when I’m speechless! Mom said that this was how he drove us away from someone else’s place. Soon we moved into our own apartment. I am skeptical about many things, many things can be explained, but here I believe everyone, because this happened to me.

A brownie appeared to my mother and strangled her, she asked: “for better or worse?” Having doused her with cold, he replied: “For worse!” And in the morning a telegram arrived: her mother, my grandmother, had died.

Seeing a brownie

My husband and I were almost falling asleep, when suddenly we both jumped up with wild screams. We had the same vision: a large bearded head with burning eyes swayed from the corner. After that we went through some big troubles.

About 17 years ago, a brownie showed himself to me too. I knew before that he lived with us, you can always feel it. And then one day I lay down and just made myself more comfortable, and someone jumped on the bed at my feet. I thought that the cat was sleeping on my feet all the time. I wanted to throw him off, I already raised my leg, I opened my eyes, and there was a furry little man standing there. His height is approximately 60-80 cm. The eyes are round black, and the fur is straw-colored. I got scared, closed my eyes, and he ran around me on the bed and sat down on the edge. I open my eyes, he looks and says something in an incomprehensible language. I was afraid to move, I thought, as long as I didn’t touch her. And he suddenly turned to the front door, jumped out of bed and walked into the wall. And then I heard my husband opening the front door with a key. I didn’t tell him anything, I thought he’d think I was dreaming. But two months later our life changed dramatically, and we arrived in Yekaterinburg. And when we bought an apartment and finally moved here, I took it with me, as my grandmother taught me. We live together together. And my cats play with it all the time.

I saw him twice before big problems, just a hairy little man, he looked about 50 years old, about half a meter tall. I cried both times. One time, either a dream or reality, he was hanging on the wall and saying something, saying something, and I just started reading the “Our Father” out loud, he was terribly offended and disappeared. Grandmother taught that one should address him: “Father-domozhirushko,” then the house will be strong and the owners will live in abundance.

Brownie jumps on the bed

I was dating one guy. And so I think, he was not welcome: either my brownie did not dislike him, or this boy was not “my destiny.” At first the brownie came to me at night and leaned on me. Sometimes I walked around the room, and I heard the floorboards creaking, as if under the weight of an adult... I told my friends about my brownie, and they decided to help me, advised me to make friends with him, leave food and water for him. One day, my girlfriends and I gathered at my place, discussed the brownie, laughed, poured vodka into his glass, put a piece of bread, told each other all sorts of stories. Suddenly, in broad daylight, we all got sick and decided to lie down a bit and rest. When we woke up in the evening, all the clocks in the house stopped, and wrist watch my friends had them too. What a commotion! Girls put my feet in my hands and run. Well, of course, I follow them. Then, after some time, I broke up with this young man. The brownie came to me for the last time. It was during the day, I was sleeping after night duty and suddenly woke up from the sound of someone small jumping on my bed behind me. He hums some kind of melody in a cartoonish voice, then asks me: “Who will be next?” And he laughed. I tried to turn around and look at him (it wasn’t scary during the day), but I couldn’t move or open my eyes. Only after he fell silent did I manage to turn around, but there was no one there anymore. And I didn’t see or hear my brownie again, he didn’t show any signs.

Brownie howls

We lived in our house, and, naturally, at night there were all sorts of sounds (mice, the house creaks, the stove is on). Nobody paid any attention to these sounds. One day I was sleeping and heard a plaintive howl. I woke up and began to listen. It seemed quiet, but the howl repeated again. I went to my mother and looked into every room along the way. There was silence everywhere. I woke up my mother and told her everything. She sent me to bed and said that I dreamed everything. I went back to sleep, but the howling kept repeating and repeating. I got scared and started crying. Mom calmed me down for a long time. An hour and a half later, the neighbors' bathhouse caught fire, and our house began to burn, too. The fire brigade arrived, our house was saved, but the neighbor’s bathhouse burned to the ground. A man burned in this bathhouse. When my mother found out about this, she was shocked, because at that very time I did not let her sleep.

