Illustrations for the story M Glinsky bread. Summary of direct educational activities on social and communicative development for children of the preparatory group. Progress of educational activities

Tatiana Kupovtsova
Summary of educational activities for speech development in the senior group. Retelling of M. Glinskaya’s story “Bread”

Target: Education retelling.



1. Teach children retell in full, consistently, expressively.

2. Contribute development of coherent speech, attention, memory.


1. Develop expressive speech.

2. Development children’s ability to answer the teacher’s questions in complete sentences.

3. Activation and expansion of the vocabulary on the topic « Bread» .


1. Instilling in children respect for people’s work.

2. Educate careful attitude With bread.

Vocabulary work: Activation and expansion of vocabulary on the topic « Bread» - bakery products, rye, wheat, ear, grain.

Words: full; cart, hero star

Equipment: pictures from bakery products, pieces of rye and wheat bread, spikelets, salted dough, stacks, modeling boards.

Preliminary work : Conversation "Where the bread has arrived; looking at the spikelets; modeling from salt dough "Bagels, pies, buns"; reading followed by discussion by Y. Vanag « Bread"Earned with your own hands", M. Prishvin "Lisichkin bread» ; learning proverbs about bread; solving riddles.

Material and equipment: pictures from bakery products, salt dough, sheets of paper, stacks, modeling boards.

Progress of the lesson.

Introductory part.

Creating an emotional background for retelling of M's story. Glinskaya« Bread» .

Riddles about bread

Was a grain of gold

Became a green arrow.

The summer sun was shining,

And the arrow was gilded.

What kind of arrow?


Which sea behind the village is stirred by the breeze?

In it, waves can be collected and placed in a bag.


A hundred brothers gathered in one hut to spend the night.

(grains in the ear)


What is a spike?

Where do the grains come from?

What is flour made from?

What are they baked from? bakery products?.

Look at the pictures, what baked goods you see? Name them.

That's right, bagels, dried cakes, gingerbreads, cookies, pies, bread - all these are bakery products.

Articulation gymnastics

Now let's bake with our tongue "pancake". (The mouth is open, the wide tongue lies calmly on the lower lip, the teacher counts to five, "swallowed" pancake - remove tongue, close mouth).

2. Expressive reading story

Invite the children to listen story M. Glinskaya« Bread» .

Mom gave Grisha a big piece bread and sent him outside.

Grisha ate bread. Bread It was tasty and fragrant, with a shiny crust. Soon the boy was full, and bread there was still a lot left. Then the guys invited Grisha to play with the ball. What to do with bread? Grisha thought and threw bread to the ground.

Uncle Matvey passed by, stopped and asked: "Who threw the bread

He, he! - the guys shouted and pointed at Grisha. Grisha said: “I’m already full, but there was bread left. We have there is a lot of bread, it’s not a pity.”

Uncle Matvey took the gold star from his chest and said:

"I'm a Hero star for what raised bread, received. And you you trample bread in the mud».

Grisha cried: “I didn’t know what happened make bread. I ate my fill, but he stayed..."

Okay,” Uncle Matvey agreed. - If you didn’t know, that’s a different conversation. - Raised bread, put it on the palm. - This piece is my work, your mother’s work, the whole village’s work. Bread must be loved and protected. - He gave it to Grisha and left.

Grisha wiped his tears and said guys: "I'm the one I'll eat the bread now» .

“You can’t,” Sanya objected, “ the bread is dirty, you can get sick.

Where to now? to make bread?

At that time, a cart was passing along the road, and the foal Lyska was running behind the cart.

We'll give it back Lyske bread, - suggested Nyura. Grisha handed the foal bread. Lyska grabbed a piece, ate it instantly and didn’t leave. Reaches his muzzle towards guys: Come on again! Axl Oh, how delicious.”

3. Conversation about what you read.

What is this about story?

What did Grisha’s mother give him outside?

What words describe bread in the story?

What did Grisha do with the remaining bread?

What did Uncle Matvey ask the guys?

What did Grisha answer?

Why did Grisha cry?

Why did Uncle Grisha say that bread Do you need to love and take care?

What did Nyura offer to Grisha?

What would you do if you still had bread?

Finger game "The mouse found a grain"

The mouse found the grain "mouse" The right hand "runs" along the left hand,


And she took it to the mill. Rotation right hand in front of the chest

I ground flour there, "t-t-t" Hitting your fists against each other,

"d-d-d" Hitting your fist on your knees,

"p-p-p" The fingers clench and unclench.

I baked pies for everyone: "Bake" pies

Mouse with potatoes, fingers clenched into a fist. Opening one finger at a time on both hands.

Mouse with cabbage

Mouse - with carrots,

Mouse with cloudberries,

For a big fat man -

As many as four pies.

Well done, sit down on the chairs.

4. Repeated reading story with a memory setting.

Now I will read to you story one more time. You listen carefully, then you will retell.

5. Pause for a few minutes to prepare children for retelling.

6. Retelling several children in parts or retelling by roles.

Now you will be this retell the story in a chain, so you need to listen carefully to your comrades.

7. Analysis retelling.

After analysis, children are offered artistic creation: modeling bakery salt dough products.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of GCD for speech development. Retelling of N. Kalinina’s story “About the Snow Bun” Program content: Coherent speech. Teach children to convey the content of a literary text coherently, consistently, expressively, without.

Summary of GCD for speech development. Retelling the story “Mother’s Day” in the older group for children with special needs development Objectives: Educational area " Speech development» Teach children to retell a short work. Teach consistently and logically.

Objectives: Continue to introduce children to the works of Russian writers. Learn to retell short stories based on the diagram. Develop.

Summary of a lesson on speech development in the senior group “Retelling the story “Penguin Beach” Yulia Sergeevna Ivanova's abstract directly - educational activities speech development for children senior group Topic: “Retelling.

Municipal budget educational institution kindergarten No. 119

Summary of direct educational activities

on social and communicative development

for children preparatory group

"Bread- everything's in the head"

Fedotova Natalia Gennadievna
Nizhny Novgorod


  • Introduce children to the process of growing and making bread.

  • Develop an understanding of the work of people in various professions.

  • Cultivate respect for bread and people’s work.

Preliminary work:

  • Reading the story "Bread" by M. Glinskaya.

  • Getting to know various types bread: rye, wheat, buns, pies, cookies, etc.


  • Rye and wheat bread,

  • ears of rye and wheat,

  • plates for each child,

  • magnifying glasses,

  • paper,

  • pencils,

  • schematic images from a grain to a loaf of bread,

  • selection of slides to show - the process of growing and making bread,

  • pebbles,

  • paper.

Progress of the lesson:

Children sit in a semicircle in front of the teacher on chairs.

Educator: Guys, we recently read a story, it’s called “Bread.” Do you remember what it's about?

Children briefly retell the content of the story.

Educator: Do you think Grisha did the right thing? What would you do in his place? What difficult work did Uncle Matvey tell him about? What star for bread were we talking about? (Children's answers)

Educator: Guys, would you like to know where bread comes from?

Children are invited to watch a selection of slides:

  1. A tractor plows a field to sow grain.

  2. The seeder sows grain into the ground.

  3. The grains germinate, turning into tender greens.

  4. A ripening field with “golden” ears.

  5. Harvesters harvesting crops.

  6. Trucks transporting grain to the elevator.

  7. A mill that turns grain into flour.

  8. Baker with ready-made bread.

  9. Several types of bread.
Educator: We looked at how long a grain travels to make bread. Tell me, people, what professions are involved in the production of bread? Children's answers (if children find it difficult to answer, the teacher helps them choose the right words, explains what people do in a particular profession.)

Physical education minute.

Children are invited to go to the table where they lie symbols stages of bread making. They are given the task: to arrange the cards in a certain sequence - from grain to loaf.

The teacher praises the children for quickly and correctly completing the task and invites them to go to the tables where ears of wheat and rye, paper, pencils, magnifying glasses and pebbles are prepared.

Educator: Guys, in front of you are ears of wheat and rye. Are they the same? (The ear of wheat is thicker, the tendrils are shorter than those of rye. Rye has a thinner ear and long tendrils - awns.)

Children are invited to take a grain of wheat and a grain of rye from the ear, examine them with a magnifying glass and sketch them, dividing a piece of paper into two parts, denoting the letters R-rye, P-wheat.

Educator: Guys, where is flour made from grain? (At the mill.) A long time ago, when there were no mills yet, people used pebbles to crush grains, then they came up with rotating millstones - large round stones - they ground the grain into flour faster. Well. and you and I will try to get flour the way ancient people did, grinding grains with stones.

Children are invited to take pebbles and make flour themselves.