Brownie scares

I lived in Kazakhstan. Once my neighbor and I started talking about brownies. She told me that at night someone always walks around the room. Once she even woke up to someone lying next to her. Turning around, she didn’t see anyone, but the presence of the person lying next to her remained. She decided to push the invisible person and felt a response and something hairy. She lived alone, her husband served in the army, she was in the first months of pregnancy. And the mother-in-law and father-in-law slept in a completely different room, in order to get to her, you had to open the lock first, since it was locked. She felt bad in the house. She kept saying that something was always breaking or getting dirty. She couldn't be in the apartment; everyone else didn't believe her. As a result, she moved in with her parents, then she had a girl, and she again moved in with her mother-in-law. The girl constantly screamed at night and was very timid. She always took the girl to her grandmothers, many said that she offended the brownie, and because of this he drove her out of the house. Then it turned out that she had been away from her husband when he went into the army. So, it was not for nothing that the little brownie treated her this way. Her husband returned from the army and divorced her after learning about her campaigns.

The brownie is dreaming

We weren’t living in Israel then, but I was 15 years old. Life was more or less measured, without any major shocks - and thank God. And so somehow we started renovating the apartment. The floors were re-laid, the walls were re-plastered, new wallpaper was hung, new linoleum was laid in the hallway - in general, everything was as it should be. And then a few days later my mother comes out looking strange in the kitchen in the morning. I ask what happened, was it a bad dream? She tells me: “I’m sleeping. I hear the doorbell ring. I get up, go to the door and don’t understand who showed up in the middle of the night. I look out the peephole and there’s a huge cat’s face!!! And he's looking right at me! I jumped away from the door, I’m standing in the corridor, I don’t turn on the light, I’m shaking all over. The bell rang a couple more times and that was it, silence. I creep up to the peephole - the stairs are empty. I turn to go back to the room and......almost fall out of bed!”
We laughed at the time, saying that this was something we couldn’t dream of, but we both remembered it. And then life suddenly spun us into some incredible whirlpool! I suddenly broke down and went to Israel to finish school, my mother began to hastily sell her things, then her apartment, then two weeks before leaving, my great-grandmother died (although she also had to go and already had a ticket). After knowledgeable people They explained that we disturbed the brownie with our repairs, and he left, well, it seemed like he moved out for a while. And when he wanted to return, his mother did not let him. So chaos began in life - there was no security guard!

The brownie lives in almost every home. Most often it can be found where several generations of a family have lived. It is not easy to detect his presence, but if the brownie is not satisfied with something, he will definitely show his dissatisfaction.

The brownie is a mystical entity that has been protecting people’s homes from time immemorial. It is able to protect against many misfortunes: fires, scandals, theft, ill-wishers. However, if the family begins to disrespect their home and creates a mess, the brownie may get angry, and then you will know for sure that he lives with you.

Signs of the presence of a brownie

1. Loud noise. Sometimes at night the brownie can express himself by rearranging the dishes in the kitchen, slamming doors, and loudly stomping. He usually gets angry when housewives stop carefully maintaining order. In this case, the brownie becomes mischievous, hides things, thereby calling for cleaning.

2. Pets. The most common pets, cats and dogs, always see and hear more than people. If you notice that your dog sometimes looks warily into the corner, begins to wag its tail and tries to play as if with itself, most likely it sees a brownie. Cats may also suddenly freeze and then begin to purr, arching their backs as if being stroked by an invisible hand. However, if animals show anxiety, whine, hiss, or hide under furniture, perhaps there is not a brownie in your house at all, but an evil spirit. In this case, it is necessary to clean the house or apartment. Walk through all the rooms, sprinkling the space with holy water, put a little salt in each corner, and then walk with a lit candle.

3. Loss of sweets and small items. We often forget that the brownie also feels our mood and is ready to help us in difficult times. Left without a treat, he may steal a few candies, the wrappers of which will periodically catch your eye in the most unexpected places. He can also shift keys, scissors and other objects out of spite. Pour milk into a small cup, put porridge with butter in a saucer and place it in a corner. Ask the housekeeper for forgiveness for your inattention and ask him to guard your house with the same strength. Also ask for missing items to be returned in exchange, for example, for jelly beans.

4. Sleep. Brownies who love their home and owners often help them. For example, in a dream they can tell you a solution to a problem, indicate who in your close circle is hostile. In rare cases, the brownie indicates the place where the treasure is hidden. This is how he shows respect, thanks for your care, but most often it is gratitude for the fact that when you moved, you did not forget about him and offered to go to a new home.