The conclusion is that it is very difficult and it takes a lot of effort to get a pinch of flour.

At the end of the lesson, the teacher asks the children if they learned anything new for themselves, what did they like to do most? Has their attitude towards bread changed?

At the end, everyone is invited to take a photo together with the ears of corn and a loaf on an embroidered towel.
1. Physical education "River"

We quickly went down to the river

bent down and washed,

One, two, three, four,

That's how nicely refreshed we were.

And now let's swim together

You need to do this manually:

Together, this is breaststroke.

One, the other is a rabbit.

All as one

We swim like a dolphin.

Went ashore steep

And we went home.

2. Scheme cards.

3. Story by M. Glinskaya "Bread""

Mom gave Grisha a large piece of bread and sent him outside.

Grisha ate bread. The bread was tasty and fragrant, with a shiny crust. Soon the boy was full, but there was still a lot of bread left. Then the guys invited Grisha to play with the ball. What to do with bread? Grisha thought and threw the bread on the ground.

Uncle Matvey was passing by, stopped and asked: “Who threw the bread?”

He, he! - the guys shouted and pointed at Grisha. Grisha said: “I was already full, but there was bread left. We have a lot of bread, it’s not a pity.”

Uncle Matvey took a gold star from his chest and said:

“I received a Hero’s star for growing bread. And you trample bread in the mud.”

Grisha cried: “I didn’t know what to do with the bread. I ate my fill, but he stayed..."

Okay,” Uncle Matvey agreed. “If you didn’t know, that’s a different story.” He picked up the bread and put it on his palm. - This piece is my work, your mother’s work, the whole village’s work. Bread must be loved and taken care of. - He gave it to Grisha and left.

Grisha wiped away his tears and said to the guys: “I’ll eat that bread now.”

“You can’t,” Sanya objected, “the bread is dirty, you could get sick.”

Where should the bread go now?

At that time, a cart was passing along the road, and the foal Lyska was running behind the cart.

Let’s give the bread to Lyska,” Nyura suggested. Grisha handed the foal some bread. Lyska grabbed a piece, ate it instantly and didn’t leave. He stretches his muzzle towards the guys: Come on again! Axl Oh, how delicious.”

Alina Kudryashova
Retelling of the story “Bread” by M. Glinskaya. Integrated lesson on speech development in the senior group

Target: continue develop children's coherent speech.


1. Teaching children coherent, consistent retelling M's story. Glinskaya« Bread» .

2. Teaching children retelling text in a chain.


1. Development children’s ability to construct their statements grammatically correctly.

2. Development children’s ability to answer the teacher’s questions in complete sentences.

3. Continue teaching children to select adjectives for nouns.

4. Activation and expansion of the vocabulary on the topic « Bread» .


1. Raising children's respect for bread and to the labor of the people who grow it.


1. Contribute development of coherent speech, attention, memory, fine motor skills.

Integrated Areas: "Cognition", "Reading fiction» , « Artistic creativity» , « Physical culture» , "Health".

Equipment: pictures from bakery products, model of a tree, toy - brownie Kuzya, "magic chest", box "smell", pieces of rye and wheat bread, "magical" stick, head cap, massage ball, massage track with marks, ear of corn, sheets of cardboard with sprinkled flour (for each child).

Preliminary work: Conversation "Where the bread has arrived; looking at the spikelets; salt dough molding "Bagels, pies, buns"; reading followed by discussion V. Krupin "Father's Field", Y. Vanag « Bread"Earned with your own hands", M. Prishvin "Lisichkin bread» ; learning proverbs about bread; solving riddles.

Dictionary: bakery products, rye, wheat, ear, grain.

Expected Results: children should be able to retell the story close to the text; answer the teacher’s questions in complete sentences; select adjectives for nouns; determine bread by smell.

Methods and techniques:

Verbal - reading, explanation, questions, conversation.

Visual – pictures with bakery products; cards - diagrams according to the text story.

Practical - identification by smell (rye, wheat); finger painting on flour.

GCD move.

Part 1 – organizational.

Children come into group and stand in a circle.

Guys, I invite you to a magical garden where a tree grows that you will never see for real. But to do this we need to go through "magical" path, exactly stepping on the tracks (children walk along the massage path with footprints).

We'll go in a line,

Let's go to a magical garden,

Miracle - we will find a tree,

What will we collect from him?

Children approach a tree on which pictures with bakery products.

The miracle tree stands

Very strange looking.

Educator: - What grows on our tree? (children list) .

That's right, bagels, dried cakes, gingerbreads, cookies, pies, bread - all these are bakery products. Now we will take a deep breath through our nose, and then we will exhale quietly, release the air and say « bakery» . (During inhalation, the teacher makes sure that the children do not raise their shoulders).

Now let's bake with our tongue "pancake". (The mouth is open, the wide tongue lies calmly on the lower lip, the teacher counts to five, "swallowed" pancake - remove tongue, close mouth).

What are they baked from? bakery products? (from flour).

What is flour made from? (from grains).

Where do the grains come from? (from the ear).

What is a spike? That's right, a spikelet is an inflorescence that contains a fruit - a grain, and a stalk is a straw.

He is golden and mustachioed,

There are a hundred guys in a hundred pockets.

At the same time, the teacher shows the ear of corn.

Guys, let's show how a spikelet grows.

Coordination speech with movement.

Exercise "Spikelets".

In the spring, the field is plowed, the children make sliding movements of their palms against each other

The field was sown with grain. Touch the fingers of one hand to the palm of the other

goy and move their hand to the side ( "sow").

The sun is hot, palms crossed, spreading his fingers, and

raise their hands ( "Sun")

Warms the earth. They lower their arms, making springy movements with their hands.

bottoms, open, to the floor.

The spikelets rose high, they bent their arms at the elbows, unfold la-

reach out to each other

They are drawn to the sun. and slowly raise their hands.

The wind blows, They swing their arms above their heads.

The spikelets are shaking.

Bent to the right, tilt the body and arms to the right, to the left.

They swung to the left.

And as the rain falls, they slowly lower their hands, quickly moving their fingers.

Rye drinks water and drinks. Cup your palms and bring them to your mouth


What a field! They raise their hands, fingers spread.

How beautiful! Shake your hands above your head.

Guys, what types are there? bread? (white, black).

What flour is white flour made from? bread? (from wheat). So, how can we call such bread? (wheat bread) .

What flour is black bread baked from? bread? (from rye). So what is it like? bread? (rye bread) .

If you smell rye and wheat bread, they smell different. What does it smell like white? bread(sweet and black (with sourness). Now we will identify the species by smell bread, and will help us with this "magic box". Sit on the chairs.

Children sit on chairs standing in a semicircle before easel and 2-3 children determine the view bread using a box"smell".

Part 2 – the main one.

Suddenly some rustling is heard.

Guys, do you hear someone making noise? Who is this? Yes, this is Kuzya the brownie with his magic chest. Hello, Kuzya. Can the boys and I see what's in your chest? (takes out a piece bread) . I don't understand anything, it's the same bread. Kuzya, why did you bring us bread? He found it on the street, can you imagine, someone threw it away bread. Is it possible to do this?? Kuzi has something about this in his chest story, and he wants me to read it to you. Guys, tell me what story different from a fairy tale? That's right, in the story talks about, which happens in reality, but in fairy tales animals, some things can talk, wear human clothes. Please sit down Right: straight backs, legs side by side.

I'll read it to you story by Maria Glinskaya« Bread» . In the text you will come across an unfamiliar word - cart. Maybe some of you know what it means? The cart is a means movement which was carried by a horse. A load was placed on the cart and its horse transported.

The teacher reads the text story.

Conversation about what you read. At the same time, the teacher puts pictures - diagrams - on the easel.

What is this about story? (This story about bread, about how not to deal with him).

What did Grisha’s mother give him outside? (Mom gave Grisha a large piece bread and sent him outside). Picture No. 1.

What words describe bread in the story? (Bread it was tasty and fragrant, with a shiny crust).

What did Grisha do with the remaining bread? (Grisha thought and threw bread to the ground) . Picture No. 2.

What did Uncle Matvey ask the guys? (Who threw the bread) .

What did Grisha answer? (I'm already full, but there was bread left, With us don't mind too much bread).

Why did Grisha cry? Picture No. 3.

Why did Uncle Grisha say that bread Do you need to love and take care? (Because this is the work of the whole village. In order to bread arrived on our table, a lot of people work).

What did Nyura offer to Grisha? (Nyura offered to give bread for Lyska's foal) . Picture No. 4.

What would you do if you still had bread? (we fed the birds, you can dry the crackers and serve with soup).