5. Security. We often feel a state of anxiety, but when we return home, we notice that our fears have evaporated somewhere. A feeling of peace, warmth and comfort appears. And at night we are not tormented by nightmares, we easily fall asleep and wake up cheerful and rested. This is also an indirect sign of the presence of a brownie in the house, caring about your safety and peace of mind.

6. Warning. Sometimes it happens that in the middle of the night we suddenly wake up with a strong feeling of anxiety, and in a dream we feel as if something has fallen on us and is pressing on us. This is how the brownie warns of impending danger. He can also make a loud noise, slam the door, press the bell front door. In this case, you should take care of your safety and prevent gas, water leaks or fire by rechecking all important places in the house.

7. Guests. Often before someone drops by to visit you without warning, you have a premonition of it. This may be intuition, but most often the brownie warns about all uninvited guests in advance. A quiet knock or a ringing telephone warns of people with good intentions. A feeling of anxiety, a suddenly broken glass and worried pets signal that ill-wishers want to visit your home.

8. Children. If there are children in the house, pay close attention to them while playing. Brownies with special attention and treat younger family members with respect, play with them and protect them. You can often notice that a child sets up an extra device for a puppet tea party, laughs loudly, and tells something into the void. Young mothers often notice that a child who suddenly screams in his sleep becomes silent, his blanket is adjusted, and the cradle rocks quietly.

9. Feelings. When moving to a new home, you should carefully listen to your feelings, especially if someone lived in the house before you. Often, owners leave their apartments and houses without taking the spirit with them. In this case, the brownie is unlikely to treat you kindly. His trust must be earned. If you feel anxious, leave the little spirit a treat and offer friendship. As a gift, you can give him a piece of fabric, old clothes, hay, shoe. If this private house, then the brownie will definitely choose a secluded corner where he will settle down with great comfort. In apartments it is more difficult for the brownie because small space, however, even here he can choose a place for himself under the bathroom, on the mezzanine or in an old suitcase. If, after time, your life has improved, you feel calm and peaceful, it means that the brownie has accepted you as the new owners and is ready to serve. If the feeling of anxiety grows, things disappear in the house, scandals become more frequent, it is worth thinking about driving away the evil spirit.

10. Appearance. In rare cases, the brownie reveals himself. If a small gray or smoky kitten insists on asking at your door, let him in. Brownies are often embodied in these animals. It also happens that the brownie warns about something so significant that it dares to appear in front of us. It could be a small blurry silhouette, a cat, a gray-haired old man. It is important at this moment to concentrate and ask what news your home protector has brought. If you feel warm, happy news awaits you; cold, chills, trembling or a feeling of danger - expect trouble.

If you discover the presence of a brownie in your home, try to make friends with it. This little helper can improve your life, help you and protect you from any evil. However, if it is aggressive and haunts you, perform a ritual to expel the entity, because it may turn out that it is not a brownie, but an evil spirit. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

Perhaps the first place among stories about the supernatural passed from mouth to mouth is occupied by stories about brownies. What they don’t do! And they make noise at night, scaring the owners, and make a mess, and hide things...

The centuries-old experience of coexistence with such “guests” has helped to develop a unique etiquette for communicating with these otherworldly creatures. But no one really knows anything about their nature. Some argue that these are restless souls who, because of their sins, cannot get into afterlife, someone considers them to be entities from the lower astral dimension, evil spirits. And some are convinced that these are representatives of some parallel civilization, capable of becoming invisible.

“To hell!”

A new wave of disappointments will sweep Ukraine in 2017

As you know, brownies often prophesy certain events, most often misfortunes. A young woman Elena from the Trans-Baikal village of Kharanor says:

“My troubles began in February 2004. We then moved to a two-room comfortable apartment. One evening, when my husband Andrei was away, I, as always, put the children to bed and went to bed myself. Already falling asleep, I felt that someone was standing next to me. I ask in a dream: who is here? When I heard the ominous “Huh?” - numb. And then someone heavy fell on me and began to choke me. I remember his tightly compressed lips and hooked bird nose. I started losing consciousness...