Didactic game “What happens bread

Educator: - Guys, let's let's tell Kuza what happens bread? (children transmit massage the ball in a circle and say what happens bread).

Bread: fragrant, aromatic, appetizing, tasty, sweet, fresh, soft, white, black, hard, rye, wheat, crispy, dietary, rich.

Let's stretch our fingers.

Game "The Mouse Found a Seed"

The mouse found the grain "mouse" - the right hand "runs" along the left hand,


And she took it to the mill. right arm rotation in front of the chest

I ground flour there, “t-t-t” - hitting my fists against each other, “d-d-d”

Hitting your fist on your knees "p-p-p"- fingers

Hands clench and unclench.

I baked pies for everyone: "bake" pies

Mouse with potatoes, fingers clenched into a fist. Unclamping one at a time

A finger on both hands at the same time.

Mouse with cabbage

Mouse - with carrots,

Mouse with cloudberries,

For a big fat man -

as many as four pies.

If there is time, the teacher conducts a didactic game “Insert a word instead of a pause bread» .

I know the proverb about (bread) .

Mom bought wheat (bread) .

Children eat soup with (bread) .

Vanya went to the store for (bread) .

I don't like to eat soup without (bread) .

Well done, sit down on the chairs.

Now I will read to you story one more time. You listen carefully, then you will retell.

The teacher reads again story.

Now you will be this retell the story in a chain, so you need to listen carefully to your comrades. And it will help you "magical" wand. Whoever it falls into the hands of will be retell.

Who wants retell this story in its entirety? Will help you with this "magic" cap.

Part 3 is the final one.

There are sheets of flour on your tables. You need to draw the name of our story. Who remembers what it's called story? So what will you draw?

Children draw.

Guys, Kuzya and I liked how you worked on class. Let's remember what we did?

How to handle bread? (carefully, don't throw it).

Remember that the work of the people who produce bread(from the field to the store) must be respected and save bread.


1. Alyabyeva E. A. Development of imagination and speech in children 4 – 7 years old. – M.: TC Sfera, 2005.

2. Alyabyeva E. A. Correctional - educational activities for older children preschool age. – M.: TC Sfera, 2005.


— continue to form children’s ideas about the process of growing crops;

- consolidate quantitative and ordinal counting within 10;

- strengthen children’s ability to compare numbers and use = signs,<, >;

- continue to teach how to correctly construct phrases when talking about the actions of heroes.

- activate the words “seeder”, “harvester”, “grain grower”, “bread baker”, “bread slicer” in speech.

- fix the names of different bakery products.

Integration of educational areas:

— “Communication”:

Develop the ability to conduct simple dialogue with adults and peers.

Foster culture verbal communication.

Strengthen the ability to use nouns in diminutive form in speech.

Replenish and activate children's vocabulary, clarifying their answers, suggesting words that more accurately reflect the characteristics of objects.

Enrich children's vocabulary: tractor driver, combine operator, seeder, baker.

Improve your ability to answer questions.

- “Cognition”:

Continue to introduce children to human activities in agriculture about the process of growing bread.

To form ideas about technology that makes people’s work easier.

Cultivate respect for the work of adults

Develop imagination, memory, thinking.

— “Reading fiction”:

Activate the sense of perception of the artistic word, promote figurative perception.

Replenish your literary baggage with riddles.

Cultivate interest in artistic expression.

— “Physical culture”:

Develop and improve motor skills, coordination of speech with movements, fine motor skills of the fingers.

— “Socialization”:

Develop intelligence, creative imagination, and the ability to independently solve assigned problems.

— “Labor”:

Expand children's understanding of the work of adults and the importance of their work for society.

Develop interest in various professions.

— “Artistic creativity”:

Develop children's creativity by practicing making objects from salt dough.


1) Educational

- generalize and systematize children’s knowledge about bread, the process of growing and making bread, and the variety of bakery products;

- enrich children's vocabulary with adjectives.

2) Developmental

— develop communication skills;

- develop logical thinking, memory, creative imagination;

- develop the ability to listen and hear the question.

3) Educational

— to instill in children respect for the work of people who grow bread;

- cultivate a caring attitude towards bread;

- arouse interest in teamwork.

Preliminary work:

— reading the story “Bread” by M. Glinskaya;

— comparison of spikelets of rye and wheat;

- comparison of wheat and rye bread by color, shape, taste.

Individual work: sculpt with Pasha and Ramadan using the technique of pinching and pulling.

Methods and techniques:

1) Practical: game exercise, dynamic pause, creative task (modeling), viewing slides.

2) Visual: illustrations for display, cards for comparing groups of objects.

3) Verbal: conversation, reading poems, asking riddles.

Materials and equipment:

- easel,

— presentation “Where the bread came from”,

— pictures of bakery products,

- boards for making cookies, stacks,

- salt dough,

- flat figure of a grandmother,

- cards for comparing groups of objects (with pies and spikelets),

- numbers from 1 to 10 and = signs,<, >.

Progress of the lesson:

1) Children join the group to the music. They sit on benches in a semicircle.

Educator: guys, guess the riddle:

“It’s easy and quick to guess:

Soft, fluffy and fragrant.

He is both black and white,

And sometimes it’s burnt.

It's a bad lunch without him

There is nothing tastier in the world."

Children: bread!

Educator: you guessed correctly. What words in the riddle helped you guess that it was bread? (Soft, fluffy, fragrant, black, white, sometimes burnt.)

Today we will talk about bread and remember how to work with dough.

2) Educator: Today grandma (plane figure) came to our lesson. And she came for a reason, she wants to talk with us about bread. And she did not come empty-handed. (I open the board. 6 pies and 5 ears of corn are laid out in groups on it).

- Let's count how many pies she brought... and ears of corn.

“And now Pasha will come out and put the required number under the pies, and Violetta – under the ears of corn.” Did they get the numbers right? (children's answers).

- Angelina, please choose the right sign and place it between groups of objects. Did she choose the right sign? (children's answers).

— It turned out that 6 is more than 5... and 5 is less than six. Grandma is very pleased with you!!!

3) Guys, we recently read the story “Bread” by M. Glinskaya. I suggest you remember what this story is about:

— Why did M. Glinskaya call her story “Bread”? (Because it's about bread)

— What kind of bread did Grisha’s mother give? (Delicious, fragrant with a shiny crust)

— What did Grisha do when he was invited to play? (Threw the bread on the ground)

- Why did he do this? (He was full and didn’t know what to do with the bread)

— Did Grisha do the right thing? (No)

- Why is it wrong? (Bread must be protected, it is the work of many people: Uncle Matvey, Grisha’s mother, all the villages)

— How did Grisha correct his mistake? (He gave the bread to the foal)

- What would you do if you were Grisha? (Children's answers: I would quickly finish the bread; I would share it with the guys; I would put it on the table, etc.)

— Guys, how should you handle bread? (Be careful! Do not crumble bread at the table; never throw it away; take as much bread as you can eat.)

Educator: Well done!

4) Educator: now I invite you to play with me. To do this, we will go to the carpet and stand in a circle. I will throw the ball to you and ask you a question, and you must answer my question and return the ball to me. So:

— Call the bread affectionately (Khlebushek)

—What are the bread crumbs called? (Bread)

— What is the name of kvass made from bread? (Bread)

— Name of the device for cutting bread (Bread slicer)

— Utensils for bread (Breadbox)

—Who grows bread? (Grain grower)

—Who bakes the bread? (Bread Baker)

— What is the name of the factory where bread is baked? (Bakery)

— What are the names of dough products? (Bakery products)

- Well done! We sit on the benches.

5) Educator: Grandma, in addition to pies and ears of corn, also brought us a video. Now we will look at it and remember how bread gets to our table. (View slides “Where did the bread come from” on the projector)

1 slide“First a grain of bread is planted in the ground”

2 slide“They plant with special machines – seeders”

Educator: tell me, what is the name of this car? And what is she doing? (This machine is called a “seeder”; it sows grain into the ground)

3 slide“Then these spikelets grow”


— What is needed for the grains to germinate? (Sun, water, warmth)

- The sun warmed the grains, the rain poured, people fertilized the field, and our grains turned into what? (Into the ears)

4 slide“Spikelets are collected by harvesters”


— What are the names of the machines used to collect ears of grain? (Combine harvesters)

—Who controls the combine? (Combine operator)

5 slide"They are taking the grain to the mill"


- What kind of house is this where the collected grain is taken? (Mill)

-What is it needed for? (At the mill, grain is ground into flour)

6 slide“The grains will be ground into flour there.”