Messing has known about this horror for a long time, everything is starting to come true...

And yet she jumped out of bed, barely overcoming her fear. I turned on the light - no one. My neck hurt terribly. I went to the mirror to look and saw a long, bright red scratch, the kind a cat's paw might leave. But we don't have a cat.

One day my husband woke up in the middle of the night and saw a human figure at the table. Remembering the instructions of old people, he asked: “Is this for worse or for good?” The brownie answered in a dull voice, as if coming from underground: “For worse!”

And then on Youth Day, at a mass celebration where we went with the whole family, tipsy guys accosted my friend’s husband. And Andrei interceded, and as a result he received a knife wound in the chest.”

Libra will receive a highly paid position in the year of the Rooster

Play and give it back again!

Brownies also like to hide and then “put” it back in place. various items. Raisa S. recalls: “I had a beautiful beaded wallet. I always carried it with me. Once I received my salary, at home before going to bed I started going through things in my purse and discovered that my wallet with the money was missing!

I searched and searched and couldn’t find it. During the day I interviewed all my work colleagues, but no one saw my wallet. With that I calmed down.

The winner of the 17th season of the “Battle of Psychics” is already known: pictures have been published on the Internet

True, I had one assumption: she secretly sinned against her son-in-law. With this thought I went to bed. And before dawn I see a dream. It’s as if someone’s hand is holding out a wallet to me, and a man’s voice is heard: “Here, take it, open it, and don’t think badly of others.” From this voice I woke up, jumped up, rushed to my purse, opened it, and the wallet was lying on top , and my entire salary is untouched to the last penny!”

In some cases, brownies are kind to people: they even cure human illnesses! Tamara P. had a similar experience: “One day I realized that some invisible creature was living in my apartment. Before it comes into contact with me, it emits a garlicky odor. I lie down for a minute or two and feel someone’s heart beating on my hand. If I feel hot, I feel pleasantly cool, and vice versa.

The care of Alyosha (as I call my uninvited tenant) was most fully manifested during the period when I was carrying out a healing procedure to cleanse the liver - I drank a mixture consisting of vegetable oil And lemon juice. Once, after taking this medicine, I felt nauseous. Then Alyosha gently scratched my hand with his claws, lay down on my chest, and the nausea stopped.”

Perhaps the first place among stories about the supernatural passed from mouth to mouth is occupied by stories about brownies. What they don’t do! And they make noise at night, scaring the owners, and make a mess, and hide things...

The centuries-old experience of coexistence with such “guests” has helped to develop a unique etiquette for communicating with these otherworldly creatures. But no one really knows anything about their nature.

Some argue that these are restless souls who, due to their sins, cannot enter the afterlife; others consider them to be entities from a lower astral dimension, an evil spirit. And some are convinced that these are representatives of some parallel civilization, capable of becoming invisible.

“To hell!”

As you know, brownies often prophesy certain events, most often misfortunes. A young woman Elena from the Trans-Baikal village of Kharanor says:

“My troubles began in February 2004. We then moved to a two-room comfortable apartment. One evening, when my husband Andrei was away, I, as always, put the children to bed and went to bed myself. Already falling asleep, I felt that someone was standing next to me. I ask in a dream: who is here? When I heard the ominous “Huh?” - numb. And then someone heavy fell on me and began to choke me. I remember his tightly compressed lips and hooked bird nose. I started losing consciousness...

And yet she jumped out of bed, barely overcoming her fear. I turned on the light - no one. My neck hurt terribly. I went to the mirror to look and saw a long, bright red scratch, the kind a cat's paw might leave. But we don't have a cat.

One day my husband woke up in the middle of the night and saw a human figure at the table. Remembering the instructions of old people, he asked: “Is this for worse or for good?” The brownie answered in a dull voice, as if coming from underground: “For worse!”

And then on Youth Day, at a mass celebration where we went with the whole family, tipsy guys accosted my friend’s husband. And Andrei interceded, and as a result he received a knife wound in the chest.”

Play and give it back again!

Brownies also like to hide and then “put” various objects back in place. Raisa S. recalls: “I had a beautiful beaded wallet. I always carried it with me. Once I received my salary, at home before going to bed I started looking through things in my purse and discovered that my wallet with money was missing!

I searched and searched and couldn’t find it. During the day I interviewed all my work colleagues, but no one saw my wallet. With that I calmed down.

True, I had one assumption: she secretly sinned against her son-in-law. With this thought I went to bed. And before dawn I see a dream. It’s as if someone’s hand is holding out a wallet to me, and a man’s voice is heard: “Here, take it, open it, and don’t think badly of others.” From this voice I woke up, jumped up, rushed to my purse, opened it, and the wallet was lying on top , and my entire salary is untouched to the last penny!”

Alyosha the healer

In some cases, brownies are kind to people: they even cure human illnesses! Tamara P. had a similar experience: “One day I realized that some invisible creature was living in my apartment. Before it comes into contact with me, it emits a garlicky odor. I lie down for a minute or two and feel someone’s heart beating on my hand. If I feel hot, I feel pleasantly cool, and vice versa.

Alyosha’s concern (that’s what I call my uninvited tenant) was most fully manifested during the period when I was carrying out a healing procedure to cleanse the liver - I drank a mixture consisting of vegetable oil and lemon juice. Once, after taking this medicine, I felt nauseous. Then Alyosha gently scratched my hand with his claws, lay down on my chest, and the nausea stopped.”

“Crushes and suffocates”

Unfriendly brownies love to strangle or crush people, sometimes with sexual intentions.

“It happened at noon,” says a girl named Liana. - I was at home alone and watching TV. Suddenly it began to turn off and on again - the electricity went haywire, and after a while it went out completely. And only in our apartment.

Soon I was drawn to sleep, and some kind of fatigue appeared. I lie down on the sofa, look towards the door and see: a cat is approaching the headboard. She just wanted to put her hand down and stroke her - she disappeared. I look around - the cat is sleeping, curled up on the other side of the room. I think it's a glitch...

She closed her eyes and fell asleep. But something was bothering me in my sleep, I felt that something was interfering... I opened my eyes: to my left, leaning on me, was a translucent man. Attached on top left leg, and with his left hand he hugs my chest. I was paralyzed by fear. I tried to scream - in vain, my voice disappeared. And if you don’t even lift a finger, your body won’t listen. She closed her eyes and said: “Forget me!” The figure has disappeared."

Brownie survives

According to legend, if a brownie dislikes someone, expect trouble. Tatiana from Chita was almost driven to suicide by her mystical “master”!

“As I was falling asleep, I felt as if someone was blowing lightly on my face. Deciding that it was a draft, she calmly fell asleep. The next night the blowing was repeated, although, oddly enough, the window was closed. I was already asleep when the birds living in the next room woke me up.

They darted around restlessly in the cage, emitting alarming cries. Turning on the night light, I went out into the corridor and heard someone’s steps and unclear muttering... Fear overwhelmed me. I grabbed a knife from the kitchen, put it under the pillow, and after that everything became calm. And in the morning I discovered kitchen table a children's shovel, the place of which is in the corridor. Neither I nor my five-year-old son put it there...

As night approached, my soul became somewhat heavy. There was a feeling that someone evil was nearby. When I went to bed, I was overcome by an inexplicable fear. Turning her gaze to the window, she suddenly realized that salvation was there. You just need to make up your mind and step into the black doorway. Only when I heard my son stirring in his sleep did I come to my senses.”

What attracts brownies?

Readers have probably already noted one regularity in our narrative: all the narrators are women. So, maybe it’s a matter of impressionability inherent in the fair sex? Although in one of the stories the heroine’s husband also observed a strange creature...

According to popular belief, brownies live in every home. But why is it not possible for everyone to see them? Why are some people unaware of the presence of these “settlers,” while others are constantly disturbed by them?

Parapsychologists believe that some people really attract brownies. In all likelihood, we are talking about those who have psychic abilities. In addition, there are “restless” houses where the brownie is rowdy. These entities can haunt the inhabitants of the house if there is unfavorable energy there, or on the eve of some events, for example, misfortune or death of one of the owners or their loved ones.

In any case, if a brownie shows up, you should listen to him: cleanse the energy of the apartment, in other words, consecrate it. It would be nice to go to church and pray. After all, otherworldly forces will not just knock on our lives!