Educator: And then what happens? (The flour is taken to the bakery. There they make bakery products from it. And they take them to the store)

7 slide“Bread and rolls are made from flour at the bakery”

Educator: Well done! You said everything correctly.

6) Educator: Let us show you ourselves how a loaf is made from a grain!


The seed grows -

Reached for the sun. Reached out

It plays with the wind, Hands up

The breeze shakes it, they bend over

Presses low to the ground -

This is how fun it is to play! Body bends, crouched

How many ears of corn are there in the field?

We'll take so many steps. Walking to your toes

How big is the loaf?

Raise your hands higher! Hands up and stretch

Now bend down lower

How the wheat sways. Tilts to the side

How many tractors are there in the field?

Let's do so many jumps! Jumping up to five.

7) Educator: and now we will see what different bakery products grandma can bake.

The teacher with the children approaches the easel where the baked goods are located.

Educator: what products are there? (Pictures: bagels, waffles, gingerbreads, cookies, cupcakes, buns, wheat bread, rye bread, cake...).

Educator: you know a lot about bread.

8) Educator: We will see what is needed to knead the dough on the screen (view slides).

9) Educator: and now I suggest you make baked goods yourself and replenish our store with them. I've already kneaded the dough. And the grandmother prepared several buns (Showing pre-prepared “baked goods” from salt dough) And now let’s go to the tables, sit down, take boards, stacks, pieces of dough... and begin to sculpt a variety of baked goods.

Children make baked goods. Finished goods put on a tray.

Educator: Look, guys, what a beautiful treat we got. You all did a great job today, now you can greet your dear guests with bread and salt, well done. I hope that now you will help mothers and grandmothers bake bread at home, because you know so much about this and will definitely share your knowledge with your parents.

10) Educator: guys, Arsen will tell you how you can refresh bread if it suddenly becomes stale:

“You can refresh stale bread by wrapping it in a damp cloth for 5 minutes, then unwrapping it and putting it in a cool place for 20 - 25 minutes. hot oven».

Educator: Violetta and Azalea will read poems about bread.

1) What is bread made from?

What do we eat for lunch?

Bread is baked from flour,

What do spikelets give us?

2) How delicious is the bread?

I washed down the bread with water - lunch,

And for dinner two small pieces

With a full mug of milk,

What's left is all in the palm of your hand,

Throw the birds onto the path.

Educator: guys, today you will come from kindergarten home. And what will you tell your parents about our lesson? What was special about him? (children's answers).

Well done! Everyone tried really hard! And grandma brought a treat for you - bagels. We will have tea with them after class.

The earth feeds man, but it does not feed him in vain. People must work hard so that the field, instead of grass, suitable only for livestock, produces rye for black bread, wheat for rolls, buckwheat and millet for porridge.
First, the farmer plows the field with a plow if there is no need to plow deeply, or with a plow if he plows new land, or a field that needs to be plowed deeper. The plow is lighter than a plow, and it is harnessed to one horse. The plow is much heavier than the plow, it goes deeper, and several pairs of horses or oxen are harnessed to it.
The field is plowed; it was all covered with large blocks of earth. But this is still not enough. If the field is new or the soil itself is very rich, then manure is not needed; but if something has already been sown in the field and it has become depleted, then it must be fertilized with manure.
Peasants take manure to the field in the fall or spring and scatter it in heaps. But in heaps, manure will be of little use: it must be plowed into the ground with a plow.
The manure has rotted; but you still can’t sow. The earth lies in clods, but a grain needs a soft bed. Peasants go out to the field with toothed harrows: they harrow until all the clods are broken, and then they just begin to sow.
Sow either in spring or autumn. In autumn, winter bread is sown: rye and winter wheat. In the spring, spring grain is sown: barley, oats, millet, buckwheat and spring wheat.
Winter crops sprout in the fall, and when the grass in the meadows has long since turned yellow, then the winter fields are covered with seedlings, like green velvet. It’s a pity to watch snow fall on such a velvet field. Young winter leaves under the snow soon wither; but the better the roots grow, bush and go deeper into the ground. The winter plant will sit under the snow all winter, and in the spring, when the snow melts and the sun warms up, it will sprout new stems, new leaves, stronger, healthier than before. It is only bad if frosts begin before the snow falls; Then, perhaps, the winter may freeze. That is why peasants are afraid of frosts without snow and do not regret, but rejoice when the winter crop is covered with a thick blanket of snow for the winter.

Story by Ushinsky K. Illustrations